#sorry if that was ranty lol
trinrose3 · 2 years
I maybe wrong, but it seems Splinter is letting his own trauma guide him into parenting. The boys may remind him of the day he lost his humanity, so he watches TV over spending time with his children. He resented his family, so he neglected to properly teach them about their family history and how to wield their weapons. Splinter is just so fucking complicated. He was thrown into fatherhood so suddenly; all by his own choice, sure, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to struggle. Yes, he has most likely unintentionally emotionally neglectedthe boys, but that doesn't make him an evil abusive shitbag. An abuser is someone refuses to apologize or fakes their apology and goes right back to the abuse. Knowing his character, he would admit to his faults, ask what he can do to change that, and work hard to be better. And I believe he's already started doing this. (@bitchapalooza )
Yeah that seems to be the case! Does that still make his actions in the past okay? Absolutely not! You can understand where someone is coming from without excusing their behavior and acting like it never happened or that it was less bad/impactful because of their past.
Its also not like ALL of his actions weren't unintentional either tho.
Unfortunately it is a very prevalent issue, but a lot of people think that hitting children is okay. Its not. Full stop. Culture or youre own personal upbringing be damned. It's never okay to hit someone especially someone youre meant to love and care for, especially if theyre your child. I truly dislike how often its used for physical comedy and ROTTMNT is no exception to this. Whether its an issue on the writers part or if thats just genuinely a part of his character thats not something I feel like should be comfortably looked past.
Splinter really is a complicated character but its more of a disservice to act as if he doesnt have these flaws then it is to acknowledge them, Which is something that I see A LOT of fans do, which made me want to make that post in the first place.
He definetly seems to be taking steps in the right direction if the ending of season two was anything to go by. I guess well just never know if we dont get a season three GIJIRGHIRGSRH
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pinkeoni · 1 year
thoughts on asexual will?
Hooooo boy okay let's get into it.
I know this wasn’t your intention, sweet anon, but you just opened a whole can of worms that I’ve been sitting on for awhile.
I wanna start by saying that I'm not against any asexuality hcs, nor do I think that Will being asexual in the show would be a bad thing, but I do think that people who read Will as canonically asexual may be ignoring what is actually happening in the text and is erasing his sexuality.
I was on twitter when season 3 dropped, and I remember it being popular opinion that Will was asexual despite all the of the incredibly clear queer coding that was going on with him. “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls” like come ON! My 70 year old dad knew what that meant! But he’s not a repressed gay! He's asexual! He doesn't like anyone!
Could Will be asexual and still in love with Mike? Absolutely! But that isn't what's happening in the show! Will isn't portrayed as sexless because he's asexual, Will is portrayed as sexless because he's a gay guy at a time when gay sex was especially vilified and demonized. No one says “AIDS” outright in the show, but there are still clear indicators that this is what’s happening in the text. It was assumed that Will was kidnapped and killed (and possibly raped, based on Troy’s line about “another queer”) because he was gay when he was just twelve years old, and this is reiterated a couple times in season one. At the top of season four Eddie is reading a magazine article that links sodomy with Satanism and violence.
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I’ll just say it— there are certain people that would rather Will be asexual than gay because they view homosexual desire as a bad thing. There seems to be this rise of conservatism online in regards to queer sex, including amongst young queer people. “No kink at pride” and “No sex in movies” are all popular opinions that I’ve seen in queer spaces on twitter.
I remember when Heartstopper came out there was this tweet that went around, where the op essentially said he was glad that there was gay rep that was “wholesome” and “nonsexual.” Does there need to be sex in Heartstopper, no! There never needs to be sex in queer media, especially ones where the actors are young! But it’s these opinions, the ones that put sexless queer rep as superior to queer rep with sex that snowballs and begins to vilify queerness as a whole. Queer rep shouldn’t have to purify itself and become palatable to conservatives in order to be valid.
I understand why queer people hold this opinion of themselves because I was also a gay teenager, and the reason is internalized homophobia. With right wing media ramping up their homophobia, it’s hard not to let their messaging crawl into your brain. especially when your peers start to say something similar. Queer teenagers are constantly being told that their natural sexual desires are harmful and they start to believe it themselves. I know, I’ve been there.
To reiterate, I don’t think that all people who hc Will as asexual hold the opinions of all the stuff I talked about above, I also don’t want to make it seem like I’m putting down ace rep either! I wanted to bring all of that up because it is still a problem and very much happening. Like I said before, Will being asexual wouldn’t be a bad thing if it was the case, but that isn’t what’s happening in the show. Will is TEXTUALLY a HOMOSEXUAL!! HE LIKES MEN!!
