krispijnbeek · 6 months
29 november 2023 Thema-avond Energietransitie dichtbij huis, what’s in it for me?
29 November was het eerste wijkoverleg voor de wijken Spaland / Sveaparken en Woudhoek in Schiedam in nieuwe vorm. Er waren ruim 50 geïnteresseerde wijkbewoners aanwezig. Tijdens de avond zijn verschillende presentaties gegeven over verduurzaming van de eigen woning. Ik was een van de sprekers. Hieronder een kort verslag en presentatie. Het verslag is ook te vinden in de 5e editie van de Flits,…
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podcastgemist · 2 years
PodcastGemist - Station Kethel terug op de kaart
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yoshiaranas · 1 year
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This is the second time I went to Japan to travel and visit my grandmother, grandfather, cousin, auntie, and uncle from my mother’s side. As you can see in this picture, there are many beautiful colorful flowers that day we are strolling with my grandmother to enjoy ourselves in Japan. That day is so cold because the snow season is coming. That time we go to Disneyland in other day wherein we watched so many cosplays of Disney and eat somewhere else. The one of the memorable moments in other day is we go to the Nagashima Spaland wherein I ride my first ever rollercoaster. One of the best memorable moments is we go to Universal Studio wherein we see the large fake dinosaur that are moving, and we ride some rides like rollercoasters. That year was my one of the most memorable moments of my life because Japan is my favorite place to have a vacation and stay with.
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joeinct · 1 year
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White Cyclone at Nagashima Spaland, Nagoya, Japan, Photo by David Morton
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initial-dream · 8 months
Nagashima Spa Land
Ok, so, this'll be the first post in (what I hope will be) quite a few smaller posts covering little translation oddities or localisation changes. I find these quite interesting, and its interesting to see what errors/changes were made in different versions and how or why they came to be.
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I'm going to start with a lesser known one from the Tokyopop and 2019 Kodansha releases. In Chapter 16 in Volume 2, before Takumi takes Iketani on the downhill run in the Eight-Six, Iketani says a rather innocuous line about waiting to get on a rollercoaster at Nagashima Spaland, a theme park in Mie Prefecture.
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I remember reading this while working on a page for the wiki, and thinking nothing of the reference, however I remember looking into it regarding the note at the bottom, which mentions a roller coaster by the name of "Steel Dragon". Ever interested in fact checking Tokyopop on absolutely anything they say in their release, I check the fact, and it absolutely was true at the time (although Tokyopop did get the name slightly wrong, as it is actually called "Steel Dragon 2000").
While the fact is true, mentioning Steel Dragon 2000 at all clued me in that the citation might have been added by Tokyopop, as that rollercoaster wasn't even announced until 4 years after this chapter was released originally. I thought nothing of it (hardly surprising they would put a citation for something that their target audience of teenage Americans would be unlikely to know) but I thought I'd have a look regardless. Unsurprisingly the citation is a new addition, but what is interesting is that the page doesn't say "Nagashima Spaland" at all.
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It says ディズニーランドのスペースマウンテン. Space Mountain at Disneyland. Presumably the one in Tokyo.
Now this one confused me. I'm a British man, and I've never so much as stepped a foot into a country with a Disney park in it, but even I know what Space Mountain is. The USA has not one but two Space Mountains, so I think it would be likely that the target audience would understand this reference. All of this makes me believe that this wasn't done so the audience would get the reference, but to avoid getting told off by Disney. But why go through the effort of making it Nagashima Spaland (other than it being the fourth most popular amusement park in Japan) and having to explain that to their audience? Wouldn't it make more sense to just make it generic? Just "feels like he's waiting for a rollercoaster"? Very bizarre, but an interesting little titbit I think.
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gpltips · 8 months
Best Spa WordPress Theme
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In today's digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business, and the spa industry is no exception. To create an attractive and functional website for your spa, you need the right tools. That's where the best Spa WordPress themes come into play. In this article, we will explore the top Spa WordPress themes that will help you create a stunning website to promote your spa services.
