#Nym finally watched Supernatural
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Supernatural 4x20 The Rapture
#supernatural#spn#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak#jimmy novak#sam winchester#dean winchester#castiel#misha collins#jared padalecki#jensen ackles#he's so confused#give him a cream bun#spn gifs#spn 4x20
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(I was supposed to splort my drink across the room here, right?)
#spn 13x16#nym finally watched supernatural#i love what this show got away with#dean winchester#castiel#and the cartwright twins apparently#dean u dark horse u
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Supernatural 4x20 The Rapture
#spn 4x20#jimmy novak#claire novak#supernatural#spn#spn gifs#misha collins#sydney imbeau#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak#gloomy episode is gloomy#and they did that tragic grainy thing all over the flashbacks#but i need better tools than i have on this mac to make it go away
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Supernatural 4x20 The Rapture
#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak#jimmy novak#misha collins#castiel#supernatural#spn#spn 5x04
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Supernatural 4x20 The Rapture
#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak#if that little look skyward isn't “Cas you absolute thoughtless DICK” I'll eat my hat#if jimmy doesn't eat it first#jimmy novak#sam winchester#supernatural#dean winchester#spn#spn 4x20#misha collins#jared padalecki#jensen ackles
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Supernatural 4x20 The Rapture
#that one time the winchester brothers couldn't contain a stressed-out ad copy salesman from suburbia#jimmy novak#dean winchester#spn 4x20#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak#misha collins#jensen ackles#supernatural#spn#spn gifs#angels are dicks
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Supernatural 4x20 The Rapture
#spn 4x20#jimmy novak#claire novak#amelia novak#crying now#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak#supernatural#spn#spn gifs#misha collins#sydney imbeau#wynn everett#watching a character lose his faith in the space of half an episode - hard on the feels#and then it gets worse
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To Kill Murder
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> "I see you made it no problem, Geofri." Jessie stepped off the airship and onto the dock at Camp Overlook. One hand carried a rather large and clearly marked with wards satchel.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri nodded at Jessie as she arrive. He slid off from the crate he sat on, "Yeh, figured I'd take in the scenery while I waited. That there be it, yeh?" he indicated the bag with a nod of his head.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> "Yes, I was able to examine the knife, so long as you don't cut yourself with the edge you will be unaffected by lingering desires of the Spirit of Murder. The hilt itself is not as old as the blade so it does not have the same... properties." She carefully withdrew the knife from the satchel. It was tucked neatly into a new sheath covered in aetheric wards. "As long as you have it in the sheath, its aether will not be detectable."
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri nodded, he went ahead and took the knife and examined it on his own. He gave a whistle, "Funny seein' it look so mundane, especially after seein' when we first got it." he carefully strapped the blade to a slip behind him.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> "It is the only thing according the the Yuki Clan that can kill her, but with how things are I doubt the Spinner's Shears will allow us to get close to her if we stormed the base." Jessie took out a second item from the satchel, this one was an amulet. It looked to be crystal carving of a black eagle perched in a field of wildflowers. "Our goal is to kill her, so the Spinner's no longer have a supernatural spirit on their side when the rest of the Agents move to kill the rest of the bastards."
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> Her fist clenched around the amulet for a few moments before relaxing once more.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri nodded, his expression was neutral and the visor hid his eyes but he was getting into a particular mode. "I'll be sure to make this be done. Tis' personal now, yeh?" he remarked, he fidgeted a bit, perhaps he was nervous? None in the least, it was excitement. He looked to the amulet with his head, "And this'n?"
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> "The bastards killed my family, my friends, my free company. I am going to make sure they know how it feel to lose something close to their heart before I make sure every last one of them is dead." The normally reserved woman almost was snarling, but she took a deep breath before holding out the amulet. "This was made by my husband, for me. However, it will be of more use to you for this. It will conceal your aether to a point. That way you only have to worry about being seen rather than sensed.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri could control the smile the crept unto his face. He carefully took the amulet and adorned it. He watcher her actions and felt it, his fire was more controlled at this point. He nodded to Jessie, "Eye fer an eye, blood fer blood and a life fer a life taken. Equivalent exchange at its core." he remarked and looked over his shoulder, "I'm eager to get started."
