#sotwk summer campfire sleepover 2024
sotwk · 3 months
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Everyone is invited! You do not have to be a Follower or Mutual. However, Anon Asks will not be accepted for this event. 
How to Participate:
Pick one of the described games below that strikes your fancy.
Drop an Ask in my Ask Box with your request.
I will respond and we’ll have fun!
One Game/Request per Ask/Message, please. You may submit multiple Asks, but if I'm short on time, I will prioritize the first one you sent.
I will only accept Asks received during the event period of July 11-15. I will give myself until July 31st to respond to everything; past that date, I absolve myself of the obligation. (Use your own timezone to determine the start/end dates.)
Read on for the fun!!!
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Pick one of the Special Guest Blorbos below and I will write a 300-word “drabble” for them with a summertime-themed prompt. 
This is the only time I will write or accept requests for these Blorbos, so this is truly “limited edition”!
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Need advice or a chance to vent over a problem? Send a quick letter to King Thranduil and/or Queen Maereth, and one of them will respond with some loving parental wisdom!
Updated (7/12): ANONS ARE ACCEPTED for this game ONLY.
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Share with me 5-10 bullet points about your Original Character (any fandom), and I will match them up with one of my own OCs, or a Tolkien canon character. Please include a face claim if you have one. 
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Fill in the blanks: “What would <name of Thranduilion Prince> do if <describe hypothetical situation>?” Send me the question and I will answer with some headcanons.
For example: “What would Legolas do if he got asked to dance by someone who is a terrible dancer?”
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Quote a line from the lyrics of a song you love, and I will say which Tolkien character I think is most likely to say it. (Please name the song and artist.)
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Pick a character you would like to receive a love note from:
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Please turn on your Anon Asks for this game to avoid delivery issues.
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Send me the link to a short fic (one-shot, 3,000 words or less only) that you wrote or you recommend. I will read it and “comment” by making a moodboard or doodle for that fic.
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Please invite your friends, a.k.a. reblog to boost this post! :) Hope to see you there!
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sotwk · 2 months
Happy Birthday to you! Love your campfire party idea! I’d like to request a drabble about Steve Rogers/Captain America.
Thank you so much!
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Thank you for the request, @zeldastrife, and for giving me a chance to dream about my favorite superhero of all time! <3 I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you and others will love it just as much. :)
Content/Genre: Marvel; Gen fluffy summer romance
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Ever since you were a child, the fireworks show has always been your favorite part of the annual Fourth of July picnic. But now they were merely a convenient cover that allowed you to fixate on the sight you truly wished to openly stare at. 
He must have seen so many firework displays in his long lifetime, and with him being a war veteran (a gross understatement), you wondered if the sound of the roaring, cracking explosions bothered him. But the relaxed expression on his face, tipped toward the brightly, colorfully lit night sky, gave no indication of discomfort. 
Dressed in a plain gray t-shirt, jeans, and a Brooklyn Dodgers baseball cap, Steve passed for a run-of-the-mill all-American, allowing him to spend the entire day mingling with the rest of the townsfolk, quietly charming everyone with his gracious, easy manners, but never drawing prolonged attention to himself.
Who would ever expect Captain America to attend a small town, middle-of-nowhere celebration on such a significant holiday? No one would ever believe it, and none of the folks who had looked the living legend right in the face and spent several minutes chatting him up suspected a thing.
You yourself could still barely believe the entire day, or any of the past few weeks that led up to the present moment, was actually real. Steve Rogers was your date. Your love life catapulted from a woeful, lonely drought to dating literally the most perfect man in the entire nation. To think you had nearly turned him down for fear that this was all an elaborate prank or some cosmic joke. But thank God, truly, for the sudden, miraculous ability to not let your deep-seated anxieties get in the way this one time. 
Steve’s renowned bravery was slowly rubbing off you; you could tell. Every moment you spent in his company, you felt yourself becoming more comfortable and confident in your own skin, as though you were learning to see in yourself what he probably saw in you. Good things that he decided were worth his time and interest. 
That courage began to stir and bubble up inside you while you continued to watch Steve watch the fireworks. You knew he was a staunch gentleman, forever rooted in his old-fashioned ways. Four dates in and he's never done anything more than hold your hand or give you gentle hugs. 
He would not like a girl who’s too forward. The brazen courage smothered down the nagging warnings in your head. Or just give it a try, this braver side of you proposed.
