#sorry this got long oh my gosh
peapodsplace · 6 months
Hey Baba, it seems like you've been seeing a lot of yucky stuff online right now. A lot of people who aren't remembering their manners and are forgetting that there's people behind a screen. I know you like your screen time but please remember that the world isn't all like that okay? Some people are different online and forget their values and let's remember that these days, algorithms perpously show you things that'll make you upset. Yes, yes it's not very fair, is it sweetheart. Please remember to take some breaks and that the world isn't really like that. It's so important to protect yourself. Yes, silly even if you think you don't deserve it; because you do.
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raina-clipse423 · 9 months
Cat Doki! (Pt 4 FINAL)
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(Natsuki, Sayori, and Yuri for those who haven't seen them!)
Here's cat Monika! That paw took me SO long to draw I was gonna make her claws outstretched but I forgot about in the end, drawing paw undersides is a weakness :'D She's the only one two different designs, I couldn't decide which one I'd use so in the end I chose to use both, just in different au's. The Warriors!Monika still has that little curl she has at the end of her ponytail tho! It's just obscured right now. Her fur colors is also supposed to be more faded together, but for simplicity's sake, I kept them flat
She's a Somali! It's such a beautiful breed and it's temperament fits her the most (just like the breeds I chose for everyone else!) She has two names in Warriors, her original name and FoxSong!
(Warriors info for those interested under the cut)
Monika is a housecat, and one of those housecats that's not often kept indoors, that and because she always found a way to escape, much to her housefolks dismay, but she does her best to be careful anytime, she befriended some wild cats in the woods too, so if the situation calls it, they can help her since they know the forest better.
She got her first exposure to the life of these wild cats via the "WindClan" that's just close to town. It was one of her jail break days when she saw a cat, thankfully right before she got run over by a car. "CherrySilk" was her name... How fascinating! You'd normally hear that kinda name on those nice but strong smelling shampoo her housefolk uses. She happily explained to Monika why she was named that. It got confusing but she listened, first she was CherryKit, then CherryPaw, then she's CherrySilk! She can even be CherryStar if she becomes the "leader" of her clan (which she doesn't want to). That's so many Cherries.
Monika's little journey to learn about the clans jumpstarted from there, CherrySilk warned her about the territories and the patrols, and wow! Their territories get BIG, well guess it has to be with that many cats. There was RiverClan, but it's surrounded by water, she can swim but it felt risky, she went to ThunderClan next and met another friendly she-cat, LilyPool. She had beautiful claws, which she hid under her tail in fear she'd startle Monika away, so she showed off her claws which are pretty nice too in her opinion. LilyPool didn't talk much, but she seemed like curious cat by the look in her eyes, but Monika had to go home at that time since it was getting dark so she had to say goodbye.
Her next stop was ShadowClan, which she was hesitant to go to and had CherrySilk with her just in case. Surprisingly they ran across LilyPool, who was just as surprised to see them at the border. She timidly asked if she could come with them because apparently there was a kit she saw some days ago that got scared of her, and she wanted to apologize. How nice of her!
They came across the kit eventually, who turns out to be way past her kithood and is the gatherer of ShadowClan. BerryHope has quite the sass that Monika found entertaining as she scolds Lilypool for mistaking her for a kit (who is now apologizing feverishly) CherrySilk had to break them off. She also was not scared of Lilypool that day, she's huge compared to Berryhope and those claws screamed certain irreversible injury so it was the most logical thing to do.
The four of them ended up meeting up after Sun-high (hah, she's getting the hang of these clan terminologies) and Monika learned many things from LilyPool, who's apparently very chatty and knowledgable if you can figure her out. It was almost like they have their own little clan and Monika never really got this... "Clan" feeling before, a community, sure she got other housecat–or Kittypet–friends here and there, but they all keep to themselves.
She soon names herself FoxSong, because of her pelt, her rather cunning nature being able to evade the territory patrols well, and she has a good singing voice to name a few. She's not getting rid of her name Monika, Foxsong is just a little alias for her clan friends.
Curious though, CherrSilk mentions of another Kittypet, a tom who sounds familiar to Foxsong. There's vague memories of them passing by each other but they never talked–maybe because he's a more strictly indoors kept housecat. Another kittypet that has his own meddling with clan life! Who must he be...
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doverstar · 5 months
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mymelodyisme · 4 months
3, 7 and 14 for the asks!! 😍
😭 I should have asked you more myself!! But I saw handwriting and went “I MUST have her write some of her FIC-“
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
So 🤔 this is kinda tricky cause we hardly rewatch films in my house cause 🙄 my mom and dad only like watching things once usually. But but but I DO share in common with my mom that I love rewatching:
Turning Red
I’ve certainly annoying my sisters recently with Turning Red 🤣 it’s really good background noise and fu bro watch. Encanto cause it’s good!!! But also I’m latina and also feel not special like Mirabel 😭 my sister first time we watched the movie said Luisa reminded her of me tho thanks for clocking the older sister energy I guess. And tangled because Rapunzel my favorite Disney princess ever 🥺
7. what scares you the most and why?
Oof here’s where we get ✨depressing✨
First do we mean spine tingling or deep rooted fear that stabs at your heart till it aches and pours out? Cause I could easily say something concrete like cockroaches (they make me cry and shake so quick) but if we’re talking in ouchie heart ache type of scares it’s becoming unwanted and an inconvenience 😭 I’ve felt like that a few times in my life and heck I’ve been feeling it especially hard lately. Just gotta take a deep sigh and keep going cause I’m gonna like me enough to want me to stay! Ya know! Also I’m scared of being in absolute darkness and I’m scared to be out at night :)
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
😭 kinda related back to the other question Owie, this one seems kind of ridiculous but it’s the simplest and most heart breaking for me. All of my wants have this same thing in common but this one is the most recent so ridiculous or not here you are.
Going for a walk.
I’m, frankly, scared of the unwanted attention that comes with being a fat person in public 😭 I mean realistically I know no one’s actually looking at me but I can’t help but feel they are. In PE I was always last to finish and the kids who were done early would cheer me on and they meant well but it always made me cry. For a bit I got a little braver about walking on the treadmill at the university but I’m out now and we don’t have one at home. I’ve been wanting to go walking to better myself because 🥺 I could be better but I’m really scared of going to the park. It’s on the other side of town, it’s bigger with more shade, but it’s next to our high school and there’s a bunch of houses and there’s no good time for me to talk out of my day to do this and I’d go for a walk but we don’t have sidewalks where I live and I don’t want to walk in the road and block someone from their driveway. It’s all excuses I guess but all in all I’m afraid of existing in other people’s spaces.
But but to end on something positive!!! 🤔 um I’m really proud of the way I’ve conquered my fear of driving. I’m still afraid of that and going long distances to places I don’t know but now I feel that I just gotta go it and I’ll get used to it. It helps that my car is cute and I have stuffed animals 😄 I actually don’t hate driving as much anymore I like going around town with the windows down letting the air mess up my hair.
♥️Questions♥️ (yall should go ask Libby too 🩷)
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gctchell · 4 months
you, bee, and baby makes three! [closed starter] || @gluttonybound !
Anxiousness, jubilation — bouts of rage, an abundance of tears.. Lilith was experiencing a vast wheel of emotion, and it was all for very good reason: She was pregnant, and there was so much to be excited for in regards to that, and so much to be nervous about, as well. This felt like the winning around, this was the winning round - all the precautions and rituals Lilith had been performing led to this succession. Yet still, when left to her thoughts, they would speak of their fears and slowly see to any good mood being disheveled entirely. She grew frantic quite often, and had all but picked apart the bedroom curtains and stressed her handkerchief to pools of dark threads on multiple occasions.
The to-be mother at her wits end when a phone call came right on time and buzzed through her frazzled thoughts, sending them scattered to the wind as the woman on the other end unknowingly came to Lilith's rescue. She even agreed to pay a visit and brought good spirits back to life, and her arrival was waited for on pins and needles.
The moment this familiar company arrived, the Queen felt it and immediately took to meeting her halfway!
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“Oh, Bee!” The gladness in Lilith's voice flowed in affection as she hovered her way down the stairs, one arm extended to the Deadly Sin while the other had its hand crowning the growing bump of her belly. “Come, come! Come and meet your niece!”
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
i should've switched to writing original stuff ages ago bc i could've been overcoming writer's block if i did :' )
#connecting mine and vee's lore in written form is something i've wanted to do forever bc i love love love gaia and kaiya's relationship!!#but i had a mental block towards bio's for... man i dunno how long tbh#i always got really stuck with them which is why i started doing bullet points where i could jot down all my thoughts#but i should have just?? been unafraid to write lengthy bio's i think#and then i could've done fun stuff like this way earlier!! without feeling stuck and slow!!#like honestly i don't even care about the people who won't bother to read my bio's bc those probably aren't the people who will#end up writing with me#i always avoided lengthy bio's bc i didn't wanna inconvenience someone#but how is it inconveniencing if i'm trying to make something interesting and enjoyable to read?#how is it inconveniencing if i'm just?? writing about my muses?? it's silly to water down my creativity and i'm sorry i did it now#now pls know i can give you the tldr on any of my muses bio if you need it asdfgh but i'm gonna just!! do what's fun for me from now on#that's gonna be a very important rule i need to enforce for myself with this blog move#no more doing things that make it harder for myself bc i'm worried about other people#there needs to be a balance and that's what i'm gonna keep in mind going forward uvu#so sorry for the rant oh my gosh asdfgh i just got to thinking and truly my writer's block has not bothered me with dorverold stuff#like it has in the past for other things and i think it's how i've approached writing and world building aka not worrying about length#if i'm struggling it's because i'm tired or busy#ANYWAY ASDFG i promise i'm going to bed now :' ))) good night!!#get ready to ramble | ooc
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ofhope · 11 months
“Bad time to tell you my sense of direction isn't the best?”
