#sparo talks life
obsessive-bear-walking · 10 months
I'm honestly devastated that Queer terms have become so weaponized in our own community. I hate seeing someone using LGBT instead of Queer and having to wonder if they're exclus or think mspec lesbains and gays are harmful or hate xenogenders or are transmedicalist etc all because fucking TERFS convinced us that Queer was an evil word and people who use it are bad somehow.
Idgaf kind of Queer or lgbt you are, you have a seat at my table. Unconditionally. It doesn't have to be like this. Get your priorities together and open your eyes to the real problems. Please. Choose to love your fellow queers more than you hate yourselves or hate our oppressors or want to be loved by our oppressors. When shit hits the fan, all we will have is each other. They will not stop at "undesirables"(not that such a thing even exists), they never have. They will continue to push and push and no one will be safe but it is never too late to change and open your eyes.
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0veil-ablaze0 · 3 years
Boboiboy AU time, crossposted from my now inactive Wattpad.
Okay, so, Boboiboy and the elementals are siblings, okay? Got it?
Boboiboy is older by a year and the elementals are septuplets. Because I said so.
But plot twist, when the septuplets were born, they were deemed too weak to survive and Amato, who was excited to be a father of eight, is having none of that shit.
And yada yada, plot point, found ochobot, elemental powers and shit, y'know, the fun stuff.
So the elements acts like a life support, how? Idk either man.
One night, uhhhh, the septuplets got kidnapped and Amato angst ensue.
So, Boboiboy, our beloved powerless babey, is our protagonist, if it weren't obvious enough.
Amato in this AU could be a king/hero like in the original series and that makes Boboiboy the prince/son of the hero no one knows about because of the tragedy that struck boy.
Okay, yeah, Boboiboy, never found out about his missing brothers until like, ten. Of course, being a little ten year old and really wanted to be like his father, he wanted to search for them, but Amato's like, "no son, maybe when you're older."
And he did.
At four fucking teen.
He was sent to visit his grandfather, Tok Aba for one, to check on the old man, and two, protection. Boboiboy found Ochobot one fateful night and ye, insert Boboiboy and Gopal adventure music.
So, other main cast introduction:
• Gopal.
Friend of Boboiboy since he was ten, because fuck you, that's why. The only person who knows that Boboiboy is Amato's son, but ends up almost forgetting that.
Powers: Molecular Altercation
We all know how this powers works, and yes, first one to get their power from Ochobot is this guy bc we met the rest mid story.
•'Lightning Thief' or later known as Ada Da
A kid who kept on stealing from the neighborhood, including Tok Aba bc cocoa? Idk.
Powers: Elektrokinesis
Uh, since he never had proper guidance like Gopal, his powers only appears under distress. The only thing he can do at will is shock people. That is, until the duo met again and well, looks like the lighting thief got a new name and a better control over his powers and such.
A lovely girl next door, or town, I guess.
Powers: Barokinesis
After finding out that her powers are barokinesis rather than just, superhuman strength and flight, she could just force you to bow down to her if she wanted to. She might as well revoke your gravity privileges and float you off to space.
Yaya's neighbor next door. A cheerful boy, but sometimes ends up being insensitive sometimes.
Powers: Aerokinesis
Lmao he's literally Aang but waking up and choosing violence first thing in the morning. In all seriousness, keep the boy in control.
Some sweet, shy girl that the gang collectively decides to adopt. Ends up being the baddest bitch in town, girlboss moment.
Powers: Chronokinesis
We all know how this works, originally mistaken as super speed, she can alter time at will at a fair range, but since it's literally time powers, it takes a lot of energy. Puts you in a mini time loop bc you were talking shit about her friends.
Adopted grandson of one of the seven elemental heroes who decided to join Boboiboy's little found family while searching for his bio family gang
Powers: Geokinesis
Power is the most stable and controlled out of everyone because he was trained under his grandfather, when not relying on his powers, he could stand on his own using hand to hand combat.
A mysterious boy once rival, now ally, adopted noble/child of hero Maskmana (s-shut)
Powers: Shadow Manipulation
Obviously not as strong as Molecular Altercations, Gravity, or Time. But he makes up for it with being a master shadow puppeteer, from tiny rats to dragons, the shadows of the galaxy is his personal kingdom.
A foreign boy known for his recklessness and rude tongue.
Powers: Pyrokinesis
We all know this, fire powers, one of the classic powers anyone has think of, though the same case as Ada Da, his powers only respond to emotions, this time: stress and pure jealousy. Jealousy to whom? You'll see.
Brazen's younger, more 'perfect' twin. Not much to say other than the constant targeting of his dearest brother left him, kinda hurt, but easily brushed off.
Powers: Hydro/Cyrokinesis
Water and Ice, two sides of the same coin, just, depending on which surfaces first. His powers are a lot more stable considering, liquid and stuff like that is very flexible on surroundings, yeah, nothing else to add.
Their robot friend from the beginning to the end.
Powers: Power Storage and Transfer, Teleportation
Nuff said
A pirates apprentice of the Sparo crew, naive and cute, but with the ability to kill you.
Powers: Agrokinesis
Unfortunately, not being able to harness it properly with the lack of plant life in the ship. Of course, he adapted by stealing some plants and practices with them, only for the plants to be thrown away by Captain Separo directly, his supposed father.
A wise, quite egotistical, socially awkward young boy, being the book keeper of the ancient library of the past months after the library was left, abandoned
Powers: Photokinesis
Never finding out about it until the library, he trains until he reached perfection. The light shines through him like he was a prism, living life with fractured hues to fill his monochrome life.
I'll write extra stuff about this AU later, I'm lazy or asked.
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Beauty and the Genius Chapter 2
TITLE: Beauty and the Genius Chapter 2 PAIRING: Spencer/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: 2/? SUMMARY: When David Rossi joins the team, so does his daughter Gwendolyn. But what happens when she and the resident genius start developing feelings for each other? How will it affect Rossi and Reid’s team dynamic?
When the team arrived back at Quantico, Gwen was waiting for them.
“What is she still doing here? I would’ve left hours ago,” JJ said.
“Maybe she’s like Hotch and she sleeps, eats, and breathes criminal profiling,” Morgan suggested.
Rossi, on the other hand, knew precisely why she’d stayed until they got back.
Spencer ignored them and walked up to Gwen’s desk. “Hey,” he said.
Gwen looked up and smiled. “Oh, hey Spencer. Ready for that drink?”
He nodded.
“Great.” Gwen stood up and grabbed her things before walking over to her father. “Buona notte, papa (Goodnight daddy).”
Rossi kissed her cheeks. “Buona notte, principessa. Stai attento (Goodnight, princess. Be careful).”
Gwen playfully rolled her eyes. “Sempre. Inoltre, se qualcuno cerca di attaccari, prendo la pistol di Spencer e gli sparo (Always. Besides, if someone tries to attack us, I’ll just take Spencer’s gun and shoot them).” Gwen walked back over to Spencer and looped her arm through his.