You reached across the small distance between you and slipped your hand over his arm, folded across his chest. His intent blue eyes immediately shifted to you, and the smile he gave made your heart stutter.
Before your courage could get snuffed out, you rose on your toes and swiftly planted a kiss on his clean-shaven cheek.
“Happy Birthday, Steve. I hope you had fun today.”
With the daring deed done, your electrified nerves shorted out, and your gaze fell to the ground, heavy with growing shame. Hopefully the memory of that one kiss would be worth it, if this was to be the end. 
His strong hand closed around yours, squeezing gently, returning your strength to you. That hand then shifted to the small of your back, drawing you against him.
“Today was…” His fingers ghosted across your jawline before resting, lingering underneath your chin. Your own hands came up to his chest, your head was spinning and you so badly needed to steady yourself. Suddenly you noticed his heart was racing, pulsing furiously underneath your palm. 
“...perfect.” His chest heaved as he finally finished his sentence, and for a fleeting, ridiculously giddy moment right before he pressed his warm lips on yours, you realized that Captain America had been rendered nervous and breathless. Just for a moment, but it was all because of you.
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This limited edition Marvel fic is a gift written as part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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sotwk · 2 months
Thanks again to everyone who participated in my Summer Campfire Sleepover!
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10 Things I Have Learned From Your Asks:
My Moots' favorite MCU blorbo is Bucky.
No one wants (or trusts) me to write Halbrand fanfic. It's cool though; I'm not even sure I trust myself! Haha!
Cregan Stark has yet to find a fanbase.
Everyone thinks Boromir would write great love letters.
I am so honored that people would entrust me with their RL problems/grievances. <3 I hope my advice is helpful, or at least comforting, esp. in Queen Maereth/King Thranduil's voice.
Literally everyone has cooler taste in music than I do.
Y'all write amazing OCs. What a colorful parade of characters!
I need to do a better job of writing more Thranduilion content.
I'm really excited for the excuse to produce some "comment doodles" and I pray no one is disappointed.
I am DEFINTIELY doing this event again next year. Or some version of it sooner. What who said that.
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It's not truly over yet, though! Please be patient while I work through writing/creating responses for all the Asks. I still have... a fair amount of them. XD
Again, everything will be tagged: #SotWK Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. Continued interactions would be so appreciated!
Thank you also for the birthday wishes! It has been so much fun celebrating with this awesome community. <3
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sotwk · 2 months
To the honorable Elvenking and Elvenqueen (whoever would like to reply),
My boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up recently, and while we still both want to be friends, I find myself resentful and unwilling to see him. Am I wrong for that? Should I attempt to force through my resentment?
Respectfully yours,
I hên nín*,
Three turns around the sun is a long time to place your heart in another’s keeping. It would therefore be a painful thing to sever such a bond, whether the choice came from you willingly or not. I am sorry for any sorrow you may be feeling, and I pray you afford yourself extra kindness and consideration.
In all partnerships, one half will never feel exactly the same as the other. It is not wrong or abnormal to feel exactly as you have described. Moving a relationship from a place of high intimacy back to a normal friendship places a great strain on your mind and heart. 
While your desire to remain friends is admirable and not impossible to achieve, this is a challenge that I would advise you not to take on while in recovery. Pushing yourself to engage with your former love before you are truly ready may only cause you to act with bitterness, and I do not believe you wish that for him.
Long ago, when the King and I came to an impasse in our courtship and were forced to part ways, I could not in my grief bear even the sight of him. Thranduil felt differently and could scarcely let me leave, but he did so for my sake. Many years later, after we had the time and space to grow and better ourselves, we reunited as friends, and discovered that the separation had prepared us as individuals to become one.
Whatever the future holds for you, dear one, right now you must focus on your own well-being. Take comfort, for nothing ever ails the heart that time cannot heal. Do not deprive yourself of this important medicine by forcing wellness. Take as many days as you need, and decide on a path once pain will no longer be an influence. A true friend would respect this need. 
His Grace sends you his regards and hopes, as I do, that you find peace and return to good spirits very soon. 
Cuio vae**, 
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Elvish: *My child / **Be/live well
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This "Dear Elvenking/Elvenqueen" game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
How to Participate: Need advice or a chance to vent over a problem? Send a quick letter to King Thranduil and/or Queen Maereth, and one of them will respond with some loving parental wisdom!
