#special appearance by my friend's dnd characters
molassified-minipak · 7 months
21. Unresponsive
“Pravde? Can you hear me?” Ard asks worriedly. The faceless is sitting on the stage in the tavern, brought there to him after the incident.
They’d been watching Ard’s children as they strolled along the river outside town. Roxy and Cal had had a great time picking flowers and throwing pinecones into the water, respectively, until an unfamiliar merrow attacked. The noise of combat and the kids’ cries had called Isaac, patrolling nearby, to the fray. He’d attacked with magic as the merrow grappled with Pravde, hitting both. The merrow fled, the children were unhurt, but Pravde was unresponsive.
Isaac had delivered them all to Ard, the goblin having made his claim over Pravde clear. Ard tucked the children safely away into his room immediately and returned to the faceless. They weren’t more than bruised, and damp with river water, and yet…
“Pravde.” He carefully sets a hand on their shoulder. Nothing. He’s already healed them of Isaac’s powerful psionic damage, so they’re not unconscious. He can’t remove their mask to inspect them for other effects, like concussions or charms. Ard waves a hand in front of where their eyes would be. Nothing.
Soft footsteps on the stairs catch his attention. Roxy is coming down alone.
“Are you alright, darling? Where’s Cal?”
“Cal fell asleep,” Roxy shuffles in close to Ard, seeking his comfort. “Is Pravde okay?”
“I’m… not sure,” Ard admits, pulling the girl into his lap. “They’re not hurt, but they won’t - or can’t - talk right now. I’m sorry for leaving you kids alone for so long.”
“We’re okay, I just want to make sure Pravde’s okay too. The merrow was scary.” Roxy reaches for Pravde’s face. Ard moves to catch her hand.
“Ah, careful! They might be surprised-”
Roxy’s eyes glow soft white as her little fingers skim behind the mask. It’s a minute before she pulls away. “They’ll be okay later. They’re gonna have a headache, though. And a nosebleed.”
Sure enough, something about the connection draws the faceless back with an involuntary gasp. They whisper something - a name? An unfamiliar one. Pravde tucks their head down between their knees. The fabric of their tunic catches a few iron droplets.
“Pravde? How are you feeling? Honestly,” Ard asks.
They take a moment to answer. “Our. Head hurts we have. Encountered. The malfunction again. Where are the children we do not remember-”
“The kids are fine, Isaac brought you all back to the tavern,” He reassures them. “Cal’s sleeping, Roxy’s here with us. Thank you for protecting them.”
“Yes, thank you Pravde,” Says Roxy. She leans forward to give the faceless as much of a hug as she can reach. “I’m happy you’re okay.”
Despite their migraine, Pravde manages a careful hand around Roxy in turn. “We were not. Prepared for. The attack we will be. More alert next time.”
Ard offers Pravde warm, clean robes to change into while he guides Roxy back up the stairs with a promise to come tuck her and her brother in shortly. Children in bed, the goblin pauses on the landing to scrub a hand over his face. He returns to the faceless with tired eyes.
“Do you usually space out like that when… malfunctioning?”
“Unknown we. Do not experience this error often.”
Ard adds this to his mental notes on the situation.
Pravde shakily tugs a slim journal from their bag. “We will record the. Images we saw while. Incapacitated. Per your instructions.”
“How about you just tell me? Writing will only hurt your head more right now,” He suggests gently.
“We may omit details or. Speak unclearly.”
“That’s fine, Pravde. I just want a general idea of what you saw.” Ard only just keeps Pravde sitting with a cloth under their nose instead of rising into report stance.
“There was screaming. Much like: the cries of Roxy. And Cal we were fighting to protect we were. Captured struggling we could not reach the psionic magic hit and hit and hit…” Their voice trails off quietly.
A memory? A dream? “You said a name at the end, Pravde. Do you remember what it was?”
The faceless stares at the floorboards, thinking.
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steventhusiast · 8 months
STWG prompt 11/2/24
prompt: date night
pairing/character(s): steddie, hellfire club
it's valentine's week!! hopefully i can do all the prompts this week :)
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"And with that, the barkeep..."
Eddie pauses in his storytelling to glance away from the notes hidden by his DM screen and over to the clock. His eyes widen at the time. Is it really 7:53pm already? Shit.
"With that, this session is over. You'll find out what happens with the angry barkeep next week!"
Everyone in the room groans at that, a chorus of 'seriously's and 'what the hell, Eddie's starting up even as he hurries to put his notes back into his DnD folder, and dumps all his dice into his bag haphazardly.
No one seems to notice for a moment, too busy complaining about the cliffhanger, when Gareth suddenly pauses and examines Eddie with a curious look on his face.
"Hold on, you promised we'd finally find out more about the temple this session? Where was that?"
Eddie huffs in response, and doesn't even look up as he starts folding his DM screen.
"Yeah, that was before you guys decided to talk to every single person at the tavern for an hour and start a barfight."
"That's never stopped you from getting us to where you want us before!"
"Yeah!" "Exactly!" "Please, Eddie. What happens with the barkeep."
Eddie waves a hand at everyone, and looks up to see the younger kids complaining quietly to each other, and his closer friends still seeming to inspect him carefully. He supposes they're valid in that; he's not one to back down from his plans, and has never cut off a session like this before.
But. Today is special. Today he has...
"Oh my god, you have a date." Jeff suddenly says, his eyes a little wider than usual as he grabs at Freak's arm.
"What?! Who the fuck would he have a date with?" Freak scoffs.
Eddie ignores the blush fighting to appear on his cheeks and starts collecting all of his figurines scattered around the table.
"Eddie has a date?" Mike suddenly joins in from across the room.
And, great, now the baby sheep are involved too.
"It is none of you guys's business what plans I have after this session. But, really, I gotta go." Eddie tries, but now Dustin's attention is on him as well.
"That's so funny! Steve has a date tonight too- that's why we had to ask Nancy to pick us up tonight." He says with a laugh.
Eddie laughs along with him, a little strained now because Gareth, Jeff and Freak are now squinting at him.
"Yes.. What a coincidence." Gareth says slowly as Eddie continues to pointedly avoid eye contact.
"Anyway! Got a lot to, uh. Do. Running a bit behind schedule actually, so if you could.." Eddie says as he finally finishes shoving everything back into his backpack and throws it over his shoulder, gesturing toward the drama room's door.
The younger kids leave without much complaint, but Gareth, Jeff and Freak hang back and walk slowly alongside Eddie.
"So... Steve Harrington?" Jeff asks once the kids are out of earshot, his tone a little disbelieving.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing!" Freak slaps him on the shoulder disapprovingly as he speaks.
"It's not a bad thing! Just.. unexpected!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Eddie tries.
"Sure, sure. Enjoy your totally not a date night that's totally not with Steve 'the hair' Harrington." As Gareth says that, they've finally reached the doors and Eddie can well and truly escape.
He's going to have to break a few road laws if he wants to get to Steve's on time. It's only their third date, so sue him if he wants to try to make a good impression.
Even if Steve's been his friend for a few months now, and already knows about his horrible time-keeping skills.... It's still worth a try. Anything to woo Steve Harrington.
part two
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Hello! I’ve been following you for a bit now, and all of your recommendations have been super cool and interesting! If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any recommendations for really long indie ttrpgs? One that could match the length of dnd or CoD books, I mean. The specifics don’t matter as much, I just really like sinking my teeth into long game books like that.
THEME: Long Indie Games
Hello friend! Fear not, I have a multitude of long indie games to recommend for you!
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Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine, by Jenna Moran.
Length: 578 pages.
The Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG is the diceless RPG from Jenna Katerin Moran, author of the well-regarded Nobilis and an important contributor to Eos’ Weapons of the Gods and White Wolf’s Exalted RPG.
