#sorry it took so long galley
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Disclaimer: it seems like the size of the ship changes every time we see it, but the newest eps vs wano seem pretty consistent so I went with that and used Wire's height for scale
Floor layouts under the cut ✂️
Edit: you can find clearer/more detailed versions here
Layout based on the 31 member crew that Oda confirmed. I also took in to account that a significant portion of the members are fucking massive, so everything is bigger which matches the scale it's drawn in. Floors are approx 5m high with 2m wide doors in most places, which makes sense when a good portion of the crew are 3m tall.
Sorry about my handwritting lmao I'm so tired but I have serious brainworms and couldn't sleep
The specifics:
Kid's Floor
Of course he has his own floor
Quarters include his own private dining space which I imagine would also include a workdesk, bedroom with king sized bed and probably a couch, walk in closet, and bathroom definitely large enough for a massive tub
Workshop also has bathroom entrance for when he's feelin lazy
Ladder space in the middle goes straight through, this is so crew going to the castle deck don't access his floor
Commander's floor
Heat, Wire and Killer have their own rooms and a private lounge just for them and Kid
Heat and Wire share a large bathroom, definitely big enough for normal bath
Heat and Killer have king sized beds, Wire's bed is almost as wide as a king but mostly it's made especially long
Small decking that runs the whole way around, unspoken rule that crew aren't allowed there since windows peer into commander's rooms
Killer could probably fit a drumkit in his room 👀
Cannon Deck
We get peeks of this in the anime and in Oda's notes but they're fuzzy so I just did my best
Made a mistake tho, cannon platform should be whole way around back like a U shape to account for 3 cannons facing backwards, total 9 cannons
Theoretically this is where the helm should be so uh that's where I put it
Screenshots make it look like they also store a lot of other weapons here
Main deck
Forecastle includes navigation room with bookcases, central table, and desk for paperwork
Forecastle also has infirmary with two longer than normal beds to account for larger crewmates, and a desk for crew doctor to keep notes
Door between nav and infirmary cos Kid is lazy
Kitchen and pantry. Given the rooms are 5m from floor to ceiling I imagine that pantry would have a small mezzanine accessed by a ladder to take advantage of vertical space (and would be a sick place to nap)
Galley/dining hall contains 3 bench style tables, seating 10 large crewmates each, with one extra fancy chair at the end of one for Kid
Lower deck
Did my best to do some math to figure out how many larger than normal beds were required and decided on 6 bunks for 12 larger crewmates
Additional rooms for average sized crewmates include 4 rooms with 2 bunks each, and one room with 1 bunk, making for a total of 30 beds below deck. That means, counting the commanders for the 31, there are currently 3 empty beds, so a few rooms aren't complete full
Probably looks like fuck all space but its actually significant for a ship living quarters
According to google you only need 1 toilet per 10 people and 1 shower per 40 but that seems like BS. Bathroom has 4 large, accessible sized toilets, 4 showers, long benches down the center and a long counter with plenty of space and mirrors for makeup, given how many crewmates wear it
Also, storage room. Could be converted to extra room for another bunk
Access via ladder
4 cells. No toilets, you get a bucket ✌️ tbh might not even have beds but there's room for em anyway
Desk in case they need to keep an eye on prisoners
3 storage rooms, but i think one of these would actually be a torture room. Probably the one by the desk.
Mechanisms for power and water are probably in one of these rooms as well as a lot of materials for ship repairs
Also of note
Crows nest is definitely big enough for a bench, definitely big enough for... activities. Not as big as the Sunny's though I dont think a gym would fit, I think it'd be more likely that gym equipment is kept on the cannon deck
Idk if the mizzenmast is supposed to go all the way through but that physically can't happen with where the helm needs to be based on screenshots so ✌️
Crows nests are definitely access via climbing nets
Please absolutely feel free to use this as a reference for fanfictions, but I'd appreciate a shout out if you do 💖
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Summary: Unable to sleep during hyperspace travel on The Havoc Marauder you seek out the company of the Batch's resident sniper.
Pairing: Crosshair x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,661
Authors Note: I know that after I took that poll I said I would write a Fives one shot next.... but Crosshair has taken my writing hostage these days. Sorry, but also, not sorry! I wrote this as a prequel to my One-Shot Sniper, but I think it stands on it's own just fine if you haven't read it! Enjoy :)
Over the years you’d been on hundreds of different types of ships; shuttles, Venator class attack cruisers, cargo ships, drop ships, modified attack shuttles… you name it and you had likely been on it. Honestly, you’d spent most of your adult life in space but there was still one problem that seemed to plague you no matter how many hours you’d spent aboard a ship. Hyperspace insomnia.
You tried your best to smother a sigh as you rolled over on your bunk, frustration bubbling up in you at your inability to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time. Every ship you had ever been on tried to maintain day and night cycles to aid with sleeping in hyperspace but it seemed that your body couldn’t be fooled. You’d spent many nights tossing and turning over the years, much to your annoyance. You sighed again before you sat up, deciding to abandon your current attempt at sleep before your restlessness disturbed anyone, which on such a small ship was unfortunately very easy to do.
As quietly as possible you slipped from the middle bunk on the Havoc Marauder, it was the middle of the night cycle and the ship was silent except for Wrecker’s soft snores. You took a quick look behind you to make sure you hadn’t woken anyone and thankfully Wrecker was still snoring away and Tech was also still fast asleep on the top bunk.
When you’d joined Clone Force 99 as a medic they had insisted you take one of the bunks as your own. You’d protested vehemently, as there were only three to begin with, but despite your insistence that you could all share the middle bunk it always seemed that it was free for you to use when they discussed their watch rotations each night. Your ongoing protests always seemed to fall on deaf ears though. On nights like this one, when you couldn’t even sleep you felt especially guilty.
You let out another soft sigh as you looked towards the back of the ship where Hunter was asleep in the gunner's mount. For a moment you considered waking him and insisting he take your bunk since clearly you wouldn’t be using it any time soon but even from this distance he looked peaceful and the fear of disturbing him outweighed everything else.
As quietly as possible you moved towards the midpoint of the shuttle, intent on making yourself a cup of caf. If you couldn’t sleep, you reasoned you might as well just be fully awake. You pulled two cups from one of the cupboards used for storage, there wasn’t a galley so things tended to end up in random places but you always knew where the caf was. You looked over your shoulder to make sure everyone was still asleep as the water boiled, but all three clones appeared dead to the world. You smiled softly to yourself as you poured two cups of instant caf, Crosshair was on watch and you knew from past experience if you made a cup for yourself and not him you’d get the look.
When you had joined The Bad Batch it hadn’t taken long for you to feel like one of the team. You were experienced, having spent time with the 501st, 104th, and various commando units prior to joining them and they had immediately recognized and appreciated your work. Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker quickly accepted you among their ranks and you were already on very friendly terms with all of them after only a few weeks together. Crosshair, on the other hand, was a much harder nut to crack.
The Batch’s resident sniper was quite possibly one of the grumpiest human beings you’d ever met, which was saying a lot because you’d worked with Commander Wolffe for months. It was clear that your addition to the team had been unwanted on his part at first, but over time it seemed he had begrudgingly come to accept you. These days you could even say that he was somewhat in friendly territory with you, or at least as friendly as he ever got, but it had taken a lot of work on your part to get there. It seemed your strategy of smothering him with kindness had finally worn him down somewhat.
The thing was though, despite his surly exterior you actually really liked the sniper, perhaps more than what was considered professional. He was cunning, brave, with a sly and wicked sense of humour, and it was clear that he was incredibly loyal and cared deeply about his brothers. It also didn’t hurt that he was the most handsome man you’d ever met. You tried your best to keep things strictly professional but there were times when his steely gaze would have you turning into a blushing, stuttering mess, much to your own embarrassment. You’d been around the clones since the start of the war, many who were incredibly flirty, but none had ever had the same effect on you that Crosshair did.
Pushing your emotional problems from your mind for the moment you made your way to the cockpit. Crosshair didn’t even look up from where he was sitting in the pilot's seat as you entered, he simply kept cleaning the firepuncher without even missing a beat.
“Hyperspace insomnia strikes again?” He asked lowly, still without looking up as you placed a cup of caf on the console in front of him.
“I think I might be cursed,” You said with a dramatic sigh as you slid into the co-pilot seat, wrapping both hands around your warm cup of caf as you did so. The seats in the cockpit were actually more comfortable than the bunks and you let out another soft sigh as you settled into the seat.
Crosshair finally looked up, one brow raised just slightly, “Maybe we should get you a talisman, I’m pretty sure I saw someone selling them to ward off curses the last time we were on Savareen.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head, “I don’t think I’ve reached that level of desperation just yet.”
Crosshair shrugged, “Your loss,” before returning his attention to cleaning his rifle. You were fairly positive with the number of times you’d seen him clean the weapon that he could do it with his eyes closed. You were beginning to suspect it was more of a self-soothing habit, that weapon had to be the cleanest thing you’d ever seen. In a way though it was soothing for you to watch him do it, you’d already spent many nights awake watching him clean the rifle with a practiced ease.
You pulled your feet up onto the seat, something you only did when Tech wasn’t around since he was very particular about his ship, as you sipped your caf. You switched between watching the stars streak past and watching Crosshair out of the corner of your eye. A sense of calm washed over you in the comfortable silence of the ship.
It wasn’t until he’d finished reassembling his rifle and reached for the cup of caf you’d brought him that you spoke again, “I don’t know anything about their curse talismans but Savareen is actually pretty famous for its brandy…”
Spouting off random facts had started as a way to break the ice with him and had then become a way to pass the time when the two of you were paired off on missions, separate from the rest of the Batch due to your respective specialties. Even in the beginning, he hadn’t seemed to mind it too much, likely because he was used to hearing it from Tech, but now it seemed to be a habit you couldn’t break. You enjoyed watching his reactions and every time he’d actually engage in conversation you felt like you’d won a battle.
“Is it any good?” He asked, his tone was bored but you could tell by the way he turned his seat slightly towards you that he was actually interested.
“It’s not bad, a bit strong for my tastes,” You replied with a shrug.
“Not surprising, I’ve seen your tastes,” He said snidely but there was a glint of amusement in his dark eyes.
“Hey! I’m just not really into drinking,” You protested with a laugh. You weren’t offended at all though, you were, quite famously, a lightweight. You'd been with the Batch long enough now for them to know this about you, “I need to maintain a clear head at all times in case of a medical emergency!”
“Sure,” Crosshair responded, the dry look on his face making you laugh even harder.
You continued to chuckle softly to yourself between sips of caf as you leaned forward slightly to look at the navi-computer. You could see Crosshair watching you out of the corner of your eye and your face began to heat up slightly at the feeling of his intense gaze on you.
“Oh, we just passed Mon Cala,” You said softly, mostly to distract yourself from the butterflies that were suddenly making themselves known in your stomach. You looked back over at Crosshair who was still watching you intently as you leaned back in your seat, “Did you know there’s a type of squid that lives there that has a circular brain that their food passes through?”
Crosshair let out a snort of amusement, "Sounds like Tech.”
You slapped your hand over your mouth to stifle that bark of laughter that escaped you. It took you a moment to stop laughing before you could speak again, “I’m going to tell him you said that.”
Your eyes might have been deceiving you in the low light but you could have sworn that Crosshair was actually smiling. Well, smirking was more accurate, but in Crosshair's body language, you were going to consider that a genuine smile.
“Go ahead,” Crosshair replied flippantly, “he’d probably take it as a compliment.”
You chuckled again, shaking your head in amusement at him before finishing the last sip of your caf, “I think I’ll keep this between the two of us. I’m trying to stay in his good books so he’ll teach me how to fly the Marauder.”
Crosshair scoffed, “Good luck with that, he’ll make you memorize every piece of this ship before he even so much as lets you touch a button.”
“That’s ok!” You replied happily, as you leaned forward to set your empty cup down on the console in front of you, “I like to learn.”
Crosshair scoffed again as you continued, your tone turning teasing once more, “Plus it’ll give me more random facts to annoy you with.”
His eyes narrowed at you which only made you laugh softly, “Are you always this happy?” He asked his tone somewhere between impressed and annoyed.
“Only around the people I like,” You answered as you stretched out a foot to jab his chair with your boot playfully.
He was silent for a long moment, his gaze intense as he looked at you. The lights of the cockpit were dim but you could have almost sworn that a light flush appeared on his cheeks. You felt your own face heating up at his look. Concern that maybe you’d overstepped suddenly bubbled up in you but it vanished almost as quickly as it had come. He didn’t seem annoyed.
Eventually, he snorted, rolling his eyes before he spoke, “So, everyone then?” his tone once again characteristically grumpy.
“I don’t like everyone…” You started but then stopped, laughing at the disbelieving look Crosshair shot you, “I really didn’t like that Admiral we had to work with on the last mission.”
Crosshair’s face darkened considerably at the mention of the Admiral who was, for lack of better words, a complete and utter asshole. Both to you AND the clones.
“He seemed to be offended by the fact that I was a woman,” You continued with a chuckle.
Crosshair shook his head, clearly annoyed at just the thought of the other man, “He was di’kut.”
You smirked at the Mando’a term as he looked back over at you, the dark look on his face replaced once more with subtle amusement, “That’s only one person though…”
“Well,” You started teasingly, “Not all of us have a 30-foot-long list of people we don’t like.”
Crosshair snorted again, “It’s more like 15 feet.”
You chuckled, “Now, that IS surprising. You’re going to have to step it up, Cross.”
This time you were certain your eyes weren’t deceiving you, his face had definitely flushed slightly. His dark eyes had widened but his gaze was no less intense as he looked at you. It took you a moment to figure out what his reaction was in response to but when you did you felt your chest tighten. Although you often referred to him as such in your head, you’d never actually said the shortened form of his name out loud before. An apology for getting too familiar was on the tip of your tongue but before you could get the words out he was speaking again.
He lifted his hand in a mock salute, eyes narrowed but amused, “Mission accepted, Sunshine.”
You felt as though you might actually combust. Your face felt as if it was on fire as a nervous chuckle escaped you. You were so kriffed, no one had ever gotten under your skin like this before. You prided yourself on maintaining professional relationships so this was definitely going to be a problem. Feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the surge of emotions suddenly coursing through you, you turned your attention back to the navi-computer. According to it, you still had another 14 standard hours before you reached your next destination. With a soft sigh, you leaned back in your seat, unable to stop yourself from shyly looking over at Crosshair every few moments.
He had also leaned back in the pilot’s chair, one long leg crossing over the other. His chair was still slightly angled towards you but he was now looking out the windscreen of the Marauder, the lights of hyperspace reflecting in his dark eyes. Silence settled between the two of you but it wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, once you got over the initial shock of receiving a nickname from him, you felt more relaxed than you had in ages. Sitting with Crosshair seemed to have this effect on you more and more often these days.
It wasn’t long before your eyes began to grow heavy, the soft hum of the Marauder’s engines and the comfort of the co-pilot seat effectively lulling you to sleep. That last thing on your mind before you finally let yourself succumb to sleep was a pair of dark intense eyes.
You woke with a start, thoughts a complete jumble as you sat up suddenly, looking around yourself in confusion. It took you a long moment to orient yourself because you were no longer in the cockpit of the Marauder, you were back in your bunk. You frowned as you lifted a hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes. It was obviously still early, the lights of the Marauder still dim and Wrecker was still snoring on the bunk below you, but a quick look at the chrono on your wrist confirmed it was morning. Your brow furrowed as you looked around you, Tech was no longer on the bunk above you, instead, a flash of silver hair confirmed it was now Crosshair in his place.
You were still confused as you pushed the blanket that had been covering you off and swung your legs over the edge of the bunk before quietly slipping out. Unless it was all a dream, and you were pretty sure it wasn’t, the last thing you could remember was being in the cockpit with Crosshair. So, unless you had recently started sleepwalking that meant someone had carried you back to the bunk. Not only that, but they had tucked you in too.
Your face flushed as the reality of that settled in your stomach, your heart rate suddenly picking up exponentially. While every single member of the squad were capable of carrying you back to bed and were kind enough to do so, the most obvious culprit was the one who was increasingly in your thoughts and was without a doubt becoming a problem for you. Your eyes strayed up to the top bunk to look at Crosshair, he was facing away from you but you could tell from the deep, even breaths he was taking that he was still asleep.
Heart still racing you headed towards the middle of the ship where Tech was fiddling with a piece of equipment in one of the seats in front of the console. That likely meant that Hunter was upfront keeping an eye on things, something that you were suddenly quite grateful for. You didn’t need him wondering why your heart was racing first thing in the morning, though even with the door of the cockpit between you you knew he likely could still hear it. Pushing that somewhat embarrassing thought from your mind, you greeted Tech softly as you passed by on your way to make some caf. Your mind was still reeling from the revelation that Crosshair might have carried you to bed but you were able to focus enough to successfully make 5 cups of caf. Normally, whoever was first up who wasn’t on watch would make the caf for everyone but Tech could be somewhat unreliable when his attention was divided. Caught, he smiled up at you sheepishly as you handed him a cup.
You settled yourself into one of the jump seats, pulling your knees up to your chest as you counted back from 10. Sure enough, you hadn’t even made it to 5 before the sounds of movement from the bunks reached you. It was fairly predictable but made you smile every morning nonetheless, there was nothing that could summon a clone faster than hot caf.
Also predictable was how grumpy Crosshair looked as he made his way over. Without a word or even a nod of acknowledgment, he grabbed a cup, taking a sip before moving to sit on the seat across from Tech. His tired gaze strayed over to you a moment later and you felt your face heat. You managed to give him what you hoped was a normal smile in greeting before his eyes flicked back to focusing on his caf.
“Chow time?” Wrecker asked as he ambled over, still looking like he was half asleep but the excitement at the prospect of eating was evident in his voice.
With a sigh Tech set aside his project and stood, rummaging through the cupboard for a moment before emerging with the morning's rations. He handed the first to Wrecker who had been hovering around him excitedly. In general, the clones ate more food than anyone else you knew but Wrecker in particular seemed to have a never-ending appetite. One of your first duties as the team medic had been to put in a request for more rations for ‘medical reasons’. Wrecker had actually cried with happiness when the extra crate had shown up for the first time and your ribs had ached for days from the bone-crushing hug you had received. The memory put a smile on your face as you took your own ration from Tech before he moved on to Crosshair.
“Thanks, Squid,” Crosshair’s snide comment as he took his ration bar from his brother nearly had you spitting out the sip of caf you had just taken. You looked at him with wide eyes, face heating as his gaze met yours, amusement swimming in the depths of his dark eyes. Not only that, but he was definitely smirking. Smug asshole.
Tech looked between the two of you, frowning deeply, “I suppose that comment is in relation to one of your late-night inside jokes?”
Your face grew even hotter with embarrassment at the fact that your little late-night chats with Crosshair hadn’t gone unnoticed. You spluttered, unsure of what to say as Tech simply looked between the two of you for another moment. When neither of you answered he simply rolled his eyes before returning to his seat, his own ration bar forgotten as he returned to working on the same piece of equipment.
“Please, do not enlighten me,” He continued without looking up, “I am certain it is not as funny as the two of you think it is.”
This time you weren’t able to stop the laugh that escaped you and it only got worse when you looked at Crosshair to see that he was also snickering.
Tech sighed in exasperation as he shook his head, “Children.”
It wasn’t even that funny but you found yourself struggling to regain some composure. You felt giddy, something that you had experienced in ages. And you knew without a doubt it was entirely due to the silver-haired clone who was still watching you with amusement, a subtle smirk on his face as he continued to sip his caf.
Eventually, you managed an apology to Tech that was waved off, clearly, he wasn’t actually bothered by the teasing and the rest of the morning continued on as normal. A sense of calm finally washed over you as you sat quietly, listening to the sound of The Marauder moving through space and the occasional conversation between brothers.
One thing had changed though, you now knew without a doubt that you were harbouring a crush on the team's resident snarky sniper. You were kriffed, but you found as your eyes connected with his later on that morning that it didn’t bother you as much as you had once thought it would. And you knew that the next time you couldn’t sleep you’d be right back by his side. Sometimes, you reasoned with yourself as you smiled softly over at him, you just had to live a little.
#the clone wars#fanfiction#star wars fanfiction#the clone wars fanfiction#the bad batch fanfiction#star wars the clone wars#tbb x reader#the bad batch x reader#clone x reader#tbb crosshair#the bad batch crosshair#crosshair x fem!reader#crosshair x reader#crosshair#the bad batch
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Heyy! I’m new here and I absolutely love your writings wksiwksjwjshe is your 300 event still open?
if yes I would love to req a cinnamon + poplar ! hehe thank you! (If it’s already closed then don’t mind me)

*HI sorry this took forever! But I hope you love it ;) Ace is such a filthy boy in this one, EYE certainly enjoyed it*
Pairing: Ace x Fem Reader
WC: 2200
Prompt: “Shh I know baby, I know it’s good. You’re doing so good for me…”
TW: SEX, shameless flirting in public, Ace being kind of a pervert, reader is a bit older than young buck Ace, p in v sex, unprotected sex (don't) creampie (also don't) fingering, teasing, pet names, filthy language. the usual?
— —
You sat at your desk in the medical ward of the ship, up to your ears in paperwork. Blood test results to log, supply order forms to go over, you had so much on your plate and it was eating away at you. The rest of the crew was in the galley drinking but you were stuck working.
Suddenly the door to the med bay swings open and in waltzes the crew’s head doctor.
“Ok little chicken, that’s enough work for tonight.” Marco smiles warmly at you as he approaches your desk.
“Please stop calling me that." You sigh and rub your eyes. "And I still have more releases to sign off on, and the IV tubing we use for Dad is on backorder, so I have to decide if we go up a size or down a size and did you know-“ You ramble on and on while Marco rolls his eyes.
“I’ll handle it. Go out and have a drink.” Marco eyes your tired face. “Gods know you need it, kiddo.”
You sigh. You feign a smile as you rise from your desk chair, the joints in your back and knees popping from how long you had been sitting.
“Was… was that your back?” Marco asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes. Shut up.” You say as you push your way out of the med bay. You follow the sounds of music and riotous laughter towards the galley and enter quietly. You slunk between the groups of pirates towards the center of the room and grab a beer from the barrel full of ice. You pull your cigarette lighter out of your pocket and use it to pop the cap off your beer. You stow the lighter back into your pocket.
“Hey, y/n! Over here!”
You turn around and see a somewhat intoxicated Ace waving you over to his table. He had that stupid, goofy grin on his face. You smiled back and headed in his direction. He was standing around a wooden table with Thatch, Izou and a few other Whitebeard pirates and nurses.
“Jeez y/n you look like you’ve been up for a week.” Ace teases you.
“I think I have, now that you mention it…” You say and take a sip of your beer.
“Man I haven’t seen you this down before, y/n. What the hell is going on with you?” Izou asks.
“Well, since you’ve asked! I’m exhausted. I’m bored. I’m stressed. I can’t tell if I want 5 more beers or to fall asleep on the floor! I am wildly overworked and under-fucked.” You finish your rant and slam your beer.
“Anyone else need another one?” You ask to the now silent group of people that surrounded you at the table. You were met with mostly blank stares, shocked at your sudden outburst. You turn and head to grab a new beer.
“I’ll come with you!” Ace is quick to join with a mischievous smirk on his lips.
He follows you like a puppy as you head towards the beer.
“You know I can help you with that, right?” Ace grabs your arm and pulls you to face him.
You laugh.
“I don’t really think Marco would trust you enough to run my blood tests for me, but thanks.”
“No no, the other part. The being under-fucked part.” Ace smirks down at you. Again, you laugh.
“Haha, oh yeah? What are you, like 23? Like you’d know what to do with it if you had a chance.” You smile playfully and wiggle out of his grip, finally retrieving another beer. Ace does the same and sidles close behind you on your way back to the table. Suddenly Ace’s breath is hot in your ear as he leans in to whisper something to you.
“Well I’ve got an 8 inch cock that might change your mind on that…” You stop dead in your tracks and your eyes widen.
Ace passes by you and goes to join the table again. “Only if you want, though! Come on, let’s have another drink!” Ace beckons you over like he hadn’t just whispered the most crude, filthy thing in your ear 30 seconds ago.
Convincing yourself you had imagined it, you snap out of your trance and return to the table to drink.
You enjoy a few more rounds of drinks and you notice with each beer, Ace slides his body closer and closer to yours. You could attribute this to the size of your party shrinking as people headed off to bed, but at this point he was basically pressing his side into yours, occasionally grazing his warm hand over your hip.
His touch was fleeting, but hot… it made you crave more. You found yourself leaning into him and he pulled you closer in return. He felt you shudder.
“Oh man, y/n, you must really be tired. Do you need help getting back to your room okay?” Ace looks down at you with a devious smirk. You knew what he was really asking.. and you were far too quick to respond.
“Yes, I think I’d like that, Ace.” You smile and he wraps his arm around your hip and pulls you away from the table.
Ace is all but giggling as he brings you back to your room, pinching and squeezing your skin anywhere he could tease it. He stops at your door and looks at you expectantly.
You laugh.
“Would you like to come inside, Ace?”
“Hell yeah!” Ace practically jumps into your room behind you and slams the door shut.
From the instant the door is closed, Ace’s lips are on yours. You barely had time to react to the kiss before he started tugging at your clothes. You laugh and pull back from the kiss.
“Haha slow down! We have all night Ace… I’m not going anywhere.” You purr at him and stroke his cheek. What a sweet, eager little thing he was.
Ace nuzzles himself into your neck and plants a wet kiss.
“‘M’sorry, just hate seeing you like this…” Ace continued licking and biting at your neck. You whimper. “Gonna fix it… gonna make you feel so good, baby.”
Your cunt clenched in anticipated of what he was about to do to your body. Ace pulls your dress over your head and tosses it to the floor. He distracts you with more kisses as he unclasps your bra and pulls it off of you. Ace kisses down to your stomach and gently pulls your panties down. You step out of them and realize you’re completely bare in front of your friend.
You covered your breasts instinctively. Those doesn’t go unnoticed by Ace, who was coming up to meet your eye again. He pulls your arm gently away from your chest and smiles.
“Aww are you shy, baby?” Ace coos at you. You blush so hard you think your face might be on fire. Why was he having this affect on you? He was a young blowhard at least 5 years your junior, and yet he ended up with all of the control in this situation…
“That’s ok, come here…” Ace gets on your bed and sits up with his back against the pillows and headboard. “Let me show you why you don’t need to be shy.” He smirks and holds out his arms to you.
