#sorry if I didn't answer it well
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allastoredeer · 9 months ago
I have no problem with al being a bottom, I just have a hard time with bottom king lucifer as a top. May I have examples to try and see your side?
Exhibit A:
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Dat smirk.
Exhibit B:
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Soft Top Lucifer
Exhibit C:
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Demon Top Lucifer
Exhibit C:
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That sexy shoulder bop
Exhibit D:
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Look at this guy.
Exhibit E:
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Obvious one.
Exhibit F:
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I just wanted to post this one cuz I like his smirky little face.
LOL no, seriously though, there's no specific way a character has to act or behave to be deemed a top, bottom or switch. It's a preferred sexual position that isn't dependent on outside factors, it's just what a person enjoys, and what the reader/viewer wants that character to be. That's essentially what it is. It's not based on logic, it's based on what position the fan prefers for them to be in.
Lucifer could do his sexy little shoulder bop and still be a bottom. He can give the most suave, seductive smirk and still be a bottom. It's different for everyone.
But as for why I like top!Lucifer, here are a few reasons:
A) I really like it when shorties top. So often, in almost all fandoms I've been in, the default for a popular ship is the shorter one bottoming and the taller one topping. As a shortie myself, I just...ugh, I get so tired of it. Especially since the bottom is typically softened, UwU-ified, and turned into this delicate little flower. Bringing personal feelings into this, I've been very short and very thin all my life. I've literally been described as "delicate" before, and as someone who enjoys sports, running around, and is just a loud, rough and tumble person by nature, I absolutely hate it. It's given me a lot of mental and emotional issues, and a lot of the treatment and comments I've gotten has made me feel belittled, vulnerable, and weak. So, while being a bottom doesn't mean you're any of those things, short characters have been treated like that for a majority of the fandoms I've been in, no matter what their personality, stature, behaviors, or attitude was, and seeing it brings out of love of dark and negative feelings that I'd rather not re-live when I'm trying to enjoy myself in fandom. (Which is another reason why I dislike so much bottom!Lucifer because he's so often softened down and turned into this naive, dare I say, helpless little lamb. The moment Alastor overpowers him or easily manipulates him into a deal, I am outta there.)
B) Lucifer has that top energy. Can't explain it. He just does. To be clear, I don't see him exclusively as a top. He's a switch. But I do headcanon Alastor as exclusively a bottom, so in any radioapple relationship I write or draw, Lucifer will top.
and C) the most important reason: I like seeing Alastor get railed.
Alastor bottoms in all the ships I have for him and Lucifer is no exception. Besides, I find a lot of versatility and potential in Lucifer being with/fucking a sinner, especially considering his distaste of them. Makes for a good hate-fucking scenario, or a very emotional and in-depth character deep dive of him coming to terms with his own bias and internalized hatred of them and finding love and companionship in one of the very people he despised. That's some delicious mental turmoil and the perfect opportunity for character development.
(LOL there's a lot of talk of Alastor not bottoming because of his ego, and yet nobody considers that maybe Lucifer wouldn't bottom for Alastor because he's a sinner. He is the embodiment of pride after all. So, combining that with his disdain for sinners, would he really "stoop" so low as to let one of them fuck him? Food for thought).
But seriously though, when it comes down to it, I just like Alastor bottoming and Lucifer topping. Yes, bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor has been soured for me due to popular fandom depictions of it, but even before those were popular, I simply preferred Alastor bottoming. I enjoy it more, not just for his character, but just...because. I just do.
Thing is, I don't think there has to be a list of reasons for why you prefer a character topping, bottoming, or switching. People are allowed to do whatever they want with these characters. It's fandom. This is a playground. We don't have to have a reason, we're just here to have fun.
If you can't see Lucifer as a top, Anon, that is a-okay 👍👍Thanks for asking for a different perspective though, it's always awesome when a person seeks to understand someone else's point of view. I don't know how well of a different perspective I offered, though. I have a hard time answering questions like these bcuz they just don't make a lot of sense to me. It's hard to say why I like something when I just...do. I just vibe with it.
To boil it all down, my examples/answers are all based on what I like and how I feel. I like bottom!Alastor cuz I enjoy it. I like top!Lucifer because I love seeing Alastor get railed - especially by a big, powerful demon king. Very yummy.
Also, LOL, considering Alastor is exclusively a bottom to me, anyone I do ship him with will automatically be the top, regardless of who they are XD So I guess that's an important factor to consider too 😂
I don't know how well I did with answering this, but I do want you to get the perspective you were looking for, so! My fellow bottom!Alastor truthers who are reading this, drop why you like bottom!Alastor in the comments below for our lovely Anon!
I'm curious about what you guys have to say too.
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shimmershy · 1 year ago
Hiiiiii your chara & frisk are two of my favorites, 10/10 very blorbo of them to be rendered in your art style
If that made any sense, I really like your art! Okay byee, have a nice day/afternoon/night!!
Ahh wow, thank you so much!! I'm really glad you like them!! :D This made me realize I haven't drawn them in a bit so here's a little sketch I did!
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Well um. It was supposed to be a sketch but then I liked it and wanted to color it. You know how it is. They're reading together, but Chara can't stop complaining about how poorly-written the characters are or something, and Frisk can barely hold in their laughter, either because of how bad the book is, or the fact that Chara's so passionate about bashing it.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night as well!! :]
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buglaur · 6 months ago
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i've been playing the game in my own time but i gotta share this lil angel cus she's the cutest toddler my sims have ever had
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ifindus · 4 months ago
Hi Findus!
I hope your new job is going well!! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Have you ever drawn the nordics as archeologists? (or like indiana jones...I refuse to awknowledge that archeologists probably do not wear clothes like that)
Anyway have a great day -🪽
Hi! Thank you!! I'm still settling into the processes of the job, it's a lot of new stuff to learn.
