#sorry let me not be mean and a buzz kill sorry sorry
tariah23 · 7 months
I feel like tumblr users just being laughing at anything on here because wtf is a skibidi toilet
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
look I am fully aware that I'm the weird guy here for being into whatever Jarod has going on but honestly I sometimes wonder. Did the developers do it on purpose. Did they know that they're making him kinda. Y'know. Like I'm sorry for being a lil freak but some of his lines are just like. It feels like they knew what they were doing
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suguru’s knuckles are tainted with blood.
oftentimes, you think of yourself as supportive — supportive of him, his passions, supportive of the career he chose. you’d really, really like to think so. 
moments like these make it difficult to say that with conviction.
(he won, of course. suguru always wins.)
but his knuckles are bruised, splotches of purple and blue seeping into the skin, split and dripping with droplets of red. it smudges your palms, when you reach out to take his hand into yours; warm, trickling slowly down the valley between your fingers.
your brows furrow, in badly concealed worry. suguru notices, because he always does.
“don’t worry,” he says, voice a soothing salve to your heart. honeyed, like a coo is resting at the tip of his tongue, waiting to be let out. “it doesn’t hurt.”
he’s lying. you know he’s lying. wounds like these hurt, no matter who you are — even if you’re 6’3, all muscle, a professional boxer with several trophies under your belt. even if your hands are big enough to cover your lover’s like a warm blanket, envelop them wholly, the way he’s doing now; wiping the bloodtrail away with his thumb. even then, it hurts to bleed.
(don’t worry.)
”… how could i not?”
suguru softens. his eyes, still gleaming with the afterglory of victory, crumble with warmth, with fondness. it makes him look a bit like an angel.
his hands, meant to ground you, withdraw for a moment — one of them slipping down to capture your wrist. he leans forward, and presses his lips against your fingers, your knuckles, right up to the center of your hand. softly, chastely.
(he always does this, bends down to reach you. there’s never any need to chase him.)
”i’m sorry,” he murmurs, breath hot against your skin. forehead still damp with sweat, glistening under the dim lights of the locker room. you tuck a sticky strand of raven hair behind his ear, and he smiles. ”that was a mean thing to say.”
”it was,” you agree, gaze still stuck on the bruising.
a raspy chuckle leaves his lips. “forgive me, sweetheart,” he exhales a softened breath, leaving the ridges of your knuckles. ”i won’t tell you how to feel. just don’t want you anxious, you know that.”
”… of course i’d be anxious,” you can’t help but mutter, struggling to keep your spite at bay; lips curling down into a frown. ”you’re hurt.”
”barely,” he soothes you, massaging your hands with his big palms. you should tell him to stop, to just let his busted hands rest, but it feels too good. ”i’ll be fine. and i gave you a good show, didn’t i?”
you snort. ”a little too good…”
suguru breathes out a chuckle, and you can’t help but smile. remembering his form, his punches and jabs, the fire in his low-lidded eyes — it’s always a treat to see him in the zone, even if it leaves you sick with worry. and when he gets truly heated, sweat running down his abs, heavy pants leaving his lips in time with his dodges…
it’s hard to hate it. hard not to enjoy it. even though you have to close your eyes, every time he takes a hit. 
”made you proud?” he asks, awfully polite for a plea. leaning closer, a magnet to your touch, bare thigh brushing against your own. tilting his head, with a softness the average person wouldn’t think him capable of. he’s anything but gentle, in the ring.
he’s silly for asking.
”of course,” you whisper, letting him come as close as he wants. his lips are inching closer to yours, and you say the words without thinking. it’s instinct, muscle memory, you don’t have to try. ”always. you did so well, suguru...”
a hum. low, pleased, buzzing at the base of his throat. his eyes flutter shut, smile creeping up his lips, and you know it does more for him than you’ll ever know — living up to your expectations.
”did you think i was cool?”
a breathy giggle spills from your lips. he cracks a single eye open, pouting, leaning closer still; as if the distance between you could kill him. breath ghosting against your teeth, a shiver trailing down your spine.
”’m serious.”
”of course i did,” you huff, eyes bright with laughter, lips melting into a grin. ”of course you are. pretty sure my knees buckled, once or twice.”
now he’s laughing, and it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard — breathy and raspy, like a trail of smoke, going straight into your lungs. he closes the distance between you, then, still chuckling slightly. grinning, teeth against teeth, stars lighting up his eyes. 
your bruised up angel. 
(yours to patch.)
”let me see,” you mumble, pulling away from the clumsy kiss, fleeing from his hands at the same time. wrapping yours around his, instead; the warmth doesn’t have time to leave him. you examine his purple knuckles, once more, still leaking crimson. ”does it hurt when you move your fingers?”
he tries to close his fist, testing the limits, not quite making the cut. unfurling his fingers, one by one, with a low hum. ”just a bit… feels more numb, really.”
a crease forms between your brows. two sharp teeth digging into the skin of your bottom lip, as you mutter. “… did you already take painkillers?”
”coach gave me some,” he nods, untangling his fingers from yours — lifting just one hand up, bringing his thumb to your forehead, to smooth away the worried crease. ”i barely feel it, anymore. really.”
you wish it was enough to put your heart at ease. but it’s still restless, still trembling, puppeteered by the anxious thread that keeps it tethered to your veins. 
”… and you know i’m used to it,” he adds, smiling sweetly, hand slipping down to cup your cheek. tugging a little at your lip, silently urging you not to bite down on the tender flesh. ”you don’t care, though… do you? my little sweetheart.”
(… uh oh. he’s shifting into mother hen mode.)
you breathe out a sigh, standing up from the bench, before he can start babying you properly. unfurling your fingers from his, reluctantly, not really wanting to let go. ”i’ll clean it. c’mon.”
suguru simply smiles, tilting his head to the right, disheveled bangs following along. fully aware of his own charm, when he’s like this, sweaty and tuckered out — chest exposed, droplets dripping down his stomach, stopping near the trail of hair just below his belly button. you could do without the injuries, but he’s still lethal like this. eyes gleaming with pride, something pleased, when he notices your lingering gaze. you clear your throat, and his smile grows.
when you step away, suguru gets up too. trailing after you, like an overgrown puppy, all the way to the sink, dirty with rust — this venue is older than what you’re used to from his sponsors. but it’s fully functional, cold water spurting out the tap and running through the gaps between your fingers.
you adjust it, until it’s almost lukewarm, and put your hand out towards suguru.
he places his palm over yours.
then you bring it right under the tap. both of them, eventually, watching as the blood gets washed off his fingers and trickles down the drain — a murky spiral, muddying the clear water. you clean the wound as thoroughly as you can, with a wet cloth, without putting too much pressure on the bruising.
suguru gazes at you all the while. waiting.
he’s always been good at it.
”… there,” you exhale, a gust of anxiety leaving your lungs. the pressure on your chest feels lighter, but it’s not enough; your hands start digging through your pockets, through band-aids adorned with sunflowers, a blister pack of paracetamol, fingers curling around a roll of bandages. his very own first-aid kit, always within reach.
without you having to ask, he holds his hands out. letting you work in silence, wrap the bandage around his hand — beginning at the inside of his wrist, twice around, moving up diagonally to the bottom of his ring finger. around, around, making sure it’s not too tight, but firm enough to help. before long, both his hands are covered in cotton gauze, the bruising nowhere to be seen. you can’t help but feel better, even though you know it’s still there.
when you look up, into your fiancé’s eyes, his eyes are crinkled at the edges. he looks terribly fond.
”… thank you, honey.”
(your angel, the inside of your mind repeats. your precious boy.)
his hands radiate warmth, gently cradled by your own. his heart pumping fiercely, hot blood flowing through his veins, even below the coverage. you let out something like a coo, a caring little noise, leaning forward — tipping your head down. you press your lips against his patched-up knuckles, all of them, and you can practically hear the hitch of his breath.
you kiss him with all the care you can muster. like the wounds will disappear, if you cover them in love.
suguru can’t bear it.
”angel,” he musters, and you want to correct him, but you know he wouldn’t pay it any mind. ”look at me?”
you do. drawn to him, a flicker of light, gazing up at him through lidded eyes. he cups the right side of your jaw, and leans in close — one kiss to your cheek.
then another.
”you’re too sweet,” he murmurs, almost agonized. ”too sweet to me, i don’t deserve it.”
you should smack him for that. you won’t, though.
”… you do,” is all you say, shoulders slumping just a little, a breathy exhale slipping past your pursed lips. ”you deserve it. and your knuckles do, too.”
an amused huff of air, ghosting against the skin of your neck as he travels down. leaving a trail of butterfly kisses behind him. ”do they? after they made you all worried…”
”because someone doesn’t look after them properly,” you scoff, smiling all the while, squirming when his lips meet your pulse-point. ”don’t blame your poor hands for your career choice, they didn’t ask for this.”
suguru laughs, and you can practically feel it; his chest rumbling along, like a joyous thunderstorm.
”sorry,” he murmurs, pulling back to look you in the eye, his own sparkling with delight. ”you’re right… good thing they have you to look after them, hm?”
another little breath of a laugh. he reaches for your head, fingers threading through your locks, ruffling your tousled hair with a cotton-clad hand. gently.
”well, i’m sure they’re very grateful, too.” he gives you a smile, and it burns straight through your lungs — almost piercing, in this dim corner of the room. ”we’re lucky to have you, sweetheart.”
a small grin tugs at your lips. at his praise, his attention, just the way he looks at you. suguru has a way of burning brighter than anyone else, even in a crowded room, a turbulent boxing ring. your eyes remain on him, him, him, and it isn’t just his stature, his broad shoulders. it’s his charisma, blinding, a bullet in a loaded gun — the click just before your finger meets the trigger. it demands attention.
(you couldn’t look away, even if you wanted to.)
silence stretches, unwinds, settles somewhere in the space between you. it’s comfortable, being in the same space as him, just resting idly, with his hand falling down to rest at your back. your heart at ease, safe and protected. both of you.
before long, you’re reaching for his face. peaceful, but still gleaming with something like pride, a little sticky with the residue of sweat. his chest moves, the fat of his pecs lifted up, and down, in tandem with his steady breathing. the back of your fingers meet his skin, running against the apple of his cheek. 
”… congratulations,” you whisper, soft with pride, even fiercer than what he must be feeling. ”… on another victory, suguru.”
and his eyes soften, again — inevitable, bleeding heart between battered ribs. he smiles, looking at you like you’re the prize he’s bringing home. 
”for you,” he croons. ”always for you.”
(he’s too sweet; but you already know. he always looks right at you, after the finishing blow.)
suguru leans into your touch, and puts his hand over yours, and you think to yourself that he hasn’t changed at all — in all the years you’ve known him. he’s still that bright-eyed, fire-in-his-veins kinda guy, still just as tender as he’s always been. bruised knuckles, bloodied hands, and all. when he asked you out, he made a promise to protect you — your knight in shining armour, always there to keep you safe.
you’d thought him a bit of an idealist. a romantic. 
but that’s the thing, about suguru, about everything he does. he doesn’t know how to sweep memories under the rug, how to love people without wanting to bleed for them, without tearing himself open and letting them see inside. he doesn’t know how to love in a way that doesn’t feel a little like a blow, and he keeps his promises the same way he catches a swinging fist with his palm; without trying.
you don’t think there’s a language that could hold his love. that could translate it properly.
(maybe boxing is all there really is.)
“… are you tired?” you ask him, after a brief pause, lightly pinching the fat of his cheek between your fingers. watching his nose scrunch up. “wanna go home and sleep?”
“yes, please,” he mutters, a weak smile and a soft groan. “feels like my knees are about to buckle.”
you let out a laugh, raspy with the same fatigue he must be feeling, only tenfold. “oh? what happened to the tough guy act, all of a sudden?”
“i’m always your tough guy,” he tuts, but it doesn’t sound very confident when he has to stifle a yawn in the same breath. nuzzling into your palm, like a sleepy kitten. “tough guys need their rest, too…”
a soft, sleepy grin. “especially tough guys who have been throwing their fists around all day, huh?”
“especially those, yes,” he hums, eyes fluttering shut. “those guys need some extra care.”
“i’ll have to pamper you, won’t i?” you wouldn’t mind at all. he only gives you the chance when he’s a little too exhausted to pretend he doesn’t need it. “make you tea, tuck you into bed? kiss you goodnight?”
at that, he lets out a weak scoff. cracking an eye open, a single slice of amber dye, gleaming with amusement. “extra care. not coddling, angel.”
“oh, don’t be like that,” you coo, almost letting a bout of laughter slip between your teeth. pinching his cheek, again, while he feigns a little frown. “you’re my tough guy, aren’t you? you can take it.”
a breath bubbles up from his throat, too sleepy to be a proper giggle, but dangerously close. dangerous for your heart, the adoration already urging you to pinch his cheek again, maybe bite his exposed chest a bit. he’s so cute it makes you angry. the cutest, most gentle boxer in the world.
“if you say so,” he hums, and you know he craves some pampering if he’s already relenting this early. “what the baby wants, the baby gets.”
“exactly.” your smile is so big it’s hurting your cheeks, but you can’t help it when you look at him. “and my baby wants to go home, doesn’t he?”
a huff. he can’t hide a smile, either. “ah, now you’re just upsetting me on purpose, aren’t you?”
he says that, but his hand still finds yours, fumbles for it in the dark. cotton gauze on warm skin. he squeezes it, gently, and then it’s moving again — curling around your waist, guiding you towards the exit, his jacket hanging on the coat rack. made of wool, a little oversized, even on him. he drapes it over his shoulders, dragging the zipper up to his neck.
then his hand finds your waist, again. 
when you pull the door open, cold air flows into your lungs — a tingle down your spine, the tips of your fingers, cool and crispy autumn air. the dark sky greets you, suguru’s car parked just outside. before you can even shiver, he’s tugging you closer.
���don’t worry,” he whispers, squeezing you against him, eyes rich with care. “i’ll warm you up, sweetheart. just stay close.”
he gives you another blinding smile, the lamp post above you like a halo over his head. breathtaking. your angel, your protector — your big, wooly wolf. 
suguru keeps his promises. he holds your hand, all the way through the car ride home, bandaged skin on top of yours. he melts the cold around your heart, melts all your worries away. supportive, always.
you want to be the same, for him. a pillar of support, something to lean on — a hand to hold, a roll of bandages, a rock to ground his unsteady feet. you want to be there for him, watching him shine. there to meet his eyes, when they search for yours after a narrow victory. there to give him the love he needs.
if he’s the bruise, then you’re the disinfectant.
(you’ll be there, to patch him up.)
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darkbluekies · 9 months
God i want a dark!dr.kry fic soo bad. I read your most recent silas fic and I thought it was so good i ATE IT UP
Things you shouldn't see
Doctor!yandere x reader Summary: you've finally realized what type of man Dr Kry is, and what he is capable of doing. Warnings: murder, bruises, yandere, poison etc. Word count: 2.3k
Your crying hurts him, it really does, but he can’t be soft. Not now. You had tried to escape again. If he hadn’t come back in time to catch you in the door, God knows what could have happened to you. 
“Please, please don’t”, you sob as he cuffs your wrists to the bed’s railing with belt-looking leather. “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Spare your voice, Y/N”, he tells you sharply. “Begging and pleading won’t work — you're not a child. You put yourself in this situation, didn’t you? How about we take some adult consequences?” He fixes the last buckle. “Too tight?”
You don't answer, you only cry. Dr Kry grabs your chin softly to direct your attention back to him. 
“Y/N, listen to me”, he says sternly. “Are the restraints too tight? Yes or no? Don’t lie.”
“No”, you sob. 
“Good. You know why I’m doing this, right? I don’t think it’s funny.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“Stop with the bullshit, Y/N. I caught you in the damn door, Y/N.” He sighs frustratedly and runs a hand through his blonde hair. “I can’t let this slip. You almost escaped from me once, remember? I’m not letting that happen again. I’m going to go get you dinner and you are going to get yourself together until I’m back, okay?”
You nod slightly. When he's exited the room, you break out into sobs again. Have to get them out of your system before he returns. You hate him. Hate him so much.
He's back ten minutes later with two cardboard boxes filled with food. He looks somewhat pleased that you're not crying anymore. He stands by his desk.
“You don't understand that I want what's best for you”, Dr Kry says while opening the plastic lids. “If you did, you wouldn't try to do stupid stuff like this.”
“Turn it off”, you say through gritted teeth.
He glances at the air purifier, already knowing what you’re talking about.
“No, I will not”, he says simply. 
“You're killing me!”
Dr Kry scoffs and dumps your foodbox on your legs.
“If I wanted you dead, Y/N, you'd already be in the mortuary”, he says and rolls over to you on his stool. “But as you can tell by your current status in your room, I don't.”
He picks up the fork and holds a bite of potato to your lips. You refuse to open your mouth. 
“Are we doing this?” he asks with raised eyebrows. “Do I need to be mean?”
“Please don’t”, you whisper, scared. 
“You don’t want me to be mean?”
You shake your head quickly. 
“Good, me neither”, Dr Kry says. “Glad that we can agree on something. Open your mouth now.”
You open your mouth enough for him to put in the fork in your mouth. Dr Kry notices how you fight back the tears and sighs in defeat. 
“If you really want to cry, then do it”, he says quietly. 
It’s a trick. He actually doesn’t want you to cry, and you know that. But the tear that runs down your cheek can’t be brought back. You flinch when his hand brushes against your cheek to wipe it softly. He holds another fork of potato and meat to your mouth. You grimace slightly. 
“Just eat and you’ll get to sleep”, Dr Kry promises you.
“Turn it off”, you whisper. “Please.”
Dr Kry sighs and walks over to the air purifier, turning it off. The soft buzzing finally, finally stopped. Dr Kry can tell that you relax in your restraints. 
“Thank you”, you whisper without looking at him. 
“I’ll have to turn it on again”, he says. 
“Because it keeps you where I want you. It’s much easier than keeping you cuffed to the bed like this.”
You tug at the restraints, as if you suddenly remember that you’re wearing them. Dr Kry’s hand shoots out over your right wrist. 
“Stop”, he says. “Don’t do that. I don’t like to see bruises on you. Just let it be. Give in, alright?”
You glance down at his large hand and grow cold. Could he break your wrist? Could he actually hurt you if he really wanted to? Without tools, without medicine and drugs?
“Open your mouth”, Dr Kry and removes his hand to give you the fork full of food. 
This time, you open your mouth without fuss. He smiles, pleased.
“Have I fucked up for myself now?” you mumble without looking at him.
“Just a tad bit”, Dr Kry smiles and wipes some sauce of your lips with his thumb. “But it's nothing that we can't restore.”
She had seen it, and although she tried to convince herself that she was overthinking, she couldn't bring herself to admit that everything was okay with Dr Kry’s patient — or Dr Kry for that matter. There has always been something with him that has rubbed her the wrong way. He's always been polite and helpful, but she thinks that it's a facade. There is something he's hiding, she can tell that there's a certain darkness in his eyes. And the fact that they never see, hear or get any reports about his patient — despite being here for so long — worries her.
One day, she decides to sneak inside. You’re lying in the hospital bed, sleeping soundly. But other than that, the room is empty. The woman notices how your wrists are … cuffed to the side of the bed. She sneaks over to you and carefully shakes your shoulder. You open your eyes slowly, and then dart them open. In pure fear, you start to tug at the restraints. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” the woman shrieks. “I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“Who are you?!” you gasp. “Where’s Dr Kry?!”
“I don’t know, please be quiet, I’m not going to hurt you.”
You eventually start to calm down. 
“Why are you cuffed to the bed?” the woman asks carefully, feeling a shiver run down her spine. “What has he done to you?”
“Please help me”, you beg. 
“I saw that you tried to leave the room before … and that he snatched you back.”
“I-I will.”
“Please help me, I’m begging you, he’s killing me!” you nod at the air purifier. “He’s poisoned it! You have to help me!”
She is just about to unbuckle the leather strands keeping you to the bed when the door opens. You meet eyes with Dr Kry and feel how your entire body goes numb. 
His eyes glare at the woman as he slowly closes the door behind him, locking it shut. 
“Can I help you?” he asks coldly. “What are you doing with my patient?”
The woman spins around and stutters in fear. 
“Who allowed you to come in here?” Dr Kry asks, sounding suspicious — and extremely angry, although he tries to hide it. “Speak up!”
“I-I …”, the woman stutters. 
Dr Kry walks closer. You’ve never seen his body language this … territorial before. It’s almost animalistic. 
“What have they told you?” he asks the woman. 
“Nothing!” the woman shrieks. 
With one quick glance at you, he scoffs with a small, cold smile on his face. 
“I wouldn’t believe anything they say, ma’am”, he says amusedly, although you’re sure that he’s angry like a bee. “They’re sick, they’re not thinking clearly. Seems like we have to talk after this.”
“Don’t be angry at them”, the woman says, finally collecting herself. “You are the one abusing your position. You should be the one who’s getting yelled at!”
“Oh, I’m not mad at my patient. How could I? If they don’t know what’s good for themselves, how could I ever expect them to know when to speak …” He gave you a warning look, “... and when to shut up?” He looked back at the woman. “They’re sick, after all.”
“Why are you keeping them prisoner?”
Dr Kry puts his hands into his pockets, shrugging. “I’m not keeping anyone prisoner. Did they tell you that?”
“You’ve poisoned the air purifier.”
“Why would I ever do that?” he laughs. “That’s absurd! You don’t think I have other things to do? A real job?” He takes a step closer. He’s almost reaching her by now. “Listen, my patient has been reading a lot of fantasy stories while being emitted here, and they must have spun their head out of control. Being in a hospital for as long as they have, all alone, must mess with ones head a bit. Don’t worry about it.”
He has slammed it over the nurse’s head, striking her to the floor. You fight against the restraints, but they’re as stuck as stone. Dr Kry continues to hit the poor nurse with the metal pipe, causing blood to splatter over the walls — and you. You can’t breathe when the red liquid lands on your face, too horrified to even move. The screams from the woman turns into moans of pain, then sobs, then silence. Dr Kry huffs and gets up from the ground, letting go of the metal pipe that clinks against the floor. His white coat and blue overalls are drenched in blood, and his face is covered in red. You’re shivering in your bed and meet his eyes with wide open eyes. 
Dr Kry walks over to his desk. You can tell how he picks up a metal pipe used for the IV-stand you use every now and then.
“No!” you scream, but it’s too late. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t want you to see that”, he pants lowly. 
Sobs start to exit your body. Dr Kry hurries over to you, sinking down on his knees by the bed, almost lying his upper body into yours. 
“I’m sorry, little one”, he whispers and cups your cheeks. 
“Don’t touch me!” you try to scream while doing your best to turn your head away, but his strong grip is forcing you to stay still, forces you to look at him. 
“I didn’t want you to see that”, he repeats. “Why did she have to come and but into our business, hm? Oh, please don’t blame yourself for her death. It’s not your fault.”
He notices how you’re trying to rip your head away from him. 
