#sorta like how i drew her tail a bit ago
glass-noodle · 6 months
I like to imagine MerConnor gifting Hank one of his beautiful, shimmery scales. 💕
MerConnor in a seashell bra 😆
HHHH that’s so cute 😭😭😭 From what I’ve read most fish don’t seem to shed their scales unless they’re sick or injured (although a couple of species seem to do it as a defense mechanism)? Maybe Connor’s lost a couple during captivity and he’s kept a few of the healthier-looking ones…or maybe his species just sheds normally. Regardless, Hank would probably be a bit confused/concerned if Connor gifted him one and he just sees the bald patch on his tail lol. Like, “did this just come off by itself? You okay? You better not have picked this off just for me.” (He’d still keep it though. Probably tucked away in his wallet)
ALSO, this is how I picture Connor’s scales in my head. A deep, gorgeous, shimmery blue with purple and teal shifts 🥺
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(this is getting long so I’m putting the rest under a read more lol):
Sort of on the topic of seashell bras, I do like to imagine merpeople wearing pearls, shells, precious metals and stones, and bits of sea glass. Sorta like these but with a few less chains and more netting/rope:
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(^ RK brothers core)
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^ An excerpt from an RK brothers backstory comic I drew a while ago that I’ve been too shy to post lol. Amanda’s the head of their clan so I headcanon her to be the most decked out in jewels and pearls and shells (although I’d even add more accessories now that I’m looking at it again). I should draw Connor/the RK brothers rocking mer jewelry sometime though! 😩
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artful-browniebites · 4 years
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Was updating my pfp on ye olde fanfic.net for fun and found some old art. Oh how far we’ve come.
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symbiote-sorrow · 3 years
Ult Doc Ock being far more touch starved than even he realizes.
Scissor Tail probably teasing Otto by going: Awww does someone need a hug?
But he is taking this seriously and goes, “Absolutely not! Absolutely not! Not going to happen! Don’t you even dare >.>”
Until Scissor Tail gives him a hug when Otto’s off guard, probably during a “EUREKA” moment and he’s like: ಠ_ಠ
Scissor Tail: Want me to let go?
Otto: … After five more minutes.
This is very cute🥺💚
Scissor-Tail would never surprise hug in the full hug sense. She doesn't like being touched out of the blue because it can hurt her skin and scare her, so with Otto she assumes the position of "ask first always" or starts with a very, very gentle touch within his field of view to alert him to the fact she is wondering if she can be close to/hug/kiss him. She is almost obsessive in doing this for a very long time till he decides that her touch doesn't startle him as much as it used to and sorta lifts the rule that she put in place. This is after a long time of being around each other☺
Not all autistic people don't like hugs or touch, but I hc all Doctor Octopi as Autistic, with varying traits, preferences and dos/don'ts for each of their personalities, backstories and actions taken into account. I myself am Autistic, and so is Scissor-Tail, so I spend a lot of time thinking about how she and doctor octopus would communicate in each universe.
USM Otto definitely reads as more of the "please don't unless I am fully physically and mentally prepared" type. I'd think he can be very comforted by it in the right situations, but it's wholly unfamiliar to him as well as startling. Especially with the fact Norman and others instilled in his mind that he's an abomination on top of everything else that was most likely branded into his mind as a child if he had sorta the same family life as other ocks, which I always assume so.
Having someone in your personal space is already such a vulnerable position, and USM Otto is very traumatized around that area, and around basically every other area, emotionally, mentally, you name it. Vulnerable is all he's ever felt, especially after the accident, which just multiplied that feeling. So opening up is all on his own time, when he trusts enough to do so. Scissor-Tails main goal after falling for Otto was to help him to believe he is enough. Smart enough, powerful enough, attractive enough, you name it. And while his worth would never be based on those things to her, its something he openly lamented about in a few of his lines, so those verbal affirmations would be important.
ANYWAYS, that's just to me at least!♡ But everyone has their own headcannons and feelings so don't let this invalidate yours!!
But he is also touch starved this is correct XD
I looked at him ONCE and went "yeah thats the touch starved presence right there no doubt."
It takes one to know one, and I am the first "one" in the sentence.🤐😂
Here is a drawing for your time💚
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(I drew this a little bit ago, but didn't post it because originally she didn't have a shirt on, and despite the fact that Böøb isn't inherently n$fw, and this drawing wasn't intended as that- Tumblr hates böøb no matter what🤡 But your ask motivated me to make it post-able, so I hope you enjoy a soft USM Otto!☺ He deserves all the hugs he wants😌💕
I will sometimes draw new sketches for asks towards/about my OCs and the Octopi, so don't be shy to ask more things about whatever you'd like! It may take a few days or weeks tho if I get very inspired to make something more than a sketch.✌🏼😂
Also this was SO long I hope it wasn't entirely overwhelming. There are probably typos too and I'm a us southerner💀so sometimes I switch back and forth from formal to informal phrasing at terrifying rates.😂 sorry😂😂
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Lamia Drama Part 5
It’s ya boi Oozy. Apparently my brain deeply desires to touch on some potentially uncomfortable subjects today. Warnings for a completely made up medical condition - that is NOT meant to depict anything irl and any similarity to such is completely unintentional on my part - being treated with some seriousness as a chronic condition that does impact Oozy’s life.
Also skirts the line a bit between Corny laziness, general Sansitude, and feelings of guilt and depression. And touch starvation. But thankfully the snake DOES get pet in this and he ends the chapter happy ^u^
The Corny species of lamia belongs to @vex-bittys
           Oozy was laying in his hammock, a thing patched together from whatever they make raincoats from, as almost always. He could get down, but then someone would have to deal with the mess. Besides, one of the staff had gotten him a waterproof phone long ago. The hammock was coated in a layer of slime… as was he. As always. Most people found it gross, but he’d been born with it.
           Despite what some might think, snakes aren’t slimy… usually. He was a rare exception to that. No one could figure out why, it wasn’t anything wrong with him physically… So far as they could tell his soul just thought he was an amphibian or something. Maybe he should join the Kraits, but they didn’t seem overly fond of his weird magic-mucus either (not that they’d ever say it). Heh. But for real, the best theory anyone had was either that he did have some kind of amphibian magic-gene that wasn’t working right, or that for some reason his soul couldn’t process magic quite right, making a sort of buildup of inert magical sludge. Possibly both. So yeah, he was a slimy boy.
           If he showered more often it’d probably be manageable, but then some worker would have to clean up after him on the way to the shower and they’d have to rinse the hammock off too or else there’d be little point in showering in the first place, and if he was taking two or three showers a day, when would anyone else? Plus that’s just a lot of showers. Nah, it’s easier for everyone to just not. Or maybe those are just excuses, but hey, he’s a lazybones, born and bred.
           Oozy sits there in a half-daze, only partly awake as his hammock slowly sways. There was a podcast going on in his ears but he was only half-listening. Somehow he’d gotten from DnD advice to doctors? More likely he just hit a button by accident. Regardless of how he got here, her voice is soothing, even if he probably doesn’t need to know much about orthopedics. It’s enough to make him want to nap…
           Until footsteps come by. He waits for them to pass, but they don’t. He peaks an eye open to see a girl pacing back and forth, occasionally stealing glances at the nursery. Looks like they’ve got a new volunteer. Well, he should introduce himself then.
           “Yo, sup,” Oozy says. He stretches his arms and neck, joints popping, and pushes his upper body up onto the fake-trees holding his hammock up so he can get a better view of her. His nose flicks and he impulsively says, “Ya smell like dirt.”
           “Hmm? Oh, yeah, I work in a greenhouse.” Dear lord she was loud. Not upset or yelling or anything, but she could rival a full grown Papython.
           “Ah, they bring you in to get us more real plants or something? I don’t know if they can have indoor trees though.”
           “Probably not. Most trees aren’t really shade-plants anyways, and even if they were, they can’t grow strong enough without wind.”
           “Really? Huh, weird. But I’ll take your word for it,” Oozy says. He removes a little more of himself from the slimy confines of his hammock, draping himself over the tree and leaning his upper body down so he’s closer to her level. “So, why are you here then? Looking to adopt? I think you’ve gone too far then.” There weren’t many to adopt this far back. There wasn’t officially a “permanent residency” ward or anything, and theoretically anyone could get adopted, but let’s face it, they weren’t going to. They were hidden in the back for a reason, you’d have to be looking for a special case to even reach him.
           “I heard there’s DnD.”
           Oozy blinks a few times, then chuckles, “Well alright then!” Not the answer he expected, but okay. “They advertising it now?”
           “I mean, apparently yeah! Though in retrospect, I think you were expected to come with a lamia…” The girl looked down,
           Oozy shrugged, “Maybe. They have community events now and then and stuff.” Or maybe they were trying to get some of them out of there. No reason it couldn’t be both.
           The girl nodded. “So, uh… I followed someone, they had gold teeth? The DM. Then one of the cobra ones wanted me to leave, and, uh… Should I go?”
           Keith had taken her to the nursery, hadn’t he? “Nah, Keith just did something dumb. Whatcha thinking of playing?” He was curious how she was going to be worked in. They pretty well had their bases covered already. Red was the Tank and melee fighter, Trousle was the party face, Nikolai had healing and support covered, Liam was the other party face who really liked fireballs (freaking sorcerers), and… Well, Oozy himself was mostly just there to goof around. He’d made a ranger and had an Giant Owl (maybe not on the list, but Keith was nice enough to give him an upgrade since rangers were kinda bad in 5e) as his animal companion. The “hoo” jokes flew left and right! What could he say, him and his Giant Owl, Hoodini, were birds of a feather.
           “I mean, I figured I’d see what you guys already have? Warlocks are one of my favorites – patrons are basically built in lore – but Druids are a mood and Martials can be fun too. Sometimes you just wanna smash stuff with a big hammer, y’know?”
           “Mood.” Oozy said. “Well, we could probably use another full martial, but ask Hux, that’s sorta his thing, y’know?”
           The girl nodded. “Sounds good.”
           “Heh, yeah. Name’s Oozy by the way. Who are you?”
           “Nice to meet ya Alex. I’d shake your hand, but, well…” He held his hands up, shrugging. A drop of slime hit the floor.
           “Are you okay by the way? You’re kinda…” She made a vague hand motion, squirming in place.
           “Eh, I live with it. Called Oozy for a reason, y’know?” Oozy said.
           “… can I touch it? Or you? Both?”
           Oozy blinked a few times, surprised. “Uh… sure? If ya want?” He crawled a little further down, looping around the tree to keep himself stable. The girl’s hand reached out and touched his head. It was rather nice, actually. He found himself leaning into it, the gentle strokes feeling warm and tingly despite her hands being cold. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? His tail relaxes some as he sinks into the feeling, eyes shutting.
