#speaking if im LITERALLY on the edge of my seat for a new update like holy shit dude
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leoserblog · 2 years ago
You know what i especially love about following a... significant number of tmnt blogs? is that ill never miss a cass au update bc ill run into like, 7 different accounts reblogging it in a row lol
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mirclealignr · 5 years ago
Tag ten(more or less) of your favorite mutuals and say something nice about them!
ily anon for allowing me to spread this love 💓 did i go over board??? yes, absolutely. but there has been too much hate spread around and i just GAH i just want you guys to know how much i appreciate you 🥺 because i do, a lot!
@approved-by-dentists ~ is just about the funniest person alive and is the sweetest thing. i love talking to you, literally about anything, it doesn’t matter. And your writing is *clenche fist* amazing! Plus ik u totally have my back whenever i need to rant about something even if it’s totally ridiculous (and u know i got yours right?) ahh ily boo, never wanted to hug someone through the internet so much!
@dearspacepirates ~ my little boo!! ahh i love talking to you and have missed you this past month and a bit (even tho that’s like totally my fault) and i <3 our deep and philosophical conversations tht we lack irl. and one day when you’re a rich and famous director, i’ll still be cheering you on.
@im-a-writer-right ~ and her chaotic energy brings me joy. not only that but her writing is so damb good that any time she comments or reblogs something of mine i get heart palpitations. plus i stg youve been here since i had like 200 followers when i was baby to tumblr and you were so supportive omg i must’ve been so annoying so thank you for putting up with me, ily!!
@firewhisky-kisses ~ omg, so you’re a new mutual but god DAMN do i appreciate the heck outta you. your compliments and reblogs gove mr life, especially from such a talented writer as yourself! and my god are you easy to talk to?!?! surely hope we get the chance to more in the future <3
@kitkatd7 ~ literally think you were one of my first followers on here and omg you’re so supportive!! like from the VERY beginning you’ve been such a sweetie! and your writing is beyond amazing and you’re just such a babe omg i wanna give u a cuddle so bad!
@remibarnes22 ~ omg you are the cutest little bean ever to come into existence. you can make me laugh out loud so much haha! and you’re so sweet too, omg you’re wholesome! i <3 talking to you, you little sweetie pie!
@thou-crusty-batch-of-nature ~ omg well aren’t you the sweetest piece of pie there ever was???? you’re so adorable, goodness gracious! and your writing is... b e a u t i f u l. i can’t wait for you to update your new series, i’m waiting very patiently on the edge of my seat!
@marauderswhisperer ~ hey boo boo! you’re amazing, and talented, and deserve the world. I’ve noticed things have been a little rough for you rn, but don’t let it get you down, you’re fabulous and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
@dreamer821 ~ gosh darn it you are a cutie! ahhh literally any message from you can make my day in a heartbeat! and you’re writing?!? omg it’s so cute!! ahhhh!!!!
@teenagereadersciencenerd ~ how many months now? hahah aww you’re so cute!! talking to you is one of my daily activities, not even a second thought, i just expect it to happen to now! up and growing blog and you’re doing great!
@obsessedwithrandomthings ~ i have never seen anyone out as much time and effort into fics as you do! it is honestly astonishing and it does not go unnoticed. plus your fics are amazing and i may be a little behind with reading them, but dw imma catch up and appreciate the heck outta you!
@chaotic-fae-queen ~ omg boo, i’ve been so m.i.a lately!!! but i love talking to you, i love reading your fics. you’re so dynamic as well, you can literally write for anything and it’ll be amazing!
@with1love1anu ~ you are the sweetest thing ever omg and we haven’t talked a whole lot but all my interactions with you have been so wholesome!!!
@summergoldenrze ~ omg long time no speak but still wishing you the best over here!! hope you’re doing okay, hope we can speak soon! what i’ve read of yours so far is adorable and i can’t wait to read more! aww you’re so fun to talk to and we have a lot of similar interests which makes it even better <3!