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sotwk · 2 months
Hello, you wonderful, thoughtful, sneaky busybody! I’ve read the letter that you snuck into my room—in fact I may have read and reread it until my eyes went crossed. I can hardly believe you took such risks for me, spying on Lord Eomer and taking his private writing—but I’m certainly glad you did.
Grateful as I am, I have another favor to ask of you—though I know you’ll accept gladly, given your love for meddling in other people’s business. I have a letter for Lord Eomer—oh, Bema help me, I knew you’d be insufferably smug about it. Yes, you were right—you’ve been right all along! Are you happy now? 
I know what you’ll ask next, and yes. If you must, you can take a peek—I suppose I owe you that much, since you were the one who brought me his letter in the first place. Just make sure he gets this, won’t you? I won’t be able to rest until he does.
Lord Eomer,
Last night, my friend gave me a curious gift: a letter, crumpled, torn, and painstakingly pieced back together. A letter written and nearly destroyed by your own hand. I do hope you can forgive her actions—for my part, I have never been more grateful for her meddling.
I was determined Forgive my penmanship. My hands have not stopped shaking since I read your words.
I was determined to speak to you at once. I’d decided to sneak to the Golden Hall and throw pebbles at your window until you awoke. Would you believe that I’d donned my cloak and had a foot out the door, with no thought that midnight had long since passed, when my mother caught me and herded me to bed like an errant foal? Trapped in my room as I was, I resolved to write to you instead.
I slept not at all. 
For months, I have endured the attention of the suitors my parents paraded before me. Foolish man, had you made known even a word of that letter to me, I would have sent them all away without a second thought!
I am—I was resigned to do my duty to my family. But you cannot think I wanted to marry one of those men! If ever I smiled at them, I was thinking of you. If ever I looked attentively at them, I was studying their faces seeking some trace of you. 
I underst  Bema, my quill grows unsteady again. You cannot know what your words have done to me.
I understand your reservations, truly. But I am of a mind with your cousin, that our duties need not rule us entirely. Nor must they be the enemy of our hearts.
Do you recall the midsummer feast last year, when you asked me to dance? We spoke afterwards in the garden below the north balcony. I don’t recall a word of our conversation, for you had kissed the back of my hand when our dance was done and I could think of nothing else. You must have known how your touch would haunt me, how I would drive myself mad with thoughts of how your lips might — 
Bema, I am not myself this morning! But there, you see? I do not cross out words in regret, not when I mean them. 
I will be waiting in that garden tonight, at sundown. If you have the courage to stand by the words you tried so desperately to destroy—if, Bema help me, you are as seized by your passions as you claim—you will meet me there. I make no demands of you. Only that you speak the truth to me, without reservation, as I am doing now. 
Enough of prudence, enough of patience! What good have those miserable words ever done us?
I don't know if you will receive this letter in time (don't know how legible it will be, I have never scrawled so fast in my life), but even with the hour being late, I HAD to write and reassure you that:
I survived reading it, though it got hairy there for a second, my poor heart was not ready.
I delivered the letter.
I did more spy-work and lingered in the halls all morning until I was sure Eomer had returned to his rooms and found it.
I got caught. No, no, not by him, thank Bema. By the other one.
No worries, I handled it. He went all high and mighty, telling me I "should not meddle so much", but he didn't rat me out right there. He went into Eomer's room and chatted with him for a good while. Alas, door was too thick for me to hear a peep. Why are these doors so damn heavy.
I managed to corner him later on, but he wouldn't confirm anything other than that Eomer read your words. I then rushed off to get this note to you, but I'm gonna run back to talk Theodred's ear off until he spills everything. I don't care if he is the Prince. I know for a fact that he meddles as much as I do if not more, that sweet hypocrite.
Please just show up in the garden as you said you would and this would all be worth it I'm sure. I'll meet you on the other side, girl! GO GO GO!!!
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Tagging parties who are probably interested in this crazy drama: @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @morethantheycansay @emmanuellececchi @celeluwhenfics
For the other confused readers:
The "Anon" who wrote the gorgeous letter in response to my own "Letter from Eomer" is actually the incredibly talented @scyllas-revenge. It started as a letter writing Ask Game, and is now blowing up into a co-written Eomer x unnamed OC fic.
