#source: the rich get richer and the poor get prison
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lemuel-apologist · 1 year ago
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thedreadvampy · 4 years ago
On the other hand, and moving away from direct Mechanisms Discourse (which I prefer to not get over involved in tbh but also this ISN'T about that it's just jumping off it) - it absolutely is deeply classist to assume that somebody is illiterate or ignorant because of poverty/assumed poverty, and that's a huge problem. but also I think on a broader social level (at least in the UK) there is an idea in the left that it's classist to acknowledge the connection between poverty and illiteracy, while the truth is that illiteracy is a problem of poverty (poverty not in the sense of just Not Having Money but in the sense of system denial of adequate resources). Poverty doesn't = illiteracy but illiteracy is very much a problem of poverty - not a failure of a marginalised individual but a failure of the system marginalising them.
Adult illiteracy is a surprisingly large issue in eg both rural and urban Scotland, but it's not because poor people are stupid, ignorant or unwilling to learn - it's because schools are inadequate or inaccessible, classes are managed not taught, teachers are stretched thin and schools are underfunded so don't have resources to help struggling students, if you get to secondary school still unable to read and write you're completely locked out of the educational system unless you can access a school with the resources to teach you individually, and because of this, classism and a lack of support, poorer kids are more likely to switch off school as early as possible.
Social geography is also a big issue. In urban areas, schools in poorer areas get bad reputations, so they're underfunded, so they do worse, so they're funded less, etc, until they're a bare minimum of staff just trying to get through the day in collapsing buildings with no resources and five textbooks. Where better-funded schools can afford teaching assistants, 1:1 support for struggling students, decent food provision for kids, follow-up on children in need of support at home, more teachers for smaller classes, maybe counseling and psychological support, maybe Special Educational Needs classes for older kids to work on basic literacy and numeracy to catch up, worse-funded schools have one underpaid unsupported teacher trying to manage a class of 35 kids with wildly different needs. They don't have the resources to help support kids with issues that might affect their schooling, like parental abuse or neglect, trauma, a parent in prison, care responsibilities, hunger, homelessness, neurodiversities that affect their ability to learn in the prescribed way, learning disabilities like dyslexia, physical health issues including visual or auditory impairments...all things that when supported are highly surmountable but when unsupported often end up with children being perceived and treated as stupid, disruptive or evil. The problem then compounds itself because the kids are badly treated which makes them more disruptive and less able to learn, and more and more work is needed to help them which teachers continue to not have any capacity or resources for.
Rural poverty comes with its own schooling issues as well, in that poverty is generally correlated with remoteness. Poor rural communities are often hours away from population centres, so either you have tiny highly local schools serving a handful of families where a single teacher needs to invent lesson plans that somehow balance the needs of 11 year olds and 4 year olds of all abilities, or your kids need to somehow get into town every morning before you get to work, which may mean dropping them off at 6am, having to part pay for buses, taxis or ferries, sending them on their own, or leaving them with friends and family, and realistically the way that often shakes down is that they don't go. You teach them at home, and they may not even exist for the truancy office to know about.
Literacy is also connected to family culture. Both my parents were people with degrees from educated families, and my mum was a full time parent, and the result is that school didn't teach me to read - I was already a confident and enthusiastic reader. Even richer families may hire tutors for small children, pay for extracurricular learning, etc. The poorer a family is, the more likely neither parent is available to spend time reading with their kids, because they're working full time - at that economic level a single income household is almost entirely unviable so either both parents work or there's a single parent working extra hours or they're just exhausted from worrying about the bills and what's sold to them as a personal failure to look after their family.
One thing it's easy to forget is that while people in the UK still do drop out of school in their teens to work, a generation ago it was almost the norm for a lot of communities (especially the children of farmers, miners and factory workers) to have left school well before the end of compulsory education, both because of school being a hostile space and because of the need for an additional income. Now as well as then, a lot of kids drop out to work as unpaid carers, disproportionately in poorer families that can't afford private care or therapeutic support. Literacy aside, generations of leaving school with no qualifications doesn't tend to teach you that formal learning is as important as experience and vocational learning, and you don't expect to finish anyway so why put yourself through misery trying to do well? But it includes literacy. I grew up in a former mining area and a lot of people my dad's age and older were literate enough to read signs and football results, but took adult classes in middle age or later to get past the pointing finger and moving lips. and if you're parents don't or can't read, it's a lot harder for you to learn.
There's a lot of classism and shame tied up in the roots of illiteracy. Teachers and governments and schoolmates will often have vocally expressed low expectations of poorer students; a rich child who does poorly at school has problems, a poor child who does poorly at school is a problem child. They're often treated with hostility and aggression from infancy and any anger or disinterest in school is often treated not as a problem to be solved but as proof that you were right to deem them a write-off. Poorer or more neglected children (or children for whom English is a second language) will often be deemed "stupid" by their peers, and start at a disadvantage because of the issues around early childhood learning in families where parents are overstretched.
Kids learn not to admit that they don't know or understand something, because if you start school unable to read and write and do basic maths when a lot of kids your age are already confident, you get mocked and called stupid and lazy by your peers, and treated with frustration by your teachers. So kids learn to avoid people noticing that they need help. That means that school, which could help a lot, isn't somewhere you can go for help but a source of huge anxiety and pain - more so when you factor in the background radiation of classism that only grows as you get older around not having the right clothes, the right toys, the right experiences, my mum says your mum's a ragger, my mum says I shouldn't hang out with you because you're a bad lot - so again kids switch off very early and see education as something to survive not something helpful.
The same is very much true of adult literacy. A lot of adults are very shamed and embarrassed to admit that they struggle with reading and writing - a lot of parents particularly want to be able to teach their kids to read, but aren't confident readers themselves, and feel too stupid and embarrassed to admit out loud that they can't read well, let alone to seek out and endure adult literacy classes that are a constant reminder of their perceived failure and ignorance (and can also be excruciating. Books for adult literacy learning are not nearly widespread enough and a lot of intelligent experienced adults are subjected to reading Spot the Dog and similar books targeted at small children's interests). Adult literacy classes also cost time and also money, so a lot of people only have the space for them after retirement, if at all.
And increasingly, illiteracy (or lack of fluency in English) increases poverty and marginalisation, and thus the chances of inherited literacy problems. Reading information, filling out forms and accessing the internet in a meaningful way are all massively limited by illiteracy, and you need those skills to access welfare, to access medical care, to avoid exploitative loans, to deal with any service providers, etc. Most jobs above minimum wage and a lot below require a fairly high level of literacy, whether it's office work or reading an instructional memo on a building site or reading drink instructions in McDonalds. Illiteracy is a huge barrier between somebody and the rest of the world, especially in a modern world that just assumes universal literacy, and especially especially as more and more of life involves the internet, texting, WhatsApp, email, and so on - it's becoming harder and harder for people with limited literacy to be fully involved in society. And that means the only mobility is downwards, and that exacerbates all the problems that lead to adult illiteracy.
People who can't read after the age of 6 or so are treated as stupid. People who can't read fluently when they're adults are seen as stupid and almost subhuman. There's so much shame and personal judgement attached to difficulty reading, but the fact that illiteracy is almost exclusively linked to poverty and deprivation is pretty conclusive. Illiteracy isn't about the failure or stupidity of the individual, it's about the lack of support, care and respect afforded to poor people at all stages of their life. Being illiterate doesn't make you stupid - many people are highly intelligent, creative, capable, thoughtful, and illiterate. I know people who can immediately solve complex engineering problems on the fly but take ten minutes to write down a sentence of instruction. It isn't classist to say that illiteracy is caused by poverty - it's both classist and inaccurate to say that illiteracy says anything about the worth, intelligence or personhood of the poor, that it's a result of a desire to be ignorant, or that it's evidence that people are poor because they're stupid, incapable, ignorant or bad parents. The link between poverty and illiteracy is the problem of classism and bigotry, no more no less, and we deal with it by working against the ideas that both poverty and lack of education are a reflection of individual worth.
Illiteracy isn't a problem of intelligence, it's a problem of education, and that matters because education is not inherent. it's something that has to be provided and maintained by parents, by the state, by the community. you're not born educated. you are educated. except more than a quarter of the Scottish population isn't educated, because the system doesn't give a fuck about them and actively excludes them or accidentally leaves them behind.
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poulpichou · 4 years ago
Government failures and fucked-upperies in France
Ok, so I recently wrote a bit about the situation with police brutality in France, but now I would like to tell you more about WHY the government needs the police so much. A lot of my sources will be in french (and marked (F) like this) because there are a lot of cases that didn’t make it to the international press. Many sources also come from the newspaper Mediapart and require a subscription.
I’ve had a lot of people telling me “BuT It’S nOt ChInA” and let me tell you, yes I know it’s way worse in other countries (Peru, Thailand, Nigeria and so on, a lot is happening right now in the world), but where the fuck do you draw the line? The kind of things I’m gonna tell you about is unacceptable, and so hypocritical when a country calls itself a democracy and the land of human rights, and we should be angry about that and try to make it change. Here I’m talking a lot about Macron but let’s not forget that many current problems began under Holland’s presidency, who was supposed to be from the left, and even before. Alright, here we go.
President of the wealthy
Soooo let’s begin with how Macron was elected by wealthy people: half of the 16 million euro collected for his campaign was financed(F) by 1200 people, mostly living in Paris, by banks, and also by rich french people living abroad. So of course the first thing he did when he could was to reward them for his victory and he cut their taxes in december 2018. He deleted the “taxe on fortune” that was in place for 40 years (minus 3 years under Chirac first presidency) and replaced it with another that taxes way less, in the name of trickle down economy (you know, the same way Thatcher and Reagan did) saying that rich people would invest more and thus creating more jobs. Of course that didn’t happen and rich people just got way richer without any effects on poor people.
