#space and giving/invading space is Spicy but also Deep
iscarioted · 2 years
Andertegra is so funny to me! Like every time he gets all up in her face in the manga. It’s like sir, personal space where???
Oh, anime too! I mean...
To be honest, I think about the scene he has her against the wall pinned between his bayonets... far too often for it to be good for me. 💀
I can see it being a power play from Anderson's side tbh. Integra is a noblewoman and rules with a tight fist, I'd describe. Especially when it comes to politics and rivals.
Quite no nonsense and serious. We see how she keeps things as collected as she can, in tight order/gets upset when things go chaotic, and a lot of people (like Alucard and Walter, though not Seras) a professional arm's distance length away. Frankly, total GirlBoss(tm) energies. I would not be surprised if, and honestly easily believe, she's well-known for this. It's a display of her command, power, and status.
So like??? I can easily see Anderson making a point to be in her space (all up in it) to dismantle and step all over that image of her, and use it to establish 'you don't control me/you have no power here'.
But like!!! She takes it in such stride! Pinned against the wall, Anderson literally threatening to murder her despite the treaty and good cause, and she? Insults him, then taunts and smirks at him about Alucard, making him out to be a fool. Then, there's him rescuing her from the vamps in London and again, he's very close to her. Don't quote me on this but in the manga, it sort of looks like his hands are on her shoulders too as he goes into that crazed rant (I'll pull up the panels in a second because I truly can't remember if it is really like that or I just liked and kept imagining his hands gripping her shoulders as he just says utterly insane shit). Again, she just doesn't falter when practically face to face with him. though I'll add this time, she does look... Taken aback (in the anime) iirc. Surprised or perhaps even awed, since his entrance was quite the badass and dramatic one (on top of his respectable reputation in general, cuz even the vamps were in fearful awe seeing him).
And!!! What I think really tops this off is that overall, he is tactful and thoughtful of invading Integra's personal space/letting others do so--- if it seems like it crosses a line. I don't think Anderson gets enough credits for shutting down Yumie+Heinkel/Iscariot members ganging up on Integra when she's so defenseless. His previous careless invasion of her space (as well as calling her a wh*re) still stands and happened and it's not... Good 💀 but he can still recognize, when more level-headed, some of the unfortunate implications and parallels an action would have. Puts a hard stop on it.
TLDR; as an andertegra shipper, I love the close quarters but I also love that ultimately, it's a give-and-take variable thing and Anderson has mindful respect of Integra at his core, so there's nuance to it. He's just... A weirdo lunatic 95% of the time and yet, Integra hardly gives a damn and doesn't budge to him!!!
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cadrenebula · 2 years
Prompt #11: Lazy Day
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Destiney looked up from the book in her hand with a warm smile at the squealing laughter of her child. The little girl delighted as her uncle swung her around in the air. Giving the mother a little break for reading as Evelyn got time with Lancefer. 
With all the family she had helping out, she was very fortunate. It made everything so much easier. Especially with both her own mother and Syluss’ mother babysitting as often as they were wanted. It gave both of the older women time with their grandchild and something to do. Elle had been delighted since the moment Destiney had told her she was pregnant with Evelyn.
And then there were her cousins. Lance more often than Lothaire. Mostly because it was so hard for Lothaire to get away. But at least Lothaire was safer now with Bran in Ishgard with him. It seemed to lighten the burden on his older brother. Destiney couldn’t remember the last time Lance looked so happy and carefree. Seeing him play with Evelyn, she wondered if he’d have children of his own some day. 
Something sizzled in the pan on the stovetop. A fuzzy black ear twitched as the little sneak stealthed his way towards whatever was making such a delicious smell. It smelled like fish.
“What do you think you’re doing, Shadow?” Alex huffed as he turned around in time to bust the furry feline on his counter. “If you don’t get down this minute, there will be no fish for you tonight. Get off my damn clean counter.”
The black cat mewled at his threat, staring him down for a long moment. Finally Shadow relented and jumped down off the counter. Alex rolled his eyes at the cat as he picked up his spatula off the counter. “You know you’ll get fed so knock it off. Bratty cat. Let me finish making dinner for Sana first.”
Stefan flexed his wrist gently. The wrapping around it was gone but he was still supposed to be taking things easy for another day or two. Though now he was supposed to be gently working the wrist to make sure it was healed enough. Just no fighting.
That was fine. He’d started a book a few days ago that he didn’t quite finish because Sahji had come by. A worthy distraction from his reading of course. Anytime with Sahji was totally worth dropping a book for. Unless Sahji wanted to read with him. That was totally worth it too. 
Getting a drink and going over to his couch to get comfortable. Picking up the spicy romance novel he’d been reading the other day with the intent on finishing it. 
Aryn sighed softly as he did his weekly cleaning around his apartment. Hating the cleaning but knowing it was entirely necessary. It wouldn’t be good to have a messy apartment if he was occasionally playing healer. 
Maybe he should find a place to work part time as a healer. Some clinic surely needed some help. It would mean less people invading his personal space for care. His apartment wasn’t really set up for it despite always keeping supplies on hand. Not that he wouldn’t help anyone that came by either.
But first! He needed his reward for all his cleaning. Rubbing his hands together as he gleefully looked towards the box Stefan had left as his payment. Taking a big sniff of that sugary goodness as he opened the lid. So worth it when he could convince people to bring him sweets for all his hard work.
Alfa peeked one eye open where he sat in the waist deep water of the river in the woods. Looking to see what Kino was doing beside him. Wondering how Kino could just sit here for so long. He didn’t quite get this whole meditation thing. It just didn’t work well for him. Not like it did for Kino. 
“You’re not meditating, Alfa.” Kino chided without opening an eye.
“I just can’t. You know I hate being idle.” Alfa sighed softly. 
“Funny. Though you can sit idle when snuggling with me.” Now Kino opened one eye to peer back at Alfa.
“That’s different. Cuddling is comforting. This is sitting in the moving water. I know the sounds of the woods and water should be relaxing. But… I guess I just feel like I also need to be on edge too.” Alfa explained as he crossed his arms. “Like I need to be alert at all times.”
“Alright. We’ll try something different then on your next day off. We’ll try somewhere you feel less on edge.” Kino suggests as they lean into Alfa since they’d been sitting so close. “We’ll figure out what works best for you in your own way.”
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cryptiql · 3 years
cherry starbursts
pairing: bakugou/reader (male reader in mind but is gender neutral)
warnings: none, i think?? lots of cussing though, courtesy of lord explosion murder
words: 3.6k
a/n: yuzuya's audios giving me so much brainrot...gonna be thinking about this all week. also the way this started out as god tier writing but gradually turned into shit at the end 🏃 nonetheless, i hope i did this gremlin man justice </3
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a contemplative hum tickles your throat as you observe the paragraph laid out before you, the pads of your fingers tingling as you trail them across the pages. on the occasions where you've found your nose nestled deep within them, a muted scent of pears and sawdust would invade your senses, and the urge to rest your head in the plains of your chemistry textbook would become overwhelming. however, the threat of being cuffed over the head by a rolled up magazine makes you think twice about slacking off, so you begrudgingly slump back into your seat with a resigned huff. the clock in your dorm is no doubt ticking away like always; the second hand rounding at great speeds while the minute and hour hands crawl by at a sluggish pace; but you aren't there to hear it.
instead, you reside in bakugou's room, basking in the unencumbered atmosphere created solely by his diligent efforts to keep his space clean and organized. it's just the way he is, you have to remind yourself. not because you stubbed your toe on his dumbbells last week and he felt sufficiently guilty as to make sure nothing was in your path the next time you visited. that would be silly. all that considered, bakugou's room isn't much different from your own—save for the few comfort objects brought from home that give off a hospitable air—but the lack of stimulus it holds is apparent. anything that could disturb your tranquil study date has either been stored away or placed beyond your reach.
damn him, the bastard! he's completely oblivious, you silently muse, bracing your elbows on the desk to plant your face in the palms of your hands. you chastise yourself at the same moment for forgetting your headphones, but in your defense, bakugou screaming for you to hurry up had prompted a hasty departure. if he had the patience to wait two more minutes. . .
rather than finishing the thought, you pull the textbook closer, hoping that somehow the enlarged print will stick to your brain like a temporary tattoo. you only need this information long enough to pass the exam, but once it's over, you swear you'll never mention anything chemistry related unless it's the bond between you and your neighbor. the idle scratching of pencil led against paper erupts from his side of the room, lessening the static in your head by a fraction, but it doesn't last. he mutters something unintelligible under his breath as you spin in your chair to look at him in desperation.
he remains ignorant for the next minute or so, only glancing up at you briefly before returning to his notes. your nostrils flare as you reach down to untangle your laces and pull off your shoe. you chickened out last time this happened, but being ignored has successfully fed the flames of your frustration, and you simply will not stand for it any longer. you blame your sleep-addled mentality for the lack of better aim, but it stokes your pride when bakugou flinches as your shoe hurdles past his shoulder.
"the hell was that for, dumbass!?" he growls, his eyes narrowing into slits. you respond with a high pitched whine; one that would be considered overexaggerated in his opinion, but in yours, was perfectly reasonable when being held against your will to study a subject that has no business being this tedious. "sukiii, i'm booored."
the blonde makes a 'tch' sound, positioning his arm in a warning manner before throwing his pencil at you, which you manage to catch easily. you revel in the deflated expression he wears, twirling the pencil between your fingers and kicking a leg over one arm of the chair. all this, while never breaking eye contact, was sure to break through to him. you're hopeful, what with the way katsuki's gaze—gradually failing to hide his infatuation—travels over your build from head to toe. whether because you giggle at his reaction or decide to kick your feet like a giddy child, he snaps out of his trance with an all too familiar scowl and shuts his own textbook with unnecessary force. his demanding stare is fixated on you as he tosses it haphazardly to the edge of the bed.
"give me back my pencil, idiot." he completely ignores your previous statement and jumps straight into business, as always. "give me back my shoe first, hot stuff." you challenge, smirking in a way that you very well know gets him hot under the collar. the teasing endearment will either put the odds in your favor; earning you your shoe as desired, and perhaps the lovely little blush that often dusts his face whenever you flirt with him; or seal your fate in hell where the everlasting flames may burn similarly, if not just as hotter than bakugou's explosions. it has taken years of practice to uphold your smug attitude in the face of his unyielding rage; nose wrinkled and canines grinding. even now, he is the image of perfection—a powerful god emblazoned in brimstone and baneful inferno—and you, a mere lover of art. after a moment, bakugou's resolve seems to falter. his piecing glare relents only slightly to give way for a pensive expression as he sighs, gently rubbing along the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. he throws you your shoe while standing from the bed, and as you slip it on, he shuffles over to his clothes drawer to pull out his own pair of sneakers. this prompts you to raise a brow inquisitively, but your silent question is left unanswered up until bakugou claps a hand on your shoulder and grumbles.
