#sorry orphan black fans i love orphan black too
casscainmainly · 1 month
Ship anon yet again-eh, maybe I'm just extra obtuse about duos with 'sibling despite no relation' vibes that aren't Dick & Donna Troy-grade blatant. I'll confess to lacking a clear picture on Robin-movement cohorts & other allies Duke might strike it up with (I gotta catch up with a lot). Officially memory-holing most of the Orphan years does kinda put a hole in HarperCass even as Steph returns. Bi Cass makes sense to me, though of course multiple reads/differences on that can be argued for.
Duke is canonically dating Isabella Ortiz (probably? As of Batman: The Secret Files: The Signal they were dating, but Duke fans can chime in if that's out of date). I love DukeIzzy, they have a great relationship and vibe! I haven't thought too much about other allies Duke could date, DC really needs to start putting him in more stuff so he can interact with more people.
This is super tangential to your point, but Duke's status as 'Wayne-but-not' is extremely interesting. There's dissension both among Duke fans and in canon - some Duke fans think of Duke as part of the Wayne family (since he was taken in by Bruce and definitely acts like a brother to the Batkids), and claim that not including him in the family is racist. On the other hand, some Duke fans see Duke being a Wayne as an erasure of his Black parents (who are alive and, in his mother's case, sane again), so including him in the family is racist.
Canon flip flops as well. Batman & The Signal clearly tries to integrate Duke into the family (see the opening and closing family meal scenes), but Duke explicitly calls Bruce 'my mentor. my friend' which isn't super familial. WFA leans way into Duke being a Wayne, but that's not exactly canon. It seems like for once, both canon and fanon are on the same wavelength, in that they both have no clue what to do with Duke.
Sorry for derailing your ask! Bi Cass is definitely a valid headcanon, since she does show attraction to men. Idk we'll see what the new Cass solo has in store for her!
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
hi im on my bullshit making up random aus again
this is steren! not his main story either. i might write up his main story in bits and pieces at some point. but this is an au bc i wanna see him happy with his parents.
so he's getting dropped in @mulberrycafe's vivi's world. sorry kid, azura will grant your wish but not how you're thinking
obligatory picture of steren and some background info from this post. and bonus baby picture.
this is just part 1. part 2 will be the gang dealing with an unconscious dunmer who fsr has a moon and star ring of his own and nerevar's sword. which will be uh. concerning.
(also i didnt proofread this :'D)
Falling to his knees, Steren coughed up a bit of blood, willing the last of his magicka into a healing spell to keep his organs stable. 
It hadn’t been an easy battle, both physically or emotionally. 
Dagoth Ur, after all, had at one point been his father. 
Fate was cruel like that. His first lifetime he spent his whole, although very short, life chasing after his father and his legacy. He felt alienated in House Indoril, and when rumors stirred he might be of an unsavory bloodline no one dared name, things became more complicated for him. When he was a young adult--when he should be just spreading his wings and leaving to the world--he had found documents that were to be burned from the sinful Sixth House. 
Documents that clearly defined that he was born from Voryn Dagoth. Born from a supposed fling he refused to name and died shortly after childbirth that the Lord of House Dagoth refused to let rot and instead welcomed as a legitimate son with open arms. It seemed to go along with his memories too--hazy, faint things from when he was such a young child. Memories of a golden skinned mer with long black hair that would hold him close, laughing with mirth and pride, calling him ‘little star’. 
Steren then went to Vivec for answers. They were all on the first council when the war broke out. It was impossible the living god didn’t know his father was Voryn Dagoth. He demanded answers--why was his father killed? Who was his mother? Was she really dead? Did she miss him? Did he have any other relatives--aunts and uncles in other houses who knew who he was? Why had his whole house been destroyed and they shoved him into Indoril in secret? 
But Vivec had refused to answer. 
When Steren was young, the warrior-poet was oddly close to him. He still lived in Mournhold, having not yet built his temple in the Ascadian Isles, and welcomed Steren almost like a mentor. Encouraged his magic and swordsmanship, and assured him there was a place for him in the world. But when Steren knew the truth, the god’s eyes had gotten cold and hard.
“What good would come if I told you everything?” Was Vivec’s answer. “House Dagoth fell because they were traitors. Voryn Dagoth had betrayed our people and fought against us in the war that destroyed parts of Vvardenfell. Even Red Mountain spewed fire in anger.” His words only fanned the flames of resentment more and more for the young dunmer in front of him. “If there were relatives who could take you, I would have gladly let them. And no matter how much I tell you of your birth, of that accursed house, it will not undo that tragedy. It will not bring your parents back.” 
It was the truth, in a way. A painful truth Steren had refused to accept. He grew up isolated and lonely, wanting nothing more than to belong. Wanting nothing more than to know his history. Something to call his own. A relic from his parents. A memory to cling to. Proof that, at some point, in some way, he was loved like he always craved. 
And Steren chased answers until he died tragically, killed in a landslide as he tried and failed to get into an old House Dagoth outpost to look for hints of the stronghold’s location. He had barely gotten married and had a son himself, who no doubt had to grow up without him. 
And in Steren’s second life that tragedy never really ended. 
He was orphaned in Cyrodiil, not even knowing who his parents were, kicked out once he was the age of majority for a mer. And with little life skills, he had resorted to taking whatever work he could. He hadn’t intended to get mixed up in anything illegal--that would be stupid. But the imperial guards didn’t much care about his ignorance when they rounded up everyone involved in the smuggling operation. Steren pled his innocence: he thought it was just unloading cargo off a ship. How was he supposed to know it was smuggled goods? But the law didn’t care much about it at the time. He was to serve his sentence of five years since he had no money to pay a fine. 
Only to, after one year, be shipped off to Morrowind, unknowing what events would unfold. 
Another cough, and a bit more blood spilled onto the volcanic rock. He felt so warm here. The lava below was making him sweat like when he had corpus fever, but he didn’t have the strength to stand up and leave. 
“Steren,” Nerevar’s voice spoke to him, kneeling beside him and trying in vain to wipe his brow. It wasn’t entirely unappreciated; while Nerevar couldn’t really touch him, the spectral presence gave a faint, cool sensation on his sweaty skin. “It’ll be alright--” Nerevar was always quick to reassure and help him. “Do you have a potion or two?”
At the very least, in this lifetime he found the answers he sought--his other parent had been none other that Nerevar. Steren had been born of a fling--a quiet, drunken affair neither of the two had expected anything else from. Nerevar had told him as such, but that they both loved Steren very dearly regardless. That Nerevar had loved Voryn, even if he couldn’t say so openly. The hortator had run off after discovering the pregnancy, ignorant to what the dwemer were getting up to, to have Steren in secret under the excuse of going on a pilgrimage to Azura, and handed Steren off to Voryn to raise. 
And after his death Nerevar couldn’t bear leaving his child alone. Reincarnation and prophecy be damned; his son was alone in the world. Nerevar had wanted Voryn to raise him so he was always looked after and loved by at least one of his fathers, and now with Voryn dead Nerevar would take up that role. Yet, he was powerless to speak to Steren--to answer his questions and protect him like he always wanted. And with that regret he continued to watch over Steren’s child. Then Steren’s child’s child. All the way until Steren was reborn to a dying mother fleeing persecution in the Illiac Bay. 
Steren had a feeling his dad was going to have to see him die all over again, once again helpless to stop it. The Moon-and-Star ring let him speak with and see Nerevar, but there was only so much a ghost could do.
“I used the last of them…” Steren admitted. He had just enough to barely survive the fight, gulping them down while he dodged attack after attack. 
“Recall amulet?” Nerevar replied, and Steren tried to get the energy to dig through his pack. If he could pull out an amulet or scroll he could use that to get into town--limp his way to a healer or general goods seller for a few potions to stabilize himself.
But then there was a spectral blue light that didn’t match the golden glow of Nerevar, and a woman’s voice spoke to him. 
“Well done.”  She was smiling affectionately, but Steren kind of wanted to curse her out. “With this, Morrowind has been saved. And Nerevar’s soul might rest.”
“Azura--” Nerevar scowled in response. 
“It has been over three millennia, hortator.” Azura’s smooth reply came. “Are you not tired of this tragedy?”
“My son still needs me--”
“Your power wanes even now, and you know this.”  Azura’s reply came. “A soul should not be as active as yours is, haunting the living. You do not rest in the home of your ancestors. You do not rest even in Moonshadow.” Steren’s eyes widened. “Through force of will you have continued on, but I know internally you weep for the sharmat’s death.” Nerevar looked away now, still scowling. “Your soul cannot survive much longer without a rest. You will cease to be.” 
Steren didn’t want to say goodbye either. Tears were running down his face at the news, but he nodded his head. 
“Go.” Steren forced a smile. 
“I don’t want to be responsible for the death of both of my fathers.” He had admitted. “If you leave now, it won’t be goodbye forever, right?” 
The look Nerevar gave him was indescribably painful. 
“I’ll see you again one day, right?” Nerevar wrapped his arms around him, trying in vain to hold him tight. “And I’ll give you a real hug then, Dad.” He wanted to hold Nerevar back in return, but he had long since learned he couldn’t. Only in his dreams could he. But the cool embrace was oddly soothing. 
“Of course.” Nerevar shook with sobs himself. “I’ll be waiting for you, little star. With open arms.” 
With that, the golden light faded, as Nerevar pressed his hand to his cheek, smiling at him the best he could through his own ghostly tears. 
And then it was just Steren and Azura in the chamber now. 
“You have done well, righting the wrongs of the past.” Azura smiled again. “You are truly a precious child to undertake this monumental task. And to you I am eternally grateful.” She should be, honestly. Nerevar couldn’t be reborn to do it, so here he was answering for the sins of his fathers, correcting their wrongs and setting everything back on course. He got the divine disease, went through hell and back, and had to kill one of his fathers with his own hands and blasphemous tools. 
“I can grant you whatever wish you desire.” Azura’s presence was even warmer as she came close, though given the heat of the heart chamber he wished it wasn’t; he missed the cool, spectral touch of his father already. Yet, despite the pain clouding his senses, he tried to think. A daedric prince offering a favor was a big deal. Many would wish for pleasures beyond their wildest dreams, or fame and future. His whole family line had been cursed with rotten luck, and he could finally make something of himself…
Yet, none of that had any appeal. To be honest, before being shipped off to Morrowind he had no idea what to do with his life. Given he hadn’t even reached his 100th year and was still barely an adult by dunmer standards, he thought he would have some time to figure it out. And now that he saw his past life and finally learned all he wanted to and more…
Well. He didn’t know what he wanted from life. How was he supposed to go on alone, even with wealth and fame? All he would be thinking about is, in the afterlife his fathers might be waiting for him. 
“...I just want my parents back.” Steren admitted after a few moments of silence.
“You know I cannot bring back the dead.” Azura frowned. 
“I know.” Steren replied. “Instead I’d rather… Just be with them.” It was unspoken what he was asking for, but he thought he implied it well enough:
He was asking for Azura to finally let him rest too. To put him out of his misery. He had done his part, and the kindest thing she could do for him is to finally let him rest peacefully in the presence of his parents. He already made peace with his death on the long trek up Red Mountain, though he never told Nerevar that fact. 
After a moment of silence, Azura closed her eyes. “I see.” She approached even closer. “I can reunite you with them then, if that is what you wish.”
“It is.” Steren was certain. Even if she didn’t take his life here, he didn’t expect to live much longer with the injuries he sustained anyways. 
“Are you truly prepared to leave this all behind?” She asked again. “There will be no going back.”
“Positive…” Nerevar would lecture him, cursing him to the deadlands and back, but Steren was so very, very tired. He would take the lecture, comfortably in his father’s arms once again, before finally having a nice, long rest. 
“Then that shall be my gift to you.” 
White was the next thing he could see. All encompassing, painful white, as he quickly went from feeling far too hot to feeling frigid. 
And then he was falling. And falling fast. Seren scrambled, activating his slowfall ring, his heart accelerating and lungs still burning. Still, the enchantment could only cushion his fall and try as he might to flail around in the air, to get to dry land he could see, he ended up falling into the water. 
“Fuck!” Steren swore. The cold felt like knives digging into his skin, and before he knew it he felt like he was gasping for air, suffocating despite his head being above water, as he continued to flail towards the beach. He climbed himself out of the frigid waves eventually, shivering, now soaking wet. 
Azura had promised him he’d get to see his parents, but he never expected Moonshadow or the ancestral realm to be… Cold and snowy. There wasn’t a whole lot of snow in Mournhold after all. Yet here he was, now soaking wet and freezing, snow on the hills he could see. 
If he was dead, did it matter if he was cold? That was a question he had. It sure felt like a pressing issue though, so he continued to swear and curse, trying to think. How should he keep warm? He wasn’t used to the cold growing up somewhere subtropical and then being shipped to Vvardenfell where the volcano kept the climate oddly warm compared to the neighboring country of Skyrim. 
So he pressed on. Maybe Nerevar wanted to retreat to a colder area of Moonshadow. All Steren needed to do was find a place to warm up and find him. 
That was easier said than done though. 
He had underestimated the problems with wet clothing. His robe froze, forcing him to discard it, along with a chunk of his armor still stuck to it. He pulled out a cloak, trying to keep warm, but the wind seemed to seep through the fabric to the wet silk under it and still left him shivering. He wandered and wandered, his hands going numb and his head aching like he had a terrible migraine. 
And then he started feeling oddly feverish, like he did back in the heart chamber. His clothes felt like they were wet from sweat, trapping the heat against him until it was burning. He would have stripped down more, except he was afraid if he did he would stop moving. He had to keep moving forward. One step after the other. His dad was here, and he didn’t want to stop.
Faintly, he heard people talking. His ears perked up as he blinked. His vision seemed blurry and blown out, stinging from the harsh glare of sunlight on pure white. Yet, over a small hill, he could make out two familiar faces:
A golden skinned chimer in House Indoril armor, white hair, and blue eyes. A dunmer with long, black hair and red eyes, a third eye on his forehead. He knew their voices too--he couldn’t possibly be mistaken. There were other people there but Steren didn’t pay them much mind; his fathers being here, together, was much more important.
“Dad!” Steren called out, his voice hoarse, before coughing again. Sucking in the air to yell felt like needles were pricking his already injured lungs inside and out, but he was so close--! Just a bit further. He willed his numb legs to push him forward through the heavy snow. 
Nerevar gave him a confused look, before Steren wrapped his arms around him. 
“Woah--” Nerevar stumbled slightly as Steren threw all of his weight onto Nerevar. “Oh gods, he’s freezing!” 
“His hair is frozen--” Voryn said, confused and equally concerned for the strange dunmer who seemed delirious from the cold. Yet, Steren could barely even understand the words coming out of their mouths. All he could do was cling to Nerevar, relishing in the fact his dad felt solid and warm under his touch rather than ephemeral and cold. 
“Here,” Nerevar unclasped his cloak, wrapping it around his shoulders. “C’mere, let’s get you someplace to warm up, alright?”
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yannysifgen · 1 year
Hiya! :-D I've been meaning to reach out w some questions and finally decided to commit!!! ;v;
Idk if it's stated anywhere, but I'm curious what inspired the concept of the game? And what made you choose Lucien as his name bc it fits him so well <3
I'm also really curious abt the original plot of Rosalind's Lie, how much of in-game lore do we get to see? Or is it only mentioned in passing here and there? Just the idea of a game's storyline (RL) inside another game's storyline (IITAOAYD) intrigues me a lot
Sorry for the long ask ;v;!
