#boboiboy elementals
mileys-interests · 2 years
Not completed
Angst, because it's been too fucking long since I wrote some!!
Triggers: Curse words, murder, angst with more than 200 words, long words of text.
Hey, Gempa, is that another box of chocolates?
Yeah, someone put it in my locker earlier. I think it's nice that they wanna be friends with me, though I do hope that they'd stop with these gifts, they can just ask me to be friends if they wanted to.
*face slap.* Every day I wonder how you are literally the no.1 student in our school, both academic- and dicipline-wise, and still be so freaking dense...
Nothing! Now it'd be such a shame and waste if we don't eat those chocolates-
-Gempa laughs-
Hali is a new student, Catherynne falls in love w/ him at first sight
Really, Cath? Again?
What? He's handsome~~~
Yeah, but what abt his personality? I don't want my friend to get hurt, man.
Well, I've been studying him for a while-
You sTALKED HIM?!!?!
SHHHHHHH!!! I didn't stalk him, I just observed him whenever I see him.
Mhm, yeah sure, bud.
*Gempa running away as fast as he could while laughing like a maniac*
*He bumps into Hali* Oof- Sorry-
He struggled against her arms and yelled, "NOW ISN'T THE TIME FO-"
"I always knew you'd die in my arms," she made a slight chuckle.
He stopped trying to free himself. She held him tightly in her arms, one of her hands pushing the blade deeper into his skin, making him yell out in pain and the blood from the wound to be poured out more.
"Doesn't it hurt, Gempa? That's how I felt when you took my beloved away from me~" she made a laugh this time and dropped their body on the floor. They fell with a thud and a whine.
"Wh-what the fuck are- are you saying? I never took H- I never took your beloved away from y-"
"AND NOW YOU'LL PAY FOR IT, GEMPA!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR TAKING LIN-LIN AWAY FROM ME!!!" Her eyes screamed insanity, hysteria, craziness, and many other things that Gempa couldn't understand.
As she continued to laugh like a maniac, Gempa's vision started to get blurry. His focus faded in and out, sometimes catching a few curses directed towards him from Catherynne if he was lucky. 
"Good night, Gempa," she spat his name out like it was the filthiest thing she ever said. 
His vision went black after that.
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vanillaxoshi · 8 months
Presenting the ✨brothers✨
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thisispoggers · 2 months
There is just something magical and heartwarming about seeing Monsta post about how the BBB elementals hang out with each other cuz I’m so OBSSESSED with it
Like yes I wanna see Cahaya get fed up with Api and Daun breaking into his lab
Yes I wanna see Api and Taufan hanging out with Gopal and doing their cute lil dance segment
Yes I wanna see Taufan spending time with Yaya and tryna not die to her baking
Yes I wanna see Ais and Daun hanging out and having fun
Yes I wanna see the Ori trio chilling with each other and reading books
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lyriane · 9 months
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eternal-moss · 4 months
Sopan collection
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My son…
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lotus-duckies · 4 months
yknow from all the sopan stuff I saw before he showed up in the comics, i thought he would be like. the Polite and Responsible Brother Figure
however he is also silly, dumb, and also gay
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nerizys · 5 months
Yaya's Cookies, and how it affects Spirits - Boboiboy AU
Contains OCs, OOC
A spirit's job is no easy task, or that's how it is nowadays since civilization came into the picture. Keeping balance, taking care of the planet... It's hard work. But that's why the spirits aren't bound by ordinary biological rules. They can easily shrug off radiation or poisoning.
So why did Yaya's cookies affect Taufan in such an adverse way?
Granted it was made with poisoned goat milk, but her cookies have proven themselves to be quite lethal even without the milk.
There are also certain exceptions to this, but he doesn't know why a spirit like Taufan would go manic while they didn't.
The spirit of light has a hypothesis in mind, but he can't confirm it just yet with so little data. Perhaps a few interviews are in order.
Ah, what boredom does to the mind.
The first spirit that Solar contacted was Forte, the spirit of Fortification, the youngest known spirit, and works indirectly for TAPOPS
It was also known that she likes to spar with Yaya to practice her power and skill. Yaya was fond of the little spirit too, acting like an older sister to her (despite Forte being 528, not like he can criticize them).
