#sorry it's so long. i love ramblin.
justajsworkshop · 14 days
You've mentioned meditation in your posts a couple times and I was wondering what meditation is for you? Like what do you do and what your intentions are? Also any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks
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oh, this is a good question. thank you! tbh, i'm like... the laziest meditator ever. lmao. mostly because if i get too caught up in the technique, i'm overly fixated on "doing it right" over just being. so i'm all about having as few conditions as possible. basically, the total opposite of zen buddhism.
these days, i just lie in bed with the intention to tap into the void state. it's not even something i always consciously think/affirm at this point. i just know that's an experience i desire to have, and it will be given to me.
sometimes i listen to a sub. sometimes just brown noise. sometimes music. i like having my headphones in because it gives me something to focus on. i just listen to whatever the audio is while not getting super caught up in all the mental activity going on.
if i feel like it, i'll affirm. if not, i just let my mind wander, and i watch what's happening inside my mind, like clouds floating by. sometimes i'll observe my breathing... other times not. sometimes i'll affirm for other stuff because i'm just there and chillin... other times not.
i know it's not a very helpful answer in the sense of "here's step 1, 2, and 3." but i really just focus on being present and doing what feels good at that time. every moment is new. every meditation is different. so, i found the less emphasis i put on "doing it the 'right' way", the more i could allow myself to discover what "the right way" was for me, and that changes moment to moment, meditation to meditation.
yes, i absolutely drift in and out of sleep, and i do not care. i don't judge it as being unfocused or undisciplined. tbh, i used to have the most atrocious insomnia, so i would gladly take any moments of sleep. i've since manifested myself significantly better sleep, but i still don't mind if i fall asleep when meditating now.
i think my biggest tip to just suspend judgment of your experience and to instead just experience it. like i said in my recent post, resist nothing. don't resist the thoughts, the sensations in your body, the narrative you're spinning around it. resist nothing, allow everything. and you'll see how it's all temporary, and it all passes through you, but you are still there. this is how you center yourself as your true beingness over the ever-changing thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body/physical mind.
just chill. just watch. just be.
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foreverxdaydreaming · 8 months
ngl i still kinda wanna change my url on main here....... but........ idk wtf to change it to
i would like smth general bc main and ive got like 15 fuckin sideblogs so liieeekk man idk
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
I love how you write and it makes me so glad you are here.
can I ask what inspired you to start?
signed - a maybe inspired future fic writer
This is such a wonderful ask! 🥰
I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I have ideas and I write them is my short answer and explains nothing I realize.
The long answer:
I've written fanfic before, off and on for maybe the last 10-15 years. Very different fandoms. Started out with anime, dabbled a bit in Yaoi then transitioned to Marvel and now I'm firmly planted in the Pedro Pascal, Oscar Issac, Benny Miller triangle of hotness.
Fanfic for me is an expression of a story, show, movie, video game or pice of media that I enjoyed so much, I just had to make something. I can't draw, no mixing of hot tracks or beats, I've just started dabbling in photo editing this year and am a beginner at that. It's all purely fun for me. I enjoy it and it's fun to share with other people who create and are like, "Hey! You like that? I like it too. Let me see yours and I'll show you mine. Where'd you get the idea for that?" And then hilarious conversations leap from there.
What inspired me to start specifically in the Pedro Pascal fanfic world was The Mandalorian. It was the first time I realized, "that's the man I've seen before!" And then realized I've seen Pedro Pascal in many of my favorite shows, (The Mentalist was watched for the sake of completion. After season 6 and the first episode of season 7, there wasn't a real reason to continue other than spending time with my mom. She's fine, when I tell people that they think she's passed on but the woman is still lifting 50 lbs mulch bags in her mid seventies. She more than fine.) I then became fixated on this man, reset the password on my AO3 account and found Pedro Pascal character fanfics. I was then led back to Tumblr which before I was on years ago for anime and read fics by @secretelephanttattoo ( I shall always sing about Headshots. It inspired the first fic I posted on Tumblr and is just so damn cute. El is also just a sweetheart.) and @morallyinept whose Tendrils fic only deepened my brain rot for that tall beskar bucket, she's also a dear friend who's made me laugh, cry in a good way, inspired me and very time I turn around she's crafting something new. Fics, banners, self-care, doodles, smut, databases, and all sorts of Pedro interviews and dialogue. Because I'm a fangirl of them both and many others actually, I keep 👀 on them.
What keeps me going is the fandom overall and that despite, recent tribulations let's say politely, we're all still here. Geeking out over a goofy, handsome, I know he gives the best hugs, actor who loves what he does and has been working at it for years and it's finally paying off.
I've met wonderful friends and moots who reach out, give me encouragement, tell me I do well (I'm starting to listen to them I swear. I'm not good at taking compliments in person so it's even worse online FYI.
So I hope this answers your ask and I do encourage you to write that weird, funny, smutty, cute, sweet, dark, twisty, angsty fic that you want to write. I do hope whoever you are, you tag me in it so I can read it. 🤭
Special love to the following and if I left anyone off, I'm sorry. It's after work, I rubbed my eyes, wipes my glasses because I got them wet while writing this and it was a lot:
@maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @for-a-longlongtime @i-own-loki @undercoverpena @connectioneverywhere
@soft-girl-musings @perotovar @julesonrecord @lotusbxtch @604to647
@yorksgirl @pedroshotwifey @fhatbhabiee @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @bitchwitch1981
@jessthebaker @avastrasposts @inept-the-magnificent @lady-bess @grogusmum
@schnarfer @boliv-jenta @iamskyereads @iamasaddie @chaithetics
@tinytinymenace @yourcoolauntie @alltheglitterandtheroar @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl
@trulybetty @laurfilijames @wannab-urs @legendary-pink-dot @din-cognito
@sin-djarin @beefrobeefcal @spacecowboyhotch
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dancingtotuyo · 7 months
Home | Part 0.5
Frankie “Catfish” Morales x f!reader
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Rating: PG-13
Summary: Frankie tells you he’s leaving.
