#sorry im in a werewolf mood
transpecter · 5 months
giant submissive werewolf boyfriend lapping at my cunt and pathetically humping the mattress until he cums everywhere WHEN
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months
i missed uuu, been waiting for this to be open again but hear me out, been thinking about this,
a werewolf girlie and her vampire lover… who really never thought of settling down before meeting her addicting pussy- i mean personality (lmao)… amidst their world breaking sex he proposes to her and it only drives them crazier and rougher… im sure u can make this idea an amazing story 😂😂 sorry babes, ignore it if it doesn’t make sense.
i hope life’s treating u well! bisous
" 'm gonna marry you- fuck- make you my pretty wife. mmm this pussy is all mine baby, gonna make it all fucking mine," You usually don't listen to the rambling nonsense your boyfriend spouts as he fucks you. Usually, it's just "You feel so tight" over and over again, but this time it's different.
"What did you say?" you ask, almost laughing, he doesn't look like he's joking though, his pale cheeks are flushed his eyes watering with over stimulation, he's already cum twice but he just can't stop fucking you, it's too good to stop.
"I said I'm going to marry you- mm fuck gonna make you my wife," he whines before lowering his mouth and biting your neck, you cry out in surprise as you feel the skin break, his rough tongue lapping at your blood. you growl and dig your claws into his hips, he knows what it does to you when he bites your neck, usually, he feeds from your wrists or your thighs, but clearly, he's in a mood tonight.
"I thought you said you just wanted something casual," you groan when you first started seeing each other he'd insisted on something no strings attached. you still weren't officially dating, but you'd become more than just fuck buddies.
"Changed my mind- best pussy I've felt in 200 years, I can't let you go. you're mine- my, what's the fucking word you mutts use? My mate?" he's only half teasing, he really does want to keep you as his, forever if you'll let him.
You growl and flip him around, pinning him down on the bed, his poor throbbing cock still deep inside you. you hold his wrists down and hold him there for a while, using all of his inhuman strength still isn't enough, to buck you off, or even to fuck himself up into you.
"I'm going to make you regret saying that, pretty boy," you say and this time it's your turn to sink your teeth into the side of his neck.
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ox-imagines · 3 months
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Tokyo Debunker as Romance Tropes
Feel free to ask me to write a longer imagine/oneshot for any of these!
Pt. 7 | Obscuary
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6
Rui - Forbidden Love
You see Rui around campus fairly often in your time at Darkwick, and you think he’s wonderfully handsome and always seems to be in a good mood. You finally get the chance to properly meet him in the cafeteria one day when you turn around and almost run into him. He panics a bit and steps away from you quickly, which you interpret as a bit of a rude overreaction since you didn’t even actually touch him. He quickly apologizes and tells you he runs a bar on campus, inviting you to come let him make you a drink to make up for his reaction (hastily adding that the majority of the drinks he makes are in fact non-alcoholic). You take him up on his offer and find that he’s actually wonderful company, and he seems to quite like you too, though you’re not completely convinced he’s not just a flirt. Even so, you find yourself spending a good deal of time at his bar, talking to him late into the night, and after getting back to your dorm you usually message him on WickChat once he’s closed the bar down. You know you’ve gotten close with him, he genuinely seems to appreciate and enjoy your company and doesn’t seem to have many people he’s actually close with, but over time you feel like he’s starting to pull away. One night while there’s no one else at the bar and you’ve finally got his full attention again, you give in to your feelings and ask him out. You sincerely think you’re in love with him, and want nothing more than to hold him close while you talk rather than being on different sides of campus texting each other in the middle of the night. When you ask him out, his expression turns oddly sad, a look on his face you couldn’t have imagined he could make. He corrects it and gives you a polite, lopsided smile, but his eyes belie how he really feels as he lets you down easy.
“Look, there’s, there’s something I need to tell you. I can’t be with you, not in a way that’s more than what we already are. You ever notice how I always avoid touching you? Im cursed; I don’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry…”
Lyca & Ed - Vampire vs Werewolf
Lyca is a newly integrated student who’s having some trouble adjusting to his new life. It doesn’t help, though, that the other students treat him poorly or differently since he’s a werewolf. You see him for the person he is rather than his supernatural afflictions and treat him as such, working to help him fit in better with the human students. He ends up protective and a bit possessive of you and treats you like you’re the most important person in the world (of course besides Subaru, who was his first friend, and a man named Neros who you’ve gathered basically raised him). Things are going well until one of his dormmates comes into the picture. He’s complained about him before, and the first few times you visit their dorms Ed stays closed in his room. After your classes, you head over to Obscuary to find Lyca; he hasn’t been answering his WickChat today. When you get there, Ed’s door is open. You can’t help but cast a curious glance inside as you walk past to Lyca’s room. After all, you’ve never seen a real vampire. He’s gorgeous, with porcelain skin and well-kempt hair framing sparkling red-violet eyes. A small gasp leaves your lips and his sharp eyes flick up from his computer to meet yours. He grins, his expression a mixture of devilish and curious, and he rises elegantly and gets to his door surprisingly quick. You think to yourself that it’s good for Romeo’s ego that Ed acts like a hermit, because he has an enrapturing beauty about him that could definitely rival Romeo. Ed gets almost uncomfortably close, and you have a suspicion that he’s… smelling you? When Lyca hears Ed talking to someone, he quickly comes out of his room, placing himself between the two of you. His big silvery ears showing and flattened back angrily, he spits threats at Ed to stay away from you, but Ed just chuckles, winking at you before backing into his room. It doesn’t take long for you to realize this is your life now, Ed making sly, often suggestive comments and subtle advances and Lyca losing it with him over it.
“Don’t you look like a vision today? Any special reason?”
“I swear you moth-eaten Casanova, touch her again and I’ll rip your hand off myself!”
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Yoko and Bianca find Enid giddily texting in the library
Bianca: Someone’s in a chipper mood.
Yoko: Who the hell are you texting?
Enid smiling: Wednesday! She’s in the room sick right now and I’m texting her!
Yoko: Wait she’s using her phone?
Bianca: And she’s texting?
Enid: I know right?! I knew she’d come around to using it! And I’ve never been so happy!
Bianca: Wait she’s sick? I saw her running to the woods like twenty minutes ago.
Enid: What? That can’t be I’ve been texting her the whole- wait a minute.
The girls head over to the room and barge in
Enid: Wednesday?!
The werewolf finds Thing using Wednesday’s phone on her desk.
Enid: THING?!
Thing signing: Im sorry, Enid. Wednesday told me to because she was going to continue her investigation.
Enid angrily stomps out of the room.
Bianca: I knew it was too good to be true.
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weasleykisses · 9 months
You’re So Pretty III (Remus x Reader)
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A/n: Remus wants more than anything to kiss you, but he just cant. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but avoiding you is even worse. (Also, note that reader in this is shorter than Remus since he’s like 6’2 canonically. Im really sorry if you’re taller than him)
Word count: 6.2k
Sirius had snatched her up from the couch and spun her around in so many circles she felt dizzy. The skirt to her dress swung back and forth. Music from the old, muggle record player rang out in the common room. Y/N couldn’t stop laughing. She moved so gleefully, barefooted on the carpet to keep her from falling over some clunky shoes.
James was dancing with Lily, and Y/N felt her chest inflate with a bit of pride. For James getting the girl he’s always been dreaming of, and for Lily finally facing her biggest fear of loving that mischievous boy.
She felt light as air. The spiked hot chocolate running through her veins, the smell of peppermint and pine needles in the air, and the flickering light from the fireplace behind her. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed so hard, nor could she remember a time she felt this alive.
Remus sat on the couch, not a drop of liquor running through him. He preferred to stay sober anyway, just to make sure everyone made it out unharmed. He couldn’t help but stare at her though, Y/N L/N, with the most beautiful smile he’d ever laid eyes on. She was dancing with Sirius, as her friend twirled her around and dipped her backwards a bit, causing a squeal to leave her lips.
The two of them looked so incredibly happy to be with each other. Remus felt like he was intruding on their privacy just sitting there taking a peek. The way she smiled so brightly at Sirius, her cheeks flushed and her corners of her eyes crinkled from smiling so much. He could hear her laughter and the way she yelped and clung to him when he dipped her a bit too far back.
Remus was convinced that those two belonged together. They had such a strong friendship. It ruined his mood whenever he saw them so close with each other, not having come to terms with his eventual heartbreak no matter how hard he tried.
When Sirius let go so he could go pour himself another drink, Peter was quick to jump in his place, taking Y/N by the hands and dancing back and forth to the upbeat song. Peter was always quite shy around girls, but Y/N made him feel comfortable. She was just so soft and sweet, kind to a fault. Remus Lupin understood why everyone was so endeared by the girl.
Y/N didn’t mind his furry little problem. Despite all his fears and his doubts, she promised him time and time again that she didn’t mind that he was a werewolf. She would sit in the infirmary for hours just holding his hand and telling him jokes, trying to cheer him up the best she could given the circumstances.
Every time he looked at her, he felt a pang in his chest. Something so strong he thought he might be having a heart attack at times. She would gaze at him with that dreamy look in her eyes, and he would positively melt under her glance, under her smile. She was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
She was too good for him. Y/N was pure and innocent, never one to get in trouble or hurt anyone else. He was a monster, that much was clear enough. He could harm her if she ever found a way to interfere with his transformation. She might be okay with things now, but if they got any closer, there was a good chance he might chase her away. Still, it was tempting to stand up and wrap his arms around her to dance just like his friends did.
Yet, he wasn’t them. He wasn’t a harmless flirt like Sirius Black, nor was he a quidditch star and hopeless romantic like James Potter, he wasn’t even friendly like Peter Pettigrew. He was just himself, the guy who turned into a beast every full moon and injured himself horribly every time. He was the guy who had scars all over his body, certainly too ugly in comparison with her smooth, soft skin.