"c'mon, i'm fucking starving. there's a seven eleven nearby that's got spicy ramen."
and just like that, all thoughts pertaining to the test have been pulverized to dust by katsuki's unrelenting fists. the promise of food after hours of relentless mental abuse has you brushing off the sudden change of inclination in seconds, meanwhile the hothead to your right mulls over it during your trek through the empty hallways, stuffing his arms into the holes of his jacket. he had been able to overlook your constant fidgeting and intermittent noises of vexation, but too soon it became obvious that you weren't getting anywhere with the session. he would have simply offered to help if not for his own inability to concentrate, which had made itself known within the last half hour when he caught himself staring at you between taking notes. so what if he found your pouting cute? just maybe, he had started to fall in love with the way your brows furrowed at the instance of a misunderstood question; the absentminded tugging of your earlobe; the way your eyes looked without seeing, as if the smallest things held the greatest importance. sure, the tapping of your nails against a desk was a bit much, but he could always put a stop to your fretting by lacing your fingers together and kissing the back of your hand. just maybe, your bashful reactions made him want to hold you closer; to see you lounging across his lap—a throne befitting for a king—with your rose hued cheeks nestled in the crook of his neck.
not that you needed to know any of that. no fucking way would he endow another reason for you to tease him when the list was already so long.
curfew isn't for another hour, but bakugou would rather not waste time dawdling, so he uses this as reasoning for hooking your arm with his and practically hauling you out the exit. he mutters something about you being "too fucking slow" and "leaving you behind if you don't keep up", but the fact that he's dragging you along at all shows that he would have no problem resorting to desperate matters. the right amount of groveling and or compromising might mean a piggyback ride to the store, but regardless of how tempting the idea is, you decide not to further burden your friend with carrying you.
the towering shape of heights alliance becomes more and more like a speck of dust as your journey continues, the weight of your thoughts heavy on your already weary mind. you eye katsuki's side profile, noting the distinct lack of malice upon his handsome features, and smile softly to yourself. friend. it was the first word that occurred to you, albeit the least desirable and in no way comparable to the term that caused your heart to flutter within the confinements of your ribcage.
you aren't together. you don't know if you'll ever be, but when the the milieu; brimming with chaotic screams, booming laughter and disorderly merriment belonging to that of your closest friends; is whisked from the narrative, katsuki looks at you differently. whatever fragments of disdain and spite tend to crumble within the first few seconds and are replaced by an emotion that was unheard of ever having manifested in the depths of his vermillion hues. it holds a semblance to adoration, perhaps even respect, and for as long as you can recall, that is all you've wanted to see from him: to be regarded like no other.
sure, it's not like how you dreamed—he isn't very affectionate in public, though you doubt he would be even if you were together, and it always stings when he shrugs your affections off with a deriding comment—but that's just it. it's not a dream. after every scornful remark; after the day has passed and the dwindling moon takes its place in the evening sky, breaking through the curtains of his dorm; he'll kiss your hand, your blooming cheeks, your lips, all to atone for it. where no one else can see, he treats you like a divine being, and part of you wishes to think that it's because he's selfish. a bit of possessiveness has lead to many nights of a shared bed, ruffled sheets and smothering cuddles, but who are you to complain? everything he gives you is more real than any well-constructed reverie.
he may not be yours, and you may not be his, but no one else will suffice for either of you, and that is the unspoken truth.
the minimal bitterness in the autumn breeze makes for a refreshing atmosphere with the only discontent being the hunger that claws at your stomach. bakugou has never been merciful towards anyone, let alone the self-acclaimed nuisance who interrupts his studying with half-baked plans of adventure, but you're ever so grateful for the rare times where he is.
you know you won't have to wait long now that the smell of milk bread and takoyaki trickles into the air, much like the faint pitter patter of raindrops on the concrete. the shower is horribly ill-timed, but you hardly mind, especially when the droplets cling to bakugou's eyelashes like crystalline gemstones; glimmering faintly with every blink as they catch the suns rays. it settles below the horizon, only a sliver of golden yellow to be seen dancing in the tree boughs above, and the fuck if the way it illuminates your not-boyfriend's visage isn't absolutely breathtaking. the glimpse of honeyed skin and kissable lips—pulled into a pensive pout—draws you in deeper, and deeper, and oh god i've been caught—
"you got a staring problem, dumbass?" he grumbles, a roseal color dusting his ears that he swears is from the cold.
even his offensive nicknames are laced with an abnormal tenderness, and knowing that you're the only one with the privilege to hear it causes your chest to swell with delight. you nibble your bottom lip, hoping that it will somehow hide the fleet of giggles bubbling in your throat, but it does no such thing. "yeah, it's weird. whenever i see something beautiful, i just feel compelled to stare at it."
you don't need to look at him to know you've struck a nerve, but you do anyways, and his face grows redder under the intensity of your teasing leer. he sputters, curses falling from past his lips like a waterfall, and rips his arm from your grasp to cradle it as if you've burned him. any sane person would have backed down the second mini explosions began flaring up from his palms, however, you are perhaps the exact opposite, as to be expected when surrounding yourself with the infamous bakusquad, who (excluding bakugou) procured one braincell to share amongst themselves. years of having to put up with and, by extension, learn how to effectively handle bakugou's fits have proven to be time well spent.
you remain none the wiser to the concerned stares of others as he spouts a line of insults; incomprehensible from behind his curled fist pressed tightly to his mouth.
"you-you can't just say that kinda shit out loud, dumbass!" and although he may seem mad, he's already dragging you down the street. you test your luck by huddling closer and resting your chin on his shoulder, your steady pace never faltering.
"is the katsuki bakugou stumbling over his words from a little compliment?" it almost feels like you've won, but then the blonde proceeds to cover your face with his still damp hand. the little shit had timed it perfectly so that your open mouth would taste the saltiness of his sweat—quite the contrary to its sugary caramel aroma—and if you weren't so preoccupied by the resonance of his cackling laugh, you might have spent the rest of the trip gagging and complaining about the whole ordeal. he hardly seems bothered, wiping your saliva on his trousers and going forth with that customary lumbering strut, which always has you torn between fawning, chortling or questioning if he has fucking weights down his pants.
nonetheless, you can't help but murmur how cute he looks as you swing your free arm in tune with your steps.
by the time you've arrived at the shop, the sun has long since disappeared; welcoming hues of purple, navy blue and hints of orange to dapple the heavens, along with the foretelling of stars. you can't begin to describe how lucky you are to be living in a city with such beautiful scenery, even when the thin clouds of smog from factories often hinder your view of it. the fluorescent lights from the 'open' sign flash sporadically, casting a cobalt glow to dance across your dazed expression. katsuki watches with intent, chuckling at how easily distracted you can get as he tugs you inside by the cloth of your shirt.
the person behind the cash register spares a customary greeting before returning to their magazine, and bakugou makes a beeline for the intended isle, something akin to excitement radiating from him. he wears it much differently, and it resembles is go-to callous guise in almost every way, but you're able to detect the slight shift in demeanor as if its the easiest thing in the world. you hardly register that he's removed himself from you until the distance grows too large to ignore, and you shuffle over to the place beside him with a newfound adrenaline. the crisp air of the corner store heightens your senses as you tap your foot to the pop song playing overhead.
the only other sound is of katsuki examining the ramen and deciding what level of spice he should get, encouraging you to ponder what sort of hellish nightmare he has planned for the rest of the group. it was just last week when he dared kaminari to try some of the noodles, and the poor boy had spent ten minutes weeping in snot-nosed agony that you would have to be insane to put something that hot in your mouth. bakugou had laughed at his misery and carried on eating with vigor, mocking the others for their weak taste buds.
after a beat of silence, you decide to test your luck again by poking is shoulder, as well as batting your eyelashes at him and cocking your head to the side.
"can we get some candy?"
bakugou waves his hand dismissively, which is all the conformation you need before rounding the corner to peruse the variety of sweets on display. you immediately spot the marked parcels of sour gumdrops and assorted licorice and giggle to yourself as you pick them out, unaware of the gentle smile the blonde wears in regards to your child-like glee.
"yeah, just don't eat it all in one sitting. you go through that shit way too fast—it's unhealthy."
you won't bother commenting on his strict, motherly advisement, because you know it's in his best interest. he's grumbled about "stuffing your body with all that garbage" on numerous occasions, and while the hypocrisy might have annoyed you at one point ("and i assume gouging yourself on spicy ramen is completely different?") you realized rationing your candy would benefit both your health and your wallet. you nod, despite knowing he can't see, and idly feel for your back pocket, wondering just how much katsuki plans to stock up. money isn't exactly an issue, so you suppose it doesn't matter, but the amount of packets he normally brings back is downright criminal.
"don't be shy," he eventually says, "i'm buying. you're responsible enough not to buy out the whole store, right?"
your confusion overwhelms the urge to roll your eyes at his sarcasm, but there also lies a hint of elation that he would offer to buy.
"i figured i'd be paying as compensation for messing with you." you stand on the tips of your toes to poke your head over the isle, feeling very tempted to ruffle his hair whilst he gathers the packages of ramen into his basket.
"nah, you can pay me back in some other way." his eyes flick upwards to meet your devilish smirk, and he turns away with an affronted noise, blood rushing to his cheeks.
"oh? i can't wait to see what you have in mind~."
and there go the sparks. they last but a few moments before katsuki composes himself, presumably because he realizes making a scene won't help the situation, but he still throws a glare at you from a distance as he beckons you closer. it seems like he's gotten all he needs, so you hastily grab whatever sweets are left on your mental list and rush back to the counter. a comfortable silence sits between you both as your items are checked out, and in that time, you observe the significant difference between pre-late-night-shopping-run bakugou and food-deprived-study-date bakugou. his shoulders are more relaxed, as is his facial appearance, and you'll be damned if you ever forget the way he smiles when he catches you looking from his peripheral vision.
it's soft and unguarded and leaves you struggling for breath as he waits for the cashier to turn away, then promptly laces your fingers together. what? katsuki takes the bag and pulls you effortlessly; like a ragdoll; a mere toy at his disposal; out into the brisk evening. his thumb brushes the back of your hand, making you jump in surprise at the suddenness of it, and he titters freely. what? the streetlamps glint brightly, flickering at random intervals as you travel onward at a leisurely pace. the roads closest to U.A. aren't as packed as the ones deeper into the city, and thus you are the only two souls to be found, save for the few cars that speed by under the faint luminescence of nearing traffic lights. katsuki squeezes your palm, then slithers his hand out of your hold to replace it at your waist, methodically caressing the skin there in a way that has your knees buckling. you sputter witlessly, attempting to catch the thoughts that flee from your mind like birds to the wind. the blonde is nothing less than ecstatic to be the reason for your flustered state, and he takes full advantage of it by leaning in and hovering his mouth just inches from your own.
"i'll take my payment now." and oh lord, you think. he doesn't have to ask me twice. your lips collide with his, molding together like melted toffee; just as sweet and addictive. you've shared kisses before; ones that left you bruised and scrambling for a coverup the next day; ones that felt like fire but were tinged with honey that soothed your throat; fleeting ones that were never enough. you were sure that your need for affection would never truly be satiated unless it was from the boy you held most dear, and with the moon as your sole witness, katsuki was happy to oblige.
"starbursts. . ." he huffs after pulling away, massaging your hip to subdue your dissatisfied hum. "you taste like cherry starbursts."
he doesn't seem to mind by the way he leans in for another kiss, and another, and another, until you're a jittery mess in his arms. you press against his chest, a wistful sigh escaping you when you part once more.
"not that i'm complaining, but where's this coming from? you're usually not so touchy." the last bit of your utterance trails off as bakugou presses his lips to your forehead and keeps them there. moments pass, and when he finally pulls away, its to hide his blush by walking ahead of you. "i should be able to kiss my partner whenever i please, shouldn't i?" he doesn't even give you a chance to catch up, because his words have you rooted to the spot. what urges your feet to move is the haughty smirk he tosses over his shoulder, and even then, the race has only begun; your demands for him to stop echoing down the street as you chase him.
cheeky bastard.
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gallickingun · 4 years
Can I have number 17 from the prompt list with bakugou? Literally I am obsessed with your writing!
a/n: i was in a spicy mood so you got a spicy bakugou! basically this is fwb turned ily confession. under the cut! also, thank you so much! i hope you like this one!!!!
prompt list: #17 - “I think I’m in love with you.”
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You stopped counting after three.
Your shoulders are pinned down, his palm flat between your shoulder blades to keep your chest pressed flat into the mattress. Your hips are snapped upward at an angle that allows him to drive into you at a steady pace, bottoming out with a whine.
“Fu-Katsu,” your voice is muffled into the pillow case, eyes screwing shut when he finds your cervix.
“Yeah?” Bakugou is on the right side of patronizing and you can hear the smirk oozing in his voice. He digs his fingers into your sides, bruising your sensitive skin just below your ribs, “C’mon, I know you can be louder than that.”
His hands find your ass, his quirk popping off in the palms of his hands, stinging your backside, causing you to arch your back. He chuckles, thumbs finding the patches of skin that are stinging the most, rough pads of his fingers brushing over them as if to stir up the pain.
You’re a moaning mess now, something close to a scream clawing out of your throat and dying in the down of the pillow. He’s encouraging you from his position as he loiters over you, his hips slamming into your ass as he ruts into you. Your slick covers the both of you, the excess from your prior orgasms giving him lubricant to slip in and out of you easier.
Your legs start to give out, unable to hold this position for much longer. You tap his calf with your toes, getting his attention. Bakugou’s palm drifts down your thigh, his body slowing as he leans to look at the only visible part of your face over your shoulder.
