#sorry i'm first best destiny posting again
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frogayyyy · 11 months ago
not a day goes by where i don't think about this chapter.
all of it but especially jim talking to nineteen year old spock and telling him to choose starfleet because he's waiting for him. in the vulcan mountains. while they're watching the sunrise.
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whenanafallsinlove · 7 months ago
i quite literally screamed when i saw ur 150 post. i’d say i wanna be the james to ur betty but betty is too good for the world, let alone any guy 😞
ANYWAY, congrats on 150 🤍 you deserve that and so much more 🪽 SAD PROSE 🖋️ touya tdrk + “with my calamitous love and insurmountable grief”
- mady 🤍🪽💿💭🐚
ahhh sorry it took this long! this was a challenge! i really hope you like this. I guess, be the betty to my betty? anyway, love u mady!
✒️"SAD PROSE" - send a character + your favorite folklore lyric, and I'll write a short blurb
Touya and you were childhood friends. You had known him since you were a toddler, because you were neighbours.
The first time you met Touya, was when you were around three years old. Your had just moved in to the neighbourhood, so your mother decided that you should greet and introduce yourselves to the family next door.
You didn't remember that moment with a lot of detail, but you recalled your mother knocking on the door, a beautiful white haired woman opening, and a little Touya peeking from behind.
From that moment on, Touya became part of your life, and you his. You practically ate, slept and breathed together. It was so common for you to be at his house, that you weren't even amazed anymore by the fact that his father was one of the biggest heroes.
To you, he was just the man who usually made your best friend cry.
Touya was homeschooled, so he always asked you what it was like to study with other people. His reality was very different to yours; he was taught by private tutors, and as he grew up, most of his free time was spent on quirk trainning with his father.
Still, you did everything that was possible so you could see him everyday. Of course, you started to spend time with his sibblings as well. Fuyumi was just a few months younger than you, whereas Natsuo and Shoto were still very little.
As the years passed, you started to comprehend better a lot of things, you started to see things that you hadn't seen before.
You saw how Touya's father had a lot of expectations on him, you saw how your best friend was getting injured because of this, you saw the way Rei was as preoccupied as you were, and you understood how impotent you were in this situation.
The only thing you could do for Touya, was hold him while he cried, help him clean his wounds, and hear him vent about his father.
Throughout the decade you had known Touya, you had seen him change. He seemed to have lost his happineess, and replaced it with a motivation to please his father's wishes.
But you always remained as his constant.
Since you met, Touya told you that he would keep you by his side forever, that when you grew up, you'd be together for the rest of your lives.
But destiny played its cards, and on a windy day in winter something happened...
"Y/N, today is the day! I'm going to show my father how a great hero I can become!" Touya said, seemingly excited.
"Are you sure Tou? I'm sure you'll be a great hero, but I'm still worried about you..." You said to your best friend. Touya scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"You sound like my mother, Y/N. I have told you not to worry, I'm stronger than my father, he has to see that!"
"I really hope he does. Just be careful, Tou!" You knew better than to push Touya. He needed to feel supported, so you gave him that.
"Yeah, whatever..." Touya shrugged, and you both stayed silent for a few seconds, before he spoke again.
"You know, Y/N? I want you to be by my side forever. I'll marry you when we're older."
"Huh!? Don't talk nonesense Tou, you're too young to decide that!" You felt your cheecks burn.
"That's why I said when we're older. I'll be the greatest hero, and I'll have the greatest best friend as my partner" Touya gave you a small smirk, so you shoved his shoulder.
"Shut up, idiot!" You said, but couldn't help the smile you had.
You both started laughing and shoving each other. In that moment, your heart burnt with intensity, but the incident that happened later that evening made it burst into a thousand ashes.
That was the last time you had seen Touya; he had made you a promise he wasn't able to fulfill. Your forever dissapeared hand in hand with him.
The years that followed didn't make it any easier, you kept telling yourself "It takes time", but deep down you knew that it was only making you ache more and more.
So, when you watched the news and saw your childhood best friend confessing to be part of the League of Villains, you entered a state of shock. You felt a mix of happiness, nostalgia, hope and depression.
You weren't sure whether he remembered you, if you could contact him or if you should just let everything stay buried. But a few days after the transmission, you found a letter in your doorstep.
It was inside of an envelope, that had "Touya" written in it. You sat down on your couch and opened it, with a hole in your stomach.
