#sort of a sequel to the wedding drawing i made of them now their on their honeymoon💙💛
skrrtscree · 1 year
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Just enjoying themselves ☀đŸč
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valleyof-goldenlilies · 1 year
The Woes of Weddings (Aemond Targaryen x Reader)
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You can read the first part, The Woes of Betrothals, but it’s not necessary to read it to understand the plot :) 
Synopsis: Your wedding with Prince Aemond draws near. 
Warnings: fluff, so. much. fluff, p in v sex, tiddy succin’, oral (f! receiving), and fingering, slight impreg kink?? (if i missed out anything someone please tell me I’m too sleep deprived for this), jace shaming (on aemond’s part) 
Word Count: 5K words 
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire and Blood characters, save for Y/N. All credit for the characters goes to George RR Martin and the showrunners of HOTD. The GIF above is also not mine, original credit to the creator is stated above. Go check them out!
A/N: You asked for a sequel to The Woes of Betrothals...and you got it. Featuring my first time writing smut 👀 I’m still improving on my smut writing skills, so please don’t laugh (I spent like five hours pouring about the specifics of smut writing too so) 😳 (see end of chapter for more A/N) 
wonderful dividers credited to @firefly-graphics as always! 
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‘By the gods,’ you swore silently to yourself, watching the scene unfold before you, ‘I did not think that I could have anticipated anything quite as worrisome as this.’ 
Your wedding day was in less than a week’s time, and your anxiety was just reaching breaking point. 
You stood uncomfortably on a slightly raised dais, attempting to keep as still as possible while the seamstresses around you fussed with the measurements of your wedding gown and cloak, adjusting it to perfection. You were unsuccessful in your regard, as you occasionally winced from the sharp sting of a needle poking your skin. Helaena sat in one corner of the room, observing the proceedings with a dreamy smile, which you returned. But it was the presence of the Queen Alicent that made you feel a little discomfited. Though the Queen was watching the scene with a smile, you saw glimmer of sorrow in her eyes every now and then, though it was quickly masked by her usual veneer of geniality. You wondered with a small blip of terror if the Queen was having second thoughts of wedding you to her beloved second son, but your worries were soon soothed with the thoughts of your beloved. You had greatly enjoyed the time you had both spent over the past few weeks: he had been nothing but a consummate gentleman and lover, nothing like the rumours of the cold prince you were once deceived by. Even now, thinking of your beloved, you had a rosy tinge to your cheeks and a smile on your face, despite the sting of the needles. You simply could not wait to discover what marital bliss your marriage will bring. 
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In another room, Aemond was faring far better than his fair lady was. Despite the rather unneeded presence of his grandsire in the room, scrutinising every move the tailors made, Aemond found himself to be quite far away from current happenings. His mind kept wandering back to his lady, and the sheer elation he felt that he would be wedding her in less than a week. It had been nearly a moon’s turn since he had confessed his true feelings to her, and every day since then has felt like a dream he never wished to wake from. He thought he would never experience more happiness as he had when he had claimed Vhagar, but this
it was a different sort of joy entirely. A contentment far more peaceful, and he found that he preferred this contentment to the hot blooded rush of triumph and adrenaline every time he rode Vhagar or won in his sparring jousts with Ser Criston. 
The both of you had spent the past few weeks spending nearly every waking moment with each other: you watching him train at arms with a wide smile on your lovely face that never ceased to spur him on, which always made Ser Criston raise his eyebrows in both amusement and a sort of pride; both of you discussing histories and philosophies in the library, where Aemond had discovered your passion for dissecting philosophical theology, much to his delight; strolling in the gardens and watching you blush with joy whenever he picked a flower and put it in your hair. He had also made it a custom to bring you a hand-picked bouquet of flowers every day, utterly enchanted by the near ethereal glow of happiness on his lady’s face every time he presented the bouquet to you. If he were a better painter, he would have asked you to sit for a portrait. Alas. Well, he could always commission the best painter in Westeros to do so, although he wasn’t quite sure if they would be able to capture your essence. 
Aemond sometimes thought it foolish that he had fallen in love so hastily, and so deeply at that. But he realised that when he woke up thinking about your smile and went to sleep every night thinking about how to make you smile even wider the next morrow, that no matter how much of a fool’s folly this may be, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He could not wait to be wedded to you. 
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The merry toll of bells resounded throughout King’s Landing, as nearly every single noble lord and lady gathered before the Iron Throne to celebrate the wedding of Prince Aemond Targaryen to his much cherished bride. 
Aemond fidgeted nervously with the hem of his sleeves, a habit he hadn’t done since he was a young child. He had never really liked crowds, despite being a Prince. Helaena, who was standing next to him, separating him from a probably drunk Aegon, patted his arm reassuringly. Aemond turned his head to shoot her a small, grateful smile, just as trumpets heralded the entrance of the bride. 
The courtiers turned their head to the doors, and gasps rippled through the crowd as they beheld the bride. Aemond felt as though he had lost all capability to function. 
There you were, gliding towards him in a gown of white, looking like a vision of the Maiden herself. Delicate spirals of gold and flowers adorned the thick brocade and silk of your gown, a thick cloak of your House’s colours draped snugly across your shoulders. You were escorted down the aisle by your lord father, who was beaming with pride while shedding some very non-discrete tears. Aemond felt like weeping himself, and Helaena was tearing up a little herself. 
When you reached the end of the aisle, your father removed the cloak from your shoulders, kissing you on your forehead, before entrusting your hand to Aemond, your beloved, who looked extremely dashing in his intricately tailored white wedding clothes. “Take care of my daughter, Your Grace,” your father said tearfully. Aemond gave the man a nod, “I will love her till the end of my days, my lord. Have no fear.” Then, Aemond turned to face you, a wide smile on his face, as he draped a heavy cloak of black and red across your shoulders. “My princess, my lady wife,” he whispered softly to you, caressing your hand in his. You smiled back at him, “My prince. My lord husband.” The both of you walked to the septon, pure joy emanating from your faces, as he officially pronounced the both of you man and wife, much to the raucous cheers of the crowd behind you. 
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The wedding feast was underway, and laughter and merriment was abound. For your first dance, you were whirled around the room by your husband, whose smile had not left his face since the moment he saw you. “I find it difficult to believe this is your first time waltzing, husband,” you said incredulously. “You are as nimble and graceful as any other lord in the room.” Aemond laughed softly, “Believe it or not, my lady, it is the first.” “But why?” you questioned, as Aemond twirled you around. Aemond looked hesitant, before answering softly, “Perhaps it was because I’ve never found the right dancing partner, until now.” You blushed, unsure of how to answer back, when Prince Jacaerys cut in, gallantly asking you for a dance, which you happily granted. What you did not notice however, was Aemond clenching his jaw as he watched you being whisked away by Lord Strong, but he shoved down the overbearing urge to punch the bastard in his face. ‘My love would be unhappy if I ruined our night,’ he kept repeating to himself, although he clenched his fists when he returned to the table and Aegon shot him a smirk, having saw everything. “Weren’t you drowning yourself in your cups, brother?” Aemond narrowed his eyes at him. “And weren’t you dancing with your bride? Oh wait,” Aegon said mockingly, “You’ve been forsaken for Jace once more.” 
Now Aegon was the one Aemond wished to punch. But he took a deep breath, not wanting to cause any conflict on such a joyous night. It wasn’t worth it to get riled up over Aegon’s japes, it never was. However, Aemond felt miserable as he watched you getting twirled around by Jace, laughing with him, instead of him. No matter, in the end, it was him that was your husband, not the Strong bastard, nor anyone else. 
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You were a little out of breath, after being asked to dance by three other lords after Prince Jacaerys. Now, you were exhausted, and wished nothing more than to return to your husband’s side and converse with him, particularly about
You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought. Of your wedding night. 
Spotting your husband sitting at the head table, you began to make your way towards him, but you were stopped by a familiar figure swathed in Hightower green. “Your Grace,” your eyes widened, before you dropped to a curtsey. Queen Alicent looked down at you with a smile, “At ease, please, we are family now, after all. You should address me as Mother instead.” You straightened, looking unsure as you glanced at your husband, who had already noticed you being accosted by his mother and was looking a little concerned. “Of course, Your Gr- I mean, Mother,” you said hesitantly. Queen Alicent’s smile turned a little warmer, “You may relax, dear, I merely wanted to have a conversation with you, from mother to daughter-in-law. Would you mind having a drink with me?” 
“I would be honoured, Your Grace.” Queen Alicent swept towards her seat at the head of the table, you following obediently behind her, but not before looking to your husband for guidance, and perhaps some help. As you passed by Aemond, he squeezed your hand in a reassuring gesture, which made your nerves sooth a little. ‘I can do this’, you chanted in your head, ‘tis only the Queen after all. And we are family now, this sort of thing is inescapable.’ Queen Alicent gestured for you to take a seat, as the servants began pouring wine into your goblets. “I trust you understand what would happen after the wedding feast, yes?” You fought the urge to blush, as you answered, “Yes, Your- Mother. Septa Marlow has kindly instructed me on the matter.” The Queen nodded approvingly, “Good, then we can move on to the other matter I wish to speak of then.” You were startled, what other matter could the Queen wish to speak of with you? 
The Queen took a sip of her wine, and for the first time, you noticed a certain sort of apprehension in her expression. The Queen said your name carefully, before asking, “Are you happy with my son?” You were struck by her sudden question, but you answered truthfully, “Yes, I am. He’s chivalrous, kind, and I have no doubt he would be a loving husband. I couldn’t have found a better husband.” The Queen smiled, but there was a certain bitterness in it. “You do not know how it warms my heart to hear you say so. Among my sons, I cherish Aemond the most. Though he may be
impassioned at times, my son is a good man. And it pleases me so that he is lucky enough to have found a wonderful woman such as you as his wife. I am certain that you will both have a happy union.” You blinked, taken aback by the scale of her compliments, “Thank you, my Queen. You flatter me, truly.” Suddenly, Aemond appeared next to you, hand on your shoulder as he greeted his mother. “Mother, if I may, I must steal my wife away for the moment. It is nearly time for the bedding ceremony.” 
“Oh, yes, I nearly forgot about that.” The Queen laughs, standing up. She pecked her son on the cheek, “Well, the both of you best be off to your bedchambers then. I will await for the both of you to break fast with me on the morrow.” Aemond inclined his head and smiled tenderly at his mother, “Of course, Mother. I bid you good night.” When the Queen had walked away, Aemond gave you a sheepish smile, “Did my mother trouble you in any way?” You shook your head, though you were still reeling a little at the oddity of your conversation with the Queen. “No, my love
she only wished to express her congratulations to our union.” 
Aemond breathed a sigh of relief, the tension seeping out of his muscles. “I’m glad to hear that.” He lowered his head to whisper huskily in your ear, “Now
how scandalous do you think it would be if I swept you into my arms right now and carried you to our bedchambers to consummate our marriage?” You looked at him with a mix of amusement and mortification, trying to discern how serious he was being. “I think we would be unable to show our face in court for nigh a moon’s turn.” 
Aemond sighed mournfully, “A shame then
.that I do not much care for that.” With that, he scooped you up into his arms, grinning wolfishly at your shriek of surprise and the bemused and intrigued looks the rest of the court was giving the both of you. “Please, continue to enjoy the feast, my lords and ladies. Tonight, I wish to express to my lady wife how elated I am at our union.” You heard Prince Aegon whistle at Aemond’s antics, and you buried your face in Aemond’s chest, unable to face the crowd as he carried you out the throne room. When the both of you reached your bedchambers, Aemond set you down gently, and smiled, “Was that too much?” 
“Very much so,” you admitted, feeling your face burn. Aemond found it rather adorable that you were so embarrassed. “I do not think I can face anybody in court for the next few weeks.” Aemond laughed, sweeping you into an embrace and kissing you on the forehead, “Worry not, my love. If things go as planned
I can assure you you will not be leaving our bedchambers for a moon’s turn.” 
You gaped, a little awestruck at your husband’s newfound boldness. He seemed to have transformed greatly from the shy, yet affectionate prince you had been spending your time with, into a confident, and evidently starved man, who was scanning you with such a greedy gleam in his lone violet eye that made a strange heat flare in your abdomen. His hands on your waist, he leaned in to whisper to you, “I trust you know what that entails?” You nodded slightly, not trusting yourself to speak at the moment, gazing up at his eye, which was clouded over in reverence and lust. “Good,” he whispered, “Now, would you allow your husband to unlace your bodice and help you out of your gown?” You nodded meekly. He smiled tenderly at you, turning you around and getting to work undoing your laces. You gasped when you felt your husband plant a kiss onto your exposed neck. “Are you nervous, my love?” Aemond asked sweetly, finally loosening the last laces of your dress.
” you murmured softly, feeling anxiety begin to build in you as Aemond began to tug off your gown. “I’ve
I’ve never
Aemond turned you around to face him again, your bodice hanging around your waist by now, and his breathing was growing more erratic by the second. But his expression was loving as he said, “I know, my love. I know. I don’t want you to worry, all you need to do is lay there and allow me to give you your pleasure. Is that alright?” “But I wish to please you too,” you protested softly. Aemond took your hand in his and planted a kiss to the back of it, his gaze never leaving yours. “To be able to bring you pleasure is the greatest satisfaction I could ever want for, my love. Now
” He finally undresses you, making quick work of your smallclothes. 
The first sight of your bare form has him questioning if he had truly died and went to heaven. You were the most marvellous sight he had ever laid eyes upon: your skin smooth and glowing in the firelight, your gait shy, legs pressed together to hide the growing arousal he had no doubt was pooling between your thighs. “Oh, my love
“Why? Is there something wrong?” you ask worriedly. Aemond shook his head, cupping your cheeks softly. “On the contrary, nothing has felt more right.” He directed you to sit on the bed, and you watched, riveted as he began to undress himself, his eye never leaving your face. He wanted to savour every single expression that graced your features tonight. When he had stripped himself off his doublet and smallclothes, you couldn’t help but admire the sight before you. He was majestic, his frame lithe and muscled. You let out a small gasp when you saw some scars littering his abdomen, tracing your fingers over them. His affectionate gaze followed you as you did. “How did you get these?” you asked quietly, looking up at your husband again. He smiled, threading a hand through your hair, “Just some scars from training at arms, my love. I wasn’t quite as proficient with the sword when I was younger, you know.” You continued tracing over them gently, almost reverently. “Do you
think they’re ugly?” Aemond asked quietly. You shook your head fervently, which made Aemond feel relieved. “Of course not, my love! Like my father likes to say, all scars tell of a story of failure, and how you managed to overcome them.” Aemond looked bemused, “Well, your father was very wise.” Aemond gently pushed your hands away, hands moving to his belt. “But enough of this talk, I think I’m neglecting the main purpose of the night: which is to lavish upon my beautiful wife all the attention she rightfully deserves.” 
You opened your mouth to protest, but you soon felt your mouth running dry as Aemond undid his belt and shucked off his pants. You had seen an illustration of a man’s
cock several times, when you had the misfortune of stumbling upon a copy of ‘A Caution for Young Girls’ and several rather raunchy books by Grand Maester Elysar. But that all seemed like child’s play compared to the man before you. “Aemond, I
” you shut your mouth for fear of blurting out something that was very indecent, although from your state of undress, decency was the furthest thing from your mind now. 
Aemond chuckled, bringing a hand to stroke your cheek gently. “Are you impressed by what you see, ñuha jorrāelagon?” Aemond asked teasingly. “Nuha jorrāelagon?” you wrinkled your forehead in a most adorable display. “It means my love in High Valyrian. I think that’s more unique than simply calling you my love in the Common Tongue. You deserve nothing but the most special things, after all. Which is why-” Your eyes widened as Aemond got onto his knees before you, grinning up at you mischievously. “I plan to make this the most memorable wedding night in history.” 