“I know that you’re afraid”, he says. “It was not your fault, okay? I don’t blame you, I could never blame you, you know that.” He wipes your tears. “Please, don’t cry. I’m not going to do it again.”
You’re unsure if you’ve ever sobbed this harshly before in your life. The cries ripple through your body, forcing your chest to lift with every sob. It hurts, like an unwelcomed workout. Dr Kry holds your face against his chest, hushing as he hugs your head close to him. You can feel how fast his heart is beating, and it makes you nauseous. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up”, Dr Kry says and unbuckles you. 
You hesitate getting out of bed, glancing careful down at the dead body bleeding out on the floor. Dr Kry hurries to pick you up in his arms and walk into the bathroom. He closes the door behind him and places you down in the tub. Carefully, he removes your hospital gown and turns on the shower. You refuse to look his way. 
“Listen, Y/N”, he says and sinks down outside the tub. “There are things you shouldn’t see … and this was one of them. I don’t want you to think of me as a monster. I’m a realist, okay?”
“Is that what you’re going to do to me if I try to leave again?” you cry. 
“No! Don’t even say such nonsense. That’s absurd. How could you ever think that?”
You find it ironic that he grows offended. He starts to wash off the blood from your face with the gentle stream of the shower. 
He takes one of your wrists in hand and lets his thumb run over the deep mark from the leather. 
“I told you not to fight against it”, he whispers with a sigh. “We’ll have to put bandage on that.”
Dr Kry continues to wash the blood off of you and his own hands. You follow the red water down the drain. 
He puts the shower head back on the hanger and tells you to wait there until he comes back. You hug your knees close to your chest and watch how he disappears out of the bathroom. You can hear how he starts to clean up the body outside the closed door. This is what happens to the people who believe you. Those that trust Dr Kry’s words about you being too sick to function, and start to hallucinate, are no help … but those that are never get far enough. 
You shiver from cold air hitting your wet, naked body and bring your knees even closer to you. There’s a new form of silence in the room, a silence that eats you up from the inside … and yet, silence had never been this loud before. You would be able to hear a needle drop to the floor on the other side of the hospital.
It had taken wells to gather the courage to try to run away again, and it had been shattered in the moment of two seconds. Your hope had been sparked again when you saw the nurse, and knew that she was one of the few that actually believed you. 
You turn your face down into your knees and cry in realization that you’ll never get to leave the hospital as long as Dr Kry is around. In time, the poisoned air purifier will have killed you … but you’re unsure that you’ll get to leave the hospital even then.
I’m going to die.
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cherry-leclerc · 8 months
dirty mouth ☆ cl16
genre: humor, fluff, a tiny bit of smut
word count: 2.5k
Winter break and your boyfriend convinces you to go with him for his annual training in preparation for the new season, and this unleashes a natural disaster when it comes to him.
req!… hope u guys enjoy a bit of pottymouth!charles lol
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When your boyfriend first brought up the idea of you tagging along to his winter training you thought, yeah, it doesn’t sound half bad. Sitting by the fireplace - hot chocolate and an overdue book in hand…
“Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc I am going to kill you,” you screech as you slide down the fast hill, white snow flying all around you from the sudden speed. His heart races fast as he chases after you.
You had begged for hours for him to let you read in peace. It’s all about the experience, he would yodel as he pointed out the window where everyone was skiing. Come on, it’ll be fun. 
Given, you wanted him to stop moaning every second - not in that way at least - and so, you complied. “Oh, amore, you look so cute! Wait, hold on, let me take a picture.” 
“I look like a stupid snowman,” you growl as you look down at your ski suit. Wincing at the strong flash of his phone, you scrunch your nose. He frowns. 
“An adorable snowman.”
As soon as you stepped foot out, you wanted to punch him square in the face. It was so cold that for a moment you thought your limbs would give out. Joris giggles as he snaps a quick Polaroid of you pouting, cheeks the darkest shade a pink. You flip him off before turning to Charles. 
“You don’t love me.��� He groans, already knowing this card all too well. You hum. “Nuh-uh, you don’t because if you did then you wouldn’t put me in this position.” A smirk slides onto his soft lips.
“Don’t worry, I know a position that will warm you up later.” Your jaw drops. Leaning down to press a kiss onto the tip of your nose, he continues. “And I do love you, don’t be ridiculous.” 
You realized he wasn’t going to give in to your pleas to let you turn back around, so you sucked it up and followed him and the boys. Andrea bumps his shoulder against yours, trying to get your attention. 
“Vous plaisantez j'espère?” you groan as you fall down into a pile of snow, unbalanced from his delicate nudge. His smile drops. Sorry, sorry! He checks to see if you’re hurt because Lord watch out if you are, Charles would kill him. 
“Questo é fantastico,” Joris mutters as he takes another picture. You bite the air. Andrea waves him off before helping you plunge through the snow. 
“Please don’t tell Charles,” he begs as you squint your eyes teasingly. Don’t worry, I won’t. I’m fine, aren’t I? Your boyfriend’ trainer silently thanks you. “I was just trying to ask if you were ready?” He wiggles his dark brows. 
“Ready for what?” You look around. “To freeze my ass off?” He stops dead in his tracks. “Oh! You mean to go to the bunny slope!” Cheerfully, you clap, wide grin stretched onto your lips. “I’m kind of scared, but it’s for beginners so I think I’ll be okay. Plus, you guys will all be there.”
Andrea shakes his head, almost seeming disappointed. “Charles, Charles, Charles…”
“Charles what?” 
“We’re here!” Looking up at your boyfriend, he buzzes as he points up at the ski lift. Your smile drops. Angrily, you struggle to make your way up to him before smacking his shoulder. 
“You said the bunny slope!”
He grimaces. “I know, I know, but you need to feel the rush!” He tries to kiss you but you swiftly turn your head causing him to smack his lips right onto your helmet. “I know you’re mad-”
“Of course I’m mad, you lied. I can’t go up there.” Huffing, you cross your arms. He winces at your tone. 
“Chérie, but I’ll be there with you! Joris, Andrea, Antonio, me…” He coolly raises his brows. “We’ll keep you safe.” 
You scoff. “Better start planning my funeral.”
“You’ll be fine, let’s go.”
“Alright baby, bend your knees - come on - you know how to do that,” he teases with a cocky tone. The boys groan as they cover their ears and you burn bright red. He throws his head back laughing as he continues. “Lean a bit toward, too.” He suppresses another dirty joke when you throw the ski poles all frustrated.
“I’m not doing this if you keep this up.” 
“Okay, okay, I’m done,” he promises as he hands them back to you. After a bit more coaching from all of them, you nod. 
“Lots of mansplaining, but I guess I could give it a shot.” You narrow your eyes at your friends. “Promise you guys will go after me if I can’t stop?” 
Promise, they repeat in unison. 
“Pro?” a teenage boy asks as he looks you up and down. Charles clenches his jaw as he steps in. She is. His voice comes out harsh and the worker just raises his arms up in defense before winking over at you. Have fun. 
Dragging you away, you squeal as you try to keep up. “He was only being nice!” Nice my ass, he sourly grunts as he makes sure your feet are secure. You pout. “And I’m not a professional, you stinky liar.” You roll your eyes. “Guess that’s all you know how to do today - lie.”
Playfully, he mimics your movements, then he smacks your ass. “Be a good girl and show us all what you learned.” You squirm at his words before nodding. 
Knees slightly bent, like how they are when you bounce up and down around his thick cock.
Lean forward, like when you press your naked chest against his own and he kisses you until your lips burn out. 
Everything somehow led back to moments between you and the Monegasque and maybe that’s what made you far too unfocused that you missed your step and started sliding down the hill before you even had a chance to notice. 
“Guys!” you wail as you fly past by them with their jaws on the floor. “You group of liars!” 
The brunette quickly snaps out of it and chases after you, avidly skiing past other skiers. Andrea, Joris and Antonio all follow after him as they breath heavily. 
“Turn, baby, turn,” Charles screeches as he clumsily throws out reminders of what he taught you on how to come to a halt. Shift your body weight! 
Shutting your eyes for a brief second, you send a quick prayer to the man up above and curse your boyfriend for a lifetime. “I can’t do it, I’m sca- agh!” 
You’re barely able to safely swoosh past a group of boys as they all yell at you. Charles flips them off before sliding past them. 
“Smile!” Joris demands as he clicks his camera. You little bitch, you shout. Help me, douchebag! “Right.” He’s just about to catch you when all of a sudden he loses his place and falls. “Oh, allez!” 
Then comes Antonio who as much as he tries to help, he can’t seem to get close enough. Charles huffs a puff of cold air. “Just grab her!” She keeps getting away, his friend pants. 
And Andrea isn’t really trying but he’s definitely in for adrenaline as he cheers for his friends like their own personal cheerleader. Oh, so close! 
Joris eventually catches up but can’t do much anymore, apart from start recording. He laughs as you zigzag, arms momentarily flinging through the air. 
“No! Keep them still!” Charles yelps, terrified to see you hurt yourself. 
“I’m never listening to you ever again, Charles! You never think when it comes to these things, do you?” You tremble from the icy breeze. “Noooo, he never does! Because all he thinks about is fun, fun, fun, fu-”
Next thing you know, you’re crashing into a chunk of snow as you groan from the sudden stop, but nothing hurts. “Oh thank God,” you let out. Patting yourself down, you squint your eyes at the group of men who ease their pace as they grow closer to you. “Dickheads.” You look around. “Where’s Charles?”
Hearing the shutter of a camera go off, you tilt your head in confusion. “Oh yeah,” Joris gasps. “This is definitely going to be shown at your guys’ wedding.”
Feeling something twitch underneath you, you squeal with panic as you try jumping up but only hear a ring of grunts. And you recognize them like the back of your hand. 
“Charles?” Taking off his helmet abruptly, he heaves. As soon as he catches his breath, he touches your face carefully. Are you hurt? Are you okay? You throw your arms over him like a koala and kiss his clothed neck. “What do you mean, am I okay, what about you?” He shrugs it off.
“As long as you are.” 
You swoon before swatting him all over his chest. This is pure gold, Joris adds as he continues recording. 
“Men are all dirty, filthy, scrummy, stupid liars,” you hissed as his large hands tried to ease your hits. “You said you guys would help me!” 
His eyes darken. “What do you call what I just did? I basically gave my life for you!” He brushes white snow off his lashes. “I’m lucky to be alive, you brat.”
Dinner that night is filled with snarky remarks from Charles and strong bickering from you. 
“If you hadn’t forced me then I wouldn’t be bitching about it!”
His right eye twitches for a split second. “I already said I was sorry! I saved you, be a little thankful.”
The group of friends could tell the tension was growing thicker between the couple as they munch on their food quietly. He just doesn’t have a single cell to help him think about the consequences, you mumble as you bite down on a brussels sprout. 
“You know what? How about we all just relax?” Andrea tried to lessen the rigid behavior of his two friends. “How does a trip to the hot tub sound?”
The Monegasque stiffens as soon as you walk out with your tiny bikini. You were a quivering mess, which made you cross your arms to try and warm yourself up, which in return ruined your boyfriend's sanity. He was practically drooling like a dog at the sight of your perfect tits being pressed up. 
In a singular motion, Charles removes his shirt, leaving him in only his swim shorts. His large bulge increases your heart tempo as you remind yourself to keep cool since Joris and the rest were still around. 
“Mierde, you know what? I forgot the towels.” Joris turns to Andrea and Antonio. “Do you guys mind helping me?” They patiently nod before making their way back into the cabin. 
Teeth chattering is all he could hear coming from you, white rings flying in the air as you let out shaky breaths. His arms itch to bring you in and it’s not until he looks into your loopy eyes that he sighs and makes his way over.
He towers over you as his arms wrap around you like the warmest blanket to ever exist. “Are you still mad?” Despite letting him touch you, you still keep your face straight, not letting him be able to read you. “Chérie-”
“I want to get in,” you cut him, creating distance as you dip your toe in first into the hot tub and then the rest. Annoyed, he tsks his tongue before doing the same. Be like that then. 
Turning fast to face the glass door, you vividly catch a glimpse of your friends locking it and closing the curtains. Make amends, Andrea yells out like a strict parent. 
“Connards!” Splashing your hands onto the water as a mini tantrum, you moan. The green eyed boy keeps quiet as he watches you. “What are you looking at?” you hiss. Nothing.
You think about climbing out and trying to find a way back in but the hot water feels too good so you decide against it, choosing to enjoy the sensation. As soon as you close your eyes, the brunette starts whistling. 
At first you try to tune him out, but it only gets louder from there. Theme From A Summer Place. You recognize it in less than a second. It’s what he always plays for you on the piano as you bake him snickerdoodles. Whether it’s summer or not - it’s a routine. 
Your silly resentment grows smaller with every curve his tongue travels through, soft symphonies somehow making you feel more cozy than the actual hot tub. 
He could hear the way you tread through the water, but it still catches him by surprise as you climb onto his lap, graceful fingers pushing his long hair back a bit. 
“I’m sorry for being a bitch today.” 
He chuckles deeply, leaning up to kiss your wet lips. “I’m sorry for almost killing you.” He drums his fingers against your thigh. “It scared me when you lost control…I should’ve just let you stay back.”
“It wasn't right for you to assume that I would be fine skipping the bunny slope and jumping straight into that, but I know you meant no harm.” His jaw ticks. 
“Of course I meant no harm, are you kidding me? You dragged my heart along with you when you flew down that hill.” You giggle sweetly, strands of hair sliding off your shoulders. He smiles. 
“It’s not entirely your fault.” He quirks his left eyebrow. Blushing, you begin playing with the droplets that sprinkle across his chest. “My mind went…” He whistles seductively. You nod, avoiding his green stare. “Yup.”
“It’s normal, no? I mean you are my girlfriend.” 
“But not in a moment like that, Charles! We all nearly died,” you wheeze as you shift on his lap. He grunts. 
“And yet, we didn’t.” Turned on by everything about you, he angles his head upward before linking his pink lips to yours. Water droplets tickle your chin as he moves his mouth against your own. Your body temperature increasingly grows heated and not just from the hot tub. 
The way he kisses you with such urgency is enough to make your head spin, as if he’s been away for years and just barely got the opportunity to enjoy your pillowy lips. Slowly, you circle your hips as he groans, hands pinching you in return as he grows harder. 
“God, I’m so glad you didn’t die,” he mumbles in between your lips. Laughing, you vibrate against him as he cringes at the sudden change. “Anddd you ruined it.” You poke your tongue out.
“Don’t say perverted things then!” 
His stare drops. “How is that perverted?”
Shrugging, you climb off his lips as you press a warm kiss against his stubble. “Teasing, Mr. Leclerc. But how about we go up to bed?” 
His eyes crinkle at your simple words. “Shoot me in the head if I ever say no to that.” Splashing out of the pool, you giggle as he grabs you, kissing every inch of your glowy skin.
Headboard hits the wall strong and fast as you cry out against his chest, groans flying past his lips as he circles his fingers against your swollen clit. 
From downstairs, the boys grab Charles’ car keys as they hurry out the door.
“Andrea, what were you thinking?”
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puzzled-pegasus · 7 months
Here's some silly little metaphors that I think the dragon tribes would use
“Don’t count your clutch before they hatch.” (Don't plan too much too soon)
“Gold is better than silver, but silver is better than nothing.” (If you can't do it perfectly, still try your best. Most dragons forget the second part.)
“‘Sorry’ can't suck the fire back in.” (The damage is done and now you're dead to me.)
“You been eating too much burnt meat or something?” (Are you nuts?)
“Stop all this smoke and use your fire.” (Stop rambling and get to the point already; or stop complaining and do something)
“Doesn't know his tail from his wings.” (Stupid or clumsy)
“You fly like a depressed pigeon.” (Slow flier)
“There's no fire in a rainstorm.” (Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to work.)
“Nighttime is for the NightWings.” (What are you doing up? Go to sleep.)
“She’s all rattle, and no strike.” (Like all bark no bite)
“A diamond in a pile of quartz.” (Like a needle in a haystack)
“You’re watering the cactus and ignoring the sapling.” (You’re focusing on the wrong thing; barking up the wrong tree)
“Everyone thinks the camel looks silly until the dry season comes.” (Don't listen to them, they don't know how unique and strong you are)
“Crocodile tears.” (Fake crying in order to gain sympathy)
“You can only catch a trout if your mouth is open.” (Be open to new experiences)
“If the tree gives away too much, it ends up as a stump.” (Don't let people take advantage of your generosity)
“Happy as a clam in high water.” (Very happy)
“The flying fish feels like a fool when it sees an osprey.” (Don't compare yourself to others, run your own race.)
“Plenty of fish in the sea.” (Plenty more opportunities to come.)
“You’ve got ink in your eyes.” (You're blind to something important)
“Lobsters only die when they don't leave their shell.” (Keep yourself busy with new experiences and you'll life a long life)
“Sleep is for the dead.” (Why waste your time sleeping when you could be productive)
“SeaWings know their fish and SandWings know their cactuses, but we NightWings know everything else.”(NightWing supremacy propaganda)
“Being nice to a deer never got one in my mouth.” (Other dragons don't matter, only your goals.)
“A prophecy always comes true.” (I told you so but more cryptic)
"You're counting the stars." (You're doing something tedious towards an unachievable goal)
“Gray’s her favorite color.” (She's a huge bummer)
“A lemon is yellow on the outside, doesn't mean they're not sour.” (Referring to someone who is two faced or fake)
“I love honey, but I’d rather not get stung by the bees.” (I could do this, but it requires effort so I don't wanna)
“Nobody likes a rotten banana.” (Nobody likes a bummer/downer)
“Don't tie your tail in a knot” (don't get all upset)
“I have all my berries in a basket” (I have everything sorted out)
“You couldn't sneak up on a pineapple” (insult to one's camouflage skills, popular among children)
“The seal who asks why the orca is chasing him is the first to get eaten.” (A favorite of parents telling their kids to shut up)
“Not the sharpest icicle on the roof” (kinda stupid or slow)
“Clear as polished ice” (i understand or see it very well)
“You're looking a little pink in the face” (you look sickly. IceWings can turn pink from eating too much krill; a symptom of malnutrition. This line can be applied to any illness.)
“Blue blood kills, red blood spills.” (Patriotic propaganda implying that IceWings win every fight
“The SkyWings toss their blue eyed hatchlings because they're worried they'll be as strong as an IceWing.” (More propaganda)
“Pretty is for the SilkWings.” (Vanity is stupid and impractical)
“If it buzzes like a bug and bites like a bug, it's a bug.” (Don't ignore the obvious)
“Clearsight works in mysterious ways.” (I don't know the answer to your question, now go away)
“It's not always good to know how the honey gets made.” (Don't stick your snout where it doesn't belong)
“She's got a couple of threads loose.” (Calling someone a little crazy, threads refers to weaving)
“The bee minds its flowers and the spider minds her silk, it's when they mix that bad things happen.” (Mind ya business)
“Flytraps only trap because the soil doesn't feed them.” (Dragons don't get angry out of nowhere)
“Looking like a leaf only hides you in the forest.” (Time and place)
“If a branch doesn't bend, it breaks.” (Be flexible)
“Even the corpse flower attracts the flies.” (Even someone who seems ugly to one dragon they can seem irresistible to another)
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seungfl0wer · 16 days
*Confession Or Dare*
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Pairing: Bangchan x Reader (fem)
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Virgin!Chan, Cursing, P in V, Multiple Rounds, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Fluffy loving ending. Slightly Proofread. Sorry if I forgot any.
Request can be found here! Hopefully this is good :( I wrote it while in the car and half asleep so it honestly feels like a fever dream lol.
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Felix had invited you over for game night again. The last time you were over you were complete shit faced and ended up cuddled up to Chan. Nothing happened but when it’s mentioned it always makes him blush so much.
Chan was such an attractive man and knowing it made him blush always gave you butterflies. This highly gorgeous man becoming all flustered when it came to you.
The night started off as normal, you all playing games drinking and munching back on Felix’s cookies. Minho suggested playing truth or dare which everyone roared about. Last time you guys placed this Jeongin ended up streaking down the road and you found out Jisung masturbated 3 times that day. You know. Normal stuff for friends.
“Felix truth or dare?” Jeongin asked with a devilish smile.
“Dare” Felix replied with an eyebrow raised.
Jeongins smile grew as he spoke “I dare you to go to the fridge and eat one of those spicy peppers of Minhos with no drink”
Felix’s whined “are you trying to kill me?” He said getting up heading to the fridge. “What if don’t? What’s the punishment?” He asked looking at the pepper with a gulp.
“If you don’t you can’t game for the next 2 days” jeongin challenged.
Felix groaned taking a big chunk out of the pepper swallowing it fast. His face grew red as the heat started to kick in coughing at random.
“Y/n truth or dare?” Seungmin asked you, felix dying in the background.
“Uhm truth?” You said looking at Felix not wanting that to happen to you.
“What’s the freakiest thing you’ve ever done in bed?” He asked the other boys waited for your answer wide eyed.
You sighed before answering “Hmm at the park on the bench, sitting on my exs lap as people passed.” You said almost to nonchalantly.
Everyone just kinda stared at you, faces red as they listened. Chans face was beat red as he shifted a little his slightly hard cock poking up at your words.
You stared at everyone “what? You asked I just answered” you giggled.
As the game went on Chan couldn’t stop thinking about it. His head swirling with thoughts of you, how soft you must feel. How hot it would be if you’d do the same thing with him.
“Earth to Chris” Felix said teasingly as he waved his hand across his face.
Chan blinked “ah sorry was a bit zoned out” he said with a chuckle.
“Truth or dare” Minho said, as he said early but Chan was to lost in his thoughts to hear the first time.
“Oh let’s go with truth I guess” Chan said nervously.
“How many people have you slept with?” Minho asked.
Chans eyes went wide “well uhm- zero” he said softly.
Everyone’s eyes went wide staring dumb at him. “There’s no fucking way- you’re a virgin??” Changbin said as Minho started to laugh.
“I mean I’ve done things just not- just not sex” he said feeling a bit embarrassed now. He looked over at you, you were staring at him with a soft blush.
The boys continued to teased him for a few minutes not understanding how he could be. “Chan you’re- well you how can you be a virgin dude?” Jisung asked.
Chan shrugged “i don’t know just never felt right with someone” he said softly. He looked over at you again. He’d give anything if he could do it with you. He’s had such a crush on you for a while. He wasn’t sure about his feelings until the day you two ended up cuddling together.
He’ll never tell you but you admitted you had a crush on him in your drunk state. He only half heartily believed you wondering if you were just out of your mind drunk.
A few hours had passed and your buzz had wore off, however you still didn’t want to drive home. You were just gonna crash on the couch until Chan offered you his bed again. You smiled excepting of course, this time you were actually coherent and in the right mind to remember.
“Thanks for letting me crash in here again” you said with a smile.
“Of course, the couch is so hard.” He said with a laugh.