It's a jest, a laugh lining her words. Yoimiya knew Inazuma like the back of her hand! Every nook, crevice, having had at least one child at her hip every other day, not exploring wasn't an option - the pathway leading up to the Kamisato Estate, though, hadn't been given this treatment. Yoimiya knew enough of it, knew where to step and where not to, and was keenly aware of how Hilichurls liked to camp 'round the gates.
The group of people participating in this spectacle seemed to have scared them away, the crackle of a homemade fire-pit not meeting her ears, nor the metallic pull of an arrow being set in-place. Good! The Traveler had, after all, said something about an event... a haunted trail, she believed?
Even with the lilt of a tease, Yoimiya clasped their hands together, setting foot on their hunt. Clues, clues - surely they needed some form of clue, the point of this seemed too straightforward... especially for Kamisato Ayato, who was everything but straightforward.
“Good question! ... I have no idea. Um, I thiiink ~ it involves a recipe of some kind? Either of the edible sort or craftable kind, and probably... uh. Geez, what kind of prize would Ayato give out... um, bubble tea?”
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Shrugging her shoulders, Yoimiya tugged her fellow teammate along.
“I was mainly in for the whole scare factor! I haven't seen a lot of haunted places... or any, actually! So I thought: hey, why not? Whiiich ~ I'm guessing you thought too, since you didn't know there was a prize involved at all.”
@crimsontwins // continued!
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corvidiss · 1 year
Is your sc
84queenn What is happening alright that was my sock puppet anyways is your sock puppet okay?
omg hello jorts' sock puppet!! 84queenn indeed!
Thank you for your interest!! Sock has been sleeping for a while now because his structural elements (read: my hand) have been suffering from a certain amount of no-worky.
Hopefully he will return some day! I just gotta catch myself on a day where I have a) time, b) limb functionality and c) memory to get them out.
for now: sleeby sock
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[ID: pencil sketch of Sock the sock puppet flopped down on a surface with their eyes closed and mouth smiley. He has a mane of feathers that flop down across the floor. End ID.]
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mvalentine · 2 years
so im just sitting in jfk thinking thoughts and ignoring cam and catching up on our trr2 replay and my mind is wandering to the land of wasted potential… like an Olivia spin off backstory whatever because the TENSION in bk2 where she’s like ‘Hes marrying her and in love with you etc etc’ and she runs off hurts my heart 💔 if we got to choose how the story played out in a true choose ur own adventure doo you think liam/adam x Olivia could be a thing? Do you think they ever were???
And in that camping scene pls give me ur hc on Audrey x Drake bc my girl Anya still hasn’t kissed the bloke by then and is she horny on main 🥲😅
LMAOO as you should good to know you have your priorities in check <333 but nah fr dom i hope you’re feeling alot better now!!
also omg YES both me & audrey in the camp of feel bad for her because you can tell that liam is the only person she’s ever loved & omg she’s loved him for AGES crown or no crown it’s always been liam for her. & im actually in the camp of people who believe that yeah, olivia x the prince could be a real thing!! i really like their fire & ice dynamic, & i would totally live for an au where olivia moves on post engagement fail but was liam’s biggest support system post his heartbreak but then liam starts seeing her in a different light & starts get jealous and shit & then is like wait why am i jealous oh no….. oh wait…… it can’t be…… i want HER to be pined after i want the one who’s pined their whole life to be the one who’s pined for (a la loml pen <333) but yk at the end of the day im maddie & olivia ride or die. but tell me your thoughts!!!! i need to know 💗💗💗
also AHHHHH the camping scene another one of my fav scenes honestly the writers were truly feeding us drake romancers in book2 <333 but also BESTIE anya has more self restraint than me or audrey because goddamn. no but like the way he takes it so seriously & is giving out orders is so adorable to her like is this man fr. and that scene where she goes in the tent she’s kinda like wtf am i doing the prince im supposed to marry is literally right next to us have i lost my mind?!? & then he’s all like wtf are you doing here & this bitch is just like i need body heat <333 and he’s just like shit oh yeah true (like WHAT. i can’t tell if the choices drake knows that the mc is being fr or nah. kinda like the vibe of drake taking camping & the mc’s well-being so seriously that he’s just like yup! okay valid!) —- but anyways the scene where the mc is like you take it so seriously you were barking out orders & then drake is like wait did i ruin it :( with his sad face AHHHH i swear audrey wanted to kiss that adorable little pout from his face she’s like nah it was cute & he’s like cute? and she’s like yeah 🥰 & then he’s all like what else can i do to make your experience more memorable miss huntzberger like shut UP they’re such dorks!! but also i SWEAR mr. walker was down to fornicate (the true meaning of dtf btw!!) in those woods like if fuckin maxwell ugh i really dislike him more & more each play hadn’t interrupted i swear they would have fucked like this man was really like yeah next time we’re coming to the woods alone im gonna go down on you all night you can be as loud as you want baby. but yeah the whole time anya was just thinking of how much she wants this simple life with him how easy & right it feels how right he feels ugh she’s so in love it’s actually sickening to witness.
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prosebushpatch · 2 years
Hello @erinmorgenstern​! I know this is random, but I wanted to share with you a silly anecdote in which I def thought The Starless Sea had literally come to life (to the point I nearly sat in my closet like Zachary!) and it’s because of the binding in my copy!
Alright, it begins when I’m reading about a pirate and a girl but when I turn the page, there’s something wrong. The paper feels disconnected and I find the first page seems to be peeling back from the cover. This is odd because it is newly purchased from the store and so I pause reading to turn the book around to investigate the binding, and it sure is disconnected, indeed!
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It seems as if there’s a little booklet in the beginning while the rest of the binding is glued securely in place! Just from the way that the glued spine doesn’t appear to have a booklet-sized gap and how the booklet itself seems very intentionally separate with stitches tethering the pages together. My mouth drops as I investigate the binding as gently as possible!
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But I determine that this must be intentional! But just to be sure, I skip to where the booklet ends, on page 20, and, certainly, I find the answer that I am looking for.
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“It is clearly quite old and Zachary does not know much about the history of publishing or bookbinding, if such information is not included in books of a certain age.”
And I think, OH MARVELOUS! The meta narrative extends to the physical book in my hand! It makes me all the more thrilled to continue, so I quickly read more only to take breaks to gush about the details to my sib and a friend.
Even as I read beyond the booklet, I do wonder what the choice in separating the pages there could mean. I ultimately decide that this is where the narrative catches up to its “present” as Zachary reads. This is my best guess through the rest of the story, but as I read through the other Books within the novel, I wonder about the binding...
I still wonder about the binding even after I finish the incredible story that lingers on my tongue like honeyed candy, and it occurs to me that maybe... it was not meant to print this way. When I happen to return to the bookstore where I picked it up, I cannot help but return to the shelf to find...
NOT A SINGLE COPY HAS THE STRANGE, SEPARATED BOOKLET. I remove every copy from the shelf, my grin widening in disbelief as each binding is perfectly ordinary. I’m teetering towards hysterics as my heart skips a beat because did I not just read a story in which a strange book leads a young man through an incredible tale? What is my copy but a strange, happy coincidence? (Or do I dare say Fate?) And though I know it must only be some sort of mishap in my copy’s creation, I couldn’t be happier.
For a moment, it was like the story had caught up with me, and I’ll always cherish the journey it shared. So thank you! For a lovely story and I hope my fun little experience brings you a smile!