I have now! Denmark did not get the memo unfortunately 👀
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months ago
I didn't know Katara also had silver marks on the Kintsugi AU. How did you come up with that idea? Is it an in-universe cultural thing? If it is, is it exactly the same as Zuko's or does the Water Tribe have their own beliefs around it?
Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I just really love how your mind works when it comes to these AUs 💖
Hello, and thanks for asking!
Initially, Kintsugi was a strictly Fire Nation tradition. Something to hold over the rest of the nations, and deepen their own belief of cultural superiority. Zuko hiding his scars played into that idea, since having gold inlaid in your body is a clear sign of Fire Nation blood—furthermore, High Fire Nation blood.
That being said, one lovely anon gave the suggestion that perhaps the other nations also have their own kinds of Kintsugi, and I fell in love with the idea. @ican-fixitbooks went even deeper into the particular philosophies of each nation regarding Kintsugi. I'll be using some quotes from them—watch for the italics.
It was during said brainstorming session that I thought of Katara having a silver Kintsugi scar, and how could it be used to enhance the themes of ATLA, Katara's arc, and this AU as a whole.
But a little background is necessary, I believe.
Kintsugi is a tradition practiced worldwide, with minor differences in philosophy/technique according to each nation.
The Earth Kingdom seal their scars with a substance that resembles bronze, as the mentality of breaking yourself down to build yourself back up better than you were is very central to their culture. It is used as a way to celebrate one's victories, made all the better if damage was taken to achieve it.
The elite have rather different views on this practice. They believe themselves to be above such things. That which is broken must be hidden away, which has interesting connotations when thinking about a certain blind earthbender.
The Air Nomad philosophy leans towards a naturalist approach. Anything natural doesn't need to be "improved" in their eyes. If a scar is there, it is there. Let it be there as a part of you, no different than any other, no need to be "made better", but in fact better to just "be".
Kintsugi is a cultural practice meant to celebrate making something beautiful out of something broken, arguably even making it better than it was. During Sozin's reign and forward, Kintsugi became a way to show the Fire Nation's superiority. Especially as that is essentially their philosophy for war: "Breaking the rest of the world so it can be reforged in fire, made a better, more perfect place."
As for the Water Tribes, there's the healing factor to take into account. The Northern Water Tribe isolated itself from the rest of the world once the war began, so they hold tight to their traditions and beliefs. If something is not broken, then why attempt to fix it? Kintsugi is scoffed at in the North—it is a foreign practice, one that is not necessary when all your wounds can be healed with bending.
However, the Southern Water Tribe has been exposed to the world. They have seen war. They have lived through it. They have suffered, but they are also free because of it, if only in spirit. The South is strong and proud and bold, so it comes as no surprise that silver Kintsugi becomes the mark of their warriors, their hunters, their people.
Katara was wounded during the last Southern Raid. After losing Kya in such a terrible way, Hakoda made sure to seal Katara's wound with the silver of their warriors, so that she would always remember that despite having been broken, she is still strong, beautiful, and proud.
The scar itself is long and thin, going from her right shoulder up to her jaw. It loosely resembles lightning.
And despite how she got it, despite all the things she lost on that day, despite it being a constant reminder of her mother's death—Katara loves her scar.
It grounds her. It pushes her forward. You are a warrior, it tells her. You are a survivor.
When Katara arrives at the North, her scar becomes yet another thing the Northerners hold against her. They use it to demean her, just as they do her gender and out-spoken personality.
The North believes a lot of things that Katara always considered natural to be a problem. What does it matter that she is a woman? What is wrong about being passionate? Why should having a scar mean she's broken?
This scar is something they cannot touch. The Northerners try to use it to demean her. To make her small. Self-conscious. Worthless.
They're scoffing at her mother's death.
Her strength.
Her beauty.
Her pride.
Her story.
And she will not allow it.
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class-of-classic-blog · 4 months ago
Do you think the Good King had friends who were not royalty? Because I honestly see him capable of having hit it off with Badwolf (Not necessarily a friendship but they do get along well) I also see the Evil Queen getting jealous of anyone who is with the Good King.
yeah. he was definetly friends with Badwolf, Pinocchio and Mad Hatter. I think that he had quiet a lot friends who were royal growing up becuse of his status, but then when he got disowned due to his destiny he was slowly going low contact with royals and starting to spend more time with commoners.
He still has a very close friendship with Mad Hatter and Pinocchio
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whetstonefires · 28 days ago
#4 please !
Now see this could be tricky, because generally if I don't get some key elements written down very quickly the idea flows away again and the 'yet' disappears, even if I remember generally what it was about, but I have one this time! I am still just enough plagued by this vision that it's not out of the question I'll go for the capture, but so far nada.
Idea was basically a Jiang family character study by way of modern au. (So tw canonical abuse.) I started from the reflection, in a modern au very high chance the Jiangs are divorced, because being a divorcee wouldn't necessarily ruin Yu Ziyuan in the modern world, as long as she was allowed to control the narrative enough that she didn’t look at fault, so it might be on the table.
Especially because modern views on child abuse are such that while she'd hold back more than she already does in terms of physical chastisement, Jiang Fengmian would also be under less societal pressure to not interfere in her disciplinary system too much, and both these factors mean he’s more likely to put his foot down.
So, concept: Jiang Fengmian, when his son is eight and his daughter thirteen, forces the issue of taking in his best friends' abused orphan child whom he’s just managed to track down in a nightmarish group home, probably leveraging the fact that wherever their money comes from it's mostly his, something he usually doesn't do, but she has always known he could, and been fucked up about it (reasonable) and hated him a little (less so) and hates him so much more now (understandable but still fucked up).