Spencer looked at Rossi, who was walking up to Gideon’s old office.
“Come on. I know a great coffee shop not far from here,” Gwen told Spencer.
“Won’t it be closed at this hour?”
“It’s a twenty-four hour one.”
Spencer laughed. “Wow.”
“I know right? I told them they should make their motto, “Here to satisfy your caffeine cravings. No matter what time!”
“Maybe instead of consulting on occult crime, you should consult on mottos and slogans.”
The two of them continued to banter as the elevator doors closed.
Morgan wiped away a fake tear. “They grow up so fast.”
Emily laughed.
True to her word, they started out discussing how Samhain had evolved into Halloween, despite it technically being the early morning hours of November 1st.
Which eventually led to the question Gwen knew Spencer had been waiting to ask. “So how’d you get into studying the occult?” Spencer asked.
Gwen shrugged. “Call it growing up with a strict Catholic family. I mean, my dad isn’t but my grandmother sure is. We visit her in Italy every now and then.”
“And Rossi didn’t mind?”
Gwen snorted. “My father doesn’t tell me to do anything. He trusts me to make my own decisions about my life.”
“Do you have a specialization? Any particular thing you like to study?” Gwen shook her head.
“Not really. I’ve studied just about any path you can think of. Although, the subject of witchcraft has always interested me. Thankfully, in most civilized societies being a witch doesn’t warrant a burning or hanging.”
“About 0.4% of American’s identify as Wiccan or following some earth based religion. The rates of people becoming interested in witchcraft have actually been on the rise whereas the number of people identifying as Christian have been declining in recent years.”
Gwen’s eyes went wide as he spouted off more information about religion and rates of people identifying with different sects.
Spencer noticed the look on her face and stopped talking.
“Why did you stop?” Gwen asked him.
“People normally find it annoying when I ramble on about something.”
“I found it interesting.”
Spencer’s cheeks turned pink. “Really?”
Gwen nodded. “Yeah. I love learning. It’s also refreshing to meet someone who takes me seriously. Most people are like “Magic isn’t real. What? Do you think we live in Harry Potter or something?” or “Oh, that’s interesting, but what kind of career can you have researching that? So I know what it’s like to have people constantly put you down because of your interests. You don’t have to hold back with me.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Gwen leaned forward and put her head in her hand. “Honestly, I could listen to you talk all day.” She winked at Spencer as his cheeks turned a brighter pink.
Spencer laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair.
Gwen giggled, seeing his reaction.
“Um…I should probably be getting home. Never know when they’re going to call us in,” Spencer said, “But…can I walk you to your car? I won’t if that makes you comfortable. You’re more likely to being attacked walking alone since you’re female.” Spencer’s eyes went wide. “Oh my god. I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant…”
Gwen cut him off, preventing him from embarrassing himself any more. “I’d like that.”
They left the coffee shop and walked back towards the FBI parking garage.
Spencer’s mouth dropped open when he saw her car. “This is your car?”
Gwen blushed in embarrassment. “Yeah. My dad bought it for me. He kind of insisted. Well I guess I’ll see you later.”
Spencer nodded. “Yeah. Later.”
Gwen raised up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight, Spencer.”
“Buona notte, Gwen.”
Gwen smiled. “I…I assumed it meant goodnight. Going off the way Ro…your father said it,” Spencer told her.
“It does.”
“Okay. Well goodnight.”
Gwen giggled. “Buona notte, Spencer.”
Spencer turned around and walked towards his car with a smile on his face.
Gwen had a matching one as she got inside her car.
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sparo-about · 3 years
Aro, Autistic, Anxious
Sparo/Saul | 25 | Man (Home Made) | He/Him, Saul/Saulself, bear/he
Studying: Judaism, Biblical Hebrew, Yiddish
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Relationship Orientation: Monogamous Instagram
Make My Body Your Canvas
This is a personal blog so there's a bit of everything! As I said up there I'm a man and you can call me Sparo or Saul, either work. Sparo is a combination of Sparrow and Aromantic, said like the bird. I have a Pronouns.Page but you don't have to look at it. My blog is pretty mild but I will very rarely post explicit stuff(no images). You can block my tag "going full homo do you guys want anything" if you're sex repulsed or would just rather not see it, it's my general nsfw tag. I sometimes refer to myself in third person because I'm barely gendered or named correctly in real life and wasn't even remotely respected until like late last year or something despite having been out for quite a few years now. If you can't find validation in your family, home made is fine.
You Live in a Society, I Live in the Rawring Twenties.
Cringe is dead, fellas, lets get you some interests!
I wont follow minors unless it's a large community blog with minors on it, my URL will always be SFW and kink free, but I do not want to make anyone uncomfortable.
DNI's don't work and aren't read often but know if your do read this I block exclus, terfs, swerfs, and assholes.
If you are uncomfortable with me interacting I apologize most sincerely and suggest the block button so it doesn't accidentally happen again. Boundaries are always something I try to respect.
I probably have CPTSD but my doctors start sweating bullets whenever I try to talk about anything they don't want to focus on.
I'm an aspiring writer and artist.
You'll see some comics stuff on here, sorry. I like superheroes.
I shouldn't even have to say this but I know how to consume media critically.
I guess you could say I'm a "Swiftie" but I wouldn't personally.
I like being over gendered, sorry I'm basic.
Watching: Noting right now listening on repeat: Pavement by Saywecanfly Working On: Writing
Q: DC or Marvel? A: DC, with some exceptions.
Q: Vampires or Werewolves? A: I crave both. Give me isolated monsters who crave a gentle touch.
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poison-in-my-pen · 6 years
Sparrow and the Wolf
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A Falcon x Winter Soldier series 
As told through the eyes of Bucky.
“I cant believe I let you talk me into this.” I sighed as I closed the passenger side door.
“No one is immune to my persuasive skill set.” Sam states as he slid into the drivers seat of the custom convertible.
He pushes a silver button on the steering wheel and the red interior lights flashed as the convertible purrs to life.
“Tony is going to kill you.” I say matter-of-factly. “You know how passionate he gets about his toys.”
Sam presses another button and the door to the garage opens.
“What Tony doesn’t know…” Sam trails off as the car slowly inches forward unto the driveway. The garage door closes and Sam’s smile beamed brighter than the headlights. “It’s boys night out. I think he’d approved.”
“Sureee.” I answered under my breath, watching as HQ disappeared from sight in the sideview mirror.
Sam accelerated and the car growled menacingly as we cruised down the open road.
Thirty minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of a shady establishment. I got out of the car and gazed up at flashing neon lights of the bar front that read “Sparo nd he Wlf”
The interior looked exactly as you would imagine a “in the middle of nowhere” hole in the wall dive bar to be. Whatever you think, that’s exactly what it was. Dimly lit, grimy, disarming, and homely with an ancient Ms. Pac-Man console, a jukebox that played country love songs, a pool table and locals playing darts.