I've posted my work of Eomer's letter as a ficlet on Ao3 called "A Salvaged Letter", but now I'm probably expanding that into a SMALL multi-part fic. We'll see. Now that I've pulled my beloved Theodred into it, it's hard to resist the urge to write more.
Oh, and the busybody gossipy friend will definitely be an OC self-insert of yours truly. Shamelessly, I'm doing that.
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sotwk · 2 months
Me when I saw Bucky Barnes was one of the Special Guest Blorbos:
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Bucky Barnes for Summertime Drabbles pleeeaassee 😁
Thank you for the request, @morethantheycansay! <3 If I go full-on Bucky Barnes stan, I will have you to blame thank! XD Your constant support of my writing means the world and helps a lot!
Content/Genre: Marvel; Gen fluffy summer romance
To Read on Ao3: LINK
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
“They’re just scams, all of them,” Bucky grumbled, dragging his feet as you tugged him in the direction of the county fair midway. A wide alley of garishly colored and brightly lit stalls competed for the attention of passers-by, with hawkers yelling out invitations to play amid the clamor of electronic bells and blaring buzzers.
You pointed at a toddler rolling by in a parent-drawn Radio Flyer, jubilantly hugging an oversized Spiderman plush toy. “If people are still somehow able to win, then they can’t entirely be scams.” You linked your arm with his and snuggled up close, which softened his resistance to being led through the noisy crowd. “They’re just made to be, um, challenging!” He snorted at your assessment, and your retort of jabbing an elbow into his ribs went barely noticed. 
“Oooh! I want to try this one!” You broke away abruptly to dash toward a quieter, less ostentatiously decorated booth, where aluminum milk bottles were stacked up on a line of pedestals. The attendant, a ruddy-faced, heavyset fellow, beamed at your arrival. 
“Three throws for ten credits,” he announced, holding up a pair of softballs. 
“Huh?” Bucky froze with his hand in the back pocket of his jeans, in the middle of digging out his wallet for cash payment.  
“No worries, I’ve got it.” You held out the neon green band around your wrist, and the attendant promptly scanned the barcode. Grasping the first ball, you turned to smile at Bucky, only to find him sporting that brooding scowl he promised he was still learning to keep out of your dates. 
“Ten bucks for three chances, you gotta be joking,” he muttered, having figured out what the pre-loaded credits you discreetly purchased cost.
“It’s fine, really. For the priceless memories, remember?” You hoped this wouldn’t trigger another overdrawn tirade about how it was criminal to charge so much for family-friendly entertainment, and how county fair admission cost next to nothing back in his day. (“Back in 1939?” you gently reminded him of his last fair experience.) 
He stared at you, at the little pout puppy-dog-eyes combo you put up for his benefit, and finally cracked a smile. “Right. Show off that arm, then.”
You stepped up to the line marker and drew back your arm for the first throw. Thunk. Too low. You struck the platform base solidly, but noticed that the little pyramid of bottles didn't even wiggle.
In your second throw, the ball caught the top bottle and knocked it off the stack.  You threw up your hands with a triumphant hoot, but the attendant was quick to remind you that you needed to knock over all three bottles for the big win.
Feeling a little more pressure (and admittedly pessimistic), you reached for the last ball. Bucky's gloved hand snatched it up first. 
“May I?”
You couldn't even remember if you nodded or said anything to indicate consent. You would only remember the sharp gleam in his eyes and the hard line of his clenched jaw. 
The rocket force of Bucky's throw blew all three bottles clear off the pedestal and smacked into the back of the booth with a crack, leaving a souvenir on the wooden paneling.
You walked off still mildly dazed with a giant Bluey stuffie clutched to your chest. 
“I’m sorry,” Bucky finally blurted out. “I should have let you take the last shot, I know you like doing these things for yourself. But it was torture watching that guy take you for a ride. I had to either throw the ball or slap that smirk off his face.”
He sighed and rubbed a hand over his hair and looked at you again, his excuses trailing off. “Aw hell, let’s face it. In the end I really just wanted to win you that ridiculously large teddy bear.”
“It’s a dog, actually. An Australian Cattle Dog.”
“It would need its own plane ticket.” He sighed. “Whatever. Again, I'm sorry.”
“Quit apologizing.” You reached out to give his hand a squeeze. “Did you have fun doing it?”