"Hi Elder Solar! How are you?" Forte's face appeared on the tablet, she appears to be lying on her back, she must have been playing while waiting for Veronica.
Being the youngest, she had taken to calling the Elementals 'Elder', after learning they are the oldest living spirits as of now to annoy them.
"Hello Forte. I am fine, I simply have a few questions for you regarding Yaya's cookies"
"Oh... those.." Forte's face seem to droop a little. "What about them?"
"How did you feel when you ingested them?"
"That's it? Well, it was fine at first"
"At first?" Solar asked with a raised eyebrow
"You see..."
"Here, I made some cookies for you Forte" Yaya said, handing the little spirit a basket of cookies.
"Really? I can have them?" Forte asked as she looked at the adorably shaped cookies.
"Of course! Try one"
Forte picked out one of the cookies and tried taking a bite. It's weirdly hard, the taste reminds her of the wasteland days...
"How is it? I made it with a new recipe"
"Ummm, it's not bad, could use a little more flavor"
"I see. Thank you for the feedback" Yaya nods
"Ever since then, she kept handing me cookies, but they start to taste even worse somehow... There are times of improvement but very little" She sighs. It was dreadful.
Solar can only share his condolences for Forte's fate. At least she hasn't fainted from it or become manic.
"Anyways, I have a question for you too Elder!"
"What is it?"
"Can you help me figure out the fuel for this one piece of equipment? We're trying our best but it keeps blowing up. I can use my power so it doesn't get destroyed but everyone would rather have more permanent solution". Forte had picked up a fondness for weapons and many technologies, as they align well with her power, not so well with chemistry though.
Since he's bored. Why not?
"Send it's data over, I'll see what I can do"
"Thank you Elder! Also, Yaya decided to hand out her treats to engineers and mechanics that came to assist us a while ago. She handed a box of them to Remiel. He's an android so he should be fine. Not sure about Kanoa or Mr Esther though
"I see. I'll ask them"
"Wow. Elder Solar socializing? Oh wait, lemme guess. You're doing some kinda experiment aren't you?"
"It is just a test to pass the time" Solar simply stated the truth, he is definitely not slightly miffed about Forte poking fun at him.
"Sure sure whatever helps you sleep at night. Wait you even sleep-"
"Just send me the data"
It wasn't nothing Solar couldn't handle. He quickly found a way around the "spontaneous combustion".
"Hello Solar. How may I help you?" A polite voice had picked up the call. He knows who it is.
"Hello Remiel. I heard Yaya gave you a box of cookies"
Remiel, an android made by a spirit. Solar's quite curious about his functions. For a creation from 50000 years ago, his functions are quite advanced and mysterious.
Raziel knew what she was doing
"Yes. It was kind of her. I assume this isn't the only reason you called?"
"Correct. I am currently studying the reason why we spirits can't seem to handle them" He doesn't have that many options to be honest. Only 11 spirits are confirmed to exist. His brothers liked to keep in touch with the other spirits and Solar himself really had no complaints.
"If it's the results you are looking for... Kanoa is currently curled up in bed. She is recovering. Briar also had some, but he is alright from what I've observed"
"Thank you Remiel"
"You're welcome".
"Greetings, Solar" A voice rang out in his mind before he could contact the next spirit he knows.
"Greetings to you too, Neira" Or Oneira if he goes by the name her master gave her. Although she initially introduced herself as the spirit of Dreams, her true identity is the Spirit of Sentience. As such, it allows her to tamper with the senses.
One of which being one-way telepathy.
Solar pressed call, and Neira's face showed up on the screen, smiling.
"I assume you had an experience with Yaya's confectioneries?"
"It's not exactly me per say, but I experience it through Nisha"
"Do elaborate"
Nisha stared at the adorable box of cookies Yaya had made, then at Yaya and Ying.
One's face was almost as bright as the sun in anticipation, the other looked at her with pity. Nisha knows why. She had heard rumors of the dreaded treats.
But she can't simply say no, not when the pink hijabi girl made it out of such good will. She can only hope it tastes good.
So she goes ahead and took a bite.
Shakily, she gives them an "Okay" hand signal.
"Of course, Nisha wasn't actually okay. It absolutely decimated her taste buds in a bad way, and I had to numb her tongue. Then she suffered from a stomachache later" Neira sighs.