“Perfect.” Sam says as he eyed the place approvingly.
I gave him a look.
Sam pats me on the back as he stepped forward. “It’s the only thing for miles, plus places like this make for the best stories.”
I followed a few steps behind him aware of the eyes that watched our every move. My inner soldier, who was always ready for the fight sized everyone up inconspicuously. 
I was ready and armed (no pun intended) if need be.
“Everything is cool.” Sam encourages as he placed his jacket behind his chair. We sat at the bar and he ordered a round of drinks. “You can take the soldier out of the fight, but you can’t take the fight out of the soldier.”
I laughed taking a long gulp of the cold and refreshing beer. “How I’m wired”
“Not judging man, I get it. But there’s more to life than the fight.”
“Life is the fight.”
Sam laughs. “Touché.”
The high pitched laughter caught both our attention as our heads turned to the left facing the ladies around the pool table, who howled with triumph.
“Hey, Sal another round.” The lady with the fiery red hair says as she approached the bar. We made eye contact and she looked away first with a smile on her face.
The bartender places a pitcher on the counter. The lady drops a twenty dollar bill and grabs the pitcher. I felt her looking at me through my peripheral and this time I smiled as I brought the glass to my lips.
“So, what’s your story?” Sam asked as the lady walked back towards the pool table.
I turned to look at him. “You know my story. Everyone knows my story.”
It’s so strange when the world knows more about your life than you do. I thought.
“I haven’t heard it directly from the source.”
I laughed. “What do you want to know?”
“What’s it like…being influenced.”
“Brainwashed you mean.”
“I was being politically-correct.”
“Ha. Well, it’s like being in the passenger seat of your own body. Not having any control over the things you do. I had no concept of right and wrong, killing was a mission and my only aim was to complete that mission.
“Do you remember the kills?”
I took a final gulp of the beer. “I remember them all. That’s something that cannot be erased from the brain, no matter how times they hit the reset button.”
“Damn, dude that’s some heavy shit. Bartender another round.” Sam gestures. “Have you considered therapy, Bruce is a doctor.”
“Bruce is not that kind of doctor.”
“Right. But how do you cope, knowing that you were a brainwashed super soldier assassin that killed on behalf of Hydra.”
“When you put it like that.”
“Excuse me.”
Saved by the bell, I thought. This was not a conversation I wanted to have in a place like this.
Sam and I turned to the face the woman with the dark hair and dimples.
“My friend and I.” She beckoned to the woman I saw earlier with the fiery hair. “Wanted to know if you would care to play a game of pool with us. Our friends left and it’s boring playing one on one.”
I turned to Sam who was beaming. “Absolutely.”
“What’s your name?” The fiery hair lady asked as she racked the balls.
“I’m Caroline. My friend who is flirting with your friend is Flower.”
“And he’s Sam.”
She cues the ball, her eyes steady on my own as she pulls back her stick and breaks. The balls scattered with a loud thud.
“Solids.” She claims.
“Damn, girl.” Sam interjects. “You aren’t playing games.”
Caroline smiles at Sam and winks at me. Her body brushes past me and I got a whiff of her scent. Cherry, alcohol and lust. She bends seductively, her cleavage on full display as she slams a solid ball into the corner pocket close to my crotch.
It’s fair to say that the ladies won all five games and all drinks were on us. Caroline excused herself to the bathroom while Sam and Flower made out heavily against the wall farthest away from prying eyes.
Sam was under the heavy influence of alcohol and I barely had a buzz, a downside to being over a hundred years old and and enhanced.
Caroline reappears with her purse and leather jacket, her fingers running along my arm. “Let’s get out of here.”
She didn’t give me a chance to respond this was a command and not an ask. I smiled at her forwardness.
“Hey, lets go, we’re leaving.” She says loudly as Sam and Flower emerged from the darkness.
We closed out our tab and Sam grabbed his jacket from the chair as we four stumbled out into the crisp nightly air. We walked across the lot and gaped at the empty car space.
I peered at Sam and he looked at me wide eyed.
“Dude, where’s the car?”
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Bad Apple - Elle Kennedy, RECENSIONE
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Titolo: Bad Apple Autore: Elle Kennedy Vuoi ricevere in anteprima le nostre uscite ?
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Recensione Italiano
Bad Apple – Elle Kennedy Cari readers, oggi vi parlerò del libro di Elle Kennedy “Bad Apple”, rifacimento del precedente “Midnight Encounters” scritto nel 2008. Premetto che non ho letto la precedente versione e, anche se molto incuriosita, non ho cercato online per capire quanto fosse cambiato. Capitolo dopo capitolo, i due protagonisti Maggie Reilly, una conturbante rossa all’apparenza granitica, con il solo interesse per il lavoro e lo studio ma con un passato alquanto doloroso e Ben Barrett, l’attore di Hollywood del momento, più famoso per le sue lovestory che quotidianamente finiscono sulle riviste e i siti di gossip, che per le sue performance al cinema, ci raccontano come uno scherzo del destino possa cambiare loro la vita, da un momento all’altro. “Sparo a Trisha uno sguardo, del tipo che dice: una parola e ti uccido. La mia vita sessuale non deve essere di dominio pubblico tra i miei colleghi. È già abbastanza brutto che Trisha lo sappia, ma una sera mi ha fatto ubriacare e mi ha tirato fuori i dettagli.” Elle Kennedy con “Bad Apple” ci trascina in una favola moderna, dove i vari personaggi hanno ruoli ben definiti. Ho rivisto molto delle classiche storie Disney in questo romanzo con un tocco di “Fifty Shades”. Nonostante possa sembrare una storia già vissuta, non risulta mai banale. "Oh, sii gentile. Lou bacia la terra su cui cammini". "Sì, quando non guarda il football. Fatti un favore, Mags. Non uscire mai con un uomo che preferisce guardare grossi teppisti sudati rincorrere una palla in un campo che parlare con la sua ragazza". Travolte dalla quotidianità che spesso ci delude e dello stress del lavoro, ormai pensiamo che il principe azzurro esista solo nei nostri sogni. Lo sa bene Maggie, cresciuta tra una casa-famiglia e l’altra, senza affetto e senza conoscere il vero amore. Ma può la vita cambiare completamente in meno di dieci giorni? Può una passione travolgente trasformarsi in così poco tempo in qualcosa di più? “La luce stuzzicante lascia i suoi occhi blu, sostituita da un'altra dose di pura, sfrenata fame. Rabbrividisco sotto il suo sguardo caldo, sentendomi come Cappuccetto Rosso che sta per essere consumata per intero dal grande lupo cattivo.” …come diceva qualcuno se puoi sognarlo puoi farlo! Buona lettura. Rita
Recensione Inglese
Bad Apple – Elle Kennedy Dear readers, today I'm going to tell you about Elle Kennedy's book "Bad Apple", a remake of the previous "Midnight Encounters" written in 2008. I will preface this by saying that I did not read the previous version and, although very intrigued, I did not look online to see how much had changed.Chapter after chapter, the two main Maggie Reilly, a striking redhead, apparently rock-solid, with only an interest in work and study but with a rather painful past and Ben Barrett, the Hollywood movie star, more famous for his love stories that daily end up in magazines and gossip sites, than for his acting performances, tell us how a twist of fate can change their lives, from one moment to another. “I shoot Trisha a glare, the kind that says one word and I’ll kill you. My sex life doesn’t need to be common knowledge among my coworkers. It’s already bad enough that Trisha knows about it, but she got me drunk one night and pried the details out of me.” Elle Kennedy with "Bad Apple" pulls us into a modern fairytale where the various characters have well-defined roles. I saw a lot of the classic Disney stories in this novel with a touch of "Fifty Shades". Although it may seem like a story that has already been lived, it never comes across as trite.“Aw, be nice. Lou kisses the ground you walk on.” “Yeah, when he’s not watching football. Do yourself a favor, Mags. Never date a man who’d rather watch big sweaty goons chase a ball around a field than talk to his girlfriend.”Overwhelmed by the everyday life that often disappoints us and the stress of work, we now think that Prince Charming exists only in our dreams. Maggie knows it well, growing up between one foster home and another, without affection and without knowing true love. But can life change completely in less than ten days? Can an overwhelming passion turn into something more in such a short time?“The teasing light leaves his blue eyes, replaced with another dose of pure, unrestrained hunger. I shiver under his hot stare, feeling like Little Red Riding Hood about to be consumed whole by the big bad wolf.” ...As someone said if you can dream it you can do it! Happy reading.Rita  SCOPRI IL NOSTRO TEAM Vuoi ricevere in anteprima le nostre uscite ?