Bakugou can tell what your silent direction means, and so he pushes your knee at just the right angle that he can flip your body. Your back is flush with the mattress, the heat from your skin stark contrast to the cool sheets; it feels refreshing, so much so that your eyes roll back in your head at the sensation.
The way he looks down at you makes you want to break your one rule; the one thing you both said would help you keep this nothing more than it is.
You want to pull him by the neck and kiss him square on the lips.
From the beginning, when the two of you came to this agreement, it was his suggestion for you to keep your mouths to yourselves. Kissing wasn’t necessary in what you were doing - getting one another off just to do it; some days it was to let off steam, other days it was out of pure loneliness.
Bakugou doesn’t have time for a real relationship, that much he assured you of. He’s working his way to the top, and getting involved with someone would merely distract him and be unfair to both him and the person he’s with. You were fresh out of your own relationship, angry and hurting and in just the right place to agree to something like this. 
Your palms reach his chest because you can’t help but want to touch every inch of him. He’s all thick muscle and dense sinew, cut angles and full stature. You could run the pads of your fingers all over him and never get enough, and he knows it based on the smirk tugging his lips skyward.
His hands slam down beside your face, caging you in with his body, “This better?”
You nod, gritting your teeth as he picks up his rhythm again, “M-Mhmm.”
“Good,” he traces his thumb over your jawline, “I like to see you fall apart for me anyway.”
The words tumbling from his lips send another jolt to your core, a fresh wave of slick coating the both of you as you tense around his cock. Bakugou cups your neck, leaning down to get a better angle. You tilt your head up out of a mix of desperation and instinct, every nerve in your body begging you to feel his lips.
He hesitates, hips stilling as he looks down at you. 
“Shit,” tears are forming in your eyes, half from overstimulation and half from embarrassment, “I’m sorry.”
You’ve never wanted to run so far and so fast in your entire life; anything to get away from him and out of this situation. You swallow the growing lump in your throat, your legs quivering as he stays sheathed within you.
Bakugou leans down, nudging his nose over your jaw. Your breath hitches and you see stars when he kisses the juncture of your jaw and ear. One of his hands cups underneath your knee, holding you tight to him, acting like an anchor.
He moves slow, purposeful as he pumps himself in and out of you, dragging his cock gently in contrast to his speedy rhythm from just a few moments prior. His mouth drags over the sensitive skin of your neck and collarbones as he builds up that crescendo between your legs. Your walls flutter around him, squeezing his cock when he’s fully inside of you, stretching you out in the way that feels second nature but still surprising nonetheless.
“Fuck,” he murmurs in your ear, voice sounding defeated.
You take a chance and drag a hand into his hair, clutching desperately to keep him attached to you. He gasps hotly against your flesh, “Fuck, baby, I-”
Your eyes widen at the pet name. Another one of your rules you swear you’d never break.
Bakugou leans back so he can look you in the eyes, “Listen, I fucked up, okay?”
Despite being rendered practically speechless, you manage to speak a few garbled words, “K-Kacchan, you don’t owe me a-anything.”
The hand of his that isn’t wrapped around your neck tucks underneath your back, palming at your skin despondently. Bakugou chews on the inside of his mouth as if contemplating telling you the secrets to the universe’s problems. Your hands find his face and you focus on his ruby red irises and the way they flutter across each of your features. 
“Hell, don’t you think I know that?” Bakugou growls, but still leans into your palm ever so slightly. His eyes close and his mouth presses into a flat line before he turns his head to kiss the innermost part of your hand. Your mouth parts in a gasp at his tender action, eyes widening.
Your throat bobs as you try to swallow down the emotions building in your chest. Bakugou is still focused on keeping you pressed against him, his hips flush with your own. He grunts, thighs stuttering as he tries to hold you up at the waist.
When his eyelids split to show you his conflicted irises, half-swallowed by dark pupils, you still underneath him, jaw still hung open in surprise.
“Ah, fuck it.”
Bakugou’s mouth clashes with yours, slotting against you perfectly. His hands hold you at the waist, encouraging you to roll yourself onto him. Your fingers clutch at his hair while you kiss fervently. It’s like a wave crashing onto shore - strong and resilient, pushing and pulling you like a force of nature. He is warm, impossibly so, and it heats your body with a pink tinge from the neck down.
As he pulls away from you, your lips move without your mind’s permission, “I think I’m in love with you.”
The whole room goes still and quiet as you wait for his response. He does not run from you, does not part. Instead, Bakugou holds you tighter, closer, even. His chest is heaving, warm breath spilling over your chest, making your nipples pebble.
“Good,” he speaks finally, dragging one hand down so his thumb is on your clit, turning his digit in a circular motion until you’re squirming underneath him. “‘Cause I love you too.”
It doesn’t take much more to push you over the edge, the combination of the look in his eyes and his cock twitching from within your muscled core sending your body into hyperdrive. You barely have the time to warn him before you see stars, knees knocking into his hips while he drives deeper, searching for his own high.
“Fuck, say it again,” he is kissing you when he speaks, mouth suffocating you as you try to breathe through your orgasm. Your core spasms and you find yourself barely able to murmur out the words, but you push through it with your lips bruised by his kisses. 
“I love you,” you mumble, his tongue muffling your words as he invades your space. Bakugou’s hips are stuttering, and you know he’s reaching his end, but you keep repeating yourself anyway.
He grunts into your mouth, one final deep thrust to your cervix to make you cry out with him, and then he’s spilling heat into you, wave after wave. Your kisses turn slow, lazy, but he does not part from you - not at the waist or the mouth.
“I thought,” you’re breathless now, going lightheaded and it shows, “we weren’t supposed to kiss.”
Bakugou nips your lower lip in some sort of admonishment, “Yeah, well, I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you either, you bitch, but here we are.”
There must be a semblance of hurt on your face, because he kisses your cheek and brushes his thumb over your skin tenderly. He opens his mouth, trying to repair some of the damage, “I mean, what do you expect me to do when you look at me like that?”
You laugh, reaching your arms around his shoulders to hold on tightly. He lowers himself on top of you, curling around you in a way that means something entirely different now. Your fingertips roam over the muscles in his back and shoulders, finding the dip of his hips and trailing over the pert flesh of his ass.
“Hey, watch it,” he grumbles, “I can still leave.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You yawn and squeeze him one last time for good measure before curling around him tightly, every square inch of your skin finding solace in the warmth he’s created.
Just as you drift off into slumber, you swear you hear him say one final thing: “Except I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else, you idiot.”
taglist: @simplybakugou @kamehamethot @lady-bakuhoe @todorki-shoto @redhawtriot @burnedbyshoto @cookies-n-chaos @katsukisprincess @rat-suki @cutesuki--bakugou @k-atsukidayo @bnhatrashh @succulent-momma @voiceofreader @multifandom-fanfic @that-one-enthusiast @bitchtrynafck @cutest-celestial-princess @blue-peach14 @pastel-prynce @bokunokangae @shoutodoki @bakuoushoe @tenyaingenium @hoe-biscus @kingtamakimurder @myherofuckademia @myherowritings @lxvely-mha @myherorambles @bratwritings @samanthaa-leanne @orokayagi @tumblingintothefeelstrain @sunbeamwrites @bnhawritten @bnhasidebin @ua-imagines @lovekatsukibakugo @aizawamirite @plusultrawritings @your-local-bnha-writer @bnha-violetnote @yuueimagines @suckersuki @heroes-landing @bnha-mha-imagines @heroesreverie @pink-imagines @brattyquirks @kazooli 
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simsadventures · 5 years
Duties: Chapter 3: Princess or Not
Summary: You go about your day as usual in the castle, when a stranger’s scent hits your nose and encompasses all your senses. However, you have always been taught not to give in too easily. And that’s what you’re about to do. Probably.
Warnings: fluff, a/b/o dynamics, scenting, royal AU, medieval AU, my bad English
Word Count: 2425
A/N: More reader in this one. Hope you’ll enjoy this development in the series. What do we all think? And who do we think the reader is? xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
Your steps were light and cheery. Today was the day of a feast for the King’s friend, a prince from Asgard, of whom you heard plenty. You were the help in the kitchen for quite some time now, and you couldn’t be happier with your newly assigned job. In your previous life, you didn’t have any freedom of choice, everything was lined up, and not in a good way.
But now, you were free and definitely joyous about it. You might not have had the luxury in your life anymore, but that didn’t matter to you none. You were simply happy for the second chance in life you have been given, and you were going to use it as much as you liked.
In the kitchens, everything had its place, and while usually life down there would be pretty calm and simple, today was narrating a different story. Everyone was running around, bumping into each other and having the bowls full of food fall to the ground, shattering in the process. The apprentices had to then run and try to clean it up before another person fell down because of the mess on the ground.
You navigated your way through the people, trying to stay clear of their paths while still maintaining a high tempo. You had to, after all, help bake all the bread and rolls for the entire festivities, and, that was a whole lot of baked goods if you said so yourself.
You began your work, kneading the pastry, working it till it was smooth and pliable in your hands so you could make different sized rolls out of it. You liked doing the regular, plain bread because it was simple and quick.
However, what you liked doing the most were the cookies, and different kinds of sweet pastry, in which you could actually show your baking genius. You would add things bakers before you wouldn’t even think of, such as dried fruits, or different home-made jams, and syrups, so that when you bit into the pasty, it would flow out of it like the most delicious sap from a tree. Princess Morgan especially liked your little doughnuts, filled with molten chocolate and powder sugar on top.
It took you and several other bakers a good few hours to bake everything that was supposed to appear on the feast, but when it was done, it was beautiful. Pastry, bread, rolls, and other baked goods laid everywhere you looked, and it was a look to behold. You even managed to bake a little more than was said, because you knew that whatever didn’t get eaten at the feast, king Anthony would send the food to the village below. You just wanted to make sure there was enough even for them.
It was simply in your nature. You always made sure that people around were happy before you made yourself happy. You used to do it from a young age, and your father always thought it was the most remarkable trait of yours.
You smiled sadly and shook your head to shake away the dark thoughts spreading through your mind. You didn’t need that today. Today was a celebration, and you were about to enjoy it, even if you were to just look after the food at the party.
The dress you picked for the festivities were simple, just like your every other dress in your wardrobe. They were plain blue, and the colour reminded you of the colour of the sky in spring when everything blooms and the novelty of life can be felt around you. On top of it, a simple embroidery was sawn, and it was that of a cherry tree, your favourite. There were only a few branches on the dress, but you loved it nevertheless.
You checked yourself in the small mirror in your room, and even though you could only see your neckline (that’s how small the mirror actually was), you smiled at yourself. Your skin was paler than it used to, because now you spent most your time in the kitchen, whereas a long time ago, you could actually run around the gardens.
But it didn’t take the radiance of it. Your cheeks were slightly blushed, and you pinched them some more just to keep that effect. You smiled at yourself one last time before heading towards the main hall, where the party had already started a few hours ago.
The hall was magnificent again. It was really true what most kingdoms said. King Anthony really did throw the best parties, and you were glad you could experience them, even if only as a help in the kitchen.
You walked between the tables full of food, between the people joyously chatting, and smiled at everyone politely, but not really making any eye contact with anyone. It was a habit you kept for quite some time now, just a precaution.
You checked on the tables with your bread, even took one of the rolls in your hand to check if it was still fresh enough, or if you should go back to the kitchen and bake some more. But everything was perfect, and you let yourself get lost in the rhythm of the music playing from the dance floor, where all the dukes and essential people from the country danced.
You liked watching them. You, of course, knew all the dance steps they did, but as only the help you couldn’t even come close to the dance floor. Not to the point of dancing, at the very least. You didn’t mind though, you just enjoyed the play of colours in front of you, and you let yourself smile at all those people enjoying their time there.
There was a nagging feeling in your stomach the whole day, but you couldn’t really decide what it tried to tell you. Your heat shouldn’t come for another few weeks, so it shouldn’t be that. Your stomach shouldn’t be upset because you only ate in your kitchen, and everything there was perfect. You tried to ignore the growing unsettled feeling as long as you could, but as you were watching the people dance, your head felt light, suddenly.
You turned around, telling yourself that it was from watching all that movement that you were suddenly dizzy, and your senses completely ignored the strong masculine smell invading your being.
It was until you came back to your bread, and looked up, that you caught the eye of the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. He was tall and muscular, his hair was cut short, his stormy blue eyes standing out this way.