"I... see" Solar sweatdropped. Nisha was still in medical care, rehabilitating her movement. 64 years in a cryopod can do that to a person.
"Before you end the call. I have something to tell you as a spirit that's very experienced with the senses"
"And that is?"
'With some input from Neira, the spirit of Sentience. I've confirmed my suspicion. We were simply vulnerable to the taste of the cookies, not the actual ingredients itself. It's both quite the relief and cause for concern'
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p-receh · 5 months
Ehem, so anyway I decided to I name this au titled, "319".
A story about the mere worker with the same name lived in Gugura Land. He's on a mission to recollect what's missing in his life and find the true meaning behind his nightmares. Will he be able to find it?
Edit(HOLY SHIT I FORGOT TO PUT THAT)! : first chapter, second chapter
Bonus my amateur drawing of The Young Soldier.
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If he could laugh at you, you're in luck! You'll be his target of cruelty for the rest of the day until he gave the detention at you. He may be small compared to other soldiers, but he became an instant nightmare from the moment he arrived in Gugura Land.
He's the only person in Cubulus Forces to use full face helmet. Reason? No idea. The boy doesn't like to communicate with his seniors.
319 concept art here and here
I inspired by Kokotaim Gang's uniform in issue 22.
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Still try to add more details but since I'm still in learning process so, maybe I might redraw it in the future. (btw I love Ying's version :3)
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loneliyne · 7 months
• rambles of a lonesome Hanna enthusiast
it really does feel like im the only living breathing creature that is still hung up on Yaya's alt 3D model from the OG series since 2016. she was named Hanna and despite being the same person only difference in name & model design - im pretty much obsessed with the idea of Hanna and Yaya being separate individuals.
specifically as cousins.
i know that there was already a statement made about why Hanna's model was created back then and is very much scrapped now, and yet i can't bring myself to move on from her existence.
yea yea i know at this point i might as well take her my OC and believe me the brainrot i have of Hanna & Yaya cousins AU have been living in my head rent free for, like, 8 YEARS!
idk why. i know other fans favor the real existing characters especially certain elementals, but yeah, i can't get over Hanna & Yaya in my head.
if anything, it's possibly bc of BBB being my childhood show and in a way i projected my ideal in Hanna having a sister figure through Yaya and pretty much a wholesome family friendship dynamic between them along with the other casts like Ying, Sai, Shielda & Nut specifically.
heck, i even had variations of Hanna's backstory ranging from her being Pian's 'daughter' hence the name Hanna 'Impian' to being close friends with Sai, Shielda & Nut as TEMPUR-A gang just like the Kokotaim.
y'know, if it weren't for my limited time and energy due to work, i would've indulged in drawing & writing more on Hanna and the other characters.
but alas i can only ramble on here just to let out all the lonesome frustration.
oh well, expect more rambling about Hanna from me from now on bc my brainrot is going at full swing (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
EDIIIT: for those who don't know what Hanna ver looks like here ya go
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vanillaxoshi · 2 months
BBB elements separated au
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kurohimenoir · 1 month
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Among Us
Animasi "BoBoiBoy" beserta seluruh karakter di dalamnya adalah milik Monsta©
Fan fiksi "Among Us" ditulis oleh kurohimeNoir. Penulis tidak mengambil keuntungan material apa pun atas fan fiksi ini.
Superhero!AU. Family-Suspense. Maybe OOC. Drabble (Words count: 547).
"Jadi ... buat apa kita ngadain rapat darurat begini?"
Halilintar menaikkan sebelah alisnya. Dia dan kelima saudara kembarnya tiba-tiba dihubungi oleh Taufan via ponsel, di tengah kesibukan masing-masing. Lantas diminta berkumpul di rumah selepas kegiatan hari ini.
Gara-gara itu, Halilintar jadi gagal mencoba menu mie pedas baru di kedai langganannya. Saudara-saudaranya yang lain pun tampaknya harus mengorbankan rencana awal mereka. Semua demi permintaan Taufan, yang di telepon tadi tumben sekali terdengar begitu serius.
"Aku mendengar ini dari Fang," Taufan memulai. "Mungkin ... ada penipu di antara kita."