So he buried his nose further into the novel he was reading and tried not to think about her. He tried to tune out her contagious laughter, and the beat of the songs. Godric, he tried.
She clutched at Peter’s hands and swung her hips to the music. Even through her slightly tipsy haze, she could feel tension running off Remus into the common room. His hesitation was palpable. Quietly, she excused herself from her dance with the short blond boy, saying she was just gonna get another shot before returning.
She made her way to the coffee table in front of Remus’ seat on the couch. She poured a bit of hot cocoa into her mug and just enough fire whisky for a kick.
“Remus,” she hummed, taking a seat beside him. He shivered at the touch of her thigh flush against his. She was so warm. Her fingers tapped at the edge of his novel, urging for him to shut it.
“Y/N,” he replied, watching as she took a sip of her drink and sighed, feeling that familiar burn in her throat. “Taking a break for a minute?”
“I suppose, but I came over to see you. You don’t seem like you’re having a good time,” the girl told him softly, “Don’t you want to dance with us? Or at least with me?”
His heart skipped a beat at her question. Yes, he would very much want to dance with the girl of his dreams, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. He was just so afraid of messing up.
“I’m just people watching.”
“Oh, come on now. I promise I won’t laugh if you step on my feet,” she giggled, poking him gently in the side. “I’d love to get at least one dance in with each one of you. I’ve already danced with Sirius, Peter, and Jamie. You’re the final piece of the puzzle.”
“Sweetheart, try as you might, I’m not getting up to dance around, even if it is with you.” She felt her heart skip a beat at the nickname. Sure, everyone had names for her, but coming from the dirty blond felt so much more enchanting. She loved when he called her sweetheart, darling, or love. Maybe he used the same terms with other girls, she didn’t know, but she still felt special regardless.
She grabbed the book from out of his hands and stuck the bookmark in between the pages to save his spot. Quickly she took another sip from her mug before extending a hand to him. “Please. For me, Remus,” she asked.
His heart couldn’t say no, even if his brain was begging him to. He took her hand in his, which normally he wouldn’t think so much about, only now he felt like his skin was burning up.
He just liked her so much. He was completely, madly in love with her.
Marlene stood by the record player, looking through Lily’s collection of vinyls, finally deciding on one. Her eyes found their way up to Y/N, where she winked with a little smirk on her lips. The expression confused her for a moment until the record started playing a much slower song than the previous one.
That snake. The betrayal she felt from her friend was too real.
She turned to peer up at Remus, giving him an awkward grin. “We can wait until the next song if you like. This one is more up James and Lily’s alley,” she said nervously, trying not to make it weirder than it already was. Her hand had slipped from his to fiddle with her other hand, picking at her chipping nail polish.
He knew she was right. Maybe they should wait until the next peppy song. Only, he really didn’t want to. He wanted to pull her close to his chest, hold her hands, and twirl her around. Remus shook his head, taking her hand back in his.
Her heart was racing. He wanted to dance with her. Even if it was awfully romantic, he still wanted to. For a moment, she felt hope building up in her chest that this crush she had on him wasn’t unrequited after all. She still smothered down the thought however, considering it more of a fever dream than the truth.
She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck, while his gentle hands sat on her waist. Everything around her was so overwhelming, the touch against her waist, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, the feeling of Marlene and Dorcas staring from their place at the record player. Her eyes couldn’t meet his, instead peering down at her feet.
He took that opportunity to gaze at her; how bashful she was, the way her cheeks were flushed and her nervous smile, her gaze focused down on the floor no doubt because she was embarrassed.
How could she be so comfortable around Sirius for dozens of songs, yet so nervous when it came to a single dance with him? Did she not want to dance with him? Was he too close? He didn’t know what was going through her mind, but naturally his brain went to the worst case scenarios before the positive ones.
“Did you have a fun time tonight?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah. It’s been great. Wish you’d joined the festivities a little earlier though,” she commented, “I know you’re not shy.”
“I just liked seeing everyone happy together. That’s more than enough.”
She nodded, agreeing with him. He was also so observant, watching everyone while they fooled around. He never instigated pranks, but you could bet he was there watching from the side. He was always there trying to make things better for everyone. There were so many things to appreciate about him, like how he offered her chocolate when she was hurt, or when he would sit in the Astronomy tower with her when she was crying.
“I want to see you happy, too,” she told him. “You’re always looking out for everyone else, but what about you?”
“Just being with you is enough,” he confessed, but quickly corrected himself, feeling a bit too awkward with that answer, “With all of you guys, of course.”
If only he’d have kept the first statement, she thought. Of course she wasn’t special like that. She didn’t brighten his day, not like the others did. She was the least beautiful of all the girls, not the smartest either. Remus liked smart girls. Ones that would sit and read with him, study together, talk about random things for hours. She wasn’t that smart, not like the Ravenclaw girls.
Lily was still dancing with James as she peered behind Remus, and Sirius was trying to get Marlene to slow dance despite her opposition to the idea. Peter sat at the table drinking another cup of hot cocoa, but his eyes would trail up every now and then to his group of friends, noticing things about everyone. No doubt the boy noticed the way Remus was staring down at her with puppy love in his eyes, or the way she was now stumbling a bit on her feet as the nerves got to her.
It was wonderful, she thought, as his hands held onto her waist a little tighter, as if she was going to blow away in the wind. Everything was so perfect. The twinkling of the lights around the room, the wreaths with mistletoe hanging from them, the big Christmas tree towards the center of the room lit up with enchanted candles. The windows were frosted over from the snow that day, and she could see the individual snowflakes sparkling when the light hit them just right. It was beautiful.
Y/N was beautiful.
He wanted to kiss her. He never wanted to kiss anyone more than he did right then as the girl pressed her body closer to his so they were rocking back and forth. His heart beat against her ear that rested on his chest, and he prayed it wasn’t racing.
He reached down, tilting her chin up with one hand, the other still wrapped tightly around her. Finally, she had to gaze up at him instead of wandering the room.
It felt like he was going to kiss her. She couldn’t think of anything else. By Godric, she wanted to be kissed by him. It would complete what she already thought was a perfect night. To finally get a kiss from the boy she’d come to fancy far more than she should.
“Rem, what is it?” She whispered. He felt himself leaning closer, but paused before he could go any further.
He opened his mouth to say something, anything really. Yet, no words came out. He just stared at her e/c eyes for a moment before a wave of guilt washed over him.
He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be holding her so close. He shouldn’t be falling in love with her. He didn’t deserve to. A monster, that’s all he was. A disgusting and dangerous beast. Even if she disagreed, it wasn’t fair to her. He hated that his friends helped him with his problem, and he hated even more the thought of Y/N getting swept up into it as well.
He dropped both his hands from her body and took a step back, his eyes now glued to the floor. “I don’t know what came over me, Y/N. I should go.”
As if she could keep him from leaving, the girl grabbed his hand. It broke her heart when he tore his hand from her grip, walking over to the table and grabbing his book for the night.
“Remus, I’m sorry. Whatever I did wrong, I’ll fix it. You don’t have to leave,” she tried to reason with him, practically begging for him not to go. She felt like she’d fucked everything up somehow, made him uncomfortable. She knew it was a wrong idea to dance to this song with him. To try and make something that was just friendly into something romantic.
He just sighed, shaking his head. “You didn’t do anything.”
She watched as he walked up the stairs to the dorm rooms, listening to the door shut and the handle click into place. Her shoulders slumped and she caught the eyes of Marlene and Dorcas by the record player, seeing their sympathetic expressions.
It was okay if Remus didn’t like her back. She wouldn’t have a problem with that. It just hurt to know he didn’t want to do something as simple as dance with her. It hurt to know that he grimaced when he looked down at her. That the sight of her made him want to run away.
She suddenly felt sick. With a thud, she plopped down on the couch beside Sirius and Peter, picking up her mug to take a long sip. “Mind pouring me another, Siri?” Y/N asked, holding out her cup to him.
“Y/N, Moony really didn’t mean anything by it. He’s just confused,” Sirius tried to reassure her, but she only shook her glass, waiting for her drink. At least she could get so drunk she forgot about everything that happened. The raven haired boy poured her another shot.
“It’s okay. I don’t even know why I’m disappointed. We’re only friends.”
Peter looked at Sirius knowingly. Everyone knew except for her and perhaps Remus, but he was good at picking up on things. She didn’t want to be friends, but she couldn’t just ask him out. It was too intimidating.
“Listen, you’re a great girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you, you know that, right?” Sirius asked her, and Peter was quick to nod in agreement.
“I don’t like Remus.” That was a blatant lie.
“Well, if you did, don’t give up on him. He’s rough around the edges, but he really is a good guy.”
She knew he was a good guy. That’s why she fell for him in the first place. He was so kind and charming. Remus was so smart too, leaving her swoon whenever he tutored her in something she struggled with.
She tried to hide her expression, looking off to the floor away from the boys. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, and she bit her lip to hide her quickened breaths. It was always hard accepting the fact that Remus didn’t like her, not in the way she liked him.
“Oh no, angel, please don’t cry,” Sirius pleaded, noticing the way her eyes had begun glistening with fresh tears. He raised his hand, one lifting her head softly while the other ran a thumb across her cheeks, brushing away the droplets that fell. “I promise, it’s going to be okay.”
“Then why does he do that?” She asked, quite pathetically. She appreciated Sirius for talking to her about this, and chose to keep her secret safe and sound. “He leads me on and then runs away. Does he not realize what he’s doing?” She wiped the tears from her eyes but they were quick to gather again. Remus had to make everything so difficult sometimes.
She was so confused in how she felt. On one hand, she absolutely, without a doubt, loved Remus Lupin with all her heart. On the other hand, she felt like giving up. Time and time again he made her feel special, made her feel loved and cared for, only for him to correct himself. He would leave her standing there, crestfallen and thinking she had done something wrong.