You lick your lips and climb into Ace’s waiting lap. He positions you with your back again his chest, sitting between his legs. This position reminded you how Ace was still fully clothed and you were completely naked. Something about being so vulnerable in front of him was intoxicating…
“Spread your legs, sugar. Show me that cute pussy.” Ace whispers in your ear as he pulls your legs over his own, spreading them as far as they could go comfortably.
“Ace…” You whimper quietly, trying to turn your head away. You were embarrassed at how aroused he had made you, all while barely touching you… but not nearly embarrassed enough to ask him to stop.
Ace wastes no time before his hands are on your dripping sex.
“Holy shit…” Ace glides a finger up and down your slit. “Look at how wet you are, pretty.” His one finger turns to two fingers as he collects more of your slick from your hole and brings it up to rub firm circles onto your clit.
“Ace! Fuck!” You throw your head back, body feeling like it was filled with static electricity. He had you so worked up that every little touch felt like it was amplified by 100.
“You’re so wet that I bet I could just slip my fingers in..” Ace smirks and swiftly plunges the two digits into your hole. You moan. “And I bet that if I do this…” Ace begins to firmly pull and tap his fingers into that delicious spot inside of your cunt. “… you’ll cum.”
“Shit, fuck, Ace! O-oh my- Ah! ACE!” You cry out and explode all over Ace’s arm and the bed in front of you.
“Looks like I was right, huh baby? That’s a good girl, give it all to me.” Ace playfully reacts as he rubs at your clit to prolong your orgasm.
“Fuck… Ace…” You lay heaving on your bed in Ace’s arms, the spasms from your climax finally ceasing.
You feel Ace smiling into your neck as he peppers it with sweet kisses.
“I wouldn’t know what to do with it, huh???” He chuckles into your damp skin.
“Shut up and fuck me already.” You roll your eyes.
Ace gently moves you out from between his legs and he rises from the bed to remove his vest and shorts. You audibly gasp at the sight of his huge member springing free from its confines.
“Jeez you weren’t kidding…” You say softly, eyes not leaving Ace’s cock in front of you.
“I’m a pirate, baby, not a liar.” He flashes you that stupid grin again. “Now face down, ass up, sugar.”
You quickly oblige, grabbing a pillow to cushion your face that was now stained with mascara. The first thing you feel is a warm hand sliding up your spine and massaging your skin, then you feel the prodding of Ace’s thick cock at your sopping wet entrance, the heavy mushroom tip barely breaching your hole. Ace dipped his tip teasingly in and out…
“Ace…. please…” You whine as you push your hips back to entice him to fully enter you.
“Okay, okay, I’ll give it to you, you don’t ever need to beg for me, pretty.” Ace plants both hands on your hips and pulls your ass flush against his pelvis, sinking his cock as deep as it will go into you.
Strangled moans leave the both of you as he bottoms out. Ace pulls out slowly, looking down to admire the wet mess you’ve already left on his cock. He pushes back in and you moan again, squeezing him involuntarily.
“Gods you were right… this tight little pussy is under-fucked.” Ace speeds up his thrusts and you gasp, the wind nearly knocked out of you. “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna make sure that never happens to you again… gonna fuck you every day… make you feel so fucking good…”
Ace was slamming into you at an animalistic pace and you felt a second orgasm creeping up on you. You could feel the droplets of sweat from Ace’s face splatter on your back, as well as the crazed, possessive grip on your hips almost certainly leaving bruises. You couldn’t form words, only broken sobs and shrieks as your lover drilled into you, dead set on making you cum again.
Tears fell from your eyes against the pillow and you whined, so close to reaching your peak again.
“Shh I know baby, I know it’s good. You’re doing so good for me…” Ace coos at you. “Cum on my cock and I’ll fill you up, ‘kay sugar?” Ace leans forward and presses his chest to you as he continues his brutal assault on your pussy. He reaches one hand from your hip down and around to rub at your clit. The stimulation sends you over the edge and your orgasm rips through your whole body. “Ace!” You scream out and lurch forward, no longer able to hold your torso up with your arms anymore.
“Good fucking girl! Now I’m gonna make you mine…” Ace praises you.
You try to mumble out “please” but you truly have no idea if you were saying anything coherent.
“Haaa, fuck!” Ace cries out and spills his load impossibly deep into your warm hole. You whimper as you feel rope after rope of Ace’s hot seed filling you. Ace rubs firm circles into your hips as he calms down from his release.
Suddenly, Ace pulls out of you and flops back into your bed and pulls you to his chest. You nuzzle into his sweaty pecs as you throw a leg over his hips. Ace pulls the blanket over the two of you, briefly leaning upwards to make sure your whole body was covered and comfortable before settling back on the pillows.
“So you were serious?” You ask quietly.
“About what, baby?” Ace answers as he strokes your hair.
“About fucking me every day?” You chuckle.
“Mmhmm…” Ace kisses the top of your head. “Tomorrow. And the next day.. and the next day… and the next day… and the next… and…”
You hear Ace start snoring and smile.
#one piece#one piece anime#one piece fanfiction#one piece smut#one piece fandom#one piece netflix#one piece live action#one piece fanart#portgas d ace#portgas ace smut#portgas ace x reader#portgas d ace x reader#portgas ace x you#ace x reader#ace smut#one piece ace
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"Show me how to kiss?"
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Two imagines one in which you ask Sanji to show you what it is like to kiss and another one in which he's the one to ask. Tags: Gentleman Sanji !! / Also babygirl Sanji, ofc / Very sweet, y'kno / Sanji can't help himself / You can't either, but it's nice seeing him caving in / Very romantic Check out (Roronoa Zoro's version)
If you’re the one to ask him...
All of that kind of got you frustrated. Robin had recommended you a book, a book that was too immersive for its own good. Since living as a pirate took most of your time, you’d never really thought about it until you started reading that; the book stuck in your mind a little too long, hence it wasn’t difficult hearing the others once in a while telling you to come back to earth.
It was difficult not thinking about the book the entire time. The way the couple kissed... What did it feel like? Having the lips of someone you like pressed against yours, their tongue running against your lip...
“I told you to pull the halyard, (y/n)! Are you listening?” Nami’s voice cut through your thoughts. Fuck, you spaced out again.
“Sorry, Nami-san!” You shout in return, finally doing as said. Damn it. That book really caught you, leaving you wondering whether you liked the story itself or if all those descriptions just caught your attention. A sigh escaped your lips as you finished pulling the sail and, along with Nami and Zoro, you finished preparing the ship for the night.
With dinner already being served, it didn’t take long until everyone was going back to their quarters—or just falling asleep wherever, in Luffy’s case. All the lights were off, only with a dim beam coming from the window on the door of the galley. Today’s night watch was Sanji’s. You sort of had been waiting for that.
Sanji had always been there for you, really—aside from all the flirting, he did take his time to check up on you and hang out, sometimes inviting you to help him finish decorating whatever dessert he was preparing for the crew just so you two could talk. It was something else, so you couldn’t really help looking at Sanji with a different tone after you started reading that damn book Robin recommended to you. His lips seemed extra attractive as he talked to you yesterday when you made him company while he prepared lunch, shaping nicely around every word he spoke. Sometimes you asked him to repeat himself; he probably thought you were dumb, damn.
Only the soft sound of the waves filled the ambient aside from the occasional creaking of wood under your feet as you started heading upstairs to reach the galley. You stood there for a long moment before you finally knocked on the door, sighing, and walked in.
“Sanji?” You closed the door behind yourself; Sanji was by the sink and looked back at you over his shoulder with a smile.
“(Y/n)-chan! What brings you here?” He grinned. “It’s already late, y’know? Why haven’t you gone to sleep already? Such a pretty warrior like you needs a good night of sleep, my dear.” And even if he just had his back to you at the moment, you could still picture how he would’ve winked otherwise. Why did Sanji have to be so charming? He kinda reminded you of the guy in the book you were reading, all romantic, with those kisses... But better, of course.
Okay, whatever, that’s not the point.
You clear your throat, shaking your head as you lean forward with your forearms on the cold surface of the counter. “Right. I want a favor.”
“A favor?” Sanji turned off the sink and turned to you, wiping his hands dry on his apron. He had no blazer or tie this time, with the top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Your eyes quickly met his again and you nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah. Something simple, but... Like, you can refuse it.”
Sanji furrowed his eyebrows. “Right, but what’s it?”
Fuck. That was going to be harder than you thought. Your eyes averted away. “Yeah. You’re, like, the only person I trust and also the one who’s probably the best for this,” you mumbled, but immediately paused again—rambling wasn’t a good idea—, “like... Could you show me how to kiss? As I said, it’s fine if you don’t accept it, but it would be really nice if you—”
“...You’ve never kissed anyone before?” Sanji blinked a couple of times.
“Don’t tease me, Sanji,” you sighed, standing up properly and scratching the back of your neck. “I never really had the time, never really thought about it, y’know, but...”
“No, no,” Sanji sighed as he stepped closer. “That’s not what I mean, darling. The thing is, are you sure you’re going to give your first kiss to me? It’s something special, after all. You must think really well about it.”
Why did Sanji have to complicate things? It felt like you’d just explode at some point because of the whole tension, even more with how he acted. You just wanted to vanish or something, pretend that never happened.
“Sanji... You’re, like, special enough.” You shrugged, but then the way he started to blush made you rethink your words. Could that just get worse? “Ah, c’mon, I just...”
“Right, right.” Sanji quickly nodded—maybe he knew what you thought, since he was good at reading you and catching onto clues in general. “I’m honestly honored. You’re very sweet, my dear. I’m going to make it simple, okay?” He grinned wide as he usually did and walked around the counter to come closer, standing right in front of you after you turned around, leaning back against the counter and holding onto the edges.
You nodded, your eyes catching onto every little movement, from the way he adjusted his clothes out of instinct to the way there was a nervous trembling tugging onto the corner of his lips.
Sanji’s tongue poked out, running between his lips as he leaned in, a hand gripping onto the edge counter by each of your sides. His breath fanned over your face, and the smell of his cologne with a hint of tobacco filled your lungs. “Just try to go along with what I do, okay?” He whispered, waiting for you to nod before he finally closed the distance between you two.
Sanji’s lips pressed to yours softly, warm and gentle, as if he was afraid to do something wrong. His mouth broke the contact only for a second as, instead of having your bottom lip between his, he had your upper lip now; you tried to follow his gentle motions, your lips clumsily moving against his. Sanji still remained calm, keeping the same slow pace of the kiss until you could finally kiss back properly.
It was a hard task, actually. How could you keep yourself calm while you finally kissed someone? And, hold on, it wasn’t anyone. It was Sanji.
“Good?” Sanji whispered, his eyes looking into yours so intently you could feel your heart beating more while your face felt so hot; still, you nodded. He smiled in response. “Can I do it again, my dear?”
How were you even supposed to handle that? “Yes, yes,” you whispered, maybe a little more excited than you intended, but it didn’t matter.
Sanji soon pressed his lips against yours again, and things were smoother this time. The kiss felt different, even if it all was essentially the same thing as before. Your heart fluttered in your chest, your fingers tightening a little around the marble as you tried to focus more on how his lips felt against yours; from the way your lips slid together to how his breath fanned against the space between your upper lip and your nose— And oh, also how his mustache would tickle whenever it grazed your skin, the same way it would tickle when his goatee brushed your chin. It was fucking better than anything you could ever have imagined. Better than what the books could have described.
You sighed softly, about to move your hand to his shoulder when Sanji pulled away a little, but he quickly kissed you again, making you gasp when his tongue ran against your bottom lip. It made a shiver run down your spine, having something stirring in your chest as your lips parted slightly.
The kiss finally broke, and your lips still felt tingly even so. You caught your breath, blinking before you finally looked at Sanji, your heart still beating fast and face still warm.
“Was that good, my dear?” There was something different in his voice.
“Of course.” Admitting it out loud made you want to disappear again.
Sanji smiled, exhaling in relief. “That’s great.”
“What’s wrong?” You furrowed your eyebrows; your hand met Sanji’s so easily, just with a light shift as you just wanted to adjust your hand against the counter. You keep it there, though, on top of his.
Sanji’s eyes averted away, a sigh escaping his lips. “It was wrong of me.”
“Wrong to enjoy it while I was just doing you a favor. I’m so sorry, my dear,” he whispered.
“What do you mean?” You glanced away. “I... Sanji, that was so... Like, you made my heart skip beats, that...”
A red tone took over Sanji’s cheeks and his eyes widened before he looked at you. “Really?”
You nodded, chuckling. “Really.”
“Would you mind if I did it again?” He grinned again, wagging his eyebrows a little.
Your eyes averted away and you tried to bite back a smile. “...Of course not.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
If he asks you...
Sanji didn’t fucking know what he was going to do. The crew had been staying on an island for a while, partying away and relaxing after they saved yet other people from someone who threatened their peace. Unexpectedly, it earned him a date with one of the girls in the city that he met in a local bar through his characteristic flirting. So far so good, right? Actually, no. That was the first person who actually got that far with him, so he didn’t even know how to kiss—the only experience he had was pecking lips with whoever he got closer with, never actually kissing.
Maybe someone would help him with it? Because Sanji sure as hell didn’t want to lose that opportunity. It really was the first time he had gotten that far. He could ask Nami, right? Only if he was ready to hear her teasing at him the whole time and still dare ask him an immeasurable amount of berries for the ‘favor’. Robin would be nice, but it still wasn’t a great choice—she would be a tease in her own, harsh way, and Sanji didn’t want to lose the bit of respect he had with her. The men—out of question. No.
Then... There was you.
It didn’t seem like you would refuse his request, and Sanji was—almost—sure you knew how to kiss. Not to mention that you had such pretty lips that he couldn’t help imagining how they would feel against his and— Okay, that’s not the focus. He just had to get ready for a date, that, shamefully, wasn’t with you.
Sanji stood there in the kitchen, polishing glasses as he observed you finish eating breakfast while the rest of the crew already started to leave the galley; Zoro had chased Usopp and Luffy out of the kitchen most of the others was already off to their duties, only leaving you talking with Robin about a book she had in hand. Robin would lift her book or open at specific pages to show you something while you sipped on your juice until she eventually stood up with a sigh and left, waving at you.
Now was his chance.
“(Y/n)-swan...” Sanji’s voice cut through the galley in its mellow tone, almost as if it were a plea already, making you raise an eyebrow at him from your place at the table. “I may need your help with something, my dear.” He was thankful he was behind the counter so you wouldn’t have a full look on how weak you made you.
“What’s it?” You sipped on your juice as you looked at him. It was normal seeing Sanji blushing and fawning over people, but it wasn’t exactly your case; he used to be shy around you, though not really as squirmy as he was at the moment.
Sanji took a deep breath in a fruitless attempt of easing the fluster. “You know how to kiss, right?” He remembered you would talk with some people whenever the crew would party on islands, which was enough to make him jealous and worsen his nervousness in a way his flirting just stopped working with everyone else. Until now, it seemed.
You furrowed your eyebrows. Why was that even important? “...Yeah, I do.” The way Sanji looked at you made you rethink the events of the last week to check if you’d done anything wrong. Had you? Maybe last night when you—
“I...” Sanji sighed. “Can you come here?”
With a quick look around—was it a prank?—, you downed your juice before standing up. “What’s it?” You stood across from him, on the other side of the counter, resting your forearms over the cold marble.
Sanji took a deep breath. “I would like you to show me how to kiss.”
You blinked. Show him how to kiss. Him being Sanji. Sanji and you with your lips pressed to each other. Kissing. “What?”
“I got a date, but I... I don’t know how to kiss. I would only trust such a sweet person like you with teaching me how to do such an important thing, you know? I really hope you can help me....” His rant faded away into the back of your mind as you could feel your cheeks start to heat up while you digested everything that he said.
A string of curses escaped your lips as you let your head hang, staring at the marble in an attempt to ground yourself to reality. Like, Sanji was cute, of course, with that characteristic grace that laced his movements whenever he cooked and the cute way he smiled at you while saying something reassuring. Still, he never really paid attention to you like he did to the others, but he was there asking you such a favor. It was just a simple favor. Nothing more. Nothing deeper. Nonetheless, the fact he had a date still made your heart sink a little.
You exhaled slowly, nodding as you brought your head up again. Sanji was still speaking. That stupid fuck.
“Sanji,” you cut him off, watching him gulp, his cheeks red. “I can help you. Chill. I’ll help you.” You cleaned your throat because. After all, it was just a little favor, right? Right?
Sanji looked at you with wide eyes, incredulous that you’d actually accepted. He was very convinced that you’d accept it, of course, but not really. Like, maybe you would, but also— Okay, okay, focus. Sanji took a deep breath again and nodded, pressing his lips together. He quickly put the glass and the cloth away. What if he took too long and you changed your mind? He couldn’t risk that.
With quick steps, Sanji walked around the counter and stood in front of you. “Right... What do I need to...?” Despite how serious he tried to seem, he still held onto his apron tightly and his cheeks had that red tone while he looked at you.
It made your heart flutter a little, even if that wouldn’t matter a lot to him. Breathe deeply, (y/n), don’t make it a big deal.
“Relax, okay?” You cut off your own thoughts, cupping Sanji’s face gently. He bit on his lip, and the general way he acted almost made your heart ache. “No, don’t bite your lip.” You chuckled, running your thumb across his cheek in an attempt to help him calm down, but the way he reacted, damn... “Okay, better. Can I?”
Sanji blinked and quickly nodded. “Yes.”
Spending a little while longer looking at Sanji was a strong temptation, but it wasn’t like you were kissing a partner or something like that; there was no need to admire him and take in each detail of how pretty he was before you kissed him. You swallowed dryly and nodded, closing the distance between the two of you. Sanji gasped once your lips met, but you still held the kiss for a little before pulling away, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Is there something wrong?”
Sanji blinked a couple of times. “I—I was a little out of it. Can you do it again?”
Out of it? Or maybe he disliked it? You slowly nodded and kissed Sanji again and, this time, he tried to kiss back, though it was a little messy since he tried to rush things—you pulled away with a chuckle.
“Easy! You need to follow the pace or at least slowly establish one. Also, don’t try to use tongue out of sudden— No, you didn’t do that, but that’s just a tip.” You explained, furrowing your eyebrows a little at how his face fell a little. “Just simple kisses, okay? I kiss your upper lip while you kiss my bottom one and vice versa. No rushing.”
Sanji’s gaze averted away and he sighed, pressing his lips together, but he still nodded. This time, there was no warning before you pressed your lips to his, and he seemed to hold onto what you said, moving his lips—or at least trying to—in the same rhythm as yours, which was quite slow. His lips were warm and smooth against yours, and there was the sweet taste of whatever fruit he had eaten for breakfast earlier along with tobacco, of course. It wasn’t the best mix ever, but there was something about it that had you needing more.
You pulled away, your breath picking up a little; Sanji’s breath fanned over your face, also somewhat uneven. “Was that okay?”
“...Yeah,” he whispered.
“I will try something else,” you added. Why were you still so close while talking like that? Why were you still cupping his face? “Try to copy.”
All Sanji did was to nod this time, already closing his eyes.
It was a little better this time, smoother, since Sanji already started to get used to it, but he still faltered when your tongue slid against his bottom lip. Sanji gasped softly but accepted it, letting you trace his lip with your tongue until you went back to kissing him like before. His hands suddenly wrapped around your shoulders, squeezing them a little with the firm grip he used while trying to run his tongue against your lip as naturally as you had done to him.
If you had opened your eyes, you would see Sanji furrowing his eyebrows gently, focused as he tried his best. He wondered if you could hear how loud his heart was beating because, fuck, that was finally happening. He was finally kissing you.
Sanji’s breath was shaky when the kiss ended again and he could feel his heart fluttering with how your thumb ran across his cheek gently before your hand dropped to cup the side of his neck. His eyes met yours and he gulped.
“Want one more thing?” You suggested and he couldn’t help but nod, biting his lip, and he was the one to lean in this time.
Something was different about this one kiss, and Sanji couldn’t really find out what it was—he just hummed softly, trying to follow your pace and letting your tongue run against your lip until you managed to slip your tongue into his mouth. Fuck, his brain just went blank when your tongue pressed against his, gliding against it and deepening the kiss. He was still trying to process it when you pulled away, hence he couldn’t even take in whatever you said, just able to mumble “again.”
Who were you to deny the request? Your free hand rested on Sanji’s waist and his hands adjusted their grip around your shoulders as your lips met once more. More confidence laced Sanji’s actions this moment, his tongue running against your lip as he kissed you, but you couldn’t help yourself, just pulling him a little closer and nibbling gently on his bottom lip, enough to snatch a quiet sound from him.
Both of you breathed a little heavier, holding onto each other even after the kiss was over.
“Y’know?” Sanji said, making you hum in response. “I don’t think I want to go out with that girl anymore...”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
#one piece#sanji vinsmoke#sanji#x reader#x male reader#x female reader#gender neutral#fan fic#fan fiction#imagine#one shot#sanji x reader#roronoa zoro#monkey d luffy#usopp#nami#nico robin#tony tony chopper
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Asked by: @artemis162534 (sorry! I had a problem with the original ask and had to make a screenshot)
Kiss your blorbo at the New Year’s Eve event
Summary: On New Year's Eve, your boss overplays the urgency of some ship project, leaving you stuck working late in the shipyard. It’s all a setup to give Paulie, the shy and hardworking colleague, a chance to spend time with you. Word count: 1200 Warning: x f!reader! fluff, shy Technically, it’s still January 15th in my timezone!! My self-imposed deadline!! I’m sorry it took me so long to finish this, but once I started working again, everything got a bit complicated. Thank you for reading and for all the positive feedback you’ve given me throughout this event!! Love you all!!
Tap, tap, tap.
Brow furrowed in concentration, you hammer the nail into place before picking another from the three tucked between your lips. You’re quite the sight. Kneeling on a wooden plank in an elegant evening gown, contrasted by the rough work gloves covering your hands. You’re barefoot too. The heels you put on thinking you’d be at the party with your coworkers, are useless here.
Tap, tap, tap.
You strike again with the hammer, running your thumb over the surface to make sure the nail is fully embedded. You’ve been working on this piece for so long that you’ve lost count of how many screwdrivers have passed through your hands. Brushing sawdust from your dress, you step back to check if the piece is perfectly aligned.
“It’s leaning too much,” you hear behind you the Vice President of the prestigious shipwright company, Galley-La.
Sighing, you wipe the sweat from your brow and turn just in time to catch the square Paulie tosses your way. A couple of seconds are enough for you to confirm that, indeed, the piece leaning. Mistakes like this would normally embarrass you, but after hours of nonstop work on this high-priority project, fatigue is catching up.
Paulie makes a gesture for you to come closer and examine the blueprints spread across the table. He’s dressed as elegantly as you are, in a suit jacket with a flower perched in the front pocket. “It’s a 90-degree angle, see?” he says, tracing his fingertips along the ship’s design.
Your head nearly brushes against his as you lean in to inspect the plans. Paulie steals a quick glance at you, blushing hard before snapping his eyes back to the blueprints. He’s trying his hardest to focus on the work. But as midnight approaches, it’s getting harder and harder to keep his thoughts in line.
"Come on, I'll help you fix it," he says, slipping on his goggles as he grabs a claw hammer and crouches down to pull out the nails.
Meanwhile, from the courtyard of Galley-La Headquarters, Iceburg raises his champagne glass and clinks it against Lulu’s and Tilestone’s. Watching the workers enjoying themselves, he muses to himself whether he might have exaggerated the urgency of your current project. Okay, fine, the deadline wasn’t that tight. Maybe you and Paulie could be here right now, celebrating with the rest of the company at the end-of-year party. But he had his reasons. He’d spent far too long watching Paulie pine after you with googly-eyed devotion, never daring to take a step forward. And people tend to kiss on New Year’s Eve, right? Maybe a quiet shipyard and a little nudge would do the trick... or maybe not. Iceburg sighs into his champagne. This was Paulie, after all.
"One, two, three, four..." Paulie mutters as he counts the cast-iron screws needed to get that perfect 90-degree angle. Only twelve are needed, but he’s already counted them four times, silently cursing as his mind loops over the words he wishes he could say to you tonight.
“Paulie, can you hold this here?” You make him jolt.
"Huh? Oh—yeah, sure," he tries to sound casual as he places his hands exactly where you asked. His fingers hover just a few centimeters from yours, but to him, the distance feels impossibly vast.
"Shit", your hands tremble. You’re too tired, and you can’t quite manage to fit the screwdriver into the slot.
“Let me,” Paulie takes the tool from your hands to relieve you and give you a break.
With a brief nod, you allow yourself to enjoy your much-needed pause. Your back leans against the wall as you watch Paulie work in silence. He’s so responsible and dedicated to his job... Even though he’s in an executive position, he’s always ready to roll up his sleeves and pitch in with everyone else when there’s a tight deadline.
Your eyes focus on his hands, which seem to caress the wood, treating the ships with as much care and respect as if they were his own. But your thoughts are interrupted as you catch the faint sound of shouts and the thrum of music from some party down at the port. You uncover your wrist, glance at your watch, and smile.
“Two minutes to midnight,” you say.
"Great," Paulie leans forward, flexing his arms as he applies more pressure, pretending the screw is giving him trouble. For a moment, he works in silence, his brow furrowed and his gaze fixed on the piece of wood, until he can't hold it in anymore. "Would you rather be with the others?" His question comes out suddenly.
“Uh, what?”
“I imagine this isn’t exactly the best New Year’s Eve for you,...” he explains, his focus still on the work. “Working nonstop… and with me…”
You giggle before grabbing another screw and handing it to him. “Paulie, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend New Year’s Eve.”
You smile hits him in the split second his eyes meet yours, and he chuckles before quickly averting his eyes. He’s never been able to hold your gaze when you smile at him like that.
“Okay, this is ready now,” he says, straightening up after giving the screwdriver a couple more turns.
From the port, distant shouts, cheers, and the sharp crack of fireworks drift toward you in the night air. You glance at your watch once more, and a smile spreads across your face.
“Happy New Year, Paulie!” you grin at him, reaching out to hug him. But he freezes, the screwdriver still hovering in mid-air.
“Happy New—shit!” he blurts out, covering his face with his hands as a wild blush spreads across his cheeks. You’re used to seeing him blush, but this? This is something else.
“Paulie!! Are you okay?” you step closer to him.
“Uh… yeah, I…” you hear him mumble through his hands. His face is radiating so much heat that his goggles fog up.
"Y-Yeah, I just..." he mumbles, still hiding behind his hands, and if it’s possible, you can tell he’s turning even redder. "I-I wanted to... damn, I wanted to kiss you… b-but..." The words get stuck in his throat, and he clenches his jaw, shutting up to stop making a fool of himself in front of you.
You sigh, unable to hold back a smile as you step closer and gently take his hands away from his face.