Taufan memandang berkeliling dengan ekspresi serius. Sementara, saudara-saudaranya hanya menanggapi dengan tatapan datar. Kecuali Duri yang memiringkan kepala, dan Gempa yang mengerutkan kening.
"Hah?" Halilintar yang menyahut. "Maksudnya apa? Ngomong yang jelas."
"Kak Hali ingat, 'kan, akhir-akhir ini ada supervillain yang mengincar para superhero?" Taufan mulai menjelaskan.
"Maksudmu ... Reverse?"
"Hmm~" Ice—yang merebahkan kepala di meja—tanpa terduga menanggapi ucapan Halilintar. "Aku masih heran, kenapa mukanya mirip kita. Memangnya kita masih punya kembaran kedelapan, Kak?"
"Ish. Mana ada?" Gempa yang menyahut. "Anak-anak Ayah hanya kita bertujuh, Elemental Brothers."
"Terus, Reverse itu siapa, dong?" tanya Blaze.
"Impostor?" celetuk Duri tiba-tiba.
Halilintar mengerutkan kening. "Kamu tahu kata itu dari mana?"
"Dari Solar."
Semua mata sontak memandang Solar.
"Apa?" Solar pasang tampang songong. "Dia memang meniru penampilan kita, 'kan? Aku menduga, dia punya semacam kekuatan untuk meniru wajah orang lain."
"Fang juga bilang gitu, sih," komentar Taufan. "Tapi intinya, Fang bilang, dia sempat mengikuti Reverse untuk menguak identitasnya. Dan ternyata ... Reverse masuk ke kompleks perumahan sini!"
Informasi ini jelas mengejutkan semua saudara Taufan.
"Hah? Kapan?!"
"Semalam." Taufan mengangkat bahu sejenak. "Fang kehilangan jejak di gang sepi, sih. Tapi lalu dia ingat, kita juga tinggal di daerah sini, makanya dia berpikir mungkin Reverse masuk kemari."
Halilintar dan adik-adiknya saling pandang.
"Tapi kan ... Reverse itu rambutnya putih," kata Blaze kemudian. "Dan ada hitamnya sedikit. Kebalikannya kita, 'kan?"
"Kalau benar dia punya kemampuan berubah wujud, sih, itu nggak masalah," sahut Solar.
"Solar betul juga." Blaze memandang berkeliling. "Berarti ...."
Sekali lagi, para elemental bersaudara saling pandang. Kali ini tatapan mereka bernoda curiga.
"Solar," sentak Halilintar tiba-tiba. "Semalam kau di mana?"
Solar mengerutkan kening. "Kau mencurigaiku?"
"Solar semalam sama aku," Duri yang menyahut. "Soalnya, Solar bantuin aku bikin rancangan buat taman baruku."
"Iya, aku lihat mereka sibuk sejak sore." Blaze sedikit bersungut-sungut. "Padahal mau kuajak main bola. Ice juga tidur melulu. Nggak asyik~"
"Oke, dan kayaknya kamu memang Blaze, deh." Taufan terkekeh kecil. "Dan Ice juga, sama aja kayak Ice yang biasa. Nggak ada yang mencurigakan."
"Aku, Taufan, dan Gempa juga semalam istirahat lebih cepat karena capek," Halilintar berkata.
Taufan mengangguk. "Karena kita bertiga sekamar, aku bisa memastikan itu."
Hampir berbarengan, ketujuh elemental menghela napas.
"Udah, udah," Gempa menengahi. "Mungkin Fang hanya terlalu khawatir. Bisa juga, 'kan, Reverse itu mengelabuhinya, lalu melarikan diri."
Semua setuju dengan Gempa. Karena hari sudah makin sore, mereka memutuskan segera menyiapkan makan malam. Hari ini giliran Halilintar dan Taufan yang memasak. Gempa tetap tinggal di ruang keluarga tempat mereka berkumpul. Sedangkan adik-adiknya yang lain kembali ke kamar.
Ketika sudah tak ada siapa-siapa di sekitarnya, mendadak Gempa terkekeh samar.
"Kemampuan berubah wujud, ya?" pemuda itu bermonolog. "Sayang sekali, tapi kalian salah."
Senyum samar Gempa perlahan berubah menjadi seringai. Seiring rambutnya yang perlahan memutih, dengan hanya menyisakan sedikit warna hitam di bagian depan.
