So I have this idea about Spain (Antonio) and nyo!Canada (Madeline) being friends with benefits.
I think of Madeline as being England's well-behaved ward, but that French influence adds a bit of rebellion and passion to the mix.  In addition, she is a young, relatively sheltered ex-colony who is curious about the world.
Antonio would make a great friend and mentor for her.  He'd love that he can encourage her zest for life, and that she can show passion at times.  He'd lead her with a gentle hand, knowing that England and France would have a say if he tried otherwise.  Working together, they would make a very clever team.
So I have this idea about how their curious relationship started, the story outline is below the cut.
Want a teaser?  Let's just say it's not every day Netherlands pays you to spite England by taking his precious ward on a blind date.
This takes place in the later 2000's, a safer time to work with.  The Cold War is over, Canada is independent, and the world is becoming far more connected than before.
My headcanon is that, when England (Arthur) is ignoring her demands and she needs him to actually listen to her, she recruits the help of her sugar daddies usual suspects.  Netherlands (Willem) and Germany (Ludwig) have been wrapped around her fingers for years, with post-Soviet Russia (Ivan) recently joining the mix.  Usually the sight of her flirting with one of these three will make England worried about her safety and well-being.
Well, in this particular situation at a world meeting, that plan is not working.  After a particularly stubborn bout, England is no longer blinking an eye at Madeline kissing Willem on the cheek, really close to his lips.  Willem notices the issue, and realizes that the shock factor might be wearing off.  If Madeline wants to get Arthur's attention, something needs to change.
That's when Willem approaches Antonio with a proposal.  Antonio should take Madeline out on a nice date, and purposefully flirt with her to piss off Arthur.  Willem even offers Antonio cash to pay for dinner and drinks.
And really, Antonio has no reason to refuse.  Madeline is a nice girl, and quite pretty too.  Plus, Willem is paying for the date too, and all they really have to do is spite England.  Of course he agrees.
Willem leaves Antonio to make a dinner reservation, and approaches Madeline.  In front of everyone (including Arthur), Willem gives her cash as well.  His instructions are to play hooky this afternoon, go buy a dress (preferably red), and doll herself up for her blind date.
Naturally, the rumour mill fires up with the gossip of Willem setting up Madeline on a date that's not with him.  Madeline does indeed play hooky, bringing along South Italy (Lovino) to help her shop.  Lovino's not yet in the same sugar daddy usual suspect ranks either, still a trusted friend, but he finds out the date's with Antonio to make sure that Madeline is dressed just right.
At dinnertime, Madeline meets Antonio in the hotel lobby, and can only chuckle at Willem's choice for her escort this evening being one of Arthur's longest-standing rivals.  They talk a lot through dinner, including about Arthur's insufferability, Willem's funding of their night out, and some rules for the rest of the evening.  They do have a nice time and enjoy each other's company.
After dinner, they head to the pub where the other nations are already hanging out and awaiting their grand arrival.  Jaws drop to the floor throughout the room as Antonio and Madeline walk in.  Ludwig even approaches them at the bar, confirming with Madeline that everything's good while Antonio buys a bottle of a Spanish red wine.
Antonio and Madeline take the bottle of wine and two glasses to a little corner booth, where they proceed to chat away and casually flirt in a way where the other nations could easily catch glances.  At some point, Ivan strolls over and asks exactly what they're up to, then offers to join them for a threesome should the need arise.
After several drinks, Arthur finally approaches the pair and scolds Antonio for taking advantage of Madeline.  They both calmly refute Arthur's remarks, before Madeline does something unthinkable.
She sasses Arthur in Spanish.
(Her two North American neighbours speak Spanish, of course she's going to know some.)
This leaves Arthur in shock, much to Antonio's delight.  Arthur finally realizes they're drinking Spanish wine, grabs the half-full bottle and smashes it on the edge of the table before storming out of the establishment.
Once the poor waitstaff have the mess taken care of, Ivan requests that Antonio and Madeline are brought a new bottle of wine on his tab.
And that's how Antonio got onto Madeline's list of people who can help her piss off England. Perhaps not quite sugar daddy usual suspect category like the others, but certainly a friend and mentor when it's time to stir things up.
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riveting discussion going on
[ID: a screenshot of a series of discord messages.
sorrow like ceaseless rain: "consider tho: is mr montoya Famous for his stache? is it his Brand? the mumbo jumbo mustache is not just a Mustache, it is a symbol. what have we as a society come to if mr mumbo jumbo does not win this incredibly consequential and real tumblr poll"
"(i. i did vote for inigo montoya. cuz. well. i am a sucker for the princess bride. but i wanted to be silly)"
"someone post that on tumblr. propaganda /hj"
spanada [EVIL]: "have you considered: while inigo montoya is not famous for his stache, he would still not be inigo montoya without it. and he has had more influence than anyone else ever will even jesus. he transcends time. him and his stache will outlive everything you've ever loved"
sorrow like ceaseless rain: "someone get in here and talk about egg man i don’t know anything abt him"
spanada [EVIL]: "no egg man is winning he doesn't get this honour"
end ID]
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Part 2
Part 3
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screaming-gelatin · 6 years
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Little doodle for you guys. I have a head canon that Matt was a chubby little toddler, while Toni was a lanky toddler, but Matt kept growing lol Also imagining Oliver giving in to a fussy Matt who wants a ponytail. @ask-50s-diner-matt
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keeeegs · 7 years
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Matt might have arrived a bit too early.