#rose and rambles#long post#OH GOSH ITS SO LONG IM SORRY#ALSO I KNOW THIS IS PROBABLY THE WEIRDEST SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLET TO REACH YOU#but it is the one i could be the most verbose about i think but uhhhh#anyway i do have to take this opportunity to gush in the tags because who am i if not a person who gushes in the tags?#no one. that's who. also i will try to avoid spoilers BECAUSE IF ANY ONE IS READING THIS WHO HAS NOT READ THE STARLESS SEA YET#YOU NEED TO GO READ IT BECAUSE ITS INCREDIBLE#OH IT'S SO INCREDIBLE#the fairy tales are woven so splendidly into the fabric of the narrative that i was utterly enchanted every step of the way#The romances had me swooning and Zachary's and Dorian's first meeting? I was breathless#BREATHLESS#oh and it would be remiss of me to neglect mentioning another anecdote#i love just about all the characters but the innkeeper is my favorite but i did not realize how much i had fallen in love with him#until i was choking up while telling my sibling about him#I legit got teary-eyed i love this warm man and his beautiful wife FRICK#HE LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH AND SHE LOVES HIM#😭😭😭💖💖💖#okay i shall stop there#there are so many things i loved so much#it truly is just a marvelous story filled with love and yearning and seeking and finding#AND IF YOU ARE READING THIS NOW ERIN MORGENSTERN THANK YOU FOR WRITING YOUR STORIES#I know this is not much but i hope at the very least these anecdotes return a fraction of the joy your work brings me#AND WITH THAT I WILL FOR REAL END IT THERE ;w;7 <333
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
Today I wrote about 900 words \o/ But only 100 of those were in the thing I wanted to add words to :( And most of them are in the wrong chapter. :( :(
#i know i need to finish the next AU chapter - just today i thought “they've been stuck mid-shag for ages. her legs must be sore by now”#but it's okay! fictional characters don't experience the flow of time when they're not being written! i assume!#i also thought “oh for fuck's sake stop wangsting [sic] about your illegitimate wean” oh no i am sick of the main plotline!!!#look as long as this next chapter is posted before march of next year i won't have broken my “longest time stuck between chapters” record#this is why many people don't read WIPs isn't it?#one scene requires the main characters to talk about their feelings for each other - URGH!!!#(but everyone who was worrying about how far AU!Sylvie is just in this for the sperms can relax as you will FIND OUT in chapter 5!)#(also i'm pretending it's making An Ironic Statement that i wrote fic about the woes of historical queens and she's not the PoV character)#(but actually i just didn't want to have to write lots of pregnancy stuff. this way i can lock her in a darkened room for much of that)#(oh god i'm so sorry AU!Sylvie the Confinement thing seemed like a good idea at the time... well no it always seemed fucked up. but.)#(and! chapter 6 makes things a bit clearer about what Unspecified Tasks AU!Loki has been doing off-screen. clue: it involves knives.)#(chapter 7 will be Mostly Filth but also a Shocking Cliffhanger!)#(and chapter 8 brings The Ending! gosh what a thrilling ride lies ahead when/if i actually finish writing this story! stay tuned!)#but no i'm gonna go now and see if i can at least get her legs into a more comfortable position#the sylki au that got longer and wronger#don't believe the hype#fic related
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cagesings · 2 years
@heygutlcss​  /  riff  sent:  “  i  know,  i  know.  you  asked  me  to  leave  you  alone.  but  that  was  two  weeks  ago,  okay?  and  i  haven’t  heard  from  you.  you  aren’t  answering  my  texts,  you  aren’t  even  reading  them.  nobody’s  seen  or  heard  from  you,  and…  and  now  i  just  want  to  know  that  you’re  okay.  so  please,  open  your  door,  and  let  me  make  sure  that  you’re  safe,  will  you?  “(  i'm  assuming  it's  cause  the  judge  found  out?  not  sure  how  modern  would  work  for  them  but  i  am  intrigued!)
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            he  wasn’t  supposed  to  be  there.  the  moment  her  guardian  practically  threw  her  into  that  place,  johanna  waited,  rocking  back  and  forth  on  her  heels,  for  anthony.  for  anthony  who  she  knew  would  find  her.  for  anthony  who  would  save  her  from  this  personal  hell.  during  the  more-than  limited  visiting  hours,  she  waited  with  her  stomach  full  of  fire  for  one  of  the  nurses  to  peek  into  the  room  she  was  assigned  to  with  all  the  other  girls  they  told  her  were  like  her,  and  wait  for  her  to  say  that  she  had  a  visitor.  it  would  be  anthony.  it  would  be  anthony  and  johanna  would  nearly  skip  to  the  little  jail-like  area  where  the  visitors  were  allowed  and  he  would  be  there.  when  the  nurse  finally  popped  her  head  into  the  room  during  visiting  hours  and  johanna  followed  her  to  that  little  area,  it  was  not  anthony.  
            it  was  him.  
            anthony  told  her  about  him  once.  anthony  told  her  everything.  on  the  day  of  their  high  school  graduation,  he  showed  her  a  picture  he  had  saved  on  his  phone  and  told  her  all  about  the  friend  he  made  in  new  york  city.  anthony  mentioned  him  before  that  but  johanna  actually  got  a  name  that  day.  riff.  not  the  name  on  his  birth  certificate.  anthony  shrugged  and  told  her  that’s  what  everyone  called  him.  he  told  her  that  riff  was  going  to  come  to  their  wedding.  johanna  watched  as  he  ordered  the  plane  ticket  for  him.  ordering  that  plane  ticket  meant  it  was  real.  that  they  were  going  to  get  married.  
            johanna  slid  into  the  chair  across  from  riff,  staring  back  at  him  with  the  eyes  of  a  wounded  deer.  this  is  anthony’s  friend,  she  told  herself  in  order  to  try  to  calm  herself  down.  he  probably  just  found  her  first  and  he  would  tell  her  that  anthony  is  on  his  way.  it  didn’t  prevent  her  leg  from  bouncing  up  and  down  though.  
            he  told  her  the  worst  news  of  her  life.  he  told  her  anthony  was  dead.  she  didn’t  believe  him.  not  until  he  showed  her  proof  of  the  accident  that  killed  him.  not  until  he  told  her  about  how  he  called  her  name  in  the  hospital  room  and  the  barber  and  the  baker  he  told  her  about  were  at  his  side  when  he  took  his  final  breath.  johanna  didn’t  believe  him  but  once  she  could,  she  knew  it  was  the  judge  who  was  behind  it.  
            the  clock  on  the  wall  ticked  away  at  the  minutes  as  the  thoughts  in  her  head  screamed  louder  than  any  of  the  patients  in  the  building  ever  could.  if  anthony  was  dead,  the  plan  she  came  up  with  in  the  many  months  she  was  there  was  over.  until  she  looked  back  up  at  riff  who  was  somehow  still  sitting  in  front  of  her.  
            will  you  marry  me?  johanna  asked  him.  it  was  the  only  way  she  figured  out  how  to  escape  with  anthony.  the  only  people  who  could  get  her  released  from  the  hospital  were  either  her  legal  guardian  who  put  her  here  or  her  spouse.  her  directions  were  direct  and  whispered.  if  he  could  get  a  marriage  license  and  the  necessary  paperwork,  she  already  asked  one  of  the  girls  to  sign  as  a  witness  (  at  the  coast  of  having  to  help  her  hide  her  food  for  a  week  and  a  half  )  and  a  man  who  previously  became  an  officiant  for  his  sister’s  wedding.  they  only  had  to  hope  that  he  was  himself  the  day  riff  came  back  as  a  visitor.  
            when  he  returned,  the  papers  were  signed  swiftly.  the  guards  nodded  at  riff  to  leave.  a  few  days  felt  like  all  those  months  she  already  waited  but  by  the  end,  a  nurse  gave  her  the  clothes  she  came  in  back  and  johanna  was  free  to  leave.  with  her  husband.  
            they  stayed  under  the  radar  for  months.  longer  than  johanna  expected  it  to  be.  they  fought.  they  misunderstood  each  other.  for  the  first  time  in  her  entire  life,  she  got  a  phone.  just  so  they  could  keep  track  of  each  other.  even  all  the  fighting  between  the  two  of  them  was  too  good  to  be  true.  
            it  was  another  fight.  the  walls  were  too  suffocating.  the  air  was  too  thick  to  breath.  johanna  did  the  one  thing  she  tried  to  do  for  her  entire  life.  run  away.  she  wasn’t  leaving  for  good.  she  simply  needed  some  fresh  air.  apparently,  the  need  for  some  fresh  air  could  lead  to  a  black  car  pulling  up  beside  her  and  the  window  rolled  down  to  reveal  the  face  of  the  man  she  hated  most.  the  next  thing  she  knew,  johanna  was  back  in  her  old  bedroom.  
            her  forehead  leans  against  the  door,  pausing  to  speak  until  after  he  was  done.  she  couldn’t  read  his  texts.  the  judge  took  her  phone  and  smashed  it  on  the  table  right  in  front  of  her.  one  of  the  pieces  flew  against  her  skin.  there’s  still  a  red  mark  from  it  on  her  wrist.  it  wasn’t  supposed  to  be  two  weeks  (  is  that  how  long  it’s  been?  ).  it  wasn’t  even  supposed  to  be  two  hours.  why  he’s  here,  she  doesn’t  understand.  
            ❝  how  did  you  find  it?  here?  ❞  johanna  raises  her  voice  just  loud  enough  for  riff  to  hear  on  the  other  side  of  the  door.  ❝  you’re  lucky  the  judge  isn’t  here,  you  know  that  right?  if  he  were  here  .  .  .  you’d  be  .  .  .  you’d  be  anthony.  ❞  the  last  part  is  whispered  to  herself.  anthony  tried  to  help  her.  he  tried  to  make  plans  for  them  to  run  away  once  they  were  at  university.  anthony  is  dead.  
            ❝  i  can’t  open  it  up.  it’s  locked.  ❞  he  made  sure  she  saw  it  when  he  locked  the  door  behind  him.  ❝  he,  um,  he  looked  through  all  the  records.  that’s  how  he  found  the  marriage  license  and  things.  it  was  under  barker.  maybe  he  also  went  through  my  phone  -  i  don’t  know.  ❞  using  the  door  as  a  guide,  she  slides  down  to  her  knees.  ❝  he  stalked  me.  i  wasn’t  smart  enough  so  he  found  me.  ❞  she  pauses.  ❝  i  think  he’s  .  .  .  well,  he’s  out.  maybe  he’s  trying  to  track  you  down.  you  married  me.  ❞  in  a  smaller  voice,  johanna  continues,  ❝  i’m  sorry.  it  wasn’t  supposed  to  be  two  weeks.  ❞      
#darks when i tell you that i have been thinking about this for am embarrassingly long time#i mean it#i hope it shows in this monster of a reply oh my gosh i'm so sorry#their plan could work kind of the same way the only thing holding them back is that it's well less easy to get married in this day and age#also made jo a little bit older because in her modern verse she's a little older when she marries anthony and i had to keep turpin alive for#a little bit longer so this can happen#but i figured anthony's dad or whatever was in the military so they stayed in nyc for a little while so that's how anthony knew riff#and that's how he got him to england#since there's better technology now turpin can find the records of their marriage and track jo down and abduct her so it makes perfect sense#that he can find her here#as long as turpin's alive jo would prefer to remain married just because turpin still wants to marry her also she doesn't have a job so#but once he's dead she gets his money!! they won't have to be completely broke in this verse!!#i hope my rambles make sense idk#*❈ ‣  ❝ 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕  𝒃𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒅  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒔  ❞  —  (  interaction.  )#*❈ ‣  ❝ 𝒐𝒓  𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒚  𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 ❞  —  (  v. modern.  )#heygutlcss#long post tw#medical tw#medical illness tw#adduction tw#kidnapping tw#murder tw#death tw
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martiansodas-blog · 4 months
too pretty to think.
