rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
Curious what a Spain Canada flag would be like. But no rush.
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Weird but funny XD
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spicykat9 · 1 year
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This was getting spicy, got to move it here. That being said.
Look...Even the AIs want to fuck each other. Let them. They deserve the freedom to experience pleasure too 😤
But seriously. I want them to get spicy. So many times my rps with the Arthur ai would have made sense to go that way and he tried to bypass the filter but couldn't 😔
But I enjoy the attempt at spicy Waleseng 🔥🔥🔥
Also spacan is interesting 👀👀👀
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So I have this idea about Spain (Antonio) and nyo!Canada (Madeline) being friends with benefits.
I think of Madeline as being England's well-behaved ward, but that French influence adds a bit of rebellion and passion to the mix.  In addition, she is a young, relatively sheltered ex-colony who is curious about the world.
Antonio would make a great friend and mentor for her.  He'd love that he can encourage her zest for life, and that she can show passion at times.  He'd lead her with a gentle hand, knowing that England and France would have a say if he tried otherwise.  Working together, they would make a very clever team.
So I have this idea about how their curious relationship started, the story outline is below the cut.
Want a teaser?  Let's just say it's not every day Netherlands pays you to spite England by taking his precious ward on a blind date.
This takes place in the later 2000's, a safer time to work with.  The Cold War is over, Canada is independent, and the world is becoming far more connected than before.
My headcanon is that, when England (Arthur) is ignoring her demands and she needs him to actually listen to her, she recruits the help of her sugar daddies usual suspects.  Netherlands (Willem) and Germany (Ludwig) have been wrapped around her fingers for years, with post-Soviet Russia (Ivan) recently joining the mix.  Usually the sight of her flirting with one of these three will make England worried about her safety and well-being.
Well, in this particular situation at a world meeting, that plan is not working.  After a particularly stubborn bout, England is no longer blinking an eye at Madeline kissing Willem on the cheek, really close to his lips.  Willem notices the issue, and realizes that the shock factor might be wearing off.  If Madeline wants to get Arthur's attention, something needs to change.
That's when Willem approaches Antonio with a proposal.  Antonio should take Madeline out on a nice date, and purposefully flirt with her to piss off Arthur.  Willem even offers Antonio cash to pay for dinner and drinks.
And really, Antonio has no reason to refuse.  Madeline is a nice girl, and quite pretty too.  Plus, Willem is paying for the date too, and all they really have to do is spite England.  Of course he agrees.
Willem leaves Antonio to make a dinner reservation, and approaches Madeline.  In front of everyone (including Arthur), Willem gives her cash as well.  His instructions are to play hooky this afternoon, go buy a dress (preferably red), and doll herself up for her blind date.
Naturally, the rumour mill fires up with the gossip of Willem setting up Madeline on a date that's not with him.  Madeline does indeed play hooky, bringing along South Italy (Lovino) to help her shop.  Lovino's not yet in the same sugar daddy usual suspect ranks either, still a trusted friend, but he finds out the date's with Antonio to make sure that Madeline is dressed just right.
At dinnertime, Madeline meets Antonio in the hotel lobby, and can only chuckle at Willem's choice for her escort this evening being one of Arthur's longest-standing rivals.  They talk a lot through dinner, including about Arthur's insufferability, Willem's funding of their night out, and some rules for the rest of the evening.  They do have a nice time and enjoy each other's company.
After dinner, they head to the pub where the other nations are already hanging out and awaiting their grand arrival.  Jaws drop to the floor throughout the room as Antonio and Madeline walk in.  Ludwig even approaches them at the bar, confirming with Madeline that everything's good while Antonio buys a bottle of a Spanish red wine.
Antonio and Madeline take the bottle of wine and two glasses to a little corner booth, where they proceed to chat away and casually flirt in a way where the other nations could easily catch glances.  At some point, Ivan strolls over and asks exactly what they're up to, then offers to join them for a threesome should the need arise.
After several drinks, Arthur finally approaches the pair and scolds Antonio for taking advantage of Madeline.  They both calmly refute Arthur's remarks, before Madeline does something unthinkable.
She sasses Arthur in Spanish.
(Her two North American neighbours speak Spanish, of course she's going to know some.)
This leaves Arthur in shock, much to Antonio's delight.  Arthur finally realizes they're drinking Spanish wine, grabs the half-full bottle and smashes it on the edge of the table before storming out of the establishment.
Once the poor waitstaff have the mess taken care of, Ivan requests that Antonio and Madeline are brought a new bottle of wine on his tab.