A sob escaped her lips, and she was quick to latch onto Sirius. Her hands clutched at the back of his shirt while she pressed her face into his collar. She just cried while he brushed down her hair and rubbed her back comfortingly. She could count on the Black to be there whenever something happened between her and his best mate.
“Y/N, you’re a catch if I’ve ever seen one. Don’t let ol’ Moony bring you down,” Peter tried to soothe her, reaching up to place a hand on her knee.
“He doesn’t deserve you, angel,” Sirius muttered against her head.
Despite his soothing, she kept crying until she’d run out of tears for the night. She bid Sirius a goodnight before heading into her dorm. She curled tightly into a ball once in the comfort of her own bed. In her hands was Remus’ sweater, which she hugged to her chest. She was such a dumbass for getting attached to an emotionally unavailable boy.
The worst part is, no matter what he did, she still loved him.
“You absolute prat! You’ve got to stop fucking with her feelings,” Sirius scolded after entering their dorm room and shutting the door so anyone left lingering in the halls or the common room couldn’t eavesdrop. He glared at his friend who laid in his bed with a pillow covering his head.
“Leave me alone, Pads,” the boy groaned, refusing to move the pillow from his head, instead hugging it tighter to his face. A part of him wished he could smother himself and make all of this end.
Sirius rolled his eyes, walking over to his own bed and sitting back against the headboard while his feet stretched toward the end of the bed. He crossed his arms over his chest. “You didn’t have to make her cry.”
“She cried?”
“Yeah, not that you stuck around to see it. She thinks you hate her. That you’re disgusted by her,” Sirius told him with a scowl. He was awfully protective of the girl, finding her shyness adorable and her excitement for the little things in life to be admirable. It sucked seeing her chasing after someone and having her heart broken time and time again.
He’d never tell Remus that Y/N had a crush on him. That wasn’t his place. However, he wouldn’t let Remus get away with treating her like shit while they were “just friends”.
Remus sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, finally tearing the pillow off his face and letting it drop to the floor. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Maybe bloody kiss her when you’re clearly thinking about it. Ever thought of that?”
“And if she doesn’t like me? Then what?”
Remus was still convinced Y/N had a thing for Sirius. She was always smiling when she was with him. She let him flirt with her all he wanted and he noticed the way her face flushed when he was particularly bold. He noticed them hanging out when no one else was around. He noticed all of it, and it hung over him like a storm cloud. Genuinely, it made him feel so isolated. His best mate and the only girl he’d ever really cared for like this, together doing Godric knows what.
“Then you go back to being friends. Does she seem like the judgemental type?”
“No, but it would be awkward.”
“Only if you make it awkward.”
Remus sighed deeply, rolling over on his side to face his friend, his head propped up in his palm. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t be with her.”
Sirius already knew all about what Remus was talking about. He had droned on about it before, how he was so afraid of him being a werewolf and being in a relationship with anyone, much less Y/N. “Don’t start with the self-deprecating shit, mate. You know she doesn’t care if you’re a werewolf or not.” It was a pretty lousy excuse if you asked him. “She loves you, Moony.”
“She does not love me,” Remus argued back, confident in his reply, more confident than he was in most anything in the world. She loves you, he wanted to say. The thought was headache inducing, making him sick to the stomach.
And that was the end of it. No matter what Sirius said, it all went right through Remus. He was determined to keep this girl at arms’ length, even if it tore him up inside to do so. She was just so lovely. She plagued his every waking thought when she was in the room, or even when someone simply mentioned her. Yet, she didn’t care for him that way. They just happened to be friends.
Not to mention the boy was far from blind when it came to love, like the ones he read about in his novels. The looks and touches he’d seen between Y/N and his friend were remarkably full of love and care, something she didn’t have with him. If only Sirius could see that, maybe then he could be the one to make her happy. Instead, he was here lecturing him on how to make Y/N happy. Perhaps if he wasn’t such a flirt, none of this would even be a problem.
He just groaned into his pillow and shut himself out from the world around him, no longer responding to what Sirius had to say to him. He was done. He was done with all this nonsense. All this romance bullshit, no matter how much it made his heart race or the gears turn in his mind. He was done.
Only, that was harder said than done when seeing her in person after that night.
She continued to be lovely, friendly, normal - only now he could sense the waves of sadness and discomfort that poured off her person when the group hung out together.
Her heart ached since Remus ran away from her. He had done similar before, but she always forgave him. He was complicated. He was secretive with his emotions. That was one of many things she’d come to respect about him after knowing him for so many years.
She cried that night, and when the other girls came to bed, they comforted her. She didn’t have to tell them what happened. They already knew. It seemed like everyone around her knew about her crush on him.
But life goes on, and she woke up the next morning to the rest of the girls getting ready for class. She pinched her cheeks to bring some life into them, and watched as her smile turned up in the mirror, making sure it was as genuine as it usually was. She was a strong girl, and one incredibly handsome and charming boy was not going to bring her crumbling down. She’d done enough crying.
Sitting next to Remus at the table was far from comfortable, but she was able to do it. She just leaned a little bit further into Sirius’ side than she normally would, something that made Remus feel more defeated than anything. He had given up on pursuing her, almost entirely, only the remnants of his heart still yearning for her. As he watched the way she cuddled up on him, it wasn’t hard to see she found comfort in the raven haired boy.
He could only sigh to himself, dipping his spoon into his porridge for another depressing bite.
She also talked a bit more with James than she ever would in one sitting, with the two of them having so little in common. She took the time to compliment all the girls on their hair and makeup that morning. She talked to Lily about their Potions class that afternoon, and the book she had propped up in front of her. Anything to keep herself from having to discuss with Remus what happened that night before. Anything to avoid talking to him in general, actually.
Breakfast went by slowly, as did their Transfiguration class where Y/N sat in her normal seat beside her friend, who she desperately wanted to be more-than-a-friend. She tried to think of a way she could find herself escaping this terribly unfortunate situation involving unrequited love. She could confess to the boy on the off chance he actually did reciprocate, but that seemed highly unlikely.
She could try and find someone else to fancy for the rest of their seventh year, but she doubted that would happen. He was just so perfect, no one else would compare. No one looked like him, nor did they sound like him or smell the same. There was no one as intelligent as him besides sweet Lily, and she certainly wasn’t going to fancy the red headed girl.
The only option seemed to be just living with her crush until it naturally went away. As miserable as that suggestion seemed, it was the most sound of all her ideas.
She found herself so distracted that she didn’t even notice when McGonagall called on her, “Miss L/N, please do answer the question.”
The seconds passed like minutes and she found her mouth growing dry from embarrassment. How could she be so careless? She almost never zoned out during class, much less found herself being challenged by a professor. She wasn’t lovestruck like James, was she?
Just as she was about to admit defeat, Remus tapped the edge of his notebook. Written down was the word, “avifors spell” which she quickly found herself repeating aloud.
“Thank you. Please pay attention, everyone.”
An exhale of relief left her lips, and she peered over at Remus with grateful eyes. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ and he just nodded with a small smile.
She tried to ignore how he made her feel the rest of their day together. When they studied in the library because it was a Thursday and they weren’t going to break their schedule, she tried smothering the butterflies that fluttered. She felt his soft gaze trained on her as she stared down at her homework. She tried her hardest to swallow her gasp when he leaned over her shoulder, his face dangerously close to hers, pointing out her mistakes on the worksheet. She desperately wished she could ignore the smell of parchment and chocolate wafting off his body as he spoke to her.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” he asked, breaking her from her daze. She nodded, quickly marking the paper where he had questioned one of her answers. “We can stop for the day, if you want-”
“You’re probably right. I feel like my brain is totally fried from all this studying,” she replied quickly, shutting her textbook and setting her quill on the table beside her worksheets. She was dying to finish up this study session so she could crawl back into her bed and pretend that she didn’t spend the first half of the day with her massive crush who definitely didn’t like her back.
He furrowed a brow, having thought the day’s session had gone by quite fast. He didn’t like it. Usually she sat with him for a good hour or two just discussing the day, talking about books and gossip and whatever else she had on her mind. Instead, it seemed she was running away from him. He should have expected that though, knowing what he had done the night before.
Regardless, he packed up his belongings right alongside her, making sure the last of his inkwells was thoughtfully tucked away before motioning for her to follow him out into the hallways. With a ducked head, she followed him, not wanting to seem weird going her own way when they normally would walk back to the common room together. She tried to ignore the shivers that went down her spine when their fingers skimmed against each other walking side by side.
If she were brave, or maybe stupid, she would have reached out to hold his hand. She itched to touch him. To feel him pressed against her again like the night before when they danced together. God, she just wanted to hold his hand. It wasn’t crude or vulgar at all, but she felt so inappropriate - so wrong for wanting him when he clearly wasn’t interested in her.
Perhaps he could sense her trepidation, or maybe she was just very obvious in how uncomfortable she felt, but he cautiously approached the topic, “Darling?” he asked quietly, with all the sincerity and care he normally displayed.
She couldn’t deny the skip of her heart at the sweet nickname, one of many that he used for her. Whether she was his dove, love, or darling, it made her heart jump. “Yes, Remus?” she replied, stopping and turning to look back at him, craning her neck up to meet his eyes, his gorgeous eyes that caught the sunlight coming in from the windows, honey brown and golden.
“I can tell something is wrong,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck and fluffing up his hair nervously.
“Really, it’s okay-”
“No, it’s really not,” he said firmly, Sirius’ lecture from the night before running through his mind. He thought of her crying when he ran off to his dormitory, feeling like shit after being abandoned like that. He thought of her that morning at breakfast doing her best to ignore him, biting her lip to keep the frown from reaching her lips. He continued, “I’m so stupid. It wasn’t my intention to make you feel unwanted.”
Unexpectedly, Remus reached out, taking one of her delicate hands in his own, running a thumb along her knuckles. She stood there as calmly as she could, but her heart was beating a mile a minute and she prayed to Godric that he couldn’t tell from her expression. He was too busy worrying about his own racing heart and sudden dry mouth to notice anyway. “I was scared.”