"Paulie..." you whisper, shaking your head. His eyes are squeezed shut behind his protective glasses, but when you gently lift them off and rest them on his forehead, he slowly opens his eyes, filled with embarrassment.
Leaning in just a little, you tilt your head, and your lips brush against his, feeling them warm, shaky, and hesitant. Your mouth guides his through his nervous clumsiness in slow but steady movements, drawing from him a kiss as soft as it is tender. Paulie's arms fall uselessly to his sides, and with a clank, the screwdriver slips from his hands and hits the floor. The sound makes you jump, and much to Paulie’s dismay, you pull away and glance down.
"Uhhh, Paulie," you say, your eyes widening at his work on the floor.
"Yeah?" he whispers, unable to tear his eyes away from you.
"This still isn’t a 90-degree angle!"
Taglist: @fanaticsnail @armiliadawn @pandora-writes-one-piece @i-am-vita @eustasscapitankid @nocturnalrorobin @daydreamer-in-training <3
#jintaka asks#jintaka stuff#x reader#one piece fanfiction#jintaka new year event#paulie x reader#paulie op#op paulie#one piece paulie#paulie one piece#paulie
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Could you write a short where ZoSan start to progressively add more and more "insults" in Japanese/french into their arguments but these all are just some nice things that they don't want to admit that they think and feel about eachother until someone enlightens one of them that a love confession from other day didn't mean wishing him death?
Absolutely love this request!! Sorry it took so long to get to it, eek! PSA - I do not know these languages and got these words by searching up “words of affection” so do not come at me please 🤞🙏
Sanji was meal prepping for dinner when Zoro walked into the kitchen. He knew that dinner would have to be extra special and filling after the marine attack they encountered.
Sanji scoffed and looked up from his chopping to stare at Zoro, “Excuse me? You don’t just get to demand me for alcohol. Wait till dinner or something you drunkard.”
Zoro grumbled to himself before heading to the cabinets to search for it, limping.
Sanji turned to him astonished at his audacity to rummage through his kitchen, “Oi! What do you think you’re doing?! And why are you up?! Chopper said you need to rest after the shit you pulled.”
Zoro started placing the items that were in said cabinets on the floor as he continued his search, paying no mind for Sanji’s disgruntlement.
Slamming down the knife back on the cutting board, Sanji marched up to Zoro to kick him away from the cabinet and reorganize the supplies.
Zoro slid all the way backwards until he hit the wall with a thud. Hey?! What was that for?!” Zoro huffed as he began to get up from the floor, wobbling slightly.
“You have no right to get your gross and grimy hands all over my stuff. Now get out before I kick you out. You need to be resting.” Sanji grunted as he restocked the cans and boxes.
Zoro folded his arms, “I’m not leaving here without my booze.”
Turning with his mouth agape Sanji said, “You’re booze?! It’s the crews. But you are too much of a needy bastard who needs a drink to pretend to not be injured.”
Zoro’s eyes narrowed and his jaw set, “What did you say?”
Sanji stood up and readied his stance before sighing and putting his hands in his pockets and lighting a cigarette. “Forget it. Have your damn booze.” He walked to the other side of the galley and reached into a small cabinet before pulling out the bottle and handing it to him.
Zoro stared at the bottle in his hands with confusion all over his face.
“What you don’t want it now?” Sanji noticed Zoro’s hesitation to take it.
“Just wondering why you didn’t fight me for it, ‘course I want it.” Zoro responded as he took the cork off.
Sanji took a drag out of his cigarette, “It’s been a long day and I want nothing more than to rejuvenate by cooking a good meal. And you got hurt real bad today protecting Chopper the way you did, almost thought you were gone for a split second.”
Zoro raised his eyebrow and narrowed his eyes, “Really? I think you’re just too scared that you’re gonna get your ass beat even when I’m injured.” Zoro smirked as he watched Sanji’s face form into anger.
“Hah?! You think I can’t beat you when you’re injured? I’ll show you what I can do Marimo,” Sanji exclaimed as he raised his leg.
Zoro smirked before placing the bottle on the counter and reaching for Wado, “You’re on!”
Sanji flew at him with a simple strike and Zoro easily deflected it with the hilt of his sword. The two exchanged blows until Zoro’s injured leg made him falter for a second.
“See you idiot bijou (treasure)?! You’re only gonna make it worse for yourself!” Sanji scolded him after kicking him lightly. But right after noticing the little slip up of a pet name Sanji’s face went pale.
Zoro’s eyebrows furrowed and with Sanji’s distracted State he grabbed his arm and yanked him to the floor to hold his sword up to his neck, “So now the name calling is going cross-language?”
Sanji flushed at this not knowing if Zoro understood the real meaning of that word. Then he shot his left leg up to uppercut his chin knocking Zoro onto his side.
Grimacing Zoro wiped at his mouth to see the blood that had started to come out, “I can do you one better you…you..” Zoro started to go through the Japanese words he remembered. He searched his brain for insults but could only come up with pet names. Sanji wouldn’t know the difference, right?
“You koibito (lover)”
Sanji’s face turned back into anger and he stood back up over Zoro who was trying to stand up as well. Sanji was about to land another kick at him in this state until they heard a crack coming from Zoro’s already injured leg.
Zoro winced in pain before he fell back down. Sanji lowered his leg and knelt down in front of Zoro. “chou stupide (stupid cabbage). I’m going to go get Chopper, we’re going to finish this later.”
“No! I’m still able to fight, I’m not losing to you meiwakuna ikemen (annoying handsome man)” Zoro forced out through gritted teeth as he held his leg.
This language thing seemed to really push each others buttons, yet neither of them knew what the other was saying. They were both getting away with their endearments by playing them off as insults. Sanji liked this as endearments were mainly why he uses French and he can easily slip into it. With Zoro these endearments are the short sum his mind could recall.
Once Chopper had seen to Zoro’s now broken leg, Zoro sat at the table moping to himself. Occasionally he would annoy Sanji by saying things like, “Anata ga kawaii no ga kiradesu (I hate that you are so pretty)” and “Anata no chūmoku ga sukidesu (I want more of your attention).”
Every time Zoro would grumble one of these lines Sanji would respond. “Bel mousse (handsome moss)” and “je ne peux pas te perdre (I can’t lose you).”
Eventually some of the crew meandered in early for dinner. Robin sat down next to Zoro and opened her book to continue reading. Usopp sat down as well and tinkered with his new ammo.
Sanji perked up as Robin came in. “Mon amour how lucky am to have my eyes blessed with your presence!”
Zoro rolled his eyes, “Kimi no orokana hyōjō ni kisushitai (i want to kiss that dumb look off your face).”
Sanji instantly stopped his fawning and clenched his fists. Robin though, stared at Zoro in disbelief and smiled. Zoro eyes her weirdly before Sanji retorted on his own, “mon chou ne sera jamais aussi joli que Robin! (my cabbage will never be as pretty as Robin!)”
Robin giggled at that and held a hand up to her mouth. Before any of them could confront her on her reaction Luffy busted in through the door, “Food! Sanji I want food!”
Sanji sighed, “Sit down you fool! I will be serving it once my beautiful Nami gets here and the rest of the crew.”
“Please Sanji, I need food noooooww. I’m gonna die of starvation if you don’t feed me,” Luffy complained.
Dinner went by as chaotically as normal. Sanji got up to do the dishes and Robin volunteered to help him out. Sanji of course denied at first but she insisted especially with the help of her devil fruit.
As they began to clean the conversation was easy and casual. Then as they began to dry Robin smiled, “So are you and our swordsman a thing?”
Sanji dropped the plate in his hands, back into the water. He stared in horror at Robin, “What?! What are you talking about ma cheri? Where would you ever come up with such a heinous thing?”
Robin chuckled at his reaction, “My apologies. It’s just that before dinner you guys were saying what sounded like romantic things to each other in your respective languages.”
Sanji’s face heated up, “Wh-what do you mean.” He swallowed harshly.
“Well you two would make intense eye contact a lot and then Zoro said something like ‘I want to kiss you.’ To which you responded ‘my cabbage won’t be as pretty as me.’ Which did kind of confuse me.”
Sanji stared at her wide eyed, “Y-you can understand us?”
“Mhm!” Robin smiles brightly.
“A-and he said he wanted to kiss me?” Sanji stammered.
“If I remember correctly, yes that is what he said.”
“..huh. That’s very embarrassing..” Sanji scratched the back of his head.
“Maybe you two should talk about this in a language you both understand,” Robin smiled and put a comforting hand on his shoulder before drying the last dish and leaving.
Sanji stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to think. Why were they both so stupid?! Running his hands over his face Sanji decided he should go talk to him.
He washed his hands and grabbed the bottle of sake Zoro left on the counter. He left the galley in search for the green haired man. To no one’s surprise Zoro was perched up against the mast asleep.
Sanji slid on next to him and the second the cork came off the bottle, Zoro’s eye peeked open.
“You left something in there earlier,” Sanji said holding the bottle out to Zoro.
Zoro raised his brow in disbelief before grabbing it and taking a swig. “Ah, this is the good stuff too.”
Sanji pursed his lips and nodded. Zoro went back in for a second swig.
“Soo..you really want to kiss me?” Sanji asked out of nowhere.
The sake in Zoro’s throat was caught and he started coughing harshly. He put down the bottle and coughed some more until relief came. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb. Robin told me she understood what we were saying. She told me that you said you wanted to kiss me.” Sanji folded his arms.
“She must have misinterpreted because I said no such thing.” Zoro scoffed.
“Don’t lie. Robin is too smart and I know she wouldn’t lie about this.”
Zoro sighed deeply, “Ok maybe I did say stupid shit like that. But I blame the drugs Chopper gave me. I can’t seem to remember my Japanese quite well and could only come up with those sentences.”
“Oh,” Sanji sounded disappointed.
Zoro looked at him confused, “Oh?”
“S’nothing don’t worry,” Sanji said before reaching for the bottle to take a swig himself.
“Okay now I’m curious, what were you saying?” Zoro asked him.
Sanji shrugged, “Just called you a cabbage and told you, you were dumb.”
Zoro’s eyes narrowed, “Okay but you also did call me ‘bijou’. I didn’t realize it at the time but you always call Nami and Robin that so it must mean something endearing.”
“Ugh, the one time you’re brain cells work and it’s to embarrass me,” Sanji rolled his eyes.
“If you want to feel less embarrassed I do actually want to kiss you.” Zoro said nonchalantly.
Sanji whipped his head to stare him in the eyes, “What?!”
Zoro took a swig and wiped his mouth, “You heard me.”
“Y-you actually want to kiss me?”
“Can I kiss you yes or no?” Zoro was starting to sound annoyed.
Sanji looked around him to see if any of the other crew mates were near them or could see them, “I mean…I- I’m not..”
“Yes or no, cook?”
Sanji took a deep breath, “embrasse-moi s'il te plaît (kiss me please)”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Zoro said before leaning in and connecting their lips.
Sanji gasped as he felt Zoro’s lips on his. Never did he think they would end up here. The kiss itself was soft and slow. They seemed to have all the time in the world.
Zoro pulled away first to stare at Sanji through lidded eyes, “Arigatto.”
#one piece#zosan#roronoa zoro#one piece sanji#vinsmoke sanji#sanzo#one piece zosan#Sanji#zoro#sanji vinsmoke#zoro roronoa#pirate hunter zoro#straw hat pirates#mlm
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Go To Bed
Request from @luffys-little-sister-lyloa ! I'm so sorry this took so long and I kind of...ran a bit wild with it! Apologies if you wanted this pre-established I just started writing it and I ended up with angry confused boys...Hope you enjoy <3 Wordcount: 4,845 -------------------------------------------
The crew is a mess. After the last island, most of them are confined to their beds. Their injuries range from painful breaks to almost fatal wounds. Sanji had spent the last two days being one of the four crewmates able to do anything. Chopper, Brook and Zoro being the other three.
They'd gotten separated on the last island and hadn't faced as much as the others. Sanji had been thrown from a cliff, unconscious while most of his crew was being beaten to an inch of their lives.
He lets out a yelp as the spoon in his soapy hand bends, and then snaps in two. He drops it on the counter, carefully examining his hand to see if he'd bruised or nicked himself.
This is not the time to hurt himself, to draw any attention to himself. He needs to get these dishes clean. He needs to start on dinner. He needs to make snacks to help with recovery. He needs to clean the galley- no, the ship. The whole ship is a mess. He can't have his crew recover in this filthy environment. He needs to do a stock check. Do they have enough of everything? Is there enough food? When can they even risk docking again?
The hot water sears his skin as he dips plate after plate in, scrubbing them until his fingers feel only smooth porcelain, until the dried lumps of food are washed away entirely. He cleans one after another, the pile diminishing slowly as he moves to dry and place them away at the same time.
His legs ache from running, his whole body is bruised from his fall, a headache buzzes just behind his eyes, but he can't stop. He doesn't need to rest; the others need to rest. He needs to be useful, to fucking do something.
He didn't do anything on the last island.
The last dish lands in the cabinet with an echoing clank. Sanji doesn't even pause as he moves for a cloth, washing down the counters of the kitchen. His elbow complains, his shoulder cries in pain as it stretches and the inside of Sanji's cheek bleeds as he gnaws away at it.
The sharp pain is enough to distract him. He just needs to focus.
He brings damp cloths down to the infirmary next, wiping the sweat from his crewmates that have passed out. He stays with Robin who has woken up for a bit. He reads some of her book to her, barely keeping his eyes open as he speaks as clearly and quietly as he can.
She nods off to sleep moments before Sanji is coming close to joining her. He rubs at his eyes, pressing his palms harshly against them. The light from the hall shows dark stars dancing around Sanji. The veil of sleep creeping into his vision.
He ignores the call. There’s still so much to do.
He finds himself standing in the pantry, wondering how he got here. He must have walked. Why doesn't he remember walking?
He stares at the boxes and finds there's a notebook in his hand. Right. He'd grabbed it from his locker.
He pockets it, grabbing the first box of fresh food. He needed to deal with these first, check for mold, plan the next meals around them. He drops them on the kitchen table and jumps as the table rocks against him.
Why did that surprise him?
He opens the lid, ignoring how clunky and strange his hands feel. The lid slides off the bench beside him and onto the ground. Sanji goes bright red from how harshly he jumps at the noise.
He feels drunk. Is this some belated effects of his head injury?
He shakes his head, feeling no shots of pain. He must be fine. He's just tired. His body is tired after two days, that's all. But that's fine, fine, fine, fine. His mind is sharp. He can still help. He can still work. He can't sleep anyways. Not with so much to do.
He just needs to count, to write figures down, some basic maths and move around some heavy boxes. That's nothing. It's nothing compared to what he did in the Baratie. Heck, he usually has to do this work fighting off a hungry Luffy.
This is easy.
Zoro wanders into the galley. He'd been asleep on the deck for most of the day, having taken watch during the night. He'd been vaguely aware of what the crew had been up to, had heard Sanji moving between the galley and the crew, had heard Brook playing his violin from the crow’s nest and had been annoyed several times by Chopper to have his bandages changed.
He assumed Sanji and Chopper had headed to bed. He's meant to take over Brook's watch soon. It's best that the doctor and their second-best fighter, currently upright, are free during the day.
Keeping that in mind, Zoro finds himself blinking slowly in the doorway of the galley. His plan was to grab something strong and head to the crow's nest. He's not expecting Sanji to have forgotten to blow out the lanterns, to have left so much out on the table. He's not expecting Sanji to be standing hunched over a notebook, his visible eye flicking between several open crates and his hand moving aggressively across the open page.
Usually, Sanji would notice Zoro right away. The cook had a sixth sense for people trying to enter his space and he was usually greeted by an insult by now, or a yell to get the fuck out. But the Cook hasn’t noticed him. He seems engrossed in his task.
Zoro watches him from the doorway. The lanterns cast a sharp shadow across the blonde’s face and it’s easy to see the dark circles under his eyes, the fresh litter of bruises that colour his forearms visible from where he’s rolled up his sleeves. He’s sitting hunched for once, always one to keep a good posture, no matter how sore or tired he seems. His hair is greasy, almost sticking to the side of his face where it usually rests, rather than hanging there.
All of these are signs that something is wrong, but what really makes Zoro worry is when he takes a few more loud steps into the room. The Cook jumps, caught off guard, and his eyes flick groggily to Zoro.
“What do you want?” Sanji’s tone is flat, he doesn’t use a nickname or an insult. His cheeks flush pink, like he’s flustered, like he knows he’s been caught out.
“A drink.” A quiet pause stretches, and Zoro feels a twist in his stomach. The request usually brings out a raging fire in the form of the other’s temper. But Sanji just waves a hand towards the liquor trolley, his eyes flicking back to his work.
“What are you doing?” Zoro ignores the invitation to take what he wants and instead wanders over to the table. He receives a half-hearted glare for it but takes it as a win when Sanji just sighs and tosses some fruit back into a box.
“Stock check.”
“Oh. Is it...okay?” Zoro knows nothing about keeping track of food, beyond knowing what goes off quick on a pirate ship. He couldn’t fathom how Sanji keeps it all in check. He tries to glance at the ledger the cook is scribbling in, but the writing is swirly and looped tightly together and Zoro can’t make any of it out in the dim light.
“We’re fine.” Sanji flinches when Zoro looks sharply at him, the swordsman catching the wobble in his voice, the dread that seeps in because Sanji isn’t certain himself. They have enough food for a while, for at least a couple of weeks. But there’s a hunger gnawing at Sanji, a tension in his clenched fists that says otherwise. He just can’t convince himself that he hasn’t screwed this up. That he won’t wake up tomorrow and find half of their rations gone.
“Good.” Zoro doesn’t argue, doesn’t ask why Sanji seems to be trembling, his leg tapping furiously off the ground. “Then you should go to bed, I can put these away.”
Zoro waves a hand at the few crates still left sitting on the table. Sanji looks at them like he’s seeing them for the first time before his expression hardens again, a scowl directed at Zoro.
“No, you’ll put them back wrong. It’s fine, I’ve some other stuff to do anyways.”
Zoro’s tilts his head and looks at Sanji like he’s lost it. Sanji drags his chair back, standing up and glaring at Zoro.
“What? Go on your watch, Marimo. You’re pissing me off.”
“No?” Sanji squints at Zoro in the low light, staring at him like he’s grown a second head.
“You haven’t slept, have you?” Zoro folds his arm. He reminds Sanji of some disapproving parent.
“What the fuck is it to you, shithead?” Sanji does not have the mental capacity for an argument right now. He needs to get the crates away and then...then he’ll tidy...he’ll clean something.
“You look like shit.”
“Wow, thanks.” Sanji scoffs, ignoring the idiot to pick up the first crate.
Zoro doesn’t let it go. Not when he notices how slow Sanji is moving, how sluggish he is as he tries to find a grip on the box. Without hesitation Zoro slams a hand on the crate, banging it back onto the table
“What the fuck, Marimo?”
“I said, you’re going to bed.”
“Fuck off.”
“I mean it.”
“I don’t take orders from you.” Sanji scoffs, dropping the box to grab the opening of Zoro’s green jacket and tug him close enough that Zoro can feel spit hit his chin.
“Captains out cold.” Zoro growls, grabbing Sanji’s wrists, their gazes locking into their usual heated glare. “That means I’m in charge.”
“Bullshit.” Sanji scoffs. Since when has Zoro ever taken charge?
“Mutiny, Cook?” Zoro grins, knowing the best way to handle this is to get the blonde riled up enough to comply.
“You can’t just order me to go to sleep.” Sanji narrows his eye and attempts to pull back, but Zoro keeps him close refusing to drop his wrists.
“I just did, Ero-Cook.”
Sanji let out a long breath through his nose, his frustration building.
“Let go.”
“Go to bed.”
“Why do you fucking care?” Sanji snaps, his composure in tatters as he realises he’s shaking. Like he can feel his whole body shaking. It’s the kind of embarrassing energy that makes Sanji want to lash out or cry. He’s not about to cry in front of Zoro of all people.
His leg is swinging before he can think to aim or put any real power behind it. He can’t twist his hips much while being held in place, so he ends up with a weak swipe at Zoro’s shoulder.
The swordsman drops one of Sanji’s wrists to block the kick. Instead of knocking it away, he loops his arm under Sanji’s knee and holds tight.
“Why are you so stubborn!” Zoro groans, dropping Sanji’s leg so he can grab the man by the shoulders and gently shake him.
“Why are you acting like my sleep schedule is any of your business.”
“Because it is!”
“As if, Marimo. Since when do we care about each other?”
“I’m the first mate, it’s my job to look after the crew.”
“Well, I’m perfectly fine so why don’t you worry about the ones actually injured?”
“You’re shaking, dart brows.”
“It’s cold in here!” Sanji cringes at his own retort, knowing it’s bullshit. The galley is always the warmest room on the ship and tonight was humid, the air stale outside.
“Fuck off!”
“You seriously have the energy for this right now?” Zoro groans, letting go of Sanji’s shoulders to wave his hand angrily in front of his face. “What is so goddamn important it can’t wait until tomorrow? Do you not get we’re the only two that can properly protect the ship right now? I don’t need to be worrying about you too. So, stop acting like a selfish brat.”
The words stung. They cut deeper into Sanji’s soul than anything else the pair have ever thrown at each other. Of course, he understood what was happening. He was ready to beat the crap out of anyone that came near the ship right now. Selfish? Was it selfish to want everything perfect for the crew? Was it selfish to want to make up for how useless he was before, to make it up to his crewmates who couldn’t even lift their heads right now? Did Zoro not get this is all his fault? That he’s meant to be like this now, suffering.
For a haunting moment, Sanji is certain he’s going to burst into tears. His eyes are burning, he can feel a lump in his throat, knows if he speaks again his voice will crack and break. He’s so tired, so fed up with the way his mind is spinning the same thoughts around again and again. He can’t break, not now.
So, Sanji does the only other thing he knows how to do when he’s feeling this much emotion. He lunges at Zoro, swinging his legs in a frenzied rage.
“I’m not asking you to fucking worry about me!” Sanji roars, his shoe smacking satisfyingly into the side of Zoro’s head.
“You Shitty-Cook.” Zoro hisses in pain, his eyes narrowing to angry slits as the pain blossoms across his skull, rattling his teeth. What is wrong with this guy?
“If I have to kick your ass to get you to sleep, I will.” It’s the only warning Zoro gives before he unsheathes his swords.
He lunges low and uses the end of one of his hilts to drive a punch into Sanji’s gut. The Cook wheezes, coughing as he brings his knee up high to deflect the rest of the impact. Zoro manages to lift his head in time to avoid it, his chin just barely brushing off the fabric of Sanji’s pants.
Zoro’s second sword cuts through the air, the blunt side aiming for Sanji’s temple, but the Cook is quicker again. He ducks and uses the momentum to place a hand on the ground and swing his hips fully around, launching both his legs in a hurricane kick at Zoro.
The Swordsman jumps back just in time before both of them rush forward, two swords clashing with a now flaming shin. Zoro is barely breathing, his focus completely on the fight. That’s when he realises just how out of it Sanji is. Operating on pure adrenaline, Sanji's breaths are already labored, and his anchored leg trembles under the strain of supporting his full weight.
“As if you could.” Sanji taunts, trying to keep a veil of confidence between them. His stomach is aching from where Zoro just left a fresh bruise. Usually, the pain would be a comfort, would be something to focus on while fighting but now it felt more like the beginning of the end for Sanji. The room is spinning, he has cotton mouth, his eyes are struggling to focus and keep up with the glint of Zoro’s swords.
“Why-” Zoro pulls his swords out of the ‘X’ position they’re in, drawing them outwards and letting Sanji stumble forward, the Cook losing the place he’d been leaning all his weight on.
“-are you pulling this shit right now?”
Zoro leans forward as Sanji stumbles, making sure the other hits face first into his chest. Sanji tries to push off him but for once his feet aren’t co-operating with him. His shin extinguishes as he embarrassingly trips over his own feet.
Zoro uses the misstep to wrap his arms tightly around Sanji, pinning him to his chest while his swords hang in the air either side of Sanji’s head. Sanji tries weakly to break his hold by pushing his back into Zoro’s arms but they’re like two flexible metal rods twisting around him. The position is awkward for his legs too, it’s impossible for Sanji to find enough leverage to get into any of his usual stances.
“Answer me, Cook.” Zoro growls, starting to get genuinely pissed off. He needs to go on his watch, and he needs to know that when his watch is over, Sanji can take over. That someone capable is on standby when Zoro gets his own rest, takes his own breaks. Their crew needs them right now and Zoro has no idea why Sanji is choosing now to be so insufferable. He might just kill the guy if this ends up being about Nami asking him to do her chores or something.
“I’m not-” Sanji struggles in Zoro’s hold as he grits out a response. “-pulling anything, shitty Swordsman. You’re the one being a dick- Fucking, let me go.”
With his strength dwindling Sanji goes for a dirty move, he pushes his knee forward, trying to get Zoro in the groin but he misses, kneeing him hard in the hollow of his hip instead.
“Bastard.” Zoro flinches, his body jerking for a moment as if the Cook had just hit his mark. Zoro drops his swords and uses his hands to twist Sanji around, pulling his back against Zoro’s chest and wrapping his arms around him again, pinning Sanji’s upper body in place and making sure he can’t knee him again.
“See how weak you are right now? You can’t even match me, Ero-Cook. How do you think you’re going to hold up against an actual enemy? Are you really this stupid?”
“Shut up!” Sanji yelps, doing his best to struggle against the wall of muscle behind him. He tries to dig his heels into the ground to get some kind of momentum to push off, but all his limbs are starting to feel like they’re submerged in water. It’s like he’s coordinating himself in slow motion.
“Let me go you fucking brute.” Sanji slams his head back against Zoro’s shoulder, his frustration boiling over.
“Did you hit your head when you fell from that cliff? I think it’s given you brain damage.” Zoro growls in his ear, tightening his grip enough that Sanji is gasping for his next breath, his ribs pushing against his lungs.
Sanji flinches at the comment. He barely remembers the fall. One moment he was rushing towards the crew as a devil fruit user pounded into Chopper and Robin and the next moment he was being pushed by a force he couldn’t even see. He’d grappled with the rock the whole way down, desperate to stop his fall but then there was a sharp pain cutting into the back of his head and the next thing he knew he was waking up back on top of the cliff, lying on the ground beside his other injured crewmates.
He failed them.
He was useless.
Zoro is still talking in his ear, but Sanji can’t discern his words anymore. The world around him begins to blur, and the once distinct lanterns in the galley transform into mere shards of light, losing their clear definition. Their white haze fogs Sanji’s view, making everything look strange and further away as the world seems to break into colourful blobs of nothing.
