#sorry id say more but i am BLANKING
hughesquinn · 6 months
Do you like mentally adopt players? Like are you ever like "that is my mom/dad/son?" Or even like "that is my crazy uncle" *cough cough* Erik Johnson *cough cough*
YA!!!!! mitch marner is like the older brother i never had <333
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anime-related · 6 months
AU where L and Light go to To-Oh together before the Death Note is dropped. (Whether Light is Kira is up to you, I think it'd be cool either way)
While L and the cops are investigating Kira, Light and L have began a relationship. Now, Soichiro (lights dad, if your memory is as bad as mine) is working with L, but has also literally seen him in the house.
Sufficed to say, he's shocked when he meets L and it's his son's college friend. Even more so when Light calls L nearing the end of a meeting and hears them talk more than platonically.
Here's some little excerpts my mind made up. I've watched the show only once, so I'm sorry if/that it's ooc
"Hello. I am here to see Light."
"Light! There's a weird guy at the door!" Sayu called. She glanced at him. "No offense."
"None taken," L dismissed.
Light ran down the stairs, smiling at the sight of L in the door.
"Hey! I picked up some cake, and we can go play that game I talked about."
"I figured as much, since that's why I'm here," L said. Light rolled his eyes fondly.
They walked into the kitchen, where his father was getting water.
"Oh, you must be Soichiro Yagami. Police chief, solved over 30 cases."
"Wow, Light. I had no idea you talked about me all that much."
"He doesn't."
Upon setting their sights on L, Soichiro's mind went blank. He would've never guessed. What were the chances. While everyone else was making their judgments on L and his appearance, Soichiro was trying to combine Ryuzaki with L in his mind.
He ignored it. It'd be safer for both of them if they didn't bring their personal lives into this. He took out his ID and introduced himself as if it were the first time.
"If I were Kira you would be dead Soichiro Yagami."
Combining these two people wouldn't be so difficult. He knew Ryuzaki reminded him of someone.
As they went on, he remembered small details. Light running downstairs because he and Ryuzaki had left their phones there. Ryuzaki also had an infatuation for sugar, and even when his wife made pretty universally loved tea, he'd still add stacks of sugar cubes.
Then there was...
"And from now on, I'll have to ask that you stop calling me 'L.' It's..." L glanced at Soichiro. "Ryuzaki now. Just to be safe."
How cautious was L to give a fake name to L before Kira was even a factor? And if Soichiro didn't know him, would he have used a different alias?
"Excuse me," L said, pulling his phone oddly from his pocket. "Your timing is perfect, I'm nearly done with my meeting. I'll be over shortly."
"I assume you have more puzzles to test me with?"
"Of course I do." Whoever was on the other side laughed softly. A small smile cracked L's face.
"I look forward to it, Ryu."
"So do I."
"See you soon."
L hesitated, but hung up without saying much more like usual.
"My apologies, I try not to keep him waiting."
"Was that Watari?" Matsuda asked.
"No, my boyfriend." He said it so casually, though it shocked everyone.
"You... what?" Aizawa asked.
"He's the only person I've ever met on my level. If it didn't put him in significant danger, I would've brought him in to help." He pushed his lip with his thumb. "Though that's not the only reason," he added in a mumble. He looked as ashamed as L could look.
"How long have you, uh..." Poor Matsuda was thrown extremely off guard.
"I've been queer my whole life if that's what you're asking. Though, I'm sure you're not. I've known him for a few months. He's very attractive." He pulled his hand away from his smile. "I'd tell you his name, but I don't feel comfortable doing so."
Soichiro feared he already knew who it was. Light didn't need to be put in more danger than he already was being his son. He didn't know how to feel about this.
"You'd place surveillance camera's on your own boyfriend?" Soichiro asked. He wouldn't mind placing them on Light, but L always had a certain level of respect for him.
"Of course. I've suspected he was L since before we started a romantic relationship."
This was a shock to everyone. Not only L dating Light, but L potentially dating Kira and knowing it.
"Light is my intellectual equal. Unfortunately that makes it more likely that he's Kira. And the fact that he made the first move only increases that likelihood, though he doesn't know I'm L. If he did, I'd be more sure."
"How sure are you?"
"About 5%. If he knew I was L before he kissed me, it'd be 7 or 8%. Getting close with the enemy is a good way of staying in their good graces and not getting caught, but I'm not going to excuse Light as a suspect just because he makes me happy. That would be ridiculous. And being his boyfriend makes it so I can monitor him outside the house without raising suspicion."
"I might be out of line, but that sounds messed up. Spying on your boyfriend?"
"Well, I don't have to. I can monitor elsewhere while they're at home. I will still be attending my outings with Light and I can't help but monitor him in those moments, though I can assure you we're usually focused on each other; I'm not sure he'd have a moment to kill with me there."
"And Light doesn't know you're L?" Aizawa asked. "Couldn't it be helpful for him to be brought on the case? He's helped on cases before."
"If Light isn't Kira, I don't want him in any danger. I'm sure Soichiro understands my dilemma." His voice was tense as were his hands.
"I do," Soichiro admitted. "I'm find putting cameras around the house. If there's any chance, we may as well check."
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weskie · 2 days
hey yall
I'm going to just point blank with this one: my living situation has just become incredibly hostile and abusive in a way I have not experienced since childhood. I'm not doing very well at the moment. I told myself after the last fic that I'd be jumping into filling requests on both this blog and my @sehtoast blog finally (because I really do want to), but I'm currently like... not in a state of mind where I can make myself focus because I'm genuinely afraid at this point in time.
I don't want to get into it beyond that, though I am going to use this as a way to urge everyone to please remember to take their medicine.
more below the cut:
I feel very bad that I haven't been able to fill requests as they've come in. no matter how much I tell myself I'll get on it, something happens and I jump to something else that's soothing or rewarding to my brain as a way to cope with the environment around me.
I'm unfortunately stuck in the situation I'm in. my only out seems to be student housing at school, but I do not know if I can get loans to sufficiently cover that nor the hours at work to afford it, or even the proper documentation to be able to bring my cat. either way, I cannot access it for three months as I'm not actively in school for this term. the rent prices in my area are completely unaffordable for even a studio apartment, and what I *can* find would require me to declaw my cat as part of their pet rules, which I absolutely will not do.
so, yeah. stuck.
the last time the particular thing that is happening occurred was really, really bad. I have no way of knowing how long it's going to last, but it's already been extremely difficult in the first week.
I feel some sense of obligation to disclose this because I feel like I'm letting all the people in my inbox down. I know how stories can be our escape, especially when they're stories we can insert ourselves into directly. god knows I've been using them as a coping mechanism since I was roughly ten years old, and I understand their value more than I can say. right now, all I have the capacity for is things that soothe and distract me.
I just... I don't know. I took a break off of school in the hopes that I would be able to decompress and catch up on things. now I'm starting to wonder if I'm even safe enough at home to undergo my hysterectomy this fall. I feel very much like the child that had to hide under my desk on my sixteenth birthday because it was the only place I felt safe, and right now I don't have it in me to do much more than just survive.
I'll absolutely be active, at least I will unless the uh... occurrence tries to destroy my electronics (this has happened). they already took my wallet and locked it up somewhere, which means I'm kind of fucked except for the single card I have linked on my phone. without my ID, I can't even get a room at a hotel for a night or two. it's intentional and designed to trap me further than I already am.
I'm sorry, and thank you if you've read this far. I just felt I owed an explanation.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Yo, hru? Congrats on reaching your milestone! Can I have a Dabi (from BNHA) fluff scenario w prompt C2. Their pouty face was so unbearably adorable, (Blank) couldn’t help but swoon a little. , pls?
Yo! I am doing well! I'm sorry that it took a while to write this. The muses are stingy with me at the moment... 😅
But the fic is written now! And I have to say... An unexpectedly fun write for me. And I think some of the lines in this piece might be my favorites that I came up with during this whole follower event. So like, thank you Anon for the request~! 💖
Summary: It's date day for you and Dabi. You walk and talk and Dabi thinks your face is the cutest in the world. Genre: fluff Word count: ~700
You glanced at your phone at your last message from your boyfriend. There was a time and place for a rendezvous, as well as the line [Look as good as you always do.] Smiling and laughing, you put your device away.
No wonder he was a Villain. What with the way he stole your heart.
“What’s a fine looking citizen like yourself doing near a dingy ol’ alleyway?” A familiarly husky voice asked before an arm hooked around your shoulders. “Looking to be kidnapped?”
“Whoops, not really!” you joked, sliding away from the voice. “Sorry, I only read dark romance! I’m not one for living it!”