           Well, if she wants to keep petting him, he’s not going to stop her. This feels great. Hopefully she’s not just trying to be nice, but she seems pretty wrapped up in it herself, running her fingers through the layer of goo that had built up and down to the bone below. Oozy was vaguely aware that he was dripping all over the floor (and probably on her shoes, but they were caked in dirt and scuffs anyways), but y’know what, it was someone else’s problem. He started to reach out instinctively, wanting to wrap around her and cuddle, but she drew back.
           “Uh… sorry. I don’t really like my clothes getting wet… It’s really uncomfortable.”
           Something in him deflated, soul feeling heavy, but he put on a lax smile and nodded, “Eh, don’t worry about it.” Just keep petting him, please…
           “It’s alright. Heh, it feels kinda cool, y’know? Maybe not exactly like slime, but, like… It’s fun to play with.” Pause. “That’s a weird thing to say, huh?”
           Oozy snorted, “A little, but I ain’t gonna complain.”
           “Can I…?” She pointed to his tail.
           “Go for it.”
           Her fingers stroked down the length of his scales and he shuddered. It didn’t feel bad or sexual or anything, but it’d been a while since anyone had stroked him. Dear lord how did he go so long without this? He wanted nothing more than to wrap around her in a full body cuddle, to just run fingers through her hair and vice versa, to just get any kind of physical contact from someone. He was starving for it. Tears sprung to his eyesockets but he blinked them away before she could see. It was just so nice…
           “Thank ya,” he whispered, voice coming out choked.
           “Are you alright?”
           “Yeah… Yeah.” His soul felt a little lighter and he smiled in earnest, “Heh, feels good to get some of this off me.” Maybe he should take a shower today… The floor was a mess anyways after all. But it’s fine, it’s tile. It’d mop up. “Thanks.”
           “No problem. I think you feel cool.”
           “I mean, I am a reptile.” He snorted at himself, finally just saying fuck it and crawling down to sprawl on the floor like a limp, happy noodle. “I mean, probably.” There was a slight chance he was an amphibian after all.
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minidigidestined · 5 years
Coiled Hope Part 1
This is mostly just worldbuilding and first-meeting explanation kinda-sorta-diary-style-ish thing for my very self indulgent fair folk/magical creature story featuring my darling and I’s nagasonas. I was thinking of rewriting it since it’s kinda blocky, but I like this diary first person pov for my planning and plain ol blurb stage. I’m excited to do more with this and other ideas, vore and otherwise–but first I’m excited to figure out the magic system and history of this world.
Anywho, a sand boa is brought to a remote mountain forest after keeping fair folk in captivity or servitude has been outlawed, whisking her away from a contented life with her human master. The small, pampered naga reminisces on life as she tries to figure out what to do next, and is shocked when she comes face to face with a wild fair folk–a massive rainbow boa many times her size.
I huddled, cold and silent, within the gnarled roots of an old willow. The ground was still damp with yesterday’s rain and the croaking of toads rung out like some sort of haunting choir–the realization that I had never been so alone seemed to smash into me face first. Like a sack of bricks.
Just yesterday, life was perfect. My Master had been stern, but she was kind. She adopted me from a lab study when I was still a juvenile–when the laws restricting the lab testing of fair folk became illegal–and had nurtured me in her home ever since.
I had become accustomed to human food, neverending warmth, and plenty of nice plants, sand and shredded bark to burrow through and had not wanted for anything since my youth in the labs. I had an entire room to myself in her home, and though I was never allowed out, I knew to be grateful to have come into the possession of such a wealthy and caring woman. I never asked many questions, but there wasn’t much I wanted to know anyways. I was just happy to be safe and content.
…Perhaps I was isolated too, but I certainly didn’t mind–nagas, after all, are solitary in nature, and so long as I had good food, a few books and a constant hot spot? Bliss.
Now that was all over though. Keeping the fair folk as pets or slaves was outlawed mere days ago, and my kind were granted citizenship in the human world–both captive and wild roaming “renegade” folk alike.
Thinking of my days back at the lab made me glad to have my “humanity” realized for sure, but… I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy being with my Master. Even if other humans may have deemed me a mere pet, she always treated me like something more, something precious and worth protecting. She gave me humanity after a childhood of being nothing more than a beast, desperate to survive test after grueling test.
A wash of cold dread came over me in a wave, a lump forming in my throat. I clenched my jaw and desperately willed the old memories away, scratching at the skin of my arms anxiously with my stubby claws. Not here, not now… I couldn’t afford a meltdown, especially since I wasn’t sure if the tranquilizer the FFC–Fair Folk Control–officers had used on my last fit in the van would still affect me if my blood pressure rose or if adrenaline started to flow. I imagined the drug turning my blood syrupy and blanketing my brain, hissing through my teeth and forcibly controlling my breaths. Think of Master. She was always so sad when you got like this.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss her silent appraisal and warm smile with all my broken heart, for sure. It was certainly better than this miserable mountain forest those FFC officers dumped me in after seizing me from my master, whisking me far away from human civilization. It was starting to sound a lot more like segregation than freedom the more I thought about it… I don’t think they even realized this was nowhere near my “natural environment”. Citizenship my tail.
For a small-sized sand boa like me, the damp air seemed to chill with a vengeance. I anxiously drew my chubby fingers over the nubby end if my tail, a nervous habit I formed in the labs. I distantly remembered both my master and scientists discussing portals to the Other–my birthright as fair folk, but a world I had never seen since being bred on Earth. Was that an option for me now?
My stomach began to knot painfully during my pondering, and I nearly keened with distress from imagining my master serving me my favorite dumpling soup in my flower bowl with the chipped paint.
No more dumplings. No more bowls. No more Master.
My senses seemed to heighten with my sharpening hunger, my tongue flicking out to scent the air. As much as the idea distressed me, I could smell the breathing creatures around me and knew that my wild kin would already be hunting… But I had only ever fed on pellets or human food, and though the idea of a full belly sounded nice, a belly full of cold, wriggling toads did not.
Miserable, I forced myself to slither from the roots. Maybe there would be another fair folk in these woods–if Master had thought so highly of my kind, then surely they would be willing to band together? Perhaps we could even talk about how much we loved our Masters together! Maybe we could find our way back. Maybe I could even learn more about the Other! For the first time since being taken away, I let myself begin to hope.
I winced at the mud caking on the pearly white underbelly of my tail and made a note to take a bath–or at least find a lake. I slithered along, clutching the hem of my baby pink dress tightly, my nerves utterly shot. I had always loved my adventure books, but going on an adventure myself? Not as exciting as I had dreamed.
I lost myself in the twisting anxiety and hope of my thoughts, barely registering twigs snapping loudly beneath the bulk of my tail or sharp stones scraping against my scales. I twisted the fabric of my dress thoughtfully over my knuckles, contemplating the fact that this was the last piece of my Master I would ever have, hand sewn and worn thin with love.I stopped, forcing myself to breathe evenly again.
I looked down into a muddy puddle, smiling sadly at my full-moon face. Even in my despair my eyes twinkled a soft pink, my round cheeks flushed and tangled brown curls tied to the side of my head, spilling over and hiding one of my pointed ears. I flex my tail and lift upwards a little to inspect my dress, pulling off stray leaves and admiring the roundness of my fat frame, all soft without an edge in sight.
My hips slipped seamlessly into a serpentine tail, in particular, the sausage-like shape of a sand boa. My scales are patterned pale brown and white with speckles of soft pink, the trio of colors almost like delicately flicked paint splatters. Master always told me I had the look of sweetness, if not a bit ditzy–but she always said it with a smile.
I tighten the band holding my curls together, ensuring the volume of the small poof at the crown of my head. I’m so utterly focused on my simple task that I almost blacked out in pure fear when another face appeared next to mine in the muddy pool.
I scramble forward with a cry and twist around, thrusting my hands out in a questionable showcase of self defense. I slap against something soft but firm–the slight yield of the intruder’s belly?–and jerk my hands back with a squeak as I look up to face the forest-dweller.
And up, and up, and up…
The creature before me is looming and massive, but sleek at the same time. I realize with a start that he’s a naga like me, but that seemed to be where the similarities end. Whereas my humanoid half is smaller than the average human, he was much, much bigger. His tail, though thin like the rest of him, is coiled with lean muscle and a deep red color like an apple, a few ebony markings ringing his spine.
“Hey, sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” His smile was easy and genuine, but fear still made my heart race. “Are you okay?”
He was thin, a deep red cape draped across his shoulders and trailing the ground, its edges dirty and worn. Red scales speckled up his hips, torso and chest like freckles, blending in with the fuzz on his belly. His fingers were tipped by deadly sharp claws, his earthy brown hair long and messy. He looked equal parts ridiculous and regal, wild and in control.
I gaped like a fish out of water, pressing a hand to my chest when the clouds shifted and light came pouring over us… The massive naga seemed to suddenly swim with colors, his tail glittering and iridescent. I locked eyes with him and felt myself growing lost in the golden pools. “What are you?” My voice was a breath. Even in the labs, I had never seen another fair folk who…who shined. Not like this.
He smiled gently, opening his mouth to speak when a low grumble, slipping into a sharp growl, interrupted him. “Sorry, I’m starving,” He explained sheepishly, his long fangs glinting.
A chill ran down my back when I remembered the huge pythons back at the lab at feeding time, how they’d swallow human or fair folk prisoners whole since they couldn’t subsist off of engineered pellets alone. This guy definitely looked like a snake that would choose a whole person over a bowl of soup for a meal–but I wasn’t about to stick around and find out, pretty as his tail was.
It was as if my flight response finally kicked in as I whipped around to flee, but I was quickly halted by a glittering wall of scale and muscle. White noise filled my brain, my vision, my entire being.
Master… I thought. Please help me. Please save me again. I pressed the heel of my hands into my eyes, both trying to stop the tears and deluding myself into thinking I could hide.
“Yo, wait! You don’t wanna run that way. There’s some big gators there, they’d have you for a snack. You aren’t from here, are you?”
I still didn’t turn to look at him, but the naga’s voice held both concern and a trickle of amusement. He… he didn’t seem like a predator…
I tried to steady the stream of tears, turning to face him once more. “No, I’m not.”
His eyes widened at the glimmer of tears on my cheeks. “Hey, what’s wrong? You’re okay here, I promise. It’s okay.”
And before I knew it, it all came pouring out–both the unrelenting tears and my story. The huge naga listened intently, his lips pursed into a line of concern and his golden eyes focused right on me. I felt embarrassed by his rapt attention, but at the same time…seen. Really, truly Seen.
“I’m really sorry.” The larger naga reached down, his huge hand hovering inches above my plump little arm. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
I stared up at him with bleary eyes. “I’m so sorry. That all just burst out and I couldn’t stop and I just… You don’t have to comfort me.” I paused, heart twisting with a cocktail of shame and sweetness. “But uh…you can. Thank you. For being here. You don’t even know me and you’re…”
His hand was cool and firm, the skin rough. He gently stroked my arm with the pad of his thumb, his eyes looking far away. “You don’t need to apologize. Humans do bad things. They make bad choices, and then good people are left to pick up the pieces.”