Get Any Spa WordPress Theme for Free
Why Choose a Spa WordPress Theme?
Before we dive into the top Spa WordPress themes, it's essential to understand why you should choose a dedicated spa theme for your website. These themes are designed with the spa industry in mind, offering features and customization options that are tailored to the unique needs of spas and wellness centers.
Features to Look for in a Spa WordPress Theme
When selecting the perfect Spa WordPress theme for your business, consider these essential features:
1. Responsive Design 
A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions flawlessly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This is vital for attracting and retaining online visitors.
2. Appointment Booking System 
An integrated booking system allows your customers to schedule appointments online, making it convenient for both your clients and your staff.
3. Gallery and Portfolio 
Showcase your spa's facilities, services, and ambiance through a visually appealing gallery and portfolio section.
4. E-commerce Integration 
If you sell products or gift certificates, an integrated e-commerce system is a must.
5. SEO-Friendly 
Optimize your website for search engines to increase your online visibility and attract more visitors.
6. Speed and Performance 
A fast-loading website is essential for providing a seamless user experience.
Top Spa WordPress Themes
Now, let's explore some of the best Spa WordPress themes available:
1. SpaLand 
SpaLand is a premium WordPress theme designed specifically for spas, wellness centers, and beauty salons. It offers a clean and modern design with a responsive layout, making it easy for your customers to access your services from any device.
2. WellnessCenter 
WellnessCenter is a versatile theme that caters to various wellness-related businesses, including spas. It includes features like an appointment booking system, a timetable scheduler, and a powerful admin panel for customization.
3. TheGem 
TheGem is a multipurpose theme with a stunning selection of pre-designed spa and wellness website demos. It offers high flexibility and customization options, making it suitable for businesses with unique branding.
4. BeautySpot 
BeautySpot is a spa and beauty salon theme that provides an easy-to-navigate interface, appointment booking functionality, and a built-in page builder for customizing your website.
5. Jannah Spa 
Jannah Spa is a clean and modern theme with a focus on speed and performance. It's perfect for spas looking to provide a seamless online experience for their visitors.
In conclusion, choosing the best Spa WordPress theme for your spa's website is essential for creating an online presence that attracts and engages potential customers. These themes offer the tools and features you need to showcase your spa's services and facilities effectively.
Whether you run a spa, wellness center, or beauty salon, there is a perfect Spa WordPress theme for you. So, get started today and create a captivating website that reflects the tranquility and luxury your spa provides.
1. What is a Spa WordPress theme?
A Spa WordPress theme is a pre-designed template for WordPress websites, specifically tailored to the spa and wellness industry. It includes features and customization options that cater to the unique needs of spas and wellness centers.
2. Why is a responsive design important for a spa website?
A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions well on all devices, providing a positive user experience. This is crucial for attracting and retaining online visitors.
3. How can I integrate an appointment booking system into my spa website?
Many Spa WordPress themes come with integrated appointment booking systems. You can choose a theme that offers this feature and customize it to suit your spa's specific needs.
4. What are the benefits of using a Spa WordPress theme over a generic one?
Spa WordPress themes are designed with the spa industry in mind, offering features and customization options that are tailored to the unique needs of spas and wellness centers. This makes it easier to create a website that effectively promotes your spa services.
5. Can I customize a Spa WordPress theme to match my spa's branding?
Yes, most Spa WordPress themes offer customization options that allow you to match your spa's branding, including colors, fonts, and logo integration.