“Are- are you crying?” Zoro splutters, staring over Sanji’s shoulder in disbelief.
Sanji should be embarrassed. His rival, Zoro, is seeing him like this. But now that the dam is broken Sanji doesn’t have the energy to feel humiliated. He can’t stop seeing the blood on the side of Nami’s head, the harboured breathing from Usopp, Chopper clutching his arm as he tried to treat everyone...how much of that could he have prevented?
“Are you more injured than you’re letting on?” Zoro accuses, moving to push Sanji away as the blonde had stopped fighting him, but when Sanji’s knees buckle, he grabs him by the waist again.
“I’m fine.” Sanji insists, only to sob loudly as he tries to take in a deep breath.
“You’re losing it.” Zoro decides, having no idea how to handle Sanji when the other isn’t trying to kill him.
“You’re getting some sleep, Cook. End of story.” Zoro doesn’t leave any room for discussion as he starts marching to the door of the galley. He half-lifts Sanji in front of him, carrying him like a barrel out of the room.
“Stop treating me like a child.” Sanji yelps, feeling winded by the forearms digging into his stomach as he desperately rubs at his eyes.
Zoro must hear the choking in his speech because Sanji feels him moving his arms. A part of him is relieved at the idea of Zoro getting the fuck away from him while he’s having a complete mental breakdown, the other part feels a pang of disappointment.
An embarrassing squeal stops Sanji’s train of thought, sadly coming form his own mouth, as one of Zoro’s arms slips lower. Suddenly, Sanji feels the back of his knees being knocked out as Zoro scoops him into his arms bridal style.
“What are you doing?” Sanji snivels, wanting to yell and kick the other in the face, but instead his words are starting to slur. Now that he’s horizontal, he can’t fight his body relaxing, his eye lids drooping as his head hits off Zoro’s chest, his crewmate's heartbeat thumping rhythmically against his ear.
Zoro looks down at Sanji with a raised brow, but Sanji isn’t glaring at him. He’s nestled his face against Zoro’s pec, his breathing evening out as he drifts off to sleep.
Zoro stands there stupidly for a moment. The cook weighs nothing to him but his presence is heavy. His hair is tickling Zoro’s neck and chin, his breaths are hot against Zoro’s skin and Zoro has made the mistake of resting one of his hands on one of Sanji’s bulging thighs. Zoro can feel the back of his neck heat up as his thoughts betray him.
“I have no idea.” Zoro whispers his response to Sanji’s last question, heading towards the Sunny’s crow's nest.
“This isn’t the boy’s room.” Sanji slurs when Zoro knocks the door closed with his foot.
“No shit, dumbass.” Zoro grunts without any real heat behind the words. Sanji seems to pull enough strength together to lift his head because Zoro now has a piercing blue eye glaring at him.
“Wha-whatda I doing ‘ere?” Zoro can’t help but snigger at how incoherent Sanji is becoming. The rumbling of his chest makes the Cook sigh, slouching his head back again.
Zoro does not trust Sanji to stay in bed right now. He is also becoming increasingly concerned that the other has internal bleeding in his brain or something from how he’s acting.
“I’m making sure you sleep so I get to nap after.” Zoro grumbles, moving to drop Sanji on the bench that curves the length of the crew’s nest.
“Prick.” Sanji snorts, making Zoro roll his eyes. He suddenly feels a whole lot better about dumping the Cook on the hard wood planks.
“What the fuck?” Sanji puts a hand up to the back of his head, rubbing at the spot where it connected with the wood while he tries to sit back up.
“Sleep.” Zoro pushes down on one of Sanji’s shoulders and watches with amusement as Sanji’s elbow slips out from under him and he ends up banging his head again.
“Ow, stop doing that.” Sanji waves his hand blindly trying to slap at Zoro but only ends up brushing Zoro’s forearm with the strength of a fatigued kitten.
“And I can’t just sleep on hard wood like you, you neanderthal.”
“What you want a pillow, princess?” Zoro snorts, crossing his arms.
“Yes.” Sanji mumbles, trying to cushion his head on his arms.
Zoro is prepared to turn to the metal bar in the crow’s nest to start his pull-ups but then his eyes catch the glint of still drying tear streaks on Sanji’s cheeks and suddenly he’s feeling the rare emotion of guilt. He had to go and fucking cry, didn’t he?
Zoro channels his frustration into grabbing Sanji by the hair and yanking his head up. The blonde lets out a yelp, trying to grab Zoro’s hand as he thrashes on the bench.
“Calm down, Shit-Cook.” Zoro sits down on the bench, pulling Sanji’s head back down onto his thigh.
Despite how groggy his movements are, it’s obvious how quickly Sanji tenses up.
“What are you doing?” He tries to sit up, but Zoro still has a handful of blonde locks and with a hiss of pain he puts his head back down.
“Sleep.” Zoro snarls.
“You’re bossy.”
“And you sound like an idiot right now.”
They’re silent for the next minute. Zoro twists his head to look out the window, keeping an eye on the empty sea around them. He’s convinced Sanji has nodded off but then-
“You can let go of my hair now.” Sanji mumbles, his words vibrating off Zoro’s thigh.
Zoro jumps, glaring down at his traitorous hand that’s still gripping Sanji’s hair like a dumbbell.
“Shit, sorry.” He drops the hair, brushing the strands down.
Sanji lets out a low hum at the gesture, surprising them both. Zoro notes how his shoulders drop, his hands unfurl from fists and instead are brought to curl under his chin, as though he’s trying to get comfortable.
So, Zoro doesn’t stop. He pointedly looks back to the window, his cheeks dusted with a light pink that Sanji would have a field day over if he was to look up right now. His fingers card through the long strands, startled to find shorter spikier parts down the Cook’s neck. His nails scratch across skin and Zoro is sure Sanji is going to find some second wind and break his hand with a kick, but it never comes.
He knows the Cook hasn’t fallen asleep. He can tell by the irregularities in his breathing, the way he keeps shifting his weight, the tension that Zoro could cut with one of his swords if he was to try. Zoro has no idea what’s going on in the other’s mind, but he can feel it humming with words, like a frenzied beehive. Just as Zoro is about to lose his patience and threaten to knock Sanji out to get him to sleep, the curly browed idiot breaks the silence.
“Thanks, Zoro.”
What the hell does that mean?
Eventually Sanji does pass out. Zoro lets out a long breath he’d been holding back, desperate for a drink but realising he’s not going to be able to get up for anything for the next few hours. He’s still brushing through Sanji’s hair, stupidly mesmerized by how soft it is, how it falls like silk through his fingertips. It’s too intimate for them, Zoro knows this, but he thinks of how stressed Sanji had looked earlier when he was alone in the galley, how small he’d seemed in his arms. A shadow of the man Zoro fought side by side with.
Zoro isn’t someone that’s good at comforting people. He’d never liked being comforted; he’d loathed anyone who had tried to pity him after Kuina, or treated him differently for months because of it. He was always at a loss when someone cried in front of him, glad that in recent times the crew were always there to react instead of him.
But this is Sanji.
Zoro doesn’t know what that excuse means. Why his mind fills in the answer to what the fuck am I doing with it’s Sanji, but it does.
So, Zoro plays with his hair. He swallows hard when a hand snakes its way under his thigh like it’s a damn pillow and he doesn’t move it. He even closes the one open window he was enjoying the breeze from just because the idiot shivers once.
Zoro doesn’t even know why Sanji is upset.
It doesn’t matter.
No ships attack in the night.
Most of the crew sleep soundly, recovering in their beds. Tomorrow, Sanji and Zoro won’t bring any of this up. They’ll argue and fight as normal and no one will know what transpired.
But Zoro will know how soft Sanji’s hair is. He’ll know the Cook likes it being played with. He’ll remember the weight of Sanji’s head on his lap and the weight in his chest that lifted just watching Sanji drift off.
Sanji will be rested. He’ll forgive himself, and he’ll get back to his usual routine. He’ll panic about what happened for weeks after, burning with shame and tip toeing around Zoro until the Swordsman pisses him off enough that the awkwardness disappears completely, and he’ll remember to.
He’ll remember what it was like to be forcefully cared for. To have someone argue through his self-sacrificing bullshit and demand he do what’s best for him. To have someone watch over him when all he wanted was to be left alone.
Next time, they’ll both remember.
#sanji#zosan#roronoa zoro#one piece zosan#zoro x sanji#zosan fanfic#fanfic#one piece#zoro#vinsmoke sanji#fluff#zosan fluff#light angst#Sanji blaming himself#zoro is gay#Zoro is worried#Sick crew
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Another ask meme prompt for you! I wish you'd write a snippet where Law gets deaged and boy is it weird to see him so small. And thinking Doflamingo means safety?
This was a lot of fun to write, Ceri!
“What’s going on Bepo?” Penguin asked for the fourth time since Bepo had come to grab him and Shachi from where they’d been cleaning up the galley after breakfast. Bepo had wrung his paws in front of himself and simply told them he had to show them something. “Just tell us.”
“Yeah, if it’s about Captain—” Shachi started to add.
“Just wait,” Bepo snapped before adding, “Sorry. But I… don’t know how to explain this.” Penguin and Shachci exchanged startled looks.
“Explain what?”
But Bepo just shook his head, and the other two were forced to follow until they reached the door to Law’s room. He paused outside the door and turned back to Penguin and Shachi. He bit his lip nervously. But rather than say anything, he shook his head and opened the door. He stepped inside, and, curiously, Penguin and Shachi followed.
As Bepo shut the door behind them, Penguin froze at the sight that greeted him: there was a child standing in the middle of Law’s room, swamped by a Heart Pirates hoodie—the one Law had been wearing when Penguin saw him last the night before.
“What’s a kid doing here?” Shachi demanded incredulously. “Where’s Law?”
“I’m Law, you bastard,” the kid snarled. Penguin stiffened. “I don’t know who you are or how you know my name, but I already told the bear—if you don’t let me go, my captain is going to make you regret it.”
“Your captain,” Penguin said slowly, though he already knew what the kid was going to say before the words left his mouth.
“Donquixote Doflamingo.”
The room went silent, and Penguin took the opportunity to study the kid. He was younger than Law was when they’d first met, though it was hard to judge his age considering how small he was. Law told them he’d gone to Spider Miles when he was ten, so if Penguin had to guess, he would have put the kid around eleven. Despite his scrawny frame, though, his face still held onto some baby fat that Law had shed once he’d hit his growth spurt at fifteen. He was pale—even his hair looked more gray than black—and had white spots on his visible skin. But the sharp golden eyes were familiar—and the only part of Law that didn’t seem washed out.
This was definitely Law—or at least a Law—but how? Time travel? Penguin never would have believed it, but the samurai currently on their ship claimed to be from twenty years in the past. But if this was Law from the past, where was their Law?
Or, Penguin thought as he looked more closely at the hoodie, noticing the faint blood stain on the cuff from Straw Hat’s lengthy surgery that no amount of washing had ever quite managed to get out, was this their Law?
Whatever the case, this was Law before Corazon had taken him away and changed the entire trajectory of his life. This was Law with Amber Lead in his veins and an uncontrollable rage in his heart—one, according to Law, that Doflamingo had sought to stoke so he could mold Law into the shape of his choosing.
For as long as Penguin had known Law, he’d hated Doflamingo. It wasn’t until he’d had a panic attack upon learning that Doflamingo had become a Warlord that he’d finally told them a bit about his time with the Donquixote Pirates and Corazon.
Hell, it had only been a few weeks since Law had come back to the Hearts, his fight against Doflamingo finally over after thirteen years of obsession. While the bandages around his chest and arm had come off, Penguin could tell he was still favoring the arm the feathered bastard had cut off. (Just thinking about that made nausea roil in Penguin’s gut.) To hear him now invoking the man’s name as some sort of protector was just wrong.
Next to Penguin, Shachi had gone equally still, the look on his face mirroring the shock Penguin felt. Behind them, Bepo let out a soft whimper, which the kid took for fear. He smirked, a cold and cruel thing with jagged edges sharp as broken glass.
“So, you’ve heard of him.”
“Yeah,” Shachi choked out. “We’ve heard of him.”
“Obviously you’ve heard of him,” Law said, glancing down at the hoodie cocooning his scrawny frame with a sneer. “You copied his Jolly Roger.”
Penguin let out a bark of laughter before covering his mouth with his hand when Law glared at him.
“If you know who he is, then you know the kind of trouble you’ll be in if you don’t let me go,” Law said, crossing his arms in satisfaction. The effect was, admittedly, ruined by the too-long sleeves that overhung his arms. “He’ll be looking for me.”
“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Shachi muttered. Not with Doflamingo as the newest inmate at Impel Down.
Law’s eyes narrowed. “If you’re not worried about Doflamingo, then you’re either extremely strong or extremely stupid.” He looked each of the three of them up and down before raising his chin haughtily. “And none of you look very strong.”
Shachi let out an indignant squawk while Bepo muttered an apology under his breath, but Penguin couldn’t help but snort. Some things never changed.
“Look, kid—” he started.
“I have a name.”
“—Doflamingo isn’t coming for you.”
“You don’t know that,” Law retorted. “He takes care of his Family.”
Shachi coughed, and Penguin elbowed him in the side.
“Doflamingo’s in the North Blue, right?” Law glowered but didn’t argue, as much an agreement as they were bound to get. “We’re currently several hundred meters below the surface in the New World.”
The kid’s eyes widened then. “You’re lying. That’s not possible.”
“It’s true,” Bepo piped up. “Sorry,” he added when Law turned his glower on him.
“But,” Penguin added, pulling the kid’s attention away from Bepo, “we’re not interested in holding you. We’ll do our best to get you back where you belong.” He lifted his arms in a shrug. “No harm, no foul.”
“Glad you see it our way,” Penguin interrupted. “Now, why don’t you stay here while we figure out how to get you back where you belong.”
“Hey, wait!”
But Penguin turned and ushered the other two from the room, shutting the door behind them. Thankfully, this Law didn’t have the Ope Ope fruit, though Penguin knew he didn’t need it to be a menace. Someone would have to keep an eye on the door until they figured out what was going on.
“What are you doing, Peng?” Shachi demanded once the door was shut.
“I think that’s Law,” Penguin said.
“Well, yeah, he said so himself.”
Penguin shook his head. “No, I mean, I think he’s our Law.”
Shachi frowned. “So, you think, what, Cap got… de-aged or something?”
Bepo’s eyes widened. “But how?”
Penguin shrugged. “Devil fruit? A D.’s luck? Straw Hat? Hell if I know. But the hoodie is the one he was wearing yesterday.”
Bepo worried his bottom lip. “He seemed like he’d been in Law’s bed when I came to wake him up. Maybe?”
“If that’s Law,” Shachi said slowly, and they all turned back to the door, behind which they could hear the not-so-quiet mutterings of their adolescent captain, “then how the hell do we fix him?”
Penguin grimaced. “And preferably before we take on an Emperor.”
“Send me the summary of a fic you wish I’d write, and I’ll write a snippet”
See all the other snippets here.
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I've been lurking in the Zosan tag and I'm super in love with the snippets you've been posting! For a prompt, I really enjoy them being soft and taking care of each other after fights? Also love outsider POV if that seems fun to you.
wahshdhdhhs THANK YOU 😭 i’m having so much fun writing them and i had fun writing THIS :)) made it short and sweet and mostly from nami’s pov; soft but also they bicker because. when do they not. enjoy!
Nami huffed as she made her way to the galley, peckish after the battle. Sanji was probably there, but loathe as she was to admit it she’d feel a little bad to ask him to make something; that fight had taken a lot out of all of them, and she’d gotten off easy— The last she’d seen him he’d been wrapping his forearms with his shirt and trying to staunch the bleeding from several wicked slashes.
The door was cracked open when she got there. Strange. Sanji was meticulous about keeping it shut to keep Luffy out, but she supposed if he was to be lax at any time, it would be when he was injured.
That was, until she heard the voices.
“Stop moving, shithead!”
“I’m not moving! The fuck are you—”
She peeked through into the kitchen and almost stopped breathing, hunger forgotten, fatigue banished, grin growing by the second.
“If you don’t stop fucking fidgeting it’s gonna leave a scar,” Zoro warned, tugging Sanji’s hand forward again and rolling his eyes at the cook’s dramatic sigh.
Sanji was perched on the dining table, one arm outstretched as Zoro shoved a needle threaded with fishing line through his skin. He tried to hide his wince at a particularly tender spot, shoulders jumping before they settled at Zoro’s soft sound of apology. Nami took a note at the back of her mind to get Luffy to befriend more doctors.
Still, looking at the arm that Zoro had already finished, the stitches were neater than Zoro would have done on himself; she’d seen the scars that he’d gotten from sewing himself up. They didn’t look like they’d had half this much care put into them.
“You’re lucky they aren’t that deep. The hell’d you go and do this for, shitty cook? You need your hands,” the swordsman mumbled, brows furrowing and actually sounding a little confused, and Nami simultaneously felt sorry for him and like she wanted to clobber the big idiot upside the head.
“Ah, you know me,” Sanji sighed, slouching to the side dramatically but keeping his arm still. “Always the martyr—” Zoro levelled him with an unimpressed stare, cutting a stitch with a dry snip, and he faltered. “Well, I— I don’t know, marimo.” He shrugged, swallowing. His eyes were staring at something on the table. “I saw you there and just moved.”
Nami gathered her context clues and had to stop herself from pumping her fists. It was finally happening. The two idiots had been dancing around each other for ages; She and Usopp had a running bet on who would get their shit together first, but hell, at this point she didn’t even care who won.
Zoro sighed heavily, short and sharp, pushing Sanji’s skin together to finish off the last stitch. “Just— Don’t do it again.”
“The hell do you mean don’t do it again, you ingrate?!” Sanji squawked, outraged and hissing through his teeth when the fishing line was tightened. “I saved your life!”
“I would’ve been fine!”
“You would’ve been hurt—”
Zoro tossed the scissors and needle aside, brandishing a roll of gauze in Sanji’s face. “And what if you couldn’t cook anymore?!”
“Well maybe, just maybe—” The cook snatched the gauze, gripping it in his fist with his eyes ablaze, “Really think about this, now— I care more about you than that, you moss-brained oaf.” He took a measured inhale, jaw working as he looked away. Nami was about to do a victory lap around the deck. “Good God, how long is it gonna take to get it through your thick skull…”
Sanji remained resolute, face turned to the side even as Zoro stepped closer.
“Oi, cook.”
He wound the gauze between his fingers, looking down.
“Sanji,” Zoro murmured. “Baby. Come here.”
Nami clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide as coins. This was a thing. They were already a thing. Oh, Usopp was absolutely going to lose his shit.
Sanji swallowed, unable to escape when Zoro had callused hands on his knees and was dipping down to nose at his cheek. “First you want me to stop moving, now you want me to—” He cut off when Zoro kissed him, simple and sweet, thumb rubbing circles over his kneecap. “…Mm. Right, yes, I suppose that’s… a valid reason.”
“Thank you.” Zoro set his jaw, looking up at Sanji earnestly. “I mean it, curls. I know how much cooking means to you. And you said...”
Nami watched as Sanji’s face softened, his hand coming up to cup the side of Zoro’s face. “Of course, mon chou.”
The swordsman chuckled low in his chest. “Did you just call me a cabbage?”
“Wh— No.”
“Yes, you did.”
“How the hell do you know?”
“Our navigator doesn’t just have maps. Found a French dictionary lying around.”
Shit, she’d been wondering where that had gone. Green-haired bastard.
“Said navigator’s been here since five minutes ago.”
Double shit.
Sanji whipped around with a scandalised noise as she gave up the act and stood in the doorway properly. “Nami!”
“I didn’t see anything!” she cackled, just barely sheepish, hands up in a gesture of peace as she turned and hightailed it out of there. The smart thing to do would be to blackmail the shit out of Zoro—
But she thought of how gently they’d treated each other, the looks in their eyes, and sighed. She’d let them have this.
(But getting her to admit that they were good for each other or that she was happy for them would be harder than pulling teeth, she’d make sure of that.) *
“Go get me a wet cloth, darling, there’s blood in your hair.”
“You think she’ll snitch?” Zoro asked, running the tap over a clean dishcloth and wringing it out before walking back.
Sanji hummed, non-committal and slightly amused. “Would you mind if she did?” he asked lightly, seemingly unbothered as he wiped at the red drying tacky in Zoro’s hairline from where he’d been whacked over the head.
The swordsman laughed under his breath. He could feel the tension in Sanji from the way he was sitting, spine too straight as he wrapped his arms around the cook’s waist, hipbones pressed into the table’s edge between his thighs. “…Not really, no.”
“Nothing to worry about, then,” Sanji said, cool and composed, but this time he didn’t bother hiding the relief in his smile. “Now.” He pursed his lips, scrubbing the rest of the blood out of Zoro’s eyebrow. “To the showers with you, and then bed.”
Zoro held up the gauze. “Still gotta wrap your stitches.”
Sanji rolled his eyes again, the corners crinkling as he smiled. “Fine. Wrap, shower, bed.”
“Mm,” Zoro hummed, pulling him close and leaning up for one last kiss. “Perfect.”
#zosan#zosan fanfic#one piece zosan#zoro x sanji#THEY’RE RIDICULOUSLY IN LOVE#chopper and the others aren’t here yet so. zoro’s playing doctor#they drive me inSANE#roronoa zoro#one piece zoro#vinsmoke sanji#one piece sanji#black leg sanji#one piece#op zosan#ask box#ino’s ask box
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Law x OC
Law is caught red-handed being jealous over someone who isn't even his... yet.
A/N- i wrote this a few months ago specifically for my own OC! I attached a cringe reference pic of her at the bottom of this fic, and me being my own worst critic, i really need to redraw her better at some point LOL. crazy how much you can change after only a few months, but i digress. I'm sorry it's been taking me so long to work on requests, so in the meantime I'm going to go back to posting some things that have been sitting in my google docs not yet published to here. thank you all for your patience!!!
Law was a calm man. He was a level-headed man. He thought before he spoke, meticulously planning every moment of his life down to the most minute details. He was stone-faced, unmoving, unwavering.
And yet, he sat at the table in the Polar Tang’s galley, a coffee mug gripped so hard in his hands his knuckles were white, as his sharp, golden eyes stared across the room from him. His jaw was clenched as tight as a vice.
“Captain, what in the world is your problem?” Across the table with a newspaper in his hands, was Penguin, who had finally taken notice of Law’s threatening aura in front of him. Law didn’t respond to the question, instead continuing to stare daggers at whatever was in his direct line of sight. Penguin placed the paper down, turning his head over his shoulder to follow Law’s vision.
In the common area directly across from the galley sat Bepo on the floor, rolled onto his side, mouth wide open as snores exited his nostrils at a rhythmic pace. Nuzzled up impossibly close to the large polar bear was Ruža, boiler suit zipped down to her waist, sleeves tied around her hips as she instead used Bepo’s ample amount of fur as a space warmer. Her long hair was tied into a tight bun. She was sprawled out along Bepo’s belly, head resting under the bear’s chin, a content smile on her face as she dozed off within her crewmate’s comfortable heat.
Penguin turned back around to face Law, a devilish smirk crawling across his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous. And of Bepo out of everyone!”
“Will you keep your voice down?” Law quipped back, voice hushed, yet harsh.
His mate laughed at his captain’s behavior. “Never took you for the possessive type.”
“I’m not possessive,” Law grumbled, finally releasing the death grip he had on his mug and instead using his hand to pull the brim of his hat downward, covering his eyes.
A hard thump resounded next to him as the bench of the table rattled. “You sleep on Bepo all the time, and so does the rest of the crew. Why is it a problem when Ruža does it?” The new voice, Shachi, followed his statement by taking a generous bite out of the bread he had retrieved from the kitchen.
Penguin responded for Law. “He wants to be the one on top of Ru–”
Law’s motions were quicker than lightning, reaching across the table, grabbing the discarded newspaper in his fist, and whacking Penguin over the head with it to shut him up. The two men burst into a cacophony of laughter. They both knew better than anyone that Law meant absolutely no harm with his actions, he just had difficulty expressing his emotions. Extreme difficulty, at that. The laughter from Shachi and Penguin was enough to wake the mink across the room and the girl sleeping against his fluffy chest. Bepo yawned, forgetting about Ruža draped underneath him and sat up, causing her to startle awake.
“What’s all the noise for? I was having a good dream,” Bepo uttered, sleep still heavy on his tongue.
Beside him, Ruža sat up, stifling her own massive yawn. She awkwardly got to her feet, unwrapping her sleeves from around her hips and re-buttoning her boiler suit. She turned to face the three in the galley across the room from them, smiling at the sight of Shachi and Penguin covering their mouths in vain attempts to smother their laughter as Law sat hunched over, both hands now gripping his fluffy hat, pushing it so far down his face that the entire upper half was obscured, leaving just his clenched lips visible.
The woman turned to Bepo, helping the animal off the floor. “Thank you for the wonderful nap, Bepo!” She turned on her heel to exit the galley, refreshed and ready to continue her tasks for the day.
Bepo finally approached the table, plopping himself down next to Penguin who was wiping tears from his obscured eyes. “Seriously, why are you guys laughing?”
“Captain was jealous of you,” Shachi said, his mouth curled into a wide grin. “Because Ruža was napping with you.”
“Aw, Captain, you should just tell her you want to nap with her! I’m sure she’d say yes, she just likes to nap on me because I’m so fluffy and you’re so boney,” Bepo casually spurted, innocent beady eyes matching well with the wide, toothy smile on his muzzle. Penguin almost spit his coffee out at the backhanded comment.
Law groaned, his head dropping into his arms, hat being shoved off his head. “Thanks for the encouragement, Bepo.”
Shachi nonchalantly rubbed his captain’s back. “There, there, big guy, it’s alright.”
A new voice alerted the four friends toward the opposite doorway to the galley. The masked helmsman, Hakugan, awkwardly stood in the entranceway, using his upper body to hold the heavy steel door open. “Captain, you’re needed in the bridge for a quick maintenance check. Sorry if I’m… interrupting something.”
Law was on his feet, hat situated back on his head faster than the speed of light. His hand grabbed his sword that was left leaning against the wall, leaving his half-empty coffee mug completely abandoned as he followed Hakugan out of the galley.
His three friends watched him go, knowing smiles on their faces.
“He’s totally in love with her,” Penguin sighed, dreamily.
“Why won’t he say anything, though?” Bepo’s question was innocuous enough.
“You know how bad he is with feelings. He’d rather die than be vulnerable with anyone,” Shachi responded, dropping his chin into his hand.