As you both crawled into bed you sighed, Chans bed was so comfortable and it just smelled like heaven. You could feel him become a bit tense as you pushed your body back against his. You smiled to yourself a bit feeling him becoming hard. You moved again this time on purpose, you could hear him moan softly. The sound sending jolt through your body straight to your core.
“Chan” you said softly. He let out a soft hum in response. “I can help change that you know? I mean the whole virgin thing. If you wanted to..” you blurted out.
He almost choked on air as tried to wrap his mind around what you just said. “I- you really want to?” he said in a croak.
You nodded, making him groan in response “oh- ok I would love to but just know I’ve- I’ve never done it before so might not be good” he said his face as red as tomato now.
You smirked “don’t worry handsome you can use me till you get the hang of it” you said voice low and hot. You pushed yourself back onto Chan more feeling how hard he was already. “Channie need you” you said voice faint head already empty.
He groaned eyes fluttering “yeah? What- what do you need?” He said as he leaned his body against you. “You I need you, please f- fuck Me” you said trying to be as sexy as possible.
His hands wondered to your hips pulling you against his cock harder. He started to rut against your ass letting out small sounds. He could honestly cum like this, the feeling of having you so close and knowing you wanted him? His mind was fuzzy.
You pulled away swiftly pulling your shorts down to your knees pushing your now bare ass against him. Chan let out a deep whine he quickly did the same his hard cock smacking against your ass.
He pushed his cock between your folds, humping into your soft thighs. His hands gripped around you wondering your body now. “Fuck y/n are you positive about this?” He asked again wanting to make sure.
“Mhm.. so fucking sure please use me channie” your words came out as a long moan the feeling of him making your cunt clench. You needed him just as bad, you had some many thoughts of this. How he’d look, sound, taste everything.
“You’re soaked already” he said his head now in the crook of your neck. He left soft kisses to your neck as he moved more letting all your juices coat him nicely. “Can- can I put it in?” He asked his voice sounding desperate.
As soon as you nod he was trying to push the head in. He felt embarrassed when he kept slipping letting out a whine. “I’m sorry” he said softly before aligning himself up right to finally push in. The smallest bit in he was already gone. “Sh-shit. You’re so fucking warm-“
He fucked into you sloppily, feeling you so tightly around him. “Can- can I play with your pretty breasts?” He asked. You smiled at his request “You can touch anywhere- anywhere you want I’m all yours”
Your words stirred something in him, his thrust become deeper as he played with your tits his lips attached to your neck. He was leaving wet kisses as he sucked pretty little marks on you. His hand came down to play with your pussy as he fucked into you.
The way your pussy pulled him in, clenching around him was to much. “Y/n fuck- you feel to good- I’m gonna cum” he said in a high pitched whine.
He was filling you up, hitting all your sweet spots. How could this be his first time? Fuck he was so good at it, he just felt perfect like he was made for you. “Ah channie cum it’s ok” you said pushing yourself back to meet his thrusts.
“I don’t want it to end- fuck- but you feel so good- ah fuck you’re so warm so fucking warm” he kept rambling as his high was coming close. “Y/n I can’t- to good- you feel to fucking good oh my god!” His voice sounded strained.
He came in that moment hands pulling you close as possible as he pumped himself deep into you. “Fuck y/n- fuck!” He moaned. The feeling of him cumming pushed you over the edge his hand never stopping on your clit. You came with in a few minutes of him. If he didn’t just cum he would have again at the feeling.
A few moments later both of you were breathing better not panting as much you could see his cock already hard again. “How are you so hard already?” You questioned.
He shrugged a bit “maybe cause I came so fast? I don’t know” he chuckled embarrassed a bit. “Can I ride you?” You blurted out looking down at him. He groaned at the question but nodded. You straddled him, letting yourself sink into his length.
“Ah- ah fuck- y/n I- fuck” his words were incoherent as you bounced on his cock. Your hands laid on his chest as you used his cock. Leaning down to kiss him sloppily tongues fighting for dominance.
It didn’t take long for him to cum again. Especially this way. The way you were using him, bouncing that perfect body. Those delicious tits bouncing and the taste of your tongue on his. It as so much you felt so good.
He pulled you to him after everything, holding you close as you both tried to catch your breaths. “Y/n.. you didn’t just do this cause I was a virgin right?” He questioned. You sighed a bit “no.. maybe I like you and wanted to be the one to help you experience it first the first time.” You admitted.
His heart thumped fast at your confession. “I like you too..” he said softly his hand rubbing your back. “Really?” You asked looking up at him.
“Yes, of course I do” he said with a smile. Your eyes went wide and a small blush creeped across your face. “So uhm- would you maybe wanna go on a date?” He choked out. You nodded happily kissing his nose.
And that was it, that’s how you two started now going on almost a year the boys still tease him about everything. Little do they know how well he fucks.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Frat Peter and he's all cocky, but he gets really shy when you're around and his friends keep teasing him about his little crush and how he's putty in your hands and you don't even know?
god i love him so much
“Your girls here, parker.” 
Peter rolls his eyes, as much as he denies no one believes him. You’re not his girl, not by a long shot but god does he wish you were. The jab still couldn’t stop him from swiveling his neck, sure enough you were laughing with friends, your wide smile made him smile too. You looked so pretty, he’s never seen someone fill out clothes the way you do. 
He needs to find a way to talk to you, it started as group partners and he may have played a little dumb to get you to study with him, just for some one on one time. Since then you’ve gotten closer, and everyday he feels more and more like a lovesick puppy. He’d do anything you ask, just so he can prove he could make you happy. 
“Pong, let’s go, parker.” 
Peter wants to whine like a toddler, he wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on you. Not that he needs to, and definitely not to scare off a potential suitor, he just wants to make sure you’re safe, that’s all. He looks you over again, you’re with friends and he thinks you’ll be alright. 
Right before he can turn back to his brothers your eyes flicker up, meeting his you send a grin. Peter’s been caught, he’s been looking over you for a minute and that smile said ‘caught you,’ it made his cheeks warm, a faint blush coats his cheeks and you can’t help but watch as his friends hoop and shake his shoulders, causing him to nearly run to the garage for a game of beer pong. 
Peter doesn’t know how long he’s been playing. He knows it’s been about three games, and he’s trying to act the perfect amount of buzzed. What he does know is that time stopped when you came looking for him, his ears picking up on your fluttery soft voice pushing for apologies.
“Do you know where peter is?” 
Wasted white girl looks appalled you asked, “who the fuck is peter?” 
“Oh. Um, parker?” 
Wasted white girl drags out an ‘oh,’ then points in his general direction, you raise on tiptoes, looking over the shoulders in the cramped room, catching sight of his snapback, turned backwards. You started to make your decent, politely excusing yourself and apologizing when you rub up against someone. 
You think about tapping his shoulder, but you’re a menace. You tug at his hat, pulling it off his head, before you can complete the task his hand grips your wrist, a dull tone comes from his mouth. 
“Don’t do that.” 
Your hand drops, you didn’t know there was a boundary there. 
“I’m sorry!” 
His head whips to yours, wide eyed and flushed. 
“I didn’t know it was you! You can do that, you have my permission.” 
His teammate, Ethan, if you remember correctly, coughed into his hand, one word slipping from his mouth made Peter jerk his shoulder into his. “Simp.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, “peter’s not a simp, that’s mean. You should say sorry.” 
Ethan is having fun, “oh trust me, if you knew what I know, you would call him a simp too.” Peter, in a panic, rips his hat off his head and throws it on yours, it falls over your eyes, you fix it with enough time to watch Peter mumble out “watch it,” before directing all his attention on you. 
“Looking good.” 
You do a spin for him, “think I can pledge next year?” 
“You have my vote.” 
Ethan had to bite back another simp comment. 
“Can you do me a favor?” 
Rushed, “anything.” 
Ethan can’t help his snort, he tries to hide it behind clearing his throat. 
Peter wants to kill his friend. 
“I’ve been ditched and I really have to pee, so would you mind watching my drink?” 
Peter holds out a hand to take it, his palm covering the open mouth. “It would be my honor.” 
You smile at him, “thanks, be right back.” 
“Five minutes and I come looking.” 
That was new, it was protective. It made you feel warm and safe inside, he was a really good friend. You promised you would be back, but the line was longer than you expected and you were unable to complete the task in just a few minutes. 
Peter kept count, and like he said, went looking. Ethan’s pissed that they’ve now lost the game to a forfeit, all because Peter was head over heels in a gushy crush. You bound down the steps in time to see Peter getting aggravated by his friend, you couldn’t help but overhear.
“You know this is super entertaining, right?” 
“Shut up, Ethan.” 
“It’s adorable. The way you run after her, bending to her will. Who knew parker had a bitch in him.” 
In one quick motion Peter had him pinned to the wall. 
“Don’t ruin this for me. I’m gonna make a move, alright? She makes me nervous and I’m not used to this, okay?” 
“Ask her on a fucking date, I’d put a thousand on the line she’d say yes.” 
You wonder who he’s talking about, you have more than an inkling it’s you but Peter’s never seemed interested, just a good friend. It must have been someone else. 
“I’m not betting on Y/N, I like her too much.” 
Oh fuck. He is talking about you, and it makes you warm and fuzzy all over. 
Ethan is right, you would say yes. 
You duck your head down, pressing against the bars on the stairway. 
“I’m okay with you betting on me, take the grand and then take me out on a nice date.” 
Peter’s eyes blew up, he wanted to punch Ethan. He also wanted to thank him. 
“It’s not like that!” Peter feels his brain melt, stop talking, why are you talking?  
You frown, “it’s not?” 
Ethan tries to push his head against the wall, his chin poking up high to get a view of you crouched down. “It is like that, you heard him.” He gags when Peter presses his forearm against his throat, it’s not meant to hurt, just silence. 
“Well, if it is like that, and I make you nervous, there really isn’t a need cause I would say yes.” 
Peter’s arm drops, “come here.” 
Ethan takes this as his moment to escape, you watch the stairs as you follow them down, narrowly missing a spilled beer. Peter meets you at the bottom of the staircase, he hands you over the drink he’d been watching. 
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.” 
You blinked at the boy, he stood there and looked at his hat on your head. You waited until it started to get awkward. 
“If you don’t ask, I will, then I’ll have ripped the rights from you. You’ll have to tell our grandkids you chickened out.” 
That doesn’t sound bad to him, but he thinks the least he can do is get the words out. 
“I would really, really like to take you out for dinner, is that okay?” 
You chew your cheek, “what’s your policy on kissing before the first date?” 
“It should be a thing.” 
You bite your lower lip to hide your smile, it didn’t work. 
“Wanna make it a thing?” 
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asapeveryday · 5 months
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Next Chapter.
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Rival!Reader
Warnings: swearing
Summary: After a close game and a couple bad decisions, the media has pitted you and Paige against each other. When you finally meet off the court you’re not sure what to expect…
A/n: got many requests for some sort of rival player type-thing!!! I combined some ideas to please the masses :) there will be more parts obv. This chap is pretty long so sorry for that!!
“This question here is for Paige again. Now, is there anything you have to say about the little altercation near the end of the third quarter with number 3 on USC? it was quite a tense moment!”
The blonde smirks to herself, her hand rubbing her forehead. “There ain’t much to say. I went for the ball and obviously she did too. I’m not tryna give anything up, I jus personally think I got it first but that doesn’t matter anymore.” She shrugs. “Thas it.”
There’s a pause for a moment, before she opens her mouth again. “I will say though, ion have much patience for players who can’t control their language.”
Her teammates share looks at this comment, and the reporters attempt to press further but Geno ensures Paige doesn’t talk for the rest of the press conference.
“(Name) how many times have you watched this fuckin video.” JuJu comes up from behind you, scaring the shit out of you and snapping you back to reality.
“I haven’t watched it that much.” You roll your eyes. “I just…never mind.”
“It’s time to move on, shit like this happens. Jus gotta keep on that grind.” She says, sitting down beside you. Despite being a freshman, Juju was naturally mature. You and her had become a popular junior/freshman duo both on and off the court. You pushed her harder and she kept you on your toes.
“I’m moved on.” You huff.
“No you’re not…look at yo hands gripping your phone.” She laughs and you roll your eyes.
The issue wasn’t the prolonged tussle for the ball when your team played UConn, it wasn’t Paige barely regarding you, or her shading the occasional curse you’d let slip during a game. These things all fuelled what really was bothering you. The way you responded.
“Where’s JuJu? Prolly eating or something she’s lowkey a big back.”
You laugh at your roommates response to the question. It had been a weird couple of days since USC faced UConn, usually there wasn’t a lot of buzz around women’s college games but this year was different. The media was all up on everyone, especially UConn since Paige returned in better health for her senior year. You decided to go live to have some fun and interact with your viewers, even though your mind was elsewhere.
“What were your thoughts on how you guys played Connecticut?” You read aloud from the chat. “Um, they’re great. I mean it was pretty close. Me and the girls did what we could and we’re gonna kill it next year, so.” You say, perfectly passive and normal. In your head you were furious at how close the game had been, but there was nothing you could do.
Near the end of the third quarter, you and Paige had a little tussle for possession of the ball. You could’ve sworn you’d gotten it before pale skinned hands darted out for the grab, almost stealing it from you before your instincts kicked in and managed your grip. You vividly remember the yells from teammates, coaches and the stands as you and Paige momentarily wrestled for the ball, her tongue sticking out between her lips and her eyes determined before number 3 on her team tore her away.
Grazing your hand against hers at the end of the game was humiliating, and she was undoubtedly looking forward to it; holding your fingers a moment too long before letting out the most agitating, self-fulfilled “good game” with a smile that would’ve warranted a punch to her teeth had you not been on camera.
You didn’t bother to smile back, but muttered a perfectly timed “bitch” just as her hand let go of yours. Nobody heard it except you and her, and the subtle change in expression from haughty to straight faced was a beautiful sight for sore eyes.
“They keep asking about the thing with Paige.” Your roomie reads, and you shove her. “Bro why’d you say that out loud…now I have to address it.” You whisper to her, annoyed. She wasn’t on the team, and didn’t think about things like that.
She shoots an apologetic look, and you decide to act like nothing happened. The damage is done though, because now all the comments are about Paige.
“You handled the press good after.”
“If I was you I would’ve taken it off the court ngl”
“You were wrong for that!”
“What happened with Paige???”
“The way she was looking at u after….mm”
“Did you see what she said on the panel?”
Scanning through the various questions you found it harder and harder to not think about it. Basketball is a contact sport, things like a fight for the ball weren’t rare. Sure it was a little aggressive, but nothing you weren’t ready for. Paige seemed ready herself, her hands gripping the already-in-your-grasp ball, her eyes shooting you the coldest look they could muster. You’d already seen edits of her all over social media, tousling with you for a moment before being dragged off by Aaliyah.
JuJu walks into your dorm and sits next to you, reading the comments as well. She slightly shakes her head at all the mentions of Paige, but greets the chat nevertheless.
Fuck it. It’s late night, you’ve been getting annoyed by all of this attention on Paige and you, and people weren’t gonna forget about it anytime soon. One comment won’t hurt.
“Did I see what Paige said on the panel?” You read out loud. JuJu shoots you a look. “Yeah…I did. ” You say, suspicious as possible. “Ion know…i jus don’t have much patience for that swiper no swiping shihhh…..stuff.” You mock Paige, then catch yourself before fully saying shit. Two digs at the blonde at UConn in one sentence, one for her statement and the other for her criticism on your swearing.
You, your roommate and JuJu all look at each other for what seems like an eternity before bursting into an explosion of laughter. You were just being petty, it didn’t seem like a big deal at the time.
It kinda was.
You’ve always loved east-coast America. It has a different kind of feel, especially during spring. The weather was getting hotter and everyone is hyped for summer break, at least those without classes. You and some of your teammates were going on a little Big East road trip, and of course the east meant places like New York, Michigan, Boston, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
God, you weren’t ready for Connecticut. The media was really eating you and Paige’s (non-existent) beef up, and you wondered if it would translate into real life. What was worse was that you had a friend who went to UConn who you were seeing for sure.
“I am not coming to your school.” You said hastily over the phone.
“Chill.” Elaine, your friend responded. “Nobody wants you here anyways.”
“Shuttuppppp it’s not funny.” You whine, knowing she was joking but hoping there was no truth in the statement. You could handle the smoke of a mini rivalry, but confrontation was just awkward.
“Just be ready. The minute you’re in town let me know, we can go to my favourite bar.” She laughs.
“Got it.” You respond happily. You were gonna have a fun night out, things were gonna be chill. You’d maybe have a drink…maybe get hammered. It was gonna be good.
“You should go live.”
“No fucking way.” You shake your head. The bar was crowded, but nice. You understand why your friend wanted to take you.
“Are most of these people UConn kids?” You ask.
“Yeah.” Elaine responds, looking around. “This is like the Storrs hangout spot on a Friday night. Anyways, I’ve missed seeing your lives.”
“I know, I know.” You rub your head. “I literally can’t though. Like, I’m on a social media ban. Goddd, after that last live you don’t get how much shit I got.”
“I thought it was funny!” She says, and you smile. “Oh my god (Name), did you see her tweet after.”
“BYE.” you cover your face, laughing. A couple hours after the live, Paige had tweeted some sort of passive aggressive very targeted thing about how God has her back when people give her a hard time or something like that. You’d almost died when it showed on your TL.
“Have you seen all the edits comparing me n her.” You manage to get out between laughs. Sure, you didn’t have the spectacular reputation Paige did. The girl had started her college career stronger then literally everyone else, and she was top pick to begin with. Her return to the court was well anticipated, even by you.
Still despite that, you had a certain sparkle in game. You played flashy, but you could back it up. Your freshman year you were very much an underdog, a stark difference from Paige, but your sophomore year had been very different, and this year as a junior you were getting recognition that almost gave you whiplash. Your talent was undoubted.
“I think both of you guys are being extra careful on socials now.” Elaine says. “I mean Paige is pretty active, but when they go live the minute your name is brought up, which it always is, she like…mysteriously disappears from view. It’s actually funny.”
“Whatever.” You say, taking a swig of your drink. “As funny as it is, I’m tired of all this shit, it’s unnecessary. Let’s forget about her.”
Elaine lets out a cough, before covering her face. “Pfft. Um, yeah. Let’s forget about it.”
“What….what is it?” You say, raising an eyebrow. Your friends eyes are stuck behind you. When you turn on the barstool as conspicuously as possible, you feel your stomach physically lurch.
“You’re fucking kidding.”
“We have great luck.” Elaine muffles a laugh.
You spin back towards her, talking through bared teeth. “You brought me to Storrs’s most popular bar on a Friday night…Storrs…fuck. That’s their campus? Seriously??!”
“Don’t be mad.” She sheepishly smiles. “I don’t pay that much attention to them…I didn’t think it through.”
“Boo, you whore. Even I know they’re like, bar-fiends.” You grumble, putting your head down. “God, just put your head down, cover me, something. I’m not tryna do this right now.”
Covering your eyes and keeping your back to the group, you ask. “How many of them are here. Tell me exactly who.”
“Umm, I don’t know all of them.” She says.
“Bitch just tell me…I swear to god.” You sneer, casually attempting to turn, discreetly letting your eyes graze the masses before they meet a pair of blue ones.
Her eyes hold yours for a moment too long. Her hair is down instead of her signature ponytail and braids. She’s dressed casually, and posed confidently. Her expression is one of surprise…then amusement…and then something you can’t quite recognize. When her friends start to follow her gaze, you finally turn away.
“Elaine, I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“Calm down, it’s fine. You always say you can handle the smoke, right?”
“Yeah when I’m in California I can…not when I’m in a UConn infested bar with Paige fucking Bueckers and her cult staring me down.”
“They’re really staring. Oh, KK just pointed at you.” Elaine says, looking at them obviously. You fix your posture and adjust your hair at this.
“Are they like…coming over?”
“Yep.” She murmurs under her breath, indicating they’re close.
“Umm, hey.” A voice says from behind you. It’s low, almost raspy. You remember it being way more strained and arrogant on the court. In the bar, it was almost attractive.
“Hey.” You say, as cool as possible. Turning to face Paige and her teammates usually wouldn’t have intimidated you, you could hold your ground and you were confident in yourself, but here? On their turf? With none of your own teammates? And a couple drinks in you? Your body was already tingling, and you were terrified you would say something to dig your hole deeper.
“Think I could get a picture?” Paige says. She sounds likes she’s severely forcing herself, arms crossed and drink already half empty despite just entering the bar. Azzi’s face breaks into an amused smirk beside her, and her other friends hang back with giggly expressions.
“A…picture?” You say, confused. The three of you stare at each other for an awkward moment before you break the silence. “Sorry…that was rude of me, my bad. I just wasn’t expecting that.” You laugh. “If you actually want a picture I can do that for you.”
“Thanks.” Paige smiles, but there’s no happiness behind it. When she poses by you, her hand just hovers above your waist. She can’t even bring herself to touch you. You give your best smile as Azzi takes the picture on Paige’s phone.
When she shows it to the two of you, you realize why Paige might’ve wanted that picture.
“You’re gonna really shock everyone when you post that.” You say, laughing. Paige’s face finally breaks to a more authentic smirk that sends shivers down your spine. It’s like the one she wore when you two were facing each other on the court. Proud, confident, ready for anything.
“Never let em’ know your next move.” She says, eyes piercing yours.
As the night goes on the bar gets more and more busy, you have to yell over the music for Elaine to hear you. You’re not exactly trying to talk to her though, because she’s mostly talking about Paige.
“You know she’s sort of a campus heart-throb right?”
“What??” You yell, although you’ve perfectly heard what she’s said.
“She’s. Hot. Maybe you should flirt with her a little.” Elaine says.
You just shake your head. “I’m gonna get another drink.”
Your luck is spectacular for the night, because there are no barstool seats left except one a little too close to Paige, who’s sitting alone and waiting for her drink. You silently curse, but are thankful her team isn’t there too. You sit by her as confidently as possible, avoiding her gaze.
She’s watching you indubitably, noting every move you make. Your posture as you sit, the Polaroid behind your clear phone case, the way your lips move when you ask the bartender for your favourite drink, these are all thinks she seemingly makes note of.
You can’t help but overhear her scoff at your drink choice, to which you finally turn and acknowledge her, raising your eyebrow.
“Out of everything you could’ve ordered you got that?” She says, haughty as ever.
“Not everyone is trying to get white-girl-wasted.” You respond curtly, eyeing her Dirty Shirley.
Paige scoffs. “You don’t talk as big as you do on your lives.”
Shrugging, you respond “Someone asked a question and I answered, simple as that.”
“Ion know bout that one.” She rolls her eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I think you’re just feining for people to talk bout you.”
This bitch. You internally think, brows furrowed at her statement. “Wouldn’t have even been brought up if you hadn’t let your fatass ego get in the way of your media training during that press conference.” You sneer. “Now that is feining for people to talk..”
“Someone asked a question and I answered.” She smiles, sending a hot flash of anger throughout your body. “Simple as that.”