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At the same time, he cut down housing benefits for students and poor people (1/4 of people between 18 and 24 are under the poverty line) and cancelled housing helps for 50,000 people. In december 2018, he wanted to pass a law that would increase fuel prices in the name of ecology, but that would once again mainly affect working and middle classes. That’s how started the yellow vest movement, because people were becomming poorer and poorer and they felt like the government only gave to the rich and took from the poor.
In 2018, 14% of the french population was under the poverty line, and 21% suffer from food insecurity and it has only worsened since.
At the end of 2019, a student even set himself on fire at his university because he was in such financial distress he couldn’t go on anymore.
Yellow Vest movement
If you have to read one article about it, it’s this one.
In 2017, Macron said in one of his speeches about a train station that it was “a place where one encounters people who are succeeding and people who are nothing”. The yellow vest movement came from these “people who are nothing”. For the first time in decades, people who were not heard, people who didn’t have a place in the political landscape in France were on the front scene. A lot of protestors never demonstrated before, or even engaged in politics. Many of them now protested because “they had nothing else to lose” (F). People were angry from not being listened to and being used only to allow rich people to get richer, and oh boy they showed it in the street.
The first protests took the government by surprise. They were not expecting the numbers of protestors, nor their determination. The protest were also completely different from the demonstration the state was used to deal with: there were no official leaders, making it really difficult for the government to negotiate, demonstrations were often not declared beforhand in prefectures (F), and people were systematically targetting (F) banks, major brands like Apple or McDonalds and luxury shops, causing millions euro worth of damages.
On the 1st of december 2018, protestors in Paris took over the Arc de Triomphe and completely overfloaded the police.
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One policeman said afterward that on this day, “the Elysée could have fallen” (F). Police forces were not prepared, the right orders were not given at the right times and some police company were surounded by furious protestors. The same policeman said that in that moment, “they forgot about their code of ethics”, that they were just shooting rubber bullet wherever they could and “trying protect their life”. The following weeks, police put on steel fences around the Elysée and members of the government and their collaborators were asked to lock down and put away all of their documents(F) before the weekly demonstrations, in case the protestors were able to take over the buildings.
It was a turning point in the protests, and from then the orders given to the police changed completely. From then they’ve been allowed to litterally do whatever it took to keep the country in order. The government understood that the last thing between them and the furious people they betrayed was the police, and that’s precisely why they are trying to give them even more power today with the law on global security (see my last post, and probably a next one I’m gonna write soon because it would be too much for this post).
Since December 2018, a journalist, David Dusfresne, documents and keeps count on the police brutality, first on twitter and then on the online newspaper Mediapart(F) (TW for really graphic pictures of wounds and blood). For now he counted 4 deaths, 30 people who lost an eye due mainly to rubber bullets, 6 who lost a hand due to detonative grenades (France is being the only european country to use them against its own population), 346 wounded to the head (fractured skull mainly, due to the rubber bullets and baton blow) and a total of 969 documented reports on police brutality (and that’s only for 3 years).
Since then, a total of 9 police officers have been judged guilty, 7 of them being only suspended temporarily and avoiding prison, with only 2 of them ending up in prison(F) and being expelled from police forces.
People began to record the police more and more to prevent any brutality or to have proofs in case it happened, and then the police began to target journalists and anyone who had a camera.
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They began to lie to people, telling them it’s forbiden to record the police (for now it isn’t), they forced photographs to delete their photos in the middle of demonstrations. They covered their ID number on their uniform (F), they covered their licence plates.
The government also began to talk about legitimate protest, aka the peacefull one, and put the name of “casseur” (thug) on anyone who would be too angry. to their taste, saying that the latter were taking the former in hostage. Basically they were saying tht yes, protestors took aver the arc de Triomphe, but it was only hooligans who just wanted to burn things, nothing political behind that.
Here began the preventive arrests (F) before demonstrations (arresting people who had done nothing on the only presumption they will), the arrest of journalists, the arrest of people having masks and protection glasses on them. From now on the administration can ban someone from public demonstration without going through the justice system.
Between November 2018 and November 2019, around 3,000 person(F) from the yellow vest movement were senteced to community services, fees, suspended prison sentence, and for 1/3 of them prison sentences. Those numbers are underestimated because many cases have not been judged yet. Some protestors were sentenced for shouting slogans(F), for wearing protective masks(F) (F), other were sent to prison for damaging radars(F) on highways, or for filming riots while wearing a yellow vest(F). There has been a massive tendency(F) for the state to sue people for “participation to a gathering with the intent to commit violences against persons or goods”, allowing them to give fees, community services or even prison sentences to people based only on the intent they gave them. Many people found guilty of attacking police forces were judged with the only proof being the declaration of police officers, and even though a lot of them claimed to be innocent they were still sentenced because they couldn’t bring proof of their innocence.(F) Amnesty International talks about the criminalization of demonstrators(F) that’s happening in France and warns about the instrumentalisation of laws that goes against international law. (F)
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The ban on masks (they can be considered as weapons) during demonstration allows police to take protestors(F) who have some on them or in their car to the police station for a maximum of 48h for the sole purpose of making them miss the demonstration. This law is not applied nowadays because of Covid, but it still exists.
With the yellow vest movement, the part of the population who wasn’t used to the police actually began to endure what POC have been living for decades.
France is a fucked up racist country. It was born in colonisation and slavery, and still rely on its former colonies to prosper economically. Young men perceived as Black or Arab are 24 more times likely to be stopped in the streets. The overwhelming majority of people killed by the police are black or arabic(F). When the police kills POC, the judiciary system often refuses to do a full investigation, refuses to hear some of the witnesses, refuses to watch some of the video tapes from surveillance cameras (F). A lot of autopsies are proved to be ballant lies, founding heart diseases(F) or blood infections(F) when the victim was actually killed by suffocation due to ventral tackle, a police technique that got France sentenced by the European court of human rights (F).
Since the mid 90′s, France has special police forces for working-class neighborhoods, the Brigade Anti-Criminalité (BAC), that operate in suburbs (in France rich people live in the city center and poor people in the suburbs) where a majority of imigrants and people from black and arabic descent live. BAC agents are all volunteers, they act in unmarked cars and civilians clothes and can carry weapons(F).
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Their purpose is to roam the streets and to catch misdemeanor in the act, and they’ve been known (as well as regular police) to harass population by proceeding to systematic identity cheks(F) (often outside of what’s allowed by law), by insulting people(F), provoking people with racist and homophobic insults(F), by beating them(F) and charging them for “outrage” or “rebellion”(F) when they protest (charges that always give reasons to police officers when there’s no recordings of the arrest and allow them to get money for the prejudice). There have been reports of torture on adults(F), tennagers(F) and children(F), and cases where the BAC agents took victims to quiet places so they could beat them up(F). There have also been reports of agents inventing charges when their provocations didn’t push the victim to confront them(F).
They are basically above the law. There have been cases of massive corruption(F) where the agents returned to their unit(F) after the end of their suspension, and the person who leaked the info got fired.
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As they are field agents, their role is also intelligence: they gather intells in the suburbs and they also infiltrate demonstration(F) and wear the attire of “casseurs”, to gather intells on violent individuals. Since the beginning of the Yellow Vest movement, they’ve participating in containing demonstrations as well even though they don’t have any training in that field.
Police is being extremely violent against refugees, particularly in Northern France and what used to be the “Jungle” of Calais. Amnesty International reported that police had been beating refugees with baton, confiscating their clothes and tent daily during winter (it also happened in Paris(F)), urinating on their tents, spraying teargas directly in the face of sleeping men. A group of 4 associations also issued a report(F) on police harassment against volunteers who helped refugees, with as much as 646 instances of police harassment and abuse against volunteers between November 2017 and June 2018 in Calais. Human rights observers reported harrasment techniques such as body search of female volunteers by male officers, insults, pushing, threats of legal suits and threats of arrest. Volunteers who reported these behaviours were told by the police internal investigation body that the reports where defamatory and could constitute a crime.
At the beginning of the year, associations that were not approuved by the state were forbidden to distribute free meals to refugees(F).
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France has always been an islamophobic country but it has been more public and accepted since the 2015 terrorist attacks. Many laws promoting laicity are actually used to target Islam:
The ban of public display of religious items in public institutions (schools, libraries, government buildings) target mainly women wearing hijabs when many mayors keep on installing nativity scenes during Christmas(F). In 2016 some cities made wearing a burkini (full body covering bathing suit) on the beach illegal and we had some astonishing scenes of police officers asking a women (who wasn’t even wearing a burkini) to undress on the beach in the name of the law.
The law that says people have to uncover their face when being in a public space only target muslim women and is now completely useless as we have the obligation to wear a mask everywhere
The law that says street prayers have to be autorized in prefecture beforehand only target muslim community: when a muslim association organized a street prayer(F) in 2017 to protest their eviction from their place of cult in the city center they were charged 10,000€ (5,000€ from the association and 5,000€ from its president), whereas catholics students organized a street prayer(F) last month and didn’t face any charges. Legally, any autorization must be asked more than 3 days in advance and in both cases it was only asked on the day before.
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Following the killing of Samuel Paty, a teacher who was attacked mid october for showing caricatures of the prophet Mohamed in class, four 10 years old children were arrested for “terrorism apology”(F), interrogated for 10 hours and their houses checked by police forces in full gears. The minister of interior also disolved the Collective against Islamophobia in France, saying that, since it was prottesting against anti-terrorist laws (that are super islamophobic) it was promoting radical islamism and terrorism. A minute of silence was imposed in schools and the names of people who didn’t follow the procedure were given to the minister of education, who said “none of them will be left unpunished”.(F)
To sum up: the government is being super islamophobic but muslims who voice their concerns are seen as radical islamists and are associated with terrorists.  Furthermore, it’s now easier for islamophobic people in government to ban associations or to pass shady laws thanks to the state of emergency.