"Karena Reverse ... adalah aku."
* Author's Note *
Halo, haiii ... Noir di sini~ \(^o^)
Salam kenal buat seluruh penghuni fandom BoBoiBoy di Tumblr. Aku baruuu aja bikin akun di sini & coba-coba posting fanfik. Sebelumnya, biasa nulis fanfik juga di FFN dan AO3. Ada juga beberapa fanfic yang cuma publish di FB. Nah, sekarang, aku mau bawa hasil karyaku ke sini juga.
Sekarang tentang fic ini, Among Us, nggak ada hubungannya sama gim daring yang sempat ngetren itu, sih, wahahaha ....
Intinya, ada 'Reverse' di antara para Elemental kitaa~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ *yha*
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neko-sufis-world · 9 months
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Neko-Sufi: *Falls and make Minecraft's sound* Ooh!
(Yes. I am. T//v//T)
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xcometstarx · 3 months
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New au!
Storm Of Fire
(This is based on the EPIC musical I was listening to Warrior Of The Mind and The Horse And The Infant to get the idea for this au :D)
Prince Thunderstorm/Thunderstorm/Thunder
Prince of Gur'talan
He's the oldest of the group, and the one who leads the army on Windara. He's the 3rd to realize Cyclones missing, Quake and Solar being the first two.
He's 14 at the beginning, but the 5 years passed and he's 19.
After their first, failed attempt of getting Cyclone back, he goes back to Gur'talan to help rule. He only leaves when a messenger sent by Solar and Quake comes and tells him that they have a idea to get Cyclone back.
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lotus-duckies · 6 months
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so wait how does frostfire work if gentar doesn't work
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nerizys · 1 year
First Meeting Treat - A Boboiboy AU
Warning: Possibly OOC
After getting over the sudden shock of his soccer ball actually being some kind of high tech sphere from outer space, Boboiboy was granted the power of the elements. Ochobot says they're very powerful and has many abilities can utilize.
That's what Ochobot said, but he finds it hard to believe, because such power came in the form of little orbs. There's 3 of them, each with a different color and symbol on their forehead, and can fit in his palm. They have these white eyes that seem to convey so much emotion, and when Boboiboy looks into them, he sees... fear?
Boboiboy's not sure how he will use their power, maybe he can try using it like one of those magicians he sees on TV, but then what will he use it for? Ah, maybe he can have them help do chores, that would help a lot!
But for now, he has the little orbs on the kitchen table, as they stare at one another, unmoving. Last Boboiboy checked the elementals could move around on their own just fine. Maybe they need some encouragement? What could he do to help?
The boy racked his mind for anything, then he remembered how his dad always used food to coax Mechabot into doing something. Oh that's right! The fastest way to the heart is through the stomach! Maybe they're just hungry.
He left the chair and went to the fridge, looking for anything that can be eaten, he has chosen lots of varieties, see what the little orbs will like.
Ochobot watches him from the side, curious at the boy's actions.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to see what they eat, they're probably hungry"
"Um, they don't need to eat you know?"
Still, Ochobot was ignored, so he watched as his new master try to feed the elementals. So far, all failed attempts.
"Hey Ochobot? What do powers eat?"
"Um, energy perhaps?"
Which led to him giving the orbs batteries, but only the little red orb was interested, so it's only 1/3 success
Boboiboy has ran out of ideas, and is currently slumped down on the table. Maybe he should just go back to bed and think about this tomorrow.
Seeing Boboiboy so down, Ochobot can't help but feel bad. Afterall, he's Boboiboy's Powersphere, and yet could hardly do anything to help him right now. If only he didn't get kicked...
The yellow sphere decides to try setting his priorities straight with a bit of thinking. The sphere glanced around until his eyes landed on a can of cocoa. Cocoa has lots of energy, and it could be used to activate a Powersphere like him, so maybe...
"Boboiboy, try giving them some cocoa!" Ochobot suggests in a lightbulb moment. If it works on a machine then it should work on the powers too.
Ochobot managed to grab Boboiboy's attention. Hearing the idea, the boy gets up and grabbed a can of cocoa. He figured it wouldn't be pleasant to eat a spoonful of cocoa, so he made a basic hot cocoa drink with it and placed it on the table.