“You think you’re so smart.” You grumble out, turning your head from her. The sheer arrogance is radiating from her body, it’s annoying you to no end.
“I am.” She says, as if it’s common knowledge. “Plus, I’m not the one who started twisting words. That was you, remember?”
When your drink is finally set in front of you, you make a point to get up from the stool and grab it, sending Paige a steely look. “Good talk, Bueckers.”
“Aye, wait a sec.”
You’re already walking away, taking a big gulp of your drink when she slides off of her stool and catches up, walking beside you. You don’t miss how her eyes flick to your mouth when you wipe it clean, facing her begrudgingly.
“Why’re you even here?” She asks. “Visiting yo girlfriend?”
“Who, Elaine?” You laugh, Elaine being the straightest girl you know. “Why’re you so interested?”
“Wasn’t expecting to see some California girl in Storrs. You sure you weren’t plotting on seeing me?” Paige grins, taking a step towards you. She’s taller then you, and the way she tilts her head downwards when she speaks gives you an unrecognizable feeling that you’re planning to blame on the alcohol.
“I got up close and personal with you once, and it was enough.” You smile, holding her stare. She chews on the straw of her Shirley, her expression both amused and something else.
“Ion think so.” She mumbles.
“You don’t have to think.” You respond, looking her up and down for a moment. It feels like an eternity passes as you two challenge each other, the air gets thicker by the minute and you finally break away from her, walking as confidently as you can, far from where she can see you.
You don’t see Paige again after that, presumably because her and her friends went elsewhere. Laying in a hotel room next to your teammates, you can’t help but think about the blonde and how odd your interaction was. She had this way of looking at you like she knew exactly what you were thinking, even though you knew damn well she knew nothing except for how you were on the court. Still, despite how her voice made your skin itch and her mannerisms induced the need for violence, there was something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
As if reading your mind, your phone began to vibrate uncontrollably. You check your notifications to see a sea of messages and a couple more alien ones on Instagram.
paigebueckers started following you.
paigebueckers tagged you in their story.
jujubballin sent you a story.
jujubballin sent you a message.
kenzie_4bs sent you a story.
kenzie_4bs sent you a message.
You accept Paige’s request and view her story, which features the picture of you and Paige. You sitting and her standing, her hand just hovering above your waist, her face a curt close-mouthed smile and yours wide and genuine. It’s an interesting photo which she’s captioned “Cali meets Connecticut!”
You scoff at her version of being witty, and immediately cringe at the sheer amount of traction the post has gotten already, with at least 50 people in your inbox within the first 15 minutes of the post coming out. The messages range from “The crossover we needed!!” To “Ik you wanted to punch her white-ass” and frankly it was all too much for you. Social media, Connecticut, the messages, Paige.
She seemed to be the main article of stress in your life the past couple weeks and it seemed to smart to keep a distance from her from this point onward.
The girl really knows how to induce that shock factor.
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Got me awe struck how you write so well kinda wish i had that skill too! Anyway, how about boyfriend praising reader(who felt insecure) starting from sweet then getting creepier. Like something in the lines of "praising their kindness, so lucky to have them" to "he knows , he will kill for them."
A/N: A/N: sacrificed my soul for this one and it didn't turn out as slayful as I wanted.. Anyway, I hope this is what you were thinking anon :D sorry for any mistakes and thank you!
Synopsis: Your boyfriend's compliment goes a little too far when he tries to cheer you up.
T/W: Mildly graphic threats of violence, forced kissing, manipulation, insecure reader, yandere themes/behaviors
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You found yourself in a bathroom stall for the fifth time in one evening, sitting on the toilet with your head in your hands. You just wanted it all to go away: the people, the drinks, the music that boomed in your ears. You had already stained your sequined clothes with spilt champagne earlier that night, the stickiness of it on your chest beginning to mix with the thick sweat crawling down your neck. It was too damn hot in here, the buzz of the bathroom fan making you claw at your updone hair. 
The mass amounts of club goers here were far more accustomed to this lifestyle than you. Which was intimidating, to say the least. They all looked so perfectly dolled up-- not a smudge of makeup out of place, delicious scents of colognes and perfumes mixing together. Not to mention, they could hold their alcohol far better than you could. 
One bitter cocktail and you were already hazy-eyed, your face warm and balance a little loopy.  You were by no means drunk, but the contents of your drink had certainly offered a level of instability to your emotions and movements. 
The image of men in their chic dress shirts that showed hours of gym time and girls in their tight party dresses made you want to curl up in the corner and marinate in self-pity. It was hard not to compare yourself, not when you spent hours searching for the right clothes that would fit with your boyfriend’s stylish accents, constantly perfecting your concealer to hide the dark bags beneath your eyes. 
And yet, even with your hard work, you still felt out of place, still felt the pinch of hundreds of passing stares and biting grins of condescension as you stood next to your overly charismatic significant other. 
Through your pounding headache and shaky breaths, You could hear the winding creak of the bathroom door being pushed open. 
Narrow-footed shoes echoed on the white tile floor, slowly passing each bathroom stall and sink basin. 
“Sweetheart?” A voice questioned. “You in here?” 
You stayed silent, covering your mouth and lifting your feet from the floor. You didn’t want him to know you had spent the past 20 minutes in here wiping away stinging tears from your eyes, shoving paper towels down the front of your dazzling shirt to soak up champagne. You smelled like alcohol and whatever cleaner they used to permeate the bathroom with, and it certainly wouldn’t be a sight that you wanted your boyfriend to see. 
However, despite your attempts to make yourself disappear, you saw his clubbing shoes patiently make their way to the front of your stall. You looked within the separating crack of the door and the wall, seeing a blur of black clothes and sun-kissed skin. Your eyes focused and without warning you made eye contact with him, his face showing a worried, yet sly grin. He was waiting-- peering in on you sitting there in ruin. 
You jolted in surprise, your foot slipping from the toilet seat as you looked away. You hoped if you moved fast enough, that maybe he would think you were someone else.
“C’mon, let me in.” He pressed against the door, trying to open it from the outside. 
Well, seemed like tricking him didn’t work. 
“Don’t come in here Ezra! I--” You weren’t sure how to convince him to go away. “I don’t want you to see me.”
He went quiet, keeping his hand atop the door handle and watching the door.
“Why not?”
Panic rose in your chest again, forcing you to try to come up with a way to get him to leave you alone, atleast long enough to make yourself look presentable. 
“I-... I just--”
“C’mon, I promise I won’t make fun of you or anything, just open the door,” He raddled the handle, pressing his face against the crack of the door. 
“Don’t!” You shout, trying to cover the crack with your hands.
Your boyfriend let out a low grunt, annoyed at your stubbornness. 
He tried rattling the door once more, pulling hard enough to make the hinges creak. You feared that if he pulled any harder, he might rip the entire door off. 
“You’ve been in there for almost a half hour,” Ezra impatiently replied, putting his hand on the top of the stall door. “If you don’t open up, I’m going to force my way in there.”
He began to pull, jerking the door hard enough that the other stalls began to clatter. 
“No-- wait okay okay okay!” You panicked, trying to pry his hand away from the top of the door. 
Instantaneously he grabbed your wrist, pulling it upward to get a good handle on you. His fingers were warm, as if he had his hands clenched for a long period of time. 
“I’m not letting go until you do.” He said coldly, squeezing your hand. He was serious, holding your wrist securely enough to show he meant business: he’d stand there all night if that's what it took. Your several disappearances had worried him enough.
His thumb moved up to caress the dip in your palm, turning your hand to face outwards. Ezra’s face was still pressed up against the door crack, looking to provoke you further out. 
Stomping your foot, you wracked your brain for something-- anything, to deter him away. But the lingering threat of his hand left your mind to draw a blank. 
“....Fine.” You mutter, pulling the paper towels out of your chest. You try to wipe away any leftover tears, but you know it does little to lessen the redness of your eyes. 
With a shaky breath, you ask him to stand back, and slowly unlock the door. Purposely taking as long as possible, you keep your feet moving at an inchworm's pace, hardly stepping away from the stall. 
Your boyfriend tears open the stall door now that its unlocked, not yet releasing your arm. 
You see his figure in front of you but refuse to look up, instead turning away and allowing him to drag you out of the small confines of the stall. He pulls you to the large sink basins, reaching for your chin. You flinch a little as he turns your head, looking at your tear stricken face. You felt like a mess, but he didn’t seem to change expression as you stared back. 
 “Now, what’s been the matter sweetheart?” 
You feel the cold of his rings against your balmy cheeks, his thumb running over your wet eyelashes to brush away unfallen tears. 
“I just don’t feel good…” You say, relishing in the affection, even though it makes your stomach churn.
“What doesn't feel good?” He asks, letting go to inspect the rest of you. 
You relax against the low counter, feeling it hit your tailbone. 
“Did someone hurt you?” He searches your body for marks. “Are you feeling sick? Had too much to drink, baby?”
You shake your head, suddenly feeling like a child answering to their mother. 
“You’re going to have to tell me what it is, then. I can’t read your mind.” He lightly scolds.
There’s a gentleness in the deep vibrato of his voice as he bares the blunt words, looking at you with an expectant gaze.  
You fidget a tad, beginning to pace in a small two-step dance. 
“I just--” You turn away, fidgeting with your fingers. “I feel, ridiculous.” 
You move to grasp your forehead, avoiding your boyfriends gaze. 
“Dressed up in this stupid get up, surrounded by these people who-- who I don’t belong next to, who make me look like a fool for being here…!” 
You fold your arms over your chest defensively, turning away from the man. 
“Did you see the way everyone was looking at me? I looked so stupid, standing next to you! Or even next to them, as if I could convince them that I belong here, next to someone of their own.” You turned to stare at your reflection in the mirror, not recognizing the person who stared back. “I just.. I don’t belong here, with you… with these people… I feel absurd for even trying.” 
You hear your voice shake at the last few words, not realizing you were getting worked up enough to cry. But then there it was, that burning in your nose and the blurriness of tears in your eyes. You felt your face scrunch and tense up, the ugliness of your cries breaking out to make you feel even smaller.
Putting a hand to your mouth and turning away from the mirror, you hoped your boyfriend hadn’t seen or heard the way you appeared ready to sob. 
But a heavy, commanding hand pulled your shoulder back, turning you around with ease as you let your body fall to whatever whims he desired.
Your nose was shoved against Ezra’s chest as he pushed your head against him, wrapping his arms around you. He stroked your hair, pushing it off your sweaty skin. It was almost suffocating, the way he trapped you against him. But it made you feel secure, knowing that he couldn’t see your face full of tears and shame, that you didn’t have to continue to spill your heart out to him. 
“Baby….” He said. It was in such a soft, understanding tone that you didn’t think it came from his lips at first. “How could you ever, ever, compare yourself to these… strangers?” 
You sniffled against his dress shirt, hiding yourself in his chest and expensive cologne, a scent so familiar and potent that it put your body at ease. 
“I mean, you? Versus them? These half drunken idiots who can barely hold themselves up?” Your boyfriend chuckled, shaking slightly against you. “Darling why would you ever want to be like them?”
You wiped your eyes, trying to keep your emotions at bay.
“I thought thats what… you wanted. How else am I supposed show up when I meet your friends.” You mumbled. 
Your boyfriend pulls your chin, lifting you to face him.
“I brought you here to meet everyone because I wanted them to meet you, not whatever persona the rest of the assholes here portray.” 
You looked away, letting his words sink in. 
“Besides, they were only looking at you because you were the most captivating thing in that room,”  He ran his pointer finger over your bottom lip, the cold of his rings hitting the bitten skin. 
“The most,” He cut himself off with a kiss to your neck. “Stunning,” kiss, ” “kind,” another kiss, “and amazing thing in that room. They were just how awestruck I was when I first saw you.” 
He softened as he saw you squeeze your lips shut, preventing a smile from escaping. 
 “Though I won’t let them make the same moves on you like I did.” He joked, laughing as he saw you roll your eyes. 
Brushing his thumb on your cheek, Ezra took away the remnants of tears. A pit of shame grew in your stomach when you saw him frown at your saddened state. 
“But listen,” He bent closer to your face, shifting his warm hands to cup your cheeks. “You’re the best thing to happen to me, hands down. And I wouldn’t trade any of the bastards in here for you, so enough self-loathing.” 
Your cheeks squish as he pressed his palms against them, forcing your head to nod as you went limp. 
“Good.” He smiled, grinning at how you seemed to wait for his next response.
You let him let go, even though you wanted to stay in that position of safety for longer.
He ruffled your hair back in place, fixing the few scraggled strands that he could. Ezra talked while fetching a paper towel to clean the goo beneath your eyes, originally from your tears.
“I mean, honestly, do you think I wouldn’t kill the bastards in here if they tried to look at you wrong? Come on, no way I would let that slide.” 
You smiled at hearing that, thinking he was just being dramatic. 
Paper towel in hand, Ezra lifted you up from the ground slightly. He put you down on the sink counter, keeping his hands planted to the sides of your abdomen. 
Letting out a low laugh, he continues to wipe away at your eyes. His demeanor shifted to be quieter; something you aren't used to from your blab of a boyfriend. 
Dark hair covers to his eyelids, sticking to his skin as the heat from the bathroom has begun to her to him.
The humming of the bathroom fan is all that fills the room for a few moments, Ezra’s concentration on your eyes leaving you both quiet. Though, you could tell he still had something he wanted to say.
"I mean, you don't understand how many times I've had the urge to mutilate the men in this club for staring at you, just from tonight alone" he licked his lips, curling his unmoving hand beside you. He seemed to be… nervous. "I'd pull their teeth out first, working my way down. Tearing each fingernail off one by one, pulling the veins from their wrists… I'd remove anything they have to witness you with."
He looked back up at you, staring within your eyes as if he was lost in them, as if he was looking inside of you. Despite his tender look that seemed to crave your cooperation, that should have made you blush– your smile fell. The warmth once spreading in your chest was now going cold, sinking to your stomach. 
"You captivated the whole room, and I can't stand it…" he didn't seem to notice your fallen expression, or the shaking in your hands on the counter. "I hate the way they can hear your laugh, sit beside you and feel your warmth… how you can smile at them and let them make you feel as if you aren't the best thing to ever walk into this club. I hate it so fucking much."
Your boyfriend trailed his finger down the sequins on your clothes, trying to hold himself back from getting too close. 
You shifted uncomfortably as your he leaned up close to your mouth, just far away enough to where he couldn't indulge in how badly he wanted to kiss you. There was this suffocating desire inside his chest to paint his claim violently upon your body in this bathroom right now, to let you walk put of this club with everyone staring at the little pieces of him only, forcing them all to know who you really belong to. 
You didn't know what to say to his confession…. Should you thank him? Run away? Beg him to go to therapy? 
Instead you stayed quiet, searching for the right words to not tick him off, now that you knew what he was potentially…. Capable of. 
"They want to hurt you, to use you and then throw you away like some brainless sex doll. They only have bad intentions, baby."
Your boyfriend slid down to your knees, crouching down as you sat on the counter above him. He pulled your left leg toward him gently, kissing up from your ankle, to your shin, to your knee. 
"But i'll take care of you, I won't let you be tricked.."He looks up at you with fluttering lashes, raising your leg ever so slightly to press his lips against your inner thigh. 
"You know how much I adore you… right?"
 Your skimpy clothes gave him even more access than you felt comfortable with, seeing the adoration pulsate within his eyes and the desperation in his hands.
"Of course," you reply, hesitantly bringing a hand up to his cheek, hoping he wasn't thinking of murdering you too in this bathroom. 
 His warm, damp hands molded the flesh of your bare thighs in his fingers, pushing in between the tight layer of where your tiny shorts and your skin meet, trying to dig beneath them. He wanted to hold all of you, to keep you in his arms so you couldn't even think of leaving, of running to someone else.
"You know that I'd never hurt you… that I only want what's best for you… that I'd kill for you--…" he mumbles the last bit, pressing your hand deeper against his cheek as he looks up from below at you, giving a cheeky grin. 
You nod your head, hoping his homicidal thoughts were just that-- thoughts.
He was quick to fool you again with that sweet, lovely smile that seemed to bask in your presence, the smile that made you feel like the most desirable person in the world. No matter how many threats he gave out they never seemed to deter the fact that his soft, adoring expression made you feel like he'd choose you in a room full of thousands. 
Your small assurance gave him the confidence to press his head further between your legs, running kisses back up from your knee to your thigh. 
He trailed up your skin, kisses growing hungry. Pulling your sequined shorts, your boyfriend buried his head between your thighs– trying to get where he knows he'll have full control over you. 
"Not here," you said breathlessly and bewildered, trying to push away his head. "We can't do that here–!"
His hair was soft, even with the thin spread of gel that kept it in place as you ran your hands down to his neck. Tugging at tufts of his hair and using your legs to push him away, you found little to nothing dispirited him. 
"Just let me show how much I love you..."
Each time you tried to use your knee to push him, Ezra pushed it against the sink countertop with the heavy weight of his hand. He looked up at you with a sick grin that meant: “just try and beat me.” A part of you felt panicked, not just from the compromising position-- but from how insistent he was. Like he was trying to prove something to you.
It wasn't until the echo of the bathroom door swinging open and hitting the wall, did he lift his head. His eyes went wide, jaw clenching as he whipped around to look. The fearful expression would've been funny if you weren't just as scared. 
You quickly jumped off the counter and pulled your shorts back into position, watching to see someone peak around from the corner. But the sounds of drunken laughter faded away, and no one made themselves apparent.
You and Ezra sighed simultaneously, the heat from the stuffy bathroom showing to have been too much for the both of you. 
He reached for your hand, pulling you towards him. Ezra goes quiet, and you keep your gaze to the ground. He had shown sides of himself tonight that you weren’t exactly sure how to process. 
“Lets just go home, okay?” Ezra says after a few moments, whispering with a grin.“I wanna finish what we started.”
What were you to say? You stuttered, thinking to protest, to run away or maybe even admit how afraid you were. 
But with a kiss to your sweaty forehead, your boyfriend slung his arm over your shoulder and began leading you to the exit of the bathroom. 
Your feet had moved on your own, your mouth still lingering to form words. As Ezra opened the door, the stench of alcohol and cheap perfume hit you once again.
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athenamikaelson · 7 days
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson Pt. 
Word Count- 5.5k
Warnings- Swearing, violence, spoilers for canon, abusive dads, trauma, reader having bad responses to her trauma.
“Wait, you’re telling me that I miss ghosts coming back and terrorizing Damon just because I went to a doctor’s appointment?”
I deadpan at Ric as he looked over a bunch of pictures and drawings they had found in some mystery tunnel. 
“That’s what you get for going to the doctor,” Damon smirks at me as he and Elena spar. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Demon. Next time I just won’t get shot,” I shoot a glare at him and he rolls his eyes. Elena uses this moment to try to throw a punch at the vampire but Damon easily catches it. 
Elena sighs defeated and then turns to me, “How did your appointment go? Any good news?”
I roll my left shoulder and then shrug, “Nothing really new. The doctor did say I’m healing faster than anyone he’s seen before though,” This gains all three of their attention, “He chalked it up to my wonderful youth.”
“Well that’s good,” Elena smiles happily.
“And he said he liked my birthmark.”
“You have a birthmark?”
I look over to Ric who is looking at me questionably.
“Ya, she’s got like a smudge on her shoulder,” Damon jests and I glare at him.
“It’s not a smudge you asshat.”
“Don’t be mean Damon,” Elena defends me, “Personally I love Y/N’s birthmark. I think it’s cute. Almost looks kinda like the moon.”
I walk over to Elena and we both glare at the blue-eyed vamp who just rolls his eyes again. 
“Thank you, my love,” I look over to my best friend who is sporting a light pink tint to her cheeks at the nickname.
“Of course, my beautiful best friend,” Elena smiles back and we both giggle.
“Can y'all just kiss and get it over with,” Damon groans out.
“You wish you had a boyfriend the way I have my girlfriend, Damon. Your jealousy is oozing off of you,” I smile at the man and he purses his lips and then goes over to Ric.
A buzzing in my pocket has me separating from my friend and grabbing my phone. 
“Oh shit,” I whisper out and quickly grab my jacket off a nearby chair.
“Where are you going,” Elena asks to me as I book it to the front door.
“Theo’s tire popped and he’s supposed to be at practice in 2 minutes. So I have to go rescue him. Toddles!”
“Thanks for picking me up,” I groan as Theo grabs his football padding from the trunk of my car and puts them into my arms.
“Ya, whatever,” I struggle to carry it all as Theo closes the trunk and makes me follow him towards the school.
“Dude take your shit before I drop it,” I groan out to my brother who turns back and gives me a look before dramatically sighing and grabbing the gear from my hands.
“You need to start hitting weights. I’m bulking up this season so you can join me,” My brother says excitedly. 
I stare at him in disgust, “Oh ya cause that sounds like great sibling bonding time to me.”
“Do you know how many people would kill to be my sibling,” Theo asks and I shoot him a blank look.
“Many people, nerd. Many a people,” I fight the urge to laugh at my brother’s dramatics as his mood instantly brightens, “There’s the guys! I got to go, see you later nerd.” 
I stand there for a moment as I watch my brother run off to his teammates. Oddly enough though after going like 10 feet he stops and turns around. He quickly runs over to me and for a second I think he’s going to knock me down but instead, he balances his gear on one hand, and with the other he side-hugs me. 
“Even though other people want to be my sibling, I wouldn’t want any of those hoes,” Theo lets go of me and gives me a boyish grin, “You’re kind of a cool sister. Even if you are a nerd.”
Theo turns back around and I can’t fight the huge smile that comes over my face as I watch my little brother instantly start bickering with his teammates. 
“You guys have a cute relationship,” A feminine British voice makes my smile instantly drop.
“Hello Rebekah,” I turn around and come face to face with the pretty blonde Mikaelson. 
“That’s your little brother I assume. He looks just like you,” She smiles at me but I don’t return it.
“What do you want?”
Rebekah doesn’t seem to be unsettled by my prickly attitude as she continues talking. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to get lunch with me. Or perhaps go dress shopping? Homecoming is coming up and I’ve never been to one so I could use some help.”
My eyes narrow in confusion, “You’ve never been to a homecoming? Aren’t you like a million years old?”
Rebekah seems momentarily annoyed by my comment but quickly brushes it off, “I spent much of my life following my brothers around. Neither of which care for the dramatics that come with high school. So no, I haven’t been to a high school dance.”
I think about what she said for a moment and a smirk graces my lips at the thought of posh Elijah at a homecoming dance. 
“You’re not missing out on much,” I pick at the thread of my shirt, “I mean, not that I would know. I’ve never been to one either.”
At this Rebekah frowns, “You’ve never been! Why not?”
I shrug at Rebekah’s question, “Public places with tons of people aren’t really my thing. I’d rather be alone than be in a room with a bunch of drunk, loud teenagers.”
I move around the Original and start walking towards my car but inwardly groan when I hear her footsteps behind me.
“Great! Then we can experience it for the first time together!”