Warnings/Tags: established relationship, girl dad!Frankie, swearing, fighting, drug addiction, recovery
Notes: a little prequel of sorts to this beautiful little story and family that I love.
Thank you to @fhatbhabie and @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for putting your beautiful eyes on this baby!
Words: 1368
Series Masterlist | Author Masterlist
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When you see the headlights in the drive, you expect Frankie to stumble in on the shoulders of one of his buddies. You wait by the backdoor to silence them the moment they stumble in so they don’t wake the sleeping infant you spent an hour putting to bed. You don’t mind drunk Frankie or stoned Frankie. You like seeing him relaxed and enjoying himself. It’s coked out Frankie you worry about. It flashes before you each time he heads out for an evening.
You trust his friends. They’ve been through literal war together. It’s him you worry about. You worry he’ll slip away from the group. It only takes minutes- seconds even.
The headlights shine across the worn siding for too long before they cut off and Frankie rounds the corner, perfectly stable on his two feet. He stops between the house and the truck, cell phone pressed to his ear. He pinches the bridge of his nose, removes his hat from his head and runs a hand through the curls before putting it back on his head. You can’t make out his words through the door, but you recognize the cadence. He’s speaking spanish. A hand lands on his hip as he turns, eyes landing on yours. He stills. Then turns away. A pit settles in your stomach.
It settles in your bones.You know who he’s talking to. You’re not going to like what he has to say. When he turns around, you’re not there anymore.
You know before the back door squeaks open. It’s always two knocks on the side of the house, three stomps on the doormat. Your hands are submerged in steaming, sudsy water as you work through the ever piling mountain of dirty dishes.
Frankie hears it as he eases out of his boots, the extra clink as each dish is placed on the drying rack. Each one sends a cringe through his body. He stands in the doorway between the mudroom and kitchen, watching you under the single kitchen light. Your shoulders are tense. He catches the flashes of rage from your eyes off your reflection in the window.
“Have a good night, Fransisco?” Your back stays turned to him.
He closes his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. “Fuck.” He practically mouths.
One plate hits another with enough force to break it if it weren’t Corell.
“Layla asleep?” He cautiously works his way toward you.
“It’s after midnight.”
The dish rack rattles again.
You drop the silverware in your hand, spinning to face him. “You said you were done!” Your wet hands hit against his chest. “We agreed no more!”
Frankie captures your hands, holding them to his chest. The water seeps into his shirt. Tears prickle your vision. He’s not sure what to say, other than you’re right. “I’m sorry.” It scratches his throat as it comes out.
“That’s it? That’s all I get?”
“It’s seventeen grand,” He says. “Just recon. I’ll be back in a week.”
You scoff, pulling away from him. “It’s never just anything with the five of you. Never just one with you.” You don’t even try to hide your tears, your fears.
Frankie swallows. He should shut up. He really should. He won’t be able to convince you. He knows that. It’s like coke, always telling himself no more and just one more. One more won’t hurt. It’s a weak argument, but it’s all he’s got left. He’s not excited about this. You can see it in his eyes. He doesn’t want to go, but you know you won’t be able to talk him out of it.
“They need a pilot.”
“And Layla needs her father!” You yell. You want to scream it until the walls rattle and Pope rescinds the offer.
It falls quiet, a silent war raging between the two of you. He tries to step forward, grab your hand, but you step back out of reach. Then, Layla’s wails raise.
“Fuck,” You sigh, shoulders falling in defeat.
“I can-”
You put your hands up to stop him. “I think you’ve done enough, Frankie.”
He sighs as you walk away from him. Layla’s cries slowly fade away. Frankie clenches and unclenches his fists over and over. He wants to punch a wall or kick a chair. He wants to yell at the world as his heart tears between his entire world sitting in the bedroom and his duty to his brothers. He wishes Santiago had never come back and dragged him back into a world that makes him feel like he’s drowning.
The need courses through him, soothing all the rest. It’s unnerving how it sneaks up and pushes the rest of the world away. Rubbing his hands together, Frankie chews on his lip. His eyes flicker to the back door and then down the hall to your closed bedroom door. It would be so easy to slip out. He licks his lips. You would never know.
He’s so close to doing it. In two long strides across the kitchen, he could grab his truck keys. He passed his dealer in the same alleyway as always, a strip mall 8 minutes down the road. His muscles twitch as he almost follows his thoughts, but Layla’s sweet squeal echoes down the hallway, gluing him to the floor.
His body screams at him. The next high is only 8 minutes away. Another precious giggle. Your tired laugh follows, Nails dig into his palm. Layla is 8 steps away.
He can’t move.
He doesn’t move.
He stands there in the kitchen light for hours. Finally, his heartbeat evens out. His feet break free, carrying him to the shower where he grapples with his choices. He’s going to South America. You’re mad. He’s going back on his promise. It repeats in his head until the water runs cold, kicking him from its comfort.
He eases into your room, the soft hall light casting a warm glow over your face until the door clicks behind him. He drops his clothes in the hamper, tosses his hat in the direction of the dresser.
He looks down at Layla sleeping. He can’t make out the rise and fall of her chest in the dark. His anxiety sparks until he touches her back and it’s there steady and rhythmic.
He’s careful not to disturb you as he crawls into bed. His old ARMY shirt rides up around your thighs. You still carry the baby weight, particularly around your stomach and thighs, and it drives Frankie insane. He’s constantly fighting the urge to grab the extra parts of you. He loves it.