“I-” you were cut off as Aemond began lavishing kisses on your breasts and chest, fingers nimbly flicking at your sensitive nipples. “Oh, Aemond!” you cried out, as his mouth replaced his fingers, gripping tightly onto his shoulders. “Mmm, and here I thought I would never hear a sweeter sound from your lips,” Aemond hummed gently against your skin, the sensation nearly driving you crazy. “Keep them coming, ñuha jorrāelagon.” 
You gasped as you felt Aemond gently prying your legs apart, exposing your soaked cunny to him. Within a heartbeat, his fingers grazed over your cunt, making you cry out and arch your back. “My love-” You were interrupted by the sensation of Aemond inserting a finger inside of you, while his hot mouth was still sucking at your erect nipples. Your husband was a fan of interrupting you, it seems. “How does that feel, ñuha jorrāelagon?” Aemond asked in a sultry tone. “Good?” 
“Yes, so good. So, so good,” you moaned out, nails digging into Aemond’s shoulder as he added a second finger and began pumping a little faster, encouraged by how wet your cunt was becoming for him. He grinned devilishly, moving his mouth from your nipples to your neck. You let out another cry as you felt Aemond’s teeth sink into the soft flesh just above your collarbone, before immediately soothing it over with his tongue. Aemond let out a groan as he felt you becoming even wetter as he left love bites across your neck, he didn’t even know it was possible for him to get even more turned on by how aroused you were getting from the pain. His cock was growing even more painfully hard by the second, and he gritted his teeth, trying to will himself to calm down. ‘This night is about her pleasure,’ he told himself sternly, ‘You can have your pleasure later, when she is satisfied first.’ 
You let out a whine as you felt Aemond remove his fingers, but a moan soon replaced whatever complaints you had when Aemond latched his tongue onto your cunt, licking and slurping at your juices like a starved man. Digging your fingers into Aemond’s shoulder, you felt an unfamiliar sensation begin building in your stomach as Aemond’s tongue began flicking and sucking at your clit, making you squirm. Aemond kept one firm hand on your thigh, while the other wandered up to play with your breasts. “Aemond
Aemond!” you cried out as you felt your “peak” (Coryanne Wylde had described that in A Caution For Young Girls) hit you, making your orgasm gush out all over Aemond’s tongue. Aemond groaned, feeling his cock become painfully hard as he watched you climax right before him. He continued devouring your cunt, determined to make you orgasm again. The taste of you was just too sweet that he had to have you come undone on his tongue again. You moaned and cried out, writhing as you felt the sensation building up in your stomach again. Your second peak came much sooner this time, in part due to how sensitive your clit was. Aemond dutifully lapped up every last drop of your juices, sucking at your clit before withdrawing and wiping his mouth with a grin. You looked completely blissed out, if not a bit lost as to what had happened. “Are you alright, ñuha jorrāelagon?” Aemond asked softly, hands caressing your thighs. You nodded shyly, and Aemond smirked. “Good.” 
You yelped as Aemond pushed you onto the bed, your back hitting the sheets with a soft thump. The cool silk sheets were a welcome contrast to your burning skin, as Aemond grabbed your legs and hooked them around his waist. He leaned down to capture your lips with his, his kiss nothing like the chaste ones you had shared before. This kiss was messy, filled with lustful need, as he eagerly delved into your mouth with his tongue, fighting the urge to smirk when he heard you moan helplessly into his mouth at the pleasure. And it was about to get better for you, and for him as well. 
You were breathing heavily as Aemond finally broke your intense kiss, looking up at your husband like he was a god. You noticed a hungry gleam in his eye as he leaned in to whisper, “This might hurt a bit, ñuha jorrāelagon. But I swear, the pleasure will overtake the pain soon enough. Do you trust me?” 
You gulped, but you tried to put on a brave face as you replied,  “I trust you, my love..” Aemond bent down to kiss you sweetly. “Thank you, ñuha jorrāelagon. Just hold on to me, alright?” 
Your brows furrowed, but you squeezed your eyes shut in pain at the next moment, when you felt your husband’s cock slip between your folds and inside you. You cried out, the discomfort jarring you as he gradually sunk into you, letting you get used to his huge size. Aemond stroked your cheek softly, kissing away the tears that had formed at your eyes. “It’s alright, ñuha jorrāelagon. It will get better, I promise.” And he was right, you felt the pain ebb away slowly, replaced by a yearning for Aemond to move inside of you. “Aemond,” you whispered, “Husband. Could you move, please?” 
Aemond smiled tenderly at you. “With pleasure, ābrazÈłrys.” He slowly rolled his hips, and you felt your eyes flutter shut with pleasure. “Oh
feels so good, my love.” Aemond chuckled softly, moving in and out of you in a leisurely pace, enjoying the sight before him. “I’m glad to hear that, ñuha jorrāelagon. I’m going to pick up the pace now, is that alright?” You nodded, desperate to relieve the ache you felt. Aemond kissed you on the nose, before speeding up, causing your eyes to roll back. “Seven hells,” Aemond swore, panting a little, “You’re so tight for me. So perfect.” You moaned at his words, feeling a hot wave of shame, but also arousal wash over you. His words were so filthy
but you wanted to hear more of it. Aemond moved even faster, his own pleasure overtaking whatever rational thought he had about taking it slow. You whimpered when you felt him hit a spongy spot, tightening your grip on his shoulder at how deep he was going. 
“I love you so much, you know,” Aemond panted out, his silver hair now in disarray and his forehead beaded with sweat as he thrusted inside you. “More than anything in the world. I never thought it was possible for me to love someone to this extent, but you
with you, everything feels possible. I would move mountains for you, ñuha jorrāelagon.” You bit your lip, touched by his words. Moving your hand to the strap of his eyepatch, you murmured, “May I?” Aemond swallowed, feeling reluctant for you to see his actual face, to see the ugly scar that tormented him constantly. But you seemed so genuine, so earnest, that he could only nod stiffly. You pulled it off, setting the eyepatch aside, and ran your finger gently on his scar. You beheld the sight of his sapphire eye without much fear, or disgust, both reactions that Aemond had been fearing, and he let out a sigh of relief, leaning down to kiss you again, before trailing his lips onto your neck and collarbone. 
“You are truly wondrous, ñuha jorrāelagon, do you know that? You make me want to learn every little thing about you
all your likes, your dislikes, what makes you beam and what makes you tick
I just want to never stop learning about you.” Aemond whispered against your skin. “No other books in the world, both known and unknown, could measure up to the enchanting goddess that is you, ñuha jorrāelagon. I love you, so much.” 
You moaned softly, moving to tug at Aemond’s hair as he left more love bites on your neck. “I love you too, Aemond. From now, till the end of our days. You are the sun in my universe. No, more than that. You are my moon, my light, my reason to keep breathing. You are everything to me.” 
Aemond groaned softly, feeling his own release getting closer as he listened to your declaration of love. He leaned his forehead against yours, breathing heavily, “Thank you, ñuha jorrāelagon. Thank you for not turning away from me. For loving me. For not seeing me as lesser than.” You tilted your head upwards to give him a tender smooch on the lips. “You never need to thank me for loving you, Aemond. You are deserving of it. And I promise to show you all the love that you deserve throughout our marriage.” And that was the final straw for Aemond. With a throaty moan, he spilled inside of you, feeling your walls clench around him as he did. You followed shortly after, reaching your third climax of the night as you arched your back in pleasure. Aemond continued thrusting inside you, letting you ride out your peak, as he kissed you fervently. You tangled your hands in his hair, moaning into his mouth. After a while, Aemond finally ceased moving in you, pulling out of you. He broke your kiss and pecked you on the forehead, “Wait here, ñuha jorrāelagon.” You watched, confused, as Aemond disappeared, returning with a wet cloth. He sat next to you, cleaning up the mess of fluids on your thighs, where you noticed a small spot of blood on the sheets. ‘My maidenhood,’ you thought, chewing on your bottom lip. ‘It seems I am well and truly a woman now.’ You watched with wide eyes as Aemond kissed up your thighs softly, before pushing his fingers inside your cunny again, causing you to gasp out. “It’s to make sure my seed isn’t wasted, ñuha jorrāelagon,” Aemond explained, stroking your skin softly. “I hope that it’ll get you with child a little sooner.” 
You felt your cheeks flush as he planted a final kiss over your cunt, smirking as he murmured, “I would like nothing more than to see your belly swell with my child, ñuha jorrāelagon. I am sure that you would be a wonderful mother.” 
He then disposed of the cloth, settling next to you on the bed comfortably and taking you into his embrace. “Did I hurt you anywhere, ñuha jorrāelagon?” Aemond asked you with a concerned look on his face. You smiled reassuringly, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’m alright. You didn’t hurt me anywhere.” “I’m glad,” he smiled, before his expression turned coy. “And was everything to your satisfaction, ñuha jorrāelagon?” You laughed, “It was everything the romance novels promised.” That answer pleased him, and he swept you into another kiss, his thumb swiping across your cheekbones. 
‘And so, Prince Aemond of House Targaryen took Lady Y/N of House Y/H/N to bride in 126 AC, and all who witnessed their nuptials agreed that the match was well made, indeed. Prince Aemond and Lady Y/N’s union would prove to be both happy and fruitful, bringing forth five children: three sons and two daughters.’ 
-from the chronicles of Fire and Blood, on the reign of Viserys the Peaceful, written by Archmaester Gyldayn.
translations: ābrazÈłrys - wife, ñuha jorrāelagon - my love 
Aemond General Taglist: @aiyaiy @sylas-the-grim​ 
if you wish to be added to the taglist for all my aemond-related works, you can tell me in the comments or through this form :) 
A/N: And that’s part 2! I hope the people who requested for one are happy with this haha 💗 I’m also thinking if I should turn this into a domestic fluff Aemond series lol, what do you guys think? If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for reading! If you liked this one shot, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated xxx
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greenwith-ivy · 1 year
@kurapikadoe this got away from me oopsie đŸ€­ i have no self control
hallmark christmas movie where santa falls in love with the princess of a made up european country
he runs into her on vacation and it turns out they knew each other at boarding school
the two of them volunteer at an animal shelter and have a lovely picnic and go swimming together
they finally kiss but santa draws back, wracked with guilt from cheating on mrs claus
he returns from vacation a week early and finds her in bed with one of the elves
there is screaming. everyone is angry and no one is right
santa returns to the princess. she comforts him while gazing sadly off into the distance
mrs claus and santa seek couples therapy. it’s by no means easy but they’re able to work through their issues and build a healthy and trusting relationship once more
they go to tell their lovers but find the princess and the elf already together
the movie ends with a huge christmas party and everyone is merry
there’s a post credits scene where the elf wants to meet her parents and make things official
hallmark christmas movie that’s a sequel to the last hallmark christmas movie where the princess is in an arranged marriage with the prince from their neighbouring land, made up european country version two
the castle is preparing for a royal wedding. the princess is being followed by no less than six people asking for her opinion but she ignores all of them
she bursts into the throne room to plead with her parents but instead of them she sees the best looking guy there is
he’s the prince shes supposed to marry. she runs back out of the throne room
the princess goes to see the elf and he comforts her as they gaze out the window together
she reveals that she’s known about this arranged marriage for years
the elf, betrayed, runs out and leaves the princess in tears
after a few hours they’ve both calmed down enough to have a civil conversation and they decide that actually they’re both fine with the princess marrying the prince and the elf being her side piece
with that decided she and the prince get to know each other and it turns out he’s the sweetest nicest guy ever
while reminiscing about their childhoods it turns out they knew each other at boarding school
the princess starts feeling guilty that she hasn’t told the prince about the elf yet
one of the prince’s hobbies is saving puppies from trees and he invites her to come with him sometime. she agrees, knowing it’s a good way to get him alone
she tries to tell him but right when she does he falls off the ladder into her arms and she can’t bring herself to ruin the moment
the prince is needed urgently back in his kingdom and they don’t know when they’ll see each other again
the princess tells him about the elf as he’s about to leave for the airport. he goes after telling her they weren’t meant to be
she tries to follow him but through a series of rather improbable events is unable to
santa comes to pay a surprise visit and the princess updates him with what’s happening. the two rush to the airport together
they go through security but the princess gets stopped because she forgot to take off some jewelry. knowing the clock is ticking she tells santa to go and find the prince quickly before his plane leaves
when the princess is finally through security she hurries to the prince’s gate and finds him and santa making out
they board the plane together and the princess returns to her castle, shocked
the elf finds out what happened and the two go tell her parents. it turns out they actually didn’t really care whether or not she married the prince it just would have been really awkward for them to back out of it at that point
she and the elf have a lovely wedding
post credit scene where the prince’s face has all sorts of dramatic lighting and santa behind him says that they both have their duties
hallmark christmas movie where the prince who used to be the sweetest nicest guy there was is now bitter and evil and he tries to invade the princess’s country
they’re able to defend themselves and force him out but not before he kills both of her parents
hallmark christmas movie where it’s the princess’s coronation
hallmark christmas movie where the princess is pregnant
hallmark christmas movie where one of the reindeer accidentally kills santa and the rest work together to take care of any witnesses because they don’t want to first one to lose his job
things spiral. mrs claus goes down swinging
elf blood is danganronpa pink
there are no survivors
hallmark christmas movie where there’s not enough christmas spirit
hallmark christmas movie where the princess’s baby is destined to be the next santa
he has to be born by christmas eve or otherwise billions of children are going to be sad come christmas morning
everyone is worried and they would do a c section but those haven’t been invented yet
the baby is born on time and successfully delivers presents to boys and girls all around the world
hallmark christmas movie where the elf has to go to the north pole to rebuild after the massacre and raise their son
hallmark christmas movie where i am shot in the head
there are no more hallmark christmas movies
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slickshoesareyoucrazy · 2 years
‘Make Me a Bicycle, Clown!’
So this is a strange post. I realize this. But you folks are here for a reason, and I sort of believe most of that reason is because I write some weird shit sometimes, and on some (possibly twisted) level, the bizarre connections I make are entertaining for you. Most of what I write is probably a little strange.
This is a post about anxiety and where it crops up, and this thing people tend to do that they (I’m positive) intend to be nice and complimentary and flattering, but tends to be anxiety inducing and pressure laden instead
 For me, personally, it goes something like this

“This story is screaming for a sequel
” “Omigosh, when are you going to write more about this couple?!” “Did you ever think about expanding this story into a novel/series?”
I get it. That’s someone telling me they like my work a lot. They want more. They fell in love with the people I made up and the story I told. But to me, it kind of reads, ‘What you’ve done isn’t enough. Do more.’ I know that’s not what people mean. But that’s how it feels almost every time. And it’s not just me. I have a friend who is an artist. She draws and paints and does calligraphy and photography. She’s super talented. And in the past, she’s done some self portraits (and she is quite lovely, so they were popular with people who followed her art). And I saw that someone asked her for a self portrait featuring a particularly attractive feature of hers. And she was kind about setting a boundary
the creative process and the self worth/empowerment process ebb and flow and she’s just not in a self portrait featuring certain things kind of place right now. And I’m not her; the question clearly wasn’t directed at me, but to me, I just felt like it read demanding. 'Give me this piece of you because I want it.’ It made ME feel gross to see someone ask HER for something like that. And I get that part of it is that I feel strange and wrong asking people for things
even things I NEED. I find it hard to imagine simply demanding that someone I don’t know (or even someone I know intimately) do something or make something or produce something for me or give me something just because I want/like it. What it must be like to just
tell some stranger to make something for you that you don’t plan to compensate them for and that they haven’t agreed to at least implicitly. Like, sure
if you walk into a sub shop and ask the worker behind the counter to make you a sandwich
that’s reasonable. You went into the sub shop for a sub
they work there
they’re in the uniform
you’re presumably going to pay them for the sandwich when they finish making it for you
 But this person asked my friend to give them a piece of her art and a representation of her actual physical being for free, basically out of the blue, because they wanted it. That’s just
weird to me.