They were obviously still both pressured into this marriage by their families, because I literally cannot imagine them choosing one another of their own free will, and if they did that would be an au in an even more dramatic way than being modern, and no longer work as a character or relationship study as far as I'm concerned. I mean or it’s a cql-based au, but that’s not the version of this toxic marriage I find compelling.
Situation subsequently deteriorates to the point that when the boys are around twelve some outside party observes and is repulsed or otherwise upset by Yu Ziyuan's treatment of Wei Wuxian specifically--she's emotionally abusive to everyone in the family, canonically, and it harms Jiang Cheng significantly more than Wei Wuxian, which I think is also pretty explicit on the page, but she's more openly antagonistic about going after wwx because he's basically a proxy for her husband, whom she doesn't consider to be someone she's capable of harming.
And ofc in a modern family scenario, being abusive to your foster kid is more plainly personal misconduct than being unfair in how you discipline one of your husband's many students, even if it is his favorite. Which means she's very unlikely to chase him around with a whip, but whatever she does do will sting that much more emotionally.
Anyway the outside judgement provokes a more explicit confrontation than the last four years of maneuver and attempting to balance all the competing needs according to two very different standards. And the upshot is that by the time wwx is 13, the Jiangs are divorced. To avoid making a humiliating spectacle of themselves they present a weirdly united front in court and have a very smooth uncontested proceding, although the closed meetings with their respective lawyers involved a lot of vitriol.
Yu Ziyuan, despite having a smallish trust fund and probably a job of some kind, though one that's more prestigious than profitable like uh. Olympic fencing coach. Idk what they make but it's probably not enormous. She and Cangse Sanren probably competed in the same events back in the day.
Anyway she gets a solid chunk of alimony, the house, and primary custody of both her children, although Jiang Yanli is almost 18 at this point so mostly she just gets Jiang Cheng. Everyone thinks Jiang Cheng wants it that way, including sort of Jiang Cheng; he has this idea that if he has his mom to himself they'll finally have a good relationship, even though he's also terrified of being left all alone with her. He's complicated. Families are complicated.
Also she would never have forgiven him if he hadn't concurred that he wanted to stay with his mother because she was the only one On His Side.
Jiang Yanli ofc does not move out right away when she comes of age, in part because her brother needs her, but she probably does go to college, so she's only around part-time.
Jiang Fengmian, meanwhile, keeps most of his financial assets and Wei Wuxian, and gets his kids on the weekends.
So that's all setup for how you have this situation where Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng are entering high school--probably the same school, together, but no longer sharing the commute except maybe Monday mornings--and Wei Wuxian's primary residence is Jiang Cheng's dad's apartment.
It’s really chill. They get a cleaning service in once a week and eat a lot of delivery food, but they do cook at least once a week. The canonical thing where they largely agree about what’s funny and what’s right-or-wrong, and so forth, on the one hand really pops when there’s mostly no external conflict disrupting it, but also probably gains more complexity now that it’s not a thread of positivity fighting for its life against a background of drama. They get to know each other better than they ever had a chance to in canon.
Some of that isn't all that positive, because now they have the space to discover the places where they do actually have the capacity for friction, but both of them are very good at dispersing tension (I do tend to suspect jfm's dad was abusive he sure acts like it), and on the whole it's a good thing.
Jiang Cheng is going to have such a mental health crisis, and Jiang Fengmian is going to handle it so badly. Because of course when his son starts replicating his ex-wife's toxic attitudes and behaviors more now that she has primary custody, he’s going to feel guilty and like it’s His Fault, but he’s going to feel like it’s his fault that Jiang Cheng is growing up to be a shitty abusive person.
And even if he’d never say that the subtext would come through, in the assumptions he made when framing communications and so forth, as in canon, so the thing where Jiang Cheng’s father loves Wei Wuxian more than him, or at any rate likes him better and thinks he’s a better person and prefers his company, would wind up feeding into a self-reinforcing loop.
(Jin Zixuan's nasty public remark about Jiang Fengmian treating Wei Wuxian better than his own children hits Jiang Cheng significantly harder in this scenario, where he's being Tormented by the feeling that all his peers know his dad walked out on him for another son. Wei Wuxian's punch is therefore even more clearly primarily for Jiang Cheng's sake, although Jiang Cheng is probably more inclined to see it as being for his dad's. Jin Zixuan is about halfway between the Jiang kids' ages here, so he's a senior saying this shit to a sophomore.)
So that cycle builds to the point where Jiang Cheng would eventually have one of those rare moments where he resorts to actual violence, because his poisoned feelings are choking him so bad his rationality deserts him.
He’s not going to be nearly as close to actually murdering Wei Wuxian as he was in canon the night the Jiang Sect was massacred, because it’s a less extreme situation, but he still goes for the neck. So Jiang Fengmian is in his home office one Saturday about a year and a half into this new normal, and realizes the boys are fighting. He hears through the wall the accusation you stole my dad. He says to himself, well that’s terrible but interjecting myself into this situation would definitely make it worse.
Then he hears sounds of violence, and then an ominous abrupt silence, and updates that analysis.
And when he opens the door to the boys’ room, Wei Wuxian is being strangled. He’s not really resisting, which is because he’s made the call that that’s way more likely to get Jiang Cheng to snap out of it, and thinks it might make Jiang Cheng feel better to get it out of his system (because he does sort of feel like what Jiang Cheng is going through is all his fault, or at any rate is much worse as a result of decisions made for his sake) and is severely underestimating the dangers of choking, but looks to a third party like he’s already passed out and Jiang Cheng is still at it. Which is to say, it looks like a serious murder attempt on the brink of success.