His rough palms slide over your thighs. Slipping under the shirt, he rests his hand in the soft folds of skin just above your underwear. He presses a kiss to the crook of your neck. Cool water droplets fall from his wet curls.
You inhale sharply, chest quivering as you let it out. Frankie pauses, holding his breath in anticipation. He assumed you were fast asleep.
It's quiet between you. The box fan roars in the window, pushing the humid Florida air around. The red alarm clock number changes. His brain shuts off as he waits for you to speak, to tell him to leave and not come back.
“When do you leave?”
Frankie’s muscles release slightly. His fingers trace little pictures along your stomach. “Thursday.”
You nod, staring straight ahead. You won’t cry. You refuse. “Just a week?”
“Just a week.”
You turn to face him, hands cupping his face. “You promise?”
He brushes the back of his hand across your cheek. “I promise.”
“I mean it, Frankie.” A choke bites at your throat. You push it down. “I can’t do this alone. We need you.”
The tears that sting your eyes finally fall. Frankie presses his forehead to yours, hand cupping the back of your neck. “I promise, baby.” He mumbles into your skin. “Just recon. 7 days.”
You nod, arms slipping around his waist. You beg for his proximity. He obliges.
He whispers the promises to you in English and Spanish over and over until your eyes fall shut. As they do, you can’t escape the sinking feeling that he’ll break every single one.
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queensilber · 3 months
Supernatural: Nevermore
Review time! I actually finished reading this a while ago and just didn't get around to posting the review, but here you go!
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Sam and Dean go to New York to help a friend of Ash with a ghost problem. Said friend is a rocker with a music collection that Dean totally freaks over (further down in this review I have a songlist of the mentioned music, too) and they get to stay at that guy's place while taking care of the problem. There is also a murder spree based on the works of Edgar Allen Poe going on in the area and the boys are solving two cases parallelly.
My experience:
I loved this. It was so fun, the vibe was great, i had a great time! This is actually the first book in the series and I should have read it before witchs canyon, but it doesnt matter too much.
Also, the book starts on a 12th of november, wich is my birthday, so thats cool.
Music list:
Okay, so, because of the plot with the Band, there is a LOT of music in this. I‘m now just and only gonna list the things Dean either has on tape or said that he loves it. Some are songs, some are Bands and some are albums, its listed chronologically after appearance rather than what it is… (sorry)
Deep purple „smoke on the water“
Led Zeppelin "Whole lotta love"
Van Morrison "Caravan"
Jethro Tull "For a thousand Mothers"
"Ramblin' man"
"Rock on"
Queensrÿche "Operation Mindcrime"
Dark side of the moon
the Animals
House of the holy
Dressed to Kill
The who "by Numbers"
"Thick as a brick"
the Big Pink
Great so let's continue,
Quotes and Random Facts
"Then again, Sam sometimes thought he didn't have the same attachment to his late girlfriend Jessica that Dean had to the Impala"
"In fact, Sam's skills at lying - both in therms of pretending to be someone else and also misleading people as to the true nature of his life and of the world itself - had been one of the things that attracted him to the law" < in reference to why he studied law at Stanford.
"Squirming in the passenger seat, Sam thought, 'I swear to god, if he starts petting the Dashboard again, I'm walking to New York" < in reference to Dean and the impala
there is also a reference to Sherlock Holmes and my post-it to that was like "Superwholock?" so yea, do with that as you will.
Sam and Jess once went to San Fransisco and did all cute tourist stuff there.
"Cassie was a Subscriber" < Dean telling Sam why he know stuff about animal magazines. he is referring to Cassie Robinson.
"He loved his brother more than anything in the world" < Dean about Sam
Dean had nightmares about people burning on ceilings like his mom did and those people were: Mary, Jessica, Cassie, Sarah, Ellen, Jo and Sam.
"Sam (...), he'd drunk hot sulfur once, by accident during a job, and he wasn't eager to repeat the experience."
"'I assume you took so long 'cause you were hitting on the bartender' he grinned. 'He didn't strike me as your type.'" < Sam about Dean, referring to the male bartender. Deans answer: "Funny boy."
"Dean looked over at his brother. Now he had on his instant face. Dean hated the insistent face, because Sam only used it when he was arguing with him. As opposed to when he argued with Dad. That was always the angry face"
Sam likes Gin and Tonic. Dean is appalled by that.
"Sam looked at Dean. Without any sign or facial indication, Sam knew that his brother agreed they should check upstairs next"
Dean just takes random pictures of Sam sleeping
John actually signed all the paperwork Sam needed to go to Stanford for the first year and Sam got them to declare him independent for the next years. Dean is in absolute shock over that and so am I. that conversation is too long for me to put in all in here, but damn it made me cry.
"'my life is seriously screwed up', he thought with amusement" <Dean, obviously.
"When he was a kid, about eleven years old, he used to go looking for cars that had 'no Radio in car' signs on them. He'd take a removable radio, of a type that was very popular at the time, and throw it as hard as he could at the car window with a note wrapped around it that read 'Now you have one'" < I love Dean so much
Dean hates rubber gloves
"'I just love Mexican Standoffs,' Dean thought"
Sooo that's about all I got for you about this book, can highly recommend it, it was better than Witches canyon, even though I liked that one too very much.
I will link the next one, once I'm done with it!
<First , Next>
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Thank you so much for the tag, @sawymredfox!!!