Then his scent hit you. You could swear your heart took a leap from the adrenaline coursing your veins. He smelled like leather, summer sea, and something spicy, which you couldn’t really put your finger on.
Your body called for him, and that’s when you realised what you were doing. Staring at a complete stranger, ready to be at his mercy.
You quickly looked back at the ground, and even though it pained you to scurry away from him, you didn’t see any other option for yourself. You almost leapt out of there, heading towards the corridor for help, praying that he wouldn’t follow you where he obviously didn’t belong.
But when you were halfway through the corridor, and you heard heavy footsteps behind you, you knew the handsome stranger didn’t care one bit for any rules at the moment. He was hunting you down, and although it did send sparks flying to your core, your inner Omega almost yipping with excitement after all those lonely years, you couldn’t afford this Alpha to just take you like that.
You were running now, feeling like you had to escape to save your own life. He might have been a good guy, a good Alpha, for all you knew, but he also could be some brute who would tie you to a bedpost and use you 1000 different ways till your body couldn’t take anymore.
You’ve heard the stories. And you were keen on not being one of them. Eager to save your life, no matter what.
You hurriedly took a right turn in the corridor, running towards your own room, finding the idea of your own space pleasing and calming enough not to break down in the middle of your run. You could still hear him somewhere behind you, and you just hoped his muscles were all for show because you couldn’t even imagine what would happen if he broke into your room. Just you and him.
You breezed in your room, shutting the door close behind you, and letting your body weight lean on the door, breathing heavily, feeling your heart beating like crazy. And you weren’t sure if it was beating so because you had to run all the way to your room, or because of this Alpha chasing you, which was both nerve-wracking, and exciting at the same time.
“Omega! I know you’re in there. Open up!” His voice boomed across the corridor in which he was standing and right into your core. The sparks were now a small fire, and you hated the nature for making you an Omega. You felt helpless, and as if you could never really win.
If he left, you knew you would be whining for him and for the overwhelming scent he was emitting, but if he came closer, you would hate yourself for letting him there.
What you thought was his fist hit the door, and it shook with the power of his punch. You whimpered, and closed your eyes, trying to find what was the right thing to do in your own heart. You tried to imagine your poor father, and what he’d think of you if he knew you let this strange Alpha in your room, just like that.
“Please, don’t hurt me, I beg you, sir,” you whispered, still leaning on the door.
“Hurt you? I would never hurt you, Omega. Please, just open the door so we can talk. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I swear, if I do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, I will walk away, just like that. But please, talk to me,” the last words were hushed, and you knew his head was on the door, and you could only imagine the pained expression on his face. The same pain you felt from his strained voice.
You took a deep breath, and nodded at yourself, before unlocking the door, and the letting the tall Alpha in your little chamber.
You could see the relief on his face, and you had to smile at him. His scent wrapped around you like a blanket again, and you revelled at the feeling of it all. You have never felt like this in the company of a man, and you never even knew you could feel like this. Your mother always told you you would have to marry somebody for the good of it all, and that maybe you would learn to love that person, tolerate his scent.
But despite not knowing the Alpha in front of you, his scent calmed all your senses, and your brain was already playing the images of your wedding, as unlikely as it was.
He smiled sweetly at you, and when you closed the door behind him once again, he sat on the only chair in your chambers, leaving you to sit on your neatly made bed.
You played with your hands, your eyes glued to your lap, unable to look up and face the Alpha sitting across the room.
“What is your name, beautiful Omega?” He asked, his gruff voice making your skin tingle.
“Y/N”, you whispered immediately, still not looking up.
“Y/N,” he repeated, and for a brief moment, you never wanted anyone to say your name again unless it was him. It sounded so different, leaving his perfect pink lips.
“My name is Thor, and it would be my greatest pleasure if I could get to know you, Y/N,” he said, and this time, you actually looked at him.
“THOR?! You’re prince Thor of Asgard? The one for whom these whole festivities were organised? The one who is on a journey to find his mate and to bring her back home? THOR?!” Your voice was slightly raised with the panic settling deep inside your bones. This couldn’t be happening.
“What is the matter? I might be a prince, but that does not change a thing. I do not know if you feel the things that I feel, but there is a connection, certain chemistry between us if you wish, and I could not care less for your title. Princess or a maid that does not matter to me. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, in my entire life, and if you let me, I would like to get to know you enough to ask you to be my mate,” he finished his speech, and your mouth was hanging open.
Not very lady-like, you were aware of that, but you couldn’t help it.
“This is not a good idea, your majesty, I should not-“
“Thor, call me Thor, please. Just give me a chance to show you the real me. I bet you have heard a lot of rumours here and there, and you think you know who I am, but if you just gave me one day to make you see the real Thor.”
You knew it was foolish. You should have told him to just leave you alone, go back to Asgard and to forget all about you.
But the nagging feeling you had since morning, now transferred into a nagging voice in your head, which wouldn’t let you tell him off. The little voice was telling you to just give him a chance. Give yourself a chance on the long lost happiness. Just for a day, and then you could ask him to leave Midgard and never to come back looking for you.
Or you could leave again. You were sure you could go to some other kingdom, and, in the very least, be in some small village bakery. You would work it out just like you always have. You just needed to spend one day imagining what it would feel like if your life took a different turn.
“Alright, you have one day,” you said with a firm nod, and Thor gave you the most breathtaking smile you have ever seen.
You were in some serious trouble.
/ Next Chapter >
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bbnibini · 4 years
PSISLY: An Obey Me!CYOA – forty-four🔖
> approved > displaying capture targets
Mammon : 100♡/100♡ Satan: 85♡/100♡ Barbatos: 0♡/100♡ Lucifer: 5♡/100♡
CLOSE STATUS : YES >approved }
You wondered where it all went wrong.
Everything had been perfect since you discovered the identity of your secret admirer. Uncovering sides of Mammon that perhaps he wasn't even aware of himself, you spent a lot of time getting to know each other, marveling at every new thing you discovered about him. You kept his love-filled words close to your heart, lingering there at times when you felt lost and perhaps even unloved. His penned words were beautiful yet poignant, hopeful yet deep which, you have eventually discovered reflected so much of Mammon himself. He often rebuffed your praises, perhaps shy of your careful observations. There would always be a blush there dusting his cheeks, colouring itself in deeper shades at every sneaky kiss. You always liked those nights when you talk about anything that pops out of your minds, and you thought he liked them too. But now, you were starting to feel doubt.
"Mammon, I didn't mean to--"
He turned away from you and covered his face with both of his hands. "This ai-- this won't…" he hesitated. "It will never work between us."
How did it come to this?
Flashback to this morning when it all started.
"Mammon?" you couldn't help but reach out to him, your hand touching his cheek. ' Didn't the spell work?' you thought to yourself as you heard him stutter a 'Yes', kissing your inner palms.
"Is something amiss, my love? You look like you've seen a ghost."
So it didn't work?
You shook your head and let your hand rest on his cheek. "No…I was just wondering if you wanted to sleep some more."
Why is he still acting like this?
"If I sleep now, then it would ruin yesterday's efforts." he fiddled with something in his DDD--his email app; showing two booked tickets to Devil's Coast. Signs of the old Mammon showed in his boyish grin. "And all it took was covering for an acquaintance's shift."
"Is that why you're there yesterday?"
Mammon smiled shyly. "Yes…I wanted to surprise you. Is it too early to celebrate the conclusion of our final exams?"
You couldn't help but smile back. You planted a kiss on his lips which he happily received. "Very early. But this is a nice change of pace before Armageddon."
"Ain't that the--" he cleared his throat and quickly corrected himself. "Very true. Once this weekend is over, we are back to our old, monotonous routines."
You weren't imagining it. Something about his graceful movements really did seem off. "I'm looking forward to it!" Then again, you supposed there was a reason behind this. You decided to humour him and pretend you haven't noticed anything. "Let me wash up first and we can grab something to eat?"
"That sounds lovely."
Hoping your feigned smile wouldn't betray you, you shut the bathroom door and quickly opened your DDD to text Satan.
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You looked at your own reflection in the mirror and nodded to yourself. Turtleneck it is. You learned your lesson the last time. A mixture of Mammon's toiletries and yours were in the bathroom, making you remember how he was trying his best to hide his excitement from invading half of your space the first time you talked about sharing a room. Not like his room was safe from your own stuff too--it just so happens that he likes hanging around your room lately because of how busy you were. He usually finishes his council duties early and tries (read: tried) to help you with yours, until both of you immediately realise that his bystanding was the best help he could offer. Any pouting from his side was placated with hugs and kisses, words of love he was too shy to say back and a loving gaze he couldn't help but give you when he thought you wouldn't notice. He still isn't the most honest demon when it comes to expressing his feelings, but you can see that he was trying. You just hoped that his recent gentlemanly behaviour is also a part of his trials and he isn't involved in anything dangerous.
Letting go of your nostalgia and embracing the present back in your thoughts, you wondered about the sound of shattering glass from outside. There you saw a flustered Mammon picking up the shards of what looked like Lucifer's china with his bare hands--his gentlemanly facade was nowhere to be seen.
"Mammon, no! Put that down. You'll injure yourself!" you cried, responding on instinct to take his hands into yours, throwing the shards back to the floor in the process. You snuck a look at Mammon and saw his troubled expression, bitten lips you usually noticed when he wasn't having the best kind of thoughts---or you simply dubbed as sad Mammon upon discovering it one drunken, wild and passionate night. You couldn't smell any alcohol on him this time though so you wondered what caused him to look this way.
"I'm fine…" Gentlemammon was back, albeit with a shaky voice. "Please don't worry, I still have to clean this up."
"Let me help you."
"It will heal quickly even if I get injured. There is nothing to worry about." he assured you, keeping your warning in mind, only to take it back once he saw your worried look. "I will wear gloves this time," he said as he hastily placed each pair on, a small smile forming his lips as he did so. "There, you see? I will be fine. So please step back now and I'll do it myself."
"What were you doing anyway?"
Mammon avoided eye contact. "I wanted to serve you breakfast in bed."
"That's very sweet but, you shouldn't push yourself too hard."
Silence. He continued picking up the shards, disposing of it in a trash bag nearby. "I want to push myself." You heard him sigh. "However, I suppose it's my mistake to assume I can carry this out without failure. Can I try again though?"
You didn't have the heart to reject him especially if he looked like a kicked puppy right now. "Of course! But I want to eat with you."
A compromise that he was willing to adhere to. The pancakes he made were slightly charred and oddly spicy. The Melancholy Coffee™ you praised him for making the other day tasted even worse---unpleasantly bitter that if you didn't attribute its strong, bitter taste to Mammon's love for you would have caused a gagging reflex. A feigned smile was painted on your face for the rest of breakfast, making mental notes to take stomach medicine once he is out of sight. You comforted yourself with the fact that you had a date with him today. The bitterness subsided a bit with your early morning daydreams.
Satan had been a wonderful accomplice. With his intervention, Mammon avoided bumping into anyone, thus making his situation a lot  less complicated. The avatr of wrath gave you a conspiratory smile and a wink, mouthing you well wishes for your day by your lover's side to go smoothly. You nodded and mouthed back at him a  thanks in reply. Your back and forth didn't escape notice however. You avoided Mammon's sensible questioning with a clueless smile.
"I haven't seen even Beelzebub at the dining area today. Is everyone but Satan asleep?"
"I was going to pay back Leviathan for the money I owed him this morning. I wonder why he isn't around today…"
He will pay back?! Smile
"I wonder how my dear eldest brother Lucifer is doing--"
"As I thought, perhaps expecting change from me is unsightly. I'm sorry if I'm wasting your weekend by asking you out out of the blue…"
"Wait, no!" you held him by his face and vehemently denied his claims. "I love you, Mammon! I'm looking forward to today as you are!"
Your faces resembled tomatoes. Satan had to clear his throat to remind both of you of his presence.
"If you flirt any longer, you'll miss your bus."
"R-right…" you looked away.
"Certainly." Mammon stuttered. You felt a hand reaching out for yours, turning to Mammon who had a bashful smile. You smiled back and interlocked your fingers together.