His attention snapped back, his lazy smile returning as if he had never frowned in his life. “That’s why the forest is better, especially up on a mountain like this. I’m glad your…caretaker was good, but I promise a friend is even better.” The world ‘caretaker’s rolled off his tongue like a poison. Odd.
I couldn’t stop the rush of heat to my cheeks. “Thank you… Who are you, actually? I’ve dished out my whole life story and I don’t even know your name!” Now that my meltdown and blubbering had faded, I felt as if I could curl up into a ball and roll right away into nothing.
“Spectrum Maximus.” He grinned at my cocked eyebrow, flicking his lengthy tail to show off its iridescence. “I chose it myself! Now, who’re you?”
“You can do that?” I asked shyly, giggling at the name. “Well, in the study labs I was 42… My Master liked to call me Clover.”
Spectrum’s eyes fluttered with mischief. “I guess it’s appropriate, since it’s good luck that I found you here, but it sucks you never got a say. Who do you want to be?”
I couldn’t halt the flustered blush spreading across my face, though I couldn’t understand why. Who…did I want to be?
I looked downward, fiddling with the hem of my dress. I thought of every book, play and poem I had ever read, every bird and bug at the window, every season and holiday. Names and words flashed through my head, but still I came up blank. What in the world is a name? I never cared that Master called me Clover, but it didn’t feel like…
Maybe that’s what a name was–home. I thought of soft evenings in my room, Master smiling as she set down a bowl of homemade soup or curry or pasta on my desk and flipping open my favorite book. I thought of curling up next to her legs to eat, her slender fingers playing through my curls as she read to me. I thought of her teaching me how to read, how to write, how to sing along to a melody… I thought of one of our favorite treats to share together beneath my heat lamps, hot cocoa with peppermint chips and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Cinnamon. Warm, cozy and inviting.
“I’m Cinnamon.” I felt a warmth spread through my chest. Maybe those days were gone, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t carry them with me. That didn’t mean I couldn’t define who I was today. Who I wanted to be today.
“Cinnamon,” He repeated, speaking my new name as if it were something holy and special. “I think it suits you.” I felt a different kind of warmth surge through my cold blood at the way the corners of his mouth dimpled.
“Please, you barely even know me! You’ve just seen me a blubbering mess.”
“Well if that’s your worst, you must be pretty great,” He grinned, eyes twinkling with mirth. “I really hope you never see me cry. It’s about as gross and snotty as a snake can get.” His stomach snarled pitifully once more and he slapped it, brow quirking. “Shut up, you! You’re scaring our new friend!”
I winced. “Oh… You noticed?” At the rate my blush was growing, I might’ve well have been a rosy boa!
“You gasping in fear and trying to run away right into a bog? Yeah. It’s fine though, I usually have that affect on ladies.”
I rolled my eyes, unable to stop the smile bowing my own lips now. “So… You don’t y'know…eat people?”
“I’m not going to eat you if that’s what you’re asking. I am hungry though–I can take you back to my cave if you’d like. I cook a mean stew.”
“I could actually cook for you if you’d like. My Master taught me a few things for fun. It’s the least I can do.”
Spectrum smiled, his eyes the color of honey dripping from the comb and just as warm. “If it’ll get you to stop thanking me over and over when I’ve literally done nothing but sit here? Sure. Plus the mean is literal. I’m a really bad cook, so maybe it’s better if the homebody cooks something instead of the weird forest hermit.”
I couldn’t help but smile back even wider–the man’s mirth was positively infectious. “Well, you did keep me from being eaten by a gator.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” He slithered around me, coils whispering across the ground. How was such a massive creature so silent–if not in voice, then in movement? “Sometimes they like to visit my cave.”
I scrunched up my nose and flicked my tongue out instinctively as he passed. He smelled wild–dirt, sweat and trees. So different from my old homes, but welcome all the same. Maybe this wouldn’t be the end of the world after all.
And so, I followed him.
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quickeningheart · 4 years
   "You guys got back awfully late last night," came Charley's idle comment at breakfast the next morning. "Where'd you go?"
   Alley paused, fork in mouth, as three pairs of curious eyes turned her way. Behind her, she could almost feel Stoker's smirk. She affected her best casual air. "No place special," she mumbled around her fried eggs. "Just took a drive around the city and then walked a bit."
   "Crashed a wedding," Stoker added, making her choke on the eggs.
   "We did not!" She glared over her shoulder. "They didn't know we were there, remember?"
   His eyes crinkled as he grinned. "You're a pretty good dancer. You only stepped on my toes twice," he teased.
   Cheeks growing hot, she turned her back on him. "'Cause your big feet kept getting in the way," she grumbled, shoveling more eggs into her mouth.
   "Hmmm…" Charley waggled her eyebrows. "You do know what they say about men and big feet, right?"
   The mice exchanged confused glances. "Nope," Stoker admitted. "What do they say?"
   Alley slapped down her fork. "For heaven's sake, Charley, don't encourage him!"
   Her cousin laughed, and Alley decided she'd had enough breakfast. "I'm done," she muttered, getting up to take her plate to the sink. She turned to leave the room, only to be brought up short by a tug on her ankle. She glanced down to find the tip of a metal tail had snaked around it, holding her in place. Her glare snapped up to clash with Stoker's impish gaze and she pursed her lips with displeasure, raising an eyebrow.
   "Sorry, honey. It's got a mind of its own sometimes," he said, the very picture of innocence.
   "Yeah. And I'll bet it's attached to your dick," she snapped, yanking her leg free.
   Vinnie guffawed and Charley nearly spit out her coffee. Modo raised his single eye heavenward with a sigh, shaking his head. Throttle raised an eyebrow and peered at her over his specs, amused.
   Stoker just grinned and gave her a wink. "Cheeky brat."
   "Horny goat," she shot back, turning to stomp off to her room, their laughter following her.
   Alley tried to tell herself that Throttle wasn't really avoiding her; it was just coincidence that every time she tried to get him alone, he was nowhere to be found. She'd been trying for most of the week to corner him and talk, to no avail. As determined as she was to hash things out and get it all sorted, he seemed equally determined to ignore her altogether.
   Her frustration was reaching its boiling point, and on Friday morning, after spending nearly an hour searching for him—Really, how does a six-and-a-half-foot mouse just up and disappear?—she decided that enough was enough.
   She stomped down to the garage, where Modo and Vinnie were tinkering around in the engine of a beat-up minivan. Charley had decided to take Alley up on her suggestion of having the boys help out more around the garage, and had dragged in an old clunker of a van for them to work on. "If you fellas can get this thing up and running and not manage to blow up my garage in the process," she'd challenged, "then I'll know you're ready and able to take on the real work."
   Throttle was, of course, nowhere to be found. But his bike was parked right next to the other two in its usual spot, so he had to be around there somewhere. Right? Her eyes narrowed. "Anyone seen Throttle lately?" she asked with as much sweetness as she could muster.
   The two mice exchanged glances. "He was around a little while ago," Modo said.
   "Yeah, 'til Charley came in, sayin' you were lookin' for 'im. He muttered somethin' about somethin' an' took off like his tail was on fire," Vinnie added with a shrug. "Ain't seen 'im since."
   "I knew it!" Alley stamped her foot and muttered a string of words that made both of them raise their eyebrows in astonishment. "He's been treating me like a walking disease all week! I wanna know what bug crawled up his ass, and I wanna know now." She pinned them with a glare. "I don't suppose either of you could shed a light on the subject?"
   The bros exchanged uneasy glances. "You should be askin' Throttle," Vinnie mumbled, focusing his attention back on the engine. "I dunno nothin'."
   "Gladly! Any ideas on how to glue his feet to the floor? Seems like the only way I can get him to stand still long enough to talk! Is he pissed off at me about something?"
   "Nah, he ain't pissed," Modo denied. "I think he's feelin' guilty."
   "Because of … what happened the other night? Because of Carbine?" Her cheeks turned pink. "We didn't get that carried away," she complained. "It's not like we slept together or anything."
   "I ain't hearin' this!" Vinnie screwed up his face and stuck his fingers in his ears.
   Modo huffed. "It ain't 'cause of Carbine why he's feelin' guilty." He paused to consider. "Well, okay, maybe it is. A bit. But I think it's more 'cause of … well, that." He gestured vaguely at her, and she glanced down at herself, confused.
   "Sorry, I'm not following."
 �� "Those, ya know … the bruises all over ya," he mumbled.
   Alley couldn't be sure, but she suspected he was blushing. Vinnie definitely was; his ears had turned dull pink through the fur to prove it. Unfortunately, so was she, if the heat in her face was any indication. She sputtered, "What, haven't you guys ever seen hickeys before? The way he was—" She cut herself off, shaking her head. "It's normal! And most of 'em are faded already! 'Sides, I'm sure he's left plenty of 'em all over Carbine in the past!"
   "I ain't hearin' this!" Vinnie scowled at her.
   She scowled back. "Then little boys ought to leave the room until the grownups finish talking," she snapped, earning a laugh from Modo.
   "Look, I dunno what Throttle an' Carbine get up to when they're together, but considerin' she's covered in fur, whatever it is ain't so … so…"
   "So glaringly obvious," Vinnie finished with a snort.
   Alley felt like she'd been punched. "So, you're saying he's … what? Disgusted every time he looks at me now? Guess he should've thought of that when he was practically ravishing me by the lake!"
   Vinnie abruptly threw down the wrench he was holding and muttered something about root beer before stomping out of the garage. They watched him go for a second, before Alley shook her head. "He's gonna have to get used to it if he's gonna insist on dating my cousin," she said dryly. "I'm sure he'll be leaving his fair share of bruises on her in the future." She grimaced. "Actually, I kind've agree with him. Stuff I don't wanna know."
   Modo chuckled. "Those two'll be fine. As for you an' Throttle, it ain't that he's disgusted. Like I said, he's feelin' guilty. He ain't got experience with humans, ya know. Ya'll are so delicate compared to us. He probably thinks he hurt you. An' where we come from, any male hurts a female is the lowest sorta scum."
   Alley sighed and shook her head. "That dumbass," she muttered. "Why do I always manage to fall for the boneheads? My taste in men sucks."
   He raised an eyebrow at that, a corner of his mouth pulling up. "Guess you two really do gotta have a chat," he commented idly. "Ya look up on the roof yet? We don't go up there much in summer. Too hot. But with the weather coolin' down an' all, makes for a pretty good thinkin' spot."
   In point of fact, the roof was the one place Alley hadn't even considered checking, given it was flat, dirty, and held nothing of interest. And yes, much too hot during the day, especially for those rare folk who happened to wear fur coats all year round.
   "Thanks. I'll take a look," she mumbled distractedly as she turned on her heel to head up to the apartment, hardly hearing the amused "Good luck!" that followed her.
   Throttle was indeed on the roof. He sat cross-legged on top of the small metal utility shed that housed the building's breaker switches and several maintenance supplies. His back was toward her and, given that he hadn't even turned his head when hers appeared over the top of the fire escape, he must have been deep in thought.