You turned and grinned at Dabi. He smiled back from underneath his high collar coat and baseball cap. Reaching out your hand, you walked back over to him. Your hand and his became intertwined and you began to walk side-by-side.
“I’m glad we can meet in person on occasion,” you mused as you eyed some of the new fashions in a store window. You looked back at him. “But why can’t we do it more often? Or just move in together?”
“‘Cause life ain’t fair,” Dabi answered, sighing. “Besides, you shouldn’t be joining the circles I run in.”
You raised a brow at him.
“My record ain’t clean so I think I’d be fine,” you whispered, a little offended that he still treated you like an innocent nobody. “C’mon! Lemme into your club!” Leaning back, you batted your eyes with faux innocence. “Imagine all the IDs and money I could forge for you…”
Despite what you were saying, of the crimes you were willing to commit and for his sake, you spoke with a cute, whiny voice. And your face… Your pouty face was so unbearably adorable, Dabi couldn’t help but swoon a little.
It was like you and Dabi were high school sweethearts and not on the run from the law.
Life was Hell for Dabi. A burning, aching Hell that he threw himself into. But in the midst of the wretched misfortune he called life, he had you.
You were not someone pure. You were no delicate princess or little piece of Heaven for him to protect. Some lovesick poet might’ve called you that. But Dabi wasn’t a poet and he knew better than to treat you that way. Knew better than to call you an angel or to want for Heaven, or whatever salvation that society had to offer.
No. To Dabi, you were a magician. One who created an illusion of normalcy for the two of you. That was all he wanted, all he needed.
If Dabi was to allow himself one weakness, he wanted it to be you.
“Well when you put it like that…” Dabi started, intentionally letting his voice trail off. “No.”
“Dude!” you gasped.
Dabi leaned in and then poked the tip of your nose.
“Get back to me when you manage to kill someone. Then I’ll reconsider.”
“Ugh, you are the most unfairest boyfriend I’ve ever had!” you grumbled. You pouted again, though this time in anger rather than to beg. And Dabi still found it impossibly adorable. “And that’s saying something when one almost ratted me out.”
“You still love me though, don’t you?” Dabi asked as he gave your hand a squeeze.
“Hmph!” You turned your head away, refusing to give him the satisfaction.
“C’mon, don’t be shy!”
“I’m not shy! I just don’t love you!”
“And now you’re turning into a liar!” Dabi said in a sing-song tone.
Dabi continued to pester you while you shot down his every attempt to get an “I love you” from your lips. Despite the “argument,” you two never let go of each other’s hands.
The banter only stopped when you approached a crepe stand.
“You only get it if you confess your love for me,” he offered with a grin.
He knew you could never turn down a crepe. Especially when it was on him.
“Extra whipped cream and I love you for all eternity.”
Of course, Dabi didn’t let you have it all to yourself. His money meant he got the first bite, earning yet another one of your precious pouting faces. Not a bad deal in his mind.
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volfoss · 8 months
sorry for scary bjd posting at like 7 am but. i was checking my email for saved head searches and i need to show u guys the horrifying discovery i found.
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so taking the horrors apart. we have paint that was NOT sealed properly and so is thus chipping away. it looks like they buried her in the backyard or smth w the amount of dirt?? they sanded the nose down INSANELY. sculpted eyelids on with like???? seemingly just eye putty??? i am including a photo of like. what the head looks like new and blank. the eyes themselves are also so fascinating to me bc like... normally you get a more "anime style" eye with somewhat visible whites for these heads so im so endlessly fascinated with what looks to either be eyes FAR too big for her or like... teddy bear type eyes (like. just pure black).
but wait. it gets worse.
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inexplicably theres... a lower cut in the head (the one that is further from the face is where its supposed to be on an unmodded head) and you can see the true horrors of the nose here? these dolls are usually having pretty sharp like... typical early 00's anime noses (where theyre really small and pointed) so i cannot imagine how much sanding would happen to have THIS???? you can also see more of the insane dirt here and the (im pretty sure it IS eyeputty thats making up the whites of the eyes here) just genuinely terrifying skin situation.
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this is the point in which i found out it. was somehow. three different methods of keeping the eye in??? globs of hot glue at the top. maybe?? clay????????? or just really old eyeputty behind it? it really looks like apoxie sculpt (which dries as hard as concrete so). and then the regular sticky tack at the bottom??? i cant imagine how bad this would be. you can also see the natural vinyl color on the ring that is around the head cap. speaking OF the headcap, the listing says its FROM A DIFFERENT COMPANY????? so the head is from volks and the headcap is from obitsu?? so thats WHY the mysterious lower cut is there... because they had to make it smaller to get the obitsu headcaps (which are smaller usually). on top of that, you can kind of see that the paint has seeped INTO the vinyl (esp noticable on the headcap) so like. it would not be fun to get out id imagine.
anyways. thats my scary discovery this morning.
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honeyriot · 2 years
Hey, I understand wanting to be trans inclusive, I really do, but how do you just discount all of the evidence of trans-IDed males acting exactly like men, being extremely misogynistic and threatening women with sexual assault? I thought the evidence was skewed by extremely online communities too until the first trans woman I met was a creep who crossed sexual boundaries as a man and continues to do so after IDing as a woman.
It just seems to me that trans women are still males and they *can* unlearn misogyny and many do but many choose not to. And acknowleging their male privilege is important regardless. I do respect people's self-ID when they aren't raging misogynists, but I cannot leave gender criticism behind.
I don't discount it and speak against it. Misogyny is unacceptable no matter who is the one engaging with it. I think there's a lot of nuance that gets lost when we say all *blank* are *blank* It's honestly hard for me to address without falling into a logical trap. I dont believe in bioessentialism. I believe in social conditioning and social constructionism. I know trans ppl in real life so I dont get all my opinion from what I see online or in the news. I detest misogyny and rape and know that there are sickos who use trans identity and culture to abuse but to conflate that with trans people who are feminist or not predators, which would be more on the majority side is damaging to all those people who do not want gender to be inflicted on them and want to choose how they present and live. Its a dangerous time now because there is hate on all sides but I will not write people off because some people that identify the same are predators. I am a human rights activist because every person deserves to have the unalienable right to exist safely and peacefully. I am a feminist because I understand how the patterns of male and female socialization are created to enforce gender hierarchy and subordination of women. I am a trans ally because identities that do not conform to cis white male heteronormativity are marginalized and marginalization leads to violence and oppression of the marginalized. I dont say this to minimize your concerns and tell you you are wrong or bad but to say that there is a lot that needs to be addressed but putting every trans person in the same category and making blanket statements can be damaging just as dismissing valid concerns can be as well. We are learning as a culture how to deal with these issues. Sorry that was really long but I hope it makes sense. Thanks for the question 💜
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kyntypes · 6 days
I’m sorry this may seem redundant to ask, I just often feel I need more clarification 😭. I have read and appreciate your explanations! I do FEEL like as if I have a veil and that my nonhuman body is underneath mine similar to an essence/on another plane of existence that you can’t see. It feels that way. but the other side of my brain says “but a body cannot fit under yours. and your biology is categorized as human and appears as human.” so I don’t know if my feeling counts bc it is a feeling from my mind rather than me saying “this is literal.” although I also think..yes I have the biology of humans and would be called such, but human is a category defined by humans so whose to say someone can’t be born “human” but reject that ategory? and people are able to be transpecies! anyway maybe it is phys nonhuman/holothere enough to say “I id as nonhuman so therefore my body can also be called such despite how it was born/appears.” but I am just afraid by saying I feel similar to a veil and such and id a phys nonhuman that I am taking terms that aren’t mine?
Oof, I feel you on my brain trying to "logically" tell me things that I believe are impossible for me, like me being a maned wolf, a hoary bat, and a human at the same time. It implies a lot, and a lot has yet to be "proven" outside my own thoughts, feelings, and perception of the world. Even if, I am still physically nonhuman, even if I get that feeling that something is wrong, or that I may be wrong. That feeling is usually short-lived, thankfully, and is definitely unpleasant.
Being categorized as human, and appearing as physically human, doesn't mean you aren't nonhuman in a physical sense! Remember, it can be a belief thing, a delusion, a coping mechanism, etc. to identify as physically nonhuman. Voluntarily rejecting having a human body to any extent is still valid as being physically nonhuman, and in my opinion, still counts.
The ONLY thing that I'd say would make it not count is understanding that you DO have a human body, and believing you do have a human body that isn't nonhuman at all. If you don't think you have an ounce of nonhuman physically, then you aren't a physical nonhuman. Point-blank. HOWEVER, if you acknowledge having a human-shaped body, or a body similar to humans, but you identify as having nonhuman features (digitigrade legs, fins, a tail, feline ears, fangs, paws instead of hands, etc.) that also still counts. It counts just as much as being fully nonhuman on all levels physically. Even if it's down to simply believing your bodily hair is fur, that could also count!
