#south park mirror verse
474lyse · 1 year
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I made this for twitter and I finally finished it! I tried to give each AU their own style based on @/SPFKymanCartyle (twt), @sleepyeule and @jolyonvane art (I love their content so much!).
I'm also happy I finished this for the kyman week 2023,even if is not part of the topics, I wanted to bring something for the kyman event
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
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accidentally deleted this one bc i'm silly n goofy, but honestly, anon, i'm just not that intimately familiar with kyman on the whole. i have done a creek recs list and feel i could do a fairly comprehensive sampling of "alltweek" fics. i also still have a good grasp on style and k2 from having shipped them back in the late 00s and reading a decent amount this time around as well. for kyman, however, i lack the level of engagement and sense of the tropes and trends that make me confident in making recs lists, if that makes sense
i've encountered a few works i found compelling and would recommend to those interested in kyman (and I believe most of these lean more towards top kyle just fyi—not sure which dynamics you prefer), but you'd definitely do better to ask a kyman instead of a creek blog 💖
(please be aware that most of these fics contain NSFW unless otherwise specified)
so my first time reading kyman (aside from the hollycomb kyman fics, and the side kyman in this applecrumbledore endgame style fic) was while beta'ing for my friend pregnantzombie, and i recommend all of her writing. her characterizations are always on point and she's so funny and talented. this SFW oneshot for the kyman zine drew me in in particular. she has tons of excellent creek as well
i got a wonderful kyman fill on the dreamwidth south park kink meme from @rainbowconvection, then checked out their other works and found the characterization and humor consistently superb (good, thoughtful characterization is the main thing that pulls me in). kyle convincing himself he's saving the world by being with cartman in I'm a Good Person was so funny and real to me
i really like @basu-shokikita's dynamics, and dug this pre-relationship kyman timeloop fic with established creek, and especially loved Two is company, three is a crowd which is established kyman with deranged butters and cuck kyle (my beloveds 🥺). her stenny is also very cute and i'm excited to read more
really enjoyed this anon sadomaso discovery fic that i found through a fanart @drabesacraben made for it. the good doctor has also rec'd the mirror verse series which i haven't gotten to yet (honestly been struggling to read longfic these days in general) but i trust the doctor
so that's my little list! sorry i can't be more helpful, but if any kymans read this and have recs to make, please feel free to add! i am but a simple creeker and tweek bike enthusiast, doing my best 🥺👉👈
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moonrevolutions · 10 months
₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ ゚.☾ gta v verse: some tidbits.
 - ex-idol that used to be in a multicultural boy group based in seoul, south korea called GALXSEE. eleven member group based on the solar system. he thought that was too many members and he wasn’t wrong. main dancer, subvocalist position, rapped a lil bit. he was one of the more charismatic members, so he was a fan favorite. despite being short. short king did what he did.
- he wasn’t a trainee for long and he did debut! successful, too. one debut, two comebacks later, and his leader, gunwoo, got busted because he was doing cocaine off of a volume of dragonball z manga backstage at the inkimusic show. everyone else was appalled but virote was just like, ‘ don’t kick him out. have you SEEN our sleep schedules? i’ve been thinking of freebasing speed and caffeine tablets by the dozen. ’ 
- decided that selling the ~boyfriend fantasy to a bunch of fangirls when he’s both gay and weirded out by fans in general wasn’t for him. not like the group was gonna get anymore leg in the industry. coke king gunwoo park’s scandal made sure of that.
- in the end, vi didn’t care. between the fans and the sasaengs and the diets and the lack of freedom and needing to be a robot for the sake of public consumption selling a load of bullshit that only idiots fell for, he knew this shit wasn’t cut out for him and he went back to america. to vinewood. he’s more popular in the art scene than he is as an actual celeb, but he’s choreographed for a lot of famous folks, guest spotted on fame or shame, and has appeared on television a few times in super small roles.
- vinewood isn’t great. it isn’t even good!! but he can cry in his car in public and drink a smoothie and no one will bother him. he has a late night radio show on mirror park called the mixtape exchange! it's a mess. please stop calling him with your bullshit. he will break your legs.
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throughtheglasswalls · 10 months
Formerly mahoushoujotennyo.
This is a sideblog to chishigure. You are not required to follow the main blog.
From my Craig blog cuz I'm too lazy to rewrite this disclaimer:
As South Park is known to make fun of what goes on in the world and also make jokes that may make people feel uncomfortable (racist jokes, gay jokes, literal poop and fart jokes, even using slurs, etc.), please DO NOT follow this blog if these are a trigger/squick for you/make you feel uncomfortable.