And I have this other
friend? I dunno. I want to believe we’re friends, I guess, but he’s at least a writer acquaintance of mine, who has posted pieces of a very well written and entertaining story (for free) for anyone to read online, and he regularly gets solicitations from strangers to produce more. “Where’s new/more chapters of <Story>?!” “When are you going to write new parts of <Story>?!” And I joke with him (I hope he thinks it’s funny) about how whenever I see someone ask him for new pieces of work (for free), I just see that scene from Wedding Crashers. I know people are well meaning when they sort of demand more of the creators they like, but as a creator? That’s kind of nerve-wracking. And sometimes it can feel a little disheartening and maybe even disrespectful.
I’ve been feeling a lot lately like my value is only in what I can give to and do for other people. And this type of thing doesn’t help me personally. And I also am speculating (but I don’t think I’m far off or anything) that it doesn’t help many if any creators. Don’t get me wrong
we love feedback and we are certainly thrilled and grateful that people like the things we make
that people like US (at least in as much as what we make/what we can give to or do for them). But it also feeds that little voice (at least for me) that tells me I’m never enough; never good enough; I never do enough. And even outside of the creative realm
when people stack up expectations of me
 *This is the kind of friend Jen is
 *This is the kind of woman Jen is
 *This is the kind of person Jen is
 *Jen always does X; she’ll always be able and willing to do X forever
 *Jen makes the best Y; I assume she’ll always be able and willing to make Y for me
 *Jen is so responsive; she’ll get right back to me; she’ll do what I need/want her to right away

I mean, I feel kind of used and taken for granted. And I know I’m not alone here. I’m happy that people like what I do (whether that’s writing or listening to them or making pumpkin pie or whatever), and I’m happy when that is recognized. But sometimes, the recognition sounds more like entitlement and a list of demands and requirements. And now is a very fragile time to be making arbitrary demands on other people. Yes, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need (I’m saying that as much to myself as to anyone else). But when it comes to making demands of and placing expectations on other people? Tread with caution. Even the intended compliments can come across sounding like orders and petitions when anxiety is high.
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nalivaa · 2 years
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i didn't miss their wedding anniversary this time ^-^!!
[a slightly more vibrant version underneath the readmore and a lot of gushing because im feeling very sappy đŸ„ș]
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i can't believe it's been an entire year since my first dip into this community, since i started drawing and talking about my little guys and it's been honestly one of the best times i've ever had in any fandom, i've met so much wonderful, kind and talented people that have made me grow so much both as an artist and as a person and i'm just!!! so grateful to know all of you!!!
shout out to (once again) ck for giving me the idea of making a sort of sequel to my first midam drawing, it was a very good opportunity to show how much things have kinda changed in this year!! both for me and for them!! now they not only have a tremendous amount of house plants but also a garden, one they've grown and taken care of together one day at a time <3
adam still gives michael a lot of hugs from behind though, because some things are just too good to change y'know?
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zeppelin-and-unicorns · 4 years
Fanfic recommendations part three: Season 7 fix-its
Some of these stories are post season 7 finale, some of them take place during season 7 and diverge from canon. Season 8 who? We don’t know her.
I’ve read and enjoyed all of these stories, they are all worth the read.
(By the way this is a big category, so this post is huge)
All Our Yesterdays by ChronicallyChill
After the events of "Street Fighting Man", Jackie and Hyde wish more than anything that things had happened differently. The next morning, they wake up in the past, on the morning of Vanstock where Jackie promptly makes one dream come true. They are not together—but, soon enough, one change snowballs into another... Time Travel AU.
I didn’t knew if I should’ve placed this story on the season 7 fix-it category or in the AU category, in the end I chose this one, if you think it’s incorrect, please let me know so I can change it.
Okay so this story deserves a special comment because OH MY GOD, it’s incredible. It’s amazing how the author writes the characters so well, and I simply love the addition of Buddy Morgan to the gang.
This story is a WIP, it hasn’t been updated in a while but I still have faith.
121k words, 7 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Buddy/Fez
Also available on AO3
As You Wish by c00kiefic
A dark comedic look at love, loss and death. Hyde’s there for Jackie when she needs him the most.
This story is complete.
7k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Daddy’s Home by bellamarie
Jackie and Hyde’s relationship has been smooth sailing for the most part since their last break-up in ‘79. As Hyde begins to seriously commit to Jackie, her dad is released from prison and he returns home to supposedly rekindle his relationship with her. Hyde, suspecting that Jack’s intentions aren’t pure, enlists the help of his friends to try and expose Jack for the still crook man that he is. While Hyde may be a paranoid burnout, he knows that the wily politician is up to no good. There is one thing, however, both men have a common interest in: Jackie Burkhart.
Okay so this story basically ignores the existence of season 8, that’s why it’s in this category.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure this is an abandoned story. Unfortunaly. It only has two chapters and damn, I’m dreaming about the day the author will update this, I’m already hooked.
4k words, 2 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Finding the Right Future by springsteenicious
After Chicago, Hyde starts driving to Las Vegas, planning to get over Jackie. His car nearly breaks down in Iowa, forcing him to stop. While he's there, he meets Fortune, a woman who will change the course of his life forever.
This story is complete.
13k words, 8 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Halloween is Over by MistyMountainHop
Eric wants to be scared for Halloween, really scared. Donna proposes a contest, and all their friends are in. But Hyde and Jackie's renewed relationship might not withstand the stress. Donna and Kelso must fight their impulses, and Fez and Eric's chances of survival are slim.
This story is complete.
25k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Also Available on AO3
Hyde’s Long Way Home by MistyMountainHop
This story is perfect. It literally has no defects. I love ALL of MIstyMountainHop’s stories, literally, all of them, but this one has a very special place in my heart. It’s complete and it’s definitely worth the read.
Hyde goes on a self-destructive bender after finding Jackie with a towel-wrapped Kelso. The day after that, he wakes up ... and it's the same day as before. He's doomed to live the same day over and over — unless he can figure out a way to live it right.
151k words, 26 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Also available on AO3
I’d Have You Anytime by anonymous author
What if Jackie after panicking in her show, gave up? And what if she made an unnatural friendship? Basically a fix it of season 7. If you like a story with good Jackie/Eric friendship moments, I totally recommend this one!
Trigger warning for past eating disorder.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated frequently.
15k words, 9 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
I Found a Reason by JoyfulHeartEO
Can Donna help Hyde see the light before he loses the one thing that's most important to him? Or will Jackie decide to leave at all?
Rated T.
9k words, 3 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Jackie and Hyde: The Untold Story by Lotusflower655
I was going to place this in the “Hidden Moments” category (spoiler alert, the next category), when I realised this has a different season 7 finale, so... here it is.
Rated M.
12k words, 6 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Let’s Grow Up Together by yabookreader96
One day Jackie receives a certain letter in the mail, and she finds her life quickly beginning to change. Suddenly she is a grown up navigating life on her own, drifting away from the sleepy little town of Point Place...and from her friends who can't seem to find the courage to discover life outside the Forman basement. Will her friends catch up, or will Jackie be all on her own?
This story is complete.
67k words, 12 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Magic by poetdameron
Hyde has never been good at words and Jackie has never been good at waiting, they need to find a balance to stay together. Hopefully, they'll do it before is too late.
16k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (’Cause I Might Not Say It Back) by orphan_account
An alternate take on the end of season 7. Instead of running off to Vegas Hyde downs a couple of beers in the good ol' El Camino before deciding that some things are more important than his pride - i.e. his relationship with Jackie.
This story is complete.
3k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Reflections Through the Glass by MistyMountainHop
Okay, this story is quite a trip, and it’s amazing. It’s based on a minisseries called The 10th Kingdom.
Six months after Chicago, Hyde no longer believes in love — or in Jackie. Donna's not speaking to Eric. Kelso's confused about his whole life, and Fez has gone missing. The only way back may be to leave it all behind.
This story is complete, and there’s a sequel, called Beneath a Shattered Sky. Honestly, I love the first story, but the sequel... The sequel is probably one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Those are both very long stories, but they are worth it.
138k words, 46 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Season 8 redo by tanith75
This is the most famous story of the fandom for a reason.
The story starts after the s7ep21 episode, so there’s no Chicago problems or people going to Africa over here :) It’s amazingly written, it’s funny as hell, and it honestly feels like I’m watching an episode of the show when I’m reading it. It’s amazing, it’s what should’ve happened in the show.
This story is not complete, but please, don’t let this stop you from reading it.
293k words, 42 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Red/Kitty, Fez/Laurie, Kelso/Brooke
Shade by MistyMountainHop
This story ignores season 8 completely and season 7 is canon, that’s why it’s in this category.
Hyde finds himself homeless on a night where Jackie is without parents. The gift he gave her last Christmas draws him to her, but his attachment lingers past that rainy first night, grows through countless experiences, and leads him across state lines. Their relationship is a high-stakes gamble, but Jackie may fold before Hyde can show all his cards.
This story is complete and it melts my heart every single time I read it.
43k words, 10 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
The Seeker by QuarterflashWoman
With Donna and Eric's own relationship kaput, after Eric left Donna at the altar, what does this mean for our favorite opposites-attract couple Steven and Jackie? Wedding bells, baptisms, betrayals, and ultimatums. It's just another year in the lives of those of Point Place.
This is mainly a season 7 hidden moments story until it diverges from canon, and it’s lovely. I wish it was complete, but it’s still worth the read.
121k words, 23 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some background Eric/Donna angst.
We’re All Alright by glittermila
In which Hyde and Jackie actually talk things out after he caught Kelso at the motel.
This is a lovely story, and I really enjoyed it, seeing Jackie and Hyde having a mature relationship is everything.
This story is complete.
48k words, 21 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Mainly Jackie/Hyde
Zenmasters: Seasons 3-5 by zdbztumble
I was having a lot of trouble categorizing this story, in the end, I decided that it was a season 7 fix-it of sorts, since season 8 doesn’t exist and season 7 ends in a satisfying way.
This story is a rewrite of some episodes, the author foreshadowed J/H relationship during seasons 3 and 4, and she added some pretty nice J/H moments in some chapters. The author also changed some things in some episodes (like the way J/H get back together after the nurse, and some other things). It’s a pretty good story, I like it a lot.
After "Jackie Bags Hyde," a certain subplot went into hibernation for a season and a half. What if it hadn't? And, if it hadn't, what other surprises would pop up along the way? "Tune in" to find out!
This story is complete.
170k words, 43 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
A change in fate by KaraSkinner
After leaving Jackie in Chicago, Hyde gets into a car crash and meets an angel that shows him just how bleak life would be if he doesn't change his fate now.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
don’t I love you so by orphan_account
Hyde’d spent so long trying to keep her out, and what had happened? He’d finally opened up the gates, only to realise she’d been there the whole time and had had enough. Love — it was a goddamn Trojan horse.
or; a 7x25 fix it where hyde and jackie talk like adults for once in their damn lives.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Hyde Asks Jackie to Stay by springsteenicious
When Hyde finds Jackie in the basement when she's supposed to be in Chicago, his first instinct is to push her away. Instead, he asks her to stay.
2k words
Rated G.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I’m not a heartbreaker, so be gentle with mine by FalaZure
It's just a proposal, Hyde's been through worse and really how hard can it be?
or: 5 times Hyde tries to propose to Jackie, and one time he succeeds.
This story ignores season 8 completely, and it’s mainly just fluff, I LOVE it.
12k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Jackie Doesn’t Leave Before Getting an Answer by springsteenicious
Jackie stays in Point Place and waits for an answer to her ultimatum. At long last, Hyde gives her one.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Let’s Do It by poetdameron
According to the tags, season 8 does not exist on this story, so off to the season 7 fix-its category you go.
There are things a man should not say after great orgasms on Christmas' Eve, Steven Hyde should have known better.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Moth Drawn to Light by blackorchids
After Hyde sees how good Jackie is with baby Betsy, it makes him start to think.
Ignores the existence of season 8 completely. Just a fluff little one-shot on Hyde’s thoughts about fatherhood.
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Our Last Night on Earth by c00kiefic
When Hyde wakes up in the beer warehouse, he decides to actually fight for his girl.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Remember to Breathe by PrefectMoony
She’s all bubblegum laughter, and butter scotch kisses. Hyde thinks he loves her, thinks he’s always loved her. Hates that it’s taken him so long to tell her as much.
Hates it even more that the first time he’s ever told her so is when the break between them is too raw— too jagged— to be able to mend with pretty platitudes.
Beautifully written.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
sighs in my sleep by finkpishnets
“Congratulations,” the nurse says, smile pulled too tight as she glances at Jackie’s unadorned hand.
Jackie wants to shrug it off — “My husband’s getting the ring engraved as an anniversary gift. Isn’t that just so romantic?” — but she can’t find the breath to let the lie trip off her tongue, even in the face of pity.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Street Fighting Man by springsteenicious
Hyde finds Jackie crying at the Packers Game. He tries to fix it.
1k words
Rated G
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Tea For One by KayRight
The second Mrs. Forman walked in with a letter for him he knew what had happened. Marrying her scared him, but losing her terrified him to his very core. Takes place in Season 7 after Jackie tells Hyde she got a job in Chicago.
2k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The One Where They’re Happy by amidtheflowers
When Jackie and Hyde start dating, it takes the gang a while to see how that relationship even works. Something that creepy and unnatural can't possibly work, right? Meanwhile, Donna wonders why she puts up with any of them.
Adorable, I love this story so much, please read this.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
we’ll be alright by marvelfoodlover
What if Jackie didn't easily forgive the gang after they missed her graduation party?
Season 7 fix-it because it diverges from canon.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I think that covers it.
I’ll repeat this at the end of every single post: speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so
 yeah, this is just an idea.
If you think I left out a good story, feel free to reply to this post!
Next category: Hidden Moments
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Welcome to the Motherlobe (psychonauts parody of welcome to the internet)
I made this parody several months ago and I wanted it to reflect on the time gap between the two games, and the fans who played the first game when it came out and had to wait for psychonauts 2.
I hope you like it.
Welcome to the motherlobe there's lots to enjoy want to learn mental connection or to make a sweet flat boy? There's no need to panic and no need to whine, just stay away from water and you'll be fine.
Welcome to the motherlobe have a real nice time, here you can use all the powers in that psychic mind. We've got all kinds of brains here, what's in them? You'll see. What they have in common is none of them are healthy.
Welcome to the motherlobe have a honeycomb, will these levels entertain you or hit way too close to home? Have fun, have feels, have some discomfort. We've got so many people who have suffered.
Welcome to the motherlobe, have a lovely day here's a tasty crab sandwich, a ten year old who ran away. We've got gadgets, and Jack Black, and acrobatics, and a bunch of digital art drawings of Razputin Aquato having a break down
Welcome to the motherlobe don't go anywhere cause somehow this guy all at once can spray shoes, sort mail, cut hair. He's clearly a traumatized man, maybe we can save, OH WAIT SECOND HE JUST DUG THAT KIDS GRAVE!
See a cute gay wedding do some tricks cook live gourmet, trust a child with your mental health gamble your life away.
Do some drugs, get stung by bugs, have some war flashbacks about floods or wish you could give them all hugs, get some new duds, don't bet on clubs go for hearts.
Here's a cute drawing of yourself let's beat up Dion, will Sasha and Milla ever kiss, screw Cali's dad and mom. Wich psychic intern are you take this quirky quiz, are any of them concerned that Razputin's just a kid.
Can I interest you in psychonauts all of the time? Let's all go play some psychonauts all of the time. Everything will either make you laugh or scream or cry, at everything in psychonauts all of the time.
Can I interest you in psychonauts, all of the time? Let's all go play some psychonauts, all of the time. Everything will either make you laugh or scream or cry, at everything in psychonauts all of the time.
You know. It wasn't always like this.
Long ago all we had were pink bulls and milk men, back before they dragged us down the Rhombus of Ruin. This was summer camp, tacky lamps, a brain tank or two. We'd play the game and enter brains then wait, for 2.
