#source: mitski
rpmusingsnmore · 5 months
if you need to be mean be MEAN to ME
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driftingbot · 7 months
It's just that I fell in love with a war Nobody told me it ended And it left a pearl in my head And I roll it around Every night, just to watch it glow Every night, baby, that's where I go
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justagirlluckyme · 1 month
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“wild women don’t get the blues”
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macksartblock · 10 months
Sparrow’s on the manic pixie dream girl to “what happened to her?” mom pipeline is this anything
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daughterofcainnnn · 2 months
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"Who are you?"
"My name is Azrael, and you'll never see me again. But I love you, Antheia. I always will."
@alzeys ♡
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womp-womp-waa · 1 month
It was a beautiful day. The sun shining, not a cloud to be seen. Tree-kun was out buying a birthday present for Ceiling-chan, her birthday was just around the corner and he couldn't wait for it. He had so much stuff planned for them. But first he needs to buy her an amazing gift. Walking around the corner, he scanned for a good shop to buy the gift. Ceiling-chan loves Stardew Valley (he's never played the game himself, but she keeps on begging him to get it) maybe he could get her something related to-
Wait. Who's that? Is that Tyler? And who was that boy he was with? Hang on, are they... holding hands?!
He couldn't help but stare in shock at the happy couple. What should he do? Deep down he knew that he should just walk pass them, Tyler isn't a part of his life anymore he doesn't matter. But... what would happen if he talked to them? He could learn more about this new boy that Tyler's talking to. Maybe he could warn him about Tyler leaving him. The blonde looked like he was shy, yeah he's gotta help him.
Luckily, Tyler wondered off most likely to get food but Tree-kun couldn't help but be reminded of how Tyler left him. Standing by himself, alone. He wouldn't let this boy suffer the same heart break.
"Hey there!" He made his way over to the boy who now stared at him confused, did Tyler not tell him about Tree-kun? Okay... that's fine. It's not like it matters anyways. "I'm Tree-kun, Tyler's ex." The last part was spat out bitterly. The boys eyes widen in surprise before looking blankly at him.
"I'm Logan, Tyler's boyfriend." While saying this a smirk was plastered on Logan's lips. Is he... proud to be Tyler's boyfriend? It's so clear that the poor boy doesn't know what's coming and he probably won't know how to deal with the breakup. "Is there a reason why you came over."
Clearing his throat he started to speak slowly as he tries to convey that he only wants to help him and he's not trying to ruin their relationship (not like he would have to do something anyways). "I'm just here to warn you" Logan raises an eyebrow questioningly "about Tyler." He clarifies, feeling Logan's judgemental eyes digging into him, he tries to carry on his speak (hopefully) maintaining the confidence he started this conversation with. "He's not a good guy. Tyler he can easily leave you whenever he wants to. A-And he won't give a shit about your feelings. I think that you should... breakup with him and find someone better so he won't hurt you."
Tree-kun expected to have to comfort the blonde about this revelation, but instead all he was greeted with was laughter. W-Was he laughing at him?! Immediately he felt self-conscious, hugging himself slightly he waited for Logan to finish his laughing fit. "Please tell me your joking." Logan manages to say between laughs. "Maybe you just had that experience because he never actually liked you."
"W-What do you m-mean?" He was stuttering, feeling his face burn with shame and embarrassment. Was his and Tyler's whole relationship nothing but a joke? Something to entertain Tyler? "W-Well if he never liked me then he definitely doesn't like you!"
A small chuckle escapes Logan "Yeah and what evidence do you have to base this on."
"I-I, um, listen I-" logan raises a hand quickly silencing Tree-kun.
"It's clear the reason why you're doing this. It's because you're jealous that Tyler moved on from you so quickly, but the truth is Tyler never liked you. He never wanted to spend time with you. You two only known eachother for what, a night? And then he left you." Logan's stare is cold and hard "He couldn't even bare to spend anymore time with you. Yet he never seems to have this problem with me, so maybe you're the problem"
Tree-kun quickly tried to defend himself "It didn't matter that it was just one night, we were in love!"
Logan scoffed "In love? You can't fall in love in just one night. And how was your relationship love? From what I've been told all you ever did was talk." Tree-kun was about to interrupt Logan's cruel accusations, but the shorter boy carried on. "Thank you for the meaningless warning, but why don't you leave before you embarrass yourself even more."
At that Logan began to walk in the direction that Tyler went. Watching the two boys meet and share a quick kiss as Tyler hands Logan some food. He turned around and began speed walking away after he made eye contact with Tyler. Maybe he could buy Ceiling-chan's gift another day
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k-kroomie · 9 months
' ' Cuz my LෆVE is mine ෆh mine. ' '
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quillaffinity · 1 year
“wash me [and i shall cleanse thee with mine tears]” - AkiAngel Web Weave (CSM Spoilers)
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used to bleed more than weep
now? now all i love is damp with tears - your skin, lover, is soaked
(be not afraid)
Chainsaw Man is written and drawn by Fujimoto Tatsuki  
csm / ??? / csm / vladimir nabokov / csm / richard siken / csm / richard siken  / mitski, “first love / late spring”  / dalton day, “exit, pursued”  / csm / csm / andrea gibson, “the madness vase; two birds” / csm /  richard siken / csm /  caitlyn siehl, “achilles to patroclus” / csm / csm / muna, “navy blue” / csm / csm / richard siken / csm
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thesaintelectric · 1 year
mitski when i catch you....
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aftonclub · 4 months
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driftingbot · 5 months
I could stare at your back all day I could stare at your back all day And I know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right Can I try again, try again, try again Try again, and again, and again And again, and again, and again?
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justagirlluckyme · 2 months
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The only tattoo I want when I’m 18
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
Agency informant Izaya
At the beginning of the AU
Izaya: I think my life is losing momentum. I think my ways are wearing me down. But if I gave up on being "pretty" I wouldn't know to be alive. I should move to a brand new city and teach myself how to die.
The irony that he went to a brand new city and instead learned how to live.
The irony even more so because the person he met first to show him that was Dazai of all people.
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The hurt is ao3 being attacked. Where is the /comfort? Hm?? WHERE IS THE /COMFORT???
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daughterofcainnnn · 2 months
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she was like a shot of espresso ♡
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seasidesapphix · 1 year
washing machine fielder
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