#soul unlimited
blackmail4u · 8 months
Reflecting On The Soul Train Showdown: That Time They Tried To Come For Us
In 1971, Don Cornelius debuted the "Soul Train" dance show. The show quickly became a hit. As its popularity soared, a rival dance show, "Soul Unlimited" emerged as challenger but was quickly shut down.
Welcome to Black Mail, where we deliver Black History—Special Delivery! Today, we are diving into the dynamic world of “Soul Train,” a groundbreaking American music and dance television program created by the visionary Don Cornelius. From its inception in 1971 to its lasting impact until 2006, “Soul Train” remains an enduring icon of syndicated television. Let’s journey through its remarkable…
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soulmusicsongs · 2 years
Brother Brown - Camille Bob (Brother Brown / 2 Weeks, 2 Days, Too Long, 1972)
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plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
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Soul Unlimited - (Who's) That Lady (Chevron)
wrt. Isley Bros.,1979.
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wakinguponsaturday · 1 year
Dark Urge bringing Gale and Wyll to kill Ketheric and just going guys. GUYS. shut the fuck up about your suicide pact. I know that's your dad but what the fuck are we going to do for him now. Pretty sure that's my ex-boyfriend and my sister up there plotting world domination and you don't see me giving away our position
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meadowsofmay · 11 months
there's an indescribable amount of pure joy i get watching liam in the crown keepers campaign — his reactions to all the familiar things, not familiar to orym but to liam himself. his happy smile at ashley when sherri was described, his content sigh when gilmore said he was married and overall just gentle look in his eyes during this whole segment, his quick smile when aabria mentioned syngorn and heart grab followed by an exaggerated fall under the table when they arrived to byroden is just precious to me. this man needs to be protected at all costs.
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hunxi-after-hours · 2 months
bai liu: if I met my younger self in a scenario, I simply would not kill him bai liu: instead I would lie, cheat, exploit, and emotionally manipulate my younger self into working for me bai liu: it's called profit maximization 👍
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swordlux · 3 months
The Command | Cú Chulainn x Reader
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A romantic reimagining of the scene from EP 19 of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, "Idealism's End", with you in place of Tohsaka.
Major spoilers ahead for the anime.
To Lancer with love <33
I could feel the loyalty in his stance—and it made my heart break. I knew Lancer would do all he could to resist the order, but even he wouldn’t be able to disobey a command written in his soul. It was like the cruel hands of fate had wrapped around both our necks.
*** The Command
The ropes bit into my skin. I turned my head away from Shinji’s taunting face, doing my best not to show my distress. Anger flooded me from the tips of my toes; how I wanted so badly to punch this young fool. I bit my lip instead, near snarling as his uncouth hands explored my thighs.
“I love a girl with nice legs,” he said, running his hands further up my thigh.
That comment and the fact that he was practically drooling were enough to push me past my limit.
I pulled against my restraints, ready to snap.
Then, all of a sudden, as if my thoughts made it appear, an invisible fist flew into the air and smashed into the side of Shinji’s face.
I watched my long-time rival’s cheekbone cave as the rest of his body caught up with him, and he went flying across the room.
For a second the only explanation I could think of was that I had tapped into some undiscovered talent, or that the air itself had adjusted to my will.
That was when he appeared—the tall, bright, handsome blue form attached to that fist.
“Lancer!” I cried.
Lancer’s expression was that of smug disinterest when he punched Shinji, but he turned now to me with concern flickering in his red eyes. “Are you alright?” he said.
“I am now.” It was the truth. Seeing Lancer standing there brought such relief to my limbs. I didn’t even notice the bounds around me anymore. It also brought up a deeper feeling that had been stirring in my chest every time I saw the man as of late. I wanted to throw my arms around his strong waist. The sight of him there confirmed all the feelings that remained unspoken in the air between us. It was clear he was stepping out of orders being here.
“Quite the situation you’ve got yourself in there,” he said, smirking now. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say the look suits you. Allow me—” He reached his spear for my binds, about to release me from captivity when a deep voice rang out in the dim chamber.
