#sorry that was like a mega rant i was not expecting to go on and on
ilostyou · 10 months
I think the girls who talked shit behind your back have no life and nothing of value to contribute to human society. If you can't summon basic empathy for your fellow person then what are we even here for.
Fuck them, they're the problem. Their "If I don't understand it then it's wrong" attitude will come back to bite them sooner or later. You are so much better than them and I hate to think about you being hurt because some rude assholes decided to gossip.
hskdnskd to be fair i am positive they have a lot to contribute!! which is almost why i’m more shocked that they had such a hard time comprehending the Why behind what they were talking about (something a friend was experiencing and feeling) and not being able to empathize with it more - i guess i’m glad they’ve never had to deal with it themselves yknow. i absolutely agree though that they’ve got a lot to work on if this is something they couldn’t wrap their heads around properly
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
Hi! How are you doing? Sorry to bother you, but i dont know many scottish people and idk who to talk to about this book I found on audible. It's called Imogène, by french author Charles Exbrayat. Do you know him /the book? I've started reading it but I had to pause because, while being sold as a "humorous spy story" I find the protagonist, a "very proudly scottish" woman, to be... an offensive caricature? Like she acts like a fool, honestly. This book contains some interesting points about sexism (it was published in 1959), and ridiculous british habits (such as employees forced to give money for princess anna's birthday or being socially scorned). I'm sure the shared dislike / distrust the protagonist and her british colleagues feel are (were?) realistic. But she is so extra, and the story keeps telling how lonely she is, even after working 20 years in london. She has No friends, most acquitances dont talk to her for various motivations, her bosses hates her ... idk I feel this book is actually mocking scottish people? Or scottish women??? I was SO there for a "strong woman protagonist who gives cutting remarks to her boss or peers", but this looks wrong. Idk. I didnt know whom ask for inputs. Maybe i'm reading too much into it. Feel free to ignore this mega rant. Have a good day!
I think cultural and historical context and time of publication-- which was almost 70 years ago --are important factors to take into consideration when we look at fiction through our current expectations.
I can’t speak to the book as I’ve never read it, but speaking as a Scots woman who worked for an English publishing house for a while, being made to feel alienated by my boss and others due to being Scottish was unfortunately still something going on in 2011.
I’d get lots of “Oh but you sound so eloquent” remarks regarding my thinned-out accent (something I did on purpose to avoid being told to “speak properly” which was also something I heard a lot in school if I ever used my native Scots language instead of “Queen’s English.”) and one time my boss referred to me as “their civilized Scot” to an American author, whose Scottish romance book I was supposed to be fixing the dialogue on.
The phrasing was along the lines of, “Don’t worry, you’ll be able to understand her. Joy is our civilized Scot.”
The author laughed and made another derogatory comment about how they just loved Scottish accents even if it was unintelligible a lot of the time. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to lose my first career job.
I kept my mouth shut a lot in that job.
In that regard I could very well empathize with the character being lonely and not engaging with anyone, even after 20 years.
The proud Scottish woman can be a bit of a caricature, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is intended as mocking.
Again, cultural/historical context matters.
I wasn’t alive in 1959, but I know there was a lot of Scottish media about the time that leaned into the stubbornness and pride of Scots women both for humor and to make societal commentary on the fact that women were strong and more independent than they’d ever been following two world two and a lot of men weren’t happy about it and wanted them to go back into their boxes. As a result the mouthy, proud Scots woman became a mockable caricature that turned women into shrill, over proud scolds.
Get back in your box or we’ll make fun of you, basically.
So is this book being mocking, or is it employing popular tropes of the time, knowing that audience will understand what it means and that the female protagonist is being subversive despite what others expect from her?
I can’t say. Again, haven’t read it. It could be utter dogshit and making total fun of my culture. But I do think when looking at older media we need to put our thinking caps on and think, “How would the audience of the time, 1959, have viewed and engaged with this?”
Expecting a “strong female protagonist” as we know it from media today isn’t going to work with media that’s almost 70 years old.
Hell, the “strong woman protagonist” wasn’t even something any piece of media could agree on when I was growing up in the 90s.
Times change. Literary tropes and preferences change. It helps to keep that in mind.
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ashecampos · 5 months
The ‘heart breaker’ and the ‘self centred’
Janis ‘Imi’ike x reader
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Warnings : corse language, mention of past breakups. Enemies to lovers??maybe
(I’m so sorry if this is bad, I am currently high on pain and cold meds to try and get over this flu I have <3 also pls ignore how it switches from 1st to 3rd person so much)
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You had heard the rumors about the infamous north shore high, everyone had. Little did you know, you would soon be apart of one of these rumors.
Moving schools was not on your list for the things you expected from the year. You had officially been expelled from your last school due to an incident that was not at all your fault. Now all you had to do was survive senior year at a new school where you only knew two people, one being your best friend, the other being a person you hated with your entire being. Janis ‘Imi’ike.
You and Janis go way back. Like as in third grade. You hated her and she hated you, end of story. Or was it?
It was now Sunday night, you and your best friend Tessa are on FaceTime and she is getting you up to speed with the north shore gossip.
“Soo Regina and the plastics aren’t bitches anymore, everyone is friends like in middle school and there isn’t much drama. Got it?” She says finishing her rant. A pen and paper in her hand with a map of all the drama you had missed on it.
“Mh everyone is queer, no drama, Janis still hates me, Regina isn’t a mega bitch, you and Aaron are fucking and me now starting fresh at your school totally isn’t going to cause any drama at all. Gotcha” I say while grabbing more paint from a shelf at the store. She nods silently then going on another rant about how Aaron and Shane are going to make a group chat with everyone im going to meet tomorrow in it, I nod while walking around. Until I bump into someone, their notepad nearly dropping to the floor but i managed to catch it somehow. Apologising profusely i look the person in the eye and my heart stops, blood running cold. Not even a foot away stands Janis ‘Imi’ike in all her glory. I stand there for a few seconds, the notepad held out for her to take but it seems that she is having the same reaction to this awfully awkward situation. She takes a second to scoff before grabbing the notepad and walking past, our shoulders brushing past each other “since when did you move back to Evanston?”she mutters before vanishing to the next isle. What the fuck.? Of all people you could’ve ran into it had to be her didn’t it? You thought “you did not just literally bump into she who shan’t be named” Tessa interrupts your thoughts to only add onto the embarrassment your feeling. “Shut the fuck up tess” i say as the girl on the other end of the call is in the middle of a laughing fit. I speed walk to the cash register and pay for my supplies before practically sprinting home. Anything to get away from Janis before I have to put up with her for the rest of the school year.
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The night went quicker than I’d like to admit, I painted a little, lost track of time and ended up dozing off with my head on my desk. The next day came and I now stand in my closet, Tessa stood with me looking for the appropriate outfit that doesn’t scream ‘I got suspended from my last school and I don’t want to be at this school’. “Hm how about this” she picks up a pink shirt earning a disgusted look from me. She groans putting the T-shirt back and sitting on my bed and shrugging “just wear a band tee or something” she says. “Just wear a band tee or something” I mock while grabbing some baggy jeans from my closet, I scan my shirts before smirking and grabbing a button up shirt and a vest. “Gay” Tessa shouts at me, laughing and pointing at my doc martens “wear those” she says with a smirk.
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The thing is me and Tessa are polar opposites, shes the most girly girl you will ever meet. Whereas I look like I just stepped out of a hot topic store. She was apart of the plastics before project ‘destroy queen bee’ was put into motion. She had stated many times how much she despised what Cady done to Regina. And even though I wasn’t apart of the school or had no reason to know the drama or what went down, oh she kept me updated. I even went to see Regina after she was hit by the bus. Which got me an one way ticket to Regina’s good side. You see being friends with Tessa can be a struggle seeming that she is the popular it girl, or the girl next door per say, however o wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oi y/n/n Shane is making the group chat now, then we are going to meet up with everyone at the front of the school”
Moments after she said that my phone vibrates, I look at it while changing into my jeans.
*Shane Oman added you into ‘norths-whores hottest’ groupchat* I laugh a little at the name, so does Tessa as she starts typing away.
Tessi 🪽: “hey bitches!! ready to meet north shores newest hottie?”
Reginald 💁‍♀️ : “as long as it doesn’t cause me to get hit with a bus this time”
Kay-dee ✨ : “I told you I was sorry for that reg”
Karen 💁🏽‍♀️ : “wait we have a new kid?”
Gretch 🪬: “yeah Tessa’s mysterious best friend is transferring because they got suspended from their last school”
Y/n/n 🌺: “should I be concerned how much you already know about me? Also hey guys”
Shane💪🏽: “don’t worry it’s her thing”
Reginald 💁‍♀️ : “well then congratulations and welcomes are in order, speaking of orders what coffees does everyone want im making a pitstop at Starbucks”
Gretch💁🏽‍♀️ : “ooo I’ll have a Strawberry Acai Refresher and Karen will have a hot coco, thanks babe”
Shane💪🏽 : “caramel latte thx Reggie”
Tessi🪽: “hot coco for me too babe”
“Oh and y/n/n said they will have a iced chai with oat milk and brown sugar syrup and they said thankyou”
*Reginald 💁‍♀️liked tessi’s🪽message*
You where now driving both you and Tessa to the school, your palms where beyond sweaty and you felt the lump in your throat grow worse the closer you got to the school. Tessa was sat in the passenger seat belting out show tunes, as you guys did every day in the car. It was settling your nerves a little as you clutched the steering wheel, keeping your eyes on the road.