Chuubo’s is a special beast. I personally don’t know how one actually plays this game, but the book itself is fascinating to read. It has recognizable parts such as character skills, Health Levels, and XP, but I think I’d want to sit down with a physical copy to be able to properly read it and get a handle on how you play through a story. If you enjoy a challenge, or even just something enchanting and evocative, I’d recommend Chuubo’s.
Part-Time Gods, by Third Eye Games.
Length: 318 pages.
The gods of today are shadows of what the old gods possessed. Their power has been heavily diminished, and many choose to live a regular, mortal life, revealing themselves as gods only when absolutely necessary. The reason for this is twofold. First, fate doesn’t like it when the gods share their secrets with a mortal. Unless they are the god’s worshipper, terrible events and horrific accidents have a way of happening to the people closest to the god. Secondly, divine works attract creatures and monsters called Outsiders, created by the Source (after its capture) to destroy any god they encounter.
This is a game that’s on my TBR shelf - and it might stay there for a while, because this is another pretty lengthy book. I am very grateful for the index at the back of this book, because I think this would be pretty difficult to navigate. Part-Time Gods is set in the modern-day, but the premise behind your god-hood is very unique, so one of the first chapters is dedicated to telling you what exactly it means to be a part-time god, part-time taxpayer. The book also contains small pieces of prose set in the world, meant to give you a flavour of the genre and tone intended by the designer. I’m really interested in the concepts expressed in this game, and I hope I have enough brain space to read it in the future!
We Are All Mad Here, by Shanna Germain.
Length: 226 pages.
Jack climbing the beanstalk. The little mermaid finding her voice. Alice struggling with the madness of a place unruled by the laws of reality. The queen. The child. The woodsman. The knight. When you think about fairy tales, who do you become? Where does your imagination take you?
We Are All Mad Here is a tabletop game about fairytales and mental health, providing you with new options for the Cypher System while also creating a setting about visitors to a magical land called the Heartwood. In the fiction, only those who have had some kind of struggle that affects their mental health are able to travel to this magical land. Germain intends this to be a way to tell a narrative about mental health using allegory and metaphor. The Cypher system itself is pretty complex, and you probably won’t be able to play a game of We Are All Mad Here without the core rulebook, so it might be worth it to take a gander at the Cypher System Rulebook while you’re at it.
Coyote & Crow, by Connor Alexander.
Length: 484 pages.
More than 700 years ago, a massive disaster changed the course of history. The world was plunged into centuries of darkness, but the event also introduced the Adanadi — the Gift — a strange mark that appeared on all life. This mark would have an enduring impact on humanity. Centuries later, the Earth is healing. New, advanced nations have risen. Ancient legends stir.
Coyote & Crow is a pretty extensive and unique game, using pools of d12s pulled from your stats, as well as narrative beats such as character motivation, Gifts and Burdens to help give your character a personality. Because it introduces an alternate history and a drastically different future, the core book as a decent amount of lore to acquaint you with the city of Cahokia and the world that surrounds it.
This game has quite a bit of support out there, with adventures such as Stolen Heart, Laughter Lost & Found, and The Case of the Great Underwater Panther.
Impulse Drive, by Adrian Thoen.
Length: 242 pages.
Play a crew of misfits and scoundrels living a life of danger and adventure as they explore space and try to make their ship a home in a technicolor sea of stars. Fight dangerous organizations, investigate unnerving mysteries, and find trouble in a game that rewards you when your characters face their shortcomings. Grow your characters and ship with new gear and abilities as you discover and create the universe together, as a group.
For a PbtA game, Impulse Drive feels pretty substantial. It provides a quick primer on Powered by the Apocalypse games, and includes advice for the players as well as the GM. This might be because the game includes a lot of details about gear and vehicles, as this is a space game that cares what your party has on hand and what their ship can do. There’s also advice on changing the game, extra moves, and a roll table for mutations! If you’re looking to see how to play out a space adventure in a more narrative-focused system, you might want to check out this game!
The Shrike, by Alice the Candle.
Length: 162 pages.
The Shrike is a game about fantastical voyages aboard a skyship. It's inspired by Avery Alder's The Quiet Year, John Harper's Lady Blackbird, Italo Calvino, Ursula K. Le Guin, and utopian and dystopian fiction. It features four complete adventures (two multiplayer, two for solo play). 
This indie game is on the short side of this list, but it’s definitely long by indie standards. The author has provided 4 different adventures that you can read through, which will likely spark your imagination along the way. Interestingly, the voyages are placed in the first half of the book, while the information about Solo, Co-operative. and Guided Play embody the second half of the book. I’m not sure how I feel about this layout choice, but if you’re mostly looking for a book that you can read, flipping through the voyages might be more interesting to you than the rules of play.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Lancer, by Massif Press. 431 pages.
The Wildsea, by Felix Isaacs. 364 pages.
Exceptionals, by Sahoni. 253 pages.
Gubat Banwa, by makpatatag. 399 pages.
Monster Care Squad, by Sandy Pug Games. 176 pages.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Boy For All Seasons
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ao3
While the snow began to melt in the weeks that followed new year's eve, Eddie's heart still felt cold and broken. He began to pull away from Steve, still wanting him in his life but needing enough distance to try and get over him. They didn't share a bed anymore, the first night it stopped Steve looked sad but understanding when Eddie said Wayne needed him at home. Ignoring the phone calls in the middle of the night hurt more.
Sometimes Eddie thought Steve was going to bring it up, but he was always quick to cover it up with a smile, his smiles looked faker these days. Eddie didn't understand, shouldn't Steve be happy that Eddie isn't clinging to him anymore, now Steve could find someone like him someone who wasn't different.
Eddie still visited Family Video, he liked Robin's company too, Wayne was happy he had friends outside of the band. She and Steve always seemed to be whispering about something these days. Maybe Robin had finally talked to that girl Vickie, but he's sure she would've told him the moment he'd stepped in the door. Eddie felt another stab at his heart, maybe Steve had met someone, maybe he knew Eddie was in love with him and didn't want to hurt his feelings.
With Spring Break only a few weeks away it was Eddie's new least favourite time of year, Valentine's Day. The halls at school decorated with pink hearts and flowers. Pretty girls hoping the football team were going to ask them to the dance. Even Family Video was getting ready for the day, plenty of couples looking for a movie they could ignore while making out.
If things had been different Eddie probably would've put together some ridiculous costume to impress Steve, make him blush the same soft pink as those hearts on the wall. Things weren't different though, this Valentine's Day Eddie will spend alone once again and Steve would take some sweet girl to the movies or the dance or anywhere other than around Eddie. Eddie slammed his locker shut, ridiculous holiday anyway.
"You good, Eddie?" Gareth said tentatively, the boys had been giving the storm cloud that was Eddie Munson a wide berth.
"Fine Gare, great even, I'll see you later."
"Hey Eddie wait!"
"What do you want, Henderson?"
"Are you going by Family Video after school?"
Eddie hadn't been planning to returning to the heart shaped hell but he had a weak spot for the boy.
"Maybe why?"
"Robin wants to borrow my DnD manuals, she's thinking of joining Hellfire."
Weird that Robin hadn't asked him but he supposed she knew Dustin longer, besides he could duck in give Robin the books and leave, wouldn't even need to see Steve.
"Sure, Birdie would be a great addition anyway."
"You're the best, thanks Eddie!"
When Eddie pulled up to the store, the carpark was surprisingly empty besides Steve's beemer.
"In, out, easy Munson."
When he stepped inside he let out a small sigh of relief seeing only Robin at the counter, for once the universe was on his side.
"Special delivery, Birdie!"
"Eddie! Are those Dustin's books? Great, just leave them here, oh before you go would you mind looking at the character sheet I drew up?"
Eddie wanted nothing more than to leave before Steve appeared from one of the shelves he was surely shelving, but he was weak for DnD and it would be really cool to play with Robin.
"Sure, but only quickly."
"It's just in the back, you wait here a minute."
Before Eddie had a chance to argue she was gone. Just then, the lights went out.
