#sorry sunny youre there and irrelevant so youre not getting tagged
soupsnspoons · 1 month
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mgs doodles part. if i counted right then 5. splitting this one up into canon + jomo though jomo is posting later if anyone likes that au ok wheeee
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charmac · 4 months
just wanna say I agree wholeheartedly with your tags on that fandom post. I have been following sunny on here since 2015 and there is a constant cycle of sensitive, and frankly delusional people, who claim the show, make crazy headcanons and justifications to make it tolerable and acceptable to them before they eventually shun and condemn the show altogether. it was very bad in 2018 and made me withdraw from the fandom lmao. I remember being most annoyed with the endless woobifying of charlie and the absolute condemnation of dee above everyone else. like, they're all bad. that's the point of the show. I just don't understand how they could stomach it in the first place
You are a warrior, dude.
The reason it took me so long to join Sunnyblr in the first place was the fact that ~early 2020 I was rarely seeing anything here that was based in canon, mostly weird headcanons that made no sense to me, and Reddit genuinely seemed like a more based place to exist for this show.
I literally needed a friend to give me specific accounts to follow because the tag was (and, sorry, lowkey still is) a nightmare. (Though to be fair I’ve been in fandoms on Tumblr for over a decade and literally never liked scrolling tags.)
I got into Sunny and I fell in love with Sunny because of canon. Because it’s so fucking weird and fucked up but it’s FUNNY, and there’s genuinely nothing like it. The characters are horrible stupid terrible people but they’re actually deeply complex and rich to study, so much so that you feel extremely compelled in a multitude of ways to dedicate yourself to some part of them, or all parts of them. But.. if you strip them of those core identities, of what the characters stand for, that compulsion is gone, void, irrelevant.
Because it’s the extremely raw, almost purely acting on basic instinct, unfiltered humanity, worst parts of the self, inability to recognise or follow societal norms aspects of these characters that are relatable. It’s relatable in a way that *should* make you uncomfortable, feel unsettled, and maybe a little relieved that these parts of people can be acknowledged... That’s a unique and interesting feeling, something people engage with media like this to explore and expand upon, and it’s often something that genuinely helps or supports people who wrestle with a lot of the heavy concepts Sunny satirises (and sometimes just, shoves at you head on).
When people start to disregard all of this, for whatever reason they do, that’s when you end up with the Fandom using Sunny Characters as an “ability to project” or (much worse) a “near blank canvas to play with” (because, yeah, if you strip them of their literal reason for being created and continued existence, ofc you lose their whole identity!?)
The problem seems to be that either 1) they just don’t understand the show well enough to get that they’re disregarding this aspect of the plots and characters, and so they genuinely don’t recognise that the fandom for Sunny exists because of these terrible compulsions and insane trauma exploration and that’s why we enjoy discussing and playing with these characters or 2) they do understand this but they can’t engage with it without some kind of personal moral conundrum or extreme discomfort, so they have to sanitise or completely alter the characters to enjoy them.
The thing is, if you fall into category 2, you just don’t belong in the depths of it all, and it’s an unfortunate truth you have to face. If you cannot enjoy canon, if the actual show makes you extremely uncomfortable and you’re only here for a gay ship or to project your gender and sexuality onto one character, you need to go stan something else. I say that with the greatest intentions for you. As Anon here has stated, it’s an insane cycle in this fandom over and over, you’re just going to upset yourself and resent the show and the people here, because we like the canon and the fuckery because that’s what the show is for. That is the literal point of the show at the end of the day.
Now if you’re in category 1, I heavily encourage you to actually *talk to people about the show and the characters*, read analysis, watch the episodes with different frames of reference and in alternate states of mind. Do your own analysis or character work, try and just write out the plot of your favourite episode and put to words *why* you like it. Hell, try and write a fanfic or a spec script from the mind of one of the characters, even if you think you can’t write.
Honestly, honestly, honestly, if you genuinely like this show at face value but you’re only engaging with fanon because you feel like you ‘shouldn’t’ openly enjoy the canon because it’s seen as ‘bad,’ the best thing you can do is have a conversation with someone, or multiple people, who get the show.
That being said, I do wanna open this shell Discord I’ve made to people. For people who *enjoy* the canon, who want to discuss actual Sunny (and also have fun with it, of course!) you’re welcome to join.
A lot of you get it. I’ve made some amazing friends in this fandom and regularly have extremely stimulating and insanely throught provoking convos with the people I’ve met here. I love it, it drives my insane passion for this show and I am eternally grateful to have found people who love this show for what it is. I hope, if you’re struggling to figure out why you like this show or struggling to accept that you like media like Sunny, you reach out or join a conversation and learn to love it too. And if you don’t, if you genuinely hate the canon of this show and only like the version of Macdennis you saw in a dozen different Tiktok edits to Taylor Swift songs, I really hope you move on for your own sake.
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minustwofingers · 2 years
i need to tell you something
pairing: ellie williams x reader (no pronouns used for reader)
summary: you muster up the guts to confess to your best friend when she gets bit, but things go an unanticipated direction when she has a confession of her own
warnings: violence, ANGST!, swearing, painful yearning, ellie was low key maybe not the best gf to cat (???)
a/n: yeahhhh so i just wrote this rq. the poll is irrelevant now bc i'm posting this anyway. sorry that it's not enemies to lovers!! i thought best friends was calling for me to write it instead. physics tutor au may be more aligned w that kinda vibe. anyway enjoy x
wc: 1.9k
tags: (so sorry if i missed anyone, i'm being a little bad about adding tagged stuff but i promise exoplanet will have updated tags!)
@intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie @galacticstxrdust @parkersmyth @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower​
It happened so fast. One moment, you and your best friend were goofing off and joking around as you checked one of the abandoned cottages in the outskirts of the woods. You were pretending not to notice the way that your shoulders brushed as you went through the doorway, pretending like you didn’t yearn for a touch from her that was for once intentional.
The next, you were lying on the ground next to the same best friend, swallowing back the scream in your throat as you stared at the fresh bite mark on her shoulder.
The air smelled of damp wood and blood, the decrepit sitting room of the cottage dark and sheltered from the sun outside.
It was sunny outside. The world was cruel like that. You’d never be able to see the sun again without thinking about losing Ellie.
You’d thought you’d checked everywhere. You were sure of it. But then when you were goofing off trying to raid the cabinets and steal some extra CDs that you two could watch together later, you heard Ellie’s shriek and a crash. 
It was the worst sound you’d ever heard in your life. Your vision went red as you saw the bedraggled, barely-human figure of a stalker crouch over her, digging its disgusting hands into her skin and snapping at her. You fired off 5 shots in succession, not stopping until it was limp. 
Even while you were dragging it off her, praying to any God that might’ve been up there that she hadn’t been bitten by that thing, you were still hoping that maybe you’d been quick enough. Maybe you’d been fast enough, smart enough, strong enough to save her. 
You knew it had been a pipe dream. You knew, but the sight of the blood pearling at her freckled skin in the shape of a mouth and her torn shirt still made you gasp in horror and drop to the floor next to her.
“No. No, no, no, no.” For some reason that was the only word you could bring yourself to say. 
She was panting, her chest rising and falling with exertion from the fight. 
Or maybe she was turning. It was a shoulder bite, after all. Those didn’t take long.
“I’m so, so, sorry.” Your hands found her face and cupped her jaw, letting your eyes meet hers. 
“Y/N, wait—”
“I should have seen it,” you continued, shaking your head. “This is my fault. I’m so sorry. It should’ve been me. You don’t deserve this. I’m not going to leave you.”
As you spoke, tears slid down your face, blurring your vision until Ellie looked fuzzy.
Her hands wrapped around yours, pulling them from her face and intertwining your fingers as she laid them in her lap. “No, Y/N, don’t—”
“I can’t go on without you,” you said between choked sobs. “I won’t do it.” 
The warm sun coming in through the window pane above you felt like a nasty joke. The golden light lit the back of Ellie’s head, reflecting off of her auburn hair like a halo. She’d never looked more beautiful. And she never would again. 
“I need to tell you some–”
“Wait,” you interrupted, squeezing your eyes shut and gripping her hands tighter. “I’m sorry. I’ll let you go in a minute. I just—I need to tell you something too, okay? Before…before…”
You hiccuped and tried to shrug your shoulder to your cheek to catch the waterfall of tears and snot on your face. 
“You’re freaking me out,” Ellie complained, resting her head against the wall and sending you a weak smile. 