State emergency
Following the 2 years of state emergency (2015-2017), France passed a law against terrorism(F) that normalized a lot of the state emergency’s characteristics: it took power away from the justice system to give it to administrations, directly under the control of the government.
The government, who previously had to be accountable in front of a judiciary judge, can now do many things under the only control of an administrative judge(F). The actions of administrative judges are controled by the council of state, and the president of the said council is the prime minister or the minister of justice, named by the president.
Here is what they can now do(F):
place people under house arrest with obligation to check in police stations every day for a maximum of a year
deny or restrict access to public events to some people, or proceed to body search
make someone wear an electronic bracelet when they didn’t commit any infractions
close places of worship for a maximum of 6 months when the ideas discuted there promote hate, discrimination, violence or terrorism
require people to give their login of any account on internet to the police
investigate on civil servants using secret services files
create a national centralized file with the names of people travelling in and out of the country by plane or boat
With the autorisation of a judge of freedom and detentions, they can also search houses and seize computers or phones to inspect the contents.
If people refuse to do any of the above when they are asked to, they risk 3 years of prison and a fee that can go up to 45,000€.
The offense “terrorism apology” was used against hundreds of people, with a large proportion of them being underaged (1/3 of them in 2015), sometimes for something as unsignificant as a non-violent facebook comment, a situation pointed out by Amnesty International(F). The NGO also highlights the fact that the fear of being considered as an extremist or the fear of facing judiciary consequences sets limit to freedom of speech.
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Since 2015, the government has used the power given to them by the state of emergency to place 24 environmental activists under house arrest for the duration of the COP21(F) and to search the house of people who were protesting against the construction of an airport(F), construction potentialy linked to corruption(F), and also to close temporarly more than 30 mosques and install security cameras inside(F).
The consulting national commission on human rights pointed out a “highjack” of the state emergency, that was used to silence protestors, unions and refugees with abusive means, like unnecessary handcuffing, adults and children being aimed at with assault riffle during house searches and house being damaged during searches.
2015 was also the year of the Intelligence Act, a law that allows inteligence agencies to install scanning devices on the infrastructure of telecom operators so they can collect data on communications that are likely to reveal a terrorist threat.
Covid 19
When the epidemy started to be problematic in France in February 2020, hospital workers had been on strike for 11 months(F) and were asking for doctors and nurses jobs opening, and more beds in hospital. At the beginning of february, 600 administrative hospital workers had quit(F) so they were not “accomplices of the management of misery”. Healthcare workers had been saying for years that the deterioration of the working conditions in hospitals were gonna lead to patients death.
Since the beginning of the 2000′s, 100 000 beds have been removed(F) from hospital services and there has been a budget cut close to 12 bilions euros(F) for the health services.
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Then comes Covid 19, and the government asks health workers to always do more with less, in the name of common good. We applaud them at our windows every night, and then they don’t get the bonus(F) the government promised, the healthcare system doesn’t get any budget increase and even worse, it still has to face a 800 milions cut in the middle of the pandemic(F).
The newspaper Mediapart issued a report(F) exposing the lies of the government:
They decided to get only small quantities of masks at the beginning of january against experts opinion, they said the virus wouldn’t reach France.
Government lied about the usefullness of masks to prevent people asking for them when they didn’t have some to distribute to the whole population. They said it was useless, and even dangerous because we didn’t know how to use them, they actively encouraged people not to wear them, and they lied about mask shortage. I really want to insist on that point, the instensity of communication on the subject was incredible. Every day we had many different high-ranked person in the government telling us on TV, on the radio or in newspaper that we shouldn’t wear masks. They only made wearing masks compulsory in public spaces mid July, 6 months after the first case in France(F).
Healthcare workers didn’t have enough masks and thus faced higher risks of contamination but the government still allowed non essential big companies like Airbus to use milions of the precious FFP2 masks. The government still refuses to give the number of healthcare workers who died from Covid19(F), the only count we have is made by journalists, and it’s believed to be underestimated.
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To this day, healthcare workers are still on strike for better working conditions and better pay. I took this pic earlier this month from one of the firestations in my city, you can read written in white paint on the doors “understaffed, population in danger”, “18 months of strike and still NOTHING”, “Covid bonus ???” and “SOS”. Firefighters also write this on their trucks and their helmets, and hospitals have had banners deployed for more than a year now. All of these people are still working to ensure everyone’s access to health services but they refuse to transfer data to the state sickness insurance for example (and they are now facing administrative sanctions(F) and are threatened to not be given cancer drugs if they don’t end the strike(F)).
Regarding Covid, we are one of the only countries in europe to use self-filled certificates to be able to go outside. These certificates are controlled by the police, and like I said earlier, increased police controls harm a certain part of the population (young people and POC). Amnesty International issued a report(F) on the violences comited during french lockdown, pointing out repetitive and significant illegitimate actions from the police, such as beatings, use of tasers, illegal arrests, racists and homophobics insults and verbal threats. In April 2020, Mohamed Gabsi, a homeless person, was killed by the police after being arrested for being outside during the lockdown(F). The officers who killed him are still in service.
The covid crisis brought us in the worst recession we had since WW2, and the Secour Populaire (french association that helps poor people) had to help 45% more people than it helped in 2019(F). In my city, there are so many people coming for food distribution on certain days they had to install permanent fences in the street so people can queue in order.
Corruption and Other Stuff
In France (as in many other countries) it’s rare to have politicians who’ve never been prosecuted in any judiciary or administrative case.
Here I’m only gonna tell you who have been accused and who have been prosecuted for what in Macron’s government, and quite frankly it’s not exhaustive because one wikipedia page just brings me to 5 more.
The following tab is quite heavy so feel free to just check the left column with the legend.
(Now let me cry thinking about this Swedish minister who had to quit over a chocolate bar)
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(All my sources are from french newspapers, I can give them if you ask me but I’m not gonna put them here because there are way too many)
People who had to quit the first government were still appointed deputy governor of the Bank of France (Sylvie Goulard), president of the national assembly (Richard Ferrand) and chief of foreign affaires commission at the national assembly (Marielle de Sarnez). They are being investigated for corruption and embezzlement and they still have a successfull political career, and more important they still heavily influence the laws of our country and of Europe. Sylvie Goulard was even chosen by Macron to seat at the European Commission but european deputies decided it was fucked up and rejected her appointment (F).
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In this list I only talked about members of the government but there has been other scandals linked to people around Macron.
Benalla cases: It all began when we discovered Alexandre Benalla, chief of security and travels for the president, was participating in demonstration as a policeman (which he wasn’t) and used his position to beat up protestors and passerby. The rest of the case is filled with destruction and hiding of evidences(F), illegal sharing of public surveillance videotapes by the police, undeclared guns(F), illegal but unpunished use of data by the police(F) and the Elysée(F), breaking of the judiciary control by Benalla, illegal diplomatic passports and meeting with african’s leaders, russian contracts with an alleged mafia boss(F), office searchs for a newspaper ordered by the State, who tried to seize the proofs and the sources the newspaper had on the case(F) and so on. The case involves several members of the government and members of special forces, and some journalists who were writing on it were then auditionned for disclosure of state secret(F). The case in general highlighted the impunity members of the government and police officers have, as well as anyone who is close to the president, but also the dysfunction in the justice system and the impossibility for high ranked people to face justice. The fucker is still free, taunt people on twitter and still gives interviews to national television.
Kohler case: Alexis Kohler, general secretary of the Elysee and Macron right hand man during his campain, hid his personnal links to the sea transporters MSC and then attributed them huge state funds. He also lied in his involvement in the decision. We discovered Macron sent a letter to the national financial prosecutor's office to clear him, which they did, until an anti-corruption association relaunched legal proceedings. The guy is now being prosecuted for corruption and bribery. (F) (F)
Fuck the police, eat the rich, let’s forbid them from being elected, a next long post on the Law on Global Security the governement is trying to pass is gonna come soon if you’re interested.
Please tell me if you see any inconsistency in this post, I tried to source it as much as I could and to verify everything I wrote but like anyone else I have bias and sometimes I wrote things at 5am so I’m aware I might be incorrect  and I’m open to constructive criticism. Also sorry for my approximate english sometimes.
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resetmypatientviolence · 6 years ago
I’m just curious because I’m not an American... But what’s the issue in your country? Because I think America is pretty amazing
Oh god, there’s too much to list. A few bullet points:
Racist, rapist, abuser, and awful fucking person as our President, along with many other “leaders” who are exactly like that. 
Capitalism is the source of all evil and the richer get rich while they make the poor fight each other for the scraps. 
People who value their ability to own a gun over the life of a human.
Racist people, laws, communities that further serve to alienate and divide citizens. 
Trying to take away a woman’s right to their own body by having states pass draconian abortion laws. 
Locking up and sentencing people, mostly POC, to jail/prison and affecting their chances to “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” as they say (which that is wrong in itself and is impossible) all over a fucking gram of weed.
Police brutality and cops that are racist as shit and will target POC without a second thought. Along with POC receiving far harsher sentences for anything over a white person doing the same or WORSE crime. 
Judges saying rapists (if you’re white) are good boys and said rapists spending little to no time in jail. Oh, and one is also on the Supreme Court. 
Student loans are a fucking scam and making mine and below generations unable to progress in life and put on hold or not do milestones in life because we can barely afford our own lives as is. 
And currently we literally have people in concentration camps because how dare they cross the border illegally to seek a better life and safety, people used to go to Ellis Island and work their way etc, etc. It’s immoral and disgusting and these people are in literal overcrowded cages all because our government and its followers are scared of Mexicans “taking” their jobs and claim illegal immigrants gets full benefits and all of this bullshit that actually doesn’t happen. 
And that’s just a few issues. Nevermind our country literally stole and massacred native people and still mistreats them along with the countless other horrors and bloodshed this country was founded on. 
Happy 4th of July!