You pull up to the school with Tessa’s help as she directs you to where the parking lot is then directs you where to park. You see Regina’s pink jeep and Shane’s black Tesla parked next to each other so you park next to Shane upon Tessa’s request. The two of you get out of the car, simultaneously grabbing your bags and linking arms, you softly nudge her and put your sunglasses on, sniggering slightly “hey, we’re gonna rule the school” you say quoting grease like you do every year “hm yeah and how’s that went the past ten years you’ve said that?” She nudges you back cocking one of her brows “okay rude, but in my defence we haven’t been in the same school the past four years” you point at her “well let’s make this one count” she says before waving at a group who you recognise to be the infamous plastics and shane.
“Soo you must be y/n, god Tessa wasn’t lying your banging” Shane comes over, his hand outstretched for you to take, you press you hand against his and hug him, eventually letting go of the hug, he hands you your drink while another set of arms wrap around your torso making you laugh “hey Karen, I missed you too” you laugh hugging her with one arm while you hold your cup in the other. She looks up adorable as ever and smiles widely, seconds later her face drops “OH MY GOD YOU GOT A MULLET” she screams, pulling away, almost knocking your drink out of your hand, you laugh even harder as she runs her fingers through your hair, admiring the shaven sides of your head. “You like?” You say, she nods before unhanding you, she turns to another girl who you assume to be Karen’s girlfriend, Gretchen, the girl is pretty, clad in an academic fitting outfit, a plaid beige skirt and a white turtleneck, she was one of the prettiest girls here, she smiles at you, giving you a simple nod. You walk over and hug her, you then turn to Regina who practically tackles you in a hug. “Who’d you fight to get expelled this time?” She whispers into your ear making you smirk “legally I can’t say but don’t worry they got what they deserved” you say as you hug her back. She slaps your shoulder and gives you a stern look “no more fighting or I will make your life a living hell” she smirks back at you.
After a brief catchup you head to the principals office to grab your paper work and schedule which was only a quick pitstop due to the fact that you had been there yesterday to hand all your paperwork over to secure your place at the school. Once you got your schedule you went straight to home room which was your first class of the day, looking down at your schedule, you walk straight into the back of someone. “Dude watch where your- oh you have got to be fucking with me now” the person says just as you open your mouth to apologise.
There in front of you stands an angered Janis ‘Imi’ike, her face drops seeing you for a second time this week. She rolls her eyes “are you following me or some shit?” She says, earning an eye roll from you “oh ku'uipo, don’t flatter yourself, my world doesn’t revolve around you” you say while walking around the girl and into your home room class, she stays stood in the doorway for another moment seeming to be frozen in place before she snaps out of whatever trance you had managed to put her in and she then walks inside the room, taking the last available seat, the one in front of you. Just before she sits herself down you manage to catch a glimpse of her face, red with a bit of a flustered expression. You grin a little acknowledging the fact you still had that affect on her after so many years.
Home room drags, the teacher is sweet though, she introduces you to everyone and proudly embarrasses you by telling the class you won the state art competition last fall which in turn earns a look from Janis who’s eyes have never left you since the teacher pulled you to the front of the class. As soon as the bell chimes your out of there having endured enough embarrassment for one person to handle. You make it your mission to get out before Janis can. I then go looking for my next class. Chemistry. You walk in expecting to be in a class full of randos but to your surprise and dismay you walk into the class to find the class full of your newfound friend group and Janis. Of course. The teacher strides in pointing at the whiteboard where a seating chart is etched into. You look for your name as the rest of your group goes and sits down, you smirk a little when you see that you are all on one table. Not bothering to look who else is on the table you go sit without hesitation. “So how was everyone’s first class?” You start, everyone groans seeming to already be put off only an hour into the week. “Oh I have some gossip for ya..oh hey Janis” Gretchen says which makes your face drop. You whip your head around praying it’s not the Janis you think it is, yet there she stands. All colour drains from your face, you look at Tessa for help but she is too busy trying not to die of laughter. Regina seems to have a similar reaction to yours with the girl being at the same table. And yet again much to your dismay the girl sits next to you, slamming her book down and looking at the front of the class toward the teacher. “Hello students, my name is Mr Jenkin and im your chemistry teacher. So seeming that we are in chemistry I like to have all the students on the same tables to have a lot of chemistry. Today’s class revolves around getting to know your groups. So one person from each table grab a deck and we shall play charades” the teacher says as he throws like seven decks of small card on his desk with a smile. Oh now this one is cute, he seems a little too nice for his own good, especially in this school.
Regina takes it upon herself to go grab the cards, taking the rubber band off of them and flicking it at Tessa who flips her off with a laugh. “I guess I’ll start then” she says reading the first card. She snickers a little before looking around the table and pointing at Aaron. “Boy?” He says straight away, Regina then shakes her head but stops and waves her hand around to say that he was right but she needs another word. She then points at her head earning a few weird looks from the table, it took me a few seconds to click on but I quickly realised what she was getting at “boy genius” I mutter quietly not being too sure on if I was right but she smiles and nods, holding her arm out to make me stand up as she hands me the cards. “Who’s boy genius?” Karen says with a big smile “an amazing band” both me and Janis say in sync earning a look from everyone in the group, I look at Janis before looking down at the card that says ‘love’ I roll my eyes and groan a little, I put my hand over my heart looking around the group to see if anyone will click on “heart?” Tessa says first, I shake my head and another idea pops into my head, I make a heart with my hands while looking around again. “Heartbreaker?” Janis mutters, earning looks from the group again, I sigh and shake my head before Tessa swoops in and says “love” which o nod to. She grins and gets up, allowing me to sit back down. A few more rounds go by and it is now Janis’ turn. She stands up brushing by me and picks the cards off of the table, she looks down for a few seconds before she points at herself making me snigger again. “Self centered?” I say proudly earning a slap from Tessa who scolds me silently. Janis snaps back “don’t make me tell your new little friends who you really are because believe me I will” she stares into my soul, my fists clenching under the table, I take a deep breath before shaking my head and grabbing my bag and leaving, hearing the group calling after me and Tessa saying “seriously Janis is there any need? She didn’t mean what happened” the teacher then calls after me before asking what everyone on the table what the hell happened. Tessa thankfully made and excuse as Janis also left the classroom.
I end up in the bathroom, slamming my fist against the wall of one of the stalls. Before wincing in pain instantly. I throw my bag and slide down the wall so I am sat down with my knees to my chest. The door to the bathroom then opens and in walks Janis. She sees me and walks over crouching down so she in face to face with me. She hesitates for a few seconds before placing her finger under my chin and making me look up at her. “Hey breathe for me yeah?” She says in a calm, knowing tone. My breath hitches a little before it picks itself up again, I struggle to breathe earning a concerned look. She tries talking to me again but it falls on death ears. I look around the bathroom frantically trying to find something to help myself, then out of the blue I feel a pair of lips on my own. Her lips. The lips that had been tormenting my dreams for the past five years. She pulls away after a few moments which felt like a lifetime. She looks at me before assuringly repeating what she said before “im sorry for what I said. I know it wasn’t your fault, im just still not over it..over us” she looks down before going to stand up, I quickly use my uninjured hand to pull her back into me, we share another kiss until the bathroom door swings open. Revealing the whole friend group.
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sinistergooseberries · 9 months
continuing my tags from a previous post (sorry 😭 @deadloverscity) : like i said, i do think salaar is a good story so far. I like the world-building, I like the tribe coalition system that becomes a background for our story, and i like the fact that varadha and deva are in a toxic yaoi relationship.
im not gonna lie tho, i just haaaate the cinematography and lighting in prashant neel's movies. it's always a bad time there. It's like slapping a vignette over every frame of the movie, and it takes away any colour whatsoever. I understand that he wants to go for a dark vibe, but trust me, dark vibes can be achieved even without making the entire movie dark and invisible. I literally cannot see the actors doing any action! It's bad! It's not enjoyable. As a typical Telugu moviegoer (and assuming the movie was made for a predominantly telugu audience), I enjoy a somewhat vibrant colour scheme. So far, in all of our movies and even the mega movies (if you have watched RRR and Baahubali) there is a lot colour and imagery going on in the movies. I think in Prashant neel's cinemas, all of this is taken away. He has a set of colours that appear in his films consistently - which are black, grey and red. This colour scheme i feel, if repeatedly used, can be a bit boring and may take away the vibrance of the story. the stark contrasts (imo) do not emphasise the story, they overshadow it. still, take this w a grain of salt.
However, considering the fact that this is just his fourth film, ill cut him some slack. But man, if he is going to make movies for a telugu audience, i hope he lets go of the vignette filter.
next, the worldbuilding. i like it - here is a country that is completely separated from india, yet dictates certain aspects of it. i like that they chose an isolated place that evolves in parallel with the mainland, but retains the values of the tribes, making this place mythical and real at the same time. i was really intrigued by the tribe lore - about how the mannars ousted the shouryangas, and how rajamannar basically went against his own father's rule-book and is now facing dire consequences from bharava, whose tribe has the right to the throne right now. i also love love love loveeeeeee the fact that deva is the rightful heir to the throne - and also also the fact that whether he knows about this or not is left ambiguous. i love how this adds another layer to amma's hatred of khansaar and OH. MY. GOD. chef's kiss i love it.
as a personal taste, i don't like violence and epic fights tm overshadowing the narrative, which i feel the movie does. however, kannada film-making might be different. idk, i havent seen many kannada films other than kantara and kgf. the former is good i absolutely love it - the story is fantastic, the fight scenes are chumma, ufff i can praise it for days. the latter is pretty meh for me.
another thing i love about the movie is.. well, varadha and deva. dude, what is up with telugu guys unintentionally making queer movies these days? what is up with that yallll??? ohmygod. when i tell you that i smelled the romance im not lying. dude. dudeee. the whole friends to enemies to (maybe) friends/lovers arc theyve got going on? oooh baby i can feel the fanfics writing themselves. the whole soaked in blood-fighting-together scene? it was a miracle i wasnt jumping up and down on my seat. the dialogue in that scene 'i have friends more handsome than you' and then varadha getting kinda jealous and shit. lovely. the whole don't touch him thing that deva has got going on - baby boy just kiss him. and man. it's beautiful tragic and im writing a fanfic.
soo yeah this is my rant about salaar. im expecting something from it lol.