A couple of fictional examples being: Erin (they/them) identifies as nonhuman of no specific animal. Erin feels like an animal trapped in a human body, and observes their body as strictly human, but mentally are nonhuman. They are often seen as human, which they dislike, even though they acknowledge their body is human. They sometimes refer to their body with animalistic terms, such as their hands and feet being paws, their teeth being fangs, referring to their body hair as fur, etc., but doesn't believe their body actually holds any of those things. They do this as a way to cope with species dysphoria, and not because they are genuinely perceiving nonhuman body parts. (They are NOT a physical nonhuman.)
Alyx (she/her) is a dragon. Alyx dislikes being referred to as a human, but rather, as socially human or human-shaped. Alyx refers to herself as a holothere. She is a dragon on all levels, physically, mentally, spiritually, and more. She sees her body parts as draconic body parts (scales, feathers, webbed feet, slit eyes, a lizard-like tail, etc.) and doesn't see their body as human at all, even if their eyes tell them otherwise. Alyx doesn't feel like she is trapped in a human body, but rather, that her form is limited. She cannot breathe fire, control the wind, or fly like she wants to. Despite all of this, she believes, still, that she is a dragon, through and through. (She IS physically nonhuman.)
Rein (it/its) identifies as a jackrabbit, a bearded dragon, a Tibetan mastiff, and a spider monkey therian. All of its animalistic identities are spiritual, except for its Tibetan mastiff identity. It acknowledges its human-shaped body, however, it also feels as though part of its body isn't completely human. Rein looks into the mirror, and sees a human-shaped body, however, it doesn't seem to register its body as completely human. It scrambled online looking for an answer, but nothing besides clinical lycanthropy popped up, which it didn't feel like resonated with it. Rein stumbled upon a Tumblr page inquiring about physical nonhumanity, and how it wasn't always a delusion, and how it could be a perfectly healthy way of being nonhuman without being a clinical condition. Rein almost jumped for joy finding this information, and seeing that the post had over 2,000 notes, it could finally rest knowing it wasn't alone in its feelings in the therian community. Rein doesn't know what part of its body is nonhuman, but just simply doesn't identify as completely human physically. It identifies as a physical nonhuman, even if its experience is pretty general, and not complex compared to other physical nonhumans it finds around Tumblr. (It IS physically nonhuman.)
Chrys (she/her) is a ferret. She feels euphoric calling herself a ferret, and considers herself transspecies. She has come out to pretty much everyone in her life, saying that she is a transspecies ferret. However, she holds her humanity to be of just as much importance as her ferret-side. She is both human and a ferret. When Chrys perceives herself physically, she is shaped like a human, however, she feels that somewhere, on some plane of existence, there is her other form, a ferret, lurking within. Her phantom shifts often encompass her whole body when she has mental shifts, and it feels as though she has shifted into a ferret, despite this not being perceived on the outside or to others. She doesn't believe that she actually transforms, despite what her phantom shifts tell her. Though, she does view her body as a ferret and a human body at the same time. Even if she doesn't see it, within her, there is a ferret that she cannot physically change into. Chrys has identified as a physical nonhuman for a couple of months now because of this feeling. No matter what she does, she cannot shake the feeling, and rejecting it only makes her phantom shifts of the same feeling even worse and more uncomfortable. Ever since she accepted her physicality as a ferret AND a human, she feels more confident and less anxious about her identity. (She IS a physical nonhuman.)
And hey, you aren't taking terms at all if they fit you! I'm all for someone dictating their own identity for themselves! If you feel that it may fit you, then it likely does! You can also reject being human physically, and identify voluntarily as a physical nonhuman. Whatever helps you feel comfortable. You don't owe anybody an explanation for that. :) If you feel as though that somewhere underneath, or on some plane of existence, that you DO have the body of a nonhuman animal, then that is definitely physical nonhumanity. The only requirement is to not identify as ONLY human completely, wholly, and truly, physically. Chrys in my example is a good example of how you can be both fully human, and nonhuman physically. You don't have to be a mix, or either or, you can definitely be both, as well!
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pantasticjae · 1 month
Looking For Moots/Friends!!
Hey there! I'm Pantastic Jae. (He/They) I'm a 20 year old artist who makes videos for my very small channel. Id like to make friends/moots with others who create videos, as I would love to record some with other people. Despite this also having moots and friends who share my interest would be amazing. I only really require that you must be 18 or over because I am an Adult. (editing to add that i'm not really comfy with NSFW stuff, so if you've already added me expecting to be moots i may not follow back or interact much because of that, i'm sorry for not stating it here originally)(editing again to say that I realized that by putting 18+ in my interest bingo without reading the description I was unknowingly saying that oops-)
To help get a better understanding of me, I've made this interest Bingo. I'll add a blank version at the end of the post if you would like to make one yourself)
18+ means you are 18 or over I am not okay with NSFW!!!
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18+ means you are 18 or over I am not okay with NSFW!!!
Here is a text list (with some explanation) of everything from left to right, top to bottom. (1st row 1 2 3 4 5, 2nd row 6 7 8 9 10)
Zubo for DS
Scott Pilgrim (I have not watched the animated show, but have watched the movie and read all of the comics)
Battle for Dream Island (All Seasons, Can act as an umbrella for other Object Shows)
Power Rangers / Super Sentai (I have not fully watched either of these, I've watched PR the most, but enjoy both)
Music (I like a lot of music, and I also enjoy singing)
Dungeons and Dragons (Currently in a campaign, and sadly I'm not looking to join any more atm)
Drawing (I'm not really good, but enjoy doing so anyway)
Archipelago Randomizer (I sadly have not done a multiworld myself, and would love to do so for a video myself, please lmk if you wanna record one with me)
The Owl House
Disventure Camp
Madoka Magica (I'm Currently on Season 2 of Magia Record)
18+ (if you end up fulling this out to show overlapping interest this is ofc the requirement, so it's the free space)
Persona (Specifically 3 Reloaded, the game i'm currently watching my GF play and the only one in the series i've seen gameplay of)
YT Content Creator (I make videos, idk the true correct wording to use)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Total Drama (I have not yet watched either of the reboot seasons)
The Amazing Digital Circus
Jujutsu Kaisen (I've only finished the Hidden Inventory Arc in the Anime)
Rhythm Heaven
EWOW (Current Contestant, can be used for TWOW as well)
Steven Universe
Spider-man (All versions, anyone can wear the mask)
Inanimate Insanity (All Seasons, Can act as an umbrella for other object shows)
So yea, that's just a bit about me. If you do wanna be moots just message me and lmk. I will try my best to be social, but as it may be a bit obvious here my anxiety causes me to over explain myself. Please also feel free to ask me questions if you have any.
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count-a-w-k · 3 months
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Inside Helen’s apartment building, Agents 71 and 74 are walking down the corridor. They knock on the door of the resident that lives below Helen’s apartment, then wait for the occupant to answer the door. The door opens with the chain still attached and in the gap of the door is an old man about 5’4 with a bald comb-over. He is wearing a blue dressing gown and smoking a cigar, but doesn’t seem too pleased to see the agents, who are staring at him seriously.
“What do you want at this time of night?” he demands of the agents in a grumpy voice.
“Sir, we are from the FBI,” replies agent 71 showing his ID. “We would like to talk to you about Helen Walters; she lives in the apartment above you.”
“Sorry, I don’t know any Helen Walters. Just leave me alone and go away!” he says angrily.
“Sir, it is imperative that we find out more about her. She may be harbouring a fugitive,” replies agent 71 sounding frustrated.
“As I said go away and f*** off!” the old man replies, slamming the door. The two agents look at each other, knowing that they won’t get any information out of the old man.
“Agent 74, do you think it is OK and within our remit to kill this guy?”
“I think our superior wouldn’t have any problem of us using violence.” replies agent 74 with a blank expression “but as long as you do it quietly and do not make a scene, I think we’ll be fine.”
“Good. I am going to knock again and break his neck!” says agent 71 smiling. Agent 71 knocks on the door again and the old man opens the door telling the two agents to f*** off again. But as he opens it, Agent 71 slams his left shoulder straight into the door breaking the chain and knocking the old man to the floor. The old man wets himself and pleads for them not to beat him up. Agent 71 stands towering over the cowering man, picks him up by the neck and looks him in the face.
“When we say we have questions, you are supposed to reply politely!” Agent 71 says to the old man angrily. Agent 74 stands in the hallway looking out to make sure no one has seen anything, then he hears a neck being broken and a body falling to the floor. Agent 71 has killed the old man and walks further into the apartment looking round. Agent 74 walks in behind agent 71 and closes the door behind him.