   Or maybe he'd just fallen asleep; she couldn't really tell from that angle.
   Alley sucked on her teeth, pondering the best way to get his attention as she crept quietly over the ledge onto the roof. Shoving him off the shed felt like a good idea, but after a moment's thought, she settled for a more subtle approach.
   She shuffled at the gravel with one foot, searching until she found a suitable stone, slightly rounded from wear and not too large. Would have made an excellent skipping stone at the lake, she mused as she hefted it in her hand a few times, testing its weight. Ah, well. It was adequate for her purpose now. She drew back her arm, took careful aim, and lobbed it across empty space toward her target. She had just enough time to think she'd have gotten at least five skips out of that one, before the pebble inevitably reached its goal and bounced smartly off the back of Throttle's head.
   He yelped in shock and, to her delight, she had the added bonus of watching him fall off the utility shed anyway, landing on the opposite side. Score!
   He popped up in an instant, glaring around the rooftop, shades knocked askew. Surprise flickered when his eyes landed on her before the glower returned full-force. "What did ya do that for?" he snapped, rubbing his abused skull.
   "There," she sniffed, crossing her arms. "I just put a bruise on your thick head. We're even. Now will you kindly stop acting like such a jackass?"
   He gaped at her for a second. "H-huh?"
   She pursed her lips, eyes narrowing. "We need to talk."
   His expression shuttered and he turned his back to her again. "Ain't got nothin' to say," he mumbled. Then he yelped when a second pebble bounced off his skull. "Ow!" He glared over his shoulder. "Stop that!"
   "It's funny. All these weeks I thought you were a giant talking mouse, not a giant talking chicken dressed like one," she taunted.
   He glowered. "You lookin' for a fight?"
   "Sure!" She held up both fists. "If that's what it takes to get you to open your big mouth and talk to me, bring it! I can take ya!"
   He gaped at her … and then promptly dissolved into laughter, bending over and clutching his stomach in his mirth.
   She pouted. "Now who's lookin' for a fight?" she grumbled, dropping her hands to her sides. When he continued to chortle, she huffed. "Fine. Keep laughing. When I break your arm you won't think it's so funny." Of course that threat only served to make him laugh harder, leaning against the shed for support. Despite herself, her own lips started twitching in response. He looked so cute when he was caught in the throes of uncontrollable hilarity.
   His chortles finally died, and he leaned back to catch his breath, wiping his eyes under his specs.
   "Better?" she asked with saccharine sarcasm.
   He glanced at her, a snort escaping as his mouth started twitching all over again. At her glare, he managed to pull himself together, jerking his chin at the shed before hopping up to its roof again.
   Taking it as an invitation, Alley climbed the rusty ladder screwed into the wall, seating herself beside him on the roof with her legs dangling over the edge. "So," she began amicably, "why are you avoiding me? Is it because of the other night? I'm sorry. Maybe I should've stopped it sooner, but I was kinda … caught up in the moment." She blushed and glanced away. "I'd go back in time and fix it, but that's not really an option. So can't you just forgive me and move on?"
   "Th-that ain't why—I'm not mad at you," he sputtered, gaping at her.
   "Then why have you been skulking around acting like I've got some contagious plague all week? The only time I ever see you is when everyone is together. It's like you're afraid to be alone with me."
   He pushed up his specs to rub at his eyes in a tired gesture. "I already said I don't blame you for any of this. I'm the one who lost my cool," he muttered. "I got too carried away. I … hurt you." He looked down at his hands folded in his lap, shamefaced. "All those marks … I didn't know I'd been so rough with you."
   Alley sighed deeply, reached up … and calmly brought her fist to the back of his head.
   "Ow!" he yelped in shock. "Why do you keep hitting me?"
   "Because you seem to be permanently stuck in stupid mode," she said dryly. "I figured whacking the reset button a few times might knock you out of it, but it doesn't seem to be working."
   His jaw dropped, eyes wide behind his specs as he sputtered for a comeback.
   "Throttle, if you'd been hurting me, do you honestly believe I'd have let it continue?" she snapped. "Sure, you're bigger and heavier than me, but one well-placed knee to the groin would've put an end to it real fast. I doubt even big, tough Martian mice are immune to that sort of pain."
   He flinched, shifting away ever-so-slightly, and she chuckled. "But … I bit you," he reminded her, embarrassed.
   She considered. "Yeah. You did. That kinda stung. Don't do it again," she told him sternly. When he proceeded to look even more miserable, she rolled her eyes and gave him a playful shove. "I'm teasing, you idiot. Stop looking like I just kicked your puppy."
   He frowned and turned to stare out across the city. She gave his arm a shake to draw his attention back to her. "Look, the important thing here is that when I told you to, you stopped. There aren't a whole lotta guys I can say that about," she continued. "Most of the dates I've had, those guys wouldn't back off so easily. They could have definitely used a lesson or two from you on how to respect a girl's wishes."
   He shrugged, looking away again. "Their mamas didn't raise 'em right, that's all," he mumbled.
   "Their mamas didn't raise 'em at all. I suspect most of 'em probably crawled out of a sewer, given their manners," she joked, trying to get him to smile. It didn't work. She sighed and idly kicked her feet against the metal wall.
   "Why date 'em then?" he asked after a moment.
   She blushed faintly, shrugging one shoulder and looking away. "They asked. And they were all cute, so why not? I've always liked a pretty face. I'm kinda shallow that way," she mumbled, embarrassed to admit it to him.
   He considered for a moment before sliding her a sidelong glance. "This mean you think I'm cute?" he teased.
   She blinked at him, surprised, before a smirk touched her lips. "First off, what we had wasn't a date," she sniffed. "But … sure. You're not hard on the eyes." She gave an offhand shrug. "Once you get past all the fur."
   "Gee, thanks," he deadpanned.
   She smiled. "I wouldn't have made out with you if I didn't like you, Throttle."
   He glanced away, shifting uneasily. "What about Stoker?"
   Her smile disappeared. "What about Stoker?"
   "You two've been awful chummy lately, takin' all those late-night rides and all," he mumbled.
   Her frown deepened. "Well, yeah. It's part of the plan. Remember? That plan where I go into Limburger's tower, risking life and limb to hand over a set of papers that'll hopefully bring the next big bang to his planet?"
   "That ain't what I meant."
   She shook her head, confused. "This setup depends on Limburger believing that I weaseled the info away from Stoker, and to do that, he needs to see us together. As often as possible. So us going into the city and acting all … lovey and stuff is kinda necessary. But it's just a ruse. It doesn't mean jack. Besides, we haven't done more than hold hands. Well, he's walked with an arm around my shoulders once or twice. And there was the dancing that first night. But that's it! He knows not to push the boundaries."
   "Maybe not. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have his sights on you."
   Alley cocked her head. "Are you jealous?" she asked, a slow grin spreading across her lips.
   "What? No!" he yelped, eyes wide. "I just don't wanna go steppin' on anyone's toes, is all! Bros before babes. It's the Freedom Fighters' Code!"
   "How unbelievably sexist of you," she sniffed. "I suppose the 'babes' don't get any say in the matter?"
   "No, that ain't—"
   "What are you so worked up about, anyway? You have a girlfriend." Alley turned in her seat, crossing her legs under her to face him fully, expression serious. "Let me make it clear. In case you didn't already figure it out, I really like you, Throttle. Like, way more than any of those other guys I dated. There's this saying, you gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Well…" She blushed and glanced away, shifting. "You're my prince," she mumbled shyly. Upon seeing his astonished expression, she hastened to add, "But I don't have any intention of getting between you and Carbine! And I don't have any desire to be some stand-in for her until you can see her again. You are unavailable and I respect that."
   He tried to talk, but she held up a hand.
   "As for Stoker, he flirts a lot but … flirting is just flirting. And I can't really take him seriously when he acts that way. I don't dislike him, though. I respect him, and I certainly don't intend to play on his supposed feelings just because the guy I want doesn't want me back. That's a shitty thing to do to anyone."
   Throttle looked like he wanted to protest, but the rumble of an approaching truck caught her attention, drawing her eyes to the road. A large, bulky van was lumbering down the street, bouncing over the pitted ruts, swerving to avoid the worst of them. It started to slow as it reached the garage. "Oh. Charley's supplies delivery must be in. Guess I'd better go help her check them in," she said, getting to her feet. She suddenly wanted this conversation to be over, embarrassed that she had said so much. Had she really just told Throttle he was her prince? Like some sappy little teenage fangirl? She supposed she could be grateful that he hadn't laughed her clean off the roof. Ugh.
   She stretched the kinks out of her back, dusting stray rust flakes off her jean shorts. "Anyway," she said, turning to face him and forcing a smile to her face, "how about we both do ourselves a favor and just pretend this entire thing never happened, okay? Just put it out of our heads. We're friends, that's it. I don't make any weird advances, and you don't tiptoe around acting like I'm gonna jump your bones next time I see you. Deal?" She held out her hand.
   He gazed at it as he got slowly to his feet, his own hand extending. His fingers slid and meshed with hers, palms pressed together. Her heart skipped a few beats at the contact. "Maybe that ain't why I was avoidin' you," he murmured, his serious gaze meeting hers over the top of his specs. "Maybe I was just tryin' to avoid temptation." He stepped closer, eyes lidding. "Knowin' how you feel … it's makin' things mighty difficult," he added, his husky voice deepening to a low, sensual purr. "Maybe it's your bones you should be worryin' about."
   She sucked in a breath as his free hand slid into her hair. His thumb stroked lightly along her jaw and she unconsciously leaned into his touch. "Th-that's not fair," she protested around a shaky sigh. "H-how are we supposed to stay friends when you keep saying such unfriendly things?"
   She felt his heat as he stepped even closer, breath stirring her hair. "Maybe we ain't," he replied, before his mouth came to rest against her parted lips.
   He kissed softly, slow and gentle, and although she wanted to protest, she was helpless to act as he draped her arms around his shoulders, then slid his about her waist, pulling her close. His tongue dipped in, tasting carefully, and she was lost in his scent and taste and touch, just as incredible as she remembered. His tail snaked around her leg, and she decided that she was perfectly content to stand there and let him thoroughly seduce her on the hot, dirty tin roof.
   Unfortunately, the loud, highly-obnoxious clearing of a throat quickly put an end to that idea.
   They broke apart with startled gasps, panting for breath, staring at each other with wide eyes before turning reluctant gazes toward the fire escape.
   Alley was both gratified and annoyed to find Charley standing on the ladder, chin propped on the crossed arms resting on the ledge as she watched the show with raised eyebrows. "Sorry to disrupt, kids, but Stoker just brought home a very nice surprise. Thought you'd both like to know." Without another word, she clambered down the ladder.