She asked, so quiet it was a wonder he even heard her, “Scared of what?”
He took a deep breath before explaining himself, drawing her towards the corner of the corridor, away from prying eyes. She felt herself grow even more flushed, knowing they were tucked in this secluded little corner while he held her hand so carefully in his own. She had that familiar feeling creep up and sink its fangs into her, daring her to act on thoughts she shouldn’t be having. Thoughts that entailed reaching up on her tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. Thoughts of grabbing his cheeks in her hands and pulling him down to meet her halfway.
The heavy grandfather clock at the end of the hall ticked as time slowly passed, and she waited with baited breath for him to reply.
“Scared of how much you mean to me. You’re my best friend, Y/N. I know you’re a smart girl, and you’re incredibly brave, but you know I have my problems…” he tried to say.
“Remus! Shush. You know that means nothing to me. You’ll always be my best friend no matter what.”
“Which is exactly why you’re blind to the reality that I am dangerous, and I don’t want you getting into harm’s way,” he argued back as she stared at him, her eyes glazed over with something he didn’t quite recognize. “I’m worried about you. I care about you so fucking much, Y/N.”
“But, the more time you spend with me, the closer you get to seeing the worst parts of me. That’s what I’m scared of.” He paused, his chest lifting heavily and falling back down. “I need you to understand that. I-I need you, and I can’t keep you if I scare you away.” His words shook, and she felt his hands begin to shake as they held onto her own. She clutched him a bit tighter, trying to calm him down.
She swore her heart nearly stopped beating in her chest at his words, those desperate words that fell from his lips. It was almost like he was telling her he loved her. Almost.
But they were only best friends. He’d made that clear.
“I care about you, too, Remus. I’ll do whatever is best for you. That’s what I want.”
“What’s best for me is that you’re happy and safe.”
She flushed at his words, finding herself growing hot in the face and lowering her head to hide her flustered expression. He had such a way with words, one that made her positively swoon. How did he not notice? He was awfully charming and romantic for someone who seemingly refused to even try and date.
The words hung off his lips, waiting to fall out in the open after all this time. I love you, he wanted to say. I love you so fucking much it hurts, he wanted to cry. Yet, he couldn’t do it.
He peered over her shoulder at the walkway, catching sight of James and Sirius walking down the corridor towards them. He motioned in their direction, and quickly he dropped her hand, taking a modest step away from her. With confusion and hurt in her eyes, she looked back to him as the blood drained from her cheeks. Was he embarrassed to be close to her around his guy friends? Was holding her hand that serious of a crime that it warranted such abruptness?
Much to her displeasure, she was caught off guard when Remus seemingly bumped her in Sirius’ direction, actually causing her to stumble into the dark-haired boy and latch onto his arms to steady herself.
She turned back to peer at him, questioning what he was doing, only to find his eyes glued elsewhere. He stared at the broom that James held in his hands, the one he was excitedly talking about. His eyes were clearly just there so he could avoid her gaze, one that flashed with heartache. That boy sure had a way with breaking hearts, she thought, feeling herself beginning to fall limp against her other friend.
“Why hello, angel,” Sirius laughed, helping her regain her footing. The laughter from his mouth, however, was awkward, and his eyes flashed nervously between Remus and Y/N as they had come to do so often recently. He sensed the tension, and he noticed the sadness that plagued Y/N like a rain cloud perpetually above her head. “Not interrupting, are we?” he asked cautiously.
“No, we were just talking.” But he knew that was a lie. James seemed to be the only one oblivious to the situation at hand. She frowned, her eyes leaving Remus and lifting to find those of her concerned friend. “Hey, Sirius, James.”
“Hey, guys. We were just heading to the dining hall for lunch. You coming with?”
“Sure,” Y/N said, but Remus had other plans.
“Actually, I have somewhere I’ve got to be. I’ll see you at dinner though,” Remus said, waving to his friends as he took a few steps backward. The three of them watched him go, and when he finally turned the corner, Y/N let her shoulders drop heavily, a sigh leaving her lips. So much for the little moment they were having before.
He certainly had a habit of running away when she needed him there the most, didn’t he?
Part Four is out. (Honestly, as I write this I’m finding myself rooting for Sirius a bit ngl. Should I do two endings, one for Sirius and one for Remus perhaps?)
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skierisa · 5 hours
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"but where's her werewolf form?" IM STUPID I CANT DRAW IT PROPERLY AAAAA SO SORRY
but anywayyyyyy, the basics but more detailed:
Full name: Valerie Yuhara Akagawa (her realm's culture allows her to have more than one last name, but usually referred by her second last name by most)
Age: 23
Birthday: April 26th
Sexuality: Panromantic greysexual
Species: Werewolf
Elemental Powers: Crystal Elemental Power
Occupation: Assassin and captain for MVRR (Mort Vivant du Riviere Rouge) gang.
Personality: Valerie was always outspoken and would speak up to other people and herself, having little to no filter, sometimes on purpose. Occasionally, Valerie likes to make people uncomfortable, but not always and it's usually when they're trespassing some limit she imposed. She can read people well and usually knows when someone is hiding something or lying, and tends to manipulate them to get what she wants (which doesn't mean it's a bad thing, she mostly uses it to discover what people want as gifts for birthdays and other festivities). 
When it comes to meeting new people, Valerie tends to be closed, but gives enough information to keep a conversation if she judges the situation to be the right one, and opens herself more and more if she's feeling safe. She can certainly be gentle and empathic, but mostly hides and avoids these feelings due to the kind of work she does. However, she easily attaches herself to those she likes.
After the events that happened to her twin sister Vanessa, Valerie entered a gang, which altered her personality a bit. She likes cracking jokes, but in her late teens it became a coping mechanism, like her enjoyment of discomfort of others. Although, she feels a lot of guilt that she shoves down, having panic attacks and mostly being in a bad mood due to lack of sleeping (due to stress).
Story: Valerie was born in one of the realms outside of Ninjago. She was born into a very loving family that she really adores. Her mother Aurore and aunt Yurisa taught her all she knows about music, flourishing her musical intelligence, while her dad made her and her siblings clothes. She was a very outspoken and filterless from a young age, annoying other people sometimes unintentionally, like her teachers.
She discovered her elemental powers as a tween, after her sister, Vanessa, woke up and yelled about crystals growing in their bedroom. Somewhere around this time, she took interest in war fan fighting.
Her brother, Kenichi, is the founder of the MVRR, making her the captain as soon as she decided to join.
(there are lacking parts, I'm just gonna hide it for a while because I wanna make a comic...)
Likes hot drinks;
Smokes, but not exactly addicted to nicotine;
Wants to be a music teacher;
Not a fan of wind instruments;
Favourite instrument to play is the kotō;
Still uses the iron fans given to her by Kenichi when she was 16;
Likes spending time with Nya as she works on her projects and Valerie plays random tunes on her guitar;
Doesn't stay near Wyldfyre or Kai (again, pyrophobic, but actually likes both those dorks);
Has a weakness for blonds;
Loves reading horror romance and horror comics.;
Knows kulning singing technique (her favourite);
She has a (slight) British accent.
Her siblings will get ref sheets sometime later this year or 2025, who knows, right
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jerefishvr · 2 years
light sub xavier thorpe x wolf!reader who's in heat 🤭🤭
beggin' you ! 🧷 ָ࣪ 𓏲⋆.
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⨳ 𓏲˖ 🪩 ˖ ࣪
xavier thorpe x reader ִֶָ ꒱𓂃✦៹
WARNINGS : SMUT !! scratching , fingering ( masturbation ) , mentions of hair pulling , biting kink if you squint
summary : in which, xavier's gf is ignoring him as to not hurt him cause she's going through her first cycle of heat, while he doesn't know why until a pink haired werewolf spits out the truth 🕯️୨♡୧  ִ° ⋆
Days passed, weeks passed. Each day getting longer and longer for Xavier. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, and hours into days. Time passed by so slowly when you weren't next to him.
Your sweet and lovely boyfriend, Xavier Thorpe who you oh, loved so much and had no choice but to ignore him as you were going through your heat. You loved that boy with your whole heart and you wouldn't dare to hurt him in any way possible, even if it meant not seeing him for literally weeks.
Today he finally decided he had enough. He was confused on why you were ignoring him and barely showing up to any classes, so he tooks the matters into his own hands and went to ask Enid if it was a werewolf thing, and surely, she did give him a whole lecture about what "heat" was,so he went to your dorm in case you needed any medicine..
You, laying there, with your pussy stuffed of your fingers and your tits hanging out of the pink sweater Xavier gifted you on your birthday last year. Juices flowing down your thighs and your eyes seal closed while your mouth was hang open.
You didn't notice until you heard his whine, looking at him with your legs spread open, your pussy on display as you desperately searched for the cover.
"What are you doing here?! Leave!" You yelled in concern ( and also embarrassment ). You could almost feel yourself about to cry, your orgasm ruined and your mood changing every minute passing by.
"I-i- just came here to check up on you- Enid explained to me what a "heat" is and i wanted to see if you needed any medicine" Xavier said slowly, careful not to make you angrier. Your head fell down and now, hot tears were streaming down your face.
"Im sorry, i really am. It's just been difficult for me, i didn't know it'd happen here" You explained while looking him in the eyes. He took small steps towards you while caressing your face and wiping your tears.
"It's okay angel, don't worry. Do you need help with continuing what you were doing?" An angelic smile plastered on his face, while his words were quite the opposite. You nodded and immediately grabbed his belt so you could take off his pants.
He smirked and looked down at you, thinking you were gonna wrap your lips around his cock, only to be met by your cold and demanding gaze that was instructing him to sit on the bed.
He sat down, unsure of where your sudden personality change came from, but when he felt his dick getting enveloped by your pussy's warmth, he forgot everything that was previously on his mind.