"Dear Y/N, It's been a long time, so I'm not sure if you will read this. I haven't had classes in a long of time, so don't get petty with my spelling, okay dumbass? I'm sure you're confused with all the mediatic stunts I pulled, and you may have a lot of questions, so I'll try to answer some of them. That day, after we talked, I went to the place where I had asked my father to meet me. He never showed up. I can't remember much after that; I was surrounded by fire and the next thing I knew, was that I woke up in a hospital three years after. The next years, I worked on developing my quirk. I couldn't go back home, and I couldn't go back to you. I may sound like a stalker, but I've been keeping an eye on you though. Just checking from time to time that you were okay... You know? I sometimes wonder if you would feel dissapointed for the way I turned out. I hope that deep inside you, you understand that this was my only way to get my revenge at the old bastard. You're collateral damage. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise, our field of dreams ended up engulfed in fire. Anyway, you may have been right back then. We were just kids, what we thought was for all time, was momentary. I don't have much more to say. This might be the last goodbye, please use this as closure Y/N, and don't try to contact me. I loved you, you were the loss of my life. - Touya "
With your watery eyes, you were forced to let go of Touya for the second time. Your heart filled with an emotion that you could only describe as calamitous love and insurmountable grief.
a/n: so... I know this was supposed to be only inspired by folklore, but i had to add a little ttpd for the suffering! btw this is not proof read, again! so sorry if there are any mistakes
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crowsintheforest · 2 months ago
it's been a few weeks, by the time I post this, since I finished wind and truth. mostly I wanted to write out my thoughts as best I can, think on it some more, because for the first 48h after I finished I mostly was just laying around like
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this got out of control so putting my thoughts behind a cut. tl;dr, book good, I have lots of thoughts, can't wait for 2031 or whenever we get book 6 (and also the next mistborn trilogy, ghostblood trilogy, my guy)
overall, I really liked it! sanderson makes very breezy high fantasy books: characters who are easy to love, big world-shaking plots with strong small-scale interpersonal stuff, themes of love despite the horrors, and some of the most fascinating magic systems around. we got to see a bunch of that last one all tossed together, with all the world hopping going on.
it's been really neat seeing sanderson improve as a writer. while I don't think this is necessarily my favorite sanderson book (or my favorite stormlight, for that matter), WaT shows off how much he's grown as a writer and a storyteller. using 1400 pages to maximally show 10 days of story, across multiple perspectives, nations, and worlds, gives him a lot of room to expand to a breaking point, and he manages to hold it all together, even weaving themes of the power of collaboration and interpersonal responsibility, the false promise of acceptance without responsibility, the value of redemption through choosing over and over again to change, and how kaladin stormblessed is able to be exactly where he's needed at just the right time.
(extremely minor nitpick, but I do wish he'd lay off of using literally so often)
the plot was fine, and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to keep track, even with fifteen billion things going on (if you're reading this far, you probably know what this book is about, but here's my best shot: over the course of 10 days before the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny of dalinar v odium, dalinar and navani try to figure out why Honor died and end up with the worst babysitting gig; shallan tries to do a stabby and gets sucked into said history along with rlain and renarin, who are just figuring themselves out a bit; kaladin and szeth go on a murder road trip to szeth's home of shinovar; adolin tries his best to keep azir from falling to odium's forces; and venli desperately tries to find a home for her people and herself).
that was long. so I think the easiest way for me to do this is go character by character. so let's start.
I wrote so much I'm sorry
kaladin stormblessed: my emotional support bridgeboy going out there emotionally supporting the most mentally unwell people in this book. his dance with syl was a bright spot (even as szeth got kidnapped for murdering), and he's grown so much. I called him taking the herald position pretty much from the moment it opened for szeth, but that didn't make the journey he's on any less glorious. he's finally going to get a fucking break and hopefully help himself and the others heal. herald of second chances indeed.
also kudos to kal for getting tf out of the line of succession dalinar tried to en-dad him with by fucking off to a completely separate planet. maximum avoidance of lighteyed-ness through maximum acceptance of responsibility. I love him so much.
shallan davar: comparatively, not quite the depth I would have liked for shallan? but like kaladin, a lot of her emotional growth and development was in oathbringer/RoW, so getting to see her cut loose and accept herself, and use that acceptance for maximum output/knife was great. she and kelsier are going to fuck each other up and I am going to giggle with glee.
adolin kholin: I loved adolin before this book, I loved adolin during this book, and I will love adolin forever. his journey in this book is an interesting parallel to dalinar's and kaladin's, accepting his relative lack of supernatural power but also embracing his role as a leader and a helper. he helped maya! he helped his armor spren! he helped yanagawn!!! he used a candelabra in a duel!!!!! finally, he made the leap about oaths v promises before dalinar did, which strikes me as very adolin and also deeply sad because dalinar's dead and adolin never got to tell his dad about his realizations.