For psychonauts 2.
The Lev ball was overpowered, such distance we flew. And the game went to steam and brought fans old and new.
Now look at you.
Look at you.
You've got the game finally came
The time is now, the sequel's out, honey how you grew.
The last game was nuts who knows what this one will do. Sure it will be insane, but we're gonna be okay.
Can I interest you in psychonauts all of the time? Let's all play psychonauts, all of the time. Everything will either make you laugh or scream or cry at everything in psychonauts all of the time.
Can I interest you in psychonauts all of the time? Let's all go play some psychonauts all of the time. Everything will either make you laugh or scream or cry at everything in psychonauts at everything in psychonauts at everything in psychonauts all the time.
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 years
your ideal billy/teddy duo comic (plot, character designs, artists and writers involved etc)
One thing that I've always wanted to see is a comic about Billy and/or Teddy that was produced entirely by mlm creators. Vecchio, Robles and Gracia are all gay artists who've worked with the characters on recent titles, and I'm eager to see more from them. While none of these artists have ever shown the characters in a way that exactly suits my wants, they've each demonstrated a clear personal vision of who Billy and Teddy are that I can respect. I find that Vecchio and Robles, as illustrators, both articulate a gay sensibility in their designs and are able to represent a range of gay identities and expressions with not only dignity, but real love, which is frustratingly hard to come by. Oh, also, Kevin Wada covers, because duh.
Writers are a little bit more difficult for me. I love Anthony Oliviera and I know that he's got a lot of ideas for the characters, so I'd be delighted to see anything that he might pitch. Vecchio also does write, and his creator-owned series, Sereno, is an urban superhero story in a modern fantasy setting-- something he describes as Batman Beyond meets Sailor Moon. Based on that, I think he'd do a great job telling a story about a witch and shapeshifter from New York. I know that Sina doesn't work for Marvel anymore, but I've always wished he could've done Billy and Teddy in a sweet little rom-com miniseries, or even just a single issue special. He's particularly good at writing tender, funny, and just unapologetically gay characters who signal authentic elements of our culture and community without making them cheap or laughable. That is a quality which I find essential for Billy and Teddy, and it's part of why I want more mlm creators to work with them.
If you had asked me this question last year, I would have had an easier time pitching ideas for these characters. I'm eager to see what the future holds for them, but "rulers of an interplanetary nation" was never part of my vision for how Billy and Teddy would be spending their early twenties. I did have this idea for an ongoing series about their "college years", wherein Billy would be studying magic with Wanda and Agatha, and Teddy would work part time with Carol or Alpha Flight while attending community college or learning a trade, like piercing or tattoo artistry. The idea was that they'd often spend time apart, as they'd each be focusing on their own careers and having individual storylines, but they'd always come home to each other at the end of the day and lend each other support, in ways both mundane and super-heroic.
I used to imagine that they'd stay in that nice apartment Sunspot got them, which would act as sort of a crash pad/base of operations for a revolving cast of their friends. They could convert one of the rooms into a magical sanctum for Billy, and another into a study room or art studio for Teddy. Tommy, America, Kate, or whoever could crash on their sofa whenever they're in town or need to do a team-up. Wanda could help Billy ward the apartment so that he and America are the only ones who can portal in and out, but then Loki would find a way to get around the wards and cause trouble, and there'd be a whole dramatic reunion. The whole idea could easily be adapted as a Young Avengers ongoing if you widened the focus from the main couple and treated it as an ensemble piece with individually chunked plot-arcs, much like the original series.
Unfortunately, that idea no longer holds as much water as I'd like because, for one thing, they lost that apartment and never explained why-- it seems like it was passively retconned out in between New Avengers and Death's Head. More importantly, they now live in space, with Teddy being a busy ruler of an interstellar Alliance, and Billy his prince-consort.
I would still like to explore the idea of them pursuing separate goals and working in separate fields while never being truly apart. Empyre introduced a clever plot device wherein Billy is now able to sense Teddy's location and teleport to him instantly, no matter the distance, which, I assume, works in reverse as well. This feat of magic is made possible by their marriage, which binds them symbolically and draws on the power of their love. They can go anywhere and do anything on their own, and still be together again at a moments' notice, which is super romantic and also affords them more flexibility than most superhero couples. I would still pitch a series about Billy doing magic work on Earth while Teddy does diplomacy in space, and one can always warp to the other when they need backup fighting a bad guy. They could even switch back and forth between staying on Teddy's throne-ship, and getting cozy at Billy's little Manhattan apartment when they want to get away from it all.
I guess my final answer is that I want the two of them to be fully realized, individual characters whose love is illustrated through mutual support rather than, like, being glued to each other's hips. The things that I want to see Billy doing are very far removed from the things that I want to see Teddy doing. Superhero characters tend to lose momentum when you marry them off, and superhero couples tend to fizzle when you keep them apart, but Billy and Teddy's unique strength is that they're never truly apart, and their relationship never seems to lose steam-- they've been a pair from the start, and... they're a little obsessed with each other.
The Billy story that I most want to see right now is a full Maximoff team-up. It could go in one of two directions: A) a quest to uncover Natalya's history and finally vanquish the Emerald Warlock, in which they're waylaid by Doom and other magic villains from their past, while teaming up with their magical friends around the world-- basically a sequel to Scarlet Witch; or, B) a showdown with Krakoa and a resolution of their relationship with Erik, which, best case scenario, partially reverses the Axis retcon and proves once and for all that the Maximoffs are mutants. If we got a longer series, we could actually do both plots-- they learn something about Natalya which leads them back to Erik, and the two arcs become a larger story.
The Teddy story that I most want to see is a Guardians-esque space romp with political elements featuring Teddy, Xavin and Noh-Varr as, like, a sexy-alien-boys version of the Gullwings from Final Fantasy X. Does that make sense? I don't have a great grasp on the political landscape of Marvel Space so it's a little hard for me to come up with details, but I know that the status quo has been totally upended, so there are going to be different factions and movements springing up, and likely no shortage of villains and space monsters rearing their heads when the dust of the war has fully settled. Teddy's a monarch now, but he's also been set up as this Arthurian hero-king, so I think there's still room for him to go on adventures and fight his own battles with his magic sword and, maybe, a crew of loyal space knights.
Having said aaaallll of that, I would absolutely die for a full-on fantasy adventure story with Billy and Teddy. I mean, Teddy's a king with a magic sword and his husband is a super-powerful witch. It's gotta happen. I'd actually be into them having a rematch with Mother, who is a pretty adaptable villain, in that her abilities and motives will differ depending on how she's been summoned. I'd also really like them to have a chance to go up against Sequoia directly, and on more even grounds. Quoi is such a great enemy for them because they represent the same generation of Avengers babies, and, actually, Quoi's origins are directly tied to Billy's-- their respective parents had a double wedding together. Sequoia and Teddy's arcs in Empyre paralleled and contrasted each other beautifully, but the two characters had no meaningful interactions. I want to see thems as arch rivals, and maybe, begrudgingly.... friends? Plus, I love that they're both alien princes who live in sci-fi stories, but whose aesthetics and powers are pure fantasy-- Quoi's a dryad wizard and Teddy is King Arthur, if King Arthur was a gay anthropomorphic dragon.
Anyways, that's my Wiccan+Hulkling pitch. The first arc is Billy and Teddy facing off against Sequoia in a magic forest that he's grown on his new planet, only to find out that they've been set up by Mother.
In the second arc, the three of them grudgingly team up against Mother while hashing out their shared backstories and giving Quoi, who's literally never had peers to relate to, a chance to fully come to grips with the way he was conditioned and manipulated by his father. Instead of conjuring dead parents, Mother seems to be able to summon dead children, which makes her particularly dangerous around the Cotati, Kree and Skrull, who've just emerged from a war and have countless recent dead.
In the third arc, Mother has freed R'kll and they've set their sights on Earth. Billy heads out with America and Tommy to ask Loki for advice on defeating her, while Teddy brings Sequoia before the Avengers as his charge in order to ensure that Quoi receives provisional immunity.
Loki is able to provide insight on how Mother might have been summoned and what the parameters might be for breaking the spell that's tethering her to Earth-616. It turns out that Mother is essentially holding Anelle's soul hostage and has been appearing to R'kll in her form. Mother's hold, at this point, has spread to the entire Alliance, and Teddy will have to defeat her or else she'll use it to destroy Earth and decimate his nation in the process.
Teddy recruits Wanda to help face Mother down. (side note, I'm desperate to see more of their relationship as in-laws.) Wanda agrees to work with Sequoia but insists on calling Mantis and making them talk.
The final showdown is the three boys, plus Wanda and Mantis, against Mother, R'kll, and an army of dead alien soldiers. Mantis and Wanda are able to pull Anelle's soul from Mother's grasp, but this doesn't banish her-- Mother's true anchor was R'kll, who'd been carrying Anelle's ghost in her heart ever since the destruction of Tarnax.
R'kll believes that she's always acted in the best interest of her nation, and she thought that bringing back Teddy's mother would finally make him see her way. Anelle and Teddy have a tearful reunion, but he admits that the only mother he's really mourned was the woman who raised him.
Wanda, Mantis, and Anelle, as a trio of mothers united with their lost sons, are able to reverse and seal Mother's power, which was based on lost children. They are not able to banish her, however, until R'kll steps forward and sacrifices herself, believing now that the best she can do for her nation is to rid the Alliance of the curse she brought upon it.
R'kll and Anelle begin to dissipate, but R'kll's sacrifice has called forth the spirit of Mrs. Altman, who is finally granted some closure and dignity in death by getting a chance to see how far Teddy's come and the peace that he's built in her memory.
Lots of crying! I made this sad. I'm sorry.
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adenei · 4 years
Molly catching them was hilarious 😂 Can you write a sequel where she sits them down to have “the talk”? I’d lmao đŸ€Ł
Hey anon, I’ve done you one better. Molly then catching Harry & Ginny, and giving all FOUR of them the talk at the same time. Hope you enjoy!
The Talk (Unwelcome Interruptions Part 2)
“Well, he clearly wasn’t taking the hint, and I didn’t feel like wasting time waiting!” Ginny said as she pulled Harry into the broomshed. They’d continued to fly for a bit even after Ginny had told Ron to clear off because she didn’t want to draw Mum’s attention if she saw Ron inside and Harry and Ginny not on the makeshift pitch.
“Well, I’m just saying I don’t want to piss off my best mate just to have a shag with my girlfriend,” Harry countered. 
“He’s fine, you know full well he’s going to go find Hermione and do the sa-”
“Nope, don’t. I don’t want to hear it,” Harry said covering his ears. Ginny shut the shed door, and rounded on him. She pulled his arms down as she let her hands get lost in his hair. 
Harry’s lips found hers, his arms traveling up and down her sides, and their snog became heated quite quickly. Harry reached for her shirt and pulled it over her head as she did the same for his. Ginny went for the button of his trousers next, and pulled them down so they hung around his ankles. Ginny pulled her sports bra off next as Harry worked at the button of her jeans. 
Ginny hated how they had to hurry and couldn’t take their time like they’d done so long ago on the grounds of Hogwarts at the end of her fifth year. She was relieved when she and Harry had sorted things out, but with someone always around at the Burrow, they rarely got any alone time. This was only the third time they’d been able to shag since the war ended. She thought they’d have more opportunities when Ron and Hermione were in Australia, but that just put the focus more on the two of them, which made it more obvious when they were alone together. 
She relished in the feel of her lips against Harry’s (it would never get old). He was  pushing down her pants when a bright light suddenly shone in the small shed. Mrs. Weasley was grabbing the bucket of feed for the chickens when she realized the shed was already occupied. 
“WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” She screeched. Then, she lowered her voice into a deadly whisper and said, “Get your clothes back on right this instant, and get inside. I expect you to be in the sitting room in less than five minutes. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Mum,” Ginny said quietly. Harry looked bloody mortified. Mrs. Weasley dropped the bucket and left the door open as she strode back towards the house with purpose.
“She’s going to kill me. I survived the killing curse twice, and I’m going to die at the hands of my girlfriend’s mum.” Harry was frozen while Ginny was already getting dressed.
“Oh, shut it, you’ll be fine. It’s not like you’re planning on running off and ditching me again.” She stopped briefly. “You’re not going to do that, right? I mean, if you were, then I’d be the one to kill you.”
“What? No! Of course not,” Harry said quickly.
“Good. Get your clothes back on, will you? It’ll be worse if we’re not there by her time limit, trust me,” Ginny warned.
Once they were dressed and checked each other over, they exited the broomshed and went to the house. They sat down on the sofa while they waited for Mrs. Weasley. It was a good sign that she wasn’t there first.
A few minutes later, Ron and Hermione entered the room, followed by Mrs. Weasley. They looked sheepish as they squeezed onto the oversized sofa next to Ginny and Harry. Mrs. Weasley was pacing back and forth in front of them before she finally spoke.
“Now, see here. I understand that you are young and just survived a war, but I should not be walking in on what I just saw with both pairs of you! Ron and Ginny, I raised you better than that, and Hermione and Harry, I know I’m not your parent, but I am certain they’d be saying the same things. Clearly, I can’t stop what’s happening between you both, so you’re going to sit and you’re going to listen,” Mrs Weasley said sternly as she stared down each one of them.
“Mum, no
” Ron attempted meekly as Ginny tried to say, “..but you’ve already given me the-”
“Clearly it didn’t stick considering what you were just about to engage in!” Molly interrupted. “Sex is a sacred act that is supposed to happen when two people love each other very much, and are committed to one another. Ideally not until the couple is married, or at least engaged to be wed! I would like to hope that is true for you all, but I’m not naive. I know how surviving a war can make people feel.” 
She looked at the boys then, “I expect that both of your intentions are serious?” They both nodded cautiously. Molly took a deep breath in. “I don’t want to drive you out of this house, and as much as I’d like to forbid it
“Mum, it’s not like it’s the first and only thing we do when we get a second alone together!” Ginny argued.
“Yeah,” Ron agreed. “Hermione and I weren’t even
“That’s beside the point! Do you know all the charms?” They all nodded. “You MUST make sure you remember to do them every single time, unless you want a little one running around. And while I can’t wait for the day that you give me grandbabies, that day better be a long time off.” Every single one of them turned red. 
“Do I make myself clear?” They all nodded, avoiding eye contact. “Now, the chickens need feeding, the garden needs degnoming, and dinner needs prepping. Find something to do that is not each other1”
Molly dismissed the mortified lot, and went up to her room to rest. Deep down, she was ecstatic that her youngest children had found the loves of their lives. She knew they’d grown up considerably during the war, and had witnessed far more than any eighteen and almost seventeen year old should, but that still didn’t mean she wanted to catch anything that intimate between them. Some things were better left behind closed, locked, and silenced doors.
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let-me-love-you-loki · 4 years
Never Too Late
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A/N: Sequel to Almost Too Late. Light smut, but nothing between the brothers! I switched to first person with this one because it’s really weird writing smut in second person. 
The honeymoon suite seemed smaller than I imagined it would be. Maybe it was because there were three people in it instead of two.
           I stood in the living area, barefoot but still wearing my wedding gown, watching as the brothers spoke quietly by the doorway into the bedroom. My heart thumped hard against my ribs as I watched them. I turned my wedding band around on my finger nervously, wondering exactly how this night—this life—was going to go. I caught Matt’s dark gaze over his brother’s shoulder and felt warmth spill into my limbs as he smiled at me like he always did. There was so much love on his face and in his eyes that it made me weak in the knees.
           “Y/N,” Matt said softly, holding out his hand toward me. I saw the glint of gold on his finger as he quirked them at me. “Come here.”
           My pulse quickened as I walked across the room. As I drew closer to them, Nick turned, his blue eyes lighting up as they swept over my form. For a moment, I could almost convince myself that I was in second sort of ceremony, walking down the aisle toward him. When I was within reach, Matt slid his fingers over my wrist and pulled me into the space between him and his brother. It should have seemed strange, standing between my husband and his brother in the honeymoon suite, but it didn’t. At least not for me.