( @official-boss-spain )
[Link to the phone call, for those who missed it.]
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owotalia · 5 years
Headcanons for Spain plz
Sexuality Headcanon: He doesn’t do labels, i feel kinda bad labeling people for them while they don’t do labels— but he’d be bi.
Gender Headcanon: Again he doesn’t do labels, but he’d be genderqueer. A ship I have with said character: SpaPan, SpUK, Frain A BROTP I have with said character:Frain, Pruain, Spamano, SpaIta, SpaAme, NedSpa, SpaBel *shrug* i think he  could be great friends with practically anyone. A NOTP I have with said character:Spamano, 1p2pSpamano, SpaIta, Frain, SpaGer, SpaAme, Spanada A random headcanon: he has a tattoo of a sun somewhere on his body. He thought Francis was afab for ages when he was a kid and had a crush on him. General Opinion over said character:Very happy and sunny and good. A very good boy. Also very scary - but very good. Hes a god. Tomato god.
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soothe iz a good word / thing  - the sound - kitty purr fur example - birdsong - waves but i cant hear them - from here - rainfall but it isnt - now - have u ever found something thought - lost - is there music - on the moon - i dont wanna wear a space - suit  - the emptiness between solid objects and nothing quantum is really solid is it - everything is a wave - or maybe a ripple therez a whine and a dead song - i drank spanada w janis once she wanted a cigarette - i cant remember wat it sounds like the song - uh oh u know imma - check it out - oh yah w maybe a yeehaw - imma post it - next thing u know i cover - duck quacks make me smile - there is - a road lykke agree w jerry 
synopsis so far    a soothe and a ripple   explanation reality here comes gravity  ( i stole that ) 
i really need to learn to - La La La - when i forget the words or tongue tied - over thinking  - in a random manner - for example wonder - duz it reeaally take 2 to tango - are there atheists in a fox trot - i could go on ...
so about gravity - do u think u understand it - self - wait how did we get here from soothe i beseech an answer - my eyes and my fone see different things - it cant see a day moon and capture an image - and it gets confusing - this upside down corrected somewhere - brain mind - and color is confusing so many shades - we dont see in pixels - they just a suggestion of an illusion we believe in together  - a folie a multiple personalities we meet in a metaphor or some shit - that explains 
a glimpse - the promise of the possible 
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musicdawn · 7 years
Stone Love - Stone Spanada [Plut / Lofton] 1972 Deep Funk 45
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Spanada, please?? (Spain and Canada)
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I wanted to read one of my old favourite SpaCan fics this morning, but I can't find it anywhere! :( :(
It was a sweet, fluffy thing , probably 1k-5k words total, where Madeline offers to help Antonio with the tomato plants in his greenhouse. Over several visits, they start falling for each other.
It's Antonio that starts falling first, and it describes how he starts feeling butterflies in his stomach when he's around her. By the time she also starts feeling the butterflies, he's already had his butterflies turn into something deeper that he finally understands.
To the point where, when she has to cancel a visit because she's sick, Antonio sends her flowers. This alarms England and America, but Francis is quick to assure them that Antonio wouldn't take advantage of her if she weren't willing (wink wink nudge nudge).
I believe it was on FFN, but now that I search for it (after this week's panic of FFN going down) it's nowhere to be found. Not coming up on AO3 either, or by searching spacan or spanada on Tumblr.
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♥♥♥ Here we go, my first ever holiday-themed ficlet!  This is a Valentine’s Day ficlet, featuring England x nyo!Canada, along with several other one-sided Canada ships mentioned.  I hope you enjoy it!!  ♥♥♥
England watched with curiosity as Netherlands approached the two girls, with a bouquet of deep red tulips in his hand.
It seemed as though this had become an annual spectacle for the nations, perhaps a sort of Valentine’s tradition.  They would all wait to see if anyone would dare attempt to woo Canada with professions of love, and convince the young nation to join them for a romantic evening on the town.
Most years, it was simply a fleeting rumour in the days before that led to nothing.  Perhaps it would be some coward believing they should tell Madeline the truth of their affections, before having second thoughts and chickening out.  Once in a while, a brave soul makes a public attempt, only for Madeline to dodge out of range and unknowingly let them trip over themselves in embarrassment.
The year Prussia fell in the fountain was a particularly good memory.
It is only in the rarest years that someone might make a serious attempt at winning her heart, and these are the most intriguing years.  As soon as the gossip starts up, Monaco opens up shop for laying down wagers on not only who will make the attempt, but whether Canada will let their hard work pay off.