Hii!! Thanks so much for reaching out! If you think your ask is long then wait till you read this answer haha... But on that note it's totally fine, I absolutely love reading any and all ramblings because I'm a rambler myself (it's the adhd) and like to consume new knowledge, even if I can't actually retain all of it :') (btw I love Mychael and can't wait to see what you do with the rest of the game aaa)
Honestly, the idea just kinda came out of nowhere one day (my brain does that) because of the recent(?) boom in yandere games, I was thinking what kind of yandere I might make and just thought of a concept where mc might be isekai'd into the yan's garden and he kind of immediately gets attached because they're 'untainted' by the world and other people and wants to keep it that way.
I should mention that I'm a fan of isekai genre in general because it's such a self-indulgent escape from our boring mundane lives, a kind of fresh start that a lot of people wish they had access to. Ironically though, I prefer the isekais that are more focused on living a new life as opposed to getting op powers and making waves in the world
Back to the topic, didn't really think too seriously on it till I saw the yanjam announcement and decided why not. Then I decided to add the reincarnation/otome isekai tropes into the mix to make it more interesting, except that mc is themselves and not another character. So stories like "My next life as a Villainess: All roads lead to doom!" and "Death is the only ending for the Villainess" (I promise it's two different things) come to mind for inspirations.
The game will lightly parody these popular tropes, which is why if Lucien looks like every other 'Duke of the North' with his red eyes and black hair(but less buff as I'd like because drawing men is an ongoing struggle for me) then it's on purpose. His name....... well it's honestly embarrassing but it really just comes from angel/demon inspo while talking it out with a friend, since Dukes are mostly portrayed as 'monsters' in comparison to the angelic Prince or so, when in reality it's the other way around. So its kinda like Lucifer...Lucien... yeah, not very creative but I also wanted a name that could be turned into a cute nickname(Lucy) so I decided to roll with it.
Since I gave such a specific name like "Rosalind's Lie" for the og game, I do intend to flesh out the story at some point, though for now I only have rough concepts because I'm terrible at planning lore I'm so sorry. But that somehow didn't stop me from being ambitious with it because I'm weird like that. Anyways, Rosalind's Lie is named so because the titular character Rosalind kicks off her relationships with the eligible bachelors through lies. As for why, it's because she was born in the slums and orphaned at a young age, and had only herself to rely on to survive. Thanks to that she's very street-smart and cunning, and by chance she caught the attention of a kind Baron who decides to adopt her. He was nice enough, but not very smart or ambitious, which she felt was a waste, so she decides to make her own fortune in life and marry rich - she's really more like a villainess than a heroine lol but basically she encapsulates both roles. Her "lie" in Lucien's route is basically her nicking his brooch during a ball and pretending she found it and returns it to him, which prompts him to invite her for lunch or something as thanks. And then she plans various other small schemes because he's notoriously hard to get a hold of but eventually starts liking him for real.
I'm actually not sure how much of the og lore I'll involve in yanduke, other than mc occasionally making some callbacks when they're reminded of something, because mc is isekai'd before the plot of the game starts this time, which is ofc heavily derailed and non-existent by then thanks to our yan.
Sorry for the late reply, I actually had to knock around the old noggin to articulate an answer, but again, questions like these are always welcome because it actually helps me formulate some plot points too!
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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New Year Wenzhou
We have an extra special treat with this set - a New Year's Chengling!
I really, really would like a fig of Chengling, but I'm happy we at least got a little standee of him!
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Chengling came along with the figs - he was not an optional purchase. He's sticking with his Shishu and Shushu!
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Speaking of the devil(s), the Shishu and Shushu came along carefully packed in their custom carved polystyrene cushioning. I've been really impressed with this form of packaging so far, it's done pretty well for me! (knocks wood).
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They arrived perfectly. Yes, that's a white paint splotch on the bottom of A-Xu's foot. I tried scraping it off but no luck, it's pretty solidly painted on there. It's not noticeable when he's sitting, so I didn't worry about it!
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Their little sitting selves. It's fairly shallow in terms of sitting depth, as you'll see in a bit.
You can also see that while they came with their little orphan, they did NOT come with a bench. I wasn't sure how to sit them up! I turned my house upside down for something that would work. Lao Wen is a bit taller than A-Xu, which I mean, fair, but in this case canon is working against me. Seats that work for his height don't quite work for his slightly shorter-legged zhiji. Finally I borrowed a little table from one of the Qing Cang acrylic backgrounds I bought a while back:
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These are actually MDZS acrylic backdrops for the Untamed / Chen Qing Ling figures, but you know me and my love for dioramas. I bought the four sets for my figs, and I have to say the little furniture pieces have come in very handy.
The table I repurposed for these Siji Manor figs is the one with the guqin on it. The table with the scrolls is a fraction too high, unfortunately, as is all the rest of the tables with each of these sets. This one table is the perfect height for Lao Wen, and is a bit too high for A-Xu, but workable if I angle him exactly right.
I didn't use the MDZS background itself for this set, though, I used a fan-made Siji diorama. The diorama was scaled for OB11 figures, so it's sized a bit larger then my little figs. I so happy to get it though - I snapped it up from the leftovers the seller had right before they sold out, so I feel very lucky.
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Look at these two, snacking on melon seeds, happy and smiling! The Chengling standee is super sweet looking.
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You can see here how A-Xu's feet don't touch the ground, right? Makes me a bit nervous to have him propped up like that.
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You can see the little black melon seeds in their hands from this angle!
The good news here is when A-Xu does tips forward, his feet hit the ground and he actually hangs on to the bench (barely). Makes me nervous! I ended up sticking both of them to the bench with quite a lot of museum wax.
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I'm really lucky I had this little bench. If not I think I would have had to get some Fimo-type clay and just make a bench, with a slightly lower divot for A-Xu.
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Lao Wen's hairpin looks really good here!
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Hehe, they both look like they are just about to stand up from the bench!
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Lao Wen has quite a bit of a forward lean here, but his feet do touch the ground.
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Ah they are cute. I like the poses, all ready to eat.
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Here we have a close up! My weak winter sunlight isn't the best for taking pictures, but you can still see some good detail of their New Year's Eve clothing here.
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I take it back, I do have one other little piece of furniture that actually sits A-Xu perfectly. This is the a little weiqi table from another one of the Qing Cang sets, but I only have one of them. Plus, I need the weiqi table to put the weiqi board on for my Bazaar figs! It's too short for Lao Wen anyway, so even if I did have another one, I'd have to figure out how to put some fig stickers underneath or something to get the table a little extra height.
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The top down directly from above - sorry it's a bit washed out! The diorama in general is brighter than these pictures make it look, it's just been so overcast lately.
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And from the back.
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Here's Chengling's back - he's dual sided!
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Here's the other view of the diorama from the side, showing the New Year's Eve decorations with the one hard working member of the bunch.
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The box art, once again, gives you a wonderful set of spoilers for the next fig sets in this series! I have the Good Sword set here at home, and the Ni Bu Pei and the Waist Hug set should be shipping soon. I'm excited!
Material: (new) Resin
Fig Count: 293
Scene Count: 23
Rating: Out of the depths of misfortune comes bliss. This year must be a good year.
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
Dead Meat Horror Awards liveblog cuz why not
- fuck yeah production budget, love the ghostface intro
- masters of scare-monies lmaooo
- fr the movies this year were sooo good and agreed horror needs more recognition
- i am fucking this cheeseburger UP Chef Slowik would be proud
- yay for the montage, i got lots of movie recs with it last year
- which also means nay for not naming the movies in the montage like they did last year
- but yeah hoping for at least one award for Black Phone, The Menu and Orphan (Nope and X too)
- damn he lost an ear????
- I don't understand a lot abt stunts so no strong opinions, shout out to all nominees
- admitting to a horror sin: I don't like Scream
- we are only on the second category and I finished my food 😔 shouldve listened to the guide and gotten some popcorn
- again idk a lot abt digital effects so shout out to all the nominess
- shout out to all the nominees in general it's just that I have stronger opinions on other categories
- I want to watch Werewolf by Night now
- Yup Nope deserved it, didn't consider Gordy as a digital effect so makes sense in hindsight
- Girl I hauled ass downstairs and back to put away my empty plate. My roommates probably thought I was getting chased by a demon
- I almost voted for X bc Dutch people were involved lol
- Understandable win, congrats Mad God
- Are these awards only for movies? If no why no Chucky noms?
- Art the Clown-Bolton
- Is that Pete Davidson?
- Love The Menu but their kills were a bit meh
- But yeah Jeremy vs Star Lasso for me
- DAVE GROHL??? I need to watch Studio 666 now
- Deserved win
- Love me a crazy cult leader, wouldn't mind seeing Slowik win
- I voted for Pearl bc she is more likely to win (and would deserve the win) but god please Esther
- Grabber was slay too but not the best of the year imo
- Mia Goth's voice takes me out every time it's so unexpected
- Girl what........ what..... seriously?
- No shade to everyone involved w Art but... what the fuck really?
- Put me in the In Memoriam I'm pissed
- Didn't know some of these people died, for all: Rest in Peace/May their memory be a blessing
- when are we getting a podcast episode on AHS
- oh damn this category is getting tough already
- yeah I'm okay with anyone winning good job y'all
- oh damn we are already 45 minutes in
- congrats Rory
- Ok y'all can make it right give it to Mia
- Barbara Krampton ❤️
- Hearing the word Creepypasta in 2023 snatched my soul out of my body I need a moment
- Oooo I'm gonna have to watch Sissy
- I love Regina Hall so might have to watch Master too
- Mia or Amber OR ELSE /j
- I love Keke tho!!
- I am SO curious to see what Jordan Peele is going to do next
- Hope it goes to Ti West tho
- Okay yeah Jordan deserves it too
- We already got this horror needs to be appreciated speech
- Idk of I like this long list of nominees, I find myself losing interest a lot and that is a disservice to the nominees
- Istg if it's Halloween Ends-
- Aren't all of these movies American? Why are they now suddenly mentioning nationalities?
- But yeah Orphan isn't going to win but I want it to
- Pearl's dad deserved better
- Chad's Revenge looks really fun I'm gonna have to watch this one too
- Not Scream Not Scream Not Scream
- Oh he did actually stop. My power 💅
- Pearl is just that girl!!
- Love Mike Flanagan 💜
- I hope the Black Phone wins, this movie had me in awe in the cinema
- Yeah idk Fresh just doesn't interest me
- Considering Nope won fan I hope it won't win
- DUTCH?? Alright I'll watch Speak No Evil
- Are you.... for real?? Way to end the ceremony on a low note
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mistysharks · 2 years
get to know me tag meme
tagged by @hilarychuff !
rules: tag (8-10) people who you want to get to know better. (but i wont beacuse Im a rebel shh)
relationship status: coming up for 10 months married to a straight cis man can you believe (he lets me yell at him about how hard it is to write smut though so we don't hold that against him)
favorite color: really really varies but I've been in a soft pink mood lately
three favorite foods: Chinese hot pot from a place that's gotten waay too popular lately (I have to book like a week in advance! wtf!), vegan Pho and crepes at the moment! Any kind of veggie pie/tart has my heart for homecooked stuff tho
top 3 tv shows: oh that's hard i don't watch that much at the moment! Hmm.... well stranger things duh, Sense8 made me cry but in a good way and Orphan black is my all time favourite for sure!
top 3 characters:..look, sometimes you see a sweaty metalhead from the eighties and cant decide if you want to be him or fuck him and thats ok. So yeah, Eddie Munson followed closely by Wei Ying (the untamed) because goth gremlins from ancient fantasy china are also good and... Jaskier from the witcher. Because i'm also a fan of pathetic men lol (this list needs more women?? Honourable mentions to: Cosima(orphan black) Chrissy(ST), and Byleth(FE3)
what i’m currently reading: look I am a shame to my family of bibliophiles but I'm too busy reading fanfiction and last time i tried to read YA it was REAL BAD Last books I really enjoyed were Legends and Lattes and Iron Widow though
song stuck in my head: BUT ITS NOT REAL!! AND YOU DON'T EXIST!!! AND I CAN'T RECALL THE LAST TIME I WAS KISSED (cielings - Lizzy McAlphine I blame tiktok but also the song is great?)
last movie watched: God I've not watched a movie in ages apparently?? I think its still my neighbour totoro from like a month ago. I started watching the Kdrama Love to hate you on netflix though which is absolutely unhinged but very fun so far
last thing i googled: apparently its just "Valentines day" and I have no memory of this
last song i listened to was: Perfect for you by peach PRC
dream trip: I mean Iceland would be amazing, but I'm finally visiting Orkney and the Shetlands this year and I am EXCITED. Also I would love to go back to Venice one day and not be high on flu medicine pls thanks
time: 11:30 - enjoying my day off even though it did start with me having to get up at 8 for the shower repair man :(
anything i really want right now: a delicious free lunch that i don't have to make myself lol
tagging: Whoever sees this? Youre it now sorry thems the rules that I just made up
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brokenmachinemusings · 5 months
Pmmm x alnst anon here lolllllz. I think I can kinda explain that what I think about who would be who. Warning that it's long. Here we go.
Ok sooo obviously mizisua is madohomu but it's a little hard to decide who would be madoka and who would be homura for a number of reasons. Apon first looks you might think that sua would be madoka and mizi would be homura because of the whole sacrificing thing+ that one piece of angel sua devil mizi official art buuuuuuut if you look deeper you'll realize that it doesn't really fit: the most noticable part is that mizi has pink hair and sua has black hair+ purple eyes . Mizis whole thing is that she was unaware of her worlds dark nature until her gf died which kindaaaaa defeats the whole thing about homura as opposed to sua who was generally always kinda sad because she knew what was gonna happen if she lost which isn't really something like madoka??? (Also. Mizi is shown to have a generally supportive alien family while sua is shown to have a neglectful one which kinda contracts the thing about homura basically being a Catholic orphan and madoka being the only character in the show to have a supportive AND alive family. Idk if you get it but yeah) anyways I still decided that mizi would be homura and sua would be madoka because of some other reasons but. Yeah. You kinda understand
Next up is ivantill kyosaya. While I can understand why you're not a big fan of kyosaya I actually think that they fit ivantill perfectly (sorta) because it's kinda obvious who would be who here: kyoko would be Till because of her overall aggressive nature BUUUUUT also because till crushing on mizi would kinda also fit homuras and kyokos relationship since kyoko is basically the only person that homura can always trust. sayaka would be Ivan because of the whole "longing for someone who doesn't love you back" thing+ some other reasons (thought Ivan sayaka having beef with sua madoka while being close friends with mizi homura doesn't. Rlly make sense so) Ivan being fated to death could also kinda add up the fact that sayaka witched out every time she became a magical girl. I think you kinda understand why
Sooo Mami is Luka for a number of reasons: both have a reasonable amount of yellow in their designs, both are (physically) the eldest of their groups both are kindaaaaa insane ect ect. It's also fitting because Luka being the "king" of the stage could also add up the thing about Mami being an experienced magical girl and being WAYYY too much in the whole thing. R5 could also be a parallel to the Mami vs homura gun fight (specifically the part where mizi beats the tar out of Luka) . The ONE difference between these 2 is that Mami genuinely feels remorse lol
Anddddd last but not least (drumrolllllllll).... Hitomi as Hyuna. YES I know this seems strange but I actually have multiple reasons to believe why this sorta fits??? First of all Hitomi never becomes a magical girl no matter what which kinda fits hyunas rebel thing. Also iirc Hitomi had a crush on homura in one of the timelines???? Which could kinda add up to the thing about Hyuna rescuing mizi In r5. I guess Issac and Dewey could be those 2 friends of madoka from the first episode but idk. Also since Hitomi doesn't rlly have any association with Mami Hyuluka is cut up from this au LOLLLLLL.
sorry If this seems stupid I stayed up late writing this because autism made me
interesting…! i am listening anon. i personally have some different beliefs but i generally agree
i also think that it’d be best to kind of put the pmmm characters in base-shapes of the alnst characters, BUT let them flourish from there. does that make sense?
i personally think madoka would be in mizi’s place, but i think madoka would be the one to die. and they’re not exactly the same characters, either; just similar enough? homura could be sua and live on and only feel anger at everything and everyone (after madoka dies, anyway). well, at least that’s how it’d work with a first or early-timeline homura. if it’s a homura from the later timelines, she would probably try to sacrifice herself, except madoka would still end up losing maybe? the scores are unfair sometimes
ACTUALLY i think that sayaka would be in till’s shoes (with a crush on madoka, or maybe even kyousuke if he’s in this au, and he possibly dies or something, and then sayaka herself despairs) while kyouko would be in ivan’s shoes (longing for sayaka). or maybe the other way around, like you said, just that the relationship dynamics are a bit different? does that make sense on my part? hmmm the more i think about it the more i want to switch them. that’s also the problem with constraining characters specifically but if you’d like i / we can work on this au to develop the characters and relationships more 👍
i’m glad u also see the mami luka thing tho!!! i definitely 100% agree there
i’m not entirely sure about hitomi hyuna but i’m willing to agree with u for now!!!
a big question tho is nagisa. bc she’s beloved by most of the fandom (albeit… in my opinion she is a little bit forgettable. forgive me, nagisa)
and don’t worry it’s not stupid!!!! if no one else indulges u i will. love listening to weirdass rambles even if i might have a different opinion
0 notes
30th celebration!! ✨✨ umm you know how much I loved the scenes in PT when Tora was learning to kiss - soo what about an obkk where Obito is completely inexperienced and Kakashi teaches him to kiss for the first time? :)
Hello, dear <3 What a wonderful prompt I'm always happy to write some happy boys kissing! <3 You are always a fan of that ahah. Well anyway, I'm sorry that it got so AU'-y and hope you like it anyway!
