barelycarne · 4 months
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I feel some improvement already in my attempt to have my pictures to look more natural.
That bread thing is a grilled cheese in a tramazzini.
I've spend time till later than usual on the PC as I've had to do some task there too.
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CW: BLOOD; SUGGESTIVE (not too much)
they match each other's
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habizuh-studios · 5 months
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the text on the paper reads: nah goofy ahh drawing --- and it's right. what the hecc. i wanted to try drawing tails not whatever this abomination is. im kicking myself out of the art community
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I am being kept out of headspace like a nuclear hazard
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litourgya · 1 year
Bro I hate when I'm reading a new fanfic and the author describes what they're wearing and it's something from 2014 like let the black skinny jeans with the artful rips at the knees and tank tops fluttering in the warm summer breeze REST I'M BEGGING
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totally-italy · 5 months
So theres pineapple on pizza right?
What about pineapple on spaggetti (you can actually find reciepes for it-)
No, pineapple does not belong on pizza. Canada, what are you even saying? Also, pineapple does not belong on gli spagghetti!
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dontyoulistentome · 11 months
There's something absurdly sweet about an elderly man crouched over a corpse, scooping spagghetti into his floral print baking dish, to feed his family.
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konrul · 30 days
In the footsteps of Nietzsche and Albert Spaggiari on the Côte d'Azur
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Memorial plaque for Friedrich Nietzsche at 38 Rue Catherine Segurane, Nice
Sometimes to go to on a seaside vacation is a most serious debitum. To find something you will enjoy is an absolute necessity.
Nice is certainly a place, but not a city. It is a place that invites you to idleness, but it doesn't even have a sandy beach. The marks those pebbles leave on your behind disappear quickly, but the exorbitant prices are something you will remember for a long time.
Now some of the good stuff:
even if you usually don't enjoy dishes that have fish, you will like the salade niçoise
the pissaladière
the Lorina limonade that they sell in flip-top bottles
If you want to go to a sandy beach then you can take the train to Italy proper. After 50 minutes or so you will arrive in Ventimiglia. You will rely on Google maps and you will regret that quickly, but after going through a tunnel, climbing some stairs between houses and building sites, taking turns left and right you arrive at an unassuming castle. You know that you are at the right place and you start your descent. Bushes, rocks and rust and then suddenly the beach. First you can see the peculiar structure of an elevator climbing the rock, then a shabby bar where playing cards is forbidden. The railway is just above so the beach itself feels like something taken out of a spagghetti western.
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Le Calandre beach in Ventimiglia (image taken from Wikimedia)
Everyone will say that you should visit Èze. They are wrong, you should visit instead a Transylvanian peasant fortress. I was just done ranting up in the village when I noticed the sign: Sentier Nietzsche. With a renewed gusto we followed Nietzsche's path downhill.
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If you feel fit you can go uphill, but there's a risk: you might get inspiration to complete your most important philosophical work.
(more to follow with analogue photos)
P.S. Buy the cigarettes in Italy. They are half the price. Always buy Chiara Valle.
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joni-witchell · 10 months
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She was feeling hungry and im all out of snacks so i sent her your way thinking you might have some sort of scraps or morsel you wouldn't mind parting with so that she can get a bite to eat. I dont think she even realises shes carrying that big ass.waffle on her back LOL i thought that maybe if youve eaten all the food in your kitchen then you could let her know as a last resort. have a beautiful weekend💕💝💘💕💘💗💝
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IM NOT GONNA BE HOME FOR A FEW DAYS SO MY LARDERS ARE QUITE EMPTY save for a few morsels of terrible delight!
, I HAVE some 100mg delta 8 gummies and THREE SHEETS OF NORI LEFT SO IF SHE LIKES SEAWEED and getting a little too high...WE CAN "LADY AND THE TRAMP" Em LIKE SO MUCH DAMN SPAGGHETTY!!!
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fruitcakebro · 11 months
I just finished the last chapter currently out, and I'm telling everyne here to READ THIS. IT IS SO GOOD. I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE IT. YES IT IS LONG. THAT IS FOR THE GOOD. I JUST FINISHED CHAPTER 66, AND IT IS FAR FROM FINISHED AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. This fic has brought back my MCD obsession in full force. I need to read more of it, but it doesn't exist yet so I'm re-watching MCD to try and understand what might happen soon. God, I want to know so much. Author I want to see in your mind and slurp out your thoughts like spagghetti. This is the best content ever, when this is finished I must bind it and turn it into the leather-bound novel it DESERVES TO BE. I want to read it forever, and my whole family is annoyed because I will not shut up about it, but I convinced my dad to read it and also my friend because I have to send more people to this masterwork, I love it so much.