” I turned my head to look at each of them in turn. “Are you sure about this?”
           My husband brushed his fingers up my arm and settled them along the side of my neck. His thumb stroked the soft skin beneath my jaw. Matt’s eyes were darker than I’d ever seen before, the dark brown irises almost completely lost around wide-blown pupils. He licked his lips and stepped closer.
           “We both love you,” he said softly, his thumb tipping my head up to look at him. “You know that, don’t you?”
           I sighed softly and smiled. “I know.” I pressed one hand against Matt’s chest, reaching behind me with the other to take Nick by the hand.
           There was a frozen moment before they moved. Both of Matt’s hands went into my hair, fingers gently pulling pins free until the waves fell against my skin. Nick stroked his fingers through the strands, the pads brushing against the tender skin at the back of my neck every now and again. I shivered, leaning back against his solid form.
           Matt leaned down, his mouth just inches from mine. He nuzzled his nose against mine, against my cheek, my jaw. I slid my hand up his broad chest, curling my fingers around the back of his neck and drew him closer.
           “Are you okay?” he asked, pressing faint, lingering kisses along the line of my jaw and the corners of my mouth. He grinned against my flesh when I nodded. In the next moment, his lips were on mine. It was a slow, languid kiss that turned my knees to water. Matt brushed his palms along my cheeks, cradling my face in his hands.
           For a moment, there was no one else in the world but he and I.
           Then, Matt broke the kiss, one corner of his mouth curled up in a grin. His eyes flicked over my shoulder before searching my face again. I breathed deeply and smiled back, giving him a faint nod. “Turn around,” he said gently.
           The space around me opened just enough that I could turn toward the younger Jackson. I nearly cried at the look in his blue eyes. There was a love there that I’d never thought possible. It was different, in a way, from Matt’s love, but it was just as strong and certain. I licked my lips and drew in a deep breath.
           Nick’s fingers soothed up my arms and along my shoulders. Goosebumps rose over my skin in the wake of his touch. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine. “I’m dreaming. I have to be.”
           I skimmed my hands up his chest, sweeping underneath the edges of his jacket and pushing it off his shoulders. It fell to the floor at the same moment I felt the zipper on the back of my dress easing down. My fingers worked the knot of his tie free. “I’m the one dreaming,” I replied, looking between the two of them. “I never thought I could keep you both.”
           Nick drew in a breath as he closed the space between us. When he kissed me, there was a shock of sensation that ran along my nerves. It was the first time, and it was better than I’d imagined. There was a barely restrained strength behind his kiss as his palms splayed on my hips, tugging me tightly against him.
           I whimpered, and I was sure they both knew why.
           Matt’s familiar fingers swept along my skin as they pushed fabric out of the way. He knelt behind me as he tugged my dress toward the ground. Nick’s arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up so his brother could pull my gown out of the way. Fabric rustled behind me, and an image flashed into my mind of Matt slipping off his jacket and loosening his tie. I’d seen both of them without their shirts enough that it wasn’t something new. Yet in this instance, in this moment, there was something wholly different about the idea of them in few clothes.
           Nick at last set me on my feet and backed away. I had the sudden realization that I was standing in front of them in nothing but my underwear. Heat ran over my flesh when they stood side-by-side in front of me, brown and blue eyes sweeping over me from head to toe. I looked between the two of them, unsure of what to do or of even what I wanted to do.
           “It’s your wedding night,” Matt said, standing there in front of me with his hands in his pockets.
           My heart skipped a beat. I had a moment of panic at the idea that they wanted me to choose. Nick reached out and tucked my hair behind my ear. “If you’ve changed your mind
” His eyes swept over me again, as if he was drinking me in, committing me to memory because he’d never see me like this again. “It’s alright, Y/N.”
           I stepped toward them, squeezing into the warm space between them. “Don’t make me choose,” I whispered, taking their hands and held them up to my mouth. “I can’t.”
           Their free hands came up, each cradling my head, fingers in my hair. “You don’t have to choose,” Matt said firmly. “You only have to tell us what you want.”
           Nick sat in the corner, the top few buttons of his shirt undone. It was strange at first to be in that room with his brother and his wife knowing what was about to happen. He kept his eyes on her, grateful that she loved him, that she wanted him as much as she wanted his brother.
           Matt’s mouth traveled along my throat as his hands took their time exploring the curves of my ribs and hips and thighs. I arched against him, his skin hot against mine. I was surrounded by the scent of his cologne, his shampoo, his bodywash, the faint underlying thing that was only him. And it was almost too much. The feel of his beard against my breasts made my pulse beat in my ears. The touch of his fingertips as they slid along my thighs, down to my knees, pushing my legs open
 there was fire in every second of it.
           I turned my head and saw Nick watching me with wide, bright eyes. He sat back in the chair, chin held between his finger and thumb. The idea that he was there, that he was watching me, made something powerful spike straight into my core. Matt settled between my open thighs and pulled me down the bed. His breath rushed over me and I whimpered.
           A moan ripped out of my throat as Matt swept his tongue along my flesh. I arched off the mattress. His hands wrapped around my thighs to hold me still, to pull me even tighter against his mouth. One hand slid into Matt’s hair, tugging the elastic free so that I could wrap my fingers in it. The other stretched out on the bed, reaching toward Nick.
           He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. Waiting.
           I whimpered and rocked my hips, desperate for more of the sensation that coiled through my limbs and made my toes and fingertips tingle. “Matt,” I whimpered, fisting my fingers in his hair. “Nick
           A moment later, the bed dipped and Nick’s mouth settled over mine, kissing me hungrily. He curled his fingers around the side of my throat and slid his tongue along my lips, groaning as my free hand wrapped in the front of his shirt. I squealed when, just as Matt wrapped his lips around my clit, Nick squeezed my breast, plucking my nipple between his finger and thumb.
           It was almost too much. Fire licked at the base of my spine. Lightning crackled along my nerves. Tension coiled low in my belly. I teetered on the edge of something wonderful, but couldn’t quite reach it. I was nothing more than whimpers and moans, a bundle of nerves and putty in their hands.
           Nick lowered his mouth to my breast. Matt slid one finger into me.
           My entire body tightened. And then, in one firecracker instant, the tension relaxed. Neither of them stopped their ministrations immediately, but took their time drawing out the feeling that left me practically boneless.
           When they finally drew away, I reached for them, not wanting them to go too far. I blinked slowly and found the two of them looking down at me with smiles that made my heart turn upside down in my chest. Nick brushed his fingers gently against my cheek as he hovered over me, grinning and doing his best to keep his eyes on my face. Matt was still settled between my legs with his head resting on my belly.
           I ran my fingers lazily through Matt’s hair. He let out a faint hum of contentment as he dropped featherlight kisses around my bellybutton.
           “Please tell me we aren’t finished,” I asked quietly, looking up into Nick’s bright blue eyes.
           He smiled back, his lips barely brushing mine. “Not a chance.”
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ladyherenya · 4 years
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Books read in April
I probably spent more time reading but I also read a handful of novellas and a couple of children’s novels, which means I read more books than usual.
Many of these were, if not outright retellings, than heading close to that sort of territory: faeries and fairytales, Sherlock Holmes, Jane Austen, and Norse gods...
Favourite cover: Masque, maybe.
Reread: Nothing, too busy reading new things...
Still reading: Cinder by Marissa Meyer.
Next up: There’s a new Murderbot novel out in early May!!!
(Longer reviews and ratings are on LibraryThing and Dreamwidth.)
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams (narrated by the author): Adams’ descriptions are clever and unexpected, and he strings together a series of events even more bizarre and unexpected than his descriptions. Sometimes I felt exhausted on behalf of his poor protagonists, bounced from one mishap to another, but I was impressed by Adams’ ability to turn this madness into such a coherent story.
Flamebringer by Elle Katharine White: A solid, tense conclusion to Heartstone and Dragonshadow. However, I suspect it would have made more of an impact had I read the first two books recently. It assumes that the reader remembers more worldbuilding details -- about history and family connections and magical folk -- than I did. And because I found such details confusing, I didn’t pay close attention to some of the history and politics revealed in this book, and those things turned out to be unexpectedly important. A trilogy in much need of a glossary.
Hamster Princess: Harriet the Invincible by Ursula Vernon (aka T. Kingfisher): A very amusing take on ‘Sleeping Beauty’. Upon learning of her curse, Harriet accurately concludes that she must be invincible until it strikes -- and when the time arrives, she’s determined to avoid falling into an enchanted sleep. This is heavily-illustrated. The pictures are great, but were often awkwardly displayed in the Libby e-book. 
The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas: More of a heist story than a murder mystery, which may explain why I found it less compelling than The Hollow of Fear, although admittedly, it has its suspenseful sequences. Thomas does some interesting things in expanding her portrayal of the era as well as Mrs Watson’s story, taking Charlotte Holmes and her trusted associates to France on a mission along with someone from Mrs Watson’s past. I liked that Livia gets to play a more active role in those adventures. But I expected to like this more.
Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn: Meg is desperate for inspiration and company. She comes up with a project, looking for hand-lettered signs around New York, and invites along a former client -- who has turned up to question Meg about the hidden message in the wedding program she designed for him and his ex. A story about signs, secrets and the importance of having difficult conversations. I liked how those themes are explored in different areas of Meg’s life: making an effort to get to know Reid, setting boundaries with a new client, and trying to stop her best friend from drifting away.
Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris (narrated by Carrington MacDuffie): Christian was brought up in a cave by Edric the troll, who discovered Chris hiding in the forest. Now Chris is in love with the princess Marigold, with whom he has exchanged letters carried by pigeon but has never met.  If I had discovered this in 2002 when it was first published, I suspect I’d have been delighted by its gentle, whimsical, almost-fairytale-ness. These days I tend to want more complexity and more emotion and, often, more critical engagement with the genre’s tropes. But this was still pleasant company while I did a few hours of housework.
The Shards of a Broken Sword novella trilogy by W.R. Gingell: 
Twelve Days of Faery: King Markon’s son appears to be afflicted by a strange curse, because accidents and misadventure befalls any girl the prince flirts with. When an enchantress offers to deal with the curse in exchange for the expected reward of the prince’s hand in marriage, Markon gets swept up in her investigation. This is so much fun. I liked the way it focuses on a middle-aged father, rather than any of the more usual candidates for this sort of story, like his son or any of the young women affected by the curse. And I enjoyed Althea’s confidence and practical competence.
Fire in the Blood: Another story interested in twisting fairytale tropes. A prince sets out to rescue a princess from a tower, but neither of them are the protagonist -- that’s Rafiq, the prince’s enslaved dragon, forced into human-form. Rafiq has been dragged along on this quest and quietly hopes that his vicious master will fail to unravel the tower keep’s protections. I enjoyed this. The tower keep, with its magical puzzles, was an intriguing setting, and it was rather satisfying to see Rafiq and the princess’s serving girl subtly undermine the prince’s efforts without drawing his ire.
The First Chill of Autumn: The first two standalone and take place over a few days. This does not. It begins with Princess Dion’s childhood. At seventeen, Dion is sent on a tour of her country and discovers the truth about the Fae’s influence. She ends up joining forces with characters from the previous books. I liked each of these sections. However, this could easily have been expanded into something novel-length and been stronger for it. If more time had been given to Dion’s relationships -- with her sister, Barric and Padraig, and maybe her parents -- the ending would have made more of an emotional impact.
“A Tale of Carmine and Fancy”: This short story takes place during The First Chill of Autumn. I didn’t care about Carmine one way or another when he turned up in the trilogy, so I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this.
A Posse of Princesses by Sherwood Smith (narrated by Emma Galvin): Sixteen year old Rhis is one of many princesses invited to attend festivities held in honour of a crown prince. My first impression -- a nice-but-unremarkable story with an irritating audiobook narrator -- quickly changed. I got used to the narrator’s voice. I really appreciate Smith’s portrayal of social interactions and of group dynamics from the perspective of someone who is trying to understand why others are competing for attention. And once the plot took off, I was hooked. I have mixed feelings about the very end but that didn’t change how much I liked the rest of the story.
The Two Monarchies sequence by W.R. Gingell:
Clockwork Magician: Several years after Blackfoot, Peter starts at university. Because Peter ends up messing around with time-travel, there are scenes from his future in the previous books. It’s interesting getting those moments from Peter’s perspective and fitting the puzzle pieces of his story together. I also felt invested in Peter’s journey even though he spends a lot of time being arrogant and oblivious, because I knew that there must be a significant change up ahead. The way his dawning realisation is handled was unexpectedly satisfying. I also enjoyed seeing more of Poly and Luck, and getting to know Glenna.
Masque: A murder mystery which turns into a Beauty and the Beast retelling. Lady Isabella Farrah is determined to investigate after a friend is killed at the Ambassador’s Grand Ball, even if doing so annoys the official investigator, the masked Lord Pecus. Isabella is excellent company. She’s quick-witted, resourceful and uncowed. I really enjoyed watching her banter and meddle. The Beauty and the Beast elements are cleverly woven into the story, and even without the murder investigation, there’s enough to make it a unique take on an old tale. A delightful standalone companion to this series.
Frankly in Love by David Yoon: Frank Li has watched his parents react to his older sister’s choices and he knows they will never accept him dating anyone who isn’t Korean. So he and a family friend, Joy Song, pretend to date. Fake-dating is one of my most favourite romance tropes but I’m not a fan when it’s a cover for actually dating someone else -- I don’t like others getting hurt by the deception. Despite that, I found this YA novel engaging and unexpectedly moving. And an absolutely fascinating look at being the child of immigrants.
The Night Country by Melissa Albert: The Hazel Wood was excellent, sharp and compelling, but I didn’t enjoy the sequel much at all. In the first book there’s a much stronger thread of hope running through the darkness.
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: The letters exchanged between Red and Blue, two agents on opposing sides of a time war, are vibrant and memorable, playful and poignant. I particularly enjoyed their different names for each other. (“Dearest Blue-da-ba-dee”, “My Dear Mood Indigo”, “Dearest 0000FF” -- that one made me laugh, “Dear Red Sky at Morning”...) The scenes in between leave many questions unanswered about the war being fought. I couldn’t shake the uncomfortable feeling that if I actually understood what was going on, I wouldn’t like the characters. Nevertheless the letters are brilliant, and I can deal with uncertainty for the space of a novella.
A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djùlí Clark (narrated by Suehyla El-Attar): This novelette is too brief to involve what I enjoy most about murder mysteries, like carefully prying into people’s motives or characters forming supportive relationships in the face of an atmosphere of suspicion and unease. It is possible I’d like this worldbuilding in a different story, and that I would care more about Special Investigator Fatma el-Sha'arawi if I spent more time with her.
The Jane Austen Project by Kathleen A. Flynn: Rachel and Liam, a doctor and an actor-turned-academic, are sent back to 1815 to befriend Jane Austen and uncover an unpublished novel. Time travel allows for portraying Austen’s world with historical accuracy from the perspective of a woman with contemporary attitudes, and creates interesting challenges and anxieties. There’s a high degree of wish fulfilment in meeting Austen, but also realistic complications and consequences. This book impressed me even though -- or perhaps because -- it wasn’t always comfortable or to my taste. I’d have adored it, had things been slightly different, yet it’s nevertheless gripping and thought-provoking storytelling. I respect that.
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sketchguk · 5 years
Couldn't you write your smut without touching people's religion? If it wasn't Christianity you would disrespect like that but another religions the whole tumblr would be jumping on that. The hypocrisy.
I’m so sorry my response is so long, but I think it’s important we discuss!!