So that sure made that situation worse!
So yeah that's my idea that I probably won't write but it sure has its teeth in me.
#answers#snarglepop-content#ask#ask game#mdzs#meta#modern au#family drama#character study#i'm really sorry to the person who sent me that madam yu ask i worked on it for SO long but i CANNOT find it in my drafts#i'm hoping i posted it and forgot????#anyway this fic is drawn from conclusions i reached trying to articulate for that ask my thoughts on modern yu ziyuan#and how hard she is to work#because yzy's characterization is pretty exquisitely responsive to her context#in such a way that if you change the context she will either behave differently or become ooc#so she's a major failure point in modern aus because she tends to have her characterization adjusted to fit the needs of the story#its desired beats or themes or whump quota#and if you do this carelessly then either wwx and jc also become ooc#or the story ceases to have consistent internal logic#mdzs is a pretty well-balanced machine!#despite how many elements come across sort of slapdash because mxtx literally did not care about that part#i.e. scale or logistics or history-as-such rather than just some of its societal features#but she didn't care *intentionally* so it's generally insulated from undermining the important beats which is such a good trick ak;kjlsdf#ANYWAY#i'm overly invested in how hard it is to depict this family as shown in the novel#because there's so little information and it's so tempting to disregard some of it to get a simpler narrative#so easy to take madam yu's word about things because she's the only one talking#so easy to punch up the melodrama in the wrong spots or iron out the actual ugly bits#to get something easier to grasp at but less realistic#concept up for adoption if anyone wants btw
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chasedeys · 2 months ago
I need your thoughts bc i’m trying to write a story & obviously we ‘know’ how joemarr’s relationship is but do you think joe and ja’marr (separately or together lol) are closer to tee or justin?? AND how do you think their relationship is with both guys. because for me sometimes it’s like joe is tee’s big brother but idk… help. please.
hello!!! (so very sorry this took. so very long. but it's here! and i rambled way too much but at the same time nothing of substance on this sort of 😭)
in a completely non pushy very excited way what fic are you writing hehe any mention of a joemarr fic in progress and i perk up like a lemur. no pressure though keep it all to yourself I'm just nosy lol
and i feel like you are completely free to decide who's closer to who based on your own fic's direction?? like me personally it depends 😭 cannot be definitive for the life of me. i myself have totally sometimes Cartoonify friendships just for the Sake of the Bit you know? but like not too much or it just gets disrespectful and annoying and i try to stay true to their character or whatever really i don't actually know these people lol
the Vibes that i sense and also some i've made up completely in my head are kind of like this:
over the years, i feel like joemarr have grown wayyyy closer to tee and have grown apart from justin. and that's to be given really considering they're now teammates with tee and justin is in a whole other team making whole other moves than them! and that's okay! they aren't made to be forever linked together, they're their own people, making their own marks in the league! but they're always going to have that 2018-19-20 lsu insanity with them and i am always going to mention that in my fics! and nobody's going to forget that college run i fear 2019 lsu is kind of legendary lmao these three are always going to be asked about each other and their pasts linked to each other no matter what and that's honestly really beautiful if you think abt it.
ja'marr and tee -> god these two. i think ja'marr is just. so obsessed with tee. just. incredibly fond of tee. unwilling to let him go. incapable of being chill about him (like he is about anybody who has somehow hit certain standards that only he knows). and i went on a spiel here where i suggest you read bc it's weirdly more well written than what i wrote here 😭. basically, i think he looks up so much to tee because tee is someone who he gets to let his guard down and be just a team player with. does that make sense. it really honestly boils back down to comparing it to justin and that sounds bad but i don't know how to explain it better?? that sounds kind of wrong tbh arhgrhgrh. it's like with tee he doesn't have to keep clawing for his spot or compete as much or whatever. like tee is clearly such an amazing wr, clearly a wr1 caliber player like ja'marr, yet he doesn't fight with ja'marr over his looks or plays or spot like justin does with him, which has to be like a breath of fresh air for ja'marr and he's said it himself all 'tee is the most unselfish player'. like that means something to him. ja'marr cares so much for tee's opinions, tee constantly singing ja'marr praises and ja'marr being so sooo silent whenever tee goes on a rant abt him like he doesn't know what to say he just hugs tee with one arm and says appreciate you so quietly (HE DOES THIS A LOT WHEN HE GETS COMPLIMENTED BTW. DO YOU NOTICE THIS. and there's so many fucking clips of them just wrapped around each other after a tuddy just!!! so cute.), and ja'marr known outrageous mother hen ja'marr chase making (speculationnnn) tee change agents and taking him to his massage therapist (in his fucking houseeee i went on a rant here god this is still so crazy to me) and nagging at tee in his mic'ed up moments so many times that feel good play good thing like. he tries to big brother tee so much when tee's the one big brothering him you know 😭 it's so funny god their dynamic is so fucking funny to me. (ja'marr tries so hard to be mature and captain-like whatever and he is good at it you know but 😭 with tee and joe and like all the bengals vets like mike h and sam and even with yoshi whos the same age as him yk it's so very clear he's the baby lmao.) he's trying so hard to take care of tee, keep him safe and well and healthy and with him, doesn't want him to leave. OH AND they went to this showroom thing where they shopped for stuff and ja'marr went with tee (!!!!!!!) and asked tee's opinion for a belt or something and tee was all dude just choose whatever you want it's soooo cute god they're so cute to me (there was also that fucking loverboy beanie im obsessed with that ja'marr didn't even glance at im so pissed. im so fucking pissed what do i have to do to get him to wear a cat beanie this shit is serious to me) like ja'marr wants to know what tee thinks!! he values his opinions!!!! even for fucking clothes!!!! god. and he knows he plays better with tee with him on that field okay, he says that with tee he doesn't get double teamed as much, and he while he's proven that he plays just as well without tee, that piece of comfort having another wr1 with him (his best friend!!!) has got to be something he wants to keep for eternity (ahahaha, verbatim ofc).
