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piepress · 11 months ago
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An unforgettable 70s space opera, SPACE 1975 is rollicking fun through the galaxy, complete with disco, bellbottoms, and all the lasers you could want. Get it here in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle now: https://tinyurl.com/d44y9upf
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jandkwriting · 2 years ago
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Books with tidally locked planets. #spacebooks #scifibooks #sciencefantasy #cityinthemiddleofthenight #startrek #bookcovers #lgbtqbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CqO5DRprL3k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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totally-correct-star-wars · 6 months ago
Cody: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego. Cody: My spacebook photo is a landscape.
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aclue-aclue · 10 months ago
Here's a challenge for ya: if you could pick a favorite Notebook of Steve's, Joe's and Josh's, but not any of their default notebooks, which would it be?
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The Handy-dandy Spacebook!
It flies
Black with white crayon
Aesthetically impeccable.
I love stars and space in general.
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halipula-aika · 7 months ago
Star wars concept: Spacebook (space facebook) groups for parents of Jedi
Support groups for parents who regret or feel complicated about their decision. Sharing experiences about their children's finders. Advice forums for parents who suspect their kid may be force sensitive. Spotting their kid on the news or on gossip holosites. "I know they're not supposed to have any contact with us, but my kid has s padawan now, and I would very much like to meet my new grandchild. Is there anything I can do?" A blog keeping track of clone wars deaths & injuries so families can keep track of their loved ones.
Shmi Lars joins a group and talks about her boy with the other spacebook moms for months before she mentions that he was on the news recently and one of them asks his name. Shmi answers, "His name is Anakin :)" and the group erupts into chaos.
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saecookie · 2 years ago
jsyk, the dw comics have its own version of the hellsite. called stumblr.
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academy-x · 2 years ago
odo has spent yeeears building close relationships with many people. he has sooo many spacebook friends as well. and now hes willing to risk it all to be in the fascist soup. and then the idea that only heterosexual love can prevent him from turning evil. vomit vomit vomit
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niconiconwo · 7 months ago
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There is so much going on here that I can't pick which joke to make.
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writerintheworld · 1 year ago
Are We Alone? (Fictional- Fermi Paradox Answer)
“We got the result back!” Manie shouted, as nine scientists came rushing toward him to see what he had found. 
“Click on it!” Dr. Kermie shouted excitedly,
He was a slim 70-year-old man who wore a white coat in which he carried a vintage iPhone 27 sticking out of the front pocket. 
As Manie moved the mouse and clicked on the planet, writing be appeared on the screen: 
Proxima Centauri B contains microscopic organisms (microbes). This planet is habitable for humans as temperatures range from 10 degrees - 20 degrees.
“Dang it! I thought this planet could contain living species, not just unicellular organisms!” Dr. Kermie said, and all the scientists nodded angrily in agreement.
“Yeah! I thought so too, I even made a bet!” Dr. Berch shouted, she was sitting near the back of the room, typing on a laptop covered in stickers. 
“Well, at least I won the bet,” Manie shouted back, and everyone started laughing. He thought that this planet would contain more too, Manie just made the bet due to everyone else thinking the opposite.  
“Welp, better luck for the next Planet,” Dr. Kermie said, clearly disappointed.
As Manie moved the mouse and clicked on the next Planet, writing appeared:
Kepler-62f contains microscopic organisms (microbes). This planet is habitable for humans as temperatures range from 10 degrees - 20 degrees.
“Hmm.. that's weird,” Manie muttered,
His research had stated that the chances of temperatures being the same are one in a billion.
“Coincidence, I guess,” Dr. Fermie said, reassuring the scientist.
As Manie moved the mouse and clicked on the next Planet, writing appeared on the screen:
Trappist 1e contains microscopic organisms (microbes). This planet is habitable for humans as temperatures range from 10 degrees - 20 degrees.