I'm indecisive with age sometimes, so depending on verses, by default Karen is probably 18 and still trying her best to cope with her overall PTSD
Kenny/MysterionxKaren is a big no no here. Mun thinks incest is icky even though Karen has no idea that her brother is Mysterion, but that is her brother so uh ye... nope.
Likely very low activity due to working a full-time job and having other things to do in life. RP is just a hobby and not priority.
All art on this blog used or reblogged are not mine but their rightful and wonderful owners.
Will mostly use Goldia from Pocket Mirror or Cardia Beckford from Code Realize as Karen's faceclaim
My name is Celes, and I am very sleepy
Sauce for arts used
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calclaws · 7 months
9 and/or 10 for the ask game
Thank you for the ask!!!
9) worst part of canon
I hate the trans Garrison arc for the most part. Although I found some parts of those eps funny. But I hate the first episode. It's just not even funny. I know that's a pretty basic part to dislike especially because I have gender dysphoria myself and I'm sensitive about it. I know it's South Park so people act like you're not allowed to be offended by it because it's South Park. I think that's stupid. Tbh I don't think I would have liked it if I felt it just tried to offend people all the time. I think there's a way to go about offensive content and satire and sometimes I feel South Park misses the mark or does it well. Probably controversial opinion but I actually liked the Board Girls ep because to me it mocked the narrative of trans women joining sports just to beat cis women. I mean....they literally said that he wasn't really a trans woman and the plot was so over the top and silly that I saw it as mockery of the narrative. Like that ep where the Japanese were selling Chinpokomon to kids to get influence them to bomb Pearl Harbor. Then the other plot was about Cartman being upsetti spaghetti that the girls were better at board games than the boys so they wanted to kick them out...kind of mirroring how women's teams were invented because men couldn't handle being beaten by women (i think? I heard that and im not citing my sources). But idk maybe im wrong. I obviously don't know the intent. I can only make my own analysis. People are gonna see things and want to use it to be reinforce their own narrative. However, since I am an idiot with an English degree I think that my media interpretations are always correct and im smarter than everyone. (jk)
Anyway, I'm getting way off topic. But whatever.
10) worst part of fanon
I'm gonna be so boring and I admit I have no idea....😭😭😭😭Fanon stuff doesn't often bother me because while there are ways I'd never write a character, I often don't mind reading it or seeing it. Plus it's South Park. They're children in the show and somewhat inconsistent and easy to project upon. I feel you could do a lot with them. I'm also not the most well-versed in what people do tbh.
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johnbazley · 9 months
On The Impossible Past, On The Miserable Future
The Menzingers, misery, and forward momentum
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“I’m just freaking out, yeah, I’ll be fine.”
- The Menzingers, “The Obituaries”
I’m a wreck lately. My bank account is back to double-digits. Unemployment won’t call me back for an update on the two months of backpay I’m supposedly entitled to but haven’t received a cent of. I tell my girlfriend I’m going to stop drinking for a while because I think it’s affecting my sleep, but really, I want to stop because I’m not sure I can anymore. A week or so ago, I got a parking ticket in Asbury. I stopped by the liquor store for three minutes to buy a four-dollar wine bottle opener and came back to a ticket in my windshield wiper because I didn’t put two dollars in the parking meter. I grabbed the ticket, careful not to crumple it in my hand, and when the car door closed behind me, I screamed as loudly as I could, just to feel something in the back of my throat. When I got home, I sobbed on the couch for an hour. I told Jo that I wished the parking enforcement agent had just killed me instead, and I meant it.
I’ve been putting on my bravest face through all of this, but I’m not sure I can do it anymore. The other day, I woke up cold and so full of dread, so decidedly unmotivated about the fact that I had no choice but to live out the next twenty-four hours in my skin, that I scared myself. I took a walk on the boardwalk at night just to be alone for a bit and listened to The Menzingers’ On The Impossible Past as loudly as my headphones would allow.
On The Impossible Past is a punk rock album about nostalgia from a speaker who is certain that life has only gotten worse with each passing year. That second thing is the part that resonates with me: the present is awful, until it’s in the past, at which point it doesn’t seem so bad anymore. And look, I’ve spent enough time alone in my bedroom, or driving on the Parkway, or riding the subway in the middle of the night, thinking about my own past that I know I can’t remember a year where I spent even most of its days happy. I think it’s a feature of my depression. It’s impossible to see joy in the present; it’s only visible in the rearview mirror. Singer Greg Barnett sums it up at the end of the second verse in “Gates”: “You’ll carve your names into the Paupack cliffs, / just to read them when you get old enough to know / that happiness is just a moment.” It’s an old picture with a friend you haven’t spoken to in years, a box of mementos and old birthday cards under your bed, your initials carved into a cliffside in an attempt to make the momentary infinite. 
