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kalinara ¡ 2 months ago
So this post, by @rei-ismyname, got me thinking of how I see Logan with regard to the Logan/Scott relationship specifically. This was intended to be a reply, but it got away from me, so I thought I'd turn it into its own post.
This is going to get long and very incoherent. And possibly not all that flattering to Logan in parts. Sorry.
I don't know if I see Logan as quite so Freudian myself, though I think it's a fascinating analysis.
I think for me, there's an element of the Scott-Logan and Jean-Logan dynamics that start off interestingly separate. Maybe it's because, initially, Jean never really seemed to return Logan's feelings. But there wasn't as much of a sense of "triangle" back in the early Claremont issues for me.
Logan was attracted to Jean, went after her, was rebuffed, and kept going. He had moments with Scott, like when he was judging Scott for not grieving her enough in the Savage Lands, when she and Hank were presumed dead. But generally that seemed to be a separate thing.
Whereas with Scott, we had the sort of maverick vs. leader dynamic. Scott is younger, more uptight, less experienced (in a military capacity, anyway), less traditionally macho, and Logan clashed with the idea of taking his orders. But pretty quickly, they did fit into a sort of bickering respect - Logan threatening Hawkeye when the latter insulted Cyclops, going to Scott during the whole demerit thing in general.
They do fall pretty quick into that "I'll follow you to hell, bitching all the way" sort of dynamic. And most of that seems to develop without Jean present (she wasn't, after all, officially part of the team at first, then she was presumed dead, then she was actually dead.)
In the 90s, things get a bit murkier, because the love triangle heats up and becomes a little more reciprocal on Jean's part. But Jean and Scott had gone through all of their real emotional turmoil in X-Factor, when Logan wasn't around, so by the 90s, they were pretty solid. Then you get things mashed together a bit.
And also during the time apart, Logan's had his own shift from stab-happy wild man to that more noble drifter cowboy meets Kurosawa type. So we get a shifted dynamic, where Logan's attraction to Jean becomes a lot more overtly romantic, in a certain courtly way. We get a lot more emphasis on the "she makes me want to be a better person" element of their dynamic here too.
Meanwhile, the 90s also give us Scott at what's probably his most emotionally and morally stable place. He's past his trainwreck stage (and Logan didn't get to see most of that), and has settled into a confident upright leader.
So we essentially end up with a kind of Lancelot, Guinevere, Arthur thing. (Honestly, I've always thought Jean made the better King Arthur, but we're talking Logan's perspective. And honestly, I've always thought that Logan has a bit of an issue with toxic masculinity and overly-rigid gender roles.)
So while there's still the sparky bickering between Logan and Scott, for the most part, it's comfortable. Any attraction Logan feels gets sublimated into respect (kind of like his dynamic with Captain America. I tend to assume most people are at least a little in love with Steve Rogers, and Logan's no exception.).
But it all sort of melds together into Logan being romantically in love with Jean, sublimated attraction-into-respect for Scott, and then ultimately idolizing their relationship on a whole. Which has the awkward effect of putting Scott on a pedestal, because he's the man Jean chose over Logan. So of course, he must be a paragon of virtue.
(The fact that Scott's trainwreck tendencies are still there pops up occasionally, but generally goes unnoticed.)
But then we get Apocalypse - and a Scott stripped bare of his illusions. But still possessed of his moral code. Mostly. He's wounded, but still pretty forthright. Then we have the situation with Emma. And Jean's death. And that's when things get a lot...sparkier. The bickering starts getting a bit more heated again.
Honestly, they're probably the slashiest they've ever been during that period between Jean's death and the Schism. And Logan seems to have a weird sense of judgmental entitlement over Scott during this time. He still respects him though, but things are starting to fray with Utopia and X-Force, and everything crashes down in the Schism, when the last of Logan's illusions about Scott shatter.
I've said before, I think that their whole dynamic would have been a lot healthier if Logan had realized that Scott, beneath the facade, is a lot more like Laura Kinney than he'd ever been like Steve Rogers.
But he didn't figure that out and now he's heartbroken, angry, and can't sublimate the fact that he kind of wants to fuck him into that whole Captain America/Paragon of Virtue veneration anymore. Nope, dude, that stirring in your loins doesn't come from the fact that you're in the presence of one of the Truly Good Men. You just want to fuck that trainwreck.
And honestly, I think Hank has a bit of the same thing. But Hank/Scott is a whole separate essay topic. I think Hank and Logan kind of fed off each other at this time. So we get things like the Cyclops-dartboard. When we both know that's not the penetration they really want to do.
What? I was talking about claws? What did you think I was talking about?
(Okay, that too.)
I think the post Schism/pre AvX dynamic is fascinating adolescent on the part of Logan (and Hank). I can't help but maybe conflate this a bit with the fact that Logan only relatively recently regained the full memories of his life, while Hank has that whole arrested development child soldier thing that most of the O5 have deep down. And they both start acting a bit like the bitter dorks in high school, watching the Homecoming King and Queen.
Which is a little bizarre considering that Scott and Emma are holding Utopia together by the skin of their teeth and intentionally trying to present it as a lightning rod for anti-mutant sentiment in order to keep the school safe. But things aren't necessarily rational there.
But then we have AvX. And everything goes from hilariously adolescent to absolutely tragic.
Because no one makes it out of that mess okay or whole. And Logan, in particular, has to go full on aggressor, because if he stops and thinks about it, he might well realize that if any one person could be the cause of this mess: it could be him. HE's the one who went to the Avengers, after all. Scott's plan with the Phoenix was batshit, but it might have been resolved differently if the Avengers hadn't gone in there all OOC heavy handed, guns blazing.
Scott, meanwhile, has lost some of his Utopia edge, and found a new easily romanticized role as suffering martyr. We start to see events that might lead to a resolution: Kitty and the O5 switching sides, a lot of realizations from a lot of people that Scott isn't the villain he's playing on television, and so on. (There's also the O5 putting a human face on the man that Logan's convinced himself he hates. And a version of Jean that's completely horrified and disgusted by him...)
And then Logan dies, and his role's taken by a dude from a side comic with no connection to any of these characters of events. And no, I'm not bitter about Old Man Logan at all.
(Sure, he was fun in his OWN comic. But there's shit going on here and he's not a part of it!!!)
Then there's the fucked up weirdness of Scott's death, his unspoken terrible acts (that eventually amounted to destroying a cloud), and so on.
Once both characters have resurrected, we get an interesting return, almost, to that post Jean's death dynamic. They're again in a foxhole, desperate. Scott's relying pretty heavily on Logan at this time, even as they rebuild the dregs of the team for their last stand.
Then Rahne leaves, dies. Logan skips the funeral to go after her murderers. And then when he returns, covered in her murderers' blood, he and an angry Scott have it out and he storms off, with the unfair accusations all over again. (This time, it's more apparently that Wolverine's lashing out because of his own wounds, but it's not very pleasant to experience.) He does make up for it a bit by coming back for their last stand. Which is, maybe, a bit romantic in its own right.
And then...Jean and the original team reappear and Jean immediately shoves her tongue down Scott's throat while Logan and Emma both look a little bitter.
And then we have Krakoa, and I know I've bitched about not seeing the foundation of the Throuple. But in a weird way, it does kind of work for me. The euphoria of their new sanctuary, the realization that death is no longer a thing, the return of lost loved ones (like Alex, who'd died recently in Rosenberg's run), and so on - it made a place, and a moment, where the sublimation can just be the truth.