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emerwenaranel · 1 year
I seriously love you for tagging me @youmaycallmecas
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This is my wallpaper. Seriously professional or I am trying to be.
Last song I listened to:
Don't stop the dance by Bryan Ferry
Currently reading:
The bell jar by Sylvia Plath
Last movie:
I think it was an old italian film.
For spagghetti bolognese
What I am wearing right now:
Black tshirt with a white stamp, a green pantalone, and black shoes.
How tall are you?: I am the size of a hobbit
I wish I had one but some employers do not like tattoos.
Glasses? Contacts?
Last drink:
Some beer
Last show:
C.S.I. New York
Last thing I ate:
Fish sticks and some salad
Favorite color:
Current obssession
Me, myself and I is all I got
Unrelated obssession:
Travelling but I don't have any money yet.
Any pets?
No, but I love cats.
Do you have a crush on anyone?
I like someone but I am too scared to tell him.
Favorite ficional character?:
Too many but I have to mention Tuor from Tolkien's legendarium. I have an rp blog for him.
The last place you travelled: Kos. Greece. I am Greek and I have to explore the greek islands. It is like a pilgrimage.
Anyone who wants to do this.
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s1lly1d10t · 1 month
Hellow!! I haven't introduced myself yet.. so here we go! Hi I wont say my real name but call me anything ya like I'm not really good at writing stuff like this- unlike my friends TvT I'm more on drawing- I might draw on paper or digital- depends tbh anyways here's some more info!!:: Fandoms!:: Alan Becker, Steven universe [but I'm not that much into it] Harry Potter, a little bit of undertale some random cartoons and then cuphead :DD Hobbies :: Drawing and Reading only My birthday: May 4 Favorite FOOD.:: Spagghetti and some things related to it I cant think of anything else to add anyways anymore ideas on food au idiots???
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thatgayhippie · 3 months
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gmanwhore · 4 months
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Your honor, it seems that Orchid forgot that in Undertale while Papyrus mentions learning to cook Spaghetti he never actually eats his own cooking
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This is proven by him asking in Snowdin how did his Spaghetti taste with enthusiasm unaware of how poor his cooking abilities actually are. He has no idea how it tastes.
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Furthermore he only actually mentions cooking for his friends, specially Undyne, and we have no evidence that he himself eats spaghetti. So "I ate Spagghetti' is NOT a "Papyrus-ass sentence"
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Nuh uh
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kledface · 11 months
*-walkes into the club-*
Hello my succulent nuggies and spagghetti-o's!
*-i am forcefully dragged out of the club-*
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picklesabroad · 1 year
We arrived in Sorrento to see Stacey, Kat and Tan standing on the pavement, waving at us. It was very nice to see the final three members of the group! We got out of the car and said hello and the group of 7 of us were all there - Di, Em, Sand, Stace, Soph, Kat and Tan, the Spagghetti Sisters. Stacey and I had made caps We had some drinks at the accom, tried and failed to find a beach to swim at (but did manage to squeeze 7 people in our 5 seater rental car) and decided that Italy in the summer was too busy for us. The beaches were just so busy that you couldn't really get a spot and you had to dip in and out. We felt like we were swimming in a lot of other people's sweat/skin cells/ sunblock and it wasn't my favourite swim of the trip.
My favourite moment (or one of my faves) was going to the local supermarket deli where Luigi, the deli man, made us sandwiches from deli goods. The whole process was so theatrical; he fed us little samples of meat and cheese, learned all of our names and loved every minute of making us mozzarella, salami, prosciutto and tomato sandwiches. The process did take about 4 times as long as it could have, but he took great pleasure in treating us to the best of the Sorrento deli section cuisine.
Our dinners were fabulous - we had pizza, pasta, a three course meal and fries and nuggets for dinner. Our second full day in Sorrento was Diana's 30th birthday, so we made her a lolly cake (Italian style) and Sandi and I gifted the team their Spaghetti Sister t-shirts that we had got made. The only thing Di wanted to do for her birthday was to watch the Wimbledon Men's finals, so we parked up at a pub most of the day and watching Alcaraz and Djokovic face off. We all really enjoyed the game and were happy with the result.
The last morning in Sorrento we farewelled Diana and jumped on the ferry... Napoli bound!
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