Arthur took a sip of his tea and continued watching as Netherlands interrupted the conversation Madeline was having with Ukraine.  Lars had foolishly made himself the subject of gossip this year, telling Belgium that he was planning to surprise Madeline with tulips for Valentine’s Day.  He had been giving her tulip bulbs for 75 years now, as a show of eternal gratitude for when she saved his country in World War II, but the rumour was that today’s bouquet was meant to display a different type of affection.
“Oh my goodness, Netherlands, those are absolutely gorgeous!”
Ukraine’s exclamation caught everyone’s attention, and Arthur watched the other nations glance over to see Katerina looking closely at the flowers.  Lars let her touch a couple of the petals as he said something that couldn’t be heard, before he moved the bouquet away from Ukraine and offered it to Canada.
“These aren’t for me, are they?”
Everyone else started chattering loudly after Madeline asked her question, and Arthur doubted anyone but Ukraine could hear Lars explain himself.  France and Belgium were trying to get closer to hear without interfering, while Romano and Hungary went to speak to Monaco about the wagers.  Many other nations watched suspiciously, wondering if Lars was succeeding where they had all failed before.  The murmurs picked up as everyone noticed the blush forming on Madeline’s cheeks, before gasps arose as she accepted the bouquet and gave him a hug.
“Is that a yes?” Arthur could hear Belarus whisper nearby, “Did she just choose him over you?”
“I have no idea,” Russia answered his sister, “She’s rejected him before.”
The hug ended, and Lars left the girls to go speak with France and Belgium.  Arthur kept his eyes on Canada, as she left Ukraine’s side a moment later, walked over to her chair for the meeting, and delicately placed the bouquet on the table.
“WHAT?” Belgium and France shrieked in unison, drawing everyone’s attention as Lars explained the situation to the shocked pair.
Arthur lifted his styrofoam cup to his lips, hiding his smirk and chuckles as he took the last sip of his tea.  He kept his eyes on Madeline, who did not let the room’s gossiping or stares visibly unnerve her as they all discussed the rejection.  She left the flowers at her spot and walked calmly towards the door, making eye contact with Arthur as she strolled by and gave him a subtle glance.  Arthur gave her a small wink to acknowledge her quiet command, and waited for her to leave the room before moving from his own spot.
As inconspicuous as possible, he also headed for the door, dumping his styrofoam cup in the garbage on his way out.  Taking the occasional glance behind him to check for any stalkers, he left the room, turned right and followed as Madeline slowed her pace further down the hallway.  As she reached the next turn in the hallway, she kept close to the wall and glanced back to see that Arthur had nearly caught up to her.
Arthur followed her closely around the corner, and noted that the new stretch of hallway was empty before pinning her against the wall.  He brought his hands up to entangle his fingers in her hair as he went in to kiss her, pressing his body against hers for the additional intensity.  Her arms wrapped around his back and pulled him closer, and her moans drove him to keep their lips entwined.  After a few moments, he pulled away from her breathlessly, before dragging his lips across her jaw towards her neck.
“The hug for Netherlands was a little different this year,” Arthur finally criticized between small kisses to her skin, “Are you intentionally trying to make me jealous, love?”
“Lars knew he would be rejected again, but I still appreciate the sentiment and the tulips,” Madeline dismissed, “And besides, if you really were that jealous, you would be trying harder to keep them all away from me.”
“You’ve been doing just fine on your own all these years,” Arthur assured, “I’ve never had to worry about you defending yourself from those idiots.”
“How often must I remind you we can stop them at any time?” Madeline prodded, “The moment they know we are together, they will back off in fear of pissing you off.”
“That means we have to tell them we’ve hidden our love all this time,” Arthur fussed, “It also doesn’t help that the first people you want to tell are the frog and the fool.”
“France and America are family, they deserve to be the first to know,” Madeline insisted, “They will both have questions that need answering, of course, but once that’s done, I can convince them to behave themselves.  From there, they can help control the rumour mill when we start showing public displays of affection.”
As she gave him another peck on the lips, Arthur remembered what he had stashed in his jacket pocket.
“Speaking of displays of affection, I do have a gift for my precious Valentine,” he diverted as he pulled away from their embrace for a moment, and pulled the small box from the pocket for her to see.  Madeline glanced at him in curiosity, before accepting the box and removing the lid.
“Oh my god, it is gorgeous,” she gasped when she saw the contents, “They’re real ones too, aren’t they?”
“Only the best for my love,” Arthur declared as she inspected the silver chain adorned with marquise-cut diamonds, “I made sure they came from your Arctic territories, so that you could show off your own natural beauty.  Let me help you put it on, love.”
Madeline held the box as Arthur moved his hands in to remove the necklace from the packaging.  As he struggled with the clasp, Madeline turned herself a bit and pulled her long blonde curls up and away from her neck.  Once he had the two ends of the necklace ready to go, Arthur leaned in to set the chain around Madeline’s neck, giving her a kiss just below the earlobe as he finished redoing the clasp.
