#spam bot sighting
And the award for Most Likely Account To Be A Virus goes to the batshit bot account I just found spammed all over my feed about an urgent Amazon hiring containing a super suspicious link (that we all know ain’t actually what it says it is) juxtaposed with it’s ever changing set of fandom tags.
Like, seriously, holy shit.
How many posts did this thing spit out all at once??
I clicked on the account because I figured I should probably report them or something and the entire blog was literally? just? that one post? a hundred times?? The bot had to have just mass dumped the same text with a different set of fandom tags.
And it was all so obviously a fake account that I was just.. mind boggled?? That someone went to that much effort to make the bot, be it for porn or a virus, and they DIDN’T EVEN TRY?? TO MAKE IT LOOK EVEN SLIGHTLY NORMAL??
There were sooo many posts. I scrolled a long time through them just giggling over the various tag set. Some of them had me rolling with laughter. One of them was tagged with furry porn 🤣
Like?? Why would anyone see a post about a hiring event tagged with furry porn and go, “That’s a real legit looking job!! I should apply!!”
And they were all posted at the exact same time. I’m wheezing. I have so many questions for the mastermind(s) behind this account.
I’m not even going to bother asking why they made a spam bot in the first place—I probably don’t want to know—I would just (dis)respectfully like to know why anyone would think, “Yea this’ll work!” before unleashing that thing on the masses.
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fanfictionjumbler · 1 year
The Bot Situation AKA the Tumblr Hydra
Ok, I'm pretty sure we're all aware of the bot situation right now- heck I might be getting more bot notifications as I'm writing this. Blocking and reporting one bot only brings a few more some time later- like cutting the head off the hydra and two more heads coming back.
But, it is getting real bad. As in like straight explicit content- the p*rn bot blogs actual have p*rn, little videos that I have thankfully only seen the top sliver of when I go to the blog to go on my hydra-head block report routine. But sometimes that top sliver does not spare you from seeing what you don't want to see. They all seem to be reblogs originating from a deactivated account, basically them carrying on the will of their banned brethren. Plus these ones leave NOTES (thankfully only likes) on posts, which makes me so glad that I do most of my original content on a side blog and this one is mostly reblogs, so the false hope notes sting less there.
The bots still have some of the basic Google search for "attractive woman" design schemes and just having the first girl name the dart landed on as their name and blog description, so easy to pluck out the bots. But still the frustrating parts:
Even if I stay scrolled up at the top, I still may get a glimpse in that one still visible sliver of some unsavory explicit that personally makes me squick (and from what I'm gathering is unlabelled so minors who really shouldn't be seeing this might be getting exposed to this posting, which is a SERIOUS PROBLEM).
I have to report them TWICE, once for being explicit and once the usual bot report. Sometimes a bit pesky on mobile since it doesn't have the report form that lets you report and block in one act. With those, even though you can report and block in any order, I feel like I always have to block them first so I don't have to see that one sliver of the explicit stuff.
Also, if you leave spam notes like these unchecked, sometimes you'll get them in a big enough batch that you'll get the "and (insert number) others" condensing, which means you'll have a whole little list to comb through.
As you can probably tell from how long I rambled on, I'm tired.
First note on this post was a BOT
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kneelb4kesha · 1 year
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The spambots have been generating increasingly fantastic names this round, almost a shame to block them. Farewell, horny gnome who lives here
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Its been going on non-stop for several days now
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thechaosdragoness · 1 year
Shoutout to the only account who isn't a bot that's followed me this month, you're very much appreciated.
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Is anyone else getting a bunch of blank blogs with normal looking usernames following them?
They don't look like spam bots right away but they don't like or reblog anything so I'd rather be safe than sorry
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For the likely 1.000th time- if you're a spambot- or adult content-profile, DO NOT FOLLOW ME !! ZERO interest and you will get reported and blocked !!!! (Those who sometimes post halfnaked ladies and so, i'm okay with, i just ignore it- but profiles who's nothing but PORN SITES: STAY THE F*** AWAY !!!! Same goes for non-puplic profiles, if I can't see your posts or archive, i'll assume you're a bot and BLOCK. Don't waste your time, all 3 categories !!! Tired of this... 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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abbee-normal · 10 months
I wanted you to be real so badly
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oneofthechaoskids · 10 months
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thatwillnotagewell · 1 year
My most popular post is a parody of tumblr bots. I made it several months ago. They have a new playbook now. I feel contractually obligated to redo my post.