Her casualness, her fearlessness, her overall Ellie-ness made you nearly crack again, but you had to keep it together. You had to get this out. She couldn’t leave without hearing this. 
“Listen,” you began, your voice wavering, “I, uh…I don’t know how to say this. I’m sorry if this isn’t something you want to hear. Oh, god, actually, this is really selfish of me. Nevermind.” 
Because it was. These were the last few moments of Ellie’s life, and you were making it all about you. She didn’t see you like that, that much was clear. You’d once thought otherwise—but that was before Cat, before you saw her smile the same way with her and let Cat kiss her in front of everyone whenever you saw them around your friends. 
So maybe it would be better if you just didn’t say anything. That way she wouldn’t look back on your memories together as creepy.
Ellie swallowed, then discreetly cast her gaze down to her right arm, just for a moment. “You can tell me anything, you know. You always could.”
The words brought a renewed wave of tears to your eyes, and you did your best to valiantly fight off the lump in your throat long enough to get the words out. 
You supposed that if she was asking for it, she deserved to know the truth. 
“Look, I—I really—” The words died in your throat.
Ellie was still and quiet, patiently waiting for you to finish and letting you hold her hands in a vice grip. She was always like that—so stoic and strong.
“I don’t know how to say this,” you repeated, turning your gaze back to your tangled fingers. “I don’t want to ruin the way you remember our friendship.”
“You couldn’t do that if you tried,” said Ellie, her lips pulling up. “I like you too much.” 
It was stuff like that that made you want to rip your hair out and scream into your pillow. 
I like you too much.
Just when you thought life couldn’t get any crueler, the purgatory of queer yearning always had a funny way of proving you wrong. 
“I don’t want to keep lying to you.” Your voice wavered as you looked anywhere but her face. “I’ll always see you as a friend. I know that’s what I am to you. And I promise I wasn’t, like, being gross about this when we hung out.” The past tense made your stomach churn. Hung out. You’d never get to spend time again with her after this. Speed it up, Y/N. You’re running on borrowed time. “That’s to say that I really do love being friends with you. I always have. It’s just that—” 
This had to be the most painful confession in the history of the world. Maybe you should just ask Ellie to bite you to put you out of your misery. 
“I’ve always wanted more with you,” you forced out. “Like—more than friends. Ever since I met you.”
Ellie was suspiciously quiet for so long that you began to worry that she was already turned. You dared to peek up at her through your lashes. 
She blinked twice in rapid succession upon meeting your eyes, her face otherwise void of emotion.
“I need to confess something too,” she said slowly, her voice significantly more even than you’d expect for someone preparing for their death.
If she was going to say that she felt the same way, you weren’t sure how you’d ever get over this. 
“I’m immune.”
Then she laughed at you—actually laughed at you, her eyes crinkling.
“I’m immune,” she repeated, her lips stretched into a wide smile. “I was trying to tell you—but god forbid you let me finish anything I want to say—”
You tried to snatch your hands away from where they were entwined with hers in her lap, but her fingers refused to let up. “How do you even know that?!” She had to be lying. 
“Because I’ve been bitten before,” she said. Her eyes were sparkling with mirth. “Twice, actually. And that was years ago. And look at it. It doesn’t look like other bites, right?”
You reluctantly gave it a closer look. True to her word, the tell-tale growths of the Cordyceps were nowhere to be seen, something unheard of for a bite so close to the head after a few minutes.
It was the real deal. She really wasn’t going to turn. 
You never knew it was possible to feel this mortified. 
“You’re such an asshole,” you snapped, finally succeeding in freeing your hands and pushing yourself away so you weren’t touching her. “You barely even tried to tell me. You let me embarrass myself.”
She shrugged, amusement still pulling at her mouth. “I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to hear what you had to say.”
“Well, that was very impolite of you.” You crossed your arms and looked away from her, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Just forget I said anything, okay?” 
There was a hand at your elbow, pulling you so you slid across the hardwood until your knees knocked together.
“Look at me,” said Ellie. Her voice was soft, almost gentle. You rarely ever heard her like this.
When you didn’t comply, the hand that wasn’t at your arm came to your chin, tilting it so she could see your face. 
Ellie was still smiling, but there was something else in her eyes—something that wasn’t just amusement, 
“It’s the same for me,” she said. Her skin was warm against yours. “Ever since I met you.”
Your heart stopped. “What? But what about Cat?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t think you saw me like that. I thought seeing other people would help.”
“And did it?”
Ellie winced. “Obviously not.”
“Poor Cat.” You weren’t sure how else to respond.
“Poor Cat,” Ellie agreed. 
Shyly, your hand came up to brush back the piece of hair that had escaped from her bun, letting your fingers rest on the back of her neck.
You’d never touched her there before. You’d never had an excuse to touch her intentionally. Doing so felt almost criminal, like you were breaking some sort of unspeakable barrier. 
But then she pulled you in and kissed you, and you forgot all about arbitrary rules and the now antiquated platonic label that defined you two.
It lasted for just a moment, her lips brushing against yours as you leaned into her, your fingers tangling into her hair. The gentle warmth of the sun hit your hand, and you twisted it so your forearm lay flat against her. 
It was a mistake. Ellie cried out, startling you as you wrenched away from her. There was something warm and wet on your arm—which, upon further investigation, was the blood from the bite you’d accidentally pressed into as you maneuvered your hand.
“Shit,” you said. You’d totally forgotten that she’d still been injured regardless of her immunity. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Ellie said, though you could tell she was hiding the pain. “Sorry. It didn’t hurt that much.” 
“Let’s go back,” you said, standing up as you held out a hand. “We’ll get that cleaned up.”
You’d been worried that kissing her would change things. Maybe she’d decide that she didn’t actually want you after all and that she didn’t even want to be friends. 
But once she’d grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together as you both walked down the road back to Jackson, you found that there was nothing to worry about. Not anymore. 
final a/n: im gonna be so real and say i love the premise of this but this was a littleeee bit of a flop in my book i didn't know how to end it but i hope you all enjoy this as a way to hold you over while i finish p5!
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: offensive jokes (a joke about someone who is no longer alive), swearing, suggestive, milfs, (also this is shorter than the usual)
Desc: not really a description but i forgot that Chifuyu is like super rude sometimes so i'ma amp that up to 50 (this is completely irrelevant to the chapter, my bad)
Smiley: Chifuyu c'mon dude i didn't mean to
Chifuyu: literally never come to my house again
Smiley: but it was an accident😐
Chifuyu: you almost drowned Peke J in a washing machine Smiley! how is that a fucking accident
Draken: lmao
Draken: wait no is the cat okay?
Chifuyu: lmao????
Chifuyu: this is 'lmao' to you, Draken??
Draken: that's my bad dude
Mikey: LMAO
Mitsuya: has anyone heard of the term direct message
Chifuyu: Mitsuya-kun i'm not in the mood rn
Mitsuya: yeah neither am i, message each other privately jesus fucking christ
Smiley: nah y'all gotta listen to my side of the story
Smiley: ayt so i'm helping Matsuno-san out around the house right?
Smiley: and lemme tell you
Smiley: it's easy to get distracted around her yk
Takemitchy: yeah actually
Chifuyu: what does that mean?
Takemitchy: um
Takemitchy: nothing bro 😅
Chifuyu: Smiley
Smiley: she's a milf
Smiley: i'd be down to smash fr she's hot as hell
Angry: what's hot as hell is the seat reserved for you in hell😠
Angry: don't say that about our friends mom
Smiley: Baji's mom too but like i'm actually scared of her and she looks exactly like him so it'd be weird
Angry: you're not listening!
Draken: you don't have any shame at all?
Smiley: none whatsoever
Mikey: if someone called my mom a milf i'd kill myself
Chifuyu: isn't she dead
Chifuyu: guess she turned the tables
Chifuyu: cause she's the angel now
Chifuyu: not you
Chifuyu: do you get it 😐
Mikey: ...😧
Mikey: BRO??????
Mitsuya: uncalled for
Hakkai: he's giggling actually
Draken: why was that necessary 💀
Kazutora: i think it's about time Mikey gets rationed
Hakkai: *ratioed
Kazutora: yeah since this time he brought this up on himself, even i don't go up to Chifuyu when he's in a bad mood
Kazutora: he said i have pupils like goats
Kazutora: idek what that means
Kazutora: so essentially it's his fault
Kazutora: get it?
Kazutora: cause it's Mikey's fault 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: ...
Mitsuya: ...
Hakkai: ....
Baji: ....
Kazutora: too soon?