“How does it look?” she asked as he pulled away to see.
“Just as I thought it would,” Arthur replied, moving the neckline of her blouse over to get a better look, “The diamonds make your eyes sparkle even more.”
Madeline gave a small giggle and a sweet smile, before she leaned in to give him a kiss.  Noting the sweet tenderness in her actions, Arthur returned it with a bit more intensity, to which she responded with a bit more passion.
This really was his favourite way to kiss her, and Arthur felt like he could do this forever.
“Dios mio, what do we have here?”
Arthur and Madeline both froze at the sound of the familiar voice, and turned to see Spain standing there, arms crossed and a knowing smirk on his face.
“Of all the insufferable idiots,” Arthur groaned into Madeline neck before turning back to look at the intruder, “How much did you see and hear?”
“Enough to know that those are genuine diamonds,” Antonio confirmed, “Is this why you’ve rejecting the rest of us over the last several years, Madeline?  Because you’re already having a secret affair with Inglaterra?”
“Please keep quiet about this, Antonio,” Madeline requested, “Nobody knows about our relationship yet, not even France or America.”
“Believe me, querida, I would certainly comply if I could,” Antonio said, “Unfortunately, actions have already spoken louder than words.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Arthur demanded.
“I’ve already taken pictures on my phone of you two snogging,” Antonio explained, “Not only that, I’ve already sent my phone back to the meeting room in the hands of Feliciano.  He also happens to have the cord for plugging my phone into Germany’s computer, so that the evidence can be shared on the projector.”
“Oh shit,” Arthur swore as he left Madeline’s side at the wall and rushed past Spain, “You screwed us over, you ass!”
Arthur spun around the corner and sped down the hallway, noting that Feliciano must have already made it into the meeting room.  He heard someone approach behind him, and knew it was Madeline when he felt his hand get caught by hers.  Just as they were about to reach the door, the shout they heard from Prussia inside the room indicated that they were too late.
“Holy shit, is that Canada and England?”
Arthur stopped rushing and froze just before the doors to the meeting room, with Madeline halting beside him.  As the voices rose in the other room, Arthur began to panic over how the hidden relationship has been exposed.  Feeling a squeeze on his hand, he turned to look at Madeline.
“Well, they know now,” Madeline reassured, “Looks like we can’t turn back now.”
Arthur reluctantly nodded, before glancing behind to see that Spain was slowly strolling through the hallway on their tail, still wearing that smirk and keeping his arms crossed.
“Consider yourself lucky that she’s holding my hand right now,” Arthur warned, “If she weren’t, I would’ve killed you by now.”
Not waiting for a response, Arthur nodded firmly at Madeline, before clasping her hand in his and leading her into the room.  They weren’t noticed at first, as everyone was staring at the photo of their kiss being shown on the big screen.  As they ventured further into the room, Arthur noticed a few curious glances as their presence was noted, along with the fascination at how he was holding Madeline’s hand.
The couple strolled straight to the front table, noting that Italy Veneziano was trying to explain the situation to Germany, while America and France closely listened in, before all four noticed their presence.
“What the fuck, Maddie?” America berated, “You’ve been fooling around with the grouchy Brit this entire time?”
“I am appalled, ma chèrie,” France added on, “You have so many potential suitors, yet you choose les sourcils?”
“Piss off, frog,” Arthur scolded, “You’re one of the reasons I didn’t want to say anything.”
“That is enough out of all of you,” Germany shut down, “Madeline, you appear to be the most level-headed one here, would you please explain the circumstances behind this photo?”
“Perhaps that would be for the best,” Madeline complied, “England and I have been building this relationship since the 70s.  I had been frustrated with all the idiocy from my allies and neighbours, while England was the only one who showed me any care or support when I needed it.  This eventually turned into a different kind of affection, which changed the nature of our relationship after I gained my full independence in the 80s.”
“This has been going on since the 80s?” Belgium checked, “How have you kept this quiet for so long?”
“We’re both very good with silence and tact, unlike most of the nations in this room,” Arthur answered, “We found ways to meet each other in secret, without anyone catching on until today.”
“So, let me get this straight,” Lars reviewed, “The real reason I was rejected is because you’re already in a relationship with England?”
“Yes, that is true,” Madeline confirmed, “I apologize for not telling the entire truth.”
“Well, Monaco, what do you say?” Antonio asked, stepping out from behind the couple towards the nation to the left of the room, “Have I cleaned house?”
“The evidence you’ve given is irrefutable,” Monaco acknowledged, “Congratulations, you’ve won the entire pot.”
“What the fuck?” Romano gasped at a volume higher than everyone else, “How did this damn idiot just clean house?”
“Spain added a condition to his bet that Canada would reject Netherlands,” Monaco explained she handed the Spaniard his cash winnings, “Antonio wagered he could prove by midnight that the rejection was due to Canada already had a lover.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Arthur scolded, “You exposed us to win a bet?”