“Hold up, Lancer.”
The voice stopped us cold.
A man appeared in the shadows behind Lancer—a man whose sight would’ve made me feel sick on a normal day, and in this situation, it made me feel as if I was about to fall off the edge of a roller coaster.
He stepped into the light. The sight of the gold cross hanging on the front of his chest nearly made me hurl.
Kirei Kotomine. Lancer’s master.
I looked at Lancer with panic. He tried to reassure me, but I could see fear mirrored in his beautiful rubies.
He turned to Kirei. “What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that,” Kirei said, never breaking his composure. “I don’t remember ordering you to come to this young maiden’s rescue.”
“I don’t need an order to do something any honest knight would do.”
“Oh, is that what this is?” Kirei looked between us with amused curiosity. “You’re telling me you have no personal feelings here?”
Lancer bit down on his tongue. It was taking everything for him not to reveal the truth.
Kirei continued. “It’s true I ordered you to cooperate with them, but I never ordered you to get emotionally invested.” The love of my life’s master closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened them, I saw nothing but malice in those bottomless pits, and I knew exactly what would come next. “Well, seeing that it’s too late, there’s only one thing to do now.” Kirei turned and looked me straight in the eye. “Kill her,” he said.
Lancer’s face turned white at the order. In it, I saw an absolute dread that must’ve been mirrored in mine. My stomach sank. Just as we’d reunited, just as I was sure we’d get to explore more of whatever this was between us. Our time was cut short by the knowledge that what would happen next was inevitable.
I looked into Lancer’s eyes—those deep, passionate, loving eyes—and knew this was a fate I could accept. I had to accept. No matter how painful, if I was going to die, at least it would be at the hands of one I loved.
I knew it would wreck Lancer, so I tried to show my acceptance in my gaze. Go ahead, don’t get yourself in trouble because of me. I’ll love you always.
But Lancer had already made his decision. His resolution was apparent in the strength of his warm voice. “I refuse,” he said. “If you want me to, you’re going to have to use a command seal.”
I could feel the loyalty in his stance, and it made my heart break. I knew Lancer would do all he could to resist the order, but even he wouldn’t be able to disobey a command written in his soul. It was like the cruel hands of fate had wrapped around both our necks.
“Lancer,” I pleaded.
“Very well,” Kirei’s words rang out, trumping my pleas, and the chamber grew colder with their resonance.
And then came the words I never saw coming—the words that struck me right in my core and made me feel as if the sun had fallen out of the universe—
“Kill yourself, Lancer.”
“No–!!!” My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. The order seemed to shake the walls—every part of my being resisted this dreadful fate.
My death, I could accept. But this…
Lancer resisted the order as best he could, but even his strong hands couldn’t slow the turning of the spear toward his own heart.
I screamed and pulled against my bounds, but the rope held me in place. And so I reached for Lancer the only way I knew how.
I reached for him with the whole of my being, with my will, with my desire to keep him alive so strong it could burn all of me. I screamed his name with every fibre of my being—every ounce of my soul. I felt at the red tips of his existence. I reached for him through the darkness, ignoring all worldly restraints, so his spirit would have no choice but to feel mine.
And then the chant spilled out of my lips, smooth as a summer song, as if I’d been rehearsing it for this moment. And through the words I bled all of the passion I felt inside me.
“My fate shall be your sword… If you will submit to this will and this reason, then answer!”
I could feel the moment Lancer caught on. The force that was tied around him loosened.
I pulled him closer, both of us now working to fight the order that still tore at his soul. We fought together. I sang the enchantment until my throat was sore.
And then–
I felt it break. Kirei’s hold on him snapped.
With a violent backswing, Lancer's spirit tumbled toward mine.
I caught him, the force knocking all the air out of my lungs.
The red marks of allegiance on Kirei’s arm shattered and disappeared as if they were always as delicate as glass.
The same marks appeared on my arm now, but they felt strong and burned with red life and passion.
Lancer was mine.
I looked down at the new command seal with a strange feeling of completion. The connection between us glowed like a warm amber in the air. It was the feeling of reaching nirvana. A connection so wonderful it seemed too good to be true.