You rocked your hips against his own, grinding on his lap and moaning as he brushed against your g-spot.
You took a handful of Xavier's hair and watched him as he whined all over again, begging for you to go faster. Instead, you slowed down and grabbed his jaw, while still making sure he was balls deep inside you.
He cried out and grabbed your hips trying to make you move again, but instead you just smirked and laughed at his pathetic tries.
"Beg for it" You demanded, waiting for him to talk only to be met by his pleading eyes and his red, plump lips.
"Please mommy move, i need it so bad just ugh- im begging you, let me cum please" His pathetic begs were heard throughout the whole room and that did more than just satisfy you as you began bouncing once again on his dick.
His dick was covered with your juices, the sound of your pussy squealing only bringing him closer to the edge.
Your clit rubbed against his waist as you fucked him,the intense pleasure making you bite his neck while accidentally scratching his back while trying to steady yourself.
The loud whimper that left his mouth gave you the permission to suck harder on his neck, feeling him moan louder, knowing he was closer.
"Come for mommy, fill me up with your cum, fuck give me all your cum" You screamed while continuing to ruin him with all the strength you had in your body.
He came, shooting his load into you with a loud gasp as he felt you clench around him and came with him. He pulled out of you with a groan, already missing your cunt's sweet warmth.
He fell on the bed and looked at you with sleepy eyes. "Feel any better now?" He asked with a concern laced voice as his eyes traveled to your peaceful face with a smile.
"Yeah, much better. Thank you" You laughed and kissed his rozy lips. An "I love you" fell from your lips along with a "goodnight" and a sweet kiss on the forehead as he smiled at your gentle actions.
He laid his head on your chest while you played with his hair in your half awake half asleep state.
"I love you too" He whispered before drifting off to a deep sleep.
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cheezysweaterguy · 3 months
ALSO what is newton's motive for unleashing the sludge thing in this au or is it just a "haha oops" accident kind of thing
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newtons motive for unleashing the Sludge is a little complicated but i’ll try explaining it in the simplest way possible
newton in this AU struggles with intense psychotic symptoms and acute paranoia, which affects him on the daily. he hallucinates on the job (his work being a tv show host) has several panic attacks a day, and has terrible mood swings that leave him feeling exhausted afterwards
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his only relief was taking nasty pills to help alleviate his symptoms, but it usually either didn’t help or when he would take them irregularly he would see static
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this was until one night he has a dream or vision of sorts. he can’t really tell what’s happening other than the sludge communicating with him and explaining that they are the cure to his suffering. he wakes up and tries to get to the sludge, locked away in his parents house behind locks, but they don’t trust him due to his symptoms. he breaks in one night and releases them from their slumber, immediately getting possessed ^_^
sorry if this is a lot to read!! im just trying to flesh this all out. im also considering not making newton in this AU a werewolf. it was purely an aesthetic choice but i realize it doesn’t really fit him that well and the story. but i am making an American Werewolf in London lbp AU with marlon and newton where he gets to be a werewolf but i probably won’t get to work on it for a bit
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theemporium · 11 months
as a society we don’t talk about werewolf!carlos enough. like he’s got all the qualities he’s got big brown puppy eyes and soft fluffy hair and like hairy ass arms it’s all giving wolf vibes. he’d be such a good bf to reader, so protective and cuddly he’s a life size heater too. so sorry im just in a soft cuddly mood
he would also just be so territorial😭I fully believe he would be the worst of the boyfriends. like he’s one of the beefier guys as well, so he’s not afraid to puff his chest out a little or growl at anyone getting a little too friendly with you
but behind closed doors? biggest puppy around and he makes you promise never to tell anyone but you have a whole album of him just whining for ear scratches and cuddles
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paperbagsandwich · 6 months
omgosh whatvis Ros' fav anime? Does she have a fav genre?
Oh bless thats so sweet, they must love eachother so heckin much it makes me feel mushy they are so cute!!! Sorry if this is an odd question but does ros have autism? (Does she stim over things she gets excited about?)
Dawww thats adorable!!!!
Nausicaä and the valley of the wind (also known as warriors of the wind), its a very beautiful film !!
i enjoy animal crossing as well! Stardew valley is (imo) a fun and simple game, you just farm crops,look after animals and befriended/romance the townspeople, id highly recommended it (i also enjoy playing it with other people).
im sure all the players are going to heckin love that design!! (If you ever share it outside of the campaign id love to see it, i bet it looks amazing!!) I also just love making ocs for other people it makes me happy plus I love doing fun lil design challenges with friends basically everyone using the same inspiration to make thir own design to see how others interpret things differently its v fun to do, using 3 emojis for one design, a mood board, aesthetics and more. I also enjoy redesigning cartoon characters its a fun exercise!
Oh! If you are sure! The baker loves forest animals and the colour green, her baked goods normally resemble lil cute animals like mice and squirrels. Her fav colour is a deep green and she decorates with lil cute ornaments and music boxes (enesco mice music boxs are the inspo for that). She was scared and startled to see his partly transformed werewolf form near the bakery, but she saw he was shaking and just really wanted to help him, she could still recognize him and thought he was weird and a lil bit of a prick but also funny because she barely talked to him before (again how he was raised made him really shit at communicating with people) but that didn't change the fact she wanted to help. She lets him live with her as long as he helps around the house/apartment. But she also nursed him back to health and comforted him because he was in a ton of pain when transforming. She also helps him with his self confidence because he hates how he looks now (going from a pretty boy twig to big monster man). She thinks he's handsome and actually they get along well because they both love books. She warms up really fast to his personality when she realises he's actually very sweet and most of his issues was because he just didn't know how to interact with people that weren't rich. He fell in love with her from seeing her interact with other people and the rare occasions hed go into the bakery (his " friend " group didn't like the idea of him going and made sure he'd eat small and pricy things) his favourite thing to buy was a chocolate chip cookie, he find them very comforting. He thinks shes extremely pretty and sweet, his heart races whenever he sees her. In his fully transformed state if he wishes to go outside he has to wear a hoodie she made him (to accommodate his size and features). He doesn't like leaving the house much especially without her, he gets very excited when she comes home from work and he lays her on top of him if she is cold (hes very warm like a heating pad) and he likes comforting her and holding her close. He checks her ingredients for her and keeps the house clean when she's away. She is really thankful for it since she forgets easily. When they go outside together he is very protective and a lil posessive, not liking others looking at her. She doesn't mind (she finds it attractive) plus she loves going on picnics with him. With his speech being rough and not full scentances (he still thinks in them he just doesn't know how to express it in his fully tansformed state) he worries that she will get upset with him but she never does and understands him very easily. (His speech is very much like big mac from mlp). She realises she has fallen in love with him when she leans against him after he comforts her after a hard day at work. She kisses his cheek to let him know. Both of them are very easily flustered. She covers her face when she blushes and he looks away (his tail wagging like crazy unable hide how happy he is).
Sorry if non of the makes any sense (i struggle to explain things a lot!) Please let me know if you want to know more!! (About any of the ideas)
Thank you!! Im just being honest and i care about people. If you are busy you should take as much time you need and if you are upset but don't want to talk id give you time, but if you wanted to talk I'd listen, its the least anyone can do. You are human no one should expect more from you than you can give that includes yourself. Take the time you need and focus on yourself because you deserve to be the best and happiest you, you can be!
Roslyn's top favorite would be Kiki's delivery service. She would mostly watch slice of life type animes but she also loves magical girl type of genres too.
Hmmm, I don't really know much about autism so I don't think Ros would be on the spectrum. I mean she does little stims and even clap her hands when she's very excited about something but, yeah, I'm not fully in the know about it.
I wouldn't mind making some of my characters be on the spectrum, but I would have to look into first so I don't accidentally get things completely wrong and offended anyone. The last thing I want to do is bullshit and call it a day.
OOOH, I wanna check the film out!! 😭😭
Also, maybe when I have time, I'll probably check out Stardew but I can't make any promises. 😭
It's most likely gonna be a while before I actually get to post them, but I'll definitely post the characters when they get to them.
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, I never tried the mood boards and the three emojis thing before!! I sorta just combine characters I like and make them the exact opposite of what I got it from.
I suck at questions, but who was the first to admit they had feelings for the other? Was it spoken or was it like one of those moments where the just knew they loved each other and no words were needed because everything kinda spoke for themselves?
And also, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, you're just too incredibly sweet, honestly, you are a blessing!!! I love your patience and I truly appreciate you in my inbox!!!!!
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privatelife · 3 years
the best most comprehensive mountain goats album is unequivocally beat the champ and thats not my wrestling bias talking its a perfect album
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werebutch · 4 years
I miss my werewolf orc.. baby come back
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venus-haze · 2 years
omg could you do vampire or werewolf elvis headcanons? im in the spooky mood and i think you’d write that so well, especially like a darker theme!!