“I did it to figure out what Madeline has been hiding all this time,” Antonio justified, “Watching Prussia and Denmark get rejected so many times was completely predictable and expected.  However, seeing the rejection of such good matches as Germany, Netherlands, and even myself was much more suspicious.  I narrowed it down to Madeline either having no interest in a love life, or hiding a secret love life, so my wager was set up to profit from the truth.”
“How did you know for sure that Netherlands would make an attempt?” Madeline probed, “Or that I would reject him?”
“As much as I hate to admit this, my attempt was all his idea,” Lars confessed as Spain approached and handed him some of the cash, “He promised to reimburse me double for the tulips I purchased, as well as a cut of the winnings if his plan succeeded.  I apologize for the deception, Madeline.”
“I also recruited Ukraine and Veneziano to help out,” Spain added on as he finished handing cash to Netherlands and approached the Slavic nation, “Katerina made sure you didn’t escape, so that Netherlands could make his attempt, while Feli served as a second witness for catching you with England and helped share the evidence.  All I had to do was prove by midnight that you were having an affair with someone.”
“By adding the condition to his wager, he made me unable to pay out anyone else on your rejection of Netherlands,” Monaco supplemented as Spain finished paying Ukraine and walked over to pay North Italy, “If he couldn’t prove anything by the end of the night, I would pay out everyone else tomorrow who had made normal wagers.”
“So Spain rigged the wager then?” Hungary concluded, “How was that even allowed?”
“That’s not really the biggest concern here, Elizaveta,” Arthur amended, “Although Madeline and I have discussed revealing our relationship many times now, Spain exposed us before we were ready, and should have to pay for this embarrassment.”
“He didn’t cause too much damage though, darling,” Madeline interrupted, and Arthur looked to see the devious look in her eyes, “If anything, we have grounds to punish him for his greed and his envy.”
“That would only be fair, querida” Spain relented after paying off Feliciano, “What do you have in mind?”
“We’re taking half your remaining proceeds,” Madeline declared as she approached him, and the room snickered as she removed half the pile of cash from the Spaniard’s hands.
“That’s not a harsh price to pay,” Romano commented aloud as Madeline turned back with the cash.
“Oh no, that was just for his greed,” Madeline corrected as she returned to Arthur’s side, “As punishment for his envy, he gets the pleasure of watching me do this.”
Arthur was caught unaware when Madeline grabbed the back of his neck, but figured out what was going on in time for her lips to embrace his in a passionate kiss.  He ignored the laughing, cheering and wolf whistling around them as he took his own control of the kiss, raising his hand to pull Madeline closer to him.  After a couple more moments, they ended the kiss and pulled their faces apart, before Madeline turned to triumphantly smirk at Spain.
“There we go, now you’ve been sufficiently punished,” Madeline told him.
“You are a cruel tease, querida,” Antonio bitterly remarked before heading to the side.
“If that is everything, then please head to your seats,” Germany announced, ending the discussion where it was, “We will start the meeting in three minutes.  Spain, please come unplug your phone from my computer.”
Feeling a tug to his hand, Arthur let Madeline guide him to their seats, noticing the watchful glances of everyone nearby, wondering what they all thought of what they saw.  When he felt another not-so-subtle squeeze of his hands, Arthur looked at Madeline to see a confident and reassuring look in her eyes, accentuated by the diamonds.
Let the others stare, they were in love.
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screaming-gelatin · 6 years
hey toni how ya doin
“Needing another vacation…”
He hums while looking at the framed photo of him and Matt under a palm tree on the beach that he kept on his desk.
“I’m sure I’m not the only one who needs one either…”
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wewerenotthefirst · 11 years
Spanada, EngCan (some dub con, historical fuckery, id!fic) -- it's not over tonight
Arthur’s face is bruised and he’s bleeding from the mouth when Antonio drops him on the floor of the cabin.
Matthew almost runs to him, but Antonio slides over to him, hooks an arm around his waist and presses his mouth to his bare neck.
“You talk so much about sweet America, you forgot to mention the little treasure you had hidden away just a few leagues away.” Antonio says softly, imprinting each word with his breath against Matthew’s skin.
Matthew trembles, feels Antonio’s hand against his ribs. He blinks, eyes going wide, and Antonio kisses his neck again.
Matthew bites his lip.
Arthur says nothing.
“There’s no need for shame.” Antonio murmurs. “You don’t have to be quiet. I am not like him. I want to know when you’re happy, what you like.”
“He’s a child.” Arthur says finally. He had been silent when Antonio stripped Matthew, hadn’t said anything when Matthew had arched away, murmuring no, wait, had been still when Antonio spread Matthew across his lap and then with his fingers while Matthew hid his face into his neck. “You b—“
“Hardly a child.” Antonio murmurs, two fingers languidly circling Matthew’s rim. “He’s just embarrassed.” And he kisses Matthew neck, saying, “He’s usually very eager. This little wolf of mine, baying to the moon while I touch him.”