“Check the rooms. Make sure no one else lives here,” says agent 71 with a serious look on his face.
“Understood. What if he has any pets?” replies agent 74.
“Kill them too. Don’t forget animals can cause a scene with us!” says agent 71.
“Do you think, Hawken and Helen have heard anything.” replies agent 74.
“No, Hawken hasn’t detected us yet,” says agent 71.
In Helen’s apartment, she is sitting on her couch watching the TV, while Hawken is sitting by the window, reading a magazine. It’s a copy of Cosmopolitan and he has a quizzical look on his face. Helen looks bored and turns to Hawken.
“Hawken, can you please tell me what happens when you, Andros and Zilstarr set up home close to the Flamerites domain?”
Hawken puts the magazine down, looks directly at Helen. “OK Helen, I know you can’t wait. So, I will tell you before you go to bed.”
She smiles, looking forward to what Hawken is about to tell her. Her expression is of excitement, like she is about to watch part three of her favourite TV show.
“So, where was I?” says Hawken “Ah yes…”
Three months had passed, and we were living about half a day’s walk from the Flamerites domain. We had built our new home and had been training very hard to get ready to take on all the Flamerites. Andros kept making regular trips to the Flamerites domain, so he could spy on their actives. When he returned, he told me and Zilstarr that their realm is right next to a mountain very close to the ocean, but this mountain was on fire at its summit. So, we all knew that the Flamerites originated from that area. Andros also said human slaves were also being taken to the mountain.
“So, you two, whatever the Flamerites are doing they must be gaining new hosts every day. But I feel that these are not the type of Flamerites that me and Hawken fought back in Egypt and Gaul,” explained Andros, “they seem a lot stronger.”
“So, what are you saying that the Flamerites must get weaker the further they are from their domain?” I asked.
“Yes Hawken. We are going to have a lot of trouble on our plate.” said Andros, “But I am curious about what they are up too on that mountain.” 
“Whatever they are up to, we’ll put a stop to them. They are taking humans from my native lands,” said Zilstarr looking ready for all-out war.
“Calm down Zilstarr. Remember you are not on the same level as Hawken yet.”
“Yeah Zilstarr, remember patience is a virtue,” I said to Zilstarr trying to calm him down. “Don’t forget, if you go rushing in there. It will not turn out good for you. And your best friend will miss you if you are killed.”
“I understand Hawken. So, Andros what now?”
“Well, all I’m going to say is, we keep training for a while. Until we know that we are ready, then plan our attack.”
“Understood Andros,” me and Zilstarr said to him.
So, for the next three months we trained harder with our Guzilkion abilities, until that day we noticed a Flamerite host close to our home. It appeared to be a scout looking round to see who would build a house close to their domain. It wandered around, looking and wondering who lived there, until Andros stepped out the door.
“Hello there, can I help you?” Andros said to the Flamerite host smirking.
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” replied the Flamerite host in deep voice.
“Oh, I live here. Why are you asking?” said Andros.
“You have no right to be here. This land belongs to Flamerites!” the host replied angrily.
“Oh really, well you try and tell that to my colleagues,” said Andros, smiling. “Now!”
The Flamerite turned around, looking stunned as me and Zilstarr rose up from the ground like coming out of a stage trap door. I blinked and so did Zilstarr, activating our Guzilkion abilities. We summoned the ground to swallow the host. The host started to scream very loudly in pain knowing what was going to happen to it as it sunk up to its neck.
“Andros, remove the Flamerite from its host and I shall kill it,” I said.
“No Hawken, I want to find out what it knows first,” Andros replied looking at me.
“OK Andros. You know what to do,” I said.
Andros knelt to the ground and placed his right hand on top of the host’s head. He closed his eyes and started to read the Flamerites mind. The Flamerite screamed again, and the host’s body started to melt. Zilstarr threw up while I looked at it amazed. Andros fell back with a shocked look; he knew what the Flamerites were up to.
“Well Andros, what did you read from its mind?” I asked him.
“Hawken, Zilstarr. What I read from its mind wasn’t pleasant. They are using human slaves to dig for something. I was almost there, about to find out more about what they wanted. However, it just blocked its mind from me and killed itself.” said Andros in disbelief.
“We must go there and find out some more then,” replied Zilstarr.
“Yes, I think we should. Zilstarr you take your best friend far away from here, where he will be safe, and get back here by dawn. I think it’s going to get dangerous from now on,” said Andros still shocked.
“OK, Andros. I will explain to him,” replied Zilstarr.
“Yes Zilstarr, you go to your best friend. I am going to have a private conversation with Hawken.”
“OK. I’ll be back soon,” replied Zilstarr heading into the house. I walked over to Andros and sat next to him. “Well brother?”
“Hawken, I hope you and Zilstarr are ready for this. These Flamerites are a lot stronger than any others we have faced before, and we have to flood that mountain. Tell me - are you nervous?”
“Yes Andros, I am. But deep down I’m also excited,” I replied.
“OK. When Zilstarr gets back here in the morning, we will leave immediately,” said Andros to me, looking a little scared.
“Bloody hell, that poor human host. You said it melted?” asks Helen.
“Yes Helen. What I saw was like the scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, when that SS man’s face melted,” Hawken replies, chuckling.
“Jesus Christ,” says Helen.
“I met him too.” Hawken replies. “But that’s for another time.”
Helen looks at Hawken, amazed at what he has just said to her.
“You knew Jesus?”
“Yes, Helen. Anyway, back to what I was saying about heading for the Flamerites domain…”
Next day at first light, we headed for the Flamerites territory. We took water pouches with us, just in case we had to take on a Flamerite single handily. We were prepared for anything. As we reached the outskirts, we noticed a small hill. I said to the others that we could use that as a look-out post and watch what the Flamerites were up to first before we planned our attack. So, that’s exactly what we did. Andros looked scared at what he saw before us; scores, if not hundreds of relatively well-dressed humans – presumably the Flamerite hosts – driving a horde of other, raggedly-dressed people. The Flamerites were using the slaves to dig a large, open cast mine close to the mountain. The Flamerites obviously wanted something at the bottom of it. We did not know what it was.
Then we noticed another figure, different from both host and slave, walking towards one of the Flamerites. Focusing on the newcomer, I was shocked to recognise him. I turned and looked at Andros, who returned my stunned look. We both said, in unison, “Terton!?”
Zilstarr looked confused.
“Is that who you told me about; the coward who it now seems is also a traitor?” said Zilstarr to me and Andros.
“Yes Zilstarr, that is Terton. I can’t believe he would betray his own kind!” replied Andros angrily.
Suddenly we were spotted by a human slave who started shouting at one of the Flamerite hosts, pointing at us. The host approached the slave, then turned around and noticed us on the hill. Grabbing the slave and dragging her along with them, the Flamerite started walking towards us, pulling a whip out from behind it.
“The other Flamerite hosts haven’t noticed us yet. I’m going to focus on that slave worker and silence her, before more Flamerite hosts start to notice what’s happening” Andros said to me and Zilstarr. “You two, take that Flamerite host and knock him out.”
“Sure thing, Andros. Right, Zilstarr. You have prepared for this, and I have trained you well. When it gets close, I draw it in, and you summon the ground up to stop it. Then Andros will use his abilities to remove the Flamerite from the human host. After that, I will throw water over the Flamerite killing it instantly.”
“Sure, thing Hawken,” replied Zilstarr.
As the pair got closer, Andros silenced the slave worker, by making her faint. We slid down the other side of the small hill, so we wouldn’t be seen by the others. All three of us spread out in opposite directions then turned to see the Flamerite host coming over the hill, with its eyes fixed on us. It started charging to towards me, but Zilstarr summoned the ground to swallow it in. The Flamerite tried to scream for help. Andros silenced it quickly, but he had trouble trying to actually separate the Flamerite from its human host. Before we could intervene, the Flamerite had time to kill both itself and the host. We all looked at each other, knowing that we could not save the poor human.
“Andros, what happened?” I asked.
“I couldn’t stop it. They are too powerful here,” replied Andros.
“Yes, powerful indeed,” said a voice coming from the hill.
We looked towards the crest and saw Terton standing there with a group of Flamerite hosts. Me, Andros and Zilstarr looked at him angrily, wondering why Terton had betrayed his own kind.
“Seize them,” He commanded the Flamerites,
Three of them slid down the hill towards us and we took up defensive positions. As the Flamerites got closer to us, we activated our abilities. Zilstarr and I managed to bury two of them, while the third went to attack Andros. However, I noticed Andros stopping it in its track and nod at me. I buried it up to the neck. We then looked up at Terton, he looked very intrigued. “So, three of my kind have finally found me.” We looked puzzled, then it went dark as I was knocked unconscious.