joe and tee -> joe dotes over tee lmao you can't deny that man is besotted (ja'marr is too actually 😭 they both are it's completely understandable but at the same time you just have to close your eyes and wince bc that's embarrassing. please chill the fuck out you do not need to laugh that loud over a single sentence from tee. but again: completely understandable because tee is tee. like that batman hard knocks ep. tee said one fucking sentence and joemarr just. rolled over showed their belly panting it's embarrassingggg) he's soooooooo starry eyed over him, so shamelessly coddling (?) that game hug nuzzle the first time, the broncos game where it looked like he bit his neck, this pre season's training camp (?) laughing sooo freely with tee, every sentence out of him these past few weeks on tee staying in cincy 'tee is a NEED', etc etc like i know you said he's acting like tee's big brother which i agree with completely 100% but it's also like he can be such a little brother with tee!! it's like he can let go and not be a responsible person with tee idk does that make sense. joe totally acting like tees older brother but the thing is tee is doing it right back he's just chiller about it like he doesn't have to think too hard on it unlike joe who thinks he has to be this guy 24/7. it's like joe is unused to having such a down-to-earth sane (still hilariously unhinged but sane you know) guy who makes good choices when he's been stuck with guys like ja'marr and justin who are kind of. well. so he can let up and have tee take care of him for a change! well this isn't like this 100% of the time obviously but you get where i'm going with this right (god I'm so sorry this is a mess) also tee's like. really fucking funny and sweet and joyous to be around is there really any surprise that joemarr are smitten with him lmao. i think joe tweeted something abt playing with tee for a long time when they got drafted together?? kill me. no really kill me.
who do you think brought up that tee should just change agents to ja'marr's lmaooo do you think tee brought up his agent being so fucking argumentative that ja'marr tells him to tell him to fuck off and just switch to his. and then they all go dead silent about this including ja'marr because it was one of those things that he said without thinking. like literal light bulbs going off above their heads at the same time before they start scheming shit calling lawyers and ja'marr's agents at like 2 a.m trying to figure shit out 'playing chess'. or did ja'marr and tee discover this first like 'oh??? we can?? do it probably??' and call joe frantically like can we do it and joe hangs up on them without saying anything and the got so fucking offended only for joe to turn up in their place (either one idk) one minute later probably breaking the speed of light and boom. ja'marr has his claws on tee and he's not letting go ever.
joe and justin -> while yes i said that joemarr grew apart from justin i feel like joe is like the type of person to just. be shameless in reconnecting with people he's grown apart from. while ja'marr is. very petty. lmao. i think joe is just very shameless when he reaches out to people. he, like ja'marr, is insanely loyal and values friendship to a concerning degree. he keeps contact with practically any person he grows attached to and texts them regularly and by that i mean that even if he gets ghosted or there's a ridiculously long period of dead silence between them he still texts first like 'hey bro long time no talk u in town do you wanna watch the new spongebob movie tomorrow' and bulldozes through the awkwardness like he doesn't even see it. which works with justin!! who i think kind of sucks at keeping in touch with people (like ja'marr, see below sooo sorry this is so shittily structured) and he hangs out with a lot of people during the offseason no? (its sooooo fascinating to me how he's sooo introverted and technically a hermit but he's also suchhhhh an outgoing little busybody you know and constantly reaches out to people first? like to gronk????? who does that.) including justin who has the same agent! having the same agent works wonders in keeping the connection no doubt too lmao. the paris fashion week thing etc. i think i've said it before but joe falls in love with every teammate he's ever gotten close to and that very much includes justin jefferson who helped him achieve his Insane Ambition of getting the natty so he's not letting him go even the slightest bit really. also qb-wr connection is practically something otherworldly really so really something to keep in mind when writing quarterbacks with former teammates they've thrown to lol. especially joe, who's kind of crazy 😭. i mean look at all his wristbands and sweatshirts and moving to lsu and hanging on to the playoffs by the skin of his teeth and all that jazz. he does Not let go easily. truly an interesting man to write.
ja'marr and justin -> those type of near aged siblings who fight over the weirdest shit and get stupidly competitive over everything and disgustingly annoyingly overly smug over a win that they get into stupid fights one minute only to slam open the other's bedroom door the next hour saying excitedly 'bitch i got free coupons for ice cream' and the other immediately goes 'DAMN RIGHT let me drive' completely forgetting that they were fighting and then the cycle repeats all over again. you can see just how disgustingly close they were together during lsu and that's not really something that just goes away even through time you know? but i do believe they've both grown individually as people and maybe they wouldn't get along as well now as they do then because again, they've been pitted against each other over and over and over and fucking over oh my god but the love they have for each other is clear as they really when you take in account all they've been through together. and i've said up above how their entire thing has been drenched with Competition and that's different with ja'marr's thing with tee and that's not to say that he doesn't enjoy the competition with justin he clearly loves it lmao he wouldn't be such a good player in the league if he hates it lol. more said down below because again, very shittily structured :)
justin and tee -> they should date idk (i think i had a fic idea for them somewhere in my writing tag ehehe)
on the lsu trio specifically lol didn't know how to insert it up above so:
i think justin and ja’marr are both the type to be shit at replying to texts 😔 like sure they'd text you and stuff but. they ignore so many texts whether intentionally or not. they've both said they don't talk with each other etc etc haHAhaaHHAa pain. if i may Speculate: they both probably tried texting on the regular but suck sooooooo bad at it it just peters off (is that the right fucking word oh my god why is the english language so fucking difficult that is literally a NAME) pathetically like ja'marr texted tuesday 8 p.m and justin replies on saturday 11.59 pm to which ja'marr replies to that at wednesday 1.25 a.m do you get me. and they can't standddd this type of shit 😭 kind of low attention span kind of deal and also losing interest on the text convo and having so much shit going on irl that they just don't really text anymore??
