#source. [ f.ate. ]
guhamun · 7 months
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Name: Percival
Class: Lancer
Noble Phantasm: Longinus Count Zero
Species: Human (Servant)
Gender: Cis Male; he/him
Height: 6'4’’ (195 cms)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Origin: Britain
+ Protective, loyal, trustworthy, chivalrous
- Can be a bit stubborn, sometimes things fly over his head
A sincere knight who values decorum, he has been described as pure-hearted on occasion. Acting calmly without doubting or losing his temper at others, Percival known well for his patience – a trait that must have been necessary for some of his more bullheaded comrades. Percival is well-liked by children and animals that meet him for the first time, though said person is unaware of this fact. When he was alive, he used to stand in Camelot's garden in the morning sunlight, letting little birds rest on his shoulders and arms.
It is during battle that he shows a harsher side of himself, but this shift is seen only during battle. He frequently fusses over his juniors, especially those younger than him as he has a tendency to take on a more guardian, or to some, big brother-like role. This extends to his fellow Servants as well as the Master whom he wishes to look after with the same tenacity. A genuine soul, Percival values honesty, and as such, does not conceal his thoughts or opinions.
Percival, the Holy Knight of the Dove, was a member of the Knights of the Round Table led by King Arthur, holding the 2nd Seat. There are many tales of Percival’s birth, though if asked about his home, he will casually state that he was raised in a forest by his mother. The details after that are not important – so he would say. What was, was that he came to prove himself worthy of becoming a Knight of the Round Table. Eventually, in time, he embarked on a quest to find the Holy Grail with Sir Galahad and Sir Bors, a quest recalled most fondly by him as he was able to bear witness to its miracle. Though there are many versions of this tale, this Percival came upon a version of the Holy Spear, Longinus, perhaps guided by fate to do so as if chosen by the spear itself to be wielded by him. Through his journey, he became an enemy to a sorcerer named Klingsor who too sought to use the Holy Spear, albeit for purposes less than pure. Attempting to bar Percival from continuing, he sent his servant, Kundry, to him in hopes that he would be bewitched, and though her kisses had the power to enthrall men with the same ease of a Siren’s song, it did not work on the Knight of the Dove.
Bearing Kundry no ill-will for her attempts at seduction, he was able to confront Klingsor, and through that battle with the assistance of the spear, claim his victory. Kundry disappeared never to be seen again, but her flowers bloomed around the throne of Klingsor’s fortress, the beauty of them remaining deep within Percival’s thoughts even as he left and eventually returned back to Camelot. What happens after all of this? What other tales are there for this knight? There are many, just as there are many for the others as well. In the end, however, he eventually fell with his beloved kingdom, dying with no regrets in his heart for he had given his all to both his king and to the place he called his home.
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resolutepath · 23 days
💥 ( gilgamesh )
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Gilgamesh is one who does not give himself the luxury of expressing his more vulnerable feelings, and in fact, those are only reserved for ruminating over in the quiet, be it standing atop the ziggurat, lounging somewhere on whatever he has made his throne or on the moments during a journey when he is alone with his own mind. Gilgamesh understands the role he plays within his society a little too well, so while he is audacious, and has his moments, shall we say, he never allows himself the to go the other way. To be vulnerable or indecisive or hesitant. There is no place for it, he cannot permit himself to give in to it.