The sweet smell of cocoa seems to have grabbed the blue orb's attention, it made it's way towards the cup, and to his amazement, floated up to the cup. Only then he realized that they're little orbs and probably won't be able to drink without accidentally dunking themselves in. So he pours it out on a plate instead.
Like before, the blue orb went first. The sudden recoil made Boboiboy worry about the drink being too hot, but then he felt wind flowing around. Wasn't the window closed? How is there wind? Maybe it's the orb's doing? But that doesn't matter now, as the blue orb happily consumed the liquid. The other 2, red and gold, looked at eachother before deciding to go for it, only to discover that the blue one has drank it all.
"There there, I still have plenty, here"
Boboiboy hands out 2 more small plates and refilled the blue orb's plate as well. He watched them, and contrary to before, they look so cute like this.
Boboiboy reaches out to the blue orb, the blue orb thought Boboiboy was going grab him, but all he received was some kind of petting action with one finger. It felt... oddly comfortable. Boboiboy smiles as he sees the orb lean into it. Does this mean he succeeded in earning the blue one's trust? Even so, he's glad they're more comfortable with him now.
The next day, while Boboiboy was outside with the orbs- No, not orbs, Petir, Angin and Tanah, those are the names he decided to call them based on the info Ochobot gave him. It's really basic, he knows, but they don't seem to mind.
As Boboiboy was going about, the square headed green alien appeared once again. Just as Boboiboy was about to receive an attack from him...
"Earth Barrier!"
A wall rises up and blocked the attack, saving Boboiboy. He looked up to see who his savior is, only to find... himself? No, he looks a little different.
The doppelganger turned around
"Are you okay Master?"
"Uh, um, yeah. Who are you?"
Ah, it seems he hurt the other boy's feelings a little bit, but he smiled
"It's fine if you don't recognize me. It's me, Tanah"
T- Tanah?! Wasn't Tanah a little gold orb just a moment ago?
Before Boboiboy could process how this happened though
"Leave this to us Master!" A cheerful voice called, and there was 2 others like him ruthlessly attacking the alien. Just what is going on?
A 14 year old boy awoke to the sound of chirping birds and the sun shining through. Yep, the boy is none other than Boboiboy himself.
So much has happened, ever since that fateful meeting with Ochobot, with the elementals. It was chaotic, sure, but Boboiboy finds himself fond of those memories somewhat. He has made new friends and he was never alone thanks to the elementals's presence.
And he also has a promise to fulfill too. A promise to them, the elements who are still in sleep.
The day passed by quickly, and Tok Aba suddenly closed up shop a bit earlier than usual... Strange.
He entered the house, there's Tanah washing his hands, and why is Petir bringing his lightning blades?
Because he could ask though, Angin already told him to just go to his room and relax. He was confused, what are they doing?
A little while later, he was finally allowed to come down to the kitchen, there, he saw that Tanah has cooked many dishes and they even made some hot cocoa drinks.
"Eh? Are we having a special occasion?"
"Yeah! We're celebrating the 3 year anniversary of the day we met!"
"Something as simple as that? And you guys remembered?"
"Yes, it was a life changing day for us. Humans celebrate important days no?"
Ah, so that day was that important to them? Indeed, it was life changing for him too. Boboiboy smiles as he pulled them all into a group hug.
He remembers the form the elementals took, he remembers how they were at first. And it all started with a plate of hot cocoa.
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p-receh · 4 months
Aww yeah it's Angin time!
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Gonna be honest.
I already finished all elementals draft sketch but Angin and Daun.
I'm very in confused what pose that differentiate these two. And supposedly this pose was meant for Daun yet I dumbfounded-ly turned into Angin. I was like:
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Can I say I'm so glad they choose this color as Angin's default color in Galaxy series? And make him a bit like Tony Hawk style? Awh love it~~~! <3333
I'm soo in loved they beautify the whirlwind animation in Galaxy series. Sad but I understand why they didn't do that animation anymore because of the obvious hoverboard(who I need some logical explanation how the heck he get it lol ^^')
I honestly loves ep 2 between him and Gopal. It's one of my fav scene of him aside the debut of the Troublemaker Trio.
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Speaking of which!
Ihiiiiiiy the message for this poster is so poetic and I love it. X3
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Prev: petir
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