prokopetz · 6 years
Ok so, I am in the process of learning how to DM and I really like the world of dnd, but I wanted to know if they are other ttrpgs that have simpler mechanics (like, not as much calculating is needed and keeping track of things is simpler?)
Oh, plenty of them; apart from perhaps for some of the earliest pre-First Edition material, even the most rules-light version of Dungeons & Dragons is pretty firmly on the medium-heavy end of the spectrum.
(Some people will insist that D&D5E is “rules light”. Do not listen to them; it’s one of the lighter iterations of D&D in particular, but it’s still quite rules-heavy by the standards of tabletop RPGs in general.)
If our only criterion is “lighter than D&D”, I could probably name a hundred games in my personal collection alone that fit the bill, so we’re going to have to narrow it down! In the absence of further guidance, I’m going to assume that we’re still aiming for D&D’s general idiom – i.e., games about a bunch of wandering misfits killing monsters and taking their stuff in a vaguely Western European fantasy milieu (as opposed to, say, games where you play as a living city arguing about politics with a robot patent clerk from outer space) – and that we’d prefer a traditional roll-the-dice-to-do-the-thing framework.
First off, if you want to stick as close to the conventional D&D experience as possible, you might have a look at Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures. It’s a simplified variant of OD&D (i.e., from way back before they started numbering the editions) with a novel “zero prep” approach that combines character creation with setting creation. Basically, instead of picking a race and a class and whatnot, you have a set of “playbooks” (six in the core rules, with more available as free downloads) that walk you through a series of questions and random tables that define your character’s personal history. Your abilities and stat modifiers and such come from your answers to those questions. Certain stages in each playbook also instruct you to add a location or NPC of your own devising to the village map; once the whole group has finished creating characters, you’ll also have collaboratively described and mapped out the town they live in, and set up several adventure hooks for your first session.
On the other hand, maybe you’re not much for this newfangled collaborative worldbuilding stuff, and you’re more about D&D’s “multiplayer chess with exploding pieces” approach to combat. In that case, you could check out Hero Kids. Though it’s designed as an introductory title for younger gamers, it’s also a pretty effective pick-up-and-play game for any group if you’re looking to run a casual dungeon crawl. It’s actually pretty remarkable how it manages to boil the complexities of D&D’s battle grid down to something a six-year-old can understand while retaining most of the subtle positional tactics. The big caveat is that, as the game’s title suggests, your group has to be cool with a YA fantasy tone, rather than the more fashionable dungeonpunk stuff.
(If you’d prefer to split the difference and go for a rules-light game that has both a more mature high fantasy tone and a tactical combat focus, you might instead have a look at Tiny Dungeon 2nd Edition. I’m not putting it on the main list because it’s written with the assumption that anyone running it is already an experienced GM, and consequently it’s very light on GM guidance in many areas; this makes it a somewhat steeper learning curve than either of the preceding titles. Still one to keep in mind for later, though.)
Finally, to range further afield, you could have a look at Dungeon World. This one adopts a fully modularised approach, whereby each character class takes the form of a self-contained playbook that includes all of the rules for that class. The dice and path are thus almost entirely player-facing; as a GM, you never roll, and apart from a handful of basic moves – which are brief enough that you can print them out and keep them on the table in front of you – you generally doesn’t have to keep track of numeric resources or complex rules toys. It’s pretty much perfect for GMs who never want to do math ever again.
(A caution, though: while Dungeon World is mechanics-light and math-light from the GM’s perspective, it is not rules-light as such. Instead of dice and numbers, the GM has a complex set of narrative principles and guidelines that shape how you describe the outcomes of players’ actions. It’s very different from running most other dungeon-crawling RPGs, and folks with a D&D background may find it a challenging adjustment. I’m not saying this to discourage, but to advise: if decide to give it a spin, resist the urge to skim the text, as many of your existing assumptions about how to run the show may not be applicable. On the plus side, its instructions regarding how to run the game are very detailed, far moreso than anything else discussed in this post, and those instructions don’t make many assumptions about prior GM experience.)
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theinvisiblespoon · 6 years
Emerald: You are my inspiration.
??????? cat!!!!!!
Weird Color Asks
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mebbrrr · 6 years
Can i give mem a flashlight?
ill get it eventually, but the power will probably be back on by then
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brascul · 6 years
Tagged by @kaschra 
rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people (lol, no), who you want to get to know better. 
tagging: @asunachinadoll , @spacecatenthusiast , and anyone else who wants to tag themselves in. Rest assured I will read it if you tag yourself, lol.
