moonlightrichie · 5 years
Lynnnn!!! As a devout follower would you please bless me with some reddie kisses in the rain cause they miss each other????? Sincerely, your humble servant
Of course I will, Ruve my love ♡ Thanks for this cute prompt !!
(Send me a kissing prompt (place + reason) from THIS LIST)
Warning: cursing, mentions of sex
Eddie saw Richie before Richie saw him.
With wet curls sticking to his forehead, several inches taller than everyone else around him, he was looking frantically through the crowd. He was wearing an ugly t-shirt with some weird circle print and a colorful cupcake in the middle, something you’d find in the 11-year-old girl section at Target except big enough to fit a six foot three man. It was raining; the least he could have done was to put on a jacket.
Eddie couldn’t help the grin spreading over his face at the sight of his boyfriend, and before his mind could catch up, his body had reacted and was already running. Wrestling through the crowd and murmuring ‘sorry’ to each person he stumbled past, he slowly managed to make his way through the train station.
He registered water starting to seep through the back of his neck and running down his back, soaking his sweater in seconds. Only for a brief moment did he feel annoyed, the thought ‘why the hell is this train station outside?’ on repeat in his brain. But then his eyes landed on Richie again.
Richie, who seemed to just have noticed Eddie making his way towards him, was smiling so brightly that for a moment Eddie thought it was a sunny day and not raining like it really was. It was like tunnel vision, everything around him fading into an irrelevant darkness and all Eddie could see was Richie. With his stupid shirt, curls dripping with water and his new purple-framed glasses covered in raindrops, he was the only thing that mattered. Lighting up the station as if Eddie’s gaze was a spotlight, only ever working when looking at Richie.
And then Richie was running too, pushing through the crowd and yelling Eddie’s name.
“Eddie, my love!”
A giggle erupted from Eddie’s lips, heart beating wildly with happiness from hearing Richie’s voice for real again.
For some dumb reason the two of them had decided to go to different colleges after high school, Richie ending up in California and Eddie in New York. Both of them loved their programs and teachers too much to quit now and they just needed to make it through these next couple of years until graduation. The plan was for them to find an apartment together in California after, Richie’s part time job at the local radio station the tipping point in their decision for Eddie to be the one to move.
But the two of them hadn’t seen each other since Easter. Having gone more than two months without seeing his man, Eddie felt a new surge of adrenaline course through his veins and he ran just a little bit faster. The puddles on the ground splashed underneath his feet, soaking through his sneakers within less than half a minute. But he didn’t even notice, only pushing forward to get to his boyfriend.
He didn’t waste a second jumping into Richie’s open arms, legs wrapping around his waist and arms clinging around Richie’s shoulders. Richie chuckled happily into Eddie’s ears, and Eddie’s toes curled at the sound.
“Hi, baby”, Richie whispered, hand running through Eddie’s hair and face pushing into the crook of Eddie’s neck. “God, how I’ve missed you.”
“Hi Rich.” Eddie’s voice was muffled against Richie’s shirt and he pulled back to get a good look at him. The gray light from the cloudy sky made him look paler than usual, the splatter of freckles dark in comparison. He looked tired, dark rings showing underneath his eyes and magnified by his dripping glasses. But he was beautiful, and Eddie was so utterly in love.
Putting a hand on Richie’s wet cheek, he leaned down to finally kiss him for the first time in what felt like forever. It wasn’t even much of a kiss with how wide both of them were smiling, but Eddie didn’t care. He just wanted to push his face into Richie’s, feel their skin touch, noses rubbing together and grinning lips brushing.
“I’ve missed you so much”, Eddie mumbled, shaking his head in disbelieving relief over the fact that he could finally feel Richie against him again. Their noses bumped at the movement.
Water was dripping down from both of their eyelashes, faces slick from the rain. They managed a proper kiss, lips sliding together, wet and sloppy. It was perfect.
“I love holding you like this, Eds, making me feel all big and strong.” Richie put their foreheads together. “But my arms are burning right now.”
“Oh, oops, sorry love.”
As Eddie was put down, he finally noticed how cold he really was and he shivered in reflex.