   They glanced at each other, before Throttle hopped off the shed, reached up to lift her down, letting her slide along his body until her feet touched ground. She forced her shaky legs to move as she followed him along the rooftop to the fire escape, clambering down to her bedroom window and climbing in. He was already at the apartment stairs, and she hastened to keep up as he took them easily.
   There were people in the garage, she realized. Several of them. And she didn't know them. And every single one of them had fur and tails. She stopped dead in her tracks, nearly running into Throttle's back; he had also stopped to gape, looking as flabbergasted as she felt. "Who are they?" she whispered.
   One mouse in particular seemed to have caught his attention, his eyes locked on a small female with pale gray fur and long black hair. She turned to him, a smile brightening her scarred face at the sight of him. "Hey there, stranger," she called softly, and Alley felt an immediate sinking in the pit of her stomach. She knew who this was.
   "C-Carbine." The name slipped from Throttle's mouth on an astonished breath, and all the strength seemed to flood from his legs as he abruptly dropped to the floor.
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bendy-dreamland · 5 years
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(Warning: chapter contains mild gore, death, and blood, mentions of medical procedures)
“Boris! No, no! What have they done to ya?!”
Henry pulled Bendy away, keeping him from looking at the dead Toon. “Bendy, we need you to get out of here. Mugman, think you can take him back to Candy Corners?”
“NO!” Bendy screamed. “No, no, no! I’m not leavin’ dis spot! Dat’s mah buddy up in dat dang tree! I wanna know why he’s up there!”
“Hey, calm down, calm down!” Cuphead grabbed at the demon, turning him around to face him. “Look at me, brat! If yer gonna freak out, you’re gonna call da wrong sorta attention here! We need to block off da area and get da police in on dis. We’ve got a straight up murder on our hands, and it might be part of our investigation.”
Bendy looked at Cuphead before his face scrunched up as big, black tears came to his eyes. “B-But… Boris is…” He was cut off when the red-themed cup pulled him into a tight hug, rubbing his back. The demon started to cry, wrapping his arm around Cuphead.
Mugman gulped, looking up at Boris before looking at Henry as he approached him. “S-Should we get someone to call the police? I can go back to the shop…”
“Give me the camera I gave you earlier, I’m gonna take a few pictures. Go call for the police, please.” Henry replied, holding out his hand. Mugman didn’t say anything as he took the camera from his person, giving it to the detective before running back to the shop.
He got inside and went up to the counter. “Mike, I need to use the phone, gotta call the cops. We’ve got a possible murder on our hands.” He whispered, not wanting to cause a panic in the soda shop. Mike didn’t say anything as he let Mugman go behind the counter to use the phone.
As the mug was doing this, Henry was taking pictures of Boris’ body. It wasn’t easy, the sight was making his stomach curl, and Bendy’s crying wasn’t helping that unsettling feeling.
In his short time as a P.I., Henry has learned that death was a rare, but possible, event for cartoon characters. He’s learned that death comes in a variety of ways, some worse than others. Cartoon characters can be killed with acetone or Dip, something like acetone except ten times worse, and it’s not a pretty or pleasant death for anyone. Even humans have trouble when it comes to Dip, it burns something terrible.
Another way to die is from a weapon infused or soaked in either of these liquids, but it can’t be a Toon weapon, it has to be a human one.
Then there’s the simple death of a character due to script writing, and sometimes it’s for the best.
The saddest death is when a Creator gives up on a character and just kills them by ignoring them and cutting them off, leaving them to suffer. They cannot survive this way, they can’t continue to be a character, they’re not even allowed to stay alive in Toon World.
One of the worst cases is when Walt Disney and Universal Studios gave up on Julius the Cat, from the Alice shorts. The poor character suffered so much hate from people accusing him of being a rip-off of Felix the Cat that Disney let him be forgotten.
But that wasn’t his fault, he was an Original Idea that happened to be a black cat who was an imp, personality wise.
Original Ideas are the very essence of a Toon, they exist but they have no true form, no way to come to life, until they can make contact with the mind of a Creator. This is how cartoons come into being, this is how they can access the Over World.
When a Creator gets an Original Idea in their head, they draw the character on paper, then animate them. This gives them the kick in the pants they need for something called Life Ink to get them to come to life, to come over to the real world to live as a living drawing, a Toon.
Toons live in Toon World, that’s their home, but they can’t come into being until a Creator gives them life. It’s always been this way, even with comic characters. They exist in Toon World once they are brought to life through the medium they exist in.
Henry has had many Original Ideas he’s brought to life, just like Boris up here. It hurts to see his creation mangled like this, and maybe it’s the shock of it all, but Henry was keeping himself level headed about all this. He had to, he found his friend murdered and he knew that he had to be the one to find out why. Boris was an Original Idea he gave life to, and it hurts to see that someone snuffed that life out.
That made him worry, was something going to happen to Alice, the Butcher Gang? Did something already happen to them… and Bendy? Oh no, what about Bendy?
Bendy was, for the most part, a difficult Toon to bring to life. He was an Original Idea, but nothing Henry did could give him Life Ink. Until Joey took things into his own hands and told Henry that he’d help bring Bendy into this world. The next morning, he found Bendy sleeping at his desk, completely alive. Henry had asked how Joey did it, and all his friend had said was,
‘You just had to believe hard enough, Henry. Belief can make dreams come true, it can make magic happen.’
Lowering the camera, Henry looked over at Bendy, seeing him sitting a distance away, his back turned to face the body. Cuphead was quietly talking to him, patting his back. Henry could still hear crying from his demonic creation. He didn’t blame Bendy, he was reacting how anyone else would after finding the corpse of their best buddy in a tree.
There were loud siren sounds and Henry looked over to see police cars and the police force making their way over. He wasn’t too keen on the cops themselves, especially the ones here in Palomino City, but he was going to need their help.
He watched as a poodle in a chief’s uniform approach. He looked at Henry and cleared his throat, his voice heavy with a French accent as he spoke. “I am Chief Louis Baton, we were called here because of, eh, murder? Yes?”
Henry nodded. “I’m private detective Henry Ross, and the murder victim is my creation, Boris the Wolf.”
Chief Baton looked at him confusion. “You are a Creator?” He asked, sounding suspicious.
Reaching into his pocket, Henry pulled out his wallet and pulled out an ID card. It showed an image of himself from years ago, and had information about himself and his position at Joey Drew Studios. Chief Baton looked it over before giving a nod. “I have heard of you, Mr. Ross, just needed to make sure. Have had humans pretending to be… well… Creators, yes? Trying to sneak into places. Where is the body?”
Pointing up, Henry gestured to the tree and Chief Baton’s face paled, which was funny to see since he was a white poodle. “Mon dieu…!” He squeaked out as a bit of Boris’ entrails slipped out and dropped down, hanging about three feet down.
Henry felt like throwing up as he looked away. “I-I… let me get the clean up crew…” the police officer stammered out as he turned away. The animator looked down at the ground before walking over to Bendy and Cuphead.
“How’s he doin’?” Henry asked as he sat down next to Bendy, only to have the devil latch tightly to him, crying once more.
“Bad.” Cuphead sighed loudly. “What do ya think’s gonna happen, Ross?”
“He’ll be taken to the morgue where the coroner will look him over.” Henry frowned softly. “I know the coroner, he’s a friend, I’ll be able to get information about what happened from him easily.”
Bendy sniffed loudly before pulling away, his face was stained with inky tears. “Please… please figure out what happened… my best buddy’s dead, I can’t…”
Henry pulled him close and hugged him, sighing softly. “I know, I know, it hurts a lot. I wish I hadn’t seen it either. But I promise that I’ll figure out what happened, and I’ll take down whoever dared to kill Boris.”
Golden eyes looked up at him and Henry watched as a small smile came to Bendy’s lips. “I-I’ll hold ya do dat, ol’ man.”
Henry had spoken to several police officers about what he knew of Boris’ body, and he was able to interview both the ram and his wife about what happened. Apparently, they had taken a stroll through the park and the sheep had wanted to sit under the tree for a little break, only for her to find the blood and ink.
Now, that had Henry curious.
Blood and ink do flow in Toon veins, but the problem with the situation is that the blood was too dark, too deep a shade of red to be cartoon blood. Most characters bled a very bright, very loud shade of red, though some bled different colors, and some bled straight up black if they were a monochrome character.
In this case, that was where Boris fell. He was black and white in color, so his blood should be black. But this? Boris had blood that was the same color as that of a human’s, that’s… that’s not right. Did Joey make changes to Boris that were internal rather than external in design? Toons do get upgrades and design changes to match with the times, explains why Bendy wore a colored outfit, but Boris?
Boris was different, he looked just as he had years ago, and was even in his signature overalls. Last Henry had heard, Boris wore a shirt now and had a change in pants as well. He was even sporting a tail, a design choice that Henry fully approved of.
Did Boris change back to his old look before his death?
Henry sighed and rubbed at his eyes before getting up, grabbing a cup of coffee from the offered pot and cups across the room. He, Cuphead, Mugman, and Bendy were sitting in the waiting room at the coroner’s office, waiting to hear anything from the doctor in the other room.
Sitting at a desk in the room was a white cat with a long, fluffy tail and big, gold eyes. She had a cute smile on her face as she typed away at her type writer to the beat of the song that played on the radio. She was the secretary and wife of the doctor, Tabby. She was a sweetheart and liked to call Henry cutie whenever he came in. He let her do it because she was too nice to be angry with.
He poured himself a cup of coffee before looking over at the boys. Bendy had finally passed out from the emotional stress and was currently sleeping against Mugman, who was also napping quietly. Cuphead was the only one awake, flipping through a comic book he had pulled from his hammerspace.
“Want some coffee?” He asked the cup, who looked up and nodded. Walking back over, he handed Cuphead his drink, who happily poured it into his head, enjoying the boost of caffeine.
“Thanks, Henry.” Cuphead said as he closed the comic. “Maybe I should take ‘em home, Bendy’s had a rough time.”
“Yeah, maybe y-” The door behind the secretary desk opened and a black cat dressed in scrubs came out. He had a bored expression on his face as he looked over at the group. “Oh, hello, Dr. Fish.” Henry greeted, before hearing a loud snort from Cuphead. The cat was named Doctor Claudius Fish, and yes, his name was a set of puns. Happens a lot to cartoon characters.
Dr. Fish rolled his eyes, sighing loudly through his nose. “I didn’t choose my name, boy, don’t make fun. Henry, can you come with me, I need to show you something.”
“Right.” Henry set his cup down and looked over at Cuphead. “You gonna come with?”
“I… suppose, yeah. Miss, do ya mind watchin’ my baby bro and friend?” He asked, looking at Tabby, who happily nodded. He followed the doctor and detective through the door and into another part of the building. They entered an examination room and Cuphead made a face as he looked at the body on the table.
Boris was cut open and some of his organs rested on trays, even his head seemed to be cut open. But Cuphead was shocked to notice something with the body and the organs. “Oh, sugar honey iced tea… those aren’t right.”
“I take it that you figured out the problem here, yes?” Dr. Fish asked, looking at the cup headed Toon.