I went overboard with this one😅 Both scenarios are AU-ish and take place in the 80s. I took from the line “I’ve been playing this mausoleum for 1,000 years” for a vampire Vegas-era Elvis but also I love the idea of Graceland being this like creepy old mansion no one goes in because it’s supposedly haunted so...enjoy🧛🏻‍♂️
Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Warning: Dark themes such as emotional blackmail, death, blood, and obsessive and manipulative behavior, which some people may find disturbing or triggering. Mild sexual content that involves coercion. Do not interact if you are under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Graceland (’50s Elvis)
Growing up, you heard stories of Graceland—people going in never to be seen again, soft music coming from the supposedly abandoned house late at night
It stopped being so scary after you got to high school, but even so, it was an unspoken rule to stay the hell away from there
You go out drinking with coworkers one night, a new coworker of yours unfamiliar with the old place and the stories behind it, which leads to the group of you stumbling through Memphis to get there
Perhaps wanting to prove something to yourself and your peers, you volunteer to go inside, insisting the stories are bullshit and it’s just another eyesore building that the city won’t do anything about
You go in with a little keychain flashlight one of your coworkers hands you and scale the fence surrounding the dilapidated old mansion 
The doors are boarded up, most of the windows too, and you can hear your coworkers calling you back, that you made your point, but some inexplicable feeling draws you in, you enter the dark house and go up the flight of dusty stairs
A faint glow comes from beneath one of the doors along with the soft sound of a guitar, and against your better judgment, you open it. Both you and the unbelievably handsome yet familiar looking man you encounter stare at each other in equal shock. As soon as you see his eyes glow red and impossibly sharp fangs, you run
You know it’s probably pointless and he’ll find you sooner or later, but you hide in one of the many rooms in the mansion and are in disbelief to find it’s filled with posters, buttons, even pillows with his face and name adorned on all of them—Elvis
You barely have time to think before the door swings open. He crosses the room and grabs you by the shoulders. Despite your begging to not hurt you, that you swear you won’t tell anyone, he sinks his fangs into your neck and between the pain and the sound of your skin breaking you pass out
You wake up in the room you found him in, god knows how long ago, because your head is pounding and you’re starving and thirsty. Your now captor stares at you like a deer in the headlights, as if he wasn’t the monster
“I’m glad you’re okay. I didn’t want to kill you, but I can’t help it sometimes,” he says. You balk at his statement, hardly calling the situation you were in okay
Elvis is lonely and reclusive, a sadness in his unnervingly red eyes that makes you almost feel sorry for him whenever he slinks into the room to check on you and bring you an odd offering of food because he isn’t sure what humans eat
He refuses to allow you out of the room, he thinks you’re not well enough yet. He entertains you by singing and tell you stories
His voice is soft and low as he tells you that he was at the height of his popularity as a musician when he was turned (he refused to go into the details on that), but afterward he couldn’t control his hunger and killed his family and management team
Too horrified and ashamed of himself, he only leaves Graceland to feed when absolutely necessary, otherwise keeping himself in his self-imposed purgatory because he doesn’t want to hurt people
You believe him, because besides that first night, he hasn’t done anything violent or dangerous, until some of your coworkers return to the house, looking for you
Elvis had always been frustratingly avoidant and vague when you asked how long you’d been there or when you could leave, but when they call out your name saying the police didn’t believe their story but they had to come back for you, desperately searching every nook and cranny in the place to bring you home, he snaps
You follow him as he storms out of the room, almost as if he’s floating on air as he descends on each of your coworkers, brutalizing them as you watch in horror, screaming for him to stop—he does, only after killing the last one, wiping the fresh blood from his mouth and meeting your terrified expression with one of wild desperation
“You can’t leave, Y/N. I can’t be alone again,” he pleads, as if you have a choice. He turns you, holding you as you go through the painful transformation to become one of the undead, to be with him forever
Vegas (’70s Elvis)
After an almost frustratingly long interview process, you get a job as a cigarette girl at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. You’d never had a job make you sign an NDA before, but you figure it came with the territory–it’s your dream job, but you’d heard they made good tips, even if it meant looking the other way when wealthy patrons got ahead of themselves
Your first few weeks of work are uneventful, and you make more in tips in a night than you did in a week at your old job. Plus, you’d become friends with most of the girls you worked with, but you couldn’t help but notice how often they seemed to quit, how long it’d take to replace them, and how none of them seemed to be working there for very long
While getting ready to go out to the showroom before whatever act was slated to perform for the next few weeks, your boss power-walked into the breakroom. “The penthouse wants a personal delivery,” he says, pointing to you. “Don’t keep him waiting”
You nod, grabbing your tray and rushing out of the breakroom. One of your coworkers stops you, jokingly asking what the rush is for. You feel a pit in your stomach at the way her expression shifts when you tell her
Whoever’s up there is probably just an asshole, you assure yourself. Nothing you haven’t dealt with before, you hope as you push the elevator button to bring you to the top floor of the hotel
You walk up to the door of the penthouse suite apprehensively, feeling like an idiot when you knock and say “Cigarette delivery”
The door opens a crack, and suddenly your apprehension seems to disappear as you let yourself into the room. The lights are dim, and most of the illumination comes from the glow of the Vegas Strip through the window. You don’t see anyone, until the door slams shut behind you, and you jump, dropping half the cigarette boxes in your tray on the floor
“Sorry,” you stammer to the man who’s just made his presence known to you. “I didn’t see you there. Sorry.”
He studies your trembling form for a few moments, before kicking the dropped boxes out of his way and stalking over to you. Even in the darkness of the room you can tell he’s handsome, but you can’t make out the specific features of his face. He looks so familiar, and you find yourself staring at his full lips until they pull back into more of a snarl than a smile to reveal abnormally sharp canines
“What d’you got, baby?” the man asks, his voice thick like honey as it rumbled from deep in his chest. You list off the cigarettes you have on hand, including the ones on the floor, and he grabs a box of Luckies and hands you a hundred dollar bill after watching you bend down to pick up the boxes you’d dropped
You aren’t sure how much time has passed by the time you get back downstairs, but your coworker looks genuinely shocked to see you. You pull her aside and ask her what the fuck is going on
“Honestly, Y/N, I don’t know. The girls who go up there–you’re the first one who’s ever come back down,” she whispers, her paranoid gaze traveling throughout the room
When you tell your boss you quit, he pulls out the NDA you signed but didn’t read over, which states in one of the clauses that you had to work there at least a year or forfeit all of your earnings since you started. You didn’t have that kind of money on hand, not after spending so much of it already
You can hardly sleep the next week, especially when another cigarette girl goes up to the penthouse suite, and when you inquire her whereabouts the following night, your boss tells you that she quit–which makes no sense because she’d been working there less than you had and he wouldn’t let you quit. You don’t question it to his face, though, but you spend your sleepless hours trying to figure a way out
It’s only a matter of time before you’re called up to the penthouse again, you know as much, but it doesn’t terrify you any less when your boss tells you that the occupant asked for you specifically. You take deep breaths as the elevator ascends, hoping by some miracle it gets stuck
The door to the suite is already open halfway when you get there, and you stand in the doorway, looking around for the man. “What’re you so afraid of, baby? Think I bite?” he teases from the other side of the room, though you swear he hadn’t been standing there a moment ago
Just as you’re a foot or so away from him, he flicks on the lights, and you gasp upon recognizing Elvis Presley. The resemblance was way too uncanny to be one of the dozen or so impersonators you saw on your first day in Vegas–but it wasn’t possible, it couldn’t be him. He was dead, and even if he were alive he’d look much older
He beckons you closer with a curl of his pointer finger, and you find yourself pressed against his chest, the tray of cigarette boxes thrown to the floor as he kissed you deeply, pulling away only to pierce your lower lip with his fangs, lapping up the blood that pooled from it despite your resistance
His crimson eyes raked over your figure as you held your bloodied lip, tears streaming down your face. “I knew there was a reason I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you, baby”
“Please don’t kill me,” you choke out
The grin that spreads across his face is nothing short of evil, “No, I’m not gonna kill you. In fact, I think I’ll keep you around a while” 
He tears off your skimpy uniform like it’s made of paper, sinking his fangs into one of your exposed breasts. As he sucks and licks the blood coming from it, you collapse in his arms, feeling yourself being carried over to his bed
Taglist: @eliseinmemphis @kittenlittle24  @crash-and-cure @im-lame-irl @loudwombatmugkid @rxsesss @roseymary04 @queendelrey @jovialladyaurora @positivitylane112 @moonknightswif3 @holy-minseok @datsavageavenger @21bruhs @luckyevansstan (sorry if y’all only want to be tagged in fics and not headcanons! Please let me know if this is the case)
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Okay but what if David has to hide being a werewolf in the werewolf au because God knows what Mr. Campbell would fucking do. Max protects his dad. He makes sure Campbell doesn't lay a hand on his weredad.
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n0b0dy11 · 3 years
I Can Be With You ~Remus Lupin
RemusLupin x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Remus Lupin (young) x female reader
Genre: Fluff, bit angst/sadness in the beginning
Tw: swearing? and my awful writing ;) (If you find something you find needed to mentioned let me know)
Summary: Remus has finally let it out, he told her and to his surprise and fear she said it back. Now he is trying to avoid her at all costs, because that would hurt less than forcing her with a werewolf, right?... (this is part 2 of 'I Can't Be With You')
Good to know: Last year Hogwarts, Y/n is Hufflepuff and pureblood, Italic is mostly flashbacks, Y/n (your name), Y/n/n (your nickname), Y/n/l (your last name), June Montegmory (Y/n's bestfriend, if this is your name im so sorry) I used Kaya Scodelario as a reference for her :)
Part one - part two
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Remus had done everything in his power to avoid her, Y/n Y/l/n, other wise known as the girl of his dreams.
It sounded weird and maybe mean to call her such as he had turned her down and yet before that kissed her and professed his liking, (love), for her.
He planted his lips on hers, while his hands found her waist. She melted in his arms, her hands tangling in his hair and her eyes closed. She loved how she could feel the little cut in his lip and how his hands would tighten around her waist when she tugged at his roots.
He loved how her soft lips felt, they were even softer than he imagined. He was getting addicted at her pulling his hair softly and massaging his scalp while he could freely explore her back and waist.
But then flashes from his transformation flashed before his eyes, him hurting Y/n and her screaming for him to stop. His heart sank when he realized he couldn't give her what she deserved, so he pulled back tears pooling in his eyes.
"I can't do this to you. I can't make you love me, I'm sorry."
She looked confused, "You don't have to make me love you, I alre-"
He shut her up with placing his lips on hers again, "don't say that please," he whispered against her lips. "I can't let you love me."
"Why?" she wanted to cry, but she was just so hurt it was numb, while his tears rolled over his cheek.
"I'm a monster, now even more than before. Please, just forget me, and be happy."
His hands left her waist and she already missed his body heat, he wasn't a monster and she would never think so, not even after he left her like this, because that's what you do when you love someone.