I locked eyes with Lancer.
Lancer was mine, and I was his, but more than that, he was saved from that awful fate.
Before the emotions of joy overwhelmed me, I reached for Lancer’s spear—the one that almost killed him—and turned it on the one thing that could threaten that joy.
Kirei was still looking at his arm in shock as I approached him.
It was at the last moment that he looked up. He only had a second for recognition to dawn before I pierced the spear into his heart.
The man who was once Lancer's master fell to his knees.
I pulled the spear out and watched him choke out his last few breaths in confusion.
"Sorry, but some fates are meant to be twisted." 
I turned back to Lancer and threw my arms around him.
He returned my tight grip, and for a second, I thought we were going to squeeze the life out of each other.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” he said. He pulled away and tilted my chin up to him. “Be mine, forever.”
He kissed me. The kiss was deep and hot, combined now with the sensation of our connected souls. I felt it tingling in the center of my forehead.
“I love you, Lancer.”
“I love you too.” He laughed. “I guess I should call you my master now.”
“Master, partner, whatever you need me to be”—I grabbed both his hands—“I’m yours. And I’m sorry. I used your spear without asking.”
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shiroi---kumo · 6 months
✏✂️ + sielu with his orange (sketch is fine)
Draw Your Muse || Accepting Slowly
@aquaticsoul Sielu and Sinfonia
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Celestial Mother help this poor dumb fool
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cursedcadaver · 2 months
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"for the broken ones who are in need of something dark, morbid, and beautiful" - The Fabric of Our Souls by K.M. Moronova
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soulmusicsongs · 1 year
2 Weeks, 2 Days, Too Long - Camille Bob (Brother Brown / 2 Weeks, 2 Days, Too Long, 1972)
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kazeofthemagun · 2 months
[Sometimes my brain connects all the dots of Fabula's sea symbolism and Wonderland itself being like an uncharted sea and Kaze's desire to go back to a home that no longer exists, like Odysseus except there is no hope. But he still longs for his Penelope anyway.]
[And somehow, she finds him through the Soil anyway.]
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krikeymate · 1 year
Scream AU with supernatural/magic elements.
Billy's murders functioned as a blood sacrifice, but he dies before he can claim his rewards. His mother taught him all he knew about the hidden world within their own, of magic and demons and the power of blood. She knows that when the enlightened die without redeeming their owed prize, it's granted to their next of kin. Mrs Loomis thinks this is her. She seeks to use it to take revenge, certain it will keep her safe in her quest, that it will protect her in the end. It doesn't.
Sam is born enlightened, blessed by the darkness, by the blood that coats her family line. Her father is mostly absent, an unwilling parent forced into the role. Her mother is a mess, too young to be a mother, sometimes too drunk to function. They learn about prayer on the tv, and one night she gets down on her knees and prays, she begs for a friend, for someone to love her, to not be alone.
It gives her a sister.
Her sister is hers, will love her like no other, will understand and accept her in ways that no others can. Her sister is a part of her, of her soul.
But to be blessed is also a curse. The enlightened are shunned, sought after, hunted and hated. Those who know know, and those that don't feel. Sam gets her wish, but in doing so damns her sister to a life of darkness as well. She never realised how much loving someone could hurt.
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the collector kinda reminds me of asriel dreemurr
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firedragon1321 · 4 months
The Bible is weird. I hate canon. But the fanfiction is top-tier. Paradise Lost and The Inferno are not canon and this makes me very sad. Malacoda? Just an OC. "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven?" Rawer line than anything canon could ever dream up.
Canon almost had it with The Book of Revelation, but dropped the ball with the whole "Jesus chooses who goes to heaven or hell forever". Like, isn't hell already forever? And all the bad people are already there??? Lazy stupid writing. They should make fans write this shit.