I bite my lip in anger and whip around, “What are you doing?”
Rebekah’s face morphs into one of confusion, “What do you mean?”
I gesture to her and then to me, “This! Why are you trying so hard to be around me? Did your brother put you up to this? He’s already making Alastair follow me around like a dog, so what about you?”
At my outburst, the girl frowns, “I heard about what my brother did. His ways of caring for people aren’t always shown in the best ways,” She smiles softly at me, “But I swear to you my brother didn’t put me up to this. I just…would like a friend…I would like you to be my friend.”
I look at Rebekah and try to find any signs of deceit in her face but I can’t seem to find any.
“You can’t just have friends, Rebekah. Friendships are built on trust. I can’t be friends with you unless you prove to me that I can trust you.”
Rebekah seems to take this as a approval as she quickly nods her head, “Great! Then I’ll just make you trust me. Can I have your phone number so I can text you? That’s what it is called right? I’m still quite new to this ages technology.”
I sigh and then reach out my hand and Rebekah smiles grabbing her phone from her pocket and placing it in my hand. I go to her contacts and type in my number and hand the phone back to the smiling blonde. 
I turn around and head to my car but hear the blonde call after me.
“I’ll text you!”
Rebekah wasn’t joking when she said she’d text me because approximately an hour later I’m pulling up to the Salvatore house because she practically begged me to meet her here.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?”
I turn around and spot Elena getting out of her SUV. 
“Rebekah asked me to come,” I frown at my friend’s worried expression, “What are you doing here?”
“She asked me to come as well.”
Elena and I warily eye each other for a moment before walking up to the front door. Elena goes first as she pushes the front door open and my ears are assaulted by loud pop music.
Elena shoots me a look over her shoulder and I shrug as we make our way into the foyer. We begin walking into the living room but stop when a smiling She-Klaus walks over to us with champagne in her hands.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“You invited me over to talk,” Elena says from beside me, not matching Rebekah’s cheery attitude.
“I’m not exactly sure why I’m here,” I raise a finger.
Rebekah looks at us and then turns around, “Alright, girls. Have at it.”
I’m confused on who she’s talking to for a moment but then when a group of girls wearing homecoming dresses enter the living room in a line, I have my answer.
“What the hell,” I whisper to Elena who looks as shocked and confused as me. 
“Okay, now twirl, please,” Rebekah asks the girls and I watch in disgust as they all oblige.
“You’ve compelled your own private runway show?”
I nod along to Elena’s question because I’m also thinking the same.
“I need a homecoming dress. So what do you think? Pick one” Rebekah says as if this is totally normal behavior. 
“I know you’re new to this whole thing…and century. But most people just go to the store and try on the dresses. Not compel a bunch of innocent girls to parade around in them.”
Rebekah frowns at me. 
“We’re not here to help you shop. I’m here to talk about why you don’t want me to wake up Mikael.”
Rebekah smirks at Elena’s comment for a moment before flashing behind a blonde girl. I jump back slightly as I watch her fangs protrude from her gums as she puts them near the girl's throat. 
Elena takes a step forward and I follow.
“I said pick one, Elena.”
Elena looks a me for a moment before pointing to one of the girls, “The red one.”
“There,” Rebekah smooths out the blonde girl's hair, “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Go away. Remember nothing.”
I watch disturbed as the girls walk back out of the room and Rebekah comes back over to us. 
“You do not threaten me,” Rebekah stares Elena down and I move slightly in front of my friend, “You will learn what I allow you to learn. Is that clear?”
Elena nods from beside me and Rebekah moves around us and out of the room. Elena and I shoot each other another look before following the girl upstairs and into Stefan’s room where Rebekah is starting to go through the broody vampire’s things. 
“We shouldn’t be here,” Elena says standing next to me in the doorway.
“Of course, we should,” Rebekah says as she picks up a pair of boxers, making me frown in disgust, “Come on. Like you’ve never wanted to snoop. Boxer briefs. Now that’s a change from the ‘20s.”
“Ew. TMI.”
“Are you gonna root through his stuff all night or are you gonna start to tell us your story?”
Rebekah sighs, “You really are no fun,” She turns to me, “Why are you friends with such a bore?”
“One thing you should learn about me Rebekah,” I glare at the blonde, “I am not friends with people who insult my friends.”
Rebekah stares at me for a moment before rolling her eyes and muttering something under her breath. 
“What do you want to know?”
Elena takes a step into the room, “Elijah said that your father was a landowner in Europe. How did you guys end up here?”
At the mention of the suited Original, a warm feeling brushes my cheeks.
“My parents had just started a family when a plague struck their homeland. They lost a child to it. They wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate.”
A wave of sadness washes over me at the mention of Rebekah losing her sibling. I couldn’t imagine what I would do if I ever lost Theo. No matter how many headaches he gives me, the boy is practically my son.
“So how did you end up here,” Elena prods, “This part of the world hadn’t been discovered yet.”
Rebekah scoffs, “Not by anyone in your history books. But my mother knew the witch Ayana who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy. Blessed by the gifts of speed and strength. That led my family here where we lived amongst those people.”
“The werewolves?”
“To us, they were just our neighbors. My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years during which my family had more children including me.”
“So… technically you’re American?” 
My question has both of the girls shooting me frowns but I lightly laugh at myself for the comment. 
“You make it sound so normal,” Elena comments. 
Rebekah walks towards a window and for a second I can see a thoughtful smile on her face, “It was. Once a month our family retreated to the caves underneath our village. The wolves would howl through the night and by morning we’d return home. One full moon, Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts. That was forbidden. Henrik paid the price.”
A deep breath escapes my lips as the girl continues her story.
“And that was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbors,” Rebekah turns back to look at us, “And one of the last moments my family had together as humans.”
The buzzing of Elena’s phone distracts us.
Rebekah coughs, “You better get that. That’ll be…Damon checking up on you.”
Elena turns around and answers the call as I walk over to Stefan’s desk and start rummaging through his things. I never said I was a Saint.
“Was that Stefan?’’
Elena’s question has me turning around and frowning. 
“Damon, how could you let him out,” Elena exclaims and I frown.
“That didn’t sound good.”
“Did you get your fill of snooping yet,” Elena asks Rebekah who is lying down on Stefan’s bed reading one of his many diaries, “Can we get on with the story?”
I watch from my seat on the floor as Rebekah throws the book onto the bed and stands up. She walks over to the desk by Elena and picks up a framed picture of the couple. 
“Honestly, I don’t get you two as a couple,” Rebekah shakes her head at my friend. 
“Why would you? You don’t know anything about who he really is,” Elena defends and Rebekah smiles at her and puts the frame back down. 
Rebekah leans down to make eye contact with my friend and I straighten up, “I know exactly who he is. He’s a vampire. We’re a predatory species. We don’t have time to care about humans and their silly little lives.”
“I don’t believe that,” I say but they don’t hear me. Or at least don’t acknowledge me. 
“Is that why you did that runway show earlier,” Elena snarks back and I bite my lip nervously as I have the feeling that a catfight is about to begin, “Because you don’t care about the homecoming dance?”
Rebekah stands up and Elena nods at her, “You know what? I’m just gonna go,” She turns to me, “Y/N you coming?”
I groan as I can practically hear my bones creaking as I stand up.
“You haven’t even heard half the story,” Rebekah calls to Elena. 
Elena turns around to her, “And you’re not going to tell it. You’re just bored and looking for someone to push around. Find someone else to play with. Maybe you can compel yourself a friend.”
“The necklace wasn’t Stefan’s to give,” At Rebekah’s words I instantly sit my ass back down. This time on the comfy mattress. 
“It belonged to the original witch.”
Elena turns around, “The one who put the hybrid curse on Klaus?”
“Not just the hybrid curse. She’s the one who turned us into vampires.”
My mouth drops open, “Bomb drop…”
“Vampirism was a form of protection?”
Elena asks as Rebekah continues telling her story as we make our way down the stairs. 
“What else would it be?”
“A curse.”
“My parents only sought a way of keeping their children alive,” Rebekah answers.
“Yeah, but why stay? If they were so afraid of the werewolves why not leave?”
“Pride,” Rebekah says as she steps off the last stair and turns back to us, “My father didn’t want to run anymore. He wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves. Where they could bite we had to bite harder. Where they had speed we had to be faster. Agility, strength, senses.’’
Rebekah continues telling us the story of how the spell of vampirism came down to her mother’s hands since the other witch wouldn’t help them.
“In her hands? How could she do anything?”
Elena asks and I feel like I already know the answer. I mean if they’re called “The Originals,” I’m assuming the “Original” witch has something to do with them.
“Because my mother was also a witch.”
“The witch of the original family.”
“The original witch,” I finish for her and Rebekah smirks at me.
We make our way into the living room and I plant myself on my favorite couch. 
“Where do they keep their best vintage,” Rebekah asks. 
“But if your mother was a witch then..”
“Am I? No,” The vampire finishes, “A witch is nature’s servant. A vampire is an abomination of nature. You can either be one or the other never both,” Rebekah fishes out a bottle of wine and then turns to Elena, “My mother did this for us. She did not turn.”
“How did you turn?”
Rebekah pours herself a glass and then walks over to the fireplace, “She called upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree one of nature’s eternal objects, for immortality. That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood.”
I almost gag at that.
“And then he drove his sword through our hearts.”
My heart clenches as Rebekah’s voice slightly cracks. 
“He killed you,” Elena says.
“And he wasn’t delicate about it either,” Rebekah says with tears and her eyes and quickly breaks the cap off the wine bottle. 
“We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual. It was euphoric. The feeling of power was indescribable. But the witch Ayana was right about consequences. The spirits turned on us and nature fought back. For every strength, there would be a weakness. The sun became our enemy. It kept us indoors for weeks. Although my mother found a solution. There were other problems. Neighbors who had opened their homes for us could now keep us out. Flowers at the base of the white oak burned and prevented compulsion. And the spell decreed that the tree that gave us life could also take it away. So we burned it to the ground.”
“But the darkest consequence is something my parents never anticipated. The hunger. Blood had made us reborn and it was blood that we craved above all else. We could not control it. And with that… the predatory species was born.”
“I need a cigarette,” I say out loud as I sigh into my hands at the migraine of an origin story.
“Why did Mikael start hunting Klaus,” Elena asks not giving anyone time to catch their breaths. 
“When Nik made his first human kill,” Nik? “It triggered his werewolf gene. With that, he came my father’s greatest shame.”
“Yeah,” Elena responds, “Elijah told us this part of the story. Your mother had had an affair with one of the werewolf villagers.”
I look down at my hands as Elena and Rebekah continue speaking about Klaus’ father and I have to fight back showing any emotion as I think back to my own father, or not father I guess. 
“She tried to make it right. She put the hybrid curse on Nik to suppress his werewolf side and then she turned her back on him. But Mikael’s greatest weakness as a human was his pride. As a vampire that was magnified. He went on a rampage and killed half the village.”
Here, I thought my father leaving his family was the worst thing one could do in that situation. 
“Then he came home and killed her.”
“Mikael killed your mother?”
“He said she broke his heart so he would hers. He tore it from her chest as Nik watched. Afterwards, my father took off in a rage and the rest of my family scattered. Nik stayed so he could help me bury her. He knew I had to say goodbye to my mother.”
I listen to the rest of Rebekah’s heartbreaking story as she recalls how she and Elijah promised Klaus that the three of them would always be together. Always and forever. 
“Always and forever. Even though he locked you in a coffin for 90 years,” Elena says and I shoot a look at her.
“Dude, really?”
“We’re vampires. Our emotions are heightened. I’m stubborn, Elijah moral, and Nik…Nik has no tolerance for those who disappoint him. Over a thousand years as a family we’ve all made that mistake at least once. I’ve made it several times.”
As Rebekah’s voice softens I have to fight the urge to reach out and comfort her. Being someone who knows what it feels like to be the one disappointing a family member, I can’t help but relate and feel sorry for the girl.
“But you still love him?”
“He’s her brother, Elena,” I turn to her, “What if it were Jeremy? I know that if it were Theo, I couldn’t hate him. Even if he made my life a living hell.”
“She’s right,” Rebekah looks over to me and I can see the appreciation in her eyes, “And I’m immortal. Should I spend an eternity alone instead?”
Rebekah swallows and I think she’s about to start crying but she quickly walks by both of us, “You’ve heard the story. It’s time to go,” She turns to Elena who is just standing there, “I said leave, Elena! I don’t know what you’re up to but I am no longer playing along.”
“I’m just looking for one good reason why we shouldn’t wake Mikael.”
At Elena’s words I frown, “Are you serious Elena? The man literally killed his own children! After, abusing them their whole lives. You may have grown up in a white-picket fence family, but I didn’t. I know men like that, and men like that should stay away.”
Elena looks at me and from the look on her face, she doesn’t seem to understand why I’m defending Rebekah.
“She will anyway,” Rebekah shakes her head, “I know you want him to help you kill my brother. I’m not stupid.”
“It’s no secret that I want Klaus dead. He has a hold over Stefan’s life and over mine,” Elena points back to me, “And he’s terrorizing Y/N.”
Rebekah glares down at her, “Do what you need. Wake Mikael at your own peril. But make no mistake. If you come after my brother I will rip you apart. And I get my temper from my father. Now leave.”
Elena looks down and then back to me, “Y/N, come on.”
I look at my friend and then at the vampire, “You go. I have to talk to Rebekah.”
This seems to shock both of them, but I just stare at them blankly. Elena takes this as goodbye as she nods her head and leaves the house. 
After Elena leaves Rebekah and I stand there in silence for a moment, and awkwardly I clear my throat.
“Um, I’m sorry.”
Rebekah looks over to me confused, “What are you sorry for? You did nothing to insult me, unlike your friend.”
I frown at Elena’s behavior and then play with the loose thread on my shirt, “For losing your brother. And your mother. You were just a teenage girl when that happened. You didn’t deserve to have that happen to you.”
Rebekah stares at me almost shocked before she shakes her head and walks over to the couch I’m sitting on. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. It was over a thousand years ago, I’m over it.”
Rebekah sits on the seat next to me and we watch the flames of the fire.
“I don’t believe that. I think a loss like that stays with you. Even after a millennia.”
Rebekah turns to look at me and then nods her head softly, “Thank you, Y/N.”
We continue sitting in silence before I see her move out of the corner of my eye.
“What did you mean,” I turn to her in confusion as she speaks, “When you told Elena you didn’t grow up like she did and you knew about men like my father?”
At Rebekah’s question, I turn away from her curious glance and look back towards the flames, “It doesn’t matter.”
“You can tell me you know? It’s not like I have any other friends to go spill your secrets to.” 
At Rebekah’s words, I bite down hard on my lip to try to stop the tears that are making their way into my eyes. The urge to finally spill on the secret that I’ve been holding in all summer, building inside of me. 
“My father…growing up wasn’t the kindest man,” I say out loud trying to be careful with my words, “He was absent a lot but… those were the good moments, oddly enough, because, whenever he did come home… he was,” I stop, trying to find the right words to describe my estranged “not” father, “he was harsh. Nothing was ever good enough for him. No one was ever good enough for him. Certainly not me. He was the stereotypical macho man who thought that women weren’t equal to men. So whenever I showed strength in something, he made sure to kick me back down. Just to remember how weak I could be.”
I don’t realize I’m crying until Rebekah places a tissue into my hands. I’m not really sure where she got it but I take it and wipe away my tears.
“You mention him in past tense…is he…” 
I shake my head, “No, he’s not dead. He and my mother separated about two years ago. I haven’t seen him since.”
Rebekah doesn’t say anything as she waits to see if I’ll continue and I sigh as I try to.
“I didn’t know why they did. My mother always just kind of let it happen you know? The abuse. I don’t even know if you would call it that. It’s not like he hit me or whatever. Others have had it worse. My mother though just always told me not to provoke him, not to make him mad. But, she really wasn’t ever the one who got the brunt of it,” I bite down on my lip harder, “And you want to know the worst thing about it? Three months ago my mother told me that the man that had made me cry into my pillow since I was 8 years old… wasn’t even my actual father.”
I hear Rebekah let in a breath as she continues watching me.
“How fucked up is that, you know,” I laugh with tears in my eyes at the irony of it all.
“Did she tell you who your real father was?”
I shake my head at her question, “Just the bare minimum. I’ve barely talked to her since that day anyway. It’s the reason I have my own room down the hall,” I point towards the direction of my room at the Salvatore’s, “Damon’s let me crash here the entire summer. He’s the only other person who knows.”
“Not even your brother?”
I quickly shake my head and wipe the rest of my tears away, “Especially not, Theo. He’s so young and with the move and everything I don’t want him to be stressed out.” 
I can see Rebekah looking at me as if she’s trying to find the right words to say, “Is that the only reason you haven’t told him?’’
My eyebrows furrow as I keep staring at the fireplace, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you’re worried that he won’t accept you. Nik had that same fear after he found out he wasn’t Mikael’s.”
“I am not Klaus,” I bite out and she just nods.
“I know. But you can’t deny the similarities,” I don’t say anything as I try not to think of her words, “I know I haven’t been here very long but… just from seeing Theo and you a few times, I don’t think you have to worry about telling him. If he truly loves you he’ll accept you no matter what.”
I finally think about Rebkeah’s words and in doing so, don’t even notice the front door being swung open. 
Rebekah sighed deeply from beside me as she stood up, “I thought I told you to leave twice.”
“How do you know Mikael killed your mother,” Elena’s question has me turning slightly to hear her better.
“Nik was there,” Rebekah says as she pours herself a drink, “He told me.”
Elena sighs and she steps closer to Rebekah, “He lied to you.”
“And how do you know that?”
Elena walks over to us and I put my face down slightly so she can’t see the dried tears on my cheeks.
“The cave where you carved your family’s names, is covered in symbols. The story of your family. How your parents arrived, how they made peace, the spell that turned them into vampires, and this,” She places a photograph on the table, “This is the symbol for hybrid. It’s the combination of the werewolf and the vampire symbol. And this is the one for your mother.”
“Her necklace.”
Elena sighs, “And this is the story of her death. The hybrid killed the original witch. Not Mikael, Klaus.”
I turn fully at them both. Surprise is most likely clear on my face.
“No,” Rebekah forcefully shakes her head, “No, he wouldn’t.”
“She put the curse on him, made it so that he would be the only one of his kind and then she rejected him. With the werewolf gene comes aggression and violence. When he turned all of that was heightened. He killed her, Rebecca, and then he made up this entire lie about your father so that he wouldn’t lose you.” 
“These mean nothing. They’re just stupid drawings done by stupid people who had no idea who my family was,” Rebekah yells as she grabs the pictures and flings them into the fireplace. 
Elena approaches her, “Then why are you so upset?”
“Elena stop, just leave her alone,” I tell my friend but she ignores me. 
“Why are you doing this to me? I’ve done nothing to you,” Rebekah yells at her.
“Klaus killed your mother. He has a hold on you, on me, on everyone. He has for a thousand years. We have to make it stop!”
“Shut up! Just shut up! Don’t talk anymore! Nothing!”
I quickly stand up as Rebekah pushes Elena into the wall forcefully. 
After a moment Rebekah drops her hands and stands there silently with tears in her eyes. Elena and I watch cautiously but not even a moment later a sob escapes the blonde’s mouth as she drops to her knees. Elena looks over to me and I shake my head at her. 
I don’t even check to see if she leaves as I kneel down to the sobbing girl. I place a comforting hand on her shoulder and I gasp as I’m being pulled into a hug. Rebekah holds onto me for dear life as she cries into my shoulder. And I let her. 
I sigh as I throw my keys onto my kitchen table and sit down. I put my head in my hands and try to forget the shitshow that was tonight. 
“Damn bitch!”
Theo’s screech has me whipping around in my chair in shock. My brother stands there in his satin pajamas he got for Christmas last year with a hand over his heart.
“Fucking sitting in the dark like some goddamn stalker,” Theo walks over to the light switch and I try to stop him but it’s too late.
Theo’s smirk instantly drops as he rushes over to me and places his hands on the sides of my face, “What happened? Did someone say something to you? If it was someone at school tell me and I and Jeremy will go beat their asses right now.”
My brother’s angry tone has me smiling for a moment but before I can stop it tears are streaming out of my eyes and a sob escapes my mouth.
My little brother just stands there awkwardly as he pats my shoulder.
“Do you want to talk about it? Um, should I call Elena or Mom?”
At the mention of our mother, I quickly shake my head, “No. I’m fine. Just a long day and all. I just need some sleep. Go back to bed, Theodore.”
Theo shakes his head and tries to deny my request but I shoo him away. As I watch his retreating figure I sigh and take a deep breath.
“Actually Theo…there’s something we need to talk about.”
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lacollectionneuse1967 · 10 months
slip of the tongue part 2 - jealous
Theseus Scamander x Reader
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“He was all over you,” he hisses. “I am not a possessive man, but I could’ve killed him then and there. He doesn’t know what’s mine.”
summary: after confessing your feelings for (and sleeping with) your boss, theseus, you join his brother newt's team of wizards attempting to thwart the notorious gellert grindelwald. when you're tasked with distracting and seducing a powerful dark wizard on your first mission, theseus gets uncharacteristically and fiercely jealous.
fem!reader. theseus scamander x reader.
category: smut with plot
warnings: 18+ smut, (light) mdom/femsub elements, unprotected penetration, semi-public sex, jealousy/possessive behavior, also the reader suffers brief unwanted sexual advances in a scene
part one / part two
Your dreams are uninventive. Your nightmares are even less so. 
Often you are hounded by dogs: drooling, snapping canines, bloodthirsty past the point of cognizance, they’re more open mouths than animals. Or, you’re standing on the hill where your old orphanage used to sit in North London, barefoot on the roof while the rest of London floods below, water rising, you know you’re going to drown. Or some other tired, boring allegory for your past catching up with you, at last, your blessings, your wand, crumbling to ash—you know what the dreams mean and they don’t scare you anymore. 
But tonight you are perfectly dreamless. The dream dogs, the wintry world outside, the sound of the wind whistling through the empty London streets, it cannot touch you now. The fireplace is crackling and warm orange light spills in beneath the door from the living room.
Theseus’s arm is draped over your body, your head is on his chest. Every part of your body where your bare skin meets his buzzes with contentment. His room is like a sanctuary, his arms a house that holds you. 
You don’t think you’ve slept for even a full hour. It’s still dark outside when you feel Theseus jostling your shoulder. 
“Y/N. Wake up, darling.” 
You sigh in response and are about to put up a fight, but when you meet his eyes they’re full of sore regret, apologetic. He wouldn’t ask you to leave his bed unless it was important.
You emerge from the covers and start to stretch. 
“What time is it?”
“I’m sorry, love, but it’s nearly four in the morning. We have to be going, it’s urgent.” 
You turn to look at him, he’s raking a hand through his hair, sitting up in bed.
“Did you sleep at all, Theseus?” You ask incredulously.
