#sorry im posting so much shipwrecked
underratedgrapeju1ce · 5 months
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first and last
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push-tet · 6 months
hi (sorry for bad english!!!!)
yes my small hiatus took a long time and im not ashamed bec i did it slowly and as i see it and overall, im happy with everything so technically, im still in hiatus here
the vv:bs project was 80% done, but my laptop said GIIIRL im too HOT for this shit 💻💅 so now i have to find a repairman or buy a new...
but it's been a long time since this post and i've changed a lot of things haha…..
i suggest you take a look at what I have so far
hood preview
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premedes house makeovers from orig verona made by me
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(shhh i know… i know…)
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maybe i'll edit them all in the future imnotsure
new playable family's\new family members in standard families; im too lazy to take pics of pets pardon
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The Macbeth - Gloucester
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The Сapp's butler and Monty
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The Summerdreams
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The Counts
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The Zhung - Snout
Character biographies? Well, i got inspired by the ts2psp with secrets and now it looks like this:
Wow, this place is much bigger than a cramped cabin on a fishing boat, although my cousins went overboard with the nautical theme heh. I need to thank them for their kindness, I wonder if this town has a fishing pond? Maybe that cute diva in the overalls can give me a clue?
(Interesting) Ferdie's full name is Ferdinand Gustav Gloucester. But he's not particularly comfortable with such formalities
(Personal) To everyone's surprise. Ferdy has quietly survived the death of his parents, which is suspicious. But the truth is, if you spend half your life hearing tales that the ocean is a dangerous and deadly place, you can build up an immunity
(Dark) Ferdie spent half his life on a boat helping his dad and mom fish. So he has no idea how to socialize with his peers.
(Bonus) Until his parents died in a shipwreck, Ferdie had no idea his uncle and cousins existed
and some of photos from the storytelling albums so you'll believe im not a *andereDev
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i apologize for the poor quality in some places, i took screens in a hurry i won't be able to show you more anytime soon because my laptop is probably already in the repair shop or im crying somewhere
bottom line: my autism won and pray queer pple for my laptop
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f1-stuff · 6 months
hi mal, hope ur having a great day!!
little mermaid au pls ❤️
also sorry about this, i rmbr you posting something about a bi charles au and a mechanic au last year and i was just wondering if ur planning to still write them 👀 absolutely no pressure though, im sorry if it comes off that way
have a great rest of your day 💛
Hi! I hopefully will pick up those two wips again, but I've already shared as much as I can of those and haven't added anything since last time 😭 so I couldn't include them this time...
BUT I can share a little more of the little mermaid one for sure ❤️
Charles pulls uncomfortably at the collar of his shirt, eventually just unfastening some of the ties so it hangs loose across his chest. He isn’t used to being clothed, therefore everything feels tight and abrasive against his skin.
He’d almost immediately tugged off the boots he’d been given once he was alone, much preferring to accustom himself to walking barefoot and feeling the ground against the pads of his feet. What was the point of finally having feet to run and jump and dance if he imprisoned them in those leather cages they called shoes?
He’d been cleaned and clothed and checked over by a doctor, all of which had been a rather intrusive experience. He’d been scrubbed and brushed and prodded and maneuvered about, then deemed healthy enough, although there was some mild concern over his difficulty walking and lack of voice. But the doctor had seemed to attribute the walking problem to sore legs from swimming ashore, as he must’ve done to survive the shipwreck, and his missing voice to shock, which he believed would return in time. 
Charles had then been shown to his quarters, which constituted a lovely, large bed and a window overlooking the sea, until such a time that they could determine who he was, exactly. Charles had almost immediately collapsed into the bed, something he’d dreamed of after discovering humans slept in nests of soft, cushy feathers, and fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep. When he awoke, he had a growling belly and a thousand questions.
What all had happened in that witch’s cave? What had he agreed to? What was it he gave in exchange for legs? Just his voice? Or something else, as well? How long would he be like this? Forever? Or was he on borrowed time?