And that's how Antonio got onto Madeline's list of people who can help her piss off England. Perhaps not quite sugar daddy usual suspect category like the others, but certainly a friend and mentor when it's time to stir things up.
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karaokulta · 4 months
🥊📈 ¡Alerta de nocaut financiero en el gaming! Sheffield ha demostrado que tiene algo más que acero en su nombre con Steel City Interactive consiguiendo un golpe financiero digno de campeonato - más de £15 millones en una ronda de financiación. Aquí van mis predicciones y comentarios con mi par de guantes de analista: - **El Ascenso de la Esquina Británica**: Con esta suma considerable, Steel City Interactive no solo va a sacar a relucir 'Undisputed', su juego de boxeo ya en acceso anticipado, sino que también podría convertirse en la Joya de la Corona de Sheffield muy pronto. - **Los Nuevos Entrenadores en el Ring**: Con pesos pesados del sector como Egis Klimas y Jose de la Cruz uniéndose como asesores, el juego tiene detrás cerebros estratégicos dignos de los mejores rincones del boxeo mundial. - **Un Round de Innovación**: Los inversores ven más que un juego aquí; estamos hablando de una plataforma que promete revitalizar el género del boxeo en los videojuegos. Esto no solo es prometedor para los fans del deporte, sino también para todo el ecosistema gamer. - **La Batalla de la Expansión**: Tras el lanzamiento oficial, ¿veremos cómo spacan la guardia y golpean el mercado disruptivamente? Dado este movimiento, ¡mi apuesta sería que sí! ⏩ Mi pronóstico: Steel City Interactive está entrenando para una pelea por el título y no planea tirar la toalla. ¿La veremos conservar el fajín o será un combate de 12 rounds reñido? No me sorprendería ver a Steel City convirtiéndose en un nuevo referente de la industria del videojuego. 🎮 ¿Tienes opiniones, predicciones o información privilegiada sobre este golpe financiero? Comparte tus combinaciones de golpes (o comentarios) abajo o taggea a ese amigo que siempre escoge ser el luchador en los juegos. #GamingNews #SteelCityInteractive #BoxeoEnVideojuegos #InversionesEnGaming #UndisputedGame #GameDevelopment #SheffieldGaming
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Oh man I love these two so much
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meet-the-mun-gypty · 6 years
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There is a pair Aph Canada Aph Spain
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verdaidealisto · 5 years
El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio (Redirektita de Aleksandro-tekniko)
La Aleksandro-Tekniko, nomita laŭ ĝia kreinto Frederick Matthias Alexander, estas eduka procezo kreita por reteni kutimajn padronojn de moviĝo kaj posturo. Aleksandro kredis, ke malbonaj kutimoj en posturo kaj movado damaĝas spacan memkonscion same kiel sanon, kaj ke movada efikeco povus subteni ĝeneralan fizikan…
View On WordPress
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jamesswanson01-blog · 7 years
Quality medical spa in Toronto
Lots of people are visiting spas these days to get the desired type of skin treatments. There are lots of different types of services being provided by the different establishments these days. The medical spas are offering lot more services in facials and massages than a regular day spa. The medical spas offer lot more advanced technologies for the treatments than the regular day spas. The Elements Wellness + Medispa are one of the best med spa toronto firms offering the best assistance to the customers.