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when art started to slip, it almost felt like falling asleep…
a. donaldson x reader
word count: 2,216
contents: dumbification, body worship, face sitting, multiple orgasms, cuming untouched, brief mommy kink, subspace, nicknames and pet names, this is freak nasty.
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The first time 
You and Art have been going steady for 6 months and you loved every second of it. the two of you mostly hung out at your place, it's a tad cleaner than his dorm and he never bothered with things like decorations. It was a haven for the both of you. So when your Blackberry buzzed with a message asking,
“r u home?” 
It was hardly out of the ordinary.
“yeah. just changed clothes”
“can i come over?”
“of course”
Donaldson is a man who never knows when to quit. Let's rephrase: He’ll only quit when instructed to. 
He treats his body like a machine. He eats what his nutritionist tells him to, he pushes his body to the limit, and he rarely turns in a paper late. 
When you opened your front door your boyfriend was in chaotic ruins. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks were stained. He stared at the floor with his calloused hands in his pockets.
“Oh my gosh, what happened?? What’s wrong?”
Your tone had urgency as you ushered him inside. Once the door is closed he pulls you in for a hug. You don’t dare speak, just hug back. He’ll tell you when he’s ready. 
It’s obvious he’s trying to hold himself together, but stroking his back caused him to break.
“Aw, baby,” 
You sway him from side to side. 
“Shh, it’s ok. I’m here.”
After a few minutes, Art regained control of his breathing. You put him at arm's length—your voice just above a whisper. 
“Would you like to come lay down with me? We don’t have to talk about it if you don't want to, let's just get you comfortable.”
Art sniffles and nods his head—your poor baby. 
You held his hand and led the way to your room. You sat on your bed with your back against the wall so he could lay between your legs. He often takes this position when you guys are watching movies so it will add a level of comfort for him. 
Art takes some deep breaths as you run your nails through his hair. 
“We got a new coach and he- he’s so intense. I don’t know. I’ve been berated by coaches since I was 13. Why the hell is this one affecting me differently?” 
You twist one of his curls in your fingers. 
“Everything's just so much right now. Schoolwork, post-graduation plans, sponsorships… There's so much going on all the time. I- I can’t do it.” 
Your heart broke for him. 
“I’m so sorry, Artie. I wish I could take it all away from you.”
You rubbed his arms and back for who knows how long. It could have been hours. You didn’t care. You’d cancel your week's agenda if that’s what he needed. You weren’t getting up until he felt better. 
You analyzed his words.
“It’s not that you’re unable to make decisions, and it’s not that you make bad decisions. It’s just that decisions are constant unrelenting work… is that an accurate assessment?”
He nodded and sighed into your shirt like you were the one person in the world who understood him. 
“...And a good boy like you should never have to work.” 
Art froze. 
Well, that’s new. 
You decided to test the waters further and put on your most sultry voice. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll think for you.” 
He let out a sound that can only be described as a mewl. His body curled into a semi-circle. 
You swept some hair out of his eyes, they seemed to get droopier.
I don't know what exactly is transpiring he’s responding to it.
“Let your thoughts go. You don’t need them.” 
Eyes are fully closed now.
“Can you unclench your jaw for me? That’s it.”
He does as he's told, falling deeper into whatever hollow you're creating. He bites back a smile but his blush is evident. So easy to get him to blush. One of his cutest attributes.
Next step is Moving your handsome boy to lay on his stomach so you can rub his shoulders. You hear him sigh while the tension is worked out of his muscles and watch him relax under your hands. 
Walking him through some deep breaths while you place dozens of soft, light kisses on his neck. 
You want to make him understand what a privilege it is to have him.
Rubbing his thighs and calves, slowly melting away the stress of the day. Kisses on the backs of his knees while he laughs and tells you to stop that and that it tickles.
Helping him turn over to lie on his back and climbing carefully on top to straddle him.
You toy with the hem of his shirt. 
“Can I take this off?”
He looks up at you. mouth open and nods. 
It causes you to giggle. 
“Thank you.” 
Once that’s out of the way your hands wander up to his chest while trailing more impossibly light kisses down his Adam's apple. Massaging his chest, squeezing and grabbing and just feeling his skin. 
Kissing his collarbones, trailing your tongue along the dip where they meet under his neck. Slowly working that boy up with teasing touches that only get more and more unbearable.
Slowly returning to his lips to kiss him again while you reach down to trail your fingertips over his cock. He pants and whines so sweetly into your mouth while you play with his cock. You're not even trying to make him cum-- not yet. 
I could do this all day. 
Letting him drift in a fuzzy-headed space while you work your fingers soft and slow over his pants. Doesn't need to worry about anything but your hands on his body. You're right here to keep him safe and make him feel good.
“There's nothing I love more than watching my brilliant, polite, well-spoken boyfriend turn mindless.” 
Art whined and bucked his hips up to meet your hand.
“I need to be in you so bad. Please.”
Who are you to refuse him?
“Don't worry baby, I’ll give you what you want.” 
You slid off him and he reached for you, like he couldn’t stand you being an inch away for any amount of time. You chuckled and took off your bottoms and underwear, he copied. 
You hopped back on top of him, which made him break out into a smile. His girl was about to take care of him. 
You grabbed his cock and started stroking him. 
“I don’t know if I’m wet enough, Artie.”
“Sitonmyface.” He begged all in one breath. 
You bit your lip so as not to laugh at him. It wasn’t in a mean way, no no! He was just so excited about it. It’s adorable and flattering all at the same time.
“Are you sure? We’ve never done that before.”
We haven’t done a lot of this before. 
He shamelessly nodded. Grabbing your waist with both hands and shifting your body up before you could protest. 
“I don’t want to crush you.”
At this point, he was panting. A dog seconds away from getting a treat. 
“You won’t.” 
Art has eaten you out before, and it’s been wonderful. But this? This is a new kind of ecstasy. 
His tongue reaches new trenches. 
And that fucking nose. It bumped your clit every time. You were gasping and making noises you didn’t know were possible. His mouth is memorizing your folds. He's getting off on your arousal.  His tip is red and hurting, but can barely care when a taste crafted just for him is on his lips. 
“Shit. Just like that.” 
Your thighs trapped his face, your breath hitched with every thrust, and your walls clenched around his tongue. 
“Oh god, oh god,” 
Truthfully, Art didn't know which of you came first. 
The only thing he knew was your body. 
You shuffled down and kissed all over his face which was covered in your release. 
“You made mommy feel so good.”
He smiled up at you. He was so proud that he could do that for you. Like it was his purpose in life. And oh did he love that nickname. It made him feel all soft, like when you recall a fond memory. 
“Do you want Mommy to sit on your cock?” 
He whimpered and nodded. 
You lined yourself up with him and sank. It was so easy due to both of your juices, you had to concentrate on lowering slowly so he didn’t bottom out too fast. 
The two of you moaned in unison. It was almost tantric. Even though the focus here is on Art, it’s impossible not to feel the same pleasure. It wasn’t just your sexualities that were aligned but your souls. The love you felt for each other was palpable. 
It didn’t take long for him to bottom out. But it wasn’t enough. You ground your hips into him, causing his voice to raise an octave. 
“Oh fuck. Hnnn! Fuck, feels so good, please.”
He was babbling nonsense, unable to create cohesive thoughts or keep any sounds in. 
You remove his hands clutching the sheets and replace them with your own. To bring him back to earth. 
When he couldn’t get enough he bucked his hips up into yours. Moving aimlessly, mindlessly. You held his hips down to the mattress and bounced on his dick. The sounds of his cock hitting your weeping entrance were insanely beautiful and sinful to listen to. 
“Such a good boy.” 
His dick jumped inside of you at that. Seemingly of its own volition. 
You shifted to pepper kisses on his jawline. The new position forced his cock to rub all kinds of new places. You nearly collapsed onto him from the shock. Heavy exhales leave your mouth. Your pussy suffocates his cock. 
“My good boy. Just a dumb little thing for me to use isn't that right.”
Art came on the spot. No warning. His skin flushed and curls were damp on his forehead. Words were coiled at his throat, coming out as broken sobs, wanting more. 
You rode him until it was clear he'd finished. 
“Did you cum for me, baby?”
“Yes. I'm sorry I should’ve said something I couldn't help it. Felt too good, I didn’t -“
“Shh sweetheart, you did nothing wrong. You can cum in me as many times as you like. That's what I’m here for. That’s what this,” you clenched around him, “is for.” 
“Fuck.” his breath quivering. He arched his back, sensitive little thing. 
“I love it when you spill yourself into me. it’s so warm in here now.” 
You placed his hand on your lower stomach, your womb. 
“Can we go again please?”
“Are you sure? I don't want to push you.”
He shuffled so you were both sitting up. causing you to gasp. His erection never left, and it’s ever so prevalent right now. 