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Fantasy / Royal Au
Very losely based on this fanart by @tbh-logic, which I've seen months ago and since then it has not left my brain. (like seriously i keep going back to look at it, it owns me.)
Hatake Kakashi x Uchiha Obito
2376 words.
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Kakashi walked down the marble-stone hallways, his quick paced steps echoing off the wall which every new one he took. He’d been sent out to find one of the princes, who had apparently left the banquet early without explanation. This had not looked well with the Lord of the place, and as such Kakashi was sent out to get the runaway.
Uchiha Obito was always like that, as an orphan he was the lowest of the hierarchy in the castle, just about related enough to the Lord himself to not be pushed out. But he wasn’t any candidate for the throne in any regard and so he often did as he pleased. Not that that was allowed to him.
When he found the room Kakashi knocked once, then another time when there was no reaction, then a third time and still none, so he knocked one fourth and final time before opening the door to step in.
Lord Obito was laying spread out over a red couch in the corner, his blue jacket was lazily put over his eyes as if he was sleeping, but Kakashi could see the way his breath went quickly and he knew that he wasn’t. He stepped in and cleared his throat: “Sir?”
The other man stirred only lightly, but otherwise stayed exactly where he was as if he hadn’t heard Kakashi’s voice. So Kakashi repeated himself: “Sir, I’ve been sent to ask you why you decided to skip dinner.” He paused a second then added: “Lord Madara demands an explanation.”
That finally got a reaction out of him. “Go away, phantom,” Obito said, a name he had given Kakashi personally for the face covering he was wearing. He sat up suddenly, his jacket carelessly falling to the floor below him. “I don’t think I’m a child that needs to eat dinner with my uncle every day”, he spit and ran with his fingers through his black hair. “Especially not when that means…” He didn’t finish the sentence.
Kakashi walked over to pick up the jacket before it collected too much dust. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Obito continuously mumbling over dinner, his uncle, how he wasn’t a child anymore, and all the while pulling out little hairs from his head. He did that when he was nervous or anxious, Kakashi had noticed a long time ago. He wasn’t privy to family secrets so he had no idea what this specific anxiety attack was about.
“I don’t know what you mean with that, sir,” Kakashi said and folded the jacket under his arms. “I’m just here to tell you that Lord Madara wishes an apology and an explanation. You ought to address it to him and the guests.” 
A large delegation of Senju members had arrived by morning and stayed the whole day with the majority of the Uchiha family. Kakashi had been out and about assisting the many princes around, though none of them were as much of a hassle as Obito was. It was not like Kakashi minded cleaning up Obito’s messes. He had done it half his life at this point and never complained. Obito was more likely than any other Uchiha to actually be outspokenly thankful for the work Kakashi was doing.
Obito sighed and threw his head back over the back of the couch: “I don’t want to talk to the guests though, or meet them…” He frowned.
Kakashi knew he was stepping out of line, but he couldn’t help but ask: “Is there something troubling you, sir?”
For the question alone he could have been dismissed and reprimanded by his superior. He wasn’t meant to ask private questions to the royalty around. Obito, however, had never really been like any of the others and so, maybe he wouldn’t be offended. 
“I’m to be engaged”, Obito said, “to some Senju that I’ve never met.” There were the hands in his hair again. “And it’s not like I don’t understand, you know? I have nothing to offer this family as a low standing orphan without specific talents. So I would not be opposed to marrying for peace’s sake. However, I just…. I just don’t think it's very fair to them.”
“Them?” Kakashi asked.
“The partner. The spouse. The one I am to marry. They probably have heard tales of the beautiful, well raised and behaved sons of the Uchiha. Itachi, Sasuke, Shisui, those people who fit that description. They will probably not expect a half troll like me”, Obito gestured to his face.
He’d had an accident when he was small, back before Kakashi had come to serve at the palace, which had left him with scars on the right side of his face and body. It was a miracle that he could still see out of the eye on that side after what had been half a cave collapsing on top of him. Kakashi had heard the stories of Obito’s struggle to fight back to health and always admired that about him. He also didn’t think that Obito looked like a troll with them, he thought Obito was rather handsome anyway.
“On top of that” Obito continued, his face now buried in his hands, “.. I don’t even have anything else to offer them. Like, though I am twenty and four I don’t have any experience in any of these matters. I haven’t even kissed before…”
Kakashi found that hard to believe, but guessing by the desperate way Obito’s voice sounded it seemed very likely to be true. “Maybe you should practise a little before the marriage then, sir” Kakashi suggested and know he was very much reaching a boundary of familiarity that he shouldn’t cross.
“Right, but who would I practise with? Who would want to do it? With someone like me nonetheless”, Obito whined.
“I could.”
The words had slipped out of Kakashi’s mouth before he could stop himself. He stood there frozen, unable to take them back now that they were out in the open like that. He knew he could be fired for this, cast out back on the streets where he’d originally started from. It was too late now to think about the consequences of his reckless words.
Obito lifted his head out of his hands and stared at the other man. He wasn’t blinking. Kakashi took one step back as if he might lash out at him and hit him, which none of the Uchiha princes ever did. In his mind he thought over how to accurately apologise for such a frivolous offering, but it wouldn’t quite come together. 
He finally opened his mouth to speak, but Obito was faster: “Alright. Teach me.” 
Kakashi almost dropped the jacket to the dirty ground again. His mouth swung open just a little. “You mean that, Lord?”
“Well if you have experience and I need experience then, by all means, yes teach me” Obito replied. Kakashi didn’t have too much experience either, not with many partners at least. Sometimes he had kissed the kitchen girl Rin for the fun of it and for a while he had enjoyed the company of the young man who was responsible to look after the palace gardens. It didn’t mean much, but it wasn't nothing.
He walked over slowly and Obito moved to the side of the couch to give him space to sit down. He was still holding the deep purple jacket that the other man had dropped to the floor and, feeling awkward with it still in his hand, put it over the back of the couch. His hands were free in case - well in case he needed them.
“So, how do we go about this?” Obito asked and furrowed his brow. Kakashi had never been so close to him and seen his dark eyes as clearly as this. Obito was a handsome man, his fears that his future spouse would be unhappy with his appearance was totally unfounded, Kakashi concluded. Nobody would ever oppose marrying a guy with a face like that, scars or no scars.
Kakashi squirmed a little and then said: “Maybe you should close your eyes.” 
“Right, you wouldn’t want me to see your face, phantom,” Obito nodded and Kakashi nodded back, though his concern had much more been that looking into Obito’s eyes up close like that made him nervous and he wanted to avoid it. Just like he had suggested Obito closed his eyes and pursed his lips forward as if he was a fat bellied statue of an angel in the palace gardens. 
The view made Kakashi chuckle which led Obito to press out: “Not like that?”
“No, no, you are right, I’m sorry, sir” Kakashi said and shook himself. This was not a free time evening makeout session with Tenzo, he was here for very serious business and needed to behave accordingly. He opened the face covering at his back and let it slide over his chin. He took a breath in, then another, to calm his nerves, and then he leaned forward to kiss Obito.
Rin’s lips were thin and always tasted sweet like the goodies she liked to sneak out of the kitchen and Tenzo’s were always forceful and his body gave off an earthy smell, but Obito’s lips were softer than any of the others Kakashi had had before. Not even the dent at the right side, where the scars circled his face, could change that. He tasted like the wine he had for dinner. He smelled like juniper berries, vetiver and cypress.
Kakashi immediately felt like he wanted to push for more, beg for more, but Obito was not experienced enough and had not given authority. So Kakashi pressed their lips together just like that, just sweet and innocent kissing. Drawing back for a breath and drawing Obito back in, his hands cramped into fists in his lap to squash the desire that flared up in his chest now.
Obito picked it up quickly, moving his head in turn with Kakashi’s drawing breath when he did. Kakashi couldn’t help himself, he opened one of his eyes to see the other man's face. Obito had his eyes closed, but not forcefully but relaxed. There was a slight blush over his nose and cheeks. Kakashi thought he never looked more beautiful.
“Is that it?” Obito asked after a while, a little out of breath, eyes still closed diligently. “Or is there anything else about it? I’m sure I’ve seen people do… other things.”
Not wanting to end this right now either, Kakashi jumped at the opportunity: “No, sir, you are right, there is some more.” His heart beat like a drum against his ribcage. If someone would find him in here with Lord Obito, if someone would see them do this together, Kakashi would be cast out or punished even harder. Technically though, Obito had asked him to help, so he didn’t really have a choice.
“Please, follow my lead like you did so far, sir” Kakashi said and Obito nodded, his brows furrowed again as if he was taking these practice sessions very seriously. He was so cute, Kakashi would eat him for dinner if he could.
He leaned in again, sighing almost inaudibly when he met Obito’s lips again. This time though he parted his lips just slightly, allowing himself to breathe just a little easier. With the tip of his tongue, Kakashi tapped Obito’s lower lip, just graced it a little, to ask for access. Obito did not react at all, so Kakashi, now greedy and impatient, forced his tongue through the scarred lips into the other man's mouth, his hands pulling Obito’s face closer in the process.
First, he traced the outline of teeth on top and bottom, just to tease a little. Obito was breathing hard, his mouth opening wider now, but he stood still. When Kakashi finally did touch his tongue, Obito groaned. The sound was so wonderful to hear, that Kakashi had to hold back the impulse to throw Obito backwards and climb over him. Fire burned in his chest and he wanted more, more.
Obito was quick at adapting once again, swirling his tongue in unison with Kakashi, forcing a blissful sigh or two out of his mouth. He mimicked Kakashi’s movement and put his hand into the other man’s hair and crawled into it when he heard the moan Kakashi let out because of it. He was experimenting, Kakashi thought without judgement. He’d gladly be the experiment.
More. Kakashi thought. A little more. He wanted to push further, his heart loud in his ears and his common sense leaving out of the window. He sat himself up and with his hands on both Obito’s shoulders slightly pressed the Uchiha back into his pillows. Obito didn’t stop him or complain, instead he let himself get guided there. 
Kakashi’s hands found the button’s of the vest Obito was wearing and opened them quickly, Obito’s hands in turn holding his face. “It is also nice.. “ Kakashi heard himself say, “.. if you do this-” He kissed Obitos cheek, the jaw, the underside of the jaw and then the thin layer of skin next to the throat. Obito groaned again, pushed Kakashi’s head up and latched onto his lips again. 
“What else?” Obito pressed between kisses, his fingers running down Kakashi’s back like little spider legs. Kakashi just wanted to pull open even more of Obito’s vest buttons to kiss his chest, but then there was a knock at the door.
“Lord Obito, are you alright in there?” It was the voice of another servant.
Both Kakashi and Obito scooted away from each other in the blink of an eye. Kakashi was good at covering himself up so that people wouldn’t see his face, so he was the phantom again before Obito could really get himself together. 
“Sir, you should fix your hair”, Kakashi said, already halfway towards the door. “I hope this will help in the future, please don’t forget you have to talk to Lord Madara.” 
He opened the door to the clueless other servant and said: “Don’t worry I have everything under control.” And before Obito or someone else could say another word he turned the corner and hurried away the way he had come.
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Prompt 6: Idioms; Miss the Boat
By: @violence-as-a-love-language (Team Grey)
Summary: Black Pete and Lucius discuss what could have been if they weren't pirates.
"Hey, Pete?"
"You ever think about… what we could have been? Y'know, if we'd never become pirates?"
Black Pete snorted a laugh, rolling over to face Lucius. He had his bottom lip between his teeth, worrying away. Adorable. "Nah, course not! I was born to be a pirate, love. No regrets."
His answer didn't seem to help Lucius' worrying. If anything, it got worse. "Ah. Alright then."
There was a beat of silence. "I mean, y'know, doesn't mean pirating is everyone's first choice," Pete offered, threading his fingers through Lucius' hand. He planted a light kiss on his forehead, and could feel the tension easing in Lucius' body. Just a bit. "Was it not a, uh, first choice for you?"
It was Lucius' turn to snort. "Far from it. More like piracy was the only thing I was even sort of qualified for." He pillowed his head on his other arm, staring down at their joined hands. "Not much use being an orphan who can read and write when you can't even lift bags of spices without spilling them all over the floor."
Pete traced his thumb over the back of his hand. "If you could've chosen, what would you have been?"
Lucius went quiet for a moment. "Don't laugh but… I've thought about designing clothes? Y'know, for fashion purposes."
Pete smiled. "Gotta say, that sure sounds like you. Bet you'd make the fanciest, most nice looking clothing all the rich shits would wanna wear."
Lucius laughed. "Oh god, that sounds nightmarish. Every rich asshole begging to wear my designs. I would get such a kick out of making them wait. Like, sorry sir/madam, you're too late. The caramel dress is all sold out for this month."
"Well I never!" Pete said, his voice climbing several octaves as he waved his freehand dramatically in front of his chest. "No one says no to me, the great Count Eliza!"
"Well I am, and you just have to suck it up, your highness." Lucius shoved a finger into Pete's chest, making him giggle and slap his hand away.
"So brutal," he mussed, leaning forward to kiss Lucius' neck. "Bet they'd all have to listen to you if they wanted your designs."
"Mmm you're very right." His freehand cupped the back of Pete's neck as he snuggled closer. 
They went silent for a long moment, Pete's breath fanning out across his collarbone. Then quietly, Pete said, "I, um, always wanted to work with my hands more."
"Like more woodwork?"
"Mmm." Pete stared down at their joined hands, thumb stroking over Lucius' wooden one. "I like making little knick knacks sometimes. Little bears. Squirrels. Mice."
"That sounds adorable. Bet you get all th details right."
"Always. I like to make them super realistic, y'know? So you feel like you're really seeing one." He paused, closing his eyes. "...I always wished I coulda run a little store. Sold them proper. I think… I think people woulda liked them."
"I bet they would have, love." Lucius squeezed his hand. "We would have made a killing not being pirates."