“Yeah, uh, I ain’t da smartest guy here in town, but I know what cartoon organs are suppose to look like, and these ain’t right.”
“What do you mean?” Henry asked as he approached, before realizing what they were getting at. “These are human…”
“Yes, and they seem to belong to Boris, as they were physically attached to him naturally.” The mortician replied, adjusting his glasses on his nose. Henry and Cuphead looked at him with equal surprise and he continued. “I have never seen anything like this before in all my years of working with Toons and humans. Toon organs may look like human ones, but there are obvious differences. For one, the heart is meant to look like one you see when a character is in love.”
“I’m guessin’ Boris’ doesn’t look anythin’ like that?” Henry asked as Dr. Fish held up a tray. He cringed, staring at the heart that was clearly human, except it was yellow in colored, stained in ink. What made it worse was that there was a giant bite mark in it. “What the hell…?”
Setting down the dish, Dr. Fish reached for his notes. “From what I was able to gather, it seems that this wolf has a human chest cavity, and bleeds human blood but toon blood as well, that’s not ink. Though he does have ink in his chest, but I doubt it’s his.”
“What’s… the cause of death?”
“Looks like he was attacked by a beast of sorts. He was clearly torn open by teeth, and most of his organs have bites and tears. It seems a monster had gotten to him, if you want to believe that. I think it was a wild animal Toon, one that has simple intelligence, like a wolf or lion from the Over World.”
He pointed towards the chest, at what looked like long marks in the black fur. “Seems that claws were used, or at least one set. I can’t find much in terms of evidence that two sets were used, just one that appears to be from the right front paw. That, or a hand from a Toon with very, very dark tendencies.”
“Gross.” Cuphead grimaced. “Hopefully it ain’t dat, don’t wanna be dealin’ with a crazed murderer. But if dat’s da option dat’s right… why would a Creator make such a character?”
“Because some people have dark minds that attract such Original Ideas.” Dr. Fish scoffed. “It’s why we have bad guys in Toon World, adds drama to a world full of sugar and smiles. I don’t mind the drama, gives me work.”
“Dat’s a dark outlook on da situation, Dr. Fish.”
“I deal with death and gore, boy, I am desensitized to much of what I see in this office, and I don’t mind it compared to the blinding world of cartoons outside of my office. If I want sunshine and rainbows, I’ll spend time with Tabby, at least I enjoy it from her.”
“Boy, you must be fun at parties.”
Henry sighed and slapped his forehead. “Anythin’ else you can tell us about this, doctor?”
Dr. Fish nodded and moved to another part of the room, grabbing a tray before returning to the table. On the tray was a large wrench, but there was something so wrong about it. It was solid, physical, but it appeared to be stuck as a sketch in appearance. It had all the tell-tale signs of a sketched-out design, like the marks of trying to make straight lines, the areas where things didn’t look even. And it was covered in dry ink and blood.
“This was found in his chest, behind his lungs.” The cat stated. “I’m not sure why it was there, but I suspect that it has a big thing to do with what happened to him. I am still going for his death being caused by an animal, but it is possible that this was used in the process. I’ll keep looking over anything else that seems suspicious.”
Henry nodded, looking from the wrench to Boris, seeing the familiar face, but the unsettling unfamiliarity of the X’d out eyes. There was a soft cough, catching the detective’s attention as he looked back to the doctor, who was giving him a look that meant that he understood how he was feeling.
“I’ll let you know more soon, Henry. I’m still needing to examine things and run tests, give me a day or two. Go home and rest, you look exhausted.”
He did feel exhausted, this is a lot to take in. “I know, I mean… this is my friend, my creation, layin’ on this table, right in front of me.”
Green eyes stared at him before Dr. Fish removed his glasses, cleaning them off a bit. “I understand, it is a hard thing to take in, people sometimes forget that Toons can die as well. We’re not meant to last forever, we all have to go at some point, even if it seems to happen before our time. Go home, you two, get some rest, continue work in the morning.”
Stepping out back into the office, Henry was surprised to find Linda waiting there with a now-awake Mugman and Bendy. She smiled sadly and got up, approaching him. “How are you doing, Henry?”
“Terrible, but I’m tryin’.” He tried to smile back at her and she gently patted his arm.
“Come on, let’s go to my place. I’ll make you boys a nice, hot meal and you can relax a bit. I’m sure you all need it after what happened tonight. If you want, you can spend the night!”
“Oh, I don’t wanna be a bother…”
She shook her head. “No, no! It’s alright, I’m offering! Besides, it’s getting late and traveling through the portals at night isn’t always the best. Also, when’s the last time I made you a good dinner, Henry?”
He wanted to say no, he wanted to reject the offer, but how could Henry say no to Linda? He chuckled as he shrugged. “Alright, alright, we’ll come over, is that alright with you boys?”
“Hell yeah!” Cuphead grinned, giving a thumbs up. “I’m up for a free meal!” He ignored his brother, who told him to stop being rude. Bendy looked over and smiled, he looked so tired and worried as he got up, walking over to Henry.
“Thanks fer da offer, Ms. Linda, real nice of ya to do fer us.” He told her, and she nodded, frowning softly.
“It’s the least I can do, it’s a terrible thing to have happen, losing a dear friend like that. Come, let’s head to my place.”
After saying good bye to Tabby, the small group walked out into the dark streets. People were out and about, many coming home from work, others going out for a good time. They could quietly hear people gossiping about a murder in the park, that’s the problem with cities like this, word travels fast.
Bendy bit his lip, trying to ignore the talking of strangers, instead trying to focus on the quiet chatter of his friends. He glanced around as he quietly walked before something caught his eye, a flash of black and blue. He stopped, looking about, what was that? Had he seen who he thought he had seen?
Blinking, Bendy turned to see Cuphead looking at him with concern. “You okay there, short stuff?”
“Yeah, I thought I saw… hey! Don’t call me short!” He huffed and quickly moved to catch up to the laughing cup, his mind no longer on what he had thought he had seen.
As they walked on down the street, someone peeked around the corner of a building, watching from under a hood. Black, pie-cut eyes looked on in worry before looking about, making sure that there was no one watching from above.
With a loud gulp, the figure ran off. This was bad, he just knew it, he could feel it in his feet that something terrible was starting.
First Joey disappears, now there’s a mutilated body, and he knew there would be more very soon…
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Inseparable Chapter 23: Blindsided
Adrien and Marinette finish making up, Nino and Alya notice some changes, and Adrien tries to get that photo for his lady.
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Read on Ao3
Adrien snickered and Marinette smacked his arm in mock annoyance.
“Why would you even say something like that? Are you trying to jinx us?!”
“This isn’t a horror movie, m’lady. What’s so bad about saying ‘what could go wrong’? Even if it was a jinx, I have my good luck charm right here.” She expected him to hold up the charm she had made for him, but instead, he grabbed her wrist and held up her hand as if presenting her to herself.
She blushed and bumped his shoulder, “You’re a dork.”
“But you love me anyway,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah,” she whispered, catching him off guard. “I do.”
She slouched back in her chair, staring at him while biting at her lower lip. It was clear to Adrien that she was struggling with something, but for the life of him he couldn’t tell what. Reading Marinette wasn’t quite as easy as reading her alter ego, but he was getting there. Not knowing what else to do, he reached out and gently placed his hand on top of hers. To his surprise, that made her tense up before sagging her shoulders.
“Adrien…” She raised her head to look at him. “I’m so sorry. I was so caught up in my own fears, I didn’t even think about what they would do to you.”
He flashed a weak smile at her and said soothingly, “Don’t worry about it.”
She shook her head. “No, Adrien. I can’t just brush that away - I want you to know that I’m done running. From here on out, we’re together, no matter what.” She leaned forward to rest her forehead against his. “I care about you. So, so much. I want you to know how much you mean to me.”
Adrien felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes as he squeaked out, “And how do you intend to do that, boss?”
The space between them was hot from their breaths as Marinette’s lips drew closer to his.
“By telling you every day how much I love you, to start with.”
He smiled against her lips, letting his doubts leave his body through the happy tears running down his face.
“That’s a good place to start.”
Contrary to expectations, they did manage to get enough done on their actual project to show Ms Bustier. Well, contrary to their kwamis’ expectations, at least. More than a couple times, Tikki had broken them up to keep them on task, and Plagg had thoroughly ruined the atmosphere when he decided he wanted a late afternoon cheese break.
When Adrien finally went home, he felt better than he had in a very long time. It might have sounded sappy to say, but Marinette telling him her true feelings toward him… ignited something inside. There was finally someone in his corner, someone who cared about him for him, and not just because of what he could do for them, or for a company. He felt energized, and with that energy came a burning desire to not disappoint Marinette.
He had told her that he would get the photo that his father had hidden away somewhere inside the mansion, and he had every intention of doing so. Even as the days went by and the search continued…
The two of them had decided to keep their relationship subtle at first, but he could tell that Alya and Nino had started to pick up on their well hidden ruse. All four of them had decided, about midway through the week, that they’d go to the park afterschool.
“Okay,” Alya said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “What happened?”
“What do you mean?” Adrien replied as he held onto Marinette tighter.
Her eyebrow twitched and Nino chuckled. “I mean, what’s with all… this.” She gestured at Marinette leaning her head against Adrien’s shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist. “Just a couple days ago, the two of you could barely look at each other and now you’re way close.” She leaned forward on her elbows and looked into their eyes as if she could look straight into their heads. “What. Happened?”
Adrien shared a look with Marinette, and made ‘go-ahead’ gesture.
“Oh! Um, well, there was a bit of a… misunderstanding. So we met up later to talk it out and, uh… yeah. We talked a lot and figured out that we really cared about each other so…” She trailed off, looking up at Adrien, who nodded furiously.
Alya and Nino shared a look.
“Dude, you were a total mess on Monday. That feels like a little more than a ‘misunderstanding’, my bro.”
“And you,” Alya pointed her finger at Marinette. “You went from barely keeping your cool around him-”
“Well, I am Hot Stuff.” Adrien grinned.
“Yup, you’re definitely full of hot air,” she quipped back at him as she jabbed him with her elbow.
“-to flirting like Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Alya seemed pleased at the way their eyes widened. In the ensuing silence, Alya crossed her arms and leaned back.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t flirt,” Marinette finally grumbled.
“Well, they sorta do, dudes.” Nino smirked. “Even if they don’t realize it.”
Adrien leaned forward while Marinette groaned. “We’re telling the truth. Even if you don’t believe us, all that really matters is that we are together now, right?” He glanced between their two friends, who deflated.
“Yeah, I guess… But I’ll get that story out of you two eventually.” Alya took a sip of her drink. “Even if only because I’ll need it when I make my wedding speech.”
Alya laughed when the two of them began blushing furiously.