quick ot3 aside: I'm not okay that it's kaladin's gifts to shallan (boots to ground her) and adolin (a sword to support him) that got them both through their wedding. I'm not okay that kaladin is the first person they think about to improve themselves, after their spouse. I'm not okay that kaladin thinks of them as inspiration, and hope, and the drink with friends he's never going to get because his body's fuckin buried in shinovar and no one knows he helped to reforge the oathpact. I'm not okay about any of this.
dalinar kholin: so that oaths v promises thing? that dalinar has to accept because, as navani told him halfway through, he's gotta listen before he jumps, even when they're in agreement? yeah. breaking his oath to force a cosmere-level intervention, and make the other shards deal with odium. trading his life, his soul, his freedom, and his legacy, so that others might survive. and he dies protecting his grand-nephew. one of my favorite war criminals in fiction. I'll miss him very much.
szeth-son-neturo: did not expect him to give up his oaths in his apotheosis. in retrospect, very well foreshadowed, and I love that it is a decision that he took into himself, with hope for a future he never thought he deserved. his pokemon trainer journey through shinovar had some great fights in it, but idk, for all that he was the flashback character this time around, I don't feel like I learned anything new about him. maybe this is the end of his story, and I'm okay with that. hey sando can we meet his wife in the next books, she seems cool (and helped him bury kaladin's body for their first interaction, that's wild).
navani kholin: needed more of her. not sure how, and what we got was good, but...agh. I think she suffers the most from the condensed timescale post-RoW.
gavinor kholin: lol sanderson pulled an angel-and-conner on us. I had to put the book down for this one, I was giggling so hard for the wrong reasons. goofy ass twist my guy. based on a rugpull of navani losing the kid that I didn't entirely accept. can't wait for adolin to run into him in the future
sigzil: reading this book after reading the sunlit man was an exercise in emotional devastation and I will never get over sigzil finding himself, finally, and then willingly giving it up to save his spren and his comrades. fuck moash, seriously.
lift and vasher: what a duo. good luck with this one, vasher, you're going to train up a terror. you deserve it, after, what, Mad Sciencing your way to anti-light? for someone so smart, you're a dumbass.
hey btw where is vivenna, can't wait for that reunion (aka vivenna trying to gut vasher, which he deserves, what the fuck were you doing with gavilar my dude)
renarin kholin and rlain: much like navani, I feel like they kind of got the short shrift, although theirs feels less bad I think? navani felt like her continuation got cut short, but renarin and rlain both feel like their story is just beginning. which is probably the point? anyways, I like them both very much, more please. gay love saved the planet.
venli: really liked where we ended up with venli, who not only came to terms somewhat with her past devastation against her own people, but made the call to reach out to her enemies in order to forge peace. something about renarin and rlain's decision for a chance for the future via freedom of the imprisoned over continued oppression in the name of stability; paralleling venli and the singers' choice to reach out to jasnah, their oppressors and enemies, to mark their own space and nation? it's so good. I'm probably the most excited about this particular plot/nation-building moving forward.
thaidakar: kelsier what the fuck are you doing and why did you inquisitor one of your eyes, you know what happened to your brother (oh no now I'm sad about mistborn series 1 again)
jasnah kholin: you know what I realized, writing all this up, that led to jasnah's downfall? she hasn't really changed this whole series so far. journey before destination, you know? unlike pretty much everyone else, she thought she'd already finished her journey. she's the fourth ideal pretty much before the series even starts (maybe? I might be wrong), she's the smartest person in the world, she's taken steps to fill what she thinks is her weakness (strength on the front lines). but she never acknowledged that she could be fatally flawed, that she made terrible mistakes in what she thought was good, and never reconsidered her position as potentially hypocritical. I know we're getting jasnah flashbacks late in the series, so I'm excited to see where she goes in the future, but boy her shit got rocked by fen and odium.
hoid: lol. lololol. looooooooool.
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brain-rot-central · 1 year ago
A preview of something I'm currently working on.
Born from an idea that Astarion would struggle immensely in the first few months after the events of the game. Healing trauma is rarely ever linear; there are many ups and downs to trek through before making it to the other side with newly found knowledge and strength.
Astarion's story encompasses so much of what one does to just survive when that's all they have left. This is a take on what his first few months post-main story might be like.
TW: references to disordered eating, abuse, adult themes, depression, poor mental health. Absolutely not "cute, cuddly Astarion." Our boy is sad, here.
You've saved Baldur's Gate from the Cult of the Absolute, destroyed the Netherbrain, and removed Cazador from the realm of the living. You both weren't sure what would come next. Your feelings for one another bloomed on the battlefield, fighting side by side. Neither of you knew if you'd see the following day, or what that day would bring. 
Your fires burned brightly, intertwining out of a mutual desperation to live. To be free of every puppet master pulling at the strings of your destiny. To return to living a life that was truly your own.