I always need to clarify with these types of post, but no I don’t want to see an explicit sex scene with Will. HOWEVER, I do think that the sexuality part of his sexuality is something that can and should be explored in a mature and tasteful way. We know that season 5 is going to be his “coming of age” story, and I believe that his sexuality is going to be a big part of that, and it’s already part of the text.
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ilostyou · 4 months
like. sorry billie that sounds like a You issue
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toxictac · 3 months
Well after... a bit trying to figuring out how to draw again i did a little drawing
Specificly a friend of mine who watch bocchi requested me if i could draw emo bocchi, and of course i had trouble with it
So of course because of that, i of course decided to redraw it... and also the whole band each with their own style... yeah
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So in order bocchi is emo, nijika is a gyaru, seika is a punk/crunch and kita is hipster (like the vintage kind)
Sooo yeah going a bit into specifs the og plan was to have them all be different types of emos... but i couldnt find distinc subcultures like gyarus or gothic, so i landed in the best next thing
Bocchi is the first i desing, and while i didnt change much from the way i originaly drew her, i changed her a bit so there wasnt so much contrastic black
Nijika was a bit more simple, althought my original plan was to give her a tan... but i kinda didnt want to mess too much with her
As for seika, originaly her desing was a little too much like bocchi so i tried to difference them as far as i could by enchanging some desing from one to another, tho i fear i should had make her pants black or grey
Kita was kinda fucked by lineart, part of me thinks that i could have come up with another color (as two characters here already use blues) but hey at least she sortha looks vintage (also yes i gave her a mustache pin, i thought that was a cute idea), tho those glasses could have been done better
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lookinghalfacorpse · 6 months
it's okay, take your time, we will wait for you as long and you need 🫂🫂🫂
<3 ty for the kind messages
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randommothxd · 1 month
Small rant:
Don't read if easily mad,this is just my opinion/pov :)
Sorry if this sounds rude
but I just wanna say,hypothetically,let's say God is real.. who says I have to love him?
I'm not a Satanist,dont get confused.
from what I've been told,being gay is a sin!
God forbid you fucking dare to like two genders,you'll be put in the same place insane serial killers are and be tortured forever and ever.being burned because you UNWILLINGLY do something a bigot (aka god) doesn't like!"GOD" MADE WOMEN HAVE CRAMPS AND BLEED EVERY MONTH OVER A APPLE!?
(Source:Wikipedia) "international law posits that no person may be punished for acts that he or she did not commit. It ensures that the collective punishment of a group of persons for a crime committed by an individual is forbidden" those words exactly ^^
"oh but it's god,it doesn't matter" would you still love God if he stole someone's rib?
"And from the rib that the lord God had taken from the man,he made a woman and brought her to him" - genesis 2:22
It's kinda like cult
"He's aways watching,he made us,he decides where we go,he is all holly,we do what he says"
Which I find werid
When are they going to realize about dinosaurs and the millions of evidence we have of evaluation...do they just ignore it?
I've seen a video where someone says that God did impossible things and that they "aren't impossible with god" but they also say that they have the holly spirit,shouldn't that mean that you can walk on water?
So yes...
I don't belive in God nor would I like him
So what if I go to he'll?
I've been living there!
It's called Arizona💀
That being said...
Do what youwant!
I don't care if you're Christian,Muslim,Jewish,or anything else
Do what you want! Life's too short!
I encourage you to believe in (insert what you have faith in)!!!
I can't really say much,I believe in erm... some things that not everyone does
And that's OK!
I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist so i can't really say much :/
In conclusion:belive in what you want but this is just what I do,im not trying to be a bitch,I'm simply explaining my pov!
Unrelated: you should listen to "the exorcist" by calypso
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
copy pasting my dms w/ @jewishevelinebaker cuz i'm lazy
y’know re characters aren’t even storytelling mediums. they don’t have to be. but ppl act like they are lol
whether it’s leon’s alcoholism or chris’ inability to keep team members alive or how wesker was tooootally mischaracterized as a fascist in 5 i swear guys it isn’t really him, they’re not actually saying anything. leon’s not a glance into how being a pawn for the u.s. government can have harrowing effects on witnesses of war and forcing people to make difficult decisions that weigh heavily on their psyche, he’s just drinking alcohol in vendetta because it’s a character trait they gave him. chris’ repeated failures to keep teammates alive isn’t a commentary on how the “greater good” sacrifices the many small man with little remorse in order to keep things in line the way they see fit, the games just throw npcs at a meat grinder to emphasize the danger the protagonist is in. wesker being a nazi in 5 isn’t a way of showing the way that privileged men in power left unchecked and surrounded by yes men will do the most unethical things possible because it’s in their mind that they are correct and the only right way of thinking, it’s because the series needed wesker to be a big final boss and well umbrella is already kinda nazi affiliate so fuck it this will do
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lunar-years · 1 year
I think that's a stupid direction to take if that's how the writers decide to bring roy and keeley back together. They don't need to show how a different relationship is worse for her, why not make her realize she just wasn't ready for something new so soon. Why demonize jack. I know the pairing is beloved, but their circumstances didn't change, just shoving them back together, because another relationship was horrible is boring. I hope they are more creative than that
& I think those are totally valid opinions to have!
