ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years
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Glory be this is STUNNING. Breath is God. I am letting my Breath hold me. We are trained (conditioned) to temper ourselves. And it sometimes feels like if I FEEL this FEELING I'm going to die. But the Truth is when we hold in our Feelings we die a slow death. Feelings are a part of you and your expression and are ALIVE with God! Let your Breath Hold YOU. #breathbypreciousbreath #alive #beyounow #feel #feelings #joyfeels #expression #creativity #letitflow #souljoy #nourish #elleninspires #ellenrobinsonart #ellenrobinsonart #paintingtheworldwithmymagic #freedom #joy #love #stunning #anythingispossible #whenyoubelieveittobepossible #thejoypractice #inspireartstudioandgallery
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kimafreeka · 7 years
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Soul Joy - Practice it! Learn the Happiness Techniques. #getitgirl #souljoy (at Chicken+Beer)
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spiritualgal · 6 years
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Thinking of summer. #souljoy #summernights #cottagecountry #lightworker
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rochellebuckley · 8 years
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Me, Rebecca and Jennie. We have all been diagnosed with Acromegaly. Lovely day catching up and hope it won't be long before meeting with each other again. Any other people with Acromegaly who live in Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Central Coast and would like to catch up, please let us know. #acromegaly #acromegalylife #acromegalybeauty #wearerare #raredisease #doinglifetogether #sogoodtomeet #souljoy #newcastle #newcastlensw #centralcoast #centralcoastnsw #huntervalley #huntervalleynsw (at Tuggerah, New South Wales, Australia)
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Status Update
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Here’s a concept you won’t want to forget: passion always trumps excuses. Keep in mind that when I use the word passion, I’m not referring to the romantic notions that this concept conjures. Instead, I’m equating it to a vigorous kind of enthusiasm that you feel deep within you and that isn’t easy to explain or define. This kind of passion propels you in a direction that seems motivated by a force beyond your control. It’s the inner excitement of being on the right path, doing what feels good to you, and what you know you were meant to do. It’s my contention that the mere presence of passion within you is all you need to fulfill your dreams. Remember that God is in no need of excuses, ever. The creative Divine Spirit is able to manifest anything it contemplates, and you and I are the results of its contemplating itself into material form. Thus, when we have an emotional reaction that feels like overwhelming passion for what we’re contemplating, we’re experiencing the God within us…and nothing can hold us back. Passion is a feeling that tells you: This is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy. When you’re enthusiastic, nothing seems difficult. When you have passion, there are no risks: family dramas become meaningless, money isn’t an issue, you know that you have the strength and the smarts, and the rules laid down by others have no bearing on you whatsoever. That’s because you’re answering your calling—and the you who is doing the answering is the highest part of you, or the God within. The presence of passion within you is the greatest gift you can receive. And when it’s aligned with Spirit, treat it as a miracle, doing everything you can to hold on to it.
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years
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All Delays Are Good. #alldelaysaregood #four #4 #22/4 #22 #personalyear #whatthewhat #soulfood #souljoy #joy #freedom #stepbystep #whatsnext #noidea #elleninspires #ellenrobinsonart #ellenrobinsonwords #creativityguide #joycatalyst #inspireartstudioandgallery #thejoypractice
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Money Can't Buy Everything
 A Good Hair Day                                                   A Great Idea
Wisdom                                                                 Peace Of Mind
Happy Memories                                                   A Positive Attitude
TIme to Relax                                                        A Happy Home
A Strong Work Ethic                                              Everything You May Want
Luck                                                                       Appreciation of the Simple Things
Respect                                                                 True Love
Well Adjusted Kids                                                 Justice
Work-Life Balance                                                  Class
Natural Beauty                                                        A Proper Perspective
Manner                                                                    Happiness
Patience                                                                  Humanity
Common Sense                                                      A Good Reputation                                                   
A Clear Conscious                                                  25 Hour Day
Purpose in Life                                                        Relationship with Your Kids
Integrity                                                                   Youth
Good Friends                                                           Peace in the World
A Long Life                                                               Talent
Close-Knit Family                                                     A Second Chance
A New Shot at a Missing Opportunity                      Quality Time With Your Kids
An Open Mind                                                          A Good Epitaph
A Worry Free Day                                                    Patience
Trust                                                                        Selfishness
A New Beginning                                                     Cause and Effect
Clean Arteries                                                          Forgiveness
 What can you add to this list?