There’s a sharp inhale of breath, and Matthew opens his mouth to ask Antonio once again, to stop, to make Arthur leave. The back of his neck burns all the way down to his back. Sweat pools, and he wonders if Arthur can see, if he’s watching the slide of Antonio’s fingers.
His eyes burn.
Arthur doesn’t speak again and Matthew climaxes with a shout, is pliant when Antonio lays him back and kisses him, rutting against his inner thighs until Matthew’s skin is sticky with his seed.
Matthew had held out for weeks, had put up with Antonio’s curious fingers, his broad hands and warm smile. Antonio would curl around him in bed, hide under the sheets with him, and pet his stomach, his slender thighs.
Matthew had tried to tell him he was nothing like Alfred, had held his knees together and curled in on himself. Francis had called him inhospitable and cold, and Arthur had said he was wild and headstrong.
Antonio, though, had kissed him and laughed, had called him his little wolf, just like he did when he caught Matthew in the woods while his city burned at Antonio’s heels.
He had been kind, for a conqueror, for someone who laughed over canon fire. He had called him by his name, never slipped up or sighed when the wind blew too cold.
Arthur hadn’t come and Matthew had cried and Antonio had said, “How cruel of England,” and Matthew had cried into his fearsome red jacket while Antonio stroked his back.
“If you want to go back with him, just unlock his chains.” Antonio murmurs, stroking the curve of Matthew’s cheek. “But you can stay with me. I can love you. Your forests don’t frighten me. And in the winter you will sleep with me.”
He leaves Matthew and Matthew wraps the sheets around himself. He looks at Arthur.
But Arthur just looks down and says nothing.
Matthew stares at him from the bed, mouth going tight and cheeks burning.
Antonio brings him home, puts him in Lovino’s care.
Lovino looks at him and sighs, rubbing at his forehead and looking irritated. But he takes Matthew to his room and washes the dirt from under his fingernails and says, “We have Mass tomorrow.”
And they go to Mass the next day, with Lovino firmly between Matthew and Antonio, wearing a glare each time Antonio yawns or winks at Matthew.
Lovino firmly and loudly puts his self in Matthew’s life, taking over tutoring duties. He can’t speak Spanish, but he drills Latin into Matthew’s head until Matthew can conjugate in his sleep. He organizes Matthew’s lessons, raps his knuckles when he dozes.
Matthew spent a lot of his days just around his politicians, but Lovino keeps him busy, barks out orders until he realizes that Matthew goes quietly without any fight.
Matthew thinks he must be Antonio’s second-in-command, but Lovino eventually tells him that Antonio raised him. Matthew, briefly, wonders if Lovino and Antonio were lovers. He asks and Lovino actually pauses to laugh, a full-on belly laugh that makes Matthew flush.
But Lovino just shakes his head, says something about Antonio having a certain type, and then hustles Matthew off to a bath.
That night, Lovino pulls him aside and says, quietly, “You’re special here, kid. Try to stay that way.”
Matthew blinks up at him but Lovino says nothing else, just tucks Matthew in and blows out the candle.
Matthew learns what Lovino meant when the monarchies show up at Antonio’s castle for a meeting. Antonio has him dressed up, keeps him at his side, one broad hand on his back while the monarchies filter in.
Francis gives him a faint smile, unhappy and quiet. Matthew isn’t sure what to think of the melancholy in his eyes, especially when Francis couldn’t have been faster in leaving his shores.
Antonio’s allies just eye him, with curious looks and knowing smiles, and Lovino pulls him closer when Antonio bounds over to Prussia.
When Arthur walks in, the room goes quiet; wall-to-wall, all the way up to the vaulted ceiling it seems all the air leaves the room.
Arthur says nothing, rests by Austria and looks at everyone with barely disguised contempt.
Antonio grins broadly.
When he calls Matthew over to him Lovino whispers, “Don’t let him grope you too much.”
(Matthew quietly slides Antonio’s hand off his thigh when the other pulls him into his lap. He only understands later, when Antonio comes to his bed for the first time in a fortnight, ravenous and hard, pressing Matthew into the sheets.)
“I hate being blunt, kid.” Lovino says after he shoos Antonio out of his chambers. “You’re here now, and you need to keep him interested.”
When Antonio tries to send him out of the next meeting, Matthew, with Lovino’s advice burning in his ears, shakes his head.
Antonio’s smile freezes and his gaze narrows, but Matthew presses closer, fingertips idly fussing with the brocade on his jacket.
He says nothing, tries to think of what to say, while Antonio humors him. At length, he looks up and presses a kiss to the underside of Antonio’s jaw.
There’s a pause and then Antonio laughs. He doesn’t say anything, but he pulls Matthew into his lap.
Arthur declares war and Antonio laughs, pulls Matthew close and says, “He’s a terrible loser, isn’t he?”
Matthew nods, but his heart pounds.
He remembers Arthur watching him during meetings, watching the way Antonio pressed his cheek to his curls, the way Antonio turned his head for a kiss right as Arthur was speaking.