When I lived in Queens, the thing I missed most about my hometown in New Jersey was these walks along the boardwalk, from Asbury to Belmar and back. The way it quieted down when I walked there at night, alone with my thoughts and the sounds of waves and seagulls clashing over whatever found its way into my headphones. Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Bradley Beach, Avon-By-The-Sea, over the bridge into Belmar, the walk back to my car, parked alongside Deal Lake to avoid the parking meters in Asbury. The way the boardwalk changed in texture from weathered driftwood to polymer to concrete as I walked south though the neighboring towns. My feet sweat in my shoes, my ears rang from my music up irresponsibly high, I watched the horizon as barges carried cargo along a sliver of Atlantic, and I thought about coming and going, passing through. It calmed me when I needed it. 
The boardwalk is packed these days. I think everyone’s looking for that same feeling I sought, an escape. I can’t blame them for looking.
There’s a bridge in “Mexican Guitars” preceded by a beat where the guitar rings out. For a moment, it sounds like the song is over, like a new song has crept its way over the hill, into view, some small glimpse into an answer to all of this misery that Greg Barnett has invoked. Then, there’s a brief moment of clarity. Greg sings: 
“I did what I did to get away from this,  ‘cause everything that's happened now has left me a total wreck,  and everything that I do now is meaningless,  so I'm off to wander around the world for a little bit.” 
He continues, as the chorus kicks in for the first time: 
“So does anyone know the best way to go?  Which road that I could take to get to Mexico?  ‘Cause I’m so sick of living in this ditch  with only the memories in the back of my head.  I’m on cruise control  and the radio’s on.  Yeah, they’re playing that song  that we both learned on our Mexican guitars.” 
There’s a sense memory here that draws back that moment of happiness: a song comes on the radio that reminds the speaker of learning to play guitar on a Mexican Fender, an affordable alternative to the pricey American-made models. It kicks in as the driver’s on cruise control—moving forward in a straight line for such a long distance that holding a foot to the gas pedal would be physically cumbersome. If there’s an antidote, a surefire way to relive the moment that is happiness, it’s forward momentum. It’s aimless ambulation. Before the final chorus of “Casey,” Barnett reinforces the idea by employing Springsteen-esque car worship: “Just tell me when you're ready, I'm all packed to go / to search for that old place we found forever ago. / Oh, and we could take my car, yeah, she’s still got the spirit / we could live, we could live, we could live, / and no longer just have to hear it.”
I don’t know if anything’s better anywhere else. I don’t know if there’s some old place or some new place that could possibly serve as a refuge to the uniquely horrifying moment. I read a lot on Twitter and in the news about how this country had a record number of new cases this week, how many hundreds of new cases New Jersey reports each day. But it’s hard not to wonder when you spend every second at home.
I worry that I’ll look back on this time nostalgically. I’m afraid I’ll miss it, erase the sharp edges and long for this miserable, impossible summer, where I spend most of my time browsing the internet, playing video games, and watching movies every night with my girlfriend. I worry I’ll forget the anxiety, the depression, the grief. And when I get to thinking too much about that, I start to wonder if I can really trust myself at all. What if things aren’t as bad as they seem? What if I look back on everything nostalgically because things aren’t so bad in the first place? Do I really need money and a job to be happy, to be at peace? How am I supposed to feel about that?
I don’t have the answers at the moment. All I can say is that, a few nights ago, when I walked in a straight line to Belmar with On The Impossible Past in my headphones, I felt as close to an answer as I’ve ever felt. On “I Can’t Seem To Tell,” Greg sings “I can’t seem to tell if it’s my head or the earth that’s spinnin’ around,” and I nod my head, slowly at first, then sharply.
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manwalksintobar · 11 months
July 2020
The madness of each ordinary day versus the language of someone raised by history versus someone raised by a virgin. I’m mostly interested in the devil's story
because know there's some devil in me. I still live like someone somewhere will clean the vents of my home anatomy, but I am the only person who lives here.