(so I wasn’t sure if we’re supposed to just answer the questions that have been listed in the previous tag or make up your own so I did both (except I choose my favorites like the picky person I am)
Height: 5′3. Shorter than some people. Taller than some people. You win some you lose some.
Zodiac: I’m a pure-born Leo baby!
Last Movie I Saw: Glass
Favorite Musician: Aurora!! MY GURLLL!!!
Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett. 
Favorite Fanfiction: (Come on, you know I had to add this one) By A Fraction of a Degree (completed) from the FF7 fandom. 
Favorite Movie: Ha! Kung Fu Panda. It’s the truth.
Favorite Anime: After The Rain. (I’m a weeb, had to add this question.) 
Play Any Instruments?: Novice Bass Guitarist. Like, extremely novice, but an instrument nonetheless. I tried to pick up the Harmonica BUT DAMN DOES THAT REQUIRE some MAJOR breath control. Respect to all you adorkable monsters out there that play instruments that require using your mouth.
Random Fact: @kaschra said that they never learned how to ride a bike. Well, let me add to that. I did, kinda learn how to ride a bike, but I have the most terrible balance in this world. 
Lucky Number: 48!
Do You Get Asks?: Sometimes! People are really nice. I really appreciate those who have shown their support to an author like me even though I haven’t really posted anything original of late. (with my trip coming up) I did think that I could manage writing another story but I am in a writing coma right now. All of my inspiration disappeared a while ago, still trying to get it back.
Fandom(s)?: Hehe. Well. I’m glad I asked. Detroit: Become Human, the Final Fantasy Series, Persona 5, Batman, Houseki no Kuni, and Mob Psycho 100. 
Favorite Song: Great question, me! Closer by Lemaitre. 
What Are You Wearing: Slacks and a purple Darkwing Duck shirt. 
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Favorite Food: Dude. Fried Chicken. I love fried motherfreaking chicken. I crave it all the damn time.
Hobbies: Writing, browsing the internet, playing video games, watching anime, reading books (often of the educational sort), reading fanfiction, and reading out comics (or manga, webtoons, graphic novels, etc) to my best friend! (She’s willing to listen to me voice characters like a dum dum. I love her.)
Favorite Weather: Rain. Always. (The smell of rain on concrete, wowza!)
Favorite Superhero: Damian Wayne. Yup. 
Thanks for the tag! 
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Hey y'all, would anyone be interested in a secret santa thing if I could set it up? (Let me know here:) https://strawpoll.com/56dszg8x
(If I get enough yes’s I’ll make another post.)
(Just gonna tag a couple people to help spread the word.)
@ironwoman359 @theinvisiblespoon @myhomework-is-onfire @spacecatenthusiast @nerdqueenkat @just-another-starfish @ninapop45
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hellofriend · 6 years
Everything is F.I.N.E.:The Mechanic
before everything happens PJ Is a college student studying to be an Electrical Engineer
Doesn't have that much friends in college and if she does she doesn't hang out with them outside of school.
Isn't allowed to hang out with them outside of school unless they hang out in her house which is something she doesn't want
She's mostly on her phone watching youtube or going on tumblr
She never interacts with people online though, according to her family, "it's too dangerous to do that, you can get us robbed or you can attract kidnappers or pedophiles"
She lives with her father, 2 aunts, 6 cousins, and her "uncle"
Uncle is actually aunt's boyfriend
Has a older sister but she's currently in university trying to be a teacher
Sister stays with them in the summer
Sister is like her mother due to her leaving when she was 4
She's pretty good with all of them
She loves her family very much and is very loyal to them
Has been raised to believe that the world is dangerous and that without family you are not safe
Loves Father very much but he works a lot and tends to get frustrated with her being clumsy, sensitive, secretive, and forgetfulness.
Sister is the same as her father but uses her to do everything for her so she's mostly bossed around by her.