The ride to the amusement park was awkward yet pleasant. You saw cracks in his facade a couple of times, familiar with the reluctance on his movements unlike his odd and almost unsettling finesse at the cafe. You still weren't sure if he really is still under a curse or not, or if he is and it was weakening every moment, but you decided to wait for him to address it on his own. You have recently learned that Mammon gets really flustered if you pay attention to him (bordering almost on timidity) and loses his will/drive if you let him know that you are aware of him. A few pillow talks ago, he admitted it was because he only wanted to show you his cool sides, to which you answered (with much confusion), "But you're always cool though?" and he responded with his usual remarks, ranging from "idiot" to his classic "weirdo"™. Today, much like yesterday however, there was none of that. Instead, he called you several affectionate pet names, and even bashfully shared some snacks with you that he usually considered as "indirect kiss territory", which is Mammon Code for "I ain't doin' this cos I like it, kay?" which totally meant that he was doing it because he liked the heck out of it.
"Hey Mammon," you looked at his reflection from your window seat as you spoke. "Why did you write me a letter?"
You saw him blush an adorable shade of red from the window. "What's with the sudden question?"
"I was just curious," you answered. "I didn't know you could write so well."
"I-is that so…"
"I really appreciate it, although you might be tired of hearing it already."
"I'm so glad you sent it to me. To be honest, I was beginning to wonder if anyone will ever remember me once I go back to the human world." you remembered your first interaction with him and laughed. "We didn't have the best first impression of each other, didn't we?"
"...I should have treated you better."
You leaned your head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek, looking up to meet his eyes. "You're doing it now and that's what matters."
You sensed sadness in his eyes for a fraction of a second before the conductor announced your stop. You must have imagined it.
"Wahhh! Mammon, look! Look! Is that Red Devil?! Kyaaaa he's so cuuuute!!"
"O-oi, don't pull-- I mean…Cease! Cease!"
You couldn't help it! There was so much to see everywhere! The crowded theme park was filled with all kinds of attractions at every direction that any child or child-at-heart would definitely enjoy. Taking a photo with the park's mascot, Red Devil is one of the first activities you have done from your many planned ones on your date. Your contagious enthusiasm had infected him that by the time he realised he was grinning at every picture, it was too late. He looked oddly disturbed but you only laughed it off and reassured him that the shots were great!
"It isn't...after all, I'm--"
"It's nothing." You were beginning to feel bad for dragging him along.
"Is everything okay?" he suddenly turned pale and you asked him to sit down. "Do you want to take a break?"
He declined your offer and shook his head. "I'm fine. Let's continue our date, shall we?"
That pose…
"The Devilish Duke?"
It was definitely the Devilish Duke from the manga adaptation of Emison Beckstein's timeless classic, The Emerald-Eyed Earl. The Devilish Duke was the protagonist's fiancé and was a minor villain in the story. He became hugely popular because of the success of the manga adaptation as well as the artist's interpretation of his design. You couldn't help but mention it right now because Mammon was currently mimicking the Duke's infamous "courtship pose", which many otakus credit for being the very first ever "kabedon".
Mammon's eyes widened once you mentioned his name and quickly pulled away. He dragged you gently to the next attraction before you could say a word.
His odd behaviour only persisted as your date went on-- a kiss on your hand near the fountains, like what Senpai-San did to Shujinko-chan in Heartbeat Memorial: My First Love, Please Notice Me Or I Will Spontaneously Combust! ; a reiteration of an infamous line from a popular otome game, Mystery Message Delivery in the ferris wheel, as well as a kiss at its top, just like Mary Sue and Gary Stu from the popular Devildom Drama, I'm a Powerful Demon But I Fell in Love with a Human?. If you weren't familiar with the references, your heart must have already given out the first time he attempted those moves at you, but since you were aware of where they're from, you couldn't help but think it was cute instead. He must have done his own research to make you happy, but it was a failure on his part to not realise that you would have been happy even if he didn't go out of his way. Then again, it was pretty unfair to complain because anything Mammon did in your own biased eyes was precious and adorable.
"I love you, Mammon." you muttered loud enough for him to hear while you were in line for the Devil's Teacups . He must have heard it because he squeezed your hand tighter as you waited.
There were still times when he persisted on keeping his Gentlemammon™ facade, much like when he declined going to the horror house with you, only for you to find out he wanted to turn you down in the first  because he wasn't very good with ghosts (You had to wait for him to defrost after turning into a literal ice sculpture when one of the ghosts grabbed him by the ankle). He also swore not to let you ride "rigorous rides", but finally let his hair down and rode all of your favourite thrill rides with his usual energy and cheer. By the time he realised this, both of you were lining up for the March of Death for the third time. You learned your lesson already and didn't make a fuss about his tiny revelation. Instead, you held him by the arm and smiled at him. "It's fun, isn't it?" Mammon looked shocked at first, but as he sighed and finally replied, you noticed he was back to his usual self.  "It certainly is." Your heart immediately deflated at his answer, but more than anything, you couldn't help but be disappointed in yourself.
He had his guard up for the rest of your date and you didn't know why. It seemed like he was forcing himself. The sun was starting to set, and the bus home had been terribly late so you had a lot of time to contemplate while waiting for it to come. Mammon had been silent, looking up at the sky as if searching for something far away. You didn't want him to wander too far so you pulled him back.
"Why have you been acting weird since yesterday. What's wrong?" you couldn't help it. You have finally ran out of patience and you're starting to take his unusual behaviour personally, which you know deep down was unfair especially with how he went out of his way today.
Mammon looked taken aback, frowning once he processed your words. "What do you mean?"
"That. Why…why are you doing that?"
When he didn't answer, you finally aired out the thoughts weighing you down. "I didn't want to ask you because I wanted you to say it first, I'm sorry. Was it because of what I said last night?"
He called your name, sounding hurt. "Do you not like it?"
You shook your head. "I meant it when I said I don't like it, you know. And I mean it in the best way!" You held him by the hand and placed it close to your chest, hoping your beating heart was already telling. "I prefer the real you."
"Do you really mean that?"
You nodded again. "I even consulted Satan yesterday to undo your curse. You...you were cursed, weren't you?"
"So it was you."
"Mammon,what's going on?" What did he mean by that? You started to worry.
However, despite your repetitions, Mammon didn't answer. Instead, he only looked at you guiltily. At some point, he held your hand back with his trembling ones. He needs time, you thought to yourself and kissed his knuckles, not saying a word. Eventually, your patience was rewarded.
"...I asked the witches to curse me."
You quietly urged him to continue speaking. "I just wanted this date to be perfect, y'know? Don't wanna screw it up. I always do.
Now don't look at me like that. It's unfair. Ya say one thing but mean another. Even you are sick and tired of me, yeah?"
When did you ever say that?!
It hurt. It hurts to think that Mammon ever thought you'd think of him that way. You thought you had been a wonderful lover to him, always showering him with affection and treasuring every moment you shared together. You thought he knew how much he mattered to you, but it turns out you weren't expressing yourself enough and he assumed you were lying to yourself.
"I…I never…"
Crap. Now, you can't even see him clearly. Stupid tears. You felt him wiping your eyes at every tear shed, muttering apologies as he gently held you in his arms. "Shit! I didn't mean to make ya cry. Fuck, this is why I'm such a screw up! If I coulda stayed cursed for a while longer, you'd never cry like this!"
"Mammon…I love you." you repeated those words again and again until you were satisfied. "Didn't I tell you? I love you for who you are and what you are that I have eventually found out on my own."
He didn't speak after what you said, instead he pulled you away from the hug. Despite feeling disheartened, you continued to speak. "Mammon, I don't care how long it takes for you to accept that you are all of the things I tell you. If I can lend you my eyes so you can see what kind of wonderful demon I'm seeing whenever I look at you, I'd do so in a heartbeat. I love you."
You thought this would placate him, but instead, he sneered. "Which part of me do you actually love?"
"Everything!" you answered. "I love that there is so much more to you than meets the eye---I feel thankful every day that I have been privy to see that sweet and sincere side of you, especially in your letter. True, I did not feel that way at first, but the letter, oh Mammon. I fell in love with you upon reading its first passages! No one had ever said such precious words to me in my life, so I wanted to do the same for you."
"In the end, it's always that stupid letter."
"Excuse me?"
"IT'S ALWAYS THAT STUPID FUCKING LETTER!" he shouted, immediately regretting his outburst once he saw the hurt look on your face. However hurt you looked as the truth was spoken to you, he pressed on and twisted the knife even further. If a sweet memory is a calm before your inevitable storm (read: breakup), it was better to at least tell you the truth.
"I can't see it. I can't see that wonderful demon you're always talking about---the one who wrote that letter to you." The sunset dyed his silver hair orange. "I tried seeing him. Maybe it's me who's the problem, y'know? You kept on telling me I'm all these amazin' things, but I just couldn't. All I see is...me."
"You said I was sincere, but I don't remember bein' sincere at all when I was writin' that stupid thing, so I tried to be even if I was bad at it. You said I was thoughtful so I tried to be, but look at where that thoughtfulness went---tears on your fucking face." he laughed bitterly. "I'm an absolute saint, aren't I?"
"...I really meant it you know?"
" 'Course you do. That's fer sure. But lovin' a scum means he's still scum. You deserve better, and I can't give that to ya."
"But Mammon…I only want you."
Mammon's bitter smile never left his face. "Do ya really? Or do you want the Mammon who wrote you the letter?"
"See? I gotcha, didn't I?"
You don't understand. What did he get that you didn't? You love Mammon, that was the truth. You did not love him, and weren't even aware of him at first, but the letter he sent to your locker changed that. It was a catalyst for finally seeing him in a completely different light. What was the difference between the Mammon who wrote the letter to the Mammon in front of you in the first place? Aren't they one and the same? Was he joking right now? Because you certainly weren't laughing.
However many thoughts were racing in your mind right now, only three words seem to come out of you.
"I love you," and every utterance only brought more tears in your eyes, afraid of the possibility that Mammon must have been feeling the same way right now.
You were tired. Tired of explaining it to him, tired of reassuring him that he was fine the way he is. Every 'I love you' was like a dagger to your heart, growing conscious of the fact that both of you may feel the same way, but both of your feelings weren't reaching each other at all.
In your exasperation, you couldn't help but finally say,
"I don't want this anymore."
You wondered where it all went wrong.
Everything had been perfect since you discovered the identity of your secret admirer. Uncovering sides of Mammon that perhaps he wasn't even aware of himself, you spent a lot of time getting to know each other, marveling at every new thing you discovered about him. You kept his love-filled words close to your heart, lingering there at times when you felt lost and perhaps even unloved. His penned words were beautiful yet poignant, hopeful yet deep which, you have eventually discovered reflected so much of Mammon himself. He often rebuffed your praises, perhaps shy of your careful observations. There would always be a blush there dusting his cheeks, colouring itself in deeper shades at every sneaky kiss. You always liked those nights when you talk about anything that pops out of your minds, and you thought he liked them too. But now, you were starting to feel doubt.
"Mammon, I didn't mean to--"
He turned away from you and covered his face with both of his hands. "This ai-- this won't…" he hesitated. "It will never work between us."
"Get on first. I'll catch up with ya."
How did it come to this?
You didn't know how you were able to get home that night. You couldn't even remember the people you spoke to before you went back to your room. The side of your bed was empty of Mammon as well as your heart.
You didn't realise that you hurt him. You might have meant well and were even truthful of your affections for him, but the truth still laid there, mocking you in the face--you were idealising him. You thought you knew him by a few reads of the scented passages of his letter, that you refused to see him for who he really is. Oh, what a hypocrite you are.
His question continued to linger in your mind as you retrieved the said letter from your drawer. You didn't have the heart to read what it says anymore.
Why does it matter? It's all over.
Thinking in that vein, you sighted the gas lamp near your table and started entertaining darker thoughts.
Why not just forget about everything?
[ What will you do? ]
💌Burn the letter
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Chapter 5: Orange Roses 
Welcome back, my beautiful readers!  We're sprinting towards the finish line.   There's a scene that gets a little spicy in the middle but nothing explicit...yet!  Hope you enjoy it! 
Summary: He would always have her first kiss. 
Orange Roses: Orange roses evoke energy, and can indicate enthusiasm, desire and excitement. Giving orange roses can symbolize your passionate romance and share your excitement of the relationship with your loved one.