The conversation quickly dissipated, and the three finished their drinks and food before scattering for their own afternoon work.
A few days had passed since Law got called possessive. Jealous.
The raven-haired man was staring at himself in the mirror of the crew washroom, hands clutching the sides of the metal sink as he gazed into his own face. He wasn’t jealous. How could he be jealous of his best friend? Everyone loved cuddling with Bepo, how couldn’t you? Law wasn’t jealous. He didn’t own Ruža, no one did, and he’d rather swallow hot coals than ever make her feel like she was stuck in that situation again. He wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t–
Law jolted. In the mirror’s reflection, the person he wanted to see the least was behind him, leaning against the open door. Ruža’s eyebrows were furrowed with concern, blue eyes shooting daggers into his back.
“Ruža, sorry, I’ll get out of your way.” Law quickly grabbed his hat from the countertop beside him, turning around to attempt to get out of the room as quickly as he possibly could, sans using his devil fruit (he didn’t want to look that pathetic).
“Are you alright, Law?” Ruža gently grabbed at the sleeve of his coat as he passed her. “You look feverish.”
Law couldn’t bear to bring his eyes to meet her bright ones. His heart was hammering so wildly behind his ribcage that he was scared it might give out.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he muttered blankly, staring off into nothing. He bit down the disappointment that he felt as Ruža’s hand fell from its grip on his clothing.
“Okay…” she replied, though clearly unconvinced. “Let us know if you need any help with anything.” She finally entered the washroom after him, going straight to the medicine cabinet to grab her toothbrush.
With her back to him, Law silently turned his head toward her. His eyes landed on the tattoo still imprinted at the base of her neck, exposed by her tied-up hair, his saliva catching in his throat. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel trapped in this steel submarine she now called home, trapped with him. She needed to be free.
But the smell of her shampoo lingering in the air after she passed him was making it very difficult for him to come to his senses, as not only himself, but as a captain. Ducking his head, he finally took long strides away from the washroom.
“Ikkaku, have you noticed something wrong with Law lately?” Ruža was hanging up her boiler suit on a hook on the wall, shedding her clothes from the day for something much more comfortable.
Behind her, Ikkaku was changing into her own loungewear, tight, curly hair tied into two buns. The two being the only women on the crew meant that they had the privilege of their own bunkroom, away from the 20-something other men that they lived with. Ruža joining the crew made Ikkaku elated, excited to have not only a roommate, but a new girlfriend at that. And the two of them sharing the privacy of their own room meant their more personal discussions stayed far away from the prying eyes of their crass male crewmates.
“Now that you mention it, he’s seemed pretty uptight lately,” Ikkaku murmured, wiping her face down with a damp cloth.
“I feel like I did something to make him upset, earlier I saw him in the washroom and he wouldn’t even look at me.” Ruža’s voice was laced with discomfort, clearly sullen about the events from earlier in the day.
“What could you even have done?” Ikkaku asked, finally turning to face her friend. The curly-haired woman already knew about the deep crush Ruža had on their stone-faced captain, being her only confidant in her emotional turmoil. “You’ve never said or done anything bad to him before.”
“That’s what I’m wondering about!” Ruža responded with an exasperated huff. “He’s impossible to read, and he never tells anyone what he’s thinking, so if I did do something to upset him he won’t tell me no matter how hard I pry.”
Ikkaku flopped face first into her mattress, rolling onto her side and watching as Ruža pulled a baggy shirt over her head. “When did he start acting so off?”
“Uhm… a few days ago I think.” The redhead sat on her own bed, falling onto her back and gazing dimly at the metallic ceiling above her.
“Did anything happen then?”
It took the blue-eyed woman a few minutes to think about the previous day’s events. “I took a nap with Bepo in the common room a few days ago, and Shachi, Penguin, and Law were having a conversation that woke us up, and that’s when he started acting weird, I think.”
Ikkaku pondered intensely over her friend’s words. Shachi and Penguin having a laugh at Law’s expense was nothing short of common on the Polar Tang, the two of them being Law’s closest friends but also his greatest annoyance.
Ruža’s voice piped up again. “Maybe it was because I was napping during the day?”
“No, that can’t be it, Law naps on Bepo all the time so he’d be a hypocrite for getting mad at you over that,” Ikkaku responded.
“Maybe he wanted to nap with Bepo and I was in the way,” offered the red-head.
A light bulb suddenly flicked on within Ikkaku’s skull. She sat up on her bed with a start, making Ruža jump in surprise. Wide, brown eyes trained on startled blue ones.
“Maybe he was jealous that you were resting with Bepo and not him.”
It took Ruža a few moments to process her crewmate’s words. “No, that can’t be it.”
“Why not?”
“Because he doesn’t like me that way! I’m a crew member, a subordinate. I’m nowhere close to his rank, and even then that’d be pushing his duty as a captain.” Ruža was immediately on the defensive with a tight frown. “As much as I want that to be the case, there’s no way that can be it.”
Ikkaku grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “Who says? Law’s not the kind of guy to keep himself above everyone, we’re all equal in this tin can. Penguin and Shachi make out in the supply closet all the time and no one bats an eye.”
“Penguin and Shachi have been making out in supply closets since they were teenagers. Their scenario is different.” Ruža sat herself up now, leaning back on her hands. After a few tense moments, she released a pent-up exhale. “I really want Law to like me the way I like him, but it’s wishful thinking. He’s not that kind of guy, and he definitely doesn’t seem like the kind of person to get jealous.”
Ikkaku hummed. “I don’t know, I have an inkling. But, I don’t know him as well as Bepo, Shachi, or Penguin do, so I feel like if you really want an answer, you’ll have to go through them. Even if it’s not some cute lovey-dovey romance situation, they might at least be able to help you figure out what you did wrong, if anything.”
Ruža glanced off to the side. “You’re right, probably.”
“Probably?!” Ikkaku gasped, feigning offense. “I’m always right!”
This got Ruža to finally crack a tired smile, a breathy laugh leaving her lungs. “Okay, yeah, you’re always right.”
Their conversations continued until the lights went out. Instead of sleeping, however, Ruža was laid on her back, staring blankly at the dark ceiling above her head. Her lips quivered nervously.
“Shachi,” a hushed whisper alerted the ginger man’s attention from his porthole washing. He turned his head left, then right, searching for the source of the noise. “Behind you, dummy,” the voice came again, from behind him. He finally turned around, spotting the nervous expression of Ruža peeking from around the corridor.
“Why are you acting like you’re spying? Just get over here!” Shachi beckoned her over, and she complied without a word, slowly ambling her way over to where her older crewmate was working. “Is everything alright? Your eye bags look like they’re about to go on a longhaul trip.”
“I wanted to ask you something,” she replied, voice small. She knew her eye bags were atrocious, she didn’t get a lick of sleep the night previous.
Shachi nodded, waiting for her to continue.
“Did I do something to upset Law?”
Ruža paused, staring at the tinted shades that constantly covered the man’s eyes. “What do you mean ‘huh’? He hasn’t wanted to make eye contact with me in like a week now. I want to know what I did wrong and figured you might know… you or Penguin.”
Shachi pinched the bridge of his crooked nose in between his fingers. “Law is such an idiot, I swear.” He dropped his hand, planting it firmly on his crewmate’s stiff shoulder. “He’s not mad at you, I promise.”
“Then why is he acting like this?”
“Because he’s stupid and doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings. He was jealous that you were napping with Bepo last week.”
Shachi’s words made the neurons in Ruža’s brain brown out. Her jaw was slack, staring blankly at the man in front of her. Ikkaku was right on the money. She was always right.
“If you’re gonna get anything out of him, you have to corner him like a cat and force him to talk. How else do you think he managed that alliance with Straw Hat? That kid forced Law around against his will and in the end everything worked out.” Shachi smirked.
“I’m not gonna drag him around like a dog,” Ruža muttered, hiding her flushed face in her hands. “But… I want to try to talk to him. I got no sleep last night because of this. Clearly.”
Shachi patted the woman’s shoulder a few extra times before finally releasing his supporting grip on her. “Let me know if you need anything else, alright? You got this.” He flashed her a toothy grin.
Finally having a few answers, Ruža felt her shoulders relax, a relieved smile on her face. “Thank you, Shachi, you’re the best.”
The day dragged on slower than a ship on the Calm Belt, and no one had seen Law for the entire duration. Not at breakfast, snack time, or dinner. Someone claimed they saw the man make a mad dash from his office to the galley for food, but no one could back up that claim. He was like a cryptid among his own crew.
Regardless, that evening, Ruža stood face-to-face with the hand-painted plastic sign that he kept hung up on the heavy metal door to his office.
‘Obviously,’ thought the woman with a frown.
With a trembling hand, she reached up and knocked three times on the door, cringing at the way the heavy sound screeched through the desolate hallway of the submarine. She waited a few moments in deafening silence. No answer. Her hand faltered, but she knocked again, louder this time.
“Read the sign,” yelled a clearly agitated voice from within the closed off room.
“I can read just fine, Captain,” Ruža responded, surprising herself with the sass on her tongue.
More uncomfortable silence followed, before the sound of a screeching chair could be heard. Slow footsteps approached the steel door, and Ruža backed up apprehensively, heart beating wildly as she anticipated the door opening. It did, a tiny crack, allowing the glaring light from the hallway to shine off of Law’s weary face. His eye bags were worse than her’s, and his hair clearly hadn’t been washed in some time.
He stared at the woman outside of his door for a few agonizing moments before simply saying, “Yeah?”
Ruža pursed her lips. “I wanted to talk to you. It’s imperative.” Law didn’t need to know that she had been practicing that last word in the mirror for the better part of 20 minutes. Instead, she kept her shoulders back, chin held high, attempting to assert herself in front of her brooding captain who she was madly, desperately, incredibly in love with. She was failing miserably.
Law looked past the way her lips quivered and her arms trembled at her sides, as well as her own sleepless appearance. He silently opened the door to his office a bit wider, inviting her inside. Her apprehensive steps followed him, and she closed the door behind her, standing against it as she watched her captain meander back to his desk, plopping himself in his chair before leaning forward to rest his head in his hands.
“I want to hear from you why you’ve been ignoring me.” Ruža tried to suppress the way her voice trembled on its journey into the air. “I have my suspicions, but I want to hear it from you.”
Law bowed his head, the shadow from his bangs concealing his eyes from her vision. “What are your suspicions?”
Ruža was very quickly growing impatient, not helped by her lack of proper sleep. “That you were jealous that I was napping with Bepo. Shachi told me, but if that’s the case, I want to hear the truth from you, no one else.”
Law was worried that the sound of his hammering heart beat would be audible from across his office. His own fingers were trembling with nerves, he never in a million years thought he would ever be in a situation like this one. He did everything possible in his attempts to close himself out from intimate, personal connections, losing one too many people for his liking. And yet, a woman stood before him (well, behind him), who held his weary heart in a grip so warm and caring that he almost didn’t want it back.
The red-haired woman waited patiently for her captain to respond.
“Yeah,” was all he was able to breathlessly mutter.
Ruža waited for him to continue.
“I was jealous. But I shouldn’t have been.”
“And why were you jealous?” she demanded. “The entire crew loves napping with Bepo. Tell me why it’s different when I do it.”
Now it was Law’s turn to grow progressively more agitated. His teeth clenched within his closed mouth. “Do I really have to say it?”
“If it’s really this hard for you, then you don’t have to bother. I’m just tired of you acting like I don’t even exist. We’re in a damn submarine, it’s a bit hard not to feel ignored.” Ruža’s voice had softened only slightly. She was aware of her captain’s emotional issues, she knew bits and pieces of why he held everyone at three arms lengths away from him. She knew that the tattoo she had forcibly inked on the back of her neck was a disturbing sight for him, just as it was a painful scar for her.
With a deep, shuddering breath, Law finally leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes, tossing his head back, breathing shallowly through his nose. “I know it was immature of me to treat you like that, Ruža, I’m sorry.” He rotated his head only slightly to glance towards the woman at his door, gazing at her with golden eyes that were filled with an unspoken agony.
“It’s okay,” was all she said back.
An idea popped into Law’s anxiety-ridden mind. He slowly pulled open one of the messy drawers of his desk, procuring a wrinkled blank piece of paper. Pulling a pen from a cup on his desk, he pulled the cap off and started scribbling frantically onto the paper. In his head, the vision of Corazon writing on slips of paper to communicate while he was pretending to be mute flashed through his vision. If Law couldn’t muster up the courage to vocalize the three little words bouncing aimlessly through his skull, then he’d just write them down.
The scratching of pen against paper finally ceased, and Law stood, keeping his head low as he passed the paper underside-up toward Ruža, who carefully took it from his hand. Flipping it around, she began to scan the words sloppily written on the front.
Ruža clenched the paper within her shaky fingers. The words she herself had been afraid to say were written at the top. I love you.
The silence was palpable, so thick you couldn’t even slice a sword through it. Shockingly, however, a light, airly laugh infiltrated the space. Ruža’s face was flushed a bright, rosy red, and her mouth was twisted into a nervous, childlike grin as she tried with all her might to keep down the nervous laughs that were forming in her chest. She couldn’t help it, small giggles escaping her lips as her shoulders shuddered with the effort of keeping them in. Law picked his head up, staring with a mixture of shock and bewilderment. He poured his heart out onto a piece of paper, and she was laughing at him.
“I’m not laughing at you, Law,” she finally managed to say. “I love you.”
The formidable captain of the Heart Pirates, one of the most wanted men in the world, nervously swallowed the glob of spit that had formed in the back of his throat. “You… you do?”
“Yeah.” Her response mirrored his curt words from the short minutes prior. “I was so scared that I did something to upset you.”
“God, no, you could never,” Law replied, breathlessly. He felt 100 pounds lighter, like he could float away on the slightest breeze. The three words that had cursed him for almost 20 years of his life now held a new weight to them. A new, liberated weight.
The woman in front of him, with a nervous, giddy smile dancing across her lips, eyes closed tightly with the force of her infectious smile, held his heart so tightly in her grasp and she didn’t even know it. Not yet, at least. That would come with time.
Ruža broke the silence. “Can I please hug you?”
Law felt the corners of his own mouth twitch upwards. “Of course.”
The red-head closed the distance within a few short steps, hiding her face within Law’s chest, still giggling like a child over the sudden revelation. She kept the paper held firmly in her hand as she wrapped her arms around his torso. Law’s scruffy chin found its perch on the crown of her head, the scent of her shampoo filling his nostrils and clouding his mind with a bliss he had never experienced before. He couldn’t fight his smile any more, letting it consume him, the same way he accepted the way his heart beat uncontrollably within Ruža’s presence.
“I’m sorry I’m laughing, I can’t help it,” she mumbled, the sound muffled by her face squished in the fabric of his sweatshirt.
His hands found their place around her shoulders, his left hand involuntarily coming up to rest on the back of her neck, covering her tattoo with his own inked hand. “It’s okay,” he responded, his words quiet and soft. “This is all new to me.”
“It’s new to me, too.”
The two stood in the same position for what felt like hours before Ruža finally (though regrettably) backed away slightly. Law’s hands slipped off her shoulders, but his fingers gingerly brushed along her tattoo.
“We don’t have to do anything about this if you don’t want to. I know with you being the captain and everything makes this kind of weird.” Ruža’s eyebrows angled in a way that made her appear almost sad at a reality that hadn’t even happened yet.
It took Law a few moments to really form his response. “No, I… I think I want to try. I don’t know what to do, though.”
“Me neither.”
Now it was Law’s turn to laugh. “We’re fucking hopeless.”
“Tell me about it.”
Ruža gazed longingly at the paper she still held in her hands, eyes repeatedly glossing over the three words at the top. Law could get used to the way her bright eyes softened, as if not believing that what she was reading was the truth. In the back of her mind, the reason she had even shown up to his office in the first place pushed itself back to the forefront.
“So about you being jealous…”
#one piece x reader#op x reader#trafalgar law x reader#law x reader#trafalgar d water law x reader#trafalgar d water law#trafalgar law#one piece oc#one piece original character#oc x canon#one piece oc x canon#dfort oc#law oneshot
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birthday girl
Kaku x F!Reader
summary - Kaku always frees up his day on your birthday, because he loves to spoil you and treat you
warnings - none, but in this fic Kaku and the others are just shipwrights at Galley-La and Khalifa is just Iceberg's secretary.
a/n - my birthday is tomorrow so this is purely self-indulgent, i'm sorry <3
Kaku was a workaholic. He enjoyed what he did, so it wasn't often that he took off work for a day. But today was different, because for him today was special.
It was your birthday.
You woke up to a smell that was heaven on earth, and immediately your stomach grumbled. You blushed in embarrassment, even though there was no one in the room to be embarrassed in front of, and quickly got out of bed because you knew that smell could only mean one thing.
Kaku was home.
"Hi, handsome," you greeted with a warm smile as you wrapped your arms around his bare torso. "I see you dressed to impress."
He laughed, clad in only a pair of sweatpants, no shirt, "I know how much you love it when I cook like this, my love. Besides, this was the first surprise of the day for my sweet birthday girl."
"You took off work to stay home with me?" You smiled even more. Kaku was incredibly sweet. You kissed his cheek as he hummed.
"Mhm, but Paulie and Lucci want us to swing by Dock 1 later on so they can wish you," he turned to give you one of his sweet, gentle smiles before pecking your lips.
"That's sweet of them. But you don't plan on staying home all day, do you?" You laughed, guessing he must have planned everything out already.
"Nope," he grinned at you, before turning the stove off. "I have lots of special things planned for my special girlfriend."
You smiled even more as the two of you sat down to eat, blushing as always when you saw that he had made your favourite. You kissed him deeply before he could start eating, showing your appreciation for this gesture and for him because words were failing you.
"I love you," you pulled back and murmured breathlessly.
"I love you too," he didn't hesitate, his eyes bright as they settled on you.
Kaku did indeed have several things planned for you both to do. He knew you liked long, romantic rides on the yagaras around Water 7, so he had found the longest, most scenic route and taken you along it. Then he took you to several shops and purchased anything you so much as looked at, because he wanted to spoil you today. You ended up with an entire new outfit, complete with shoes and accessories.
"You didn't have to buy so much," you giggled as you came out of the last store. "I would have been happy with just the skirt."
"I know," he smiled innocently, "I wanted to get you all of this."
He didn't let you protest, because he swept you away to Dock 1 so that the others could bombard you with wishes and greetings and in Paulie's case, a bone-crushing hug. Kaku had to peel him off you, and you laughed as you said Khalifa's signature phrase, "Sexual harassment," and watched the colour drain from his face.
Then Kaku took you somewhere nice to eat, and the whole time just gazed at you lovingly as you thanked him for such a great day and described how much you love him.
"You're so beautiful," Kaku interrupted your little speech, his eyes twinkling with admiration, awe and love. "You're so beautiful."
Your cheeks burned, "You say that all the time."
"Because it's true."
He took your hands in his and kissed them, not taking his eyes off you, "You're the most beautiful, incredible woman on this planet and I feel very fortunate to be your boyfriend. I just hope one day you'll let me be your husband." He handed you small, handcrafted wooden ship.
Your eyes widened at his words, before settling on the ship, "What's this?"
"Another gift," he smiled, that silly little smile you loved so much.
"Kaku, you already-"
"Stop protesting," he chuckled, "Just open it."
"That's for you to find out, my love."
You studied the ship, looking for a hidden compartment. If the cute little ship wasn't the gift, then what was? You found out soon enough, when your thumb brushed against a spot that seemed a bit loose. When you pressed it, a small drawer opened and revealed a beautiful silver ring with intricate carvings of your favourite flower.
"Kaku-" You felt like the air had been knocked out of your lungs.
"It's not a proposal yet," he blushed, "Because I know you're not ready, so it's a promise ring. As soon as you're ready, I'm going to marry you."
You teared up, "It's so beautiful."
It was such a thoughtful thing to give and his words were even sweeter, making your heartbeat speed up. You were at a loss for words, this was the most amazing gift you had ever gotten, and him saying he planned to marry you when you were ready made you fall in love with him all over again.
"Then you're perfectly matched," he slid the promise ring onto your finger, then brought your hand up to his mouth so he could kiss it.
That evening as you lay in bed, you couldn't help but wonder how you'd gotten so lucky. Then Kaku walked in to join you, but he was holding a small cake with a single candle on it, and you laughed.
"Well, isn't that cute?"
He smirked, "Can't have a birthday without cake."
He settled on the bed next to you, smiling gently as you sat up to face him. He held the cake up gingerly between you two, so he could sing to you softly and you could blow them out afterwards, after making a wish. It was the most intimate, romantic moment of your birthday so far, and you smiled at him lovingly.
"Thank you so much for today, love," you spoke between eating the cut cake. "It meant so much to me, you have no idea."
He just smiled and looked up at you with an icing-covered nose, and you giggled as you wiped it off and watched him eat messily, adoring your goofball boyfriend. He was the cutest when he ate, and in that moment you silently thanked God for giving you such a treasure.
a/n - not my best work, but here it is. Hopefully my fellow Kaku girls out there still enjoy it :)
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Chapter 61: In Front Of My Salad?
Warnings: sex, temporary genital reassigment
Waahhhhh! It took so long to get this to you guys and it ended up being almost 3x the length of a normal chapter. I hope that makes up for the break 😭
The only thing that could pry Kid off you was the dinner bell. He had you pinned to the wall as soon as you walked out of the brig, predictable as always. His hand gripped your hair, holding your mouth to his and you reciprocated. If you were a normal couple, the assorted gore splattered across your faces would probably turn you off, but you weren't normal, so it did quite the opposite. He clearly wasn't sated by jerking off for however long by the way he was grinding against you. You had to hold back from snickering at him. It was kind of cute that he missed you so badly. You missed him, too, but you had more self-control about it. Both Kid's stomach and his mouth growled at the bell. If he wasn't so hungry, he wouldn't have stopped.
"Ya wanna pick this up after we eat?" Kid lightly panted, orange eyes hopeful.
"I'll think about it." You may have let him pin you, but he still had some forgiveness to earn.
"HAH? What do ya mean yer gonna think about it?!"
You did snicker then, walking away from Kid to the mess hall. Kid ran past you, smacking your ass hard on the way and forcing an unexpected yelp out of you. He cackled but made the mistake of turning away from you to carry on walking. Two can play this game. You swiftly and silently walked up behind him and slapped both hands down on his cheeks before darting away. Without realizing it, you were giggling. When you turned to stick your tongue out at him, you saw that he was grinning in a way that made it hard not to let him catch you. He still had a playful energy, but it was different. You were familiar with that face. He might not actually stop for dinner if he caught you. He chased you around the halls, dodging crewmates just trying to go eat. Kid got close to snagging you, though he could never quite get a grasp, until he used his devil fruit to cheat. The wind was knocked out of you as metal wrapped around your center.
"Gotcha now, little mouse."
Kid was full on laughing, very pleased with his catch. It wouldn't last long. When he got closer, you used your own fruit to shrink just slightly enough to slip out of the metal. And, of course, before running back to the galley, you couldn't resist giving him a good spank again.
"You'll have to do better than that, kitty cat."
"Oooo da big puddy tat is angwy." You made a pouty face at him. You were really poking the bull here, but you loved making Kid mad. He was so cute when he was mad.
"Am I a bitch or a mouse? Make up your mind."
With a huff, Kid charged at you and you took off running again, giggling the entire time.
Maybe Kid got a little to into it. You were just about to slide through a doorway and Kid used his fruit to slam the door shut, which you, in turn, slammed into. You felt a soft crunch in your nose and a gush of warm wetness slide down your face. The force of the impact knocked you backwards right on your ass, dazing you for a second.
You blinked unevenly and sat up. Your nose was definitely broken. It honestly didn't hurt that badly. You wiped away the wetness and looked at your hand, seeing the bright crimson of blood on the back. Kid's footsteps stopped behind you. When he got closer he bent down to get on your level, to make sure you were okay. About a second too late, he could tell from your face that he'd made a mistake. You grinned at him, blood still trickling from your nose.
"Oh shit," he muttered.
You popped him right in the nose, giving him a busted face to match your own. Then you leap-frogged over him while he still had his hand cradling his already fucked up nose. Now you both had blood gushing from your nose. You shoved him with your foot, knocking him over, before darting away. You turned to glare at him and he returned the lighthearted malice. It was on.
"Look at that. You made me as ugly as you." You wiped blood on your arm again.
"Ya didn't need my help to get there," Kid retorted.
"I'm gonna rearrange your face. Maybe that would be an improvement."
Kid bellowed out a laugh. "Try it, Rotten."
The two of you traded a few light punches, blocking each other so none of them actually landed. It didn't take long before you were throwing real punches between each other. Both of you were too competitive and too stubborn to let the other one get the upper hand. Still, you both held back, not really wanting to hurt the other. That lasted about thirty seconds. It was a bit nostalgic to beat the snot out of each other. It reminded you of when you first came aboard and you tried to kill each other every other day. The hallway was filled with hurled insults and assorted growling. You landed a hit on his Adam's apple and caused him to sputter. Using that opportunity, you got him in the stomach while he was too busy holding his throat to block you. Then, you put a kick right above his center of gravity, causing him to stumble backwards and fall. You jumped on him and the two of you grappled on the floor, trying to gain the upper hand. Kid pinned you down fairly soon after, using his size to his advantage.
He let out a raspy laugh. "Ready to admit defeat, pipsqueak!?"
No amount of hissing, spitting, or struggling was going to break you out of his grasp. There was only one thing left, your secret move: kiss with tongue. You leaned up and kissed him, licking the blood from his lower lip. It worked as you knew it would, immediately taking Kid's guard down. You pushed yourself out from under him, grabbed his arm, and twisted it behind his back. Kid was forced to lay on his stomach. Your knee rested on his back and you leaned down to be close to his ear.
"I changed my mind. I'm not going to rearrange your face. I'm going to rearrange your guts." You purred. "That's what you want, isn't it?"
Kid made a noise between a whine and a growl, trying to cover up how much he actually did want that.
"Tell me you'll be a good boy for me."
"C'mon... doesn't my good boy want to be pegged?"
Kid mumbled something.
"I can't hear you." You twisted his arm further.
A throat cleared. You both looked toward the noise to see Killer, and everyone else in the mess hall. So you guys had made it to dinner after all. You let Kid go and stood up. Kid stayed on the floor and you raised an eyebrow in his direction.
"You good?" You bent down to make sure you didn't accidentally maim him in some way.
Kid harshly whispered back, "Just go! I have a raging fucking boner now ya asshole. I have ta wait a sec."
You snickered and turned to the staring faces. "What are you all staring at?" They didn't look away. "I'm not fuckin apologizing! Turn around and eat!" You made your way to sit next to Killer.