According to Memphis Slim what looks like singing has its roots in slaves’ casting shade on oppressors, a cotton field of them stooped weeping jeremiads of sweat. Marlon Brando's snake-
skin jacket in The Fugitive Kind cursed Marlon Brando's leather jacket in The Wild One so that Brando himself became a black person on opposite sides of a mirror calling the other Demon.
I am a man named your father's name or I am the heroin flower vendor vending stolen flowers in the park. I am Ambrose Black-Blake, the Butcher,
Or Ebenezer Nebuchadnezzar, the Lying King. Or a man who thinks winning is the whole point of everything while losing only highlights loss.
I am known, when entangled in great and minor trouble, to berate my own damn self. You find every kind of human being human in every way every day.
If you are the only person to observe a particular trait in yourself, how trustworthy is the observation? People who have been loved poorly may or may not be cursed
to love poorly. You know how you don't know how to describe your own face without looking in the mirror? You know how you never can tell a curse from a bad day?
That intermittent chirping coming from somewhere in the house is a smoke alarm's dying battery not a mine canary. Growing is never not a part of being grown. Most
big decisions are made without me and you every day too. I'm just so accustomed to adjusting to everything. How often must I tell you I was born to a sixteen-year-old black girl who
had three siblings with different fathers in the projects of South Carolina in 1971, after a neighbor raped her? If there is no solution,
a problem is not a real problem by definition. When my mother's grand- mother was alive, she lived on the dark potions of a beautician
with a mouth full of hairpins, and an enchanted freehand above the minds of ladies looking to feel more lovely beneath their lovers' hands.
Like her ambidextrous skinny silver scissors refining and lining the edges of her extra-fine extra magic touch, my hands were made for beautiful things.
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[ Mirror Verse and Normal Verse round boys. ]
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queenbvadva · 6 years
Day:6 AU
Mirror Verse by http://synapticfirefly.tumblr.com
Some mirror verse art by: http://sleepyeule.tumblr.com/
(Warning blood and gore)
Eric hated the normal in this town. It was cruel, hardcore and he was sure if he didn’t have Kyle to care for him he would have died long ago. Eric only wanted to spread some Christmas cheer this year and hopefully get a bit more than $10 worth of donations this year. Yes, this year he was determined! He had Kyle’s Christmas present wrapped and packed away ‘Kyle’ messily scribbled on the wrapping paper. He had it hidden under his countless ‘ugly’ sweaters he owned. Today he decided to go with his Rudolf one for the extra warmth. Today was going to be a good day! He could just feel it! Even if later tonight was purge night he could make the most of the day! He got his iconic blue scarf that he had gotten from Kyle and wraps it around his neck carefully. He sat on his bed slipping his feet into his snow boots before getting up grabbing his bag full of medical supplies. He checks to make sure he had everything before heading out of his room to the front door.
“Ma I’m heading out!” He didn’t hear a response so he assumed she was busy doing something. He shrugs and heads out the door, locking it behind himself.  Today was going to be great! It snowed last night so there was a layer of snow that covered the sidewalk and street. There was something satisfying about the crunch of snow under his boots and he smiled softly inhaling the sweet smell of pine. It was a comforting smell, a homely, safe smell. Though his moment of peace was ruined by the sounds of a car screeching down the road. Eric watched helplessly as he someone walking down the opposite sidewalk gets crushed against the truck and a lamp post screaming in agony. He covered his mouth with a shaky hand staring bewildered as he watched the girl flail under the truck trying to shove it off. An arm wraps around his shoulder forcing him to walk down his stairs and down to the sidewalk. He glances up at the arm seeing none other than Kyle Broflovski with a slightly annoyed sneer on his face. Eric glances down at his watch seeing that he was in deed late.
    “I-I’m sorry Kyle… It’s just… I was…” Before he could even manage to stutter out some sort of reasonable excuse Kyle cut him off.
    “Don't.” Kyle’s words were firm and harsh making Eric let out a submissive whimper but nods anyway. The two walked for a while and Eric tried to focus on the sound of the snow instead of the girl’s screams. Kyle seemed to be in a bad mood already today so he decided it was best to keep his mouth shut. The two approached the High School, Kyle was nice enough to escort the shaky Eric to his locker as the first bell rang.
“You’ll be ok?” Kyle mumbles under his breath and Eric looks up to see a gentle look on Kyle’s face. That was a rare sight especially how paranoid Kyle normally was in school. Eric nods softly a gentle smile creeping on his face at the sight. Kyle felt safe with him, safe enough to smile in public.