Bucky shrugged. “Gotta admit, it was a lot more satisfying than my last time at a fair.” Drawing you slowly into his arms, he gave a low chuckle. “In 1939.”
“Sounds like a great new memory.” You smiled and slid a hand around the back of his neck. “Mission accomplished, Sergeant,” you murmured before pressing your lips to his, in a kiss that he returned with twice the enthusiasm. 
“Let me win you every damn prize in this carnival,” he said, still slightly breathless after he broke off, that spine-tingling gleam reinvigorated in his piercing eyes. “Turn these fixed games around and con the swindlers right back.”
You bit your lip, the eager tone in his voice giving you pause. Would it be ethical to unleash a hungry White Wolf with a tireless metal arm on these game hawkers? 
“I do have that toy drive at work coming up in a few months.”
“My girl.” Bucky grinned and looped an arm around your waist to drop a sloppy kiss on your temple that made you squeal. “Point me to the next sucker.”
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Steve: You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck? Bucky: Was that the time you used our train money to buy hotdogs? Steve: You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
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This limited edition Marvel fic is a gift written as part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
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sotwk · 2 months
Hey! I hope you're having a blast with your summer campfire event, it's such a cute idea!! You already wrote a very sweet love letter from Boromir for another ask, so I'll humbly request a love letter from Eomer instead! <3 (I'm an easy customer, my real-world love life is so garbage I'll be happy with anything lol) Happy birthday again!
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Oooh girl. GIRRRRL. Have I got Tea to Serve.
Now I hate to be that busybody town gossip (oh who are we kidding, everyone in Edoras knows exactly what I am), but last night while I was picking up after them eored boys I saw the Marshal, yes that Marshal, toss a ripped and crumpled up sheet of paper into the fire. He'd spent the whole evening scowling and scribbling away at that thing, you'd think he'd forgotten his letters. (Personally, I didn't even think the man knew how to work a quill.)
Anyways, he must have been so frustrated and tired cause he missed his throw and you can bet I fished that lil' nugget up and stuck it in my pocket before anyone could see.
I know, I know, I could get in SO much trouble, he's the Marshal and he's probably got loads of army secrets and stuff to write about, but I could just TELL this wasn't anything business related. And OhMyBema my instincts were right, why do I ever even doubt myself?!
Anyhoo, I am just about halfway done taping the pieces back together like a Ravensburger 1,000-piece (boy was he mad at this letter!) but I can already tell it will be worth the loss of my eyesight. It's a letter FOR YOU, GIRL. AHHHH. I know. I know. And I TOLD YOU.
Once I'm done I'm gonna sneak it into your room--keep an eye on that letter box thingie you have on your desk. If you see a hot mess of a paper in it--it's not garbage! And neither is your love life because GIRL. GIRL.
I gotta go scream into a pillow now before I get back to the Scotch tape.
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sotwk · 2 months
How are the Summer Campfire Sleepover game requests coming along?
Well... I have about 30 requests left to attend to, and almost half of those are requests for drabbles (more likely to be ficlets, let's be honest about my abilities).
I am not complaining AT ALL--I am so happy to have received a great response to the event! :) I just hope nothing derails me from delivering on all these Asks. Most of you are creatives too--you know how fickle our energy levels can be!
Caffeine honestly doesn't do much to fuel me, so please help send motivation! Engagement with the Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024 posts would be a terrific boost! :)
If you're one of those waiting for a response, thank you for your patience! <3
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sotwk · 2 months
Hi! For What Would This Thranduilion Do? what would Turhir do if someone wanted to ask him to dance with them but were really shy and kept stuttering while asking?
Turhir has been my favorite of the Thranduilion brothers! I love your seeing your writing on my feed! Thanks!
Thank you for being a member of Turhir's little fan club! <3 I'm trying to recruit more members, and sending Asks that give me the opportunity to talk/write about him helps! :D I really appreciate you!
"If someone wanted to ask him to dance with them but were really shy and kept stuttering while asking..."
What Would Turhir Thranduilion Do?
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Heughan as Prince Turhir Thranduilion
Turhir is no stranger to people acting nervous around him. His entire life, he has always been the most intimidating-looking one of the Thranduilion princes, due to his great size and stern demeanor. This serves him well in his military duties, but has negatively affected his success at social events, especially next to his charismatic family members.
Someone approaching him to ask him to dance would require a lot of courage, a quality that would instantly catch his notice and earn his respect.