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whchenlvr · 2 years
Hi! I saw that your request is open, can I request how the union + eunjang boys would react to getting kissed randomly to shut them up? I think it would be so cutee
YES i am loving theseeeee THANK YOU
kissing you to silence you ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ he’d be helping you study for your final, and you’re just so stressed that you can’t stop putting yourself down
➤ “what if i can’t do it? if i fail?”
➤ gray would try to calm you, but i don’t think that’d necessarily be his strong suit. he’d just keep going over the chapters with you and glance over at you every few seconds to see if you’re getting it or not
➤ when you clearly struggle, gray would place a hand on your back and let you rant until you started putting yourself down
➤ once the words “i’m so stupid” leave your mouth, gray’s lips are on yours, begging you not to say such things about yourself without actually voicing his concerns. let's just say you like this form of encouragement 
ben park
➤ you were almost in a car accident on your way to eunjang from your school, and when ben hears about an accident on your route, he’s instantly worried about you
➤ of course, your phone died :)
➤ both of you mega panic. him because he thinks you’re hurt, and you because you have no way of contacting him to let him know you��re okay
➤ he’d be running to the accident and nearly knock into you as you rush to eunjang, and he’d just grab you by the shoulders and check you. “are you okay?! are you hurt?!”
➤ this will set you off, and you start rambling your explanation because you feel so bad for worrying him. “i’m fine, i’m fine. i wasn’t hurt, but my phone died so i couldn’t text or call you. oh gosh, i’m sorry! i was trying to get to you as fast as i could to assure you that i’m okay! please don’t be upset—“
➤ and ben would just cup your face and kiss you so hard :’) “i’m not upset, i was just worried...” expect lil caresses in the cheek with his thumb
alex go
➤ you’re watching a movie together, and you have a habit of talking during films
➤ it was okay at first since alex was used to this, but when you slipped up and spoiled the ending for him…
➤ you wouldn’t even notice his slow turn toward you lmao you’d just open your mouth when a new actor appears on screen and prepare to tell him every other film this dude has been in
➤ of course, alex beats you to it and leans over just in time to silence you with his lipssss
➤ super flustered at first, but when you realize he’s just trying to shut you up, you smack him on the shoulder and laugh when he gives you such an offended expression
➤ “if you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked.” “i couldn’t. you were talking too much.” “okay, just say you hate me—” and he’d kiss you again just to spite you.
donald na
➤ you and donald just recently started dating, and you still got a bit flushed and shy around him
➤ one morning, you were walking around town and came across a little flower shop. you weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t stop yourself from buying a pretty yellow tulip for your new boyfriend
➤ any confidence you had dwindled as soon as you came face to face with donald, though
➤ “what’s this?” he asked softly, referring to the flower between your hands, and your mind goes blank. “u-uh, well, i saw this and, i don’t know, i thought you’d like it? if you don’t, that’s okay, too, but, i don’t kno—”
➤ he leaned forward, swiftly taking the tulip from your hands as he places a gentle kiss against your lips. “i love it, y/n. thank you.” blush central for you
jake ji
➤ honestly i’m so obsessed with the idea of you and jake constantly having little arguments about manga versus literature
➤ you’d be on the couch, legs propped to your chest as you read the new novel you bought when jake comes barreling toward you with a fresh manga in his hands
➤ since you were so immersed in the scene before you (like, on the brink of tears immersed), jake’s interruption frustrates you a bit more than usual, and you can’t help but tell him so
➤ “jake! i was about to read the best part!” of course, he’d apologize the second he realizes that you’re actually upset, but i think he’d still poke your side or cheek to get you to lighten up
➤ “jake ji, i swear to g—“ and BAM, he stole your words with a kiss <3
wolf keum
➤ i would say he’d kiss you to keep you quiet in bed, but i’ll try keeping these pg 😁
➤ you’d be angry at each other for some unimportant (to him) reason, and since wolf really hates fighting with you, he’d get up and leave while you’re in the middle of your rant
➤ “where are you going? wolf, talk to m—” “talk? you want to talk? to me, we’re just wasting our breath yelling at each other for no reason!” “you could have gotten seriously hurt! killed! and you don’t even care! what am i supposed to do if something happened to you, huh? how am i supposed to live with myself if you... if you—”
➤ the words just barely slipped through your lips when wolf’s hands reached your cheeks, meeting your lips with his and silencing you with a kiss
➤ wolf would rest his forehead on yours and caress your cheek gently with his thumb. “you’re right. i’m sorry. but nothing is going to happen. can you trust me?” “... okay. i trust you.”
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
❛  it’s like i’m seeing you in a completely new light.  ❜
- MJ
❛  it’s like i’m seeing you in a completely new light.  ❜
pronouns for y/n: any/gender neutral
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Gently strumming the strings of the guitar, you peered down at the notebook, looking over the lyrics that had been scribbled down messily when inspiration had struck randomly. You quietly hummed to yourself as you played, searching for the right melody to go along with the lyrics. In your complete immersion with the task at hand, you barely noticed the other presence in the room until you finished and heard clapping behind you.
Glancing over your shoulder, you half-expected it to be Dixon or Andi but instead, MJ stood there with a wide smile and sparkling eyes. Chuckling softly, you looked back at the notebook and picked up a pencil, writing down a few more lyrics.
"Is that a new song?" She asked, clasping her hands together before blinking and scoffing softly to herself. "Well- I mean, of course it's a new song. I meant-"
"I know, MJ." You interrupted reassuringly, setting the pencil down and carefully putting the guitar down on its stand. Facing the singer, you leaned back against the edge of the table and smiled. "How have you been?"
"Good! The music video is doing great and Sebas thinks we should start working on a new song." MJ explained though her attempt at sounding happy barely worked. You raised a brow at that and she sighed softly, toying with the sleeve of her sweater.
"You don't sound happy about it."
"I am! I just... Sebas can be difficult to work with, even when he means well. Besides, I miss the band and hanging out with everyone. Even if Jana is a mega bitch."
"Woah," You laughed at the insult. MJ had to be the very definition of innocence, from her rather oblivious personality to her devotion to her religion. Few were the times you heard her curse so openly.
Wincing, MJ frowned and walked forward to take a seat. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't call her that."
"No, I get it. She can be a mega bitch, even when she means well." You smiled when MJ released a soft chuckle, her fingers lifting to toy with one of her curls.
"I just-" MJ inhaled deeply, fingers curling into fists. "I made the band, I got everyone together! And as soon as she joins, she makes it all about herself and then refuses to understand why I joined Sebas onstage. I couldn't risk disappointing my parents for even a second or else they would've taken me out of school. She is a mega fucking bitch." MJ ranted and you couldn't help but chuckle softly.
Reaching out, you gently twirled a strand of curly hair around your finger, pulling the girl out of her rant and anger. "It’s like I'm seeing you in a completely new light. I like this side of you, MJ. Plus, you're cute when you're angry."
Tilting your head up when the bell rang, you hummed and turned away to collect your things and slip them into your backpack. MJ remained sat in her seat, eyes wide and skin warm. Grinning at her reaction, you slung the bag over your shoulder.
"I'll see you around, hm?"
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So, feel free to just delete this, obviously this is your blog lol I just feel like I need to spill it to a 3rd party, I hope that's ok- it's really long though so 100% there is no expectation to read or post it LMAO
So, I got into a big argument with my (now ex) gf where I basically said she and her friends, who said they were my friends too, were pretty much leaving me out of group chat convos and talking behind my back (I know this because they brought stuff up that I'd only told her.) And like- I understand I'm not going to be involved in literally every conversation she has! Some things are just between her and her friends, that's fine, I have friends I talk to without her too! But the fact that *nothing* I told her stayed between us made me really insecure and paranoid, so I stopped telling her important stuff, and then she got upset that I wasn't talking to her as much or giving her as much time. When I told her why, she got more upset and kind of dodged the accusation, saying that if I respected her more and gave her more of my time then we would be better off and I would be a better girlfriend.
I left the group chat pretty suddenly because I was overwhelmed and just didn't feel like I could do it anymore; they all expected me to be online 24/7 even when I told them I couldn't be, and because of this, there were a lot of times where my ex would send a picture of herself, get lots of support from the friends, and then they'd turn this silent spotlight onto me to see what I had to say about the selfie. Then, when I didn't respond bc I was busy, they would all get passive aggressive, and my ex would (I hate to use this word but I cant think of another one) mope about it until I apologized or did something to make up for it.