If she doesn't do what her sister wants she's either guilt-tripped or screamed at
She doesn't like being treated like this but what else can she do, she's her sister
Only time when her father acknowledges her sister's mistreatment with her is when it's ammo for their arguments
Father and sister frequently fight and butt heads
Sometimes when her father comes home from work he let's out his frustration on her by screaming at her and telling her flaws
Sister gets into fights with her boyfriend all the time and does the same as her father
Is basically her sister and father's emotional punching bag
The words gets to her due to being sensitive and develops depression and anxiety
Her uncle doesn't make her life better
Ever since she was 4 her and her sister have been sexually abused by him
Has been getting most of the abuse due to her sister being in college so she's not good with long hugs or cuddles
All the kids at home are clueless of her uncle's abuse, even his daughters
She hates it, she hates it very much
She hates it so much she once almost kills him while he takes a nap with his own gun but doesn't because he's my uncle, I can't hurt him, his daughters need him
Has suicidal thoughts due to all the things happening at home
Questions if her family cares for her
Question if her family actually cares if she died
Wishes to get away from it all but where would she go, would anyone even accept her?
She's still hopeful even in her situation, it's the only thing she has going for her
Really likes electrical engineering
She's on either her phone or laptop 24/7 so it's a no brainer why she chose to study to become that
Uses her phone, laptop, and internet as a way from forgetting what's happening right now
Even tho her family has done some messed up stuff to her she still loves them
One day after her classes she's waiting for the bus to come when all of a sudden she looks up from her phone and realizes this isn't the bus stop...
After F.I.N.E. 1: Loop Breaks
Wakes up in her bedroom in shock of what happened
Thinks it was a weird dream since she has a history of having those but it feels so real tho
Eventually it becomes one of those dreams she talks about to get a laugh at the table
Life becomes normal again
She wakes up, she dresses, she eats her breakfast her dad made, she gets ready for class, she's on her laptop, gets a call from dad, she goes on the bus to her college, gets a call from her dad, goes to all her classes, get a call from dad, gets on the bus to go home, gets a call from dad, Uncle, phone, gets a call from dad, does homework, gets a call from dad, eats dinner, dad comes home from work and he's either tired or screaming at her for something she hasn't done, and goes to bed
Cycle continues
She longs to "dream" of that again
It was better than this life, way better
She repeats that dream in her head a lot, the people in it, the places she went with them, the things they experienced together
She eventually tries to forget the dream all together cause it never happened
Then one day after classes when she finishes one of her daily calls from her dad she hears someone talking in a weird accent behind her
It sounds so familiar but she just can't put her finger on where she heard it
She eventually starts to walk away to the bus stop when she suddenly hears the same voice call to her
She turns around to see The Broken and The Entertainer there greeting her
Her phone gets a couple of scratches that day
After F.I.N.E. 2: Loop is broken and time moves on
She decides to go back home to her family
When she gets home her family basically tackles her
Turns out all she needed to do was go missing to actually have her family show they cared for her
While she was gone her sister finally decided to file a police report against their uncle
Due to that most of the kids are in fostercare now
She frequently visits her cousins at their foster home and are expected to come back home in a year
Sister and father treat her way better than before
Actually show respect towards her now
Frequently go out to spend time together
Family is more relaxed to her talking on the internet now so she frequently talks to the Broken Mirror Gang online
Visits The Teacher, The Broken, and The Entertainer sometimes to take pics of them and see how they are
Talks the most to The Astronaut in the group
Eventually talks about what happened before she went to the mansion to the group
Moves out and lives by herself in an apartment
Doesn't like it one bit
Lets The Astronaut become her roommate
Now is getting the support she needed
And everything is fine.
@abbaquiche @theinvisiblespoon @pain-in-my-aesthetic @spacecatenthusiast @ironwoman359 @the-real-bubblegum-bitch @readeatfightlove13 @stars-sunsets-and-oliver (someone help me find the others please!)
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Tag game
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better! I was tagged by the lovely @queenxolivier!Tagging @xennariel @ladynorbert @spacecatenthusiast @jouissezduprintemps @smoresiesfanfic @nihilistickomori @ninjamatty-the-writer relationship status: single, suffering from an unrequited crush favorite colors: blue, green, and purple top 3 ships: Sophie/Howl, Kisame/Itachi, and Gaara/Rock Lee lipstick or chapstick: lipstick last song: Wild Ones by Flo Rida last movie: watching Tremors as I write this top 3 shows: FMA, Naruto, Project Runway top 3 bands/artists: Pink, the Lumineers, He is We i am currently reading: The Looking Glass Wars
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shadowtrooper1414 · 7 years
3D Paralysis
@pika-blur @snowwolf5552 @planetlostinspace @ohgodwhatthefu @spacecatenthusiast
You aren't sure why you decided to do this. Maybe it's because your friend Drew said that something cool would happen. Maybe it's because of your stupidity. Either way, it was already happening. You can't do anything about it at this point.