@mischiefsemimanaged ~ oml you’re so adorable! your comments make my day sweetie! ahh, you’re literally so seeet i wish i could hug you! and i hope you’re doing well btw, stay strong boo! (and i’m hoping to have your fic out this week, sorry it’s taken me ages)
@reallyreading ~ basically the most talented artist i know, i can’t even put into words. and you’re so hecking modest????? your reblogs of my fics are hilarious and adorable! hope we can speak soon, ily!
i know i’m missing so many, just know that if you see this, i appreciate you!
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hitchell-mope · 5 years ago
Just put on the movie
And there we go. The dedication is there.
Oh god the rapping.
My palms will be bloody by the time this is over.
But I like the parallels to the first movie
To much auto tune
There goes my heart Disney.
Oh lord that’s high
Bbys. Smee twins
There’s my child Celia
MY BOY!!!!
I mean Mal has a point.
He thinks it through
I love him so fucking much
Loving Doug’s hair
Rat bastard. Rat bitch. Rat fairy (Adam belle Verna)
Fuck off leah chad Audrey
😍😍😍😍. This version is better then d1
Oh Evie love. Just tell him you love him
I hate you Adam and belle
Ben and the other three are adorable family
Still hating Audrey. So. Fucking. Much
Love the purple limo
Bal parent vibes are strong
They shoulda painted the limo roof purple
Dying of cuteness
Proud fiancé Mal. Love it
Fuck off leah
Here’s papa hades. And the ham.
Ah well. Nice while it lasted
So. Much. Ham.
Poor girl. Ouch.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. I still hate her and her geriatric bitch of a grandmother
Oh bitch please. First words out of your mouth were creel. And it ain’t abated
I’m supposed to be sorry for this sad act? I don’t think so
So. Much. Rapping
Still theft. Throw her on the isle with her grandmother
Lonely and friendless. Because Mal is so much better then you ya limp noodle
Gotta be bad on the back
Seriously though. The actual singing is better then the rapping. So gotta give satah her dues
Fuck off grown ups.
Blue bitch. Just like always belle
Ok. People. You can see it’s hurting bal to do this. KILL THE BEAST
Murder. The fucking. Parents
Evie. Evie’s sensible. Listen to your sister Mal.
And here comes the guilt. Like always. The narrative blames Mal
That darn cake
Ah. Pain. Hug them now
And jump scare
Oh god. Shut up Audrey. You’re a sore loser
Eh. The prosthesis look ok
Audrey. Nutter. Ben was more then ready to start the honeymoon when Mal was a dragon. Do you really think a hag would stop him?
Oh boy
That’s a lie and you know it bluey.
At least the bikes have an explanation
Why the red for Evie though
And the mutt speaks
Fuck off Chad. I hate you so much
This bitch again
So shrieky.
Kiss ass
Real original
Jump Jane jump!
So many neck cricks
No one tells him anything
Cella’s right Mal
Overly long gag. But cute
Awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰. At least he’s a good dad
Nice reference
And the fear mongering begins.
And here’s the cryptid. He shoulda died in it’s going down
Psycho bitch pirate whore
Cella’s a troll and I love it
The vehicle needs an oil change
At least he’s sleeping. Though that position can not be comfortable
At long last the reveal.
He’s funny. And hot. (I can see where @mochacake2016 is coming from)
We know! We know
And here’s the music
He’s got a point
She actually sounds like jade west here
So far. Besides the proposal. This is my favourite song. Mostly for Hades great looks. Great voice
And the tambourine
Would be better with purple and blue fire effects. But no. We can’t have nice things. They spent the budget on pirate whores make up
She’s got a point. They both do
Proud papa
C’mon girl. Cry
Of course she told her sister
He’s a good king.
T-shirt should be ripped.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. Hate her so much
And. Here. We. Go.
Benny. I love you. But did you not hear what she said to Evie when you first met the vks. Of course not. You were lost in Mal’s eyes.
Whore man is probably skunk drunk. Gil’s cute as ever though
Throw hook in the water. And keep it there.
🎶she’s back🎶
And there screwed
He makes feel physically sick
Uma. I love ya. But honestly. Mal owes no one anything. It’s not her job.