Hey! My main purpose of TKAA wasn’t to disrespect anyone :( I’m incredibly sorry if it came across that way. It’s a self indulgent fic, I realize, but when writing this, I wanted the themes to reflect my own personal struggle with religion. And as the author, I’m writing a fictional story from my experience. I wanted to write about the struggles of growing up in a religious household. I come from a Buddhist background, but I also spent some time in church and in youth group. I even read the Bible as a child because sometimes, it’d be the only reading material I’d have around as my dad has a ton of books about both Buddhism and Christianity in the house. I’d pray almost every night because it just felt right, even if I had nothing to pray for. Sometimes I’d have chats with God before bed because it was a way for me to relieve stress. To talk about things I can’t tell anyone else in hopes of some miracle.
Some people might say, “Oh? She goes to church? She prays? She reads the holy scripture? Well I guess she’s Christian.” And I sort of believed that for a while too. For the longest time, even I denounced pre-marital sex. From a young age, I had this idea drilled into my head that I’d have a giant scarlet red letter etched onto me if I were to ever indulge in lustful sin. I wanted to wear a white dress at my wedding, and if I had sex, I’d be forced to wear a cream one instead, and everyone would know. Virginity is such a social construct btw, nobody would know if you are a virgin just by looking at you. And I soon learned that being Christian isn’t just about the practice of the act. It’s about the principles and the foundations of being a good person. Maybe I figured that out when my pastor was forced to leave the church for cheating on his wife. It was such a shock to me, and it really made me rethink to put my faith elsewhere. If I couldn’t look up to the person who was guiding me, who could I trust?
What it means to be a Christian is different for everyone. There’s a lot more to religion that I’m probably not aware of, and I know I’m not the most educated person in regards to Christianity, I fully acknowledge this. But this story is based off of how it felt for me to teeter between a mindset of my own, and one that’s crafted for me by the adults around me.
Today, I’ve come to learn that sex is a very healthy activity so long it’s done safely. And that’s all that matters to me when people come to tell me about their endeavors. I’m not a judgmental person who’s fixated on the fact that “You’re supposed to be religious, so you should be punished for this. How could you possibly turn against your faith??” This might even apply to other religions as well, but I’m not the most educated in the matter. There are definitely irl cases in which my friends, who come from all different walks of life, experience the “falling” of faith as a child, an adolescent, and even in our adult life, I see it all the time. And a few of these cases stem from being put into the church, or the temple, or the synagogue as a child without choice. My parents took me to the temple, and they took me to church at the very beginning because I wasn’t allowed to stay home by myself. And therefore, I was exposed to religion without fully knowing what it meant to me. But when I grew older, I was allowed to make my own choices. So I stopped going to both places of worship.
I’m not trying to make this all about me though. I imagine this is a bit of a universal feeling. Maybe not everyone has experienced it, and maybe not everyone is religious. But maybe the thought of “what does religion mean to me?” has come across our minds. This is not about me “losing” my faith now that I’m an adult. It’s more of a rediscovery of how I see religion and how I choose to identify with it.
I identify as an agnostic atheist. My views on pre-marital sex have shifted since then. Perhaps this is a TMI because nobody asked about me in particular, but this is how I view pre-marital sex now (and by no means do you have to agree). I still think sex is a very sacred thing, but it’s something that I would want to partake in with someone I love and trust. With someone who is special to me, and whom I know I will not regret doing it with, even if I’m not married. And the characters of TKAA, although it may not be explicit, they’re also young adults who were birthed from a house of religion. The conflict of the story revolves around them sneaking around OC’s parents because they know it’s “inherently wrong” to do it. But just like me, and other young adults around the world, they’re figuring out how sex fits into a lifestyle like theirs, one in which they’re heavily involved in a faith that stigmatizes sex. They’re childhood friends, and even if they’ve never admitted it to one another, they’re very much in love.
Also, I’d like to mention that this story is based off of Fall Out Boy’s song “The Kids Aren’t Alright.” I love this song with all my heart because it resonates with me. For me, it’s a song for when I’m quite literally not feeling alright. It’s a song that tells me it’s okay to be down, to be hurt, and I don’t have to pretend. Most people might turn to religion, but for me, I seek solace in my best friend and in my partner. When the world is against me, including religion and my own mindset towards it, I can go to them for comfort. And that was the plan for the TKAA couple.
I mentioned from the very beginning that this story would be risquĂ© because I would have expected criticism! It’s a sore subject, and it’s not meant for everyone. But it’s a story I wanted to tell because it was meant for me and everyone else who struggles. I mean no disrespect with this story towards Christianity or towards any other religion. And maybe there’s some truth to what you have to say. I’m not sure how the Tumblr community would react if this was written about another religion. I think they ought to keep in mind that this is just fanfiction.
Obviously I didn’t know that this fic would head anywhere. It was the 3rd fanfic I had ever written and published in my life. I literally fulfilled a request for a fwb!jk in 4 days. But I wanted the story to be meaningful to me, so that’s why I divulged into a religious theme. I got praise about the smut and I feel like that’s what most people got lost in. I would have too, but behind the story, there’s substance to it that not everyone realizes :( and maybe I should have done a better job at portraying it, please forgive me for that. I obviously couldn’t fit all that I wanted to in merely 10k words. But I want readers to interpret the story for themselves and to draw their own conclusions. To have discussions about this because it’s helpful to me and to the community to air out how they feel. You don’t always have to agree with my POV, but stories are a great way to make real life connections, even if this is fictional.
And let me tell ya, TKAA is a work of fiction with real life problems that I, the author, have faced.
Please let me know if I didn’t address anything :( maybe I missed the point lol sorry but this was basically my purpose for writing TKAA. The public perception of it isn’t in my control when my intentions were to write for me, as all of my writing is. Some users have asked that I write a sequel, but I have no idea honestly. I don’t even know how I could go about that. If anything, I think a prequel would be more appropriate in which I discuss all of these thoughts. And I really don’t mean to come across as offensive or hypocritical, that’s the furthest thing I want to do, but I can’t express how sorry I am if I did.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
All About Numbers
1/One/Uni/Single 1. Are unicorns your favorite mythological creature? Nah, I’d choose fairies.  2. Have you ever ridden a unicycle before? Nope. 3. In what ways are you unique? *shrug* I don’t think I’m all that unique. 4. Have you ever listened to the band One Direction? Yeah. 5. Have you ever been required to wear uniform for work or school? The preschool I went to had uniforms. It was cute plaid skirts and a collard shirt (I forget what color) with the name of the school on it in small font on the left side, I believe. 
6. Do you own a universal remote? Nope. 7. How do you believe that the universe was created? God. 8. Have you ever come in first place in any sort of competitions? Yes. I participated in some wheelchair races when I was a kid. 9. Have you ever had a solo before? No. 10. Are you single? Yep.
2/Two/Bi/Double 1. Do you own any duplicates of anything? What? Pillow cases. Oh, and I have several pairs of the same leggings. 2. Do you know anyone who is bisexual? Yeah. 3. When did you first learn how to ride a bicycle? I didn’t. 4. Do you personally know of any sets of twins? Yes. 5. Do you eat double-stuffed oreos? Those are the best. 6. Are you able to identify when a double letter is needed in an English word? (ie: bubble vs. trouble) Yeah. 7. Do you own a pair of binoculars? Nope. 8. Have you ever made the same mistake twice before? Oh, I’ve made the same mistakes several times. :/ 9. Have you ever felt like you were second best?   There’s a song by Nelly that goes, “two is not a winner and three nobody remembers” I’m three. 10. If you have a job, do you get paid bi-weekly? I don’t have a job. 11. What’s your favorite movie sequel? Hmm. One of them is It Chapter 2. 12. Name some things that you own “pairs” of. Socks, shoes, pants, leggings. Okay dumb question probably, but why is it a pair of pants? Like, socks and shoes I get cause there’s two. There’s just one pants, though? Same with underwear. 3/Three/Tri/Triple 1. Can you name the different types of triangles that there are? Yes. 2. When did you get your first tricycle? I didn’t. 3. Name something in real life that resembles a triangular prism. A tent. 4. Three Blind Mice or 3 Little Kittens? 3 Little Kittens.  5. Do you like 3 Musketeers candy bars? How about the movie? Yes to the candy bar. I’ve never seen the movie, though. Doesn’t appeal to me. 6. Do you prefer the 3 Little Pigs or the 3 Bears tale? Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. 7. Do you know any triplets? No. 8. Have you ever participated in a triathlon before? Nooo. 9. Have you read any good book trilogies before?  Several.
10. Have you ever sang as part of a duet or a trio before? Nope. 4/Four/Quad 1. Do you know any sets of quadruplets? No. 2. Do you know anyone who is a quadrapalegic? No. 3. Did you learn about quadrilaterals? Yes. 4. Why was each section of a graph referred to as a quadrant? Cause there were 4? 5. Do you exercise your quads or your biceps? No. 6. Have you ever played “Four Corners” in school? I think so. 7. Which shapes have four sides? Squares, rectangles, quadrilaterals, rhombus... 8. Have you ever heard a barbershop quartet in action? Yes, at Disneyland. 5/Five/Quint/Pent 1. Do you remember what you were doing when the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were damaged? Yes. I was actually home from school on bed rest after recently having spinal surgery. I just remember my mom running into my room and changing my TV to the news and watching everything unfold. 2. Do you know any sets of quintuplets? No. 3. Have you ever seen the movie “Quints” before, on Disney Channel? Yes, I was just thinking of that movie.  4. Have you ever tried to score a “five finger discount”before? No. 5. Do you know anyone who has celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary? Yes. 6. Do you Listen to Five Finger Death Punch? Nope. 6/Six/Sex 1. Do you know of any sextuplets? Nope. 2. Are you able to draw a hexagon? Yeah. 3. Favorite number out of: Six, sixteen, or sixty? Sixteen. 4. Are you scared of the number “666″, which is supposedly an “evil number? I don’t like when they appear in that sequence. 5. How did you celebrate your sweet 16 birthday? I had a party at an outdoor venue with family and friends. 7/Seven/Sept/Hept 1. Do you know of any septuplets? No. 2. Which one of the seven deadly sins do you exhibit the most? Sloth.  3. Does the number 7 have any sort of religious significance to you? I know what it means. 4. Do you know anyone who is 70 or in their 70â€Čs? No. 5. Do you like That 70â€Čs Show? I did during its original run, but when I watched several years later as an adult I wasn’t into it.  8/Eight/Oct 1. Do you remember anything about Octo-Mom? Oh jeez, yeah. 2. What color/shape is a STOP sign?  It’s a red octagon sign.
3. Is an octopus one of your favorite animals? Noooo. *shivers*
4. What did you do for your 18th birthday? I went to one of my favorite touristy cities with my family and hung out for the day.  9/Nine 1. Do you really believe that cats have nine lives? No.
2. When you turned nineteen, did you ever go to Canada to drink, since in most places the legal drinking age is 21? Nope. 10/Ten, 11/Eleven, 12/Twelve/Dozen 1. Can you count to ten in any languages other than English? En Español. 2. When you get upset, are you able to calm down by counting from 10 to 1? I’ve never really tried that. 3. When you say you’ll be ready in ten minutes, do you truly mean that, or does it really mean like, an hour? I don’t even give a time, usually. 4. Have you ever adopted any of your pets through the Ten Lives Club? No. I’m not familiar with them. 5. Would you rather have a dozen eggs or a dozen doughnuts? Dozen doughnuts.
6. Have you ever had a Baker’s Dozen of anything before? I think so. 7. Have you ever seen the movie 12 Angry Men? Nope. 8. Have you ever seen the movie Cheaper By The Dozen? Yes. 9. Finger Eleven or EleventySeven? I liked that one song by Finger Eleven. I think it was called, “One Thing.” 10. Do you like the song “The 12 Days of Christmas?” Yep yep. 21 & 25 1. Are you legally old enough to consume alcohol? Yes. I have been for almost 10 years now. 2. Can you rent a hotel room? Yes. 3. Can you rent a vehicle? Yes. 4. At what age did you get married? I didn’t. Don’t plan to, either. 5. At what age did you move out? I still live with my parents. I don’t have any plans for the foreseeable future to move out. It’s best for me. 6. Do you know anyone who has celebrated a “silver anniversary”? (been together for 25 years) Yes. Other Random Questions About Numbers/Counting/The Word “Count” 1. What is your favorite number? 8. 2. When did you first learn how to count forwards? Backwards? How about skip-counting? Uhhh. Before I started school I learned how to count. Not sure exactly when I learned how to do so backwards or skip counting. 3. Do you count your blessings? I try to remember those, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the bad and see nothing else.  4. Do you “count your chickens before they hatch”? No. I usually expect them not to hatch or I’m anxiously waiting until they do. 5. Is there anyone that you are able to count on? Can anyone count on you? I know I can always count on my family. I try to be them for them, too, but I know I haven’t been the best at that these past few years. :/ I’ve been too wrapped up/caught up in my own shit and I just haven’t been there for my loved ones like I should be. I should be doing more. 6. Do you remember The Count from Sesame Street? Yes. 7. How often do you have to stop, go back, and re-count your money? I do it more than once to double or triple check. 8. Do you know how to read Roman Numerals? I know the first 10. 9. Do you know how to use tally marks? Yes. 10. Do you still use your fingers and toes to help you count? My fingers, yes. I’ve never been good at mental math. 11. How many children do you have/want to have? Zero. 12. How many jobs have you had in your lifetime? Zero. 13. How many years of schooling did you complete? Like 20 years total. 14. How many candles were on/will be on your birthday cake this year? 31. 15. Have you celebrated your “dirty thirty” yet? Yeah, that was last year.
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pellicano-sanguino · 5 years
Now that Kurenai Yuzuru's taidan is drawing closer, I wanted to write something short about some of the roles she's done that I have fond memories of.
These are mostly from Reon's era, since most of my Hoshigumi shows are from that time. I need to see more shows from Kurenai's own top star run.
Mercutio from Romeo&Juliette 2010
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This was the first zuka show I saw, and still my favourite show to this day. I could go into all the details about how I love this musical, but now I'm just going to mention the casting. It was perfect. Everyone got a role that fit their acting style perfectly. Kurenai was a natural Mercutio, the best one I've ever seen. She nailed Merkku's immaturity, playfulness and – most importantly in my opinion – his recklessness.
Memorable scenes are Mercutio's song number when he tempts his Montague buddies to go with him to crash the Capulet's party, him and the boys bullying Nurse, confronting Romeo after hearing the news about his wedding (I was quite shocked to see Mercutio threaten Romeo with honor violence, claiming he's going to slit his throat if he won't give up Juliette) and the fight scene followed by Mercutio's death including a final song of ”goodbye friends and PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!”
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I admit, I don't usually care for it when zuka gives a dying character one final song that they sing in weak, slow voice, milking the tragedy for all the drama its worth. It often fails to be sad and just feels cheesy and soap operaish. But I found the song of dying Mercutio very touching, when I saw the scene for the first time I cried real tears. Despite the language barrier, Kurenai managed to reach to me with her voice and her acting and make me shed tears for Mercutio's death.
Sid from Officer and Gentleman
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Officer and Gentleman isn't the kind of movie I'd thought would get a zuka adaptation and yet it exists. Zuka is very clearly targeted for women and this movie is more for the male audience. I know it has a romance and is therefore regarded as a love story but in my opinion this flick is more like a coming-of-age story about the character growth the male lead goes through (also, it oozes toxic masculinity, a thing more common in films for men). Anyway, the zuka version is actually a pretty good show. Ouki Kaname totally steals every scene she's in. But today I'm here to talk about Kurenai.
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Kurenai is probably best known for her talent in comedy. Sometimes I've heard people say that's the only kind of shows she should do and that always made me sad, because Kurenai isn't a one trick pony trapped to do only one character type. I have been very impressed at her talent in playing sensitive men. Many otokoyaku roles rely on strong and cool male image, but Kurenai sometimes gets roles that let her show emotions, the men she plays are allowed to be vulnerable. Sid is one of these. Sid is young and a bit naive and makes stupid decisions, but when he thinks he's done a mistake, he is ready to take responsibility of it. The scene where he goes to propose Lynette breaks my heart every time. That look on his face when he finds out he's been lied to, it just hits me right in the feels. There is something so naturally charming and lovable in Kurenai that seeing her characters get hurt makes me feel awful. Like, no, don't do this to her!