Get Any Spa WordPress Theme for Free
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Schiedamse retail- en horecaondernemers konden zich aanmelden voor de Klusbus. Voor veel retail- en horecaondernemers zijn de snel stijgende energiekosten een grote zorg. Retail- en horecaplatform SHOP wil deze ondernemers ondersteunen met het besparen van energie. De bus ging van maandag 16 januari t/m dinsdag 24 januari kosteloos bij 35 ondernemers langs om eenvoudige energiebesparende maatregelen uit te voeren. Een vakman dichtte kieren, stelde ramen en deuren en bracht radiatorfolie en luchtdichte brievenbussen aan. Klusbus Phons Ockerse, voorzitter SHOP: ‘’Ik ben blij dat we onze ondernemers een beetje kunnen helpen met het besparen van energie. Juist in deze tijd van financiële onzekerheid is dit van groot belang. Fijn dat de gemeente ons bij dit project heeft ondersteund.’’ Wethouder Anouschka Biekman: ‘’Wij vinden het belangrijk om ondernemers bij te staan in deze tijden. Elke ondernemer die zich heeft aangemeld voor de Klusbus, hebben we kunnen helpen.’’ Vakman Erik Schippers van Breijer reed met de Klusbus langs de ondernemers: ‘’Ik vond het leuk om de ondernemers te helpen. De vraagstukken waren heel divers, van tochtstrips aanbrengen tot het stellen van deuren en ramen. Ook heb ik adviezen kunnen geven hoe ondernemers hun winkel verder kunnen verduurzamen.’’ De Klusbus reed door heel Schiedam, van de binnenstad tot Hof van Spaland en de Groenelaan. Maria Tarimci, eigenaresse van apotheek de Gorzen: ‘’Ik ben blij met het initiatief. De vakman heeft een noodoplossing bedacht voor mijn versleten ramen waar veel tocht doorheen kwam. Het was een kleine ingreep met groot effect!’’ Ook ondernemers in de binnenstad zijn goed geholpen. De nieuwe centrummanager Pim Schenkelaars spoorde de ondernemers aan vooral gebruik te maken van de Klusbus. Caroline Alink van Latte Heart Coffee & Cakes: ’’Wat een mooie actie van SHOP. We kregen een deskundig advies en de voordeur sluit weer keurig!’’ Vakman bij Peachy Juicery - Foto: SHOP Informatieavonden en deurbordjes Naast de Klusbus organiseerde SHOP twee informatiebijeenkomsten. Een energieadviseur vertelde  over grotere en kleinere energiebesparende maatregelen. Een adviseur van de gemeente vertelde over landelijke subsidies en financieringen rond verduurzaming. Ook deelden medewerkers van SHOP deurbordjes uit. Veel ondernemers sluiten hun deur om de warmte binnen te houden. Phons Ockerse: ‘’Het publiek kan dan het idee krijgen dat de winkel of horecagelegenheid gesloten is. Daarom verstrekten wij aan de Schiedamse retail- en horecaondernemers een deurbordje met hierop de tekst: Natuurlijk zijn wij open, de deur is alleen dicht om energie te besparen.’’ Ondernemers die geen bordje hebben ontvangen, kunnen een e-mail sturen naar [email protected].      Over retail- en horecaplatform SHOP SHOP is een stichting opgericht voor ondernemers in Schiedam. Het doel van SHOP is om Schiedamse retail- en horecaondernemers te ondersteunen, met elkaar te verbinden en de samenwerking te versterken. SHOP is een samenwerking tussen D&S Groep, Rabobank en Stichting Centrummanagement Schiedam. Daarnaast is ook de Gemeente Schiedam als adviseur betrokken bij SHOP. 
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scoutingnieuws · 2 years
Klanten doneren aan Schiedamse scouts
Schiedam – Klanten van AH Hof van Spaland kunnen hun statiegeldbon doneren voor een goed doel. Met dank aan deze klanten ontving de Scouting Tono-groep een cheque van € 555,45 om hun vereniging mee te steunen.
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Drie jonge scouts van de Scouting Tono-groep waren naar de Albert Heijn in het Hof van Spaland gekomen om persoonlijk de donatie in ontvangst te nemen. Bever Felix, welp Svea en scout Storm ontvingen de cheque uit handen van kassière Terry Diefenbach.
“Dit is dus echt een donatie van de klanten van deze Albert Heijn”, zo legt Bas Sikking, manager van de supermarkt, uit. “Elke maand hebben we een ander goed doel, en klanten kunnen zelf kiezen of ze hun statiegeldbon achter willen laten. Dit is een van de manieren waarop bij als supermarkt graag betrokken blijven bij de gemeenschap om ons heen. Het bedrag is deze keer best hoog, dus blijkbaar vinden onze klanten dit een sympathiek doel”.