Yet, now that it was here…
Both of you were clueless how to navigate the aftermath.
You'd agreed to an attempt at cohabiting. Astarion had his reservations at the beginning, though he’s since thawed to the idea. As for yourself, it took a bit of time for you to adjust to living with another person. 
You lived alone prior to the Nautiloid. You were an urchin, having grown up on the streets of the Lower City for much of your life. You kept various blades hidden throughout your dwelling on the off chance an unwelcome visitor decided to drop by overnight. Astarion found most of them not long after moving in with you. He was slightly unsettled, but stated whimsically that he'd think twice before upsetting you going forward.
It had been months since the defeat of the Netherbrain, though Astarion still harbored many doubts. He'd often struggle with intense feelings of inadequacy and shame. He’d be ridden with such intense guilt that he'd lock himself away in your study for days, slipping out quietly during the night to hunt. He didn't dare let you see him in such a state.
And he didn't hunt often during these particular odd spells. Astarion will use his insatiable hunger as a form of self-discipline, purposely starving himself for days on end.
It's a repeating cycle. You don't quite understand why he does this to himself, and your attempts at getting him to speak never succeed. You settle on giving him space as being the best course of action.
When he inevitably emerges from his isolation, a different sort of hunger envelops him.
He seeks you out from your place within the house. Arms wrap around your waist from behind, and you feel the weight of him fall against your back. He buries his face in your neck, and you hear him inhale a shaky breath.
“Oh, hello,” you say to him, softly. “Are you feeling better?” You turn your body within his arms to face him. You push yourself onto the tips of your toes and nuzzle your nose against his.
He groans in mild protest and closes his eyes as you kiss the tip of his nose. “Somewhat,” he replies. He casts his eyes to the floor. “Missed you,” he says quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Guilt clouds his eyes as he stares at the ground. “I missed you, too, Astarion.” He winces his eyes as you speak, his brows furrowing. Your words pain him, though you never quite understand why.
“I… I-I’m sorry,” he says with a shaky breath. You feel his hands begin to roam up your back. He grasps handfuls of your dress within his palms.
You step back from his hold, his expression dropping and his eyes staring wildly into yours. He's beginning to panic, overwhelming feelings of disgust and rejection displayed on his face. He's ready to run. He needs to hide again.
You bring your hands up to clasp each side of his face. “Astarion, listen to me,” you tell him, sternly. “I don't know what's going on in your head all of the time, but I'm here.” You guide his forehead down to rest upon your own. “You do not need to apologize for your darkness. I am here.”
The panic in Astarion's eyes begins to settle, and the tension ebbs from him. You step closer to him, still holding his face. Your lips graze his, and suddenly he's on you. One of his hands holds the back of your head and he crashes his lips onto yours, pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth.
He asks to deepen your kiss with gentle passes of his tongue, and you part your lips and accept him into your mouth. Your arms come up to wrap around his neck and you moan into his mouth.
“Need you,” Astarion begs between kisses. “Please, darling.” His voice is hoarse and rushed.
You pull your mouth from his, a small string of saliva connecting your lips in a brief moment. ‘“Do you hunger?” you ask, resting your forehead once more against his.
“Always,” he breathes out.
“Take me, then.” You kiss him gently once more. “Lose yourself in me, tonight.”
He shutters above you, hearing the same words he's deceived you with once before. He played a game in the beginning. Had a carefully thought out plan, designed to have you within his thrall. His plan fell through horrifically, and these same honeyed words now carry a more significant meaning.
Living with Astarion is intense, to say the least. Cyclical.
Nights of passion come in waves where you lay panting together, letting the breeze cool your sweat-soaked bodies. The only sounds heard during your couplings are the repeated slapping of his thighs meeting your behind with each of his thrusts, and your wanton moans as his length drags deliciously against the inner walls of your cunt. He fucks his apology into you thoroughly, and you couldn't be more happy to accept it.
This part of the cycle always starts off the same. You inform him that you're going to freshen up, and make your way into your shared bath. Astarion takes this as an opportunity to make your otherwise drab bedroom inviting for the coming main attraction. He places candles around your bedroom, lighting them as soon as he hears you stepping into the tub.
He blots on a bit more of his signature cologne: bergamot, brandy, and rosemary. He knows you enjoy this scent, knows that it brings you comfort. He strives to please you in every way possible, especially if it means making such a selfless act more enjoyable for you. He wears his ruffled blouse untucked, and loosens the laces of his trousers just enough to allow for what's to come.
You’re freshly bathed, a towel wrapped around your torso as you emerge from the bath. You enter your shared bedroom while drying your hair with a smaller bath towel, looking around to survey the soft ambiance of the room.