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> "The plan is simple, you go in the same route we did last time to that hovel. I will take small two person airship around the city of Nym to meet up at the cliffside." She motioned to the dock they were on before continuing. "Sneak in, ram the knife into her hear, her head, or just slit her throat then get jump off the cliffside before the Spinner's Shears can get stop you. I will be there waiting and we will meet up with the rest of the Agents here to eliminate the Spinner's while they ---
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> in disarray or grieving the lost of their 'mother.'"
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri simple nodded, he reached back to check the blade again. There was a twitch in his fingers, "Understood. if there be nothin' else. Let's paint the place red, yeh?" he commented, as he checked his instruments and awaited her response.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> "I wish I could just use one of Eagle's more questionable arrays to wipe out the whole base... but lack of aether and I am sure it would be considered illegal." She frowned before turning to the small airship she arrived on. "I doubt it would be as satisfying, as well. Call me on the pearl if anything goes wrong and I will provide a distraction so you can still eliminate the Spirit of Murder." The woman paused and turned to look back at Geofri or rather the amulet. "Let us finish it."
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri nodded, "We shall." his words were confident and he was playing many scenarios in his head but come hells or flood water, he was going to see this one done. As any job he'd taken, the target had to be eliminated and this one had no ceremony. It was pure revenge.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The hovel where previously the Advent Agents had engaged with Everret Black was not quite as empty this time. Dozens of men and woman of various races wandered about the repurposed hotsprings. Many were armed, some were looking clearly lookouts, and a few would step over to the middle of the springs the occasional plate of food or glass of wine. Sitting in the middle was Satsujin no Seishin in her fine robe and veil concealed face. Despite the attempts her 'children,' mother paid them ---
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> little mind, not even acknowledging the offerings, just staring out into the fog over the cliffside.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri skirted along, close to the cliffside, using the advantage of cover and watched their movements to time he his way along to the hovel. He carefull scanned where the lookouts were, he formulated a plan to pick off one at a time in attempte to get as close to Satsujin as possible. He carefully crept toward the closest to him. (B)
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The Hyur Geofri approached seemed more focused on the road than the hills and the occasional glance back to 'mother.' As moments went by members of the Spinner's Shears occasionally left the camp as others arrived. It was clear this place had become almost a temple to the Spirit of Murder.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri observed their mannerisms and as soon as they were distracted by looking back toward Mother, he eyed over to the other lookout (A). He would attempted to tranq the Hyur (B) and have him fall into a sitting positon against the hill.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The Hyur slouched as the tranq hit him, almost as if the man was merely taking a break from watching the road to rest his legs. He sat neatly against the hill leaving Geofri with less eyes looking for trouble. The Elezen across the road spotted his comrade slouch and almost shouted at him, but a brief glance to mother stilled his tongue. Oddly the entire camp was quiet. The Spinner’s Shears seemed to only speak in whispers.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri watched from the bushes as the Elezen was distracted he again watched the traffic and moved amongst it toward the Elezen. He watched and timed his next tranq, he timed it like he did with the Hyur, to have them look like they are taking a brief rest before he got more bold.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The elezen joined the hyur in faux rest, slouching along the rocks. Very few of the Spinner’s even seemed to look that way. Most were murmuring among themselves or attempting to make offerings to Satsujin no seishin.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri watched their movements change again. He figured now was the best time to take the opportunity with the lookouts and most distracted by other things. He reached over to Q-B and took a braided cord out of it, he timed for multiple flash bangs. He was launched into the air along with his Node, the first flash bang would go off. As he lept toward Satsujin, another flash bang would go off and the Highlander would let go off the cord. He tested her reflexes with a couple of>>
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> dummy daggers, while her attention was fixated on those he reached back to retrieve the cursed blade from his back and as he landed, used the momentum to try todrive the blade down on the frontal lobe of her skull and follow through downward. The last flash bang would go off, in that moment.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The first flashbang triggered and the entire camp ignited in shouts and commands. After the second the commands were clearly to kill Geofri and several Spinner’s Shears were racing across the pool to try to stop him from attacking Satsuijn no Seishin. Even the spirit turned to look at the man as he struck with the dummy daggers. -
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The woman simply ducked and weaved around them, but her vessel, she did not even sense until the moment it was free from its sheath. The blade drive deep into her skull blood trickled from where it pieces. Geofri, however, was unable to pull it downward and the final flashbang almost was unneeded as all the Spinner’s had stopped in the tracks as the Spirit of Murder bat the Ishgardian’s hand away.-
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> “Ha…” She sourly laughed. Then the laughter became shrill and chaotic as if echoed off the walls of the valley. The woman kept laughing as she stood up and yanked the knife from her head and PLUNGED IT INTO… her own chest over and over. Even as the laughter became choked in blood she did not stop stabbing over and over, staring at Geofri with mad eyes. All of the Spinner’s simply watched in horror as their goddess kept impaling herself repeatedly until she collapsed into a bloody heap.