"Yeah well, who wants to be rich anyways? Especially if it means I can't do this." Pete pulled away just a moment so he could reach Lucius' lips. They kissed softly. Carefully. Like it would all dissolve in a moment of they weren't careful.
"You've got a good point there," Lucius said, pulling back slightly to let his breath ghost over his lips. "Why would I want the world, when I couldn't have you?"
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nxrthmizu · 3 years
Crash and Burn
fandom | miraculous ladybug
genre | salt, lila salt
pairing | n/a
w.c | 3.2k
author's note | hey remember that lila salt fic i promised? this isn't it but this is something i made today so yep. please accept this as an apology for yknow. me promising to write and. not doing it.
Enough was enough.
“Marinette, stop accusing Lila! She just wants to make friends!”
“Take the high road.”
“Be a good model student, Marinette.”
Enough. Was. Enough.
Marinette had the connections, the power, the choice to make Lila’s entire world crumble apart. The only thing that stood between the liar’s demise was the tiniest pinch of morality and self-restraint— And no, that self-restraint did not come in the form of Tikki. Even the kwami, who had to be an aggregation of all the good and nice things in the world, was fed up and ready to retaliate.
“What a joke.” Lila cackled, tossing a chunk of her sausage hair over her shoulder flamboyantly. The two girls were in the bathroom, with Lila smirking in front of the sink and Marinette a little distance away from her. “You can make my world crumble? What is this, a threat?”
“A promise.” Marinette corrected. “Stop telling lies. Come clean to every one. No more lying about knowing celebrities left and right, no more making excuses about not being able to take your own notes, no more making up ‘diseases’ just so your life gets a little more convenient. To be frank, I really don’t care what happens to you— But by making these empty promises to introduce my classmates to great ‘celebrities’, you’re ruining their futures. Stop.”
“And what are you going to do if I don’t?” Lila sneered, face twisted into an ugly grin. “You going to cry in front of the class? Try and convince them that I, the one they adore— That I am lying?”
“No.” Marinette’s eyes were clear when she met Lila’s. The clouds of self-doubt that used to hover over the bright, shining star inside her soul had now dissipated, letting the bluenette emit a confident, glowing appearance as she met the liar head on. “I’m just going to keep my promise.”
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Lila headed off to a modelling shoot after school, pleased at the prospect of spending more time with Adrien. There were a couple tendrils of Marinette’s words hanging behind in her mind— Did the girl mean what she said? Did she actually… Was she actually capable of causing Lila’s downfall? … Surely not. Marinette may have once been the ‘Everyday Ladybug’, but there was no way she was that competent, there was no way the girl was capable of plotting.
The Italian hummed, brushing away thoughts of the annoying bluenette from her mind. She was going on a photoshoot— One that was going cause the rise and burst of her career, the one that was going to make her name a globally-known one. Unfortunately for Lila, her plans were going to be derailed quite soon— In fact, as soon as Gabriel Agreste’s car rolled into the parking lot of the shoot location.
“Explain this, Mlle. Rossi.” Gabriel’s nostrils flared as he pointed to the tabloid article on his tablet. The Italian girl froze, the headlines seared into her eyes, big and black and bold, shooting poison right into the core of her body, paralysing her cell by cell starting from her heart. “What is the meaning of this?”
‘Adrien Agreste Reported To Be Harassed by Fellow Model’— The image under the caption was one that was clearly taken by a hidden photographer. The picture was framed with leafy foliage, which suggested that the camera was tucked up in a tree. Despite the distance, it was quite obvious in the image that Adrien was reeling away, disgusted and uncomfortable as a faceless woman in an orange blazer, back turned to the camera— Invaded his personal space.
The subtitle was the cream on the cupcake.
‘Witnesses State Gabriel Agreste Ignorant of Workplace Harassment’.
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As if things couldn’t quite go down a worser path, Lila returned home to a fuming mother and an unexpected visitor.
“Lila! You come here right this instant!” The diplomat demanded as soon as the front door opened, her daughter shrinking slightly at the tone and pitch that her mother was using. The last time her mother had been this angry— Well, it was when she got expelled from her last school. “I can’t believe what you’ve done! If it weren’t for your kind classmate, lord knows how long you would’ve continued with this!”
The Italian meekly followed her mother into the living room, eyes widening until they were as large as saucers, mouth agape at the last person she expected to see sitting on the couch.
Marinette smiled kindly, waving at the girl, looking every bit the part of the innocent, pure, kind child that every parent wanted to have. Before Lila could release a torrent of questions about what the hell Marinette Dupain-Cheng was doing in her living room, her mother charged on, beginning to take out her anger on her daughter while a literal angel sat on the sofa, cradling a box of pastries from her family’s bakery.
“Your friend here tells me that you’ve been taking absences from school to go on trips to help humanity!” Mme. Rossi exploded, waving her arms around madly. “She says she’s here to share her notes from the classes you’ve missed! You’ve never left Paris this year! What’s this I hear about flying off to the kingdom of— What was it called again, Marinette dear?”
“Achu.” Provided the bluenette helpfully, the diplomat’s expression instantly softening when she talked to the other teen in the living room.
“Ah, yes. Thank you, dear.” The woman turned back to her daughter, instantly snapping on a mask of anger in a matter of a fraction of a second. “What’s this about flying off to this kingdom of Achu to help homeless orphans with some random prince?”
“Um…” Lila piped up, wriggling as her brain churned at 200 lies per hour, trying to whip up a cover of some sort.
“I’m not done! Your friend here is such a helpful child that she even went as far as to ask her family doctor is there’s a cure for your… Lying disease!” Mme. Rossi practically roared, breathing flames as if she were an intimidating dragon, her daughter flinching away from the heat. “I’ve never heard of anything more ridiculous! And then there’s the fact that you lied to your classmates about having tinnitus?!”
“I actually do have tinnitus!” Lila cut in forcibly, widening her eyes to make herself look more pitiful. “I was just afraid to tell you because I didn’t want you to worry!”
“Um… Sorry to interrupt, Mme. Rossi,” Marinette piped up, the diplomat instantly cooling down as she faced the bluenette, a soft smile tracing the Italian woman’s lips. “But it’s getting rather late and my parents would love me home soon. I also have some tests to revise for tonight, so I think I should get going.”
“Oh, of course, dear.” Mme. Rossi hastily got up to help the bluenette to the door, shooting a warning glare at her daughter— ‘Sit still and don’t you dare go anywhere’, the glare read. “Feel free to come over again anytime you want, dear. I’m not home often, but you are such a sweet child. I’m sure Lila could learn a lot from you.”
“Thanks for having me as well, Mme. Rossi. I really like your home. I left the pastries on the counter— Make sure to warm the curry puffs before you eat them.” Marinette returned the smile, bowing slightly to the older woman as a sign of respect.
“Thank you for the pastries as well, Marinette. I ought to visit your parents’ bakery sometime when I’m free.” Mme. Rossi opened the door kindly for the bluenette, waving the girl off with an affectionate smile. Her parents must be so lucky to have such a sweet little thing like her, Mme. Rossi sighed internally, turning the key so she locked the door. And she seems to be a high-scoring student as well.
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Lila seethed, having been grounded by her mother. As far as Mme. Rossi was concerned, there was a boarding school not too far away from their current residence, and by the next week, the Italian girl would be transferred over. Lila had never hated Dupain-Cheng as much as she did in that moment.
Still furious, the Italian snapped her laptop open, too angry to bother with the fact she might’ve scratched the surface. Clicking into the web browser, she started to type in the words ‘Ladyblog’— That was, before a news article caught her eye.
‘Jagged Stone Interview Reveals Underage, Obsessed Fan’.
What on Earth…
As soon as Lila clicked into the link, the news footage from the interview immediately begin to play. The date stamp on it showed that it had aired last night— Which meant that she would’ve missed it, since her mother was too busy yelling at her to turn on the television to watch Nadja Chamack’s daily news.
“As soon as I heard this rumour about some underage teenage girl claiming that she had saved my cat on an airport runway, I called Penny and asked her to book a slot for me to clarify this,” Jagged Stone said grimly, dressed in more formal attire as he sat in the comfortable, cushioned chair of the news station, with Nadja nodding equally seriously beside him. “Let me clarify— I’ve never owned a cat. I’m allergic to fur. The only pet I’ve had was Fang, and he’s an al-li-ga-tor. Not a cat. Whatever the girl is claiming, she’s obsessed and making up stories.”
“It’s also kind of bewildering that she saved it on an airport runway,” Nadja continued, shaking her head in disappointment. “That kind of thing only happens in dramas— It’s too dangerous for anyone besides authorised workers to be on airport runways.”
“Right, right!” Jagged agreed instantly. “The whole rumour is just really baffling.”
“M. Jagged, may I ask what kind of effect these rumours have on a celebrities’ career?” Nadja continued, leading the conversation on like a professional.
“Well, rumours that circulate around tend to have really bad effects, and the worse ones can hang around for a long, long time. Tabloids are often spun off from rumours, baseless and with no evidence. Those tabloids will never truly disappear, so they can leave a mark on a celebrity’s reputation as some people will believe anything— Even things they read from un-cited tabloids.”
“That is simply terrible. Have you ever had any cases of rumours created by underaged teens before this?”
“I’ve had quite a number, but none of them really got as big as this one. From what Penny has found from digging around, the teen girl managed to spread the rumour through her school and onto a once-popular blog.” Jagged explained. “Penny has also found out that the same girl has claimed that I’ve written songs for her to thank her for saving my cat! I would never write songs and dedicate them to an underaged girl— Trust me. If I could do such a thing, I’d already have written a dozen in honour of my niece— She’s my favourite designer.”
Nadja smiled at that sentence. “Then—“
The news footage cut off abruptly as Lila slammed her laptop shut, too upset to continue watching.
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On the other side of Paris, Alya was pacing around her room frantically, wondering why on earth Lila wasn’t picking up on her calls. She’d left at least four dozen messages to the Italian, who was absent from school that day. There had been a couple whispers here and there about why she was missing— Rose had suggested another impromptu trip to Achu.
Lila’s absence wasn’t the weirdest part of the day, however.
That award would go to Marinette, who walked into class with a smile, the slightest sprinkles of delight colouring her bluebell eyes when she spotted Lila’s empty seat.
Growing in frustration, Alya threw herself onto her bed, phone clattering onto the mattress with her. Within the next few minutes, however, her phone suddenly started exploding with notifications. Excited at the prospect of Lila finally texting back, Alya turned on her phone, only to be disappointed by the notifications all clamouring from the class group chat.
Kim had sent a link to the chat— Without hesitation, Alya clicked into it, frowning when she saw Nadja and Jagged appear on the screen. Throughout the interview, the colour on the Ladyblogger’s face only paled by the second until she was as white as a sheet, and if it were halloween at that time, she would’ve won the best costume award for being a ghost.
There must… There must’ve been a mistake.
A notification from Lila’s number made the blogger perk up, instantly clicking into the conversation— But her newfound hope didn’t last very long.
Hi, Alya. This is Lila’s mom. She’s currently grounded right now. Is there anything important you need to tell her?
Oh, nothing much… I just wanted to ask where she was.
She’s at home.
Okay, thanks.
Flopping onto her bed, Alya begin thinking, revising over the past few months like it was an old clip. Lila’s exciting adventures and interactions with celebrities of every kind— Lila going overseas and face timing the entire class— Lila letting her in on the secrets of being Ladybug’s friend…
… Marinette trying to tell them that Lila was lying…
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The class was awfully silent the next day. Adrien was absent as well— A social worker was looking into his home life as a result of the tabloid that arose. Things for the blonde could either get better or worse from then on, as the matters were still foggy and things hadn’t cleared up yet. The blonde maintained contact with his friends, however, calling and texting them whenever he could.
“Class, settle down.” Mlle. Bustier stepped into the class, looking very tense and uncomfortable. “Today, we will have a guest, so please be on your best behaviours, alright?”
Just as the teacher finished speaking, a tall, regal-looking Italian woman entered the classroom, a cowering principal and a meek-looking Lila in tow. The class brightened slightly at the sight of their friend— But by the way she wasn’t looking into their eyes… Things weren’t going to be good.
“Good morning. I am Mme. Rossi, Lila’s mother.” The woman begin speaking, her firm and no-nonsense tone instantly making every student sit straight, their eyes too afraid to look anywhere else but the Italian diplomat. “It has come to my attention that my daughter has been taking absences from school to do charity work— And I have to clarify that this is a lie. Lila has been doing nothing but holing herself up in her room, lying to me and saying that there are no classes due to akumas.” The Italian diplomat glowered at Damocles. “What’s even more baffling is the fact that neither her homeroom nor the principal bothered to check up with me despite a student having extended periods of absence with no note or email written whatsoever.”
The class was so quiet that they could hear the quiver of Mlle. Bustier’s trembling lip.
“In addition, I’ve been kindly told that Lila has claimed to have a lying disease, which is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard this week.” It was impossible to miss the way the Italian diplomat was glaring daggers at both Mlle. Bustier and Damocles. “No one bothered to look it up online to see if it’s actual disorder, nor did anyone call me to confirm and ask for a doctor’s note, which is standard procedure.” Chills burst over the room, making every one shiver as the woman hissed out her words.
“Mme. Rossi, we didn’t want to disturb your busy schedule—” Damocles begin, only to be blown backwards from the sheer intensity of Mme. Rossi’s glower.
“M. Damocles, standard procedures exist for a reason. Unless you’d like to tell me about any other things you’ve been letting my daughter get away with?”
“N— No, Mme.”
The Italian diplomat continued on her war path. “My daughter also claimed to have tinnitus, am I correct?”
“Y— Yes, Mme.” Mlle. Bustier answered when it seemed like no one was going to.
“And I heard that the class seating arrangement was shifted to accommodate for that?” The homeroom teacher didn’t dare answer this time, for it seemed like whatever she said would be the incorrect answer. “And apparently, my daughter has also been faking broken wrists and requesting for her classmates to complete her work for her.” Mme. Rossi was practically breathing flames at that point, “And I am incredibly upset at the lack of action from the homeroom teacher.”
No one could breath.
“I have many concerns about the running of this schooling facility, and I expect to discuss this with M. Damocles privately after this. However, there is still something to be done.” Mme. Rossi swept her gaze towards her daughter, who found the floor incredibly interesting at that point of time. “Lila? Something you’d like to say to your classmates?”
“… I’m sorry for lying to you.” Lila mumbled resentfully.
“Louder, Lila. No one can hear you.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you!” Lila swallowed, bursting like an explosion that had finally been triggered, tears in her eyes and fists hatefully curled. “I’m sorry for lying about my diseases and injuries. I’m sorry for making you do my work,” She spat. “Sorry for causing any inconveniences.”
Mme. Rossi raised an eyebrow at her daughter. “Is that all?”
Lila glared at her mother, who was completely unfazed. “Oh, so you want an apology from me? Fine!” She turned to the class, a maniacal glint in her eyes as she sneered at the class, a few gasps puffing from around the room as they caught their first glimpse of the liar that resided in the ‘harmless’ shell of Lila Rossi. “I’m sorry that you are all such idiots that you all fell for everything. I’m sorry that Marinette has such terrible, untrusting classmates that turned their backs on her even though she was still a goody-two shoes till the end, even though she still wanted to help you sorry peasants. I’m sorry that you were all so goddamn gullible! There! Good enough for you?”
Shock was etched into the faces of every human in the classroom— Including Mlle. Bustier, M. Damocles, and Mme. Rossi themselves. Clearly, that part of the apology had not been part of the plan.