He’d decided to deal with the hunger first. And somehow, he’d found what he believed was the palace’s place for preparing food. Which brings him to now, standing in the doorway as he watches people dressed in all white, running about, food strewn across surfaces, all kinds of utensils in their hands as they slice and stir and taste.
He feels frozen to the spot, unsure if he’s supposed to be here, but unable to ask anyone where else he can find something to eat. And no one has looked his way, all of them absorbed in their tasks.
Charles is about to venture inside, when he hears a strange sort of roar-like shout, repeated over and over and getting closer. Then, he spots a hairy four-legged creature running toward him at full speed. Charles thinks he’s under attack (he would probably scream if he were able) so that when the creature jumps toward him, Charles trips backward, protecting his face as he’s clawed at.
But after a moment of expecting pain only to be met with a wet, slobbery tongue licking repeatedly over his hands and face, he realizes maybe he’s not under attack. He peeks out from behind his hands to look at the beast, whose hot breath puffs against his chin, and suddenly recognizes it as the creature the man on the ship had nearly died staying to save - the creature Charles had helped onto the boat.
The beast barks again, and Charles startles, but he doesn’t get clawed at or bitten. So he reaches out a tentative hand and scratches behind its ear. The beast leans heavily into the contact with a look of utter satisfaction on its face.
Charles smiles, warmth filling him up with the urge to laugh. He gets a lick to the face that almost knocks him onto his back.
“Piñon!” a voice calls out, and Charles looks up to see a man come around the corner.
Not just a man - him.
WIP Wednesday
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skylar50 · 2 years
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Soooo, I already made a post explaining my toughts about Julian's and Lucio's age, and I said I wanted to make another post explaining my guesses for the rest of the cast, so here I am. (WARNING: THERE ARE SOME MINOR SPOILERS!! And this is going to be looong, so if you want to jump to the conclusions go ahead).
I recommend reading at least a part of the other post, since it has important info that I won't be explaining here, but to sum up what I think it's the most important fact: Many people believe that Lucio loosing his arm and Asra's parents being imprisioned happened 20 years ago, but I think the game gives us enough hints to know that that “roughly 20 years ago” actually means 17 or 18 years ago. So, my guesses are made having that in mind.
Please, have in mind that, since there are no canon ages, there is no way to know who is right or who is wrong, all we can do is try to guess, but I think we can all agree that the game has some inconsistencies with the timeline and that, at the end of the day, everyone can have their own headcanons, so it's okay if we disagree. And, also, english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if I wrote anything wrong!!
I'm going to start from the youngest to oldest (Asra-Portia-Muriel-Julian-Lucio-Nadia) and mark in blue the facts that are canon:
• We know he became an orphan when we has a kid. The game says it was roughly 20 years ago, I already explained on my other post why I think it's practically canon that the exact date is 17/18 years ago, so Im not going to repeat myself.
• He met Muriel 17 years ago.
• He met the apprentice 9 years ago.
• He revived them 3 years ago
• We know he had a thing with Julian before the whole revival thing. If the apprentice died 3 years ago and they were brought back from dead less than a year after, then that had to happen 3 years ago too.
• We do not know exactly how old was he when he met Muriel, but my guess is that he had to be between 6-10, maybe 11, but I would not put him as more than that because I honestly think he looks too young and too short for a 12 year old kid. It's true malnutrition could have been a problem on his growth, but he ended up being of average height and Muriel, who was also homeless, ended up being over 2 meters tall so... I do not think it really stoped them?
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• This is gonna sound so dumb but I tried to calculate how tall he was when he was a kid lol (yes, I was very frustrated, yes, I needed help). I used this image they posted as a reference to see how tall they were besides each other, and my guess is that he's around 1'20 meters, which is a normal height for a kid that young, maybe a bit short but not too much (btw, I know Lucio's height is 1'77, but I added 8 cm more because he wears heels).
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So, having all that in mind, I'd say Asra is between 24-28 years old. I personally can't see him as older than 28 because as I said I think he was too young on his tale, but it all depends on how you see it, of course.