Karenin from Anna Karenina
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I have not read this book, but its one of my mother's favourites, so we watched this show together and she pointed me all the things that she thought zuka had adapted well and the parts that they had changed. She was especially impressed with Kurenai's Karenin. According to my mother, the character of Karenin is often done quite poorly in other adaptations of the book, he is often portrayed as just a onesided, simple man who's a little dumb and doesn't have much depth of character. Much like Sid, Kurenai's Karenin is allowed to show his emotions and not be just a boring, stoic figure who reacts to his wife's affair with mild disinterest. There is kindness in Karenin, it's not always easy to see, but it's there. He lost his own parents and a brother that was dear to him, and because he remembers how horrible it is to be alone and lose your family, he adopts Anna's and Vronsky's child, not wanting her to be left alone.
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Antonio from Tale of Coimbra
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I have opinions concerning this show. Namely, I think it misses a golden opportunity to put the zuka trope of reunion of lovers in the afterlife to proper use. Big part of the Coimbra legend are the coffins of Pedro and Inez being placed so that when they rise in Doomsday, the first thing they see is each others' faces. And zuka just had to go and twist the story so that Inez doesn't die (and they don't even get a happy ending despite that! Poor Pedro, he just can't win.). Also, very, very disappointed at the lack of Corpse Queen and tearing out assassin-Makaze's heart with a line ”You broke my heart, therefore you have none!”
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Ahem. Sorry about the rant. Anyway, Kurenai is in this musical. He plays a guy named Antonio, who is...   umm... I think a pirate or a robber or something along those lines. The group of robbers/pirates gets made into scapegoats for Inez's murder, and Pedro, Pimenta, assassin-Makaze and some soldiers mercilessly slaughter them all. Kurenai's role gets very little stage time, but I wanted to mention this role, because I was very impressed with her stage swordplay skills. I don't know if I should credit the director for this, or if Kurenai did some research of her own, but her legwork is strong and sometimes I can even identify the poses she makes as part of real swordplay moves.
Warrior seeking to fight with Reon, from Takarazuka Floral Dance Scrolls
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This is my favourite nihonmono revue. The music, the dancing and the costumes are all great. In one of the numbers Kurenai plays a warrior who doesn't get along with another warrior, played by Reon. I don't know what their beef is about, Kurenai just hates Reon's guts and sends ninjas to ambush him when he's spending time flirting with local ladies. Reon being Reon, he defeats all the ninjas and makes a daring escape with courtesan-Nene. They are heading towards a river, intending to ride a boat to safety, but by the riverside Kurenai confronts them. Holding his sword he opens his arms like inviting Reon for a hug. Come at me bro! And so they fight, doing the samurai slash thing where time freezes after they've struck at each other and then the one who lost slowly falls. The one who falls is Kurenai, and Reon and Nene proceed to their romantic boatride.
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This number has left an impression on me, because I think the nihonmono look suits Kurenai really well. She made a very handsome and cool-looking warrior.
Shibata Rihito from Mei-chan's Butler
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Takarazuka and shoujo manga have walked hand in hand since the days of BeruBara Boom and even before, inspiring each other. Every now and then zuka does a show based on a manga. This one, unfortunately, is based on a manga I have never read and therefore I had no idea what was going on during most of this musical. But I still found it rather entertaining (the prop work sure was something different, with weird video projections, shadow theater and parachuting puppets). I admit, the many colourful side characters steal the show from Kurenai quite often, being wilder and weirder than her character is. I will have to give special mention to Makaze's evil butler, I love it when Makaze plays villains. But at the end, this is Kurenai's show. She was a very dashing butler.  
Memorable scenes include a weird, artsy, dream-like interpretive dance scene where the shadow theater is put to good use for * symbolism *.
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 Because I haven't read the manga, I have no idea what is going on here. My bet is on drugs.
Also among the memorable scenes is the fencing. I still think Kurenai is pretty good with a sword.
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I need to come up with name for this trope, where the opponents lock their swords for a while to glare at each other and chat.
Bourguignon from Second Fortuitous Meeting
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Many zuka comedies are wasted on me because so many of the jokes are language based and I still don't understand much Japanese. But this one I liked very much. Admittedly, I got to read a translation once, so this time I got the jokes, but even ignoring the spoken jokes, it's just a really fun show. Every character was fantastic, Kurenai's role as a manservant forced to fake being his own master included. Her talent in comedy is very strong, she masters small things like the tone of her voice, the expressions of her face and simple bodylanguage and makes her character absolutely hilarious. I have noticed  that one character pair zuka shows tend to have is pairing a cool and serious master with a sassy, loud, no-filter-between-brains-and-mouth servant, who works as a comedic relief softening the seriousness of their master. In a show like Second Fortuitous Meeting, where everyone is sassy, loud and has no filter between brains and mouth, Kurenai needs to tone her comedy up quite a bit so that Bourguignon will appear even funnier than his master.
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Most memorable scene is Bourguignon sitting down in protest like a misbehaving infant when Dorante demands they leave.
This show got a sequel. It was just as fun as the first one, even though this time I had no translation and so had very little clue what was going on. Something involving a pumpkin thief.
Beniko and Reon's father from REON!!
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Otokoyaku in drag for comedy reasons is quite a common thing in zuka, and usually I find it as amusing as real men in drag (in other words, not very). But I adore Beniko. The reason why her comedy works is that the joke isn't just putting otokoyaku in drag, Beniko is a carefully designed sketch character. Her costume, her curls that she constantly keeps shoving back over her shoulders, the way she speaks (this has to be some sort of dialect, I swear), she is just incredibly funny. I don't think I can properly explain why I find her so amusing, after all I don't even understand what she says. There's just something about Beniko that always makes me smile.
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There was also a number where Reon sang about her family. Makaze and Kurenai played her parents. Makaze made a very charming Japanese beauty in her apron (I usually don't like it when they make her wear dresses, but here she looked so natural it suited her well). She had to bend her knees a little to appear shorter than Kurenai. Kurenai as Reon's father was weird looking, with thick eyebrows that made him look like a comic character. But he was a very sweet father, eagerly making faces and shaking a rattle at baby Reon, and smiling even when the fighting kids accidentally poured a tea kettle on him. I've always felt that Makaze and Kurenai had great chemistry together and seeing them play a married couple was adorable.
Gemini from Etoile de Takarazuka
Again, putting otokoyaku in drag isn't fun if you don't give her character. Well, in this revue Kurenai had to put her skills to the test by switching between two characters several times during the same number. The split-personality Gemini suffered from manic-depressive behavious. 
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The female side was happy and giddy and optimistic (”Everybody loves me, I'm so pretty, and so witty, I'm so gay!”)
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...and the male half was gloomy and depressed and had no self-esteem (”Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms...”). 
I have to respect her for managing these quick switches between otokoyaku and onnayaku, cheerful and gloomy, the changing between characters was done smoothly.
Also, I want that dress...   suit...   costume...   thing...   I want that dresssuitcostumething. I would wear it to every dance ball ever.
Frederic de Marmont from Napoleon
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This show had a ton of characters, many of them quite colourful ones, and unfortunately Marmont was often left as only the observer of things happening around him (well, the story is being told by him, so it kinda fits). Nevertheless I think Kurenai was very handsome in the uniform, and I think Marmont got some important scenes. He knew Napoleon from the military school and there's a song number where he voices concern for his friend's endless thirst for more victories. In the end, he is the one who decides to surrender Paris, understanding that it's madness to keep fighting and lose more lives when losing the battle can no longer be avoided.
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The part I remember Kurenai most in this show is actually from the minirevue. She dances a rather romantic dance with Makaze. I will say it again, these two had great chemistry together.
Philippe from Sun King
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I know there are probably only like a handful of fans who like this show besides me, but I loved it. I've always been a sucker for French imported musicals in zuka. This show is another example of good casting, everyone gets a character that no one else would have done as well as they have. Kurenai, being the best there is at comedy, gets the comedic relief character Philippe the gay-tailed pheasant, who also shows to the audience how the royals and nobles lived in a fantasy bubble completely separated from real life. She gets three songs and she sings them well. I haven't mentioned it before now, but I really like Kurenai's voice. It's a very recognisable, charming, unique voice. I also have to show respect at how easily and naturally she wears the gaudiest costumes. This show has some really ridiculous costume designs for the nobles to show how separate they are from common folks, but Kurenai wears hers with pride. I can almost picture her looking at a costume desing and being like ”Wow that is the ugliest thing I've ever seen, when can I try it on?”
Percy Blakeney from Scarlet Pimpernel
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When Reon and Nene graduated, my star also left Hoshigumi and I followed her to a new home troupe, so I haven't seen that many Hoshigumi shows after Reon's era. But when I saw that they were going to make Scarlett Pimpernel, I had to get it. I had seen Kurenai perform Percy as a shinko role and I thought she was brilliant even then.
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Of course I was going to use screenshots of the fencing scene. What else did you expect?
Once when I was sick and couldn't even read books, just rest, I borrowed some audio books from the library. This is how I was introduced to Scarlet Pimpernel. I liked the audio book a lot, especially the menacing, raspy voice they gave to Chauvelin. I was delighted to discover one of the first stories to use the idea of a masked hero. Men who like Batman are not allowed to make fun of me for liking Scarlet Pimpernel.
Scarlet Pimpernel is such an entertaining story and Percy is such a charming hero, saving innocents and having fun while doing it. I like Kiriya Hiromu's Percy a lot too, but Kurenai's is my favourite. She really gets into the character and makes a very lovely Percy. Having to wear disguises in this show, she once again shows her ability to fit into all deliciously awful outfits (like the suits they wear to the party held by the prince of Wales). But even out of disguises, I've got to admit Percy's got style. I also obviously adored the sword dance in the mini revue. Kurenai's Percy brings a smile to my face whenever he's on screen. This is probably the role I will remember her most from.
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I will miss Kurenai terribly. Whatever she decides to do after leaving Takarazuka, I wish her good luck and happiness as thanks for all the times she brought me lauhter, tears and joy.
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A Taste Of Christmas, 5/6
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 5/6.
Pairings: Metacrisis Nine x Rose.
A/N: Sequel for The Summertime Of Our Lives. Written for doctorroseprompts' ficmas challenge. Ficmas challenge: Ornaments, Wreath, Ribbon, Stockings, Rooftop, Earmuffs, Bright. Tagging @thebookster on her demand.
“Christmas is a time when you get homesick - even when you're home.” - Carol Nelson.
The table was covered with papers of different colours, glue sticks, bits of cut papers, cutting shapes, scissors, stickers, paint, Posca and a mix of silver and red flakes. In the middle of this mess, there were ranks of homemade invitation, cards, name tags and menus elegantly ornamented with Christmas themed elements like snowmen made with buttons of different sizes and colours, Christmas trees made with pine needles, pine cones made with bits of cardboards, candy canes made with paper straws. Those were things Tony had never seen in his entire life and he had been more than happy to help his sister crafting these little pieces of art. For him, it meant nothing because he never celebrated Christmas and because it was all new and secret – Pete must never know! – it was an exciting mission for the seven years-old boy. In the middle of this mess, the Doctor found the blonde head of his wife. She had collapsed on her table of work after working really hard on the last details for their upcoming Christmas party. She wanted it all to be perfect and she was pushing herself to exhaustion. The Doctor had already cleaned Tony up and put him to bed. Now it was time for his lovely wife to follow the same path. She was working hard, too hard, for their celebration to be perfect. They could have chosen the emblematic date of December 25 for this because it was in the middle of the week and everyone was working. Instead, they had chosen December 21 and 22. It was in two weeks time so it was important for the invitation cards to be sent as soon as possible or no one would be available. They didn’t have many friends around here, just a handful, but it was more than enough. The Doctor delicately picked Rose up. She protested, opened her eyes but ended up wrapping her arms around his neck and snuggling closer to his chest. He took her to the bedroom and lay her down. He carefully removed all leftovers of her artistic activities from her face and hair. He had always seen Rose as a young woman who was mature and clever for her age. More than other nineteen years old kiddos of her kiddos of her generation. With all the traveling they did and all the dangers they faced, she had grown up faster than she should have. This universe had completed her transformation into a grown-up woman. This was the first time in ages that he was seeing the child in her. Participating in this impossible Christmas revival was making her innocence and childish behaviour resurfacing. He congratulated himself for this idea. He was falling more and more in love with her. As he needed less sleep than a normal human being, he was often pacing around the house and resolving grids of crosswords to keep busy until finally sleep came to him. Tonight, though, he had other projects. As soon as Rose was tucked in bed, he left a note on his pillow and used the wrist device that was formerly Jack’s. He profoundly disliked this device: it was having too nasty effects on the user. However the TARDIS wasn’t ready to travel yet. She still needed to mature. Better give her all the time she needed to be at the best. He was one careless driver and an insatiable traveller. She would see the universe. She would see his family, help with raising his children. That was how he had dreamt his life with Rose once. The house, the human friends, the ‘ordinary’ life were just good bonuses. He was sprawled out on the bed when Rose woke up. All dressed in his signature outfit – jumper, leather jacket, black pants and boots – he had fallen asleep as soon as he had reached the bed. Strangely, he was wearing more colours than usual. These clothes were dark, reflecting the darkness of his soul when they had met and bringing a sort of protection to their owner. They were an homage to all the lost ones he was carrying on his shoulders with the damages of the war he was the only Time Lord to have survived to. Today, they were covered in an elegant mix of pastel and bright colours. On his head was resting a wreath of flowers Rose had only seen once in her life. The device around the Doctor’s wrist confirmed that he had been travelling while she was asleep. But what had he been up to in the galaxy? Why was he covered with flowers? Like he had done for her the night before, she delicately took off his shoes and jacket. She left the flowers on him just for the pleasure of having him waking up later with them and gently mocking him. It was breaking his bad boy appearance, making him look like a soft warrior. The Doctor could have been one of the French soldiers who left fresh and joyful for the first World War had he not already lived the horrors a war could cause to a person, to a population, to a whole planet. He was a warrior recovering from this war that had happened long before they met, a war that would haunt his mind for as long as he would be alive. Flowers were a meagre comfort for the broken man who had a hard time pulling himself back together. Where would he be without her? Who would hold his hand during the dark times? It was a question she still was asking herself. Less now than in the first days of her new life here, but sometimes she caught herself wondering who was holding the hand of the Doctor who was still running for his life. A thought she was keeping for herself not to sadden her Doctor. At least, he had her hand to hold; he had the woman he had always desired. And the Time Lord could make friends with anyone, as annoying as he could get when he was babbling relentlessly and considering the persons, humans or not, facing him like they were completely stupid. But if you were asking for help, he never refused and that made him a great friend. Being friend with such a person wasn’t without risk. You have to be prepared for the worst at any time. This life wasn’t for everyone. Some just couldn’t handle it. Rose had adjusted to this life for the man she had fallen in love with. She went downstairs and cooked breakfast for the two men of the house who weren’t up yet. She had no idea when the Doctor had fallen asleep but Tony was sleeping in. She had never seen him sleep this late on mornings. The sound of his steps on the ground above her proved her wrong. The boy was up and he was coming her way for breakfast. She had put everything down on the table and was making pancakes by the time he joined her in the kitchen with dishevelled hair and a sleepy face. He mumbled a hello and settled down at the table to eat his breakfast and drink his hot chocolate. Rose smiled, ruffled his hair and kissed his head before dropping a couple pancakes in the empty plate beside him and covered them with honey. It was his favourite meal to have on morning. Something the Doctor loved too
 if she added bananas that tasted like bananas. “What is it, Rosie?” “Hm?” Rose sat down on the chair next to him for her morning tea. She had sugar and stirred the brewage for a perfect mix of the flavours. Tony was pointing to her tattoo. She was used to it now and didn’t notice it as much as she did before but to Tony, this was new. He hadn’t remarked it sooner. The lines were going from a wrist to the other in elegant lines forming long loops and drawing tight knots. The Doctor was wearing the same tattoos. He had had a harder time to get used to them. Maybe that was why he was wearing the leather jacket again: to avoid people’s looks on him now that he was vulnerable. Just like them all. “That’s a tattoo.” “Cool!” “Mum didn’t find it cool when she has seen,” chuckled Rose. “Dad has one too. That’s a number. He said that the day he met mum but she told me it was bollocks.” It was. Pete had had that tattoo long before their mother came in this universe. He had revealed the meaning of it when she was her prisoner in one of his labs in Torchwood. It was connected to his activities in this huge institution of researches. The Cybermen and Daleks, the Void, they hadn’t been caused only by her original universe. Pete had helped with it and played dumb when everything happened. They all had been fooled by him and she was the only one to see the truth behind his mask. The numbers on his arm indeed were a date. The date of his entry in Torchwood which matched the date he had met Jackie in the other world. “The Doctor and I are married,” explained Rose. “We did a hand-fastening marriage this summer and instead of wearing wedding rings, we chose to have the ribbons of love tattooed on our arms.” “The Doctor has them too?” “Yep,” replied the hoarse sleepy voice of the concerned man. He had swapped his jumper for a T-shirt and I kept his pants and socks. His short sleeves revealed the lines tattooed on his arms. The exact same lines as Rose. He stuck his arms together for the pattern to be complete and Tony was amazed by the complexity and beauty of the arabesques forming the ribbons. He could have had them off in some planet in the far future but he had chosen to keep them. They were the symbol of his love and marriage with Rose and he was growing quite fond of them. “We can get married with tattoos?” “Not really. There’s a ceremony called hand-fastening. The engaged couple brings ribbons made with fabric that have a special meaning to the both of them. A qualified and close person to you tells the story of the hand-fastening and what it means to the engaged couple. You face your loved one, gather the ribbons and take the hands of their hands. Your right hand takes their left on and your left takes their right one so your arms are forming a sort of eight or an infinite sign. The person you’ve chosen to marry you fastens the ribbons around your joined hands and tie them with a nice knot. You say your vows and the ceremony is over.” “But the tattoos?” “There are married couples that feel the need to exchange gifts that were very personal and dear to them to symbolise their love and trust. Others choose to have bond tattooed for everyone to see their love. Or simply as a reminder of their bond. Rose loved the tattoo idea so we’ve picked it and it’s fantastic to see that our marriage wasn’t just a dream.” The Doctor walked over to Rose and dropped a kiss on her lips. Tony had a wide smile. It made him so happy to be surrounded by so much warm love. He giggled when the Doctor ruffled his hair and tickled him. But he was so intrigued by what he whispered in his ear that he finished his breakfast and ran in the living room. Rose raised an eyebrow, the Doctor shrugged innocently and Tony squealed happily. Rose was intrigued so she went in the living room and there, she understood: in the night, the Doctor had built a fake chimney and had hung Christmas stockings on the mantel. There were one for each one of them and one for their friends. who were invited to their party. Every stockings was filled with chocolate and crackers and candy canes. Everything to make this first Christmas here even better. She threw herself in the Doctor’s arms. He really was fantastic. “Oh, Rosie, it’s snowing!” Tony put the stockings back on the chimney and ran to the closest window to watch the white flakes fall from the sky. Snow for Christmas, long time it hadn’t happened in their original universe. Thankfully global warming didn’t exist in this world. Somehow, they had managed to protect it for the future generations. As if anyone wanted to conceive and raise children in this full scary world. And since they were in a small quiet town, away from the big cities, the skies were as clear as they could be, offering them an impressive cover of shining stars to observe.an activity that the Doctor loved doing when was sitting in front of the patio door. When the night came, he chose to watch the stars with his little family: his wife and brother-in-law. But changing a habit had a certain price and he hadn’t seen it coming. The stars were brighter than usual that night and watching them from inside the house was lessening this beautiful brightness. The Doctor wanted to climb in the rooftop but Rose firmly refused. It was too dangerous. She allowed him to watch them from outside on the condition that he was dressing up to face the cold. He ended up muffled up in a warm coat and scarf and gloves but also a pair of earmuffs he was sulking about. Rose had insisting on the fact she loved his big ears the way they were and didn’t want them to suffer from the cold. She won the battle obviously and he soon forgot the argument-that-wasn’t-really-an-argument. Standing in the snow and holding the hand of his wife while speaking about the stars he knew to Tony was better than sulking about stupid earmuffs that indeed were keeping his ears warm for Rose to sexily nibble them later

To be continued...