“Stupid Forehead!”  Sai looked up from his painting watching as Ino paced back and forth in his room. Danzo had been working him like a dog for some art gallery. He missed his girl and was thankful that he wouldn’t be home till tomorrow. 
“No, she’s Forehead right now.” 
He didn’t quite get their relationship. He knew that at the core they were friends but times like this made it seem like they were enemies more than anything else. 
“Okay, what did Forehead do?” He asked after she placed her head in his lap. 
“She kept going on about her first kiss with Sasuke. Blech. Then she started saying that no one will ever want to kiss me.”  He nodded sympathetically his fingers threading through her hair. They were way too competitive.
Surprising him she sat up on her knees sending him a look he knew all too well.  She wanted something and damn if he didn’t already know that he’d do whatever she wanted. 
“I’m going to ask you something and I want you to keep an open mind.”
“Kiss me.”
“What?  If this is just to compete with Sakura that’s a pretty stupid reason.”  Did she realize what she was asking him to do? 
She looked away shaking her shoulders. “No, I just, well I want to know what it’s like ya know.  You’re my best friend and I trust you. Who else could I ask? It’s just a kiss.”
He had to.  He knew it wasn’t the best idea but he hated the idea that someone else would have her first kiss. “Fine.” Her eyes fell closed and he took a deep breath before softly placing his lips on hers. It was far too sweet and innocent, a product of youth and lack of experience. Yet Sai didn’t know if he’d ever been happier. He was kissing Ino.  It was a dream of his that he always kept closely guarded. 
They separated and her cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink while they smiled at one another. 
“Sai...I’ve been wanting to tell you something.”
He was surprised, she usually told him everything. “What is it?”
“I uhm well I’ve felt this for a while. I-“ A piercing ring shattered the moment bringing them back to Earth. 
“Damn it, it’s my dad. I was supposed to go straight home.”
Sai nodded in understanding but disappointed that she didn’t finish what she was going to tell him. 
“Thanks, Sai, you’re the best. I love you.” She grinned at his blush waiting for his response. Ever since they were little she’d taken it upon herself to remind him that he was loved and never let him get away with not saying it in return. 
“Love you too Ino.” 
Ino walked out of there with a smile still on her face. Take that Sakura! Her kiss with Sai was more than she could have hoped for and gave her the push she needed. She was ready to tell him how she felt. Tomorrow would be the day. 
Little did they both know that she’d have to wait years to get that chance. 
End Flashback
Sai rushed to class annoyed and upset.  He had meetings all morning regarding the last minute details for the gallery opening.  This was his first show not under the watchful eye of Danzo and it was more work than he anticipated.  He hated the business side of the art world.  All he wanted to do was create but this was a necessary evil to keep his name relevant. 
Thankfully he made it with just enough minutes to load his presentation.  He looked over towards his class.  Ino was in her usual spot towards the back of the room but this time her space was being invaded by one of her male classmates.  Sai felt himself digging his fingernails into his palm especially as he heard her laugh.  He knew that it was wrong to be annoyed. It was good that she was getting to know her classmates and yet the irrational side of him was winning.  While they continued to talk after dinner at the Yamanaka home neither was ready to discuss what their kiss at the doorway meant.  
“Let’s begin please.”  Fortunately, it worked well enough that he cut their conversation short.  
“Please look at the painting projected on the board.  It was discussed in last week’s readings.  Respond to the question below and turn it in.  You have 20 minutes.”  He knew that he was taking his poor attitude out on his class but he was far too annoyed by a million different things to care.  Perhaps if he knew where they stood, that she wanted to be with him just as much, maybe then he wouldn’t be so prone to jealousy. 
Once everyone turned in their quick write he launched into the content.  It was more dry and boring but right now he needed that kind of material.  For today he just needed to get through the class.
“Why were you being such a jerk during class?”  Sai looked up seeing Ino storm into his office. 
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”  He replied returning his eyes to the form he was reading over.  He wished that she had skipped office hours today.  He wasn’t quite ready to stop being upset. 
She moved so that she was directly in front of him.  “Stop pretending like I don’t know you.  What’s wrong?”  It felt like they had taken such a huge leap forward and now he was pulling away from her again.   
His mix of emotions came roaring back.  “Can you really not see how this is your fault? 
“How is this my fault?”
“Why would you wait so long to take a freshman art class?”  Jealousy and uncertainty was fueling him.   Even as he was saying it he knew how ridiculous it sounded.  If she had taken the class sooner they wouldn’t be in this situation. At least that’s what he’d been trying to convince himself of. 
She stood there stunned by the accusation. Fine, if this is how he wanted it to go down. “Because art took you away from me!  I did everything I could to avoid it as ridiculous as that might sound!” Sai stood there shell shocked as she broke into tears. 
“Do you know how hard that was? Everyone was so proud of you and impressed by your accomplishments but I had to stand there and pretend that I wasn’t devastated.  Chouji and Shikamaru had to stop me from burning all your drawings. I know that you had to go and you didn’t have a choice.  You had to follow your dreams but why couldn’t I have been a part of it?” She sobbed each teardrop creating cracks in his heart. He placed her face between his hands capturing her tears as they fell. 
“No Ino, you’re my dream. You always have been. If I knew then what I know now, how much it hurt you I would have never left. I would have stayed here with you and we could have been so happy.  I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.”  He whispered regrets into her hair. 
“No, I don’t want an apology.  You didn’t do anything wrong. I just...Fuck. I just want my Sai back, I want my best friend, not the famous artist or my professor. I want the person that held me during a thunderstorm, hid drawings in my notebooks and gave me my first kiss.  It’s you, it always has been.”  With no more of an invitation, he had her pinned against the wall his lips hot and heavy against hers as she pushed his blazer from his shoulders. 
“Do you know how many times I wanted to fucking pin you against this wall?” He breathed as she continued to run her hands under his shirt.
She grinned her blue eyes beaming. “I’m here now. What are you going to do about it?” 
His lips devoured hers hungrily using the weight of his body to keep her up while his hands explored, touched and caressed her skin. Ino arched into him wanting to feel him against her.  Her legs tightened around him trying to bring him closer. 
His lips shifted to her neck kissing patterns all over her. The possessive side of him not caring if he left a mark. The smell of roses radiated from her skin. 
“Sai…” He shuddered hearing his name on her petal-soft lips. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He breathed his lips tracing the crown of her head. She drew his mouth back to hers wanting to cement this moment into her memory. Her fingers tried to make quick work of his shirt before he stopped them. 
He took a deep breath before placing her down safely “We can’t do this here.” 
She pouted looking up at him her arms wrapped around his waist. “Sai...don’t you want me?”  
She used that look on him a million times but this time he kissed it away. “Fuck, of course, I do beautiful girl.”  His hands went to tangle themselves in her hair bringing her forehead against his. “I’ve dreamt about this a million times, but you deserve better. This weekend let’s go away together.” 
She nodded in understanding.  Despite her disappointment, she was happy to know that he’d been dreaming about this moment just as much as she had been. She also wanted to take her time to absorb the moment without fear of someone walking in. 
“Okay.  Did you get through my journal?”
“Most of it.”  
“Before Saturday can you read my last entry. It’s what I wrote before this semester started.” 
“I will.” 
She kissed him softly her lips wanting to imprint themselves against his “Sai if I haven’t made this clear I want this. I have for a long time. I just want to finally be with you.” He pulled her into his arms holding her tightly against his chest.
“Me too Ino. Your heart is all I’ve ever wanted.”
She clutched to him and it was finally starting to settle in that this was real. They had both been pining after the other for years and now they finally had a chance to make it work. 
Chapter 1: Roses
Chapter 2: Yellow Roses
Chapter 3: Purple Roses
Chapter 4: Pink Roses
Chapter 5: Orange Roses 
Thank you again for sticking with me!  The next chapter will get smutty. I won’t be able to post the entire chapter here because I don’t want to get flagged so I will just post a link for it. Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive. I truly love and appreciate you all!
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amunetred · 7 years
Black and Blue
A/N: T rating.  I’m writing my seven days in the form of a continuous short story, so here is chapter 1, Black and Blue.
Break down, tears fall to the ground
Tell myself: “Damnit, nothing can be found”
When you’re a fighter
You’re a fighter, fight on baby - Sia, Black and Blue
Chapter 1
Black and Blue
I’d seen dark. If one could say they’d looked into the abyss, into the endless nothing, the obsidian trap where hate could swallow you whole and hold you captive, I’d faced that many times.  That kind of darkness was no stranger to me. I’d looked it in the eye, and fought it with a vengeance, one that threatened to consume me along with it. But Leo’d always been there to pull me back, save me from the brink of any and everything, including myself.  
During the Kraang invasion my mutation was a fresh hell, my life collapsing in upon itself as the world outside appeared to be doing the very same thing.  Most nights in that time I’d spent coiled tight beneath a billboard, wishing the power might be restored that the giant bulbs should illuminate and warm me, lest I learn to self-regulate my serpent body heat. I wasn’t sure I could-- then I did.
This time was different.  Not the body-heat part, I’d had many years to become one with my mutant side.  It was the invasion that was different and it wasn’t the Kraang.  
I dropped to my belly, willing myself to transform enough that my tubular form permit me to slither along the dank, narrow passage. I halted as the last remnants of the sun’s warmth faded from my tail, the darkness swallowing me whole as I looked back to the last slivers of a melancholy blue sky.  How far we’d fallen, each and every one of us.  My heart clenched. Perhaps it was because I’d spent so much time walking the grey line between black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, that when the Unnamed invaded, ripping apart the veil that separated the two worlds, black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, I remained unchanged.  Because, I’d lived my life that way all along.  That and whoever my otherworld counterpart had been, she was dead before they came.
But that blurry high wire I danced upon, that wasn’t so for Leo or his brothers.  They had boundaries they did not cross.  At least they hadn’t at the time.  
Moisture seeped from the ground beneath, water dripping from the low ceiling above.  I should hate tight spaces, but I’d been locked in a cell enough times that I was capable of shutting that part of me off.  The fear of the walls crumbling, collapsing and closing the passage, trapping me along with it, what should be terror was merely a faint whimper inside me. The most prominent emotion I carried, I’d hesitated to name.  It was what drove me forward, kept me searching... kept me breathing. No.  The only fears I bore were either faced or yet to come.  The first had been loving him, for in those moments of peace, true bliss, those fleeting moments we cannot keep and do not last, they leave a burn, something precious covered with the scar you wear after they’ve gone.  The only thing I truly feared was losing him. But, in a sense, I’d lived through that too.  Though I did not fearing dying at his hand, because I would die knowing I’d done all I could to save him.  
“Don’t do this, Karai.  He ain’t the same.  If I can’t save him, you can’t.”
I would’ve laughed at Raph’s warning, were the scar skipping across his upper lip to dash his brow not still sutured, purple and hopefully not infected.  The bruises on his body, black and splotchy, his arm in a sling, his ankle wrapped. He’d almost lost an eye, by his brother’s doing.  I might lose my life.  But if I’m to die at the end of anyone’s sword, let it be Leonardo’s and I’ll die heartbroken but honored.
“If he-- kills you-- and ever comes out of this—if he remembers, he’ll never forgive himself.” Donatello put his hand on my shoulder.  “Think of how April feels, knowing they used her the way they did.” He glanced toward the end of the hall, a full tray of food from the morning still outside the door. “Don’t put this on him, Karai.”
I squeezed deeper along the passage, my forked tongue tasting the air, searching for him.  What had Donatello thought I would do?  Not go for him?  Not fight for him?  The universe and the Unnamed knew his brother’s had tried.  We tried.  One by one we’d saved all that remained from their brainwashing, from the spell they’d used April’s mind to cast over us.  One by one we’d died.  Shini, Jones, and so many others...  Strange how the two worked together, an alien sentient being possessing a psychic half alien human, to unlock a terrible door that left us twisted and broken, facing our polar opposites, left to destroy ourselves… or to struggle to get back to who we were.  
Clumps of mud sprinkled my back like spit before a rain shower.  I should be afraid.  Fear should course through my tepid blood, chilling it with icy pinpricks.  Thought I could not see, though I could feel the instability of the earth surrounding me, I feared nothing, not even the blade of my lover’s sword—should I ever find him.  