According to my guess, that would mean he was 6-11 when he lost his parents (which I think it makes sense, since he as an adult is able to remember that Lucio imprisioned them, and it's pretty normal to be able to remember things from that age) 15-19 when he met the apprentice (so, it was a young love, maybe his first one, and that would explain why he was so attached), 21-25 when he had a thing with Julian (to make sure he was an adult) and that same age when the whole revival thing happened (and I personally think it makes sense that he was so young when he made shuch a desesperate decision).
•We know there is a big age gap between her and Julian:
-She can't remember the shipwreck, Julian does
-She was still a kid when Julian left to become a doctor
-She seems to remember him, but vaguely
•She started working on the palace one year ago
•Since she can't remember loosing her parents, I think it's safe to assume she was still a baby
•I honestly do not remember much from Portia's route, but if I recall correctly, there's this paid option that lets you help her remember a lost memory. I personally see her very very young, and it has to be a memory from after she lost her parents and before Julian left to become a doctor, so I'd say she was 3-5.I remember it was mentioned that in the memory Julian had a big growth spurt, so, since I like to think there is an 7-9 year gape between them, that would put him at 10-14.
I think it's an age range that makes sense, it is possible to remember things from when you were 3-5 (I personally do remember some things, mostly things that had an impact on me), and Portia had visual help to be able to remember it, so it would make sense that she had this memory hidden on her mind and then she was able to remember it correctly with help.
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So, having all this in mind, I would say Portia is between 25-30 years old. Maybe you could give her an extra year, but I would not make her younger than 24 because then, if we follow my guesses, she would be younger than Asra (and it's canon that she's older) and I also think the age gap between her and Julian would be too big, and if it was, then maybe she could not remember him before he left. She had to be a kid, but not so young to not be able to remember how they played.
This would mean she was 24-28 when she started working on the palace.
(Warning: This is goning to get long.)
I've seen some confusion about Muriel's age, mostly because it seems there are some inconsistencies about his past. I will try to make it make sense, but yeah, have that in mind please.
This man has been my hyperfixation for 2 whole years and at this point I am basically his own personal wikipedia, so I hope I do not leave anything behind, and Im sorry in advance for how long this is gonna be:
•We know he had to leave his home when he was still a kid.
•In his tale, he seems to vaguely remember how he arrived to vesuvia (so, not younger than 3 when he left?)
•He met Asra 17 years ago
•We do not know the exact age gap between him an Asra, but tbh I do not think at all than he's more than 3 years older, because in his tale he says that asra only seems “a couple years younger”, and they both seem to be on very close stages of their lifes even as kids. Muriel's just a big boy.
•We do not know how much time he worked as Lucio's gladiator, but he had to break free at least 3 years ago (since 3 years ago was when Lucio “died”).
•This is all me making theories and trying to make a guess with every tiny detail of info I remember, so take it with a grain of salt because I could be completly wrong, but I personally think that what makes more sense is that he left the Kokhuri when he was 3-7 years old. The reasons:
-I know it's pretty normal to not be able to remember much from when you were that young, and the trauma could also have made an impact on his memory, but I think he had to be very very young when he left because he's not even sure if he's from the south (in the scene where they get a room on the inn, the MC asks him how he can't be sure and he says it happened a long time ago). He does not seem to remembe his parents, his language (I am assuming the kokhuri have a different language than vesuvians) and in general he does not seem to remember his home practically at all. I personally think that if he was older than 8 it would be more strange, but maybe it's just me.