“Did I miss something?” Said a sweet voice, followed by the presence of a bluenette, her hair tied in a half-up. A royal blue blazer decorated her lithe form, accompanied by a smart-looking white blouse and a black plaited skirt. Formal had never looked so good on anyone— And if someone didn't know better, they'd think that the bluenette was a young lawyer, emerging victorious from her first successful case.
“Marinette!” Alya exclaimed.
“I’m sorry that you’re such an annoying, little, pest.” Lila bit in the girl’s face, disdain colouring her features as she ignored her mother’s enraged gasp behind her.
The bluenette simply smiled, unaffected by the liar who had crashed and burned like the liar once wished upon her. Marinette Dupain-Cheng stood at her full height, the perfect image of grace and poise as she maintained her composure, quite unlike her nemesis, who thrashed under her mother’s restraining hands.
“And I’m sorry that you didn’t take my promise to heart.”
this can count as adrien redemption depending on you cause ehhh i dont like how passive he is but i havent caught up with the recent episodes, he might have become better. idk.
also where the hell is my miraculous taglist i cant find it so eep. no tagging ppl ig oops
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kalzer · 3 years
Genshin Impact - my Idol AU ver pt. 1
- This is my own version of idol AU. I did take some insperations while wandering through the fandom. Ex: twitter@veechu_ ; twitter@fey_cia ; tumblr@raibzz
- I'm not a native English speaker, and my English is not that good so sorry beforehand
- These are random thoughts about this AU. I have been hyped about this AU for a while now
- I will add when I have more ideas
- I try to write a fic about this AU. However it's in my mother language, and it won't be fast since I'm really busy 😭
- I only ship XiaoVen for this AU, however other couples do have hints
Mondstadt entertainment company
Manager: Jean
Assistances (?): Amber, Noelle
Venti (main vocal)
Used to be in a famous group names Der Himmel with his twin brother
At that time, he used Barbatos as his artist name
Unfortunately, his twin brother had an accident and has been in comma since then (fans do NOT know about this, and the reason Der Himmel disband is still a mystery)
Has talent, like, god-blessed music talent. He can compose his own songs
After a long time of disappearing, he came back to the industry with hope of bringing his songs to fans
Has high alcohol tolerance, but also like to go over that limit
After 4NEMO being successed, members are finally allowed to have a solo album. And in this album, Venti use all of his old songs. The ones that he composed in his darkest time.
Fans can guess some general ideas about his twin brother's situation, but with all due respect, they don't ask
At first, Venti didn't notice that Xiao pays more attention to him since the solo album was out. Eventually, he knows
When he finally finds out his emotion toward Xiao, he writes a love song
However, Xiao misunderstands and starts to avoid Venti ('cause he thinks he's be a way of Venti's love)
Venti grabs Xiao'a collar and says: "this is my love song for you, you dumbass"
Even though he'a scared of cats, he likes to think Xiao as a cat
He likes to make his soon-to-be boyfriend blush
Sings for Xiao everytime he has nightmares
Xiao (rapper)
Likes wearing black or dark clothes
Knew Venti since he was still in his old group, and fell in love since then
Venti's songs cure him in his darkest time
Studies music like crazy to follow Venti's footsteps
An orphan. Lucky that he ran away from human trafficking at the young age
Even though knows that Der Himmel disbanded, Xiao still joins in Venti's old company. Luckyly, he becomes a member of 4NEMO with Venti
Before decide to be an idol, he was popular underground artist with the code name Alatus
Good at chords and rhythm. Become a good pair with Venti at composing songs and melodies. (Mostly play guitar)
Has many tattoos and earrings
After hearing songs from Venti's solo album and roughly guess what have happened, he begins to care Venti more
Is NOT the one who makes the first move, but Xiao unconsciously and clearly shows his feelings
Not good at expressing feelings, but somehow Venti's still figuring it out
The first time Venti confess, Xiao did NOT accept it because he was ashamed of his past. Then, slowly, he finally accepts Venti's love for him
Kazuha (visual, sub vocal)
Becomes an idol because of his long gone friend's wish
Fans know the reason why Kazuha becomes an idol, and he personally not try to hide it
Rich boy but like to be normal, not show off
There is a rumor that his parents works in this industry too. And he becomes popular because somebody supports him behind. Which is NOT truth. He does not have any link with his parents anymore
Aether (leader, dancer)
Brother of popular soloist - Lumine
Has a little bit of sis-con
Kind, easy-going
Becomes famous after his sister mentioned him on TV show
Avoid talking about parents
Debut at the young age
Go with strong girl vibe, but she can change to other vibes if she wants
Many other idols are her fan: Childe, Xinyan, Barbara,... -> Aether turns on sis-con mode, espicially with Childe
No info about parents relationship
(Secret) Jean's younger sister
Go with romantic, girly, cute vibe
Often harassed by stalkers and crazy fans
Always has guards
Also a fan of Barbatos, but somehow she doesn't recognize Venti is Barbatos
Old Der Himmel
Used to be global band, really famous
Same period with L/YUE
Brought cheerful songs, but with national, cultural, and traditional characteristics
Composed musics together
passionate about music since childhood, joined the company together (insperate from AKMU)
Had Zhongli as manager
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
I got to encounter and debunk a ridiculous, stupid and lame understanding of Sakura's character today.
@never-mess-with-the-uchihas @madara-fate @k-yoya-fan @black-eilla @loobs-ki @sasusaku-is-canon @thatsakurastan @arrayofchaos @mitchiegoeswild @chhote-pandit I am tagging you guys too because I wanted you guys to know about this as well.
Sorry if I had missed some of my Sakura fan friends. This is for you as well.
Fortunately, the person has deleted the post (its a reblog from one of the asks I have answered about the dark side of Hinata fandom) but I still have the statements except for the first paragraph because I never understood what s/he was trying to tell there.
I think it's disgusting that it hurts Naruto for no reason no matter if it's in the anime or the bang it's not funny First she started off as a complete fangirl who only cared about how cool Sasuke is. She didn't even know a thing about him even forgetting that he lost his whole family as well when she insulted Naruto for being an orphan. To this day we still never got a reason for why she fell in love with Sasuke. She also developed an inferiority complex early on, but even by the end of series it never got resolved and it in fact causes her to make bad judgments. Seriously after she tied with Ino she had the perfect point to better herself, but does nothing till after Sasuke left the village and even then she doesn't train other then when Tsunade taught her. When Naruto was learning change in nature chakra she was there and could have done her own training, but instead she did nothing.
Yes, Sakura didn't start off as a perfect character. Its okay for the female MC to be imperfect at the start. Yes, she didn't even know a thing about Sasuke but its not like something hateable in her. She gradually understood Sasuke as a person. Yes, I did get angry with her for insulting Naruto as an orphan and I felt that she deserved it but she did change for the good later. She did save Naruto from Zabuza's blade immediately and vowed she would be soft with him. And, should I even tell that hitting a person for comic relief is just the Japanese anime culture? Wow, how ridiculous it is to say Sakura has inferiority complex! She had at the start, but she got rid of it. Going against Madara by herself in war arc at a point of time, going to protect Sasuke from Gaara, having the resolve to kill Sasuke by herself even if she couldn't, standing brave against the sound ninjas in forest of death when they came to kill an unconscious Naruto and Sasuke..... well, inferiority complex my lord. Yeah, Sakura does nothing after Sasuke left the village and she had no resolve. Its not like Sakura was the first person to learn how to walk on a tree first and was able to manage off against Orochimaru with Naruto and Sasuke. If they were able to manage, how do you think she did NOTHING for it?
Its really disgusting that your ridiculous understanding will disappoint so many Naruto fans who will see this. Say what?? Sakura did nothing?? She was busy at Tsunade's apprentice for most of the time and was helping her run the hospital. She was a medical ninja. They are stated to be not like other strong shinobis to get flashy powers, BUT still Sakura was stated to be an exception to all during the Blank Period and even deemed as the Strongest medical ninja.
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You all still think working to get flashy powers is all everything LMAO. She has other stuffs to do, okay?
There were also many moments that didn't make sense and were forced to include her like the last hit on Kaguya when she supposedly ran out of chakra previously and not getting caught or countered despite everything Kaguya has.
Wow, again a ludicrous claim. How can you decide if it doesn't make sense? Are you the creator? So, what do you mean by not making sense? Weren't there a lot of moments were characters seem to do something when they get their chakra exhausted? How is that an exception only to Sakura?
Sakura is faster then Hinata, however the databook stats that only go up to the Pain arc only have half a point of difference between the two when it comes to speed. Sakura might have more movement speed then Hinata, but Hinata has better reactions and fighting speed. The Byakugan gives her a large edge in reactions not to mention 64 palm shows just how fast her hands can move. Hinata was able to keep 64 palms going after a misstep which in it’s self requires fast reactions as each successive combo for 64 palms needs to happen faster and faster. Sakura is not that fast she gets hit by flying debris all the time and needs to have someone to always help her. If she is so fast how come she can not react to a simple attack that is not even purposely aimed at her. As where Hinata is dodging and deflecting the ten-tails spikes that have been shown to be so fast that not even rotation can keep up with them. what happened was that Kishi made Sakura completely Sasuke focus this left little for him to do with her other then chase him. He then had Sasuke leave eventually setting up some dynamics with a new team and a new girl, but Sakura was still stuck on Sasuke.
So Kishi had to put Sasuke with Sakura cause she just had nothing or nobody else to fall back on, even if Sasuke was with Karin, Sakura would never give up on him like Karin did. Between the two the least deserving character got him, but at the same time Karin was the only one who would be alright with Sasuke being with someone else despite her feelings for him.
I don't even remember writing that much about hyping Sakura and Hinata's Taijutsu skills. All has nothing to do with whatever I was claiming. If you are thinking that I am blaming Hinata for Neji's death, then sorry NO. I would have meant how ridiculous it was to blame Sakura for Neji's death when he actually died before she even came to know. She was not shown that much into the vicinity as much as Hinata was. There is absolutely nothing I blame Hinata, because protecting a person you love is shown continuously in this story, like Obito protecting Rin and Yahiko protecting Konan.
How can you decide that Sasuke would be better off with Karin?? Can you show some meaningful moments he had as much as he had with Sakura? The forehead poke? Catching her in war arc and looking deep into her eyes? Can I drop some manga panels to prove SasuSaku >>>>>>>>>> SasuKarin? Yes, how does NOT giving up on Sasuke makes her bad? In what way?? So, is Naruto not bad for not giving up on Sasuke? Hypocrisy again. See, I might tell Karin had better reasons to like Sasuke, but its author's wish on who he wants Sasuke to end up with.
How long was Sakura stuck on Sasuke? Do you know how many times she and Sasuke met? In Tenchi arc, she was definitely NOT obsessed. She, Yamato, Sai and Naruto were aiming to get back Sasuke. Infact, she was the one who said that they can take care of it next time. In five kage summit, she wanted to kill Sasuke. She lied about joining forces with Sasuke because she wants to trap him and kill him.
I can accept your claim in war arc, but its was not for a very long time like how people claim it to be. There was a reason why Sakura confessed. We saw Hagoromo telling about love after or during Sakura's confession. And Sasuke fucking relates her with his own family in the next panel. Yeah its not okay for Sakura to tell that she loves him after he threatened to kill Naruto and others, but its okay for Naruto call Sasuke his best friend after he threatened the same. Hypocrisy again. She was not half obsessed in Shippuden like you guys claim.
Didn't Sakura make friends with Sai too?? Weren't there any moments where she was nice with Sai? Sasuke was focused on setting up dynamics with others because he wanted them to HELP with his goal on tracking Itachi and destroying Konoha. Its not like he wants to hang out with them. He hired them as comrades for a purpose. His major intention was not to develop bonds with them.
Wow so many points and all true that I  want to add more, but feels like everything was said oh well doesn’t matter if my points end up being said already just in case something was missed.
19. She is weak as hell and never took training seriously and thinks she's better then Naruto until he saved her ass who knows how many times. Yes she got better, but doesn’t change what she was like at the start.
Say what?? She is weak as hell? Oh my god, I have never seen any person dropping millions of lies like these. Do you know that Tsunade was claimed to be the strongest Kunoichi in Konoha history and with the cherry on top, the narrative puts Sakura above Tsunade? Now tell me who is the strongest kunoichi in Naruto LMAO. The narrative puts her the strongest. Don't shove your false opinion on people who love to believe the narrative.
20. She contradicts her self saying that she prefers to spend he free time studying then hang out with Naruto, when she did the same thing with Sasuke prefering to spend time with him over training.
Don't you know that she said that and then never hanged out? Well, I am just asking. If I remember correctly, they were back from a mission, so she might want some break. When was it ever shown her hanging out with him? Listen, you can't expect her to be all perfect, prim and proper. She was immature, but she grew up.
21 She isn’t top kunoichi in practical grades the mini shinobi guide clearly says that Hinata and Ino have better grade and were tied for top kunoichi yet She made it with only book smarts which are not shown grade wise and all the real ninja trainees are looked over. She was also on team 7 instead of Hinata even the reasons why is reveal to be false.
I already debunked your claim on why she is not the top kunoichi. Yes, she was weak only in part 1. But she got stronger than both of them by the end of the story. Kishimoto NEVER planned to put Hinata in team 7, okay? Did you even watch the first few episodes on why the squads are formed? To balance out. Not because Kishimoto can add members up to your expectation.
22. Tsunade had no reason take her as an apprentice other then her being Naruto’s teammate, literal I am all right that she received training, but how just asked the most important person in the village for it when her ninja carer showed nothing exceptional and got was just bad writing compared to everything Sasuke and Naruto had to go through to get the same. Yes She has chakra control, but so do most other ninja, and have better fighting ability over all makes more sense to chose the better ninja’s as apprentice instead of a girl who only started taking being a ninja seriously after her crush left.
Again, your ridiculous claims! Tsunade did NOT take her as her apprentice just because she was part of team 7. Did you listen to why Tsunade wants her as a medical ninja? Proper chakra control. She has exceptional chakra control upto the expectations of medical ninjutsu. which none of the Konoha 11 members had it to her level at that time. Heck, even Shikamaru said that a medical ninja is necessary. He didn't look only into team 7, he was looking into all the young Konoha Shinobi in general. Instead of trashing her for having the initiative later, people don't appreciate that she had it and got stronger in a short span of time. I said she was just a 12 year old who is immature than her peers because of the environment and the type of parents she had.
23. Oh and she wasn’t willing to us her seal to save a dying Naruto when she was running out of chakra and instead used primitive methods yet used it to charge Madara to show off to Sasuke almost getting herself killed in the process.
Madame, do you want me to show how many freaking times she saved Naruto?
Didn't you know why Sakura charged off against Madara? To show off Sasuke? LMAO, not your infamous lies again. Didn't you clearly see her signaling Naruto and Sasuke? Didn't she say that she wanted to create a diversion?
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How the hell is this show off?? Yeah, if Sakura does something high level, she is satisfying her ego but if she does nothing, she is irresponsible or whatever bs you might claim it to be. Hypocrisy AGAIN.