“Guys… I don’t think this is a coincidence,” a little girl said. She was with her father, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, a researcher from Harvard, who has been teaching about the Fermi Paradox. 
“That's odd,” Manie muttered, as he clicked on the next planet, the same sentence appeared:
Trappist 1f contains microscopic organisms (microbes). This planet is habitable for humans as temperatures range from 10 degrees - 20 degrees.
“Maybe there is a problem with the computer,” Manie said, while observing the computer, all the components were there. 
“But how can we be the only intelligent species in the universe?” Dr. Kermie asked, clearly upset,
“I don’t know,” Manie mumbled.
With the realization that we aren’t alone in the universe, but that there is no advanced civilization that we had hoped for. Manie couldn’t help but feel hollow. This universe is like a wasteland, with most galaxies being empty only containing stars and planets, no thoughts. 
This brings Manie to the question: Are we the first intelligent beings or the last?
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paramountltd · 2 years ago
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Yuri Gagarin manned the first human space flight that took off on April 12,1961. With this flight, Gagarin became the first human to orbit the earth. International day of human space flight celebrates the beginning of the space era for mankind.
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tomboy014 · 3 months ago
Tamaranean Siblings, Part 2!
After the Body Swap incident, Phantom and Starfire get close.  Really close.  Turns out swapping bodies breaks down a lot of boundaries, and unlike Raven, the two have bonded.  Starfire has always been a hugger, and she’s taken to carrying Phantom around like a teddy bear. Phantom is used to having a red-headed big sister, and ever since his parents worked the ecto-deflectors into their jumpsuits, he might maybe be a teensy bit touch starved.  He loves to sprawl over Starfire whenever they hang out together.
It’s driving Robin up the wall.  Phantom knows he’s been crushing on Starfire for a while, and he goes and does this?!  He can’t help but get more brusque with Phantom, to the point it starts to interfere with group dynamics, and it prompts even Starfire to tell him off for it.
Danny confronts Dick privately to tell him off for being a total dingus.  As far as the two of them are concerned, Kor’i and Danny are basically siblings now.  He’s knows Dick has a crush on her;  that’s why Danny has been trying to talk him up to Kor’i so she’ll give him a chance, and his attitude is not helping.  Dick needs to CHILL OUT!
Robin: … Who?
Phantom: You live with her for pete’s sake! How do you not know her first name?!
This is also where it comes to light that Robin/Dick doesn’t actually have any dating experience.
Robin is a super popular super hero, leader of his team, and supposedly smooth and charismatic.  Dick Grayson is the adopted son of Bruce frickin’ Wayne and beloved by the public. Danny’s at the bottom of the social ladder and he still got a date with the most popular girl in school. Twice!  How are you this bad at girls? 
Either way, things with Robin start to calm down and the group dynamic returns to normal (though Danny will never let him live down his lack of love life).  But things in the training room start to heat up. 
Starfire and Phantom now have a much better understanding of each other’s limits, and the gloves are off.  The whole tower shakes whenever the two of them spar together, and they’re both experimenting with new ways to use their energy powers after seeing how the other uses theirs.  Phantom even manages to give Starfire a black eye for the first time, and she’s ecstatic! It’s a Tamaranean thing.  In their culture, it’s an accomplishment when a younger sibling to visibly injures the elder sibling for the first time.  It shows how much the younger has grown and how well the elder has taught them.  Starfire is super proud and posts it all over SpaceBook.
But Phantom has ulterior motives for pushing Starfire the way he has been.  No one knows his strengths like Starfire does.  More importantly, no one knows his weaknesses the way she does.  If there’s anyone who’d know how to stop him…
Phantom asks Starfire to be his contingency plan, and explains everything that happened in The Ultimate Enemy, about his future self, what he did, and how terrified he is if he one day becomes that.  If that ever happens, he wants her to be the one to take him out.