-In his tale he already says that he's starting to forget his parents, and he's still a young kid. I think that can be a hint to let us know he was really really young when he left, I think it would be weird otherwise
-I am not sure about this because maybe it could be understood in other way, but he seems to remember Lucio's voice from his nightmares? And I guess that means Lucio had to be there when the Scourage of the South attacked the Kokhuri. That, or maybe his voice appears on his nightmares just because, or he recognizes that his way of speaking is similar to other people from the South or idk. But I think it has to mean that Muriel had to be at least 3 to be able to remember Lucio's voice(even if it's vaguely and had to hear it again) or the way the people from the Scourage talked. If it's the first case, it also means that Lucio had to be there, so it had to happen before he was 18 (remember that in Lucio's tale he just became 18 and that's when he left his home). That's why I think their age gap has to be big but can't be bigger than 14, because 3+14= 17. Ok this is starting to sound dumb, right? But in my mind it makes sense, I swear
-I also think he could not be younger than 3 because he had to at least be able to walk, talk and well, try to survive on his own. I know 3 is still super young, but, I mean, if I had a vision where all my family died I would also send my 3 year old kid to live on his own lol, better having a little chance than dying my boy! And we see on his tale that the orphans work together to get food so maybe some older orphans helped him and the other younger kids until he grow ? Look, listen, some weeks ago I discovered there is a japanese show in which they film 2 year old kids going to the store and shopping on their own so it's possible! I am just trying to give the lowest age possible so we know where to start from :') and to try to make it make sense, because in his route it sometimes seems like he was practically a toddler (or directly one) when he left.
To sum up, I think he had to be around 3-7 years oldwhen he left his home so everything makes sense. It would make sense that he could remember some little things, but very vaguely and had to fill the blanks with his own guesses, it would also make sense if Lucio was there when the Scourage attacked the Kokhuris and that he recognizes his voice, it would make sense that he has trouble remembering even the most crucial things (his parents, his language...) and it would be plausible that he could survive being homeless if he at leasts knew how to walk and communicatte on his own.
•I personally can't see him older than 14 on his tale. I find it already a bit hard to believe he could be 14, because I personally think he still looks prepubescent, and tbh I think that Muriel would have been already as tall or taller than Lucio if he was older. I know malnutrition is a thing, but everyone seems impressed with his height, even Lucio, so idk his genes are just that strong I guess. Maybe his parents were over 2,15 and he's the short one of the family lol. I also think it would be a streatch if the game told us that this kid is huge and then the kid in question was 15 years old and around 1.50 meters. I'm gonna use the same images as before:
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He seems to be slouching a bit, so maybe we could add 3-8 cm more. But my guess is that he was 10-12 on his tale, give or take a few years if you want, at the end of the day, it's all about you own perception.
•I think it's safe to assume that, if Lucio became count 17 or 18 years ago, that means Muriel had to leave his home approximately 20 years ago, probably a bit more, depends if you see him younger or older.
So, having all this in mind (finally!!!), I would say that Muriel is around 26-31 years old.
That would mean he was very young when he arrived to Vesuvia (and it would make sense that it happened 20 years ago or more), he met Asra when he was 9-14, he left the coliseum minimum when he was 23-28, and that his age gap with Lucio and Asra makes sense. If he was younger I think it would be more difficult to make the age gaps and his past as a gladiator plausible, and as I said before I honestly can't see him older than 14 on his tale. But again, this is all a headcanon.
I already explained Julian's age on my other post, so I won't repeat it, but my guess is taht he has to be between 33-40 (or maybe one or two years older, as long as his age gap with Portia makes sense and he's still younger than Lucio)
I explained Lucio too. My guess is he's between 37-44. I would not put him any younger or older because then the age gaps would not make sense and neither his past.
Im going to be short with Nadia because there are not many pieces of info and since she's the oldest one there is more freedom, because any kind of age gap would make sense.
•We know she arrived to Vesuvia 9 years ago
•She was married to Lucio for 6 years. Since Lucio has been “dead” for 3 years, that means they married 9 years ago
•She's the youngest of all her siblings. We do not know the age gap between them, but I'd say they are pretty close in age, since their parents are still alive and do not look too old, and Nadia has to be older than 37 for this to make sense. I mention this because maybe it would be plausible for Nadia to be 50, but, I mean, there has to be a limit haha.