No it ain’t
Jay’s got a point
Oh honey
Hook. In the words of the irreverent Captain Jack Sparrow “if the bikes be crashed properly. You be crashed along with it”. Not you Gil. I like you
Mother hen strikes again. Uma ain’t buying what she’s selling
Pure child Celia. (I don’t use this very much but) Gil’s babey (it feels wrong to type£
Chicken arms. No brains. No wit. No dance skills. No rapping skills. Ya basically a walking corpse hook
The dogs giving me a nervous twitch.
I hate the pair of them so no. No sympathy for prince douche bag
Gil makes me cry so simply
Stab the pirate jay. Please. For all of us
Psycho bitch
I want. It. Dead. Brutally. Dead
And more music. If this weren’t Disney they coulda melted them yo pukes of goo and pour it down Harry’s throat.
Oh god
So she can’t count either. Just like her brother
Definitely cha cha slide.
Deep sigh
So much ham.
Here’s a funny idea. How about instead of a bloody pantomime. ACTUALLY FUCKING FIGHT YOU FECKERS
Synchronised armour dancing. That’s new
Oh for fuck sake
Ha ha. Save it for the sob story bitch
What’s next a kick line
Thank god I was wrong.
Hook should be suffocated under the armour right now. Put us out of our misery
Care bear alert
I had to have a flu jab today. And it weren’t as painful as every single nanosecond hooks on screen
Love the platonic affection (I hate the very concept of malvie. What did you expect?)
Mother alert
Don’t eat wild fruit honey
So cute. But so dumb
Oh. Phineas and Ferb reference
Awww babies.
Don’t you dare tell me Mal doesn’t care.
Uma’s so done with care bear bs
More singing. Yay(!)
Please. Remind me again exactly why this is a DCOM. Cause it honestly does not feel like it what with the backstory pirate whores entire existence and the choreography
How has evie not broken a leg in this number.
Believe me Mal and Uma. I feel your frustration they go together like peanut butter and chocolate spread. (Perfectly if you didn’t know)
Where is she going?
She knows how R&J ended right? Double suicide. Why the romanticism huh?
HE IS NOT A RAG DOLL! Though props to Zachary for not corpsing
How can you hate Doug. He’s adorable. Best straight couple ever
There’s ma boy. Rip Harry’s throyatvout plwae.
Ben’s always been hot. But this is definitely working for me.
Awww. Carlos helping his papa
Wet Ben. Yum
Awww. Janelos cuteness.
Love the beard. So good. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Someone murder the man whore before I do.
He makes me wanna throw up. And I’m not physically capable of doing that
@rpsocsandcanonohmy. I get where you’re coming from. But I also get where Ben is coming from. Sunbeam did get him abducted. And man slut tried to feed him to sharks. So I do understand both points. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong though
Shoulda let Ben slash hooks throat jay. You’re slipping buddy
Mal’s eating crow
Hopefully he chad suffocates. Then she’s have done one thing that wasn’t completely worthlessly reprehensible
And it had to ruin it
Te-am work. As plankton says
Proud sister
Boys are back. (With dude and the mutt in tow)
I hate happy harry. But I do like happy Uma. Eh. Double edged sword
Shoulda gone with Janelos. Jarlos is from big time rush
Oh they’re so cute
Poor Doug.
So. Update. Might be like Mal. (Definitely loving Ben’s facial hair)
Yawning over chad. So pathetic
Her seat from him douchey mcuseless
Poor Janey
Cats outta the bag
Once again. I kinda understand all points. Yeah Mal shouldn’t have lied. But Uma didn’t really give her and choice. And Evie just kinda assumed. And no one really lets her explain anything.
Hooks still pathetic. Even hurt emotionally I still wanna punch his roger rabbit looking face (Sorry Roger)
Oh dear
Mal. Don’t apologise. You did what you felt you needed to do. And no gives you a chance to explain. Ever.
Yes. You needed to do what you could.
Excellent acting all around as usual
Evie. Look. I love you. Your favourite number seven. But WHY IS IT YOUR SISTERS JOB. WHY DOES EVERYONE MAKE IT MALS PROBLEM
Ha! Evie said it. She said family.
Oh fuck. Taken for granite
More singing.
I do want to stab Harry in the mouth with the hook
More flashback. Yay(.). Couldn’t they fill out the runtime
More dragon.