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Trama Italiano
Bad Apple – Elle Kennedy Una notte con lui le cambierà la vita...Tra il suo lavoro di cameriera, il volontariato e le lezioni al college, non ci sono mai abbastanza ore nella giornata di Maggie Reilly. Soprattutto non per una relazione. Fortunatamente, ha l'accordo perfetto: un amante che incontra tre o quattro volte all'anno. Ma quando si presenta all'hotel aspettandosi di andare a letto con un uomo, finisce accidentalmente con un altro: Ben Barrett, il più noto bad boy di Hollywood.Ben, determinato a tenere un basso profilo dopo un altro scandalo, vuole solo un po' di sonno necessario. Quello che ottiene è una bollente sessione di baci con una bellissima rossa nuda. Non accetterà le sue scuse, ma quello che accetterà è un posto dove nascondersi... e se c'è di mezzo del sesso bollente e senza legami, perché diavolo no? Ma Ben scoprirà presto che una settimana con la sua impertinente e saltellante cameriera non è assolutamente sufficiente. Vuole di più. Molto di più.Ora deve convincere l'avversa alle relazioni Maggie che un cattivo ragazzo potrebbe essere un bene per lei e la cosa migliore che sia mai capitata ad entrambi.(Nota dell'autore) * Precedentemente pubblicato nel 2008, Bad Apple (ex Midnight Encounters) presenta quasi interamente nuovi contenuti, compreso un cambio di punto di vista. Godetevi questa nuova versione di uno dei vecchi preferiti! 
Trama Inglese
Bad Apple – Elle Kennedy One night with him will change her life... Between her waitressing job, volunteer work, and college classes, there are never enough hours in Maggie Reilly’s day. Especially not for a relationship. Luckily, she’s got the perfect arrangement: a lover she meets three or four times a year. But when she shows up at the hotel expecting to hop into bed with one man, she accidentally ends up with another—Ben Barrett, Hollywood’s most notorious bad boy. Ben, determined to lay low after another scandal, just wants some much-needed sleep. What he gets is a scorching make-out session with a gorgeous, naked redhead. He won’t accept her apology, but what he will accept is a place to hide out…and if there’s some hot, no-strings sex involved, why the heck not? But Ben soon discovers that one week with his sassy, bed-hopping waitress is definitely not enough. He wants more. A lot more.Now he needs to convince relationship-averse Maggie that a bad boy might be oh so good for her—and the best thing that’s ever happened to both of them. (Author Note) * Previously published in 2008, Bad Apple (formerly Midnight Encounters) features almost entirely new content, including a point-of-view switch. Enjoy this new version of an old favorite! Bad Apple – Elle Kennedy Buona lettura, Rita. Se ti è piaciuta questa recensione ti consiglio di acquistare questo libro direttamente su Amazon  Cliccando qui Ringraziamo di cuore a tutti quelli che continueranno a sostenerci seguendoci e per chi farà una piccola donazione! Grazie di cuore! Autrice consigliata : monique vane SERVIZI ONLINE PER IL TUO LIBRO Read the full article
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sonisis · 6 years
The Rose Bride: Chapter 4
So like I had to stop doing chapter art, life is getting busy again but I don’t want to take a whole month to upload because I’m really invested in this story.
As always you can read here on FF!
The Rose Bride: Chapter 4
Amy had awoken that morning to the sounds of clanking metal coming from the outside. Finding herself on the ground she picked herself up and walked towards to window to find Bucky and the Green Bird sparing against one another with León judging the both of them. Seeing them both outside meant no one was guarding the door so she looked for a fresh pair of clothing located in a dresser and showed herself to the Bathroom and prepared herself a warm tub of water. The room was adorned with so many live roses in vases and victorian era wallpaper, since there was so many Roses she took a few flowers to scatter their petals in the bath water to make a nice refreshing soak. Amy felt emotionally drained, she needed something to perk her up and thankfully a nice hot relaxing bath was enough to ease her, but with the now added rose petals she felt like a princess. Well she was already being treated like a princess because she was being kept away in a guarded castle.
After the bath she changed into a similar outfit she wore the day before and made her way to the dining area. Arriving she found herself in a dark wooden room with a long oak dining table that seats 22, below it was an even longer red carpet with gold embroidery, at the end of the room was an empty fireplace and the whole place was being lit up by the natural light coming from outside the large gothic styled windows. It was odd, there was already a meal placed out on the dining table but no one was around. Amy had heard people walking around the Estate but it seems that everyone kept to themselves. She took a seat in front of her plate and began to eat her breakfast. Everything was calm, everything was peaceful, if it wasn't for the reality that Amy was being held here against her will this would've been a wonderful morning.
Sonic was keeping his balance on the X-Tornado, Tails was flying as fast but as carefully as possible towards their destination. Knuckles was taking a nap in the second seat, he decided to tag along since Tails was worried about any fights with any knights and knowing Knuckles' incredible strength it will definitely help the mission if that situation were to come.
"So Tails, how much longer till we reach Spagonia? I'm starting to get a little hungry" Sonic chuckled as he patted his stomach.