“I can’t give up on him, Donatello.  He never gave up on me, and I’ll go for him again and again until I either bring him home or die trying.”  I adjusted the strap on my backpack, stepped out onto the rickety front porch, paint peeling beneath my boots, waved to Raph and left the Hampton’s house.  Without a radio.  Without a phone.  Without back up.  Because there was no power in this hell.  Because there was no one to spare that was not needed elsewhere.  April was a complete mental case, Donatello’s hands full just trying to keep her from starving to death as she recounted all she’d been used to destroy. This left Raphael working to be sure Donatello ate, and that the unconscious Michelangelo didn’t fade away.
The mouth of the tunnel widened as I flicked the air, tasting sediment, mold, something metallic….steel!
Steel and— my heart fluttered— sandalwood!
My body transformed, the starving mouths of my hands dissolving into the curling fingers of my palms.  He was near, I could taste him.  He was near and soon I would look into those hard blue eyes and search for the soul I loved inside him.    
A cold laugh carried along the tunnel running vertical to mine.  A chilling, shrill sound that hurt like a blade to the gut.  Because it was his, and yet it wasn’t.  “You back again?  I thought you would’ve learned.”  
I didn’t need to close my eyes for the darkness enveloping me, not to see, to recall the last time I’d heard this sound…
It, the sentient leader of the Unnamed possessed April, much like that ancient Aeon bitch.  Only this creature didn’t need her for long, using her like a key to unlock the veil between two worlds, us and our polar opposites.  Only not all of us had them.  Or if they’d existed there, in that other world, they were already dead. 
 A white bolt split the sky, one half a brilliant summer blue, the sun bright and shining, though it was muggy and hot, nothing was perfect.  The other a starless, moonless black, with crumbling buildings that looked as though they’d dissolve to ash if one touched them.  And the split remained, even after the battle, both seeming both lost and never-ending.  
The people from the Night, that’s what we’d called the dark side, wanted to live in the Day, our side.  And the war began.  The problem was when Light destroyed Dark or the Dark murdered the Light, the soul left without a vessel was absorbed into the surviving body.  Leo was the first to make that mistake.  We lost him first.  He’d been gone the longest.  And what he’d become was—
Steel cut the air before me and I flinched back into my tunnel.  Transforming again, I coiled as tight as I could in the tight space then sprung forward launching myself at him, returning to my human form as I wrapped my arms and legs around his body.
I’d tasted the rope he dangled from.  Knew he held it, supporting his body with one hand.  It was nothing for him to add me to that burden, but it was unexpected and he flailed.  Though he did not complain, no cry of surprise, not in pain, nor distress. He made no sound at all.  And that terrified me.  
Rather than struggle to be rid of me, he wrestled an arm free and began climbing.  
“What- what are you doing?” I managed, though it was stupid for me to speak to him unprepared.
“Climbing.” His voice was a cool, detached thing, lacking the warmth-dashed-with-arrogance that I enjoyed.  I longed for the voice he used to tease me with when we sparred.  A flash of steel, a bead of sweat glistening his brow, or beading on the bridge of my nose, his reflection and mine blurred and stretched in the cross of our blades.  He’d back me into a wall, I’d drop him to the floor.  A roll.  A twist. A thrust.  My match.
As we ascended my mind caught up to the present, to the scent that was still him, clung to his skin and oozed from his pores, that he could not wash off and I was glad of it.  Though the warm, spicy aroma seeping from his flesh stirred my insides it also brought pressure to my chest for I missed the touch that had always accompanied it.  For right now he was rough as he drove his free hand into the soft tissue surrounding my shoulder blade.  “Gah! Leo, stop! Please, stop!” My arm went numb, dropped limp and useless to my side.
“You came back.” He clucked his tongue as if I’d asked for the pain.  He clipped something to my belt.  Oh no. I struggled with my one arm, desperate to remove the metal binding, though I couldn’t see to understand how the clasp worked. Then he released my shoulder, thrust a hand into my chest, at the same time he lifted his knee and drove his foot out sending me flying into the wall.  I bounced off, tumbling down the shaft, clumps of dirt and loose soil falling into my eyes.  I met the end of the rope, bouncing and dangling beneath him as he hauled us both up.
There was no point talking to him now.  Not until we were on solid ground.  I took a deep breath, clearing my mind on the exhale. I’d planned to find him.  Step one complete.  I’d planned to convince him to take me in.  Step two… in progress.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MS] Chang Mai missing
(Okay it’s unfinished so looking for some feed back please readers)
For two years now, Shaun Connelly had been saving up for a trip of a lifetime. He had always dreamed of travelling around south east-Asia. He had first got the idea whilst working offshore in the north-sea, where some of the men he worked with, would spend maybe six months offshore then travel around the world for six months. Shaun really loved the idea of that. Shaun returned to his home city of Liverpool for his rest time. He was determined to book his trip, and proceeded to plan it. First of all he would fly to Bangkok, he wanted to spend a week in Bangkok, and so he could arrange a trip to the south islands. He would get a train down to Chumphon where he could catch the ferry out to Ko Tao, where he could learn to deep-sea dive. Then he would catch another ferry to Ko Pha-ngan, where he could experience the famous full moon party. After that he would move on to KO samui, then back to the mainland where he would catch a train back to Bangkok to plan his next move. Shaun was once told that he should experience trekking in the north of Thailand, and go to visit the tribes and smoke opium with the tribe leaders. This was an idea that Shaun definitely wanted to experience. Shaun booked the trip he had another month of work on the rigs to complete before he jetted off on his trip of a lifetime. It was the day of Shaun’s flight; he was flying from London Heathrow to Dubai for a 10 hour stop over, then the following morning he would fly direct to Bangkok. Shaun caught a taxi from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport to the Sukhumvit area of the city. He had been told of a good sports bar, where a lot of ex-pats hung out, and was a cool bar to meet people. Shaun had already booked his room that night online, it was on soi 11 just around the corner from Sharkers sports bar. He got checked into his hotel around 6pm, had a shower and got ready start his Thai adventure. Shaun’s first impressions when he was walking out onto the streets, was that of the smell, it was a sort of rotten egg smell, warm and sweaty, very humid and he had a sudden sense of claustrophobia. Now Shaun had never suffered from this phobia but the streets are so full of people, walking in all different directions, mopeds speeding past and beeping constantly, the roads were poor and without signage and the noise of traffic, barking dogs, drunken tourist and Thai market traders arguing over a couple of baht was very overwhelming. Shaun started to feel a bit anxious, his heart started racing faster and faster and now he was walking and banging into people, the heat was making him drip with sweat, and then people started approaching him. Prostitutes were stopping him in his tracks and feeling his balls. “You want fuck, fuck long time….come with me….nice place…sucky sucky.” Shaun was pushing the whores out of the way, even people were trying to help him as he looked in distress, but he couldn’t focus he just kept walking and shoving people asides, until he tripped up and sort of passed out for a second. When he came too, there were people surrounding him offering water and asking him if he was okay. When he looked next to him there was old Thai man at floor level with him, looking at him, the man looked dishevelled, had no teeth, he had scars all over his face and he smiled at Shaun, whilst screeching some Thai words in Shaun’s face, spitting and slurring all over him. When Shaun came around a bit more he realised the Thai man had no arms or legs, he was just sort of crawling around on the pavement, begging for anything, and Shaun even realised that the man was also blind, He jumped up freaked out and started running until he seen something he recognised from a photo one of his old rigger mates had shown him. It has a large shark in bright lights with a pool table and the words read SHARKERS SPORTS BAR.
Shaun walked into the busy bar expecting people to harass him straight away, but people were too busy laughing, and playing pool, watching sports on the big screens. There seemed to be some sort of competition going on too. Shaun just sat at the bar and ordered a beer. “Kor beer nueng Krap.” Shaun had been learning his essentials on the flight over. “You know Thai language?” a soft voice whispered into Shaun’s ear. “Ha no, not really just a few simple sentences, and not very well either. “You speak well, for western man” “Don’t be silly, anyway what’s your name?” Shaun whispered back. “My name is Gamon, it means from the heart” she replied. “Ha that’s funny coz in England we eat gammon” Shaun giggles immaturely. “Do you want play pool competition? Its 200 baht and you can win 5000 baht” “Okay, what’s the game? Shaun asks. Gamon quickly replies “Killer pool you know? You win you buy me drink yep?” A few singha beers later, and after losing around 800 baht, Shaun went and sat back at the bar and ordered a whiskey and coke. He started to talk to a Australian bloke, called himself Clancy, he was a typical backpacker sort, stood about 6ft 2, had the long Dredd-locked hair, and long scruffy beard to match. He seemed to know people in the bar, but sat alone watching aussie-rules football on one of the screens. “So where ya from bro?” said Clancy Shaun was distracted by an argument between some Thai girls about a pool match. “I’m from England mate, and you?” “Born in OZ, but moved to New Zealand when I was about 10, and been moving ever since, Bali, Vietnam, spent some time in Europe too, my parents did a lot of humanitarian work.” “That Sounds cool, I aint done much myself, I mean a few holidays to Spain and I’ve travelled throughout the UK and Ireland with work but that’s about it mate.” “Aww yeah bro, well don’t worry, it aint all it’s cracked up to be, ya can end up an old beach bum like me bro.” Laughs Clancy. Shaun and Clancy continued to chat when the subject of travelling up to Chang-Mai came up. Clancy told Shaun that he used to run a guided tour up to the tribes in the north, until his mini-bus ended up in the Ping River, and with no insurance or disposable money it still remains there. The bar was coming to a close about 3am and Shaun and Clancy were pretty drunk by now. Gamon and her friend, who called herself Gloria (I guess her Thai name was too hard to pronounce), had offered to take us for some street food. Clancy took a rain-check and carried on home where as Shaun had been looking forward to tasting the local cuisine. “Be careful, Mr Clancy man, he no good man hey…” said Gamon, with a gentle smirk towards Gloria. “You no trust Mr Shaun” announced Gloria, sucking on a chilli crab claw. “He seems a nice enough fella too me, what’s the problem?” Shaun coughs; he is finding the chilli crab far too hot. The two girls are now uncontrollably laughing at his inability to handle the heat of the spicy food. “He steel, you be-careful Mr Shaun” Gamon and Gloria walked Shaun back to his apartment and said goodnight.
The next day Shaun didn’t wake until 1pm, he had woken in a pool of sweat as the air conditioning wasn’t working, he opened the blinds expecting bright sunshine, but the sky was a dark grey with spots of sun shining through on top of some of the buildings, the heat and humidity was over whelming, and at this point Shaun shut the blinds, took a large drink of water and climbed back into bed. It was 8pm when Shaun had come back round, and after a shower and a difficult conversation with the receptionist about the air conditioning, Shaun set out on another stroll, only to end up in Sharkers bar again. The same faces were disputing pool matches, the ex-pat owner and his wife either sides of the bar were chatting to folks. At the end of the bar sat Clancy watching Aussie rules football. Gamon greeted Shaun with a kind whisper of “you very sexy man tonight Mr Shaun”, Shaun’s shy blushes hard to disguise. “So you play pool tonight? You win you buy me drink yes?” “I buy you drink anyway, what’ll it be?” Shaun asks, still blushing from the attention off Gamon. “Canadian dry and ginger Korp Kun” Clancy spotted Shaun at the bar and walked over. “So you wanna go trekking yer bro…?” Clancy leaning over the bar, Shaun looks uncomfortable, as Clancy proceeds to invade his personal space. “Well yeah mate, you recommend any good tour companies?” “Sure bro, you’re looking at one, I got some good contacts up north, and you pay me small fee and I will be your personal guide, just a small fee bro…” Clancy sat back on his stool and Shaun took a swig of his singha beer and leaned back, feeling more at ease , as Clancy has sat up and got his head in the television again. “So how much do you think? Can you give me some sort of itinerary, I’m a bit fickle to a plan, you see mate.” “Yer bro, no worries mate, I shall work it all out bro, meet ya in here same time tomorrow bro.” Clancy shook Shaun’s hand and left. Shaun carried on drinking till late, and then he and Gamon went back to his hotel.
submitted by /u/Jack-mutated-offal [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3cR6xGW
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Light Novels: Introduction and Secret Worlds
Light novels have been a frequent topic in pulp fantasy, combining the evolution of the pulp magazine with Japanese pop culture to various degrees of success. In the 1970s, Japanese publishers combined pulp magazines with anime-inspired illustrations aimed at teens and young adults. Since then, the market for these short, pulpy and fannish novels (about 50,000 words or so, like the hero pulp novels), has exploded in Japan and abroad, with recent English publisher J-Novel Club releasing over 200 translated volumes in two years.