Having all this in mind, I would say that Nadia is between 37-45~years old, but it could be a bit more. This would mean she arrived to Vesuvia and married Lucio at 28-36, she was 34-42 when Lucio “died”, and her siblings would be on their 30s, 40s or maybe 50s, which I think makes sense.
So, my conclusion is:
Asra: 24-28
Portia: 25-30
Muriel: 26-31
Julian: 33-40~
Lucio: 37-44~
Nadia: 37-45~
And if you are interested on knowing how I hc them:
Asra: 26
Portia: 27
Muriel: 28
Julian: 36
Lucio: 39
Nadia: 39
That's it!!
I'm not sure if anyone would want to read all this lol but I hope it was a bit useful or interesting!
Please do not judge me for how much time I put into shuch a silly thing lol, I know I have to get a hobby :'D
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fiendishpal · 3 years
hii fiend!!! i literally adore your art its so pretty and it- it just- *inhales* *exha-*💞💖✨💞💖✨💞🙏🛐🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️anyways so- bcz u guided me to the osaaka ship and now im in love w it couldya please offer me some fic recommendations? ok, i just love ur art ur one of ny faves lov u have an amazingly sweet and beautiful day!!! :D
sure thing!!
i’ll put them by category here (i also have some art for some of them, i’ll post them when i’ve got the time)
i’ve put a star ★ beside fics that i’ve read a bunch of times hahaha!
(fics that i think you should read first. mostly canon-compliant. so these are post-timeskip. after their meeting at the black jackals vs adlers game. these really won’t make any sense if you’re anime-only, sorry.)
stay with me go places by sparksandsalt ★
this fic. THIS FIC!!!!! this started everything for me!!! this is the reason why i started shipping osaaka!!!! the way they handled the characters is sooooo!!! *chef’s kiss* they really stick true to the characters' voices and the care they put into characterizations is impeccable. i also love bokuto and akaashi’s relationship here!! they’re so in each other’s lives that bokuto ends up exposing akaashi’s feelings indirectly and accidentally lmao and also atsumu and osamu’s relationship is so funny and hilarious. they are like how brothers are, atsumu showing his support but also clowning osamu in the process
this fic single-handedly fueled me to create so much osaaka content.
i dont know how many times i’ve read this tbh
wait by sanguinedawns
i love the yearning in this fic. the longing and the waiting and the expectation there. they’re trying to be subtle about their feelings for each other but they’re seen at the end but at 4k it’s narrated so smoothly. i love mutually pining idiots.
in the afternoon by yamaboto
this is so!!! i love this so much!! at 1k we see osamu yearning for akaashi once again. i love how they write this short scene. i could really picture the afternoon light coming in through the traditional panel doors and how the light must feel on your skin. 
take what we love inside by yamaboto
this is an established relationship osaaka and how they got together. in the afternoon (the fic above) is a snippet of how warm the writer could put words together. and it really is so sweet there’s a scene where they slow dance and it’s the best. i also love the simple fact that they put in how osamu cannot let anybody go hungry hhaha 
shout softly by lostsunsets
i love love loooooooove how the author put osamu's love and passion for food and filling in the pieces on what osamu does to fuel this passion --while in the back burner-- while he was still playing volleyball in high school
we’re in au territory
(the setting is not canon-compliant)
sleeping with the enemy by billionairevolleyboysclub ★ 
the setting is in 2013 haikyu volleyball circuit. meaning they’re still in highschool and are still playing volleyball and they just happen to chance upon each other at interhigh.
 i love how sweet osamu is and how he got his crush on akaashi. and it’s lovely how they wrote the budding of a highschool relationship!! and their take on how osamu and akaashi handle ldr??? it’s delicious. dont let the fake/pretend relationship tag fool you this is very cute i love them so much!! i guess the ‘no drama’ aspect is what i like about this a lot bc osamu’s a pretty straightforward guy esp i guess back in highschool. also the second-hand embarrassment is real lmao
welcome in by risquetendencies ★
in this setting osamu’s still the owner of onigiri miya but the au aspect of this is that they haven’t met before. so basically a meet-cute.