"Not much longer, I think we'll be there in about an hour more!"
"Alright" Sonic gave a thumbs up all while his stomach was roaring, the gang had been traveling since 3am and they hadn't made any pit stops to fill up or stop for breakfast so Sonic was getting really hungry. He decided that the best thing to do his to try and distract himself from his hunger so he decided to pester Knuckles next. "So Knux, did you and Rouge ever find anything?"
Knuckles opened one eye and looked up. "Believe it or not it was Rouge that found it this time. Apparently there's a cave called 'The cave of Roses' in Spagonia that could be linked to Amy's family but no one's sure. There's these huge sculptures made on the walls of the cave that symbolize a warrior of some sort, they're all holding different weapons but all of the figures are the same. Besides that there's no writings or hidden treasures inside the cave, but because the carvings are so amazing people take some harsh hikes up to see it. Besides that we didn't find anything else and the cave really wasn't all that important, but if we don't find Amy where we're headed then I guess we should check there next."
"Huh, sounds cool, should probably check it out some point though."
"We can see them after we save Amy, Sonic." Tails scolded him
"Yeah I know! But just saying it sounds interesting."
Little towards the end of Amy's meal her attention was caught by the sound of the dining room door opening. In walked in the Green bird knight with muddied shoes tracking mud all over the floor, she could hear a maid yelling behind him to remove his shoes along with the louds sounds sounds of a mop hitting a filled bucket.
"Sorry Maid Muriel! I will be quick in getting a snack!" The Green bird turned around in surprise to find Amy finishing up her meal. Before he could shine a charming smile, Amy 'hmpf' and turned her head.
She was still mad about not only her cake getting destroyed but being taken to her Family's estate against her will.
The male bird stared at her "Was breakfast not to your liking Rose?"
"You know I have a name? Have any of you guys bothered to ask?" Amy responded in a rude tone.
"Now that you mention it you've been here for 2 days now and I've never introduced myself to you, my name is Sparo the Suzume." He reached his hand to give a formal handshake.
Amy hesitantly goes to shake it. "I'm Amy, Amy Rose. So tell me, how come I can't leave the Estate grounds? I was able to go everywhere when I was younger and no one stopped me."
"That's because you're 16, the age you're ready to become a Rose Bride, before then it didn't matter what you did or where you went so long as you came back." Sparo started heading towards the kitchen.
His response was kind of annoying to Amy, she couldn't help but get a little snappy. "So you just let me run around but now because you need me you're keeping me here against my will!"
"Woah Woah, no we're not." Sparo turned back around to address Amy, he didn't want to seem like the bad guy here. "You're free to go as you please around the Estate, if you want to go past that you can just ask me to take you, all you need is to have a knight by your side to keep you safe."
Amy looked at him with a dumbfounded look, it's clear this guy wasn't very sharp in terms of ethics. "You know that's still creepy… right?"
Sparo faced the kitchen door. "Listen I don't make the rules Rose, there's a bunch of rules in a book somewhere, if you want go check the library for it it's on the second floor. I'd answer your questions but I'm hungry." Sparo pushed the door into the kitchen once again leaving Amy alone and annoyed.
As soon as the kitchen door stopped swinging Amy slammed her fist on top of the table"Gosh! That lousy! ARRRG!" Amy was annoyed and angered, these boys have done nothing but tell her what she is but leave her the moment they had to do something, was she really expected to marry one of these uncouth men? Heck it took them this long for only one of them to ask for her name, actually he didn't even ask for it he just introduced himself! "These guys I swear! Once Sonic finds me I'm going to have him take me far far FAR from this place!"
Amy looked down at her empty plate and began to think about Sonic. Oh she sure hoped he was coming to her rescue, she didn't think she could live one more moment near any of these guys! Since she had nothing else to do today and she needed more time to plan a different escape plan she thought about what Sparo had just told her. "'There's a bunch of rules in a book somewhere' huh? Maybe that Book has a loophole I can use, to the Library!" Alone Amy extended her pointer finger as if she was talking to someone, but in reality it was good she was alone because she felt like a complete dunce doing it.
Arriving in front of the library's door Amy found herself in a small room with Thick curtains covering the only window in the room to prevent the sun from damaging any sensitive pieces of literature, the place was crammed with Books. Books on the shelves against the wall, books on the shelves that stood on the floor, there was more books than rings in the special stage and Amy was mesmerized by it. As much as she enjoyed a good book her mission today was to find out as much as she could about the Knights and the Rose Bride, with dedication Amy ripped the blinds open to release some good natural light into the room and began to search through the large collection of books.
Book by book, shelf by shelf it was beginning to feel a bit tedious but Amy's determination didn't let her stop. 'Let's seeeeee...Moby Dick, nope…. Princess and the Pauper, I love this one but nope...The rare 5th epilogue to that romantic vampire story that ended centuries ago, ok Maybe I'll just take this one for when I go back to the room.' Amy was thinking to herself carefully looking at every book and carefully glancing through the pages for quick context of it's content. Finally she found a book with a golden rose painted on the side of the spine. "Yes this has to be it!" Amy quickly glanced in to find out it was actually a diary that belonged to her Grandmother, Amy was mostly looking for information on the knights but maybe she could learn more about being a Rose Bride from a former Rose Bride.
Amy was surprised to find out the Diary was dated as far back as her 8 year old Grandmother, her hand writing and grammar was horrible but that was expected of someone so young. In her diary she talked about her friends, her pets, the games she played that morning, all cute and interesting but Amy wanted to know about the Rose Bride. A few pages later she was getting around the passages when her Grandma was 10 years old, that's when the Rose Bride started popping up. All though it was just briefly mentioned, all her Grandma wrote down was that she had just found out the Rose Bride and that her Mother was going to tell her more about it. A few more pages past that She finally got back to it.
'Dear Diary,
My Mom told me something weird "When the 16th petal has fallen, only then has the Rose matured enough to become a Bride" I didn't quite understand it but I guess it's been passed along for a long time. Mom said that when I turn 16 I will have to choose a knight to become my champion and that she'll tell me more as I grow older to prepare me for that special day.
Yours Truly,
Lily Rose'
"Ok so there's that but is there anything else?" Amy flipped through more pages of her Grandmother's life, it was strange to her that as big of a deal being a "Rose Bride" was to her family and Knights, her Grandma didn't mention it a lot. After a few more pages she found the Rose Bride mentioned again on Grandma's 14th Birthday.
'Dear Diary,
I'm getting closer to becoming a Rose Bride, to be entirely honest I'm beginning to get worried. My Mom says it's no big deal but the whole thing my mom said about the 16 petals and becoming a bride, it's still confusing, I don't even know what boy I like right now! Maybe it'll get better once I grow a little older. One of the older knights did approach me though, he's nice but I feel like he's too old.