Success has changed light novels from their pulp origins. Rather than an episodic series like the Shadow or Doc Savage, the average light novel has returned to dime novel serialization, with many light novels amassing a dozen volumes of story and more. And, to fill the demand, publishers have been offering contracts to newer writers and web novel writers. So the polish expected of the pulps has started to rub away. But enthusiasm, novelty, and an editor’s not-so-gentle prodding have carried many a light novel writer to success despite the deficiencies of technique. Currently, just as in American Young adult, the medium has been following their readers as they grow older. But the heart still remains–mystery, action, and a heavier leavening of the spicy than even Martin Goodman would consider wise.
Like in any medium that has been around for longer than a fortnight, writers have chased various trends. Currently, isekai portal fantasy and harem romance have been the rage, influencing Russian litRPG and the recent glut of American harem fantasies, to the point that many readers are searching for their next novelty fix. Prior to that, the fad of the day included, at various times, “devil” stories, sword and sorcery, space opera, magical battle academies, and high school secret histories.
Over the next few weekends, I’ll take a closer look at these admittedly broad categories and make recommendations in each, based on what is currently available, starting with my personal favorite category, the secret worlds. 
Like Alice chasing the White Rabbit, protagonists in the once popular secret world setting follow a bit of strangeness in an otherwise mundane life, discovering instead vast conspiracies and earthshaking revelations that upend the main character’s understanding of what the world is and how the world works. For the shadows of everyday life are full of alien infiltrators, secret societies, living urban legends, ghosts, and other mysteries, each with a hand on the tiller of the world and each trying desperately not to be noticed. Swept up in that madness, suddenly a mundane life becomes something far grander and the world never seems quite so small–or safe–ever again.
These “secret world” fantasies are primary world fantasies, taking place on Earth in the present at the time written, and always offering a peek behind the curtain at Fortean secrets most people are unaware of. Popularized in light novel form by Boogiepop and Others, these secret world novels are a common setting for horror, as well as the main outlet for a pop science fiction junkie for the better part of a decade.
The height of the secret world books came to an end with the popularization of the term chunibyo (“Eighth Grader Syndrome” or middle-school delusions). Many of the stories of secret aliens, superheroes, and living legends found in secret world matched the delusions of grandeur common to a certain phase in a young teen’s life, and realism and ironic detachment settled into the genre. Instead of being swept up by grand and hidden secrets, the main characters instead turn to rescue friends from their delusions. And if the delusions turned out to be real secret worlds, the characters view everything through a genre-savvy and often snark-filled lens. The point becomes to move past these delusions and accept life as it is, instead of thirsting for wonders unseen.
Those looking for wonder–or a place to revel in the fantastic unmocked by their peers–soon turned to settings beyond the constraints of the current day, to the video game-inspired settings of isekai portal fantasy.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya – Nagaru Tanigawa
Kyon is ready to start high school after putting aside childish things such as belief in UFOs and superheroes. Then, on the first day of class, he is introduced to Haruhi Suzumiya, a strange girl who has no interest in anything except the weird. Haruhi is unwilling to speak to anyone other than aliens, time-travelers, and psychics. But, after a chance conversation convinces Haruhi that Kyon shares her interest, he gets swept into Haruhi’s strange club. A club full of aliens, time-travelers, and ESPers all trying to keep their identities a secret. For Haruhi also has a strange power to influence reality, and it’s best for all that she never knows about it.
Admittedly, Haruhi puts the manic into manic pixie girl, but the real charm of the series is watching Kyon play the only sane man among his co-conspirators as they deal with time-traveling hijinks, dimensional shifts, homicidal aliens, and even rival clubs behind Haruhi’s back. Over time, Haruhi adjusts to normal high school life, while Kyon warms up to the weirdness that surrounds Haruhi at all times. Kyon narrates the various mishaps in a deadpan that never lets up, no matter what pocket dimension, past era, or alternate timeline he finds himself in. Unfortunately, the complexities of simultaneous alternate dimension and time travel became too much for Tanigawa to navigate, so it is doubtful if the series will ever be finished past the tenth volume.
Bakemonogatari, by NISIO ISIN
After a particularly monstrous Spring Break, Koyomi Araragi’s eyes are open to the various curses, monsters, and aberrations that cling to the people around him. When he catches a reclusive girl in his class after she floats down a staircase, he discovers that she is cursed with weightlessness. Freeing her from this curse only ensnares Koyomi in a strange web of living urban legends and monster tales.
I have reviewed Bakemonogatari both at my own blog and for Castalia House’s, and find the series a complex mix of reward and frustration. NISIO ISIN brings two important elements not found in many light novels; a literate playfulness with the Japanese language carried into the English translation and a deep love of mystery literature. Keen-eyed readers will see nods to American and Japanese mystery traditions, including a story structure familiar to fans of Doc Savage. Not only does Bakemonogatari play with language, but it is also rich in symbolism as well. The literate approach adds depth and gravity to the living ghost stories. Unfortunately, Bakemonogatari gets a little too taken with its own cleverness at times, and the less said about its pandering to some of the least tasteful trends of late 2000s Japanese pop culture, the better. But if a reader can overlook what for a light novel are minor foibles, the monster tales of Bakemonogatari are among the best in the medium.
Invaders of the Rokujouma, by Takehaya
Koutarou thinks he’s found the perfect place to stay while his father is away. The apartment is close to school, and most importantly, the rent is dirt cheap. However, he soon finds out why, as a ghostly girl, two aliens, an honest-to-the-Moon magical girl, and an underworld princess crash through the door. Each invader wants Koutarou’s apartment for their own purposes, but Koutarou is not willing to give up his room without a fight.
Let’s get the obvious out of the way, as Invaders has sandpaper rough prose guaranteed to grate on the nerves of anyone with the slightest desire for style. However, what the series may lack in grace, it makes up with a surprising amount of heart. Instead of appealing to the young professionals who enjoy most light novels, Invaders is aimed at a junior high audience who might yearn for a little science fiction-flavored excitement. Freed from the demands of acting cool, the characters are given the chance to revel in the moment, whether it be the classic high school culture festival or ship vs. ship combat between rival space princesses. Uncluttered by the typical demands of fanservice, Invaders instead has room for a slow burn through an ambitious plot through time and space, with the invaders of Koutarou’s apartment at the center. Also slowly burning is a rather sweet romantic rivalry as the invaders switch from invading an apartment to invading Koutarou’s heart.
Honorable mentions include Full Metal Panic!, by Shoji Gatoh, an alternate history where the Cold War never ended in the 1980s and schoolgirl engineering geniuses are protected by mecha pilot mercenaries without social graces, and A Certain Magic Index, by Kazuma Kamachi, where an unlucky young man gets thrust into an X-Men-style clash between Science and Magic when he meets a young nun.
Light Novels: Introduction and Secret Worlds published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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chinkondamoon-blog · 6 years
South Korea Report
There are many readily available blogs, youtube videos, articles, and other social media influencers you can research prior to your sojourn to South Korea. I plan to supersede all of that wealth of knowledge because as much as it is helpful, it may also be a lot to take in. With the research I have done for this final report. I plan on taking you through the geography and history of South Korea to the food, language, and everyday life. I aim to bring out the important facts that may help you better acclimate yourself into your new home for the next several months.
First off, let’s introduce to you where you will be geographically located in the world and what that may mean for your livelihood. You are located on a peninsula surrounded by water on all fronts, with a familiar neighbor to the north. China, Russia, and Japan are close neighbors past the seas but culturally related countries include Mongolia, Taiwan, and even Vietnam. When taking a closer look at the geography, you will notice you will most likely spend your free time in Seoul. The capital of South Korea offers many forms of entertainment as it inhabits the more iconic cities for college students and young adults alike. There is Hongdae which inhabits several neighboring universities, Itaewon which is known as the foreigner’s mecca, or Busan for their fresh seafood and refreshing scenery. There is another city that is embodied as an island off the southern coast of South Korea and is known as Korea’s little Hawaii.
The most important historical moments in South Korea revolve around industrializations and revolutions. Events such as the invention of the official South Korean language during the 15th century attribute to the rapid developing society. King Sejong invented the language in order to connect his people closer as the literacy gap was far too wide. The language was invented purely to be taught and learned very quickly and on any skill level. As another form of industrialization, the capital of South Korea became the first city in all of East Asia to have electricity, streetcars, running water, and a telephone system in the summer of 1904. Then a few years later, Japan reattempted and succeeded in invading South Korea on August 22, 1910. They immediately began their rule by changing the name of the capital to Keijo, forced their language onto the Koreans until they “dreamt in Japanese,” used their men as war fodder, and forced their women into sex slavery for the Japanese soldiers. This 35 year long oppression was ended with the aid of the US troops who liberated South Korea at the end of the second World War.
As if the world could’ve used more peace after South Korea’s liberation, their northern half invaded Seoul once again in 1950 which sparked the Korean War. After 3 long years and 2.5 million lives lost in the war, South Korea was put on a downward trajectory of extreme experiences of homelessness, poverty, and starvation. It took the entire country a few decades to revitalize their youth and clean up all of the mess their past had left them. Ever since this last war, South Korea had been rapidly developing into the first world country it is known as today. With leading industries in car manufacturing, electronics, textiles, and more within the last few decades of industrialization.
With the industrialization movement thriving in South Korea, it had opened many doors from all over the world. This influx of worldly interest brought an emphasis on the English language in South Korea. While most speak the native tongue, a whopping 58% can also speak English and the next minority percentage able to speak Chinese. You will most likely run into someone who will help you with directions, recommendations, entertainment, etc. as you journey further into South Korea’s culture. That speaks on the everyday life you will most likely experience as a student or a young adult sojourning to South Korea. South Koreans are known for their polite demeanor due to their native language containing many implicit emphasis on politeness.
Several norms to consider when travelling to South Korea include the immense drinking culture, body language, personal space, and patriotism. These norms, like their language, are ingrained into each individual from birth and therefore should be met with a level of respect and consideration. South Korea is a very crowded country as they are required to build up rather than wide due to the size of their geography. Early train rides during rush hour or the midday food and shopping crawls at the many available shopping districts will introduce you to the crowded nature of South Korea. Do not be intimidated but be aware of your own space and be polite and open to share it at times of crowded commutes. It is often normal to see same sex friends holding hands and embracing each other within both genders and will often be noticed when you express anything beyond that in public. Body language helps to express your consideration immediately as a 90 degree bow is a traditional greeting towards any stranger as a show of respect. There are many festivals that celebrate South Korea’s positive pasts and future events. They are as open for foreigners to join as they are celebrating themselves, so do not be afraid to attend any upcoming events during your sojourn.
For the most important part of your sojourn to South Korea, I would encourage you to arrive with an open mind on the deep flavors that originated within Korea. As Korea has been through a lot of war-ridden outcomes, their cuisine evolved from picking any and everything from the streets, wilderness, and the sturdiest of crops that could withstand any climate year round. Their ancestors could not afford to be picky and instead gave intense effort to learn how to create resilient foods that also tasted good any time of the year. This helped to move along their cuisine in the realm of fermentation and mixing dishes. The most prominent dish in South Korea has to be spicy fermented cabbage, also known as kimchi. There are deep rooted cultural flavors even within South Korea alone, that differ from province to province. The world has been acknowledging South Korea’s cuisine more and more over the past decade due to their healthy diets that helps balance out the intense smoking and drinking culture in South Korea. The health benefits from the probiotics and healthy microbial nutrients that only exist in fermented foods are being sworn by health science and fitness experts.
There is seemingly a lot more you can learn from this small country on the tip of it’s peninsula but the information provided above will help give you a good idea of where the people of South Korea came from. You may begin to understand why they are known to be jovial people with great taste in tech, fashion, and cuisine. While I recommend you look further into your own research, this is where I will end my report. I believe if you have left reading my report with an insight on the history that created an export giant recognized by the world, an understanding of the societal norms that encourage foreigners to visit, or even a newly sparked craving for Korean cuisine. Then I would be proud to say that this was a successful report in potentially adding South Korea on your next sojourning trip.
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