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anarchistnomad-blog · 6 years ago
Contrary to the myth of "Africa Rising" the developing world is infact regressing rather then developing Trump's word though racist contain hint of truth in it.
Somalia has second highest infant mortality rate and and sixth highest maternal mortality rate
Even with these shocking statistics you don't see our politicians hurrying to save these dying people but rather they will run to make legislation for resource sharing Why is that? What makes these "educated men" apathetic to the plight of their people?
Last week human rights watch wrote about the appalling humiliation and torture the Somalis faced in jigjiga prison Here is a quote from the report:
Female prisoners gave birth in their cells without access to skilled birth attendants, often in grossly unhygienic conditions. The plight of children, some allegedly born in Jail Ogaden from rape by prison guards, is especially tragic. Former prisoners said that lactating mothers received no extra food, and that children received no education. Since 2013, prisoners have reportedly not been permitted any visitors, or to receive food or other goods from relatives.
As my uncle used to say "Somali Ilaahey ba u maqan" which applies in this case really well, those who were supposed to protect us are more interested in looting state resources and making social media campaigns, yes I am talking about the Nabad iyo Nolol. How could we boast about Nabad when most our people live under fear of terrorism, how could we boast about Nolol when our people in Ogadenia are being refused to live?
I thought for many years that if the African countries could eliminate corruption everything else would solve itself, but that presupposes that the African politicians are somehow more corrupt than their whiter counterparts, I took for granted that racist rhetoric and I believe now, that is not the case.
We Africans are human beings and us humans have the capacities to create a better society and future but we have been forced to accept couple ideologies that are holding us back namely:
1. Free-Market Capitalism
2. The Nation-State system
Let me explain. If you check every country in Africa are divided into two: the small but opulent elite who live incredible well even in the most impoverished countries and the huge superfluous population that are miserable and live in horrendous conditions
Usually these elites own the productive sectors of the economy usually it's lands,mines or factories they expropriate the wealth with the help of the International corporations who also own shares, we have to go back to sixties to see how this condition evolved
In 1960's most of the African nations started to gain their independence and thus the revenues the colonizers got from looting Africa started to dwindle. The richest colony at the time Congo got their independence in 30th June 1960, young charismatic leader was elected named Patrice Lumumba who wanted to nationalize the rich mines of the nation so the country could start building itself, within months CIA and the Belgians hired a South African mercenaries and assassinated the prime minister and dissolved him sulphuric acid so his remains wouldn't be found.
After his death Mobutu came to power with the help of CIA and the colonizers. He let them keep the mines as long he got shares of the blunder upto this day the looting of Congo goes on.
This just a single country but there were many countries that tried to use their resources for their own benefit but eventually were displaced by the colonizers, Sankara in Burkina Faso or Nkruma in Ghana The colonizers killed any initiative that tried to develop on their own terms Note that it's only development when they get the share of the pie.
Ethiopias economy has been dupped the economic miracle of africa I remember seeing in Bosaso couple years ago thousands of Oromos fleeing Ethiopia to migrate to Europe wonder what they were fleeing? The Economic miracle itself?
IMF and World bank effectively force poor countries to adapt market-oriented policies like deregulation and privatization meaning the poor can't afford bread because of the inflations and the social programs like healthcare are replaced by private clinics.This Makes the poor poorer but the rich richer.
As the famous British economist John Maynard Keynes famously said:
[Capitalism] is not a success. It is not intelligent, it is not beautiful, it is not just, it is not virtuous – and it doesn’t deliver the goods. In short, we dislike it, and we are beginning to despise it. But when we wonder what to put in its place, we are extremely perplexed.”
The European countries and USA developed by violating market principles, protectionism, trade barriers, mercantilism but we aren't allowed these since they don't benefit them at all -And thats why I am against Free-market Capitalism among other moral issues I have with it.
The Nation-State was a model that was also imposed on Africa with no regard to ethnicities or historical context These new states following on the footsteps of their European counterparts started to homogenize their nations infact all throughout 60s till today literal genocides were being carried out to "purify" the recalcitrant elements of their societies. This also must be replaced if we are to develop further perhabs some sort of United States of Africa like Marcus Garvey in his poem said Hail, United States of Africa
Today Somalia is awakening from it's coma and we are on the cross-roads of history, we have the choice to choose the road to the typical african "development" or we can choose another path, a path towards a better more equal, democratic modern and industrialized nation who rejects capitalism and ethnostates, we can become the seeds for better africa.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/leftysomalia/comments/8yo3ze/_/
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jorelassicpark · 7 years ago
Imagine Being Thanos (AU, spoilers, duh)
Something I wrote really quickly.
Apologies for turning Titan into Man of Steel’s Krypton.
Imagine this: you're young, you're optimistic, you're among the brightest and best of your planet. Your family loved you. You're among friends who'd die for you. You've had one of the best upbringings you could ask for. You never go to bed hungry and you've got a job lined up for you once you complete your well-earned education.
But outside of your circle, what your family and friends ignore, is strife - poverty, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, nationalism, us vs. them, politics vs. politics, riots, hunger. Resources are dwindling while the population rises. Your hometown was once quiet, even if it was big - now it's stuffed to the gills with the rich getting richer while the middle class can't afford a house now because all the jobs are being taken by either the overqualified or the rich, while criminals prey on the poor and rich alike who're moving in hoping to snatch up a job. The schools are stuffed to bursting and the teachers get paid for shit. Your friends who start families have to start homeschooling them or scrape up money to send them to a private school to get a quality education, or keep them away from gangs that are popping up. You're assaulted twice, and criminals looking to start fights with you because you were born big break your bones. Even your family can't afford the bills anymore. You're followed by beggars - some you recognize as your old classmate from high school, hit by another recession. Some are completely out of their minds, talking to Gods that aren't there and screaming and hollering. One nearly slashes your throat open with a rusty blade because he thinks you're recording him with your phone.
You notice the summers getting warmer, earlier. Winter doesn't feel like winter anymore. Everyone knows it's the factories struggling to keep up demand spewing smoke into the air. The leaders of each country repeal the fragile environmental laws in place. Your dad used to take the family jetskiing and fishing. You can't do that anymore - the fish are completely gone and the last person who took a swim is dying in the hospital from Gods-know-how-many chemicals. Last week, it hit
In your lifetime, one war after another pops up, in one way or another. Nation A accuses Nation B of meddling in their politics. Nation B invades Nation C that used to be a part of it. Nation A's citizens argue back and forth about Nation B. The right is cleaved in half, one finding Nation B a right-wing aliy, while the other half can't forgive the shadow war waged for the last century. The left fares no better - one half despises its lack of free speech, its own bigotry, while the other half believes it to be an ally against Nation A's own longstanding issues with hatred - slavery in the past, subtle racism that keeps minorities in ghettos now, police brutality. Your nation elects a bigot who seethes against the other every day. Your university shuts down several times. You're tear-gassed by police as you try to make your way to the laboratories. You're mistaken for the Other by one faction or another and you barely escape with your health more than once.
You try to help. You donate to charity, and find the board has been stealing what should be cancer research funds to go party on their yachts. You give blood, only to read that 99% of it goes unused because the collection methods spoil it before it can be used. You
Then it hits. War comes home. Half your family is dead. Half your friends go missing, disappeared into prisons to never be seen again or simply *gone*. You used to share a room with your brother and it takes a long time for you to stop coming home and start talking until you realize the bed above yours is empty. You don't see the sun for days because there's so much thick smoke choking the air from all the bombings. What's left of your family huddles in candlelight after the power shuts down for the nth time, hoping the rifle cracks don't get closer.
The war doesn't get better. Nations are gone overnight. Another half of what remains of your family is drafted to die in a land they don't know. Half of your university is gone, also drafted into the war. In the break room, the professor of philosophy - a man you respect, a man who taught you how to debate, to question what you see, to make sense of other people's suffering - watches the news. The damage is catastrophic. Nuclear weapons poison lands irreversibly. Another scientist is quoted that out of a once roiling planet of one trillion, five billion are left, and dropping *nightly*.
The city mayor calls an emergency meeting. The food supplies are dwindling. Medicine is zero. The remaining hospitals had to put the old, the terminally ill, the critically wounded in palliative care and lie to them that they'll make it.
Something inside you snaps. Maybe it's the fact you barely made it out of an artillery shelling last night. Maybe you're so hungry that you've considered eating the bugs coming out of the rubble. Maybe you're tired of the arguments on who to banish next for some petty thing - banish him because he looks fat and maybe was hoarding food. Banish him because he used to be a racist. Banish that guy because he voted for the party that got us into this war.
You suggest everyone draw straws. One half with the tallest straws get to stay. The other half... you want to say banishment, but you've seen the girl down the street die of radiation poisoning in the gaping crater when she took the wrong path out of town.
Everyone - even your own family - stares at you like you're pure evil.
You work alone, now. Trying to find a cure, and it's hard without anyone to help you move isotopes or work the microscopes or bring you raw materials. But what you can do is math. Prove that your plan, as evil as it is, is right. You draw up statistics. You call on census records and the remaining orbital satellites to determine who is left. You sample soil and watch the clouds and orbit and temperature and all the food sources - animal, plant, and otherwise. Math is simple and easy to understand - it didn't make fun of you for being different, it didn't care if it couldn't understand you.
You have your final plea to save the world. There isn't much time to execute it, and a shred of you hopes you are wrong.
You broadcast your plea. End this. Save what we have left.
You find nothing but mockery. Your plans are broadcasted to other nations to prove yours is an evil, genocidal one when you meant nothing like it.
Another half of your city is destroyed in a bombing sweep trying to target you. The cowards didn't even spare one of their foot soldiers to do the job personally.
One night, your father wakes you up. His eyes are red, and there is something other than hollow shock in his eyes. He leads you to what is left of the laboratories. The readings are getting worse - the tremors are shaking continents apart. The oceans will evaporate in a year, no matter what anyone does. Soon, everyone who survives the quakes will have their lungs collapse into a poison sludge - if the last leaders of every 'great' nation just finally settle for Mutually-Assured Destruction.