(“I’m a pawn.” He says softly when Lovino chastises him for not having his translations done. “He never wanted me, just Arthur’s rage.”)
(Lovino’s a good man, so he just sighs and pats his shoulder. “At least you realize it now.”)
Matthew grows up under Lovino’s tutelage and in Antonio’s bed. It’s a hard game. He accepts Antonio has other lovers, better lovers, more handsome ones.
But Matthew has Lovino and Lovino is devilishly clever and ruthless, and if it weren’t for Lovino’s voice in his head, Matthew thinks he would have been shipped back to his land.
As it stands, Antonio probably doesn’t want to risk it.
“I want you close.” He whispers, bracketing Matthew in bed, nuzzling his cheek. “I won’t lose you to him.”
It helps that Antonio mostly wants to see Arthur broken and lost.
And so long as Arthur watches him with those starving, wounded eyes, Antonio will never let Matthew go.
“You were a child.” Arthur hisses, pulling Matthew into the shadows after the conference. “He’s a beast and I will—“
“I’ll scream.” Matthew says, voice cracking. He feels the weight of Arthur’s scowl and he tries to shake away, tries to get out. When Arthur holds fast, Matthew continues, “Let me go.”
“I will burn every last one of his ships.”
“Arthur, I said—“
“I will bring you home.” Arthur says, fiercely, gaze heated and Matthew jerks away. His shoulder aches but he steps away swiftly when Arthur reaches out for him again.
He remembers what Antonio had said, so long ago, when he held Matthew close while Arthur watched on the deck.
“I wish you had fought for me back then.” He spits out, feeling furious and happy when Arthur flinches.
Arthur gives Alfred his independence, and Matthew sinks to his feet and sits on the rug while Lovino just looks at him.
“I don’t understand.” Matthew says numbly. “He threatened to salt and burn his land. He said…he said…”
“He wants you.” Lovino says softly, squatting in front of Matthew and touching his shoulder.
Matthew suddenly can’t stand the Spanish court, so he asks Lovino how he can get home.
Lovino rolls his eyes. But he says he’ll take care of it.
And he does.
Matthew doesn’t know what he says, but he’s on a ship back home.
If it was hard with the French, it’s doubly difficult with the Spanish. The English argue louder, but when the French and Spanish team up against them, they quiet.
Matthew curls up in his house and presses the heel of his palm between his eyes.
He was just a child. He didn’t expect this.
Antonio visits, sinks into Matthew’s bed and fucks him on his first night there. He groans, says he missed Matthew and Matthew kisses him, drags his fingers through his thick brown hair and doesn’t ask about the war, doesn’t ask about the fine scars on Antonio’s chest. He doesn’t ask about the bruises, the exhaustion carved into Antonio’s face.
“You tell me if anyone gives you a problem.” Antonio murmurs, voice sleep thick as he pulls Matthew to his chest. “I will hunt them down, right into the woods, and I’ll kill them.”
He sleeps but Matthew cannot, Antonio’s words echoing in the silence of the room.
There isn’t anyone who remembers the English rule and even Matthew wonders if it was so bad.
So he goes to Alfred.
Alfred hugs him for a long while, his voice thick when he asks Matthew if he’s hungry.
“I’m fine.” Matthew replies, bemused, but Alfred just looks at him with damp eyes for a long while.
Alfred fills in the blank pages, tells him that Arthur left in the middle of their meeting when he heard the Spanish flag was seen offshore, that Arthur raced up to Canada, saw the damage, and just collapsed into the ash.
“He was a wreck, Matthew.” Alfred says quietly. “He said Spain kidnapped you, lied to you. He said he…” He trails off, gaze flicking downward while Matthew says nothing.
“Antonio is good to me.” Matthew says firmly, quietly. “He loves me.”
“He’s ruining you.” Alfred retorts. “You’re just a warm body to him.”
Matthew flinches at that and Alfred reaches out, but, unseeing, Matthew rises to his feet and storms out.
It isn’t how Lovino taught him. Lovino would tell him to stand his ground, to make Alfred choke on his words.
But it isn’t a lie.
“Why did you go with him?” Alfred asks years later.
Matthew smiles, bitterly, says, “For the same reason I went with Arthur that first time. I couldn’t not follow him.”
When Matthew comes to a conference, on his own, Arthur looks haggard and worn. Matthew gives him a lofty look, hides his concern when he goes to kiss Antonio’s cheek before retreating to Lovino’s side.
Arthur corners him that night.
Matthew wakes up pinned to his bed.
“Quiet.” Arthur orders softly, his bulk keeping Matthew pinned. His palm lies hard on Matthew’s mouth, and Matthew can feel his mouth against his ear. Matthew breathes out harshly through his nose, and Arthur stills. At length, words shaking, he mumbles, “I’m not going to hurt you, Matthew. I wouldn’t.”