A Taste Of Christmas © | 2019 | Tous droits réservés.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Name Changing (3)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  Sequel to Name Calling
After merging with your bloodthirsty alternate personality things start getting a little dicey. You’ve got two decades worth of anger to sort through, a feral mutation to figure out how to live with, a biological father who you hate trying to teach you control and if your wedding planner suggests teal for the bridesmaids again you might just eat her liver.
Luckily you have Bucky Barnes by your side, helping you figure things out. What Bucky doesn’t know is that you have found an outlet for the uncontrollable rage, one that absolutely nobody can know about. If your friends and family knew that you were out slaughtering people in the dead of night while they slept, they might be a little annoyed. Wade Wilson is happy to keep your secret though, so long as you keep bribing him with Mexican food.
For as long as you could remember, all you had wanted was to be good. Now you’re seeing the temptation in the darkness.
Chapter Three - The Firing Line
“Do you want to bite down on this for me?”
You obliged him, biting down on the leather strap.
“Are you sure about this?” Bruce asked, yet again.
He did this every time, checked you weren’t going to change your mind. You wanted the chaotic disease gone, you’d endure whatever you had to. Even this. You nodded confidently to Banner.
“We’re taking tissue samples from the liver today, Dr. McCoy has a theory about the proteins...”
“gerf onwis hit.” You mumbled.
“Alright, making the first incision now.” He said and carefully sliced your abdomen open with the scalpel.
Ever since you merged with Vernichtung you had finally gained full access to your mutant abilities, including your accelerated healing. That allowed Bruce and Hank to have unlimited access to fresh samples. Bruce would word it a bit nicer but essentially he was loping bits off of you to study and experiment on.
You bit down on the leather strap and tried not to scream or be sick. Accelerated healing from the mutation and the super soldier serum meant knocking you out for the procedures was out of the question but at least he hadn’t decided to cut your heart out today. That had been a ridiculously unpleasant experience. Growing a new one had been worse.
The pain was easy to deal with, pain wasn’t a new experience for you, it was the strange tugging sensation that was making you nauseated. You closed your eyes and went to your happy place in your mind to get through it.
“Do you, James Buchanan Barnes take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
“And do you,...
“I’m finished.” Bruce interrupted your daydream and unstrapped your arms and legs from the table.
Your curiosity got the better of you like it did every time and you peered at the samples he’d taken.
“Wade would lose his mind if he saw this.” You groaned.
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Steve stood in the middle of the room, the most horrified expression on his face. You looked up at him innocently.
“We didn't have any plates big enough.” You told him.
“So you used my shield?”
“He can’t eat off of the floor Steve!”
“So you used my shield?”
“I’ll clean it afterward, besides it’s basically a big metal bowl.” You said, shrugging.
Steve couldn’t stop watching in horror as Erlo tore at the raw beef you’d served him in the upturned shield.
“Cap I once saw you use that to bash a mans skull in, quit bitching.” Sam told him.
After the initial fear, Sam had decided that a pet lion was pretty cool and while he still wouldn’t get too close he was being supportive of Erlo’s presence.
“Is that good? Do you want some more?” You asked Erlo.
A wave of satisfaction washed over you from him and you patted him on the head before heading over to get your own breakfast off of Sam.
Sam shoved a piled plate of bacon and pancakes (there were at least 15 pancakes) at you and started the inquisition.
“So he understands English, he responds when you talk to him. But he doesn’t talk back?”
“No, he just sort of lets me feel how he feels.” You explained.
“How did that even happen? What did they do to him?” Sam said with a frown as Steve eventually dragged himself away from the horror show and sat next to you, helping you eat the mountain of food mama Sam had given you.
“Friday’s decrypting the files as we speak, hopefully we’ll find out something useful.” You said.
“Alright. Well on to better subjects... As your best man, I have made a decision.” Sam informed you.
You paused with a forkful of bacon halfway to your mouth and looked at him. He was grinning proudly and Steve squeezed your elbow comfortingly.
“I conferred with your maid of honor and she agreed that she would take the day before the wedding to throw you some sort of girly spa day and I get the hen do!” Sam announced happily.
“Don’t say it.” You warned.
“He’s going to say it.” Steve sighed.
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“Miss Stark? The quarterly reports for you.”
“Thanks, put them in that little box over there.” You said dismissively.
“Miss? That’s the paper shredder.”
The assistant looked utterly perplexed and torn. You took pity on him.
“Alternatively leave them on the desk and go get yourself a coffee, if anyone asks tell them it’s for me.” You told him.
He looked instantly relieved.
“Thanks Miss Stark!” He gushed, dropping the papers on your desk and rushing out before you could change your mind.
You sighed and text Peter.
You: Quarterly reports are a finance thing right?
You: Actually I don’t care, look over them for me?
You: Or alternatively lets blow this popsicle stand and go get a milkshake?
NOT Spiderman: I’m at school???
You: Ok.
You: I’ll pick you up.
NOT Spiderman: NO! I’ll come get a milkshake with you after school. Scan the reports and have Friday check them.
You: I’d be lost without you. You get an extra large milkshake.
NOT Spiderman: Ned’s making me ask if you’ll go to prom with him.
You: Sorry, bad signal. Can’t hear you.
You took Peters advice and scanned the reports.
“Friday, look these over for me?”
“Sure thing, and what exactly am I looking for?” She responded.
You narrowed your eyes at the ceiling.
“I don’t know.” You growled unhappily.
“I’ll check over and discrepancies with past reports and compare them to track the company’s growth and draw up a projection for future reports.” She told you with what you were 100% sure was a sigh.
“Have I told you lately I love you?” You asked.
“Not nearly as often as I deserve.” She deadpanned.
“Set up a daily reminder for me to tell you. Is Erlo doing ok?”
“He is currently in your bedroom eating Sargent Barnes’s shoes.”
“Aww, that’s my passive aggressive boy.” You cooed.
“Your father is asking if you would like to go get pizza for lunch with him.” She passed along.
You looked around at the pile of paperwork you had to get through.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“So how’s work?” Tony asked as you bit into your third pizza.
“I’m learning a lot, like for example did you know that flying a quinjet to Chicago to get pizza is increasing our carbon footprint?” You said.
Tony snapped his fingers at you like you’d just come up with a genius idea.
“You are absolutely right, we should invent a cleaner way to power the quinjets.”
“Not what I meant but ok.” You said, laughing at him.
“That’s exactly what you meant. If someone thinks you said something smart, never correct them.” He told you seriously.
“Can I ask you something?” You prodded.
“You just did.”
“Alright, enough with the dad jokes.” You said, chucking a scrunched up napkin at him which he batted away.
“Alright, ask away.” He said.
“Are you trying to groom me to take over the company?”
You’d overheard some people gossiping about it in the office earlier that day and it was weighing on your mind.
“Would it be a bad thing is I was?” He asked.
“I don’t know that I’m a businesswoman, dad. Even if I wanted it, I don’t think I’d be any good at it.” You admitted.
“I’m not trying to get you to take over, no. If I thought you wanted that, that it would make you happy then I would but I can tell it’s not your calling. But you need something. All you do is save people. You don’t even have any hobbies really.”
“That’s not true.” You insisted.
“Your fiancĂ©e is a fellow Avenger, your friends are all hero’s or vigilante’s or connected to that life in some way. You need a life Kit Kat, you need something else. You can’t let being an Avenger consume you.” He told you.
You tried to think of something in your life that didn’t come back to the Avengers but you couldn’t. Even your secret hobby of killing people with Wade was about killing bad guys, with a vigilante.
“I don’t know if I can ever do something normal.” You said sadly.
“You can’t. Nothing you do could ever be anything less than extraordinary. But it has to be yours, and just yours. Go traveling, take up painting, go to college, open a book shop. Whatever you want sweetheart, but try and find something. Please?”
“Wait... Is this your way of firing me?”
“I love you but you are literally the worst intern we have ever had. Yes, you’re fired.”
You made a strangled noise of offense.
“Well since I am jobless, I guess lunch is on you.” You said, sulking.
“Leech.”  Tony rolled his eyes at you.
“Hurry up, I have to pick Peter up from school.” You told, getting up and rubbing your full stomach.
“Bossy leech.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“How did your history paper go?” You asked Peter as he slid into the passenger seat.
“I got an A! Thanks for getting Mr Bucky to help me out.” He said, showing you the paper with the big red A on it proudly.
“He just talked your ear off for a few hours, you actually made it into a coherent paper. You earned that A.” You told him seriously.
He looked embarrassed but proud as you pulled out of the school parking lot.
“So I got fired.” You told him casually.
“What? They can’t do that, you’re a Stark. Did you tell your dad? Do you want me to tell him?” Peter asked in a rash, incensed that someone would dare fire you.
“He knows, he was the one who did it. Took me out for a nice lunch, like a last meal.” You sniggered.
Peter looked outraged on your behalf.
“It’s alright Spiderboy, I didn’t fit in there and he knew it. He wants me to go and figure out what I want to do with my life.” You said, sighing.
“Oh. Well, what do you want to do with your life?” Peter asked.
“I’m not sure. I sort of accidentally stumbled into having one at all and I’m not sure what I want to do except save people.”  
“There are other ways to save people that don’t involve punching Nazi’s. There are nurses, firefighters, police officers, caretakers, therapists. Even people like musicians or authors can help people. If you wanna help others you can find ways to do it.” Peter told you.
“Huh.” You hadn’t thought of it like that.
“Just figure out what you’re good at, what you can do well and enjoy.” He said wisely.
You smiled gratefully at him for his advice. He had given you a lot to think about and you mulled it over as you pulled up and parked outside the diner and got out of the car.
“Come on oh wise one, I’ll even get you some fries with your milkshake.” You said, ruffling his hair as he joined you on the sidewalk.
He playfully shoved you and you stumbled and glared at him. He choked back a snort of laughter at your expression.
“Oh you better run.” You snarled.
He took your advice and bolted, laughing loudly as he sprinted down the sidewalk. You grinned and gave him a head start before stalking after your prey.
How hard could it be to catch a spider?
You were too low down on the street to catch sight of the man stood on the roof upwind, watching you with narrowed eyes. He was always careful to make sure you never noticed him, you would never see him coming until he decided it was time and by then it would be far too late. He would stick to the shadows until it was time to rip your life apart.
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Peter Parker is one of the characters who gets more of a spotlight in the sequel. What do you think about Tony and Peter's advice?
Weirdish question, remember when Baby Stark was interviewed for a magazine last chapter? What questions would you like to ask her? She might just answer and you could get a mention in the chapter. 
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first@thejourneyneverendsx @thelostallycat @inquisitor-selvala@the-corruptor @iovher @kendrawr-kitkat @phoenix-whiskey-tears @the--real--wombat @buckitybarnes@fairislesheets@angieptt @meganjonezzzz @dugan365@fluffeh-kitty@memanda17 @krystallynx @theonelittleone@piscesbarnes@free-as-fishes @tarastudiesalot@captainamericasbeard@dropthepizza346 @jaynnanadrews@likes-to-smell-books@drdorkus @life-wanderer@metalarmlover @animegirlgeeky@jsmith509 @chipilerendi@nerdy-bookworm-1998@ericasabe @gravedollie666@madlykpopfan @l0kisbitch@mywinterwolf@sassysweetstories @life-wanderer @jessieray98@littledeadrottinghood
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