This is from the Yearling AU, first chapter of which will likely be up in the next 24 hours :)
“Take it you like animals?” You said as you made your way through the stables, going for the stall of the horse you’d had Richie get ready for this lesson. “Sure hope so, since you want to learn riding.”  “Hell yeah,” Ellie said.  “Ellie,” Joel said, a warning tone in his voice.  “Sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes. You smiled. “Yes. I do. Even though Joel won’t let me get a dog.”  “We can talk about it when you’re off school for the summer,” he said and you tried not to frown. If she was calling him Joel, he wasn’t her dad. You hoped this girl hadn’t been through too much.  “Well,” you said, coming to a stop at the stall. “You can come hang out with Shimmer here even if he doesn’t let you get a dog.”  Ellie’s face lit up, looking at the horse with a huge smile on her face.  “Shimmer is a rescue,” you said, reaching up to scratch behind her ears. “Got her when she was a yearling a few years back from an unlicensed breeding operation. Poor thing was underfed and skittish as hell but she came around. She’s a real sweet, gentle horse and she loves when people can be real sweet and gentle with her. Think you can do that?”  “Yeah,” Ellie said, smiling at you. “Definitely.”
This is from Yearling
He didn’t say much, only occasionally pressing his face into your head and kissing you there and whispering you’re OK, I’ve got you every few minutes. You weren’t sure if it was for him or for you. You weren’t sure how long you’d been riding but it had been dark for what seemed like a long time when you stopped for the night. “C’mon Bambi,” Tommy said gently as he helped you down from the horse. His touch still made you flinch. “Just me, not going to hurt you.” He half caught you as you more fell off the horse than dismounted and you realized just how uncomfortable your position on the horse was as your body realigned. It just didn’t hurt as much as so many parts of you, it didn’t bother you as you rode. Joel’s hands were on you again almost immediately, pulling you against him.
And this is from Stranger in a Bar :)
“Gotta be quiet, pretty girl,” he whispered. “And sit still, just let me look at you.”  He watched you closely as pressed into you, your breath hitching as he parted your inner walls, your tight, wet heat gripping him and he savored every needy expression that crossed your face. You were so beautiful like this, your mouth open in a silent gasp, eyes wide, looking like you were enjoying him almost as much as he was enjoying you. 
NP tags: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @dancingtotuyo @mysticnightmarewrites @janaispunk @beardedjoel and anyone else who wants to play!
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d-dixonimagines · 4 months
Hey I have an idea that’s been in my head for a while so like what if reader is carols kid (for the sake of this we’re gonna say her characters missing or gone) and the reader loved to rant stuff to her and now that she’s gone she couldn’t but say a couple weeks later reader gets excited about something (books, comics, you chose doesn’t matter) and Daryl snaps
At them because he’s frustrated with something else and maybe the reader doesn’t talk for a few hours and he apologizes and fluff? Sorry it’s so long
I MEANT TO POST THIS ONE OVER A WEEK AGO, I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REALIZE I MESSED UP!!!!! I'M SO SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!!!!!!! And to the anon who sent in the other request that this is posted with, I will write that one out next and post it!!! I need to re-shoutout to the anon who helped me move this one along! You saved me from taking even longer to have it posted!
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Once you were both back on a main road, you swung your bag around to your front and pulled out a copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which was surprisingly still in fairly good condition. Corners were bent and pages slightly weathered, and the front cover was a bit scratched up and dusty, but as far as you could tell, all of the pages were still in tact.
It felt like it had been ages since you felt this excited about something, ever since Carol left, at least. Since she's been gone, your mood had been pretty low, partly due to the fact that you didn't have anyone to talk to anymore. You tried to keep your excitement contained, but you couldn't help yourself, you were just too fucking excited!
"Oh man, I can't believe I found this, Daryl look!" You waved the book in front of you, grinning from ear to ear, barely noticing the quick glance from Daryl before you looked the book over again. "I've been wanting to read these books for forever but never got around to it, and now it's going to be a bit out of order since I'm starting with the second book, but that shouldn't matter cause I've seen the movies so I already know what happens. Have you read these or seen the movies?"
Words spewed out in rapid fire and you continued on without giving him a chance to respond. "I couldn't ever decide who my favorite characters were cause they were all so cool, but I always felt I had hobbit vibes cause I love breakfast, and potatoes! PO-TAY-TOES --" "Hey! Can ya shut up, please? I can't think straight with all that ramblin' yer doin'. We wasted too much time as it is, prob'ly cause of that dumb book, so let's keep it movin'."
His loud voice startled you, stopping you in your tracks. You stared at him in disbelief as he yelled, this time him not giving you any time to react before he turned and started walking again. It took you a few seconds to ground yourself, he had never talked to you that way before.
You looked down at the book for a moment before going through the motions of putting it back in your bag and continuing your way behind Daryl. All you think about now was how much you wished Carol would come back, not only because you missed her and wanted to share these things with her, but she was the only one you felt understood you. She would have never reacted that way towards you, and until that moment, you honestly didn't think Daryl would have either.
You didn't make a sound the rest of the time. When you stopped at other places to see if there was anything you could bring back, you did it quietly. When you finally stopped for the night, you gathered up the wood for the fire and got it started like Carol showed you.
Daryl was quiet too, but he looked like he had wanted to say something for the past couple hours by the way he would glance back at you every now and then. As dinner was heating up, the only sounds that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. You sat close by to keep warm, hugging your knees to your chest.
After a few minutes of stirring around the food in the pan, Daryl sat back and chewed at the inside of his lip. "I'm sorry about earlier.." he finally spoke, his voice softer now. You glanced over at him and nodded, unsure if you were ready to speak yet.
There was another pause before he continued. "I need ya ta know that you weren't doin' anythin' wrong, and I wasn't mad at ya 'cause of the book. I jus'.. I was mad at somethin' else and I shouldn't've taken it out on ya, and I'm sorry."
You nodded your head. You could see that he truly meant it, he always did, but nodding was all you could manage in that moment. There was another quiet pause. "I know ya miss her.. I know it's tough not havin' her here, but she will be back, ya know."