Yours Truly,
Lily Rose
"Not a big deal? Hmm…" Amy flipped through more pages and quickly found Rose Bride mentioned again and again, it was around this time of her Grandma's life she was getting more anxious about it, soon after every page had mentioned the Rose Bride at least once but always saying the same two things, the 16 petals proverb and choosing a knight. It was during these times Amy read about every knight that Approached her Grandmother and her feelings for them, the one that was too short, too scary, too mean, and so forth, it made Amy giggle a bit to see such a side of her Grandma that she never got to see. Getting closer to her Grandma's 16th birthday she started talking more and more about one Knight in particular, a Handsome Hedgehog by the name of 'Will', Her Grandma would spend pages just talking about it, it was clear to see she was in love and it came to no surprise to Amy to read that on her 16th Birthday she asked the knight to become his Bride. Amy 'Awwwed' so much, reading about 2 love birds and reading the happy ending they had, Amy almost forgot to keep on eye on the Rose Bride mentions but after that her Grandma didn't talk about it much, if not at all. For the rest of the Diary Grandma only talked about her love, her sorrows, and just her day to day life, she did mention the Rose brides a couple of times but only mentions that members of the family turned 16 so it was their time but after that not much else about it.
After reading about her late Grandmother's life Amy closed the book and carefully but it back. "Maybe it wasn't a huge deal to my Grandma because she already knew who she wanted to choose, yeah that's probably it, but I wish she talked about a way to get out of this." Amy sighed and continued her search for Rose and Knight books. Before she knew it the light in the Library grew dim as the day turned to dusk, before Amy was able to turn over for the day and try again she found a book with a small knight insignia on the side of it's spine and after a quick glance she saw she had found what she was originally looking for, titled: The knights code, and in that book contained the entire history of the 10 Spagonian Knights and the Rose Family.
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krinsbez · 5 years
My Superheroverse: GEASA
As the DNApes was one of the more popular of my self-reblogs, I’m gonna start posting, for the first time tumblr, and sometimes, perhaps, anywhere, stuff from my personal superheroverse.
If I’m gonna go more into my superheroverse, there are some basics I gotta lay down first.
To begin with, the 'Verse is centered around the Global Extranormal Affairs and Services Agency, GEASA for short. It's the international organization in charge of interacting with superpowered types, aliens, magic-users, dudes in costumes, and all the other such people, collectively referred to as "extranormals". Founded in the period after WWII when the US and Soviets had realized they were going to be enemies but hadn't gotten around to admitting it yet, GEASA is organized like a deck of cards. It has four main branches, named after the four suits in cards: -Hearts: In charge of PR, interacting with governments and other agencies, etc. as well as handling bureaucratic and administrative stuff. -Diamonds: In charge of R&D, not only into superhuman powers themselves, but into the various exotic technologies and magic that crop up in such a setting. -Spades: In charge of dealing with the capture, confinement, and if necessary elimination of hostile extranormals -Clubs: In charge of dealing with friendly extranormals; includes registration, training, and providing various services. Following the card theme, personnel are ranked "Two of X" to "Ten of X". Each branch is run by an Ace, supported by a King, Queen, and Jack. The organization as a whole is run by the Black Joker and Red Joker. GEASA's remit is fairly extensive, having grown from "deal with superpowered types" to "deal with anything related to extranormals" over the decades. In order to become a superhero, one must have a license. To obtain this license, one must first fill out an application, which can be acquired at any GEASA office. The application requires one to list one's code name, powers, extant enemies, and contact info. The form also has spaces for power origin, real identity, place of residence, etc. but this is optional. The data thus submitted is 100% confidential, and is kept in secure facilities (they've had a grand total of 3 breaches in the over half a century that they've been collectign this data) After submitting the form, one waits for them to contact you, and establish dates and times to submit to a series of examinations, testing your physical abilties and psychological state, in order to determine if you've got the right stuff for the job. If you pass these tests, the next step is training. All prospective superheroes are trained in controlling and optimizing their powers, hand-to-hand combat, detective skills, their legal rights and responsibilities, ethics, how to preserve one's secret identity, and first aid. One may apply for more advanced training in these, and many other subjects, ranging from swordplay and marksmanship to xenobiology and time travel physics, to magery and exorcism. As a final exercise, the trainee is given the name of a civilian who died due to extranormal activity, and told to research that person's life, death, and loved ones; the idea of course, being to impress upon the trainee the importance of avoiding collateral casualties. (side note: this was inspired by the bit in 52 when Black Adam reminds Power Girl how many people died during Infinite Crisis) Upon completing training, one receives a license that permits one to engage in superheroing activity, testify in court while masked, and be immune to lawsuits for collateral damage and suchlike. One is also assigned a case-worker and a therapist, regular visits to both being mandatory. In addition to this, GEASA offers superheroes an array of services, including medical treatment, financial add, tutoring (for those superheroes who have not completed their educations), access to social events, etc. One of GEASA's most important tools is the Aigle family. In the early Renaissance (in my superheroverse, the age of heroes didn't start before WWII; there have ALWAYS been superheroes and villains; the numbers increased dramatically in the 1900s, and they haven't gone down since), a peasant named Aigle was found to have the ability to negate superpowers (modern science has discovered that the Aigles do what they do by generating reality-warping "exotic energies"). So did his seven children (four girls, three boys). Subsequently, said children became effectively the property of the Crown. Over the next several centuries, the Aigle family was treated not only as chattel, but as cattle, bred for their gifts cousin to cousin, sibling to sibling, parent to child. This breeding reached its pinnacle in the early 1800s, with a generation able to permanently remove powers from people they'd never met. This same generation was the first of their family in centuries to be liberated, given the same rights and privileges as any French citizen. By this time of course, the Aigles had become a rather odd and clannish bunch, with their own customs and dialect, often quite alien to that of their countrymen. Still, they took to exogamy with a vengeance, finding love not only with people outside their family, but outside their race; Jews and Gypsies, Arabs and Africans, even Indians of both types. By the 1930s, the Aigles could no longer be called Caucasian. Needless to say, the Nazi occupation was not pleasant for them. Faced with the prospect of returning to enslavement or worse, the Aigle's made the difficult decision to scatter. Some managed to smuggle themselves to other nations. Some hid amongst the people of France. More than a few simply committed suicide. And, sadly, some were captured by the Nazis, and either pressed into service against Allied superhumans or experimented on. WWII was thus a horribly traumatic experience for the Aigle family, and they resolved to never again to be so powerless. With this in mind, they joined GEASA en masse. The fledgling agency welcomed them, not only because of their gift, but because their lack of national or ideological loyalties made them ideal agents for an organization trying desperately not to be a pawn in the Cold War. Today, Aigles can be found in every branch of GEASA at every level, including the Black Joker herself, Dorothee Adelaide Aigle. Since WWII, they've become less exogamous, but the outbreeding has had the effect of weakening their gift; the most any of them can do is temporarily turn-off powers of someone they're looking at, and many cannot even do that, merely being able to weaken powers. Also, periodically someone will appear who is so strong that they are immune. In addition to the Aigles, GEASA employs other "unconventional" personnel. For example, the Diamonds branch is positively infested with variably reformed Mad Scientists; also Mad Psychics, Mad Alchemists, Mad Sorcerers…you get the idea. Speaking of personnel, each branch is further divided into general personnel and special taskforces. A small sampling: Hearts: -The Red Knights are GEASA’s Internal Affairs division. The name comes from the fact that the unit is led by Kai Ectorsson, the time-lost seneschal of Camelot. -The Enforcers, despite the rather aggressive name, are in fact a team of lawyers and diplomats, tasked with making sure the nations of the world abide by the various Extranormal-related treaties that have sprung up over the years, and taking appropriate measures when those treaties are violated.