Audrey’s performance might make me a vegetarian
How is it not crushed by the claws?
Fire should be green
Yay. Auds dead. Please say yes?
The twins say literally one thing
From magical incantation to vaguely irritating verbal tick. Well alright then
Evie. Why do you sound so sad. It’s a good thing Audrey’s dying. The ultimate price and all that. You should be glad. It’s a good thing
Mal: he’s my father. Ben: shocked face. Me: makes a sound like a boiling kettle
Bye bye facial hair
Die slut
More eating crow
The in laws meet
Exactly hades. Exactly. Knee beast in the dick
God Ben’s so hot.
Bite Adam’s throat out please hades
Should’ve let Audrey waste away. And sent granny to Tartarus to meet her
OH SPARE ME YOUR BLEEDING HEART ROUTINE! I still hate you in a fundamental level
Nice little family moment
What the fuck is Evie’s dress?
Queen Mal has a very nice ring to it.
Sure you can. You owe them noting. You owe nobody anything
Jay has a pull back braid in his hair. Yay!
“Audrey would be gone”. You say it as though that’s a bad thing
“Insert woody woodpecker laugh”. Fuck you Adam
Compromise. Bring the vks over. And plop Adam Audrey chad anleah on the isle. Sink it into the ocean
Why didn’t Verna bring the barrier down. Oh yeah. Cause then she’d be useful
More singing
At least this takes place in daylight
I still hate harry
Push Harry in the drink please. IM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU
God I love Ben and Doug
Why the Charleston?
I still hate tremaine
Well. Jane. In ZM. You met Mal. She’s Carlos’s mother in this au
Giljay. It’s cute
So Harry makes me ill right upbto the end. Now he’s related to purple and blue
🎶a bitch is in the dog house🎶. And deservedly so
Sweet little king
Oh boy
Whore has a turkey neck
This is the end. Good movie. With some unneeded bits. I’m gonna change a lot in ZM part three. And both dedications broke me.
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tabulae · 4 years ago
pt 2, the tt anthology
HIHI MISS YUKI I AM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT I GOT A 98 ON THAT 15PG LAB REPORT AHHHHH ((,: it was v difficult churning That Much microbiology but i’m vvv happy to be on my last week of the sem! i’m gonna finally start reading all the mangas i’ve been interested in (csm, aot, spy x family, horimiya, blue period) and just have time to RELAX ;; BUT ALSO AGAIN CONGRATS ON YOUR ADMISSION IM SO PROUD ((,: here is a celebratory cat video hehe
speaking of jjk. what da HELL was ch147 like???? WHAT WAS THE REASONNNN😭 istg akutami just pulls names out of a hat & is just like “them. that is who will die next” 😭😭 but GOD WHEN THE HIDDEN INVENTORY ARC GETS ADAPTED IM GONNA LOSEEEE MY MIND like is it so hard for there to be happiness in the jjk world💔 i just wanted SSS to be happy 😞
AND AHHHHHH THE KNY MOVIE!!! update i actually saw it again in theaters and man ;-; i cried more than the first time ;-; i literally wish i could talk about everything i loved in the movie but i don’t wanna spoil anyone sodnkd maybe i’ll send in another ask separately lol but THE SOUND DESIGN WAS SOOOOO GOOD i got such intense chills listening to the soundtrack! and AKAZAAAAAA AND RENGOKU💔 please i was on the edge of my seat for the last 30mins… and the flashback with his mom 😭 it was one of the pivotal moments to rengoku’s character & it was done sosoos beautifully in the movie. i literally could just gush about this movie! BUT DID YOU ALSO READ TANJIRO’S STATUS REPORT?? IM JUST CRYING SO MUCH RN LMAO -TT
tt !!! A 98 OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! CONGRATS!!!! you absolutely deserve the break, please read manga to your heart’s content :”> (BLUE PERIOD IS SO GOOD. SO GOOD. GOD I CRIED AT THE FIRST CHAPTER AND IT TOOK MONTHS TO PICK IT UP AFTER BC IM SO FRAGILE BUT I FINISHED IT) and thank you!!! the cat video is so cute OTL i really want a cat :((((
147 . (and well, 148 now too) is just . i want all the establishment people gone (higher ups, old zenin men + naoya) dfjkvhsdf i apologize for the person i will be when hidden inventory gets animated dsfjk
FR YOU SAID IT??? THERES SO MUCH TO UNPACK WITH THAT MOVIE BUT LITERALLY EVERYTHING WAS STELLAR SKJDVHGSD and yes i read it like . a couple of months ago i think? i cant remember when but i still remember the content JKSDHCS THEYRE SO CUTE OTL
hihi yuki i literally have nothing important to say besides the fact that i just got my atsumu nendoroid and my Serotonin Levels rn...... 📈📈📈 IS GOING THRU THE ROOF RNNNN HES SO CUTE <//3333 n e ways i hope you are doing well my love, pls take care of urself !!! 