Sometime later, I awoke. “What happened?” I looked in front of me and saw that I was on the edge of the crater, where the slaves had been digging. I lay on the ground looking around to see where Andros and Zilstarr had gone. Behind me three Flamerites watched over me. Terton showed up another Flamerite, who was carrying a badly beaten Andros over its shoulder. It dropped Andros to the ground next to me.
“Andros are you OK?”
Andros could barely speak he was in so much pain, but he nodded slowly at me. I was wondering, am I next to be beaten. Then Terton knelt and stared directly at me.
“So, Hawken, which is your name,” he said. “You have come here to the Flamerites’ domain to wipe them out,” said Terton showing a smug look. I was very confused, as Terton should have known who I was. So, I asked him what was he doing here.
“Well,” he explained, “about fifty thousand years ago the Flamerites ruled over this world. They were like gods to the early humans. But they were driven back to this land by the third group of Guzilumans. The Flamerites’ mother tried to stop them. However, she failed, and the invaders buried her deep down, close to the mountain, while her children retreated to the top. But over the years, the Guzilumans realised they could not stay here forever. One by one they left and eventually knowledge of this place was forgotten. Until me, I decided to join them instead.”
“So, now you’re going to unearth the mother, so they can rule the world once more,” I said to him.
“No, no, no my dear Hawken. You’re going to be a good man and summon the ground at the bottom of the crater to release the Flamerites mother,” said Terton.
I looked at him angrily, knowing if I tried to kill him on the spot, the Flamerite host would kill me too, so I got to my feet. Before I could head to the bottom of the crater, Andros awoke. I asked him if he was OK, but Terton intervened and demanded I get moving Immediately. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zilstarr poking his head out from under one of the rocks. Inconspicuously, I used my hands to make a sign, telling him to use the ocean to flood the area. He nodded and disappeared back into the ground. As I reached the bottom of the crater, I noticed the human slaves leaving. I turned around and saw Terton looking at me.
“OK, Hawken, you better use your powers now or the leader here will kill Andros. They do know how to kill us, so you have got no chance of saving your brother unless you do as we say,” shouted Terton.
Kneeling on the ground, I blinked to activate my ability. Slowly, the rock began to flow, but upwards and outwards. After a little while, something smooth and slightly rounded began to appear – some type of shell. Carefully, I continued to excavate until I saw the large head of a bug-type creature. It looked like it was immobile, so I summoned the ground to uncover more of its body. The Flamerites started to celebrate knowing they would rule the world once more. Terton looked amazed, knowing that he would play his part in helping the Flamerites regain power. Then, as I looked down, the Flamerites’ mother’s right eye opened. It looked right at me, like it knew I was afraid of it. I turned around to get out of the crater fast as I could, while the mother started moving and trying to free herself from the ground. As I got to the top, I turned around and looked down to see how big the Flamerites’ mother was. She looked for all the world like a giant ladybird. Then she started creating an orange aura and began to levitate, until she was completely free of her prison.
Slowly, she transformed into a human female, floating there looking like a beautiful Egyptian goddess. I stood there, next to Terton, both of us gazing at her. The Flamerite hosts were on their knees worshipping her. Terton smiled and started speaking to her in a strange language. When he finished, she looked at me, and then at Andros, who slowly stood up, and started speaking in our language.
“I have been freed from my prison deep inside the ground. Who was the one who knew where I lay?” she said to us all in a strange voice.
“I, Terton, have helped free you from your slumber. I bring you these two Guzilumans to use as your slaves,” replied Terton gazing up at her.
“You’re Guzilumans?” she said to Terton staring at him. “My sworn enemies…”
Terton gulped uncertainly, suddenly not as self-assured as he had been. “Yes, I am. But I betrayed them to show my loyalty to you,” Terton replied opening his arms out, like he wanted to hug her.
“I have no use for Guziluman slaves, you shall all die!” she said to us. Terton’s expression changed from joy to dread. “Oh shit, what have I done?” he said, while me and Andros ran in opposite directions. The Flamerite mother summoned flame from her right hand. sending it straight at Terton. It burned him alive leaving only ashes in the shape of a human. His dust body fell to the ground, he was gone.
“Hawken did you see that?” shouted Andros to me.
“Yes, she is going to kill us, if we don’t to stop her somehow!” I replied running around the edge of the crater.
“How are we going to stop her? She looks too powerful for me and you to take out,” cried Andros running towards me, as we circled around the mine’s edge.
“Don’t worry. Remember Zilstarr escaped, so any minute now he will use the ocean to cover the mountain, also hopefully drowning her in the process.” I said to him.
“Let’s hope it works, otherwise we are done for!”
Suddenly I turned around and saw a mighty wave of water coming towards us. I put out my left arm to create a gap in the wall to stop me and Andros being forced back by the wave.
“Zilstarr the clever man, he’s done it,” said Andros to me, with a joyous look.
The wave covered the entire mine, drowning the Flamerites and their mother, who was trying to escape. She screamed in pain knowing she would not survive. The Flamerites were running in panic, but it was too late for them to escape. Meanwhile, the human slaves where already at the top of the hill celebrating the demise of their masters. As the water level dropped, I looked in the distance, and saw Zilstarr standing on a flat piece of stone riding another wave. He was heading for the top of the summit of the mountain that was on fire. I could not believe what I was seeing.
Then behind me and Andros, the Flamerites’ mother arose from the water, floating above it. She had survived, somehow.
“You insolent fools, you think you can destroy me that easily?” she shouted angrily. “I’m the Flamerite mother, the birth giver of them all!”
I noticed something different about her, then my mind clicked, her orange aura was not protecting her body. So, I turned to say to Andros; “let’s finish her off once and for all.” We both blinked, activating our Guzilkion abilities. Andros froze her, stopping her from moving, while I concentrated and with all my might, transformed her body to into a glass statue. “No, you cannot do this to me, you are both weaklings,” she screamed in pain as her body slowly turned to glass.
She continued to scream until her entire body was a black glass statue, floating above the lake. Then, with a flick of my finger I sent a rock flying at the statue, shouting “Have that, you bitch!” The glass started to crack, then shattered into small shards which dropped into the newly formed lake. No trace of her was left as it sunk. It was finally over! Me and Andros had put a stop to her for good.
Then we looked up at the top of the mountain and saw streams of water pouring down its slope. Zilstarr was sliding down the mountain, still standing on the flat piece of stone, laughing his head off. Me and Andros smiled as he came to a standstill in front of us. “My friends, I have invented the ocean board,” he said to us. Me and Andros looked at each other and laughed. Andros held his chest as he was in so much pain. As we stood there the slaves surrounded us, looking and wondering what we were laughing about. Then they began to look around at each other. They had been slaves for so long they had no real idea of how to live on their own.
So, from that day, we stayed there, keeping an eye out, just in case any Flamerite hosts returned to their land. We had to stop them from starting their civilisation ever again.
“Wow,” says Helen. “So, you stayed there for how long?”
“For about the next thousand years,” replies Hawken.
“So, did you meet any returning Flamerites?” she asks.
“Yeah. A lot of them did return over the years. But I think we did put a stop to them all,” he replies trying to think, did we get them all in the end?
“So, what happened next?” asks Helen again.
“All I can say is what happens next will have to wait until tomorrow. It’s very late now and I’m very tired,” he replies yawning.
“OK, I can wait till tomorrow, as it is a Saturday and I don’t work weekends unless it’s an emergency,” says Helen getting up off her couch. “Night Hawken” as she walks into her bedroom. Hawken walks rounds the couch ready to lie down on it, then he hears funny noises from the floor. “I wonder what the neighbour is up to downstairs?” he says to himself.
In the old man’s apartment, the four agents are moving the furniture around to set up the surveillance equipment to spy on Helen’s apartment above.
“Guys don’t make too much noise. We don’t want people in whole the apartment building to hear us,” cautions Agent 71.
“Sorry.” They all reply simultaneously. Agent 71 looks at them and shakes his head as he walks into the bathroom staring at the old man’s corpse lying in the bath. Agent 71 takes off his sunglasses to reveal red glowing eyes. The other agents walk up behind and take off their own sunglasses to reveal that they also have red glowing eyes. They all smile and walk back into the front room. The Flamerites have survived!