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darabeatha · 2 years
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/  I talked before about the paralels of the myths that surrounded king A.rthur and C.onstantine XI in a post before, but it has never crossed my mind to think about how his design could reflect this; basically tsun sent me a post on reddit where someone gave a possible explanation for the drastic change of color on C.onstantine’s outfit in his final ascension (going from black+magenta to white/marble-ish color + magenta) and the way it makes s o much sense has me y ellin g tbh-
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(r.eddit post)
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viijaya · 2 years
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(list from x)
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kotaerukoto · 1 year
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[chugs five hour energy since I've been awake for over 24 hours] I really do think that G.alahad and how he's (along with A.rtoria, B.uddha, S.olomon, and others) used to talk about saviors is fascinating. So one idea that F.ate is fairly consistent on is the concept that people want and need heroes/saviors/leaders/figures to pin things on (think people vesting their hopes in A.rtoria/the image of the king and pushing all of their evil onto A.ngra, things like that), but to become a hero involves some kind of self-sacrifice. In a lot of cases like A.rtoria (Saber), what the potential hero chooses to sacrifice is their own humanity and/or personal desires. In other words, dehumanization. A.rtoria was seen as inhuman as her reign kept on, S.olomon was seen as inhuman by G.oetia, G.alahad was seen as heartless by M.erlin, and B.uddha was the one who attained enlightenment. The idea of wishes and desires is important, since that's exactly what the earthly Holy Grails (think the F.uyuki Grail and things like it) are meant to grant, with the most extreme example being the Golden Grail that D.raco has. That Grail is explicitly called "an inversion of Christ's words", specifically: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth." (Matthew 6:19-21). Since the earthly Grail here is about the granting of wishes, the treasure of the earth in this context must mean the desires of humanity, and following that Christ's Grail (the true Grail that G.alahad obtained) should not store them. Thus, in order to obtain the Grail and transcend to something higher, the obtainee must be free of personal desire, which is exactly what Fate's G.alahad was: he asked God for nothing, which made even S.olomon feel inferior. The Grail, which was returned to heaven along with Galahad at the end of the Grail Quest, is therefore linked to the Buddhist ideas that appear every now and then in TM. One of the central ideas of Buddhism is the freedom from desire and attachment and the eventual achievement of enlightenment and freedom from suffering, which Nasu has mixed with the meaning of the Grail, which could only be obtained by the purest of people-- in other words, someone without desire. G.alahad didn't have the one wish he had in the source text, where he asks to be with God. He was someone without wishes or personal desires, who is one of the few who completed what he was meant to do in life (G.rand Order) (epic title drop). G.alahad is a little different from, say, A.rtoria, who didn't completely discard her humanity. G.alahad is simply a selfless person, the purest and greatest of knights. But I digress. Inevitably, there probably has to be that kind of transcendent savior: someone who is free from personal desire, who does not pile up the treasures of the earth, in order to save or lead humanity in a time of great need. Or at the very least, people believe there has to be and desire one.
But at the same time, it has to be said that this isn't a refutation of the more concrete motivations of normal people who are NOT those kinds of messiahs or saying that they're in any way lesser: the protagonists often have or develop these more grounded wishes, and one of the ones that keeps showing up is the desire to live. Think S.hirou crying to I.llya that he wants to live at the end of HF (HF is the thematic conclusion to S.hirou's character), S.ieg dragging himself out of his test tube because he doesn't want to die, H.akuno refusing to roll over and die in the prelims because they wanted so badly to live and fight on their own terms, G.uda pushing forward and never giving up even in the face of the impossible not because they wanted to save the world but because they wanted to live-- This attachment to life and existence is, funnily enough, one of the opposites of Buddhism, which is about freeing yourself from attachment and desire. Even outside of just Fate, there's S.hiki in T.sukihime, who just wants to live the best he can for however long he's going to stay around on this earth before he dies. And for most people, that's fine. Most people are not heroes nor will they become one. Everyone is just trying to do their best. All humans are trying to do their best. It has to be said that, in Fate stories, these more mundane wishes end up pushing past more glorious ones too.
P.S. I couldn't find a way to elegantly fit this into the main text but the image of G.alahad set against N.ero fits pretty perfectly with how she's related to the earthly Grail. At first glance she seems larger than G.alahad, but his silhouette eclipses the statue.
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12piritarch · 1 year
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EVEN ACHILLES WAS ONLY AS STRONG AS HIS HEEL:     indie original character with verses in f.ate/, f.ire e.mblem, g.enshin impact, p.okémon, as well as more general verses including fantasy & superhero. p.romo template credit in source.
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ardenssolis · 2 years
anon said (inbox):
🌼🌸 anon here to make your day a bit sweeter !! you're an amazing person and i hope you've had an amazing start of the week. now, onto some nosy questions: where do you get your inspiration for your character(s) from? are there specific types of medias that have influenced the way you write or maybe even specific writers (maybe even from the rpc)? anyways, i hope your week continues to be sweet and amazing because the best of the best is what you deserve, dear friend !!