"Huh? Robin you good?"
Soft music started playing and a torch lit up the break room door. Eddie had seen a few strange things in his life but nothing prepared him for what appeared before him.
Steve stepped out from behind the door, and Eddie felt frozen in place. Steve was dressed in a white sheet wrapped as a toga, gold Laurel wreath in his hair, eerily similar to the costume Eddie wore that started all of this. The difference being the white feather wings and bow and arrow in his hands. If Eddie wasn't having a stroke already the blush and glitter dusting Steve's cheeks was about to cause one.
"Hi Eds," Steve said softly looking up at Eddie through his lashes.
"H-Hi Stevie."
"I thought it was my turn to dress up, do you like it?"
"Like it? Sweetheart you look beautiful."
Steve smiled shyly, ducking his head before returning his gaze to Eddie's.
"I was wondering if you had any plans tomorrow night? We can't go to the dance but maybe we could go to our diner? We haven't been in awhile."
Steve was right, they hadn't been in awhile, because Eddie had been dodging hanging out, because he had been avoiding Steve, because Steve didn't like him...right?
"Don't you want to take a nice girl out for dinner tomorrow?"
Steve shook his head, "Nope, just you."
Eddie couldn't help it, he didn't understand, "Why?"
A flash of worry crossed Steve's features, "Why not? I like you, like a lot. Do you...do you not like me?" The corners of Steve's eyes started to mist, he looked like he had begun to regret what he was doing.
"No! No I do, I really really do Stevie, but I thought you didn't like me, on new year's you told Robin we wouldn't work, that we were too different."
Steve's eyes widened, "Is that why you've been avoiding me?" Guilt crossed Eddie's face before nodding.
"Eddie," Steve reached out and took his hands between his, "I had gotten in my head that you wouldn't want me because we're too different, you're cool and fun and in a band and an adorable nerd and I'm just me."
Everything made sense now. "Sweetheart, you're not just you, you're loyal and funny and beautiful and kind, I would be crazy not to be in love with you." Eddie froze as he realised what he said.
"You love me?" The look in Steve's eyes melted away any doubt in Eddie's heart.
"Have for awhile, Stevie." Steve grinned widely at Eddie before taking his face in his hands. "I'd be crazy not to be in love with you too, Eddie."
Then, finally, after months of jokes and costumes and schemes and nightmares and hugs and comfort and crying and confessions and waiting, finally, two boys fell into each other sharing a soft kiss.
"Hey Eddie?"
"Not wearing anything under this one either?"
Eddie knew it back last March and he knew it now, Steve Harrington was going to be the death of him.
Tags: @zerokrox-blog @smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou @eboyawstenn @sharingisntkaren @goodolefashionedloverboi @the-redthread @steddie-there @questionablequeeries @liorereshkigal @mightbeasleep @carlyv @my2amgaythoughts @gregre369 @space-invading-pigeon @bisexualdisastersworld @epiclazershark @sherrylyn628 @raisedbylibrarians @swaghettoni @lololol-1234
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sneakyboymerlin · 6 months
random ask inspired by your post about gwaine being merlin's ride or die and how he was the only knight who went to see merlin released in 5x07. first of all so many points being made. second of all your tags about how leon probably led merlin's arrest were validating for me personally as someone who has always found leon a bit annoying. or at least, who's always found the accepted idea that leon is like this beacon of morality and goodness as really boring, canonically unrealistic and unimaginative. this is an unpopular opinion but i do kind of feel like the fandom's idea that all of the round table knights love/protect merlin is somewhat exaggerated. and esp irt to leon, i think it's potentially interesting to explore the way his loyalty to the throne, his personal code of chivalry, and the ideals he likely grew up with as a noble-born child of uther's camelot interact with each other. then again i truly do understand why no one wants to give him much thought as he is basically just a piece of stale white bread.
Gwaine is Merlin’s ride or die! There’s truly no one quite like it besides Will or maybe Lancelot. But what makes Gwaine unique here is a combination of beliefs/behaviors:
Gwaine never knew about Merlin’s magic! He saw how special he was without his gifts and his destiny. He saw it before Arthur’s life was in danger, just from being around him under casual, non-life-threatening circumstances.
Gwaine’s loyalties aren’t divided—or at least, as far as they are divided, he’s already prioritized Merlin above his other loyalties (whether that’s Arthur, Eira, Gaius, and by extension, maybe the greater good…)
Gwaine always implicitly trusts Merlin, even when he himself doesn’t have all the information… even when Merlin admits to Gwaine’s face that he is lying to him. This is why he assumes that Merlin is right about Gaius in 4x07, despite having no evidence. It’s also why he lets Merlin go in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. And it’s why he was the only one who believed Merlin didn’t do it in 5x07, as evidenced by his appearance in the cells.
The only time Gwaine questions Merlin is when Merlin is potentially endangering himself. He doesn’t ask any questions about why Merlin needs his protection in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. He only asks what they’re there for when Merlin tries to send him away.
Gwaine is the only one who’s still alive when Merlin needs him 💀💀💀 so by deduction…
Anyways, 5x07 is one of those rare episodes where it’s actually interesting to look at Leon! (Non-canon events notwithstanding—I once played a good game of Merlin-themed DND where someone made Leon interesting which, in the spirit of this post, is an impressive feat).
Now, in my personal opinion, Leon’s significance is over-inflated by fandom in the sense that the attention and depth his character receives is highly disproportionate to what we see of him in canon. I think the reason that Leon isn’t included much in canon isn’t because he’s being screwed over but, simply, his characterization narrows down what roles he can fit into.
His unquestioning loyalty to the crown means that he’s unlikely to ever prioritize protecting Merlin, and it shows that he has no issue with the ban on magic. Therefore, he fits well in 5x04 when he worries that Arthur is risking too much on his quest, and in 5x07 when he has Merlin arrested on the word of his queen alone. These two episodes provide a great contrast to Gwaine’s respective roles in them, where he stays behind when Merlin is injured in 5x04 and releases Merlin from the dungeons in 5x07.
This is why I posit that Gwaine and Leon are the perfect foils to each other. Both of them are unquestioningly loyal, protective, and caring towards the person/people they prioritize. However, for Gwaine, that person is Merlin, a “mere” servant, while for Leon, it’s the royals.
Gwaine’s devotion is towards his best friend—one irreplaceable person—while Leon’s is more of a distanced loyalty that follows a line of heirs (though Leon does show some preference to Arthur and Gwen, despite his steadfast loyalty to Uther). Leon also strikes me as a very methodical, rules-adhering fighter, which contrasts Gwaine’s more resourceful, bar brawl-based style.
And let’s never let ourselves forget that Gwaine and Leon’s first-ever interaction was when Leon—under Uther’s orders—arrested Gwaine for protecting Merlin! It’s a miracle they can tolerate each other on quests and patrols.
This difference seems to be the source of their tension in 4x08 as well. Under Lamia’s enchantment, Leon calls Merlin “nothing but a servant,” which Gwaine apparently takes offense to despite also being enchanted against Merlin:
Leon: Why don’t you watch what you’re doing?
Gwaine: Why don’t you watch your damn tongue?
Leon: You’d do well to learn some manners.
Gwaine: Nothing I can learn from you, Leon.
At this point, Leon has said nothing in this scene for these remarks to make much sense. However, Leon’s last line before this is where he insults Merlin. And as we know, Gwaine is no fan of nobles who devalue people for being servants.
So, imo, if you want to bring out Leon’s full potential: instead of turning him into a clone of Gwaine, fans can take his loyalty towards the royals to the exact opposite extreme. As Gwaine takes Merlin’s side, Leon takes Arthur’s >:)
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Character Interaction Tag
Thank you for the tag (x2) @illarian-rambling , to keep this simple I'll just use one of my OCs. Posting this again because I accidentally posted before I finished.