and man  oh mannnnn the tension written here is good food. osamu is written so obviously into akaashi (i mean who wouldn’t) and akaashi is affected by this greatly and it is!!! wow!! i just love how smooth osamu is here and how flustered akaashi gets bc “omg a hot guy likes me????” (yes akaashi, this hot guys thinks you’re a sexy piece of ass please believe it)
 akaashi in a gay panic is literally the best thing. 
blood brothers by billionairevolleyboysclub (18+)
miya twins are vampires and akaashi has a thing for fangs. that in and of itself is enough reason for you to read this. i also love how the writer puts a distinction between atsumu and osamu on how they interact with/ feed on akaashi.
like the dawn by eggsan
this fic is actually inspired by my royalty au but im not putting this here bc of that. i really like how the writer introduced their story. i remember telling someone that the atmosphere of how they write is like the voice of a soft-spoken maiden hahaha it's lovely!! think light academia aesthetic. i also love how i get the doki-dokis when osamu, who is essentially a stranger, gets close to akaashi. i can feel akaashi's excitement and trepidation.
forgive the sea, follow the tide by KyryeDuBarie (18+)★
i love the fresh twist that they did here on the classic mermaid/pirate au. the twist being akaashi is actually a pearl diver and at the same time being vaguely hinted as a mermaid hhahaha. osamu's a pirate that got shipwrecked and got washed up on akaashi's shores that akaashi, of course, saved. 
there's a bunch of cool things that happened too that i cannot disclose bc that'll ruin the thrill of reading this. the plot is solid and the romance between osamu and akaashi is gradual but so so sweeeeet!! i highly recommend this!! but better clear up your schedule bc this hefty boy comes in at a whopping 40k!!!!
keep time on me by yamabato
this fic is based from my zombie apocalypse au!! and even though it’s set in the end of the world, they were still able to write it so sweet and comforting????? i only wish osamu and keiji the happiness they deserve :’)
i also like the whole theme of time in the story and how the story revolves around it. it’s very good!!!
the contest between by batman (18+)
akaashi is a documentary director and osamu is his subject. i love  love looooove how the author wrote how stubborn both of them are and how they could clash sometimes but not in the explosive type of way. it’s actually cute and sweet, you’ll see what i mean when you read this hhehehe
AND AKAASHI IS SO LOVELY HERE!!! so lovely!!! and he laughs and smiles a ton and those moments were written in a way that just said ‘look at this angel!’ LMAO idk maybe that’s just me. i love akaashi so much
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neotrances · 3 years
i don't think it's stupid i mean you put a lot of thought and emotion into that tag... like i remember there were like multiple dissertations about tg and art and just you know a collection. like in the little mermaid when ariel had that cave full of stuff she's collected from various shipwrecks and her dad destroyed it all so she says fuck it might as well run away and become a human... you ran away and started posting about old man pussy. if you ever feel able i would suggest like starting a blog specifically for tg, like with a different email and everything. that way if you get deleted again it wouldn't take down your tg posts. or maybe re watching it with your friends or on a stream or something, so thinking about tg is more about an action you're doing rather than a kind of library. one more thing you could do is when you type a long post that you put a lot into maybe draft it out in a google doc or smth and then copy pasting it to a post so you still have the 'original' ykwim. but if you can't, then you just can't, and there's no shame to it. to be honest i do not nor have i ever given a single shit about tg but i actually read all your posts cuz it was nice seeing you be so excited and like passionate about it. hope that's not weird to say or anything... i do that with everyone though not just you. i love watching multiple hours of youtube video essays for shit i never heard of and will never engage with at all. that's my mental illness. sorry. goodbye forever
aggghhhhhhhhh thanku sm anon eeek yeah it was rlly . rlly important to me like god when i say that series genuinely shaped me as a person i mean it so much that tag had well over 100k post in it alone so losing it like was like god. i didn’t even care about my blog being deleted that was whatever but losing my tag was just devastating, but ur right i think i will make a new acc for it that way i won’t risk losing anything and then put a back up in google docs or something ! idk if i’m ready to rewatch it yet god it feels so silly saying that but the series is rlly rlly special to me like i used to watch and read it nearly everyday, im rlly happy u read my post even tho u didn’t care for tg and i’m rlly glad u sent this like ugh i hope u have a good night thankyou sm!!!