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> Geofri thought that she was unharmed by the blade and was surely taken back by her actions following after. He could only watch and wait as the Spirit continued. As she collapsed, he took the blade once more and to be sure of things, he severed her head in a quick motion and took off to jump off the falls, and dropped the head like discarded trash. One can never be to sure with these things. The node followed soon after to help slow his descent while he spoke into his pearl.>>
[3]<Geofri Steeleyes> His expression neutral but his the corners of his lips and fingers twitched with adrenaline.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> Jessie was exactly where she promised she would be and caught the man in her small airship as he leapt from the cliff. As their airship rose above the cliffline, the scene at the hot springs was not what was to be expected. Not one member of the cabal even looked up at them.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> A Spinner’s Shears walked up to the corpse of Satsujin no seishin and raise a knife to his neck, called out. “For Mother,” and slit his throat. Just like so many others, only aether flooded out, but instead of going into the sky it just pooled like fog over the corpse of the Spirit of Murder.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> The first dropped dead, a husk; then another stepped up. “For Mother.” and slit their own throat. Then another. “For Mother.” Then another. “For Mother.” The entire camp one by one walked up to Satsujin no Seishin and repeated those two words before slitting their throats.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> “Something is wrong, the aether is pooling.” Jessie mumbled as the hot springs became hidden by a red fog. Even through the dense aether a female figure began to rise from where Satsujin no Seishin once stood, but much taller.
[3]<Jessie Wildflower> Jessie looked back at Geofri. “The aether levels… they are going through the roof. We need to get back to Camp Overlook now!” The woman gripped the accelerator and the pair shot off through the sky back to the camp.
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(Whilst exploding and being showered in sparks.)

he walked into set with sex hair, a knock-off constantine cosplay, the most perplexing vocal choices of all time and the most intense homoerotic stare to ever be levelled at another man
#happy sixteenth birthday castiel#castiel#an entrance so overpowering he stayed for 12 more seasons#misha collins#spn 4x01#supernatural#spn#nym finally watched supernatural
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Wait wait wait... how old are the guardians? Are they as old as the islands, or are they repalced through the generations
The guardian Ryubliss were created from dreams so powerful that they can last almost eternally. However, they aren’t as old as the islands.
At first, Worldview watched over all four islands herself (five if you count Origin Island). However, as she grew older, and her branches began to root her in place, she needed help keeping the Ryuniverse safe.
Faust and Lychee were created by Worldview herself to watch over the younger generations of Ryubean, guiding them as they prepared to leave the Ryuniverse to find children to bond to and protect. Because they grew up as Ryubean together and ascended to fully-fledged Ryubliss at the same time, the two formed a bond almost as sisters.
Nym was created on accident when a sudden burst of energy came into contact with freshly formed dreams. She’s the first of a line of Ryubliss with supernatural abilities... or at least, a non-nightmare variant. Upon first awakening, she was regarded as dangerous because of her extreme power levels. However, Faust saw a spark of good in her and assigned her guardian of Shift City, a place just as high energy as she once was. Nym mellowed out significantly since then.