"You didn't get a plate."
"Feed me from yours."
You could practically see the steam come out of the holes in his mask as his neck turned pink. With your devil fruit, you healed your nose and some of the bruises. You also cleaned your face before eating. Kid finally fell into the chair beside you with a mountain of food in front of him as Killer offered you a bite from his plate. You made sure you kept as much eye contact as possible when you took food off Killer's fork, guaranteeing that you were about to have a long night. At first you only wanted to tease Kid, but maybe Killer would like to be in on it, too. You put a hand on Killer's thigh, giving it a squeeze when he gave you the next bite. You really played up the "mmm"s, too.
"I'm trying to fucking eat over here." Wire annoyedly said.
"Yeah and I'm trying to fuck and eat over here," you replied. "You're just jealous."
"Of what?"
"That Heat's not jerking you off under the table."
"YER JERKIN KILLER OFF UNDER THE TABLE!" Kid sprayed food, shouting in an accusatory tone.
You laughed. "Not yet."
Killer was holding your wrist, preventing you from moving further up his thigh. Of note, his grip was not very tight and he seemed to be considering letting go the more he fed you. Kid noticeably moved his chair closer on your other side.
"And what do you think you're doing?"
Kid scoffed. "Moving closer so ya can reach my dick."
"I'd rather give Wire and Heat a foot job." You could barely reach them with your feet from across the table, but you could do it.
Heat choked on his food.
"My horoscope said not to participate in foot stuff this week," Wire remarked.
"Your what now?"
Killer nudged you with his elbow and spoke lowly in your direction. "Don't say anything smart. He takes his sexstrology very seriously."
You gave him an incredulous look. His fucking what?
"Mine said I need a hand job under the table or I'll die," Kid said, before shoving more food into his mouth.
"What kind of funeral do you want?" You replied.
Killer added, "What should your headstone say?"
"Bet you'd like to," you smirked.
"Watch it or I'll carry ya off from this table right now!"
"Killer will save me. Right, Killer?"
"Of course. Can't let my darlin leave the table hungry." Killer gave you another bite from his plate to punctuate his reply.
"You all make me want to throw up." Wire curled his lip.
Heat sighed from the other side of the table, pushing his food around with his fork. "Man... now I really want a foot job."
"No feet until you finish your vegetables," Killer reminded him.
Heat groaned.
How you so loved your fucked up found family. One could say you loved Heat and Wire like brothers, but you had fucked them and that was frowned upon in three out of four oceans. Kid and Killer were probably closer to you than anyone had ever been. It was something you never imagined you would have. They were far from perfect to most, but to you they were pretty close. It was nice, being able to take it in with two eyes. This was your family now. This was your home. This was the first place that you could even call home. You'd never felt this comfortable during your time in the marines. Even when you were a captain, both in the marines and as a pirate, you never felt this way.
"How was today's torture?" Killer's words pulled you from your thoughts. He asked it in the same way someone would ask "How was your day at work, honey?"
"Eh, fine. I'm getting bored with them."
"Find anything out?"
"Not really. He wouldn't give up Von Kossa." You continued. "He said my ship was on Gomori island, but I don't know if I believe him."
"That's good, right?" Heat asked.
You shrugged. "I miss my ship. She served me well. But what use would I have for a ship? I'm part of this crew now. Victoria is my ship now."
"Aw you decided you liked us?" Killer playfully cooed.
"Just you, blondie." You leaned into him and looked up at his masked face.
"HAH?!" Kid protested.
You winked at him and blew a kiss, instantly lighting his face up with pink. That shut him up quickly.
He folded his arms and tried not to let his pink cheeks bother him. "That's what I fucking thought."
"So you're going to kill them?" Wire asked, getting back to the prisoners.
"Eventually. I did cut Warthin's skin off to send to marine HQ. I made them carve an apology into it." You tapped your fingers on the table like you were bored, Killer's arms now around you as you rested your head on his chest.
"Fuck yeah you should have seen 'er!" Kid went on, describing in great detail all your revenge endeavors loudly and with enthusiasm. "It was fuckin awesome. Plus, she's hot as fuck when she's being an evil bitch."
As Kid talked, even some of the more senior Kid Pirates turned white and excused themselves. In fact, a good portion of the crew left, glad that they were already done eating, and at risk of losing the food they just ate.
Kid gushing about you brought a small smile to the corner of your lips. "Kid ripped a guy's arm off with his devil fruit. Without using pieces of metal."
"What?" Heat leaned in, curious.
"There's iron in blood. No reason Kid shouldn't be able to control it."
Even Wire seemed impressed.
"I'm basically unstoppable now." Kid gloated. "I don't think we need to do any of this alliance bullshit."
"What alliance?" This was the first you were hearing of it.
Killer answered, "We're meeting Scratchman Apoo and Hawkins the Magician at one of our hideouts."
"I didn't even know you had a hideout."
"Yeah cuz it's a secret hideout." Kid said smugly.
You rolled your eyes. "I have to agree with Kid, as much as it pains me. We don't need an alliance."
Killer sighed. "The other supernovas have made alliances. I don't want us to be outnumbered if they decide to come after us."
He kind of had a point but that didn't make you like it any better. You didn't want to talk about business anyway. "I'm trying to form an alliance, too. Between my mouth and your-" Killer swiftly covered your mouth.
"Settle down. You'll get your alliance if you behave until everyone is done." Killer took meal time very seriously, evidenced by him slapping your hand away from his fly for the past twenty minutes.
"I don't want to behave."
"Come sit with me, bunny. I don't want ya to behave."
"Ooooo... Come sit with me, bunny." There was a chorus of echoes and cackling coming from the direction of Dive, Quincy, and Emma.
You sat up and shot a glare at them. They were among the last remaining crew in the mess hall. Heat rose to your cheeks as Kid used your more private pet name in front of your friends.
"Shut up!"
"Bunny is mad," Dive teased.
You clenched your teeth. Those traitors. How could they turn on you like this? You were about to bite off a retort to Kid, but now his lap was looking tempting. Even if it was only because you wanted to get back at your friends. You didn't really like public displays of affection. Public displays of lust though? That didn't fall under that category. They should know by now that you weren't shy. You raised an eyebrow at them, accepting the game they wanted to play, and hinting that you would win. You moved from your spot to stand in front of Kid, straddling his lap, looking over your shoulder pointedly at the girls.
"I hope you saved room for dessert." It killed you a little inside to say something so cheesy, but disgusting your friends was of utmost importance. You pulled your shirt off and tossed it away. Then you undid your pants and let them drop over your hips, sliding off the rest of the way when you moved Kid's empty plate and pushed yourself up on the table to take its place.
"OH FUCK YES I DID." Kid wasted no time pushing you down flat on the table, kissing all over your neck and chest.
Killer made a disapproving noise, though he had definitely also imagined it a time or two.
"We're still here!" Quincy protested.
"I don't mind an audience." This was a game of chicken that you weren't going to lose because you truly did not care who stayed to watch.
They lasted as long as it took for Kid to put your legs on his shoulders to eat you out, which was only about thirty seconds.
"No! Nope! You win! We're out of here." Quincy pushed the other two girls out with her.
You nudged Kid away and sat up cackling. Although you did want to finish this scene out, you still hadn't appropriately punished Kid. You couldn't let him have what he wanted that easily.
Wire was still eating like nothing had happened and Heat was noticeably uncomfortable but not for embarrassment reasons. With your eye, you could see Heat's heart rate spiking. Killer had his arms folded and was shaking his head at the both of you.
"Hah? What's the deal? I thought we were bangin." Kid was halfway irritated.
You leaned over and kissed Killer's mask. "Sorry, Kil." You leaned further and whispered in his ear. "Join us later?"
Killer tapped his fork on his plate, pointing to the last bite. Did he care that much if you cleared the plate? Not really, though he hated wasting food. Did he want to feed you while you were in your underwear on top of the table? Absolutely. And he would treasure that mental picture.
You rolled your eyes and let him give you the last bite. Then he nodded and gave you a hum of approval.
"Can you please move your big ass away from my dinner?" Wire's annoyed voice said.
"I'll put it right on your plate, big boy."
"I just wanted a pleasant, ass-free meal," Wire sighed.
Heat made a face. "Not what you said yesterday."
Wire smiled at him. "Your ass is much cuter than hers, my ember."
"Events in the crow's nest beg to differ," you smugly replied, getting off the table and picking your clothes up.
Wire smirked arrogantly. "Everyone begs for it in the end."
Now the whole crow's nest thing was making sense, but more shocking than the implication Wire has claimed nearly every single person on this ship, were Kid's choice of words. You and Killer looked at each other, though for differing reasons.
"My?" Killer huffed. "How about our?"
"Girlfriend?" You blinked. "What the fuck? I'm not your girlfriend." When had that been decided?
Everyone stared at him skeptically.
Kid let out a frustrated growl and stomped off to his room. "SHUT UP!"
You stood there with your clothes in your hands. It was silent for a brief pause while everyone stared at each other.
Killer stuck a finger through one of the holes in his mask. "Nose goes."
Wire and Heat already had their fingers on their noses.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Your hand covered your nose. Was there something on it? Did you not fix it correctly?
"Last one to touch their nose has to goes." Killer was smirking under his mask. You knew he was.
You mumbled, "I was gonna goes- go anyway." You still fully intended on getting laid and it wasn't very hard to put Kid in a better mood with those intentions. Someone had to make sure the captain wasn't actually pissed.
When you got to Kid's cabin, you tossed your clothes on the ground. The shower was running. You contemplated joining him, but you wanted to give him time to calm down and you were already clean, courtesy of your devil fruit. You flopped on Kid's bed in the meantime, resting your eyes. There was a shift in weight on the bed that alerted you to Kid's presence. You must have dozed off lightly. He had a towel around his waist and his back was to you. Beads of water rolled down his broad back. You stretched and pulled yourself up, moving to wrap your arms around his neck. You leaned against his back and rested your head on his shoulder.
Kid grumbled.
You kissed his neck. "What's wrong? I thought it didn't bother you if I was with other people."
"It doesn't."
"So what is it?" It was probably the 'girlfriend' slip-up, but you weren't ready to talk about that yet. The term made you uncomfortable.
Kid didn't say anything.
Your hands meandered down his body until they met the edge of the towel, tugging it until it loosened up. He wasn't stopping you. "I missed you," you offered.
He turned slightly, maybe to see if you were being serious or not. "Missed ya, too. Brat."
"Me? A brat? I don't think so."
Kid turned fully, putting himself above your body. "Yer about the biggest brat I know."
You leaned back and pushed yourself back further on the bed so Kid had enough room. "What did I do?" You licked your lips with anticipation.
"Ya know what ya been doing. Teasin me all day when ya know how bad I want ya."
You rolled your eyes. "I was gonna fuck you eventually. No need to be dramatic about it."
"It's not about that." Kid grumbled. "Not completely."
"What do you mean?" You thought he'd been dying to fuck you.
Kid groaned. "Are ya really gonna make me explain?" His amber eyes met your own and flicked away. "I want ta be close to ya. Aye, I wanna fuck ya. But I want to lay with ya and hold ya, too. I missed ya so much, Rotten." Kid leaned down and kissed you. "So much... Yer never leaving my side."
"Yeah?" You kissed him back. "Ya gonna chain me up?"
"Gonna hafta make ya another collar." Kid grinned, tracing a finger over your neck.
"Make it a whole harness. Just to be safe." Goosebumps erupted on your skin at the sensation, reminding you how long it had been since you were with Kid intimately.
Kid continued to trace a design over your torso. "Anything for my bunny... What else does she want?"
Your eyes drifted up and down his large frame above you and grinned. You were finally able to look at him with two eyes. "To tease you just a little bit more."
Kid groaned and pressed his face into your neck, the low noise having a direct effect on your body.
"You said anything."
"Aye... but I thought ya were gonna say something sexy like "Yer giant fat cock, captain.""
You laughed. "It'll be worth your while." You splayed a hand on his chest and pushed him until he rolled onto his back. You took his place, now on top of him. When he still looked dubious, you added, "I'll do whatever you want next time."
"Ya sure ya wanna offer that?" He toyed with the band of your panties.
You straddled him, leaning down to bite his neck. "I know you'll show me a good time, captain." You knew he was especially partial to calling him by his title.
He wasted no time in ripping your bra and panties off, tossing the scraps to the floor. It took the entirety of his self-restraint to resist flipping you on your back and savaging you. He wanted to be inside you so badly. He took what he could get, kissing you hard until you pulled away to breathe, groping all the squishiest parts of your body until you restrained his hand. It was probably for the best that you decided to tease him first, because he didn't think he would last very long if you went straight to taking him. Even now, as your breath ghosted over his tip, it was so tempting to grab your head and push you down on it until you choked. Just thinking about it caused precum to ooze from his cock.
You licked the clear-ish fluid from the slit. "Leaking for me already? You did miss me."
Kid whined, dick twitching and releasing more thin fluid.
You spread the precum over his shaft with your hand. You swear that it felt bigger and harder than it normally did. It was tempting to stray from your plan and ride him for all he was worth. When his eyes closed, you took the opportunity. With your devil fruit, you incapacitated him. You left him able to feel everything, but he wasn't able to move. Then, very carefully, with precision, you took his dick. You weren't absolutely certain that you could do it, or that it would work. Yet, Kid's disembodied cock was in your hand, just as hard as it had been. It was a living dildo.
When Kid realized he couldn't move, his eyes flew open, and instantly noticed what was missing. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY COCK?!" He was panicked.
"Shhhh. I'll take good care of it." You showed it to him.
He watched with lust-filled eyes as you got it wet with your mouth, sticking it as far down your throat as you could without gagging. "I- I can't feel it!"
"You're not supposed to feel it. This is for my pleasure alone." You were still sitting on top of him and leaned back to give him a nice view. "I'm going to fuck myself and I'm going to cum all over your cock, and you won't feel a thing."
You let your legs fall open and you ran the tip of his cock through your folds a few times, spreading the wetness evenly over it. Then, just as if you were pleasuring yourself with a dildo, you pushed his cock into you. Kid's eyes were glued to where his cock was disappearing inside you. It had been too long since you last had Kid's girth splitting you in two. You wanted him to rail you within an inch of your life. This was a tease for both of you, though you could at least feel it.
Kid groaned. "Yer so fuckin wet." He didn't have a dick to twitch but he felt his balls tighten hearing the squelch of your cunt. He wanted to feel your slick all over his shaft, not just see it glint in the light. Kid was salivating, thinking about how good you would taste on his tongue and how he wanted to bury his face between your thighs. Anything. He needed to touch you.
You could see it in Kid’s face how desperate he was to get his hands on you. Thinking about giving him control back so he could ravish you made your cunt clench around his cock. He wasn’t the only one who was primed to finish early. He had you pent up since he had pinned you to the wall earlier. Hell, even fighting him made you a little wetter. And all the teasing at the table wasn’t just taunting him.
You brought the hand that was holding you up to rub your clit. It was a strain to stay sitting so that he could watch but it wouldn’t take long. You fucked yourself faster with your living dildo and made fast circles around your clit. Your breathing got heavier and your eyes struggled to stay open as you focused on your release. The fire in your belly was intensified from the burning in your abs of holding yourself up.
“Fuck yer almost there. Cum fer yer captain.” Kid encouraged.
A heady wail escaped your lips as the fire in your belly spread in waves through your body. “Oh fuck! M’cumming!”
The walls of your pussy clamped down on Kid’s disembodied shaft, spasming and twitching around it until your orgasm subsided. You let yourself lay back and catch your breath, Kid groaning in the background.
“Fuck my balls hurt.” Kid reached down to cradle them, well he thought he did, but he was still incapacitated. “I think… I came?”
“You did?”
“Aye… but there’s nowhere for my boys to go and now they’re fighting to get out,” Kid punctuated the sentence with another groan, one that wasn’t completely pain.
You removed Kid’s dick from inside you and sat up on him again, scooting lower so you could reattach his manhood.
That took you off guard. “No?”
“I- had an idea.”
“But you said your nuts hurt.”
Kid whispered in a confused tone, “I think I kinda like it.”
“Do you now?” You grinned, leaning down to kiss his neck and fondling his balls with your hand. You gave them a gentle squeeze, increasing the pressure until he whined. “What’s this idea you have?”
“Will ya… will ya peg me with my own dick?”
“I know everyone says you’re stupid, but you’re a genius today.”
“HAH? Everyone says I’m stupid? WHO?”
“Shhh it’s okay. They’re mostly right.” You pressed your lips over his to shut him up and gave him control of his body back.
After a few minutes of figuring out the logistics of temporary penis attachment surgery, you used your devil fruit to make it happen. You didn’t give Kid your pussy, although that might be something fun to try later. You didn’t know what the mental consequences of willy nilly willy swapping would be. It could potentially induce some kind of dysphoria and you were not about to be responsible for that when this was supposed to be fun sex.
You stared down at the new appendage, appreciating the heft of it even when it was soft. It had lost its hardness in the attachment process. You gave it an experimental touch. It was a weird sensation. You had essentially replaced your clit with it since it was an analogous body part. You twisted your hips so it slapped your thighs with a rhythmic *plap plap plap plap*.
“Would ya stop playin with it and get it hard?”
“But it’s fun!” You tried to helicopter it but couldn’t get the motion right. “Besides… I think *you* need to get it hard.” You looked between him and it.
With only balls and a butthole to his name, Kid, almost timidly, took his own softened cock in his mouth. Your eyes widened for a moment at the sensation. It was like he was sucking on your clit, yet more than that. You didn’t have the words to describe it. Needless to say, you got hard almost instantly.
“Oh fuck. Now I know why you’re always taking so long in the fucking shower.” You grabbed his head and tried to make him gag on it like he did to you, yet he didn’t. It pissed you off a little that he was better at taking dick in his mouth than you were.
Kid wiped his mouth. “What? Ya didn’t think I could suck dick, princess?”
“Shut up and turn around. All fours er- all threes.”
Kid did as he was told, bitching about your “all threes” quip. He lost the ability to taunt you fairly soon after you lubed up your fingers and put them in his ass.
“Too bad you gave me your cock or I would give you a reach around, too.”
Kid groaned. His whiny groan turned into full moaning when you remembered how sensitive his balls were and started playing with them. You added another finger to his ass, though you were starting to doubt that your tiny hand was enough to prep him for his own huge dick.
“Just fucking put it in,” Kid growled.
“You need more time.”
“No the fuck I don’t. Fuck me already!” He said it as a command but the tone had the tiniest edge of desperation.
“Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?” You chided.
“I’m yer fucking cap-TAH AH!”
You squeezed his balls. “Sorry? What was that?”
You removed your fingers and wiped the excess down your shaft. Adding more to the tip, you pressed it against his opening. You heard him suck in a breath and stifle a moan as you pushed into him. For your own sake, you had to go slow. The feeling was so foreign, yet so pleasurable. You didn’t know if you could keep going if you came or not. In theory, you should, since it was wired the same as your clit in this context, though you still held it back. You didn’t want to come off as needy as Kid.
Kid buried his face in the pillow as you started moving, trying to muffle how much he was enjoying himself. You brought a hand down on the pale skin of his ass, forcing a startled yelp from him. You understood now why Kid liked this position so much when the roles were reversed. You had a lovely view of your cock disappearing inside him, his ass was in your hands, and you could stare at his beautiful, broad, muscular back.
After several minutes, when you got the hang of it, you gained some confidence. Your nails dug into Kid’s hips and pulled him harshly against you, not dissimilar to what he did to you when he pummeled your cervix. He gave up trying to hide his pleasure, now crying out with every thrust. Some of the cries sounded a bit more pained, no doubt in part to his balls still aching from the pressure of the release that couldn’t go anywhere. You slowed down, thinking that you heard something and trying to listen closer.
“Please… faster,” Kid was panting and his eyes were half-lidded, face turned to the side so he could see you.
Those eyes turned you on. They were lost in ecstasy. You reached up and stroked his hair away from his face to see them more clearly. “You’re so pretty like this.” You leaned over to kiss his back, unable to reach his face. “Can you show me that pretty face when you cum?”
He made an unintelligible mumble as you started fucking him faster again.
“Can’t hear you. Be a good boy and use your words.”
“Ah- Aye, Captain.”
Your lips curled up. You liked the sound of that. Curious, that Kid had spontaneously addressed you that way. Kid and Killer must play at some role reversal occasionally. You were wishing that you had thought ahead and made him wear a collar, because then you could grab it for leverage and also to choke him. The thought made your cunt clench around nothing. Poor girl, she was being neglected. You gave the room a cursory glance to see if any toys were in reach. You could get off Kid and grab one, yet the thought of unsheathing your cock from Kid’s asshole deterred you from that. It was so warm and tight around you. Now you understood why people with dicks had a hard time pulling out. You felt the coil in your center tighten.
“Ah fuck,” you groaned. “Your ass is sucking me in.” You slapped his other asscheek, giving it a red handprint to match the other.
Kid started moving in sync with you, throwing his hips back when you thrust forward.
You paused your thrusting, giving Kid a chance to set his own pace. “That’s right. Fuck yourself on my cock.”
You shuddered and sighed as Kid moved up and down your shaft. Watching his ass bounce on it was mesmerizing. You didn’t expect that much jiggle from something so muscular. You moved your hips to his pace, letting him lead. As your thrusts went harder and deeper, Kid became more vocal. Kid’s moans filled the room, making you a bit jealous that you didn’t have the same satisfactory penetration. Again, you looked around for something to aid in your own pleasure.
This time when your eyes surveyed the room, there was motion in your vision. You could make out the form of a person but it was so far in your periphery, you couldn’t tell much more than that. With a startled yelp, you pulled out of Kid, dick making a comical *ploop* as it exited. To your relief, it was only Killer. He had joined you both at some point, as requested. He was lazily slumped back in a chair with his jeans pulled down and his hand was palming himself through his underwear. His head cocked to the side as he took notice of the new addition to your body.
“Is that…?” Killer made a curious noise. “I was wondering how you were doing that.”
He stepped out of his jeans and pulled off his shirt as he made his way to the bed. Killer snaked his hand down Kid’s front, finding only balls. Kid flinched at his touch, still sensitive.
“Mm so full. Does it hurt?”
Kid nodded.
“Can you handle more?”
Kid took slightly longer but nodded again.
Killer hummed approvingly. “Good. I want you in tears.” Killer turned his attention to you. “Do you mind if I join?”
You found yourself at a loss for words as his hand stroked your newest appendage. You had been so close to finishing, it was quite sensitive. When you finally adjusted to the sensation and tried to answer him, he slipped his fingers into your cunt. He curled them at the same time he stroked your cock, bringing you right to the edge of finishing again, stopping just before you got there. He was doing this on purpose.
“Killer, you’re- such a fucking t-tease.”
“You almost had it, breadcrumb.” Killer slipped his fingers out of your cunt, admiring the strands of fluid clinging to his fingers. “But no one can fuck Kid like me.”
“He was about to finish!”
“No, I wasn’t,” Kid protested.
“Shut up, Kid.” You and Killer replied nearly in unison.
Kid made a low whine and returned his face to the pillow.
Killer returned his attention to you, “Don’t worry, my darlin. You’ll still get your chance. I’m gonna help you make him cum.”
“I don’t need- mmph.”
Killer shoved his fingers in your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself. With his body, he positioned you back behind Kid. You swallowed thickly, his hand never leaving your cock. In fact, he was stroking it faster. You whined protests around his fingers and squirmed, though the way his arms caged you, you had little choice but to let it happen. Killer was right behind you and you could feel his cock bump your entrance. Before you could even think about him pushing into you, his hand moving along your shaft had the coil in your center snapping. It was the strangest thing.
It felt similar to your normal orgasm, yet intensified. Killer moved the hand that was in your mouth to support you as you melted into him, not to mention he wanted to hear the wanton moans that left your mouth without any muffling.
When you regained awareness, you were relieved to see that your cock was still standing at full mast. You thought Killer was going to make you finish so that he could fuck Kid in your place. You made a face at Killer, who had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. You assumed. His helmet was still on but you knew him.
“Something wrong, darlin?”
“Take that helmet off and smirk at me to my face.”
He tweaked your nipple teasingly before doing as you asked. Instead of smirking, however, he took control of your mouth with his, pressing his lips to yours and wasting no time slipping his tongue in. Killer took your shaft in his hand again, this time positioning it to Kid’s asshole. He pushed his hips forward into yours, sinking you inside Kid. You whimpered as your oversensitive cock was overtaken by the tight ring of muscle.
“Let’s make our good boy cum together. That sound alright, darlin?” Killer spoke against your lips in a tone that you couldn’t say no to. Only Killer could get you and Kid to listen. Maybe he was some kind of brat whisperer.
Killer nuzzled his face in your neck, tilting your hips slightly so he could slip his own cock inside you. There was little resistance seeing as you had been edging for a while and had just orgasmed. You folded over Kid’s back, groaning, as Killer filled you. Killer waited for you to adjust and come back up before he moved. He held your hips to his so when he thrusted into you, you would thrust into Kid.
Within a few minutes, Kid was back to the state of moaning into the pillow. Kid cursed as the pace increased. Killer really did know just how to get him off. Kid was a whimpering, squirming mess underneath Killer and yourself, and Killer had made it happen a lot faster than you.
You turned to kiss Killer as he moved for the both of you. The feeling of both being inside Kid and Killer being inside you was overwhelming. It’s a good thing Killer was doing the moving because you would not have been able to focus on keeping a rhythm.
Killer grunted as he fucked into you, and Kid in turn, harder. You could tell Kid was close by the way his face contorted and he wailed Killer’s name.
“Fuck! Kil!”
You kissed Killer more fervently, spurned on by Kid’s cries. The coil was winding tight in your core again.
“Kil- I’m gonna-“ Kid let out a final moan, followed by noises like he was in pain.
You started to pull out but Killer stopped you.
“Uh-uh. Stay.” Killer pushed you to bend over Kid, so you were leaning on his back.
You pressed your face into Kid, Killer railing into you. He didn’t have to go that hard. You were already close and overstimulated.
“Oh! Fuck, Killer! Too much!” Your brain was fogged, only thoughts of cumming filled it. You were so close to finishing that the tightness of your core was starting to hurt. Somehow it wasn’t enough and too much at the same time.
“I don’t think so.”
“I can’t!”
“Yes you can.” Killer cooed, “Cum for me. You can do it.”
There were tears wetting Kid’s back. It was supposed to be Kid crying, not you.
Killer didn’t let up. You weren’t’ completely aware, but the movements that were still getting through to Kid were causing him a considerable amount of pain. His balls were under a lot of pressure.