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infernalantics · 3 months
top 5 akito shinonome lines go
oughhh. this is really hard 1-5 so i’ll just compile 5 i’m sorry LOLOL
“i really am.. so glad” at the end of fawo. idk. the baggage he’s carried on his shoulders— expectations bigger than the sky, the inability to let himself feel proud or satisfied for even a moment… has washed away. not all of it, of course, we’re not at bms yet, but this line really shows how . tiring i think it was to think like this all of the time. he did want to be proud but he thought he didn’t get to do that with where he was at. aughhh. the relief. the relief in the fact he can finally look back and say that he’s worked hard without immediately shaming himself for it
“in the end… that’s what’s left” uuuuuu honestly just read. bms. it’s so good. i love him
“when i surpass rad weekend, i’ll be proud— me, myself, everything i’ve ever been” yyyyyeah this one in contrast to fawo makes me insane. to the kid who couldn’t give himself the luxury of being proud because he’s aiming so much further than where he’s at and any of his teammates could’ve done better, the fact he’s here now and on the cusp of something greater, he can look back at all of his feverish hard work and say “i’m proud of everything that got me here” … yeah
"god, buddha, whatever— when this is over, you can have all of me. but just this once, please give this to me. let me sing until i burn up, with all my strength." yeahhhhh i think everyone saw this coming. now i can actually explain why it makes me so insane though! first off thags just an insane thing to say dude. um. what. but it’s not really even a negative thing it’s more of. he’s just a guy who lives every day to the fullest, and what with his whole life/death symbolism, this only Solidifies it. kashika is a cautious line between life and death, accepting the contradiction of loving something so entirely but feeling like you are never enough for it, a step into a more self-actualized person.. crazy is like a cheer and chant of “look at me, i’m alive, my heart beats loud and proud and violently” which is the whole “heart beating 95” “ready to die” lyrics . and this line only furthers it. whatever god is out there, if i died tomorrow, at least i’d die knowing i accomplished what i devoted my life to and i could be proud. also like hey man? after this you can have all of me???? just this once please give this to me???????? also i joke abt the catholicism but i think this line does kinda imply he doesn’t believe in god. which is a hilarious thing to take out of this event. yeah of course this bitch is like I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD BUT IM SURPASSINF RAD WEEKEND RN SO . oh my god i forgot to even talk about let me sing until i burn up. yeahhhvthe fire symbolism <- said puking in my mouth. he’s so. the stupid clumsy passion that’s so much it cuts himself down in the process . “eyes so far past the horizon it hurts to look at.” “ones that don’t know how to live any other way” hhhhdhdhejekfjnfssnldnldkhdjdjdjdjsjskj. he found what he loves to do and he Will take it even if he burns up in the process. puts my entire fist in my mouth.
this isn’t an akito quote but it is related to him so it counts bc i’m blanking right now it is 9 Am I am Not built for these hours. “A lot of things made Akito angry back then. To be fair, it's not like he wanted to be angry...” toya saying this abt him makes me want to puke. once again akito is generally a guy who doesn’t like showing insecurity/weakness/sadness so a lot of this pent up feeling showing up as anger is. wgghh. like do i think that akito is just generally kind of a shithead sometimes. yeah. like sorry he’s just kind of a dick sometimes he’s blunt and he’s grumpy but i think the Anger that toya is talking abt here is Different. with how passionate akito is in everything he does, for that to be diminished over and over and over by people who continue to look down upon you.. yeah. id be angry too. but toya saying how he didn’t Want to be angry. how it was a product of the environment he was raised, how his time on vivid street actuslly was, his own mindset of his emotions… his anger issues stem from a lot of things, but it’s not like he wants to be sitting with this frustration all of the time. again, looping back to the first one, to me it’s part of the reason why he’s so relieved at the end of fawo.
anyways this was very long❤️❤️❤️ unfortunately i lovr the little orange fuck 🥞🥞🥞🥞
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florenceisfalling · 9 months
eternally fascinated by haunts so sure here goes. how do you cope with the attendees whos fear response is not fight flight fawn or freeze, but somehow flirt. since that's a phenomina ive heard talked about before on occasion.
hiiii i typed out a whole response to this last night and then fucking fell asleep and deleted it all
despite everything, i have never actually acted in a haunt! i also am not someone who flirts with haunt actors, as i am also not someone who flirts ever. i do, however, compliment actors often! not out of fear, but of delight. this usually get a response of "thank you!", ignoring it, complimenting back, or twisting it into something spooky and in-character.
for example, the first scare actor i ever interacted with had creepy colored contacts, so my initial reaction was to say, "oh, i like your eyes!", to which he said, "thanks! i like em too, that's why i stole em!" spooky and in-character! he also then pet my head and ran off to do a slider trick with sparks, and that's when i decided that i was not scared of haunts and instead was in love with this new world.
there are, of course, some differences in how actors have to handle flirting versus more general compliments or friendliness. again, i don't have personal experience with this, aside from witnessing it when in groups of strangers, but i do read/hear a lot from people who do have experience. one issue with the flirting is that people have to gauge whether or not it's all in good fun, or if it's about to become harassment. it isn't uncommon for actors to get assaulted or targeted in haunts. another issue is that, even if it is all in good fun, it's harder to tell someone's age when they're in costume or when you're in a dark room. so if someone told me theyre a flirt, either out of fear or for fun, id tell them to stick with 18+ haunts or horror events (those tend to have more actors that flirt back, or initiate flirting, too, though there are certainly flirtatious haunt characters elsewhere too. trust me. teehee.) just in case.
as far as i've seen, the general consensus is that most actors are used to it, and will handle it well in-character (whether with winking wit or by chasing you down a dark hallway with a blank stare is up to them) as long as it is lighthearted and brief so that they arent made uncomfortable or distracted. sorry if you were looking for a more personal answer! if i do become a scare actor at any point, i think my response will/would be to pretend i have no idea what they're talking about. give them that blank eyed look like a dog with its head tilted because they think you have food when youre actually holding a soap bar
thank u for asking :3
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ps heres me getting fake choked and then held kindly by one of the somewhat flirtatious (? i really dont know how to describe her whole schtick other than kinda dominatrixy and upholding politeness) characters at hex house!
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
im in a terrible mood today!!!!
first of all because i stink! i don't know why. maybe it's hormonal or i ate something or idk. but i smell so bad! not like sweat but like a general bad odor like what's going on????
secondly, the master's degree bullshit is pissing me off! i spent the whole day writing a cover letter for this shit and i hate it. thank god for chatgpt but it doesn't help as much as i hoped it could. i mean i still have to come up with dumb shit about myself and sound enthusiastic. and i hate it!!!
and then i have no idea how to even apply! everything is online, i don't understand shit. the only way to contact people is by email and i hate emails. why can't i just call or talk to someone in person so that they could explain things to me and show how it's done? apparently i need to reapply to my uni as if i were a new student. but when i enter my student number an error message pops up like "you're already enrolled". like yeah, but it said i had to do it again! then there's also a button that says "id like to reenroll" but it sends you to a fucking contact form that says "we will reply within 3 business days". so i left a message like "hello! id like to reenroll please!". what am i supposed to do???
and then, cherry on top, i was like okay i'll deal with this reenrollment shit later, let's try to apply for the specific master's program through their online application thing. and ive already talked to a couple of people about my case and asked what i should do about the english exam bc im fluent but i don't have any like technical proof of it. and everyone was like yeahh it's fineee, you don't need a certificate if you're fluent. so i go on their online application thing and i literally can't go to the next page if i don't upload the english certificate! it says "if english is your mother tongue this is not mandatory" and at the same time when i want to go to the next page it says "this field is mandatory". so what do i do? upload a blank page?? oh and wait for it! i need another certificate no one fucking told me about! guess what it is!!! a fucking iq test!!! okay not like THE iq test but a thing called gre. and i googled what it is and it's this like fucking analytical reasoning test or whatever. and it's also racist.
and im sorry, not to be all like "i have 999 iq" but i do maths okay..?? what more proof do you need that im not stupid? qUanTiTaTiVe rEaSoNiNg how about you quantishut the fuck up!?!!!? like im smart enough to do maths but not smart enough to do a fucking economics degree when economics is basically astrology for straight people.??? like give me a break. i already declined taking an actual iq test because iq is racist and i don't want to partake in racist things. and now there's this fucking gdr bullshit. and it costs 200 bucks to take!!!! for what????
anyway i sent an email like "umm i am not taking any expensive ass exams um no thanks". like dude why can't i just go to the fucking manager of the faculty or whoever the fuck and give them my cover letter and ask my questions? noooo i have to write fucking emails and fill in their fucking contact forms. like all of this could be solved in a 5 minute conversation.
also, third thing, i went to see the students union today because i have a bone to pick with my functional analysis professor. that's a whole different story. but anyway, i wanted to know if anything could be done about that. like can i possibly refuse the grade i got bc it was unfair? huge respect to the union btw, i love them, they occupied the cafeteria last year and now we have cheap lunches, it's great. and so yeah i went to see them to ask for advice and they guided me quite well but they also asked how everyone else felt about the exam in question. and i would love to know but no one in my class wanted to talk to me about it! i sent a message today, no one replied. and then this evening i insisted and guess what! one guy replied to my message like "not to be mean, but the exam was easy".