OOOOO YOUR NENDO OMG THATS SO CUTE . atsumu’s so cute . :((( i think at this point of sending (iirc) i was . kinda okay JKDCHS so thank you!! thankfully time off tumblr = more time being productive w other things n i think i already finished 2 books at this point in time
HIHI YUKI IM FINALLY DONE WITH MY LAST FINAL AND HW ASSIGNMENT ((((,,,: I AM FREEEE!!! (that is until i take my physics 2 class) BUT AHHHHH IM SO HAPPYYYY i hope things are going well for you rn! i miss seeing you on my dashboard! take care my dear💖
HI HI CONGRATS TT !!! you absolutely deserve to rest :”D
hihi yuki so glad to see that you’ll be posting again soon! i hope things are going well for you~ mini update: i just finished reading horimiya & will be starting csm v soon! kinda scared but i’m hoping for the best 🧍🏻‍♀️ i also picked up some new books including pachinko! i typically read YA so i’m excited to venture out! i remember you recommending the alchemist to me so i would like to read that during my summer break too! i also get my wisdom teeth removed this friday and uh i’m not too excited about that …… at least i’ll have a lot of downtime during my healing process lol & i’m dying to know where you are at violet evergarden lolodjdkdj take your time though!! can’t wait to hear from you soon!!! 💖🥰
thank you! it’s nice to be back, but idt i’ll be as active for my own sanity too KSDJCH my screen time restrictions are all in place to keep me from spiraling and i’m trying (earnestly this time) to build healthier habits for tumblr :”> OOOOOO CSM OMG I WISH YOU LUCK IM STILL SO FRAGILE ABOUT IT . literally binged the whole thing and may need to reread to really ✨feel it✨ but itS SO GOOD
and omg we share the same braincell bc pachinko is on my to-read list dslkfjvhsdf it’s already added to cart n the only reason i havent bought it is bc i ran out of money buying other books SDKJHSD ,, and hhhhh i hope it won’t hurt a whole much :((( manifesting a speedy recovery for you!!!
i’m . slow as can be SDKJCSD i’m at the ep of them w the comet!! there are like 1-2 familiar seiyuu each ep i’m so happy for it HAHA
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feverhalo · 8 years ago
Teaser dump! Because I am an incredibly slow writer and want to give tumblr followers some sort of little boon for being cool and following me here
its a long post cause im teasing like 5 or 6 stories here. if the readmore doesnt work on mobile lemme know and I’ll try and fix it.
1 rule- no reposting anywhere please. these are teasers for the next parts of fics i’ll put up once i get them to a postable state. some of them i want to fully complete before breaking into chapters so you guys dont have to wait as long for updates, others I just got stalled out on and havent made progress in weeks.
theyre all VLD or FMA in here. I have a few ideas jotted down for Natsume too but havent gotten them started. I also just caught up on the new season and want to rewatch it some to get better characterization for some of the others.
Post Immunization pt2 FMA
“Brother? Brother, I know you’re tired, but you can’t sleep in the car any more.” Ed swiped his hands over his face. Everything felt warm and foggy except for the splitting headache he had and a rather uncomfortable heaviness in his arm pulsing low pain up his good shoulder. In short, not the nicest thing to wake up to. He mumbled out a jumbled mess of what he thought to Al.