Spades: -Special Protocol Armed Response Operations, or SPARO, units are the GEASA equivalent of SWAT teams, tasked with providing paramilitary backup to both regular agents and superheroes. SPARO troopers are highly trained, well-equipped, and can go head to head with just about any special forces unit in the world (barring the Gurkhas, of course) and come out on top. The SPARO’s finest hour was undoubtedly Operation: GEMINI, when seven SPARO teams invaded Hell. I’ll be talking more about Operation: GEMINI later, as well as about a particular team. -The Curse-Breakers, sometimes also called the Witch-Finders (a term they hate, BTW), are tasked with hunting down minor Black magic practitioners (the big stuff tends to get handled by mystic super-heroes) and cleaning up their mess. The Curse-Breakers are known for being very leery of the word “witch”, preferring the term “maleficars”. They also tend to get apoplectic when people mention old-school witch trials and the Malleus Maleficarum.
Diamonds: -The Forecasters are a team of psychics, oracles, mystics, and computer programmers who use a combination of ESP, prophecy, divination, and computer modeling to predict the future. Their record is spotty (they have a tendency to be either kind of vague or so specific that nothing can be done), but they have managed to provide warning of several major crises and many more minor ones, so they’re kept around. The head of the unit is a firm believer in Cartomancy via regular playing cards, and all members of the unit have at least some skill in the art. They unsurprisingly also have a reputation as card sharks. -The Brave Little Tailors are a team of scientists and sorcerers tasked with finding ways of working with people with “lesser” powers, and enhancing them into “big league” status. Their work is somewhat controversial, and due to unfortunate incidents in the past, they are very carefully monitored.
Clubs: -Team Hollywood is made up of publicists and copyright attorneys, tasked with helping superheroes license their names and images for various products, and making sure that they get the most bucks for their bang, if you catch my meaning. It is rumored that certain elements within the Hearts branch feel that Team Hollywood’s responsibilities fall under their bailiwick, and so a certain amount of rivalry exists. -The Cleaners are the unit sent in when a superhero’s identity is compromised. It is their task to evaluate the damage, determine what steps need to be taken to fix the situation, and then take those steps. This can range from coming up with cover stories, to bribes, to memory wipes, to making like Witsec. Over the years, GEASA has developed its own unique culture. Part of this is a collection of slang and terminology of their own creation. A small sampling:
-VILL: Used the way ordinary cops use “perp”; as in “The vill calls himself Krimson Komet.” Is simply a shortened form of the word “villain”. -BOKE: An attack by a giant-sized animal; as in “We’ve got a spider boke in Cleveland.” Some years ago, the there was a bit of a craze amongst Aigile children for The Hoboken Chicken Emergency, a book by Daniel Pinkwater, in which Hoboken, New Jersey is “terrorized” by a giant chicken. This led to attacks by giant monsters being referred to as “hoboken chicken emergencies”, which was subsequently shortened to “hoboken chickens”, then “hobokens”, then just “bokes”.
-DEAD FISH: A situation that is spiraling out of control; as in “I’ve got a real dead fish on my hands here.” In the 1970s, GEASA’s Ankara office received a package containing a dead fish. A comedy of errors subsequently ensued, in which a series of mistakes, misunderstandings, and misguided attempts at revenge and/or humor resulted in various GEASA offices sending each other increasingly large packages of dead fish, culminating six years later in the Pentagon Liason Office receiving a package containing two and half dead hammerhead sharks and seven seahorses. At this point, an embarrassed Red Joker stepped in and put an end to the practice.
-KOSCH: The act of a government, police force, corporation, or other non-GEASA organization being uncooperative; as in “The local cops are kosching me.” In the mid-1980s, the Soviet government came into possession of several artifact that had belonged to the undead sorcerer Koschei the Deathless. Rather than handing said artifacts to GEASA as obligated by treaty, they decided to experiment with them. Subsequently, the CIA tumbled to the project; rather than calling in GEASA as was their treaty obligation, they decided to sabotage the project. Due to not really grasping the forces being dealt with, said sabotage resulted in Koschei being restored to (un)life, and subsequently going on a conquering spree. Rather than do the sensible thing and call on GEASA’s expertise, the Soviet government tried to deal with the situation themselves. Two months later, they realized they were out of their depth and made the call. At this point, the situation was beyond the ability of the normal protocols to contain, and specialized plans had to be enacted. However, since the Soviets did not know what precisely went wrong, they were unable to provide the data for said plans. It took another three months for the CIA to admit what THEY had done, finally giving GEASA the full story and thus the ability to produce appropriate countermeasures. By this point, thousands of people had been killed or traumatized, and millions of rubles worth of damages had been produced. While GEASA maintains bases all over the world, and offices in most major cities, their two primary bases, where the Jokers hang out, are REBEL YELL and the Shark Islands. REBEL YELL is a space station with a somewhat complicated history. See, back in the ‘50s, there was a wave of bokes (although, the name wasn’t coined until decades later). Given that the nations of the world had other priorities (like pointing nukes at each other), it fell to GEASA to deal with this sort of thing. One attempted measure was the creation of the Iolaus Missile, which upon detonation releases a sonic wave set at a frequency designed to mess with the inner ear of giant-sized critters. It doesn’t work on all kaiju (many of them aren’t quite big enough and some of ‘em don’t have ears), and it usually isn’t lethal, but it helps to soften up about 80% of the oversized beasties. The problem was that frequent as they were, bokes weren’t common enough to make producing enough Iolaus’ for global coverage cost effective. In the ‘70s, after a particularly unpleasant event, in which the time spent setting up an Iolaus strike cost way too much in both lives and money, the superhero Johnny Reb suggested to his GEASA handler that the Iolaus’ be deployed from space. GEASA took this and ran with it, resulting in a network of Iolaus-armed satellites being put in orbit; a network codenamed REBEL YELL in honor of the idea’s originator. In the ‘80s, an alien force took over one of the RY satellites, and began modifying it into a massive fortress, a beachhead for an invasion. The invasion was thwarted, but the satellite-turned-station survived, and GEASA took possession of it. The rest of the original RY network was eventually decommissioned, but the station remained, and is the primary HQ of the Red Joker. The Shark Islands are a group of three islands (referred to as Big Shark Island, Little Shark Island, and Castle Island, respectively), that are right smack in the middle of the waters held by the Republic of the Shark People (which is exactly what it sounds like), and thus, are the only land the Shark People claim. As gesture of good faith with us humans, the Shark People generously loaned them to GEASA on a permanent basis. Big Shark is not only the primary location for trade and diplomacy with the Shark People, it is also home to the HQ of the Black Joker. Little Shark is kept aside as a training area for GEASA agents and rookie superheroes. Castle Island is not, in fact an island, but an Island Beast (a sea monster so huge that plants grow on it’s back and it is easily mistaken for an island when it isn’t moving) made undead and obedient by a magician who built a castle on its back. The magician died centuries ago, and GEASA took possession of the “island”, the castle, and the vast assortment of magical goodies inside the castle during the ‘60s. Today, the castle is a storage vault for confiscated magic stuff, as well as a laboratory for research into said magic stuff.