Hi! My name is starsarebeautiful. I don’t post often, but as you can see from my profile picture, am am a hot woman. Or I like hot women. It’s unclear. I am an enigma. I am mysterious and brooding.
Wait! Don’t hit the block button. I’m a real person I have learned your costumes. I swe—
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actual-changeling · 6 months
A small 'this is how you use tumblr' for the people that haven't been here very long. These are in no particular order, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them!
Since I probably did not mention a lot of things, you are welcome to add to this post with your own advice.
a) Reblog posts. if you like it, reblog it. even if you have zero followers and ESPECIALLY if it's art or writing of any kind. We will see the reblog in our notifications and that alone brings joy. One reblog can start a chain and push the post onto many people's dashes.
b) Tumblr is not a very functional website, if you want to survive without losing your mind, there are two things you need: xkit rewritten and dashboard unfucker. Play around with the settings until it is to your liking. Additionally, change to firefox if you haven't already and install ublock origin to get rid of ads, tracking etc.
c) If you go to your settings (account! not blog) you can find this under dashboard at the bottom. Turn off at the very least 'best stuff first' since that will fuck up your dash and not give you posts in chronological order.
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The rest are a perfonal preference but it will keep your dash tidy and easy to control if you turn them off, too.
d) Apropos settings—get a profile picture, a header, write something human in your bio, anything. Otherwise people will assume you are a bot and block you on sight.
e) Blocking! Do it generously and whenever you want, this is how you keep whatever remains of your sanity. It's not a lethal offense, it is (usually) not even seen as rude or anything along those lines. You block people and they block you and everyone is happy.
f) Under account settings you will find this:
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Just like with blocking, use both options to your heart's content.
g) Tumblr is not like other social media platforms, spam liking & reblogging and going three years deep into someone's account is NORMAL and encouraged. You can search a blog by post type, tags, or even go to the archive and scroll through the posts there.
h) Lastly—interaction. We already went over reblogging (I mean it, REBLOG), but there are also replies and asks. If you add something to someone else's post please behave like a kind human being and don't be an asshole; based on my experience, that's easier said than done. On top of that, the tags are ALSO used for communication, go unhinged, ramble, leave your thoughts, or simply use them for organisational purposes. Everyone loves a good insane tag wall.
An open inbox (either anonymously or with your blog attached) is to be used! Please send people asks if they have them active, use it like DMs or a comment section, use it to recommend something, ask questions, participate in an ask or prompt game—we love asks here.
(We do not like harassment in our inboxes, same rules as above.)
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
Surviving on Tumblr
You need a tumblr account to vote, and we highly recommend you add a description/blog title and profile picture as you set up your blog, as we are experiencing a wave of spam bots lately. People will block and report accounts that look like bots on sight, and if your blog is too generic, you run the risk of having your account deleted.
If you are just here to vote, that's fine! Thank you for participating!
If you want to stick around, welcome! Posts will show up on your dash chronologically as they are posted by blogs you follow, and you can venture into tags to find posts to reblog and blogs to follow. Disclaimer: Tumblr is not polite society. If you choose to venture into tags, you may see people talking about Your Guy(tm) in ways that would be weird or disrespectful to say where Your Guy(tm) could see it. That's why we say it on Tumblr instead. You do not need to defend Your Guy(tm)'s honor here, as this is not a place of honor. If Your Guy(tm) is on Tumblr, Your Guy(tm) has either figured out how to engage with Tumblr weirdness to Your Guy(tm)'s own degree of comfort or will do so very soon.
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dont-leafmealone · 25 days
some etiquette tips for quotev migrants
If you enjoy a post (piece of art, text post, writing, gifset, etc) interact however you would have on quotev!
Reblogging is like reposting an activity, but with a permanent link to op, and you can add your own thoughts in the tags or on the post itself. Very nifty. It's that little 🔄 symbol at the bottom.
Likes are a good short-form validation, and also a way to save posts so you can find them again later.
Comments are good for sharing your thoughts without having the post on your account for whatever reason.