joe is like the opposite of this he replies to texts late max 2 days tops but he’s just shit at text talk. absolutely 0 flair to his words. desperately needs to learn tone indicators but people he texts have grown completely used to this and either accepts they will never understand him or, like ja’marr and justin and tee, somehow understands him 98% and bulldozes through his awkward texting and also shits on him liberally. but even if people reply to him late he'd just continue with the convo completely dead serious abt it uncaring how long you text and never the one to end convos and that's weirdly how he keeps such close contact with people he hasn't seen in years??
that's not to say that justin and ja'marr don't vibe with each other anymore lol it's kind of difficult to let go of what two years of practically living in each other's pockets being the Best at what they do. it's just they've also grown so much apart and bloom into way different people than who they knew each other to be. the random ass rarri truck comment is still so confusing to me though like. are you two okay. what was that. did your agents tell you to do something. could you two please interact irl again so i can obsessively analyze whatever the fuck you got going on actually. maybe make out on camera too idk.
also they have such the shittiest friendship humor that only people in their circle would get you know 😭 constantly shitting on each other (ja'marr does it in front of cameras while justin knows pr talk and actually exercises it well. hence the amount of people shitting on ja'marr for saying shit they themselves have said and joke about their friends. pisses me off.) and outrageously competitive people who are undeniably the best at what they do getting compared to each other constantly and their history of ja'marr technically having beaten justin during college and coming into the league with justin breaking several type of records while ja'marr breaks a whole different set of records etc etc just 😭 do you get me. i am so Sensitive about these two pls nobody touch me about them im sorry..........
joe and justin having the same agents and then tee and ja'marr having the same agents is kind of crazy tbh. tee and justin should date just for this quartet to go straight into Messy.
disclaimer this is all pure Speculation and just me making shit up tbh using my Noticer Glasses that gets cloudy from my own delusions so take this with a grain of salt!
ALSO during college i think it's like. justin was really close to joe bc they're the same year (?) right seniors or whatever closer in age and they're clearly best friends. but justin and ja'marr were like twin flames, same position, and they're kind of insane abt each other during college lmao that one clip post natty win of justin leaning back to ja'marr is like burned into my head. and ja'marr was sooo unsure abt joe at first and joe was kind of way too intense without saying a single thing to ja'marr but just staring at him while justin was like the bridge between these two!! that's like a whole other thing about joemarr and justin that's sooo fun to write about truly i love Speculating lsu days crushes and justin being a little shit about them. (lsu ask i swear i'll finish answering you one day auguauguhsuhg)
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 1 year ago
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okay i know this is a Foul Legacy blog but listen. if anyone wants to ask me questions about Arlecchino and my OC Marine i will be so happy to answer (they are MARRIED and i WILL answer in character if wanted because i'm that obsessed)
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sadiewen · 11 months ago
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haleynwriter · 10 days ago
this is partially a repost of a tiktok series i did like two years ago, partially inspired that the high republic fanzine is out and references this!, and partially me expanding on thoughts as a former barista.
anyways, THR phase I characters and their coffee orders. i'll probably forget someone and add them later. my expertise: i was a barista for three years.
no I'm not calling it caf this is all half a joke anyways
Avar Kriss: Typically she just gets a coffee with cream. She can drink coffee black, but it's not her preference. Her actual favorite drink is a vanilla white mocha, but she rarely orders this for herself because she's a busy gal ! (Stellan, Elzar, Maru, and the Ataraxia crew have all clocked this.)
Stellan: he's the tea guy of the firebrands. Loves an english breakfast tea with milk in the morning. Loves a basic green tea in the afternoon. He has a chamomile tea usually as part of his evening meditation. However, after he joins the Council, he begins drinking more and more black and green tea and discards his evening tea routine as he gets more and more overworked.
Elzar: disaster man gets a large iced americano (six shots at the shop I worked at), adds two shots, chugs it immediately. This stresses everyone out.
Reath and Cohmac: they ask so many questions. where did you source your matcha from? Who is their milk supplier? Are the syrups made in house? Do they dry their own petals? They're not trying to be jerks, they're genuinely and actually curious, but the baristas are underpaid and never know answers, Cohmac and Reath realize, they order two small hot matchas and tip 100%.
Orla: medium iced coffee with vanilla syrup, but she never has once paid for her drink because her vibes are so elite. The other regular customers lover her, the baristas love her, she's just a goddamn delight.
Sskeer: hot tea or iced tea, depends on the weather. honey with hot tea; simple syrup with iced tea, just enough to cut some of the herbal notes.
Keeve: double undercut icon Keeve Trennis is the token bisexual iced oat milk latte with lavender, argue with the wall.
Jora: classic hot mom drink, hot coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugars.
Affie: all of the Vessel crew is so used to, like, Star Wars-Folgers-Instant Coffee, so when they get to go to a coffee shop, they Splurge for their Little Treats. Affie loves a caramel frozen coffee with extra whipped cream and drizzle.
Leox: blended matcha ! Like Orla, he's never once paid for a drink. Vibes are too good. He thinks he's paid, but Geode pockets the cash.
Geode: gets the most obscene drink imaginable that the baristas detest making but is such a lovely customer that the staff can't hold it against him.
Maru: if he stoops so low as to buy a tea and not make it himself, he gets a large hot black tea, double bagged. steeps it obscenely long so it's basically a concentrate, everyone is mystified.