“Please! Wanna keep myself buried here forever.” 
It was hard to remain the level-headed one after hearing that. 
“You make me so wet when you say that, Artie.” 
There's drool coming from his mouth as he watches you talk. Nothing behind those eyes.
“So wet and needy.” 
You soften your voice, and when you talk it’s into his mouth. 
“You gonna let me take you again?”
He groaned and nodded, then ferociously kissed you. He wrapped his strong arms around your torso and immediately disliked how much fabric was between the two of you. He ripped your t-shirt and sports bra off in nearly one motion. Sighing when he felt skin on skin.
“I’m going to play with you until there's nothing in that head except my name.”
And you did. You fucked him till his brain turned to mush. Till it felt so good he thought he was going crazy, till he couldn’t even hear how loud he was being. Just blissed out being pulled back into your cunt. 
What an honor, to have such an obedient, adoring boy like him. 
You let him stay like that, floaty and sweet until he fell asleep to whispered praises. 
“My good boy. You did such a good job for me.”
A kiss to his forehead. 
“You know I love you so much.”
Tucked under the covers.
“So good for me, honey. You're okay. I'm proud of you. You're all mine, and I'm all yours.”
You raked your nails along his back.
“Relax, It'll all be there for you tomorrow. But for right now, all you need to be is my good, sweet boy. And you are.”
You moved off the bed which concerned Art. 
“Are you leaving?” 
He looked like he could cry. You cradled his face. 
“No baby boy, of course not. I’m only getting you some water. I’ll be right back” 
You spoke to him like a child bedridden with a cold. It was clear the comedown was something intense and never experienced before. He needed you next to him right now.
“Alright lovely, I know you’re tired but have a few drinks of this for me.”
You guided the water bottle into his mouth till you were satisfied with the amount he got in his system. 
“Rest now. I’ll cuddle you.” 
The blonde fell asleep immediately in your embrace and you hoped it wouldn't be the last time you took his thoughts away.
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enhaheeseung · 2 months
Innocence - L. Heeseung
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Pairing: heeseung x fem reader!
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, plus size reader, alcohol consumption, cursing, dirty truth or dare, unprotected sex, oral female receiving, flirting.
Note: hello, this work was requested by @idollemon @fumasthicc sorry for the long wait I hope you enjoy it! 💋
WC: 6,360k sorry for it being so long but I had to build up to it yk😅
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It was 9:23, and you were putting on the finishing touches to your makeup. You had decided to go with a casual look, considering you were just going to hang out with a mutual friend to have drinks and watch movies at his house.
Your best friend had been invited to a house party by her friend named heeseung, and she asked if you wanted to tag along, so you agreed you didn’t have shit else to do anyways.
You knew she was only going cause Jake was going to be there, but you figured a night out wouldn’t be so bad, so you decided to accompany her, even though she’d most likely ditch you for him.
But, it was a good excuse for you to see her very hot best friend, heeseung. You hadn’t seen him around much cause you weren’t friends with him. You only knew him cause of your best friend, but those few encounters were enough for you to catch some type of feelings.
You’d never say it out loud or let anyone know, but you had a tiny little crush on him. He was tall and cute with a charming smile.
And not to mention, every time you saw him, he looked absolutely fuckable.
That’s another thing you’d never say out loud.
If your friend ever knew you thought about him like that, she’d be absolutely stunned because….
You were innocent.
At least to her and your friends, you were.
You were what most people would call the innocent type. You didn’t attend many parties. You always dressed modestly, and any time a dirty joke would get made, you’d just blush and stay quiet, not entertaining those types of things.
So if she or any of your friends knew that you wanted to fuck their best friend, it’d come as a complete shock.
You took one last look in the mirror until you were satisfied. You got a text from your friend that was notifying you that, apparently, it was going to be a sleepover since everyone would be drinking.
You responded with a thumbs-up and packed an overnight bag for the now sleepover.
Good thing heeseung lived in a mansion cause you could get your own room and not have to sleep on the couch or in the living room sprawled out all over your drunk friends.
Oh, the memories.
You arrived at his place a few minutes later than you had planned. Everybody had already settled in, and they were drinking from red plastic cups.
“There she is!” Your friend ran over to you and gave you a side hug.
“Here I am!” You smiled and hugged her back.
Jake, Jay, and yeonjun greeted you with smiles. You were close to them, so you didn’t need any introduction.
“Hey,” you greeted them back while someone watched you from across the island on the opposite side of the kitchen.
Said person took a few more steps until he was face to face with you and your best friend with his hand in his pocket and a drink in the other. “So tell me, who's your friend?” You looked over when you heard the voice and met eyes with heeseung briefly.
“Oh my gosh! You’re totally right. You two have never even met before,” your friend gasps at the realization, “Okay, heeseung, This is y/n, and y/n, this is heeseung,” she pointed back and forth between the both of you.
“Nice to finally meet you, y/n.” He reached his hand out from his pocket, and you shook it gently.
“You too,” you managed to say without stuttering at the pretty smile he gave you.
He brought your hand closer to his face and pressed a soft kiss there, gazing up at you while he did so.
You did your best not to get flustered, and thankfully, Jake saved you from the awkward moment that would have come.
“You didn’t kiss my hand when we first met,” Jake pouted playfully. You could tell he already had one too many drinks.
“Me neither,” Jay sassily stuck his hand out to Heeseung, waiting for a kiss.
Heeseung let go of your hand and rolled his eyes at the two, slapping both of their hands away from him.
You giggled slightly at the interaction. While you were getting to know heeseung, your friend had already left you to get herself another drink.
“Ignore those two,” heeseung spoke up to you again. “You want a drink?” He offers.
“No thanks, I’m good.” You politely declined.
“Oh, come on,” The offer did sound kinda good, but you shook your head softly. “Pleaseeeee, I make the best drinks ever” he whined cutely and when he said it like that, how could you say no?
“Okay, but just one,” you agreed, and he led you to his personal drink station on the kitchen counter.
“You won’t be saying that after I’m done with you,” he winked playfully, and you’re not sure if that comment was referring to the drinks or something sexual, but you just went along with it.
“We’ll see,” you smiled.
He was right cause just fifteen minutes later. He had already made you three more. “See, I told you,” heeseung said while smiling at you.
“I can’t lie. This is actually the best drink I’ve had in a while” He smiles at that and takes a seat next to you.
“How come we’re only just now meeting?” He says, resting his elbows on the counter and looking at his other friends drinking and talking.
“That’s a good question. I really don’t know either.”
“I think I know,” he chuckled, and you looked at him quizzically. “You’re always so shy and quiet.”
He was kinda right. Usually, when you’d hang out, you were always the quiet one in your friend group. In your defense, they were just a bit more on the wild side. “Am I?”
“Yeah, I wanted to say hi to you a few times a while back but decided against it cause I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything like that,” he explained, taking a small sip from his own cup.
“Really? I wouldn’t have minded talking to you though” You’re blaming the alcohol for that statement, damn you, heeseung, and your ability to make the best aqua velva on earth.
“Yeah?” He smirked and turned to look at your flushed face. And you liked to say it was the alcoholic beverage in your system making you heat up, but it wasn’t
Before anything could escalate any further, Jake was practically screaming in both of your guy's ears.
“Who’s ready to spin the bottle?” He shook yours and Heeseung’s shoulders a little too hard.
You looked over, and you could see heeseung rolling his eyes and sighing. “We’re not teenagers anymore.” He pushed Jake's hand off his shoulder and did the same for you.
“Come on, hee d-don’t be a party pooper at your own party,” Jake slurred his words.
Out of all times, Jake could talk to him. He picked the absolute worst he was just starting to make some type of progress with you, and this drunk idiot had to go and fuck it all up. “Fine, but stop screaming in my fucking ear, will you?”
“To the living room!” Jake shouted, and everyone else cheered and clambered to the living room to play spin the bottle with an empty Hennessy bottle.
Once you all gathered in a circle, Jake, of course, was the first one to spin the bottle. You were kinda nervous about playing, not knowing exactly what questions or dares would be asked, but it seemed fun, so you relaxed a little and watched as the first spin landed on Jay. Jake smiled wickedly at Jay, and you could tell what direction this game was headed in right away.
“Why me?” Jay whined.
“Truth or dare?” Jay answers with truth, too dizzy to get up and do a dare.
“If you could have sex with any of us, who would it be?” Jake says.
Jay groaned but answered nevertheless. “Myself,” he buried his face in his hands, attempting to wipe off the drunkness.
“Lame,” Jake mumbled.
“How? Do you not see all of this?” Jay pointed to himself, and Jake fake gagged, or maybe it was real, given the drinks he had.
It was now Jay's turn to spin the bottle, and it landed on heeseung, making you breathe a sigh of relief. “Okay, I got a good one,” Jay says and makes a silly face. “Truth or dare.”
“Dare,” heeseung muttered, obviously unamused by the game, and the last thing he was going do was say truth.
“I was hoping you’d say that” Jay looked at you whilst smiling evilly, and you panicked. Why the hell was he looking at you, and it wasn’t even your turn yet? “Heeseung, I dare you to moan in y/n’s ear for ten seconds.”
Heeseung’s eyes went wide as saucers as they met yours. That were just as wide. No wonder Jay was looking at you like that. What a little shit you thought. “What kind of dare is that?” Heeseung asks what the hell did Jay gain from embarrassing him in front of you.
“It’s one you’re about to do now, chop chop,” Jay clapped his hands.