You see Astarion laying out on your bed. He's laying on his side and your eyes meet, the flickering candlelight causing his eyes to shine like gemstones. His eyes are hooded as he watches you move toward the bed.
You sit on the edge of your shared bed, feeling a faint flush spread across your face as you hold his gaze. Astarion glides a hand over the space on the bed next to him, a clear invitation for you to come closer. Your breath hitches and you bring your hands up to undo the towel covering your body.
You watch his eyes narrow as he follows the towel fall freely off your chest. His chest rises as he sucks in a sharp breath, his eyes scanning over your now-bare form. You feel paralyzed within his sight, though also proud. His reaction to viewing your naked form is similar with each encounter, solidifying that this is likely genuine. The thought brings you a sense of peace, willing you forward.
You begin to climb onto the bed and toward your vampiric lover. The bed dips beneath your palms and an all too familiar scent floods your nostrils, becoming stronger as you inch closer to him. You realize then that Astarion had reapplied his cologne while you were in the shower, just for you. The smell is intoxicating. So enticing, that you mindlessly continue crawling toward yet another brush with death.
A rush of uneasy energy surges through you as you reach Astarion. You fold your legs under you, and shaky hands come up to gently cradle both sides of his face. His eyes are molten lava that is melting through your core. He’s refuted your past claims of him charming you prior to these encounters, and your doubts continue for this very reason.
On these nights, your body becomes his. His to possess and manipulate however he pleases. You subjugate yourself to him, trusting him to take only as much as he needs from you. Trusting him to take you through the night and deliver you safely to the dawn. He's been honorable, thus far.
Though, there is always a time for everything.
His hand comes up to cover your own on his cheek. Astarion turns his face into your hand, kissing your palm. “Are you sure you want to do this, love?” he asks. His voice is a soft whisper.
Ruby red eyes glare up at you through hooded lids. His expression is soft, pleading. You quickly realize he's asking for more than what he's said. It's the one question he's never dared to put to words, though asks repeatedly in other ways.
You sigh and nod your head. You know the question he truly is asking, one that he's yet to ever form into words. “Yes, Astarion. I trust you. I trust you to not lose control.”
He seeks the constant reassurance that you accept him as he is. A constant reminder that he is more than the monster Cazador created.
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bleach-your-panties · 1 year ago
💔the pathological liar - pro hero! yo shindou x fem! pro hero! gf! reader
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warnings: characters aged up to 20+, lying, cheating, arguing, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual activities, non-con (reader does say no), dub-con, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, name-calling, physical struggles, physical fighting (one-sided, so assault?), reader has a smart ass mouth and is kinda toxic as well, slight!yandere!yo, toxic relationships, toxic mindsets, false imprisonment, triggering subject at the end. read at your own risk!
☠️: some dialogue/actions inspired by true events.
💔: banner images from pinterest. 
💔: banner made by me with canva. 
post themes: say my name - destiny's child
                      confessions, parts I & II - usher
                      take a bow - rihanna
                      shake it off - mariah carey
💔 3.5k words
💔read in dark mode for best experience!
🖤series 🖤touya.
I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be no reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
When you're saying everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth?
If somebody's there, then tell me who
"Baby, ain't nothing good. It's all bad."
'Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system: 
"Shindou, Yo". Cannot come to the phone right now, please leave your message at the tone-'
Before the recording could finish, you were throwing your iPhone across your bed as you shrugged your backpack off of your shoulders.
Your boyfriend, Yo Shindou, never answered his phone when you called. Never when you called, but he'd always immediately send a text or call you back hours later, claiming that his phone was dead or that he'd misplaced it somewhere at the agency. 
Like now, for example. 
'Sorry babe, got caught up in something last minute at the agency. Call you back when I'm home. Love you.'
You scoffed as you read over the message.
You wouldn't be getting a call back, that much you knew for certain.
With a sudden urge to be petty, you texted back:
'Something like what, Yo? Another bitch's pussy? Yeah, people at my agency are starting to talk and guess who's the topic of conversation? Just know that the label of 'cheating boyfriend' won't do your "picture perfect" image any justice. Bitch.'
After hitting send, you tossed the phone back onto your bed and that was where it would lay until you got out of the shower. 
As soon as your bathroom door closed, the phone vibrated with another text. 
'Oh, so we're doing this shit again? Bet. I'll be over in 20.'
After moisturizing your body and putting on some pajamas, you climbed into bed and pulled out the book that you'd been reading. Leaving your phone discarded somewhere in the covers.
It was starting to get to one of the more interesting parts when a chorus of loud, booming knocks came on your front door.