Adrien was sitting in his room, having just gotten off the phone with Marinette. It had been a full week since they had talked things through. So far, she’d stayed true to her word and had made sure that she told him everyday how much he meant to her. It wasn’t something he ever really got used to, and each time his pulse raced like it was the first time. He felt beyond fortune that she’d fallen in love with him. His fingers ran over the lucky charms that she had made for him - both sides of him. She’d done so much for him and he’d never even realized it.
Which made it all the more important to him to find that photo. Not just for their grades, but because he didn’t want to let her down on something so small. It was his house after all - how hard could it be to find something in it?
As it turns out - very difficult, especially since he was usually expected to be inside his room, working on one thing or another. It was only when he started pushing the boundaries of his cage that he realized just how small it was. Even just roaming his own home provoked suspicion. It meant that he had to leave Plagg to do most of the exploring, but that was fine. There had already been one secret safe. Maybe there were others? Adrien wouldn’t be helpful in finding them, so maybe it was for the best that his kwami search alone.
The sound of the mini fridge in Adrien’s room opening and closing let him know that Plagg had returned. The smile on his face vanished when he saw how Plagg’s tail was swishing back and forth in irritation as he ate a wedge of camembert.
“Something wrong?”
Plagg’s eyes flickered toward him. “I found your picture. Found something else too. Something I missed earlier.”
After it became clear that he wasn’t going to add anything else to that, Adrien stood up. “Well, can you take me to where you found it?”
“...Yeah, I can do that. Everyone is sleeping anyway, and you need to see this.”
“I don’t know why it's here, but it can’t mean anything good. Not in the state that it's in.”
“Are you just going to dance around saying what ‘it’ is then?” Adrien said, jokingly.
Plagg glared at him, surprising Adrien. It wasn’t often that his kwami was anything other than a lazy glutton. Whatever he saw must have been super important if he was getting this serious.
“You’ll see in a minute.”
Plagg guided him along darkened corridors until they came across a room that was achingly familiar to Adrien. The air was stale, like the room had barely been touched since it was left over a year ago. His father couldn’t stand to be in there after… after she disappeared. It had been a long time since Adrien had been here. There were memories of his mom laying sick in that bed, just weeks before she was gone without a trace.
While Adrien felt his throat choke up from the long untouched memories, Plagg floated along as if all was normal. He stopped in front of a family portrait hung opposite the large double bed.
“It’s behind this. I can unlock it for you after you take down the picture.”
With hands that shook ever so slightly, he removed the painting from its place, revealing a sturdy safe. Why did his father have so many of these scattered around the house?
Wordlessly, Plagg phased through the safe. The dial spun wildly and swung open. Inside was two objects - a picture of two superheroes seated on a rooftop, legs hanging over the edge like he and Ladybug did so often. And a broach with blue gems and seafoam green feathers metal feathers.
“The peacock miraculous,” Plagg supplied as Adrien picked it up. “What is it doing here…?”
Adrien took the picture. The man had a stupid haircut and a silver domino mask, his outfit sleek and elegant - more like a suit for a fancy party than a suit of armor. He gestured with a black cane set with a purple gem, as if in the middle of telling a story. There was a flicker of familiarity in the man, but he didn’t recognize him until he saw the butterfly gem pinned at his throat - Hawkmoth!
His eyes turned to the woman, whose indigo dress shimmered even in the stillness of the photo. The same miraculous that Adrien held in his other hand was the same one that was pinned to her overcoat. She wore long gloves and wedged boots and was laughing at whatever the other person was saying, but he realized two things in rapid succession.
First, the woman was his mother. It was difficult to tell, but he could feel it deep in his bones until he felt something insubstantial break like glass until he knew without question. This woman, who wore the peacock miraculous was his mother. It wasn’t hard to piece together who the other man was after that.
The enchantment broke a second time, and Adrien was suddenly perfectly aware that his father was Hawkmoth.
“Now, kid, you need to think-”
“Plagg, claws out.”
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myrcury · 7 years
Lifted from @trelobita
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: Water
2. phone call: Called for movie ticket info for Isle of Dogs
3. text message: from the boyfriend: “I’m glad I managed to make you feel even a little bit happier today. :D”
4. song you listened to: Score from Passengers, specifically “Spacewalk.” It’s so beautiful. <3
5. time you cried: A few nights ago. Just feeling lonely and blah. :/
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: Not... really? Technically. I guess. We dated and then became FWB for a long time, so. :/ 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nah, not really regretted. Thought I probably shouldn’t have, but easily let it go lol.
8. been cheated on: Yup.
9. lost someone special: Yes.
10. been depressed: Yes. For a long time. Doing a lot better these days though.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Threw up the morning after, not during the actual drinking uh... event.
— fave colours
12. All shades of pink
13. Rainbow
14. Black and white together
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes
16. fallen out of love: No
17. laughed until you cried: Yesss so much XD  
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes. :P
19. met someone who changed you: I’m a bit more self-conscious and less stingy with my time because of the bf. It’s a good thing, really.
20. found out who your friends are: Sorta? 
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Nope
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: A good number of them.
23. do you have any pets: Two dogs live here but I’m not particularly fond of either of them. They’re my sister’s Shih-Tzu and my mom’s Pug. They’re okay. I miss -my- dog though. :( 
24. do you want to change your name: Not officially but I do prefer to go by my nickname. (Steph vs. Stephanie)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Had a weekend of birthday since my birthday fell on a craft show day. Had dinner at Golden Corral and spent time with the family at home.
26. what time did you wake up today: at noonish.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Drawing and listening to music in my room.
28. what is something you can’t wait for: Convention weekends with out-of-state friends that I don’t get to see very often.
30. what are you listening to right now: Closing credits for Thor: Ragnarok. What a weird movie. Hulk was adorable though. <3 
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I went to school with two boys named Michael and Thomas. Their dad went by Tom, as I recall. So yes.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: Blissfully not this exact moment, because they’re both asleep, but I can’t stand the sound of these two dogs licking. They do it almost constantly. .-.
33. most visited website: Facebook, Tumblr... Mostly use the apps though.
34. hair colour: Dark purple, lighter purple, blue, faded pink, and neon green. At the moment. XD
35. long or short hair: Short hair on the left side which is taking an annoying amount of time to grow out... longer on the right. Thinking about shaving it back down again.
36. do you have a crush on someone: Only on my adorable boyfriend. :)
37. what do you like about yourself: My eyes, my glasses, my creativity, and how far I’ve come in accepting myself warts and all. 
38. want any piercings: Not really anymore. Used to want an eyebrow piercing.
39. blood type: I have no idea.
40. nicknames: Steph, Rexy
41. relationship status: Dating someone. “Taken” I guess? Hate that word though. Haz a boyfriend. XD
42. sign: Virgo
43. pronouns: she/her I suppose, though I do identify as genderfluid.
44. fave tv show: I’m most recently in love with Shameless. Gallavich is going to break me, I just know it. ;_; At least it’s canon. Anyway I also love watching Jeopardy. 
45. tattoos: I have one just above my right ankle. Little winking star with devil horns and tail and angel wings and halo. Little thing I drew when I was 15, and got it inked when I turned 25. I want more though.
46. right or left handed: I’m a righty. 47. ever had surgery: Yep. Several. 
48. piercings: Are cool? Meh. I only have my ears done twice.
49. sport: Not my jam.
50. vacation: All my life is one big vacation. >_> *shrug* I’ll probably never get to travel anywhere awesome. Would love to go just about anywhere though.
51. trainers: Are we talking about shoes or people? ... Yeah leaving with Trel said cuz. Eh?
— more general
52. eating: Nothing at the moment but I broke my “no bread” rule for only like the 3rd time so far this year, earlier. *shrug* I was hungry and a PB sammich sounded good.
53. drinking: Water
54. i’m about to watch: The rest of Shameless without my family who are all also hooked on it as well but who knows when we’ll all be able to sit and watch together again GRRNNNGHineedit. >_> 
55. waiting for: This list of questions to reach it’s end so I can go to bed XD
56. want: To ... do a lot of things... To know why my brain is so foggy these days, for one. 
57. get married: I think it might be nice. I saw a thing the other day that said marriage is like a neverending sleepover party with your best friend, or something like that. I’d love to think that’s true.
58. career: Art for life.
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: Depends on the person and the situation...
60. lips or eyes: Again, depends on the person and situation.
61. shorter or taller: Taller than me, ideally. But the bf is an inch shorter and we make it work.
62. older or younger: I wish I was younger. :( 
63. nice arms or stomach: Armssss... I have such a fetish D:
64. hookup or relationships: Relationships. Hookups and me don’t mix. I’m demisexual.
65. troublemaker or hesitant: Always so hesitant. Inner Steph is an upstart though for sure. XD
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: Yep. See #7 lol
67. drank hard liquor: Yes
68. turned someone down: Yes
69. sex on first date: Newp.
70: broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so.
71. had your heart broken: Yes, and it hurts like no other pain in the world, let me tell you.
72. been arrested: Nope.
73. cried when someone died: Yes.
74. fallen for a friend: Yes
— do you believe in
75. yourself: I do, after all this time and a lot of struggle to get to a place where I do. It’s hard and it’s being tested real bad lately but... Hanging in there.
76. miracles: I do.
77. love at first sight: In terms of romantic love, I only believe in attraction and infatuation at first sight. However,  the feeling you have when you hold your baby for the first time or your new puppy gives you a kiss for the first time…. both of those qualify as very real love at first sight. <3 ... Trel. That’s such a great answer I’m just gonna leave it. XD <3 
78. Santa Claus: I do sort of still believe, in a way. I think we all become Santa Claus when we do generous or helpful things for one another at holiday time. And the rest of the year if we’re good people like that, then we’re just good people without seasonal connotation lol.
79. angels: I do believe, yes.
— misc
80. eye colour: Very dark brown
81. best friend’s name: I’ve got 3 best friends and they know who they are.
82. favourite movie: I can’t name only one. I’ll name the most recent ones. The Shape of Water, Passengers, Chappie, TMNT lol
83. favourite actor: Doug Jones. He’s amazing and such a wonderful man. :)
84. favourite cartoon: “Rick and Morty” at the moment lol
85. favourite teacher’s name: LIFE the greatest teacher of all 
if you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged <3
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nhlhoser · 7 years
On The Rocks - 14
Part 13      Masterlist
Word count: 2662
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My favorite kind of day, the energy is different-it's hopeful, positive and full of adrenaline with all the guys preparing for the game going through the rituals and exercises. The music-heavy bass and beat and extremely loud, someone the guys getting riled and moving was other are in the zone.
Auston Matthews is one of those 'in the zone' guys, quiet and visualizing. When he has his headphones on during his private stretch session after the Morning skate, is where he really gets zoned it. I accidentally witnessed this routine when I was helping set up the therapy rooms with Toad this morning.
Auston was the only player left in the dressing room, in his under armor and loose shorts, practically doing the splits stretching over both legs one by one, testing his mobility for each side. To no Surprise, he has more flexible going left, his shooting side, over his right.