Cherry Bloom was born as a byproduct of someone’s final wish. She spent most of her life as a Ryubean, watching over the grandchildren of an elderly woman, whom she’d watched grow up. Eventually, the children stopped visiting as they grew up, forgot Cherry’s existence, and began to resent the old woman’s slow, rural lifestyle. Cherry finally reached fully-fledged Ryubliss status upon hearing the woman’s last wish, which Cherry never told anyone. Lychee assigned her as guardian of Gardenia Grove, where she could live out her old lifestyle in peace.
#Ryubliss#Ryu-Ask#Ryubliss Lore#Ryubliss World#Nym Ryu#Faust Ryu#Cherry Bloom Ryu#Lichen Fur Ryu#NPC Worldview#original species#Arizel Locations
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Supernatural 10x20 Angel Heart
#jimmy novak#amelia novak#claire novak#spn 10x20#misha collins#leisha hailey#spn#supernatural#spn gifs#nym finally watched supernatural#and needs more gifs of jimmy novak
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Supernatural 5x04 The End.
Artistic choices in Supernatural that make your brain melt. I'd love to know who on set made that artistic choice.
#spn 5x04#nym finally watched supernatural#i mean i assume the double-take glance-back at cas came from the script#to illustrate that cas has seen it all before and isn't freaking out like 2009!dean is - this is normal bar having 2 deans there#but someone on the director/camera side said 'let's do an unnecesarily complicated visual thing with angles' there#and the result is suggestive enough to launch a slash fleet#i love what this show got away with#supernatural#spn#dean winchester#castiel#endverse cas#endverse dean#they're messed up all right#and i could eat it up with a spoon
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Dean's face though! Even a couple of seasons on from this he still gets that, "Shit!" moment when he backchats an angel. He refuses to show any of them a shred of unearned respect, or hold back on telling them when they cross a line. He refuses to be cowed by their power or impressed by their authority, and I love him for it.
Meanwhile, immovable-object Castiel, the full power of Heaven still at his back, is going from smitey to smitten at a rate of knots and quickly figures out that whatever he demands in the name of Heaven, Dean will do the exact opposite. He goes from watching him like a bug under a microscope, curious and entertained, to looking at him like he hangs the stars—hopelessly and immovably in love. Gorgeous.
(If only it occurred to either of them to really talk to each other about the whys for all that.)
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You think endverse Cas was really human? I mean was he a reliable narrator in that script or doing this whole performance to hide himself in plain sight while being more than human less than angel?
Good question! I didn't come away from that ep believing he was fully human, personally - his ability to both instantly spot time-travel!Dean and effortlessly identify what must've happened to him speaks to that. His senses aren't fully human, maybe - at the very least, he retains a mind free from the confabulation and confusion that humans can't avoid when perceiving the world. He sees - and trusts - exactly what's actually there in front of him when the 'wrong' Dean walks in. No hesitation or bewilderment because his brain's telling him two different things - just a few pertinent followup questions to get the context of Dean's time travelling. He still has the uncomplicated, uncomfortable clarity and directness of angel!Cas.
It says a lot that this timeline's Cas describes being human as a step down. Endverse!Cas equates his relative lack of power with becoming human, but losing his angel powers isn't enough to leave him fully human, I don't think. Mortal, maybe, and functionally diminished as a warrior, but not human. It's like he's using it as a catchall word for his fall from grace, and as a derogatory label for his own limited capacity to make a difference in their fight. I don't think he thinks less of humanity than he did before, but he thinks a lot less of himself. Not because he's human, or humanlike, but because he's failed.
I'd suggest that Endverse!Cas's ability to function as an ally who Dean can tolerate (or even allow to live) means that he's less affected by the substance abuse than a human would be. I can't see that version of Dean tolerating any liability in his ranks, let alone in the leadership tier. Maybe Cas walks a thin line with it, always a misstep away from Dean having to take decisive action about him, but he seemed ultra-competent, and trusted, for a guy mixing uppers, downers, and probably sideways-ers, with apocalyptic stress levels and the loss of his very identity.
I do think hiding in plain sight could be a really big part of what we saw from Endverse!Cas. Hiding from himself as much as anything else. Hiding what? Despair, I think. We see hints of that same bitterness and acting-out in regular Cas later in S5, when he thinks that Dean's about to surrender to Michael; that his faith has been (once again) misplaced and the fight is lost. Cas needs something to believe in and fight for because that's how he's made. He takes failure very hard and very personally. There's something defensive about Endverse!Cas, prickly and difficult, even when he's smiling and appears body-comfortable. That easy geniality vibrates with an edge of, "Just try me", like a neon warning sign. I doubt anyone but Dean ever gets the opportunity to see past it.