“I know it isn’t very nice brother, but you don’t have to swear at me about it.” Ed shrugged, continuing to swipe the cool metal of his automail over his face as he let his flesh arm fall back to rest between him and the seat. Alphonse reached over the seat between himself in the back and his brother to nudge at Edward and disrupt him from curling back up and sleeping again. “We stopped and got dinner, and you might prefer being inside overnight, the military parking lot isn’t a proper place to sleep.”
“Don’t leave me in the parking lot,” Ed’s forehead creased and he took on a whining tone. “Geeze what kind of asshole-“
“If you get out now, you won’t have to go back to the parking lot. If I knew you’d prefer sleeping in a car over my oh so generous offer I really would have let you, you know.”
“That kind of asshole then.” Ed rolled himself up to sitting, bracing a hand on his aching head. A shiver quaked across his shoulders as he stumbled out into the evening air.
Turnabout Is Fair Play pt3 VLD
“Is he okay?”
“What do you think made that happen so quickly?”
“Is Lance going to be in bed all day?”
“Guys,” Shiro held up his hands, pleading. He pointed to the pathetic spread on the table, “Eat first. I don’t want us all neglecting ourselves when our energy needs to be there.”
They all sat and pulled hot cups over to themselves and rooted through the breakfast offerings. Pidge grabbed some sort of chip-like snack, Hunk took some of the burned toast and a fruit from the dish, and Keith uncrossed his arms long enough to pull some of the toast to his plate as well. Shiro waited for the crinkling of the packaging to quiet before he spoke.
“It got pretty bad, he was pretty dehydrated from the mission, and I guess between that and his fever… Anyway, he’s doing okay. Still a pretty nasty fever, but its not dangerous and he’s got water and medicine. Still sleeping, last I saw, which is good because it means he is resting and not in distress. I think the plan is going to be that he’ll stay in the med bay area for today. I don’t want you guys sneaking down there until he’s awake and decides he is up for it.”
“He’s okay, for real though?” Hunk was starting to fidget stiffly and uncomfortably.
A prompt that is unnamed as of yet VLD
The plumes of smoke were highly corrosive in nature, from the readouts on screen. Nothing in the atmosphere was welcoming to human life, and while the ocean here was a lovely lavender with waves that would make any surfer stare in stunned silence before rushing in- it was also extremely hostile to their human make up. Not to mention the huge shadows lurking beneath, and the huge scarred fins breaking the surface on occasion.
“You’re all doing wonderfully! There should be a gale of wind coming in from the south side in a few moments,” Coran crackled over the radio. “From my understanding this isn’t quite the ‘parasailing’ experience, but it is a much more advantageous training method for us!”
Even with their suits, the Lions, and all the careful planning and advanced technology, the stench of the volcano seeped into the cockpit of each Lion. Pidge was coughing harshly, trying to mute their line each time to spare the others. That tea from earlier had done wonders, for a while. But the acrid atmosphere, even if it was filtered well and none of the harmful particles were coming in, was so strong smelling it woke up the scratchy burning pain from earlier.
“Pidge! On your 7!” Hunk shouted during one of the coughing fits taking hold of Pidge. Below the green Lion the ground was starting to crack from the volcanic pressure and seeping smoke.
Pidge grabbed the controls with one hand, the other held in front of their helmet in reflex. One handed- they jerked Green out of the danger zone as the ground split and shot up hot vapors and flecks of molten minerals and bits of charcoaled vegetation still clinging to the surface. It wasn’t a pretty dodge by any means, but it did the job. The turn ended a little roughly, and Pidge was slammed into the side of the pilot seat, but other than that they were fine. Pidge took a deep breath after the fit subsided.
“Thanks Hunk-“ They cleared their throat before realizing the comm was still off. Pidge flicked it back on before repeating, “Thanks Hunk. Saved my tail there, literally.” Green flicked her tail around to show her thanks as well.
Ed Whump 2 Electric Boogaloo (working title will be changed) FMA
Upon arriving at the Hughes' residence, Gracia gasped, dropping the doll she had been holding when the door opened to show the two of them. Dirt caked and bandaged as Ed was, the Colonel was also battleworn, clothing torn in some places and with the dust of alchemic reactions stuck to his face and uniform. Elicia was still off on the background, her happy little voice filtering through the open door.