Kazutora: ayt
Kazutora: my apologies 👉👈
Chifuyu: i'm sorry i'm a little agitated rn
Smiley: anyway 😁
Smiley: Peke J blends in with your mom's fake fur coat idk what else to tell you
Smiley: be careful what you call me son😋
Chifuyu: Smiley
Smiley: ig your fucking cat was sleeping cause i didn't see no live cat
Smiley: and chill out, your negatives vibes are ruining my sunny aura 😁
Baji: what's this about Peke J almost dying
Baji: i will not only kill the person responsible but also myself
Baji: don't fucking do this to me i am hanging on by a thread
Mikey: schools really kicking your ass huh
Mikey: get a tutor
Baji: they all leave
Smiley: that is so fucking funny, holy shit
Angry: SMILEY 😡
Hakkai: Angry do you genuinely think using a different 'angry' emoji colour is gonna have indifferent effect?
Hakkai: c'mon now 😕
Baji: i'ma beat the shit out of you
Baji: Chifuyu let's tag team him
Kazutora: he's crying
Baji: understandable
Smiley: y'all try and catch me fr😁👊
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moonlightrichie · 5 years
Lynnnn!!! As a devout follower would you please bless me with some reddie kisses in the rain cause they miss each other????? Sincerely, your humble servant
Of course I will, Ruve my love ♡ Thanks for this cute prompt !!
(Send me a kissing prompt (place + reason) from THIS LIST)
Warning: cursing, mentions of sex
Eddie saw Richie before Richie saw him.
With wet curls sticking to his forehead, several inches taller than everyone else around him, he was looking frantically through the crowd. He was wearing an ugly t-shirt with some weird circle print and a colorful cupcake in the middle, something you’d find in the 11-year-old girl section at Target except big enough to fit a six foot three man. It was raining; the least he could have done was to put on a jacket.
Eddie couldn’t help the grin spreading over his face at the sight of his boyfriend, and before his mind could catch up, his body had reacted and was already running. Wrestling through the crowd and murmuring ‘sorry’ to each person he stumbled past, he slowly managed to make his way through the train station.
He registered water starting to seep through the back of his neck and running down his back, soaking his sweater in seconds. Only for a brief moment did he feel annoyed, the thought ‘why the hell is this train station outside?’ on repeat in his brain. But then his eyes landed on Richie again.
Richie, who seemed to just have noticed Eddie making his way towards him, was smiling so brightly that for a moment Eddie thought it was a sunny day and not raining like it really was. It was like tunnel vision, everything around him fading into an irrelevant darkness and all Eddie could see was Richie. With his stupid shirt, curls dripping with water and his new purple-framed glasses covered in raindrops, he was the only thing that mattered. Lighting up the station as if Eddie’s gaze was a spotlight, only ever working when looking at Richie.
And then Richie was running too, pushing through the crowd and yelling Eddie’s name.
“Eddie, my love!”
A giggle erupted from Eddie’s lips, heart beating wildly with happiness from hearing Richie’s voice for real again.
For some dumb reason the two of them had decided to go to different colleges after high school, Richie ending up in California and Eddie in New York. Both of them loved their programs and teachers too much to quit now and they just needed to make it through these next couple of years until graduation. The plan was for them to find an apartment together in California after, Richie’s part time job at the local radio station the tipping point in their decision for Eddie to be the one to move.
But the two of them hadn’t seen each other since Easter. Having gone more than two months without seeing his man, Eddie felt a new surge of adrenaline course through his veins and he ran just a little bit faster. The puddles on the ground splashed underneath his feet, soaking through his sneakers within less than half a minute. But he didn’t even notice, only pushing forward to get to his boyfriend.
He didn’t waste a second jumping into Richie’s open arms, legs wrapping around his waist and arms clinging around Richie’s shoulders. Richie chuckled happily into Eddie’s ears, and Eddie’s toes curled at the sound.
“Hi, baby”, Richie whispered, hand running through Eddie’s hair and face pushing into the crook of Eddie’s neck. “God, how I’ve missed you.”
“Hi Rich.” Eddie’s voice was muffled against Richie’s shirt and he pulled back to get a good look at him. The gray light from the cloudy sky made him look paler than usual, the splatter of freckles dark in comparison. He looked tired, dark rings showing underneath his eyes and magnified by his dripping glasses. But he was beautiful, and Eddie was so utterly in love.
Putting a hand on Richie’s wet cheek, he leaned down to finally kiss him for the first time in what felt like forever. It wasn’t even much of a kiss with how wide both of them were smiling, but Eddie didn’t care. He just wanted to push his face into Richie’s, feel their skin touch, noses rubbing together and grinning lips brushing.
“I’ve missed you so much”, Eddie mumbled, shaking his head in disbelieving relief over the fact that he could finally feel Richie against him again. Their noses bumped at the movement.
Water was dripping down from both of their eyelashes, faces slick from the rain. They managed a proper kiss, lips sliding together, wet and sloppy. It was perfect.
“I love holding you like this, Eds, making me feel all big and strong.” Richie put their foreheads together. “But my arms are burning right now.”
“Oh, oops, sorry love.”
As Eddie was put down, he finally noticed how cold he really was and he shivered in reflex.
“Let’s get you out of the rain and warm you up.” Richie still had his arms around Eddie’s waist. “I was thinking hot bath? Hmm?” He kissed Eddie’s cheek.
“Oh, fuck yes.”
“That too.”
“Oh?” Eddie looked up at Richie with raised brows. “In the bath then?”
“Of course.”
They grinned at each other, and Eddie suddenly remembered Richie was only wearing a t-shirt.
“Wait, shit, you must be freezing”, he picked up the bag he’d dropped and started dragging Richie with him in a hurry to get inside. “What the fuck are you doing not wearing a jacket, you dumbass?”
“Awe, Eds, you worried about lil ol’ me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly, ignoring Richie’s comment in his desperate attempt to get through the crowd. As soon as they got away from people, Eddie plopped down his bag to look through it. It was already soaking wet anyways.
Pulling out a jacket he’d borrowed (taken) from Richie a long time ago and never given back, he handed it over to a shivering Richie.
“Put this on so you don’t get sick.”
“So demanding. Sexy”, Richie winked, but the way his teeth were clattering made his suggestive tone lose its impact.
“We only got so much time together before I have to leave again and I’ll be damned if you spend half of it in your bed coughing up your lungs.”
With a soft smile, Richie finally put the jacket on, tugging it around himself. It wasn’t the warmest jacket out there, but at least it was something.
“Now, about that bath”, Eddie raised his brows again, reaching for Richie’s hand and lacing their fingers together.
“I bought a pink bath bomb for us”, Richie grinned, looking so proud. “It was called ‘Sex bomb’.”
Eddie laughed, because of course that was the one Richie would buy.
Happiness enveloped him as the two of them walked towards Richie’s tiny shoebox apartment. And even with the cold rain soaking through his jacket and pooling inside his shoes, a squelching noise sounding with every step he took, now that he had Richie’s hand in his, all he felt was warmth.
Tag list: @annoyingtozier, @spastuetheobsessedphylosopher, @constantreaderfool, @violetreddie, @rainbow-reddie, @tinyarmedtrex, @thundercatseddie, @deadlighten, @captainbartholomew, @queen-sock, @appojoos, @xandertheundead, @lifesucksheres20bucks
Let me know if you want to be added!
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imitranslates · 6 years
Fukigen na Mononokean Ch. 67
A new request from a familiar face and a... love connection?? Ashiya, you heartbreaker...
Please remember to check out the official English release when it comes out, preferably on Crunchyroll if you’re able to!
The newest chapter can be read on the official website by clicking the yellow button labeled 読む!
Fukigen na Mononokean Chapter 67 - Spring Cure
Page 4
Yahiko: Haruitsukii...
Yahiko: That picture I found of Aoi was burned in the ceremonial bonfire yesterday. It's all burned up now.
Ashiya: Yahiko!? (Why did you come to school!?)
Yahiko: You didn't need it? After all I did to tell you about it!
Abeno: I wondered what you were up to showing up here so suddenly... Is there something special you came to report?
Yahiko: (Nope.) I was in the middle of heading to Okina's place to play when I caught your scent and figured I'd come see you!
Page 5
Abeno: (Hm?) Was there only one photograph that was burned?
Yahiko: Uh-huh, that's right.
Abeno: ...In that case,
You must have kept that picture of Aoi and Ashiya Sakae instead of having it burned in memorial....?
(Ashiya: Fuzzy, come here.)