De 9-jarige Svea is een van de drie scouts die de cheque trots in ontvangst mochten nemen. Het meisje is sinds haar zesde lid van de Scouting Tono-groep en is erg blij met de cheque: “Het is aardig van de klanten van AH dat ze dit hebben gespaard voor ons”. Ze weet nog niet helemaal waar het geld aan besteed zal worden. Mogelijk aan nieuwe tenten die door de sterke groei in het aantal leden bij de Scouting Tono-groep mogelijk nodig zijn. Of anders wordt het gespaard voor nieuwe huisvesting nu het gebouw van de scouting enkele jaren geleden is afgebrand en de groep tijdelijk is ondergebracht in Boerderij Landvreugd aan de Sweelincksingel.
Volgens de scoutinggroep is het geld erg welkom en helpt het om scouting mogelijk te houden voor alle kinderen en jongeren. Op www.scoutingtono.nl is de besteding van het geld te volgen. Daar kunnen ook belangstellende meisjes en jongens zich opgeven om drie weken vrijblijvend mee te doen, en zo kennis te maken met de scoutinggroep.
Bron: Scouting Tono-groep, Schiedam
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anikakor · 5 years
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podcastgemist · 2 years
#46 PodcastGemist, actie voor Station Kethel
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hellssblog · 7 years
We rolled into busan on saturday afternoon and met some friends at Haeundae beach, our plan was to spend the night there at a hostel but they were all sold out because it was a holiday weekend. We then got the great idea of just staying out all night and going to Spaland in the morning and sleeping there.
After hanging out on the beach for a couple hours we went and got dakgalbi at a spot not too far from the beach and it was amazing.  It was still really early so we went to Thursday Party for a little while.  
Then we all decided to go to Billy Jean, a super popular club. we got there and it was insanely packed, we couldn’t even order drinks.
We left the club and walked around for a bit before we found a noraebang, that turned out to be a sexy noraebang, but it was cheap and we sang for an hour there. We ended up back at Haeundae beach, we grabbed some drinks and snacks at a convenience store. the beach was still pretty packed with people, everybody was hanging out and drinking and some people were shooting off fireworks. it was real awesome.
The beach closed sometime after 4am for cleaning and we went to starbucks for a bit before getting on the subway to Spaland at almost 6am. what a long day, but it was super fun.
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ohmyglossblog · 7 years
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Mood after getting soaked, steamed, and scrubbed... ☺️♨️Need to go on a regular basis! @isonyamaria . . . . . #spaland #spaday #glow #nomakeup #스파랜드 #bblogger #beautyblogger #beautyjunkie #beautyinkorea #southkoreanbeautyproducts #skincare #beauty #hydrate #kbeauty #koreanbeauty #bblog #skincaremurah #skincarekorea #스킨케어 #화장품 #instabeauty #abcommunity (at 스파랜드)
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infjsnightmare · 3 years
Wedding Aesthetics: Ranpo
A/N: Requested by @allisonlol Ranpo would want his wedding to be a fun and happy time for everyone involved! He definitely asks for help from everyone at the ADA with every step of the wedding, though he might not let his S/O know that since he wants to impress them with the planning and feel a bit more independent than usual. The theme for his wedding is basically candyland; it's whimsical, fun, not too serious and includes candy. I think he would like a soft pink as his wedding colors. He deals with the darkness of crimes everyday and I think he wants something bright for his wedding. He definitely goes over his vows with both Poe and Yosano to help him tweak it so it comes out just right for his S/O.
If his S/O is fem: He wants his S/O to look like a SNACK. And by that, I mean cotton candy! I think Ranpo would be a fan of the frills and soft waves that make his S/O look delicate when he knows that they are incredibly strong. Ranpo is also more on the eccentric side, so he wouldn't expect his bride to be in full white and he thinks the addition of color prevents it from being boring. A train that sweeps the ground when his S/O walks makes her look like a princess to him. It would make him feel protective of his S/O which is important when he feels like his lack of ability makes him a burden.