Rules: post the OCs of the people who tagged you and one of your OCs and say how yours would interact with theirs
Katie's OC #1: Ivander Montane is a 30 year old corrupt detective from the trade city of Unity. He has blue blood and double-pointed ears, wears fancy suits, and walks with a cane. His estranged family runs the banks of Unity, however he left them years ago, and in doing so, broke a divine contract, which left him cursed to slowly and painfully be transmuted into mist over the course of many years. Personality-wise, he's kind of a privileged shithead. He's got the catty attitude and love of gossip of a middle school girl, and can insult your outfit just as acutely. He doesn't have a sincere bone in his body and is afraid of any form of intimacy. However, deep down, he really just wants a friend and to not be in pain anymore. Show him the slightest hint of compassion and he will crumble. His hobbies include being a hater, fashion, and marksmanship (he's a crack shot with a rune rifle). All in all, he's got the snark of a drag queen, the heart of a lonely noir detective, and a body that's been through a cheese grater.
Katie's OC #2: Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC: (As of the start of Book 1) Narul is a 23 year-old slave at the Palace of Labisa, the Great City by the Lake. He is a forestfolk, a person or group of people who have been mutated or altered by the effects of wild or ambient magic. His birth mother was a priestess, his father is a mystery. He was adopted by an enslaved woman as an infant, thus how he ended up in the servitude of King Hutbari. He is a giant of a man, literally, at just a hair under nine feet tall. He is additionally quite bulky, much much larger than even the biggest human. He is so large that the door into the slave quarters had to be reconstructed just to fit him as he grew up. Aside from his size he is also just a bit rough in appearance, hairy and broad, picture a DnD Dwarf, just sized way up.
He is inhumanly strong, a fact that causes him a great deal of distress. Because of his size and strength, Narul has the potential to be quite dangerous to normal humans, as he has been repeatedly reminded of since his childhood. Narul has a great deal of anxiety around his body and his potential to accidently hurt others, as such he is quite timid and careful. He has a tendency to mumble when he talks, which unfortunately due to his low voice, often makes it sound like he is growling.He is a gentle person, he likes flowers and abhors violence. He cries relatively easily and gets easily anxious or overwhelmed.Despite all of this he is fiercely loyal and kind. He doesn’t talk much but loves to listen to others. 
His fatal flaw is a healthy dose of self-doubt and self-loathing. Narul hates his body, it scares him, and he believes that it scares others. He is often self-deprecating, though not in a joking way. He feels an intense jealousy towards those around him that are able to live normal lives and pursue normal relationships.
How they would interact: Ivander’s propensity for expensive clothes, his snarky attitude, and his privileged attitude is something that Narul is fairly used to, Ivander would fit in well with Labisian Nobility. Upon first being introduced, I imagine that Narul would be polite but ultimately not particularly interested in interacting with Ivander as a person. However, I think upon realizing that Ivander is having his own issues with his body (that pesky mist curse), Narul would begin to empathize. In a funny way, I think Ivander’s cocky exterior and his hidden longing for a friend would remind Narul of Ninma, and even though Ivander is older, I think some of Narul’s fatherly instincts would kick in.
Narul would get along fine with Djek. Personality-wise, Djek seems very similar to Narul’s adopted brother and best-friend, Suru. Both are witty, sarcastic, and quick to make a joke. The big difference between Suru and Djek is that Suru doesn’t have that sense of self-loathing. Suru is quite aware of his flaws and is happy with who he is, even if he isn’t happy with his situation (also Suru is a scrawny guy, with 0 magic and 0 fighting skills, Suru couldn’t hurt a fly not from want of trying, but because in a fight the fly would probably win.) Narul would enjoy having Djek around, so long as Djek didn’t pick on him too much. Narul would eventually try to help with that self-loathing, though with how awkward Narul is, and how deeply his own sense of self-loathing is, it seems doubtful how much he could actually help.
Tagging @roach-pizza , @mk-writes-stuff , @dyrewrites , @finickyfelix , and @kaylinalexanderbooks
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artistic-moth-man · 3 months
So I've been wondering if I should make this update post and I decided I'm gonna
Basically it's just to let you guys all know what exactly is going on in my unmedicated ADHD Brain by explaining every single project of mine that's currently in the works. pretty much nothing in this list is released yet so don't go looking for them
Starting off with stuff I'm collaborating with others on
Danny and the Light - an original graphic novel on webtoon that got cancelled and is getting rebooted (don't get excited though we're taking our time with it) with @stormcloudquill
Chrysalis Chronicles - An original illustrated novel or graphic novel (i haven't decided) that's ripping off/fixing all the things wrong about harry potter; with @thekrazykitsune
Mincraft Diaries - Yep! Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries, rekindled and made into fanfiction and/or a graphic novel (probably both) and this one will actually have an ending; also with @thekrazykitsune
Avatar: Lion Turtle Heart - a fanfic graphic novel about a firebending avatar after korra named Akira working to unravel the mysteries of her past self, Avatar Kazu, and his death that even she can't comprehend, as well as the strange appearance of a baby lion turtle that Akira now has to care for. Doing this with @mayday396
now for fanfic works I'm doing alone
Legend of Emily Windsnap - Rebooting Emily Windsnap's story in fanfiction form. this fic is actually going to be released some time this or next year (hopefully this year but shit's hitting the fan on my life currently) and book 1 is actually near finished!
Digidestined Diaries - a reboot of seasons 1-4 of Digimon in either fic or graphic novel form. may or may not do this with stormcloud, but I'm not sure. the thing that makes this so special is that tamers and frontier take place in the same universe as adventure. yes, takato meets Tai, and no it does not go well for the others involved
Wizard101, The Legacy of Atlas - telling a story heavily based off the first arc of Wizard101 quests with a balance wizard as a main character, featuring the friends they make and the enemies they face as the chosen one to defeat Mallistaire. this will absolutely be in fic form, most likely with illustrations
Bloom's Magic, Beta writing - a written fanfic reboot of Winx Club as a beta version of the story I planned with Storm. the comic version of BM is currently on the backburner and is gonna have some differences to the written version, but it'll be something I promise
Finally, some original works that I plan on publishing!
Chronos and Kalayah - a Time Traveler named Chronos rushes around time looking for their best friend, an immortal named Kalayah. the two of them constantly avoid the temporal police while simultaneously helping Kalayah survive being a black lesbian in American history. likely only going to consist of one book and have a novel and graphic novel form
Call My Soul - a Magic Girl series featuring Blake Janes, an ordinary boy who stumbles upon an alien named Alexandrite. Alex is tasked with keeping safe the artifacts of the ancient magical shogunate, whose spirits end up choosing Blake and his gal pals to protect themselves from the evil prince Tsukuyomi, who wants nothing more than the artifacts. this graphic novel gets really gay really fast so strap in when it comes out
Roll For Adventure - a young boy named Matt who loves playing DnD is isekai'd into a land straight out of Lord Of The Rings, and he is absolutely stoked. while he is looking for a portal back home, his elf friend Sequoia and Orc friend Yevelda help him fight his way through the coming war between the eight races. Fun Fact; I use my dice to help the characters make decisions. even major story beats are going to be up to my D20!
Lucifer the Good - this story is precious to me, and hard to describe. it involves four kids being isekai'd into a world filled with magical monsters and elemental creatures, being guided by a young voice to find secret angels, all while villainous demons under King Devil work to stop the kids from ever leaving this new world. even worse, the human kids are the only ones who can undo the vile curse on the land of magic.
that's all the stories that I'm actively working on, but I do have at least 10 more that I'm leaving on the backburner to focus on these ones! Call My Soul is also getting very little attention, but I am actively working on it! I'm seriously hoping at least one of my original works will be released to the public by 2025, but again, life is crazy. anyway, my next few posts are gonna involve Digidestined Diaries while I work on finishing up Emily Windsnap Book 2 and finalize book 1. there's only one change I wanna make, then I'll get to releasing it to AO3 and Wattpad! I promise, at least one of these will be worth the wait :3
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pomefioredove · 4 months
Hi there! I’d like to ask for a match-up please!