Lina Soh: hasn't made her own coffee in years, but her staff orders her almond milk cafe au laits with honey.
Sylvestri: iced caramel macchiato and she likes it layered, okay !!!
Jordanna: iced white mocha. ssssh. she's kinda guilty about it but isn't really sure why.
Buckets: hot chai latte with oat milk and pistachio syrup. (legit try it sometime, if your shop has this, it's so fucking good.)
Lula: iced coffee with oatmilk and she changes the flavor based on the season/mood she's in. this is absolutely an order she's copied from kantam.
Kantam: see above.
Zeen: hot vanilla latte with oatmilk, asks for it extra frothy.
Ram: mocha blended coffee with extra caramel and chocolate drizzle. literally of course.
Farzala: has never once ordered the same thing twice. who knows.
Qort: Just goes "whatever you want!" every time. His actual favorite is a hot chocolate but wants to be easy and simple!
Samira: The classic hot bitch drink: hot latte with skim milk and a raw sugar. Typically people who order this drink are awful, but she used to work in food service before coming up in the political staff scene, so she's perfectly polite and cheerful.
Avon: tries to impress upon people that she's an adult and important and gets a coffee with milk. Secretly hates it. Vern typically gets her an iced black tea with lemon and simple syrup like "oh they gave it to me!" Avon lets it slide because it's Vern.
Vern: her coffee shop habits were impressed upon her by Stellan and doesn't drink any coffee, mostly tea. Her favorite is Lady Grey, and if it's a time to indulge, adds cream and lavender syrup.
Imri: that's a hot choccy boy.
Crash: has never once ordered in a coffee shop. That's a Red Bull girlie.
Xylan: has a bullshit order. large iced coffee, fill the cup with ice fully, 2/3 full of coffee, add exactly 3.5 pumps of simple syrup, then equal splashes of oat milk and almond milk. Stir 7 times clockwise, then four times counter clockwise. somehow the staff don't revolt because he's a guilty pleasure fav customer and not a single barista can describe why they like him. one barista is convinced that xylan doesn't have a single fucking clue what he's talking about and just makes it standard. xylan can tell the difference but he can't point to where so he swallows it because he admires the bravery of the barista to flummox him.
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hergan416 · 14 days ago
sherlock x louis fighting about william?
On any given day, should Sherlock Holmes be looking for one Louis Moriarty, the kitchen was not a bad starting point. Although as head of MI6 Louis no longer was required to perform the same kinds of menial labor he had been tasked with prior to the Final Problem, he had trouble letting go of the responsibility entirely. It showed up most in his desire to prepare snacks, serve tea, and even cook meals for his agents to eat upon their arrival at home.
Today as Sherlock meandered into the warm room, he found Louis hovering over a double broiler, a serious expression upon his face. The labels for several pricey bars of bakers chocolate littered the countertop, bragging of 95% cocoa content.
The chocolate itself was melting along with a healthy portion of butter and Sherlock smiled at the sight.... at least until he realized that Louis was adding another, highly unusual ingredient to the pan.
He let out a protest, reaching forward to stop Louis from this terrible error, but was too late to prevent the spoonful of anchovy paste from making its way into the double broiler with the otherwise perfectly normal chocolate-making materials.
Sherlock frowned, wondering what had overcome Louis to make such a terrible error when he was usually an accomplished cook.
"What's wrong?" Louis asked, frowning.
"Anchovies? Really?" Sherlock replied instead. "Not that they can't have their place, but you're making chocolate."
Louis blinked. "They're for my brother," he replied, as though that explained everything.
And in some ways it did. Liam's favorite food, starry-gazey pie, was pungently fish-flavored. And he did prefer it when Louis made it. But if Louis were hoping to impress his brother, there was no reason he could not have simply made the dish as intended.
"Why?" Sherlock found himself asking before he could stop himself.
"It's going to be Valentine's Day very soon," Louis added, as though Sherlock were a very slow child.
"So you decided to ruin perfectly good chocolate and feed it to your brother?" Sherlock protested.
"My brother enjoys this sort of thing," Louis replied with a shrug. "And I enjoy the challenge of making it palatable."
He stirred the melting substance carefully, and Sherlock watched, fascinated, as the fermented fish, chocolate and butter began to coalesce into a single innocuous-looking substance.
"That can't be good for him."
He could see Louis' shoulders tensing up, and realized he'd hit a nerve. Well, there was no point in backing out of this line of thought now. He might as well finish making the point.
"Wouldn't it be better to just get him to understand the delicious flavor of normal chocolate like the rest of us?"
Certainly it would be better for Sherlock's peace of mind.
"There is nothing wrong with my brother's tastes. And of all people, you should be one to talk about following what's normal."
"Nothing wrong -- Louis, you can't earnestly be this blind to his faults."
"What faults?" Louis hissed, his hand reaching for his knife. Conveniently, it was nearby, he had evidently used it to break apart the chocolate bars before adding them to the double boiler.
Sherlock waved his hands in front of his body dismissively, not wanting to face Louis' ire.
"The ones that make him a human like the rest of us," Sherlock tried to reason, grinning. "It's fine, it's fine. Don't let your chocolate burn because of me."
Louis frowned deeply, choosing to ensure Sherlock didn't miss the murderous glint in his eyes before turning back to his cooking. This was far from over.
"Get out of my kitchen," Louis commanded forcefully. "Or I will feed these to you."
"Yes, of course, love," Sherlock returned weakly, turning to leave. He'd have to pay close attention if he accepted any chocolates from Louis any time soon.