Scott and Jean are Scott and Jean. They have their family again. Logan is welcomed into the family as occasional partner. Nate's "Uncle Logan". He gets to come on family vacations.
Logan still gets to be Logan, though, and do his own thing. As much of a romantic as he is, I'm not sure I buy him ever actually settling down to domesticity. But this works out fairly well.
There are still some hints of tension though. I like bringing up the "Scott in a Speedo" scene, not just for the expression of attraction - I've seen it dismissed as a "joke", but I still don't see how that works as a joke either of them would tell - but also for the actual scene.
In it, we see Scott, conflicted over the Crucible and his mixed feelings about the more...religious elements of Krakoan society, looking for something from Logan - maybe reassurance, maybe just commiseration? That the latter isn't willing or able to give him. "Go find a priest." He says.
Everyone's going to have their own interpretation, but my read on it, in the context of their complicated relationship, is that Logan's happy to enjoy the idyllic interlude that Krakoa's given them, but he doesn't want to go deeper. He doesn't want to talk about their underlying issues or be the support that Scott needs at this time. It's an emotional commitment that he's not ready to make.
In his own comic (or possibly X-Force, they blur together for me), Logan expresses dislike regarding Krakoa, feeling like it's fostering a false sense of safety and security.
I feel like that might be why Logan is the way he is in this scene. They haven't resolved their issues, and where Scott's overture might indicate that he'd like to, Logan isn't open to that now.
And I think that's the Watsonian reason that we don't see very much with these two beyond a couple of Pride issue panels of the trio having a good time together.
I don't think the Throuple really lasts that much beyond this either. We have that funny bit where Teen Nate has called in a favor to have Logan comfort his parents after his departure. We have a few Jean/Logan moments in X-Force, but they're pretty shallow, all things considered. Some light making out. A single scene of sex in a hot tub.
Beyond that, we have that bit where she's trying to help him telepathically in X Lives of Wolverine, but she'd have done that for him even if they weren't banging.
And then, nothing. Scott and Jean are doing fine in the X-Men (eventual Brood argument notwithstanding), Logan is doing fine in his own book. But the Throuple seems...done.
Oh, maybe that bit in AXE where Jean is having issues for failing her test and Logan's all "anyone who'd fail you and pass me..." bit of reassurance. But again, that's the sort of thing he'd have said even if they weren't fucking. (I also wish he were able to comfort her without making it all about HIS issues, but that's a separate essay!)
There are a few parts that annoyed the shit out of me though. In both X Lives of Wolverine and later toward the end of his own comic, Logan lists Xavier and Jean as members of his found family. Saying shit like how their broken edges come together to make a more profound whole.
Scott, who is Xavier's son, Jean's husband, and the man whose house Logan STILL LIVES IN, doesn't get a mention.
(Doylistically, I theorize that maybe Marvel wanted to downplay the Throuple implications already. But I don't know.)
Nor does Storm, Kurt, Kitty, Jubilee, or a lot of other people who'd fit into that category too, including his actual children, mind you. But this isn't an essay about them.
And then there's Fall of X/Fall of the House of X. We do know at one point, Logan was involved in a rescue mission for Scott which fell through because Xavier called Rasputin away to go help him kill a thirteen year old.
Then there's nothing but a mostly civil exchange in X-Men #1, where Logan decides to go off on his own to run with wolves after he's rescued, and then that snide comment in Uncanny.
Scott's not really mentioned Logan either, except maybe that bitter little "everyone likes HIM" as a response to Magneto's amazing accusation of "logan behavior".
So...I don't really know how I see their relationship dynamic now. I was hoping for some interaction in Raid on Graymalkin, but the closest we got was Logan saying to attack if Scott touched his temple.
(Doylistically, that may be all we get. If Marvel thinks interaction might fuel the Throuple implications, we may not get anything else for a long time, which sucks.)
Watsonianly, I think maybe it's as simple as the idyllic Krakoan interlude being over. Jean's in space and unable to smooth things over. (Also, I'm not actually sure how I think Logan will take the whole Phoenix side of Jean's personality. They'd been considered two separate entities by the time the triangle really started up...). And whatever attraction that Scott and Logan have for each other is back to being sublimated in unnecessary antagonism and bitterness.
It's a shame, really.
(I do think if the Throuple does end up rekindling, Logan shouldn't get to join back up until he actually apologizes though. Hmph.)
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taddymason ¡ 1 year ago
Taddy I know you said that Kaida doesn't refer to Jay as "Dad" like. At all.
BUT I can't stop thinking about a scenerio [that I wanted a write a ficlet about but I don't have the time due to uni work :sob:]
Where after Kaida and Jay are with the Ninja but Jay doesn't have his memories fully back yet.
And Kaida gets caught off guard by the enemy or something and is taken by them as bait. [I know, very unlikely]
And she tries to act cool about it but she is terrified on the inside because shes still just a kid and god Jay is not coming for her.
He got his real family back- he doesn't need her around anymore- shes alone again- shes got abondened again- why should he care about her anymore?
Meanwhile Jay is LIVID.
This is a man who does not remember the honor code of the Ninja.
A man who killed a dragon by himself.
A man who possibly killed way more than a dragon.
A father whos child was taken from him as bait and is in danger.
He's ripping through everything in his path that is between him and his daughter, and the rest of the ninja are terrified as they can only watch the lightning without restrain destroy everything in his path.
Kaida doesn't understand whats going on outside,there are explosions and yells and she can't help but flinch away as someone points a gun at her face.
But then there is a loud crack as the room flashes in the brightest light ever.
And when she opens her eyes back up again, all the men are on the ground twitching in pain.
And Jay is there.
He's sparkier than usual.
And covered in more blood than usual.
And kinda blurry on the edges, his eyes and hands and body burning way brighter with lightning than she ever saw.
[As if he's almost lightning itself]
But he's here.
He came for her.
He didn't leave her.
He didn't leave her.
She can't even say anything before he's suddenly next to her checking her for injuries as his hands shake from the adrenaline and fear of almost losing her.
And she chokes up with tears upon seeing him so scared, terrified of what could have been and lets out a choked up "Dad..."
Suddenly he's hugging her and she can't help but bury her face onto his chest like a baby as shes trying to not to cry, not to be weak, shes picked up and he mumbles a soft "I got you kiddo. Let's get you home." And that's when she breaks down.
And Jay refuses to let go of her during all the way back to the monastery, and if the rest of the ninja see both of them cry at some point none of them say anything.
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH (Like, Kaida definitely addresses Jay as "dad" in situations like this) THAT I HAD TO WRITE AND DRAW SOMETHING RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE I LOVE TORTURING THESE TWO. Also writing Angry Badass Jay is entertaining
I hope I did justice to this scenario because I wrote this really really quickly so I hope you like it
Words: 2.9k
TW: blood and violence.
When Kaida first wakes up, she is in a room with cold lights and no windows, with unknown people moving back and forth through thick bars. She feels tired, her eyelids are heavy with a sickly feeling, and her palate tastes like moldy cotton.
She tries to remember the name the ninjas had given this thing. She thinks it's called Vengestone. A stone that can disable elemental powers.
She had never seen anything like it and terror floods her veins with ice when she realizes that what they said turned out to be true. She didn't know that there was something capable of suppressing that energy that has been in her blood for years. Uselessly she pulls on the metal on her ankle, looks for a way to break or open the lock with some of the tricks she knew, even tries to see if there are any loose bricks in the wall, and only manages to draw blood from under her nails, adding to what already covers her clothes.