“Let’s get you out of the rain and warm you up.” Richie still had his arms around Eddie’s waist. “I was thinking hot bath? Hmm?” He kissed Eddie’s cheek.
“Oh, fuck yes.”
“That too.”
“Oh?” Eddie looked up at Richie with raised brows. “In the bath then?”
“Of course.”
They grinned at each other, and Eddie suddenly remembered Richie was only wearing a t-shirt.
“Wait, shit, you must be freezing”, he picked up the bag he’d dropped and started dragging Richie with him in a hurry to get inside. “What the fuck are you doing not wearing a jacket, you dumbass?”
“Awe, Eds, you worried about lil ol’ me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly, ignoring Richie’s comment in his desperate attempt to get through the crowd. As soon as they got away from people, Eddie plopped down his bag to look through it. It was already soaking wet anyways.
Pulling out a jacket he’d borrowed (taken) from Richie a long time ago and never given back, he handed it over to a shivering Richie.
“Put this on so you don’t get sick.”
“So demanding. Sexy”, Richie winked, but the way his teeth were clattering made his suggestive tone lose its impact.
“We only got so much time together before I have to leave again and I’ll be damned if you spend half of it in your bed coughing up your lungs.”
With a soft smile, Richie finally put the jacket on, tugging it around himself. It wasn’t the warmest jacket out there, but at least it was something.
“Now, about that bath”, Eddie raised his brows again, reaching for Richie’s hand and lacing their fingers together.
“I bought a pink bath bomb for us”, Richie grinned, looking so proud. “It was called ‘Sex bomb’.”
Eddie laughed, because of course that was the one Richie would buy.
Happiness enveloped him as the two of them walked towards Richie’s tiny shoebox apartment. And even with the cold rain soaking through his jacket and pooling inside his shoes, a squelching noise sounding with every step he took, now that he had Richie’s hand in his, all he felt was warmth.
Tag list: @annoyingtozier, @spastuetheobsessedphylosopher, @constantreaderfool, @violetreddie, @rainbow-reddie, @tinyarmedtrex, @thundercatseddie, @deadlighten, @captainbartholomew, @queen-sock, @appojoos, @xandertheundead, @lifesucksheres20bucks
Let me know if you want to be added!
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sarah-snook · 5 years
hanslon + "I finally found you" YOU'RE SO AWESOME I LOVE YOU!!!!
ohhhh my first hanslon prompt!!!! hmmm let’s see how this goes. (wait this is mike x ben right? lmfao) Thank you ruve ily too!!
“I finally found you.”
Ben jumped at the sound of the voice behind him, dropping all the books he held in his hands. He winced slightly as a hardcover made contact with his foot, but pretended it didn’t bother him as he quickly turned around to face the man who had startled him. 
“Ohhh hey Mike!” he laughed nervously as he greeted the cute librarian. “What’s up? What brings you here?”
“Well you see,” Mike began as he grinned at Ben, amusement clear on his face. “I work here so I’m obligated to be here until 5.”
“Right,” Ben said as he he closed his eyes for a second, blush beginning to bloom across his cheeks. “Stupid question.”
Attempting to avoid embarrassing himself even more, he bent down to retrieve the books he had dropped. Mike’s hand brushed gently against his own as he bent down to help him, making Ben’s blush turn a deeper shade of red.
“It’s not a stupid question,” Mike smiled at him as he handed him one of the books. “I can tell I surprised you, you must have been deep in thought over something.”
He was, although Ben would never admit it, but he had been thinking of the very man in front of him. How he wanted to ask him out, but was too afraid to make that first step. How he wanted to get to know him outside of their brief conversations in the library, but was too nervous to ask Mike for more than book recommendations and help with finding books he didn’t really even need.
“Yeah, just a bit.” Ben laughed nervously before realizing that there was a reason Mike had come to look for him. “Oh, did you need something? It sounded like you had been looking for me?”
It was Mike’s turn to blush as he remembered that there was, in fact, a reason he had come looking for Ben. “Oh, yeah.” he said nervously as he grabbed the book under his arm to hand to Ben. “I actually wanted to give this to you.”
Ben accepted the book, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at the cover curiously. “A book of love poems?”