"When?" It was a quick response, catching Daryl off guard. He didn't have an answer for you and you could see that by the look he had on his face. "I dunno," it was almost a whisper. "But she will be, she always does."
You let out a quiet sigh and brought your attention back to the fire. "I think the food is done. Carol always said you like to cook the meat until it's dry," you tried to hide your smirk, but Daryl caught it. Of course he caught it!
"Is that so? I hate ta break it to ya, but Carol doesn't know everythin'." He chuckled before removing the pan from the fire and tossing the contents inside around. The meat was charred and the look of it just made you both laugh.
"Why don't we make a deal," your ears perked and you brought your attention back to him. "You show me how Carol showed ya how to cook and I'll show you an easier way to start a fire." You smiled and nodded your head in agreement. "Ok, that sounds like a fun deal."
You felt your mood shift to something lighter, like you could relax again. As you took over the cooking, starting something new so you weren't just eating burnt mystery meat, Daryl brought up the book you had found. "I've seen a couple of those movies, never read the books though. I think I'd probably be a hobbit, too. That old scowly one that's always glarin' at people."
You smiled and nodded. "Oh, I can see that," you laughed. "You'd have 'No visitors welcome' signs staked all around your yard just to make sure everyone got the hint to stay away." You both laughed.
The rest of the night moved along effortlessly, talking about your favorite parts, quoting lines that you could remember and just having a good, fun time. It reminded you of how things were with Carol and it helped fill that void you felt since she's been gone. No one could replace her, but it felt good having other people who could make you feel like the way she did.
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eartheats · 3 months
I know this scenario is terrifying but give a chance. If orthworm did not exist what pokemon would you have obsessed over instead do you think?
!!! what the heck!! rotomblr didn't even show me i had this one sittin' in the inbox, so sorry about that sir!
and arc, yer really givin' me a thinker here! but i like it honestly 🥰🥰🥰 i love these kinds'a questions. for the sake of fairness and how much i've talked about it before too, i'll be disqualifyin' magnemites from this too. and in that case...
i'd probably have gotten really into the rolycoly line!!! 😌 they're sweet lil friends, and the miners around zapapico and them live in a sorta harmony! the miners use the rolycoly's help both to find good places to go diggin' for coal, and they use the coal the line produces for keepin' things nice and cozy where we are! it's really good when the winters get brutal around here, which is usually like. a 50/50 chance of happenin', heh. bein' near glaseado can come with it's downsides, but they're helpful!
but ya wanna know what else, too? the miners also tend to give back extra coal that they find to the lil guys, along with keepin' around both fresh and dried grass to feed the guys with! in a way, it's like we're all workin' in perfect harmony, i think!
...oops! i think i went ramblin' for a lil too long, heh! sorry about that 😅 but these guys are a pretty keystone species to us in zapapico, and i think i'd have gotten pretty into 'em considerin' i like researchin' environmental stuff!!!
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hauntedhowlett-writes · 5 months
✨wip wednesday✨
got tagged by @atticrissfinch and @kedsandtubesocks , thank you my loves 💕
y’all know i have a wip list a mile long so here’s some snips from ones i’ve added to in the last few days. if any of them interest you, i’d love to hear from you 💖
title: bloodlust crisis of faith
pairing: vampire!din djarin x female reader
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this one has two versions and i’ve recently decided to revisit the first version where the reader volunteers to help with caring for grogu so if you’ve seen this part…shhhh
pairing: max phillips x female reader
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this is based on a tik tok i saw. max kidnaps you and forces you to go on a date with him
pairing: massage therapist!jack daniels x female reader
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a very self indulgent fic inspired by the massage i scheduled for myself for my own thirtieth birthday.
future history
pairing: roommate!frankie morales x female reader
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oh surprise they’re actually married
tags: @futureman @undrthelights @joelsgreys @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @atinylittlepain @wannab-urs sorry if you’ve already been tagged ily
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
Just a tiny “review” of the new album
Okay so these are just some first thoughts I had while listening to the album. No, fr i just wrote it down on post it notes while listening so half of it probably makes zero sense
First thought: Jensen absolutely KILLED it on this album. Second thought: oh this is why it took so long because Jensen was busy working and this is a lot of Jensen. Lowkey his album ngl Right Kind of trouble: A little more vibey and chill than it was at the concert. Jensen obviously sounds amazing and the song is for sure still a favorite. I love the piano solo towards the end and when the song speeds up it becomes even better just like at the concert if that makes sense(?)
Forever ain’t long: Jensen, sir?!?!?!?! his voice is insane and I’m obsessed. I love this song and once again the piano/guitar solo makes the whole thing even better. The song is beautiful, it is a little slow but it’s amazing. And again HIS VOICE
Every Light: that’s Dean’s song idc I didn’t make the rules. I am still obsessed with the ‘booze and cheap tattoos’ lyric, especially because of how Jackles sings it. (also the violin in the back is perfect)
Ain’t no tellin: JENSEN??? The voice!!!! It has a really familiar vibe and i love it. His voice sounds fucking amazing (i swear this is a remark on every song and no one is surprised)
You made me blue: It’s a nice song, obviously a little sad and Steve is the one singing it..
Keep on ramblin’: Jensen bby.. at this point just give me a solo album please. I like the lyrics. It makes me think of something/a feeling that I can’t put a finger on right now. It kind of makes me think of just playing this song while you’re driving in the middle of the night with the windows down even tho it’s not that type of song im sorry idk how to explain it, i did say it won’t make sense
Sweet Escape: hey steve
Return to me: it’s a lovely song that’s more calm and it’s both of them so the vibe is pretty good. it does make me think of like a movie scene where people are slow dancing and someone is just about to leave in the middle of the night idk how to explain otherwise fjdhjfksjs
Restless man: Jensen???? sir, your voice is making me emotional!! I can’t handle this shit! the lyrics are also a little sad. I don’t know how else to explain except that it reminds me of a goodbye from a certain type of life? Nothing bad or sad, just that feeling when you realize a certain moment is ending or beginning idk leave me alone its 1 am however that could be me projecting bc im going through it jshdkjskd. When he sings ‘I found out long ago’ i fucking love the way he sings it, his voice sounds absolutely amazing are we really surprised. And I love the song, especially when it picks up a little bit.