Killer’s encouragement had you closer to the edge. His words coaxed you until you pushed through, finally letting go. The sensation was unlike anything you had felt before. You bit down on Kid to keep from clenching your teeth together. The wave of endorphins ripped through your body. You tensed to keep from feeling like you were falling apart, then when the wave settled, let yourself relax, going limp between the two men.
“Fuck, it hurts,” Kid moaned.
“She didn’t even bite you that hard.” Killer chuckled.
“Not her, jackass! My fucking BALLS!”
Killer helped you roll off and onto your back to catch your breath on the bed.
“You think you could give Kid his dick back, darlin,” Killer rubbed your stomach as you recovered.
You groaned and nodded. After a few more breaths, you returned your anatomy to normal. You sat up with Kid’s dick in your hand and used your devil fruit to put it back, almost instantaneously causing a powerful spurt of cum to shoot straight up and splatter back down. You and Killer flinched.
Kid yelled at the sudden release. “FUUUUCK! OW! MY FUCKING SACK!”
When he stopped rolling around in pain, he inspected his member to make sure everything was restored to its former glory.
“Good fuck. I don’t think I want to do that again.”
You laughed weakly. “I think I should take the balls next time so I can nut for real.”
“I don’t want yer fucking cunt.” He covered his junk protectively to hide it from you.
Killer made an appreciative noise, eyes raking up and down your form. “I do.” He pushed your knees apart and slotted himself between them.
You were so lost in your head, floating in your own orgasm, that you ignored the blonde’s needs. His blue eyes flicked up to you, making sure it was okay to continue. Though you were exhausted, you held your hands out to embrace him as he positioned himself above you. Killer was always very considerate of your current state, and would not have batted an eye if you told him no.
He nuzzled you, whispering in your ear, “You sure?”
You answered him by pulling him into a kiss. It was less aggressive than before, yet still full of passion. It was deep and slow and loving. You hooked your legs over his hips and pulled him into you, arching your back to give him better access. Killer’s palm was broad against your back, supporting the arch. His other palm was spread over your breast, massaging the supple flesh.
You didn’t care if you came again, but Killer clearly wanted you to, and so did your audience of one. Kid’s hand turned your face to his, pressing his lips against yours. Killer used his free mouth to suck and bite at the skin of your neck. Then you flinched, feeling something cold and metallic pressed to your clit. You tried to see what it was and Kid laughed.
“Come on, bunny. Just one more fer Kil.” Kid said between kisses. “Treat him to yer wet, tight cunt. Let him feel ya squeeze him while he cums.”
A vibration against your clit had you screaming. Killer fucked you deep and slow, a change of pace from earlier. His groans and grunts were tugging you closer to the edge.
“Cum for me. I can’t finish until I feel your sweet pussy cum.” Killer held your face in his hand, pulling it towards him to steal kisses away from Kid. “Please, darlin. I have to feel you.”
“Y-yes, Killer.” You cried.
“That’s it. Cum on Killer’s cock.” Kid intensified the vibrations with his devil fruit.
“F-fuck! I can’t! No more!” You tossed your head side to side.
Killer tsked. “Don’t lie to me. If you wanted to stop, you’d use your safe word.”
You clamped down on Killer, his admonishment giving you the push you needed to cum. Several seconds longer and Killer grunted and cursed, emptying his full and aching balls into you. He panted over your shoulder, kissing you on the forehead before rolling off you.
Killer and Kid scooted closer to you, sandwiching you tightly between them. They both attacked your cheeks with kisses, Killer because he was showing affection, Kid because he knew it would annoy you. They smushed your face until you shoved your hands at their chests and made an irritated growl.
“Fuck off! No more!”
“You don’t want my kisses?” Killer feigned a pout.
“Y/N doesn’t want to be ours.” Kid huffed.
“Huh?!” You said incredulously. “I never said that.”
“Y/N said she isn’t our girlfriend.” Kid flicked your forehead.
You grumbled. “Is that the real reason you stormed off?”
Kid took a long time to answer. “Maybe. I don’t know.” Kid added, in an attempt to sound less like he cared, “Like I care if ya are or not.”
“I- hm.” You didn’t know how to respond.
“Go on.” Killer rubbed soothing circles into your palm as he intertwined his fingers and your own.
You mumbled something they couldn’t hear.
“Hm?” Killer prompted.
“Can we call it something else?”
“Hah? What do ya mean?”
“I- don’t like that term.” You bit your lip. “It just… doesn’t fit me. I’m not… I’m not a ‘girlfriend’.” You out the word in air quotes.
“What the fuck does that even mean?!” Kid frustratedly yelled.
“I’m not ever going to be a ‘girlfriend’ or ‘wife’. I’m too fucked up. I’m not the type of person to have a title like that. And it sounds lame.” You continued, rolling your eyes. “I’m just some murdering whore with good pussy and bad intentions.”
Killer laughed. “I don’t know about you, Captain, but I think that sounds like the ideal Pirate Queen to me.” Killer planted a kiss on your neck.
Kid grumbled. “I guess.” He continued grumbling as he pressed his nose into your hair and sighed. He added after about a minute, “So?”
“So…?” You questioned.
“So what do ya say to that?! Are ya dumb?!” Kid growled and turned his head slightly, arms folded, yet his eyes still waited for an answer from you.
You looked to Killer, whose eyes also waited on an answer from you. Your eyes flicked to the ceiling, unable to gaze upon your two bedmates. Your heart bumped into your ribcage as it pounded and your hands became clammy. They had a point, and you did want to be with them, more than anything you wanted in the world. You were uneasy about it, not sure if this would change anything between you three. You liked what you had with them.
“I don’t want to be the Pirate Queen. I just want to be at your side.”
“At the very least, I think you’ve graduated from Murderous Whore to Commander.” Killer looked pointedly at Kid.
“If ya won’t be my girlfriend, will ya be my Commander?”
You folded your arms. The problem you had with the other titles was the implication of possession by a person and an expectation of commitment. It made you uncomfortable. You knew it would be far from the traditional sense of the word, but it still had a specific meaning attached that you wanted no part of. Not to mention it implied that feelings were involved, and you couldn’t have people out here believing that you had those. ‘Commander’, though, that didn’t sound bad. You could at least agree that you had a commitment to this crew, and it would keep you at Kid and Killer’s side.
“Fine.” You added a stipulation. “As long as I don’t have to stop sleeping with my superiors.”
“Why ya always gotta be difficult, Rotten?”
“It’s because she loves us.” Killer pinched your cheek.
You slapped his hand away. “Quit that.” You could feel your cheeks burn as they flushed.
“Aye, Killer, ya might be right judgin by the sight of those bonnie red cheeks.”
You covered your face with your hands. “Stop looking.”
“Aw, bunny is hiding from her feelings, is she?” Kid teased.
“Shut up!” You pulled the sheets over your head.
“You’re one to talk, Kid,” Killer remarked.
Next Chapter
Tag list: @bbnbhm @wgwingguns @nocturnalrorobin
#marooned#massacre soldier killer#eustass kid#x reader#eustass kid x reader#one piece#massacre soldier killer x reader#kid x reader x killer
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Snipits from fics I'll never finish. Part 2!
“Cook. Would you join me?” Robin invited him to sit across from her in the galley.
Sanji was caught between tripping over himself to get to the bench, and wondering if this was some kind of trap. Which was ridiculous because this was Robin not Reiju and she wouldn’t hurt him but he felt like she should because he deserved it-
He sat cautiously and Robin’s pleasant expression, carefully arranged as it always was, became a little tighter at the edges.
“Is there anything I can get for you? I can warm up some hot chocolate in no time at all? Or if you’re craving something savory-”
“Sanji.” Sanji’s jaw snapped shut and his head ducked. He’d flinched involuntarily. “Would you look at me please?” She tilted her head to try and catch his eye. He peaked up at her and Robin frowned at the dark circle under his eye. “You’re not sleeping.”
Sanji's shoulders dropped slightly, like he was relieved.
“I’m getting as much as I need. Thank you for your concern, but it’s not something you need to worry about.”
“You mean that you’re not worth worrying about.”
Sanji looked stunned.
“That is what you mean, isn’t it? That you’re not worthy of my concern or attention or care.”
“As far as I’ve noticed this is the first time I’ve been offered any of that since I got back.” He snapped. Then, immediately dropped his head into one hand. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“You did say it and I’m glad. You’re right. None of us, myself included, have been treating you as we did before. We don’t understand. I was, hurt, when you left.”
Sanji’s head shot up.
“I wondered, rather self-centeredly, if I had done something to drive you away. You fought the world government to get me back once, and half a dozen times since to keep me. And then you were gone. No real explanation, just the promise to come back after you’d taken care of whatever was more important than us. It sounds rather petty to say out loud, but I believe everyone on the crew, sans Luffy and Jimbe feel the same way. After some time and thought, Usopp has decided that the woman you ran off with was secretly a Marine spy who then tried to capture you. Zoro just thinks she was already married. Franky is of the opinion that her father was a warlord of the sea, or someone equally as powerful. I have a different theory.”
Sanji leaned back on the bench. If Robin had taken time to think this through, she was going to be right. There was no fighting it, no hiding it, no point in denying it. There was only waiting to be put out of your misery. She knew he’d been a coward and a weakling and always had been.
Robin stood from her side of the bench and sat next to him. Softly, eyes never moving from the aquarium across from them both.
“When you faced CP9, it was the second most terrifying time of my life. Even just the words, buster call... I didn’t want them anywhere near you. Everytime I considered leaving, letting you save me, I saw you all burning. The words, the words wouldn’t even come to my lips. Instead, I’d spew whatever lie I thought would force you to leave me alone. A lie you’d believe. So I wondered, what lie you might tell and why. After careful consideration of your character I came to my conclusion.” Robin looked at him and slipped her hand over his own clenched, trembling fist. She whispered, brows pinched, “You must have been so afraid. I’m so sorry, for not noticing sooner.”
Sanji bit his lip to fight back tears. He’d cried enough. He’d cried too much. He didn’t want to cry in front of Robin. He felt like he needed to say something, but he didn’t know what would come out if he opened his mouth right now. Instead he took Robin’s hand and several long, deep breaths. Once his lungs stopped burning he chanced to mutter.
“I can’t sleep. Not yet.”
Robin nodded in understanding.
“Alright. Can you eat?”
Sanji looked at her with shock, horror, confusion, and guilt all at the same time. It would be amusing in another situation. Not this one.
“I, I eat.”
“A full portion, with us, at the table.”
“They don’t, they don’t want me there, Robin.”
“Even if that’s true, I seem to remember you telling me that the Captain has final say on matters regarding the crew.” She said it with a little smile in her voice. Maybe that’s why Sanji agreed to give it a go.
“I’ll try.” Robin gave his hand a tight squeeze.
“Thank you.”
Sanji slid out from the bench and started on prep work for the next day. He needed to get pie dough in the fridge chilling if he was going to make Franky’s favorite cherry turnovers for a snack tomorrow afternoon. Plus he’d save time to prep dinner then if he pitted the cherries now. He set about pulling out bowls and ingredients.
He was just about to start the actual work when he realized that Robin had settled into the bench with a thick book in hand and three more on the table. A blanket was draped over her lap.
“Don’t mind me. It’s a lovely night for reading.”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“I am.”
“Don’t you want to sleep?”
“Not yet.” She smiled at him softly and Sanji understood. Skipping two nights of sleep was easy for Robin. She would stay up with him for this one. Sanji had been found by a wonderful crew. He didn’t deserve them.
#one piece#sanji#straw hat pirates#black leg sanji#robin#one piece robin#devil child nico robin#ficlet#fanfiction#op fanfic#wci arc#snipits from fics i'll never finish
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A little bit softer
Chapter 5
Eustass Kid x crewmate!fem!Reader
TW: some street harassment from an unnamed man, cursing, allusion to prev smut, very brief descriptions of sexual harassment, drinking
A/N: this one was loooooooong, sorry I’ve been struggling with work and I can’t work on this as much as I’d like too
It was nothing. You thought the moment you woke up.
It was nothing. Over and over in your mind as you rolled out of bed.
It only happened because you were tired. You almost said it out loud while getting dressed, your mumbling earned you a look from House.
Because you couldn’t think of anyone else. You felt like a zombie trudging to the galley for coffee and your daily assignments.
And you couldn’t think of anyone else, because you were tired.
You rubbed your eyes and tried to not think, as Killer greeted you, the coffee still brewing.
The rest of the morning crew were giggling and chatting away, you kinda wanted to shoot one of them out of jealousy. Instead you tucked into the plate of eggs and fruit Killer placed in front of you.
He paused at your tired expression, but went back to cooking. Today would be long, you decided.
It’s my punishment for last night. You shook your head quickly to clear your mind. A few crew mates nudged each other, grinning.
“Hey sunshine,” Hop called out. “You look a little rough, long night?” Quincy giggled, you sent them both a withering glare.
“Maybe if you hadn’t chipped your sword in 5 different spots I wouldn’t have been up all night.” You grouched, she blushed and clammed up. You turned to Quincy. “Stop giggling, how the fuck did you manage to break the bolt on your gun?”
“Hee~ it’s a mystery.” She winked.
“You’re a menace.” You said, stuffing more eggs in your mouth. Killer places a mug of coffee in front of you and clears his throat, gaining everyone’s attention.
“We won’t be docking until a little past noon, if everyone gets their tasks done before that then you can do whatever you want on shore,” He paused for the usual cheers, being morning crew on shore days was the best. Afternoon crew had to do supply runs and maintenance, but at least they got to sleep in. “Now finish eating and I’ll give you an assignment.”
You don’t take your time, hoping to rush through whatever cleaning you have to do and get a nap in before docking. After rinsing your dish and chugging your coffee, you wait in front of Killer.
“You only got two chores today, mopping the hallways and helping Wire with some charting.” Killer pauses for a moment. “After that try to get some close range target practice in before going on shore. Captain wants everyone in top shape.”
You almost groan, charting maps with Wire and sharp shooting practice would easily take the full morning, if not the whole day. Maybe you can get Wire to have mercy on you, doubtful though, he’s way too passionate about maps. Killer dismisses you and you refill your mug before heading out to mop.
The hallways weren’t difficult to mop per se, but they were long and winding, plus there was frequent foot traffic to account for. Too many people walking around leads to slipping, so it was best to mop a section then go back with a towel to dry it then rinse and repeat. Your caffeine buzz gave you a burst of energy and it only took you an hour to get it done.
Now you just had to help Wire and you could nap, though you weren’t sure how you could help with charting it wasn’t your area of expertise.
Still, it was an order from Killer so you met with your tallest crew mate on the deck. There were several crew mates milling about, either working on chores or sparring. Wire was already sitting, pencil moving briskly with a smile on his face.
“You’re literally the cutest,” You said as you sat down. “Seriously I could eat you up.” He looked up at you with his heavy eyes and smiled again.
“Oh sweetie I doubt you have the appetite.” He said demurely, before the both of you burst out with laughter. Wire was easily the biggest flirt on the crew, besides you of course. He took a moment to observe you as you sat, noticing your eye bags and red sclera. “You look like you had a long night. You got a special someone I don’t know about?”
“Ha! Yeah right,” You snort, taking a sip of your now cold coffee. “You’d be the first to know if I had a new beau.”
“Oh I better be.” Part of you worried he’d start making assumptions again, but he spared you instead rifling through some papers.
“So what do you need me for? I’m not exactly a navigator.” You ask, he smiles again.
“True, but charting isn’t just marking a path on a map, it also involves some local intel.”
“Oh? How can I help then?”
“Well you know how Captain has changed course to go to the West Blue yes?”
“Uh- yeah I guess.” You feel an anxious pit in your stomach.
“Well we’re going after a specific crew, have you heard of a Captain Badger?” He asked, pulling out an old faded bounty, the picture was grainy but you’d recognize that face anywhere.
“Ummm.” You grabbed the paper, playing up your pause. “Yeah I think I have.” Wire seemed excited.
“Wonderful! Do you know where he operates out of? Or what his crew name and size is?”
You knew, but getting the words out was difficult. You didn’t think Kid had been serious about going and killer you former captain. Now you’d have to explain you past to everyone, who knows how they’d react. They’d think you were a coward. Or worse they’d pity you.
“Pretty sure he’s got a smaller crew, like less than 20 people. And I uh- I don’t remember his crew name, it was something like Wave or Tide Pirates.” You offer with a sheepish grin and a shrug, Wire tilted his head then started writing again. “Did the Captain say why he was go after him?”
“He said he wants him dead and that’d I’d know more when I need to know more.” Wire grinned. “Which is what he usually says so chances are this guy insulted him once like a year ago and now we’re gonna kill him.” He chuckled, you tried to join in but it sounded watery.
“We-Well if you don’t need anything else-”
“Oh, yes do you know where he operates out of? Does he have a base camp or anything?” Wired asked.
He wishes, you thought wryly.
“Hmmm, I think he stays around Toroa. That’s all I can remember.” You laugh shakily again and dismiss yourself. Wire frowns, he’d rather have you here while he finished the map to answer any other questions. But you seemed so unlike yourself today, he hoped you went and rested a bit.
Part of you wanted to scream, Kid was seriously delaying their journey just to go kill some guy he’s never even met. You laid back down on your bunk, Hip was getting dressed while Emma brushed her hair.
“Morning, Doll.” Emma smiled at you, you grunted out a greeting and pulled the blanket over your head. “Oooff you alright?”
“She got in late last night,” Hip answered for you, fixing her lipstick. “Let her get some sleep before we dock.” She flicked the lights off.
“Hip I could kiss you right now.” You groaned out, grateful to your friend. The two opened the door to leave, Hip poked her head back in.
“You’d ruin my lipstick~” She purred dramatically.
“Tragic, how will I ever recover?” You chuckled dryly, taking the time now to remove your outer clothes before your nap. You ended up in your underwear and a baggy top.
“Have sweet dreams love!” Hip called out, Emma slammed the door shut probably sick of your jokes.
You didn’t sleep deeply, constantly tossing and turning, you tried not to think about Kid or why he was doing all of this. It was so out of nowhere, a month ago you barely even spoke.
Eventually you settle enough to dream of nothing, of course that didn’t last long and soon enough someone was pounding on your bunk door. You jolted awake, worried there was a fight or something, and grabbed one of the many knives off the wall before yanking the door open.
Kid seemed surprised to be on the business end of your knife, you stared at each other for a bit before he started laughing. You flushed and lowered the blade with a muttered apology.
“Shit you’re a fucking sight!” He cackled, leaning against the doorway. His eyes drag up and down your form and you feel like bursting into flame when he gives a low whistle. “What’s with the get up? You trying a new look?”
You slam the door shut and go to put some clothes on, you wouldn’t bother to put clothes on if the ship was under attack. But you didn’t really feel like talking to your captain in your undergarments. At least you’d worn boxers so there was a little bit of coverage.
Kid shoved the door open as you picked up some clothes.
“Oi could’ve broken my nose!”
“Why were you pounding on my door like that?” You asked trying to yank your pants on. “Thought we were under siege or there was a fire!” He laughs again.
“Well nice to know you’re always ready for a fight!” He’s grinning and if you weren’t so embarrassed you’d have found the situation funny too. “Anyways we just docked and you weren’t on deck so I came to grab ya.”
“Thanks, Boss.” She buckle your belt, making sure it sat well on your hips before pulling your tank top on. His eyes were still watching you, you felt warm again. “Sorry, I was sleeping, didn’t hear the call on the comms.” He grinned again.
“Yeah? You were up late last night.” He didn’t say it like a question, but you still answered like it was.
“Yup weapon repair took longer than expected. Didn’t finish until late.” You yank on your boots now, he’s back to leaning on the doorframe.
“I know.” His smile was wide and at that moment you felt exposed again.
“I was up and saw your dinner still in the fridge.” He shrugged. “Figured you weren’t done yet.” He didn’t reveal more, just in case you suspected it was him outside the showers last night. You feel a little bit better now.
“Yup, like I said. Took a while, I ate eventually before bed.” You kept it short, hopefully you seemed relaxed. Probably not. “You need anything else?”
He frowned at the dismissive tone, but didn’t comment just walked out towards the deck, leaving the door wide open. You sighed, glad he was gone. That conversation could’ve been much worse, you count it as a victory.
Heat popped his head in as you finished getting ready, eyes suspicious.
“You alright? Just saw Kid walk out of here like he was pissed.”
“I’m good, he woke me up from my nap and I kinda held a knife at him.” You tie your hair back away from you face with a grin.
“Woah why’d you threaten him?” He looked impressed.
“He scared me! I thought we were under attack so I was just prepared for an enemy to be at my door!” You laughed while trying to defend yourself. “I’m sure he’s pretty pissed about it. Surprised he didn’t revoke my shore leave.”
“Nah there’s no way he’d be mad at you.” Heat walked with you to the deck. “He’s probably into that typa shit.” You make a face and cover your ears as he opens the door for you, cackling at your blush.
“I don’t need to know your theories, thank you!” The deck is mostly empty, just a few people who are on duty milling about. Killer and Kid are next to the exit, talking together with Wire.
Heat walks with you to the exit, you have no plans at shore but it’s mid afternoon so there’s plenty to do. You pass by Kid without looking at him, hoping to escape without an incident. Wire waves you over and you feel like crying.
“I’ll catch up with you,” You let Heat go on without you. “Let’s meet for drinks in an hour. Same spot as last time, yeah?” He gives you a thumbs up and climbs down. You walk over to the group and nod your greeting, eyes on Wire.
“I was just letting Captain and Killer know, I’ve finished charting our course!” Wire was lit up, lidded eyes shut as he smiled and swayed. “Thank you for the help, by the way.” Kid looked bored and Killer looked….well like Killer.
“Of course, not a problem.” You desperately want to leave right now, but with 3 high ranking crew mates you knew better than to go without being properly dismissed.
“If you remember anything else, let me know! I’m hoping to figure out his crew’s name.” Wire hummed distractedly. “Maybe I can find a more recent bounty with it.”
Killer cocks his head to the side, an exaggerated confusion, while Kid just flat out gapes at you. Your smile is wobbly and you hope they don’t ask you about it. You just didn’t want more people knowing about your old captain, it’d be too much of a hassle.
“I think it may be a good idea for you and Wire to have a session together.” Killer said slowly, Kid opened his mouth but a nudge from his first mate kept him quiet. “You’ve been here for months, it’d be good for you to have a check up.”
“Oh?” Wire perked up, he knelt down so he was a little closer to your height, something he did when a sensitive moment popped up. “You know, I didn’t realize it, but we never had an official talk before have we?”
“I guess not,” You cringed, the idea of having a sorta-kinda therapy session didn’t interest you at all. “I don’t think it’s necessary.” Wire waves at you are with a smile.
“Nonsense! It’s part of my duties, plus it couldn’t hurt.” Wire patted you gently.
“So it’s decided,” Killer said. “You two make a plan for it, if there’s a problem, let me know.” He said that last part to you, you could feel it.
“Wonderful!” Wire smiled and you tried to mimic him, but it definitely looked like a scowl. Kid was frowning now as you were finally dismissed and practically ran off the boat.
“I’m getting a drink.” Kid announced, feeling pissy as he followed slowly after you. He pretended he didn’t hear Wire’s little chuckles.
You had a sizable lead on him by the time he actually dismounted, but he kept a close eye on you as you darted from stall to stall in the marketplace. It was a rare luxury to be able to choose from such a variety of stores, he found himself taking his time at certain spots. His bounty proceeds him so most places gave him a hefty discount, he grinned as he browsed a stall full of niche tools.
He hadn’t meant to get distracted from you, but he was conversing with the elderly man at the stall about which item would be the best suited for his style of work when a commotion from on the other side of the crowd started up. A man’s voice could be heard, cocky and forward. Kid could make out something about a date.
“Oh boy, looks like another young man is causing trouble.” The old man said tiredly.
“Huh?” Kid tried to peer over the crowd but the commotion was around a bend, obscuring his view.
“There’s a lot of very…insistent men around here.”
“Insistent? What the fuck does that mean.” The old man curled his lip at the cursing, but Kid was too busy being nosey to notice.
“You know, insistent…with the ladies. Especially in such a crowded place.” The man shrugged as Kid turned to sneer at him. “Try not to let it disturb your browsing. It’s a minor nuisance.”
“So you don’t try to stop it?” Kid felt himself getting angry. “Even though you know it’s a problem?”
“Not really, it really can’t be helped, especially with so many new, beautiful women coming though every day. The boys will grow out of it eventually.” The man chuckled, like he thought Kid would laugh too.
The red head snarled and shoved his way back onto the streets, easily knocking several people out of his path. He came upon the scene and nearly exploded.
Of course it was you giving him a damn head ache.
You were facing a tall, spindling young man. His face pinched in a frown as he tried to grab your arm again. You yanked your arm back, lips curled back in a sneer.
“Fuck off, I said I’m not interested.” You told the man, the crowd continued moving around you both as if they didn’t even notice. The man tried to step closer, you put your hand on your holstered knife, he paused.
“Come on now, a pretty thing like you ain’t gotta carry a knife.” You caught sight of Kid, relief flooding your face, until he started grinning.
“Nah,” Kid interrupted, stepping behind the guy. The scrawny man turned to glare at him but went pale when they made eye contact. “Pretty thing like her ‘as gotta carry a knife. Too many little shits out there tryin to be creeps ya know?” He grinned down at the guy, then walked to stand by you nudging you with his elbow.
“I think you should stab him.” Kid continued, eyes locked on you.
“Wait a min-“ The man starts.
“Unlike some people I actually try to keep a low profile on shore.” You ignore the man, glaring up at your captain. “Let’s just leave.” You move to walk off, but Kid grabs you by the belt loop, gently halting you.
“Who? Me?” He laughs, the crowd is thinning out as they sense his threatening presence. “Did you even tell him you were a pirate?” You shrugged, peering up at him now.
Oh shit, he wanted to show off for you.
“Woah a pirate?” The man, who Kid had honestly forgotten about, shouted. “No way you’re fucking lying!” Kid rolls his eyes.
“Fuck you’re annoying,” He drawls and raises his hand to the Bowie knife strapped across his chest. “I’m sick of hearing you talk. If she won’t kill ya, I sure as fuck will.” The man jumps back, knocking into someone, Kid starts to move towards him but your hand on his arm stops him.
That’s right, I’m supposed to make her not scared of me.
His pause gives the creep enough to run off blubbering and the crowd of people come forward to occupy his now empty place. Kid nervously glances down at you, wondering how much he set your relationship back. He was met with your bored stare.
“Seriously? We’ve been on shore for what? And hour?”
“Hey don’t lecture me, I’m the captain I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” He grumbled, but allowed you to lead him down the street. Your hand was still on his arm, the one not covered by his coat, and the feeling makes him flush.