“No, too much to think about. And besides, I knew if I slept I wouldn’t be likely to wake. Better you sleep…”
Your heart wrenched. In a swell of affection, you went to him, crawling back over his body on the bed.
“No,” he groans, but his hands come around you, sliding down to your hips, anyway. You kiss his neck, raking your teeth over the skin there.
“Don’t do this to me,” he anguishes. His grip tightens on your hip, it’s meant to be chastising but it makes you want him more. “Please. We need to leave, Y/N.”
It wasn’t easy letting go of him. You know he would’ve given you what you wanted with enough persistence. 
“Okay, okay!” You relent, kissing his mouth with a smile. “I’ll stop terrorizing you now.” You leap out of bed again without complaint. 
When he stands he’s serious-Theseus again, your boss. And you love him still. 
For his sake, you pretend not to notice his erection in his boxer shorts. It looks painfully hard. 
“Get dressed,” he says to you before turning to the bathroom. “We need to get to Hogsmeade.”
It was wonderfully strange to see him like this—hair in wavy disarray, looking soft and subdued, barefoot and in his t-shirt. You want to appreciate the sight, you want to talk about what had happened between you and all that had been said. But his mind is elsewhere, preoccupied, and it seems you are both running late.
At your insistence, he lets you apparate to your apartment for a change of clothes, but then the two of you are off, running down the stairs of his building into the dark world below.
Hogsmeade is more of a detour. There is an incognito meet-up organized with none other than Professor Albus Dumbledore. You’d, mercifully, taken a train--the Hogwarts Express. Theseus mentioned that Dumbledore was being watched by the Ministry, and that there were anti-apparition charms put up around the village and the castle.
You were just grateful to see him sleeping, at last, on the way there. 
It was barely daylight when the two of you arrived, the sun bleak and pink over the Highlands, providing no warmth. You were grateful for the coffee you'd nursed on the train, as you were grateful to relieve yourself of the confidential documents from the Ministry. Their weight was an invisible one for you, evidence of your betrayal.
"Some aspiring Auror you are," you thought to yourself, bitterly.
“I tried to organize them for you. I started to, actually,” You supplied sheepishly when Dumbledore regarded the haphazard stacks of parchment, laid out on one of the tables in what you assumed was his brother's inn.
Dumbledore smiled warmly at you regardless and thanked you sincerely. 
When you step out of the inn, you look to Theseus just as he looks over his shoulder at you. You're both more or less sleepless, and cold, and it seems the both of you have betrayed the Ministry and embarked on a hopeless mission, without many allies in the world.
But you were a united front.
It surprises you when he says, so earnestly that the tension in his shoulders seems to deflate, “God, I missed you. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you.”
You blush, but don’t break his gaze. You’re not afraid to let him see you anymore. 
“Where to, Mr. Scamander?”
He flexes his jaw like he’s not thinking about the plan at all, like he’s thinking about last night. But then, with a sigh, the moment is broken. 
“Germany,” he says. “It’s time you meet my younger brother and the rest of the resistance.” 
He says ‘resistance’ like it's some inside joke, some funny jab. You don't understand it until you arrive at the hotel room in Berlin. 
Other than the hair, that uncommon shade of reddish, honey brown, and the apparent kindness and sense of humanity, Newt is nothing like Theseus. In fact, when he comes over to greet you he can hardly meet your eye, his head is half bowed in the other direction, his mouth a nervous, flat line.
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I was sure that you'd do the right thing when Theseus sent you his letter. It was... very brave of you."
You look to Theseus in sharp amusement, eyes sparkling.
"Was there ever a question of whether or not I'd betray you? Did you really think there was a chance I'd turn you over to the authorities?"
Theseus places a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"Come now, Y/N," he says. "You know if I were to die I'd prefer it to be at your hand anyway."
You want to roll your eyes, but you're not sure to what extent he's joking.
You shake Newt's hand. You're soon after introduced to a muggle baker named Jacob and an astute, somewhat brash Auror from America named Tina. You're not much of a people-person, but you find that you like them both, immensely. They feel genuine, the sort of strong, singular characters that couldn't deceive anyone if they tried. That is why Newt's explanation of your task for the night sends a bolt of dread down your spine.
"We need to need to retrieve a magical object from a German Minister's office. I-I can't say much, it's better you don't know, but it's safe to assume that a large portion of the German Ministry of Magic has already fallen. Helmut, Vogel--and who knows how many others are under the influence of Grindelwald."
"Which German Minister's office?" Theseus says. His hands are in his pockets, he's leaning against the windowsill, the picture of nonchalance, his hair swept back. He's so handsome you could cry.
Newt ignores him. "Now, tonight may be our only chance. There's a diplomatic gala at the ministry itself. I can get us all in, Pickett and I can handle sneaking into the office itself, but there are five people who know about the object being at the ministry, who will be on the lookout and who need to be distracted until we're out."
He doled out assignments swiftly. Theseus was to distract the head of security. Jacob, the two waitstaff who served as the Minister's private informants. For Tina, the German Auror, Helmut. And for you? The Minister himself.
"Which Minister, Newt?" Theseus asks again, the edge in his voice unmistakable, though you don't understand it.
"Baron Dietrich, the Minister of Finance," Newt says at last.
Dietrich. Most of your work for Theseus was domestic, but you try to remember what you can. Dietrich was some Bavarian-born descendent of the aristocracy. Hedonistic, high society. He fought in the war, but gained his reputation in the drinking clubs of Berlin. Even you knew he was ruthless, notorious. A brute of a man without much respect for the law. That was the extent of what you knew.
Newt is rushing to explain before you or Theseus can speak.
“Please, Y/N, Theseus." He looks between the two of you, trying to appeal to both. "Dietrich, h-he likes…he likes beautiful women and he-"
Theseus crosses the room to his brother in a single stride. "Yes, and do you have any idea what he likes to do to those beautiful women, Newt?” He's seething. “Even everyone at the British Ministry knows he brutalizes them."
“I-I wouldn’t ask her if it weren’t absolutely necessary. So long as she’s able to distract him at the party, keep him interested there, at the party, nothing will happen to her—to you!” Newt turns to you now, addressing you directly. “I’m sure of it…”
Theseus sucks his teeth and turns away from his brother, still fuming. “Absolutely not. You will not send her away from my side, that’s final. Not to that man.”
“Theseus, please-"
“She’s muggleborn, Newt! Do you know what men like Baron Dietrich do to wizards like her? If he found out, if any one of Grindelwald's followers did, she'd be killed.” Theseus is speaking with such firm authority, but you know him well enough to detect the barely concealed panic in his eyes, the fracture just beneath the fortress. “Send Tina instead, she’s an Auror.”
“But Y/N is exactly the sort of girl that Dietrich would be-"
“I want to be an Auror too,” your voice sounds strange to your ears when you find it. It has a clear, confident quality, musical and lucid.
Theseus looks to you in shock. You wonder if he knew about the promotion you’d been offered at all, if he knew all you’d sacrificed to stay close to him—your very dreams dashed to pieces. From his expression, naked and open as day, he did not. 
“I can do it,” you make an effort to sound settled. Unshaken.
Being a young, vulnerable girl in the streets of East London, at the orphanage after, and then being a woman at the British Ministry as an adult, you’d dealt with plenty of over-friendly and entitled men. Boorish men were everywhere and were not uniquely monstrous. You hoped Baron Dietrich wasn’t either. 
"It's settled then," Jacob claps his hands together, seeming relieved that the tension between the two brothers has evaporated. Theseus is slumped over, leaning back on the nightstand in apparent defeat. "We're going to a party!"
Tina places her hand on your arm, leading you towards the closet. She doesn't seem to be terribly affectionate, so you're grateful to her for extending you this small kindness now.
"Here, Y/N," She says. "Let's get you dressed. We have plenty of time to go over the plan. It'll be okay."
Your outfit, "disguise" you suppose, is nothing like the subdued robes of your companions. You don't know why you're surprised when they ask you to enter the ministry ten minutes after them, alone.
The skirt of your dress is flowy and short, like a dancer's, ending just above your knee, something that might've been acceptable a decade prior, given the fashion trends. It's made of delicate petals of off-white fabric, adorn with tiny silver and pearlescent beads, glittering. Meant to draw attention. It's sleeveless and the top is breathtakingly form-fitting, pinching in your waist and hugging every curve of your body, but you are gratefully afforded an elegant high neckline. Silk, ivory-colored, wrist-length gloves that do nothing for the cold cover your hands and a fur half-coat is draped over your shoulders. Your lipstick is a deep red.
You understand what it means, these luxury items, your styling, the fact that you were instructed to enter alone. By no design of your own, the implication was that you were an escort, a madame of the night. No wonder Newt had Theseus leave the hotel first, before he could catch a glimpse of you. You didn't dare imagine his reaction.
As you enter the gala, handing the doorman your fabricated invitation without a glance, every head turns to you. Chatter stills as you pass, the women gawk and the men look stricken, hungry as the pack dogs in your dreams. Plates and trays sail overhead and the instruments play on, unattended. The German Ministry of Magic has spared no expense.
Patrons lean in close and speak hushed and anxiously. You assume the upcoming election for the highest office of the International Confederation of Wizards is on everyone's mind.
You head for the bar with your head held high, hoping it doesn't show on your face, your discomfort at being so seen. You were told Baron Dietrich would be at the bar with some of his men. With a trembling, gloved hand you motion the barman over and order a drink.
You don’t dare look for your friends. You assume things are going swimmingly for them, but for you? You are drowning in your finery.
You’re not even alone for a moment before the wolves descend. You should've known a man like Dietrich would come find you.
"Mädchen!" He approaches you partially, but expects you to come the rest of the way, waves you over with a meaty hand. When you raise an eyebrow, haughtily, he switches to English.
"Girl, come here." The timber of his voice is low, gravelly. He has a heavy brow, his hair is thick and peppered with gray. The gray does nothing to diminish the impression of his strength. In a fight without your wand, he could have your neck snapped, broken and rolling around its stem, in a heartbeat.
You walk over, leaving your drink at the bar, untouched.
The gala is housed in a mammoth, marble room, twenty foot ceilings held up by smooth columns, something that reminds you of Gringott's. But around the massive bar at the room's center are half-circle booths and tables, spiraling out like lily pads. You slide into Dietrich's booth and his arm goes around you immeditely.
He smells chokingly of cigars, a perfumey, sickly sweet smell. He is a bloated, thick-limbed man. No, you couldn't have fought him off. There are so many uniformed men at his table that some of the younger ones have to stand. With a sting of shock, you don't see how you could be of any influence on these men at all, they hardly see you as a person, aren't speaking to you. You hope Newt and Pickett work quickly.
Another young man, dressed in what looks like a soldier's uniform, slides into the booth after you, sandwiching you in next to Dietrich. You let out of noise of shock and begin to push him off you when Dietrich grabs both your wrists.
"Don't be fussy. This is my young friend, newly recruited. I plan to make him my protégé."
The other men slap the boy over the shoulder, jostling him in congratulations. He smiles meekly. You could hate him for that meekness. That pathetic deference to power.
"We'll share you tonight, of course." Dietrich is looking at the boy, not you. "In my office."
Dietrich's hand clamps over your exposed thigh and his fingernails jab into the fat of your thigh. You don't react to the bright bite of pain. The other boy begins to lean into you, breath hot over your neck.
Whatever small bird lives in your ribs begins to beat itself against that cage, flailing and thrashing.
"No!" You can't help the edge of panic in your voice. Dietrich is too strong, so you don't bother, but you shove the boy off of you and out of the booth without much effort. The boy stumbles out, dumbfounded.
Dietrich snatches your wrist with real fury, bruisingly.
"What?! You're for sale, aren't you?" He won't hurt you in front of his men, not at the gala, but his face is so colored with anger that it's nearly purple.
"Please," there's a real plea in your voice when you say it, you try to cover it up with a hurried smile, you try to look charming. "Dance with me, sir?"
That seems to sedate him. He looks irritated, but pleased by your attention. At least he won't be able to molest you in front of all his colleagues and superiors.
He leads you to the dance floor and the entire way your mind is racing, scrambling for purchase, trying to figure out how you're going to keep him out of his office. He made it clear he had plans to go there later tonight with his men. With you.
And he was an even cruder man than you'd thought, he'd made no attempt to even flirt with or seduce you. His interest in you was moreso entitlement, the same interest a predator has for a slab of meat.
Your wand, concealed on your person, gave you little comfort. Newt had asked that you did not reveal yourself, didn't make a scene. But if it came down to it, you would fight Dietrich rather than submit to him. He was more than repulsive. He wanted to hurt you.
"Please," you think to yourself. "Please, God, don't make me-"
You startle at the large hand that grips your waist and spins you away, just before you reach the dance floor.
Dietrich, abandoned, turns in flustered outrage and is swallowed by the crowd. You're being whisked away before he can fully react, Theseus guiding you deftly out of the overfull room of diplomats.
You sob with relief. "Theseus-" you start, but he's leading you deeper, still, away from the gala.
It's not until you're in some pitch-dark, gaping mausoleum of a hallway that Theseus finally stops, pressing you delicately against the wall, holding your face in his hands like water, like something precious. He examines your body.
"Are you okay?" He asks, pressingly.
You could cry out in joy, the sight of his face is balm-like, giving you a familiar relief.
"Yes, yes!" You reassure him. "Is it done? Did we do it?"
Theseus nods in confirmation, still looking over you for injuries, turning over your wrists in his hands.
"The others are already out. It was quick. No one noticed a thing, we probably took too many precautions this time around..." He finally meets your eyes. The look in his is dark and indecipherable. When he swallows, it's raggedly. "You're really okay, Y/N?"
"Yes," you answer, hesitant at the intensity of his look. "Why?"
Theseus presses his body against yours harshly, you don't even have time to moan before he's swallowing it with his mouth. Your hands are all over him, but he gives you no room to move, it's as if he doesn't notice, the way he's pushing you up against the wall, kissing you like he wants to consume you.
"You're so damn beautiful," he mutters. "When you walked in I almost blew my cover just to go to you."
"Theseus," you pant. You're needy, you want him to keep kissing you but he's leaning his neck back, pinning you against the wall but holding himself away so he can look at you when he runs his warm hands from the backs of your thighs up to your ass. He hooks his fingers around the waistline of your panties and pulls them down so they're only hanging onto you by one of your ankles.
He leans in for another kiss, just as deep and wretched as the last, just as maddening.
He pulls away again with a pant.
"Your dress is too damn short," he curses under his breath.
"Are you angry at me?" You ask quietly, still writhing against him, desperate for friction, but suddenly self-conscious.
"No, no sweetheart," he soothes. "Not at you. You did so good. Such a good job." His praise has you leaning into his palm, which is cupping the side of your face.
You whimper, "I want you." You realize it's true as you're saying it. You can't ever lie to him. "I want you," you repeat, more insistently.
“He was all over you,” he hisses against your ear. “I am not a possessive man, but I could’ve killed him then and there. He doesn’t know what’s mine.” He punctuates the last word with a squeeze to your backside. 
"Theseus," you breathe out, helplessly. You can't believe this is happening. The wing of the German Ministry that you're in is completely dark, you can barely make out the tapestries and curtains hanging loose from the walls. But there's distant light at the end of the hall, and dim voices and music filter in and out from the gala a few rooms over.
But you want him to keep touching you more than you know better, know you should stop. More than anything.
He starts to hike your dress up, his movements urgent, when he stops abruptly. The spot where Dietrich's nails dug into your upper thigh is small, but he drew blood.
Theseus pauses, loosens his grip and lets you slide down the wall. With a slow-thudding heart you briefly fear he'll be so furious he'll run back to the gala, to find Dietrich, but he only bends down and kisses the wound, just barely, lips ghosting over skin, so gently you could cry. Kneeling before you, he looks like a prince, a knight. He's careful to avoid the wound when he lifts you back up against the wall.
You can't help but stare down at it, in awe, when he takes his dick out. Your body still thrills at the sight of it, there, huge, resting at your entrance. Theseus grinds a slow circle, sliding it against your wet folds, against your clit. You just stare.
He flashes you a lazy smile.
“What? You want me to help you put it in?” 
You moan, audibly. You're not doing a very good job at being discreet, but how can you when he says things like that to you and expects you to answer?
"Yes, please," you close your eyes, too flustered to meet his burning gaze when you say the words.
He grips the base of his cock and guides it into your pussy. Clamps a hand over your mouth to muffle the noises you're making, you whimper dumbly against his palm. Only releases his hand from your mouth once he's fully seated inside of you. The stretch is so big you know it would hardly take any movement at all for him to break that tension and make you come, drive you mad, unravel you completely. Just a few rocks against the wall, a few rolls of his hips and you'd be brainless and spent, crying out his name. You're already dripping around him. But you want to last longer for him this time.
He's looking directly into your eyes.
“You’re taking it, Y/N. You can choose where—in your mouth, on your face, inside. But you’re taking it all.” 
You nod. Then once again he's fucking you dumb, you don't even care that anyone could walk by, you're just thinking about how big he is, how good it feels. He's fucking your body slack now, you don't even have to do anything, he’s holding you up, lifting you onto and off of his cock roughly, debasingly.
His hands nearly circle your waist completely, they’re so large. Your mouth is stuck open, making stupid, feeble noises and he’s grunting small words of encouragement.
"Say my name," he says.
When you don't respond immediately, too blissed out to think, he slams your body down harder onto him and you nearly yelp.
"Hngh, Theseus. Theseus, please-"
You can feel him get almost unbearably hard inside of you, then he’s heaving you up and flipping you around, manhandling you, so your back is his against his torso, his right arm a bar across your chest, still inside. He brings a hand down roughly to your clit to touch you through it, and then you're both coming hard, your loud, jagged breaths echoing through the empty hall.
Your head spins, you're seeing stars.
"Baby," he says, when you don't come back to yourself immediately. "Was I too rough? Are you okay?"
You nod, breathlessly, but stumble when he finally stops supporting your weight. Your body is still juddering with pleasure, your fingertips quiver and feel numb as you smooth down your dress.
He's right, you think with a laugh. My dress is too damn short.
Theseus has the decency to look around the hall to make sure no one was watching, and to help you fix your hair and what's left of your lipstick. Your lips are pink and bitten now, swollen.
"They're probably wondering where we are. We should go." His voice is serious, unemotive, but there's something like devotion in the way he looks over you from head to toe, just one last time, to make sure you're beyond reproach. He hands you his jacket, which is huge on you, and slings your fur cape over his arm, bearing the cold himself like a gentleman.
A flurry of snow has begun to spiral down in the streets of Berlin, white particles curling and dancing in the wind. You've always found this type of snowfall to be so fanciful, the closest thing to magic in the muggle world. You walk back to the meeting point in comfortable silence, Theseus's hand clasped firmly around yours.
"He doesn't know what's mine," he'd said about Dietrich, about you. And last night, not that long ago, he'd said, "I love you."
Albeit, after you said it first. You look over to his oblivious face, checking both sides for cars before leading you across the busy street. His kind eyes, the line of his jaw..
You wonder how he could mean it... You'd so meticulously tried to conceal from him all the ugly parts of your life, your past, your fears, even your wants when they seemed to inconvenience him.
Could he love me? Could I let him?
"I want you," you'd said to him in the hall of the German Ministry. You realize now that you meant more than his body. For so long even just a look from him, just a word, was enough to sustain you.
But now you wanted more. Maybe it was selfish, undeserved, that the magical world was giving way to crisis, the dark forces were closing in around hope, and yet here you were, wanting to ask him for more...
part three here
author's note: hiiiiii! YES i switched to present tense from past tense in the last part, and no i'm not sorry... please let me know if you'd like me to continue this fic! i have a third & final chapter in mind. or i can take other theseus requests. the theseus brainrot is real... some AUs would be fun too! as always, feedback is welcome <3 taglist: @mystic-mara
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anna-the-undertaker · 28 days
No one fucks with Luke, not with MC around.
So I'm the second eldest (eldest girl) out of all the kids in my family. And I grew up being taught that you gotta protect the younger kids at all cost, whether they are related to you or not (Im from the deep south so thats also part of it). So I know that if it were me in the Devildom, I would end up super protective of Luke. My brain would automatically associate him as being sorta like my younger brother. That kid would kick my maternal instincts into high gear.
The classroom buzzed with the usual chatter as demons and angels alike milled about before the lecture. MC walked in, their bag slung over one shoulder, scanning the room for a seat. They hadn’t expected anything out of the ordinary today—just another class in the Devildom’s peculiar take on higher education. But then they heard it: a sharp, angry voice that cut through the noise, followed by the unmistakable sound of a chair scraping against the floor.
MC’s gaze snapped to the source of the commotion. Their eyes widened as they saw a demon towering over Luke, his fist raised, his face twisted in anger. Luke, ever the brave little angel, stood his ground, but it was clear he was outmatched. The demon snarled, “You think you can mouth off to me, you little brat? I’ll teach you some respect!”
Time seemed to slow as a surge of protective fury flooded through MC. Without thinking, they dropped their bag and stormed across the room, already summoning the power within them. They didn’t even bother to conceal the venom in their voice as they yelled, “Oh, please do it! Please hit him! I want to see you do it!” Their words were sharp, challenging, daring the demon to make a move.
The classroom fell silent as everyone turned to watch, eyes wide with shock and fear. The demon hesitated, his raised fist wavering as he realized that this wasn’t just some ordinary human standing before him. MC’s eyes blazed with a dangerous light, their hand already glowing with the beginnings of a spell. The air crackled with energy as they prepared to summon one of the brothers, anyone who could deal with this threat.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” MC continued, their voice rising with each word. “Hit him, you bastard. Put your hands on him, I dare you!”
The demon’s friend, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly shot to his feet, panic written all over his face. He had seen MC’s power before—had heard the stories of what they could do when pushed too far. “Wait, don’t! Don’t hurt him!” he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. “We didn’t mean it! He didn’t mean it!”
MC’s gaze snapped to the other demon, their eyes cold as ice. “Oh, I’m not gonna hurt him,” they snarled, their voice low and dangerous. “I’m gonna kill him for putting his hands on Luke.”
The words sent a shiver through the room. The demon who had raised his fist paled, realizing far too late that he had seriously miscalculated. He quickly lowered his hand, stepping back as if to distance himself from the threat he had foolishly provoked. But it was too late. MC’s fury was a storm, and it wasn’t easily quelled.
Luke, still standing his ground, looked up at MC with wide eyes. He had never seen them like this—so fierce, so ready to protect him at any cost. “MC…” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the tension in the room.
MC didn’t take their eyes off the demon. “You don’t ever lay a hand on him, do you hear me?” They took a step forward, and the demon stumbled back, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste to put distance between himself and MC. “If you so much as think about hurting him again, I swear by everything holy and unholy in all three realms, you’ll regret it.”
The demon’s friend tried to intervene, his hands raised in a placating gesture. “We’re sorry! He didn’t know who he was messing with! Just—please, let him go. We won’t bother Luke again, I swear!”