She tries not to get scared. She tries to calm down and breathe even though they look at her like little more than an animal and she has no way to defend herself. She wishes she had her gun in her hands, even the knife she always kept in her boot, but even that had been taken away from her, and all she had left as a weapon was to uselessly insult them.
She tries not to panic, but finds it difficult to control her breathing when she can't see through the walls to those approaching and she feels blind. Everything looks dark and she feels stupidly weak when people approach her and without her powers to see them; they look like corpses.
"They are anyway" she tries to tell herself to calm down. They are if Jay was looking for her.
If he was looking for her. If he hadn't already decided she was a burden. Because she is, she knew it.
As the hours pass, the voice she tries to ignore in the back of her head reminds her that she is essentially a nuisance that he went to too much trouble to care for. She is essentially a girl for whom he only felt sorry, and now with the way things are, he may finally want to take a burden off his shoulders and stop having to worry about her.
She knows that she is the reason why he decided to continue working in a place as miserable as the Administration, the reason why he could not return home for so long, the main reason why he was separated from his family. If he had had his memories from the beginning, he wouldn't have even stayed there in the first place.
It's a burden, and if he had finally realized that he had his real family waiting for him, maybe he wouldn't even bother looking for her.
"How do you feel?" one of them ask her with a smile in his voice. She was pretty sure she's been there for a day already.
“Fucking great.” she spits, crossing her arms to try to look confident. If being a ninja included being captured by crazy people like these, she didn't understand why the bother.
He seem to ignore her mockery as he analyze her carefully. That guy, who must be some kind of leader if the way he's the only one talking is any indication, approaches. “You are the elemental master of spirit, aren't you?”
She stares back at him dryly without even bothering to respond. They had asked her name before and she hadn't even given them that.
The man waits in silence for a few seconds before continuing. “I know all ninjas have pretty interesting powers, the main reason why they are so annoying to us. As far as I heard, kid, you can steal someone's soul, right?”
She shakes her chained foot while frowning. “Why don't you take this shit off me and figure it out yourself?”
He smiles and then steps back, leaving the cell as if the exchange had bored him. "Not yet. We have to keep you alive until your friends come after all.”
And then he leaves, and she is alone. Again.
She rests her head on the wall behind her, trying futilely to keep track of the idiots hovering back and forth with threats that leave her shaking inside, and her hand clutches the yellow pin to her chest.
Jay's head is somewhere else during the eternal passage of days in which they search for clues to Kaida's whereabouts. He doesn't sleep or even eat. His concentration is solely on the battlefield and clinging to any possible clue. He is determined and alert, aware enough to be able to duck when necessary and able to dodge when shot.
But that's all. He feels nothing when he uses his powers over and over again against them without holding back his blows. It is like a storm that continues to build up until it explodes and he doesn't take into account who it lets that brutal rain fall on.
And the rest of the team isn't much help.
When they stop him for the fourth time to tell him they need a plan, his patience breaks.
He already has a plan; find his kid.
Lloyd, who Jay had learned that he was a kind of master on the team, harshly reprimands him at the end of an interrogation of one of the stupid bastards responsible for taking Kaida. Once the line of questioning ends with the man writhing on the ground in a haze of burning flesh, everyone looks at him with growing horror and fear.
He has no regrets, neither for this one nor for the others before him or for what is yet to come. If it were up to him, he would pull out what other pain that bastard has left to feel.
The green ninja, however, is unfazed by the anger crackling in his eyes and matches it with a stern glare. "Jay, I understand you're worried, but taking it out on them won't solve anything. You can't do that."
He breathes shakily, his hands, covered in blood that is not his, clenching and opening at his sides with sparks still cutting and hissing through the air.
"You are not my leader." He spits tiredly between his teeth. "Don't tell me what to do. You don't understand anything. If you really think I'm going to spare their lives for some stupid ninja shit I don't know about-"
"Jay, relax." The black ninja, Cole, steps forward, his voice heavy and wobbly. He approaches with his hands outstretched toward him, and he hates the anguish in his words, he hated that they acted like they knew him when he couldn't even remember anything about them. He hates all of this, and can barely speak with the guilt creeping down his throat. This would not have happened if they had not left the Administration. “We understand, we really do.”
Jay turns around, can't help but wave his arms in the air in exasperation, his voice rising to the edge of a shout as he shakes his head. "No, you don't. I don't need your help. If it were up to you, we would still have no fucking clue where she is. It's like you don't even care- “
A hand on his shoulder stops him, cutting off his speech as he flinches, and only then does he realize how much he's hyperventilating. The anger that makes his hands shake is as intense as the fear in his chest, and without a target to aim for so long, one becomes stronger than the other. When he turns around in his stupor, he finds the water ninja staring at him with one hand still on his shoulder.
Nya looks at him with understanding and sympathy, a deep grimace creasing her face even though her eyes otherwise remain calm. Her hand squeezes his shoulder tightly, almost as if she wants to hug him instead, and he hates how much they seem to really know him. He only has a vague idea of what they are supposed to be to him (his friends, his brothers, his yang) and that's it, they're still just strangers.
His real family, all he has left, is far away.
“We'll find her, Jay. I swear. You are not alone in this.” she emphasized firmly, and somehow, like a memory washed away by the tide, something in his chest calms at her words. The others look at him the same way, that anxious, worried look that loosens his jaw as his frown softens.
His hands were still shaking, and the power on his skin had not stopped crackling for even a second since they had begun their search. He pulls away from the touch on his shoulder somewhat abruptly, knowing it's probably not good to touch any of them while he's like this, and the others stare at him expectantly.
He takes a deep breath, barely closing his eyes for a fragment of a second where all he sees is bright white, and when he opens them to look at them, he can almost let himself believe that these people are his family.
"Alright." he chew the words through air that is too harsh and cold. His tongue is filled with the taste of ash and blood. “We know where these bastards' base is. Take us there.”
They all nod and leave, and Jay doesn't let anything stop him from getting to his daughter. His first and only priority.
Kaida loses track of time while there. She stops trying to count the minutes that pass and any hope she has left slowly dissolves.
And maybe it was for the best anyway. She knew she was a bait. A small fish to catch a bigger one. It was better that they didn't come for her. There was no reason for him to risk it when he already had his real family with him.
The men here don't linger with her any longer than necessary. They need her alive after all. One breaks her ankle so she doesn't even try to flee. Another hits her head particularly unpleasantly against the wall when she spits in their faces and things get confusing from there. It reminds her too much of Boarding School, and if she closes her eyes, she can practically feel the rivulet of blood running down the side of her face from her left eyebrow.
They seem proud of themselves when they finally manage to force screams of pain through her teeth, even if she doesn't even cry. Don't you dare cry. Don't you ever cry, she said in her mind over and over again.
And she tells herself that's not even the reason she's so terrified. It's not because she was deprived of her powers, or because of the pain that was pounding in her body, or because of whatever stupid plan these sons of bitches had, but because of the fact that she knows deep down that no one is coming for her. She knows she deserves it and that's what leaves her shaking as she stares straight ahead.
They should never have left the Administration, if they had stayed home instead of getting involved in saving the world and that stuff, none of this would have happened.
She feels selfish for thinking about it, but she can't help it.
She wants to go home, but she knows it's not even safe to go back there anymore. She hates how much those ninjas always had the power to take him from her, and now they finally did it.
And suddenly, the guards patrolling next to her cell hastily leave. All the people she can see through the bars share worried looks, frightened murmurs as they run to the left with weapons in their hands. Her heart races and all she can do is wait. She cannot see a single soul behind the walls when they all disappear.
There is an icy silence, one that builds in her cell the moment everyone leaves her alone, but that finally breaks when she begins to hear distant screams in the distance.