Recently we all made up, i apologized for whag i said because some of it was mean, and I was invited back to thr original GC, but it turns out they had all been talking bad about me behind my back, saying I was a coward for leaving, i was jealous of her talking to other people, and that I needed to support her no matter what, even if it was something I didn't agree with (we'd gotten into minor spat about abortion rights; im pro-choice, shes not, and it made me upset to find out). I dont really know how to feel. On one hand, yeah- they were supporting their friend who had a (fairly messy? Idk, that was my first relationship) breakup and sometimes a little smack talk is warranted, I won't pretend I was perfect. But on the other... they brought up a lot of stuff I did before we broke up that I didn't realize was a problem. How I don't like group calls because of my anxiety and that made me even more of a coward, how I didn't like sending pictures of myself and that was apparently me faking being insecure for attention, how I wouldn't answer things in the GC immediately even though they knew I had work and at the time was my nephew's most reliable babysitter.
My fight or flight activates pretty much every time I even open the app, but I don't want to just up and leave again because then they'd get mad all over. They haven't said anything to my face, so maybe I'm just projecting my insecurities or something, and I knew things wouldn't be the same as they were before, but I feel like my being back in the group has caused some serious tension. 2 of them clearly don't like me but won't say anything about it. 1 of them claims he's always blunt and will call me out if I go too far or smth, but he never has, and he was a big part of talking about me.
I don't know. They make me want to just ghost them and find new friends but 1. I would feel terrible if someone ghosted me and 2. I don't really have many opportunities to meet new people at the moment. I have 1 friend who isn't part of it but he lives an 18 hour drive away.
I know your relationship dynamic changed recently (in a good way, right?) so I really hope this wasn't like, uncomfortable to read or anything. Sorry for the mega rant
These people sound emotionally immature to the point of being toxic. I don't think you'll regret leaving this chat and moving on
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Can I have a demon slayer match up with a male character (I'm a girl)
So I'm 5 feet tall and I have short, brown, fluffy hair. I'm European. In the face I am pretty and I also have an hourglass body but my stomach is a little fat.
I am introverted. I would rather be alone than with people but when I'm with a human, I communicate very well and I don't struggle with anxiety. I like being in silence when I'm with someone.
I have both mommy and daddy issues. I often fantasies about getting r@ped and I like older men.
I also have anger issues but I can control them and still talk in a calm voice.
I have really good music taste. For my other hobbies-i like to spend time with my belgian malinois, masturbate, go to the gym or just sleep.
I like to be taken care of.
Sorry if there are some grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.
Thank you for your time.
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I match you with Sanemi Shinazugawa!
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•I feel like Sanemi is sort of an introvert like you, but he also doesn’t really mind being around others he just.. prefers his alone time
•He isn’t one for chit-chat, therefore you preferring to stay quiet when you’re around him doesn’t bother him
•In fact, he prefers it
•Nemi’s never excelled with words(except for when he tries), and he largely believes that actions speak louder than words
•Definitely chivalrous around you, though it is subtle and he doesn’t let you notice it too often
•Has a thing for teasing you about your height
•He’s not gonna insult you, but his teasings aren’t the extra charming ones
•But he is helpful and he does like to help you reach for stuff which you can’t get on your own
•And then he asks you why you’re so short
•He has one way of showing affection.. okay he has a lot(though most of the time he abstains from being too affectionate), but what he prefers is fluffing your hair with his hands, or messing with them
•You learnt that the hard way when he got drunk once
•You two make quite the duo, since Sanemi has the tendency to get angry rather quickly while you’ve got the ability to still remain somewhat calm
•With time, he’ll probably learn to control his short temper, and you play a major role in helping him
•At this point you’ve both adopted all the dogs you comes across
•He’s a literal father to your belgian malinois and will spoil them, maybe to the point where you wonder if he’s in love with you or with the dogs
•Since you mention you like going to the gym, expect to receive special training in the art of swordsmanship from our dear wind pillar
•..but don’t expect him to be lenient
•At the end of the session, you’re both sweaty, sore and mega tired
•A few times training can end in a.. ah, delicate way heh
•I’m very sorry to tell you that you won’t be sleeping in with this dude
•He wakes up extremely early to train and feed the dogs, and you’re most likely going to be stirred out of sleep with all the noise
•If you ever do talk to him about the fantasies you have going on.. it can go two ways
•Either he’ll turn completely red and scold you
•Orrrr.. my blog is sfw sorry but y’know
•Often rants about his father, whom he hates with a burning passion and listens to you talk about your problems too
•It’s a mutual understanding between you both, you can rant to each other, listen to the other rant and most likely than not you’ll both end up cuddling
•You like to be taken care of? ‘Nemi’s gonna take good, good care of you..
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Got yelled for saying hello today.
Anyways, met a karen for the first time today. Pretty wild shit, considering there isn’t really any karens around my area.
Basically i was walking with big stick bc i found big stick and I was a guy with a big stick and so I was walking with my big stick right
And there’s this guy walking, looks like a normal guy, good looking, well-dressed for the outdoors, and I say hello, he says it back, we continue walking, and then there’s this woman walking, clearly not dressed for the outdoors with snow, probably a businesswoman, considering she was dressed for a business setting, clearly not used to walking on snow with her not snow friendly indoor shoes, and I say hello, you know, to be polite, right, and she doesn’t say it back, so I continue walking with my big stick, mumbling to myself that those aren’t shoes for the outdoors when all of a sudden, I hear:
What did you just say?
And before I could answer, she goes on to ask:
Are you talking to yourself? Are you a girl?
And I say no, and then she asks if I am confused about my gender identity and that “it’s rude to talk to a woman like that if you’re not a girl,” and obviously I have no fucking idea what she’s talking about so naturally I want to know what she thinks I said, so I ask what she thinks I said, and as the conversation goes,
You’re a little bitch.
What do you think I said?
If you talk to a woman like that, expect to get hit.
What do you think I said?
What you said can be sexual assault
What do you think I said?
I’ll clobber you!
And I thought this wasn’t going anywhere, so I just left with me and my big stick and as I kept walking and very clearly out of sight, she keeps yelling about sexual assault and all that when all I did was say hello while holding big stick and now I’m absolutely out of her sight and i hear off in the distance:
I’ll kill you!
And at this point I’m just mega confused and my big stick is confused too and I keep walking and she keeps yelling death threats and I think to myself ‘that’s literally an assault charge right there’ and I keep walking, and eventually she’s too far away for me to even make out what she’s saying so I keep walking and so for about 3 minutes I’m just walking confused and talking to my stick bc what else are we supposed to do like me and my big stick just experienced something absolutely wild together and so yeah.
My headcanon is that the first guy is her husband and after picking her up from work he suggested going to the park after getting home and she refused to go home and then go to the park and instead to go straight for the park, getting frustrated her husband is telling her she needs better shoes for the snow, bc from what I can determine from the very minimal interaction, the guy is a genuinely nice guy. Anyways, what probably happened after that is that now that she was walking on snow and learning (the hard way) that her husband was right in saying that she needs better shoes, was getting increasingly more and more frustrated and as she is really struggling to walk in the snow, some guy with a big stick greets her and mumbles about something and continues walking while mumbling and somewhere in there she heard something she didn’t like and her frustration just explodes and decides ‘hey I’m just gonna take it out on this random guy’ and yeah that’s my headcanon
Sorry for the rant. I’m home with big stick. Big stick come home with me. Big stick is safe.
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humanvoreture · 2 years
Works been wringing me dry. Our entire building is being shut down because the lease ended or something stupid and we now have to move just about everything out of the building by the end of the year. Two months, not hard. And come December we can start moving everything. But this whole month of November is gonna suck AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS. We got too much shit as it is in the building. I'm expecting at least an extra hour or two of mandated overtime and possibly every other week of mandated Saturdays. Also gonna suck mega ass. I could quit. But why? The job is so fucking easy a godsdamned construct with two rocks inside that empty fucking dome can do it well enough to pass. It's not like it's hard work. There's just so much of it. I love the challenge. But maaaaaaaan gimme some breathign room. However I've been playing a bunch of MW2 since it came out. I like the customization, but the whole game feels like there's foil over everything. It's got that new game feel. Sorry for just unloading like that.
-Your Altar Goblinq
Yeah no that 100% sounds like hell I wouldn’t want to endure that. Doesn’t your building being shut down mean you’re going to be unemployed? Honestly warehouse jobs sound like ass to me but they always have very sexy wages so I get it. Just try to be extra safe in the process of this project. I’m sure there will more likely be a risk increase now that you have to get things moved so quickly.
Oh I’ve seen so much of MW2 I wanted to get it but I don’t have a system sadly. Besides that I’ve been seeing so many edits of the characters it’s honestly fucking hilarious how pissy all the ‘hardcore’ ‘day one’ fans are getting over people calling ghost babygirl. And don’t worry about ranting I enjoy hearing about your and everyone else’s day.
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babyboiboyega · 3 years
I can explain (Shangqi x f!reader)
Shangqi x f!reader
Prompt: “When everything’s going wrong, the mere thought of you makes it right.” + never wanting to pull away kiss
Content: a little angst, but more fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
A/N: this is my first ever time writing for Shangqi (or Shang-Chi), and I already have a lot of other ideas for this incredibly loveable character.
I hope you all enjoyed this!
A heavy sigh left Y/N’s mouth as she unceremoniously dropped onto her couch. The feeling of her limbs relaxing into the cushions almost prompted a moan of relief to follow the heavy sigh. It did, however, make her eyes flutter closed as she leaned her head back.
Y/N had been thinking of this moment the entire day. The moment when her week ended and her weekend began; a weekend of not having to deal with rude, angry-at-the-world customers who decide to yell at her because a privately owned publishing warehouse doesn’t print the book that they want. Or the customers who don’t check their emails for their tracking information and then get mad at her, for some absurd reason.
Another sigh leaves her mouth, and this time with the sigh goes her thoughts of work, entering the empty air for the weekend. 