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skullzy20 · 7 months ago
First thing that came to mind was the little freddles/ nightmare freddy
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yeah I can do that
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skyshinigamialchemist · 2 months ago
Hello again! I wanted to ask about the sub-au where Robert breaks free of the hivemind. Because when I think about all I can see is Robert living in a survival horror game trying to avoid the hivemind, while the mind in question is just going "pspspsps Here Robert! Come back boy!"
sorry about the delay, I saw the ask, started to think of a reply, and then completely forgot about it. whoops.
sorry brain got eaten by Work
So it's shakily set for just after Sean joins the Hivemind fully, Robert and Kim both have a touch of it but haven't joined entirely
Robert notices that Something Isn't Right about how Sean is acting around Legundo, and Legundo tries to calm him mentally.
But Robert Knows that it's false
and so he tears the Hivemind out by the roots
unfortunately (for him), he doesn't kick out all the power from the Hivemind when he does, so he's abruptly Very Mortal with a great deal of NonMortal energy
fortunately (for him), he gets very very lucky. the power latches on to his desire to be Free of the North and changes him.
the other main option, the one that happens more frequently? is the mortal with too much power simply. burning up. burning out. trying to contain a power they really aren't meant to hold.
and so Wings burst from his back, as the power swirls itself into its own opposite. and Robert becomes a Creature. Not a Being, not a hivemind. not yet. but a Creature. A human changed by the holding of power beyond their limits.
Robert becomes a Creature of the South, of Warmth and Sun and Growth instead of Snow and Ice and Cold. He screams as the power changes him, as the power breaks free into wings, vines and flowers and southern plants growing, draped over and through and around them
He shudders and looks, wide-eyed, at the table before him, at Legundo and Sean and the knights with eyes sparking green.
He takes a deep, shuddering breath.
And turns to bolt for the window.
He's out the window before the others could react, some small remnant of the Hivemind's massive pool of knowledge letting him use his brand-new wings to escape.
and so he runs. he runs for the forest, finds a safe place to set up camp. and his fire lights easily, the cold seemingly reluctant to touch him.
and, eventually. Legundo appears. alone, in body, to talk to him. it... goes. they manage to talk, for a few moments.
but Robert does not trust Legundo. and so, when The King In The North says something in just the wrong way. he runs. he flies. he heads South, towards warmer territories. all still belonging to the North, for He had conquered fairly and won the Throne, but where Robert could more easily live away from people until he could rescue his king.
Eventually, he is found, or heads back north, or both.
And Legundo sends Sean to talk to Robert
He pulls most of His power away from Sean, doesn't touch the bond that holds Sean to the Hivemind, but otherwise removes most of His touch
and Sean. Sean manages to convince Robert that he genuinely doesn't mind.
how much of his thoughts are still somewhat influenced by that bond? well. that depends on the author! :)
And so, with Sean having convinced Robert that he's okay with this, Legundo now gets to treat Robert like a feral cat he's trying to bring home
eventually, Robert agrees, and a Tie forms between the North and the South
and Robert has his King back (kind of)
and the North has the oh so interesting Creature once more with him
and now he has the time to teach him, to help him grow from Creature to Being
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pseudophan · 6 months ago
Is it bad that I feel really, really upset seeing that someone has 6 m&g tickets for TIT meanwhile dnp aren't even coming anywhere near my continent, so I can't go to the tour no matter what and I have to save up for or a kidney transplant soon so I can't recklessly spend money on a booking a flight :((
I'm happy for them, and I'm happy dnp are getting the love they deserve, and I feel awful for feeling this way but I really feel bad :((
it's not bad, it's a very natural reaction and you have all the right to feel that way. i think that's the thing a lot of people are missing, your emotions about it are completely valid and understandable, it's just when people then start being really mean to those lucky people who are going to all the m&gs that it gets shitty. no one can expect you to just not be upset that someone is meeting them a bunch of times and you aren't, especially if you can't go to a show at all. it's all about how you navigate it, you know?
allow yourself to feel things, it's good for you
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quarks-pussy · 1 year ago
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[Images description: Twelve pictures of Star Trek actors. The phrase "thank you for being both amazing actors and amazing people" is written across most of the images one word at a time, except for the two images in the middle. The middle images are of William Shatner, reading "not you!" and Robert Beltran, reading "or you for that matter". The actors in the other images are George Takei, René Auberjonois, DeForest Kelley, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Kate Mulgrew, Patrick Stewart, Siddig El Fadil (aka Alexander Siddig), Nichelle Nichols and Leonard Nimoy. End image description.]
Non exhaustive list of course. Many more such cases, in fact feel free to add
#i considered putting sid's full name in the image description but i felt that might complicate things for screen reader users#but just so it's in the post i'll put it in the tags#siddig el tahir el fadil el siddig abdurrahman mohammed ahmed abdel karim el mahdi#yes i did copy paste it my memory is shit. i can't even remember my own full name...#(i gave myself like five different middle names at one point because if i'm already changing my name for trans reasons i might as well have#fun with it right but eventually i stopped using them because i literally kept forgetting my own name and had to look it up)#(i still have the note btw and since it seems i won't legally be using that last name anyway (nor any of the middle names) feel free to ask#anyway#star trek#not star trek#(schrödinger's post lol)#oh!!! i forgot one version of sid's name!! here goes#صدّيق الطاهر الفاضل الصدّيق عبدالرحمن محمد أحمد عبدالكريم المهدي#to be fair there's nothing in that tag (right now) but i guess i'm a completionist. or something#the others are ofc already findable because of the image description#oh and just fyi if you wanna add others do feel free to add new trek actors. i didn't include any here essentially because as soon as i inc#include one of them people are gonna complain i didn't include more of them. plus i ran out of space. sorry tawny#oh and to that one anon: i WILL still answer but i needed a break lol#original posts fresh from quark's pussy
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