Velvet sky: It’s a nice calm down to end the album especially after Jensen absolutely killed it. Steve is the one singing (Jensen joins in a little bit) and it’s pretty good song. good way to end it.
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impala-dreamer · 7 months
I've seen you talk about Radio Company before, and I've always meant to listen to their music, but I never got around to it for whatever reason (life? LOL). If you could pick one or two songs to listen to first, what would you recommend? (Not including "Sounds of Someday," since that was played on SPN, meaning ive technically heard it already. If you don't feel like answering this, no worries! I'm enjoying your writing! 😊)
Hello, my darling!! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my work :)))
as for Radio Company...
It's hard to pick one or two songs overall because all three albums are vastly different in style and song writing. 'Keep on Ramblin'" is a full on country album. Vol.2 is very bluesy. Vol.1 is Jensen screaming about SPN and Cons and Misha for 10 songs lol So.. it's really up to your personal tastes. Don't go back to SoundsOfSomeday. IMO- one of their worst songs. lol
Anyway, in that vein, here are 2 songs on each album that I believe are the best and I go to before any other:
Vol 1 - "Bound" and "Off My Mind" are my faves, Cannonball a close third. (but Beka, those are Steve songs! no. they're RADIOCO SONGS AND STEVE IS IN RC AND A HUGE PART OF IT AND HE"S AMAZING ON HIS OWN WHY DONT YOU GO LISTEN TO 'SPOT IN THE CORNER' ALBUM AND TELL ME HE"S NOT AN EPIC MUSICIAN!?!?) oo, sorry. I get goin on Carlson and I can't stop lol
Vol 2 - "Anyway That You Want Me" and "Dead To Rights". Although, I will say, this is my favorite album and I enjoy every single song. So, just start with this whole album and you'll be happy ;)
Keep On Ramblin' - "Every Light" and "Ain't No Tellin'" are probably my top faves. "Right Kind of Trouble" a close runner up. Now, it took me a long time to appreciate this album but it's grown on me. It oooozes Dean Winchester's Swan Song and I love it. I really do. And try to listen to 'Every Light" without slamming the steering wheel on "Boooze and cheap tattooooos along the wayyyy" I dare you.
So, uh... yeah! I hope you dive into the great band that is Radio Company. Give it all a listen. It's really fun to hear how Jensen finds his true voice throughout the albums and how his songwriting grows. As I said before, I'm a huge SCarlson fan, so check him out too. "Between You and Me" is one of my faves by him. You won't be disappointed.
Happy Listening!
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ladamedusoif · 9 months
Chimes at Midnight, or an EoY Ramble.
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(divider by @saradika - thank you so much for your incredible work)
Who can cling to a ramblin’ Rose?
Good question. But cling to me for a few moments, as I ramble my way through an end of year post - of sorts. Personal shenans ahead.
I have no great wisdom to impart. No life lessons, no affirmations, just reflections and observations after a year where my entry into this fandom brought me much joy, kindness, love, and strength - and, unfortunately, some upset, hurt, and pain, too. 
But then, such is life, and while many of us use this space as an escape, the dynamics of just being human can’t help but filter through here, too.
I (and my 120k and counting words of fic - correction, my “ethical porn for nerdy types”) am here because of an alignment of events in early 2023. Here is my origin story:
I was stopped in my tracks one day by a friend’s Instagram story - or, specifically, by the twinkly-eyed, crinkly-eyed, smiley handsome man being interviewed in the video they’d shared. And something fired in my brain (bear in mind, a reaction like that is highly unusual for me).
Around the same time, my divorce process began. After a day of crying in my office and/or on the street, my sister sent me a message with some advice: You need something distracting and comforting. Watch The Mandalorian. You’ll like it.
(This is all her fault.)
I can only blame traumatised soon-to-be-divorcée brain for the fact that I didn’t quite immediately put the twinkly-eyed handsome smiling man together with the tin can dad with a voice like melted chocolate and an adorable green child that reminded me of my toddler niblings. Whoops. 
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(Sorry, P. Divorcée brain!)
Long story short: it clicked, eventually, and with a hop, skip and a jump from “hey there, handsome” to “I love him a normal amount” via SNL, I ended up here. 
People often compare Tumblr and fandoms to the purest form of childhood friendship. Oh, you have a Bluey backpack? I like Bluey too. Let’s be friends? And it’s a perfect analogy. It was a joy and a comfort to realise that, after a lifetime of feeling like I had to hide and be ashamed of the things and people who made me happy, there were other people just like me who didn’t feel shame, and who helped me realise this was…normal? And good? And, though this might seem like a contradiction in terms, healthy?
I rediscovered the pure joy of shared fangirling (gn). I read other people’s beautiful fics and, overcoming my fears and anxieties, rediscovered the person I’d been until I went to college and only wrote academically/professionally - the person who always made up little stories for herself, who tapped out “novels” on her mother’s 1970s portable typewriter, who never went anywhere without a copybook for writing and drawing her stories, who dreamed of being a writer. I started to write Visiting, and people actually read it. 
And through that, and reading their words and talking/flailing in their DMs, I connected with people who in some cases became close friends. People who seemed to like me for me, for the me I was re-learning how to be after an incredibly traumatic period in my life. And that meant - and means - the world. 