"Who in the fuck?" You threw the covers back furiously and slipped your fluffy slippers on. 
You walked out of your room and down the hallway, the beating at the door only growing more intense as you sucked your teeth.
"I'm coming, dammit!"
Pulling the door open without checking the peephole first would be your first mistake of the night.
When the messy mop of dark locks, green/yellow hero uniform, and chiseled pecs came into your view, you immediately tried to slam the door shut. Yo wasn't having any of that.
He grabbed the edge of the door, wedging half of his body inside of your apartment before he pushed it forward with force, making it slam and bounce off of the wall. 
Once his boots made contact with the carpeted floor of your apartment, you took multiple steps back, putting about two feet of distance between the two of you.
"What's wrong, baby? You don't look too happy to see me."
Scoffing harshly, you bit your bottom lip between your teeth as you glared up at him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Beating on my goddamn door like you've lost your mind. Thought you were caught up in something? That just goes to show that all you do is fucking lie. You bitch." 
Yo just looked at you with his face scrunched up. He was clearly irritated with your antics, especially the name-calling. Kicking off his boots, he began to walk towards you. 
"Stop fucking being difficult, Y/N. You know, baby, if you missed me and wanted some dick, all you had to do was ask nicely." 
He said in that irritating, condescending tone that he always uses when talking to those that he feels are beneath him. You being one of those. Even though you're a pro-hero just like he is. 
Not believing what you were hearing, your mouth dropped open. You could feel the blood begin to rise in your ears, loud and whooshing against your skull. 
A dry chuckle then left your lips. 
"You think…that all of this is because I want some dick? Trust me, sweetie, if I just wanted some dick I could go get it from any one of your co-workers. A lot of them have been giving me the eye, you know. Especially since you're never around and I just changed up my hero uniform, so the skirt is short-" 
Yo cut you off by grabbing you by the biceps and yanking you towards him, making you stumble and throw your arms out to try to balance yourself before he then slammed you up against the wall. 
"Don't fucking play with me, Y/N. If you know what's good for you, you'll think twice about trying to entertain one of those bastards. Especially-" 
"Especially who? Bakugou? Oh, he'd be my first choice if I were to step out on you." You smirked up at him. 
He snarled. Your smirk widened as you could physically hear him grinding his teeth. 
Yo was quiet for a moment, just glaring at you as you stared right back at him with a bored look on your face. You even went as far as to yawn.
"Yeah, it's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, huh?" 
He didn't answer, but instead pulled you off of the wall and hoisted you up over his shoulder. A big hand came up and smacked forcefully against your ass. 
"That's alright. I know how to fix you." He chortled darkly, moving away to begin walking down the hallway to your bedroom. 
"I don't want your community ass dick! Put me down, Yo!" 
He just ignored you and kicked open the door to the room. 
"Sure you don't. You always do this shit to get my attention, Y/N. Catch an attitude, start a stupid ass argument, and then I fuck it out of you. Same shit, different goddamn day, baby." 
Yo said after tossing you onto the bed, making your forgotten phone flop onto the floor. He gave it a puzzled look. 
"Oh, so that's why you seemed so surprised to see me. You didn't read my text." 
He chuckled, reaching to grab your hip to flip you over onto your stomach as if you were a pancake. 
Rough hands began to caress your feet, ankles, and legs, all the way up to your inner thighs and bottom of your ass cheeks, just under the hem of your nightdress. 
"No panties? Yeah, you were definitely planning on getting dicked down tonight, you needy little slut." 
Your back arched off of the bed at the painful stinging of Yo's slaps. His hands felt heavy as lead as they connected with your soft flesh. 
"Where are you going? Thought you liked when I spank you, huh?"
Yo wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you back when you tried crawling up the bed to escape him.
"Stop it, Yo…hurts…" You whined. 
"It hurts, Yo, please stop." He mocked. "Stop being a fucking brat, then."
He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making you moan out involuntarily. 
"Moaning like this but you don't want my dick? I bet you're dripping fucking wet for me right now, Y/N. Dare me to check?"
You didn't respond, which prompted Yo to do as he suggested and slip two fingers underneath you between your ass cheeks to get to your slick folds.
"Damn baby, all this for me, yeah? Only me."
He growled. With his large hand, he covered your entire bare pussy and activated his Quirk.
A harsh shiver wracked through your entire body, another soft moan leaving your lips. Yo only pressed harder, moving his fingertips to graze over your clit repeatedly.
"Y-Yo…please, daddy…" You whined, making him smirk down at you. He increased the vibration of his fingers along with rubbing your clit from side to side.
"Say you're sorry for bringing up Bakugou and I might let you feel this fat dick next..." Yo rested his upper body against your back and snaked his free arm under you to hold you up off the bed just a bit.