"Sorry to show up in such a sorry state," Roy gave her a lopsided grin. "I do not intend to impose, but I can't speak for the brat."
Ed swatted at the hand Roy had used to gesture in his direction. Throughout the walk Ed's energy flagged further, and he was left panting and speechless. He resorted to short, snapped comments and commands or simply swatting lightly at Roy with the automail. They had to stop a few times, even going as far as sitting down for twenty minutes on a bench after a stumble that caused Ed a hot flash of pain that left him nauseated. His bruised ribs were not making the trek easier.
"Oh, nonsense. Ed and Alphonse never impose," She gave Ed a smile. It seemed lost on him, he was trying to catch his breath and avoid pain at the same time. His eyes were glassy and he was sweating slightly. The fever the doctor had warned about was visible on his pink cheeks by now as well. "Come on in."
"Thank you," with that, she stepped aside and Roy walked in with Ed following. Mustang casually undid his jacket and hung it on the hook and respectfully undid his shoes and set them to the side.
Ed stomped on the heel of his boots and tugged his feet from them, bracing himself on the wall with his automail hand. That accomplished, he pushed them with his foot to the side and left them in a heap. Ed carefully worked his jacket off his injured shoulder and let it slide off his automail arm to the floor. Roy leaned down to pick it up after Ed gave it a half-hearted kick to try and fling it on top of his boots.
Ed Whump-in-progress 1  FMA
He grabbed a seat, kicking his feet up to rest on the edge of the seat across so he could use his legs as a tale to hold his journal. While they were in transit, he and Al may as well go over what they’ve learned so far to see if they may be able to gather anything while on this assignment.
The Elric brothers drifted into their own world going over their notes, and the rest of the group climbed aboard and the train started in motion after everything and everyone was accounted for.
Edward’s attention turned further away from his meal and their current destination as he and Alphonse nit-picked over small details and things they had learned through their travels so far, and soon found himself getting uncomfortable on the hard seat. Slowly the sounds of the rest of the military group in the cab trickled into his awareness, and he zoned out to a game of cards Falman and Furey had been playing together.
“Ah, they return to the world outside of alchemy. You guys excited for this?” Breda  was leaning over the seat ahead of theirs, watching them seemingly oblivious to everything as they hummed and hawed over their research.
“Yes, as much as I can be. I am really thankful that Colonel Mustang is allowing me to ride along. I understand its a really big favor,” Alphonse rubbed at the back of his helmet. “I’m very sure brother is thankful for it as well. We have a lot to go over.”
“Yeah.” Ed leaned back, wondering when he started feeling so exhausted. “He’s not being an ass about it, surprisingly.” He stared out the window for a few minutes, zoning out again. The sky was changing to a dusky purple, and with belated interest he noted the wall lamps lighting up. The motion of the train was adding to his exhaustion, making it hard to keep his eyes open. 
Alphonse encouraged his brother to sleep, and kept himself occupied joining the others in card games and listening to the stories they told. Edward rested his head against the glass, drifting off as the kilometres flew by. Hours passed and Alphonse found himself awake alone after a while. He watched his brother sleep, fitfully at times, with his forehead pressed to the glass leaving a foggy halo. He read some to pass the time, some notes and parts of the lighter novels he had started. 
Ed stirred eventually, stretching his legs forward with a groan. His eyes opened and he blinked a few times before registering Alphonse across from him.
“Mornin’ Al,” he mumbled checking the horizon. The dark sky dotted with pinprick stars drifted by behind the speeding scenery. “Can you open the window for a bit? ‘S hot in here.” 
“You can sleep more, brother.” Alphonse stood as quietly as he could to crack the window as his brother ran his hands over his face, shuddering as he tried to hold back a yawn. Ed nodded, seeming to miss the words entirely as he sat up straighter and stretched a bit more.
“In a bit,” he swallowed, “weird dreams. Its kinda stifling in here, could use the air.” Ed pulled his legs up onto the seat. He felt so sore, how long had it been? He searched his pockets for his watch.  
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