Kishimoto never said that he wanted to show that Sakura would do anything for Naruto we know that is a lie Sasuke yes Naruto though no. Kishimoto never said that Sakura likes Naruto subtly it has only shown her being head over heels for Sasuke, Naruto is just a friend to her. At no point did he comment about Sakura in any of the arcs nor that he was trying to be subtle with anything. Kishimoto has never been discouraged by readers not understanding his intentions towards Sakura cause he has always expressed them quite clearly. Even stated that he purposely made Sakura to be the kind of girl people would hate at first during the start of the series. He never intended for Sakura to be with Naruto, he might have thrown a few red herrings cause he wanted to do a love triangle, but he never seriously considered Sakura being with Naruto cause he always planned for Hinata to be the one he ends up with.Sakura hated Naruto at first and spent the whole series insulting or hitting him and watching him train to get Sasuke back while she did nothing, but watching. Sakura never truly understood Naruto and it shown several times she even tried to get him to give up Sasuke cause Sai guilt tripped her into it and she did a fake confession cause she wanted to lessen that guilt with no care about how Naruto feels.As for Hinata she only says she is selfish cause she can’t sit back and watch Naruto get captured. As for the fight yes it was filler in the anime, but the manga version shows Naruto purposely avoiding and even looking at Hinata even when in six tails.Hinata’s actions were anything, but selfish cause she was trying to save Naruto even at the cost of her life in a situation where there was no hope for him to get out nor for them to save him once caught. Anyone who says Hinata is selfish is are basically saying Naruto should have been caught and killed by Pain in that moment. They would rather have Naruto die then for Hinata to have moment and do somthing for him.That is Sakura, but does not change the fact she did not care much about Naruto and was only after everything he did for her over the years that she started even looking his way slightly, but even then it was only till before Sasuke came back into the picture. She likes Sasuke always has, always will.Also does not change the fact that Naruto’s feelings for her were superficial and only cause of his rivalry with Sasuke this was stated and the way it hardly ever shows up in part 2 and only in none serious situations proves this.it is annoying how they make Naruto sound disrespectful when he has only ever shown kindness to Sakura and gets hit or insulted by her for it. Even Naruto’s crush was never a big deal in canon like almost every time he shows interest in Sakura guess who is there Sasuke or it is right after she gets rejected by Sasuke. Other then those bits Naruto doesn’t show his crush that often or only mentions it as a joke and never seriously. This matches with how it was stated that Naruto only liked Sakura cause of his rivalry with Sasuke. Even in part 2 other then right at the start when he just came back Naruto’s crush is almost completely gone and does not show up unless he is joking around.Sakura never realised his true potential only that she was wrong about him and that took forever and Naruto needing to prove himself time and time again.Also surpassing Sasuke had nothing to with him wanting to becoming Hokage he wanted that even before he met Sasuke. As for winning Sakura just look back at the story you will see that it is never winning Sakura that pushes him during his fights or important bits only during comic relief is it even brought up again.When learning shadow clone it was want to pass and become a genin that drove him.When he fought Mizuki it was protecting Iruka.During the bell test it was wanting to be a ninja.Zabuza to prove himself and uphold his nindo to never go back on his world and run away again.During tree climbing training it was keeping up with Sasuke.Haku avenging Sasuke.Orochimaru protecting Sasuke and Sakura.Kiba to prove
himself.Gamabuta to prove himself.Neji for Hinata and to prove failure can do it to.Gaara protecting Sasuke and Sakura.Kabuto and Rasengan to prove himself worthy of being Hokage to Tsunade.Sasuke to prevent his friend from falling into darkness.All of the serious and important moments show clearly what pushes Naruto and not once in battle has he thought it was to win over Sakura.No they didn’t Naruto never lived with Sakura at all. Anyone who things Sakura understands him better then Hinata is delusional while Sakura was busy chasing Sasuke, insulting and hitting Naruto, Hinata already understood his troubles and what he was going through. If Sakura understood him while did she spend the whole series hitting him, if she understood him why did she try and get him to give up on Sasuke and lie to him not realising that Naruto wasn’t chasing Sasuke for her, but cause he was like a brother and first real friend to him. Also though Hinata is one of two characters to have Naruto show his weaker side, Naruto admitted to Hinata that he was just acting confident and that he is really frustrated at himself. However Hinata already knew this and was able to cheer him up cause she understood him. Same thing in the war she could tell the real Naruto by looking into his eyes and was the only one that was able to bring sense to Naruto when Obito got to him. Hinata has and always will be the one that understands him best.Yet Sakura never gave Naruto the time of day and only cared about Sasuke. Remeber when she hated Naruto and called him a loser, Sakura didn’t start off supporting Naruto it was only after he saved her time and time again and proved her wrong that she started to accept and support him. Even then she cares more about herself them him like how she thought he was only chasing Sasuke cause of her completely ignoring Naruto’s own feelings on the matter and tried to make him give up.If they had such good chemistry they would have got together Kishimoto made them friends cause that is what is best for them. Team 7 was meant to be like a family to Naruto. They make good friends and siblings, but they aren’t suited for being more. Sakura’s fandom is pure cancer for various reasons. 1- they can’t stand the fact that Hinata is a much better and popular character to the point even Kishimoto and his coworkers know it. So they resort to bashing Hinata by reaching wherever they can to do it, regardless of how ludicrous it may seem. 2- they are the ones who embarrassed themselves by attempting to ban Naruto from the U.S and made death threats to Kishimoto to the point that many Naruto reviewers on Youtube acknowledged the situation, yet they claim the Hinata/Naruhina fandom is cancer to the Naruto fandom…😑. 3- the Sakura fandom are immature and feel they are entitled to what they want, which is not how life works. Some of them self-insert themselves into Sakura, in terms of the relationship aspect and are upset about it but that’s the result of Sakura’s character for the direction she was going. 4- they take the Hinata hate and the Sakura love way too far to the point that some feel you are sexist because you don’t like Sakura and some have generated hate on Hinata ( who is fictional) like she burned somebody’s house down Sakura is lame as a character. There was much potential for her to become this great and wonderful person, especially after Tsunade was introduced and we got to see a kunoichi that was capable of being one of the most powerful people in the Elemental Nations. Instead, she remained uninteresting, poorly characterized, and weak even past the time skip where she should have matured somewhat.
You know? I can go and take a nice nap instead of reading and debunking this. I didn't even bother to read this fully because this was not worth my time. However, I will debunk a few points.
When did I say she was romantically attached to Naruto?? My god. She loves Naruto as a friend. period. And Sakura came a long way, you didn't even read the manga or watch the series properly. Please, all your false claims are just breaking my head. See, I am not denying that she is a poorly written in an aspect character who needs more initiative, but I think you are hating her for a lot of misinformed reasons or for reasons she needn't even be hated lmao. You are making her a victim of double standards smh.
Also this ask was about how bad is the Hinata fandom, not about Sakura fandom okay? I know Sakura fandom is no way better and indeed, its worse at times but its not like there are no sincere fans who want to stay on their own lane and mind their own business instead of causing ruckus.
Sakura has no self-control. Like, we rag on Naruto for being impatient, but she’s so impatient she just hits first and asks questions later. She can’t even take a second with her vaunted intelligence, and actually consider a situation before she’s already over-reacting to the extreme.
Unnecessary violence toward practically everyone who isn’t Sasuke. And she’s a hypocrite about it too, seeing as she will rail into Naruto for one thing but should Sasuke do it, he’s ‘super cool’. She puts her hands on Naruto like she thinks she has a right to. And it is not okay simply because he doesn’t defend himself.
Should I repeat myself that she hits Naruto for most of the times when he uses harem jutsu which is no less annoying than hitting a person for comedy? Did Naruto ever get any after side effects after she hits him? Don't you have the common sense to understand it was for comic relief? Don't you understand what is comedy and what is actual violence? Yeah, you are not going to hit the man you like. Because that would be odd. Because I bet many people would prove her comedy hits against SasuSaku if she ever did that.
Has no desire to get informed and remains ignorant. And this is a problem. In the very beginning of the manga, she whines to Sasuke about Naruto being an orphan. She’s very insensitive and claims he’s ;super lucky’ that he has no parents and can get away with everything. And Sasuke puts her in her place for that. She said something terrible like that, to an orphan. And the thing was, he was an Uchiha, so how could she have gone 5 years in the Academy not knowing about him being all alone? Even Naruto remarks on it frequently in flashbacks and memories. Ergo, she doesn’t care about getting to know anyone unless she thinks it benefits her. Not even her supposed ‘love’.
Didn't I say that Sakura was not a perfect person at the start? You are so stupidly clung to how she was at the past and still portray her falsely as the same immature brat lmao. You are acting as if she did NOTHING to Naruto and was still like that till the end of the series. Yeah, Naruto also belittled Sasuke's Uchiha clan after he lost to Rock Lee, it isn't less worse than that. She did a lot of things benefitting others too, deal with it. You are extremely biased against Sakura and misunderstood her as hell. And no way she is ignorant, at least from Shippuden or at least when she was in team 7. She was super aware of what was happening around her.
Rude. Honestly, she belittle everyone because she has no self-esteem. But that doesn’t excuse her. She mocks Naruto for agreeing to play Ninja with a group of 8 year olds. Sakura, who played Ninja as a kid, was mocking him over agreeing to play with some little kids who obviously looked up to him.
I don't want to repeat on how much of self confidence she has displayed. As if you are really a miss perfect queen when you were a twelve year old kid.
Selfishness out the ass. Sakura constantly thinks of Sasuke as a prize. Like he is an object to be won. Every after the time skip it was still intense. Ino at least grew up and moved on to other things but Sakura still held that annoying persistence. And she didn’t bother getting to know him so she made up all these ridiculous things she assumed about him. Like how Sasuke would ‘understand her feelings’ better than Naruto. She refers to him as her love but doesn’t ever consider her feelings. She thinks that because she’s ‘in love’ with him, he absolutely has to love her back. And that’s gross. That like claiming a girl has to date a guy who has a crush on her because well, it’s only right and he’s ‘such a nice guy though’. Ew.
Yah man, how many fucking times would you cling to the same Sakura for a hundred times? How many times would I say that she was immature and was not perfect? You know? I am almost like "Eww" after how stupid and disgusting your understanding of Sakura is. Selfish, Sakura was selfish, hmm. I already said that she was and Sasuke barely met for her to get that obsessed my god. Yes, she wanted him to love back and he DID LOVE HER BACK and SHE NEVER FORCED OR MANIPULATED HIM INTO THE RELATIONSHIP.
She taped her fucking picture over Karin’s. Like, Sasuke’s friend. She is so pathetic that she has to tape a picture of herself over a woman who helped Sasuke more than Sakura ever did. Because she’s jealous and creepily possessive over someone who isn’t hers to begin with.
Wow, you still never understand that Sakura also helped Sasuke a lot of times and she too deserves him. Its only your opinion that she doesn't deserve him, so don't shove off that stupid yet false opinion on us fans okay? Sasuke is not going to choose someone for their backstory. Did you just bleach your eyes during the times when SasuSaku had a lot of meaningful times? Did you think Sasuke thanked her just like that?
You said Sakura's relationship was creepy but not Karin's! Someone, come and give me the brain cells I lost! I lost a lot of them now 😂😂🤣🤣
Doesn’t even know if Sasuke ever wore glasses. But she ‘loves him’ right?
How on this earth did you assume that not knowing if he wears glasses means not loving? He was out for a world duty, so she of course won't know! Its not like she never knew him without glasses, she just simply wondered if he started to wear glasses. Your standards are really crazy as fuck.
Immaturity out the ass. She flips out on her daughter for asking a simple question. Literally, Sarada and Sakura are nothing alike and with all the oddities adding up, Sarada just wanted to know an answer to a simple question. Sakura berates her, insults her, and then in a tantrum, takes the entire house down because she felt so angry she had to hit something. She even lied to Sasuke about it so he wouldn’t be angry.
Immature.... hmm... I lost even more brain cells, can you lend me some? And how is that Sarada not being like Sakura makes her hateable? Even I don't look perfect neither like my mom and dad. Well, should I still drop in some pics?
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Sakura DIDN'T abuse Sarada at any cost. She never directly hit her unlike what you do in your Genjutsu. And also destroying the house later turned out to be for comic relief and as if she never got a house after that; my ass. She cares a lot for her daughter.
Sakura never tries to learn about Sasuke’s life, but attempts to guilt trip him when he defects form the village. As a person who didn’t reach out to him beyond thinking of him as future husband material, his reasons and personal life are none of her business. But she feels entitled to his information, yet never did anything to help. She’s so annoying she tries to turn the whole situation into something about her. Acts as if he’s doing it to hurt her. She is a problem. She even guilt trips him during the war with pitiful words and a poor excuse of a love confession.
WHAT? She never tried to understand Sasuke's life? And guilt tripping him? How odd! When does she act as if she is pretending like she is hurt by him? When did she do? When? It is not like she never opened a mental health clinic so that children like him won't suffer.
Yes, as if she has no right to express any negative emotions when someone hurts her. As if she can't be sensitive.
She’s just a bully in general.
As if she bullied Naruto throughout her life. You are wanking that one scene like crazy even after she got over it.
No respect for people and their personal space. As shown by repeated grabbing of Sasuke, assaulting of Naruto, and threatening of many other characters.
Wait, did I lose my whole brain now? She has no respect for people? Doesn't she let Sasuke spend time with Naruto and respects his bond with other people? Same for Naruto as well? Don't tell she never respected Naruto LMAO. Tell me, when did she threaten any character. Only in your lame ass fanfictions. If she has no respect for for a person's personal space, how is Sasuke shown to be alone for most of the times? I have never seen her not respecting people's personal space. Its really hypocritical that you guys say that she is clung to a person who is very personal and reserved yet bash her when she wants to spend time with them as well.
Vain as fuck.
Sorry, I am not going to waste my time again. This is a too far stretch. You are exaggerating her negatives and flaws like hell.
She finally wins the prize in the end, and still isn’t grateful. She chose to raise Sarada alone even though she had friends out the ass who could have helped at any time. She chose to be a sob story.
Yes, she won the prize because she deserved it, not unlike you delusional fans portray her so mean and wrong in your delusional headcanons and theories. Kishimoto didn't even mean to portray her the even quarter of what you did. Yeah, the reason she raised Sarada alone is because Sasuke went to deal with a world level threat. Nobody is going to rest at home when there is a serious world threat out there. Go read the Gaiden and speak. Yeah, even if she asked Sasuke to be with her and not deal with the threat, you will still portray her selfish and brag that she does not let Sasuke do his job and yet to still claim that she disrupts a person's privacy.
Wait, how can she ask others to help? Don't they have families and jobs too? Lmao.
She wasn’t what I hoped she would be.
Yeah, doesn't change the fact that she is not a bad character like what some claim to be. Just because she didn't come out the way you want (even with all your misunderstandings), it doesn't change the fact that most of your understanding of her is utterly false.
Its not like she is that perfect to your expectations. Its not like she can't have her own downs. Its not like the Uchiha family in Boruto is all happy and leaving their lives peacefully. Its not like they went through hell and got over it easily. Its not like there were any reasons for her to like Sasuke. Its not like there should be a reason to like a person. You don't even need a reason to like a person if you truly like him. That's more natural, you know?
Don't mistake me, I don't hate Hinata at all. I love Hinata as a character and I have defended her for a lot of times. But, in a post I was just asked by an anon on how the Hinata fandom loathes Sakura a lot and I was explaining how ridiculous they are to Sakura as a character. That was the topic, nothing else. If it was about how Sakura fans are toxic towards Hinata, I would have answered critiquing Sakura fans!
But this user took it off to a very extreme far stretch and really went off topic to shit on Sakura as a character. That post was not even meant to degrade Hinata at all, but she shitted on Sakura as hell. Please, what shall I do with this fandom now? I already gave up on it.
I have the same problem with toxic Sakura fans too. Both the fandoms are worse, but I am so glad that there is a sincere group of Sakura and Hinata fans who stay on their own lane and do their job.
Sorry if I hadn't debunked a few statements because I am so drained. I was supposed to write a one-shot for a Christmas writing challenge, but no. I feel extremely dumb after knowing that the person deleted the reblog. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have known its existence and it wouldn't have ruined my mood.
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nctchaotiq · 4 years
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Studio | Mark Lee
Characters: Fem y/n x Mark Lee
Theme: smut, fluff
Plot: Mark is recording his rap parts in the studio, but when you arrive it turns out he's done recording so you two just hang out in his studio leading to something a couple can do alone.