“Yeah… Yeah… The first bell rang, you should hurry and get to class.” Kyle nods his expression going back to it’s normal stone cold appearance before he head to his class, sneering at a few classmates who looked at them funny. Eric smiles opening his locker and grabbing his notebooks and books he would need for class. He took a breath and nods smiling, he said today was going to be a good day! He could still turn this day around. He’d go through class, get good notes, hang out with Kyle then get donations! He set out to his class with a hopeful mentality, though that didn’t get him far. He whimpers in pain and surprise when he was shoved against the lockers.
“Look at this gay little fag!” Some unknown guy chuckles as a crowd starts forming. He was wearing a North Park sweater, this couldn’t be good… If Kyle found out... Eric quickly turns trying to walk away.
“Excuse me…” he says politely crowd only laughing at him. The guy only grabs Eric once more slamming him against the locker harder this time holding him there making tears brim his eyes from the pain.
“Aw what’s the baby gonna do? Cry?” Eric tried his best to hold his tears back as the crowd laughs mocking him once more. He scanned the crowd for any signs of help. Kenny was only watching his arms crossed curiously, he wouldn’t be getting any help from his ‘friend’ today. A painful punch to the eye brought him back to reality, he could feel the swelling happening already but the guy punched him once more. Eric grit his teeth trying his best to bear through the pain. He braces for another punch but instead he was dropped to the ground his scarf leaving his shoulders. Eric goes wide eyed, or the best he could with his black eye at his attacker seeing his beloved blue scarf in his hands.
“N-No wait!” He calls pathetically trying to grasp the scarf. The guy only laughed evilly pulling it away.
“What? Did your mama make it for you?” With that the male cruelly ripped his scarf in half. Eric felt his heart drop to his stomach. He watched helplessly as the guy lifted the scarf victoriously to the crowd. Eric stumbled to his feet tears now dripping from his face. That scarf, that was so dear to him. That Kyle had trusted to him was now torn in half.
“Aw look at the baby cry!” The guy laughed in Eric’s face. Before Eric even realized what he did his fist slammed full force into the guys throat making him fall back onto the ground choking. When the realization hit he goes wide eyed stumbling back in surprise at his own actions. He quickly gathers his scarf that the male dropped scanning the crowd seeing none other than Kyle burst through looking at the male and then Eric.
There was something he had never seen on Kyle’s face in that moment. W-Was Kyle scared of him? Eric gripped his scarf parts pathetically bursting through the other side of the crowd shaking badly and sprinting as far as his legs would carry him. He was running surprisingly fast, faster than he had ever run in his life. He didn’t care where he would end up he just couldn’t face Kyle. Finally out of breath Eric took the time to look around at where he ended up. He was on Main Street by Photo Dojo. He took a soft breath, he was smart enough to not stay on Main Street for long. Eric made his way to the playground whipping a bench clear of the snow. He sits down and looks at his scarf sadly opening his bag looking for a sewing kit. He had sewn enough of Kyle’s wounds and old stuffed animals that Kyle had torn that he should be able to fix it. The day faded before he even realized it. He sighs contently lifting his scarf up checking his sew work. It wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t bad either. The sun was starting to go down so he checked his phone. His mom must be worried sick. His phone was blown up with messages. Kenny saying something about how ‘awesome’ what he did was. Most of the text being threats from Kyle for what would happen if he didn’t answer. He scrolled through a good four pages of text before he came across some messages from his mom. He at least deserved to explain to Kyle what happened. He pulls his knees onto the bench hugging them from the cold calling Kyle. The phone only got to one ring before Kyle picked up right away.
“Where the fuck are you?!” He hisses angrily. Eric couldn’t help the soft smile that crossed his face. Kyle was worried about him.
“I… I’m at the playground… I… Kyle I’m sorry… B-Because I… I-If I didn’t fight then… you would still..” a few tears slip down his face not helping with the fact he was cold at all, he let out a pathetic laugh.
“I’m sorry that I worried you… I-I just couldn’t face you after I…” The silence from Kyle was killing him. Did Kyle hate him now? What if he didn’t trust him anymore? The tears started to stream down his face now at all the possibilities.
“Eric.” A breathy voice says drawing his attention away from his phone to his left. At the gate stood a very tired Kyle his face warped in a confusion of anger and worry. Eric could only stare helplessly as Kyle marched up to him. He couldn’t even care if Kyle killed him, he didn’t deserve to look at Kyle so his eyes went to the ground.