For me several things are true (and sorry in advance because I know this is going to be a long one):
Narratively, Jack was always set up as Keeley's rebound. To be 100% honest I never once expected this relationship--which started with a kiss .5 seconds after Keeley admitted her last breakup was both really hard and that she isn't over it, and oh by the way, she also has complicated feelings now about her breakup BEFORE that--was going to end in forever.
I also don't think Keeley was rushing into something she wasn't ready for! Keeley was looking to have fun and see where it could take her with a cool and really fit woman. Good for her!
I know a lot of people are preaching the "why can't a woman ever be single on these shows" discourse and I think that's another topic where it's complicated and it's always going to come down to the personal opinions and experiences of the viewer. For me (& for what it’s worth, I am a very single woman who is completely content to be very single) Keeley having three separate relationships in 3 seasons doesn't bother me a lick. Reason being: Keeley has never felt like a caricature portrayal of a woman; she's just a complex character who makes mistakes and good & bad choices and also happens to enjoy being in relationships and having sex!
I do not think the show is demonizing Jack. Now, the fandom may be; these "Jack is Keeley's Rupert" takes are frankly ridiculous, but that was not the argument the show was making. Rebecca was respectfully noting red flags according to her experiences, not saying "Jack is exactly like my piece of shit ex-husband" (the two are incomparable, because Jack and Keeley have been dating for what, a couple months? Rebecca was emotionally abused for years in a marriage. These are very different experiences, people.)
a person can have "red flag" traits and make manipulative choices (possibly without even realizing it) without automatically be a horrible abuser. it means the relationship likely isn't going to work out, and the person (in this case Jack) certainly has some things to work through, but it doesn't mean they're setting her up to be a Rupert-type villain.
If we want to talk seriously about female characters the show has butchered by needlessly demonizing, let's go back to Shandy, because yikes.
It's too early to know what they are doing with it, but I do not think the point of Jack was just to prompt Keeley to run right back to Roy. If it turns out that way, anon, I'll bite my words.
I don't think the writers are making jack/keeley a terrible toxic relationship, either. They worked through the love-bombing thing with solid communication, and next episode it seems like it will be an outside force who wrecks havoc on them, not Jack's actions (or at least not her actions alone).
The narrative point of Jack/Keeley (to me) was as a way of portraying Keeley making messy decisions to deal with her emotions and how it is only turning her life messier instead of allowing her to heal. It's about how she isn't letting herself process her feelings, while also demonstrating that she's still allowed to have fun and try to move on with someone new.
There isn't really any indication that they are going to throw Roy/Keeley back together? I agree that would be a weird angle, as they haven't (yet. I do fully believe the reckoning is coming) addressed any of their problems or the actual reason they broke it off (and I LOVE that they broke up, by the way. I'm so so glad it happened! Those two needed time to grow separately.)
What I will say is that Roy's arc this season has definitely been written better than Keeley's. I think the writers have made many more questionable choices with Keeley's storyline than anyone else's this season, and I wish several things had been better about it. There have been good concepts there, but unfortunately wavering execution. However, the Jack/Keeley part has been one of the elements to it that I haven't minded at all.
If this is truly the final season, at this point I am expecting Roy & Keeley (& Jamie) to all reconcile and end single as friends (personal preference-wise I'd be thrived with this. I do ship Roy/Keeley, but very specifically in the Roy/Keeley/Jamie way, lol). If this is not the final season, then it opens them up to a lot more re: putting Keeley & Roy back together in future. The season will still end with them all single, but as more of a setup for next season. I'm cool with it either way!
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harp-bo-barp · 4 months
I love platonic cuddling.
Best friends should do it more.
i wish it was more normalized for friends to do "typically" romantic things (or how society sees it...) like hold hands or cuddle or like kiss them on the forehead even, literally anything tbh lmao I hate how everything always has to be surrounded by romance like just let me platonically kiss my friends!!!!! ugh
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divinerivals · 10 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on Silver Flames!