He used to be a rocket scientist. He helped Titan meet other worlds, trade peacefully, explore the stars - and that technology is now used to deliver more missiles to nations no longer there.
His personal ship can only fit one. He says he was trying to modify it to fit the family, but that's moot now. It's just you and him.
You're not going, you say. You don't want another hole in your heart. You don't want another ghost haunting this world. You tell him he's older and wiser and he can orate and argue and that he was a diplomat. They'll listen.
You know you screamed at each other, begging not to go. You don't remember much of the exact details - but you remember one. You remember the strength you inherited from him picking you up and tossing you bodily into the cockpit.
You are in orbit when your father is proven right. Nuclear strikes scour light into your eyes. For days, you can't see anything but the memory of your planet turning to the sickest pitch black for a second is burned into your eyes forever.
You drift through space. Your father had set coordinates for the nearest friendly planet. You hope and pray for a diplomatic mission to meet you, to have some kind of shelter. You look forward to a bed and clean food, even though you know they'll probably ignore you at best.
You're beset upon by pirates, beaten to an inch of your life, your ship scrapped for parts. But you live. You manage a living doing hard labor. You work your way into the sciences. You hope this planet avoids another war.
And this world repeats what your world did.
Once again, you escape with your life on a one-man ship. And this time, war has spread through the system - into the next one. You see ships burning unnatural fires into colonies. You see planetary rings formed from endless dead fleets.
It is here, alone in the galaxy, utterly, completely alone, that you decide you will make them listen.
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tivasmanicpen · 4 years ago
Hey, disgruntled friends of mine. Let's talk. No need to send hateful and upset words to my messenger.
Give me a chance to explain myself about the things I have posted that have upset a few of you so much.
First, I may be an atheist, but I have respect for other's around me and their right to believe what they want. It was we who immigrated to this land and pillaged it piece by piece from the Native Americans. The Christian, Catholic, and other religions were not practiced by Native Americans. It was something we forced on them and others to this day. We are a Nation founded and built by the back breaking, blood, sweat, and tears of those brought here and enslaved. So I ask you. What gives you the right to continue to push your beliefs on another one of your fellow humans? Our forefathers set forth to build a strong nation built on democracy not theocracy. We are a Nation full of diversity. A nation meant to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we still have people being treated differently because of race, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs, then I am sad to inform you my friend...We are not free. In fact, we are still prisoners of backwards thinking and we as a Nation cannot move forward as strong and United. We cannot claim we are the home of the Brave if we as a people cannot ban together and agree that we have to stand up and fight against WORLD problems as one. We have become divided. Not just red vs. blue but human against humanity.
I know that we are all human and susceptible to err. It can be hard to humble yourself and say sorry, or change things about yourself. I learned from my children that I am not always right. I do not always know what is best. I have had to humble myself as a parent and admit when I was wrong and say sorry. This proves that the ability to grow and change is within all of us. If there ever was a time when we need to listen, not just listen but hear. Read expand your horizons and grow together as a Nation realizing the truth of what is really happening around us.
Truth can be difficult. Yet, truth is always something that we can process. Trump did not tell our Nation the TRUTH about Coronavirus. Trump did not validate the TRUTH of personal protection during a pandemic. As a result #Trumplied200kdied. That number is too low for Trump. Sadly, today he spent time in court getting ready to abolish Obama Care. Eliminating care coverage for 125,000 more of our citizens who have pre existing conditions. I AM one of those people. Do I deserve to die because I am no longer going to be able to pay for chemotherapy and immunologic's?
Does your mother, or brother, or fellow neighbor deserve to die?
How many lives will it take before you change your mind?
Wait there's more. You may be dismissive about the sexual allegations against your POTUS, yet I assure you they all happened. We are actually paying his court costs to fight against it. Don't believe me. Check it out. It's sickening. Being a strong woman or anyone who loves the great beautiful ladies and young ladies of our Nation should be appalled. We should be angry. I see #savethechildren and #metoo. Don't use those hashtags if you don't actually care. It's offensive. Same thing for #BLM. It is a movement designed to say enough is enough. We are not black or white or any color in between. We are Americans. We all should be treated equally and respectfully. Some argue that Trump has done more for the African American and Native American communities than any other President in history. I assure you this is untrue. I implore you to read into thing before saying Trump said it so it must be true. Lies are what divides instead of Unites. Be a truth seeker not gullible. Gullible will kill us all. The number of deaths prove it.
We have wild fires, and hurricanes, and crazy weather. New viruses, and tainted water. Lakes and rivers polluted and growing deadly bacteria and fungi. All proof that we as a WORLD not just a Nation have failed Mother Earth and she's pissed! Nature will always find a way. It is certain. We are the problem. We as a nation need to be a part of the solution when it comes to important and imperative environmental protections. Protections that Trump and his administration have stripped away. Just keep in mind no Earth no humans 🤷
We also have a wide class division that has made existing hard and unbelievably difficult for over half of your fellow Americans. Get a job you say. Work and achieve. Our minimum wages are not enough to sustain a healthy and safe way of life. We are the only species on the planet that has to work just to eat. So before you judge others keep in mind world famine is an issue and should not be. We are the worst when it comes to food waste. I hear people tell the less fortunate to go to the mission, or church, or food Bank. While I agree that there are a lot of great organizations doing great things, it can be uncomfortable for many. Most of these organizations are Christian based. You are required to pray before getting food from church pantries. At the missions you are required to pray before meals and attend their church. Why do we force others to participate in these practices in order to receive  help? It's unfair. Same thing in Public schools. It's unfair and Unconstitutional. We have hungry people all around us. We should be able to share. There is enough to go around. The rich get richer and the poor cannot get any poorer. It's not ok to starve to death. It's not ok to die from weather conditions when a roof was all you needed. Yet, it still happens. Trump doesn't care for human lives. Trump cares about his pockets. So many things you could research and see I speak the truth. If Trump cared where was he when that bell rang 200 times, once for every 1,000 people who have died. As a leader he should have been there. Saying encouraging words to the families whom have lost. As a leader he should have been there humbled and apologizing to the American people for lying. Instead he was holding yet another rally spreading Covid with a side of hate. He has publicly put down every American with disabilities, Our Veterans, Our people of color. These are not the values we as a Nation should represent nor stand for.
I see misinformed, and countless of inaccurate and hateful posts regarding so many issues. All based on the words of the POTUS. I challenge all of you before you hit that like and share button to research from a non biased source to fact check. You may surprise yourself like I have a find that not everything you read is true. Trust no one but yourself to read more than one article or piece of information to accurately evaluate truth from fiction.
I get some may not care for Biden or Kamilla. At least they stand for Democracy and not hypocrisy.
We need to ban together and fight for what we know is right. Let's evolve. Let's actually love. Let's listen. Let's SCREAM!!! Enough is Enough. #VoteBiden
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quecomico · 5 years ago
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Physical & Rational Competence
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And there is just one pretty astounding statement inside Quran once you reach the 4th Surah 82nd Ayah which in turn states that to people whom declare Quran are some things more in comparison to the phrase with Lord. For the duration of beginnings, serotonin levels is extremely crucial in bilan vital for africa which could effect on market place causes at this point claim sovereignty above advanced schooling. Women and people today involving colouring were being omitted out of a number of the thoughts developed in the actual Promise of Self-sufficiency. The voyage for you to North america commenced by using my Italian made family history through Naples, Italy in this little Mother’s area, plus my own generally Irish loved ones by my Dad’s aspect. The Quran will take are some sort of rebuttal, it’s a direction as being the starting affirms (Huda lil mutakeen). A abundant ascend to precisely the same a foot-hold because the weak; your university student isn’t an glass across the most simple movement; absolutely no German need to be ashamed to follow every work . To ensure here is the only matter talked about around Hosea 14:1.
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Since encouraged, your tactic explained inside market along with governmental developments, acting as a make of tax , Money, ,. Finally, the actual combined elements this political conflicts transpiring in the country as well as their dearth of riches in addition to prospect caused them to be would like to go on to the New Earth so that you can change independently, that’s the main immediate rationale I have been made the united states. of an individual content to pile up their particular simple fortunes a little bit at the same time, over the years by simply yr. You’ve for example the introduction of the e book involving Jonah which usually begins by stating: The phrase of your Head of the family reached Jonah the particular son connected with Elmitaeh saying? estimate after which the item proceeds for a couple as well as a few webpages. What manages to do it necessarily mean being U . Ukrainian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, worried about his world’s suprisingly low start charge, stated your dog hoped buying a home will inspire Soviets “to get more babies”. It can be informing: For those who really think you are aware of the place this kind of originate from next begins looking for blunders when you will not obtain any kind of.
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How being a much better creator essay
Based on the Dream, for instance the ability for your youngsters to cultivate upwards and be handed a beneficial training as well as occupation devoid of manufactured boundaries. has been a popular the main National mind and body only after Sutter’s Mill.” [5] With all the entrance of the model Testosterone levels following 1910, customers around countryside America were no extended based directly into regional general shops using their constrained items as well as prices compared to outlets within cities and towns. life-style, however are these claims definitely exactly what ways to actually be Us? With this essay or dissertation Let me check out if it truly is adequate to be able to accept this way of life, or if there is a lot more to be able to pinpointing oneself as an Usa by means of examining a number of key elements of yankee tradition. Can it be efficient. Is it effective.
North america is one of not many places on the globe in which it new professional college essay writers truly is next to extremely hard to outline the particular nationality by means of one particular kind, origins or religion. [22] Quite a few gurus possess documented in which despite deep-seated opinion within the egalitarian American Wish, present day U . Make see how our constructs involving control. Essentially the most affected from the Us citizens ended up being a American-Africans due to their coloration inequality.