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[Hello again, anon! Sorry for getting to this like days later kjhfdsfds. I was out of town and only had my phone but like -- the original source is pretty much where all my inspiration comes from ffsdffsfs including just learning about the time period in general from watching documentaries to just reading up on things. P.rince of Egypt is a reeeally big one since I think that’s where a lot of inspiration for some things in Ozy’s past comes from in the F.ate series. There’s not really any medias that had influenced my way of writing that I’m aware of. I just write and let the words flow the way they want to flow for the most part. That aside, thank you for appearing again! I hope you had a really good week too! ^ O ^)/]
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sundescended · 2 years
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                     #SUNDESCENDED  ―   𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘   Independent  &  selective  𝑲𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑨  (  lancer  )  from  the  𝙵𝙰𝚃𝙴  series  written  by  Smol  (+18;she/her).  For  my  own  comfort,  please  do  not follow  if  you  are  under  18.  Rules under  read  more  !  
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ABOUT: Karna (Sanskrit: कर्ण, IAST: Karṇa), also known as Vasusena, Anga-raja, and Radheya, is one of the main protagonists of the Hindu epic Mahābhārata. He is the son of the sun god Surya and princess Kunti (mother of the Pandavas), and thus a demigod of royal birth.
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VERY HIGHLY SPORADIC ACTIVITY. My attention wanders all over the place so this blog will remain as low acitvity, If this isn´t ur cup of tea then I would advice to consider again following.
I am not an expert historian! so although I do my best to research about the muse im writting and the source where they come from, I (politely) ask u to pls understand that if in any case I happen to not be aware of certain aspects about the Mahabharata and/or Karna himself, it´s due to the fact that well, I am not an historian and I ask u to pls do correct me (politely) (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
mun & muse are both +18 (mun is 22 currently!)
Not affiliated with the Fate fandom.
Duplicates & crossover friendly !!
general dni criteria applies here
If you are not aware of F.ate as a franchise or the game F.go pls do not feel scared of interacting! there is no need to have prior knowledge about the universe where my muse comes from and if you have any questions i’m always happy to answer !
I will not assume any sort of relationship beforehand between our characters except platonic as a first stance; I ask you to please respect this and not assume anything from my Karna as well. Just like any relationship (of any kind) it will require development.
Alongside this post, please do not assume or dictate me how to write my own muse, this has happened before and it makes me very uncomfortable (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)  
Due to his character, this blog will remain as Fewship & very HIGHLY selective. I´m more inclined to ship with friends / people i know / people I can click OOC wise more, yet if you are interested in developing something between our muses, be it platonic or romantic, I am certainly not against that if the chemistry is present ! Aside this, i will not ship with underaged muses nor with underaged muns.
muse does not equal mun & I do not condone my muse´s actions.
And that´s it! apologies if any of these sounded harsh, let´s just respecc each other and have fun! thank u for dropping by!
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tanzoshi · 2 years
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/  I’ve talked before about how funny it is to me to ship my f.ate muses with other f.ate muses even if the characters themselves have had no sort of connection before or on their og sources, but now im thinking about crossover ships and how its also such a funny idea when u think about it outside of the development the ship itself had like;; let’s say I ship one of my g.enshin muses with Gilgamesh, at the end of the day,, gilgamesh would be dating Ayato Kamisato- and isn’t that funny in a way?
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spinarosae · 4 years
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❝ — First, I’ll stand on the battlefield, and let their gaze fall upon me. And then, I will simply weep. And on seeing how deeply they hurt me, they will weep. And in the morning, I will stand before them again, and I will sing. ❞
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             # 𝑺𝑷𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑨𝑬  ― 𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘   Independent  &  selective   𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑶 𝑪𝑳𝑨𝑼𝑫𝑰𝑼𝑺 𝑪𝑨𝑬𝑺𝑨𝑹 𝑨𝑼𝑮𝑼𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑺 𝑮𝑬𝑹𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑪𝑼𝑺  (  From the  FATE series  )  Written  by  Smol  (+18;she/her).  For  my  own  comfort,  please  do  not follow  if  you  are  under  18.  Rules  &  important  stuff  regarding  my  portrayal  under  read  more  !