Star sign: Virgo
I’m a pretty introverted and spacey person who doesn’t go out of her way to interact with others IRL and am perfectly fine being on my own—I thrive on living in my own imagination anyways. INFP would best describe me. However if someone starts a conversation with me first, I don’t mind engaging with them either. I float from social group to social group, and as such, I don’t really have a set group of friends.
I consider myself a good judge of character and am not quick to trust others. It takes alot for me to open up to someone (bc I’m very anxious and nervous), and loyalty is very important to me. In fact I’d say I’m too suspicious of others at times and that makes me appear paranoid, cold, or stand-offish. On the other hand, I can be trusted with whatever secret you have. I’m the type that others tend to turn to for advice, even though I don’t necessarily think I’m good at providing it.
Another thing I pride myself on is my work ethic. I may procrastinate a lot and have a strange way of thinking, but I always get the job done. I don’t like letting others down and hate it when I am underestimated. I’m not a leader and prefer to follow, but can take charge if needed.
I hold grudges easily but forgive just as easily too. I have a big need for personal space and am not openly clingy or affectionate, and prefer more subtle or low-key ways of affection. All in all, I’m a flexible person who can adapt to many things.
Likes/Hobbies-Theater (particularly musicals), ancient history and mythology, Gothic literature, horseback riding, ice skating, photography, image editing, journaling, board games such as DnD, video games (mostly single player games, RPGS, visual novels, and otome games), cosplay, traveling, warm weather
Dislikes-Math, bigots, cold weather, rain, insects, seafood
For match-ups, I prefer not being matched with any staff or Sebek or Azul.
I match you with 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫
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The First Impression:
Being a decent judge of character himself, Silver is able to guess many things about you from the start. Your seemingly cold demeanor doesn't bother him in the slightest, especially as someone who's had the same judgments made about him.
Why He Fell:
Silver's life is rather chaotic already. Between school, family matters, and his training, he rarely gets the time to breathe... which he's sort of trained himself out of needing, anyway.
Perhaps it's you, your caution and your space, that helps him slow down for a moment. It takes the both of you some time to become comfortable around one another (and Silver isn't one to push you into anything), though over time, you both recognize that there's something good in both of you.
Silver deeply admires your work ethic (as unconventional as it may be), your wide array of skills and interests, your trustworthiness, and your need for loyalty... the former of which he's happy to provide.
The Relationship:
Silver is stable, he's reliable, and he's devoted even to the point of beating himself up when he lets others down. Being surrounded by such powerful mages from childhood to present has left him with some high expectations for himself, which often leaves him feeling inadequate.
You're each other's "safe person", a breath of fresh air for when the guilt of letting other people down weighs on the both of you.
Love with Silver is simple. It's soft. It's bereft of the expectations and perceptions of others, which makes it feel special beyond words. There's no pressure to be a perfect couple, or to do PDA (he actually likes that your style of affection is more subtle), or to be good at it at all. Silver is patient, he's kind-hearted, he's loyal, and he's not going anywhere. He's just as new to this whole romance thing as you are, and he'll be glad to take his time working through the anxieties of it with you.
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sadruru · 8 months
A little bit about the events in Barovia: I'll describe a bit of what happened to Light and her company. 1. In the Baron's mansion we had to fight the guards who were looking for Viktor Vallakovich for some reason. We killed them. Nita didn't like it, with low HP she freaked out and decided to lift the couch instead of Ismark. Failed her athleticism test and got a bleed. Light decided to help and angrily healed her.
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2.I didn't tell you last time, but this guy's name is Albian. A red-haired guy with green clothes and green eyes. He's a warlock, but he's not an elf. He was originally born human, but Light somehow managed to talk to him separately and found out that his special appearance is due to a pact, just like his hat. Berries and flowers constantly grow on the hat, and he can't take it off for long. Albian didn't say who he made the pact with, and Light didn't insist. But she quickly realized that it seemed to be one of the very powerful fairies. He also talks weird. Like a storyteller from a fairy tale. And he gave everyone nicknames. He calls Light a blackberry. We offered to help him find Victor, his friend (yes, in our game, he is Victor's good friend). We agreed. But he only whispered what he looked like in Light's ear. I was shocked by such an act, blushed and banged my fist on the table for a long time. Yeah, I like watching them as a funny couple.
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3. Light ran off in embarrassment with Tyrin, a priestess of Suna, the goddess of love and beauty. Somehow, miraculously, things had devolved into a rather personal conversation. Light told a bit about herself. The half elf tried to convince the fairy that she should try to open her heart again and not remember the past. Light really wants to go home.
Even I myself was amazed by this kind of conversation, even though this is my first time playing DnD. We talk to each other a lot. It brings out our characters more. And it seems like Light really fell in love~
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4. …But someone clearly has trust issues, and there are many reasons for that. Because of the Shadow Plan, the fairy has emotional problems. She never feels happy or cheerful. Sveta dislikes people very much… She killed those who betrayed her and felt nothing, no conscience torments her. It scares her. I've noticed that a lot of my characters have trust issues. I need to think about it…
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5. We fled the city from an angry mob of peasants. We stopped for the night in the woods on the way to the Abbey of St. Markovia. We even found Victor! Now we have a long rest. Turns out Albian can do different hairstyles (he has 2 younger sisters). Light got brave and asked him to braid her hair. He agreed.
I'm really glad he's being nice to her at all. But I've been told that he and Victor are in this story for a reason and could be very disappointing…
I love the drama and the glass eating. Thanks. I wish I hadn't been told that... 🗿
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6. Right now, Light wasn't thrilled with her appearance. But Albian hinted that Victor might be able to tell her something about her problem. I already know what's haunting her. I'm freaked out by that fact. Maybe later I'll drop a hint who exactly.
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7. Darcy is our dhampir. The whole group wishes she and Ismark were together. He's really paying attention to her. Albian's finished with her hair. Even added flowers.
Light is cute~ But Albian is blind and can't see that she really likes him 🗿🗿🗿
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And me, of course. Some memes!~ I once stayed up all night and day. I turned into the Joker. I told jokes, screamed about crazy ending theories, about Victor, Albian, myself, panicked. The Dungeon Master just silently read my ramblings with interest... and smiled. Shook my hand in messages. I'm really scared now and I'm wondering what's going to happen next. What did I sign up for?!..
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catnatch · 9 months
i've added a new page on my blog that organizes all my P4 aus....
i'm gonna put it all under the cut on this post, but I'll be updating the page itself if I do more :*
from most thought put into au -> least thought; points marked with a * have art in the post
In-Depth AUs
Shadow (Re-)Union (aka s!Yosuke and s!Chie done fucked it up)
being in love with their best friends manifests their joint shadow reappearance as bride and groom*
Midnight Channel appearance* x2* [ask]
how does the team react? [ask]
Yosuke and Chie discuss x2 [ask]
2nd year awkwardness [ask]
Naoto wasn’t there [ask]
Jealous Yu* x2* [ask]
Arcana Swap (aka Fortune!Yosuke/Lovers!Yu)
oops all Yosuke arcana swaps (og design)* [scrapped]
updated design + Lovers!Yu*
the whole squad swapped*
other social links? [ask]
BONUS: big doc of info*
The Future (aka indie darling!Yosuke au aka does this count as an au?)
og indie Yosuke* + extra* [reworked]
Yosuke, P5 confidant*
playing the song* [ask]
branching futures*
Yu and Yosuke retain their memories in NG+ but are from alternate endings
when Yosuke goes for the kill [ask]
Namatame confrontation*
Adachi end [ask]
Falling in Love in DnD 
DM Souji, overinvested Yosuke
the full set up
Yosuke works on his character*
Still Cookin’ AUs
Fresh Pick (Splatoon idols)*
Body Swap (with a Twist)
the twist is they swap with Jiraiya and Izanagi*
does it extend outside the TV? [ask]
team reactions [ask]
controlling Jiraiya* [ask]
Izanami and Her Children
during A Thousand Curses, a conversation*
the reason [ask]
Professor Souji + Bad Boy Yosuke
(ft special guest Ribbons who drew it before I did)*
One-Off AUs
Speedrunner AU*+ extra
Chainsawman Devil Hunters AU* + extra
Kpop Idols*
Ponyo AU* + extra*
several one offs
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calextheneko · 1 year
So anyway... I enjoy Baldur's Gate, but as someone who is primarily a Pathfinder player who... is not a fan of 5e DnD, I find myself... At odds with the game at times when I feel like I should be able to do things I can't... And weirded out what the game considers big numbers. Like, I felt like it took every resource I had to break 30 AC on a character... And like I had to trick the game to get a character's strength stat up to 22.