She stands suddenly, leaning against the wall, ignoring the pain clawing at her ankle and the damn chain that only makes it worse, and concentrates on listening.
She hears gunshots, hears high-pitched cries slowed by the walls. She's heard those screams before, the kind that come up just before a person's light disappears. She knows that they are coming from very far away, she knows that they are from the direction in which everyone ran, and from one moment to the next, the silence of her prison becomes a cacophony of screams that increases the tension that shakes in her chest.
There is also a growing ringing that pulses in her ears, which sounds too much like a muffled roar. A snake crawls across the ceiling, and when she looks up, she notices how the lights shine full of energy, turning on and off at the pace at which everyone runs desperately. That hum goes down and up constantly while the lights flicker until they finally break, exploding loudly. Glass and darkness hit the hallway.
Kaida can only watch open-mouthed, her mind barely able to comprehend the meaning of it when one of their leaders enters her cage with a gun in hand and a look full of anger.
“What the fuck is going on?” Kaida asks, pressing herself against the wall, hating the way her jaw trembles as the guy approaches her. “Is this also part of your plan, you idiots?”
The mockery comes out weak and raw at the end when she sees how the man removes the safety of the weapon and places it in his hands without hesitation. A knot of anxiety tightens and unravels in her chest until it reaches her mind, and her face pales.
“Looks like your friends are already here, kid. Now you are as useful alive as dead.” The gun is pointed at her face. If she had her powers, in less than a second, she could steal any excuse for soul that this guy had until he was an empty shell, take because that's what she always did. Only she doesn't have them, and the man's index finger is already on the trigger. “Unfortunately for you, I could use getting rid of an elemental master right now.”
The man points the barrel close to her forehead, far enough away that she can't even try to grab the gun from him.
Kaida steps back, her gaze focused somewhere in front of her, and she prepares for the worst with her teeth clenched together.
She's just not prepared for the way the man's body suddenly shakes violently. The grip on his gun loosens and he lets go. Collapsing heavily to the ground with white ribbons that run through his limbs until they fragilely disappear along with all traces of life in his gaze.
There is an echo of thunder behind it that conquers every struggle between silence and screams, and it is only when she looks up from the body at her feet that she finally sees Jay staring at her surprised on the other side of the cell. His hand still raised firmly forward, red and glowing as if snakes of light ran down his arm.
Her vision is blurry, either from the pain in the back of her head or from the held back tears, but it was definitely him. Through the cloudy haze, she can see how his reddish hair is more bristly than usual and the blood that practically covers him from head to toe.
She looks around, behind Jay, she sees completely still bodies scattered on the ground. She's not particularly fazed by it, she's seen worse, they've done worse. But the fact that he did this for her, that he took the risk to do it, leaves her reeling with a thread of breath.
Before she can register it, Jay quickly crosses the distance between them, dropping to his knees beside her so he's level with her. His trembling hands, whose skin over his knuckles she can see are slit and raw, grab her shoulders and he frantically search for any kind of wounds. She barely registers it, barely hears him speaking in panic at a mile a second.
Instead, she was still processing the fact that he was there. That he had come back for her.
“I've got you, kiddo, it's okay now,” she hears him say. His voice sounds more scared and agitated than she's ever heard.
His hands briefly touch her face and only then does she realize she was crying. She doesn't know how long she's been crying.
“Dad-” nothing but sobs come out.
He holds her close, reality finally hitting her as she buries her face against his chest, inhaling as she cries. Her forehead is pressed against that stupid blue gi, staining blood and tears and who knows what else, but she can hear his heart beating, fast but steady, and he's here and he didn't abandon her.
“We're going home,” he murmurs, as shaky as his breathing, and she doesn't care where that is anymore. All she really cares about is that he's here, and that's enough for her.
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chongoblog ¡ 2 years ago
Oh, basically it creates electrical energy proportional to it's kinetic and potential energy, but can also turn electrical energy it gets from other sources into kinetic or potential energy for itself. The faster it moves the sparkier it gets basically.
I do not know what this ask is referring to, but thank you for the information!
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nym-wibbly ¡ 9 months ago
Getting Away With It - Supernatural
I wondered if I'd have some big revelation about Supernatural once I saw the whole thing - if I'd get some big epiphany about how it held up for 15 years or whatever.
My main takeaway overnight, however, has been marvelling (while ocassionally grinning crazily at a flashback) at what the creatives got away with just by building up to it slowly. Network TV in the US remains absolutely hogtied by the prevailing moral discourse, and by the money-power of controversy-shy advertisers to be the arbiters of what can and cannot be shown on a syndicated show. Syndication is its own money-slave and it's incapable of fully breaking free, short of the US viewership achieving consensus on both good taste and bad influences.
Supernatural worked its way up from a mythology of isolated urban legends to pull in the occult, then religion. The latter two subjects have been shockingly taboo for telly even here in the arguably post-Christian UK market within my lifetime. The spluttering outrage of the Mary Whitehouse Brigade would've turned to fatal aneurysms watching Supernatural play witchcraft, demonic possession, and angelic lore with equal irony and humour.
The heroes drink so much and live so badly that only their canonical Plot Armour, courtesy of failed-writer God, keeps them functioning as human beings. They're outlaws, criminals Robin Hood-style, defrauding their way to a living because their day job, the heroing, doesn't pay for food and shelter. They pass themselves off as badged figures of authority without difficulty. They never have to face the everyday moral or practical consequences of career-criminal actions that would be the moral backbone of the average movie or miniseries.
Dean routinely has carefree, casual sex with equally willing and available women during his travels, free of consequence and guilt, while the (currently) male angel Castiel occupies the textual role of Dean's love interest/romantic antagonist for most of 12 seasons because that happened to be where the show found the equivalent chemistry. They didn't just let it lie - they upped the ante season after season. That can only mean that the creatives of Supernatural have awesome poker-faces in serious meetings with their network-suited counterparts. ("No homo," they said gravely, sipping coffee and resting one hand half over the scene(s) where Dean takes the role of devastated widower every time Cas gets dead.)
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They made everything about free will and standing for what's right. Even some of the sparkier demons got there before their arcs closed, grabbing agency and choosing to serve the greater good, or to act from love, but the angels consistently struggled to do the same. The angels are an unholy mess on Supernatural, opting for largely self-inflicted genocide having been abandoned by God.
Supernatural made God the ultimate baddie then had Lucifer's son - actual son of Satan - kick his arse and replace him. The Antichrist showed up too, but turned out to be a nice kid who caused so little trouble he never returned to the show. Fantasy usually only gets away with that (Christianity-defined) blasphemy shit by cloaking it in not-our-world trappings; sword and sorcery, worldbuilding from the ground up to provide a safe otherspace for questions that half of society in the target market isn't comfortable even asking, let alone answering or turning into casual entertainment.
Supernatural did that too - 14 seasons of slow, epic worldbuilding set in what looks, sounds, feels and tastes like modern America, is a love poem to its land and uniqueness at times, especially under the original showrunner, but turns out in the end to be a fictional world written by a self-obsessed deity who's run out of new ideas and settled for endless reruns with his comfort characters. Our Heroes are puppets and God himself is the bad guy jerking them around. Season 15 pays off that buildup in spades, then wipes the floor with God, leaving him a pitiable irrelevance in the Supernatural America of free will and doing-what's-right.