Tags are optional, but useful for both organization and extra commentary that will stay on your blog (unless someone likes your tags. Then they may copy/screenshot and add to the post, or copy them in their own tags.)
if you trigger tag something, don't censor the trigger. That will only make it harder for people who have that tag blocked to avoid it.
"Copying is ok" rules for tags don't apply to art; art is to be reblogged, not copy-pasted, unless given permission from the artist. It's also polite to credit an artist if you use their art for a header/pfp, and/or ask beforehand!
That said, gifs are free game pretty much, since they have built-in credit to whoever uploaded them.
When posting images it's helpful to use the alt text feature to add a description, or add one in the body of the post below or above the picture, since A; it's helpful for those who use screen readers, and B; sometimes pictures don't load and the description is sometimes vital to tell what the heck's going on, screenreader or no.
Ask boxes are for things you don't mind being publicly viewed; messages are for private discussions.
Anonymous asks are optional, meaning some people may have them turned off. Anon hate is unfortunately common and many people opt to avoid it.
Block and report bots on sight. Report for spam/bot violations; even if they're an nsfw bot, reporting for sexual content won't do anything to get rid of them. Bots are pretty recognizable when you know what to look for, as their blog will either be blank/have a insta model pfp and generic URL, or...be full of untagged porn.
Bots come in waves; there'll be a lot at once, then they'll die off to a handful, then eventually come back. It's a neverending battle!
You can block tags to avoid seeing content you don't like. To do this you go into "account" in the settings menu, and type whatever you wanna block in the content filters section.
Turn on timestamps! That way you can know if info is outdated, or just in general have a time frame for when something was made.
Block rather than argue. You'll be happier in the long run. Hell, even if someone just kinda gets on your nerves or yucks your yum, but especially if it's serious, since reporting does next to nothing and arguing just won't change someone who's stuck in their ways, and it's not your job to fix everyone who's wrong. Block their account and if you want, block their name on the filtered content. Chances are they won't even know or care so don't worry that it's rude.
Most of all, have fun!
That's all I can think of for now. My askbox is open if there are any questions!
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lordoftherazzles · 10 months
Just as a PSA: I block blank blogs on sight. If you don’t have an icon, header, no reblogs, etc, you’re getting tossed into the bot pile.
If you’re new to tumblr, please customize your blog!! Reblog things!!! Otherwise everyone is going to think you are a spam bot!
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ unbearable
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 1.7k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, angsty, hurt/comfort?? possibly slightly ooc sampo sorry </3, unedited
ugh I rlly couldn't help myself making my first work on this account sampo (tho I really did consider svarog LMAO he's grown on me a lot) but I hope you all like!! this is like. my redebut onto tumblr writing hehe ^w^
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Surely, there couldn't be a more unbearable man on this planet — no, maybe in the entire universe — than Sampo Koski.
Perhaps he had his good sides, though, you would find yourself musing every once in a while.
Sure, he was a filthy conman, always tunnel-visioned on his next profit. Not much consideration for strangers aside from their pockets, not to mention that terrible habit of his to spam anyone whose contact he could get his hands on with scam ads and malware links he was paid a pretty sum to spread. Even his own 'friends' wouldn't be spared from his constant phishing attempts.
Maybe he did get a bit too reckless if the job was especially large, especially profitable, and maybe he did sometimes ditch just before the bill at a restaurant would arrive, and maybe he did piss off a group of automatons, causing them to chase you two to the edge of town until —
You sighed irritably, pinching your temple as you tried to refocus your thoughts.
In spite of all that, Sampo did have his benefits, you surmised.
He had ended up dropping in at just the right time during that automaton chase, even though you'd assumed mere moments earlier that his disappearance from your side meant he had run for the hills and left you behind. You avoided a lot worse injuries thanks to him that day.
And yeah, he did stop that miner from scamming you out of a good chunk of your paycheck that one time — albeit at the cost of another group of naïve victims who he led the man directly to. 'The only one who can swindle you out of all your pocket money is me!' he had claimed, and promptly received a beating over the head.
But once you opened your eyes again, beholding the sight of Sampo Koski sat on his knees before you in shame, twiddling his thumbs as he glanced to the side with a guilty smile...
You weren't quite sure his positive aspects could completely abate your wrath.
On this very day, the man before you had asked you to come with him to Rivet Town to assist with a 'very important business discussion'. You, foolishly, decided to trust him again.
