#source: @devious-buffoon
incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
ERIDAN: shit man this wwizard wwar is fucked. i just saww a guy clap his hands together n say "the ten hells" or some similar shit n evveryone around him turned inside out, had their tibias explode and then disappeared. no one evven blinked wwhen he did that. thats howw common shit like this is. my ass is castin frostbite n levvel twwo poison. i think i just heard "powwer word: scrunch" twwo groups ovver. i gotta get the fuck outta here
ROXY: wait time out. ur in here and ur not immortal!!? and ure only lvl 2 or 3? holy SHIT go find somewhere 2 hide! or powerlevel ig but still!!
ERIDAN: wwh. wwhy are you shocked? i thought wwe wwere bein wwizard conscripted? wwere wwe not? WWHY AM I HERE
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lord-archon · 5 years
This post is in response to another event, detailed here! https://thesuncouncil.shivtr.com/forum_threads/3121945
..The Archmage asked rhetorically, after she’d answered the knock on her door, and being none too thrilled by it either since she’d just returned her wife and child home from their daughter’s appointment at the clinic as a follow up, now that she was coming up on a month in age. “The Violet Hold, Archmage,” the veiled Kirin Tor Guardian responded, slinking backwards ever so slightly in response to the shadowy venom lacing the one worded inquiry. “Did you get a name.. on the Silver Covenant upstart?” she asked now, stepping forward and closing the door behind her, so as not to perturb her family as they settled back in at home. “Belthin Dayforge, ma’am. Cleric, Priestly type. Was one of those a bit more enthused to partake in.. well..” the Guardian began, of course alluding the infamous Purge of Dalaran following the Horde’s use of their portal network in order to abscond the Divine Bell during the War in Pandaria.
“..That’ll be all.” Shakiena said, dismissing the Guardian with a wave of her hand, before returning back inside to continue spending precious time with her family before she’d tend to matters involving this.. Belthin Dayforge. The Archon knew there were some in the Silver Covenant that were all too thrilled with being given anything resembling justification to oust their elven cousins from the Violet City.. Shakiena herself having been Quel’dorei prior to her transition was all too aware of how many of her ilk at the time felt for the Sin’dorei and their ‘fall from grace’ following the events of the Scourging of Quel’thalas at the hands of Arthas Menethil, whom resorted to pragmatic means in an effort to survive and stave off withering into shambling shells of their former selves.. begging for even the tiniest source of magic, or going so far as to extract mana from the very bones of their healthier brothers and sisters.
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Several hours later.. dusk had fallen, and only the luminescence of lamplight glittered across the Violet City’s skyline and streets, mostly just.. Guardian’s of the Kirin Tor and shopkeepers closing up for the night, with some less sightly denizens of the flying city creeping their way towards the entrances to the Underbelly to partake in whatever vices could be bribed out of sight of the less favorable and more corruptible Guardians stationed below with a currency that had incredible underground and black market value; namely: ‘Sightless Eyes’. Shakiena, to her own unspoken fortune, had partaken in several bouts in the Underbelly herself, garnering herself the moniker ‘Shackle’ by those unfortunate enough to have crossed blades and contested with her in magical duels when she was off duty, and in dire need of blowing off some steam in the form of her second favorite pass-time prior to her engagement and subsequent marriage to her beloved student, Luella Lightwhysper. The Underbelly, however.. was not her destination this eve, however. No.. this.. Belthin Dayforge.. was a problem. No doubt there’d need to be questions of the Sin’dorei involved in the confrontation, especially since it involved a very specific faction of Sin’dorei that partook in the political intrigues of Silvermoon. The Sun Council, headed by the Magister Bey’ron Everblaze, whom she’d had the fortunate and equal misfortune to know all too well to be a cunning and all too devious practitioner of Fire and Fel magics. She loathed the fact that he and his party were a part of this.. whatever it was, and the Archon had already begun mentally preparing that particular conversation she’d assuredly be having with the Magister following the events that would transpire this night.  Station to station did Shakiena teleport to throughout the City, collecting any and all information on this particularly zealous agent of the Alliance’s former denizens of the Silver Enclave; now aptly named the Greyfang Enclave now that the Silver Covenant was no longer the primary representative of the Alliance’s interests in Dalaran. She was able to collect far more than she expected, and far more quickly just as well, what with the Silver Covenant’s storied history in Dalaran following the rebuilding of the fabled magical capital of Azeroth. Belthin Dayforge, as per most zealots, was not a particularly careful individual. Cited numerous times for instances of Disturbing Neutrality among Sin’dorei whom still resided in Dalaran, and kept in holding cells on several occasions for other disorderly conducts. Alas.. this made it all too easy for Shakiena to sort out his location, and he was still very.. very close to home here in Dalaran. Residing in a small alcove of Greyfang Enclave dedicated to what few Silver Covenant decided to stay following their fall from favor among the Kirin Tor elite.