I've seen the show take a lot of vitreol for being unambitious, and a lot of fans being very unhappy over what the show didn't do or attempt. After my first viewing, I'm just pouring one out for the cunning shit they got away with while the networks who kept the lights on for 15 years were too distracted by the comfortable, mainstream headline of "two marketable white dudes (but no homo) drive around America in a cool car being manly-man heroes" to do anything about it.
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fan-girl-mom ¡ 9 months ago
'i feel very conflicted about this article, the way I read it was ok the viewers wanted something, we gave it to them now let's be done with it. I feel like we're half way through the season and they want to keep that viewership on the hook so we're getting crumbs. I want to hope something happens but I don't like it being used like it has the last season as bait to get another season.
Criminal Minds: Evolution' Stars on Garcia & Luke: 'We Don't Know Where It's Going to Go'
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daisychainsandbowties ¡ 2 years ago
Does Lilith's lightsaber blade look like a less dramatic version of Talzin's sword from Season 6 of the Clone Wars?
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while that would definitely be cool, i don't think that lilith has any control whatsoever over the ichor in her body, so channeling it into a blade is well beyond her abilities. i DO think her lightsaber blade is a little sparkier than most ESPECIALLY later in the au. right now it looks almost indistinguishable from an ordinary red saber, with a few overcharged particles escaping every now and then, but, if this makes sense, in a more 'fireflies at night' way, like there are plasma trails in the air around her. later it's wilder and it leaves little burns on the backs of her hands, because... well... she's not on the kinder side of the story.
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2rat2touille ¡ 2 years ago
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The Flash’s future is starting to look a lot sparkier than his past.
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tennisdadsaficionado ¡ 5 months ago
It kind of amuses me how there's players who I only really started to watch because some of y'all love them. And now I love them too.
And then there's the ones everyone seems to love but I just don't get it. Which sometimes feels weird, ngl, when there's times it feels like I'm the only person who wants a match to go a different way.
These are the random thoughts when I have a pile of invoices, I'm stoned on codeine and I haven't taken my adhd meds so brain is even sparkier than normal
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bodyrevivehub ¡ 9 months ago
Chasing a healthier version of yourself means getting smart with weight loss strategies that stick around for the long haul. Blending these savvy moves into your daily grind can help you wave goodbye to those nagging pounds and boost your overall health. In this piece, we're diving deep into some golden nuggets of wisdom for naturally dropping weight. From diet dos and don'ts to workout wonders, we're laying out all you need to know about making choices that lead to lasting change. Get ready to learn how to eat smart, move more, and shake up your routine in a way that leads to real results. Key Takeaways:Let's Start with Weight Loss Strategies Finding Your Inner MotivationStay motivated, stay focused, and keep pushing forward!Setting Realistic GoalsEmbracing Healthy HabitsTable: Healthy Food SwapsIncorporating ExerciseCardiovascular ExercisesStrength TrainingConclusionFAQ Key Takeaways: Implement permanent lifestyle changes for successful weight loss Assess your readiness and motivation for change before starting your weight loss journey Find internal motivation and surround yourself with a supportive network Set realistic goals to stay motivated and focused Embrace healthy eating habits and adopt a balanced diet Let's Start with Weight Loss Strategies Kicking off a weight loss adventure means you've got to be all in—full of grit, ready for a challenge, and open to transforming your habits. Before you leap into the latest diet trend or hit the ground running with a new workout routine, pause for a second. Checking in with yourself about your drive and readiness to swap old habits for healthier ones is crucial. Taking stock of where you're at can lay a solid foundation for your success. Ponder this: "Do I have the fire in me to lose weight?" Mull over your motives behind wanting to drop the extra weight. Whether it's to amp up your health, give your self-esteem a boost, or just have more zip through your day, getting clear on your why can be the beacon that keeps you committed to your goals. Now, think about your game plan for eating and moving. Are you geared up to bid farewell to junk food and welcome a diet rich in nutrients? How about making a pact with yourself to get active on the regular? Being upfront about how ready you are to make these shifts can guide you in setting goals that are not just dreams but achievable milestones. Let's not forget, that reaching your weight loss targets is more marathon than sprint. It demands willpower and elbow grease. So, take a beat to gauge your change readiness, pinpoint realistic goals, and keep that motivation engine running at full throttle. With a can-do attitude and the right tactics, the healthier, more jubilant you isn't just a possibility—it's within reach. Exotic "rice method" liquifies fat cells Finding Your Inner Motivation Keeping that motivation fire burning is your secret weapon to winning the weight loss battle and transforming into a healthier, sparkier version of yourself. Think of your inner drive as the nitro in your engine, pushing you forward, even when the road gets bumpy. So, how do you dig up and fire up this powerhouse of motivation? First off, get clear on why you're kicking those extra pounds to the curb. Is it to boost your overall health, give your self-confidence a makeover, or to feel like you've got endless energy? Pin your reasons to your fridge, mirror, or anywhere they'll jump out at you. Having these reminders staring back at you works wonders for keeping your eyes on the prize. Next up, gather your personal cheer squad. Spill the beans on your weight loss journey to friends and family who'll be in your corner, cheering loud and proud. Or, get connected with a virtual tribe or a gym buddy who's on the same mission. This sprinkle of support and a dash of accountability mean you're not going it alone. By putting these tricks to work, you'll be equipped to keep that motivation flame alive and kicking, all while staying laser-focused on snagging the crown of a healthier, more jubilant you. Remember, motivation may get you started, but it's your discipline and dedication that will keep you going. Finally, don't forget to break your journey into bite-sized chunks by setting small, doable goals along the way. It's like adding checkpoints in a game; reaching each one gives you a little victory dance moment. Make sure to throw yourself a mini party for every goal you nail – it could be a happy dance in your living room, treating yourself to a movie night, or anything that spells 'celebration' to you. These wins, no matter their size, are golden. They not only give you a high-five feeling but also cement your dedication to becoming the healthiest version of you. With every little win, your motivation muscles get stronger, powering you towards that big win. Stay motivated, stay focused, and keep pushing forward! Diving into your weight loss journey, the secret sauce is setting goals that are as real as it gets. A clear roadmap with tangible milestones is your compass, keeping you driven and dialed in on the path to a healthier version of yourself. First off, embrace the truth that shedding pounds the healthy way is more of a marathon than a sprint. Targeting a weight drop of 1-2 pounds a week is your best bet for results that stick around instead of making a U-turn. Sure, the idea of quick weight loss might sound appealing, but it's like a mirage in the desert—appealing from afar but disappointing up close. The fuel to keep your weight loss engine running comes from setting goals you can actually hit. Think about including both process goals and outcome goals in your plan. Process goals are about the steps you're taking, like sticking to your workout routine or eating greens with every meal. Outcome goals are the finish lines you're racing to, like losing a specific number of pounds or slipping into a size that makes you feel fabulous. By focusing on these realistic and measurable objectives, you're not just dreaming about a healthier you—you're paving a solid road to get there. Setting Realistic Goals Divide your overarching objective into smaller, achievable steps. This approach not only renders your aim more feasible but also provides opportunities to acknowledge each success throughout your journey. Ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This strategy aids in maintaining focus and efficiently monitoring your advancement. Maintain flexibility and be willing to modify your objectives as necessary. The path to weight loss can fluctuate, presenting both progress and challenges. Remain dedicated and adjust your strategy to suit changing circumstances. By establishing achievable objectives, you outline a clear path for your weight loss strategies. This approach provides targets to aim for, keeping you driven and engaged along the way. It's important to practice patience with yourself and to recognize every accomplishment, regardless of its size. Your persistence and dedication will inevitably guide you towards a more healthful and joyful existence. Oriental Blue Tonic Melts 63 Pounds of Fat Embracing Healthy Habits For successful weight loss, embracing healthy eating practices is fundamental. Selecting wise dietary options and focusing on a well-rounded diet are essential steps to adequately nourish your body and accomplish your weight loss ambitions. Below are several vital strategies to assist you in forming beneficial eating habits: Let's paint a picture of a plate that's not just food, but a rainbow of nutrition! Imagine loading up your dish with vibrant fruits and veggies, lean meats that don't weigh you down, grains that keep you going, and fats that are actually your friends. These are the superheroes of food, packed with all the good stuff your body cheers for, like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Now, let's talk size – it's all about keeping it real and not going overboard. Think of using smaller plates as a sneaky trick to fool yourself into eating just the right amount. Measure it out, listen to what your tummy's really saying, and remember, it's not a race. Eating should be more like a chill marathon. Water, water, everywhere, should be your mantra for keeping thirst at bay and those hunger tricks in check. Ditch the sweet stuff that just pretends to be your friend. Water's the real MVP here, helping you stay fresh and on your game. And hey, let's put a limit on those sugary temptations and greasy foes. They might taste like a party now, but they're really just party poopers in disguise. Swap them out for the good guys – fruits that satisfy your sweet tooth, nuts, and seeds that are like nature's candy. Eating right isn't about cutting out all the fun stuff or starving yourself. It's all about feeding your body the good stuff it loves and figuring out a way to keep it up without feeling miserable. When you get into the groove of eating well, you're not just on the fast track to dropping pounds—you're also giving your overall health a major boost. So, let's shake off those strict rules and find a happy, healthy eating rhythm that sings to you! "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." - Ann Wigmore Taking this nutrition advice to heart can help you build a loving and nourishing bond with your meals. Remember, it's key to chat with a health expert or a dietitian who knows their stuff for advice that's just for you as you trek through your weight loss journey. Table: Healthy Food Swaps Unhealthy FoodHealthy Food SwapWhite BreadWhole Wheat BreadSodaSparkling Water with LemonFrench FriesBaked Sweet Potato FriesIce CreamGreek Yogurt with BerriesChipsAir-Popped Popcorn These simple food swaps can make a big difference in your overall calorie intake and nutrient profile. By making healthier choices, you can still enjoy delicious meals while working towards your weight loss goals. Incorporating Exercise To nail your weight loss goals, blending in regular workouts with your plan is a must. Working out does wonders, from torching calories to ramping up your overall fitness and kick-starting your metabolism into high gear. Dive into these exercise routines to supercharge your journey to shedding pounds and crossing that finish line sooner. Cardiovascular Exercises Cardio workouts are your secret weapon for burning calories and getting your heart pumping. Mix things like fast-paced walking, jogging, biking, or swimming into your daily plan. Try to hit at least 30 minutes of cardio at a moderate pace on most days. Begin with baby steps and slowly up your game in both time and effort to keep burnout at bay. Strength Training Throwing in some strength training in your routine is like adding rocket fuel to your weight loss engine. It helps you pack on lean muscle, revs up your metabolism, and amps up the fat burn. Whip out moves like lifting weights, working with resistance bands, or doing bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats. Shoot for hitting those muscles two to three times a week, giving each group some love. Don't forget to warm up those engines before you start and cool down nice and easy afterward to dodge any workout woes. And always tune in to what your body's saying—adjust the intensity and length of your sweat sessions as needed. Consistency's the name of the game for keeping that weight loss momentum going strong for the long haul. Fizzy juice “eats through” 62lbs of stubborn fat Conclusion Wrapping it up, having solid weight loss strategies up your sleeve is crucial for sculpting a healthier version of yourself and keeping those extra pounds off for good. By committing to real changes in your lifestyle and embracing healthier habits, you're setting yourself up for lasting weight loss and a huge boost in your overall health. It's all about setting goals that make sense—aim for shedding 1-2 pounds a week. Keep your eyes on the prize but also enjoy the journey. This balance will help keep your spirits high and your motivation strong. Eating right is your golden ticket to weight loss glory. Fill your plate with a rainbow of fruits and veggies, lean meats, whole grains, and fats that are good for your heart. Watch those portions, drink plenty of water, and ease up on the sweets and fatty stuff. Don't forget to move and shake! Regular exercise, mixing up aerobic activities with some muscle-strengthening hustle, is non-negotiable. Find what makes you happy, stick with it, and make sweating it out a non-negotiable part of your day. In a nutshell, getting to a healthier you and managing your weight is all about sticking to it, using smart strategies, and not being afraid to ask for expert advice when you need it. Keep your health at the forefront, and with a bit of grit and the right approach, you'll see those pounds melt away and find yourself living your best life. FAQ What's the secret sauce for weight loss that sticks? The real deal for locking down weight loss for the long haul is to switch up your lifestyle and health habits for good. How do I know if I'm really ready to start losing weight? Kick off your weight loss quest by asking yourself if you've got the fire to lose weight and if you're up for tweaking your diet and exercise habits. How do I keep the weight loss flame alive? Keep your weight loss mojo by tapping into your personal why, rallying a cheer squad around you, and setting constant goal reminders to keep your eyes on the prize. What's a healthy pace to lose weight? Aiming to drop 1-2 pounds a week hits the sweet spot for safe and steady weight loss. What's my diet game plan for shedding pounds? Zero in on munching a mix of fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats. Keep your portions in check, drink water like it's your job, and cut down on the sweet and greasy stuff. What exercise moves should make the cut for slimming down? Your weight loss playbook should include heart-pumping aerobic activities (think walking, jogging, swimming) and muscle-toning strength training (like lifting weights). What's the blueprint for keeping the weight off for good? Securing weight loss over the long term means sticking to lifestyle upgrades, setting doable goals, adopting healthy habits, and making exercise a regular thing. Remember, consistency is your best friend. Join Us https://bodyrevivehub.com/weight-loss/unlocking-effective-weight-loss-strategies-for-a-healthier-you/?feed_id=88&_unique_id=6669592a25b46
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wilddwcrds ¡ 1 year ago
JACKSON JONES: Focused on finding Teddy and Sophia at this moment in time, and for the revision of the three day grace period. Slightly dipped in his responsible and level head and is back to his sparkier self, seemingly undoing three years worth of growth bit by bit. Is more argumentative for or against things, and makes his opinions known loudly. In particular, he will be more demanding with the Crosses / Wolf on telling him where they took Jack.
CARINA ARAYA: Is a busy bee with everything happening in the town. She's worried about missing pack members, and will do anything to make sure they're found, even bending rules if she has to. She's also passionate for the revision of the three day period, and also focused on the expansion of the town. And is a mom. Toby turns 1 on March 6th IC so big deal there that I forgot about lol.
MICHAEL ROSE: Is reluctant to search for Dominic and his reasoning is purely selfish because if his son is held somewhere, there could be other Rose pack members with him and Michael isn't prepared to face the consequences. I would like to do more with him in general and I think it makes sense for Michael to try and round up wolves with no pack or small ones to try and join his. So there's an opening there for new characters if anyone wants.
AZIZE DENIZ: Is still looking for her brother and sister and helping Aidan search for Rae and Brendan. Is pretty much still floaty around the town doing odd jobs here and there and whatever she can get her hands on. Will probably offer to help the Crosses look for their missing members too.
ESJE GRIMM: Wants to help look for Thorin and Egil and will be putting her name forward to join searches. Other than that she's still training and spending most of her time doing that and doesn't particularly care about the work needed around the town.