With the old, blue and red 3D glasses resting on your nose, you unpause the video. It's an unlisted one, a video that Drew had found with the help of a couple of Reddit users. You didn't really have the desire or need to ask how, so you didn't. You just clicked on the link that Drew had sent you.
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes as static filtered through your headphones. Through the static, you can hear a voice. It's low and reminded you of Darkiplier. However, there's also a higher pitched male voice and a low-ish pitched female voice. You conclude that these are Celine and Damien's voices glitching through.
You let your eyes flutter back open and look at your laptop screen. It's the only thing lighting your room. You watch as a figure came into focus. After a moment, the figure is revealed to be Darkiplier - like you had guessed. Only, there's something off about him. It's almost as if he's getting closer and closer to you. He sticks his hand out, pointing. Or maybe he's going to stab you. It does seem like he's going to.
He gets closer to the camera. Then even closer. It seems almost as if he's in your room with you. His hand reaching out seems to be going for your neck. You laugh nervously. There's no way that would happen! Right?
You expect the camera to cut. You're confused when it doesn't. You're helpless when his hand wraps around your neck. You're terrified - you can't even move.
You process that Dark's hand is cold. You've always expected it to be. His grip tightens and you realize he's choking you. You don't think you were even breathing before, anyway.
He leans up next to your ear and takes a breath. What he says shocks you.
"Time for you to say goodnight."
You feel your eyes roll back into your head as you pass out.
It's not the last time it happens.
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pika-blur · 7 years
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THANK YOU @jamycatalyst @snowwolf5552 @drawxangel @kirbychu @planetlostinspace @mebmumbles @artist-in-space @star-valo @attakasur @alexthechaotic @starstrike41 @jacksiplier @that-max-guy @ lizawithazed @wyvernc @tkitten-16  @spacecatenthusiast @xmoonyxbunnyx  @cozed15​
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daxiia · 7 years
I was tagged by @iiiim-ethan Thanks for tagging me! :D
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. 2ND RULE: bold the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined (like only the tiniest bit so kinda)- I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people - people tell me I am funny- helping others with problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges- I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well (kinda) - I can play an instrument- I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head (depends on the math) - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 3 people at arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of martial arts
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year- I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my best friend™ - I live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the united states - there is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 cds - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce (my teachers first name is Tasmara, which may seem hard to some) - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
I’m gonna tag-
|| @archivefullofyoutubers || @anti-dotess || @spacecatenthusiast || @astrothealien || @xakumi || @hatsunemikumachine ||
Feel free to ignore tho!
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theinvisiblespoon · 6 years
Hey Hey viz Quick question: what does the 7 in your description mean?
A question everyone seems to be asking.
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mebbrrr · 7 years
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nervous boyo @spacecatenthusiast
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warriorblood1 · 6 years
You deserve all the money and strawberries
i dont like strawberries but i’ll take them anyway. thank you friend. you deserve all the stars and mangoes.
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theinvisiblespoon · 6 years
Elements Tag
Tagged by @randomcat1832 (why isn’t tagging you??) who is a great writer, check out @nwabbw if you like undertale fics cause WOW 
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and then tag nine people…
I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music (ooof, as much as I love books, MUSIC.) • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans (I should more often) • I play an organized sport (used to play soccer, was very good at it. Wanted to devote my time to other things so I quit) • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world (this one is complicated. I’d love to see it but anxiety has me paralyzed) • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian • I have an excellent sense of time (lol, adhd nOPe) • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love (insert that garnet quote) • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork (I’m fairly decent at arting, but I’m a perfectionist and will stress myself to no end. Unless writing and poetry and composing is art! then totally) • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Okay so I’m tied with Water, Earth, and Aether? Cool, I can’t stand being put in a box 
@ironwoman359 @hellofriend @pain-in-my-aesthetic @therealhmmlingle @stars-sunsets-and-oliver @abbaquiche @pixelenchanter @virgil-loves-princey @spacecatenthusiast
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theinvisiblespoon · 6 years
Two characters of your choice enjoying hot chocolate together.
Word Count: 1368
Trigger Warnings: rampant anxiety, paranoia, anger, creepster being creepy
Thank you to @ironwoman359 for beta reading this for me! I’ve updated it since you have, lol.