Y/n knew he was ignoring her and honestly, it broke her even more. If he didn't want to be with her, fine, but telling her he liked her then kissing her to then just shut her out; wasn't fair.
It was mean, and ruthless.
But it didn't matter, because she couldn't help it but love him, his stupid smile, his stupid fluffy hair, his stupidly cute frown, and his stup-
"Y/n?" June asked.
"Sorry? I wasn't paying enough attention, I'm sorry." Y/n hated what effect it had on her, how she would zone out in class, not hear her friends call to her, and drown herself in homework just so something was on her mind.
She couldn't think of him, yet he never leaves her mind completely.
Everybody noticed the change in her mood, how she always was happy and laid-back, she now was always stressed and looked tired.
Remus noticed this too and he didn't know if it made him guilty or not, and it sure made him rethink his decision every time. It wasn't fair of him to kiss her and then tell him they couldn't be together. He was being immature, and just a grade A asshole.
Y/n was wondering about it almost every time of every day, was it her? Was she in the end not what he wanted, did he just want to kiss her and not even once consider her feelings? What did he mean with being a monster? Nothing made sense anymore, everything was just a spiral of more questions.
"Y/n? You did nothing wrong you know that right?" June was worried about her friend, she hadn't been herself and she couldn't pin point were the problem was.
Of course she had made the connection to Remus, she could see her lingering stares on him and his on her, when she wasn't looking. She noticed how her friend was drowning herself in home work and saying 'sorry' to almost everything that wasn't even her fault.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go," Y/n spoke softly her books clutched in her hands, "homework."
June was beyond furious now, she was hurting so much yet talking about it was something she obviously wasn't going to do. So she was going to talk to the only other person who would know what was going on, Remus fucking John Lupin himself.
"Talk," June was standing before her fellow prefect, Remus. They had rounds together, she asked to be put together, Y/n was head girl so she wasn't around at the moment.
"W-what?" he was slightly scared of June not gonna lie, she was bloody scary if she wanted to and now she sure as hell did.
"What did you do?" her blue eyes were boring into his and he didn't know how to react. He was maybe slightly frightened by her?
"What are you on about?" he asked, and if he wasn't talking to June maybe the person would've believed he honestly didn't know but she could see right through him.
"Y/n," she responded flatly, "what have you said or done."
He sighed, he knew someone was going to confront him about it, he just wasn't ready for it yet. Their little conversation was almost two weeks ago, and he hadn't bothered to talk to anyone about it.
He just couldn't, and he didn't even know why it broke him so hard.
"Nothing," his voice turned just as monotone and flat as hers.
"yes, she hasn't been doing well, she sin't herself and everybody knows it! For gods sake! All you two ever did was stare longingly at each other, and now she looks at you as if you've burned down her world while you stare at her as if you're looking at a broken china doll."
"I, I made a stupid mistake, but I can't set it right."
"That's the most bullshit reason ever."
"I just," he didn't know why was even considering telling June, he didn't know her and for all he knew she would just blab her mouth to Y/n, "I liked her, no, I- I still do. It's just, I don't know how we would work, and I came to that conclusion after."
"After what?"
"I kissed her," he looked at the dark brunette while her eyes widened, "And then I-I told her we couldn't be together, and left, I fucking left June!"
The dark haired girl stood speechless, she knew of her best friend's crush, of course, but what he did was extremely unexpected at least to her.
Her mouth hung to the floor and her eyes dropped open as if she saw light for the first time in years.
"I know," he sighed,, he already knew she would react like this, who wouldn't?
"Fix it," she said slowly and weirdly soft, gentle. "I know she still has the same feelings and by how sad you sound I'l guessing you do too."
She was right and he knew it, but how would he tell the most perfect girl in his eyes that he was what he was; a monster.
"I'll try."
The next days Remus was building up courage to talk to her, but she was slowly giving up, she lost faith that maybe he felt the same. It was probably a stupid Marauder prank, it was meaningless.
But why did he kiss her so passionately?
"You've been staring at her for weeks! Please tell me you are finally planning to talk to her again," James pleaded, he was done with his friend being a mopping wolf all the time.
Just as were their other friends, he was always sour around the full moon and they respected it, but now he was sour all the time and even worse at the full moon, that was a few days ago.
"I am, actually. June talked to me while we were doing our prefect rounds, and she told me that Y/n stilled liked me and that I should just talk to her."
"Finally!!" a very dramatic Sirius exclaimed. Which did cause them to get a few weird looks but, they didn't mind, the sour wolf maybe would be gone!
When Remus saw his girl leave the great hall he stood up immediately, he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass.
But just as he was about to follow her he sank down again.
"What just happened, wasn't there supposed to be applause or a kiss or something?" Marlene asked, "Why did he sit back down?!"
"She wouldn't want to talk to me," Remus muttered, "she should just move on, I'm bad for her anyway."
"No way Moony! We aren't letting you throw away this chance again!"
"She's perfect for you! She'd understand, you just have to tell her!!"
"Alright," he mumbled, and stood up again. He was going to talk to her, and he wouldn't let it go badly again.
He almost ran out the great hall but his nerves slowed him a bit down. He searched everywhere, their common room, the kitchens and she was nowhere to be found. So, he was going to look at the last place, the Black Lake.
And that's where he found her sitting with a book in her hand, and head hung low, if he looked closely he thought he could even see a few tears.
"Y/n?" he asked, whispered more like.
Her head shot up from her book but didn't look at him, she just stared out before her at the lake. "What are you doing here?"
He swallowed hard, he knew he had hurt her but seeing her like this, red puffy eyes, anxiety marks on her neck, black circles under her eyes, and tear stains on her cheeks, made him realize how bad he hurt her.
"I- I wanted to talk to you," he sighed, nerves taking over him. He hadn't meant to hurt he, in fact he wanted to make her avoid the pain.
"Why?" she finally looked up at him, "You didn't bother for maybe a month?"
His heart broke even more if it could. He had ignored her for so long, but was so caught up in his self-misery that he didn't notice how she was also counting the days, hours... months, they didn't speak.
"I am sorry," he looked down, he couldn't look at her this moment. "I- I shouldn't have done that and-"
"So it was a prank?" she asked, but more like stated it, as if she expected it to be, "it looked fun to you to just walk up to someone and say you like them... kissing them. Does that seem like a prank to you?"
"It wasn't a prank!" his eyes were now also brimmed with a few tears, while hers were dried, she wouldn't cry in front of him, "did you really think I would do something like that? To you?"
He asked it, but her answer surprised him, " Yes."
The look of hurt plastered on his face grew, she noticed, "How could I not? When somebody says they like you, and even kiss you!, you don't expect them to say you can't be together! So the only explanations are: 1) it was a lie and the person didn't actually love you, 2) it was a prank.
You can't blame me for believing for a moment that you would pull a prank, you're a Marauder after all, maybe even the most brilliant one of them."
She was right, and he could follow her reasoning, it was true, but ti wasn't. It was true that he was a prankster and it could've been, but it wasn't because it just wasn't a prank.
"If I told you it wasn't a prank?" he looked at her, straight in her eyes, "Would you believe me?"
"I don't know," she whispered honestly, "why wouldn't you want to be with me then?"
He sighed, and looked at the ground, Remus couldn't tell her. he thought he was ready to tell her, but now he wasn't so sure.
"Would you really think I'm capable to do such a cruel joke?"
"Remus," she was broken and he could hear it in her voice, but it still sounded amazing how she spoke his name. "i don't, didn't think you would do something like that, but I believed it.
Because everything sounded better than settling on the fact that you..." her eyes filled with tears again, why did he have such an effect on him?!
"That I, what?" he asked gently, he was fighting the urge to just wipe away her tears, he couldn't stand how her beautiful eyes were filled with the salty liquid, and he was the reason what broke him even more.
"That you, you just didn't love me."
He was speechless, he hadn't expected that, yet he was also happy about it. She didn't really expect him to be awful, which was a relief. But if it broke her so much thinking he didn't love her, it would've meant she loved him back, right?
"I- I," he wanted to tell her, to shout it out but how her eyes filled with tears looked into his, he didn't find the words anymore. So, Remus did the only thing where he could express his feelings with without having to say anything.
Kissing her.
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At first, she didn't kiss him back, he would probably just pull away and run... again.
But in the end she kissed him back, she just liked the feeling of his lips too much. And if he did run away again, she would at least have this kiss, again...
She started to pull away, but he didn't like that so he reached forward and kissed her even harder and more passionate than before.
Y/n melted in the kiss right away, untill they came in an uncomfortable position, he was leaning sideways as did she. So he pulled her of the ground and placed her in his lap. Where he wanted her to stay, for as long as he could have her;
The beautiful girl, now situated in his lap, pulled away though, after realizing he still didn't really explain himself.
"Why did-"
"I love you."
Now it was her turn to be stunned, "You," she spoke pointing at him, "like me?" she asked doubtfully, while now pointing at herself.
He mimicking her actions pointed at himself, "I love," he started then turned her finger to her, "you."
"Then why did you run away?" she asked.
"Because I was scared," he started honestly, it's now or never, "I was scared you would leave me-"
"But you left me."
"And that was the most stupid thing I have ever done," he chuckled softly and very embarrassed, but it made her chuckle a bit too. "I was scared, you'd be scared of me."
"Why would I be?" Y/n still situated in his lap, asked, putting her hands on his cheeks almost forcing him to look at her, "Can you give me a reason, why I should be scared?"
"I'm a monster Y/n, you deserve way more."
She hated how he talked about himself, she may not know why he thought so, but she knew it couldn't be that bad to make her think the same.
"You are way more than I deserve," why couldn't he just see that he was all she wanted, and that that'll never change, it'll be him in a heartbeat.
"No, you don't know that. You deserve someone, who could promise you the world a-and money, a stable life, a family and not some messed up," he took a deep breath, "a messed up me."