The stuttering would make him smile, not because he thinks it's funny, but because he finds it endearing. As a child, he too was shy, awkward, and self-conscious, so he would understand the struggle.
Turhir appears a hundred times gentler when he smiles, so hopefully that breaks the ice. If not, a courteous bow and a softly spoken, "It would be my honor," before he takes her hand and leads her to the floor, would do the trick.
Prince Turhir, who moves with a warrior's precision and grace, is a very good dancer--but in formal partner dances only, the kind where steps are pre-learned. While he doesn't spontaneously dance in events such as festivals, he enjoys balls and having quiet one-on-one time with people. Slow dances are his comfort zone; even the intimate aspects of it don't faze him.
He would take the opportunity to speak to his dance partner and get to know her better, as he would be especially intrigued by any maiden who gathered up the courage to ask him.
Royal protocol discourages the Princes from dancing with the same partner twice in one night, so as much as Turhir would wish to dance with the lady again, he is not one to flout the rules.
He would, however, discreetly ask for a chance to spend more time with her, perhaps for a private moment outside the ballroom, later in the evening. (Princely duties require he mingle with as many attendees as possible.) Or, if he decides he enjoys the special lady's company, he would not hesitate to seek her out the following day.
No maiden need be shy or scared of asking any of Thranduil's sons to dance, since they are all far too courteous to turn anyone down. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain from the experience! :)
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This "What Would This Thranduilion Do" game was part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
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sotwk · 2 months
I’m very happy to be at this sleepover! I’m roasting marshmallows to a burnt crisp over this campfire. For the fic comment artwork game, I’d like to recommend “with every seed you sow, let it wash away, wash away” by hexagons on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52703341
I hope you’ll forgive me for the extra 974 words over the limit! I just love this fic too much. It’s a beautiful exploration of grief and healing.
Your Fic Rec: "“with every seed you sow, let it wash away, wash away”" (Faramir/Eowyn and Legolas)
My "Comment Doodle":
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The purpose of this game is to "comment" via artwork alone and without words. Thank you for this amazing recommendation, @unethicallypleistocene! :) I hope we can get more eyes on this beautiful comfort fic! And that we fanfic writers continue to support each other!
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This "Fic Comment by Artwork" Game was part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
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sotwk · 2 months
It's the last day of Campfire Sleepover! Come toast your last smores!
(Technically the last hours, but I'm not going to be super strict about the hour of cut-off.)
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Thank you again to everyone who has participated and sent in requests! I will be working through all of them throughout the second half of July. Please keep an eye out! :)
All answers/responses written for this event are tagged #SotWK Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
I have not yet heard from several people who expressed an interest in joining, so I hope they see this "last call" announcement. :)
Once again, here is a rundown of all the Summer Campfire Sleepover Games! All of these are open to everyone!
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Pick one of the Special Guest Blorbos listed and I will write a 300-word “drabble” for them with a summertime-themed prompt:
Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark, Harwin Strong, Gil-galad, Elendil, Halbrand
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Need advice or a chance to vent over a problem? Send a quick letter to King Thranduil and/or Queen Maereth, and one of them will respond with some loving parental wisdom! ANONS ARE ACCEPTED for this game ONLY.
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Share with me 5-10 bullet points about your Original Character (any fandom), and I will match them up with one of my own OCs, or a Tolkien canon character. Please include a face claim if you have one. 
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Fill in the blanks: “What would <name of Thranduilion Prince> do if <describe hypothetical situation>?” Send me the question and I will answer with some headcanons. For example: “What would Legolas do if he got asked to dance by someone who is a terrible dancer?”
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Quote a line from the lyrics of a song you love, and I will say which Tolkien character I think is most likely to say it. (Please name the song and artist.)
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Pick one character you would like to receive a love note from: Boromir, Eomer, Thorin, Fili, Haldir, or Feren. Please turn on your Anon Asks for this game to avoid delivery issues.
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Send me the link to a short fic (one-shot, 3,000 words or less only) that you wrote or you recommend. I will read it and “comment” by making a moodboard or doodle for that fic.
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sotwk · 2 months
2 days left to get your Asks in for the Summer Campfire Sleepover!
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Thank you to everyone who has sent in an Ask so far! ❤️ I treasure all your requests!
Everyone is welcome to join in! Mutual/Follower status not necessary.
ALL the Sleepover Games are open for submission on all days.