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Stop Searching for Happiness Now!
Stop Searching for Happiness Now!
 I remember before my catalyst (divorce), everyone in my life believed I was happy.  After all, I created the perfect picture, beautiful house, 3 beautiful kids, handsome husband, pets, new cars, vacations to the beach, to Europe, etc.  I volunteered at my children’s schools, was a soccer mom, dance mom, started a bunko group in my neighborhood, owned my own art gallery.  Basically the “perfect picture” according to the standards for happiness right?  Success, money, health, abundance, yet I was not happy!
Happiness isn’t something you can get your hands on, its something you carry in your heart.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just be happy!  Imagine, just for today, you give up the struggle and surrender to slowing down. Cancel your plans, just for today, throw away your ‘to do” list and simply make a choice today to just be happy.
Imagine your having a conversation with yourself, and saying, “just for today, I will stop searching, I will stop resisting.”  “Just for today, I will stop beating myself up, stop sacrificing my own happiness.”  “Just for today, I will allow myself to be happy,” what a crazy thought, right! Just for today, have the courage, if only for a moment to take a baby step and be happy just for a minute.
For a whole 60 seconds, right now, picture yourself  just allowing happiness to bubble up, all by itself. You are not meditating, praying, or affirming that you are happy.  You are not asking for happiness, you are simply being happy.
Happiness needs no reason; your ego will disagree with this, maybe even strongly disagree. However, your ego uses “reason” as its chief currency for being, doing and giving. Happiness is not the ego’s natural state of being, it believes it needs a reason to be happy.  You do not need a reason to be happy, no special equipment no perfect circumstances, no justification, and no money. Every moment is perfect for you to be happy. Being happy is you allowing and accepting who you really are, and returning to your natural state of being.
Stop saying, “I will be happy when......”
Stop saying, “I will be happy If.......”
Stop saying, “I will love myself when.....”
Simply allow yourself to be happy even if only for a moment or two, this is your first baby steps into living in happiness every moment of your time.
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Stop Setting Goals and Commit to Living With Purpose!
Stop setting Goals and Commit to Living with Purpose!
Well, it is that time of year again, when we reflect on the past year. We decide we want to set new goals, for ourselves.  Perhaps you are even one of the lucky ones, who said, “I am going to workout this year, 5 times a week, and you are already behind on that goal, or maybe you have even given up on that goal already.  I am here to tell you, to stop setting goals, you are just creating reasons and excuses to be first in that line to beat yourself up!
Why in the world, do we set goals that are not aligned with our values, needs or even purpose?  You are never going to meet a goal, that is not in alignment with your life purpose. So what does that mean, if your goal is to work out everyday and yet you hate going to the gym.  Do you really think you are going to meet your goal?  Let me ask you, do you like to dancing, be outside, do you like running, biking, walking, swimming or hiking.  Do you want to learn how to line dance, or maybe ballroom dancing or how about jumping on a trampoline, or skating.  Are you seeing the bigger picture.  Working out 5 times a week doesn’t necessary mean you are forcing yourself to do something you don’t like, that is not in alignment with you.  If your New Years resolution is to work out, you need to find a way to make it fun and enjoyable or that resolutions will go by the wayside.  You don’t need to start feeling guilty, blaming yourself etc. when really you didn’t understand how to set goals with purpose.  Working out 5 times a week is great now find the “How” to give yourself the best chance for success.