'Give him the benefit of the doubt,' you'd thought. 'Maybe this time it's actually something honest. Maybe this'll really help him.'
Rather than a discussion, though, the foxlike man had instead led you right to a large group of automatons.
'It'll be fine,' he'd said, shrugging. 'Just need some scrap metal for a client! It's technically still a business discussion, we're just discussing with our weapons rather than our mouths!'
So he'd left you to dismantle the automaton pile, until another group of very much active robots had spotted you two and barreled towards you for vengeance.
The man hadn't even noticed in your collective fleeing that one of the bots had managed a sizable gash on your leg, hindering your escape until the two of you finally stumbled back into town.
Of course, the filthy scammer escaped unscathed himself.
Just recalling the incident sent you into further distress as the pain ached in your leg — you hadn't bothered to get it treated by Natasha yet, too focused on giving your 'business partner' a piece of your mind as soon as possible.
Sampo didn't dare speak a word himself. Your stormy expression was enough for him to keep his trap shut tight, too afraid of your mood to risk worsening it.
He had really done it with his latest stunt — a little 'prank gone wrong', as he put it, until he saw just how upset you were — and he knew it, too.
"I just..." Green eyes immediately shot over towards you as you began to speak, but your words only cut off into a heavy sigh, leading you to slump into a chair in the corner of your dingy apartment. Seeing you kneading your forehead with a look of exhaustion more so than anything else, the sly man took his chances with a conversation.
"L-Like I said, Y/N, it was all in good fun!" he laughed anxiously, feeling his palms begin to sweat. "I wasn't actually going to leave you to get all the parts by yourself, or ditch you when the bots came running, or anything —"
Your voice shut him up once again.
Sampo was exceedingly nervous today. Usually, you'd just get angry with him, expression twisting into that cute, flushed pout that he'd gotten so fond of.
You'd hit him over the head, scold him loudly, drag him by the ear... but you were never silently angry. Not like this.
"Does it really make you happy?" your voice echoed through the room at last, your face still hidden beneath your exasperated hands. "Is it really that fun? Are you getting a good laugh at my expense?"
Sampo's smile, though nervous, fell.
"You know, Sampo Koski," His spine straightened at his full name being used, rare shame filling his cheeks. He felt like he was being scolded like a toddler. "You always pull something or other over me. Usually, it's bearable. But it's gotten to be too much."
"Y-Y/N —"
"I choose to offer you my trust in so many ways, and you just...!" Your hands clutched onto your hair in complete vexation. "You always take advantage of it! Always! Even when I try to help you, or give you the benefit of the doubt, try to convince myself you're being honest for once!"
You peered through your fingers at him with one eye.
"I can count on two hands the amount of times you've shockingly come through for me, and yet, I don't even have enough hairs on my head to equal the amount of times you've swindled or betrayed me! This is the last straw, Sampo Koski!"
"Y/N, l-listen —"
"I'm going to Nat's."
His mouth fell agape as you just got up and began walking towards the door as you'd said.
"What?" you sneered as the man half-rose to his feet, frozen by your glare. "Worried that I'll tattle to her and you'll get another earful to ignore? Don't worry. She knows that every injury I get is your doing, so she's going to find out one way or another."
"...Injury?" Sampo asked, dumbfounded. You raised a brow, thoroughly ticked as you turned and walked away again.
It was then that he noticed the blood soaking your pants, the torn material of your clothes sticking uncomfortably to the gnashed skin. Your limp was more pronounced than he'd like to admit, considering he clearly hadn't noticed it prior to now.
The door slamming brought the man back to his senses, and he immediately pursued you, grabbing onto your wrist before you could make it ten steps away from your home.
"Let go, Sampo! While I'm still being nice!"
"I'm sorry!"
"I don't want to hear it! I —" Upon processing his words, you turned, a look of mild horror washing over your features as you raised a brow again. "...Eh?"
Sure enough, the Sampo Koski had just said the words 'I'm sorry' in a tone that sounded more genuine than anything he'd ever pushed past his lips — that is, if his souring expression was anything to go by.
He'd never said that to you before, not in the several incidents before this, so you certainly hadn't expected it now.
He looked gutted.
"I should've — I shouldn't've — Urgh..." Sampo scratched the back of his neck. You narrowed your eyes.
"Don't tell me this is just you being too afraid of Nat to let me get treated by her."