The clouds hung low in the sky, turning the city ashen grey. Humidity stayed static in the air, and the smell of rain foreshadowed the oncoming storm. No sunlight penetrated the dark clouds, but there was just enough light to see clearly. Pedestrians shuffled by, shifty eyes under the brims of hats, and a man stepped out from his one-bedroom apartment and into the street. He finished buttoning his old black jacket, put on a scarf, looked once at the sky, and headed towards his destination. 
He enjoyed watching the people around him go about their day. He was rather inconspicuous (albeit taller than he would have liked) and so most people didn’t notice the stranger walking by. While he passed, he saw a mother trying to soothe her baby. A college student ran by, backpack much too full to be healthy. As he glanced at an employee taking out the trash, a businesswoman bumped into his shoulder and nearly knocked him over. She was talking loudly into a brand new iPhone 7, and didn’t bother to apologize. As he watched her stride away, he saw a flicker out of the corner of his eye. He whirled around, but nothing was there. The crowd filtered around him as a twinge of anxiety gathered in the pit of his stomach. 
“Hey, move outta the way!” someone grumbled as they pushed past him. Heart still pounding, he let himself be dragged back into the flow of the crowd, walking towards his destination a little quicker than usual.
He stopped at the blackboard sign outside — “There is no black or white, only earl grey. Tea 15% off this weekend!” — and opened the door. 
The sounds of the Starbucks relaxed him immediately, and he unconsciously smiled as he stepped into line. He looked over the menu absently, but his thoughts were elsewhere; the music and the murmurs and the whirs of the equipment faded away. 
I can’t pay rent. Maybe everyone is right. I should just give up. I can’t go forward. I can’t go back.
“Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?“ 
He snapped out of his reverie at once. "Uh… sorry, I would like a tall hot chocolate with whipped cream." 
"Got it,” replied the barista in a dull monotone. 
He paid and stood over at the other end of the counter to wait for his drink. Looking down, he saw he had been picking at his calluses yet again. 
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath. It was then that he spied someone staring at him from the corner of his eye. He didn’t look at whoever it was; he didn’t want to. Instead, he found himself more acutely aware of his own movements and settled on tugging at a stray thread on his scarf. His heart, defying anatomy, rose to somewhere in his throat. 
It took years to get his hot chocolate, but it finally came. He grabbed it anxiously, pivoted and spotted a lone table in the corner of the coffee shop, and carefully picked his way through the crowd. Sitting down, he scanned the people around him but found no one watching him or noticing him in any sense. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding and took a sip from his cup. He didn’t have to worry. It’s alright, he thought to himself, it’s fine. You’re okay.
It was only after another five minutes that the ball of tension in his stomach unwound itself. Content, he lessened his death grip on his beverage and closed his eyes. People talked and laughed; jazz played lightly in the background, and the beginnings of rain offered percussion. All of this he heard, but someone sliding into the seat across from him drowned out all other sounds. 
He jolted up, eyes flying open, and stared at the person across from him. They stared back. The song ended, and the dim light cast menacing shadows across their face. Neither broke eye contact. 
The music began again, and the other figure spoke. “Hello." 
He hesitated. He was unnerved, but he would not say so. Swallowing, he responded, "Can I help you?" 
"I was… was only saying hi." 
"Well then. Hello.” He stood up to leave, but the stranger rose suddenly and blocked his path.
“No, wait, uh, I just wanted to, just, um—” This is not what he would have expected them to sound like. Stuttering and losing your nerve isn’t something you expect in someone so frightening. You don’t anticipate the monsters under your bed being afraid of you. 
“Hey,” he said gently. “Take a breath, okay?" 
The person he had feared a second ago breathed deeply and, in doing so, became more of a weirdo than a menace. "S-sorry. I’m nervous." 
"That’s alright.” His wife always told him he would get killed by his kindness. He firmly shook that memory away and sat down again. “What were you saying?" 
"This will probably sound really weird,” they started. “Like. Super weird. Okay.” The stranger took another breath while he waited. The rain tapped on the roof above the pair. They glanced up at him. “I know you." 
The unease came back as soon as it had vanished. "We’ve never met." 
"I mean, not technically, but—”
“We haven’t met,” he insisted. “I would remember you.” Despite the circumstances, he hated how accusatory he sounded. “Now, if you’ll excuse me—”
“You’re a poet, but you really enjoy playing the violin.” He froze. That was… not hard to figure out. Just a little research. Don’t panic.
“You play on street corners, and you love it, but you’re in debt. You can’t pay your rent. You’ve moved away from your wife and your kid.” He inhaled sharply, and his eyes widened, but they continued further. “You still love them. You love your wife, but she doesn’t love you because she figured out you’re bisexual." 