(Not all of those connections or friendships were sustained, and I still don’t really understand what happened to end them - in some cases, abruptly and without explanation. All I can do is remind myself that people need different things at different times, wish them well, and allow myself to miss them.)
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Gratitude sometimes gets a bad rap as a practice but it can be freeing and healing. So, putting aside the hurt and negative experiences and focusing on the good:
I am grateful for the affirming, kind, supportive relationships I’ve built through a mutual love of one (1) man. 
I am grateful for the way my presence in this community, however marginal and irrelevant I might feel, is kept going through mutual support and silliness. 
I am grateful for the opportunity to rediscover writing as creative practice and fun, rather than just something I have to do in my line of work (and which is bound up with anxiety in that respect).
I am grateful for the people who take the time not just to read but to respond to, share, and love on my work. (You’re amazing and I love you all!)
I am grateful for the people who showed and show me love even though they’ve never met me in person, and in myriad ways. (These ways include personalised birthday poems and fancams, sending me a copy of Esquire out of sheer kindness and surprising me - and my neighbour, who took in the package - with a talking Dinjamin figure. You all know who you are.)
I am grateful to my friend for her thirsty Instagram story and to my sister for her unwittingly consequential TV recommendation. 
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And some general observations and reflections about my presence, experiences, and work here that I want to carry forward into 2024:
Popularity is definitely not a marker of quality.
You are entitled to have opinions and share them, even if they don’t follow the prevailing wind. Arguably, especially then.
Your feelings are valid.
Trust your gut.
It’s okay to want people to read and interact with your work, and to wonder why it doesn’t get picked up, no matter how many ‘write for you!’ posts you see from the Big Writers.
Speaking of which: if there’s room for everyone and everything, then there should be room for everyone and everything. Not just the chosen few and a handful of tropes.
Responsibility is a two-way street.
You’re worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
The love you take is equal to the love you make - or, in other words, give love and be receptive to it, whether in affirming messages, positive comments, or a simple flailing, excited reblog. 
Carry your little light, however fragile, into the new year.
With love, Rose. (And my Ben, below - print by the incredibly talented Alyssa Gonzalez)
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ph4nth1ve · 2 years
I SAW YOU IN A DREAM - kohaku o. x  gen.reader
they both love astronomy, and fates that brings them to repeat the same sight over and over again.
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!! Warnings : lower case intended, mentioned death of a character, reader losing memories/some kind of illness, small angst(?), mentions of greek mythology
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"who are you?"
"n/n-han, stop joking around, we don't have all day if you wanted to see the stars, this is the time, we can't stand around just cuz' yer joking around."
not noticing how you've space out and stared at the boy's eyes for a while, it truly is mesmerising, it always makes you feel spellbinded.
y/n, you've never met this person before.
the soft pink haired boy smiled at person infront of him, feels like déjà vu, everything seems too real to be reality,
"yer just gonna keep staring?"
"um, sorry.."
"it's fine, let's go."
"didn't you asked me to accompany you to stargazing?"
it feels like the summer breeze are arriving pretty soon, the skies were clear, there were only a lake, and some empty spots beneath the stars that were aligned at that time, it feels just like a dream, a nostalgic dream.
"sometimes i wonder what's so interesting about stars, yer always ramblin' about them to me"
"i think they're very pretty..."
The boy hummed in agreement, it was a peaceful night, nothing to be expected, it feels like a dream.
"nee, n/n-han"
"even with these stars twinkling above me in the sky, but i help that you're the only one on my mind."
"n/n. I'll always loved you from the moon and back. no matter how many times a memory will replay."
perhaps shock has eaten you up, or it's just that the breeze that brings in a different season, it is the gift from the gods to bless the land of humans, yet fate was so cruel, the three sisters of fates hates us.
"but pleaseー
keep remembering my love for you."
you opened your eyes to meet with a white room; the hospital, you've been here for as long as you can remember. the smells of alcohol and medical instruments swayed on the air, the room was provided with a window, reflecting the view outside.
waking up from your bed, someone beside you stood up and comes near you.
"l/n-san! did any dreams occurred? did you meet kohakun? the pink haired boy, a little short but has the same purple eyes you loved so much, did you meet him?" 
"who are you talking about? who's kohakun?"
in the end, the sisters of fates believed it was for the better, blessing from the gods were cruel, but fates were much cruel as the deities that were suppose to share blessings to their creations.
he shall rest in eternity, waiting for his beloved to be returned their remembrance, it wouldn't be horrible, but perhaps, everything could've ended better, if those were done when the stars were aligned.
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WC :  2,4k characters
Reblogs and notes are appreciated! <3
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII i finally made it, truthfully i have this drafted for at least 5 months already :SOB: i also made a few versions and demos of this, in total there’s 4 demos including this one and id say, im pretty proud of this one, i enjoy words that are foreign and ethereal, i guess i improved a lot and this work will be one that im most proud of :DDD
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
WIP Game
Tagged by @trulybetty who has ESP and somehow knew I was going to spend way too much time in my weekend update talking about WIPs so she tagged me. I think - that’s what’s I’m going with. 😝 And @tinytinymenace who did more titles then I planned so I have to match because there are standards in delulu land. 🤭
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(I will have to bend this rule a bit, there’s too many WIPs so I’ll do the 15 most recent ones. Is that a lot? Yes but so am I 😉)
Water (As of five minutes ago @magpiepills is to blame)
You Promised
Keep me warm
You sent me what?