Meanwhile, in the latest Pathfinder video game
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Yeah.... Meet my Chaotic Neutral Trickster Barbarian and what I consider normal stats. My dump stat intelligence at 28.
And if you think this is hideous you should see the things I put together in actual pen and paper table top when I get to actually play. I'm normally a forever GM but every generation the stars eventually align and I get to be a player.
Anyway, I made a psychic in the Iron Gods adventure path. A catfolk named Tau. Psychics are basically a lot like wizards just instead of specialized school abilities they gain special abilities called Phrenic Amplifications. Anyway, that's not important the important takeaway is that Tau was a very VERY squishy caster.
His AC was 40. Or 46 when he decided to cast Form of the Alien Dragon. Yes, Form of the Alien Dragon, not normal dragon, because I can't be normal with anything. Also Form of the Alien Dragon is the only dragon transformation psychics can learn and even then they're limited on which ones they can turn into based on which ones fit the occult psionic power theme. Anyway, he routinely walked around in dragon form, but also invisible, but also with mirror image which somehow still works even when invisible, and mind blank on meaning that spells like see invisibility and true sight automatically fail on him so you have no way to force him to become visible.
But what was really fun, is the bizarre combination of feats and abilities he took to just do strange things. The party almost TPKed in the first dungeon. Until he used Charm Person on the Juju Zombie that was killing them. Now you may go, wait a second, undead are immune to all mind and compulsion effect. Yeah, Tau doesn't care. He had a spell called Will of the Dead that allowed all of mind affecting spells to work on undead as normal. This was taken to hilarious levels later when in book 3 we encountered a ghost who was supposed to be the arc villain and constantly sneak attack us with cloud kill by coming through the walls and leaving for the entire dungeon. Charmed him on his first appearance. And now that he was my best friend, agreed to get him to disable all his traps and get rid of all the monsters so he could give his new best buddy a tour of his lair.
Then I lured him into the basement where the rest of the party was all waiting with readied actions to bust out their best ghost killing abilities and just delete him from existence. And then after he was dead exercised his spirit from the tower so he couldn't come back and we're like. Wow, we have a fully stocked tower with robot guards programmed to see us as allies. Looks like we have a new home base!
Then later he charmed a hologram and pulled the exact same stunt. I'm going to be honest. Even I'm not 100% how that worked but the GM after reading through the rules several times eventually declared that sentient holograms per the rules had no natural protection against magical effects.
He also charmed a Plasma Ooze, kept it as a pet and made it his best friend and fed his enemies to it. Through another combination of feats I could now use mind effects on vermin and oozes. I also picked up a spell to dominate constructs. The only thing I couldn't charm or mind control by the end of the campaign were plant creatures. It was just... Kind of hilarious because... It's the GM is like.
"Wait, you made a psychic, a class that specializes in mind effect spells in a campaign about fighting robots which are immune to mind effects."
"Well it's your choice."
If only he had known what was to come. Other highlights include a spell that lets me lift one enemy up with telekinetic power and throw them at another enemy. Mind Crush, I mean Mind Thrust, which dealt severe damage and left people with debilitating status effects even when they made their save. And Ego Whip, which gave them a -10 to Wisdom, Charisma, or Intelligence, Even if they made their save. Saving only made it temporary.
Oh you're a cleric, so you have a high will save and think you don't have to fear me. Well take a -10 to your wisdom stat. Your will save just went down by 5 as did the DC for all your spells. What now?
Then there was the time he trapped a dragon in a giant telekinetic hamster ball, pushed it over an edge into an endless voice and just caused the dragon to be deleted from existence.
... There's probably a reason I'm always a GM and never a player. XD
So anyway... The level of customization I get in Pathfinder and the ability to just pull these completely insane builds out that no one expects that are completely unique is why I love it so much. But anyway, as much as I prefer Pathfinder to 5e, I very rarely get to be a player, so kind of eat up table top video games to get my urges and crazy builds out. I have over 1000 hours of gametime in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, and it's one of like only 4 games in existence I got every achievement for because you put that many hours in you eventually find and achieve everything. Though... Forgot the name of it... The secret boss in the Midnight Isles DLC. Screw that thing. That is the absolute worst achievement to get because it's entirely RNG on if you're going to get the items needed to unlock it or encounter the island types needed to unlock things and you could play for months nonstop and not get the first key needed after you get the pirate map and holy symbol because the right island/undertow effect never spawned. Or it did spawn but you finished a voyage so were forced to start with a new crew again and none of your casters were high enough levels to have the spell you need to activate the item that has a random chance on spawning on the correct item combination. Oh right you can get the right item combination and then the item you need to cast the right spell on might not even spawn. And you have to get three keys this way. Yeah, that was terrible and I totally cheated and force spawned the keys into my inventory because after several days of trying I was done.
Still, I'm having fun with Baldur's Gate 3... and what I've learned is that... 5e is... surprisingly fragile and easy to break. Aheh heh heh. Maybe I won't get a 62 AC anytime soon, but I have figured out how to build a tactical nuclear strike on Raphael's bedroom. That's my plan for how to beat him on my hard mode run. Sadly the plan will require the sacrifice of a party member to trigger cutscenes and activate the bomb but... bringing people back is only a level 3 spell or 200 gold so you know... Nuking the devil in his own home and ending a fight before it starts... I think I can spare a level 3 spell slot or 200 gold to make that happen.
If I have any explosives left over when I'm done I'm gonna go visit dear old Auntie Ethel next. I feel her lair would look better if the entire thing was on fire.
But hey, sometimes I build elaborate nukes... Sometimes I do things the simple way. Those poor idiot guards patrolling the docks while wearing heavy armor. One shove and then I just stand on the shore and watch then drown.
Good thing I'm pretty sure 5e did away with the alignment. Not that I'm evil. I swear I'm good aligned. Just... Chaotic good.
Very... Very... Very... Very... VERY chaotic. But still good.
Side note, just had a thought after posting this, since I am a forever GM, maybe I should post a weekly session recap on Tumblr of my games. That a thing people would be interested in reading?
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Okay, DnD fans, can I get a bit of criticism here? I'm reading the 5e handbook, and I'm still a little confused about some things. Here's my character so far(I didn't even want to touch the stats yet, in fear that I have to use the guidebook's stats for his species).
Meet Blackthorn, often known as just Thorn. He's a young, red kobold(He's a kobold's equivalent to about 16 or 17 years old) that is also a sorcerer(For now, anyway. I might make him a fighter or rogue). He's gained his power from his dragon(Who is now unnamed, I'll come up with one later), who acted primarily as his guardian/babysitter, for him as well as many other kobolds in his den. The only two worth mentioning in his backstory are Hydra and Armari.
*Their names are based on the three primary colors: Red, yellow and blue. If you get pricked by a thorn, you're likely to bleed, so that's how Thorn earned his name(Along with the fact that he's a pit of a pain in the neck due to his sense of adventure). Hydra is short for Hydrangea, which is seen as a blue plant on occasion. And Armari sounds a little like amarillo, a translation of the color yellow if I'm not wrong. Yes, they also appear as their respective colors.