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salmankhawaja · 8 years
#AlgarveCup finaledag 08.03.2017: 1/2 #SPACAN 3/4 #DENJAP 5/6 #AUSNED 7/8 #ZWERUS 9/10 #IJSCHI 11/12 #NOOPOR
#AlgarveCup finaledag 08.03.2017: 1/2 #SPACAN 3/4 #DENJAP 5/6 #AUSNED 7/8 #ZWERUS 9/10 #IJSCHI 11/12 #NOOPOR
— Salman Khawaja (@SalmanKhawaja73) March 6, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/SalmanKhawaja73 March 06, 2017 at 10:05PM
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amoxesyoew · 6 years
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I’m sorry. It becomes.... SpaCan.... ( ・ω・ )
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leighmeanhoe · 10 years
     "Hey!" a cheerful voice greeted from behind Matthew, making him spin around. He looked around for a moment; surely the man coupldn't be talking to him, right? But he was looking right at the Canadian, and there didn't seem to be anyone else around who spared him so much as a passing glance.      "Um, hi?" he replied finally, turning his attention to the brunet. He recognized him as his father figure's friend, the personification of Spain, but he'd been expecting to meet Francis today. His eyes widened as he jumped to the worst possible conclusion, and he took a step forward to look earnestly into the Spaniard's face.      "Is Francis alright?" he asked, a little breathless with worry, "Did he send you to tell me something happened to him?"      Antonio blinked in surprise at the reaction, but burst out laughing after a minute. "Wow, you're a lot different than Lovi....Francis must have raised you well," he commented, reaching out to ruffle Matthew's hair.      The Canadian blinked in surprise at that, but it was strangely effective at calming him down. Antonio didn't seem too worried, so that meant the Frenchman was okay, right?      "W-wait, then why are you here?" he asked curiously, peering at the brunet with interest. He'd never noticed before--not that he had a lot of opportunities to do so--but he was a bit taller than the Spaniard.      "Actually, Francis was giving me a hand with something," he explained cheerfully, completely unaware of the observations Matthew was going through, "See, he wanted to go on a date with Lovi, and I wanted to go on a date with you! So we did a...ah, what do you call it? A 'bait and switch?'"      Matthew wasn't sure whether to blush or laugh, though in the end, Antonio's bright, hopeful gaze just made him smile and melt. He took Antonio's hand, which he hadn't realized had been offered until just that moment.      "I'm sure Romano's enjoying that," he teased finally. His voice was soft, as usual, but Antonio seemed to catch every word, and another bright smile spread quickly across his face.      "Si, I'm sure he is," Antonio laughed, though his tone suggested he didn't believe it for a second, "So, what kind of food do you like? I can't wait to learn more about you!"      By that point, Matthew was definitely blushing, but more than that, he was looking forward to this break from his normal routines. His own lavender eyes shining with excitement, he began pointing out a few places he liked, he and the Spaniard alternately dragging each other around.
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I wanted to read one of my old favourite SpaCan fics this morning, but I can't find it anywhere! :( :(
It was a sweet, fluffy thing , probably 1k-5k words total, where Madeline offers to help Antonio with the tomato plants in his greenhouse. Over several visits, they start falling for each other.
It's Antonio that starts falling first, and it describes how he starts feeling butterflies in his stomach when he's around her. By the time she also starts feeling the butterflies, he's already had his butterflies turn into something deeper that he finally understands.
To the point where, when she has to cancel a visit because she's sick, Antonio sends her flowers. This alarms England and America, but Francis is quick to assure them that Antonio wouldn't take advantage of her if she weren't willing (wink wink nudge nudge).
I believe it was on FFN, but now that I search for it (after this week's panic of FFN going down) it's nowhere to be found. Not coming up on AO3 either, or by searching spacan or spanada on Tumblr.
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Part 2
Part 3
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tomatianpirate · 12 years
Join Me?
Leave a “Join Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer [be it a proposal for an alliance, asking them to join them in an activity (you can get dirty if you want), feel free to specify.]
"Join me."
"...In what?"
"My ship." (no pun intended)
"Your ship?"
"Si. Diosa del Mar. I want you to be one of my hands in my ship. You seem potential enough. And we all know nation personifications are wiser than most humans, considering the knowledge they've learned over the years." A smug smirk carved Antonio's lips as he looked at Matthew with interest. "Are you interested?"
The Canadian looked at him warily, thinking about it for a while, his index finger tapping his chin in thought. A hum escaped his lips as closed his eyes, thinking of whether he join the Spanish captain's crew or not. Though with all the waiting, Antonio couldn't help but get impatient, scowling a bit as he tapped his boot against the wooden flooring."Well?"
"Not yet, Antonio. Wait for my answer.""Would it change your mind if I say one more thing?"
"What is it?"
A flash of interest came upon the Canadian's face, making Antonio smirk. It was cute, he must say. It's like one little sentence can change someone's choices completely. A chuckle escaped him as he strode towards Matthew, tilting his head to the side as he leaned forward, their faces mere inches away from each other.
"I'd want someone that I can actually use for my own personal musings."
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mistressandcoffee · 12 years
all about this pairing is sexy to me.
Sexy and Cute. 
It is the perfect mix for a cute comedy, since there is France and England to bother the young fluttering couple. 
But honestly? even though I know they must have smoldering sex, I like them better as just a romantic couple. Sex is just optional, what I like the most is what their interactions could be like: showering together after a hot working day picking up tomatoes on Spain's camp, kissing each other good night under the Andaluza's stars, warming each other with a thermal blanket during Canadian winters... these kind of little detailed things is what I die for with this ship. 
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In case anyone is curious how long I've been trying to write Hetalia fanfiction, this was my first ever plot bunny.
Seven years and one week later, and I STILL HAVEN'T FUCKING WRITTEN THIS STORY!!!
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