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veiledfox · 4 months
} There really is something to good music making things memorable
#I can very clearly remember a number of things thanks to the music from them#The opening to Madoka Magica with Walprugisnacht and the fantastic music to the sheer scale of despair that the actual event itself holds#Riko taking Reg up onto the edge of the crater to look out over Orth as the sun rises and the utter beauty that was Hanazeve Caradina plays#Shiro finally utilizing Unlimited Blade Works against Gilgamesh toward the end of UBW and actually managing to push back against him#Apocrypha's main theme playing as Sieg takes on Shiro and all the buildup throughout until the moment Sieg calls upon Fran's Blasted Tree#Tanjiro using Sun Breathing for the first time ever and absolutely turning the tables around on his first Major Demon and Nezuko's assist#ACCEPT THE TRUTH from Final Fantasy 16 and “Find The Flame” cicking in as the true fight against the Infernal Shadow starts#The utterly bonkers rendition of Omega Weapon's theme brought over from FFXIV into FFXVI for the Omega absolutely WILD Omega fight#The Deep Stone Lullaby from Destiny 2's Deep Stone Crypt raid when you exit the space station and have a whole parkour section in SPACE#Nier Automata's Weight of the World the many times it's heard throughout the game up until you reach ending E and hear the choir version#The ever iconic music all across Evangelion tbh#though especially Decisive Battle from Ramiel Fate from Sahaquiel and Tsubasa Wo Kudasai from the end of 2.22#Ludwig The Holy Blade's theme as a whole from Bloodborne The Old Hunters and how it shifts into a hauntingly beautiful and epic orchestra#Fucking ANSWERS from the FFXIV A Realm Reborn trailer and the utterly gorgeous and terrifying animation that was Bahamut's rampage#The serenely gorgeous music from all of Journey but especially the piece right at the end when you're making your final ascent#How to Train Your Dragon 2 opening with “Where No One Goes” as Hiccup and Toothless soar through the skies so effortlessly together#The utterly haunting and adrenaline pumping Rumble of Scientific Triumph from MiA:Dawn of Deep Soul during the final encounter#Music is fucking AWESOME#just felt like doing a bit of rambling about it
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Which team was the main character in each season of the BETA Eon of Blaseball: a collection of words
Ok so im bored as hell so here we go SEASON 1: Due to a lack of lore related happenings this early the "main character award" for 99% of the season goes to The Philly Pies. Then it went to Jaylen Hotdogfingers specifically at the end. SEASON 2: The award goes, Again, to the Philly Pies. SEASON 3: Ok so this is hard now: If we go by impact on the site alone, then The LA Unlimited Tacos win this award by a landslide due to The Grand Unslam. If we go by impact on the fanbase, The Hades Tigers would win the award. Due to the lasting impact on the lore however, The LA Unlimited Tacos were the main character of Season 3 SEASON 4:  Thomas Dracaena hit a ground out to Edric Tosser. Those two won it. SEASON 5: Unlimited Tacos with the Party Time Speedrun. Also a take nobody else probably has, I wanna see the blood bath return in some way.
SEASON 6: The Garages cause Jaylen came back. Crabs a close second though. SEASON 7: The Unlimited Tacos due to the Snackrifice
SEASON 8: The Crabs. This season was just
SEASON 9: The Charleston Shoe Thieves who promptly got Curbstomped by the pods
SEASON 10: The Baltimore Crabs for ascending and blowing up the sun. I'm not counting the Hall stars.
SEASON 11: The Tokyo Lift, as their appearance was one of the few notable things this season
SEASON 12: The Crabs for depending and escaping a black hole
SEASON 13: The Kansas City Breath Mints and The Charleston Shoe Thieves for getting their players snatched
SEASON 14: Tacos and Garages for their Wyatts not dying.
SEASON 15: Chorby Soul. Just.... Chorby Soul
SEASON 16: The Dallas Steaks I guess??
SEASON 17: The Tacos for winning a season
SEASON 18: Core Mechanics. cause Core Mechanics
SEASON 19: Tokyo Lift
SEASON 20: San Fransisco Lovers for being the first Underchampions.
SEASON 23: Parker MacMillan
SEASON 24: The Sunbeams for causing the ending to have to be rewritten
Well that was a lot.
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