Yahiko: Ashiya Sakae...?
Yahiko: By Ashiya Sakae, you mean this human, right?
Page 6
Abeno: Yeah, that guy.
Ashiya: UWAAAAH!? It's in 3D!!
Yahiko: You're so noisy, Ashiya.
Ashiya: Don't ambush me with a transformation like that?! You really startled me!!
Yahiko: Huh? Startled you...?
Abeno: ?
Ashiya: !? (He smiled!?)
Yahiko: Hey, hey, Ashiya! You were startled by seeing this human, huh?
Ashiya: Huuuwoooah!? You're way, way too close! And he's so young!? Uwah, it's the real thing! No, it's a fake, though! Sakae... No, it's Yahiko!! Please turn back to normal!?
Page 7
Abeno: Yahiko? Is it really fine for you to dawdle around here?
You were on your way to Okina-dono's place, right?
Yahiko: Ah! I was!
Yahiko: I don't have enough free time to play around with you, Ashiya! Geez!
Ashiya: I'm... sorry for that...?
Yahiko: Haruitsuki, do you want to come play at Okina's house, too?
Abeno: I'm not going to play.
Abeno: ...However, he hasn't had any requests recently and it's been awhile since I've heard how he's doing...
It'll be easy to tag along with you, so I think I'll visit to ask about his current condition.
(Abeno: Hairball... Try to play with Yahiko at Okina-dono's place...)
Yahiko: Yay! Let's all play tag!
Yahiko: I was going there on foot, so let's meet up at the shrine! If you don't show up, I'm not giving this guy back!
Ashiya: Fuzzyy!!
Page 8
Okina: Oh... Yahiko, you came over.
I'm glad to see you all from the Mononokean are doing well.
Abeno: We are, but it seems your condition isn't very good, Okina-dono.
Yahiko: What's wrong, Okinaa?
Page 9
Okina: Ugh...
Okina: I've been in this state since I hurt my back three days ago...
Ashiya: I'll go buy a compress from the drugstore!
Abeno: Please lie down and rest on a seat cushion, and wait for our return.
Abeno: Yahiko, Okina-dono is always looking after you.
Abeno: Until his back his healed, stay here and help him with his daily necessities.
Yahiko: Ehhh....
Yahiko: If you don't heal up soon, we won't be able to play together!
Okina: Thanks for the help, Yahiko. Hohoho... oww...
Page 10
Okina: I musn't lose to old age...
Okina: Whenever my body got like this in my younger days, I would use a hot spring cure to heal it.
Yahiko: Hot spring cure?
Yahiko: What's that?
Okina: Whether I was sick or injured, I would use the water of a hot spring as medical treatment.
Ashiya: Demons also know about hot spring cures...?
Okina: Back then, I would frequently go with my companions.
Okina: In particular, the Tougen hot springs, guarded by Tougen and other demons,
was always bustling with activity due to all the weary demons in the Mundane world.
Page 11
Ashiya: A hot spring run by demons, for demons...!
Abeno: If you were able to divulge the location of that hot spring, we could bring you there in the Mononokean...?
Okina: Hmm... I wonder where it was.
The last time I traveled there was a hundred years ago... The landscape of the Mundane world has changed so much that I can't get there even if I want to.
Ashiya: Maybe the Mononokean will know where it is?
Abeno: I'll ask if they know how to get to the "Tougen hot springs," then.
Yahiko: If you're talking about that hot spring, 3I know where it is.
Page 12
Yahiko: Before I lived at Zenko's place, I would go there to play a lot.
Okina: Oh?
Ashiya&Abeno: !?
Ashiya: Really!? Where is it?
Yahiko: I won't tell you, Ashiya~!
Abeno: Do you know specifically where it is?
Yahiko: Ummm, you walk from here and get on the red train, then you climb the mountains and it's there!
(Ashiya: He answers Abeno-san...)
Abeno: Red train? On which route? And what station do you get off at?
Yahiko: I don't know the name.
Abeno: Do you remember anything special about the place, or the name of the city or mountain?
Yahiko: Ummm... Uhhh.... Uh...
Page 13
Yahiko: (Hmph!) It's always the same color and smell and I use the aura as a landmark, so I don't remember any names!
Yahiko: Besides, rather than arriving there in a second in the Mononokean,
It'd be way more fun to bring Okina to the hot springs by letting him ride on my back!
Okina: Maybe it's better to take the long way and walk there like Yahiko says.
If I'm able to remember the path I used to take to get to the hot springs, I can enjoy taking in things on the way there like I used to.
Ashiya: It'd be impossible to pinpoint it from Yahiko's information alone, huh...
Abeno: Yeah...
Okina: I'll feel the shaking in my back, so please be gentle when you walk...
Yahiko: Okay!
Ashiya: Are we going to leave Okina-san to Yahiko?
Abeno: ......
Page 14
Abeno: It shouldn't be a problem leaving Okina-dono in Yahiko's hands during the trip to the hot springs,
Abeno: Okina-dono.
If it's not any trouble, may we accompany you on your journey to the hot springs?
Ashiya: !
Abeno: As the master of the Mononokean, I would like to meet the demon named "Tougen" at least once.
Page 15
Okina: Naturally, I don't mind.
Abeno: Thank you very much.
Yahiko: Ehhh? You're coming, too, Haruitsuki?
Yahiko: Geez... I'm busy transporting Okina, so I can't go on a walk with you, Haruitsuki!
But if Okina says it's okay, I guess there's no choice. I'll walk with you!
Abeno: Thank you for your generous words.
Ashiya: (I wonder if he's happy to go on a walk with Abeno-san?
Even though you said all that, you look pretty pleased, Yahiko...)
Okina: (Ah, that's right...) I don't remember the way, but... I do recall it taking two days on foot from my shrine.
At your and Yahiko's strides, we should be able to reach it in half a day.
Page 16
Abeno:  So the traveling time is half a day...
Ashiya: (With the Mononokean, traveling time is irrelevant, so something taking half a day must be new for him.)
Ashiya: It's already evening today, so we should set out in the morning.
Okina: It seems like it's going to rain tomorrow, right? I'd like to travel on a sunny day if possible...
(Ashiya: This site's weather prediction is pretty good.)
(Abeno: Then as Okina-dono says, there will be rain tomorrow.)
(Okina: Owww....)
Ashiya: (Let's see...) Taking into account half a day's travel time, the day with clear skies and ideal walking weather is...
[Sunday. Chance of precipitation: 0%.]
Page 17
Ashiya: The red train!
Page 18
Yahiko: We ride the train from here!
Ashiya: Seems like Yahiko's used to riding this train.
Abeno: It's been awhile since I've used a train...
Abeno: ......
Yahiko: !
(Yahiko: Haruitsuki!)
Page 19
Abeno: We start walking again from here?
Yahiko: We still have a long way to go!
Yahiko: Let's do a word chain! Start!
Okina: T... Turnip.
Ashiya: P... Paprika.
Abeno: Are we there yet?
Ashiya: Hoh!
Yahiko: Over here!
[Note: In case you're interested, the original shiratori game goes: Shiratori->Ringo (apple)->Goma (sesame seeds)->Mada tsukaneenoka? (We still haven't gotten there?)]
Page 20
Abeno: !
Abeno: Hey... Yahiko.
Yahiko: Yeah?
Abeno: Is the hot spring around here? I feel the faint presence of a demon ahead of us.
Yahiko: Yep. Just a little more!
Okina: Ah... For the first time in a hundred years, I'll finally be able to use the Tougen hot springs again
It's a popular spring, so there must be even more demons there than before.
Okina: I'll be able to loosen up my back and heal up in the spring...
I'm looking forward to it. (Owww...)
Page 21
Abeno: Yahiko... You're sure the spring is here?
Yahiko: Yep!
Ashiya: It's covered with rocks... This hot spring doesn't have a single drop of water...
Okina: What in the name of....
Page 22
Okina: The hot spring must have dried up and closed down...
Yahiko: Don't worry, it's okay, Okina!
Yahiko: Tougen!
Yahiko: Let's play!!
Page 23
Ashiya: Gyaaah!
Ashiya: That's hot! (A geyser...?!)
Abeno: !?
Abeno: !
Okina: Oh my...
Page 24
Fuzzy: ?
Ashiya: ......
Ashiya: ......
Ashiya: The hot spring...
Gushed out...
Page 25
Ashiya: Woah!?
Demon: That voice... Is that the fox demon, Yahiko?
Page 26
Ashiya: Uwah!