“I’m sorry Kyle…” He whispers watching his tears splash onto the snow. Instead of meeting the cold end of a blade he was pulled into a warm hug, Kyle sitting next to him now.
“I was so worried…” Kyle whispered. If Eric even breathed he would have missed it. Kyle’s attempt to comfort Eric went much better than he expected as Eric now sobbed onto his shoulder ruining his jacket with a mess of snot and tears. Kyle rubs Eric’s back trying to comfort him. He calmed him for almost thirty minutes before Eric passed out from pure exhaustion on his shoulder.
“Geez… You’re too trusting Eric…” he mumbles softly gently wrapping the scarf safely around Eric’s neck once more. Kyle lifts Eric bridal style into his arms carrying him back home. Eric was cold, even freezing. Eric’s nose was now a runny red and his face a bit more pale than normal. Ms.Cartman gladly let Kyle in, knowing well that he was one of the main, if not the main reason Eric was alive. Kyle carried Eric up to his bed laying him gently on the bed pulling the blankets over him. A soft rare smile crossed Kyle’s face at how soundly Eric slept. Like nothing was ever wrong in the world. Kyle places a soft gentle kiss to Eric’s head.
“Sleep well.” he mumbles into Eric’s lovely brown hair. Kyle pulls back going back downstairs explaining to miss. Cartman about his plan for tonight. The last thing he needed was for miss. Cartman to freak out and try and shoot his men. Miss. Cartman as expected was enthusiastic about getting extra protection for Eric. Even if Kyle’s security system was top notch. Kyle headed out with a soft sigh getting ready for a long night. Kyle and some of his other men stayed guard at Eric’s house in case any North Park members decided to get their revenge. He couldn’t take the chance of losing Eric. At about 1am Kyle’s phone goes off and he quickly picks up without hesitation.
“What?” he hisses coldly through the phone. There was silence for a few seconds before Eric’s sweet voice came across the line.
“are you outside…?” Kyle smiles softly and let out a soft hum.
“No, it must be some demon.” Eric whines unhappily through the line.
“Kyle that’s not funny!” Kyle let out a short laugh before going quiet at the sound of rustling his eyes landing on a rabbit. He relaxes once more hearing Eric sneeze through the line. It wasn’t a surprise he got sick.
“Get some sleep Shayn.” Kyle muses through the line.
“I will… Be safe… Promise?” Eric whispers softly the words melting Kyle’s heart. There was nothing quite like the feeling of knowing someone was waiting at home worried for you.
“I will… Now sleep.” with that Kyle hung up first looking up at the night sky as snow started to drift down. Today wasn’t too bad of a day.
Eric woke up the next morning with an ice pack to his eye, his mother probably placing it there to try and help with the swelling. Eric smiles softly at the thought of Kyle carrying him home. It was a sweet action, probably more than he’ll get through the next year. So he dedicates the thought to memory storing it in the back of his mind in case he’d ever need it. Wait a minute… The realization hit him. Kyle was in his room. Where Kyle’s present was hidden away. He quickly got out of bed flinging the covers off and stammers over to check if it was still there, sighing in relief at the present. It wasn’t anything too fancy but Eric had spent almost all his money on it. Underneath that wrapping was a silver watch that Eric noticed Kyle had his eye on. Knowing that it was safe he closes the drawer.
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noizy-bunny · 6 years
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Mirror Verse Cartman cause I fucking love him and the mirror verse. Idk I drew in a normal art style for once. And of course I based this off @sleepyeule ‘s design for Mirror Verse Cartman  I love your art btw Eule 
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mintless-tefie · 3 years
W I P ! ! !
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We still have to finish, but when I discovered the @sleepyeule au from South park Mirrorverse, I needed to draw them, especially Craig.
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rubenpupen · 3 years
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I have no words to describe this SP AU. It's too perfect. I love it))))
AU: @synapticfirefly
Designs - @sleepyeule
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neidandem · 4 years
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annistar · 5 years
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Just read ‘In a mirror, festively’ and I love this au so much it would be illegal for me not to draw it
Design inspired by @sleepyeule!
(P.S. sorry if it’s blurry!)
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bonchama · 5 years
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Being new to freaking tumbler, posting wise, I freaking posted on another blog then this one.......T0T*.
Moving on, drawing Eric as a soft marshmallow is so different to me.....but it is now life. @synapticfirefly , @sleepyeule have ruined me with their Mirrorverse au. UwU
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emilyartstudio-s · 6 years
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It’s In The Water
Character Design: @sleepyeule 😩👌
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