You can submit multiple Asks, but (if I run short on time for responding) your first request will be prioritized.
Asks for these Sleepover Games will remain open until July 15, 11:59 pm of the last time zone.
Anon Asks are allowed ONLY for the "Dear Elvenking/Elvenqueen" Game.
I have given myself until the end of July to complete all requests. Please be patient while I get through them all. I will do my best! :)
If you'd like to read the things I've written in response to these games, check out the tag, #SotWK Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024
I would love it if we could keep the "hanging by the campfire"/"staying up at a sleepover" feeling going by engaging with the posts!
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sotwk · 2 months
I saw your summer campfire sleepover and as a mutual, I wanted to submit something. So for the fic comments by artwork, I will submit my recent angsty fic abt Thranduil (https://www.tumblr.com/two-white-butterflies/754324837657346048/cassandra-thranduil?source=share)
A wee bit angsty, and is my only work so far in the tolkien universe. Have fun with the event!! And thank you for hosting it.
Your Fic: "Cassandra" (Thranduil x Reader)
My "Comment Doodle":
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The purpose of this game is to "comment" via artwork alone and without words, but please know I enjoyed your beautiful fic very much! Thank you for sharing and for this Ask! :)
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This "Fic Comment by Artwork" Game was part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
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sotwk · 2 months
I'll take "love notes from middle earth" but it was difficult to choose (lots of nice blorbos). For once, I'll take Thorin, King under the moutain (yes, yes he is damn it!).
I may, or may not, participate to another game... ;)
I do believe a whole unit of riders bearing Durin's banners were spotted leaving Erebor. I think a very important letter, too private to send even via raven, is on its way!
If you're willing to share it with us, please tag me! ;)
Thank you for the Ask!
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sotwk · 2 months
So... it was quick : "OC matchmaker"
it's an OC I didn't spoke about much - Norwen Siralin
Daughter of Celebrimbor and an elfmaiden that was called later by the sea.
Born in Middle Earth
Was there, but very young, when Sauron tricked her father about the ring
Norwen loved MOria (but her mother hated it)
Norwen has swore vengeance after all that happened to her father (she is of feanorian blood sooooooo)
She is more a sword fighter
She avoids other elves, beside Galadriel.
She has kept some links with dwarves but with time, they all died.
she has a ring made by her father and her armor bears the feanorian star
no face claim - she is dark haired with grey eyes.
An elleth whose father was famously a Dwarf-friend and therefore has a soft spot for dwarves herself? This is an OC after my own heart! :) It only seems natural to match her up with one of Durin's Folk, doesn't it?
The SotWK Matchmaking Machine pairs Norwen with:
FRERIN, Son of Thráin!
Frerin is another underappreciated Tolkien blobro, but many writers of Durinson fics, myself included, portray him as a noble warrior--arguably as good as his brother Thorin-- who met a heroic but tragically premature end during the War.
In the SotWK AU (appearing in "The Broken Shield"), Frerin is kind and strong-willed, but also wise and brave enough to question his ancestors' ancient prejudices against the Elves. It would not be beyond him to see past Norwen's race and love her for herself, and all her good qualities. He was an elf-fan long before Kíli made it fashionable in their family.
I hope you don't mind my fancast for Norwen based on your description: the lovely Jenna Coleman! :)
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Thank you for trusting me to match up your OC! :)
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This OC Matchmaking game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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sotwk · 2 months
Okay so for the "Who would say this lyric" I have a fun one for you I think
"I've shattered now, I'm spilling out; upon this linoleum ground; I'm reeling in my brain again; before it can get back to you; oh what am I supposed to do with out you?"
The song and artist is Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery! It's one of my favs and I've used it for a few blorbos (some Tolkien ones included) so I'm excited to see who you think of 👀
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Oooh these lyrics! Ultimately, my mind drew a connection between this angsty song to the angstiest character in Tolkien (in my opinion). Poor Turin--the "Master of Doom" whose curse caused the deaths of his loved ones everywhere he went. I believe he deeply mourned all of them, from Beleg to Finduilas to Níniel, but his struggle to cope with their losses just became harder and harder until he could no longer bear it. And then... you know.
Whew, I should go find something a little happier now! XD But I get how this song appeals and fits different fandoms!
Thank you for the Ask, Nat! <3
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This "Who Would Say That Lyric" Game was part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
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