Buckle up babes long ass response coming in.
*this gets ranty and I'm sorry!!. Excuse any typos or errors. I don't have my glasses on lol.*
So my controversial hot take about acosf, is that thanks to fan works (headcanons, theories, fanfic,etc) we all get these notions in our heads of how characters should be. When in actual reality they're just not like that. Everyone believed Nesta would be this all powerful bad bitch lady death. When in truth she never wanted power. Ever. All she wanted was to make the Cauldron pay. She never wanted magic in the first place. Even when she had it. She didnt care for it. Didnt care for what it did and how it took her over. In the end losing her magic didn't really matter. It's not like Aelin who loved her fire and missed it when it was gone. Nesta felt like her magic was a burden. And was grateful it was gone. I do think fmcs who love their powers should keep not lose them. But when they don't want it. When it scares them, they don't care for it whatever the case maybe then they should lose it. Nesta just wants cake, books, and sex no suffering magic required honestly good for her.
The same can be said for Cassian. Thanks to all the fan works we all believed he'd go to bat (pun intended) for her against Rhys and the IC and it rarely happened. Whenever it did, it barely lasted. I was waiting when Rhys told him to get Nesta out of Velaris or he'd kill her. I was waiting for Cassian to do something. What'd he do? Force Nesta to go on hike. Sir that's your mate. DEFEND HER. Tell Rhys for her sake you will but the next he threatens Nesta over something he shouldn't hide from Feyre will be the last. Get Nesta out and talk with her. Don't be dick cause Rhys says so.
Speaking of Rhys. Alot of people were unhappy with how he was portrayed in acosf. I wasn't. Doesn't mean he didn't piss me off. But I think for Manu the rose colored glasses came off. Acotar- acofas we view Rhys through the Feyre lens. So yeah especially acomaf and acowar we see him in a loving, caring sense. In Feyres eyes once she falls for him Rhys can literally do no wrong. As readers we believe it. It's why so many fell for Tam in book 1. But now in acosf we get him. The real un mate side of Rhys. We see the High Lord version. We see him through Cassian and Nesta’s eyes and it's not the best look.
The other issue I've noticed with Acotar fans and the hate is how slow and lore based it is. Yes, I agree that there's some parts of the book that are. So. Fucking. Slow. I just wanted to those parts to be done with it. The other side, the lore. For readers looking for smut and a little plot acotar is great. You don't have to think to much on the world and the lore it's only a sprinkle to move the story along. Nothing like tog or cc. Now with the crossover we needed a book with all this information to make it fit and have it make sense. And acosf became that book. For anyone who wasn't anticipating a heavy book this was a huge surprise. And kind of a snoozefest. Even when I first read it I was so happy to have this information but given what he know of acotar why Is it needed? Then hosab came out and it made sense.
Personally, I didn't think it was bad. I enjoyed myself while reading. I was disappointed we didn't get all those bodily fluids that Sarah claimed we'd get. Yeah, there was a little, but idk she made it seem like a lot more.
The intervention in the beginning pissed me off. The only people that should've been there were Feyre, Elain, and maybe Cassian. I know as someone who cares about her and is her mate he should he but in the same breath the topic of Cassian is very touchy to Nesta in that moment. So I think where he's considered it's a eh thing. Rhys would be the only other exception because it's his money she's been spending. But he should stfu and let Feyre handle it.
I don't like Mor. She pissed me off entirely throughout the book. Same as Amren. I use to like Amren alot. But this book made me turn off of her. Despite all of the growing Nesta does the only way she accepts and forgives Nesta is when Nesta grovels and kisses her hand??? Fuck right off.
Generally I loved all the lore, loved/hated seeing Rhys from a different pov, adored Nesta’s journey even her giving up her magic. I loved seeing Nesta form her bonds with Gwyn, Emerie and Azriel. Just wished Cassian stepped it up in the defending Nesta Archeron department.
I honestly think what I love about it. People hated lmao.
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kaoharu · 1 year
knghsbhwhbsh i do Not wanna go to school today im so sleepy
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why do ppl not want steve's bday to be july 4? i've seen that before and wondered why ppl were so insistent about it
I dunno, dude. I just know that it gives me the vibes of those internet ~~theories~~ that try to make a children's cartoon out to be darker and more twisted than it actually is and that fall apart under the slightest scrutiny, like the one that claims Rugrats was some trauma induced delusion on Angelica's part. Maybe not full blown edgelord shit, in this particular case, but certainly edgelord adjacent.