Their alignments: -Thorn is Neutral Good(He's pretty willing to break the law if he knows it's for the better, but tends to avoid that option if he can) -Hydra is Lawful Good(He often scolds Thorn for doing stuff like that) -Armari is Chaotic Neutral(She is the most likely to become a full-blown psychopath out of the three of them. She's basically Thorn's devil in most situations, and Hydra is his angel).
They're pretty good friends, and if something does happen to go wrong, you can almost always blame all three of them for it. They do have their own friend groups, but they most often hang out with each other for some chaos.
One day, Armari wanted the three of them to have a competition: Whoever could not join a party and become a proper adventurer, but also complete a total of three missions, would win... something(I'm not too sure on what yet. Let's say they'd win bragging privileges for now).
Of course, Thorn agreed, wanting to go on yet another adventure. Hydra also agreed to it, but he was way more reluctant about it because he didn't want to get put in an early grave.
With that, they headed off, and would meet up with each other every few days to check how they were doing.
After a while, Thorn thought that the adventurer's life was pretty sweet, and continued on his journey, even after the competition was over(He won, by the way, but no one ever learned that, not even him).
Thorn(At least, how he is now), is a pretty solid magic user. He's either gonna specialize in fire or plant magic(Or whatever it's called, I honestly have no clue). His only real downside is that his spells aren't very... good? Like, they're fine, but they're just fine, you feel me? They do their job, but that's it.
If it's possible, I'm basing Thorn's spells on moves you'd find in Pokemon, like Absorb or Fire Spin. His level-up moveset is going to be very similar to the Joe-Schmoe's starter.
I didn't think about it for more than 30 seconds, but I feel like Thorn would have an Outlander background. He's technically a wild dude, not knowing what a true civilization looked like, but he'd still be able to speak Common well enough to be generally understood, although he'd be more fluent in languages like Draconic(Again, he lived with a dragon). He'd probably not understand how human things work, but Arceus dang it if he isn't gonna try.
Again, if there's something wrong, or if I missed anything, I am DESPERATELY accepting revisions.
I'll add more things in future reblogs, as I progress more with his character.
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lynx-polls · 1 year
Here’s something I’ve been wondering about lately…
Local animal applies to any place you live, you’ve lived in, or spent a significant amount of time in. I’m also extending this option to include animals from your country of origin even if you’ve never been there, and also local animals that you haven’t seen in person.
This applies to any pet you, a family member, or a close friend have owned. This option also applies to any pet you’ve worked with, wether you worked with this animal for your main job, or just babysat it as an odd job.
This one can mean either traits the animal actually has (for example, capybaras being mainly peaceful or antelopes being fast) or traits the animal has been given in popular media or by people (for example, bats being evil or owls being smart)
This one’s basically just an animal you thought just seemed cool, wether you liked it’s looks or think there’s something it can do that’s really cool. This option also applies to animals you think look cute, pretty, or creepy. It just generally is meant to mean you found it appealing looking.
This one’s pretty self explanatory, if you have fun drawing an animal and chose your fursona to be that animal because of it then that’s what this option is.
This one’s a little vague, but what I meant is this is an animal you’re super interested in, not for any of the other reasons. It could be a special internet or hyperfixation, or it could be your longtime favorite animal.
It’s if you’ve ever been compared to another animal by people (could be based on physical appearance, personality, inside jokes, or anything else) and decided to make that your fursona. For example, being called a golden retriever because you have a cheery and excited personality, or being compared to an owl because you have big eyes.
This one is for if you don’t really have any special reason for picking it, but just connect with it regardless, or if you just can’t figure out the reason why you feel a connection to that animal in particular.
This one is for if you made a random character, not for the intent of being a fursona or anything, but you ended up liking it enough or being attached enough to it, to the point where you decided to make it your fursona. This could be any character, from the edgy warrior cats oc you made when you were twelve, or the werewolf chars get your made for a DnD campaign last year, to just a little animal character you consistently doodle everywhere. This option also applies if the character was originally human, but you made it into an animal.
This one is for an animal you wish you were or feel like you should have been. Though this option mainly applies to therians or otherkin/animalkin, anyone else could feel the same thing and choose that option. If you made a fursona because you found yourself wishing you could live in the woods or have fur or something along those lines, this one’s for you.
This one’s for if you just made your fursona a random thing without thinking it out. Like if you just randomly thought “hm I wonder what my fursona should be, I guess I’ll go with this”, or if you spent a lot of time thinking about it, but ultimately ended up picking something random for the hell of it, or something similar to that.
This one’s for if your fursona is inspired by a book, game, movie, comic, show, song, etc. This could mean that you were inspired by a character (for example, making a cat fursona based off of Salem the cat). It could also mean that your fursona started off as a self insert for one of these things (like making an animal character to fit into Avatar). Additionally, it could also mean you made a fursona based off of the vibe of your favorite media (like making a machinelike fursona based off of the song cabinet man). This definition is pretty loose, if your fursona was in some way inspired by any kind of media this one’s for you.
If two or more of these options apply to you, pick the strongest or most prominent reason!
If two or more of these options apply and have equal prominence, or your fursona was inspired by something else, add it in the reblogs or comments!
As always, if you want, please reblog with the option you picked and any other fun details, it’s nice to see everyone’s reasonings and it gives me a larger sample size!
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frixiot · 6 months
Utilising tumblrs long word counts to dump my Oc info here for easy access 🙏 this is mostly to link on other socials but ig if you’ve come across this your welcome to read too (note I’m not a writer, i just don’t have the time to draw all this)
Here is a summary of how my current Dnd characters met & fell for each other :)
Arkzire ended up joining the Wavecutter after the captain of Tyrnan’s ship found him chained up in a ship they were raiding (long story). He was knocked unconscious while leaving that ship so Tyrnan didn’t properly meet him till the morning. When Arkzire woke aboard the ship he left his room still a bit dazed (& probably concussed) to look around. He saw a couple crew members on deck but his attention was immediately drawn to Artemis, who is Tyrnan’s beloved pet/familiar (a wandering albatross!). Arkzires special interest is birds & his absolute favourites are Albatrosses but he’d never seen a real one before, so he went over to her right away. Leaning down to marvel at her, not knowing that she belonged to someone.
In his excitement he did not notice the man standing patiently right behind him. After having a thorough stare at the bird, Arkzire took a step back & was startled by bumping into… her owner, Tyrnan! Poor Tyrnan hardly got a word in before Arkzire yelped out a sorry & ran off embarrassed. Tyrnan assumed he’d scared him & felt bad about that (for once), the captain had told him specifically to be nice to the new guy. Whereas Arkzire ran off because he was not expecting to turn and be greeted by what in his eyes was ‘the most handsome man he’d ever seen’. Tyrnan would spend the rest of the day trying to get a proper introduction in without startling him, and Arkzire spent the rest trying to make himself look a bit less dishevelled (he had half his face bandaged & was covered in various small injuries from his rough treatment aboard the bloodhounds ship). Eventually they did get to properly introduce themselves, Tyrnan tried his best to appear non threatening as he truly thought Arkzire was terrified of him.
The days after that they didn’t talk very often as Arkzire was too nervous to initiate anything. He got assigned cleaning duty & would get a little distracted watching Tyrnan doing all the heavy lifting on the ship, he got caught staring a couple times. Arkzire knew he had a crush but wasn’t thinking it’d go anywhere and tried to brush it off, he didn’t think it was even appropriate for him to be having these thoughts about the first mate, let alone any crew member. He briefly discussed his crush with his new friend Quill who, having known this crew for years, questioned Arkzire’s choice in men.