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oraganji · 3 years
Hiii glad to see ur posting again! Love ur written 🙌🏼 💗
i have this idea of Azriel x reader angst short story ((I LIVE FOR THE ANGST))🌚
where Azriel checks the scene of a foreign merchant’s shipwreck in the sea near Velaris. There were no fatalities but he finds a girl washed up on the shores of Velaris. The girl had shackles around her wrist and ankles with strange engravings on them.. he finds it odd since the only people who where abroad the ship were the merchant and his 4-men ship crew. The girl could possibly be his mate and maybe no ordinary fae👀👀 ….
Honestly i just appreciate ur writings and Im completely ok if u refuse to write..pls take care and i hope ur having a pleasant day💗
omg thank u for the ask and the kind words, it means so much!
I really like this idea, and am gonna write, but it's gonna take a while i think. But I wanted to respond so it doesn't seem like I'm ignoring you, and also to share my idea.
SO I'm thinking that this is gonna be based off of my brain fart of a post about a potential Azriel story (linked here): https://oraganji.tumblr.com/post/659446685213261824/if-anyone-wants-writing-inspo
The girl is going to be named Cora (C instead of K because your handle is Cynicalpotato95) unless you want it to just be x reader or Y/N. I also want this to take place during the main storyline of the ACOTAR series, so I can potentially turn this into a miniseries based off of that post I just mentioned, but lmk if you want this to be separate from that storyline and/or series.
Ok, that's about it from me, I'll warn you, my school's taking up a lot of my time, so don't be surprised, but also I'm sorry if you don't see this popping up very soon.
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rudjedet · 4 years
Hey! Someone suggested i ask you a question. Youve read or attempted to read the kane chronicals right? Im into the egyptian gods and mythology and i was wondering if you could tell me how true those books are in terms of egyptian beliefs and mythology. Cause id like to know if i actually know anything true or not.
Hi! I have - well, the first one (The Red Pyramid). I posted about it before but those asks are not in my FAQ yet hahahaha I really have to get on updating it. I can only speak for TRP, but definitely take the others with a grain of salt; it’s essentially Ancient Egypt-inspired fantasy (and Riordan never pretended otherwise of course).
Now Riordan has done his research and you can tell, but he takes a lot of creative liberty. I’m assuming you already read them based on the ask, but I don’t want to take any chances, so I’ll put the spoilers under a read more.
In short: The Kane Chronicles are somewhat accurate in some ways and inaccurate in others. As a lay person I wouldn’t take the accuracy for granted at all, and simply treat it like you would treat the pantheon and mythology of a fantasy novel. Riordan did stuff a few easter eggs in there for those with slightly more knowledge than the average lay person. If you’ve read The Shipwrecked Sailor, for instance, you’ll probably recognise the one I’m thinking of right now.
So the biggest thing Riordan deviates from the original mythology is when it comes to Bast’s “job” of fighting Apophis for all eternity. Bastet, in Egyptian mythology, was a fierce protective goddess, but never came up against Apophis in that way. Ra, however, did - and when he did, Ra took the shape of a tomcat. I never got to ask Riordan, so I don’t know for sure, but it could either be deliberate creative freedom, or he could have mistaken Ra for Bastet in scenes of this type:
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I’m not very clear on the finer details of the way he used the rest of the mythology, but it wasn’t perfectly accurate. It couldn’t be, to be honest, since there are a handful of millennia of religious and cultural history to cover, and the nature of Egyptian mythology is far too complicated to treat it as a monolith. There were simply far too many regional and temporal differences for that. 