I didn't stay long because it felt like I was invading a very private moment, his eyes closed hands twitching like he's stuck handling like he was in a play. It looked like he was at peace, this was his happy time. With that in mind, I high-tailed it out of there before he could see me.
As expected could be William is moving hype kind of guy, he's always moving and twitching on game day and only increases as the day progresses but as soon as his skate blade hits the ice he's in the zone and calm like Auston. Mitch is quiet on game days, he limits his talking to Auston and his words limited as he goes through his routine which, I don't even know because he does it privately like Auston than got playful during the warm-up.
I have become sorta involved in a couple rituals now if it's a pre-game massage or even just have too high five me, the guys are weird. Morgan is funny with his, he insisted that he plays better if he gets a shoulder massage right after his pre-game name, last night after he got the game-winning goal, I started to believe his ritual wasn't as crazy as I thought.
"I told you so Amelia, you doubted but look what happened last night! Game-winning GOOOOAL," Morgan has cheered with his hand on my shoulders shaking me as we laughed, Stephanie rolling her eyes but still laughed at us have been witness to a majority of the Pre-game massages in my living room.
Now that 2 and half hours until game time, Toad and another athletic trainer are trying to convince Frederick Anderson to let them assess his shoulder and neck have been the spot of concern recently after a game against Buffalo.
"I am fine," the Dutch goalie ground out visibly and audibly annoyed with the concerned staff. Both men unconvinced and about to continue before I swoop in.
"I think we should let him decide, the team doctor said he was fine, It's his body he knows best," I said carefully to my relief the trainers nodded and retreated to medical staff offices.
"Hopefully they'll leave you alone, but if it does bother you please say something," I pleaded to the way tall and wide Dutchmen who face is unreadable, but his eyes aren't as narrower and lighter.
"I just know I am ready! and It just felt like my word wasn't enough for them, I know they are looking out for my Health but man I need space," I was shocked at the usually tight-lipped man I front of me who just laid his problems out. Frederick must have realized he'd said more in the last 5 minutes than the past few weeks, a red hue blossomed on his pale face as an awkward crook smile appeared.
"Wow, been holding that for a while now," He breathed, running his hands through his short ginger locks, his shoulders not as tensed now too.
"Well, I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to say it, if you need anything let me know," I squeezed his shoulder as he nodded.
"Goodluck," I said quickly over my shoulder with a wave before I followed to where the trainer and Toad was working on someone's thigh, someone being William Nylander in only tight athletic shorts, unfazed is how I look but dying is how I am on the inside because he's a professional athlete with the body to match, a dumb grin graced his face before he winced again with a groan.
"Beaner, be nice to me, man" William teased the older massage therapist who only rolled his eyes before digging his fingers into the probably knotted muscles of Williams' thigh.
"Well if you stretched a little more after working out you wouldn't need this," Toad scolded with a smirk, as Will sat making faces at the back of Toads face, I had to hold my hand over my face and cough to hide my laugh.
"Be nice you two," I have pretended to scold the pair, I flicked the bottom of Williams' foot- the one not attached to the leg Toad working on, his leg coming up on reflex because I purposely hit a pressure spot, earning a glare from William.
"I help you yesterday and this how you repay me," William mocked a godfather voice, referring to car shopping yesterday.
"Actually it Was Kasperi who helped me," I corrected gently working my fingers on his calf.
"Well, you wouldn't have had dear Kappy if I wasn't with him," William chirp childishly sticking out his tongue but regretting when I dug my fingers into the sensitive flesh behind his knee, earning a yelp as he bit his tongue.
"Hey, now it's not my fault I don't have his number or I would text him too," I defend ignoring the glare I earned from Will for cause him a sore tongue.
"Whatever" He whined as Toad was finished up with his treatment on the thigh before whipping of the lotions and oils, meaning William was getting his leg taped- his hairy leg. I stifle a laugh when William realized the fate of Physio tape in his future.
"That shit hurts, I don't want it," William groaned as Toad laughed evilly whipping his thigh with rubbing alcohol to completely remove the oils.
"Well, sucks to suck," I said patting his shoulder before grabbing a roll of beige Physio tape and handing it over to the trainer coming into taking over for Toad, leaving William to the hands of said trainer not missing the glare from the blonde hockey player.
You could definitely hear the crowd in the hall but once you're in the change room you could only hear Mike Babcock as he talks to his team preparing them for this game, hyping them up to play. I sat in the medical staff room on massage stool, the trainers are all rushing around cleaning up the leftover tape and whatever was used on the players and whisper with the lead trainer very rapidly, something was up.
"Why is half of the staff running around like they lost their heads?" I asked Toad when he enters the room with a leafs windbreak in his hand and a shy smile.
"That's why I'm here, one the trainers broke his hand this morning and now they're short-staffed, and I may have already said you could fill in," My jaw dropped but was shut because the coat in his hand was tossed into my face before he continued. "You'll be paid double, as you'd be doing two jobs, all you have to do is follow instructions you'll just be standing in the tunnel," Todd smiled well patting my back with force to move my now grumpy ass toward the door as I pull the jacket on, an older short guy came over with a first aid fanny pack in hand.
"Thank you, It's league rule to have a certain amount of medical staff on duty and Bean over here doesn't have the certifications like yourself, Have you done anything like this before? Oh dear, I am Paul Ayotte by the way," The graying man said all in a single breath before sticking out his hand that I shook.
"Well, I was the athletic trainer for my brothers Lacrosse team if that counts," I said hesitantly as we walked towards where the players are getting ready, now 15 minutes until they have to go on the ice.
"Hmmm...what league? Because lacrosse is quite similar in pace and some equipment," Paul noted with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Junior A in Brampton and A.L.L in Toronto during the winter," I racked my brain to make sure this is correct, a shocked look crossed his face.
"Oh big boys, you'll fit in here just fine then!" The small man cheered entering the room of the players and drawing the attention of Mike Babcock and point at me with a thumbs up but he also drew the attention of all the guys into the room, my face and neck going red instantly.
"OF COURSE IT'S AMELIA TO THE RESCUE!" Mitch chirps coming up to ruffle my hair with his gloved hand, I do nothing to stop him just fake pouted well-making eye contact with Auston who's shaking out his shoulders before sending the smallest of smiles that if I had of blinked I would've missed it.
"Let's go, guys!" Calls out a hyped up Matt Martin leading the way out to the sliding doors of the Leafs dressing room.
"Goodluck!" I fist bumped Mitch simply as Morgan passes fist bump him up, down and blow it up to bring it back and dap, something we did a bit ago to make fun of Mitch.
"HA! We have a handshake, official besties," Mo booped my nose as I rolled my eyes pushing him towards where the guys were going out the door in their usual order, some moving faster and louder than others.
 When all the players were out the medical staff followed, it was weird going out towards the loud arena, chills run up my spine, it was a great feeling.
"You should stand here, oh crap put this in your ear," A nameless person said to stick the earpiece in my eye and putting the walkie on my belt as she guildes me to be right behind Curtis before disappearing down the hall.
"Amelia Channel 1 during the game, 2 if a leaf goes down, 3 for the other team," Paul said as he was passing me to his spot behind the bench giving me a thumbs up and I him. Adjusting the earpiece and turn on the walkie I can hear nothing until Paul's voice rings through going over what to do during the game, I nod along as I adjust everything on my hip, I now have the first aid kit and Gatorade towel on my left hip, the walkie on my right but the earpiece in my left ear.
"-Amelia if you see something off about a player heath that they are hiding radio it, not just the leafs either, we're part of concussion spotters protocol, it's jersey color and number," I turned to make eye contact with Paul before nodding,"
I got into the routine easy if a player needed help I helped, very simple. It was middle of the 3rd period and a Tampa player got hit cleanly in the corner but he tripped as Polak as finishing a hit and the player continued to the opposite end of the ice, I watched him skate it was staggered and the slightest bit wobbly.
"White. 21. Hit to the head," I called now looking away from #21 bolts as he made it to the bench wobbling, the call worked its way through both benches and the Lightning's head trainer was huddled with the assistant coach watching the hit before they made it to the head coach who instantly nodded, all well the assistant trainer and player were talking before they head to the locker rooms.
"Good call," Paul looked sparing a brief smile before his eyes were back on the ice.
They lost 4-1, Todd and I were busy massaging out the muscles of players before shooing them to an ice bath or just out of the room. The mood after a loss is definitely a lot different than the pre-game, the hope is gone and spirits gone. Guys get their shit and leave or some linger around for each other, some already watching game tapes.
I was working on a moping Mitch's shoulder to avoid cramping and soreness because his dumbass blocked a shot, as a player goo but as a human dumb. I massaged the muscles with enough pressure to release's the knots and prompting unpleasant groans from the boy.
"I hate you right now," Mitch deadpanned his face down in the table, I only could muster a tired nose exhale as I continued the assault of his shoulder muscles my fingers slightly aching as I worked on half the team on the bench as well as after the game. Paul used my massage skills to the team's advantage as I could massage cramps out right there on the bench making the recovering time faster for the guys.
"Did you drive here?" Mitch asked once he was sitting up stretching out his joints, a lot easier now.
"Yeah," I sighed out starting the clean my station up around Mitch as he did his thing.
"Good, can you give me a ride? I told Stephanie I come over but I spaced before and came with Aus," Mitch admitted shyly I shrugged nodding too tired to talk. Mitch smiled going back into the other room as i busied myself with cleaning and Texting Steph about what happened on the ice and that I'll be delivering her boytoy.
Mitch fell asleep in the car and I was jealous, we had hit some weird traffic on the Gardiner Expressway which was kind of weird because it was almost midnight, I could feel an episode of road rage wash over me, I just wanted to go home. My knuckles were white with how hard I was gripping the stirring wheel, all the times I should have had a nap today go over in my head but I don't dwell because it only makes me more tired. When we finally get off the highway on to lakeshore and I could see my building I let out a cheer that sounded dreadful and woke Mitch up from his 40-minute nap.
"AH, I could've sworn you lived closer? Why did it take so long?" He yawned as I finally pulled into my complex and making my way to the underground.
"Traffic," I grunted putting my car into park, not waiting for Mitch I got my things and was halfway to the elevator before he was even out of the car and silently falling me up the rest of the way to the apartment.
Both walking like the dead we entered the Apartment to an energetic Steph a glass of red wine in hand and a takeout box of food outstretched towards us, Mitch goes for the food but she pulls back and shakes her head with a laugh.
"Yours is on the table, this here is for Hawkeye over here," The smaller girl teased placing the warm Italian food from the bistro just downstairs, but also the Wine. Instantly I chugged the alcoholic beverage as if it was regular grape juice.
"Ah, thank you. I am taking this with me" I said referring to the food, "and please don't disturb me unless someone dies," I grumbled dragging myself and belongs past the cuddly couple who migrated to the couch well I was drinking the wine, grabbing a water I was up to the stairs after brief goodnights.
I ate, showered and fell asleep naked.   
The best way to sleep in fresh sheets.
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