Weddings 101 with Dieter
Two sides of the same coin
Pleasure Principle
Front Office Adjunct
My first drop of Sugar
It's Incidental
Din's in the Neighborhood
Remember Francisco
Living with Benny
Laughter, Longing, Loving
Don't play with me
So...Yeah it's a long list. I have lots of ideas, not all of them are fully baked. Some of them don't even have all the ingredients. But they're there. 😄
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @rhoorl @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @goodwithcheese @grogusmum @sin-djarin @for-a-longlongtime @megamindsecretlair @pedroshotwifey @theywhowriteandknowthings @frenchiereading @avastrasposts @legendary-pink-dot @morallyinept @papipascaaaal
Sorry if you've already done it. ☺️
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ramonag-if · 2 years
[Its just me ramblin about the new chapter you dont have to post this or even read this... this got longer than intended]
Thats what I said out loud when I read the scene with dear mom cause damn even I was flabbergasted. Like I read the random crumbs from Patreon readers so I thought I could handle it but... I could not.
Honestly, if it was me, I dont think I could handle a conversation with her after the prison break, I would probs be balling my eyes out behind my friends, my buddies, my homies [I wanted to read the friendship scenes] cause that was one hell of a talk I would not willingly be in. Like she only thought about fixing the relationship when she saw you in Ishari. AND she brought her kid with her!!! How could you do that??!?! You didnt speak to your kid for 20 YEARS and you thought it was the best time to introduce each other.
It may sound weird but I also never thought Ahlf was a bad dad. He just seemed like a regular asian dad to me. Emotionally constipated, but at least still tries to push thru the constipation you know. Doesn't really succeed but he broke out a sweat. A+ for effort.
My god, Salyra... How was it possible to never even mention your kid in 20 years? I couldnt even shut up about my dog to some random strangers. And it wasn't even my dog, it was my neighbours! The best shih tzu you could ask for honestly. So glad 7 year old me took shitty photos of her that ended up being developed by accident and till this day is still stored in my family photo album.
I dont think I would be able to sit thru the meeting with Salyra there lmao, I probs would bring Crown in as my emotional support animal. Maybe he can give Salyra a good hard glare for making MC go thru this shit.
I wonder how our family in Vinia would take the information? Damn, author you really made me go thru so much in one chapter. You really did a great job writing. I'm sorry for this long ass post, I forgot it's 1 Feb and didn't prepare myself emotionally.
I shall read and answer this because I do love rambling myself 😋😆
I really do love complicated parents in fiction and I really wanted people to realise that not everything is quite clear cut, especially since for many, Ahlf was the somewhat worse of the parents considering his reluctance in becoming a father.
Salyra definitely made mistakes and in a way, she might be a little too hopeful for a huge happy reunion with the MC. She isn't quite aware of what the NC went through, so all she sees is just an older version of the 5 year old child she left behind 😅
You definitely will get to see the Vinia family react to Salyra by Part 3 😊 They'll all be feeling some sort of way, mostly the MC's uncle because Salyra's decision to remain in Ishari routine really hit him hard 👀
Thank you for the long post!
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 10 months
Ramblin' some thoughts about the new season / game / etc
I really wish I was more hyped for the new season, but I don't really have much TO be excited about, and I definitely feel the 3 month update cycle isn't for me
I have no new weapons I even wanna bother playing (I always try them all out for a bit but I just don't vibe with 90% of them), Bluefin comin back is neat but not my fave, and the new map I like but it'll REALLY depend on how it actually feels to play
(NEW FLINGZA MY BELOVED...Final update probably, I fear /bricked)
BIG RUN IS HYPE THOUGH...I've super wanted another King Salmonid and we got one!! So I can definitely take that!
Though I think the squads in Turf War are definitely doing more harm than good for me these days 😔Don't get me wrong, it's amazing you can just squad up with your pals and have fun!
But in terms of learning new weapons, it's hell when you try something 100% brand new, and get paired against Top 500 X Squads CONSTANTLY (and I mean constantly, I legit saw the same Top 10 Gold X badge player like 7 times now in -Turf Lobbies-, I am nowhere NEAR their skill level /bricked)
And I feel bad squadding up with friends for new weapons cause I feel myself dragging everyone down with terrible performance, so that kinda messes up my fun personally, so I'd rather just practice on my own but THENNN /dies
I ain't worried about like winning a lot or anything, but the matchmaking makes it feel like a pointless endeavor sometimes when there's no spawn bubbles to sit and plan in and instead you just get mega camped 50x over trying to press a button /dies
Splatoon 3 is definitely the better game in a lot of ways of content, but the differences over time made me realize I'm just not adapting well to the changes
And after over a year, I'm not sure I'll ever adapt 😭
AT ANY RATE, I got other games to play soon! Super Mario RPG is very soon, Pokemon DLC is next month, etc! I'll run around in some other games to keep my sanity
It's just a little sad; I had big aspirations to try and be more competitive, maybe to nab a Top 500 X badge myself!! But nowadays due to the regional matchmaking, I can't even GET an X Match anymore LMAO;;; I tried like 3 times and it just keeps kicking me out after 200 seconds
Plus I just can't seem to keep up these days, so yeah, in before "Skill Issue" cause believe me, I'm aware /dies
I'm thinkin' Splatoon 2 was the peak of my competitive skills and, now I just get to coast occasionally as a casual player, which is fine and is probably for the best!
NOT TO SOUND TOO BUMMED OUT KJAHSKJHAS I had these thoughts for a long time now, and I may just be growin' out of the game itself a little bit, which sucks cause I love it so much, but it's gonna move on with or without me
BUT I will still have fun where I can, and I really hope other folks got something great out of the new Season updates so far!!
We got Splatfest and Big Run soon, so hopefully we can all have fun with that! SORRY 2 RAMBLE, just kinda wanted to get some stuff out there
Nothing's happening to this blog or anything; game or not I'm still a fan of the series!! HERE'S HOPIN' SIDE ORDER IS FUNNN
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