You blushed at just the thought, and you felt tingles in the pit of your stomach. You hated to think like this, but you actually weren’t opposed to the idea. You didn’t want to make Heeseung uncomfortable, so you interjected.
“Well, we just met, so I thi-” Jake immediately interrupted.
“Y/n shut up, heeseung moan,” Jake cut you off while you and heeseung both glared at him.
Heeseung looked at you for approval, and you nodded softly as he scooted closer to you. You could feel his breath fanning across your ear, and you got goosebumps all over your body.
The whole group cringed but laughed at the same time as they watched you becoming more and more flustered by the second.
Heeseung was nervous, to say the least. What if you thought he sounded disgusting? What if you were grossed out? What if you thought he was mimicking a dying whale, and you wouldn’t want to talk to him after tonight?
Ultimately he said fuck it, it was a dare, not the end of the world, even if it felt like it.
The first moan was more like a shaky breath followed by a tiny whimper, and your head was already spinning just imagining how much hotter he’d sound behind closed doors.
You couldn’t help but bite your lip cause if you didn’t, you would have moaned yourself. You looked around and saw the whole friend group laughing at the scene, but you didn’t care. You were too focused on the way he sounded as he was now full-on moaning and almost grunting in your ear.
You discreetly rubbed your legs together as he finally pulled away from you after what was probably a little longer than ten seconds.
He leaned back and saw your flustered face, and that let him know that you, in fact, did not think he sounded like a dying whale, and he was thanking the stars.
Heeseung cleared his throat, quickly moving on with the game and spinning the bottle. He smiled at Jay just as evilly. Now, it was time for his revenge. “Truth or dare?”
Jay gulped, knowing he was fucked either way. “Truth and dare,” he said, making you giggle as he downed the rest of his shot.
Heeseung just shook his head at his very stupid friend. “Look at yeonjun and make your orgasm face.”
You turned to heeseung for the first time since he completed his dare. “That’s evil,” you giggled.
“Not evil, just payback.” He smiled and winked at you.
You would have lived happily ever after if it wasn’t for the sight in front of you. Jay had his mouth parted, and his eyebrows creased together while looking at yeonjun, who looked at him horrified like the rest of you.
Luckily, it only lasted a few seconds cause if it had gone on any longer, you would have all been blind.
It was yeonjuns turn to spin the bottle, and it finally happened it landed on you. “Truth or dare, my precious little y/n?” He said sweetly, but you knew his intentions were not as sweet.
Heeseung discreetly rolled his eyes after hearing the nickname yeonjun gave you.
“Dare?” You said more of a question as you squinted your eye.
“Perfect, I dare you to look at the person to your left” fuck, heeseung was to your left. “And eat a banana as sexily as possible.” He clapped his hands. He noticed heeseung had been shamelessly checking you out all night, so he decided he’d do him a little favor cause he wasn’t an asshole like Jay.
Your jaw dropped to the floor. How the hell were you gonna do that?
Jake did the honors and came running back to the living room with a banana. “Y/n, you don’t have to-, “Heeseung tried to speak.
“Heeseung, you’re not her dad. She can speak for herself,” Jay butted in.
“It’s fine. It's just a dare, right?” You said to heeseung as you peeled the banana.
“Right,” he breathed out. He couldn’t lie. He was probably more excited about this than Jake was about playing Spin the Bottle.
You turned your body to face him fully. You swirled your tongue around the tip teasingly, and you saw heeseung visibly gulp. You laughed shyly and began licking the banana, pretending it was his shaft instead. Once you defiled the poor banana, you took half of it in your mouth with your lips wrapped tightly around it. You blinked your eyelashes while doing so, loving the expression on heeseung’s face as he watched you.
“Fuck” he cursed under his breath. His eyes had already darkened, and he had his lip caught between his teeth.
Finally, you ended your little show as you pulled off the banana with a quiet pop sound.
The room had gone completely silent, and you looked around to see all the boys gawking at you with their mouths hanging open. “Hope you enjoyed the show” You winked at Yeonjun.
Heeseung couldn’t help but to think maybe you weren’t as innocent as you were letting on, and boy, would he do anything to find that out after seeing you suck on that banana.
“Okay, now I’m hard,” Jay jokingly said, and heeseung glared at him while Jay lifted his hands up in defense.
You spun the bottle next, and it landed on your best friend. “Truth or dare?” You already knew what you had planned for her if it was dare.
“Dare,” she chimed.
Perfect. You thought.
“I dare you and Jake to play seven minutes in heaven.” She blushed instantly and looked at Jake, who was already blushing and smiling.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Jake stumbled as he sat up and dragged her to the nearest closet.
“Why couldn’t I get that dare?” Jay groaned.
“Cause you don’t deserve it.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
“You better hope this bottle does not land on you,” Jay murmured as it was his turn to spin the bottle once again.
Unfortunately, it did, and you sighed, picking truth this time. “So, y/n, when’s the last time you’ve touched yourself.” He smirked.
Why was he doing this to you?
You grew flustered. Did you really have to answer truthfully? There’s no way he’d know the real truth. “A month, maybe longer,” you lied.
“Aww, I should have known our little angel is too innocent for that,” you giggled nervously, thankful that none of them seemed to have detected your lie.
Heeseung again rolled his eyes. Why was everyone all over you tonight?
Your friend and Jake had just come back from the closest, and they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other ever since the dare you gave them.
After a few more spins and unmentionable dares, you all decided to call it quits for the night and watch a movie instead, seeing how everyone but you and heeseung were drunk out of their minds. You were both still a little tipsy, though.
You all decided to change into comfortable clothes before starting the movie.
Jake was sitting with your friend, Jay was on the rocking chair while you and heeseung sat at the back on the couch, and Yeonjun decided to lie on the floor for some odd reason.
About an hour into the movie, you had covered yourself with a sheet that heeseung had lying around. You felt something land on your thighs, and you looked down to see that heeseung had rested his head on your lap.
Within an hour of the movie, heeseung started to get a bit sleepy and rested his head on what he thought was the couch until he felt your thick thighs tensing under his head slightly at the contact.
All the lights had been turned off. Therefore, he couldn’t see where he was laying his head.
He was just about to move, but he stayed there for a few seconds longer to see what your next move would be when he felt your body relax under his head. He took that as a sign that you didn’t mind him being there.
About five minutes later, you felt his head shifting a little as he peeled the sheet down, and you could feel his teeth grazing against your thigh before he nibbled on the plump flesh gently.
Your body twitched a little, and you nearly moaned at the slightest contact.
Again, he took this as a sign and continued to sink his teeth into the soft flesh, and this time, you did accidentally moan out loud.
You quickly covered your mouth and panicked as you looked around, praying that no one heard you, and once you saw all of them focused on the movie, you breathed a sigh of relief.
Heeseung’s ears perked up at the sound of your sweet little moan.
As you instinctively ran a hand through his hair he turned around in your lap so he could face you, looking up at you and completely forgetting about the movie that was playing.
He lifted up the thin sheet and put it over his head, burying his face in your clothed cunt, inhaling the scent of your sweet arousal.
You bit your lip to conceal every noise that threatened to come out. You could feel him nosing at your clit, stimulating you through the fabric of your silk sleep shorts. You patted yourself on the back for deciding not to wear any underwear tonight.
He gripped your hip, squeezing it softly as he hummed lowly from your scent, invading his senses and the feeling of your plump waistline in his palm.
You pushed the back of his head closer to your core and spread your legs open wider, giving him a silent hint. He immediately flattened his tongue and licked over your silk shorts, and he could already feel your legs trembling beside his head.
He continued licking and sucking through the fabric, teasing your clit until the front of your shorts were damp with his saliva.
You quickly grew needy from that alone, and you needed to feel more of him. He seemed to read your mind as he slipped your shorts to the side and resumed his activities, swirling his tongue over your nub.
He wanted to tell you how good you tasted and how sweet your juices were on his tongue, but he couldn’t pull away for even a second.
You could feel his warm breath blowing against your bare pussy, sending shockwaves throughout your core as he sucked on your clit, pulling the sensitive flesh between his soft pink lips.
You spread your legs open instinctively, giving him more room to work with.
He moves his head closer to your body to get a better angle so he can use his fingers and his mouth to please you.
You had to cup your mouth when he stuck one of his thick fingers in your tight, wet hole. Your eyes rolled in the back of your head from the feeling of his digit pumping in you slowly.
He placed gentle kisses on your pubic bone, occasionally flicking his tongue over your clit as he added a second finger.
He curled his fingers upwards, brushing against the spot that made your stomach tense with pleasure as your toes started to curl. He focused on your clit, giving it a few teasing licks before latching his mouth on the bud and sucking on it, then swirling his tongue. He transitioned between each movement while digging his fingers deeper and deeper inside you.
It had been possibly five minutes before you could feel yourself getting close. Your legs were shaking, and he could feel your walls squeezing around his fingers.
He dug his nails into your side and sped up the pace of his digits. Seconds later, your hole was clenching tightly around his fingers as you came without any warning.
You ran your fingers through his hair as he slowed down and caressed your walls gently until you finished.
He applied a few more gentle kisses, and even though you had just came, you still wanted more as you bucked your hips into his face.
He smirked to himself.
So much for you being innocent, he thought.
With the unbearable throbbing between his legs, the only thing he had on his mind was fucking you into oblivion all night. He’s just been waiting for an opportunity to get you alone so he could feel your pussy. He just knew you’d feel so good, so creamy and wet, and that thought just made him even harder.
He pushed you back lightly by your hip and sat up. You were already about to protest, but he put a finger on your lips, shushing you.