Like it can't just be that a past Cap writer was like, "Hey, given that the mantle is Captain America, Steve's birthday should totally be July 4th, lolololol." No, can't be that. It has to be "akshually his birthday was changed for propaganda reasons yadda yadda and of course, the only one who can possibly know the truth is dear wittle B-cky because he knows him better than anyone ever possibly could, blah blah fucking blah." Because if I've learned anything from this fandom it's that anything and everything in Steve's orbit must a) be dreary as all hell (and if it isn’t, the fandom will make it so) and b) prop up other characters (usually B-rnes) at all times.
Seriously, how does this benefit Steve, his character, or his arc in anyway? Does it add anything new? No! It does nothing for him, because it isn’t meant to, frankly. Neither that headcanon nor the recent retcon have anything to do with Steve. It’s about B-cky. Not even Steve’s birthday gets to be about Steve and that’s annoying as hell.
Also annoying? And this could just be me, but I hate that this was retconned in such a derisive tone by a writing team that’s doing an actually-this-secret-society-has-been-the-pulling-the-world’s-strings-this-whole-time plot. As if Marvel hasn’t been banging the conspiracy drum every three-to-five business days and twice on Sunday.
Sorry, but I’ll take on-the-nose goofy shit over this dull nonsense any day.
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angelbvn · 1 year
2, 24, and 26 :3
2 ;; colour palette for your system?
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boom :> it’s not perfect but yea
24 ;; does anyone have different handwriting than the body?
YES OMG ITS KINDA FREAKY— but yes it varies  between alters!
26 ;; describe the/a part of the innerworld? (if applicable)
hmmm which to chooseeeee… hm okay! (it’s gonna be long ish)
in the mansion there’s obviously a living room and it’s a very dark victorian kinda style. there’s a large fireplace in the middle of the room with some comfy chairs and couches around a wooden table close ish to the fireplace. there’s also some bean bags by the fireplace 4 some of the littles to sit. if you’re facing the fireplace to the left is a large bookshelf, with various books and some other knickknacks. to the right of the fire place is a large window with a loveseat in front of it and a small cut out where you can sit on the windowsill and watch the front of the mansion. further to the right leads to the kitchen and further to the left is the entrance to the living space. behind the couch + tables are a set of 2 large stairs that lead up to some rooms. (ig i could go more into detail but uh we’d be here longer so maybe i’ll just post abt it some other time)
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peachsayshi · 2 years
Okay but it’s really disheartening when I just made a new fic post (that barely gets enough feedback or reblogs) and the only new messages I do receive are people requesting that I write more prompts or ideas…like, you guys 🥲
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
its honestly really funny and terrible to think about the fact that claude is half drawn by alois's mental instability, so the idea of him making a genuine connection with ciel/improving from a mental standpoint being a SUBJECT OF FRUSTRATION for the spider demon is hilarious and awful
Unfortunately (and I ranted way too much about this), Claude being drawn to Alois' mental instability (which also contains his passionate attachment) is an inconsistant thing, since at the end he acts disgusted by the exact same behaviors he was supposed to be drawn to in the beginning. (In my opinion it was to justify him favoring Ciel even if it always felt completely off, thats why I like the idea of Claude disliking Ciel in the long run way more but I digress)
It really could go either way because this genuine connection could also trigger the worst in both of them like it could improve Alois (and Ciel) mental state. I love to think they find common, middle ground where they can make it work and be insane <3. You're right, it would be frustrating for Claude and probably a good source of conflict. Also maybe it would be annoying for Claude to have Alois be obsessed with someone else than him (less power + makes him less easy to manipulate + ciel now has as much authority and importance as he does on Alois decisions)
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stephthestallion · 2 years
this might be really random, but i would love to know more about Austin Butler and Vanessa Hudgen's relationship. They're both private people, but i am so interested in what those nine years must have been like.
like what did their morning routine look like? did they help each other pack when they had to leave for work? who cleaned more in the relationship? did the topic of marriage and children ever come up? what was their favorite and least favorite thing about each other? who was more sentimental in the relationship and who was more nonchalant? how did they plan Halloween together? how did they plan Christmas? who cooked more on Thanksgiving? what were date nights like?
judging by what we see now, Austin Butler is really private and shy and Vanessa is more outgoing and outspoken, so it is to be assumed that she was the more dominant one in the relationship. (or maybe it isn't)
Nine years is a long time to be with someone, and for them to break up and never speak of each other again is weird. I guarantee that if sharing your life on social media was as popular back then as it is now, we would know so much more.
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