Ashiya: (She showed up with the hot spring...?!)
Demon: ......
Ashiya: !
Ashiya: Could it be, that you're...
Page 27
Ashiya: The demon that guards over this hot spring, Tougen-san?
Demon: .....h?!
Ashiya: .....Eh?
Ashiya: (Why is she blushing?! Did I do something!?)
Demon: ......
Ashiya: (Wait, now that I look closer, she's making a really awful expression! Is she angry!?)
Page 28
Tougen: Shki.
Tougen: Ashiya-sama... You came to see me, didn't you?
Tougen: Shki.
Ashiya: (I thought it was decoration, but this is the real body!?)
Tougen: Please accept my kisses of love, Ashiya-sama!
Ashiya: Doing that sort of thing on the first meeting goes against my principles...!
Tougen: Smooch? First meeting?
Ashiya: Huh? It's our first meaning...
Page 29
Ashiya: Why did you know to call me Ashiya?
Tougen: ...h..!
Ashiya: .....?
Tougen: ....h!!
Page 30
Abeno: ...You two.
Abeno: Let me deeply apologize for throwing water on your important business, but...
Okina: Guardian Tougen...
Okina: Owww....
...I would also like to use the hot springs, if that is alright?
91 notes · View notes
one-trigger-lullaby · 6 years
Hair Matted W/ Blood W/ Keith and Protective Hunky-Bear
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This is a @badthingshappenbingo prompt requested by @lemonadepluto 
Thank you so much for your patience! This took a little while longer than initially expected and for that I’m very sorry but I hope you like how it turned out and I’m very very appreciative for your patience.
Want to request a prompt? Send me an ask/pm (As long as the prompts aren’t Punctured Lung, Brainwashing, Locked up and Left Behind, or Suffocation)
Also, please note that this is a tinsy bit graphic so read the tags and continue at your own risk.
Love Language
Hunk had a memory locked deep inside the crevices in his mind, covered in spiderwebs and caution tape. He was thirteen, cooking in the kitchen with his mother when he learned to believe in love again.
His mother and father had always been married, were still married, he assumed, and he'd never had any first-hand experience on the 'broken' homes his friends and peers waxed poetic about. His siblings were all alive and well, and none of them had ever had to go without necessities or niceties they enjoyed.
By all means, his childhood was ideal; perfect in a way.
He was seven when he stopped believing in love.
Words weren't and never have been his quote-unquote 'love language'. His temperament was as mild as the tastebuds that sat heavy on his tongue, wrong with his family's heavily cultured cuisine and when his mother tucked him in at night, whispering the sweet trio, he found himself echoing it back to her like an announcer speaking into an empty room. How many times had she heard it? How many times had she believed it?
Falling out of love with love, it turned out, was very easy. Growing up around affection made it difficult for him to understand why he had such a big problem with hearing the words 'I love you' and why he had such a hard time saying them back. He felt like a broken record every time he tried and nobody liked broken records.
Unless, of course, they said what you wanted to hear, even if they were lies.
Falling out of love was like a snowflake breaking in the wind, it was insignificant to the many, to any but the snowflake itself, and many others would follow in its wake, breaking or staying whole at the whims of the chilled winter air. He was a splintered snowflake, balling and melting under the sun and scraping skin that had relied on his dewy softness.
He was fake.
He hugged his mother and father, grinned when his aunt shared old stories. He gave his siblings piggyback rides around the house and played horse with them before he had to go to school, crawling around on his knees and getting his nice, school-designated pants dirty with goldfish crumbs. These were actions of eloquence, well-spoken in a language he didn't understand.
He fell out of love with love once it stopped making sense. Once his friends told him they loved him and then wouldn't let him sit with them at lunch only to decide to switch it up again the following morning. Once his baby sister, only 3, screamed that she hated him more than she screamed anything else, tossing the doll he'd had his mother show him how to stitch up to the ground and leaving it there for the days that would follow.
At the supple age of thirteen, love was completely irrelevant. Until it wasn't, of course. His mother had started to teach him their old family recipes for rich, moist cakes and soft creams that would melt on his tongue. It was something his sensitive tastebuds could handle unlike the chili-ridden foods they ate for dinner once a week and nine times a year. He enjoyed it and, when valentines came around that year, he gave a cake to one of his best friends at the time.
The look she had on her face once she bit into it--that was love. Falling in love. he could remember: it was a raspberry cream cupcake with chocolate and orange shavings dappled on whipped pink topping; a thing of pride, back then.
I love you isn't the only way to express love to someone. People say it in different ways all of the time.
"Are you wearing your seatbelt?"
"Have you eaten?"
"You look a little flushed."
"Here, I don't need it anyway."
"Text me when you get home safe."
Hunk's breath was loud in his ears--a thundering symphony in an empty library that no other sound could break through.
Focus, Hunk, focus. He needed to breathe; he needed to be able to hear what was going on around him. He pushed his nausea down his inflamed esophagus, acid burning his insides as it went down.
Around his knees was a thin pool of red-black liquid, dampening the sunny yellows of his paladin armor into crispy oranges and eating up the pristine white in between. He tried not to think too hard about it--about how much there was.
Before him, half of Keith's face was covered in blood. Some of it was drying and flaking around the ears and gluing his unmoving eyelashes together but the rest of it flowed around the sharp angle of his chin, climbing down the curvature of his neck and dripping onto the floor. In a selfish line of thought, Hunk was sort of glad Keith's hair was black. It was matted with blood, some of it flattened or misshapen around the quarter-sized chip taken out of Keith's skull, but if he didn't think about it too much, it would just look like greasy or badly dyed hair.
Yeah, the dirty, unkempt hair of a sleeping teenager. As long as he didn't think about how the wound dipped away from his temple where the baton had bludgeoned him. Didn't think about the bloodied crumble of skull stuck to a strand that was curved towards the ceiling and stiffened with a drenching of blood.
He was going to be sick.
His hands trembled terribly and his lip quaked as he pulled it between his teeth, trying to keep his panicked tears at bay.
Please, please, please.
He hadn't known head wounds bled this much. Objectively, he'd been told, had heard it on television shows, but it was different from seeing it in person. He tried to tell himself that the sheer amount of the stuff. made it look worse than it was. He didn't believe himself.
His neck tingled as his back faced the door of the room, roughly five feet away from him. He felt exposed and watched, a rat running a maze. Sure, no one had come for them yet, but it wouldn't be the first time someone had let them get away and let them wear themselves down before blindsiding them. Logically, he knew it was unlikely. The rest of the team would be occupying the rest of the ship and anyone that knew where they were were dead a floor below them.
They were in a room with no cameras and no lights other than the one Hunk had engineered into the cuff of his armor and one door. He should've chosen a room with an extra exit, but they were in space, where were they going to go?
He worried about crushing Keith's already fragile skull against the hard flooring as he held pressure to the wound and briefly considered shifting his head, but he didn't have anywhere soft to set it. It just added to his concern.
He breathed harshly through his nose. They needed to move. It wasn't a good idea for him to move Keith with such a serious head injury, that much he knew, but it was better than letting him bleed out to death on the floor of an enemy ship.
With this thought in mind, his teeth peeled the skin off of his lips as he gently scooped Keith's body into his arms. Keith's armor scraped clunkily against his own as he tried to delicately pillow Keith's head on the softer hollow of his arm, taking great care in not knocking him around too much.
Keith's body was heavy and made Hunk's legs shake as he tried to stand carefully. His feet shuffled a bit as he regained his balance with the added weight.
The door was a regular door with a smooth handle that slipped in his gloved hand when he bent at the knees and tilted, trying to reach without moving his arms.
The click and creak of the door opening rang through the empty, bright-lit hallway and Hunk swallowed as he looked from one side to the other, finding it to be clear of any other potentially threatening living entities.
He felt hurried, but his movements were anything but. His joints were locked and stiff with anxiousness as he dealt with the push and pull of his gut versus his mind. His gut said that he should run; Keith might've had a better chance if he ran--but his mind. His mind said that he would drop the delicate boy, that slow and steady won the race.
The reception was back. Some of his anxiousness left him at the reminder that he wasn't alone. He breathed a sigh. "Lance?"
Lance grunted on the other side. "You good? We lost you two for a second there."
"Keith--" Hunk cut himself off with a short sound. His throat locked up, the heaviness of the situation settling in his chest. Keith was bleeding out in his arms.
"Are you guys hurt?" Lance asked, his voice going tight.