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NOTE : Although her outer personality might feel familiar to how she’s been portrayed in f.ate, as I tend to follow canon (to some extext) do note that some things might diverge from what you might believe Nero stands for/ is to you, as my portrayal of Nero will not be compromised to only one source and I ask you to please do not tell me how to write my character, but will instead be my mix of all the media i’ve been able to read across the years, be it the various different games where she’s appeared + historical context + other interpretations of Nero that have appeared be it based on movies, books, etc.
NOTE : Nero is a character who is naturally drawn to beautiful things and beautiful people; my Nero might grow interested in a character she may consider as ‘beautiful’ in her eyes yet this does not mean I am attempting to force a ship ! nor does it mean that she is genuinely in love with said character (unless it did eventually develop into a romantic kind of love). It is simply the nature of her character, as a lot of times it tend to be more of ‘deep admiration’ paired with a romantic outlook on life despite the tragedies it holds (again, traits that are part of her and her story) than romance as in being in love (unless again, it happened to develop into something else) ships will require development just like any other kind of relationship !
IMPORTANT:  my  portrayal  regarding  Nero  will  be  very  largely  based  on  her  as  a  summonable  servant  +  bits  of  history  +  my  own  interpretation  +  headcanons  about  her,  etc  etc .
this is a REVAMP from my old Nero blog/s !
VERY HIGHLY SPORADIC ACTIVITY. My attention wanders all over the place so this blog will remain as low acitvity, If this isn´t ur cup of tea then I would advice to consider again following.
Although I have read a lot about the historical Nero, I am not an expert historian and since a lot of what I’ve read dates quite some time, I apologize if i make any mistake/s as I try to catch up again with my previous knowledge, so I (politely) ask u to pls understand if in any case I happen to make a mistake, it´s due to that (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
mun & muse are both +18
Not affiliated with the Fate fandom.
If you are not aware of F.ate as a franchise or the game F.go pls do not feel scared of interacting! there is no need to have prior knowledge about the universe where my muse comes from and if you have any questions i’m always happy to answer !
Alongside this post, please do not assume or dictate me how to write my own muse, this has happened before and it makes me very uncomfortable (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
Due to his character, this blog will remain as Fewship & very HIGHLY selective. I´m more inclined to ship with friends / people i know / people I can click OOC wise more, yet if you are interested in developing something between our muses, be it platonic or romantic, I am certainly not against that if the chemistry is present ! Aside this, i will not ship with underaged muses nor with underaged muns.
muse does not equal mun & I do not condone my muse´s actions.
Other F.GO blogs at @oldestking​ (G.ilgamesh) ; @wieldedhonor​ (A.rthur P.endragon) + @hopemerged​ (A.rash K.amangir) @darabeatha​ (F.GO multi feat Me.db) amongst others-
And that´s it! apologies if any of these sounded harsh, let´s just respecc each other and have fun! thank u for dropping by!
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resolutepath · 1 month
[ META ] + greatest possesion vs. what he wants to possess ( gilgamesh )
"Does my treasury have a limit? It does. It surely has a bottom. But it is also the deepest depths of human knowledge. The time will come when you understand, eventually." - Gilgamesh.
If you asked Gilgamesh, he would claim that every single treasure in existance is simply his to own and therefore why would he bother quantifying that which he possesses for it does not matter. If it exists, it is his.
Practically, however the most valuable thing in his possession during his period as King of Uruk is the Holy Grail that the Three Goddess Alliance seek to acquire and also the heroes of Chaldea. Simply, it gives him all the bargaining power and keeps him in control of the ongoing situations that he is managing.
In terms of things he wishes to possess, that is much harder, given his mentality is that everything is his to own. In the end the things he wishes to possess tend to be those that are owned inherently by others and cannot easily be taken from. In which the only way he can stake a claim on such things, is to stake a claim upon the person. Salem's talent for art would be such a thing, things that are new to his experience are others.