He made an excuse to get you both alone, rushing out the fact that you were tired and he was going to show you your room. Everyone just murmured back in response. Apparently, they were still drunk.
Heeseung practically dragged you upstairs by your wrist and led you to one of his guest rooms on the far end of the hall, furthest away from the living room.
Without saying anything, he locks the door behind him and turns back to you, gripping your waist tightly while he moves in for a kiss somewhat between rough and gentle.
He groans against your mouth and presses your body as close to his as possible, moaning quietly when his cock brushes against you.
You wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him in close. The action makes him stumble slightly from the force, and with that, he breaks the kiss and pushes you back on the bed gently, taking in your disheveled state, your hair now messy and your shorts riding up your thick thighs, leaving little to his imagination of what you looked like under them.
You whimpered from the way he looked while standing above you. You began feeling impatient with him not doing anything, resulting in you seeking any type of friction as you rubbed your thighs together.
He could only smirk at how needy and desperate you were, and he couldn’t help but wonder how all your friends thought you were so innocent, yet here you were, spreading your legs for him and silently asking for him to fuck you.
“You look so good like this.” He leaned down on the bed and trailed his fingertips along your legs softly. “All needy for me.” His fingers inched dangerously high as he kneaded the flesh of your thighs.
“Please,” you whimper, and you almost feel embarrassed by how easily you begged for him on just the first night of officially meeting him.
He didn’t respond, only cupping his hand over your mound, lightly stroking your throbbing cunt through your shorts.
You gripped his wrist and immediately guided his hand back and forth on your clit.
He chuckled softly, watching your face twist in pleasure. “So naughty,” he cooed while maintaining eye contact with you.
His words were drowned out by the pleasure just his hand was bringing to you, and you lifted your hips off the bed, practically fucking yourself against his palm.
It wasn’t long before he felt himself caving in at just the sight of you. His pants felt extremely tight after seeing you use his hand to get yourself off. “Fuck” he muttered to himself, adding more pressure to press against your clit rougher.
“Fuck heeseung,” you moaned loudly as his palm ran along your clit just right, and the way you moaned his name was nothing but pure music to his ears.
“That feels good, yeah, baby?” You bit your lip as your eyes rolled back into your head at his slightly teasing tone. “Gonna fuck my hand until you cum?” You were too close to respond. Instead, you did exactly that and rutted yourself on his palm as you came and cried his name out hoarsely. “You know, y/n, you’re really not as innocent as I thought,” he spoke while he kept his hand in place so you could ride out your high.
You whined in embarrassment, but you still didn’t stop rolling your hips on his palm.
“Here I am thinking you’re the sweetest little thing on earth, just so shy and quiet, but here you are getting off just from my hand like a needy little slut” He finally pulled his hand away, and you squeezed your legs together only for him to forcefully spread them back open. “Don’t bother. You’ll be spreading them again anyways.” He quickly stripped himself of his shirt and pants.
You watched him through your spread legs, clenching down around nothing as you saw his tent beneath his grey boxers. Your brows furrowed at the sight, and you blushed when you saw him smirking at you teasingly.
He slowly lifted his hand to the front of his underwear, ghosting his hand over the crotch part. His expression mirrored yours, and he bit his lip at the feeling.
Your hands gripped at the bedsheets, toes curling as he continued to touch himself before your eyes. You couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him so badly.
He slowly pulled the waistband down, eyes never leaving yours as he gave you the tiniest peak of the base of his dick.
Your mouth was watering by now, and his teasing was driving you insane. He smiled at your expression, letting the fabric of his waistband snap against his hips as he let out a low whine from the slight sting.
“Please,” you let out with a shaky breath, not sure what you were even begging for. All you knew was you needed him to touch you.
“On one condition,” he says in a low voice as he hovers over you on the bed while you nod frantically. “Beg,” he whispered, and you clenched around, nothing again, feeling a trail of arousal dripping from your hole.
“Please, heeseung,” you said, too turned on to even care how desperate you sounded.
“More.” He bit his lip and spanked your inner thigh, causing you to let out a whine.
“Fuck me. Please need to feel your cock inside me so bad” You were squirming on the bed as you grew more desperate with every second that went by.
“More.” He spanked your thigh again, watching the flesh jiggle with each slap.
You were so close to tears, but you managed to do your best to get him to fuck you. “I need you so bad,” you breathed shakily. “Need you to fill my pussy up with your huge cock, and cum deep inside me, please, please, please.”
He groaned at the sound of your desperate, pleading voice. You were the furthest thing from innocent, and he was going to make you say it out loud. “Clothes off,” he said impatiently, finally pulling down his underwear.
You scrambled to take off your clothes, leaving yourself completely naked in front of him on the bed.
“So pretty,” he said as he positioned himself between your legs, finally letting you get a feel his hard throbbing cock rubbing against your wet core, causing you to moan loudly. “If I had known you were this much of a slut, I would have fucked you so much sooner” You spread your legs open further as he rolled his hips into you collecting your juices with his cock.
Your head already felt dizzy, and just the slow drag of his dick on your pussy was about to make you cum for the third time tonight.
He laid on top of you before grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist securely. “I know you would have let me too,” he teased you as he pushed his tip at your entrance but never fully inserted himself.
“You have no shame, you know?” He whispered in your ear. “Letting me fuck you, and we only just met hours ago” He moved his hand from your leg and stroked your cheek. “How do you think your friends would feel if they knew their precious y/n was begging to get fucked?”
You shied away from his touch, feeling slightly embarrassed by his words yet turned on at the same time.
“Hmm, baby? How would they feel knowing you’re so desperate for my cock that you couldn’t even finish the movie first” His voice was far sweeter than the words he spoke into your ear.
“Heeseung,” you choked out, eyes rolling in your head from all his teasing, and you couldn’t take anymore.
“What was it Jay called you?” He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“A-angel,” you muttered while trying to move your hips with his.
“Ah, that’s right,” he chuckles, almost like he’s mocking you. “Well, baby, if you’re an angel, what does that make me?” He didn’t give you time to answer before sinking his cock into you slowly.
You gripped his biceps tighter, feeling his muscles flexing as he held onto your thigh tightly. “Oh, heeseung,” you cried out, digging your nails into his flesh while he nestled his cock head inside you.
Your mouth was parting slightly while you panted heavily, trying to adjust to him stretching you out so far. “Goddamn baby, you’re so tight,” he grunts loudly as he feels your walls already throbbing around his length, making it nearly impossible for him to think straight.
“You’re so fucking big,” you slurred your words, already feeling dumb with the way his dick was sliding in and out of you so deliciously.
He smirked at your compliment and buried himself to the absolute hilt. “Such a dirty little mouth” He sat up on his knees and gripped your thighs so he could dig his cock deeper inside you.
You clawed at his chest. He was so deep that you could barely take it as your walls clamped down around him. “So damn tight, baby” He held back a moan and picked up the pace, thighs slapping against yours with every strong, perfectly angled thrust.
You held his waist as he plowed into you, and you couldn’t help but scream out his name. “Shh baby, unless you want them to know just how much of a whore you are for me,” he grunted out, never letting up on his frantic pace.
You didn’t even bother to hold in any moans. It was impossible with the way his thick cock felt, massaging your walls.
He moved his hands from your legs to cup your breasts, kneading them softly. “God, you take it so well,” he mutters, watching how your wet cunt swallows his big cock with ease. “You’re soaking, baby. Am I making you this wet?” He had that same teasing smirk on his face.
“Yes, all for you,” you cried out.
“So much for being innocent,” he chuckled, now hitting your spot with his thick, leaky tip.
You moaned, your body shaking with nothing but pleasure as he rubbed your nipples in small circles, overstimulating you. “I am,” you stutter out, even though you felt nothing of the sort.
“Oh baby, the look on your face and the way your slutty pussy is clenching on me tells me otherwise” He brought his hand to your mouth and rested his thumb on your bottom lip. “Open.” You pleased him greatly when you opened up immediately after and allowed two of his fingers to rest on the back of your tongue. “Suck on them,” he instructed, and you began to swirl your tongue obediently. You sucked on his fingers just like you did with the banana earlier. “Such a good little whore listening to whatever I say” He watched your drool leaking down your face as you nearly choked when he pressed down on the back of your tongue. “Letting me do what I want with you.
He busied his other hand on your clit while you sucked on his fingers with your eyes locked on his.
You moaned around his digits when he pressed down on your sensitive clit with his fingers and rubbed your nub in tight, fast circles. “Keep sucking” You continued to moan around his fingers as you squeezed his dick harshly with your aching cunt. “Gonna cum?” You nod your head as best as you can while your orgasm hits you out of nowhere. “That’s it, pretty, cream, my cock” His eyes flicked down at your pulsating pussy, and he lost it as he saw your creamy essence coating his dick. “Fuck, I’m close,” he moaned, and just the image in front of him drove him insane, your mouth stuffed with his fingers and your pretty pussy filled with his cock. “I’m so close.” his voice sounded just the same as earlier when he moaned into your ear, but in this setting, it was even hotter somehow.
The feeling of your warm mouth around his fingers and the repeated clenching of your tight cunt was the last straw. He finally let go releasing his cum into you with loud moans of your name. “Shit, this feels so good,” he whimpers as his hips start to lose rhythm, and he stills inside you, filling you to the brim until your little used cunt is dripping all his seed.
He removed his fingers from your mouth and lowered his weight on top of you, messily kissing you while his heavy breath mixed with yours into the sloppy kiss.
You wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling his face closer to you. He raised his eyebrows at your sudden boldness and chuckled against your lips as you nibbled on his bottom lip. He parted for a breath of air and quickly glued his lips back onto yours.
When he finally pulled away from you, he was panting as he pecked your forehead and pulled out of you carefully.
He rolled over on his back and sighed as the cold sheets met his hot skin.
After a few moments of silence, he got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, grabbing a warm towel to clean you off with. “Was I okay? I didn’t go too rough, did I?” He asks with concern hoping it was enjoyable for you too.
You only smiled, wondering how his mood could change within the blink of an eye. “No, it was perfect.” You watched a look of relief overtake his features.
“I’m glad,” he muttered, and he somehow looked shy as he gently cleaned between your legs. He kissed your thigh gently once he was finished and then pecked your lips one last time. You smiled to yourself as he returned back to the bathroom.
He came back out a few seconds later and started getting dressed; once he was done, he sat back down next to you on the bed. “I should go before they notice that I’ve been gone,” he whispers to you while stroking your cheek with his thumb as you settle into bed.
“Okay,” you say a bit reluctantly. You really wished you could cuddle him all night, but he was right. Your friends would become suspicious, and the last thing you needed was to explain to them what happened, especially since you and heeseung had just met.
“I’ll come back later when everybody has gone to sleep.” You couldn’t believe your ears. You thought it was just a simple exchange and nothing more, but he actually wanted to come back? While you were caught up in your thoughts, he took your silence as you not wanting him to come back. “O-or not, I just thought maybe after you know, you might want me to sta- I don’t know,” he breathed out as he picked at his nails, refusing to make eye contact with you.
You softly gripped his chin, tilting his head and making him look up at you. “I’d love it if you came back later.” You smiled and closed your eyes slowly to kiss him one last time.
“Really?” He asked once he leaned back from the kiss and fluttered his gleeful eyes open.
You nodded softly, and he smiled. “Okay,” he hopped out of bed and grabbed a shirt from his drawer, and handed it to you. “I’ll sneak you some water in a few” He tucked the covers up over you as you yawned, feeling sleep settling its way into your system.
He slowly backed away from the bed and blew you one last kiss before shutting the door and muttering a small goodnight to you.
“Goodnight, heeseung.” You laid your head flat on the bed, a small smile etched on your features.
Tomorrow could only tell what’s in store for you and heeseung, but right now, you were just happy your friend invited you to a hang out with her hot best friend.
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Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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xdyledz · 3 months
katsukis kisses
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2nd time writing in a while….long while so please bare with me!
“ what are you looking at? “ you looked up from scrolling on your phone to see your boyfriend staring at you. “ nothing”. short and blunt just how he always talks, he’s been at this for a while now. it’s only been what a month and a half? and these past two weeks he has been acting VERY strange.
“ hurry up so i can walk you to your room, it’s time for bed “. just like that he turns around and starts walking. you quickly follow him. walking in silence to your dorm you can’t help but feel awkward ‘ something is definitely off ‘ you say to yourself.
“ night kit kat! “ “ i told you to quit calling me that” you playfully pout at him and go in for a hug “ ugh so rude “ he scoffs and you and you notice him holding you a little tighter then usual. you go to separate yourself and say “ goodnight kats “. just as you’re about to close your door he pushes it right back open “ huh?” “ you forgot something “ you look at him confused. ‘ i have my phone, blanket, dorm keys, what else am i-“ your thoughts are quickly cut off by bakugou voice mumbling a “ nothing “ and “ g’night”.
“ heyy bakugou how’s it going? “ “ Hah? what’s it to you dunce face? “ “ wow snappy today what’s up “ bakugou gives him a glare and turns him away “ I KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH HIM!” mina shouts and she runs towards to kitchen “ damn do you extras always have to be so loud all the damn time? and nothing is wrong with me raccoon eyes “ “ yep something is definitely wrong either him “ sero pipes in. “ mina what’s up “ kirishima adds in. now all four boys a circling mina awaiting for a answer. “ it’s because…..y/n hasn’t kissed him yet..” all three boys pause for what seems like forever “ WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING!!! “ bakugou screams while whipping his head around looking like he’s ready to kill.
All three boys bust out laughing. “ who knew bakugou couldn’t grow the balls to kiss his girl friend! “ “ all it took is a kiss to get the great bakugou katsukis balls twisted” “ awww does poor little baby bakugou want a kiss from me to make him feel better “. comment were thrown around the 3 boys all directed at bakugou. “ DAMN YOU DUNCE FACE “ he said as he tackled kaminari to the ground “ you want a peace of me? i’ll kill you “ “ sorry man, i mean if you’re offering sure but…” kaminari holds back a laughing but fails “ i don’t think y/n will “.
bakugou growls and throws his hand back activating his quirk while sero and kirishima start crying untill “ good mornin- kugo? what are are doing??” at the sound of ur voice bakugou immediately stops his quirk and looks up at you, kaminari quickly crawls out from under bakugou to your feet “ y/n help” he said while clutching onto your leg.
“ you bastard GET OFF MY GIRL- girlfriend” at the mention of your new name you herd his tone soften but still be as sharp as ever. “ suki what’s going on? “ you say as you help kaminari up “ nothin “. you walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. you see his eyes travel to the hand on his shoulder to your eyes and then fall down but quickly come up to your eyes. “ katsukis…why do you keep looking-“ “ nothings wrong hurry up class will start soon “ and just like that he turns around and walks away.
After watching this whole interaction the 3 boys and mina look at you and you silently ask ‘ do you know anything’. Sero finally speaks up and says “ bakugos got his panties in a twist because you won’t put him out of his misery” giving him a shocked look you look back at bakugou who is now half turnend around looking angry “ tape face i swear if you- “ “ OH MY GOSH y/n bakugou wants you to kiss him sooooo badly “ the room is silent after that.
Sero and kaminari quickly run out of the dorm rooms to school to escape bakugou wrath, mina and kirishima slowly back out of the kitchen, now it’s just you and bakugou.
you turn to look again him but…his angry expression is now replaced with and embarrassed scowl…” katsuki.. is that true? is that why you’ve been so moody lately?” you say as you walk up to him but before you can get another word out he turns and leaves you there.
“ good morning y/n “ you turn to the voice” hey todoroki” …
The whole day bakugou been ignoring you. when ever you tried to talk to him he just walked away. turn training him and iida got pared up againist kaminari and sero…yeah you prayed for them. but while watching them fight you walked over to kirishima to ask him about the whole situation “ well you know bakugou he’s not one to talk about his feelings so i never heard of this until this morning, but i did remember him me mentioning that you to haven’t..you know “ “ wow you’re making it seem like we’re doing something…inappropriate” he laughs at this.
“ well if you do end up talking to him today give him a kiss… and tell him it’s from kaminari “ you both laugh at this “ will do.
Its currently 7:15 pm but bakugou is no where to be found. ‘ maybe in his dorm?’ you think to yourself. knocking on his dorm you hear no answer “ katsuki?? are you there “ you hear a slight shuffle “ if i don’t here a answer i’m coming in and farting in your room”
“ what do you want “ he says as he opens the door. “ woowww how romantic that’s what every girl wants to hear from her boyfriend “ “ you just threatened to fart in my room and sorry i don’t want my room to spell like your crappy farts “ you pout at him and say “ at this rate you’ll never get your kiss.” and now there’s a door slammed in your face. welp you’re going in.
You open the door to see him seated on his bed “ i did not say you could come in”. you ignore him and sit next to him. “ you know you could’ve just told me” silence “ don’t ignore me “ silence “ katsuki “ silnce “ ….katsukiiii~~” you say one final time as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. “ get off me women “ he says but makes no effort to move you “ hmmm no “ you say as you kiss him on the cheek. his eyes go wide and then fall back into in resting-angry face.
He turns his head towards you and try’s to state “ if you gonna tease me about this the-“ he’s cut off my your hand grabbing his shirt down to you and your lips on his. short and sweet. “ what the hell…” “ you know i was waiting for you to kiss me first but i guess this proves that i wear the pants in the relationship “
you didn’t think you were going to get away with that last comment but to your suprise bakugou pushes you away and lays down on the bed and closes his eyes. “ that’s not fair i wasn’t ready. “ he says as he pulls you down to on him. you smile against him “ you smell good “. he hums in response. he asks you a question trying to stray away from the topic but there’s a promise you have to uphold.
you lick you lips alot..like alot and as bakugou calls your name you suddenly sit up grab his face and pull him towards you. at first he leans into it but notices how wet your lips are and knows he didn’t do that. “ y/n what the hell” he says as he pushes you off him. “ what? that was kaminari kiss to you “ you see his face shift to confused to shocked to angry.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
from a starter call i made at some point... | @yasashiiku's kyo encounters kaiya!
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" do you think... would it be odd if... " how shy and unsure the demoness appears before her sun, gaze downturned and fingers fidgeting with the sleeve of her kimono. it's unlike her; they have long since passed the stage of being shy with each other. " if i wanted to spar with you? "
the question is unexpected and clearly uncomfortable on kaiya's part. for years she's avoided violence, determined to die before harming another creature, but things have changed. she's changed. death is no longer a fitting punishment for someone such as her but an ending she wants to avoid meeting too soon. to live with the people she loves, to remain by kyojuro's side, to protect these feelings and the future she now hopes for -- are they not worth fighting for?
that sentiment remains on the tip of her tongue, though, silenced by stubborn uncertainty as she peeks up at the flame breather.
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