A drop of blood fell on the floor, diminishing the thought that maybe Keith's head had stopped leaking. "Yes. Keith."
There was a brief silence before Lance's voice filtered through again, stronger than before. "Get him out; we'll keep everybody else occupied. I'll cover you."
Ten-year-old Hunk might've doubted him. Eighteen-year-old Hunk had seen Lance sacrifice himself too much to even consider doubting it. He muttered out a quick thanks before he heard Lance's line disconnect.
They managed to make it through an entire floor without seeing a soul. Hunk's feet had started moving faster after an explosion had made the ship tilt on an axis, rocking the steady floor beneath his feet. In a fit terror, he'd almost dropped his precious cargo.
Their enemy-less luck ran out eventually, however. And it ran out in the form of one that Hunk clearly hadn't shot well enough beforehand.
The ma--creature was shorter than Hunk, but he was built like a tank on steroids. The creature's height would put Hunk at a disadvantage, putting his enemy closer to the ground, and he was just tall enough to make any of Hunk's movements against him awkward.
Hunk hugged Keith tightly to himself, curving his armored forearm over Keith's delicate temple.
The creature's blood glowed a light gray as its blackness seeped down his chest where Hunk had shot him twice. It'd been enough for his companions, but obviously, this one would need more convincing.
"Let us through." Hunk was proud to say his voice barely trembled, only the slightest skip.
The creature snarled, his teeth so white they glowed. He approached with heavy, lumbering footsteps and Hunk fought the instinct to step back.
He couldn't do anything unless he dropped Keith. But what if there were more? What if they snatched or killed Keith while Hunk's back was turned? His teeth ground together as he thought, his wide eyes locked on the creature that hadn't moved past that first step.
He could run, but he would just dig him and Keith into a deeper hole and that was assuming that he could outrun the thing in the first place.
The creature's back bent as it crouched, his jagged teeth pointing out like spears as his jaw opened. Hunk had a split second to make a decision as it leaped much faster than a thing of its size should've been able to, its mouth poised to bite and it's pristine claws curved outward.
His arms twitched in that second, tightening round Keith before loosening.
Drop your burden.
Don't hurt Keith.
Protect Keith.
The creature's claws were inches away from him when he turned his back to it. His heart jumped in his chest as he fell to his knees and tucked Keith closely to his chest. His wide frame completely engulfed Keith as he bowed over the small teen.
He nearly bowled over the second the muscled thing crashed into him with a roar, landing claws-first into his back.
Tears pricked his eyes as he heard his armor creak and give way to the sharpness. He felt the claws cut through his thick back like butter, ripping apart corded muscle until it gave way into a sensitive tenderness.
His teeth clenched so hard his jaw trembled but it did little to distract from the burning that spread like wildfire throughout his back. The claws stayed stuck in his back as he felt luxite-sharp teeth graze the sides of his collared neck, gusts of breath displacing the hair at his nape.
His eyes were squinted as he looked down at Keith's blood-encrusted face, tears dripping out of his eyes and onto his cheek. He prayed to whoever was listening that at least Keith would make it out okay, begged the deities to let his team and family know how sorry he was.
Unwittingly, his mind roamed to the faux macademia nut cookies he'd left for Lance on one of the castle's kitchen counters, to their oddly yellow chips. To the look on Sam Holt's face when he gave him a recipe book to take home with him to Earth and the promise that he would be the one to cook for Hunk when they all got back.
He begged himself not to think about the look on Coran's face as he sat at the kitchen counter for one of his late night teas--the ones where he couldn't sleep because he remembered the screams of his people--and realizing that Hunk wouldn't be joining him.
He didn't want to think about it, but more than anything, he hoped his team knew that he loved them with his entire being; that he would do anything and everything for them and that if it were up to him, he'd stay with them forever.
He wanted them to go home, even if he couldn't. He wanted Lance to go home to his sisters and brothers and tell them stories about the embellished grandeur of their life in space.
He wanted Keith and Shiro to get a break in life, to live happily doing whatever they wanted because, man, they deserved it.
He wanted Pidge to go to university as she'd always planned and go home and be with the family she spent so much time longing for.
He wanted someone to tell his parents that he lived. At least for a little while. That he did more than roll on his back and take it like the coward he'd tried so hard not to be.
Maybe it was selfish, but was it so bad to want to be remembered as a hero?
He whimpered low in his throat as the teeth gripped the metal guard covering his neck and bit down, making it creak loudly in his ears. He was scared. Gods, he was so scared.
He'd never felt more like a child than he had at that moment as he covered his dying friend with his body as he was torn to pieces by creatures that weren't even supposed to exist lightyears away from his family and his home. He wanted to be held by his mother just once more before he died. He was only eighteen, was it too much to ask?
He retched a sob as the metal clamped around his neck, giving in to the force. After a moment, he could feel the tips of the creature's teeth grazing his skin.
He leaned his forehead against Keith's ugly sounds coming out of his throat as he awaited his surely painful fate.
The teeth pierced his skin, setting his blood free in smooth rivets.
I love you, Keith. I love you, Lance. I love you, Shiro. I love you, Pidge. I love you, Allura. I love you, Coran. I love all of you so much and I hope you know that.
Pain and popping sound that gave Hunk a start, flinching.
Hunk's eyes were wide as he felt a heaviness fall against his back, the teeth loosening into a  hold that lacked the crushing force that had been exhibited previously.
Hunk sobbed in relief, cautious to move with the monstrous teeth still so close to his neck. In an instant, the weight and teeth were gone and there was a thump to his left. Hunk's vision was blurred with tears as an emotional-looking Lance kneeled in front of him.
Hunk gave him a wobbly smile, snot running down his lips. Lance patted his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Shakily, Hunk nodded. He felt that his relief was palpable, filling the air and crushing his lungs in a pleasing force.
Lance took Keith from him with a grimace as the state of the dark-haired teen. "Can you walk with your back like that?"
Hunk winced at the reminder and gently shifted his shoulders. "It's numb."
Concern flooded Lance's face but he gave a hard nod. "Okay, let's hurry."
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dylanobrusso · 5 years
Tag Game
Was tagged by two of my favourites! @suchatinyinfinity @something-tofightfor thanks, y’all!
what’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum?  hmmm...i often hum random songs at random times. i actually woke up the other morning humming a relient k (remember them????) song that i haven’t listened to in almost 10 years.
what’s your favorite flower/tree/plant? my favourite tree is the willow tree. my favourite flower is the calla lily. and....favourite plant....not sure. i enjoy succulents.
favorite colors? black, pink, pastel blue. 
what do you always doodle? I truthfully do not know how to describe it. but i’ll draw a box or a triangle and then draw lines inside and basically make a bunch of smaller boxes/x’s inside of them. i do it all the time at work.
how do you take your coffee/tea? i love coffee and tea a lot. i can drink black coffee but i do prefer to be extra and like my sweetness. i love chai lattes, macchiatos too. (how the hell do you even spell that?) and for tea, i like hot herbal teas but the southern girl in me LOVESSS sweet iced tea.
favorite candle scent? anything that smells like christmas trees!!!!!!
what perfume do you wear? my favouriteeee one that i try to use sparingly is Bright Crystal by Versace. and for body spray i love Rose from bath and body works.
what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? tbh i can actually twerk pretty well, so i do that a lot hahahaaha.
favorite quote? bold of you to assume i just have only one.
favorite self care routine(s)? taking care of my skin in any way (face masks, scrubs, etc), reading a good book, turning my phone off to have some peace.
fuzzy socks or house slippers? fuzzy socks.
what color are your eyes? light blue :(.
what’s your favorite eye color on others? BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve always wanted brown eyes. probably why nearly everyone i’ve ever dated/have been attracted to have dark eyes..
favorite season? fall and winter but florida doesn’t really have that. .
cheek, neck, or nose kisses? neck, bishhhh..
what does your happy place look like? new zealand. that’ll always be home to me. whether it’s in auckland at the sanders reserve dog park, or at queenstown over looking the lake, or in wellington getting blown away by the wind. that’s happiness to me.
favourite breed of dog? ohhhhhh boy you’re wrong to ask me this. i’m the biggest dog person. dalmatian, german shepherd, husky, terrier, beagle, great dane, bull terrier....all of them?!!
do you ever want to be married? tbh i’m at the point in my life where i’ve accepted i’m gonna be ~forever alone~ so what i want is irrelevant.
cursive or print? I do both.
favourite weather? windy, partly cloudy, sunny but not blinding...cool breeze.