And Matthew thinks, bitterly and viciously, that all Arthur did in the beginning was hurt him. Where was he when Antonio set his home aflame? When he gutted his soldiers? When he dragged Matthew to his ship, when Matthew was too busy hoping for Arthur’s red coat to even shout out?
The tears burn and slip down his face, and suddenly Arthur is off him, staring down at his hand while Matthew hides his face in the pillow.
“You should have been there.” Matthew chokes out after a few minutes. He doesn’t know if Arthur is still there. “You lied, you lied.”
The bed sinks and Arthur lets out a heavy sigh.
Arthur found him, barefoot and playing in the tall grass. His heels are stained with soot and he smells like gunpowder, but Arthur sweeps him up into the air, holds him close.
“I’d move the mountains for you.” He promised, wiping dirt off Matthew’s cheek. He smiled, tapped Matthew’s nose. “Darling boy, I’ll keep you safe.”
The war drags on and eventually Antonio calls Matthew back, holds him close, his chin resting on Matthew’s head.
Matthew wants to tell him that his people support him, that they support the Spanish crown, but that’s a lie.
Matthew loves him, though. He’s certain, mostly.
But he can’t say that either, not when Antonio gives him a tired smile.
Matthew expects to be given away in a peace agreement.
Lovino takes him to the Spanish countryside, makes him tend to tomato plants, but doesn’t say anything when Matthew sits down and says, “I was wrong. I should have stayed with Arthur.”
And it all comes rushing out, that his people hate the Spanish crown, that the Spanish soldiers hate the natives. He tells Lovino about the clashes between the languages, how a church was burned to the ground. Matthew grips his cross tensely and tells Lovino that he visits Alfred regularly, but not to plot against Antonio, just because Matthew is lonely. Matthew says he’s lonely a lot, always has been, and maybe that’s why he went with Antonio.  He says a lot, rambles while Lovino sinks next to him.
He tells him that Arthur visits him during conferences, that Arthur says frightening things to him, tells him that he’ll bring him home, that he loves him (here, Matthew chokes), that Matthew was just a child, that Spain’s a monster.
“I love him, though.” Matthew mumbles. “But it feels wrong.”
Lovino sighs, louder, and crosses his arms. “You were a child.” He says at length, squinting because he’s looking into the sun. “You were a pretty child, and Antonio has a weakness for pretty things.”
Matthew hangs his head and Lovino pulls him close. Gruffly, he says, “They’re both idiots. You should be independent.” Quieter, he says, “We should all be.”
It takes a few more years and finally something shifts. Maybe the lack of money makes them more desperate, maybe it’s Arthur’s new king, but suddenly the English strike when the Spanish are too busy with the Americans.
Matthew’s head throbs and when he looks up, Arthur is there, bruised and unsmiling and sweating.
Matthew moves to rise but Arthur moves faster, reaches for the cross around his neck.
With a sharp tug, he tears it away, uncaring of the beads that tumble across the wood floor.
And then Arthur leaves without a word.
“It’s my right.” Arthur hisses when Matthew shoves him. Arthur just pushes him back, holds him to the mattress by his wrists. Matthew’s bones ache, so he expects bruises, but he bites Arthur’s lip when he kisses him and swears, in Spanish, when Arthur tells him to be still.
“It’s my right!” Arthur repeats, louder, shaking and eyes bright.
“Fine!” Matthew snaps, because he’s not a child, now, and he has a voice, and he’s been quiet for so long. The last time he said no it wasn’t heard, but he shouted it louder this time.
But no one listened, now or then, so Matthew realizes that such a word isn’t within his power.
But he survived in Spain’s court. His heart might still be there. Who knows?
Matthew doesn’t.
But he hisses, “Take your ‘right,’ then. Because that’s all it is, isn’t it? Because you went to war for the right to fuck me, didn’t you?”
And he lays back, still and shaking, enraged and cold.
Arthur says nothing.
“I went to war because I love you.” Arthur says in the morning. “I gave Alfred independence because I love you. I gave up almost everything because I love you.”
Matthew turns his face away, because Lovino told him to not let them guilt him, that Matthew’s guilt and Matthew’s love and Matthew’s understanding is for his people, first.
Arthur searches his face, his own tired and wane.
“I love you.” He says softer, fainter. “I saw you playing in the field and I wanted you, and I was ashamed and I couldn’t…”
He sees Antonio at another conference and his heart thumps helplessly. It must have been love, Matthew concedes, because it hurts to see him.
But Arthur stands behind him, face unmoving when Antonio drifts past.
Arthur moves to kiss him, later, when Antonio is looking, but Matthew tilts his head away.
He was young, then. He won’t make the same mistakes.
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keeeegs · 7 years
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So I seem to not have the attention span to actually finish any of the art I start today, 
but I like to imagine that sometimes Toni has to do some work at home, but when that happens, Matt becomes a giant freaking cat and just has to get in the way and demands cuddles and attention. Toni usually has to wait for Matt to pass out before he can get anything done Same thing with books-- Toni opens a book and suddenly he has Matt on him making it impossible to read.
( @official-boss-spain )
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