"No..I'm…n-not sorry. I meant it. Oh fuck!" 
Yo grimaced before grabbing you and flipping you back over onto your back. 
"What did you say?" 
Your e/c eyes were wet with unshed tears as you frowned up at his handsome face. You didn't falter.
"You heard me." 
"I thought I told you that if you know what's good for you, you won't even think about that motherfucker!" He seethed.
"I obviously don't know what's good for me if I'm still fucking around with you!"
Before you knew what was happening, Yo had pinned you to the bed by your throat. Moving between your legs, he used his knees to spread them.
"Yo, stop!"
"Shut up, bitch. You'll learn to stop pissing me off one day."
His belt hit the bed as he undid it, his black pants and underwear soon following it. You tried to pull your legs up, but he surged forward, pushing his hard dick inside you with one thrust.
Head falling back against the soft mattress, you couldn't help but keen as Yo began a rough, fast pace. He gripped your calf to pull you closer and stretch you open wider for him.
"Yes, Yo…right there! I'm going to cum!" 
Yo grunted in response, trying to hold back from cumming himself.
"Yeah, baby? My fingers got you all ready to cum on my dick? Let it go then, oh shit." 
He sped up even more, making your free breasts bounce outside of your nightgown and the headboard hit the wall. It already had a small dent in it from your previous heated romps, but neither of you seemed to care very much.
It could be painted over once you moved out.
"Oh God, I…!" 
Your release splashed against Yo's pelvis and drenched the sheets beneath you.
"Ah, fuck. Yeah, made that little pussy squirt, huh? Stay still for me, baby. I'm about to nut." 
Your eyes widened. "Yo, no. You're not wearing a condom and I haven't replaced my NuvaRing yet!" 
It had been out for five days now while you waited on your doctor to send in a new prescription. 
That didn't stop him. Either he was too deep into his impending orgasm to hear you, or he was flat out ignoring you. 
Blind fury clouded your vision while Yo's was clouded for a completely different reason altogether.
"Damn…" He breathed out, making sure to stay deep inside you until he was finished cumming.
Once you got your bearings, you sat up abruptly, making Yo stumble back onto his elbows. He sucked his teeth once he saw your angered face. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't want to have my baby?"
"Yo, we're both in our early 20's at the height of our hero careers. We're nowhere near ready for a damn baby!" 
The raven-haired man was about to respond until a soft, vibrating sound silenced the both of you.
You slowly swung your legs over the side of the bed, searching for the source of the noise.
Bending down, you surveyed the floor briefly. Your forgotten cell phone lay halfway underneath the bed.
It's not your phone going off. 
Yo could've been mistaken for a ghost; you watched his face blanch white while he patted the pockets of his discarded pants searching for the missing device.
A race against time, but you spotted it first.
With the rectangular device being tangled in your covers, Yo almost knocked you off the bed trying to get to it, but you were way faster than him. It was already in your hand.
tatas💕: my appointment is at 3pm tomorrow. are you going to be able to make it?
You scrunched your nose and swatted Yo's hand away while reading the text.
"Appointment? What is this about, and why does Tatami need you there?"
Cold e/c eyes turned to stone while you watched Yo fidget nervously. This is one of the only times you've seen him like this; the other when he asked you out for the first time.
"Y/N…do you love me?"
"What kind of question is that, Yo? If I didn't, would I still be with you?"
Your nose scrunched. Something isn't right…
You knew all about Tatami. Yo's ex-girlfriend from high school. He told you that he broke it off during their third year because she was becoming too clingy. You'd even met her once, when you had a joint mission with her agency.
"Say you'll never leave me?"
Oh hell no. He was asking too many questions now.
"What did you do, Yo? Huh?!" 
He just hung his head. His phone vibrated again in your hand. 
Everything that I've been doing is all bad
I've got a chick on the side
With the crib and the ride 
I've been telling you so many lies 
Aint none good, it's all bad
And I just wanna confess, it's been going on so long 
Girl I been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that 
"Everytime you called my phone, I wasn't at the agency working overtime…I..I was with Tatami."
A long, loud sigh left your lips. Your free hand came up, knuckles resting against your forehead.
I don't want to look, but I know I have to…
"Y/N.." Yo warned.
new message
"Y/N, please, baby…"
tatas💕: i know the doctor said that we won't know the sex until about 20 weeks, but i can't help being so excited! we're possibly going to have a little yo running around soon! 👶🏻
Your grip on the phone tightened. 
If I could turn back the hands of time 
And start all over I would
Instead of everything being all bad, baby
Everything'll be all good
I know today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit, girl 
"Y/N, I'm sorr-" 
Your knuckles that you'd been resting against your forehead went across Yo's face at the speed of light. You punched him hard as hell in his face, making him tumble over and off the foot of the bed. The sight would've been hilarious if you weren't so fucking pissed.