like broooo if you're a fucking functional analysis genius good for you!!! do you want a medal or what?? the guy is a child prodigy and with all due respect, i didn't ask his opinion! like good for you if you found it easy but when you're the exception to the rule maybe you should just like not ruin it for everyone! and what's with the "not to be mean"??? why did he have to phrase it like that? like he could've just said that he found it easy and that's it. now it sounds mean when you say it like that!
anyway, im stinky and angry and all i want to do is first of all take a shower but also cuddle with my ex and not think about anything and be in love and not have to worry about uni and degrees and functional analysis and all this crap. </3
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smoreboi · 2 years
tw: self harm, mentions of kms, dissociation (i think?), anything else i miss im sorry for
trying to figure out what exactly it is i said/did that got my therapist today at the end of our (third) session to ask me for the first time if id ever been diagnosed with anything or was on any mind medications, heres the top runners:
I really just wanna go skydiving before finals because I know that after jumping out of a plane, I'd be able to focus
i know what generalized upset feels like because everything feels strained and i just am incapable of speech and involuntarily hit myself when im upset, but i dont know what the difference between like, sad, angry, and unsettled is
no, when i have weeks of lows i dont ever act on any thoughts to kms, but like,, if a car was going to run into me i wouldnt do anything to stop it
when im having the higher emotions, i do more high energy motions, got suddenly excited a few weeks ago and ran a few laps around campus, and i'll typically make more involuntary motions and noises too
repeatedly referring to my consciousness, meat sack, and brain as all separate entities
i just kinda feel things, i have a really hard time understanding actual emotions
i think im typically pleased with my life, but on the regular day to day, i wouldnt so much say im happy so much as im blank, and then i'll either stay blank or take a ride through high and low emotions
when im in the serious lows, im typically not thinking anything. its too much effort so i just dont do it. mind is entirely empty when im seriously low
recently ive been using the rain as resets when i am in lows, because my self care will go down when im at a low, but at the same time, i know that if i go and lay on the ground for like 10 minutes while its raining then all functions will force me to do laundry and take a shower, same with like, drinking orange juice when i couldnt make myself talk a few days ago, i knew that drinking orange juice would give me high emotions so i did so that I could become talk capable again.
this is the stuff i can remember, it was an hour session so i know i said more
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ibgreys · 2 years
See finance quote not updating
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My best guess is that the data provided above is somehow inconsistent with the actions taken. Why didn't the total update?Īs for the GOOG updates, I have no idea what's happening there. I'm not sure what's happening with the total because the phpliteadmin screenshot shows NULL. It would appear that it is setting each row's price to 215.05 three times. To drill down a little farther, let's look at the 3 AAPL rows.
Hint: ON DUPLICATE UPDATE is your friend. On the other hand, if this is a portfolio table, then why are there multiple rows for each stock+user combination? In this case, the combination of those two fields should be used as a unique index and the row created if it doesn't exist, updated as stocks are bought and sold, and deleted if all stocks are sold. I'm thinking that if you get the ID field in the first select, then that's all you need to identify the row to be updated, since it is a unique field.Īs a side comment, if this is a transaction history table, then multiple rows for the same stock and user are appropriate, but then, why would anything in them need to be changed? Since you're allowing multiple rows with the same symbol for a given user, you need to update WHERE symbol =.
In order to get this right, the code needs to select the exact row(s) to be modified. (Not sure what's going on with GOOG, maybe you did something previously to get the same data?) This SQL code says to update the price and total for EVERY row in the table that has the given symbol. "It did exactly what I said, but not what I wanted!" -) Here is what the debugger code shows(looks ok here): DEBUG:cs50:UPDATE test SET price=1207.33, total=6036.65 WHERE symbol='GOOG'ĭEBUG:nnectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): ĭEBUG:nnectionpool: "GET /1.0/stock/aapl/quote HTTP/1.1" 200 NoneĭEBUG:cs50:UPDATE test SET price=215.05, total=430.1 WHERE symbol='AAPL'ĭEBUG:cs50:UPDATE test SET price=215.05, total=645.1500000000001 WHERE symbol='AAPL'ĭEBUG:cs50:UPDATE test SET price=215.05, total=215.05 WHERE symbol='AAPL' What am i doing wrong with my loop? rows = db.execute("SELECT symbol, shares, price, total FROM test WHERE sessionid=:id", id=session)ĭb.execute("UPDATE test SET price=:price, total=:total WHERE symbol=:symbol", price=price, total=total, symbol=quote) In the table itself, price shows the same for all rows, while total remains blank. I seem to have it mostly correct, as values are being updated properly, however all rows in table are being updated instead of just one at a time.Īs screenshot shows, it seems i am going through the loop and all 4 rows are being updated 4 times instead of each row just once. I am trying to set up to update my price and total column in my sql table. To protect your eyes at night and to get focus on the video player such as YouTube™.First time asking question, sorry if formatted badly. This to control the bar on all websites that include http, and https. This to save the settings on your local computer, and to sync it to your web browser account. This is needed for the following features: to show you the welcome and guide page, add or remove the finance bar, and to open the Options page. + Option to track the Bitcoin currency valueįinance Data is coming from the Stefan vd Finance API. + Option to add and remove your favorite stocks + Option for Asian users to invert red & green color + Real time stock information about the 'Ask', 'Percent', 'Price' and 'Market Capitalization' You can add all stock you want from NASDAQ, S&P Dow Jones, Toronto Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, etc.Ī few great features in this browser extension: It then opens a new page with a detailed information and a stock graph. If you want to know more details about that stock, you can click on the name. And it dynamically moves the stocks from right to left. You see a real time stock tracker just below the address bar of your web browser. You get real time information from your favorite stock.įinance Toolbar is a lightweight and useful add-in designed for getting a quick peek of your favorite stocks. This extension adds a toolbar below your address bar and it shows you the latest stock in the dynamic scrolling bar. Get real time stock market information about your favorite stocks.
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uwusenpaiuwu · 3 years
Sleepovers At The Baji Household feat. A Fed-Up Chifuyu
Summary: Chifuyu just wants to sleep, man, but Baji wants to be a jealous crackhead at 2 AM.
Pairing: Sano Manjiro | Mikey x Male Reader
Note(s): I had a little free time and wrote this. So, please enjoy! ALSO, to the anon that sent me a request a few days ago, I saw it and have it filed on my to-do list!!! I will definitely get to it as soon as I get a break in my schedule :)
"Chifuyu, ya wanna see some real discrimination?"
No. No, Chifuyu does not want to see what Baji means by 'real discrimination.'
Does he tell him that, though?
Yes, actually, because it's 2 in the fucking morning and, as much as he respects the other boy, he wouldn't put it past himself to smother him with a pillow after having his dream of cuddling with a sea of puppies suddenly destroyed.
Unfortunately for his sanity, Baji either doesn't hear him or, more likely than not, doesn't give a fuck, because he's already flopping onto his belly and whipping out his phone to do God knows what.
The dial tone that sounds from the speaker a few seconds later makes Chifuyu cringe, especially since it's only ever been a calm silence fit for a good night's sleep prior to Baji bulldozing through it with his absurd question. (At the very least, he's thankful that the latter has half a mind to keep the brightness on the lowest setting, otherwise, Chifuyu would have had to fight.)
On the far end of the row of carefully-laid futons, you shift in your sleep, eyebrows furrowing together at the noise. Rotating onto your side, you unconsciously reach for Baji, and just when he thinks you're being cute and trying to cuddle him, you smack him in the head.
Baji doesn't flinch, instead, takes his pillow and shoves it in your grasp to keep your unconscious self occupied, so that he can focus on getting through to the person who reuses to pick up (understandably so).
Releasing a frustrated groan after being redirected to voice mail for the fifth time, he dials the number again, muttering an impatient, "Pick up already."
Chifuyu feels sorry for the poor soul on the other end. He would've blocked someone following the first call, because again, it's-
The blond has to squint his eyes up at the digital clock on Baji's nightstand, which confirms that it's already 2:22 A.M, further solidifying the fact that he shouldn't be awake right now. And this also applies to the ever persistent first division captain, who insists on bothering who Chifuyu soon discovers is Mikey from the contact ID that flashes across the screen.
Why Baji is so keen on bothering him is a question he doesn't have the mental capacity to ponder over. The most energy he'll expend is to listen in when the call miraculously connects.
"What...?" comes a muffled voice from the receiver, tone laced in an irked grogginess birthed from a slumber rudely interrupted.