“Y-yeah,” stammered Mike, all of a sudden nervous, something Ben found suspicious but did not comment on. “I remember you saying you liked poetry and we just got this book in today. I figured maybe-you know what this was dumb let me-”
He reached over to take the book back, but Ben pulled back, causing Mike to stumble a little closer, making both of their hearts beat rapidly. Before either of them could say anything, a slip of paper tucked within the book fell to the ground. Mike attempted to grab for it, but wasn’t quick enough.
“Oh would you look at the time…” he said panicked and without even looking at his watch. “I’ve gotta go back to the front desk. It was nice talking to you bye!”
Before Ben could respond, Mike had fled, leaving him confused and still holding the folded piece of paper. “That was weird.” he muttered to himself as he set the books down to open the note.
He read over the note, realization hitting him that this wasn’t a regular note, but in fact a love note written for him by the guy he had been crushing on since the beginning of the semester. Ben smiled as he gently tucked the note back into the book Mike had handed him, quickly making his way towards the front desk where Mike would most likely be hiding behind his computer.
perma taglist: @aizeninlefox @anellope @appojoos @bowersgangvslosersclub @constantreaderfool @freddiebatson @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @kasp-brakz  @madi-personal @marsisaplanetyall @mrs-vh @playwiththeflowersofmysoul @purplepoisonedgem @richie-kaspbraks @spacechick666-420 @tyrror
send me a ship + a sentence and I’ll write the next 5 [or more] sentences
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edsbev · 5 years
Did you see the full video is up on reddit?
omg it is! thank you! heres a link for everyone !!!!!
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tozierpunks · 5 years
Do you have any badass Eddie with a hand cannon, headcanons????
easy, they DO get eddie out of the sewers and he gets a super badass robot arm like Mr. Gadget and he can shoot t-shirts and confetti out of it
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dangertronic · 5 years
I just realised that what you said about your URL is so valid, I scrolled past a good omens fanfic on my dash and for a second I legit thought it was a post talking about you.
Oh no. My URL strikes confusion again.
 I told you! You either can’t spell it or its easy to confuse it with another!
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girlfriendcoded · 5 years
We both know it’s Berra 💗
it’s u and me vs the world baby 🐋💞
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tinyarmedtrex · 5 years
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if you were secretly PJ, I know he had a tumblr before people started asking him fucked up questions
I told you guys, I am. 100%. I was sent in to spy on the fandom, get in deep. Bill is hanging out around here too. 
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sandcrdriesens · 5 years
Yasss more reddie
i’ve been missin em so much lately so !! i’m gonna try to have it up by the end of next week ?? if that’s okay with all of you 🥺
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squaaash · 5 years
Dudeeee your story is a masterpiece, you genius!!!
omg thank you!! I’m so glad you like it!💕
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Back streets back ALRIGHT!
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scarareg · 5 years
Nuuu I hope you get your art back!
Awwwww thanks, this is so sweet. I am working right now all sad but you make me feel a lot better. Thank you so much!! Now I want to work harder and hope I can finish and upload it today!!
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moonlightrichie · 5 years
Lynn, mon ami, hvem i love --> need to learn more norwegian and that's probably wrong anyway, Sorry... pleaseee can i be on your perma tag list????
Ruve, my lovely, of course you can !
Your lil Norwegian made my heart burst and it doesn't even matter if it's a little off cause I know exactly what you meant and I love you too ♡
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sarah-snook · 5 years
Can you please put me in your tags for the frat boy au???? Thank you!!!!!!
of course!!! so glad you’re interested in our project! we’re so excited about it! if anyone else wants to be tagged in our eddie frat boy au let me know.
preview here
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xandertheundead · 5 years
Top 5 books you've read
1. The Color of Water
2. Boy called It
3. Artemis Fowl (series)
4. Frankenstein
6. Carrie
Ask My Top 5 Things!
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tozierpunks · 5 years
Oh no I’m not in your perma tag lists! Can you please add me? Thank you soo much 😊
apple-solutely!! I’ll add you ASAP!
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dangertronic · 5 years
Leigh my love, my heart, mon coeur! Please can be in your perma tagged list???
You have been officially added mon benjamin :)
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