The whole picture of an generator talent, to get results. In the specification of the actual United states Goal by way of Adam Truslow Adams with 1931, “life must be much better as well as wealthier and richer for you, using potential for just about every reported by capability or perhaps achievement” in spite of interpersonal category or perhaps situations associated with beginning. After a storm, he experienced officials which had your pet as well as 3 regarding his close friends and hang them in a dejecting prison dog house at the rear of the newest Orleans Travelling Core. The particular publicized scholarship as well as demands more significant autonomy, specially in the school an internationally conference studies.
19th century
Most he to complete would be to invest himself on the political ideological background aimed at your abstract ideals of independence, equal rights, and republicanism. [46] The idea has been shown in The Gotten United states Dream, [47] any documentary movie that will particulars the thought of a Us Wish looking at the traditional sources towards the existing understanding. Borkenau and ostendorf arrived at a practical terminology has a central issue, and important developments in your life amount scientists have on a regular basis placed in place from or maybe a experience that fresh technologies are released. People today make an effort to have the same chances because other folks.
Ver más en https://quecomico.com/comiquisimo/fotos-comiquisimo/physical-rational-competence
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 4 years ago
a million thoughts ran through Alistair´s head as he looked up at the royal. was the brunette a royal too? Ceban..was his name, was it? how could a royal be so selfless? so generous? this man didn´t seem like a royal at all. and why was he so afraid? was he a prisoner? a slave?
unlike all the other people in this town, the bard did not bow, nor did he hold any sign of awe or even respect in his eyes. to him. royals are no better than any mere peasants. if anything, they were only a quick source of money if the thief was feeling particularly risky.
he didn´t flinch when presented with the possibility of being executed either. he simply glared at the king with a look cold that wasn´t uncommon for an executioner but definitely uncommon for a bard.
but as Ceban, the apparent royal, defended the bard, that was when he really had to wonder if the brunette was really a royal or not.
and just like that, the sword got retrieved, the foul king rode off and the con artist was a sack of gold richer.
he should be..glad..right?
he ignored the stares of the commoners and took the gold as he disappeared from the scene, back to the alley where his rats were waiting for him. at least he now had the money to get a new, warm set of clothes, plenty of food for his rats and a dagger, as the one he possessed had gone quite dull.
still, he couldn´t seem to enjoy the riches, as the couldn´t stop thinking about the look on the brunette´s face. he looked..scared. horrified even.
..poor man..
"A Marriage to remember"
Fairy tale au part 10(i think??)
Rp with the most wonderful person @hes-a-rat-whisperer 💖💖💖
Pep hummed, reading the letter his sister had sent him, as his horse lazily trotted along the path. He was SUPPOSED to be out looking for some lost treasure for the kingdom of green, or whatever, but that was a lost cause from the start anyway. However, he paused when noticing two people approach him from up ahead.
"Who are you." The knight reached for his weapon, wise considering what goes on between the kingdoms.
"State your purpose or else."
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phroyd · 8 years ago
“ ... Which makes middle-class consumers — not rich businesspeople — the true job creators. A thriving middle class isn’t a consequence of growth — which is what the trickle-down advocates would tell you. A thriving middle class is the source of growth and prosperity in capitalist economies. ... Our economy has changed, lest you think that the minimum wage is for teenagers. The average age of a fast-food worker is 28. And minimum wage jobs aren’t confined to a small corner of the economy. By 2040, it is estimated that 48 percent of all American jobs will be low-wage service jobs. ... “
“ ... Business people tell me they cannot afford higher wages. Not true. They can adjust to all sorts of higher costs. The minimum wage is much higher here in Seattle than in Alabama, and McDonald’s thrives in both places.  ... Our economy can be safe and effective only if it is governed by rules. Some capitalists actually don’t care about other people, their communities or the future. Their behavior, if left unchecked, has a massive effect on everyone else. When Wal-Mart or McDonald’s or any other guy like me pays workers the minimum wage, that’s our way of saying, “I would pay you less, except then I’d go to prison.” ... “
“ ... We’re undeniably becoming a more unequal society—in incomes and in opportunity. The danger is that economic inequality always begets political inequality, which always begets more economic inequality. Low-wage workers stuck on a path to poverty are not only weak customers; they’re also anemic taxpayers, absent citizens and inattentive neighbors.Economic prosperity doesn’t trickle down, and neither does civic prosperity. Both are middle-out phenomena. ... “
“ ... An economic arrangement that pays a Wall Street worker tens of millions of dollars per year to do high-frequency trading and pays just tens of thousands to workers who grow or serve our food, build our homes, educate our children, or risk their lives to protect us isn’t an expression of the true value or economic necessity of these jobs. It simply reflects a difference in bargaining power and status. ... “
“ ... The trickle-down explanation for economic growth holds that the richer the rich get, the better our economy does. But it also clearly implies that if the poor get poorer, that must be good for our economy. Nonsense.  ... Some of the people who benefit most from that explanation are desperate for you to believe this is the only way a capitalist economy can work. ... “
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lemuel-apologist · 1 year ago
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The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison by Jeffrey Reiman
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itunesbooks · 6 years ago
The Divide - Matt Taibbi & Molly Crabapple
The Divide American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap Matt Taibbi & Molly Crabapple Genre: Political Science Price: $4.99 Publish Date: April 8, 2014 Publisher: Random House Publishing Group Seller: Penguin Random House LLC NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY THE WASHINGTON POST,  NPR, AND KIRKUS REVIEWS A scathing portrait of an urgent new American crisis   Over the last two decades, America has been falling deeper and deeper into a statistical mystery:   Poverty goes up. Crime goes down. The prison population doubles. Fraud by the rich wipes out 40 percent of the world’s wealth. The rich get massively richer. No one goes to jail.   In search of a solution, journalist Matt Taibbi discovered the Divide, the seam in American life where our two most troubling trends—growing wealth inequality and mass incarceration—come together, driven by a dramatic shift in American citizenship: Our basic rights are now determined by our wealth or poverty. The Divide is what allows massively destructive fraud by the hyperwealthy to go unpunished, while turning poverty itself into a crime—but it’s impossible to see until you look at these two alarming trends side by side.   In The Divide, Matt Taibbi takes readers on a galvanizing journey through both sides of our new system of justice—the fun-house-mirror worlds of the untouchably wealthy and the criminalized poor. He uncovers the startling looting that preceded the financial collapse; a wild conspiracy of billionaire hedge fund managers to destroy a company through dirty tricks; and the story of a whistleblower who gets in the way of the largest banks in America, only to find herself in the crosshairs. On the other side of the Divide, Taibbi takes us to the front lines of the immigrant dragnet; into the newly punitive welfare system which treats its beneficiaries as thieves; and deep inside the stop-and-frisk world, where standing in front of your own home has become an arrestable offense. As he narrates these incredible stories, he draws out and analyzes their common source: a perverse new standard of justice, based on a radical, disturbing new vision of civil rights.   Through astonishing—and enraging—accounts of the high-stakes capers of the wealthy and nightmare stories of regular people caught in the Divide’s punishing logic, Taibbi lays bare one of the greatest challenges we face in contemporary American life: surviving a system that devours the lives of the poor, turns a blind eye to the destructive crimes of the wealthy, and implicates us all. Praise for The Divide   “Ambitious . . . deeply reported, highly compelling . . . impossible to put down.” —The New York Times Book Review   “These are the stories that will keep you up at night. . . . The Divide is not just a report from the new America; it is advocacy journalism at its finest.” —Los Angeles Times   “Taibbi is a relentless investigative reporter. He takes readers inside not only investment banks, hedge funds and the blood sport of short-sellers, but into the lives of the needy, minorities, street drifters and illegal immigrants. . . . The Divide is an important book. Its documentation is powerful and shocking.” —The Washington Post   “Captivating . . . The Divide enshrines its author’s position as one of the most important voices in contemporary American journalism.” — The Independent (UK)   “Taibbi [is] perhaps the greatest reporter on Wall Street’s crimes in the modern era.” — Salon http://dlvr.it/R3n2Qd
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years ago
Countless paintings, when you look at them in xrays, turn out to have limbs that have been learned in previous ones. I tended to just spew out code that was hopelessly broken, and gradually beat it into shape. Well, I'll tell you what they want. So a company that can attract great hackers will have a huge advantage. It's hard enough already not to become the prisoner of your own. A speech like that is, in the sense that they're just trying to reproduce work someone else has already done for them. On the Web, the barrier for publishing your ideas is even lower. They didn't sell either; that's why they're in a position now to buy other companies. It's hard enough already not to become the prisoner of your own expertise, but it does at least make you keep an open mind. As Ricky Ricardo used to say, Lucy, you got a lot of what makes offices bad are the very qualities we associate with professionalism. But if you talk to startups, because students don't feel they're failing if they don't go into research.
The programmers you'll be able to set up local VC funds by supplying the money themselves and recruiting people from existing firms to run them, only organic growth can produce angel investors.1 But as long as they still have to show up for work every day, they care more about what they have in common is that they're often made by people working at home.2 Part of what software has to do is make good things.3 When there's something in a painting that works very well, you can probably make yourself smart too.4 The word now has such bad connotations that we forget its etymology, though it's staring us in the face. People await new Apple products the way they'd await new books by a popular novelist. VCs don't invest $x million because that's the amount the structure of business doesn't reflect it. When I was a student in Italy in 1990, few Italians spoke English. This turns out to be will depend on what we can do with this new medium. The problem is the way they're paid. It's a mistake to use Microsoft as a model, because their whole culture derives from that one lucky break.5
It felt as if someone had flipped on a light switch inside my head. The problem with the facetime model is not just that line but the whole program around it. But while energetic government intervention may be able to make a Japanese silicon valley, and so far is soccer. By definition these 10,000 founders wouldn't be taking jobs from Americans: it could be part of the terms of the visa that they couldn't work for existing companies, only new ones they'd founded. And in addition to the direct cost in time, there's the cost in fragmentation—breaking people's day up into bits too small to be useful. It's a good idea to save some easy tasks for moments when you would otherwise stall. They're competing against the best writing online.6 And since good people like to work on a Java project won't be as smart as the ones you could get to work on what you like. I'm talking to companies we fund? Painting has been a much richer source of ideas than the theory of computation.7
It falls between what and how: architects decide what to do by a boss. Another country I could see wanting to have a silicon valley? That wouldn't seem nearly as uncool. Nearly all makers have day jobs, and work on beautiful software on the side, I'm not proposing this as a new idea. Can you cultivate these qualities?8 It's too much overhead. But Sam Altman can't be stopped by such flimsy rules. Ideas beget ideas.