  Not living your life with purpose everyday is the chief cause of unhappiness, pain and lack.  The strain of not being present in your life, just going through the motions, is just too great.  Living with purpose is being in the moment, seeing the bigger picture.  When you miss out on the present, you miss out on so much. No life, no Soul Joy!
 Classic symptoms of living without purpose and presence include:
No Joy.  When you disconnect from “now.” it is like hanging up on yourself.  You feel lost.
No prosperity.  You are in lack because all your investments are tied up in some imagined future.
No rest.  You are too busy chasing happiness to be happy.
No being.  You are too busy looking for love to be loving.
No peace. You are too anxious “futurizing” and replaying the past to enjoy the present moment.
No intimacy.  You are not present long enough for any real intimacy.  Your relationships suffer.
No synchronicity.  Whenever you are not fully present, there will be no flow, and you will struggle.
No inspiration.  How can you be open to something if you are not present to receiving it.
No time.  If you don’t have the moment, you don’t have the time-now, or ever.
No healing.  If you save up your best for when life gets better, it never will.
 Commit to living with purpose everyday, commit to happiness.  Whenever you decide to be fully present, you unlock the door to soul joy happiness. Commit to loving your partner even more today, and watch how beautiful he or she becomes.  Commit to enjoying your work even more today, and watch how much fun it can be. Commit to being grateful for your life today, and watch how gratitude grows. Living a life with purpose shifts how you commit to yourself.
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Being authentic gets rid of Stress
Being inauthentic is the biggest cause of stress. Success with stress starts with inner listening. Listen to stress don't block it. Listen for information. What is your stress trying to teach you? Be ready to learn something? How is your stress trying to help you? Be open to receive a great gift. It pays to listen fast because otherwise the messages just get bigger and louder.
What is your biggest source of stress?  email me at [email protected]
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Surviving "Family" Holidays Teleclass Tonight!
Surviving the "Family" HolidayTonight Teleclass
TONIGHT Surviving the "Family Holiday," Join me, as I address you questions and comments about sticky family situations. You will leave the call with various options to addressing any family situation! Go into the Holiday Season feeling confident that you now have the tools to address any situation! Tonight, Thursday 7:00pm PST. Call in number is (424) 203-8400, Participate number 668265#. I will be recording this call so all participates can listen again later! Put this in your schedule right Now, so you go into the Holiday Season with great tools and feeling confident! What is you biggest question and concern about the coming Holidays? [email protected]
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Nine Stress Busters
Nine Stress Busters
1.  Heal Your Connections.  When you try to "do" life on your own, it creates burnout.  So either you can keep looking for the magic vitamin pill or you can continue to talk yourself out of, reach out for help.  The radiant key is to connect. Connect to something, or someone other than your ego.
2.  Heal Self Sabotage.  You are constantly running yourself down, beating yourself up with criticism, judgment, and self sabotage.  What are you attacking yourself for right now?  Self acceptance takes you into your true power.
3.  Let go of old Wounds.  Holding onto old wounds takes up great energy.  It distracts you from your clarity, freedom, innocence and power.  Forgiving yourself sets you free to forgive others.  Forgiveness gives you back your energy.  
4.  Live in the Moment.  There is nothing more tiring than trying to live in three places at one time.  Past, Present and Future. Make a decision and pick one!  By living in the present moment, you will receive more.
5.  Hang up your Swords.  Your ego has a massive defense budget.  It invests heavily in fear, control, guilt, shame, cynicism, and other armor.  And yet it is when you relax, trust, and love that you discover your true power and strength.
6.  Put your Oxygen Mask on.  Exhaustion is a sure sign you are sacrificing yourself for others.  Maybe you are give time and energy, but let face it, you are not present in the giving; therefore there is no real intimacy, synergy, exchange or receiving.
7.  Live and Laugh.  You were created to shine and not to be serious.  When you try to hard you block the flow of creativity and the flow of life.  Ask yourself, What do I need to lighten up about?