MC held their glare for a long, tense moment before finally allowing the energy to dissipate, the spell fading from their hand. The air in the room seemed to release a collective breath, the tension easing slightly as MC took a step back. The demon, pale and shaken, quickly ducked his head and muttered an apology before scrambling out of the classroom, his friend hot on his heels.
MC watched them go, their expression hard and unyielding until the door slammed shut behind them. Only then did they turn to Luke, their fierce demeanor softening into one of concern. “You okay, Luke?” they asked, their voice gentle now, a stark contrast to the wrath they had just unleashed.
Luke nodded, though he looked a bit shaken. “Yeah… thanks, MC. I didn’t think he’d actually… you know.”
MC smiled, ruffling his hair affectionately. “No one’s gonna mess with you while I’m around, got it?”
Luke smiled back, relief washing over him. “Got it.”
As they walked together to find a seat, the classroom slowly returned to its usual noise, though there was an undeniable tension in the air. The other students whispered among themselves, stealing glances at MC. The story of what had just happened would spread quickly, adding to MC’s growing reputation in the Devildom as someone not to be trifled with.
But for MC, it was simple. No one messed with Luke—not on their watch.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [20] - Nightclub
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Business deals are open to negotiation.  
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“Unbelievable,” you muttered to yourself, scratching at Alpine’s head with one hand while holding your phone with the other, your eyes skimming the lines. “Seriously…”
Bucky sipped his coffee. “Care to share with the class, Charm?”
You heaved a sigh and shot him a look, holding up the phone so that he could see the screen.
“Clint leaves the city for a couple of days and HYDRA immediately attacks his territory?” you asked and Bucky hummed.
“I mean he had his people covering it,” he said. “Just because he wasn’t here, doesn’t mean it was open to any attack.”
“Which makes it worse,” you told him with a sigh, then reached out for the jar of peanut butter to dip a spoon into it. “How many sources do these guys have?”
“That’s what we’re trying to find out,” Bucky said, reaching out to run his fingers through Alpine’s soft fur as she meowed at him. “You’re coming to the club tonight, right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Your phone buzzed in your hand and you took a look at the notification, then licked your lips.
“So you know how our therapist said open communication is very important?”
“I don’t trust the therapist.”
“Shocking,” you deadpanned. “Anyway, I’m meeting Ethan today for lunch.”
Bucky let out a groan before he threw his head back. “Charm…”
“This is me openly communicating.”
“This is you throwing a knife at me and calling it communication,” Bucky corrected you, making your jaw drop.
“It’s not!”
“I will ask this question once again; why are you meeting your ex who wants to fuck you?”
“That’s not—I know the idea isn’t familiar to you, but some people can be friends with their exes.”
“So it’d be fine if I met up with one of my exes for lunch?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders, trying to ignore the unpleasant flip your stomach did.
“If you can find an ex who doesn’t want to kill you?” you said. “Go ahead.”
He scoffed. “Not all of them hate me.”
“Is the ex who doesn’t hate you in the room with us right now?” you asked back and he made a face.
“I don’t know who fed you those lies, I’m guessing Becca—”
“Becca is very objective when it comes to your exes,” you pointed out. “And how terrible you are in relationships.”
“I’m not terrible in relationships.”
“Did you stay friends with any of your exes?”
“Give me a name.”
He blinked a couple of times and cleared his throat. “…Dot.”
“Dot hates your guts, Buck.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know she dumped you,” you said and Bucky clicked his tongue.
“It was a mutual decision.”
“It really wasn’t,” you said. “You do realize that I’ve been best friends with your sister since I was in kindergarten? I know everything about your terrible relationships.”
“To repeat, they’re not—don’t change the subject,” he said as you sipped your coffee. “Your ex?”
“My ex does not want to kill me like your exes or fuck me like you seem to think.”
“Oh he wants to marry you then?” he asked and even though you knew he was being sarcastic, your stomach did a flip. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I beat him to it.”
You clicked your tongue as you dipped your spoon in the peanut butter jar again.
“As much as I enjoy you referring to me like I’m the last piece of cake,” you deadpanned. “I will make sure both your dick and you regret it the next time you do that.”
He blinked a couple of times and you gave him a bright grin, then popped the spoon into your mouth, then pulled it out to point at him with it.
“See?” you asked him. “Open communication. Therapy works wonderfully for this relationship.”
“Tell me I didn’t make you wait for long,” Ethan said as he rushed into the café and you let out a laugh, then stood up to kiss his cheek.
“I just got here, no worries,” you said. “Ordered your coffee though.”
“You know my coffee order?”
“Yeah,” you said and made a face at him. “Terrible order but yeah. Burned into my mind.”
That made him smile as he sat down.
“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I was going to come sooner but—”
“Let me guess, your boss?”
“One of these days, that man will get in an accident that I’ve been hoping and praying for,” he told you, making you laugh.
“That’s doable,” you said. “I told you before.”
He heaved a sigh. “Stop. Right now, I feel like taking you up on that offer.”
“You can.”
He frowned, then shook his head.
“No no,” he said. “I’ve watched too many movies about this.”
“I’m not going to put a horse head in your bed, Ethan.”
“No, not that!” he said, letting out a chuckle. “Power corrupts.”
You shrugged again. “Nah it doesn’t.”
“It would corrupt me,” he told you as the waitress brought your coffees. “How about you? How’s uh…how’s marriage?”
Your eyes snapped to his and you cleared your throat, shifting in your seat.
“Ethan, if it’s going to lead to yet another—”
“It won’t,” he cut you off and offered you a small smile. “Don’t worry. I got the message.”
A silence fell upon you. You could feel your stomach doing a flip at the implication of what he had said and even though you actually wanted to talk about it, you knew you couldn’t.
Now to think of it…
You weren’t sure if you could even get together with him after your divorce. The idea was tempting yes, but you weren’t sure he could handle the life the job brought with it. While you and Bucky could torture an agent of HYDRA and then get takeout afterwards, doing the same wasn’t possible with Ethan and—
Strangely enough, you found yourself wondering whether you could still do it with Bucky after you two would get a divorce.
Your head shot up and you cleared your throat, then smiled at him.
“Sorry,” you said. “Blanked out for a second. You were saying?”
Opening night of a club, especially if it was in Barnes, Wilson or Rogers territories, was always so much fun that even when you were teenagers, you and Becca would sneak into them, most of the time to get caught by Steve. Now that you were a grown up, you still enjoyed them but you also knew what was happening in the background.
It was the perfect time to make deals.
The crowd, the music, the alcohol, it all served its purpose to make better deals without getting the weapons or threats involved. Not to mention, getting invited to the opening night showed respect to whoever was a part of any negotiation.
You took a sip of your drink and leaned back on the sofa, keeping your eyes on Mr. Clifford. He was one of the new players in town, but powerful enough to be invited to your -well, Bucky’s- VIP booth tonight. If this deal worked, he could make the shipments to your territory much smoother but the problem was, neither you nor Bucky could decide whether you could trust him or not.
He had good references, but he was still sort of a mystery.
“I wasn’t aware you would be here as well, Mrs. Barnes,” Mr. Clifford said. “So the word on the street is true?”
“What word?” you asked and he smiled.
“That you’re…not just a guest?”
Bucky raised his brows and shot you a small grin while you shrugged your shoulders.
“No, I’m not.”
“She’s the only one I trust,” Bucky said and you smirked, reaching out to hold his hand. Mr. Clifford nodded.
“I see,” he said. “And um—if you don’t mind me ask, will it affect any deals I may make with your father?”
“You will have to ask my father that,” you said. “I hear he’s not open to any new deals but you can try your chances.”
He hummed. “And his heir, Ian?”
Your jaw clenched but you managed to keep your expression flat while Bucky squeezed your hand as if trying to assure you.
“Ian hasn’t been named yet,” he said. “And either way, if you’re making deals with heirs, I may have to rethink my decision to do business with you. Are you that much of an amateur?”
“No, I’m not going to do business with him if he’s making deals with people who can’t sit at the grown-ups table.” 
“I assure you, that’s not the case,” Mr. Clifford said. “I was just voicing my curiosity, that’s all.”
You downed your drink and leaned in to whisper into Bucky’s ear.
“I’ll be right back,” you said. “Don’t shoot him?”
“No promises,” he murmured and you tried to bite back your smile, then grabbed your purse and stood up to make your way through the dance floor to the bathroom. When you stepped out again, your eyes fell upon Ryan who was by the bar and you smiled to yourself, then approached the bar as well.
“I think you’re the only person who drinks water at a club opening,” you said, making him turn his head and he blinked a couple of times as if he was surprised to see you, then looked down at the glass in his hand.
“Ma’am,” he said, taking a sip of his water and you tilted your head.
“Let me guess,” you said. “Ian told you to be completely sober just in case?”
“It’s my idea, ma’am.”
“Where’s he?”
“In the VIP room there,” he motioned at the closest room and you pulled your brows together.
“And he sent you away?”
Ryan sipped his water in silence and you heaved a sigh.
“Does he know that keeping his right arm out of deals is a terrible idea?”
“I’m just his bodyguard ma’am, nothing more.”
You pursed your lips together and cleared your throat.
“You might as well dance with someone, you know,” you joked. “If he’s going to be there alone, no need for you to get bored.”
The look of complete terror on his face at the suggestion was almost funny. He was a huge guy, and you were pretty sure he could crush someone’s skull with his bare hands if he wanted to, but he looked absolutely terrified at the idea of dancing with someone at the club.
“I’m a great wing-woman,” you told him, making him blink a couple of times. “Anyone caught your attention?”
“Ma’am I—I wouldn’t—” he stammered and you waved a hand in the air.
“And how many times should I tell you to call me Y/N?” you asked and he licked his lips, staring at you.
“I don’t mean disrespect.”
“I don’t think it’s disrespect,” you told him and out of the corner of your eye, you saw the waiter leaving your VIP room mutter something at one of Clifford’s bodyguards by the door before walking away. You frowned.
“Excuse me,” you said as you made your way to the fire exit the waiter walked into. You looked over your shoulder and pulled the small pistol out of your purse, then pushed open the door quietly to step into the hallway.
The waiter was too busy to notice your presence as he pulled a gun out of the cleaning bucket in front of him, but he froze when he heard the sound of you cocking the gun.
“Hi,” you said and he gritted his teeth, raising his hands. “Put the gun down.”
He slowly put the gun down and you smiled.
“There you go,” you said. “Good boy.”
“What are you doing?” he asked as he turned to you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean I’m trying to enjoy my night to be honest but…”
“Just walk away.”
You scoffed.
“Right,” you said. “That’s gonna happen.”
“If you walk away now, you’ll benefit from it,” he said. “Mr. Clifford says if Barnes dies, you could take over his territory, his business. It’ll be your right.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Well yeah but also if Bucky dies, I’ll have to wear black and I can’t really pull off black dresses,” you said. “Becca says it has something to do with my undertone—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence when he lunged to throw a punch at you but you caught his hand and twisted it, making him cry out in pain. You headbutted him right in the nose, hearing the crack of the bone before you grabbed the bigger pistol on the floor to slam it against his head, causing him to drop to the floor unconscious.
“This night is getting more and more fun,” you murmured as you shook your head, then pushed your pistol back into your purse. You made your way to the door again to open it, then approached Ryan to tap him on the shoulder.
“Can I borrow you for a moment?” you asked and turned around without waiting for him to answer, but he followed you anyway until you got to the hallway and opened the door. Ryan grabbed his gun from his waistband the moment he saw the unconscious guy lying on the floor, then turned to you.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” he asked, stepping into the hallway with his gun ready, checking for any threats. “Did he hurt you?”
“Not at all,” you said. “Keep an eye on him until I get back.”
His back straightened immediately like he was a soldier and you were his commander. “Yes ma’am.”
“And if Ian says anything,” you said. “This happened in Barnes territory, he’s our hostage. No one else’s.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You nodded your head and took a step to the door, then turned around.
“And thank you, Ryan,” you said, making him pull his brows together in confusion as if he wasn’t used to hearing it. “I appreciate it.”
He swallowed thickly, then nodded.
“Ma’am,” he said and you pushed open the door, then made your way to the VIP room Bucky was in.
“As I was saying, our price isn’t…” Clifford stopped talking when he saw you walk inside. “Ah Mrs. Barnes, welcome back.”
You shot him a fake smile, then leaned in closer to Bucky so that you could whisper into his ear.
“He’s trying to kill you.”
Bucky’s gaze snapped to yours when you pulled back and he heaved a sigh as if he was exhausted, then ran a hand over his eyes.
“Great,” he muttered. “Do you want to stay and watch, sweetheart?”
You thought for a moment, then shook your head.
“I got one of his men, I’ll be by the fire exit,” you murmured. “Come there when you’re done?”
“Sure thing.”
“What’s going on?” Clifford asked and you turned to shoot him a glare before pecking Bucky on the cheek.
“Have fun!”
“I will,” Bucky said and motioned at one of the bodyguards. “Paul, escort my wife to where she’s going.”
“Yes Mr. Barnes.”
“And Hannah,” Bucky’s voice was completely calm. “Lock the room down.”
“Mr. Barnes, please—” Clifford’s voice was cut off when the door shut behind you and Bucky’s bodyguards started dragging Clifford’s men away while you turned to Paul with a sigh.
“How fucking rude, right?”
“I mean honestly…” you muttered while you walked to the fire exit with Paul following you. “Sending an amateur to kill him? People today have no manners.”
Chapter 21
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space-mango-company · 6 months
Stranger | Chapter 2
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
TW: Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of Cannibalism
Tags: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut (still not in this chapter lmao), No use of y/n, Original Characters, Canon what canon
Word Count: 2k
A/N: So... this was posted prematurely a couple hours ago. This is the actual finished longer version. If you don't know what I'm talking about, thank god. Sorry this took so long, lmao
Just letting you guys know that my knowledge of the lore is purely based off of the movies and the Dune wiki rabbit hole I fell into right after watching part two. I also took a few liberties with the canon here.
I'm super open to constructive criticism, or any criticism at all (feel free to absolutely roast me). Like I mentioned, I've never written fanfic before so I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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The evening of your first day in Giedi Prime was celebrated with a banquet where you were introduced to the most important people on the planet. You've heard many stories of the ruthlessness and brutality of the Harkonnens, hence surprised by the courtly welcome during the dinner. Although you did your best to politely ignore the Baron who floated at the head of the table being fed by servants.
You were sat beside his nephew who, despite your mother's education, has evaded your insight. You couldn't quite get a read on him.
Feyd-Rautha whispers to you amid the buzzing conversations of the banquet hall, "are you enjoying the food, little hawk?"
You shoot him a questioning look.
"I like your hairpin," he sneers.
You resist from reaching to touch the Atreides symbol affixed in your hair.
"We don't see such ornaments often here." He quietly laughs in his devilish way, only too amused with himself.
Ah, you realize. He means to torment you.
"Seems early for pet names," you say, picking at your plate, "we've only just met."
"Oh, and yet we are to be wed in less than a week's time," his raspy voice rings in your ear, "I should like to be familiar with my future wife, Lady Atreides."
The marriage pact had been signed when you were only a little girl. Inheriting your father's inclinations, you swore you would uphold your duty, undeterred by the gruesome and abhorrent stories about the Harkonnens—because you knew that centuries of conflict could end within a generation with this union. You were a willing bride.
And yet.
You give him a smile that, to those not privy to your conversation, would seem genuine, "You know nothing of me, na-Baron."
"I should like to learn," you doubt his sincerity but care not enough to discern it. He takes a smug bite of a forkful of meat, "perhaps tomorrow, you shall learn something of me."
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The following morning Iassa helps you into another black gown, this time with a veil in anticipation of the black sun.
"Is it not dangerous for Feyd-Rautha to wager his life for a show?" you question.
"The na-Baron is a skilled fighter, my lady. He will emerge victorious," Iassa is straight-faced as she drapes the veil over you.
"Yes, I do not doubt it, but given he is the Baron's heir. Does it not seem a touch irresponsible to even risk it at all."
Not that you actually cared for his life, you just expected that the Harkonnens would be concerned with the preservation of their house regardless of their brutality. You recall your grandfather who got himself killed fighting bulls for sport.
"The na-Baron will be fighting war prisoners. They will be drugged beforehand. It is perfectly safe, my lady."
"Oh." You couldn't decide if you were disappointed or not, "I see."
Iassa seemed intent on dropping the subject, so you do.
You stand before a mirror and take a look at yourself. It is impossible not to be reminded of your mother. She was never one for vanity, but you like to think there was a part of her that always enjoyed the elegant dresses she and you 'had' to wear. You allow yourself a somber smile behind your veil.
"You look beautiful, my lady," Iassa curtsies.
"Thank you," you look at her bowed figure, gray robes made more dull by the stark black choker on her neck. You were sure she was at least 2 standard years younger than you are and it had only been a few months since you came of age. You wondered if she liked pretty dresses too.
Before you can ask her, there is a knock at your door.
The house steward, Jaromir, clears his throat when Iassa opens it for you, "The na-Baron requests your presence before he enters the arena."
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Heavy doors open for you in one of the chambers beneath the arena. You are greeted by the sight of a half-dressed Feyd-Rautha being helped into his armor by a servant.
"Lady Atreides," he looks you up and down, "I hope you slept well."
You bow your head in acknowledgment.
"Your knives, master," a large man whom you assume to be the bladesmith presents Feyd-Rautha with two daggers.
The young Harkonnen takes one and caresses the blade with his fingers.
"I've come to wish the brave na-Baron well before his fight in the arena," you say in false earnestness.
He smiles at your inflation of his ego.
"Though I must say, I am relieved it is all for show. I would not like to see my groom wounded before we are wed."
"For show?" Feyd-Rautha tilts his head and you see his arrogant facade show the slightest crack.
"Yes, I've heard your opponents will be drugged will they not?" your voice dripping with innocence, "to ensure your safety, of course."
His grip on the dagger tightens, "and where did you hear this exactly?"
You sense the awkwardness and tension in the servants. The one who had helped don Feyd-Rautha's armor has quietly retreated to the far side of the chamber. There is a subtle tremble in the hands of one holding a plate of towels. You finally notice the three women piled upon a raised platform glaring at you.
"Just voices around the fortress," you shrug.
A deep breath recovers Feyd-Rautha's smug expression. "Call for the warden," he orders one of the guards by the door, "tell him to prepare new prisoners. Sober ones."
"My lord, you need not endanger yourself," you feign worry.
"Nonsense." The na-Baron walks closer to tower over you, "My lady bride deserves to see my true prowess."
He sees through your challenge, but you don't care. Seeing his self-satisfied smirk wiped from his face for even just a second was worth it.
"Besides," he turns away from you to inspect the second knife, "my darlings enjoy meat that's fought for its life."
The three women sneer at this and you see their sharp teeth as they hiss amongst themselves.
You've heard of Feyd-Rautha's concubines long before you arrived on Giedi Prime. Tales of their taste for human flesh were one of the things that tested your resolve in fulfilling the marriage pact. You didn't mind that the na-Baron would keep other women. It would result in less of his attentions on yourself, you figured. It was their perverse appetite that nauseated you.
A look of revulsion hides behind your veil which you sense they would be all too happy to rip to shreds.
"I will see you in the stands, little hawk," Feyd-Rautha whispers to you as he waves for a guard to escort you out.
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You do your best to drown out the noise of what seemed to be a countless audience that came to see the na-Baron fight. You could understand now why they uphold such brutal traditions. The people are so excited for it.
On the other side of the arena, you sense Vladimir Harkonnen watching you from the Baron's Box that towered over the whole arena. The blazing sun only helps you avoid looking in his direction. You were sat at a viewing box, still for nobility and separated from the masses, but much lower and closer to the sands of the arena. Jaromir had told you that you were to 'give the na-Baron your favor'.
Before long, the master of ceremonies announces Feyd-Rautha's entrance in Giedi Prime Speech. They are celebrating his betrothal to you and the union of Harkonnen and Atreides, you translate in your head. You wonder if the people care for the politics of the Great Houses. They seemed no less excited to cheer at your name despite the centuries-old blood feud.
Massive doors open as the na-Baron walks into the arena. His arms outstretched holding his knives like an extension of his limbs. He riles up the crowd as he walks towards the Baron's Box and kneels to his uncle. He then rises and walks toward you, smirking under the stark light of the black sun.
You may not fear earning the Harkonnens' contempt, but you were the Duke of Caladan's daughter and you knew that the favor of the people was invaluable.
You stand and walk to the edge of the viewing box. The glowing smile you reveal as you lift your veil draws cheers from the crowd that rival what Feyd-Rautha received. You produce a pure white handkerchief from your dress pocket and make a show of kissing it and waving the cloth at the buzzing crowd. You throw it off the edge and it floats toward the na-Baron who had moved both daggers to one hand to catch it. He looks up at you with what you think could be the seeds of respect and tucks the cloth into the tight armband around his right bicep.
He turns back to the audience and raises his knives in a war cry. The crowd explodes in guttural cheers and applause. Feyd-Rautha takes his position in the middle of the arena as his first opponent is released into the white sands.
You've heard of the Harkonnen heir's aptitude in single combat. It's time to see if the stories were true or if it was just another part of their menacing facade.
You were handed a pair of spyglasses to observe with. The two fighters approach each other, the prisoner wielding a knife of his own. Feyd-Rautha holds a taunting stance. The prisoner was sober, you were sure, but even without the spyglasses, you could see he was weak. You surmised the Harkonnen cells weren't very hospitable. He attempts a swipe but the na-Baron parries with ease. Another and the na-Baron dodges. Zooming in, you could see Feyd-Rautha's twisted amusement. He was toying with the poor man—and the people loved it.
The crowds cheered at the clashing of metal, thundering when the na-Baron drew first blood by slashig his opponent's arm. It wasn't long before Feyd-Rautha's dagger had impaled the prisoner's heart. There was no pause before a second prisoner was brought out to meet a similar fate.
Feyd-Rautha stood unwounded, seething with exhilaration. He enjoyed this; the thrill of killing. He basked in the roar of the crowd. You had never ended a life before, but some deep part of you could almost understand how he felt in that moment.
A third prisoner enters the arena. He looked older than the first two, bearded and taller. He reminded you of Gurney Halleck, the Atreides Warmaster. This man certainly wasn't at his prime but you could tell he would not go down as easily as the first two.
The warrior holds his blade out in a firm fighting stance, refusing to make the first move. You notice picadors in black suits have entered the arena, circling the na-Baron and his opponent. Feyd-Rautha lunges at the prisoner and a quick series of parries from both sides occur. You see the finesse in the na-Baron's movement. He recognizes his opponent's skill and he is taking this one seriously. You were not sure what you expected of the Harkonnen's fighting style but Feyd-Rautha was vicious but precise. The crowd gasps when the prisoner disarms one of the na-Baron's knives. The warrior manages to get a grip on Feyd-Rautha's armed hand and aims to pierce the na-Baron's neck with his blade. The na-Baron struggled against his hold and the arid air was thick with anticipation.