"No, no, listen," he waved his hands around wildly. "I'm... sure, I'm afraid of Miss Natasha, plenty afraid, in fact! But... being real honest, I'm way more afraid of you walking out on me for good."
His head bowed, and he looked completely downtrodden at this point.
"Y-You've been better to me than most, and I guess... I don't know. I just thought you'd always be there, sorta... Which was wrong of me to assume!" Sampo's speech was jumping all over the place as he hastily attempted to keep your attention, worried a single wrong word would send you walking away again. "Very wrong! I took advantage of ya a lot, and... Well, I'm sorry."
You stood there in silence for a good, long while.
It was plenty of time to make even Sampo nervous. You couldn't deny reveling in the way his fingers twitched anxiously, his eyes darting to you and back to the floor as he awaited your response — or lack of one — to his apology.
Finally, you sighed again. A very long, drawn-out, wrongdoing-emphasizing sigh.
"Well, I assume you can't promise that this will never happen again."
"Heheh... Well, if we're being really, really honest..." he simpered, not meeting your eye. "I can at least promise that I'll never let you get hurt on my watch again, though! Not ever! Koski's honor!"
The comical way he put a fist to his chest, as though mimicking a Silvermane Guard, put a reluctant smile on your face. Finally, you snorted out a laugh, bringing his infamous smile back again as well. This time, however, it was more relieved than mischievous.
"I really hate you sometimes," you murmured, pulling him into a hug as you buried your face in his shoulder. "But I'll let it slide. Last time, Sampo Koski. Don't you mess up again."
"I won't!" he shouted, perhaps a bit too eager. Still-shaky hands found your figure as he gently returned your embrace, something a bit more tender in his eyes when you pulled away. "I won't."
"Now, then, why don't we mosey back on into your house and get that leg patched up, eh?"
"Sorry, Mr. Koski," you teased, folding your hands behind your back as you continued your trek towards Natasha's clinic. "As much as we just shared a heartfelt moment of emotional growth, I don't trust your shoddy patchwork first-aid, not for something that hurts this bad. You'll just have to deal."
Sampo trailed after you like a puppy, rubbing his hands together like the shady businessman he was, familiar swindling smirk back already — though it grew more anxious by the minute as you neared Natasha's.
"Ah, come on! Can't we work out a deal? A bargain?! I said I won't let you get hurt again! We're both reasonable people, right...?"
"Y/N...? Y/N, come on!"
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the-power-of-a-pen · 8 months
Oh, How I Love Thee
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Fandom: Spider-Man 2 (PS5)
Summary: A series of cute moments between Harry Osborn and reader based on Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem How Do I Love Thee?
Word Count: 3061
Pairing: Harry Osborn x reader (romantic)
Trigger Warning(s): Cursing, 3rd to last scene is reader panicking
A/n: I don't remember the last time I wrote a fic, but I loved the new Spiderman 2 on ps5 and I'm obsessed with/gay for Harry Osborn. Also apologies: English isn't my first language. Also please give feedback -- I have quite a few more of these in my drafts that I'll only publish if these are well-received!
How do I love thee?
Planks, nails, screws, and metal bars were strewn haphazardly across the floor of the apartment you shared with Harry. His eyebrows were furrowed the way they always do when he's determined to solve something. You'd long ago surrendered the instructions to him after his persistent insistence that he could figure it out. Instead, you simply leaned against him as you began organized the mess of a dresser you had attempted to assemble.
"Okay, how the fuck am I supposed to know with one of these screws is the 40 millimeter one?" he complained.
You adjusted yourself so that you were lounging more comfortably next to him with your chin on his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around your waist. “If I had to guess,” you started, “I’d probably read what’s on the top of each screw.”
He scoffed playfully. “Thanks, Captain Obvious.”
You gestured for him to give you the instructions, which he reluctantly did. "It says we need to put the x12 screws into the L2 bar first. Then we- oh for fuck's sake, why does this manual have pictures only? We're trying to build a coffee table, not a fucking time machine."
"Let's just try using the power drill on these," Harry suggested. "There's probably tons of extra parts in here that we can use if we mess up."
"Okay, Brunel. I thought you were a biochem major."
"Hey," he laughed. "Let a man dream. Can you hold this piece up?"