LOGAN CROSS: Will probably be teaming up with Roxy to look for Dominic in exchange for her helping him look for Scarlett. Is also working a lot through the town and joining searches that look for Cross wolves. Could be noticed that he spends more time looking for Rose wolves though.
DRIFA FREYSSON: Is helping work toward Rineike and Roan's visions and will not be much of a team player for things in Hollow Cove. Still wants some more Sprite. Will probably join searches for Egil and Thorin with Hati or other Jansen wolves.
MEI KOJIMA: Is noticing the tension in her coven currently and is working out the smartest place to align herself during the disagreements about Felix. She's unsure where she stands currently. Will be working a lot through the town, wants the three day grace period to be revised and will be very vocal about it.
ALANA VAISMAN: Will be trying to stay as close to Kenzie as possible. Possibly might try and make a run for it before the actual escape takes place, and perhaps how far she gets before she's brought back is why she joins the better escape plan? Anything is possible with her because she'll be difficult and agitated at this time but also calculating.
ARIC VISSER: He's always calm but will be helping formulate escape plans but also pulling his weight around the camp to keep guards off his back. I haven't written him yet so that's all I got!
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notebook-10-03-24 ¡ 1 year ago
Cocktail of memories and trauma
Tw: Trauma talk; Sexual topics; mention of S/H
Memories; mostly of my childhood; are sparse and out of order. Sometimes I can remember them, good or bad.
Good ones like; Watching Blues Clues on the big block tv in the living room while munching down peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on bread mom got a bulk discount on since most expired in less then a week.
Maybe some that were bad in the moment (in the mind of a child), but become a funny story to joke about with friends or family. One fourth of July when my brother burned a hole in the back of my Dora the Explorer swimsuit I was wearing with a lit sparkier (by accident of course). No sever injuries from that, just a burned swimsuit.
But most memories that come up are what can be called the "bad" ones who influenced me greatly fully to how I am/ feel today.
(!!!Talk of the Tws starts here!!)
They feel as if they are clawing their way up through the layers of dirt in my mind, unburying themselves to surface. Egging on the already terrible spiral I was experiencing in that moment. Sometimes they even like to stay just beneath my skin, letting me know they are always there even when I've worked so hard to hide them. Sleepless nights from the back to back replay of those feelings, disgusting hands that never seem to let go till you're exhausted.
!!(Please note that below is my own prosses in dealing with things. It is flawed at time, but mostly work for me. Do not take this as a problem solver for yourself, please find/develop you own ways. Highly recommend you research or get with a mental health professional.)!!
I do have a process to try and make the spiral end, or lessen the length of it. If at home I will either lay down or play with my cat to release any amount of dopexamine that might help. Laying down to just to let it pass or distracting myself will work at times. Writing down or drawing my feelings is the quickest way to escape, but there are spirals that are just too much. Last way that I can try to distract myself is with some stress relief.
One of the only ways (most effective) I release stress is from gratification in a sexual way. Back when I first dealt with depression I did try other methods I've seen on tv or heard in general, though I quickly ruled those out (cutting, burning, and other harmful things) as it was too painful and hard to hide/manage. Masturbation, even if taboo in many ideologs, has been the best and less harmful way to get me down from a spiral.
Of course even that last method fails. Either from not being able to reach climax (due to how bad the spiral is)or not working even after climax as the action made it worse; especially if the memories that play are of my sexual trauma. When it does fail the traumatic memories fuel everything, forcing me to reflect on them .
Funny how the the trauma and terrible memories you have buried deep down latch onto each other and fuse. All a reminder that they were the ones that crushed, shaped you into who you are....
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harrison-abbott ¡ 2 years ago
subzero boy
He was the first boy she’d wanted to kiss and when she did so it was a wondrous ordeal. It’s quite hard to describe what he looked like, even when he was that young. Let’s focus on his brown eyelashes. And the eyes between them, a deadly hazel colour, as if they were foreign … he didn’t appear like anybody else. But he didn’t have a deadly character; didn’t have much persona at all. Although he was quiet, sweet. She loved him. He was talented, and she liked that; he was a musician, could play all kinds of things. Just had that natural ink for music. She wished she did, too … Whilst at the same time – he didn’t seem to be curious about anything else aside from music. Or films. And when she was over at his: he only wanted to watch movies that he found interesting, rather than her choices. And she occasionally brought a DVD over, he was unimpressed and bored with the film and wouldn’t pretend to be intrigued. … She grew tired from his lack of words. High school gossip was her main interest; and he couldn’t have cared less. What was there to talk about with him? He drifted away from her. She met these other people; and there was a different boy (with a much alternate style) who she began to like. So she pressed her first boy to try and speak to her a bit more. He only shied further away. … And then he left her. And the hurt of that was like nothing she’d experienced before. Her eyes were red for days. … A fortnight later, he kissed her in the park and she did so back and suddenly they were together again. He said he wanted to have her back. She didn’t quite believe him but she agreed anyway. This was in the winter months – the windiest, frostiest months. They’d walk around the streets in their hooded tops. She always made like she wasn’t cold; and he warmed her with his body. And they’d get closer to sex over in his bedroom. Remember that they were both teens, virgins. She still loved him in a way and she told him so and when he answered “I love you too” it made her gasp, inwardly, because he got all coy about it. However, he still didn’t have much to say. They had nothing to chat about, and it was different with all of her other mates, and that new group, and that other boy, who were far sparkier than he was. So she pushed him about it, near Christmas. He said they should go for a walk up a hill and have a long talk. Then they went up the hill in subzero weather and the ground sparkled with frost in rainbow dots … and he barely spoke to her the whole way; all he did was kiss her: and then they went back to hiss and all he seemed to want was sex. She remained with him anyway. And a week later – first week of January – he finished with her again. Outrage. The sheer nerve he had. What a bastard. She kept asking him why he’d broken up with her again. The answers were evasive, unbelievable. She felt there had to be a proper reason and he wasn’t prepared to give her any. Looking to her girlfriends for support, she said she was really blue about him, what’d happened. They replied with one-sentence lines on the internet and that was all. And then he basically, gradually, cut her out of his life. He was still there in school. He just wouldn’t speak to her. And there was no way to get him back; or to make him communicate, on even normal hello terms. Blanked her out. As if she’d never existed and hadn’t been any kind of chapter to him in the past. And she hated him for it. Totally despised him. The worst thing was knowing that he wasn’t a bad person; he was a nice boy, never violent or angry. And she’d hear other people talk about his musicianship: and knew that lots of other girls fancied him too. She wanted everybody to detest him, also. But they didn’t. There was zilch cure for the heartbreak. So she decided to stay inside the bubble of hatred. Keep it simmering. It was her way of coping. And that bubble is still there to this day, over fifteen years later.
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ru-titley-knives ¡ 8 years ago
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Pimped  MK2 Survival Spark .
 I’m not a huge fan of shiny things let alone shiny brass so thought I’d pimp up the longer mk2 version of the keyring sparkier kindly sent to me by the folks at survival depot http://www.survivaldepot.co.uk/product/brass_keyring_sparkier.
 I added a few areas of jimping with a diamond dremel tip before field stripping it ready for etching and brass black before it was stonewashed with the flint striker removed .
 The striker can then also be further pimped ready for emergency use by wrapping the length in either gutted 550 fire-cord or waxed jute / hemp cordage or brown hairy garden twine .
 Custom knives , sheaths and gear from rtknives@hotmail.com
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neil-gaiman ¡ 4 years ago
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More casting news on Sandman...