"Stop.” It was barely a whisper. 
“You have a lot of friends, but they barely know you. You’re afraid to be alone, but afraid to open up to anyone. You also hate violence. You can’t stand it, because your dad was a corrupt cop—" 
"—who was accidentally shot when you were six. You waited for him in the window, and it was eleven at night before any police officers showed up at your empty house. They caught the mugger and put him in jail, but he was released five years ago for good behavior and you still keep tabs on him. You’re paranoid. You push down your fear and your anger because you hate that you’re so damn angry—”
“I said stop.” When had he stood up? He was shaking. A few customers around him had noticed him. The rain pounded outside.
They opened their mouth, and then closed it. “I’m sorry." 
He glanced at the crowd around him and sat again. He wrapped his hands around his hot chocolate and glared at the intruder in front of him. "Who are you?" 
"My name is… Sebastian. He/him. You don’t need to know anything else about me,” he said quietly.
“Like hell I—" 
"You shouldn’t know anything else about me,” Sebastian urged. “It’s not safe." 
He exhaled slowly. He pushed down his anger collected himself before speaking again. "Why are you here? What do you want?”
Sebastian seemed at a loss. His eyes moved to his hands, clasped on the table between them. “I wanted to say hello." 
"That’s not good enough." 
Sebastian grimaced. "I… wanted to say I’m sorry. You try to be kind. You still do." 
The rain fell in sheets, and the two of them stared at each other again. Sebastian’s eyes sparkled a bright green in the dim light. 
"I’m sorry we couldn’t talk more,” Sebastian continued. “I would have liked to actually know you.” He stood and checked his watch. “I’m not supposed to be here." 
He stood too, staring at Sebastian incredulously. "You can’t just—" 
Sebastian awkwardly reached out and touched his shoulder softly. "I’m so sorry, Adam. I really am. I—” he sighed and looked away, dropping his hand. “So long." 
Sebastian turned and walked out into the pouring rain. Adam watched him until he was long out of sight. 
Adam sipped his hot chocolate. It was cold. 
Everything:@abbaquiche @ironwoman359 @lemme-talk-to-ya-plants @pain-in-my-aesthetic @pixelenchanter @princessbelix @punknerdmusings @virgil-loves-princey
Everything is F.I.N.E.:@hellofriend @mltcp @poem-jim @readeatfightlove13 @sam-moss @sassy-in-glasses @spacecatenthusiast @starjames-pma @the-real-bubblegum-bitch 
If you want to be on a taglist, just let me know! Wanna check out my other stuff? Here’s my creative archive.
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theinvisiblespoon · 6 years
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F and I text log_01 
Everything: @abbaquiche @ironwoman359 @luck-mouse @pain-in-my-aesthetic @pixelenchanter @princessbelix @punknerdmusings @theashofwkm@virgil-loves-princey
Everything is F.I.N.E. @hellofriend @mltcp @poem-jim @readeatfightlove13 @sam-moss @sassy-in-glasses @spacecatenthusiast @the-real-bubblegum-bitch
Transcript for mobile users under the cut.
I, 11:46; You are up late.
F, 12:53; thanks captain obvoous
F, 12:54; *obvious
I, 1:02; What is “obvious” here is your lack of sleep.
F, 1:04; yeah yeah whatever
F, 1:05; whyre u up then
I, 1:05; I am working.
F, 1:05; well uh
F, 1:06; so am i
I, 1:06; What are you working on?
F, 1:06; whatre u workin on
I, 1:08; Nothing in particular.
F, 1:08; nothing in particular
F, 2:33; shit
F, 2:33; host is up
F, 2:34; do u hear that
I, 2:34; Yes, I do. Do not go downstairs.
F, 2:36; wouldtn dream ofi t
F, 2:36; ha
F, 2:37; get it
I, 2:37; Are you okay?
F, 2:37; why the fuck do you care
F, 2:47; im sorry
F, 3:09; hello?
I, 4:10; I am going to bed. You should too.
F, 4:10; ok
F, 4:11; r u ok
I, 4:11; good night.
F, 4:11; wait
F, 4:12; im sory
F, 4:13; i
F, 4:24; fuck
F, 4:49; i love you.
F, 4:49; something youll never fucking hear
F, 4:50; bc im too mich ofa coward to fuckdkckoeosdjjdksod9wp20osooa
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