But being off on the weekend didn’t exactly mean being absolved of texts and calls from fellow coworkers, ranting about customers, or even management. So when her phone’s ringer went off, signaling a new incoming text, she simply kept her eyes closed. She certainly had enough time to read and reply...but maybe later.
The text had already migrated to the back of her mind in the span of a few seconds...and then her phone went off again. This time, two quick “dings” sounded through her apartment. 
Her eyes opened before she slowly sat up, her phone coming into view. Before she could spare another though about her phone and it’s notifications, her hand quickly reached for the remote and pressed the power button.
She managed to flip through a few channels before her phone rang once more, and this time it was accompanied by a few knocks on her door.
Completely disregarding the fact that it was almost 11 at night and she hadn’t been expecting anyone, and being fueled by her now very obvious annoyance, it only took her a few strides to reach her door. In all honesty, she’d had no idea what she was going to say to whoever was on the other side of her door; but whatever had been ready to leave her lips died as soon as she opened the door.
She hadn’t been able to control the volume and surprise in her voice, and she saw his grimace in response. She couldn’t find it in herself to care if he didn’t like the volume in her voice; the very next emotions she felt surge through her body was...well, it was a cross between worry and anger. 
“Y/N...hey.” He had a sheepish smile on his face; one that showed off his dimple. One that she had to restrain from returning. But then she remembered the last time she had seen that same smile and the last time she had even heard from him. Her eyebrows raised incredulously.
“‘Hey?’ ‘Hey’?? That’s all...that’s all you have to say to me after being gone for...a month? And some weeks?” 
She could hear the hurt in her own voice, and it made her want to cringe at herself.
‘He could have been doing more important things than worrying about you’ is all that went through her mind.
Her arms crossed self-consciously in front of her.
“Please, let me explain. It’s… it’s actually crazier than you think.”
The hesitance on her part came from her nagging thoughts that flipped between “he was genuinely busy” and “he’s about to make up some absurd excuse for why he hasn’t spoken to you while also letting you down gently”.
“May I come in?” His eyebrows were raised as he gently asked for her permission. Y/N quickly nodded and stepped to the side before her thoughts could scare her too much.
His eyes stayed on her as he stepped past her, entering her apartment. She took a second to take a deep breath before closing the door behind him. 
She briefly wondered how her face looked as she turned to face him. Did she look as hurt and worried as she felt? Could he see her feelings on her face?
“I’m sorry for disappearing for...as long as I did. And I’m sorry for not reaching out at all during that time. But I can explain why.”
His eyes followed her figure as she walked slowly around her kitchen counter. He made no effort to hide the pleading look in his eyes, and he only began talking when Y/N raised her eyebrows from across the counter. 
“Okay. Just...bare with me.” Y/N’s eyes narrowed and more questions filled her mind as she watched him take a breath as if he were bracing himself. 
Y/N hadn’t known what to expect when he had started talking, but she definitely wasn’t expecting a story filled with martial arts, trained assassins, ancient organizations, soul-sucking demons, and dragons. 
Even after he had explained everything, his eyes watching and waiting for her reaction, she still couldn’t find the words to express herself.
Her body was frozen in its same position, and her eyes were wide and staring right at him. As the silence stretched between them, he couldn’t help grimacing slightly once again.
“Also, my name isn’t really Shaun. It’s Shangqi.”
That last piece of information seemed to finally shake Y/N out of her stupor, as she blinked quickly and let out a quick breath. 
“I...I don’t know what to say.” In all honesty, all of this was kind of making her head spin, and it was evident in the way her breathing picked in just the slightest. 
“W-What exactly do you say to someone who’s just saved the world? ‘Thank you’? ‘I owe you my life’- because, I guess, technically, I do owe you my life. Because of you, I still have my life- or my soul.”
At her rambling, Shangqi’s expression shifted from one of wariness to relief to a little worried. It had only just crossed his mind that he was worried that she wouldn’t believe him, and not worried about how she would receive the information.
She believed every word that had just come from his mouth, simply because she knew that he wouldn’t lie about something like this. She knew that he wouldn’t lie to her… at least she hoped he wouldn’t.
“You don’t have to say anything. I...I just needed you to know why I was gone. The thought of letting you go one more second thinking I just...left you was driving me crazy.”
A humorless laugh forced its way through Y/N’s lips. 
“Yeah, thinking I had driven you away was driving me crazy too.”
Before she could even regret her words, her eyes were drawn to Shangqi, whose head was shaking quickly. In a few steps, he had walked around the counter, coming to a stop a few feet from her. 
“That was never the case, I swear. You could never drive me away, not even if you tried.”
At the minuscule smile that appeared on her face, he risked taking another step forward. 
From where he stood, he could smell faint traces of her favorite perfume that had slowly worn off during her day. Her favorite perfume had quickly become his favorite scent, simply because it reminded him of her. 
From where she stood, she could easily see the faint signs of exhaustion on his face. No doubt from the strains of the last month and a half. It made her want to reach out to him. 
“Every second, from the moment we left, all I could think about was coming back to you. Even while staring into the face of a-”
“A mega soul-sucking demon?”
The quiet laugh that left his mouth seemed to weigh on her body, but not with pressure. Instead, all she felt was warmth, and it coursed through her veins with the power of 11 suns.
“Yes,” there was laughter in his voice as he responded, “even while staring into the face of a mega soul-sucking demon.”
As he spoke, he had gradually moved forward until taking a deep breath would easily have their chests brushing against each other.
Y/N couldn’t keep the tremor out of her voice as she spoke, her eyes flickering between Shangqi’s.
“You...you really thought of me when you were saving the world?”
Her eyes fluttered closed as his hand raised and gently cupped her cheek. Soon after, she felt pressure from his forehead connecting with hers. Without hesitation, her own hands lifted, coming to grasp at his sides, desperate to pull him closer.
His breath fanned across her face as he spoke, and it made her hands tighten.
“When everything’s going wrong, the mere thought of you always makes it right.”
His words were quickly swallowed by Y/N’s lips pressing against his with fervor. The hand that was on her cheek gently titled her head back as he kissed her back with just as much passion, while his other hand wound around her waist. They both pulled at the other, as if they couldn’t get close enough. 
The warmth that had been coursing through her veins quickly turned into leg-numbing electricity the longer their lips were connected. Her eyes were closed, and so were his, but they could both see the other’s face behind their lids, surrounded by the stars their presence created. 
The only thing that could pull them apart was the need for air, and even then, as their foreheads connected and their lips stayed hovering over each other’s, they breathed the same air.
Shangqi’s words were shaky as he spoke, his thumb rubbing circles into her skin.
“You make everything right.”
Once again, I hope you all enjoyed this! I would take requests for this character, but I still have a ton of requests for LOK....
But maybe sometime in the near future!
In the meantime, I would appreciate it if y’all would interact in any way with this! Comments, criticism, questions, etc would be amazing, as would reblogs, but even just liking this helps!
Stay safe, y’all!
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wonkyyslush · 3 years
*evil laughter* instead of paying attention I wrote all of this down during my classes you’re welcome.
I tried to do people you wouldn’t really expect either
And I’m indecisive so some people have two my bad 👩🏾‍🦲
You should also pay me for this I worked hard
I’m never doing this shit again I need a nap omfg 🗿 if you weren’t included in this and you want to be you gotta wait a month for my brain to regenerate sorry besties
@uniquabackyardigans I was stuck between both Aran Ojiro from Haikyuu and Shoto Todoroki from mha so I just picked both.
Todoroki is emotionally unavailable already your type. All jokes aside he would be really soft with you and it’s like a whole different side of him other people don’t really see often. If you were upset about something he probably wouldn’t know how to comfort you (I feel like he’s bad at comforting people in general) but he’d try his best. Also he’s probably touch starved just like you <3 have fun with his conspiracies.
I feel like people think that Aran is mean because of his resting bitch face and also this face -_- he occasionally makes. So when they see how nice he is with you they’re so confused ?? Also remember when you were complaining about your ass in your jeans? He’d say it does make your ass look like a square just to make you mad :) you too also probably think flipping people off is a good date idea 🗿
@king-tobiyolo I ship you with Sakusa Kiyoomi (is that his name?) Now hear me out it would probably be a opposites attract sort of thing. You make shit jokes he’s a germaphobe you’re a menace he’s less of a menace. He hated you at first, you and your bad jokes annoyed him. So when he started catching feelings 👩🏾‍🦲 Theres never a dull moment with you two. You get him to loosen up a little (not a lot but it’s still noticeable).