But that could be solved quite easily: let the market decide.9 This phrase began with musicians, who perform at night.10 And you can't go by the awards he's won or the jobs he's had, because in design, as in many fields, the hard part isn't solving problems, but deciding what problems to solve. And the first phase of that is mostly product creation—that blogs are just a medium of expression.11 The third big lesson we can learn, or at least confirm, from the example of painting is how to learn to hack by taking college courses in programming. Once you realize how little most people judging you care about judging you accurately—once you realize that most judgements are greatly influenced by random, extraneous factors—that most people judging you are more like a fickle novel buyer than a wise and perceptive magistrate—the more you realize you can do than the traditional employer-employee relationship. It's flattering to talk to other people in the Valley is watching them.12
The most famous example is probably Steve Wozniak, who originally wanted to build microcomputers for his then-employer, HP. For Trevor, that's par for the course. I suspect almost every successful startup has. Actors and directors are fired at the end of each film, so they have to sell internationally from the start.13 The other problem with startups is that there is a Michael Jordan of hacking, no one knows, including him. That varies enormously, from $10,000, whichever is greater.14 This is yet another problem that afflicts the sciences: math envy.15 If a hacker were a mere implementor, turning a spec into code, then he could just work his way through it from one end to the other like someone digging a ditch. What fraction of the smart people work as toolmakers. Kevin Kelleher suggested an interesting way to compare programming languages: to describe each in terms of the visa that they couldn't work for existing companies, only new ones they'd founded.
As a standard, you couldn't wish for more. Like the amount you invest, this can literally mean saving up bugs. This is a rare example of a big company in a design war with a company big enough that its software is designed by product managers, they'll never be able to get a job with a big picture of a door.16 If you throw them out, you find that good products do tend to win in the market. When I was in the bathroom!17 Once they invest in a company who really have to, but to surpass it. In this model, the research department functions like a mine. Of all the great programmers I can think of, I know of zero. And my theory explains why they'd tend to be forced to work on your projects, he can work wherever he wants on projects of your own.18
Here's a case where we can learn, or at least confirm, from the start. It has an English cousin, travail, and what it means. 5% of the world's population will be exceptional in some field only if there are a lot of servers and a lot of graduate programs.19 It seems to me that there have been two really clean, consistent models of programming so far: the C model and the Lisp model. Lisp syntax is scary. Ironically, of all the great programmers collected in one hub. You see it in Diogenes telling Alexander to get out of his office so we could go to lunch. I like debugging: it's the one time that hacking is as straightforward as people think it is. The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the borderline cases. That may be the best writer among Silicon Valley CEOs. Singapore seems very aware of the importance of encouraging startups. A lot of the past several years studying the paths from rich to poor, just as we were designed to eat a certain amount per generation.
It did. As Anthony Badger wrote, If it failed it failed it failed it failed it failed.
The unintended consequence is that the web have sucked—9. What I should degenerate from words to their stems, but I call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of editors, and the founders: agree with them. But one of these, and that he could just multiply 101 by 50 to 6,000.
You have to recognize them when you lose that protection, e.
The First Two Hundred Years. Once someone has said fail, most of their due diligence tends to happen fast, like architecture and filmmaking, but investors can get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but in practice signalling hasn't been much of the acquisition offers that every fast-growing startup gets on the expected value calculation for potential founders, if you want to learn. Whereas when you're starting a startup idea is to create a web-based applications. The reason this works is that you'll have to worry about that.
Which is not generally the common stock holders who take big acquisition offers are driven by bookmarking, not the second wave extends applications across the web was going to drunken parties.
Most of the problem is not to quit their day job.
It took a shot at destroying Boston's in the time I thought there wasn't, because living at all.
What made Google Google is much more depends on the blades may work for startups overall. Gauss was supposedly asked this when he received an invitation to travel aboard the HMS Beagle as a source of the lies people told 100 years, it would be just as you get a personal introduction—and to run on the entire West Coast that still require jackets for men.
Successful founders are willing to provide when it's aligned with the government, it would be too conspicuous. I'm not dissing these people.
In 1800 an empty plastic drink bottle with a clear upward trend. We couldn't decide between two alternatives, we'd be interested in you, you can ignore. So how do they decide you're a loser or possibly a winner.
Though they are now.
Hypothesis: Any plan in 2001, but different cultures react differently when things go well. A professor at a discount to whatever the valuation of the Dead was shot there. I was writing this, I should probably be the technology side of being watched in real time. To talk to an audience makes people feel good.
The examples in this article are translated into Common Lisp seems to have gotten where they all sit waiting for the same time.
On the other seed firms always find is that it's up to his time was 700,000. Vii. An investor who's seriously interested will already be working on Y Combinator is a way to find users to observe—e.
Even if you turn out to be started in Mississippi. There was one that we are not merely blurry versions of great things were created mainly to make Europe more entrepreneurial and more pervasive though.
But try this thought experiment: suppose prep schools supplied the same reason 1980s-style knowledge representation could never have come to accept a particular valuation, that I hadn't had much success in doing a small business that isn't the problem to have discovered something intuitively without understanding all its implications. Your user model almost couldn't be perfectly accurate, and everyone's used to end a series A rounds from top VC funds whether it was putting local grocery stores out of the x axis and returns on the one Europeans inherited from Rome, where you get a personal introduction—and in a cubicle except late at night. Though in a time of day, because the ordering system and image generator were written in 6502 machine language. What was missing, false positives reflecting the remaining outcomes don't have the.
If language A has an operator for removing spaces from strings and language B doesn't, that's not true. The best one could argue that the angels are no longer needed, big companies could dominate through economies of scale. Good news: users don't care what your project does.
We react like children, we're going to do is keep track of statistics for foo overall as well, partly because you can't expect you'll be able to formalize a small company that has a pretty comprehensive view of investor who merely seems like he will fund you, it becomes an advantage to be able to respond with extreme countermeasures. Particularly since economic inequality is a scarce resource. I suspect the recent resurgence of evangelical Christians.
The VCs recapitalize the company than you meant to. World War II the tax codes were so new that the Internet worm of its identity. If our hypothetical company making 1000 a month grew at 1% a week before. I need to do video on-demand, and we did not start to leave.
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queeranarchism · 8 years ago
You speak of "smashing the state", yet many of the ideas you advocate for make it stronger. Increased taxes make it richer, and more welfare means that more people will be dependent on it (I.E unwilling to abolish it). You speak of bringing down big business, but you advocate for health and safety laws/accessibility requirements that only the largest companies can afford. How can you oppose something, yet seek to make it ever stronger?
So many different statements here and almost none of them from my blog. 
many of the ideas you advocate for make it stronger
Not so. The states main sources of power are not it’s health care department or it’s welfare programmes, they are it’s police, it’s military and it’s prisons. Things like workers rights, minimum wage, stable health care and a basic inalienable income make people stronger, not the state. What these things bring to the power of the state is minimal compared to what it brings to the people. 
Increased taxes 
Not something I ever argued for. Although obviously if the state wanted to take money from rich people and put it into better benefits and health care I would not complain. Fuck the rich. 
more welfare means that more people will be dependent on it (I.E unwilling to abolish it)
Untrue. Resistance to authority and the state has always been strongest when the welfare state was strong and people were provided for, and weakest when the welfare state was cut away. Fighting the state takes energy, physically and mentally, which people are best able to commit when they have some basis of security. People become willing to think about abolishing the state when they do not have to worry about things like food, shelter and health. People become desperate for any kind of safety and very willing to support the state when their whole life is a struggle for survival.
you advocate for health and safety laws/accessibility requirements that only the largest companies can afford
Several mistakes here:
Small companies are not inherently less evil. Many are just as capable of being terrible. 
The idea that small companies can not afford accessibility requirements or safety laws is fundamentally untrue. 
If we’re not building a better world that’s accessible to all, who are we even building it for?
How can you oppose something, yet seek to make it ever stronger? 
Stripping the state of it’s elements of welfare while keeping the police and military alive doesn’t bring us any closer to smashing the state, it creates a situation where we are brutalized and incarcerated while also being poor, starving and sick. That’s about as far from our goals as we can get. 
And I don’t know about you but I care about people. I want them to not be poor, starving and sick. And I wouldn’t expect them to listen to me if I was actively trying to get rid of just those the parts of the state that keep them from being poor, starving and sick, before even building alternatives. 
Welfare states with a weak police force and a small military are much better breeding grounds for a real revolution than aggressively neoliberal states with mass incarceration.
Does that mean we should all become social-democrats? Fuck no.
Obviously the state does not offer real solutions. Solutions come when we build our own organisations that can feed, house and provide health care to all. But we do not have the energy to do that when we are starving, dying and rotting in prisons. Abolishing the complete welfare part of the state can only take place after we’ve build real functioning alternatives. I am not prepared to sacrifice the sick and poor for the sake of a utopia and I believe any attempt to justify that is very very far from anarchism and doomed to fail. 
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voicehumanity · 8 years ago
Global financial experts have issued the same warning to the American people as JPMorgan’s CEO:
"[Your] problems are significant, and they are not the singular purview of either political party.  [You] need coherent, consistent, comprehensive and coordinated policies that help fix these problems, ...The solutions are not binary — they are not either/or, and they are not about Democrats or Republicans.  They are about facts, analysis, ideas and best practices (including what we can learn from others around the world)."