Every afternoon I get an email telling me that there are “dailies” from The Sandman ready to be watched. It's the best bit of the day. Once every few weeks I get an email letting me know that there's a finished episode waiting for me to watch it. It's the best bit of the month.
The Sandman is being made, and it's... well, it's The Sandman. Which is the best thing of all.
You may know that The Sandman is based on my comic book series of the same name. A rich blend of modern myth and dark fantasy in which contemporary fiction, historical drama and legend are interwoven, The Sandman follows the people and places affected by Morpheus, the Dream King, as he mends the cosmic — and human — mistakes he's made during his vast existence.
You might already know that Tom Sturridge (he/him) is Dream of the Endless, Gwendolyn Christie (she/her) is Lucifer, Sanjeev Bhaskar (he/him) and Asim Chaudhry (he/him) are Cain and Abel, Charles Dance (he/him) is Roderick Burgess, Vivienne Acheampong (she/her) is Lucienne, and Boyd Holbrook (he/him) is The Corinthian.
But there are more parts to be announced. And I thought it would be fun to tell you about some of them, and the thinking behind them.
DEATH – Dream's wiser, nicer, and much more sensible sister. Significantly harder to cast than you might imagine (well, than I imagined, anyway). Hundreds of talented women from all around the planet auditioned, and they were brilliant, and none of them were right. Someone who could speak the truth to Dream, on the one hand, but also be the person you'd want to meet when your life was done on the other. And then we saw Kirby Howell-Baptiste's (she/her) audition and we knew we had our Death.
DESIRE – Dream's sibling and everything you want, whatever you want and whoever you are. Desire is also trouble for Dream. Families are complicated. We had barely started looking when Mason Alexander Park (they/them) reached out on Twitter, and threw their hat into the ring. We were thrilled when they got the part.
DESPAIR – Desire's twin, Dream's sister. She is the moment when all hope is gone, the bleakest of the Endless. Donna Preston (she/her) will be playing her, and her performance is chilling and sad. You feel her pain.
JOHANNA CONSTANTINE – Eighteenth Century occult adventuress, John Constantine’s great-great-great grandmother. This Sandman character became so popular that she even had her own spin-off series. I created her to fill the role that John Constantine does in the past. When we broke down the first season, given that we knew that we would be encountering Johanna in the past, we wondered what would happen if we met a version of her in the present as well. We tried it and the script was sparkier, feistier, and in some ways even more fun. So having written her, we just had to cast her. Jenna Coleman (she/her) gave us the Johanna of our dreams – tough, brilliant, tricky, haunted and probably doomed.
ETHEL CRIPPS – Roderick Burgess's love, John Dee's mother, is a small but vital role in the comics, but she became more important as we told our story. In the 1920s and 30s, she is played by Niamh Walsh (she/her): a betrayed and determined young woman seeking to survive. In the present day, now a woman of a hundred identities and a thousand lies, she's played by the brilliant Joely Richardson (she/her).
JOHN DEE – Ethel's son is dangerous. He was driven mad, long ago. Now he's out and on a quest for Truth that may destroy the world. We needed an actor who could break your heart and keep your sympathy while taking you into the darkest places. We were lucky that David Thewlis (he/him) took the part.
Now we're shooting The Doll's House, the second big Sandman storyline. It's the story of:
ROSE WALKER – a young woman on a desperate search for her missing brother, who finds a family she didn't know that she had, and a connection to Dream that neither of them can escape. We needed someone young who could make you care as she ventures into some very dangerous places. Boyd Holbrook's Corinthian is waiting for her, after all. Kyo Ra (she/her) achieves that as Rose.
LYTA HALL – Rose’s friend, a young widow mourning her husband Hector. Rose doesn't know that Hector has started showing up in Lyta's dreams, though. Or that strange things are happening. Razane Jammal (she/her) is Lyta, and she's terrific.
UNITY KINKAID - Heiress, Rose's mysterious benefactor. She has spent a century asleep. Now she's awake, having missed out on her life. She's played by Sandra James Young (she/her).
GILBERT – Rose Walker's debonair protector. A dab hand with a paradox and a sword cane. Stephen Fry (he/him) is a National Treasure, and we forget sometimes that he's also a remarkable actor. Seeing him in costume and make up on the dailies made me blink: it was as if the comic had come to life.
MATTHEW  – Dream’s trusted emissary. A raven. I expected our animals to be CGI, and was both taken aback and thrilled when the dailies started coming in, and there was Dream talking to... well, a raven. But ravens don't really talk. The question was, could we find an actor who could make you care about a dead person who was now a bird in the Dreaming – one who isn't certain what's going on, or whether any of this is a good idea? And could we find a voice performer who was also the kind of Sandman fan who used to stand in line to get his Sandman comics signed? The answer was, we could if we asked Patton Oswalt (he/him). And Patton was the first person we asked, and the first person we cast, the day before we pitched The Sandman to Netflix.
Of course, there are more delights and nightmares cast than I've listed here, and we have a few more secrets up our sleeves. I can't wait until you can start watching.
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lunalilith19 ¡ 2 years ago
Can you tell anything about what Madi Hubbell is like as a coach and mentor for Christina? And what her relationship is like with both Scott and Adrian?
so Madi is a Pisces with a Cancer moon - she's emotionally deep, sensitive, and intense about the things she cares about. She also has some warrior energy going on with her Mars conjunct Psyche, which makes her more fierce than you might expect a Pisces/Cancer to be. she has Venus trine Jupiter- she's loving and warm and shows affection easily. and Venus sextile Saturn, which gives her the ability to use her creativity in an ordered and detailed way. and her Sun conjunct Mercury- a good and expressive communicator -- she has a lot of qualities that make her a good teacher and role model
Christina is an Aries, and her moon is Pisces or Aries, but she feels more like a Pisces moon rather than a double Aries - Zak Lagha is a double Aries, Marina Zoueva is a double Aries - it's a pretty different vibe from Christina. She still could be, but if she's Aries/Pisces, then Madi is a Pisces with Aries Venus, so they'd have the slightly dreamy Pisces side by side with this sparkier fiery energy in common. Feeling kin with Madi can give Christina the feeling that she's understood and seen.
Madi has a Jupiter-Saturn opposition in her chart which lines up with Christina's North and South nodes - the way that Madi works and wants to structure their goals makes sense to Christina and feels comfortable. Jupiter on the North Node means generosity and good feelings towards each other, and Madi helps Christina believe in herself more, and Christina helps Madi find who she is as a teacher. Lots of good stuff between them.
Madi is double water with that Pisces/Cancer combo - Scott is lacking in water - it's hard for him to articulate his feelings, he has trouble sitting with uncomfortable emotions. Being around a watery person can be helpful in that she's good at those things.
Scott's Virgo planets are trine to her Uranus and Neptune- this is good inspiration and creative energy. Her Sun is trine his Pluto - a positive influence for change for each other. But they do have some friction- their Suns are opposite each other, and her Mars is square to his Sun, Mars and Venus - there would be some tension from time to time and ways they don't see eye to eye. He probably worries more than she does. The way she and Zach would spar verbally as part of their working relationship wouldn't work here- Scott would be more likely to shut down.
Their composite has kind of few aspects- their birth times would be very useful to see what's what - but as it stands, this chart feels like they work well together on the day to day and are good creative and work partners.
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landoncrris ¡ 2 years ago
I would actually love if mason went to a bundesliga club yk… love Chelsea but he hasn’t played to his best and in his position since the ucl win season, fans disrespect him all the time and like you said the bundesliga is just sparkier and nicer idk I think it’d be nice for him to clear the air
no bc—
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