You were unsure what outcome you desired as you stared through your spyglass. Perhaps this warrior kills your betrothed. What then? Would you really be able to go back to Caladan's windy cliffs again? Return to the arms of your mother as if it were all a bad dream? You wonder if when Feyd-Rautha becomes baron, and you his baroness, could you convince him to let you see your family.
The warrior's blade was dangerously close to your future husband's throat when one of the picadors lashes at the warrior. The na-Baron growls at the offending picador as the warrior is weakened. Feyd-Rautha pushes him off and allows him a moment to recover, taunting him to try again. Blades clash once more and after a sequence of quick ferocious movements, Feyd-Rautha's blade slashes the warrior's throat. Blood made black by the infrared of the sun splatters onto the na-Baron. He licks the darkness that landed on his lips. Heaving, he takes your bloodied handkerchief off his armband and raises it to you and the roaring crowd.
You did not even realize you were already standing, breathless at the sight.
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Taglist: @torchbearerkyle @austinswhitewolf @dreamlandcreations @emeraldsgirl @strawberryfieldsforevermore
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402 notes · View notes
rafeyscurtainbangs · 27 days
Please Please Please - Rafe Cameron Short Story (Part 5 of 6)
+18 Minor DNI
Older MobDealer!Rafe x Female Reader
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+18 Minor DNI
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Warnings contain spoilers: blood, cheating, swearing, name-calling, threats, soft!rafe, mentions of killing partner, kissing, general violence, guns, ownership kink, pet names.
Loosely based on the song and music video Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter 💕
✨ Real sorry about Rafe. I’m sure the two of you had plans for the evening. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, pretty girl, but he’s not comin’ home anytime soon. ✨
Sexual content in pink if you want to avoid that 🩷
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Reader’s POV:
You watch as Rafe gets taken away in cuffs, your body and mind completely numb. Your eyes stay on his until the very last moment; heart shattering when he leaves your sight. This isn’t the OBX… this is a new city, new charges, and higher stakes considering all that had happened tonight.
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He said he didn’t murder anyone when you talked to him in prison, but he couldn’t say that anymore. How could he possibly get out of this? I can't breathe... I need to get out of here.
You look around the speakeasy, stares still drawn to you, waiting for what you’ll do next. You take a deep breath, shutting your eyes, letting your tears roll down your cheeks. I need to calm down... Deep breaths, deep breaths. I need to think this through. You open your eyes, retreating to the booth, sinking in again.
Your hand trembles as you grab the bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild, pouring the rest into your glass. Rafe was surprised… He had no clue that the gun and drugs were in the Mercedes. Tony planted those. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t do more, possibly attaching some sort tracker to the car as well. I’ll leave the Mercedes at the valet until I hear back from Rafe. There’s no way I’m bringing that to our place. Better safe than sorry.
You toss back the rest of the wine, attempting to ease your nerves just enough to leave the bar alone. Snagging your purse, you flee the table; head on a swivel yet again, just like you were the night you came home from jail. Your heart races with your mind, Tony’s looming presence palpable. You step toward the front, walking to the bartender.
“What can I get you, dear?”
“I need to pay the bill… Could you call me a cab for me, please? M’going to The Château Eza on Presidential?” You push the words past your trembling lips.
“The bill was taken care of. The gentleman you came in with tossed a stack of cash. Did you want change, Miss?” He asks as you look down at the wad of green in his hand, well over the tab. “No… No. Umm… Give it to the waitress. Could you call the cab, please?” You plead, hearing yourself getting impatient.
“Are you alright, Miss?” He asks as he leans in a little closer.
“Call. The. Cab,” your voice come out hoarse and shrill; the bartender backing off in a instant.
Your heart sinks as your phone vibrates in your purse—a call. Your cellphone continues to buzz and buzz. There’s only one person it could be. The pulses stop; your anxiety piqued as you wait for the notification to roll through.
Your hands continue to tremble uncontrollably as your aching heart pounds audibly in your chest. You pull your phone out of your purse, holding your breath as you see the name on your missed call log. Tony. Time lags and lags as you wait for the message and the cab. The safest place you could be in the moment is the bar. I don’t need to be waiting on the curb. It would be so easy for Tony to drive by and pull me inside. Hell, he’s probably waiting out front right now.
Just do it… Listen to it. It’s only his voice. He can’t hurt you over the phone. Do it. You mash your finger against the screen before you can think about it any further, pulling the phone to your ear you wait for the inescapable.
📞 “Princess… What are you doing? Why aren’t you answering the phone? I mean you’re not with your little boyfriend. Is there someone else keeping you away from me?”
“Real sorry about Rafe. I’m sure the two of you had big plans for the evening. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, pretty girl, but he’s not comin’ home anytime soon.”
“You're so lucky to have me, doll. Nobody else would put up with you and your bullshit. You two are messy, stupid, and reckless. How could you be so fucking dumb? Huh? You don’t think I bugged your phone, bitch? You don’t think I hid cameras in our bedroom to keep YOU safe? Don’t you think I’ve got cameras in MY business to protect MY investments?”
“I had the pleasure of listening to the two of you all week long, hearing you talk about what a piece of shit I am. How you wish you were with him. How beautiful your miserable fuckin’ existance would be if you never met me. Me? Are you fucking delusional? You ungrateful cunt. After everything I’ve done for you. This is how you repay me?”
“And, you have the nerve to call me a cheater? A liar? I had to listen to you play with your slut pussy for a man you barely know. One night with another woman. One night after working my ass off for us, making us more money than you could ever dream of, more money than your worthless ass could bring in in two lifetimes. And you couldn’t just let it go? You had to destroy my car? Fuck my business rival? Leave me? You’re never fucking leaving me. Ever.”
“It took everything in my power to not have Rex come over and shoot you both. Lucky for you I got a shred of love for you left.”
“You're gonna regret this decision until your final fucking breath; I will find you tonight. I will bring you home. I will lock you away. And I will kill that pathetic excuse for a man— I’ll do it nice and slow. And you will watch, sweetheart. That’s a promise. 📞
“Miss,” the bartender taps your shoulder, startling you, making you fall back into the bar; everything around you falls out of earshot as the world crashes down around you. You clutch the brass rail for support, knuckles whitening as you stare out onto the bar. “Miss?” He tries again in a gentler tone.
You turn toward him, chills running down your spine as you catch a glimpse of Tony.
You slam your eyes shut, drawing a few deep breaths as you try to compose yourself. “Yes,” you whisper, lifting your puffy eyes to the bartender. My mind is playing tricks on me.
“Your cab is here, Miss.”
“Thank you.” You look over your shoulder, mind vacant, as you watch Tony disappear into the back of the restaurant, heading toward where you and Rafe had sat. No mind tricks just terror. You sprint in the other direction, steering toward the door, weaving around couples until you push out into the open air. You look around frantically for the cab, ripping off your YSL pumps, sprinting out into the road.
You grab the handle, jarring it open, practically falling into the rented car as Tony busts through the double doors behind you. He smiles wickedly; his predatory stare reaching yours. “Go. Please,” you plead. The cab driver presses the gas, swerving onto the road as Tony’s big fists bang against the glass. You turn, watching him watch you out of the rearview mirror as the two of you speed away into the night.
“H-Holy shit… Oh my god,” you huff, collapsing in your seat, gasping for air. You bury your head in your hands, fighting back the urge to shut down completely, your body slipping into a state of hysteria. Rafe was right. Men like him don’t take no for an answer. They take what they want. I’m sure security is high at our place. All I have to do is get through the door. You look ahead; eyes matching the cab driver’s who quickly looks away.
“Umm… Are - Are you alright, Miss,” he asks.
“I just need to get home.”
“Of course. Of course. We’re almost there... Uhh, was that your husband?” He asks as his voice cracks with fright, still shaken up too.
“An ex.”
“Oh, I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be,” you interject. “I’m with someone else.”
Rafe… You go to your safe haven in your mind, recollecting your blissful moments with him. His eyes, his lips, his words; the night you met.
You pull your phone from your purse; eyes tight, physically afraid to look at the name on your screen. Please don’t be Tony. Please.
Nothing… Just a blackness.
Oh no…. No. No. No. Shit. The burner phone.
You look back at your old device in your hand in a panic—a tracking beacon straight to you. The cab rolls to a stop. You quickly thank him as you set your old phone on the car floor, kicking it under the driver’s seat, accepting the call from an unknown number on the burner.
“Hello?” You ask as you bound out of the car, running toward the front doors of The Château Eza.
“He’ll be out tomorrow,” a man on the other line confirms as the doormen draws open the entry.
“Who’s this?” You ask.
The dial tone blares in your ear as you jam your finger against the elevator button, watching the lit numbers overhead fall. Who was that? He’ll be out tomorrow? Rafe will be out tomorrow? Your hand shakes like a leaf as you clasp it over your lips to dampen your cries of relief. Warm tears roll over your hands as he does the unthinkable yet again.
The door glides open, leaving you one step closer to safety. Your stomach falls as the elevator pulls you up, lifting you to the top floor. You’re a mess of emotions, happy to be alive without falling into Tony’s grasp, completely devastated over Rafe; elated that in a few short hours you'll be together again. Hopefully, that is… Until you see the whites of Rafe’s eyes, nothing is promised. Tony has so many opportunities to take his revenge between now and then.
You take out your phone, thumbing to the notes app, looking for your unit number. 10B… Pressing and turning the key, you step into your new space. Bending around, you twist the lock shut, affixing the two additional bolts.
You press your hands against the closed door, forehead rested against it, breathing a sigh of solace. I made it. You take a few moments to collect yourself, drinking in the silence around you. You smile gently, brushing a few stray tears off your cheeks as you run your hand over the triple-lock security, double-checking each. My man… This has Rafe Cameron written all over it.
Damn, I wish he was here with me.
You let out a deep, shaky sigh as you imagine walking in, seeing this with him for the first time. His strong arm would be wrapped around your waist, stealing happy glances as your eyes twinkle with excitement, taking it all in. You look toward the kitchen, heart warming, as you see a large vase of flowers and a few wrapped gifts.
You lean in, smelling the sweet blossoms. My favorite. You open the first gift, blushing as you see a mess of lace, straps, and clips: a new lingerie set from La Perla with matching stockings. You open the second, a brand new pair of red bottom heels, inky black, completing the outfit. You hold the last box in the palm of your hand, far smaller than the rest: Robin’s egg blue with a crisp white bow. You undo the ribbon and pop open the lid to find a dainty “R” necklace. You take it out of the box, wrapping it around your throat before clipping it closed, looking at his initial resting on your chest, right above your heart. “Tomorrow… He comes home tomorrow. He’s gonna be fine.”
You walk around your new space, taking it all in. It's lavish, furnished, untouched, and unlived in. A large window stretches across the living room, giving you the perfect view of Charleston. This place must have cost Rafe a fortune. He probably didn't even get a chance to relax; his free time between jail and the club spent doing these sweet things for me: the car, the flowers, the gifts. It’s too much.
You walk down the hallway, looking for your room. A guestroom, a bathroom, an office; here we are—a dark, wooden, four-poster canopy bed with crisp white sheets greets you. Beautiful pieces of art and large baroque mirrors adorne both sides of the bed. You stroll to the closet, turning the knob, walking inside. The floor is littered with bags when you enter it, different designer brands that you mentioned loving in your phone calls with Rafe. You run your hand along a few items he had hung up for you: a few date night dresses, some lounge sets, and silk pajamas.
You smile softly, seeing something a little more comforting: a Dooney & Bourke luggage set with a leather-burned tag. Rafe Cameron. You lay it down on the floor, unzipping it, before drawing back the top. Perfect. You pull out an oversized crewneck sweatshirt and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms, drawing them up to your nose, breathing deeply as you catch a hint of his cologne.
You grab the top, closing it again, stopping in your tracks as you see a small leather-bound book with a pen looped on the side—his journal. Your curiosity gets the better of you; snagging it out of the bag you add it to your little pile of his things. You hug them to your chest as you walk into the bedroom, changing, feeling more at peace.
Maybe he’ll call me tonight… I want to hear his voice. I want to thank him again. I want to tell him how much this all means to me. Grabbing the journal, you amble to the balcony door, pulling on the handle. The warm night breeze hits your face; the busy town still alive below. You pull up a chair, taking a seat, cracking open the book with a smile.
✒️ I can’t believe I’m writing this, but tonight I saw someone who has already turned my world upside down. I don’t want to get ahead of myself; I know I am, but she might be it. The situation is awful. I’m sitting in a cell. But honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. It happened unexpectedly. I was gettin shoved down the hallway by the cops, just goin through my own shit at the time, and there she was, standing there like an angel. We crossed paths, and everything changed for me. She’s beautiful, of course, but it’s more than that. She lit up the darkness with a smile.
Goddamn, that smile… I could look at it forever. I’m still tryin to make sense of it all, but I can’t stop thinkin about her, and I don’t want to. For now, I’ll ask around… these cops are as crooked as me, and at the end of the day, everyone has a price. I have a few questions I have to ask. First and foremost, her name. Second, and honestly, the least of my worries, what the hell is she doin here? ✒️
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✒️ Tony… She just had to be Tony’s girl. Not for the fact that I'm worried about dealin with him. I'm worried about her. He has no problem putting his hands on her — beating the living shit out of a woman. That woman. My girl. She said she'd like that. She said she'd let me take care of her.
She tried to play tough for me, but her beautiful eyes didn't lie… She’s terrified. I didn't want to talk about it more than I had to, waste any precious time talking about him when I could be gettin to know her better, but I could see it in her movements and the way her smile didn’t quite meet her eyes like it did on the first night.
I’m scared that if I can't take care of this for her, if I'm unsuccessful in takin’ him out, he’ll hurt her tenfold. Failure is not an option. Tony’s done. He was done the moment her black and blue eyes stared into mine. Even if it doesn't work out for her and I. He’s dead. Thinkin about him doin that shit to her again makes my blood run cold. Never again. I wanna protect her, but I'm trapped. The good news for me and the bad news for Tony I have nothin but time to think. I can't wait to kill that fucker.
I can't lose her. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met… pretty, intelligent, warm. We’ve spent so much time talking, laughing, and getting to know each other better. I love the way she thinks and the way she sees the world. The way she sees me. She's not scared of me; curious, sure. But she's not frightened of me.
I can picture the man she wants and I want to be that for her. I want to be all she needs. I want to be everything she desires. It’s like she’s unlocked a part of me that I didn’t even know was there. I can honestly say I have never felt love or been loved by another person… this is the closest thing. ✒️
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✒️ I know it’s early, and maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but somethin about this feels right. I’ve finally found someone who understands me and sees me for who I am. I can’t stop thinkin about the girl. I finally found someone I can trust. Someone besides Wheezie, I guess… Someone who listens when I speak and wants to know more.
Trust doesn’t come quickly to me after everything I’ve been through. I’ve always kept people at arm’s length. But with her, it’s different. I need her close. She has this presence that makes me feel safe. ME. She’s making me feel safe. That’s so insane to say. I’ve shared things with her that I’ve never told anyone else cause I’ve never felt the need to. She understands me in a way no one else has.
She’s not playin games with me. She’s honest and open. I’ve let my guard down, and she accepts the man I am, flaws and all. She’s not tryin' to fix me. That’s rare. I don’t take it for granted. This woman knows who I am, and she keeps coming back. I can breathe easier when I’m around her. I'm in love. ✒️
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✒️ Whatever it takes to keep her safe I’m gonna do it. No matter what. I’m trying to stay strong for her but I’ve been worryin about her all day and all night. I know she’s scared. When she comes for visits she’s constantly looking over her shoulder, even when she’s surrounded by cops. When we’re on the phone she’s constantly pausing for the slightest sound just to check. Every part of my being is tellin me to protect her. I’ve been runnin through scenarios — I have one chance and I gotta do it right.
I’ve started lookin into safety measures—ensuring the place I find her is secure: cameras, locks, security. It’s probably overkill. But I don’t want any regrets when it comes to her… Fuck. I can’t even think about that shit.
She's got nothin to her name. That man controls everything. She’ll need a car, money, and an escape plan incase I fail. Nothing can happen to her. This is more than just protecting her physically. I want her to feel safe and know she can trust me, no matter what. She’s everything to me, and I will eliminate anything that tries to take her from me. Once Tony’s gone, it'll be smooth sailing.
I won’t let fear control us. Not now, not ever. That meeting will be his last. ✒️
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✒️ I’m still trying to process everything that happened tonight. But Jesus Christ… We’ve been building up to this moment for a few days now. There’s always been this strong sexual chemistry between us. Tonight, everything came together beautifully. I knew what I was doin, and she willingly took the bait. What are you wearing? Just a simple question. She could have given me any answer, but she chose to tease me. Fuck, she could have been in sweats for all I know. But that's not the picture she painted for me—My dream girl.
The conversation flowed so well, my girl submitting to me completely, each breath, each moan sounding like a song. I wasn’t even touchin myself, but I never felt more satisfied hearing her cum on the other line. I didn’t realize just how much I craved that connection with her. I don’t think I’ve ever moved that fast in my life after that talk ended. I just wanted to get back to my cell, shut my eyes, and replay it in my mind over and over. I'm snickerin to myself like a schoolboy just writing this. Seriously… I'm at a loss. It was fucking amazing. It was perfect. She is perfect.
I know this changes things between us. It just keeps getting better and better. We both needed it. We both needed to relieve some pressure. Now I can’t stop dreamin about what it would be like to have her. If I got that much pleasure from that I’m in trouble. I bet she's thinkin about it too. I swear I knew just what she needed. She‘ll be putty in my hands when I care for her. She won't even have to think just feel.
I don’t wanna lose this feeling. This is that forever type of love. Today was the day I’ve been dreamin about for what feels like forever, and it's only been a few days since we met. This woman owns me. Every part of me. ✒️
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✒️ Tonight’s the night. The last night before I’m free. The last night I’ll spend alone. I know she’s gonna be scared tomorrow. She’s tough, but she’s not meant for this shit. That’s why I love her. She give me balance.
Get in, get out, and move on.
Princess, I’ve said this before, you’re a curious woman. I’m sure you’ll go through my shit. I want you to. I guess I’ve been writing this for you all along.
There’s just a few things I need you to know, sweetheart. I have never been loved— I can say that with certainty. But I think you love me, even if you haven’t used those words. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you speak to me, in the risks you’ve taken for us. I know no one would be leavin anything like this behind for me to read. No one but you, baby.
When you find this I don’t know where we’ll be. Or, where I’ll be if shit doesn’t go my way. Hopefully we’ll be married or somethin. You’ll be digging through my shit, tryin to find some old Polaroids I took of you in that pretty lingerie you were describing to me on the phone. Either way, I hope when you read these words they mean as much to you as they mean to me.
I’m not great at vocalizing my feeling, because I’ve never had anyone concerned with hearin them. So I want there to be no mistake that you are the only thing that matters. I love you more than I have loved anything. I want so badly to be a part of your life. I value you more than myself, more than power, more than money, more than anything I’ve ever held.
You’ve changed me.
I hope you know that everything I’ve done was done with love. You’ll always be my girl.
Thank you for everything.
Rafe ✒️
You wipe away your emotion on Rafe’s sleeve, studying the rest, not wanting to miss a word. The next couple of pages are just little notes he must have taken on your calls: your favorite flowers, stores, color, foods you love, things you like, things you hate. But then it gets deeper; little notes about the sweeter things in life: your goals, fears, and hopes for the future.
You thumb the little book, fanning the pages. One last page… You follow his detailed plan, down to the minute about how today should have gone. The weight of the last line tugging at your heartstrings.
She'll be safe and happy.
Oh my god, Rafe. You shut the book, pinching the bridge of your nose as you draw breath. Grabbing the railing, you look down at the street below watching your tears free-fall, hitting the pavement.
You try your best to talk yourself off the ledge you're on. The hair on the back of your neck pricking straight as you see the man again. Like a monster in a horror film this man just keeps coming back. Tony glances down at the bar napkin. Did the bartender tell him where I was going? He looks up fast, and you crouch down, falling out of sight, stealing glances at him through the slight space between the rails as you break out in a cold sweat.
He has a building name, he doesn’t know where I am. Your eyes double, hand clutching over your open mouth containing your gasp as a man steps behind Tony, pressing the barrel of a 9mm handgun to the back of his skull. Tony lifts his hands in the air, surrendering quick. The masked man mumbles something to Tony; the two turning into the street, headed toward a beaten-down mechanic’s van. You rise on your feet, tracking the two of them. This has to be one of Rafe’s guys.
Your burner phone trills, resounding on the balcony, echoing down to the street below as the van's back door pops open. Tony looks over his shoulder, scoping you out, making you freeze. He barks your name, fighting from the man, his booming words muted by the harsh whip of a pistol. Tony falls to the pavement, hands clutching the asphalt; a blow so brutal a small puddle of blood forms, dripping from the back of his head onto the street. Tony gets yanked to his feet, thrown into the back of the van before the doors slam shut. The punisher runs to the front, tires squealing as they speed away.
You catch your phone on the final ring, bringing it to your ear, greeting the caller on the other end with a gasping ‘hello’ as you fight for air.
“Princess?” You hear Rafe’s deep, raspy voice on the other end of the line.
“Baby. I— Uh… Umm,” you stammer as the words get caught on your lips. You clear the lump in your throat narrowly, stumbling back into the penthouse.
“Did you have company, y/n?” He asks, just the slightest bit of concern laced in his tone like maybe his boys didn’t pull it off. “I told Barry you needed your beauty sleep, and if anyone came by, he would have to send them home… Did he do a good job, baby?”
“Yes. Thank you,” you whisper shakily.
“Beautiful,” Rafe hums.
“M’sorry about tonight, y/n,” Rafe whispers. “This is not what I was hopin’ for.”
“Don’t apologize, Rafe. I - I wish you were here so I could thank you n’take care of you-” Your voice trembles as your adrenaline runs high.
“Tomorrow, baby,” Rafe adds. “Tomorrow night, and every night after that. Aight?”
“Yes… Thank you,” you sniffle, unsure of what you can and can't say on the phone, mind spinning from the deadly cat-and-mouse chase with Tony, emotional over Rafe’s words and Tony’s voice message. “I don't know how’ll ever thank you.”
“Baby, hey. Hey. I said, ‘I got you’…”
“You’re lovely, Rafe Cameron.” Your soft voice comes out in a pitiful cry.
Rafe laughs warmly, finding contentment in your view of him still, mere moments after the man executed a hit on your ex. He wants you to see everything: the light and the dark, choosing to stand by his side regardless. “Only for you, princess… Can you pick me up tomorrow at 9?”
“Of course I can,” you confirm, breathing a sigh of relief as you catch the time on your bedside clock—just a few more hours.
“I got a meeting with a client. It’ll be quick…”
“Just a conversation?” You ask.
“Just a conversation,” he confirms in a twisted tone. Tony’s done. “Then we can get outta here, princess; relax, spend a little time at the beach. Just the two of us?”
His Hideaway in Nassau…
“I’d love to.”
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Part 6
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