The End is such a brilliant script, such a well-made episode that it feels like a complete 'verse, but there are so many unanswered questions about how the characters ended up where that story found them. It's a headcanon and fanfiction goldmine because it's so sparing, and I love it. (But I'd just about kill for a Camp Chitaqua or Sam-as-Lucifer spinoff serial to tell me much, much more about it.)
#nym finally watched supernatural#spn 5x04#endverse!cas#endverse!dean#endverse#endverse castiel#endverse cas#endverse dean#castiel#dean winchester#supernatural#spn#supernatural meta#spn meta
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Were they actually planning to write Castiel out of the story at this point?
The whole Supernatural season 6 'Cas-going-darkside via a road paved with good intentions' arc aggressively signposts a permanent swansong, like he was either meant to die and stay dead or... I dunno. Stay darkside and appear once a season from now on as guest antagonist to twist the knife in the Winchester feels?
And then he's absent for most of the following season and comes back at a really odd point in the season for a recurring character to... recur... after that exit in 7x02. And with the oddest handwave about where he's been. Then he's around for keeps 'til the end of the run. It's... odd!
I watched Supernatural knowing for sure that Misha Collins stuck around 'til the end (and little else), so I've had this cognitive dissonance thing going on ever since Cas/not-Cas exploded with black ooze in S7. Help?
Tell me a thing that you know and I don't, please, old hands of the SPN fandom? What went on there?
UPDATE: Thanks to @searchingcassiopeia I now know that this was an unforced error/own goal. And that I'm not going bonkers because this was indeed written as a swansong.
#nym finally watched supernatural#castiel#supernatural#spn#spn meta#supernatural meta#misha collins#spn 6x19#spn 6x20#spn 6x22#spn 7x01#spn 7x02#some performers should be prohibited from breaking the fourth wall in closeup shots - for public health reasons
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Does Dean know Cas loves him?
Oww, that question's hard on the feels! Okay... okay. Yeah, I think so. Dean's not unobservant and he doesn't lack empathy, so he must be aware on some level. I think he's hung up on not knowing what it could possibly mean for either of them - what the devotion of a creature like Cas could even mean in human terms.
It seemed like Dean stuck and held on the whole "angels don't have the equipment to care, and when they try, it breaks them apart" bit. When was that - season 7, while Cas was off in mental honeybee land? Dean couldn't possibly have held onto that once he saw Cas parenting Jack with such unconditional love, years later, but by then there was so much water under the bridge... too much they both should've done, and shouldn't have done, and did do but then never talked about...? I dunno. I think it just became too big to tackle by then. They never had the luxury of enough time without a crisis to even start.
I think Dean believes that Cas shouldn't or mustn't love him, for various reasons, so he avoids consciously dealing with it as far as possible, and mentally frames it as doing them both a huge favour. Dean's aware, but can't bear it and feels completely unworthy of it, is my take. He wants to protect the people he cares about, including - especially - from himself. The more losses they suffer, the more he doubles down on the self-blame.
In reality, even when he's in absolute torment, as he was while fully human, Cas actually does just fine with his developing emotions - he accepts them, for starters - but from where Dean's standing, from the fragmented parts of the story Dean witnesses, it looks like a long-running disaster movie in which Cas gets repeatedly broken down and diminished and punished for choosing the Winchesters.
Even for a man who started out faithless, having an angel willingly fall from grace and choose him over heaven, brethren, and actual god must be... so overwhelming. It must feel wrong to be the focus of something so big and incomprehensible, even if it wasn't his choice or his fault. Dean's not even close to deciding what to do with that big picture by the time Cas flat-out says, "I love you," and makes it so very, very simple and human.
#is this an english word thing? is it sense making? nym is medicated and blurry today#dean winchester#castiel#spn meta#supernatural meta#destiel#nym finally watched supernatural#deancas#casdean#longwinded way of saying 'dean was so overthinking this'
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