@lilies-and-rosies I ship you with Megumi Fushiguro. You and Megumi have a interesting dynamic. You’re either done with everyone’s bullshit together or he’s done with your bullshit. You send him the dumbest things (I’m talking about those weird people you find 🧛🏾‍♀️) and he hates to admit it but some of them actually makes him laugh. I feel like he’d be the type to be embarrassed over over the slightest things such as hand holding so you’re gonna crack him out of his shell 🥸. Also you’re a Tsukishima Kinnie? No problem who else would he date he has Yuuji Gojo and Nobara on his ass. LMAO IM SORRY THAT WAS FUNNY TO ME. I also ship you with Hange Zoe but I’m too Lazy to explain further I’ve been at this for hours
@sao-tom3 I ship you with Itadori Yuuji. I don’t know if you’ve watched Jujutsu Kaisen yet but I feel like you and Yuuji would be a cute couple. He’s in love with your cat obviously not more than he’s in love with you but it’s a close call 🤩. He cooks for you (period get yourself a man who can cook). If you have a specific comfort meal you like to eat when you’re sad he’d gladly make it for you and do whatever he can on top of that to cheer you up. He’d also be the type to randomly go “Do you wanna do my make up for me?” Do his makeup bestie 🤬. Have fun with Sukuna bothering you two though. 🦤🦤🦤
@angeldvst-amajiki I ship you with Armin Arlert. I can’t explain myself on this one I just feel like you would be his type (his type being intimidating woman, not saying you’re intimidating but you did say Tamaki would be afraid of you NOT THAT I THINK ITS TRUE THOUGH) um anyways you and Armin would be that couple people didn’t really expect but once they see it they love it. Armin would constantly reassure you that he loves you wether he says it to you straightforwardly or coveys it through his actions. His love language is either quality time or giving out gifts and when I think of Armin giving you sea shells enjoy bestie
@shawtyybae I ship you with Akaashi whatever his last name is. Doesn’t he just look like mega mind? 🥸 But Fr Fr it’ll take a very patient man to deal with your bs. At first I thought that Akaashi would probably go for someone who isn’t a menace (yes I’m saying you’re a menace) because he already has bokuto giving him migraines but you’re an exception I guess? Most of the time he’ll go along with your jokes because why not but other times he’d be like 🧍🏾‍♀️. Akaashi is also a over thinker proven buy bokuto himself 🙄 so I feel like he’d overthink your relationship and then need reassurance that you still like him (I have a ton of Akaashi conspiracy theories but that’s not the point)
@starrjin I ship you with Inumaki and Kita but I don’t feel like writing these anymore so I’m only gonna explain Inumaki 🗿 You and Inumaki in my opinion would be good for each other. He can comfort you without even having to speak somehow and for him he finds your presence comforting. His love language in my opinion is physical touch and acts of service. He can’t speak? He’ll make up for it with his actions.
@melichios I ship you with Eren Jeager. Why you may ask? Because I read your about me and you’re basically into edgy people and who’s edgier than a mass murderer? Also “men with long hair” Last time I checked Eren has some pretty long hair 🌝 He also finds your interest interesting (see what I did there? 🤩) like your biotechnology. Loves hearing you talk about your interest. I mean he’ll fall asleep on you listening to you talk about it but he loves it nonetheless.
@hoodsokka I ship you with Sero and Denki from Mha but I’m only explaining Sero 🗿 You two would be a comedic duo. He wouldn’t even mind the accidental dick jokes in front of his mom (haha get it because you accidentally told a dick joke..in front of..okay) He goes along with whatever impulsive urge you have except having a baby at 17 (haha..get it because..okay) Wether this is a platonic ship or a romantic ship that’s for you to decide.
@aphroditeparadisesstuff (WE SHARE SO MANY OF THE SAME INTERESTS) I ship you with Tsukishima Kei. I read your about me thingy too and it says you’re sarcastic. Who’s more sarcastic then Tsukki? 🤩 You like reading too so library dates yaaaaay. Every now and then he recommends books he’d think you’ll like. He loves hearing about the things you’re passionate about seeing you rant about something like mythology makes him smile. Also “I’m shy” great you two can stay at home together :)
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lillianofliterature · 2 years
I have a question! By your bio I see you are a Christian,I am too. How do you deal with hate that comes your way because of that? I personally never got any hate on tumblr but did get it on youtube and wattpad. I know Lord doesn't want me to feel sad because of that but I cannot help it. Do you have any advice?
Hi anon! So glad to hear from you! <3
I love this question and thank you so much for asking it! Buckle in, though, 'cause this is long and I'm not really sure if it makes any sense. I feel like it's all over the place, but I hope my ADHD rambling can be deciphered. ✍(◔◡◔)
I am so sorry you are receiving hate and rudeness because of your faith! Regardless of someone's faith or religious affiliations, they shouldn't be persecuted or ridiculed by other people just because they don't agree with you (unfortunately that's not often the case).
I haven't had any direct hate online due to my faith (and I would hope that is because people are generally tolerant and accepting of the fact that not everyone believes or thinks the same way as they do). That said, it goes both ways. I think people are more comfortable or safe in this space on my page and interacting with me because I am fully aware that not everyone believes what I do and I'm not going to shove my faith down anyone's throat, nor should I, nor would I want to. I have, however, faced scrutiny and hate in person.
When I do face misconduct in regards to what I believe, I remind myself that many people are ignorant or might have only been exposed to the negative influences of other "Christians". I think we can all admit that so many people who call themselves "Christians" fail to understand what one's behavior and heart should be like (not talking about you, anon!) as someone who claims to believe in Jesus Christ! So many people I've met both online and mostly in person who claim to be Christian are extremely judgmental, spiteful, egotistical, and do not bear any of the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, patience, etc.), which I would say is indicative that they aren't really a Christian or at least don't understand what it really means to believe in Jesus and believe in the Bible.
That knowledge that I've been treated like an outsider and judged and damned by other so-called Christians just because I don't believe the same way they do or because I don't attend a physical church service gives me insight into how non-Christians must feel whenever they hear that we ARE Christians. Unfortunately, the hateful behavior of others has soured the way non-believers see us. It's why I'm so frustrated with the church and how divided we are, not to mention the scams of these mega-churches and music bands (but that's another rant).
My point is that I really try to have understanding and compassion for people who act out against me due to my faith. More often than not, it's because someone else who claimed to be a believer treated them with contempt and malice due to any number of reasons. It's really so sad that there are people who just do and say anything and slap a "Christian" bandaid on top of it and expect it to be made okay then, all while giving the world such a heinous perspective of the faith.
When in fact, so many of these judgmental "Christian" people (I've met and dealt with SO MANY of them, it's harrowing) that sour the outside view of our faith actually don't behave at all like Jesus did. Their behavior is more conducive to the Pharisees and Sadducees, who we know from certain scriptures were judgmental, unforgiving, spiteful, lacked any and all fruits of the Spirit (i.e. they were not loving people, they did not facilitate peace or kindness, they were not patient or compassionate, think your local "Christian" Karen community and there you have a modern image of them). Also, so much of the Christian worldview has gotten so entangled with politics, and I think many non-believers hear "Christian" and assume our political affiliations align with those that are harmful to certain POC and LGBTQIA+ communities.
WHEN I FACT, we are explicitly told not to bring politics into the church. It has no purpose in our faith and in serving others, and unfortunately, many "Christians" have forgotten that and have made their political beliefs completely entangled with their faith.
All this to say, anon, as much as it is painful to be scrutinized for what we believe and be compared to the harmful members of our church(es), I think it's best for us to exercise patience and understanding when people are guarded and defensive. It's because so many rotten people within the church have done too much damage to people, good people, and use "religion" as an excuse.
So much of what is taught in many denominations (I've been to several denominations and met a mix of good and bad people in every one of them) and mega-churches are very much twisted and filtered through the mouths of men (referring to "men" as a race, not just gender) are so off target from what the Bible actually teaches us. It's important that we as true believers are aware that we are being taught truth and not miscommunicated judgments. It's important that we go to the source for ourselves and read the scriptures instead of relying on what we hear or what we're taught by others. Even in what I'm saying here, I would advise anyone who reads to make up their own mind and do their own diving into the scripture and not just rely on me.
I genuinely believe that people who attack us for our faith (apart from the trolls who attack anything with a pulse) are, as I stated, either (1) ignorant of what we're truly committing to when we say we believe in Jesus (which can then become a moment of being able to communicate what we believe and why, if they are okay with listening) and (2) are defensive or angry with us because they assume we believe and act the same as whatever other "Christians" who treated them with condemnation did before.
Many people don't know that truly believing in Jesus and in the Bible really means loving people. Quite literally, our primary goal in this life as believers is to love people. Love God. Love people. That's the simplest way to put it.
And unfortunately, many "believers" aren't doing either, which teaches the world that believers don't practice what they preach and don't say what they mean, and it deters people from exploring the faith for themselves. Our behavior doesn't just determine personality or personal life choices, it has an effect on others, especially when we claim to believe in something as wonderful as Jesus and His story. If we act like judgmental, condemning arses, then people looking in on our faith from the outside are going to associate that same behavior with whatever we're claiming to believe and represent.
That's why I think it's important (I keep repeating myself, but I just can't stress it enough) to (1) of course, stand up for yourself, but to do so in kindness and in love. And (2) try to step into that person's shoes and understand where they're coming from, if perhaps they were treated horribly by the church they were exposed to or maybe were raised by abusive parents who used religion as an excuse for said abuse. There are so many reasons why people are angry and off-standish toward believers and it's because so many people have been abused by the church, myself included.
I have SO MANY stories about people who claimed to be Christians or believers treating me like absolute trash. Some of my worst memories and trauma come from people belonging to a church body. That said, I've had the opportunity to delve into the scriptures for myself and develop a relationship with Jesus and my faith individually and I realized that the way all those people (adults, mind you) who treated me that way? They weren't Christians.
Yeah, they went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. They had potlucks and youth groups and all that KAWANAS madness. But they didn't treat me with love or compassion. Even though they knew I believed already, they were condemning and judgmental. Some of the worst bullies I've ever encountered were kids I sat with in youth groups. And THOSE are the people who give the faith an absolutely terrible reputation, because that sort of behavior is that EXACT opposite of how Jesus behaved and how we are taught to treat people through the scriptures, yet it's what the world is exposed to more often than not.
It's actually the reason I don't really like the term "Christian" because it's garnered such a negative impact and has been split into so many directions. As soon as people hear it, they don't want to listen to anything you have to say. It's been used as an excuse, as an insult, as a cover-up, you name it. So many evil people do heinous things and say they did in the name of God, when in all actuality, God would never condone or excuse any such behavior (such as domestic abuse, sexual abuse, hate speech, etc.) and never did.