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If his S/O is masc: He also wants a masc S/O in something other than traditional colors. A dusty rose color would fit the wedding theme while still highlighting his masculine qualities. He would want his S/O in layers with a suit that broadened the shoulders a bit, creating a larger frame. I think he'd want to feel protected in this case, and highlighting the manly form of his S/O would help make Ranpo himself look and feel smaller in comparison.
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Ranpo's Clothing: Complementing his S/O Ranpo would go with a light pink tux, having a few accent colors to make sure the look isn't boring. That is the last thing he'd want his S/O to think of him. Something tapered to define his narrow waist and pants that are slightly tighter and more fitted than what he'd normally go for. Yosano dragged him out clothes shopping, so he is absolutely going to be the best dressed his S/O has seen him in their entire life.
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Bouquet and Boutonniere: Freesias are, I think, the only flower that bears the simple meaning of trust. And that is what Ranpo and his S/O have with one another. Absolute trust. He loves that his S/O trusts him and relies on him, even when he doesn't think he can do much. He trusts his S/O enough that he shares his insecurities with them. Ranpo made sure the details of the flowers and their meaning are perfect since he picks up on the little details.
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The Rings: Ranpo would want something subtle, that has meaning if you look closely at the two rings together, but wouldn't necessarily notice the design if they were apart. He would love the matching bands that have intricate cutouts that revealed when they are together. It's like gathering up all the clues to solve a crime. He would also like the symbolism of being two halves of one whole picture, without both they are incomplete. It also shows that they both have a place they belong, which is extremely important to Ranpo.
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The Venue: He may or may not have pulled some strings with detectives and others he's solved for in the past to get a literal castle for his venue. All at no charge to him. His S/O is his prince/princess and they deserve to feel that way, especially on their wedding day. I think he would like the historical aspects of a castle while his S/O would appreciate the whimsy and fairytale atmosphere. He would definitely go for an outdoor ceremony and reception, wanting to enjoy the fresh air and so the two of them can maneuver around easily and talk with everyone who came to celebrate.
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The Decorations: Candy, candy, soda pop. The decorations would be cute little containers filled with various candies and snacks. After all, what is the point of a decoration if it doesn't have a purpose? Having candy jars and bowls as decorations helps keep with his theme and keeps his guests entertained. Ranpo is easily bored and he would hate for his guests to be bored at his and his S/O's wedding. He would definitely have a soda bar, full of different flavors so there is something everyone would like. He might even do some sleuthing before hand to find out what people like to drink to make sure the soda bar is well stocked. Ranpo doesn't really want alcohol at his wedding, but he might make an exception for champagne. He really just wants everyone present and in the moment to celebrate his S/O and their special day.
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The (Cup)Cake: Why have one flavor of cake when you can have so many different tastes? Ranp is definitely doing wedding cupcakes and he will try one of every flavor. I think he would still have one main cake to do the cake cutting ceremony with his S/O and Ranpo is definitely shoving a big piece of cake in their mouth and he expects the same back. He would like each cupcake to be decorated separately because it would look more appealing and interesting that way. He could also get cupcake decorations that incorporate different aspects of each of their lives.
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After the Reception: Get ready for Nagashima Spaland. It is the second biggest resort/amusement park in Japan and that is where Ranpo would take his S/O. They could go view flowers in the gardens, see the nighttime illuminations, ride some rollercoasters or hit up the waterpark. He wants his S/O to have a blast and be so entertained that they pass out from exhaustion everyday for a week. They would also sit on the bench together people-watching and guessing the person's background. Ranpo, of course, is too good at that game, but he like seeing how fast his S/O improves at picking up those small details over the week. It makes him happy to use his senses for something other than solving crimes for once.
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peterboyden · 5 years
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White Cyclone at Nagashima Spaland, Nagoya, Japan, Photo by David Morton
BOYDENS Magazine
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strictlyfavorites · 4 years
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Pic 1 White Cyclone at Nagashima Spaland, Nagoya, Japan
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leelahlove · 6 years
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