You obliged, and Harry picked up the nearest 40 mm-looking screw and drove it into the wooden bar at an angle to connect it to the bottom of the coffee table. You gave each other a look. It didn't seem right, but it did what it was supposed to.
"Trust the process?" you suggested. "I'm not going to try and read that chicken scratch again."
Harry shrugged. "Fair enough. As long as it stands up, right?"
The two of you repeated the process for the other four legs and the rack under the table. Finally, you propped it up to stand. It was a horrible mess, slanted and barely standing up. Truly, it looked more like a modern sculpture than a piece of furniture.
After a moment of silence, Harry said, "I'm gonna order something pre-made and get us takeout."
"Yeah," you sighed. "That's probably for the best."
Let me count the ways.
"I claim Yoshi," Harry declared as he selected the character for the round.
"Basic," you jabbed back. "My main's Toad, anyway. Rainbow Road?"
The rain pattered against the windows outside. It was a perfect night to stay in.
As soon as the countdown finished, Harry sent a green shell your way and curved around you.
"Cheater," you jabbed as you spammed your controller to get back up.
"Hate the game, not the player," he bantered. "Oh, fuck you, Peach."
"How funny would it be if the bots won over us?"
"Not gonna happen," Harry replied. He threw a banana at your mini-kart and, by pure luck, managed not to crash into you.
On Harry's side of the split screen, it showed that he was on his final lap, with you a decent distance behind him. With the finish line in sight, you pulled the last trick in your sleeve. You grabbed Harry's chin and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, making him entirely lose focus. By the time you two pulled away, you were out of breath, and your side of the TV read 1st Place.
"Now who's cheating?" Although he was trying to scold you, the way he was catching his breath took away from it.
"Oh, please," you remarked. "You didn't mind."
Harry dropped his controller and, cupping your face with one hand and pulling your waist towards him with the other, he mumbled before kissing you, "Damn right I didn't.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.
Your phone buzzed, stirring you from your sleep. Rubbing some sleep from your eyes, you fumbled around for it, barely reading 7:23AM off of it. You tossed it over your shoulder and rolled over, hardly getting anywhere before Harry pulled you back into him.
He pressed a soft kiss to your neck and nuzzled into you. "G'morning, babe."
"Morning," you yawned. Your eyes adjusted to the morning light and you tried to massage some warmth back into your hands. A flock of pigeons brushed by your window, tracking in a breeze that brought shivers to your spine. You stirred again, trying to get up this time.
Harry tried and failed to grab for your hand. "Where are you going?"
You smiled to yourself. Harry's morning voice never got old. "I'm just closing the window. It's freezing in here."
He propped himself up on his elbow and commented, "Well, word around town is that I make a pretty good personal heater."
You hummed. "I'll take that into consideration." You sat down on his side of the bed and brushed some wild stray hairs out of his face. "But seriously, just because we have the day off, that doesn't mean we should spend all day in bed. I can make us hot chocolate the way you like it, and we can sit out in the park, maybe try to find something good in Midtown?"
"That sounds great, baby." Harry leaned into your touch. "After a quick nap."
You scoffed as he grabbed your waist to pull you on top of him. "Nothing's quick with you," you remarked.
Your boyfriend just smirked at you. "Part of why you love me." You settled down onto him, resting your head on his chest and intertwining your legs. "Just... five more minutes, babe," he implored you.
"Five more minutes," you agreed, already drifting back off to sleep.
When feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace.
The movie you had been watching had run its course, and you were beyond tired. You resigned yourself to quickly run through your skincare routine and find Harry so that the two of you could go to sleep.
You finished rinsing the cleanser off of your face and stretched with such force that you got dizzy. Shaking this feeling off, you called for your boyfriend.
"In the kitchen!" he called back. And he was there, but sheltered behind the kitchen island on the floor with his laptop and countless papers strewn around him. The fans in his computer sounded like a helicopter about to take off. "I'm just finishing these last few emails," he yawned. "Then I've got to review the results of bee drones, verify the statistics Dr. Loughran gathered on the organ reproduction project, and then I gotta check if they repaired the particle accelerator yet and-"
You sat yourself down next to him and gently shut his laptop, kissing his temple. "Why don't we deal with this tomorrow?"
Harry sighed and leaned on your shoulder. "I've been putting this off for a while. I'm so close to finishing, just like 30 more minutes."