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darabeatha · 3 years
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                # DARABEATHA  ― 𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘   Independent  &  selective  𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄  only  feat.  𝐅𝐆𝐎  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒  Written  by  Smol  (+18;she/her).  For  my  own  comfort,  please  do  not follow  if  you  are  under  18.  Rules under  read  more  !   /   Important ! : my portrayal will be based on my muses set as summonable servants (set on FGO)  + bits of historical facts + my character’s original source; in regards to their fate interpretations, some might differ from what is established in canon   /   Rules and muses under read more !   / chibi commissions post
Primary : Constantine XI (rider) / about ; Ashwatthama (archer) ; Vlad III (slighty canon div) ; Jason (saber) ; Camazotz (temp. assassin) ; Odysseus (rider) ; Daybit (crypter) ; Tezcatlipoca (grand assassin) ; Charlemagne (saber) Moctezuma II (Avenger) ; Duryodhana (rider) ; Ritsuka Fujimaru (master) ; kukulkan (-) ; tlaloc (pretender) ; Nitocris (caster) ; Moriarty (ruler) ; Nero Claudius (saber) ; Asclepius (caster) ; Antonio Salieri (Avenger) ; Morgan le Fay (Berserker) ; Baobhan Sith (Archer) ; Barghest (saber) ; Oberon (pretender) ; L.ucifer (?) ; M.ichael (?) ; Edmond Dantes (Avenger) ; Arjuna (Archer) ;
Secondary: Ritsuka Fujimaru ( based on R.itsuka F.ujimaru Doesn’t get it ) ; Hakuno Kishinami (fate/extra CCC) ; billy the kid (archer) ; Sherlock Holmes (Ruler) ; Diarmuid (lancer) ; EMIYA (archer) ; Mandricardo (rider) ; Prometheus (tbt ) ; Hermes (tbt) ; caeneus ( lancer ) ; Medb ( Rider) ; Dumuzid (?) ; Tristan (archer)
note: muses who have their own blogs/used to write but could make an appearance in here if im too tired to switch blogs/ or upon request: gilgamesh (caster & Archer) Nero Claudius (saber) nitocris (caster), arash (Archer) Mandricardo (rider), Edmond Dantes (avenger), Sherlock Holmes (ruler), Achilles (rider), Robin Hood (Archer) , Billy the kid (Archer) , Lancelot (saber), Ishtar (Archer), Ereshkigal (lancer), Francis Drake (rider), Blackbeard (canon divergent + rider) + saito hajime (saber), dioscuri (castor rider)
this is a TEST blog, meaning that I am currently testing this muse
VERY HIGHLY SPORADIC ACTIVITY. My attention wanders all over the place so this blog will remain as low acitvity, If this isn´t ur cup of tea then I would advice to consider again following.
I am not an expert historian so I (politely) ask u to pls understand if in any case I happen to make a mistake, it´s due to that (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
mun & muse are both +18 (mun is 21 currently!)
Not affiliated with the Fate fandom.
Duplicates & crossover friendly !!
If you are not aware of F.ate as a franchise or the game F.go pls do not feel scared of interacting! there is no need to have prior knowledge about the universe where my muse comes from and if you have any questions i’m always happy to answer !
Alongside this post, please do not assume or dictate me how to write my own muse, this has happened before and it makes me very uncomfortable (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
Due to his character, this blog will remain as Fewship & very HIGHLY selective. I´m more inclined to ship with friends / people i know / people I can click OOC wise more, yet if you are interested in developing something between our muses, be it platonic or romantic, I am certainly not against that if the chemistry is present ! Aside this, i will not ship with underaged muses nor with underaged muns.
muse does not equal mun & I do not condone my muse´s actions.
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And that´s it! apologies if any of these sounded harsh, let´s just respecc each other and have fun! thank u for dropping by!
❝ ― ❞ "ㅤ"
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viijaya · 3 years
                                                  𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘩𝘢  –  𝘰𝘯𝘦  𝘸𝘩𝘰  𝘪𝘴  𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬.