8. Be True to Yourself, Be real. Live in integrity.  It connects you to your truth, intention, vision and purpose.  Resisting your inner guidance is exhaustion. Carrying your bag of rocks around is to demanding.  Keeping up with the "Jones" wears you down.  Be true to yourself and your highest good.
9.  Practice Gratitude Daily.  Daily Gratitude is a miracle.  It restores vision, purpose, it creates energy and turns fatigue into inner happiness.  Gratitude will jump start your energy button. You can not practice gratitude daily and be tired at the same time, that's impossible.
Teresa Proctor
Stand In Your Power
Speak Your Truth
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teresa1230 · 11 years
50 Things That Money Can't Buy
A Good Hair Day                                                   A Great Idea
Wisdom                                                                 Peace Of Mind
Happy Memories                                                   A Positive Attitude
TIme to Relax                                                        A Happy Home
A Strong Work Ethic                                              Everything You May Want
Luck                                                                       Appreciation of the Simple Things
Respect                                                                 True Love
Well Adjusted Kids                                                 Justice
Work-Life Balance                                                  Class
Natural Beauty                                                        A Proper Perspective
Manner                                                                    Happiness
Patience                                                                  Humanity
Common Sense                                                      A Good Reputation                                                   
A Clear Conscious                                                  25 Hour Day
Purpose in Life                                                        Relationship with Your Kids
Integrity                                                                   Youth
Good Friends                                                           Peace in the World
A Long Life                                                               Talent
Close-Knit Family                                                     A Second Chance
A New Shot at a Missing Opportunity                      Quality Time With Your Kids
An Open Mind                  ��                                       A Good Epitaph
A Worry Free Day                                                    Patience
Trust                                                                        Selfishness
A New Beginning                                                     Cause and Effect
Clean Arteries                                                          Forgiveness
What can you add to this list?
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Happy Music
Happy Music
I am sharing a list of songs, that I feel bring happiness.  Do you have a song(s) that you would like to share that bring you happiness, this would be great!  Music is a Great way to Connect with others.
  Don’t Worry Be Happy                            Bobby McFerrin
  Pack Up                                                  Eliza Doolittle
  I Will Go Anywhere with You                  Julia Nunes
  She Moves in Her Own way                   The Kooks
  Inaudible Melodies                                 Jack Johnson
  I Got You (Feel Good)                            James Brown
  Love and Happiness                               Al Green
  Feeling Good                                          Nina Simone
  Ooh Child orginal                                   Bruce Ruffin
  Over the Rainbow/What a Wonde...      Israel “IZ” Kama
  Joyful Girl                                               Soulive
  Schoolin’ Life                                          Beyouce
  Emotion                                                  Destiny’s Child
  This is the New Year                               A Great Big World
  Oh Happy Day [In the Style of Sis. 2]     Done Again/Sister Act  2
  I want to Break Free-single remix           Queen
  Thinking Of You                                       Hanson
  ABC                                                        Jackson 5
  Bold as Love                                          John Mayer
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teresa1230 · 11 years
Life's Miracle
Today is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The past is done, the future awaits, the present is all we have. Living in Soul Joy is to capture, celebrate and make the most of the moment. Each and everyday ask yourself, "How can I celebrate the miracle of life?" Whatever you do today, make it a day you will remember even 10 years from now. Make it a "good old day". Live Fully-one day at a time. Live In Soul Joy! teresaproctor.com
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teresa1230 · 11 years
What Stage is your relationship in?
Every relationship goes through different stages,  As you experience even greater levels of love and intimacy in a relationship, it will test your faith in yourself, (that is, do I really deserve this?) in each other (do we really love each other) and in love itself, (does love really last).  When your faith falters, you'll experience the urge to take control.  Bu doing so you're attempting to create greater safety, certainty and strength. 
What stage is your relationship in?
Honeymoon Phrase
Familiar Phrase 
Power Struggle
Coma Period
Awakening Phrase
To learn more about each stage of relationships, click here now 
Live In Soul Joy
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