"Tell me then.
Tell me why you are, in your eyes, a messed up someone. Because in the end, it's my decision, if I want to be with you, who you really are with your flaws and your good habits. I'll love you either way."
"Y-you love me?"
"I do, I really do," she smiled sadly, and she pointed at herself, "I love," and while pointing at him she smiled, "you."
"I'm a werewolf."
He sighed, he shouldn't have thought so stupidly! Of course she would be disappointed, his head fell and she could feel the tears on her shirt.
"No, don't. Just don't."
"Remus, listen to me!" his head shot up at her, she had raised her voice but he couldn't spot anger he was confused, now more than ever.
"I'm sorry, if that came of wrong. I didn't mean it, as if I was disgusted, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't care, really. You aren't a monster, you're Remus Lupin, and to me you'll always be."
"But, I'm a-"
But before he could say his sentence she had herself pressed against him, her lips locked with his and her hands in his hair. She couldn't stand it, how he talked so badly about himself.
"Don't say that," she murmured against his lips.
"But, I am one, and you should scream at me and run a-and-"
"Shut up."
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"You are not a monster, not to me. You can try to tell me o-or convince me other wise, but it won't work. It wont work. Not on me."
"I don't deserve you, we - I, i can't be with you..."
"No, you can," she stated, "Now it's just the question if you want to be with me. Because I do, I want to be with you and I can, if you let me in. If you would just let me love you.
Remus John Lupin, just let me love you."
"i want to, i so desperately want to be. But I can't let you throw away your life like that."
"I won't," her eyes were boring into his, her face was so close to his, and she looked so kissable, so sweet. Y/n couldn't understand when or how she could make him believe he was what she wanted. She would never, ever want someone else, just him and his love; like he had hers.
"if you love me enough to give me- us a chance, let me know. Because I can't deal with the idea of you not loving me, not being this close to you as I am now. I want to show you that you are and can be loved, everybody who doesn't is daft. Let me love you, please."
His breath was short and a bit delayed, his eyes were watery but his smile was permanently pasted on his face. "I want to be with you," he finally whispered while already dipping his head a bit down to capture her lips between his.
"But, can you be with me? Because you can want to, but are you ready to let me love and care for you? To tell about your werewolf antics, because I want to be there for you.
I don't care what you are, to me you'll always be Remus Lupin, even when you are undergoing your problems.
That's what you do for the ones you love..."
"I can be with you," he stated. He had never been more sure about anything. "I want to be with you, and I'll love you till the end of the line. i just don't want you to get hurt."
"i won't," she promised with a soft peck on his kissable lips, "I won't bring me or you in danger, but I'll be waiting every morning after a full moon and i'll love you either way."
"I love you"
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It had been a few weeks since then. Both couldn't have been happier.
Remus couldn't stop himself from smiling at her every time they passed or he could just see her, his girlfriend.
At first they went on a few dates but he couldn't bare it to not call her his, so he made Y/n his, and his only.
They hadn't told their friends yet, of course everyone noticed the change of mood in the both of them but if someone asked they just shrugged or gave very vague answers.
Remus went straight to his dorm after their rendez-vous, he couldn't bring the smile of his face. They loved each other and he could be open about his problems, they kissed and laughed, they kissed a bit more, and laughed even more...
"What?" the tall boy asked.
"What?" James mimicked, "Tell us!!"
"there's nothing to tell." he shrugged. Very amused at his best friends' interest.
Of course Y/n couldn't keep it from June though.
"He asked!" the hufflepuff screamed when she plopped down on her bed next to June's.
"WHo did what?"
"remus, he asked me to be his-"
Y/n didn't even respond she squealled with a dreamy smile on her face. June her response was jumping on top of her friend's bed squealling along with her.
"How did he do it?"
we were walking around Hogsmeade, and we saw a lake. I started tugging on his arm saying I wanted to ice skate. He laughed at me, but not mean, you know just his dreamy, cute little sm-"
"You're going off topic Y/n!!"
"Right," she said clearing her throat, "we transfigured our shoes to ice skates, and just skated for a while. At first I wasn't that good but he always held my hand so I wouldn't fall and such. Then he told me he had something special he wanted to do, so I skated to the edge while he started making this ridiculous moves.
But then he signed me to come closer again, and I looked down to see he had spelled 'Be mine?' on the ice!!!"
"Oh My Helga!!"
"Moony you've been awfully happy for a full moon Today," Peter said next to him.
"That's because today is special."
"How come."
When he started his sentence the door opened behind them and he turned around, making eye contact with the prettiest girl he had ever seen, his girlfriend.
"because I have my girlfriend," he sighed softly. Before walking up to Y/n who had stood still once they made eye contact.
"hi love," he whispered in her shoulder, after he pulled her in a hug.
"He-" but she was cut of be him pressing their lips together again. She just melted into it, ignoring the shouts and whistles from the other students, she was his and he was hers. She didn't care if they could see that, because all that mattered anyway was him and her, them.
You're not alone Siri."
"Why didn't we know?!"
"Let them be!!"
"But Lily-Flower! They just kissed and are still staring in each other eyes while whispering and-"
"It's true love!!"
A smirk came up on James' face, "Like we are?"
She just blushed shaking her head and heading for a table.
"She is right though," Remus whispered to his love, "You are my one true love.
And you'll always be."
Okay I actually really liked this!! I was supposed to be doing homework but...
Hope you enjoyed! have a great day!!
also the last seen from Lily saying "it's true love" reminded me of this gif...
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Also reminder to:
Hope you enjoy!
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whcclxr · 3 years
relationship w marauders
please don't take this, it's my work.
tw/cw: they/them pronouns, more on the harsh side of words, slapping (brief), mentions of sub!dom dynamics, pet names such as pet, puppy, pup, toy, slut, whore, love, darling, it has a bit of insensitivity i think (didn't mean for that part sorry), angst in a way i think, fluff at the end
my daydream of the day: marauders in a poly relationship w them (for this im gonna say dom!remus over everyone; dom!sirius to you and james; sub!james to everyone and readers a switch) (peter was excluded from this sorry)
so you've walked back to the boys dorm w them and remus can sense something isn't right y'know (werewolf type shit), you're not your usual energetic self, and sirius and james are too into a conversation to sense much.
anyways you get back to the dorm and sirius automatically is tauntingly saying "so puppy, have you been good today ?" not knowing of your day and thinking you're more quiet bc you're feeling subby. instead of giving him satisfaction of saying yes or no you just sit in a chair and stare at the wall or start your work, but ultimately just dismissing him and his attitude.
and this leads to him thinking you've started being bratty so he starts up with meaner words like - "wow pups decided today, they wanna act like a fucking brat" "are you wanting us to use you love ? like our little pet ?" and sirius signals the others to join but only james does, coming to stand behind sirius while he squats to the right of you. so they, together start taunting you more, james just nodding along with sirius, joining in only briefly. then sirius gets so fed up that he starts calling you more names including "his whore" or "their slut" and "just our useless little toy"
and that there is what gets you, the calling you rude names when all you've wanted was a nice, peaceful night. so you slap him. not too hard, across the face. this earned 'ooh's' from both boys, and a step back from james not wanting the same. of course y'know you're not allowed to be doing that, 'specially to your dom but you were too fed up to care in this present moment.
he's squatted next to you when you finally stare at him and say "you do not get to call me ruthless names thinking you can get away with it. i am done with your shit tonight sirius and james, a bit. i wanted a nice evening to spend with all of you but you are to in your mind to care about anyone else's needs other than your own sexual fantasies. i'm not your whore nor slut, nor any other names you have graced me with tonight. don't be such a fucking douche and notice other people." and with that you storm out.
this leaves the boys in bewilderment, 'specially sirius, as you've just slapped him and bad mouthed him. he gets up from his stance on the floor and doesn't know what to do, does he go after you ? do one of the others go ? do all or none go ?
"we should ask lily" james suggests, after moments of silence, which the boys nod along to.
after they track down lily, whilst keeping an eye out for you, they ask if anything has happened to not be in your particular favor today which lily responded "oh yea, they've had a pretty bad day. sev's been getting onto them more and more. they spilt a potion in class and severus started making crude comments when they blew the project, calling them useless and not capable of anything. then they spilt ink on themselves going to lunch and, well i think you get it."
this causes the boys to all look amongst each other, knowing sirius had said some rude things along with james a bit. even though they knew that they didn't know you'd had such a miserable day, they felt pretty bad. this caused them to rush out 'thank yous' to lily and rush off to find you.
you on the other hand felt bad. yes you had a bad day however took it a bit far. you knew the boys didn't know of your bad day, thinking you were in the mood for other things when you really wanted peace. yes you could've handled this better however what's done is done. now just apologies would be necessary. so you went back to the dorm only to find the boys gone, so you decided to wait it out.
they got back in a hurry, shoving through the door, racing to find the map to ultimately find you. except remus, who did want to apologize on the others behave, 'specially severus' while promising to pummel his face in, but took it slower thus finding you first.
the boys, without turning their fronts towards the door, were unknown of your presence. "boys" came from you and they spun to meet you, sitting in the rocking chair near the door, remus on your left rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.
"m'love" and they came running to you, kneeling in front of you ( 🧍🪑🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️) they both started rushing out apologizes but after a minute james stood and went next to remus.
"darling i am so so sor-" "i'm sorry"
all boys turned to you and stared in a bit of confusion as sirius had said the mean things.
"i took it out of proportion, and i'm sorry for slapping you and saying what i said, not so sorry on the latter." with a little laugh from all. "i had a bad day, which you probably know of now and it just got to me." "i'm sorry my love, i should've taken signs and noticed you weren't in that mood. i'm sorry"
with that, you hug him and the other boys join too. "m'sorry again loves" mutters james "it's alright boys, doesn't matter anymore"
after a few minutes of hugs and kisses, remus stands properly and says "alright, who's ready to go beat snapes ass ?"
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