There's an absurdly loud, almost angry, roar of Mikey's name, one that has Chifuyu curling in on himself in a futile attempt to escape a sound that should be illegal at this hour.
But you know what else should be illegal?
The fucking whiplash Chifuyu gets when Baji's deep voice takes an abrupt 180°, switching from its normal gruffness to a squeaky, ear-piercing shrill as he screams, "I love you, love you, love you! Do you love me, too, Mikey-kyun~♡?!"
The room is dead silent.
Not a word. Not a murmur. Not a breath.
Just pure, unadulterated silence as both Chifuyu and Mikey process the words that hang in the air, permeating it with a goosebumps-inducing eeriness from having heard such a...a girly, overtly cutesy screech from Baji.
"What the fuck? He hung on me!"
Chifuyu opens his mouth, thinks better of reacting to the cursed scene he had the misfortune of bearing witness to, and promptly closes it.
Other people may have sleep paralysis demons.
But Chifuyu?
Chifuyu has Baji.
With both hands partially raised in prayer, he begs for the shenanigans to be over and done with.
They are not.
While his eyes remain closed in a last ditch effort to convince himself that it's all a bad dream, he hears a lot of grumbling happening on your side of the room, courtesy of Baji, who's scrambling around in search of...something. One quick peek reveals him fiddling with a phone - yours, to be exact, as evidenced by the distinctive phone charm of your favorite anime character hanging from it.
"(Y/n), wake up for a second," he hears him whisper. It takes a bit of prompting, until he's able to successfully rouse you enough from sleep to elicit any kind of response, which is, essentially, nothing short of an incoherent, slurred mess. Although, Chifuyu is pretty damn certain he heard you call Baji a 'dickhead' for the trouble.
Unperturbed, he continues shaking your limp form, coaxing you into wakefulness with, "Repeat what I tell you, and I'll let you go back to asleep. Deal?"
You squint your eyes at him, only able to make out a vague outline of his visage in the lightless room. "Promise?"
"Cross my heart, hope to die," he automatically responds with the same phrase he's become accustomed to saying whenever you two made a promise, something done purely out of habit, formed when the two of you were just kids and he wanted to get you to do something absolutely ridiculous either for him or with him. And just 'cause he knows you're more susceptible to complying if he does it, he also interlocks his pinky with yours.
The approval is his cue to proceed, and it's as he's putting the phone on speaker that he turns back to a regretfully wide awake Chifuyu, mouthing a wordless, 'Watch.'
The phone rings, loud and clear, precisely once and only once.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" It's important to note that even though Mikey still sounds tired as hell, his tone is much lighter, much happier really, than when it was Baji, which is an offense in itself to the said teen that's off to the side, attentively listening to the conversation unfold.
Then, it strikes Chifuyu, what Baji is trying to do, and fuck does it give him an instant headache.
Meanwhile, your mouth morphs into the dopiest of smiles with the pleasant surprise of hearing your boyfriend's voice, chest instantly overtaken by a warm fuzziness that never fails to make an appearance whenever he's involved. Sappy, you know, but it's true!
A light but firm nudge to your shoulder reminds you of your mission. It's too bad that, teetering along the edge of sleep as you are, the words Baji whispers are barely repeated correctly.
The initial phrase from before, the one Baji greeted Mikey with, is shortened to a simple, "You wuv I...?"
But, without missing a beat, you receive Mikey's confident reply of, "Mhm... I wuv you a lot."
There's a sleepy giggle then - a fucking giggle - before your voices drop to sweet whispers that the third and fourth wheels can't fully comprehend from where they are.
"Where the fuck was my 'I wuv you,' huh?!" Baji whisper-shouts, considerate of your conversation even when ranting and raving. "Shit, I would've taken a simple 'I love you,' too! I've known that bastard way longer than (Y/n), and this is what I get?!"
Okay. Toman's president answers his boyfriend's late night calls faster than he does anyone else's and openly expresses his love for him. So what? Chifuyu wouldn't exactly call it 'discrimination,' per se. 'Favoritism,' maybe if you wanna stretch it, but using as strong a word as discrimination, especially taking into account you two are dating; it's normal? Nah.
"You wanna say 'bye' to them? Mm. Baji and Chifuyu." A pause. "Fuyu, Mikey says 'bye.'"
"Bye, Mikey-kun."
The other person in the room waits, and waits, and waits, and when it's clear that there is no intention to address his presence whatsoever, Baji turns to Chifuyu with an almost scandalized expression, making wild gesticulations with his hands, clearly distressed. "See?!"
Blank blue eyes stare back at him, unblinking. Honestly, it's a common occurrence - Baji spiraling in a nonsensical rage - so it's easy for Chifuyu to block out the muted, jealousy-driven temper tantrum as he takes his pillow in both hands, raises it as high as he can, and-
-lets it flop right back onto his face.
He can't suffocate Baji. Shouldn't. Wouldn't. Couldn't. After all, they're best buds, meaning he has an obligation to put up with shit like this once in a while. (Plus, he'd probably get his ass kicked before he succeeds anyway. Totally not worth the beating.)
"Did you hear? Mikey said he wuvs me," he hears you drawl dreamily as soon as you hang up, sounding very close to clocking back out for the night.
"Yeah, yeah. Cute shit. Happy for ya, dude," Baji huffs. Thankfully, he sounds like he's in a similar state to yours, if the yawn that follows his sarcastic comment is anything to go by.
"...He soooo ignored you."
That warrants a punishing punch to the arm, dulled only slightly by the combination of the thick quilt you're swaddled in and the raven-haired boy's fatigue.
"I'll fucking throw you out right now, (Y/n). Don't test me."
"You won't."
"I will."
The conversation gradually dies down shortly after, the exhaustion that took its sweet time getting to both of you having reached its peak with the help of the childish bickering. It takes 10 minutes, maybe 15, before two sets of light snores fill the room.
Let it be known that there is a lesson to be learned from tonight's events. Really, there is. Y'know, something along the lines of 'Don't agree to a sleepover with Baji, if you plan on actually sleeping,' or whatever.
Alas, Chifuyu's consciousness fades before he realizes what it is.
"Mikey, be honest. Who do you love more? Me or-?"
Baji is only momentarily discouraged, sharp eyes glaring at the blond that lays his head on your lap after hi-fiving you. He didn't want to do this, but he's left with no choice.
"(Y/n) or Babu?"
From the way Mikey stiffens up, refusing to look at either him or you in the eyes, Baji knows he has him right where he wants him, has him torn between a cute face or a sweet ride.
"Oi! Don't pretend to be asleep! Answer the damn question! OI!"
(After hours of serious contemplation - even though you told him it doesn't particularly matter - it's revealed that, of course, Mikey loves you more. Babu just happens to trail behind as a very close second.)
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sports-and-fandoms · 2 years
Ok, ig im just gonna say it lol
To me, this whole kate and tyler thing seems super off and sus. It’s feeling very pr-y. Kate’s payment: a 200k ring. They break up, no money to actually link them to a pr thing except a ring. Which, btw, if a ring is given to someone it becomes theirs so tyler can’t ask for it back and she can sell it and get a nice 200k to live off of.
So, kate and tyler break up. Im not sure if it was sept of 2021, or like ages before, but im gonna go with sept of 2021 lol Then, he gets covid and i believe starts dealimg with some physical injury, im sorry im not a dallas/tyler fan so i don’t follow his life lol (feel free to help me fill in the blanks lol) idk about you, but id feel lonely if i had to go through it alone. + like i said, i don’t follow his life, but was there a scandal around that time?
In December, around Christmas, tyler and kate get back together. We’ve all seen the pics.
The rest of the season, during which tyler still sends the hoe signal (i am not calling it the bat signal. Don’t insult batman like that), ends and tyler goes home to toronto. He doesn’t take Kate with him. Which in and of itself is weird af. Like, why wouldn’t you bring your gf home with you esp if you see a future with her and want to marry her AND you know her relationship with your fam is rocky (if rumours are to be trusted)
If many of the gossip posts I’ve read are to be believed, he’s been seen with women during the off season. Which might explain why he went home alone…
Then, suddenly, the day before your bff’s (and the guy who hates your gf) bday, you announce your engagement on social media with the most staged, fake engagement video ever. Literally tasteless and dry because everything was staged and they had no chemistry.
Add to the fact that they’ve been off more than on and nobody actually seems to like her (i personally don’t care bug the kate and tyler thing is just funny to me and super sus) and the nhl’s old thinking of men with character and captain material = men in long term relationships/married and literally the complete opposite of tyler.
Im sure more stuff happened, but i just don’t know about it because i never really cared before lol
Also, im tired and about to go to bed, so this is just me rambling and i haven’t done any real research, but im intrigued ngl lol
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