Don’t try to talk him out of it.  He already gets it enough from his friends and sister that it won’t happen.  That he’s a good person.  He doesn’t need to worry about that, etc.  He’s heard it all before, but… None of them have actually agreed or promised to end him if it does happen.  And if it does… his friends are only human, and they couldn’t stop him before.
Starfire agrees.  She can see how important this is to him, and she won’t lose Danny to a dark path the same way she lost her sister.  The wave of relief that washes over him breaks Starfire’s heart.  These must be the horrible feelings that led him to develop the Ghostly Wail.
Still, she is confident that this future won’t come to pass because he chooses not to let it happen.  She, too, has been flung forward into a bleak future, but she knows nothing in the past, present or future is set in stone.  She fought and changed the future with her own two hands.  She’s knows Phantom is strong enough to do the same. 
While Dick and Danny were never really good at staying in contact with each other, Kor’i is and keeps up her relationship with Danny even after he “retires.”  She knew months before Dick of Jason did that he took the job at Arkham and is happy for him.  It may not be the career path he wanted, but he found a good job and a way to still help people without his powers. 
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From Missy’s spacebook account 😂 😂
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keldabekush · 10 months ago
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The Meat Droids demonstrate the Cain instinct [Hare tried to trade R0ADIE on Spacebook Marketplace].
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aestariiwilderness · 1 year ago
Omega must be the only child to ever be kidnapped and quasi-experimented on in a secret lab by an evil fascist regime to emerge no worse for wear like six months later WITH A PET (that isn't Crosshair)
The Batch, patiently searching an entire sector of space: Omega must be here somewhere Omega and Crosshair, zooming by: hey I wonder where our fam is
That had to be the most anxiety-producing visit from the Emperor for the least actual consequence I have ever seen. The man wandered in, took a look, patted Hemlock on the back, took the time to gently warn this bouncy evil scientist that "my dude, I know you and I love what you're doing here. And I know you want to post it on Spacebook. I totally get it! But uh. Just a heads up -- most people will think your work is an abomination, TBH, so I'm gonna need you to keep it quiet. Kay? K. Thanks. See you bro, let me know when you need to evacuate an entire base again, I'll foot the bill" and left.
Everyone is sleeping on the fact that Palpatine and Hemlock's relationship (such as it is) is weirdly adorable and honestly. Hemlock, my dude. He really took to heart the whole "if you love your job you'll never work a day in your life". Man is living his dreams
Yeah fine Emerie gave her a doll back. I still don't like you
Why does no one (looking at you Saw) ever just...shoot the Emperor's shuttle down.
Would have been hysterical if Omega and Crosshair just nicked the Emperor's shuttle.
Palpatine: this project must adhere to the utmost secrecy. No one must know. No one must ever leave. *Omega and Crosshair tiptoeing past in the background*
*Palpatine's shuttle lifts off ground* Clone commando: uh sir. Those, uh, pretty important prisoners have escaped. Hemlock:... Hemlock: bless you for waiting to say that till after my boss left
Hunter still sucks at technology.
It's been like half a year and they still haven't bothered to check the recordings of Tech's goggles. Color me unsurprised.
Also unsurprised: we dropped the brain cell on Eriadu. it hasn't grown back yet
Maybe-Eh-Possibly Imperial Tech, watching the shuttle zip off without him: YOU TOOK THE DOG??
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bookishbrigitta · 9 months ago
Okay, but, please consider Luke Skywalker hauling his Jedi school kids around in a 15 passenger van that he heard about from someone in his Interfaith Education SpaceBook group who said their church selling it. Like, it was a piece of junk, and he finally wore Han down enough to help him fix it, but when the light hits it in a certain way, you can just make out "Mustard Seeds Outreach Ministry of Grace Lutheran Church" or some such under the new paint.
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smilesobrien · 1 year ago
currently getting a chuckle out of imagining neelix using the emoji combination 👁️👅👁️ and tuvok wordlessly blocking him on spacebook
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