“You are, but everyone’s gonna be pissed if we have to deal with Marines already.” You press into his arm now to direct him down a smaller path. It’s less crowded so you let go of him and give a little space, he tries not to yank you back to him.
“Whatever, can’t believe you let that fucker live.” He knew he should leave it alone and just be glad you didn’t run scared from him. But he couldn’t help poking at that bear.
“If I killed every creep that flirts with me, I’d be in jail.” You chuckle a little, one look at your captain though and he looks pissed.
“Who the fuck is flirting with you all the time?” He barks and you bristle.
He realized now it kinda sounded like he didn’t think you were attractive enough to be flirted with.
“So two seconds ago you were calling me pretty. Now I’m not?” You tried not to feel insulted but… it stung a little. You don’t know why, but you didn’t like the thought that Kid found you unattractive. It’s nothing.
“That’s not what I meant!” He tried to argue, but you spotted Heat waiting outside a bar ahead. So you took the easy way out and sped up to a jog. Kid kept his pace, but followed after you, desperate to make his case.
“Heat!” You called out and hugged your friend.
“Took ya long enough,” The stitched man smiled, then did a double take as Kid trailed behind you. “Hey captain. What’re you doing here?”
“We ran into each other,” You said dismissively, pulling Heat to the bar’s entrance. “Do they have food? I’m fucking starving.”
“Yeah I think so.” Heat glanced back to watch Kid follow you both in. “He good?” He asked you in a hushed tone as you sat down at a booth in the corner. Heat stood glancing between the two of you.
“Probably?” You shrugged. “There was a guy I got into it with, he’s probably pissed I didn’t kill him.”
Heat slid into the bench opposite from you, as Kid sat at the bar. The place wasn’t busy, but late afternoon would fade away into night soon and it’d be packed. The bartender served Kid then came over to get your order.
“Hey I remember you!” He said as he pointed at you. “You were here a few weeks ago, yeah?” You smiled politely and nodded, Heat had a guarded expression, but the guy just took your orders and left for the kitchen. Kid glanced back at you as you sipped your beer.
“Weird that he remembered us.” Heat started, you chuckled.
“I mean, you and captain are pretty memorable.”
Heat grunted but didn’t continue. The time passed by quickly, you and Heat ate and drank your beers. Slowly more patrons started trickling in, mostly your crew but some locals too. At some point you pulled out a deck of cards and started a no stakes game with Heat, hoping to improve your skills.
Kid was suspiciously quiet, you’d glance at him often, but he just drank in solitude. Occasionally a crew mate would come up and chat with him, but when they left he’d just fall silent again. He glanced at you about as often as you did him, until Killer finally joined on the stool next to him.
“Pay attention before I make us play Go Fish.” Heat admonished you, your face turned red.
“Jokes on you I’m a shark at Go Fish.” You grin at him despite the shame of being caught.
As the night finally kicks off and nearly the entire crew, minus those on ship watch, are here, you and Heat finish your game. He splits off to find Wire and you go up to the bar for some stronger drinks. There were no open spots so you tapped on Killer’s shoulder, he made space between him and Kid. You waved at the bartender, having to stand on the barstool’s foot rest to be tall enough.
“What can I get you, gorgeous?” The man asks smoothly. Both men beside you tense, but you through your head back in a laugh, the previous drinks got you a little more comfortable.
“Can I get 2 shots of whiskey and a rum and coke?”
“Of course!” The bartender starts working on that, you keep an eye on him as Killer leans to speak with Kid over your head. You can’t really hear them, but ignore to focus on the man making your drinks. “Here you go.” He places the 3 glasses down and you put a few Berries on the counter, Kid swipes them back to you quickly.
“Hey!” You and the bartender say at once, your captain sneers then throws down his own Berries.
“Shut up both of ya!” He avoids your eyes and tucks back into his drink. Killer let’s off a restrained chuckle, you can feel it more than hear it against your side. You shrug, ready to let your captain’s weird behavior go if it meant free drinks, the bartender though didn’t seem as willing.
“Aw what a gentleman,” He grins at you. “Here I thought chivalry was dead.” Kid glowered at him, but Killer shook his head, which made the redhead frown harder.
“Thanks, Boss!” You say to ease the tension, then offer him one of the shots. “This was for Heat but he ditched me, you want it?” He regards you for a moment and takes the shot without a word. He grunts at the burn and watches you take yours then take a quick sip of your coke to chase it. Killer let’s out a brisk goodbye and vacates his seat, yanking you onto it.
“This shit is cheap, let me get some of that.” He gestures to your glass, normally he wouldn’t need a chaser, but he didn’t want you running off just yet. Or worse, talking with the stupid bartender again, who seems to be hovering around you. You slide him the drink, he takes a sip and grimaces again. “Fuck that’s strong, got what? Like an spit’s worth of coke?” You nod.
“Yeah it’s kinda strong,” You make a face as you take another sip. “Maybe I just gotta stir it.” You swirl it with a straw from the bar and try again. Nope, still strong.
“Tryin’ to get her drunk fast?” Kid shoots at the bartender, who pretends like he wasn’t listening.
“Does the lady not like her drink? I can certainly remake it for you.” He ignores Kid to speak with you, who is steadily considering murder. You wave his question off.
“Nah, it’s fine.” You’d rather just drink it, this guy was really annoying Kid and it was better if he just gave you some space.
“If you change your mind~” He winks at you and you fight back a laugh. This guy was over the top with his flirting. “Just let me know, my name is Jon.” He finally walked off to service some more patrons, the second bartender, an older woman, arrived to help with the orders.
“Fucking annoying ass dick head.” Kid mutters, you roll you eyes, but he doesn’t see it.
“He seemed nice enough.” You said lazily, eyes scanning the crowd as you stir your drink again. “Kinda cute too.”
“What? Seriously?” Kid looks you up and down like you’ve grown another head.
“Yeah, he’s nice at least.” You shrug.
“Gross. You’re way outta his league.” He needs to shut up, right now.
You’re stiff again, suddenly remembering his insult earlier. He can feel the change in you and quickly looks away, staring at his beer like it would hide him.
“Whatever.” You hop off the stool and go to leave, his hand grips your upper arm tightly. You flinch and tense, his grip softens but doesn’t leave, you let him pull you back onto the stool.
“That wasn’t what I meant… Earlier.” He said slowly, his hand slips down to hold your forearm.
“When you said I wasn’t pretty enough to be flirted with?” You clarified for him, he scowled but tried to force it away.
“I never said that!” He cuts himself off. “Look, you’re plenty pretty. I just meant that creeps shouldn’t be bothering you, ya know?” He finishes lamely, heat on his face, trying to look at you. A pause hangs in the air and he finally looks at your face, you keep it neutral for a moment.
��So… you think I’m pretty?” You ask with a grin, he snatches his hand away from you with a growl. Your face is also red, but you poke his arm playfully. “What’s next? You gonna propose?” He flushes more and grits his teeth.
“Knock it off will ya! I’m trying to be nice for fucking once!” He bats your hand off of him, hoping he seems as annoyed. “Acting all hot and cold on me.”
“Calm down, Boss. You know I don’t mean anything by it.” You hold your hands up in mock surrender. His eyes cut to you then back to the crowd.
“Yeah, I know.”
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Hunter's Prey Pt1: Slasher! Rob Lucci X Reader
Sorry for only posting on Friday, i have been very tired this week but I've only got one exam left so I'll try not to post so late.
Modern AU
Mentions of killing people
Slight mention of violence
Water Seven, a popular beach town known for its ship building it was a bustling town with many busy people living their daily lives, yet there was a dark shadow that loomed over that town...
The leopard. A feared killer on the loose known for hunting and killing his prey just like a leopard. He stalked his victims during the night when no one could see him and was gone in the morning the only thing left behind was the dead corpse, covered in claw marks and bruises around the throat...
Reader POV
I placed the cup of coffee down next to Paulie as he read the latest newspaper. I handed out the coffee's to the rest of the Galley La crew and handed the last one to Rob Lucci. I had been working at Galley La for over two years now and had gotten very close with everyone except for Lucci. He was always quiet and only spoke through his pet pigeon Hattori. Lucci was quite anti-social and only ever really talked to Paulie and from what I heard, even the he doesn't talk much and only let's the pigeon talk. He's so mysterious and kinda hot, I just wish I could get to know him more. After giving everyone their coffee I sat down next to Paulie as he sighed and closed the newspaper, "Another person found dead in their home..." He sighed as he read the article about the Leopard's latest kill. "And the police are doing nothing about it!" he said growled as he took a sip of his coffee. "Isn't Iceberg supposed to do something about it? He is the mayor after all." I asked, "Iceberg is trying to keep the town calm during the situation. But he's been hiring the best detectives in he country and still can't find anyone.." Paulie grumbled as he opened back up the newspaper and continued reading.
"And we don't know who this person even is?" I asked, "Nope, no sign of any DNA at any crime scene at all.." Paulie grumbled as he went through the paper. I just looked down and drank my coffee, who could this be? Why would you even want to do something like that? From what I know, the victims have nothing in common: different ages, different genders, different occupations.. It just doesn't make sense! I tried to stop thinking about it and just tried to enjoy my lunch, until I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. I looked up to see Lucci staring at me, Hattori wasn't talking so I didn't understand why he was glaring at me, usually if someone was staring at me for no reason I would stare back until they were uncomfortable but, the way Lucci stared at me just made me feel... Scared...
He had his usual blank expression on his face but his eyes, they were intense. They were staring at me like I was a gazelle and he was a... Leopard.... No it can't be, Lucci can't be the killer going around town! Sure he's always quiet and no one really knows much about him but he's always just so, chill. He's never shown anger towards anyone, he's never gone quiet or said anything suspicious when we talk about the killer, it just couldn't be him! But why was he staring at me like this? Like he was going to eat me...
After a long day of work I made my way home without getting drinks with anyone this time and collapsed at home exhausted. I put in a pre-made dinner in the microwave and just flopped in front of the couch as I ate. What to watch, what to watch.... News? No that's just depressing. Nature documentary? That's even more depressing.. Oh wait, a horror movie is playing! There's something more interesting. Ah the original Halloween, a classic, I decided to watch Halloween and eat my dinner in the dark. Around the part where Michael starts trying to get into Laurie's house I heard a crash, grabbing a baseball bat I got up and went to investigate. Thankfully it was just my neighbor, he's an old man with arthritis so he drops things a lot. Relaxing again I went back to the living room and put the bat down. I sat back down and continued to watch, or noticing the figure sitting next to me. Before I could react a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pinned me to the couch. I just managed to grab my bat and swang, I managed to his the person in the face and they let me go. Still holding the bat, I grabbed my keys and ran to the front door. Swiftly unlocking it I opened the front door and was about to bolt, but the person grabbed me again, pulled me inside and shut the door and pinned me to it by my wrists. Now with some light I looked up at the figure.... Oh no....
"LUCCI!?" My mouth was quickly covered by Lucci's hand so he was now holding both of my hands above my head with only one hand, I wanted an explanation but instead of Hattori talking Lucci's mouth opened and he spoke himself, "Your fear is adorable~" Was all he said as he took his hand off my and around my throat, "Now don't scream or I'll rip your throat out..." He said quietly. Lucci, the man that never speaks and let's his pet pigeon speak for him can speak? Not only that but he broke into my house and is threatening me!? What's going on...? I simply nodded to his request and his grip on my throat relaxed but didn't move. "Lucci, what are you doing in my house? How did you even get in?" "I have my ways darling~" he said as he moved his index finger to caress my cheek, a sinister smile growing on his face. "Now, how shall I deal with you darling?~" He said as he squeezed my neck a little tighter, "Lucci please... We're.. We're friends right!? I always buy you your coffee, I always try to include you in after work stuff?" I pleaded but he didn't seem to waver. "Lucci, people are already suspecting you a lot... If you kill me then you'll just give people more reason to believe it's you. And you don't want to get caught right?" This made Lucci stop.
He kept gently squeezing my throat while he thought, then his sinister smile grew again, "You're right, I wouldn't anyone suspecting me now would we? But how do I make sure that you don't go talking about our little encounter now?" he said as he brought his face closer to mine. "Maybe I should just keep you until I know you won't speak~" "But if you kidnap me then they'll still be suspicious!" "I know, that's why you're not getting kidnapped but taking a vacation." Lucci said as he grabbed my phone from my pocket, he texted Iceberg that I would be taking some time off for personal reasons. He put my phone in his pocket then looked back at me, "Now let's get you back to my place where I can keep an eye on you." Before I could try and say anything else he held a rag against my nose and mouth and I almost instantly blacked out, the last thing I saw was Lucci's sinister grin as he still held me by the neck.
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Hiya, I’ve only just found your blog and I love your work🥰 would you mind writing a bit of a drama (i’m a drama queen🥲)? I’ve been thinking some misunderstanding like zoro being (unintentionally) popular with girls but one being extremely clingy to the point people, as well as the fem reader, think they are a couple. Female reader gets jealous and sad and Sanji comes to comfort her and Zoro sees that and gets the wrong idea and becomes jealous too. But they somehow find out the truth and blah blah romantic stuff confessions etc. I know it’s ridiculous but I live for the drama🥺 thanks in advance and i will understand if you don’t want to do it but I love ya anyway xx
Hiya dear reader,
Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy that you like my style!
I'm sorry it took so long, but I didn't want to post something unfinished XD I hope you don't mind me setting it before the time skip, I think water seven directly after enies lobby is a great location.
Drama is always good and that's a great setup - LET'S DO IT (got a little longer)
👉 masterlist stories
👉 masterlist headcanon
Zoro has no fucking clue
You defeated CP9 and returned together with Robin to Water 7, where the crew got the chance to heal and relax for a few days.

Together, you really showed it to the world government! Well, mostly the big hitters in the crew. Zoro saved you when it came to fighting, not that you minded it. Whenever you were in danger, you knew that he would show up and defeat whatever marine captain or sea monster was trying to kill you.
When you got the key and released him and Usopp from the cuffs, he flashed you a heartmeltingly handsome smile and proceeded to partake in the absolutely ridiulous sword duel that destroyed half the building - and than he fought against thousands of marines.
He really deserved a break. And a thank you. You had been aimlessly wandering through the streets of water 7 to find something for Zoro, a gift to thank him. And maybe show him how much you like him.
Eventually, you decided to get him a Magnum bottle of sake, enough for his big thirst. It was something he absolutely would love.
Pleased with your purchase, you walked back to your temporary shelter in water 7- but your heart almost stopped. You were already so attuned to his appearance, that you could have picked out that green hair in any crowd - Zoro was here. And he seemed to be moving fast. Trouble? That meat head always managed to find a fight, you better help him out.
The gathering crowd slowed you down almost immediately. You squeezed through to see Zoro fighting with some guy, who was no match for the formidable swordsman.
Putting on a real show, Zoro played with the amateur, who poked helplessly at the air as Zoro effortlessly moved around the battlefield. Drinking in the "Oh!" And "Ah!" From the surrounding crowd, a cocky smile spread over his face.
With his two swords crossed, he finally attacked and struck his opponent down with one blow.
The crowd cheered - a very female sounding cheer. You noticed a lot of girls streaming to him. They clung to his arms and praised his strength- what was going on?
A girl shouted: "He got the pantie thief! He's my hero!" In a ridiculously high pitched voice and ran towards a grinning Zoro.
Pantie thief - of course. You rolled your eyes and waited for the crowd to dissipate. And you waited, and waited. One of them seemed glued to Zoro's arm, giggling and throwing her long, blonde locks around.
"Hey Zoro, let's get back to the others" you tried to get him to leave with you.
"Nah. this girl here will thank me with some booze! Just go back without me." He waved you off while the girl promised him all he could drink.
Rolling your eyes even harder, you went back to the crew at the galley-la building and informed them of Zoro's absence.
"Good riddance!" Sanji muttered past his cigarette. "Want an éclair?" He offered, almost in the same breath but with suddenly heart-shaped eyes.
"YES" you shouted, hungry for some kind of comfort after Zoro just trotted off with a blonde haired beauty.
"Stupid mosshead!" You cursed as you angrily shoved the sweet treat into your mouth.
"Yes he is, if he did anything to you I will kick that guy to the moon!" Sanji chimed in.
"No it's okay." You muttered and continued to mope for the rest of the evening.
Hardly able to sleep, you heard Zoro stumble home at dawn, throwing himself into a corner and snoring almost immediately.
You hoped that it was done with that - until the next morning. You heard Sanji shriek in delight as the door opened: "Such a sweet beautiful girl, did you come to see me, my lady?"
You didn't hear the reply clearly, but a high female voice cooed something and you heard a loud thud as Sanji's body hit the floor, an expression of total horror on his face.
The girl from yesterday pranced past you as you knelt down next to the cook.
"It's horrible..." he hoarsely whispered, seemingly near death, "she's bringing the mosshead breakfast. That beautiful lady..." his eyes closed as he sighed the last half-sentence and with it, his will to live (for the moment).
Hot jealousy surged up again. You stomped to the table, where luffy was sleep-eating heaps and Zoro gingerly unpacked a giant sandwich, seemingly made entirely out of meat.
The blonde bimbo had parked her breasts on the table and watched Zoro with a dreamy expression as he wolfed down the sandwich, splattering sauce all over the place.
"Do you like it?" She asked in a melodic voice.
"Yeah, thanks" Zoro answered with a full mouth. He seemed very content. That ass.
She didn't leave afterwards. In fact, she basically moved in immediately, either hanging on Zoro's arm or sitting close to him, watching him with heart shaped eyes and complimenting his every breath.
She eventually informed the somewhat irritated rest of the crew that her name was Silk (while throwing her silky hair around) and that she stayed with Zoro. Since she didn't actually do anything bad and Zoro didn't seem to mind, everyone accepted or ignored it.
"Come on, snookums, it's so crowded here, let's go out" Silk tugged at his arm. "I know a great liquor place!"
"Yeah why not" he lazily followed her as she maneuvered him like a tugboat.
"Snookums?" you stared after them in disbelief.
Nami, meanwhile, died of hysterical laughter.
"Didn't think that a girl could tame him that much. He's totally whipped!" she laughed and slapped your back while you didn't understand the world anymore.
The sake you bought was still in your bag, still untouched. Maybe you should bring it back to the store.
It was evening, Zoro and his girl weren't back yet. You found yourself so irritated that you couldn't sleep, just like Sanji, who sat at the table and poured himself some wine.
As you sat next to him, he silently passed you a glass as well. He somehow managed to get from perfectly coiffed, full of energy and dressed to the nines to unshaven and disheveled in the course of a day.
"I know why I am upset...but what is it with you?" You ask him.
Two bloodshot eyes stared back at you.
"I can't believe Marimo...that filthy brute, with no style and no interest in women has a...a..." The end of his sentence was too much to bear for him, instead he took a nervous gulp of wine.
"And she's so....soo...prettyyyyy" he dragged out the last word like a pre-schooler in a tantrum.
You gently tapped your glass against his: "to us" you whisper.
"To...us?" He half asked and half repeated and he smiled.
One glass turned into two glasses, and like that the bottle was gone. Your only topic: how much Zoro and that girl sucked.
A new bottle was opened, and another. Soon, you didn't find enough things to hate Zoro for anymore, so instead you moved on to different topics. Sanji told you about growing up in the restaurant while you told him a few stories of your own. After the third bottle was emptied, you were both pretty drunk, and you didn't really remember much anymore.
You drifted off to an uneasy sleep, full of Zoro how he made out with the girl named Silk. How they had children and generally shoved their happiness into your face.
"Oi, wake up. Y/n, wake up!" You heard Zoro's angry voice above you as he tapped you with his foot.
"Wha...let me sleep marimo" you answered, swiftly adopting Sanji's language and inflection.
As you opened your eyes, the swordsman's towering frame took up your entire field of vision. With his crossed arms and grumpy expression, he looked intimidating as hell.
You stretched and realized that you had slept on the floor, leaning against Sanji, amidst a lot of pillows. Sanji must have brought them during the night to make you more comfortable. Now that's a man!
When you moved, Sanji's head fell into your lap, still sleeping, and he immediately began purring like a kitten. Zoro grabbed him by the collar and shook him awake.
"What the fuck YOU think you're doing?" He bellowed at his sleepy crewmate.
"Go and have your nosebleed somewhere else, you pervy cook!" He said as he threw Sanji down again -hopefully immediately regretting it because Sanji answered with a fiery kick.
Not even 5 minutes awake and already near a fight, you decided to crawl away to safety and make some tea.
As you set down with steaming cup in hand, you spotted the blonde girl coming towards you, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Demonstrably, she sighed and commented "what a short night" showcasing her disheveled hair with a pout.
"Uh-hu" was all you could manage.
"You are his crewmate, are you not?" she asked, "how can you live with that manly man on one boat and not fall for him?"
"Yeah, it's a mystery" you answered sourly. If she only knew that you did - and he didn't care.
She continued to talk about something, but you decided not to listen. Instead, you focused on the fight going on outside now, where Zoro and Sanji shouted insults at each other.
"You hurt her feelings! I cannot ignore that!" Sanji screamed. "FLAMBÈ SHOT!"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, STUPID COOK!" Zoro answered among loud clashes.
Your head was aching too much, there was too much noise. You excused yourself and went outside - away from the fight - and sat at the pier. It was calm here. Just faint noises of fighting were in the background.
You thought about how childish those two were, always fighting about something. But you were one to talk, you were childish as well. Zoro or Silk had no way of knowing that they hurt your feelings. At least Zoro deserved an open apology. And his sake.
You sighed, already playing the conversation in your head. The waves crashed against the pier, it was really calm.
Too calm.
When you returned to the building, both Zoro and Silk were gone.
Sanji was at the stove, making breakfast.
"Zoro stormed off" he said flatly. "And Silk-chan followed, of course."
They didn't return for the whole day. Dusk came and there was still no sign of them.
It got late, evening turned to night and Zoro was still gone. It was time to have a talk, to let him know how you felt, and to clarify where you both stood. You packed the sake to finally give it to him and be the friend he deserved.
You made your way through the bustling streets of Water 7 once again, aimlessly walking and hoping to find Zoro. It was a lively city with people sitting outside and laughing late into the night. You didn't see the green hair anywhere, maybe they've gone to her place.
Your feet have taken you away from the people in the streets to side alleys, where everything was calm and dark. There were lots or piers looking out to the water where crews loaded and unloaded goods.
With relief, you spotted Zoro sitting on a wooden barrel near the water's edge, alone now, with an empty bottle of sake beside him. His expression was more somber than before, and he seemed lost in thought.
Taking a deep breath, you approached him, determined to have the conversation you had been avoiding. As you got closer, Zoro looked up and met your gaze, and you could see a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"Hey," you said softly, taking a seat beside him. "Mind if we talk?"
Zoro blinked and then nodded, a serious look on his face. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat and decided to be direct. "I am really happy for you, Silk seems to really like you." You paused, unsure where to go next.
"And I hope you're happy with the cook" he snorted.
"What?" You asked, surprised.
"The cook. And you. I wouldn't have thought..." His voice trailed off and he took the bottle again. Remembering that it was already empty, he threw it into the sea with a sigh.
"That goddamn cook with his nice words..." Zoro mumbled angrily.
"I am not with Sanji, silly" you told him.
"But you slept together...! On the floor!" He stuttered.
"We just fell asleep, nothing more." You said.
"I...I'm not with Silk either." He rubbed his head, "in fact, she was kind of unnerving."
"Than why be with her for days?" You asked.
"You know, it was nice to be appreciated for once. Silk gets it. You always call me stupid or silly." He shrugged.
"You stupid mosshead, everytime I call you stupid I mean that I like your stupid!" You rummaged in your bag for the Sake, "it means that you're adorable and cute and so, so unbelievably, awesomely stupid! And I do appreciate you. You save me all the time. I bought this for you, as a thank you" You gave him the extra large bottle of Sake.
Zoro's brows furrowed as the gears started turning in his head. "I didn't realize... I mean, I didn't think...why did you never say so before?"
"Don't know. You never really cared about anything besides swords and fighting." You shrugged.
"I...I do care, I just...I'm not so good with words." He held the bottle in his hands like he didn't know what to do with it.
He swallowed and looked at you. "You know, I think you're stupid, too. Really silly. The silliest person I've ever met." He laughed and you chimed in.
You felt a rush of relief and happiness wash over you. Maybe Zoro wasn't as clueless as you had thought. Perhaps he had his own way of expressing his feelings.
"Just to be sure...stupid means I like you" He whispered and invited you to sit with him. When you hopped on the barrell, he put his arm around you.
As you sat there by the water's edge, the two of you talked late into the night, sharing stories, laughter, and sake. The noise of the world around you faded into the background as you discovered a deeper connection with Zoro, one that went beyond the chaos of battles and adventures.
And in that moment, you realized that sometimes, the most meaningful conversations happened not in grand gestures, but in the quiet moments shared between two people who cared for each other deeply.
Epilogue (because I don't want to leave Silk's character as the only evil female catty villain)
Zoro and you eventually made it back to the company house and shocked everyone, first and foremost poor Sanji, with your new found closeness. It would be a long road until you could say the l-word to each other, but whatever your now relationship was, it was good.
It would still be a few days until you could sail from water 7 and you enjoyed the commodities of the city, walking through the busy streets, window shopping.
A store with beautiful cloth caught your eye and you entered. You looked at the exquisite goods when you heard a shop clerk approach "can I help you?"
"No I'm just look-AHHH" your voice and face must have derailed when you found yourself looking at an equally shocked Silk. A moment of awkward silence followed where you saw that her eyes were swollen and she looked really tired.
"Uhm, hi Silk, how are you?" You stammered.
"You know. Not so good" Silk looked unnerved. "What do you want?"
"I didn't know you worked here" you were caught off guard. But now that Zoro was with you, the anger against her seemed childish and mean.
"I'm Sorry if I was mean to you before" you said, surprising the girl, "I was unfair."
"No, don't. I was...overreacting, too. I'm sorry" She said thoughtfully. "He didn't stop talking about you. Really annoying, like he was hung up on you. That's why I was so pushy" Tears pooled in her eyes again.
Helpless, you tried to comfort her.
"Don't...he's just a stupid, stupid man" you told her.
"I know. That's why I liked him" she said, voice breaking.
You guessed that you weren't the best person to comfort her now, so you decided to leave.
"I'm Sorry. I should go now" you said.
"Yeah. Bye" She forced a smile and waved.
#one piece fanfiction#one piece x you#op zoro#roronoa zoro#zoro x female reader#zoro x you#zoro x reader#zoro x y/n#angst#one piece zoro#one piece#jealousy
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