Tagging @breanime @banditthewriter @obscurilicious @propertyofpoeandbucky @madamrogers sorry for any double tags!!!
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randomhomosapiens · 6 years
Wounds- Part three
Pairing : MC (not the original one) × Masamune
Tagging : @manunelle (if anyone wants a tag, feel free to ask)
Read part two
Well, now he understood why she refused to wear a kimono while going out. He felt sorry for her, as she kept stumbling and nearly falling to the ground. Her movements, usually so fluid and full of determination, were clumsy and irresolute. She was intensely focused on moving her legs without kicking in the fabric, which didn't leave very much room for maneuver. She wasn't used to kimonos, and she had probably never worn one before coming to the castle. Once more, Masamune wondered from where she came and how she ended up there ; it must have been from very far away. Maybe even from behind the borders of the country. He liked the idea of her coming from a foreign exotic country, and he wondered if the ways of her people was as free as hers, if the land she was born on bore such wild standards as their own, or if she was just as unique as he felt she was. As much as he relished the thought of a land inhabited by thousands of such free souls, he somehow would prefer the one that she was unique enough to remain independent from everything else.
But for now, she clearly needed help.
“It's ok, we’re far enough from the castle, lass, you can put that on” he told her, casting a glance behind them and handing her a hakama he had sneaked out of the castle for her.
She snatched it from his hands with a short cry and put it on immediately. She tied the rope clumsily and he proposed with a grin to tie it up for her, which earned him a salty reply. He watched her loosen the slit of her kimono and flex a few times to test the springiness of the lot.
“Life saver ! I couldn’t have made it to the town in this ridiculous, stupid, torture instrument” she declared with emphasis. “I owe you eternal gratitude, Masa” she added with faked solemnly.
This was it. All he needed. The perfect occasion.
“You don’t have to” Masamune started with hidden hope blooming in his voice. “What about an equivalent exchange ?”
She stared at him with wide intrigued eyes. She looked like a child; innocent and sweet. Except he knew, he sensed, there was a dark side to her, a part that may be much more important than it looked. And that was precisely what he wanted to investigate. Ah, that was a massive pain, playing the secretive schemer, they already had Mitsuhide for this kind of boring jobs, and Mitsunari and Ieyasu were the intellectual ones. He was not trying to pretend to be the idiot of the band, but he had always been the type of man who acted first and then dealt the consequences; he tended to rely on his instinct, which incidentally, was often just. So that felt strange to him to play the subtle interrogator.
“Equivalent exchange ? What does that mean ? That’s so unlike you to be cryptic, Masa” she asked with a suspicious glare.
Ugh. She had seen right through him.
“Er- alright then, if that’s how you want to play. I’m gonna ask you a question and you’ll answer honestly, no matter what” he requested very seriously. “That’ll be enough payback for the clothes.”
Her expression darkened and she slowed down her pace, falling behind.
“I can’t guarantee utmost honesty” she stated coldly. She stared at his serious expression in silence and spoke again after a while : “I can however promise you not to lie.”
“So you will choose which questions you’ll answer ? That’s not very fair. How about the equivalent exchange, am I not your “lifesaver” ?” Masamune asked with a dark grin, which she did not respond to.
“That’s all you’ll have. Ask and I’ll see.”
Her voice contained a finality he couldn’t fight -at least not with words- so he took the plunge.
First, the minor matters.
“Why do you hate physical contact ?”
She sighed and shook her head slightly.
“Why do you bother yourself with such irrelevant facts ?” she mustered, averting her eyes. “Did it upset you that much ?”
“Answer the question.” He was not about to let her escape this easily.
“I … You don’t need to know” she let out, looking up to him. She stared in his eye a few seconds and what she saw seemed to comfort her into her decision, because she remained silent as she held his gaze.
“Why ?” he asked, anger poking in his voice as his hand impulsively flew to his katana’s hilt.
“It’s just- it’s silly, but I don’t want to break the charm” she said hesitantly with a dry laugh. “If I told you, I feel like it could wake up the monsters.” Her eyes were careful and her smile bitter. Masamune had never seen her as unnerved. She usually was such a sunny, carefree presence, even in her most dark bouts, she radiated raw freedom and happiness -or so he thought.
Maybe she was just very good at deceiving others.
“And now, you're the one talking all cryptically ! Fine, nevermind that. Let's get down to business” he shouted angrily. “How is it you're so versed in the arts of combat ? Where does this unbelievable strength comes from ? And above all, why did you hide such an important information about you ? ” he accused coldly. What do you want to keep from us, he shouted in the safety of his brain.
They had arrived in town and the constant rumble of chatter nearly drowned his voice. Her answer was as cold, if not colder than his.
“By training, duh.”
That did not amuse him. Oh, if she wanted to play this game, well, they would be two. His hand scraped the hilt of his blade.
“Right. And who trained you ?” he insisted.
For some reason, they were walking faster and faster, as if the speed of their steps needed to match the intensity of their conversation.
As they sank into the crowd, the hubbub of the town seemed to pound into his ears. She was so - frustrating. All Masamune needed was a clear answer, a clear and true answer and then he could finally, finally decide what to do with her. That was driving him mad. Will he have to kill her ? Imprison her ? Get the answers out of her by force ? Let her go ? Or preferably, get everything back as before ?
She shot him another look.
“That too, you don’t need to know.”
He swore loudly, and passersby turned their heads at the sound. He aggressively took hold of her … her sleeve, as she had once more dodged his grip and forcefully dragged her away from the crowd and into the first back alley he could find. Strangely, she did not resist and went along with an odd sense of resignation. With a little more strength than he had expected, he shoved her against the wall. There again, she did not try to keep him from being hard on her, as if waiting for him to calm down. Which only managed to get him even more mad at her. Why was she making this so difficult ? And above all, why was he not his usual calm and cold self ? She had a look of utter boredom, as if being where she was was the last thing she wanted to do and was waiting for the storm to pass. God, she was unnerving.
Masamune unsheathed his short sword and placed it against her throat, enclosing her against the wall with his other arm. She stretched her lips in a defiant smile and he couldn’t help but admire her courage against his own will.
“Are you going to kill me, Masa ?” she asked cheekily.
“You seem quite at ease for a civilian in such a dire situation” he replied. “Does the cold touch of steel not bother you as much as the warmth of human’s skin ?”
“Coldness, I can take. The kiss of a blade, I am used to. It is the hands of Men that hold the most wickedness.”
“In the mood for poetry, are we ?” he spat through gritted teeth, leaning the blade a little more against her throat. “And may I ask how it is you’re so used to having a sword held to your throat ?”
She did not answer. She merely kept her challenging smile on her lips, but her eyes were as sad and resigned as the stones. Masamune bumped his fist against the wall near her head and she did not budge.
“Fuck, Suna ! Tell me, goddamnit ! Talk to me ! Otherwise, at this rate, I’m- I’m going to kill you. You know I will.”
His voice nearly wavered at the end but it was worth it : her smile faltered. She looked surprised and a bit shaken.
Ah, yes, that’s right … that may have been the first time he had used her name. He had never called her by her name before, because he knew she did not respond to it; he had seen the maids and the others call her many times by her forename and she had not answered. Though he had thought the name fitted her perfectly -“Suna”, “sand”, a substance that looks like powder and consists of extremely small pieces of stone, that is impossible to take hold of and to keep into one’s hand, though it is made of a very strong and solid material, “Suna” that also meant “grit”, courage and resolve, strength of character- she didn’t seem to recognize it as her own. So he did not try to force it upon her.
“I know. But I’ll take the risk” she calmly answered. It had to be the pinnacle of insolence and yet, her voice contained a touch of warmth he had not detected before, a careful hint of softness that gently brushed against him and moved him deeply. His hand shook a little and his sword cut into the fabric on her neck, drawing three drops of crimson blood. He wanted nothing more than to withdraw it from her neck.
Just then, a voice was heard just behind his head.
“Well, sorry to interrupt, but if you could give me the favor to, um- die, I'd be most grateful.”
In a swirl of fabric, Masamune turned around to slice at the hand that was reaching out for him, he sensed, but not in time. How had he not been aware of their presence ? How had he not heard them ? Too late, and a powerful blow hit him on the back of his neck. Stunned, he dropped his short sword in a clatter of steel before stumbling on the floor and into her. She dodged as always and he slid against the wall. Ah … that was it, wasn’t it ? They were her allies and they had come to fetch her, hadn’t they ?
“So this is what is going to happen. Oda’s pawn, the so called fierce One-eyed dragon will die and the pretty lady will kindly come with us.”