Take my biological father's family, for example. Most of them claim to be Christians, and several of them attend church regularly. And yet, they were the ones who abused my mother, me, and my brothers. My father cheated on my mother repeatedly with no remorse, he beat his children, scarred my face, and attempted to kill my mother before my mother's family got us out. My grandmother knew that it all took place and in turn, told my mother it was her fault and she wasn't a good wife. That God was punishing her. That she was a demon of sorts. Which, of course, is absolutely ridiculous. This woman still attends church. She still talks about her "faith". But she isn't a Christian. A believer in Jesus, someone who truly believes and seeks to follow Him, does not behave in that way or condone that behavior. And they most certainly don't raise abusers and commend that kind of behavior and support it.
More often than not, the people who get angry or hateful toward us when they realize we are believers are reacting because of the traumatic and horrible experiences they've had to terrible people who do as they please and say they believe in God. It breaks my heart that our faith had been tarnished by people like this. But it is still our responsibility to try to understand and be compassionate!
Just like we must respect other faiths and cultures, we must respect those who scrutinize or don't understand and try to do our best to teach people if they want to learn. Compassion is a powerful virtue.
At the end of the day, I don't want to make my faith about me, you know? It's about Who and What I believe in and how I treat others. I'm just a believer in Jesus. I love God. I love people. I want to help heal people. And I'll spend my life trying to keep doing that to the best of my abilities.
I wish the absolute best for you, anon! I hope this was helpful for you. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to send another ask or dm! And to anyone else reading this, I extend the same courtesy!
Xx Lillian
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red-balloon12 · 3 years
Now that I’ve praised “Gang Of Secrets” allow me to rant a little. (Warning this is long...like really long-) *Ahem...* (Also Spoilers-)
WHERE WAS THE WHOLE “I need Rena Rouge. I need Alya. Alya listen to me, this isn’t you” THING FOR CHLOE!? Ladybug knows that Chloe idolizes her, she knows she looks up to her. She was even shown a new side of her during “Maladiktator”. She was even the first to resist an akuma in “Miraculer” (Marinette barely counts since the akuma never went into any object and Hawkmoth never went into her mind). SO THEN WHY DIDN’T SHE USE ALL OF THAT TO GET THROUGH TO CHLOE DURING “MIRACLE QUEEN”?!
It would have proved to Chloe that Ladybug is someone to trust and to put faith in. But at the same time Ladybug could have pulled a “You can do the right thing not for me but for you and the people you hold dear.” I’m now convinced that would have worked. And that would have gave Chloe the realization and reality check she needed to start being a hero not for popularity, but to help the people she cares about. It would have broken the hold Hawkmoth had on her, it would have made her actively fight back against Hawkmoth because of her new found morals and it would repaired the discourse between her and Ladybug once and for all.
So I call mega bullcrap on the whole “Chloe is still a villain because she’s “irredeemable”. No, she’s “irredeemable” because the writers chooses to take the worst possible routes with Chloe and then expects people to not call it out. And for the people who keep on saying “Chloe doesn’t deserve a redemption arc because she doesn’t even know what being a hero means” that’s still not the characters fault. It’s the writer’s fault for not giving her the push and the morality check to become better. They don’t use what they have to make Chloe better and they know that. They don’t care about Chloe as a character. They just need her and Lila to create problems for the heroes to fix.
(More spoilers below)
Which brings me to the reveal scene between Alya and Marinette. Why was this here? I know it was for the sake of character development for Alya and Marinette but...Hawkmoth knows that Alya is Rena Rouge. Marinette knows this as well, but she still chooses to tell her. This is bad for obvious reasons but it also just throws the whole “secret identity” thing out of the window.
It’s changed from “Miraculous holders can’t share their identity to anyone” to “only Ladybug (and Chat to an extent) can know the identity of other heroes that aren’t eachother” to “other miraculous holders can know eachother’s identity’s that aren’t Ladybug and Chat Noir and that’s not a problem apparently” to “Hawkmoth can know everyone’s identity except for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s and as long as you don’t join him, you keep your miraculous” to “I can tell someone that is a hero that is not my partner that I’m 1/2 of the main people this BBEG is looking for not only because I trust them but also because they aren’t me”. I’m sorry, w h a t?
If that’s all accurate then the ONLY reason why Chloe isn’t Queen Bee anymore is because she joined Hawkmoth, which would have been avoided if the writes broke the status quo in regards of bully characters and thought outside of the box.
This is why “Miracle Queen” should not have happened. IF ONLY THERE WAS A PERSON WHO COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND STOP THAT FROM HAPPINING- But we won’t prevent Chloe from becoming a villain because we hate sympathetic and redeemed Chloe in this house hold.
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Teetering on the Edge
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Summary: You and Dean are meant for each other, but in his line of work, he deems your relationship too dangerous for the long haul, pushing you away, leaving you both worse for the wear.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 1,893
Warnings: Cursing, nausea, vomiting, fever, seizures.
A/N: This will fulfill my ‘pining sickness’ square for @spnabobingo​, soulmate au (same mark on each other’s skin that reaches for its counterpart when there’s distance between you) for @spnfluffbingo (sorry I never seem to be able to do strict fluff with supernatural characters XD) and ‘I’d rather be in danger with you than safe without you’ for @spnquotebingo​.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You screamed, racing down the stairs after him. There was no way he was going to walk away and pretend this wasn’t happening. Not anymore. “Don’t fucking walk away from me!”
Dean rounded on so fast it scared you. “Y/N, I am toxic!” He bellowed, stopping Sam in his tracks behind you. “Every, single, time I get involved with someone, they die! Monsters, hunters, angels, demons, shitty fucking humans! It doesn’t matter. They will use you to get to me!”
“So what?” You stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer, snapping the cap off through sheer anger before taking a long sip. Even alcohol wasn’t helping your rattling nerves. “When you love someone, you do things you wouldn’t normally do! Did I expect this life? No way, but I’m in it now and I’m in love with you, you fucking moron!”
He hesitated slightly, your words undoubtedly getting to him despite himself. “Well, I don’t feel the same way.”
Sam glared at him disbelievingly, not saying a word. Dean elbowed you out of the way of the refrigerator and grabbed another beer, downing nearly half of it before continuing. “I care about you. And I care about you enough to turn you away from me and this life.” 
“Don’t you fucking dare pull that neanderthal bullshit with me, Alpha!” You yelled your throat hoarse. Sam dipped out of the area and back toward his bedroom. It didn’t matter. Whether he was here or not, you’d be seething. “You don’t get to decide my life for me! Have you ever thought that maybe I’d rather be in danger with you than safe without you?” He readied himself to respond but you pushed against his shoulder with a force that startled even you. “Did you ever stop to think that I’ve waited my entire life to find the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with? And that now that I found him, I’ll be damned if I let him go?”
You were on a roll. Dean wanted to speak, but you wouldn’t let him. “No! You didn’t fucking think about what I want! Because your number one priority is to make sure you don’t have anymore blood on your hands. Well, guess what. You don’t get to do that. Not with me! When you care, you get blood on your hands. That’s just the way it is. I get to make my own damn decisions!” It all just exploded out of you. You kept screaming and crying and drinking to the point where you weren’t even sure what you were saying anymore. As you kept going, your arguments shifted from his demeanor to your own health. “You claimed me,” you said, pulling your sleeve aside to shove the mark in his face. “You know what’ll happen to me without you? I could fucking die!” 
Dean waited for you to stop ranting, steadily finishing his beer. Once you were all yelled out, he chose his words wisely. “There’s medication. You’ll be fine. You’re not going to change my mind,” he said flatly, trying to keep any sense of emotion out of his voice, even though you could tell he was right on the edge of acknowledging every amazing and shit feeling he was feeling in this moment. “I need you to get out of the bunker as soon as possible. For your own good.”
Without thinking, you reeled back and slapped him, open palm to cheek, relishing in the sound of the crack that reverberated throughout the bunker. “Fuck you, Alpha! Fuck. You.”
You kept his gaze as you dipped down to grab your bag. If he was going to pull this bullshit, he was going to look into your broken gaze and suffer while he did it. You weren’t going to be the only one to feel like jumping off the edge of a cliff. Fuck him. 
As you climbed the stairs, you glanced down at your hand and glimpsed the ring he’d given you. Boiling with anger, you ripped it off your finger and threw it at him, turning to leave before he could see the tears rolling down your cheeks.
You knew the possibilities. It could be as little as a fever and nausea that plagued you. Or it could go to the other end of the spectrum and kill you. With tear-stained cheeks, and no care for who saw you in this state, you headed out the night after your fight with Dean and meet with a doctor at an urgent clinic that specialized in working with omegas. After he checked your vital signs, he leaned against the wall. You felt no threat from him. He was an unassuming beta, which is why you tended to come here. “What can I help you with?”
“I was wondering if I might be able to get some medication to combat pining sickness?” You swiped the silently falling tears and snot from your face with the back of your sleeve. 
“You’re mated?”
“Yes, but my Alpha is a pig-headed, son-of-a-bitch in a dangerous line of work that thinks he’s doing me favors by staying away from me.”
“He knows how dangerous pining sickness can be, right?”
Nodding, you stared down at the mark on your hand, cursing its movement as another tear slipped down your cheek. “Yea, but he said there’s medication and he’s adamant that he’s too dangerous for me to be around.”
“He should’ve thought about that before mating with you,” the beta said angrily. When he met your gaze, his own softened. “I can give you something. I hope he comes to his senses, but if he doesn’t I can write up refills for as long as you need, okay?”