The first more private moment between them happened when Tyrnan offered to help with the healing of the large wound on Arkzire’s face, left on him by the Grell of the bloodhounds when he was rescued. Arkzire had kept that half of his face covered in bandages since he got it and seemed afraid to even look at it. Tyrnan has healing magic & wanted to help, so they went to a more private room as Arkzire was still nervous for others to see the wound. He sat on a table & Tyrnan unravelled his bandages to take a look, Arkzire was expecting just a quick spell and they’d leave.. Tyrnan had innocent intentions, he just wanted to help (which he did) but he also solidified Arkzire’s crush tenfold by doing this… Tyrnan got quite close to him & while almost holding Arkzires face, slowly traced a thumb along the wound which spans from his forehead to just below his lip, using magic to heal the wound to a clean scar. An unintentionally high romantic tension scenario (quite especially when he got to the lip bit of the scar) which Arkzire could not stop thinking about for the next couple days..
Over the next few weeks-months they’d talk more and grow closer, the captain who is Tyrnans (adoptive/non biological) older sister noticed the two spending more time together. Being happy at the prospect of her brother actually being friendly with someone, she paired them up often, mostly for training type things as Arkzire was still new to all this pirate stuff. Tyrnan can be quite inept to people showing romantic interest in him, so by not noticing he only furthered it for the both of them, it took him awhile to notice that what he was feeling was more than friendship.
He did finally notice this was something more when the two started meeting on the top deck at night alone. It started as an accidental meeting, Arkzire had gone out to get some fresh air and think after waking from a bad dream, Tyrnan was also up late writing and saw a troubled looking Arkzire out on the deck and went to check on him. Then a few nights later they saw each other out there again, and again, until they were meeting nightly and neither could deny it was accidental. They’d sit out there talking and gazing at the stars, but Tyrnan never really was looking up at the night sky, his eyes always ended up wandering to Arkzire’s direction. It wasn’t exactly subtle, but the sight of his silver hair bathed in moonlight couldn’t help but draw Tyrnan’s attention more than the night sky. He wanted to tell Arkzire how beautiful he looked.
And then one night he realised that feeling was mutual, when in a little burst of confidence Arkzire moved right next to him and rested his head against his shoulder. After sitting like that for awhile, eventually his hand resting around at Arkzires waist, Tyrnan couldn’t keep it in him anymore,
“I think I’m in love with you” he said,
“I think I am too” Arkzire responded.
That night as they said goodbye, Arkzire gave Tyrnan a kiss on the cheek. And the night after, Tyrnan would ask if he could give Arkzire a proper kiss.
Some crew members could tell early on the two were together, noticing them holding hands under the dining room table & exchanging loving glances throughout the day. On one particular morning as Quill woke early he saw Arkzire suspiciously leaving Tyrnan’s quarters after being missing all night, he called it (& now Nox owes him 3 gold pieces for the bet they placed).
And then after a month of them being incredibly unsubtle, Captain Rita forgot to knock on her brothers door before entering and walked in on the two making out, cats out the bag. Might as well tell everyone, so they did. The crew eventually became accustomed to the lovebirds, although it initially was shocking for them to see Tyrnan’s sweeter side & hear his language change around his new lover, who knew he was secretly such a romantic!
Thx if u read all the way :) here’s when they got walked in on lol
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 6 months
2, 5, and 21 for the Tav game! (Life is insane, ignore the fact that I'm 24 hours behind lmao)
Tav Questions!!
My tav is Clærwyn, a wood elf ranger (who was based off of an air genasi ranger dnd character I never got to play)
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2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside?
She for sure collected mushrooms from the Underdark, so probably keeps some (gently) rotting bags that are blooming with mushroom species inside her tent. She would have a pretty simple bed set up, one blanket, one pillow, a footlocker. But all sitting on a dyed and woven grass/reed mat that she learnt how to make when she was young
On the outside I think she'd have something like a display case? Like a cabinet of curiosities that holds dozens of weird little things she's found, I always like to think she's too curious for her own good. There would be a training mannequin, some small plants too, and a bunch of tools and toolkits laying around
5. Describe their idle animations!
Oooh man okay, one would be of her attaching fletchings to arrows, cutting down feathers and lashing them to the arrow shaft. Maybe knapping little stone fragments for the arrow heads too. (I feel like she's be quite traditional and practical when it comes to her weapon of choice, like she knows very well how to craft more arrows when she needs them). Cleaning her gear, brushing dirt off leather and polishing metal pieces. Poring over maps with compass tools, making notes and planning paths. Mixing alchemical components with a mortar and pestle
21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today!
Her past in the game? Meeting the Myconids in the Underdark and becoming their trusted friend was a super special moment for her. The whole of the Underdark really changed her perspective on life in general, and taught her not to judge appearances and that it's okay to just slow down and breathe, and think things through
Her past outside of the game? In her original character lore, she gave up a life with her family of nomads to keep them safe, and fell in with some nasty people before she managed to make a life of her own. There came a point where she realised she would be no better than the people who persecuted her and her family in the first place, if she didn't stop what she was doing. Her leaving and choosing solitude for a while made her all the more desperate to help her companions when they later became friends, because she finally found people who cared for her and she them, again
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ask-sienna · 1 year
Look upon the skies and seas And there among the wind and breeze The dazzled specks of sparkling stars Will sing to you of tales afar
Brief Background Summary:
Sienna is an orphan that showed up on the foot steps of a church one day. The church took her in and raised her as their own, with hopes that she will become a nun. All Sienna knew in life was the Lord, the church and that strange sensation that pulls her every time she looked up at the stars. For eleven years of her life she dedicated herself to the services of the church with all her heart, helping those in need. Everyone loved her for she was a joyful spirit always willing to help, always willing to share. It wasn’t until her eleventh birthday that it all changed. 
Let’s just say the church was less than ecstatic about her new found magical abilities. She might have died if it weren’t for Professor Fig, who had saved her before the chaos. 
She arrived in Hogwarts days before the ceremony, with nothing but the cloths on her back. Much of her school material is either second-hand or donations, but Professor Fig was nice enough to buy her her wand. When she was old enough, she picked up a side gig at the Three Broomsticks and would do odd jobs here and there to earn extra galleons.
Now lay her final year at Hogwarts, how will this unfold? You tell me…
(Full background story in the making – Read it here when it’s ready)
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance: Asian female with navy blue eyes and white hair and if you stare into her eyes long enough, it looks like the galaxy is swirling within. She’s on the petite side, but don’t mess with her cause she packs a punch (from all the laundry and heavy lifting done back at the church).
Personality: Sienna is a gigantic cinnamon roll— sweet, bubbly little thing that’s quite clueless of a lot of social cues and what not. She’s quick to learn and has an undying thirst for knowledge, it’s a wonder she wasn’t put into Ravenclaw. But alas, she is a Hufflepuff through and through. Mostly a goodie two shoe that gets dragged into trouble by her friends hehe.
Interesting facts: Sienna is my DnD character (a twilight cleric star caller) that I imported into the HL universe. She has an affinity for the stars and a special ability that allows her clairvoyance, much like a Seer. The only difference is that it requires a lot of prep work and is not as spontaneous and unstable as seering abilities. Notably, her favourite subjects are Astronomy and Divination, though she does love Herbology, Potions and Magical Creatures. She's definitely good friends with Amit.
Rules of Engagement:
I do not condone violence and bullying in any way, shape or form. If you have a problem with it, do not engage.
This is strictly a Minors Do Not Interact Zone. However, should you need someone to just chat with, l'm more than happy to do so.
There are some content such as rape, child abuse, domestic violence, etc. that will not fly with me. If you are into such things, this is not your turf. Ask if you're unsure.
With that note, there ARE a lot of things I can fly with, but please let me know in advance. Please don’t throw me into the deep end without notice :)
If I'm uncomfortable with anything, I will let you know, I only wish to expect the same, respectfully. Let’s communicate :)
We're here to have fun, so please don't cause real drama or strife. I'm not here for it and neither should you.
I'll add more should I deem necessary, in the mean time, I can't wait to create memories with you :)
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