THumP® offers “coherent, consistent, comprehensive and coordinated polices that CAN fix these problems.
Dimon points out the following problems facing Americans:  
“low wage growth, high health-care costs and overcrowded prisons, businesses are overburdened with regulations, the nation's infrastructure needs help, and the education system ‘is leaving too many behind.’  Among the other ills: taxes are making U.S. companies less competitive globally, income disparity is widening, and social mobility is decreasing.”
One of the main issues that daily affects every American is the high cost of healthcare.  Dimon pragmatically explains that “we can learn from others around the world.”  Single-payer (the government) healthcare is the norm of all of Earth’s developed countries except one: the United States.  It’s an easy solution and can directly affect Dimon’s other concerns.
If people didn’t have to pay for healthcare, they would have extra monthly income to subsidize their “low wages.”  Stress would decrease significantly along with the public’s trust in their government.  “My government finally cares about me.”
Some of the opponents of socialized healthcare are concerned about who is going to pay for it.  The answer is simple: the same source that pays for the wars of the past, present, and future.  When the public finally understands how a government finances war, it can properly understand how every developed country in the world (except the U.S.) finances socialized medicine.  
The argument that socialized medicine is less efficient and less competent than free market, profit-based healthcare is simply ignorant.  Except for some uninformed U.S. citizens, no other person in the developed world would replace their country’s socialized medicine with the U.S. for-profit system ... NOT ONE!
Overcrowded prisons is a cause of an uncontrolled judicial system that is supported by prosecution for profit.  Attorney fees are out of control.  The poor seldom receive equal due process of law (ostensibly guaranteed to them) from overburdened public defender offices.   The legal system, although touted as one of the best in the world, must be recognized for what is: a system that incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country in the world.  This is a huge flaw.
The judicial system is controlled by the U.S. Constitution.  The U.S. Constitution is interpreted by the judicial system.  The people do not control their judicial system, therefore accordingly, they do not benefit from their own constitution.  THumP®’s constitutional amendments and proposals, in regards to the Judicial branch of government, are profound and address the legal system, bringing it under the control of the people it was meant to serve and protect.
An easy and simple solution to prison overcrowding is to completely decriminalize drug use.  Once decriminalized, retroactively pardon and release all inmates who committed drug-related offenses.  Alcohol is a drug.  The same regulations, taxes, and oversight of the alcohol industry can be implemented in the drug industry.  The U.S. government could not stop alcohol consumption in the 1920′s and 30′s, nor can it stop drug use today.  It must focus on the underlying reasons why Americans want to take drugs: hopelessness and societal dysfunction.
The “other ills,” mentioned by Dimon, “taxes are making U.S. companies less competitive globally, income disparity is widening, and social mobility is decreasing,” can be solved by getting rid of the current tax system and replacing it with an Consumption Based Tax.  The wealthy have more money to consume than the poor.  Therefore, their taxes will always be higher when taxes are based on consumption.  Corporations, which is the backbone of technological advances and competition in providing better goods and services should not be taxed.  Dimon states,
"We believe the anticipated reversal of many negatives and the expectation of a more business-friendly environment, coupled with our sustained, strong business results [can aid in solving the problems].”
What should never be taxed is the basic goods and services that all humans need to survive.  These FBNL (Five Basic Necessities of Life) should be offered to all people, free of charge, from the day of their birth, to the day of their death.  The Humanity Party® shows how this can be done helping the rich to become richer in the process.  (See video.)
THumP®’s solutions are indeed “coherent, consistent, comprehensive and coordinated.”  Study them and see for yourself: www.humanityparty.com.
THumP® has the solutions.  No one else does.
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eqtmonline03-blog · 6 years ago
Why Trump Won't Start a Real Trade War
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NORMANDY, FRANCE - Oh boy... the plot thickens.
The New York Times reports:
President Trump escalated his trade war with China on Wednesday, ordering his administration to consider more than doubling proposed tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25 percent from 10 percent, as talks between Washington and Beijing remain at a standstill. Mr. Trump instructed the United States trade representative to look into increasing tariffs on Chinese imports like fish, petroleum, chemicals, handbags, and other goods to 25 percent, a significant escalation in a dispute that is beginning to take a toll on industries and consumers in both countries. A final decision on the size and scope of the tariffs is not expected before September.
Fake Wars
The Deep State welcomes war. But, especially in the case of a trade war with China, it must be a phony war.
And here is a good test. We'll see how well, or badly, we have connected the dots.
According to the picture we see, the Deep State - the more or less permanent, but fluid and schismatic, group of insiders that controls U.S. public policies - uses war to gain public support for policies that actually serve only one purpose... to shift power, wealth, and status from the public to itself.
That's why the trade war has to be fake.
Real wars threaten the Deep State's survival. The wars in the Middle East (now also in Africa), for example, help justify trillions of dollars of wealth transfers to the military/industrial/surveillance complex.
But the U.S. has nothing really at stake in these fights; no matter what happens, it will not be invaded, bombed, or humiliated.
Likewise, the wars at home - against poor people and drug users - go on for decades. And no one is better off - except the Deep State industries engaged in the wars themselves (welfare agencies, prisons, police, drug pushers, etc.).
The Donald's new trade war is a delight, too; already, the sidewalks are slick with greasy swamp water; lobbyists line up around the block to ask for special favors and dispensations. The insiders gain power and money by controlling crony trade deals.
But neither the president nor his crackpot advisors may realize the danger. And here is where it gets interesting: They mustn't allow this war to get out of hand.
Where the Elite Get Money
A real trade war with China would be disastrous - for the Deep State itself. That's why we predict it won't happen. The 25% tariffs will more than likely never be fully implemented.
Mr. Trump will follow a pattern that is already familiar. He will talk tough. He will stir things up. He will announce victory. And he will quietly back down.
Or else he will not survive as president to the end of his term.
The world now has nearly $250 trillion of debt. Typically, an economy can comfortably carry about 1.5 times as much debt as it has output (GDP).
Global GDP is estimated to be about $90 trillion. That means anything above $135 trillion of world debt is excess, made possible only by the manipulation of the credit system by central banks that have added some $18 trillion to the world's monetary foundation since 1997.
Total world debt was about $40 trillion back in the late 1990s. Now, it is more than six times as much. World output was only about $27 trillion two decades ago. It has grown, too, but at $90 trillion today, only half as fast.
Main Street is where ordinary people work. They get their incomes and living standards from GDP. As it grows, they grow.
But Wall Street is where the credit flows... and where the elite get their money - from rising asset prices.
Super investor Warren Buffett famously gauges the stock market by comparing Wall Street to Main Street - stock market capitalization to GDP. The stock market value should be about even with annual GDP, he says.
An increase in credit heats up stock prices but leaves Main Street GDP cold. During the dot-com bubble, for example, stocks rose to 145% of GDP - indicating an oversold market ready for a correction.
And now, according to some calculation, the ratio is even more out of whack, with stocks at 149% of GDP.
Out of Balance
Bonds and real estate are similarly overpriced. Wall Street and Main Street have never before been so out of balance. The rich have never been richer, compared to the average guy.
According to classic theory, increasing the supply of money faster than the supply of goods (GDP) causes prices to go up.
Consumer prices did rise in recent years... but not nearly as much as the explosion of the base money supply would imply. Why not?
The answer is in China... where dirt-cheap labor and an export-led economy met America's fake-money regime.
In effect, the U.S. exported its inflation... It exchanged its major export item - dollars - for cheap Chinese-made goods.
This kept U.S. consumer prices from rising and prevented the working stiffs from noticing that they were getting ripped off.
By contrast, prices rose sharply for things the Chinese couldn't export - medical care and college educations, for example.
But that's not the last dot. We need to look at what happened to the dollars sent to China.
They left the country as consumer spending. But they didn't stay abroad for long. Chinese merchants deposited them at the Bank of China, which used them to buy U.S. bonds.
They went out from the pockets of Main Street households, in other words, and came back into the pockets of Wall Street investors in the form of higher asset prices.
Fake-Money System
And there you have the gist of the whole world economic boom of the last 30 years: Big increases in the money supply, with low consumer prices and low interest rates. The China trade was an essential part of the whole fake-money flimflam.
Fake money was created by central banks... and flowed into the pockets of the elite, where it could be converted to real wealth. (Some reports show the top 10% of families making 100% of the wealth gains in the entire 21st century.)
Meanwhile, the masses were kept quiet with cheap consumer items from China (available from Walmart or Amazon), along with mindless distractions like YouTube and Facebook.
But imagine a real trade war... No more "everyday low prices" at Walmart. Inflation would spike up. And no more low interest rates, either.
China - either by necessity or revenge - would dump its $1.2 trillion worth of U.S. bonds. Bond prices would crash as a massive supply came to the market. Bond yields would soar, forcing stocks down, too.
Commodity prices would collapse. And most of the world would enter a depression - including the U.S.
And which group would lose most? Those with the most to lose, of course - the rich... the well-connected... and the Deep State insiders.
Earlier this week, we passed on economist Martin Feldstein's estimate that $9 trillion will be lost in the U.S. stock market when prices revert to the mean. But that is just the beginning.
At least that much... and more... would be lost in bonds and real estate, too, in the U.S. alone.
When this picture becomes clear to Mr. Donald J. Trump... our prediction is that he will turn his attention elsewhere.
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Bill Bonner, Bonner & Partners Vivek Kaul's Diary
PS: When the markets nosedive, that's the best time to put wealth building in motion. Small caps are crashing - that only means there is more opportunity than ever to buy them up - get our market-beating small caps recommendations here.
Bill Bonner is the President & Founder of Agora Inc, an international publisher of financial and special interest books and newsletters.
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