Oh, they were not with her, as it turned out. Why did the thought relieved him ? He was in much more trouble, then.
Then he heard a whisper in his ear, that was blown with her voice.
“I’ll borrow this.”
She swiftly got his katana out of his scabbard -so fast he didn't feel the change of weight- and picked up his short sword.
“Hey, now, Sis, you’re going to hurt yourself. Drop those, they’re for grown-ups.”
“Sounds good, that plan” she said, ignoring them. “But how about “I rip each of your limbs one by one then burn what remains of you and reduce you to dust” ?” she asked with cheerful note to her voice.
Through the blurry vision of his eye, he could see her walking towards the five men, blades of the weapons stuck against her forearms. That was hardly a way of holding them, but her stance was definitely one designed for battle.
The men took hold of their own weapons and took a few steps toward her.
“Now, don’t struggle, you’ll only make it difficult for you. And drop those big knifes, will y-”
It was over in a minute. She had jumped in one step the distance between the first man and her, and in a swift and fluid turn of her body on herself, that was barely distinguishable, cut down his head and arms off his chest. A jet red stream of blood gushed out of his body, but she was not there anymore. Two more men had fallen before the first could hit the floor, head and limbs torn of their trunk too. This time she couldn’t dodge the stream of blood, as the last two rushed at her at once. She kicked onto the floor and jumped behind them, presence as shallow as a shadow. They did not make a sound as they died, the first one relieved from his legs and the short sword buried into his heart, the second held up by the dark-skinned arm that went through his chest from behind.
Once second she was walking towards five armed men, the other she was standing alone, entirely drenched in vivid blood, amidst neatly cut off limbs - as promised.
“He. All that's left is to set them on fire and I will have kept my word” she dropped with a smile.
She was Chaos, Masamune thought as he struggled to get up, Destruction and Death. The last torn smile one sees before being removed from this world. That same tortured smile that does not exist in the same plane of existence as everyone else, and cannot understand reality as anything other than a broken game.
Read part four
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backwardblackbyrd · 7 years
autumn tag game 🍂 Tagged by @luna-canticum and @petticoated-swashbuckler (Which btw I love both of u) The last: 1. drink: water 
2. phone call: My mom!
 3. text message: “and thank u for sending it" I wanted my boyfriend to tell his roommate about queer ghost hunting group. They were communicating with lesbian ghost nuns and I had to share
 4. song you listened to: black me out by against me! 5. time you cried: literally about 2 hours ago, when I read an article about black poets lol 6. dated someone twice: back in high school and like that guy was a piece of shit and now the reason I typically do not date someone twice lol 7. kissed someone and regretted it: uh, I don't think ever actually. Not like, regretting the kiss specifically
 8. been cheated on: not to my knowledge
 9. lost someone special: well. That's a whole thing. Let's not get into it lol
 10. been depressed: oh buddy
 11. got drunk and thrown up: i! Actually haven't thrown up from being drunk before I've been like. Pissy drunk but I otherwise hold my liquor p well 3 favourite colours 12. Purple
13. pink
14. blue in the last year have you 15. made new friends: I think so lol
 16. fallen out of love: lol lets not
 17. laughed until you cried: definitely!
 18. found out someone was talking about you: ya
 19. met someone who changed you: yeaaaa well.
 20. found out who your friends are: uhh, yea I guess. The answer was way less that I thought lol
 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes! Quite often! general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I've known everyone on my fb list at one point or another. I hardly talk to any of them anymore tho
 23. do you have any pets: 1 Kenyan sand boa named Artemis, a western hognose named Charlie, and a cat named Jenny.
 24. do you want to change your name: I did when I was little but like. Now that I'm older I'm like??? Change it to what exactly??? I did try going by prince for awhile but hardly anyone actually called me that lol
 25. what did you do for your last birthday: spent p much the whole weekend with my boyfriend. We went for small road trip. It was cute
 26. what time did you wake up: i got to sleep in, I woke up at like 8am. I haven't had many days off in the last two weeks and I typically have to wake up anywhere from 3am to 5am for work so lol
 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was very asleep. I was so tired. I sleep so much yesterday like probs 12 hours lmao. Again, I've been working a lot
 28. name something you can’t wait for: Halloween!!!!!!!!! And for my daughter Artie to be done shedding so she'll go back to having her face out all the time
 29. when was the last time you saw your mum: literally like 5 minutes ago
 31. what are you listening to right now: an episode of Queer Ghost Hunters. They're on YouTube look em up
 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: possibly?
 33. something that is getting on your nerves: lol my job, I literally leave so frustrated every time I work
 34. most visited website: tumblr definitely lol with instagram being a close second
 35. hair colour: dark brown
 36. long or short hair: short. I can't keep up with my hair if it's long. I end up with bad cases of depression hair 
 37. do you have a crush on someone: the boyfriend, yes 
 38. what do you like about yourself: I like how much I love my snakes. Reptiles are really often neglected and I'm proud that I give my kids such good care. 
 39. piercings: I have 6 piercings on one ear, my lobe stretched on the same ear, and my conch pierced on the other ear. I also have my septum pierced and my lip technically is still open if I ever felt the urge to wear jewelry in it again
 40. blood type: not a clue, no idea
 41. nickname: i actually don't have one
 42. relationship status: dating!
 43. zodiac: taurus sun, libra moon, and sagittarius rising
 44. pronouns: She/her 
 45. favourite tv show: yikes all my go to tv shows are problematic faves; bojack horseman, it's always sunny in Philly, rich and moaty 46. Tattoos: only one; I got it when I was way too young to be getting tattoos but I love it. It's a clandestine bat like Pete Wentz's over my heart. Everyone always thinks it's batman and I'm like yea that's cool too 
 47. right or left handed: right first 48. surgery: haven't had one yet. Kinda hoping to keep it that way for as long as possible
 49. piercing: ears, I was really young when my mom let me get them, I genuinely don't remember my age 
 50. sport: uhhh I was in the volleyball club in middle school? 
51. vacation: uh mom and I went up to the mountains when I was a kid. I was way too young to appreciate it, I was bored as shit the entire time
 52. pair of trainers: Idek what those are so more general 53. eating: candy that's supposed to be for trick or treaters. Sorry kids 
54. drinking: water, I feel like I answered this already 
 55. i’m about to: finish binge watching queer ghost hunters and then find some other spooky thing to watch 
 56. waiting for: Sweet death, my guy. No, uh idk, the hygrometers I ordered to come?
57. want: to be done with college and to have a better job already
 58. get married: that doesn't interest me
 59. career: one that pays enough money for me to afford being alive and to have my own place and the animals I want to own lmao which is better 60. hugs or kisses: im a Taurus and I have so much Venus energy in my chart, like. Gimme all of it 
 61. lips or eyes: both
 62. shorter or taller: I've dated both and like, it's mostly irrelevant to me
 63. older or younger: very close to my age or older. And by very close I mean like, 1 year, 2 might be pushing it
 64. nice arms or nice stomach: strong arms and a tum is ideal
 65. hook up or relationship: I've always wondered how I'd feel about a hook up, but the reality is I'm a relationship type person.
 66. troublemaker or hesitant: i used to be a trouble maker. My mental health is shot to hell now so I'm much more hesitant than I used to be. Which is. Unfortunate have you ever 67. kissed a stranger: i have wanted to before, but haven't 
 68. drank hard liquor: absolutely, I'm vodka aunt these days
 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I temporarily lose glasses all the time. I've had one pair permanently lost, I'm p sure I know what happened to them tho
 70. turned someone down: yes lol
 71. sex on the first date: no
 72. broken someone’s heart: yea
 73. had your heart broken: yea but not by anything I didn't cause myself
 74. been arrested: no and let's hope I never do
 75. cried when someone died: yea
 76. fallen for a friend: absolutely. Almost exlcusively do you believe in 77. yourself: sometimes. Not as much as I ever have, but definitely more than when I was like, in grade school
 78. miracles: yea
 79. love at first sight: Nah
 80. santa claus: no
 81. kiss on the first date: yes lmao 
 82. angels: they don't fit into my personal belief system but I know they're real for other folks other 83. current best friend’s name: Allyson! 
 84. eye colour: like, mine? Brown
 85. favourite movie: under the red hood, and kikis delivery service @jasoncorpsedotcom and @sacredheartssclub and @automaticmachinetangerine and @volantamasis only if y'all wanna! It's long so I understand if not lol also p much any of my mutual support are welcome to say I tagged them if they wanna do this :)
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