You ran your fingers through his hair and felt him fighting to stay conscious. "You and I both know that's a lie, babe. The weight of the world doesn't rest on your shoulders. Take a break. The work will be there tomorrow."
"What did May always say?"
Harry sighed again, but relented and put his head in your lap. "You help someone, you help everyone."
You arranged the papers around you into a pile and grabbed a cushion from one of the kitchen island's stools to put behind your back. "Let the person you help today be you, okay?"
But Harry was already fast asleep.
I love thee to the level of every day's most quiet need.
"Do you ever wonder what would happen if you used conditioner before shampoo?"
"Not really," you conceded as you took another bite of your ice cream from your place on top of the dryer.
Harry sat on the floor organizing the dark, white, and delicate clothes into piles. "I mean, it's probably better for your hair, no? Like, the whole purpose of conditioner is to break down unwanted particles and moisturize your hair. If anything, it's probably better to do it that way."
"Maybe," you agreed as you hopped down and put the first load in the wash. "But wouldn't that be the same as using fabric softener before detergent?"
"Nope. Fabric softener just coats your clothes in microplastics. It's a long-term way of damaging the bonds between the atoms for temporary comfort. Technically, we should be using something like vinegar instead."
"I'm not putting vinegar on my clothes," you objected.
"Maybe you need to be more open-minded," he teased.
"Maybe you need to keep your head in the game," you teased back, throwing his dirty T-shirt at him. You yelped when he threw a sock your way. "Oh, I'll get you back for that."
"I'd like to see you try," Harry challenged.
By sun and candle-light.
Harry raced past you in the hallway, tugging on a shoe while awkwardly hopping. You sipped your tea from the kitchen island as you stared down the morning crossword.
"Running late?" you asked as he grabbed an apple and tossed it into his bag.
"Yeah," he replied, out of breath as he roughly kissed your cheek and gave you a squeeze before rushing towards the door. "Pete's gonna have to deal with the donors on his own if I don't get there on time. Wish me luck."
"Good luck." You filled out the five boxes for 23-across whose clue read 'Oscar-winner Streep.' "I love you."
"I love you, too," he called as he shut the door. Almost immediately, he opened the door again. "Forgot my keys!"
"They're on top of your nightstand," you called as you heard him tearing your room apart. The jingle of the keys confirmed that he got them, and he bounded over to you again.
"I love you," he breathed, kissing your cheek. "You're the best."
"I know," you chuckled. You leaned around the corner to watch him leave for the second time before returning to your morning routine. You had just finished eating your breakfast when Harry came running in again.
"Missed me already?" you joked.
"Forgot my phone," he explained, grabbing it from beside you. He kissed your cheek again. "But that, too."
"Love you!" you called as he fumbled with the doorknob and you walked to the living room. "Kick ass today."
He gave you a charming wink then slipped out the door.
You turned on the TV and let a talk show play in the background as you cursed at your crossword. This time, it took Harry about 6 more minutes to realize he had yet again forgotten something important. He barged in for the third and last time, profusely apologizing.
"You wouldn't happen to know a five-letter port city of Japan, would you?" you asked without looking up.
"Try Osaka?" Harry filtered through the pockets of his coats in the laundry room until he finally found his wallet.
"That fits."
Harry returned from the laundry room and leaned down, pressing three kisses to your lips. "Okay, I'm leaving for real now. I love you."
"I love you, too, babe. Show 'em how it's done."
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
"Oh my God, you should've seen the look on Hasan's face when Vijay showed up. Like, I get it, you dated way back in the day, but showing up in all white? So then MJ went to go pull the wine trick on him while I tried to distract Hasan so that he wouldn't notice anything was going on, but of course the universe wasn't satisfied." You huffed and caught your breath in the middle of pacing back and forth in the living room. "You know what happened after that?"
Harry, from his comfortable corner in the couch covered his mouth to hide his amusement. "Jess said something?" he guessed.
"Jess opened her fucking mouth," you continued. "And she was drunk off her ass because she always is, and she comes up to Hasan on his fucking wedding day and starts shouting about Vijay coming over. So at this point, Song is already asking Hasan 'Have you been cheating on me? Is that what this is?' And obviously Hasan would never do that but now Song's upset so the two of them go to argue in the backroom while Keith escorts Vijay out and MJ and I have to babysit Jess for the rest of the evening." You paused and took a sip of your mocktail. "It was literal hell."