(I didn't proofread this one again, but hopefully you enjoy! And I know, Mark is probably vanilla when it comes to everything in a relationship, and this is probably him if his dominant side shows. ENJOY!)
You open your eyes after a deep sleep, yawning, and slowly gaining vision. Your sight is filled with sunlight coming from the bedroom window of the apartment that you and Mark share.
Because Mark tends to be extravagant, of course he got the unit on the top floor, containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, maid's quarter, and the extensive view of Han River from the huge floor to ceiling windows surrounding the whole apartment. For the average person living in Seoul, hell, this isn't normal, to live here one must be rich, like Mark Lee, your boyfriend of two years. As you appreciate the view from the bedroom, you thought about how Mark was up so early, you grabbed your phone from the glass bedside table and opened it to see a text from Mark, "Hey baby, sorry to leave so early today, I got an urgent call from LSM telling me to drop by SM this morning. See you tonight at the studio? Love you!"
You were sad to see his text knowing that if Lee Soo Man, the head of SM Entertainment, demands for him, Mark won't be able to come home most likely until midnight and you'll be stuck all alone with Auntie Sunny, your stay in house maid, and yours and Mark's dog, Blaze, a black miniature Poodle.
Grabbing your phone and going down the stairs leading to the living area, you sat on the huge, comfy, couch staring at the window with sleepy eyes and limp body. Blaze was there watching you as he wags his tail with excitement when your eyes landed his, "Blazey, baby, come here." You picked up your Poodle and cuddled, until a voice startled you.
"Looking a little tired today Miss y/n? Mark left early today and it looked urgent." It was Auntie Sunny's voice coming from the kitchen, preparing some cereal and fruits for you, "Here eat this y/n." You get up and drop Blaze softly on the couch, but he then follows you to the dining table.
It's always like this when Mark's out, you left with the Poodle and Auntie Sunny, though you have to admit that you get along well with the two considering that Blaze is basically yours and Mark's son, and Auntie Sunny is just a few years older than you which made you two get along quickly, you think it's weird to call him "Auntie" since the gap is just three years, though she looks older than you by ten years, but still you do since it's a huge respect in Korea.
You actually pitied Sunny since she didn't have any parents, never graduated in college, didn't have a degree, she's basically an orphan and when Mark's manager assigned her in his house, after mistakenly being assigned in Taeyong and Doyoung's apartment, she was absolutely happy that she can finally work after months of waiting.
"How have you been these days Auntie?" You ask, while sipping on the milk from the now vanished cereal.
"Well, I've been good though nothing to worry about Miss y/n." She says as a smile curls from her lips.
"Oh." You said after giving her the bowl of cereal, "I almost forgot to ask you to call the driver for tonight, Mark wants me in his studio to visit." You said.
"Not a problem Miss y/n, Sir Mark already told me earlier this morning to call the driver for later." You nod in response.
The night has come and you didn't doll yourself up considering that you're just going to Mark's studio tonight. "A little tinted red lipgloss wouldn't hurt." You said to yourself as you wore the pair of expensive Dior sneakers.
There you were, all set and ready for a night with Mark at his studio. You just wore a lace bra pairing it with a white oversized jacket and a black skirt that stops right above your knee. "Perfect." You say while checking yourself out in the mirror.
The driver was there and you bid your goodbyes to Auntie Sunny, while Blaze was over there whining about your sudden goodbye but being okay after Auntie picked him up.
"Thanks." You say to the driver as he closes the car door and smiles at you, "To Sir Mark's studio right?" You nod and say "Yes, his SM studio please." He said "Okay" and in a while he searched the address and pinned it, "Let's see, is this the right pin Miss? Sorry I forgot about it since the boys have a lot of studios around." He said while you're softly chuckling at his innocence, you looked at the map on the digital screen of the car and nodded once you saw 'SM Entertainment Headquarters' pinned on the map.
Once you arrived the building you said your thanks to the driver and left, the building was packed today, full of fans, you can see a lot of 'Mark stans' as they call it, seeing their handfans with Mark's face, some fans buying Mark's merch, and some just waiting and sitting in the SM Cafe while sipping on their drinks and staring at you, whispering to their friends.
You saw Mark's manager there and he approached you to ask if you'll need an escort knowing that there are many fans, or if you're uncomfortable using the main entrance and said he can pass you through the back entrance. You passed his offer since you just want to stay lowkey.
You and Mark have publicized your relationship a year ago and to be honest some fans were supportive of it, and some were absolutely not. The first month of it was so hard, the fans gave you a hard time, especially those obsessive ones called 'sasaengs' they stalked you and Mark everywhere, followed every move, and they were creepy as hell. You and Mark were advised to stay inside your apartment that time since they were intense and even knew the apartment you and Mark were staying hoping to catch a glimpse of him. The fans that brought you light were the good fans, those supportive of Mark and his decisions, those who were happy for him having a loving girlfriend.
You finally reached your way up, the SM building was complex, it was also difficult to pass through the elevators, everytime you went up to Mark's studio, it would either be him or his manager to fetch you because you'll need a fingerprint scan in order to access the elevators. You walk slowly and search for Mark's studio in the third floor, the level full of studios for producers and artists. You bumped into Taeyong while searching for the room.
"Hey y/n looking for Mark are you?" You nod in response, "Come. He's in PD Blue's studio, not in his, if that's what you're looking for." You stare at him while he talks, feeling dumbfounded that you're looking for Mark's studio. He chuckles lightly, "I was done recording and it's his turn. He's the last one." You followed in Taeyong's footsteps and led you into the studio.
It was silent when you went inside, no people inside, you were almost surprised when someone held your hand from behind, the coldness of his hands made it unrecognizable, but when you turned around to see who it was, it's your boyfriend. Mark Lee.
"Thanks bro." Mark said to Taeyong and he just nodded, gave Mark a bro fist, and left after Mark closed the door.
You stare in Mark's eyes and admire him after not seeing him the first thing you wake up earlier this morning.
"Cat got your tongue?" Mark chuckles.
"I just missed you." You say, "Thank you for coming here." Mark says and you just nod.
The studio that was once noisy and musical is now surrounded by silence and tension. Mark's hands caress your hair, your cheeks, you tiptoe to kiss his left cheek and hug him to show him that you missed him a lot.
"Mark, didn't you miss me?" You stop the hug and stare at him with tears slowly forming in your eyes.
He moved closer to you, and closer, and closer, making you lean on the wall just beside the locked studio door, now, Mark's face is an inch away from yours, you can feel his body heat all around you, and his arms, pushing the wall, locked into you so you won't go anywhere. "Of course I missed you babygirl." He stares at you, his pupils dilating, fully black, fucking full of lust and love for you.
Sexual tension is all around the room and suddenly it's like there's no air conditioner in this studio from how your cleavage is dripping with sweat, your core burning with intense desire for touch. You stare at Mark, admiring his facial structure, you're caressing his jawline, and when you land your eyes on his swollen lips, you bite your lower lip and stare back at his dark pupils.
"Fucker." Mark swears under his breath, he looks on the gap between you two only to find out that he's quickly forming a tent on his sweatpants. He stares at you again and slowly he removes your jacket, you get a bit flustered since you only wore a lace bralette under the oversized jacket.
"Why are you wearing only this under that jacket?" Mark says as he lands his eyes on your boobs, studying the cloth that covered both mounds, noticing it's that Victoria's Secret bra that he bought for you about a week ago. "Well I didn't think it would be too hot in here for me to remove the jacket." You said and smirked at Mark, feeling a little playful you come closer to Mark and whisper something in his ear.
"You know, it was supposed to be for tonight when we get home." And with that Mark's length bulges even more, him controlling himself and simply saying "And what do you want to do tonight when we get home huh?"
"I missed you so much Mark, I want you to fuck me balls deep, until I'm crying and screaming your name, fill me with your cum, Mark." Your words were music to Mark's ears, hearing those hardened his dick. Hearing those made him kiss you like you're his first and last meal of the day, the hunger and passion on his lips made you feel loved and horny more than ever, you started to feel your panties getting dampened and you're starting to crave Mark's touch, you wanted Mark to fuck you right then and there on the studio. You kissed Mark hungrily, returning each of his hungry kisses. Mark's kissing you on your neck messily, while he squeezes your breasts and unclasps your bra, throws them to whichever part of the room, landing on the music mixers.
Mark wouldn't stop sucking on your nipples, giving you the best pleasure ever after weeks of craving his touch. You have to admit, even though Mark was busy you two always had the time to have sex, knowing how you and Mark's libido is high and how you both have a public sex kink, you both can do it wherever and whenever. He touches you where you need him the most, just to have a feel of how wet you are, and god, you're definitely soaked for Mark.
"Such a slut huh, you went here to get fucked by me?
"Yes, fuck me, please Mark, fuck me in the studio."
"Baby not here, I'll fuck you in my studio, come on." And then there was Mark hurrying to cover you up, return your bra and jacket on, and carrying you bridal style, sprinting through the hallways carefully and making loud footsteps and chuckles to find his studio as quick as he can so he can finally fuck you and make you a mess.
Once Mark entered his studio, you're thrown in his large couch just beside the mixers you look at Mark as he hurries to lock the door, shut the curtains completely, and turn on the lights. Once he's all done he jumps on top of you and removes every piece of clothing you have, exposing your hardened nipples and soaking wet core.
Mark starts again by kissing you rough, marking your neck, sucking on your nipples as he gets a feel on how much wetness is dripping from your core. He gets up and you whine as he faces the mirror on the opposite side of the couch, he was focused on removing his shirt, which exposed his toned chest and his six pack.
He stare at you from the mirror and says "Wanna suck?" after cupping his dick. After he said that waves of arousal sparked through your body, you almost felt your legs twitch and your pussy wetter than ever, you know that you need Mark's touch now.
Mark chuckles as he sees you all flustered from his words and your pussy sparkling from the mirror's reflection. "What are you waiting for, come here and beg like a good kitty." he says and you just nod in approval while getting up from the sofa smiling like an idiot.
"Hmm beg first y/n." Mark smiles at you when he found you already kneeling infront of him, mouth ready to take in his length.
"Mark, please I want to suck your cock."
"Mhm, go on baby. Make me feel good."
You start by licking the tip of his cock, palming the balls and playing with it, you can feel Mark's hands slowly gripping your hair, tightening for every lick that you do. You attempt to take on Mark's whole cock, it was always like this, slim, veiny, but juicy as hell, he tastes like mixed sugar and salt and you loved every drop of it.
"Fuck y/n, so good." Mark said while gasping for breath, he bobs your hair carefully on his length but after a few minutes he couldn't resist and just used your mouth as a fucktoy, making himself feel good, and your mouth a big mess from his juices spilling over your chin and neck.
"Get up and lay down." Mark told you as he pointed to the couch. You were a bit worried because the couch was dark red, you could always stain it with your cum, but somehow Mark manages to remove it, he came clean to you one day and told you that he pays the dry cleaner more for the service and that made you feel shy.
Mark chuckled, it seems like he has read your mind when he said "Don't worry babygirl, Mr Dry Cleaner is receiving good bucks." "Now can I see your horny pussy? Will you open up babygirl?" Mark's assuring voice made you calm, he asked you to open your legs and so of course you did, revealing to him the now wetter pussy, heating up for his touch.
For a moment, he plays with your clit, touching, flicking, touching it rhythmically which felt like torture to you, you resist the moans that wants to come out of you.
"Babyy, that's so rude. Please fuck me." You sigh as Mark continues to tease you, you just whimper and could no longer resist your moans so you blurted out one.
"Hmm what a slut" Mark says, and then he suddenly slams a finger inside you.
"Mark Lee, oh fuck." You know Mark likes it when you moan or scream his full name, it brings him joy and power because he is assured that he's giving you so much pleasure. Just as you're about to cum on his fingers, he stops and flips you over, "All fours baby" he loves this position and you do as well just because Mark can fuck you from behind, his hands choking you as he fucks you balls deep and breeds you with his load inisde of you.
Mark wasted no time and lined up his erection on your hole, he rubs the tip on your clit making you moan.
"Fuck me hard Mark Lee." And in that moment Mark thrusts in and out of you in a slow but sexy pace, his eyes looking at you through the mirror on the opposite wall and you're staring at him moaning at the view of both of you fucking.
This is your favorite about Mark's studio, how you could see him fuck you from behind, it turns you on even more.
"God you feel so good and tight around me y/n." He says as his eyes close shut and his thrusts go at a faster pace, choking you even more and pulling your hair for extra support. His length, fully disappeared and inside you, the studio is filled with moans, good thing it's soundproofed with thick walls.
Mark flips you so that he's facing you now.
"Y/n call me daddy now please." He enters your hole again and fastens his pace. You can feel that Mark is nearing his orgasm so quickly. "Daddy I wanna cum!" You scream and moan, his name and 'daddy' comes out of your mouth ocassionally "Daddy Mark, fuck. Harder!"
"Who's fucking you so damn good? Only Mark Lee, right babygirl?" He says in between his breathy and rough moans.
"Yes! Only Mark Lee fucks me this good. Oh god oh daddy."
"I'm gonna cum! Oh shit Mark, you are fucking me so good daddy." You say as your pussy hugs Mark's dick even tighter making it twitch a bit. You finally cum and you look at Mark who's staring at you while you release on his cock, Mark kisses you rough and with passion and continues thrusting in and out of you.
With a few more thrusts, Mark has managed to be close again to his orgasm, "Gonna cum now princess, holy fuck." He rapidly and steadily fucks your hole like a sex addicted maniac.
"Mark come inside me, I want your babies inside me daddy!" You say like an excited wanton slut. "You're so good y/n, fuck here it goes." Mark wasted no time and came inside your pussy, "Fuck it up" is all that he can say while he shoots his load inside you, his cum dripping and overflowing in you, you feeling his warm cum inside your stomach, enjoying it like a cumslut. Indeed you are a cumslut for Mark Lee.
You two take time to catch your breath, messy hair and sticky skin, Mark's side bang is sticking on his forehead.
After some time, you two were finally relaxed, Mark has removed his cock inside you, and both of you hugging each other despite the sticky feeling of your skin from the sweat and cum.
"You took my cock so well again." Mark teases you.
"Lucky you right?" You tease him back and you both chuckle.
"You were wild for me right there baby. You crave for my dick all the time. Slut hehe."
"Of course, I'm wild but only for Mark fucking Lee." You smile to him and for the last time you peck his lips and caress his hair, admiring how beautiful he is and how good he makes you feel.
"Mark you made me feel so good, you're crazy for doing that." You say.
"Yeah, should be the only one making you feel that good though princess."
"Only you! Good daddy." You smirk at Mark as you felt his dick twitch, slightly touching your clit.
"Hmm round two at home?" He smiles and you whine "Let's go home now Mark."
Mark chuckles and gives you a kiss on the forehead, "So eager princess? You haven't had enough have you? You still want this?" And he holds his dick and rubs the tip softly to your clit.
"Tease! Nah but seriously let's go home it's getting late Marky." You told him while trying to stand up to get your clothes.
"Let me dress you up princess."
That's your favorite about Mark, he can fuck you hard and rough, but after all that he takes care of you like a gem, his most prized possession. You look at him in awe and think about how lucky you are for finding Mark.
(a/n: i know it's early for a part two but yall are amazing, so here it is.)
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bereniceteeth · 4 years
Q/Kyūsaku Yumeno with a motherly/older sibling figure headcannons –
_NOTE: feel free to inform me if I gendered Q, their gender is non-confirmed/androgynous (I also want the reader to be gender neutral so tell me if I went wrong there as well); also this is just a small headcannon thing so its not that good lol
_WARNING(S): implied self-harm, murder, and past abuse/trauma; confinement/imprisonment; sadistic mindsets; (notify me if I have missed any)
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Having been a long-time friend of Kōyō Ozaki and having provided useful for the Port Mafia as a pair of eyes under the guise of an average citizen – a nursing student. Ōgai Mori decided to keep you around to treat wounded Mafia members.