My personal biggest pet peeve, however, is that Seth is portrayed as the ultimate villain (can we please collectively decide to get over that tired old boot of a concept) in the first book, but then it turns out that he isn’t the ultimate villain: Apophis had him in his claws all along. That’s worse because it - pardon my French - absolutely shits in the face of everything Egyptian religion ever stood for, since Seth was the one who actively kept Apophis away from the solar barque during the perilous journey through the hours of the night. Creative freedom? Very likely. Do I like it, on a professional and personal level? Absolutely not. 
The other giant thing that is incorrect in terms of beliefs, is that hieroglyphs were always considered magical. They were not. Not only is “magical” not the word you want to be using (”religious” is a better term), but the power inherent in certain words was due to the words or phrases, not the hieroglyphs of which they were comprised. 
The Shipwrecked Sailor easter egg, by the way, is the giant snake skin in the uncle’s house. In that story, a man becomes shipwrecked on an enchanted island and meets a giant divine snake.
It also bears mentioning that the way Kane and the curator of the British Museum interact is not how peers in this field would speak to one another; and Kane is far too young to be an expert in that many aspects of Egyptology. The aspects he is an expert in would each require a lifetime to master.
So in general: Riordan did his research, but he also took so much creative liberty that I wouldn’t take anything in The Kane Chronicles for granted as accurate or true to Egyptian beliefs/mythology. That’s not a value judgment on the type of creative liberties he took, just a statement of fact. (Though if you did want a value judgment: I didn’t like the book, Sadie felt super stereotypical girl-written-by-an-older-man; her voice was not distinct enough from Carter’s; both their character arcs were also pretty much copy-paste; and the narrative was, I felt, too predictable and lackluster.)
Sorry this explanation is a bit haphazard; it’s extremely hot here and my 2 month old has been waking up to nurse every hour or so, so my brain has left the premises like 5 hours ago. 
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lostbvttons · 6 years
I dont know what part about TKG is the most impressive; the fact there's so many, the fact they all seem to be drawn regularly, or the fact that (I think) all of them begin with W. I dont understand how any of those are possible.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! IM… so excited @w@ I always get very pumped when someone asks about it because TKG is such a big project that I and @lambyanxious have been working on for over 2 years!! So far, there are 28 characters in total, 14 mines, 14 theirs. There are exactly 4 characters whose names don’t actually start with W, why? because they’re made as what is equivalent to Charlie and Maxwell, and we figured that wasn’t needed for these characters.
But everyone else pretty much goes by the W; here a little pic I drew a couple months ago of what their Rose Skin would look like, aka The Only Picture I Have With All of Them Together LMAO
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Here you can see my characters, from left to right: in the first row, Main Island:Wade, Wanda, Victor (old King, now a survivor), Wallis, Wapasha, Warren, Whistle, Whoppersecond row, Shipwrecked:Waki, Captain Wright, Wan, Waimarie(Waim for short) and Wask(who’s from the main island but got herself stuck there for now)And in the last place, we have Vincent, the actual King, Sitting in the Nightmare Throne.
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And Here you can see the other side of the whole thing, Lambyanxious’ characters, in their rose skin too:
First Row, Main Island:
Elliot(ex-Grue, First one in the Island with Victor), Wilma, Wyn, Westwood, Warrick, Winky, Wither, Widget and Winette(Netty for short)
second row, Shipwrecked:
Waldemar(Waldy for short), Waunakee(WAUN FOR SHORT),Wila and Captain Wayland.. with the Wonderful Elanor all the way to the right, as the one who’s, too, trapped in the nightmare throne.
As you can see, Most of them have a W name/nickname/last name, they go by, except for the ones who were made to be specifically on the Nightmare throne.
We do draw them pretty regularly, I won’t lie LMAO I have collected more than 600 pictures of them between what we’ve drawn of them, I don’t post much of all that because they’re mostly sketches I never finish or self-indulgent shippy stuff about the main couples LOL
This is getting too long I’m sorry I get a little carried away every time I get to talk about this because is such a big BIG project and is something I’ve enjoyed so much for the past couple years, bigger than anything I’ve ever done before and with someone I love so much!
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