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                  Hi  hi!  ᕙ⁽  •̀ ᗜ •́  ⁾ᕗ  welcome  to  my  lil  blog !  This  is  an  ind.  &  Sel.  blog  for  𝐀𝐑𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐀  from  the  𝙵𝙰𝚃𝙴  series  written  by  S.mol  ( +18;she/her ).  For  my  own  comfort,  please  do  not  follow  if  you  are  under  18.  Rules under  read  more  !    /    please if you are a personal blog (non rp blog) I would greatly appreciate if you do not reblog my posts directly ! the reason behind this is that since this is not a personal blog, it makes me lose track of activity in regards to my rp partners. Thanks for understanding !
Important ! : my portrayal will be based on him as a summonable servant (set on FGO)  + bits of historical facts + my character’s original source ( the Mahābhārata )
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VERY HIGHLY SPORADIC ACTIVITY. My attention wanders all over the place so this blog will remain as low acitvity, If this isn´t ur cup of tea then I would advice to consider again following.
I am not an expert historian so I (politely) ask u to pls understand if in any case I happen to make a mistake, it´s due to that (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
I am not interested in drama ! so please do not attempt to drag me into anything ; if you have an issue with me, let’s speak like adults in private
mun & muse are both +18 (mun is 21 currently!)
Not affiliated with the Fate fandom.
Duplicates & crossover friendly !!
If you are not aware of F.ate as a franchise or the game F.go pls do not feel scared of interacting! there is no need to have prior knowledge about the universe where my muse comes from and if you have any questions i’m always happy to answer !
Alongside this post, please do not assume or dictate me how to write my own muse, this has happened before and it makes me very uncomfortable (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)
Due to his character, this blog will remain as Fewship & very HIGHLY selective. I´m more inclined to ship with friends / people i know / people I can click OOC wise more, yet if you are interested in developing something between our muses, be it platonic or romantic, I am certainly not against that if the chemistry is present ! Aside this, i will not ship with underaged muses nor with underaged muns.
muse does not equal mun & I do not condone my muse´s actions.
And that´s it! apologies if any of these sounded harsh, let´s just respecc each other and have fun! thank u for dropping by!
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
me following a bunch of f.ate order blogs having no idea about the source material:
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resolutepath · 1 month
Salem was used to sharing open spaces with others, such was a fact of life. They usually let the world slip away from them when in the middle of creating a masterpiece, and yet, the phoenix is aware of Gilgamesh, aware of his curious gaze and it's distracting. Hands pause in clay, head turning to gaze at the King over their shoulder, one golden brow winging upward. ❝ ━ Have you come to watch how it's coming along ? I cannot say I'm pleased that you're distracting me, King. ❞ An amused smirk curls pink lips, and they turn back to their task, ❝ ━ You have duties, no ? This won't happen overnight. Give me free reign to do what I'm good at. ❞ It's not a dismissal, but Salem would hope Gilgamesh doesn't bother them unless it's something worth interupting Salem's creative process.
The piqued curiosity for the artist is a new sensation for the covetous King, used to his wishes being in that which he can lay claim to without abandon, the treasures of the world all of his to own. And yet, this gift is not his, nor something he can lay his hands upon, something instead that he can only watch as he watches them create exquisite designs with their hands, to breathe life into the dull and fill it with wonder and beauty. It is alluring to watch, a bated breath held in the very moment, and vexing in the way it calls for his attention.
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"I grow weary of the duties of the day and as King I can do as I please..." There is some truth in his words albeit only that they extend as far as claiming a moment's respite from his clay tablets and audiences. Truthfully he is diligent and will press on with his task to the best of his abilities, once he has sated the itch that calls him to investigate the artist's work, to see what new creation is being drawn from nought but raw materials.
"Come, join me for a meal." Though offered in question his tone is nearer command, the mark of one too used to getting their own way. "You would not have it said that Uruk and her citizens were bad hosts to you now, would you? I would be most insulted. " A meal and then they can both return to their respective tasks and that gnawing feeling within might finally leave him be.
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resolutepath · 2 months
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the things I do for myrd
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