A strained smile was all you could muster as you took the prescription from him and bid him a good day, thanking him again for his time and understanding. Less than an hour later, your prescription was filled. One pill a day. Down the hatch.
Shakily, you took another pill. Five days since Dean had shoved you out of his life. It started with shakes and a fever, despite the pill. If you didn’t have the pill you might be dead already. 
Pain racked your body, tensed every muscle so badly you could do almost nothing but sleep. Pulling the covers back up over your head, you attempted to shut your eyes against the pain. Bile burnt at the back of your throat. You barely made it to the sink before the little food you’d been able to eat the last few days found its way back up and out. 
Wiping the remnants away, you fell back against the wall and slipped to the cold, hard tile. It took all the strength you had to reach into your pocket and call Sam. Dean wouldn’t pick up, but Sam might. And maybe he could convince Dean to pull his head out of his ass. 
“Hello? Y/N?” Sam asked, his voice growing more concerned when you didn’t answer him. “Y/N, are you there?”
You replied, your voice barely above a whisper, despite trying. “Sam, I’m not well. Dean won’t pick up. I’m shaking. I have a crazy fever, even though I’m on meds. I can’t sleep and it’s only getting worse. Every day. I feel like my insides are boiling. Please, talk to him.”
“You’re on medication?”
“Since the day after I walked out. It’s not helping. Without it, I’d be dead already. Please, Sam. Try. Or I’m not gonna make it.”
Sam’s reply got caught in his throat. “I’ll get him to pull his head out of his ass, I promise.”
A laugh escaped you, but it hurt. “It’s really far up there, Sam.”
“I know.”
Every movement felt like climbing a mountain. And every waking moment was a fight to keep living. You started having seizures and could barely keep any food down. Water was all you could stomach.
Another three days past before you heard from Sam again. “He’s immovable, Y/N. Is the medication helping at all?”
“No,” you sobbed, though no tears slid down onto your pillow. “I’m having seizures. I’m burning up. I’m trying to stay on my side so that I don’t choke if I have a seizure, but I’m- I’m not gonna make it. I need you to tell Dean that despite everything...I loved him.”
Hanging up, you tossed the phone across the room with the strength you could muster and teared up again at the sight of the mark on your hand. It had always reminded you of an oak tree, but now the leaves looked like tendrils, crawling across your skin in search of its counterpart. You ran your opposite thumb across the mark and fell asleep, not knowing whether you’d wake up the next morning.
Dim light shined into your eyes the following morning, practically blinding you. Your muscles were stiff, barely limber enough to prop yourself up in bed without searing pain, but you managed, taking another pill even though it probably wasn’t doing anything.
Taking a trip to the bathroom was a monumental affair, but on the way you grabbed your phone again. You were so tired. You weren’t going to make it another day. Teetering on the edge of an abyss.
Once again on the bed, you called Dean this time, not surprised when it went to voicemail. “Hey, Alpha. I just...I needed to call you one last time. My temperature’s 105. I can barely move my muscles. I’m having seizures. I won’t make it another day. I know I asked Sam to tell you, but I needed you to hear it from me. Despite everything, despite your bull-headedness and completely dumbassery...I love you. I knew when we first met, even before I saw the mark on your hand, that you were my soulmate. And even though I’m not going to make it, the years we spent together were the best of my life.”
The phone slipped from your grasp after you hung up, thudding against the sheets. Through the gossamer curtains, you marveled at the sun, remembered what it looked like the day you met Dean, before drifting off to sleep.
A strong grasp shook you awake.
“’Mega, ‘M here.”
When you opened your eyes, you saw his soft greens gazing back at you, filmed by tears as deep as the ocean. “Am I dead?”
“No,” he sobbed. “Mega, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you away. I was a fuckin idiot. Stay with me.”
His hands slid up the dry, cracked skin on your arms and up your face. His touch was warm - home. “Fucking idiot would be an understatement.”
Something between a laugh and a sob left his lips. “I know. Baby, ‘Mega, open your eyes.” His thumb traveled back and forth over your cheek, coaxing your eyes to open. “That’s it. Just...stay with me, okay?”
He spoke to you as he stripped himself of his clothes and you of yours, crawling into bed behind you. When his skin melted into yours, you felt a modicum of relief. Something that gave you the slightest bit of hope. “Don’t leave me,” you whispered. 
His hand grasped yours, the mark on his hand melding with yours. “Never again.”
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Hi, I’m sorry to bother you with this, but I was wondering about your distaste for S*a*g C*i. I’m not very familiar with the comics or the characters. Your post caught my attention because I try to be knowledgeable about the media I consume, especially coming from Marvel/Disney(being Jewish Rromani, I’ll never forgive them for what they did to Wanda). I tried googling information about it but couldn’t find much. I was just curious if your post had a deeper meaning or if it simply isn’t to your taste. Obviously feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel like getting into it or don’t want to answer.
Hi! First up, thanks for taking the chance to ask and being willing to listen. I appreciate that a lot.
I am going to preface this by saying that I am part of the Chinese diaspora. I have never read the comics in full but I have seen enough to formulate my own thoughts. All my opinions made here are my own and I’m not looking to debate or be persuaded or to shift my point of view. I have my mind about these things and you have yours. I do urge you to keep opening avenues of discussions as I should not be the only person being asked.
Also, heads up, I will block any sort of argumentative bs-ery.
SC is obviously made with the perspective of the Asian American lens in mind and I have seen it been pointed out that it isn’t meant to be ‘representative’ but let’s be real here. How many people in the tag have already been hyping it up as Asian rep and stuff? I’m just saying. I just want to say that the experiences of Asian Americans do not reflect those of the diaspora. Yes, we can relate to a certain extent, but to generalise and distill all experiences of all members of the diaspora into that of Asian Americans is unacceptable.
My issues with SC (not gonna bother with spelling the name out and we are going into the whys) are as follows:
I would recommend starting out by reading this article on cbr.com that goes a little further into detail on the history of the character
The tl;dr is this; SC started out as an insensitive East Asian stereotype character created to capitalise on the 1970s fervour for anything Kung Fu. Sure, Marvel has done their best to retcon some of the less stellar parts of his origins, but the funniest thing is (legend. big bro. uncle Tony) Tong Leung, a renown Hong Kong actor has been casted as The Mandarin while Simu Liu, a Canadian Chinese actor, was casted as SC. Make of that what you will.
Okay deadass I’m not saying Simu Liu won’t do a good job because at this point all we have to work on is a teaser trailer but I’m all saying that is, was Arthur Chen Feiyu not available or something?? Idk. He didn’t pick up the phone?? Did Marvel even ask?? This is nonsensical salt and I digress
Then there’s the name. What kinda hell name is S**** C**??? This is some Cho Chang level bullshit. Yeah, sure we can say, oh they just want to make sure the branding is right. Ok. This coming from the studio that amalgamated the characterisations of Ned Leeds and Ganke Lee. Sure, Jan.
Full disclosure, I did like some of the vibes given out by the teaser. There were some very wuxia and xianxia inspired shots and scenes and if I do watch, I’ll be very keen on these bits. Awkwafina already looks like she is set to be etched deep into my heart and Uncle Tony looks to be gearing up to kick this out of the park because goddamn he looks good in that armour. Haven’t seen Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh’s character, but I’m sure she will be kicking ass and taking names for sure too because I am very sure veterans like her and Uncle Tony will look good doing wire works. But this isn’t a movie about them, is it? It’s about SC and right now with this teaser trailer, nothing about SC makes me want to froth at the mouth to watch.
Yes, I am saying that that subway scene does not impress me. We live in a world with stunt teams from China can work on a peanut budget to make conversations flow in a fight scene. Do better.
Again, I am very aware that this teaser is to hype people up. I know. I am still waiting for the proper first trailer to drop. I have actually deliberately kept myself oblivious to the production of this movie so as to not give myself any sort of preconceived notions. When that first trailer drops, then I will formulate my thoughts again.
Okay, I know it’s a teaser but some of the cgi just looks... very uncanny valley? It looks unfinished, is what I am getting at here. For a mega conglomerate verging on industry monopoly, even a teaser trailer should look 1000% better than this. Every beat of this should be flawless. It should look on par with the trailer. People who follow will know that I won’t ever fault a product because of shitty cgi (re: Word of Honor) but when you are the people behind the Live Adaptation of Mulan (which I hate) and Raya and the Last Dragon (which I categorically DETEST because that shit is bullshit mishmash of SEA cultures with fucking made up words being painted as *representation* and that is some fucking bullshit and as someone from SEA I’m sorry Queen Kelly Marie Tran BUT NO) I will hold you to the fucking standards of the high heavens as the House of the Devil Mouse deserves. Do fucking better.
I am not clairvoyant but I can already see how it is going to go when this movie doesn’t “do as well as expected” in Asia; you’ll hear people going on about how the Asian Asians don’t support these types of stories, how we don’t put effort into hyping movies and shows that push for representation. But can I ask whose representation are we talking about? I saw it with Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan, I saw it with Raya. Whose rep are we talking about? If someone out there, some little child sees themselves in these media products, sure, great! Empower these next generation for the push for a better hope. But whose rep are we pushing for? Because I definitely do not see myself in the Asian American lens of representation and I’m very sure I won’t ever and I know that I am not alone in this.
Hollywood needs to do better. To borrow the words of a friend, excusing mediocrity for ‘cultural appreciation’ is no good.
This rant has gotten long enough and I’m so sorry to everyone seeing this on your dash. I have a lot of salt today.
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