At this point, you realize the smile taking over Harry's face. "What?"
He shook his head as he surveyed you in admiration. "You're hot when you're angry."
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
"Do I look good?" Harry asked nervously as he adjusted his tie.
You brushed his mess of curls away from his forehead. "You look perfect. You are perfect."
"I really need this interview to go well," he said, biting his lips. "Whatever this guy publishes is gonna be severely edited by Jonah, and if even half of what MJ said was warning enough, we're screwed."
"You're going to be fine," you assured him. When that didn't seem to work, you grabbed him by his shoulders and said, "Your mom would be so proud of you. Don't worry about what you can't control."
Harry took in a deep breath, and, hugging you before going into the meeting room, whispered, "Let's heal the world."
I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
"Good morning," chirped the barista as you walked in to the small café. "What can I get started for you?"
"Just a small pumpkin latte, please," you replied. You shivered and wrapped your scarf tighter around you.
"Anything else I can get for you? Maybe my number?"
"No, thanks -- that'll be all," you assured her, glancing behind you to look for Harry.
You jumped when he touched your arm. "I've got this one, baby," he winked and offered his card. The barista's eyes widened in realization, and she silently finished the transaction. One of her coworkers finished off the order and handed it to you on the other end of the kiosk.
You unlocked your car with your keys and laughed when Harry rushed to open the door for you.
"What's so funny?"
"You're jealous, aren't you," you jested.
Harry mocked offense as he got into the car on the other side. "I haven't the slightest idea what you're referring to, your majesty."
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints.
Harry crossed your arms on your chest and hugged you from behind to give you that comfort of pressure. "Breathe, babe. It's gonna be okay. This feeling will go away."
Your breathing was erratic, your face tingled, and you felt so dizzy you might pass out. "I could've lost you," you managed to get out between gasps. "So much could've gone wrong."
"I know," he said in a low voice. "I know. But everything's alright. Pete and Miles have a handle on things, they always do. That thing's gone. I'm okay. Everything's gonna be okay."
You rested your forehead on your knees, but Harry didn't let go of you. "I tried to get through to you but that thing just kept on speaking to me, and Dr. Connors said you were too far gone and then MJ told me what happened at the Foundation- fuck's sake you were in a coma for three weeks and you just show up-"
Harry crawled in front of you and gently took your face in his hands. "It was scary for me too, love. I thought it was going to hurt you and-" He took in a deep breath. "The worst is behind us, okay? Let's focus on that."
You nodded and tried to slow your breathing. After a moment: "None of that was your fault, you know? It wasn't you doing it."
"I know." He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes with a shaky breath. "I know."
I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life;
"Okay, what do you think of this option?" You came out from the hallway with a new outfit and gave him a spin.
"Gorgeous," he breathed. "You look like an angel."
You sat down next to him on your bed. "Babe, I love you, but if all you do is flatter me, I'm not going to know what to wear to the gala."
Harry traced his fingers over the folds of your sides as you fiddled with the invitation in your hands. "Not my fault that my partner's hot."
"But it will be your fault if we're late," you retorted. "This one, the dark blue one, or the black one?"
He hummed. "This one," he replied with a wink. "It'll be easier to take off later."
He got up to leave the room, but you grabbed him by the tie, saying an inch away from his lips, "We'll see about that, handsome." And with that, you strutted away.
And, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
You moved the needle onto the vinyl, letting the smooth jazz of Thelonious Monk fill the room. You waltzed over to Harry, and, wrapping one arm around his waist and grabbing his other hand, you swayed to the beat.
"C'mon, loverboy," you taunted him. "Show me some rhythm."
"I'm trying," he laughed, shuffling his feet.
"Baby, a little less Electric Slide, a little more moving those hips."
"Why don't you lead me instead?"
You spun in his arms and put your dominant leg between his legs and hummed as you swayed in a circle. Harry put an arm over your shoulder and started singing along.
"Glee Club paying off," you joked.
He bumped your nose. "Very funny."
You spun Harry as the music signalled that it was near its end.
"Have I ever told you that I love you?" Harry asked as he caught his balance.
You dipped him with the flourish of the music. "More than I can count."
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