Another reason why is because Elise had taken a liking to you.
Although becoming a nurse was never because you registered emotions unconventionally. You just cared, although always knew when to stay silent and mind your own business.
Perfect for deception, is it not?
Around a year into your Mafia endeavours when Mori assigned Koyo to oversee a young boy, Chūya Nakahara. Mori assigned you to oversee and be a child’s caretaker.
Dogra Magra, Kyūsaku Yumeno’s ability, required someone to hurt them to take control over their mind. Thus, Mori thought it fit for you to oversee them.
Little Kyū was only six then. They were more paranoid and confused, instead of sadistic and chaotic.
After learning that you were a nurse, Kyū would stay silent and obedient to whatever you said, heads hanging down. Their eyes would always light up when they saw something they wanted to play with or inspect, but they never dared act. However, whenever you were not around, they would be a normal child.
Of course, later when they began to trust you, he admitted to having a fear and dislike of hospitals. Thus, lead them to mistrust you when they found out you were a nurse.
Slowly, Kyū became more comfortable around you. Well, you did take him into your home.
You loved your days at home. Little Kyū frequently skipped around the house with their doll, talking to the bandaged doll with an adorable smile stitched into their face, lost in their imagination ❤️
When at work, they would usually be attached to your hip, clinging to your leg or hand. They would sit on your desk quietly with a blank look on their face and clutching their doll, if you were busy working, especially if someone else was in the room. If you were having a break, they would swing their legs and softly smile up at you. You two would draw together then often.
Poor baby would get kicked around at base if you were not around :(
Around two years after you took them into your care, they began to have frequent nightmares and panic more easily. Maybe finally letting their defensive walls down had resurfaced past trauma?
But the paranoid and emotional Kyū would only show themselves at home, or in the middle of the night when they would run into your room for comfort. However, at the base they became a lot more smiley. The uncomfortable kind of smiley.
This is when their sadism started to develop.
Although, they were never really like that around you, only to the people who would push you two around.
In the beginning, Kyū would be stuck to your side because they knew that lower ranking members would have to suffer getting no treatment for wounds, no matter how major or minor, if they wronged you. If they were higher ranking, then well, it would not take long for Kōyō to find out.
You tried to guide them away from having a sadistic mentality toward humanity.
In the end, they preferred chaos over peace.
They began to steal razor blades and barbed wire to tie around their arms. You should have known. They did not hold your hand or cling to your leg all day. You know them, you know this is how they get their way.
They had walked around base, letting people push them aside, bump into them, knock their doll out of their hands.
They triggered their ability later that day. Many casualties occurred. Many you could not help, even Mori came down to assist for a small while before he left with executive Osamu Dazai. Taking Kyū with him.
You were not allowed to see or talk to Kyū for days.
 “Mori, please-”
“That kid has to be confined. You’re too busy to keep an eye on them, or just too soft on them,” Dazai intervened firmly from your left. He was never a fan of Kyū, he hated the innocent performance they would play. Strange isn’t it? Dazai, of all people, hates Kyū’s sadism. Either way, because of this, he was not fond of your persistence to take care of them. Despite him being friends with Sakunosuke Oda, a kind man who took in five orphans. “Stick to staying quiet.”
“(L/n), I apologize, but were going to have to retain them within lockdown.” Mori established monotonously, glaring directly into your eyes. You knew better than to challenge them, no matter how much you wanted to.
Kyū already hated humanity, themself. They hated confinement, it reminded them of the hospital.
You just want to take them home.
 It had been three years before Kyū could leave their prison. You spent a great deal of your time with them in that room, you still essentially provided everything for them. You even stayed the night sometimes.
 You opened the heavy metal door leading into Kyū’s ‘room’, the screech of hinges made Kyū jolt awake. They gazed at you in the doorway and flopped back onto the pillow with a smile on his face. You chuckled as you shut the door, hearing the guard situated just outside the door lock it behind you. You sat at the foot of the paint and marker covered white bed, placing your hand softly on his leg underneath the blanket.
“Sorry I came so early; you can still sleep if you want.” You spoke tenderly. It was just past sunrise. Today was the day that Mori gave you a whole day off and allowed you to use your time to take Kyū back home. Only for the day, unfortunately.
“Why so early…” Kyū whined tiredly, turning on their side facing the wall opposite you and cuddled their battered doll closer.
“I’ve got a day off,” You smiled as you studied the various papers of pencil and marker drawings, displaying many gruesome scenes, some being scrawls of colour. You also saw what looked like a sketch of yourself peeking out from under the pile. “And for today… you can come home.”
They immediately shot up, mouth agape, breath getting heavier by the second. Their brown eyes lit up, their unique star and oval pupils sparkling. Tears. They let out a rocky breath and their arms began shaking.
 The first day you got to bring them back home, Kyū pressed toward their room and stood in the doorway. You spent a good hour and a half comforting a sobbing Kyū, hugging them and their doll when they dropped on their knees.
Baby missed having a home :(
Once a month you would get to see Kyū for the whole day, you two would spend all day at home, they would smile and act like a normal child.
(expect the occasional comment about wanting to break and kill Dazai-)
 Although, they are still sadistic and have a deep love for chaos. It is only with you that they will be tame.
Kyū and you would have small clothing hauls, you cannot help but spoil them at home, their favourite item is the red circular sling bag with an animal’s face and the black coat.
You even brought little accessories for their doll.
 You were lying contently on your living room lounge watching a crime show that played on the television, while taking glimpses at twelve-year-old Kyū drawing their doll in a sketchbook you brought them recently. They were not sketching as enthusiastically as they usually would, however.
They huffed and dropped the brown pencil, picked up their doll and abruptly flopped on top of you, lying down as well. You lifted an arm to pat their head and run your fingers through their black and white hair.
“You okay?”
“Yeah… I’m tired.” They muttered and groaned. “But I do not want to sleep, I’m tired without the sleepiness. You know?”
“That’s all good, you can stay there if you want.” You had a suspicion they were feeling depressed, which is anything new unfortunately. Home is the only place they have ever let their guard down.
You turn your head back toward the television screen, where the crime scene of a grotesque murder was displayed.
“That’s what I’m going to do to Mr. Dazai.”
“Kyūsaku you will nOT-”
(might do a part two as an actual oneshot, and better written lol)
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dee--eer · 3 years
also! see this as your free pass to talk about your favorite non-DCMK ship for the ask game! (my instincts tell me it's gonna be Klance I'm curious to see if I'm right xD)
IT'S DEFINITELY KLANCE, YEP. I didn’t talk much about them anymore but boy do they still have me in a chokehold. These boys own my soul tbh
I uh. Write much much more than I intended to lmao so, the rest goes under the cut!
Shipping them is actually kinda unexpected, you see, because while it's true that I started vld because one of my favorite writer start writing about them and I got curious, I actually went through the first 2 seasons completely not understanding where the ship is coming from lmao. I was more of a Shallura and Shatt shipper at that point, and I saw Klance as more of a friendly-rival characters sorts but probably won't go toward romantic route, kind of like Heishin for me. I am, however, already fell in love with Keith from the very start (this bit here is very important, alright?).
And then season 3 rolls around and I..... just fell headfirst into the Klance hell. Specifically that moment in front of Black when Lance goes to comfort Keith. I was just... so enamored by this moment, because see, up to that point Keith has been really insufferable, which is absolutely justified, but so is his teammates disdain toward him. And yet, out of all 5 people present there the one who goes up and comfort him is Lance. The rival. The boy who loudly complain whenever Keith as much as glance toward him. Like, they could've easily made Coran do that, with him being the oldest and (supposedly) the wisest among all of them. He did that with Lance, after all. Or Allura, maybe, because she's technically the leader of the pack and it make sense for her to try and comfort her subordinate. And yet, it was Lance who goes up and stand beside him.
And then the next eps when he just blindly goes after Lotor and literally endangering his teammates? Even I, the self-proclaimed Keith #1 fan, got a bit annoyed and feeling a bit like I want to kick some sense into him. And yet Lance is still the only one who's faithfully flying beside him, reigning him back when he's literally leaving his teammate behind, comforting him again and doesn't even try to antagonize him when he admits he went too farーlike bro. That "Keith, don't do this!" scene still haunts my dream, it was so good.
Those moment really cements how good Lance is for Keith, and that's ultimately what made me ship them in the first place. You see, one of my rule in shipping is that I will ship whoever made my favorite character happy. Like, this is kinda why I'm still a Naruhina shipper at heart because I love Hinata to death and I want her to have the man of her dream, despite how much I agree that Narusasu or even Narusaku is a league above them in term of a good couple. Like, I mostly just want to see my favorite character being happy, y'know? So yep. Those s3 moment show me how good Lance is to Keith, and that's how I sold my soul to the devil :'D
One other thing that really sent me is this specific characters trait of Keith and Lance. Keith, as an orphan who was left to fend off for himself for most of his childhood, ends up having too many love left to give. And Lance, the boy who have a bazillions family member, ends up already giving too many love in his life. And well, Keith will have more than enough love to shower Lance. Soulmate behavior, don't you think? 😆
It really doesn't help (or it does?) that I've always love an enemy/rival-to-lover trope since I know what shipping is. So in a way, I love Klance because I love Kaishin, ahah 🙈
I might've gotten too invested in answering this ajzjzkzk I'm so sorry it got a bit long, but I can't help itttt even after all these years they're still so precious to meeee ❤💙❤💙
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thewriterofkpop · 3 years
Hiyaaaa! I was wondering could you do a Shinee Minho imagine in which reader is his new PR manager and he can't help but fall for her!!!! Please and thanks!!!
Minho x PR Manager Reader - Can't help but fall in love with you
Hey! Sorry that this took longer than expected! I hope you like the OneShot! Please give me your opinion! 
,,I can’t wait to see how the new PR Manager is,’’ Key said ironically and walked into the conference room where you were expecting the boys. ,,Well, what do you think of me now that you saw me?’’ you asked him, putting your long black hair behind your ear and crossing your arms in front of your chest. You were wearing a long black dress with white sneakers. The red lipstick made your lips look full, ready to be kissed. You pressed your lips together as you let your arms fall and walk around the table, sitting in your seat. The table was already set. Each member got a few papers, something to write with, and drinks in front of them. ,,Please close the door behind you,’’ you said, looking straight into Minho’s eyes. You were brave, he thought. Usually all women blushed in front of him. Never would someone tell him to do something. But you did.
,,Please have a seat,’’ you asked after Minho closed the door. Onew, as the leader, began and sat down, his other three members did the same. ,,Hello, my name is Y/N and as of today I will be your PR Manager. I studied abroad in Germany, moved to America, and came back to Korea. Please take care of me and let’s work together. I already know you a bit - however, I would like you to tell me more about yourselves in person. So, from the oldest to the youngest?’’ you asked, looking into Onew’s eyes. After everyone said their names again and a few basic things, you began to take over again.
,,I want to change a few things,’’ you began. Immediately, you saw how Key looked at you in disgust, making you rephrase what you just said. ,,Not only in this group, but in the whole company. I will be honest,’’ you began, crossing your legs and acquiring Minho’s attention. ,,I am currently your PR manager, but my aim is to become SM Entertainment’s PR Manager. I want to change this company. It’s a good one, it’s big, famous, you get to learn a lot here, but every idol can open an entertainment. There are more and more Idols who get mistreated and open their own entertainment companies. Other idols know that they will have better treatment and will change company. I want people to realize here that we have to fight for our place. For the first place,’’ you said. ,,And of course you want to get a lot of money,’’ Key laughed. ,,Yeah, I want to make a lot of money. I love money,’’ you said, rolling your eyes and putting your leg down again. ,,I love money so much that I would do anything. I will make a lot of money and know what I will do with it? I will help people in need such as orphans, to give them a better life,’’ you told him, making Key feel a bit uncomfortable, but he was still proud of himself. ,,So,’’ you began to open the first page, making the members follow you, except for Minho, who was kind of attracted to your moving lips. ,,I want you first of all to get an English class - I will teach you,’’ you said. English. This was the keyword that made Minho look up from your red full lips and instead look into your eyes.
,,I already know English, and Taemin is learning,’’ Key said. ,,I know, I follow his Instagram lives,’’ turning your head to the maknae ,,you are doing so well! But you all have to get better. I looked at your schedule and freed you from a few things. For the future, these conferences will be held in English. I will give you a week to learn the basics,’’ ,,But why?’’ Minho asked since he was looking somewhere else and his ears didn’t listen. He couldn’t follow you at all. ,,I represent the company and I want to do a good job at what I am doing, just like you for your fans. SM wants to show fans that their idols care about them and so you guys need to get better at communicating,’’ Going on with the conference, you made the boys realize that they actually had a completely different picture of you. Instead, you could make everyone feel hyped for the new stuff that was about to come.
Weeks and months passed, and the more it passed, the more famous they became. With you by your side, they were finally free to show fans what they wanted. They just had to ask you and you would make it happen. You created wonderful Instagram posts, translated them into every language you knew, posted regularly and about everything that was new. And by now, you all became good friends.
,,Welcome to my home,’’ you said, inviting them in. ,,It smells so good…’’ Minho said, actually meaning the good smell from your clothes. ,,Thanks, it’s bulgogi,’’ you smiled, misunderstanding. Taemin laughed at his hyung, who just looked around himself, ready to implant every little detail from your house into his head. ,,Please place your stuff wherever you want it and make yourself feel at home, I will bring something to drink,’’ you said. The boys walked round the house, finally finding the living room and waited for you until you brought something to drink. ,,Let’s make this a funny evening,’’ you laughed and sat down next to Minho. You looked at him and smiled brightly and he couldn’t take his eye off of you. Your lips touched the glass and took a little slip, making Minho gulp. He just realized that he had fallen in love with you. The love you had for your job and what you were doing and how you were doing it. It made him develop strong feelings for you. Both of you wanted to archive something in a different way. ,,So, Y/N, the rumor about you being in love with someone from our company, how true is it?’’ Taemin asked you, wanting to know if the gossip he heard was true. ,,True,’’ you simply said, laughing again and looking at Minho’s reaction, who misunderstood and looked at you. You were in love? Was there someone else in your mind? ,,Who? The CEO? That’s why you want to get up there?’’ Key laughed, teasing you. ,,Yeah, as if that’s my only wish to achieve,’’ you laughed, making Minho feel sad… Was everything he thought about you false?
,,I need some fresh air,’’ he said as he placed down his cocktail and walked outside. It didn’t take long until you followed him with a jacket. ,,Minho, what happened? Are you okay?’’ you called him. You called his name once, twice, and a third time until you could finally grab him by his hand. ,,What’s wrong with you!?’’ you called, making him finally turn around. ,,I...I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!’’ he yelled, his eyes showed agony. ,,Why?’’ you asked him, not understanding his feelings. ,,Everything I knew about you… I thought you were different and fell in love with a totally-’’ without making him finish the sentence, you grabbed his cheeks and pulled him to you, giving him a kiss on his lips with yours. ,,I don’t know what the heck you are talking about, but man, I’m trying to get your attention and achieve stuff for you,’’ you said, waiting for his response. ,,Oh. OH! I thought you-’’ ,,Don’t think too much! You have other strengths!’’ you teased him and kissed him again, explaining afterwards that no one was in love with the CEO. ,,You just overreacted, like always. If for once you would listen till the end, this wouldn’t have happened,’’ Key sighed and began to eat the rice, shaking his head.
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