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He was home, too, the fool. She could smell incense burning from several yards out from his front door, and with her alert elven ears she could hear him speaking. “Prayers.. how quaint..” the entropic Archon mused aloud at his front door, before rapping her knuckles against the heavy wooden surface.. before slipping into a veil of invisibility as the doorknob turned, and the heavy planks of the gateway into the home of Belthin Dayforge creaked open..“Hello..? He- hello?” his typical musically inclined elven vocals asked to what appeared to him as empty air, but was in fact to the voiceless specter of Archmage Shakiena Stillwater, shrouded in the arcane.. as she slipped past and into the former Silver Covenant’s safest space.. his home. Carefully she traipsed about as the buffoon stood in his empty doorway, clearly puzzled by the absence of anyone actually present to consider trickery and deception. Room to room she went, perusing his studies, his kitchen and living areas where all traces of his livelihood here gave the impression that aside from his grievances with the City State of Dalaran, he seemed to live rather comfortably for someone making habits of ignoring the neutrality of the governing authorities.  The sounds of a door closing and dragging footsteps echoed throughout the abode, then trailed their way back towards a particular study Shakiena hadn’t yet peered in to. A religious cove dedicated to his following the Light. The Guardian did say he was a Clerical type, a.. ‘Battle Priest’.. as they were sometimes called. As Shakiena stood now as a Ren’dorei, this particular individual would likely view her being anywhere near this holy place as a desecration, and that.. oh.. that did bring a smile to her masked lips. She waited.. waited until the cleric returned into his little holy alcove, waited for him to kneel at his candlelit altar to begin his prayers anew.. before snuffing the candles out with a mere wave of her hand.. stripping the entire household of it’s illumination via curtains of shadowy sorcery, immediately sending the cleric into a state of surprise, and panic!
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“I would hold.. very.. very still, good sir..” the Archon said aloud at last, revealing her presence verbally at least, and dropping the shroud of invisibility, allowing only her eyes to be a source of light in the shadows that mirrored a modicum of her intent.. The elf stumbled, clearly far too startled by the presence of another in the darkness, and startled furthermore by the presence of the Archon’s glowing cerulean orbs, before his eye would be caught by the illumination of arcane rings forming around Shakiena’s hands and wrists as she raised them palms facing up to be level with the height of her chest.“IN the name of the HOLY LIGHT, I DEMAND THAT YO-!” the male started, before being abruptly cut off as Shakiena’s  right palm jutted out, and slammed into the cleric’s larynx, silencing them before they could utter a spell that could even remotely contend with the Archon’s modestly carefully planned out approach, or reveal her full countenance via some form of illumination to the zealot that would give away her allegiance as a Kirin Tor Archmage very deliberately invading the home of one of its citizens. “Have a seat, sir,” Shakiena said, jutting out her left deftly, emitting a wave of force that buckled the Silver Covenant’s biggest fan’s knees, forcing him into a kneeling position before her as he grasped at his throat, wheezing his breaths out as he attempted, but failed to speak. “Belthin Dayforge, you have been found guilty..” the Archmage started, allowing a moderate amount of light to lift up through the artificial darkness she’d created to stand in contrast with her coy inflection, while maintaining the shadows directly adhering to her personage and keep all but her eyes obscured from view. “..Of breaking the Laws of Neutrality set forth by the governing Council of Six established and cemented during the Burning Legion’s Third Invasion and opening of the Tomb of Sargeras.. and.. of smuggling dangerous magical artifacts among its citizens..” she said, crouching down in front of the struggling cleric, and slipping into one of his pockets a very particular package.. laced with shadow -and- fel magics.. rectangular in shape.. the exact item she’d been handed a few days prior by another Guardian of the Kirin Tor, but.. with a slightly altered magical signature, so as not to appear completely identical. “I.. Archmage Shakiena Stillwater..” she started again, this time lifting the veil of shadows adhering to her to bring forth her true self in -every- sense of the word: her Kirin Tor allegiance, the shadows natural to her as a child of the Void that coiled around her fingers in harmony with the arcane rings still ever present. “..Place thee, Belthin Dayforge under immediate arrest.. by the powers vested in me by the unanimous trust of the Council of Six.. under arrest, and sentenced to immediate imprisonment until a proper trial by a carefully select forum of peers can be assembled.” Belthin’s eyes widened, he was.. shocked! Appearing flabbergasted and utterly betrayed by the setup taking place as he stared angrily into the Ren’dorei’s cerulean irises, attempting to sputter his rage but unable to through his paralyzed vocal chords. “But.. considering the fact you’ll miss your appointed date..” she started again, caressing the tear dribbled cheek of the enraged elf with the back of her hand, giving an avenue for the shadowy tendrils surrounding her fingers to lacerate the supple and soft flesh. “..A warrant will be put out for your arrest.. and you will be held accountable.. for ALL actions! Past and present, in violation of the Violet City’s laws!” she hissed out, leaning forward to let the stinging words slither into his elven ears, which perked up as he sensed the sudden and overwhelming presence of cold, dark magic manifest at his feet.. before he slipped into nonexistance.. of Light.. of reality..
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“Oh.. oh dear..” the Archmage said aloud, with a heavy helping of sarcasm, “Seems we’ve another one meddling with dark magics beyond their control again.. real shame how some fall so fast when attempting to control what they do not understand..” she said, sealing up the void rift she’d conjured beneath Belthin Dayforge, and through which he fell to float in the purgatory of darkness that made the Void what it was. “Let it be known, dear Belthin Dayforge..” she said to the final traces of dark magic dissipating from the ground where the Quel’dorei had once knelt, “That.. an ill fate befalls those.. who never.. ever learn..” And with those parting words.. Shakiena Stillwater exited the way she came, cloaked in invisibility until she was well out of sight of the unknowingly disappeared Belthin Dayforge’s home, before slipping back into the Tower where she and her beloved family resided, where she would go and lay with her wife.. and fall fast asleep. @lordbeyron @thesuncouncil
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