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Is there even an ethical way to convert to J*da*sm when pretty much all my options are z*onist institutions? Am I being selfish for even thinking about this right now?
I'm just having so many thoughts. Like. Is it morally wrong for me to go into the closet to convert with a community that seems quieter about its z*onism but probally wouldnt be open to my queerness? - for both issues, the re-closeting and the quiet z*onism. I don't want to share spaces with them but I'd rather share spaces people who don't recognize my queerness than with people who are ok with and encourage genocide.
But J*daism is closed so I need to convert.
It's been 21 years, I feel like I've been wandering for so long. I'm wondering if there's an answer for me but I also hate myself for ruminating on this.
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I don't need to go to therapy I need to live with my best friend and make them snacks why they work 😩
Honestly. Once I'm healthier eligible batchlors better look out.
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My most embarrassing coping skill is whenever a discourse topic stresses me out too much, I imagine it getting a Very Special Episode on Glee (2009) and after designing the episode perfectly in my head, I send them to my friends who also have severe anxiety about similar topics and we laugh about it. You could tell me any tumblr social discourse, and I probably have an offensive Glee plot for it.
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I saw a guy on instagram ages ago asking people "Jew or not Jew" about something can't remember exactly what options he was giving but it was ages ago and 90% of my insta is Jewish content. But anyway. At this rate, you could make an entire game show out of whether or not my celebrity crushes/smushes from childhood were Jewish??
I'm not really the kind of person to look into actors so I tend to know next to nothing about actors I like or band members unless a friend of mine is hyperfixated and info dumps on me, I can like 8 years with a celeb crush and never even know their real name.
There are two separate reasons I know this:
1. I was going down a list of Jewish celebrities once, and I was like, "Why are so many of these guys just people I had crushes on, age 7?" I used to watch SNL half for the laughs and half to see Andy Sandberg. Who I found out was Jewish waaayyy later.
2. Sometimes I Google my more obscure crushes like Craig Manning from Degrassi to see what they're doing now and their wiki will be like "btw they're Jewish".
A lot of them have the stereotype "amazing dark hair" (which is my type I will confess that) but even the guys that arent??? Like GENE WILDER???? Or the actor who played Hugh Normus from Wizards of Waverly??? (Hugh also played an offensive Jewish character on Glee as well but). I had no idea Gene Wilder was Jewish until a few years after he passed.
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(This actor isn't Jewish but the character is and this felt like the funniest picture to use)
This can be added to a lot of things in my childhood that were suspiciously Jewish so I just find this really... Interesting.
Anyway I can't wait to be Jewish and I love learning about stuff in my life that was super Jewish as a kid. I actually just found out that in one of my old stories wrote when I was like 14 and it had a ton of (poorly researched) Jewish characters. Which means I now had like 3 Jewish books I was writing as a kid.
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Tell me the american school system failed you without telling me, I'll go first:
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obsessive-bear-walking · 10 months
This is probably a weird thing to say, but like. I was thinking about it today for some reason.
I was pro-life in middle school. Like genuinely could not fathom why the baby couldn't be carried to term and put up for adoption. My views shifted in later middle school/high school as I became more educated.
Then it was "abortion is fine, but people who use it as their main form of birth control suck." Which was an opinion born of me being really fucking tired of my friends (yes multiple of them) not caring about sexual health because "abortion is legal" and getting annoyed when I explained condoms prevented more than pregnancy. I was parentified in a lot of ways, including by my older friends. One of my boyfriends in high school was three years older than me, and I had to teach him to use condoms. I had friends who honestly thought you pissed from your cervix, I had friends who believed tasting your own jizz made you sterial, that pulling out worked, or that you can get pregnant toilet seats, or that didn't know sperm could live in your vagina for a while. I often had to educate people several years my senior on how their bodies worked when I was as young as eleven and it's something I still often have to do because sex Ed in America is so fucked. But I also had to walk them through their life choices on other matters, only for them to blame me when they went AGAINST my advice and things went wrong. Some of them even insisted I was lying for no reason, and some of them even got pregnant, and they still insisted I was wrong. So my "people who use abortion as their only form of birth control annoy me" was a personal problem born of my parentification and being fucking tired of being a 15 year old telling 21 year olds to make good choices and being laughed at/talked down to.
By the time I was like, even just 20 or so I had a much better understanding of what it meant to be pro-choice and have been ever since and my view became "It's none of my buisness."
This post wasn't going anywhere. I just randomly remembered I was prolife in middle school because I wrote a paper on it because I had been introduced to "partial-birth abortion" via a pro-life fear mongering article because no one taught me how to check source validity and then literally everyone in my life from age 11-21 sucked ass. Like, who goes to a 13 year old for advice when you're 20+? I wish you all a very "hope you peaked in high school."
Except for that one gay guy on MSN messenger who let me use his gay song in a cringe progay video. He was perfect.
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obsessive-bear-walking · 10 months
Doing much better than I was yesterday. Ready to get some stuff done today.
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obsessive-bear-walking · 10 months
I was talking to my non-biological sibster this weekend on our road trip and I was like "You know the term polysaturated? For Polyam folks where they feel like they're at a point where you have enough relationships? I'm feeling Platosaturated. Like I have about enough platonic relationships in my life that I can reasonably handle at the moment with where I am in life and how things are going." And it feels very true at the moment. I've got a handful of chosen family members, I've got some close friends. I thought I wanted to branch out more and have been really trying but honestly I had a few people come into/come back into my life and I've realized I am not actually ready for this. Though I am actually pretty generous with what I consider people I am "friends with" in this instance. I include mutuals in this even if I don't talk to them a ton I still consider them people I keep up with. So like. If I got closer with some social media mutuals it would be fine honestly I don't know if I can make any more friends outside of that at the moment, and I'm trying to accept that this does not make me a bad person.
I don't know if this is already a term but I'm definitely going to be sticking to this at the moment. I'm platosaturated until I move. 😂😂
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