"I knew I was right…." You chuckled. "I fucking knew it. You knew that she was pregnant, too. You've known for months."
Yo looked up at you with big, watery eyes full of regret. Almost like he was a different person entirely. 
One hand clutched his throbbing cheek. You'd hit him so hard that his lower lip busted. His perfect face would soon be discolored black and blue, across his forehead, nose (that was also bleeding now), and right eye.
"I'm sorry! Baby, I'm sorry!" 
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YO! YOU'RE ONLY SORRY BECAUSE YOU GOT FUCKING CAUGHT!"  You raged. You lunged off the bed at him and started hitting him everywhere, as hard as you could. You even grabbed two handfuls of his black hair and yanked his head around.
Yo finally grabbed your arms and pinned them against your chest. You'd grown exhausted, so you just let yourself fall against his naked chest.
A bitter chuckle, then the tears, hot and angry. You couldn't hold them any longer as you looked up at Yo, staring at his swollen, beaten face.
"You're so fucking ugly when you cry. What the fuck are you crying for, huh? I'm the one that got cheated on. Lied to, played with, manipulated." 
"Not only did you fucking lie to me and cheat on me, but you fucked around and got the bitch pregnant, too. This has got to be a joke."
Yo slowly crawled up from the floor with you in his arms, blood dripping down his nose and lip, staining the carpet, then the bedsheets while you covered your face with your hands and sobbed. 
He cradled you gently and laid his head against yours, lips kissing at the temples.
"Baby, please…we can work this out. I don't love her. I love you, but I…I still want to be there for the baby…"
Your brokenhearted wails only increased in volume.
"Don't cry, baby. I promise I'll be here for you and our baby, too."
Three Months Later 
Yo made good on his word to be there for you.
Shortly after his "confession", you found out that you were pregnant as well.
Tatami is currently six months along, while you're only three.
Turns out that all of this was a part of Yo's twisted plan. 
Instead of your late birth control being due to your doctor's or the pharmacy's incompetence, it was Yo who called the doctor's office pretending to be your husband and had them cancel your refill request. 
Yo then demanded suggested that you take time off from hero work while you were carrying his child, which you slightly agreed with, but still did so with reluctance.
You don't know how he did it, but you guessed being one of the top 20 heroes carried with it a lot of weight for him to be able to take off enough to make it to all of yours and Tatami's appointments.
He even moved you out of your apartment and into his. Into your own room. 
The reason that you had your own room was because Tatami ended up losing her apartment due to being out of work, so Yo moved her in as well. 
With the way that the living arrangements had been set up, you and Tatami might as well have been sister wives.
To attempt to keep things "fair" between the both of you, Yo would designate certain nights where either of you would get to sleep in the room with him. So neither of you would feel neglected by him.
His heart was in the right place, wasn't it? 
Even when you could clearly hear the whispered moans and soft creaking of the bed from Yo's room on Tatami's nights.
No matter how you tried to make yourself not hear it. 
Yo didn't want you stressing out, he claimed, so he bought you many expensive gifts and gadgets to help you get a good night's rest.
None of them worked. 
Not when the walls in that apartment were paper thin.
Many nights you cried and raged to yourself. 
Obviously all of that stress wasn't healthy for the baby.
Which leads you to today.
A pair of dark sunglasses hiding your eyes along with a long trench coat and hat to conceal the rest of your persona.
They were loud and jarring as you walked in, but your world had gone numb three months ago. Now you were trapped inside your own world as you stepped up three flat steps into a white, brick building. 
A ghost clutching a brown clipboard only made the atmosphere even gloomier before whisking you away from the judgemental eyes and into a plainly decorated room with blue walls.
She read over the papers first then handed the clipboard to you, one more questioning look being shot your way. 
You just gave a simple nod.
"You have reached the voicemail box of L/n, Y/n. I can't come to the phone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"
Yo sighed heavily and put his head in his hands before standing up to walk out of your completely barren bedroom.
Before he closed the door, he whispered softly,
"Why, Y/n?" 
Your location on his phone showed him exactly where you were.
Gotta make that move 
Find somebody who
Appreciates all the love I give
Boy, I gotta 
Gotta do what's best for me
Baby and that means I gotta shake you off
a/n: i think this piece was a pretty strong start to the series! i'm really proud of it! stay tuned, there's plenty more bullshit to come!
*remember, if you get angry enough at your partner that you feel like wanting to put your hands on them, just walk away! 
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tmrwsuns · 17 days ago
(𐙚⋆.˚) destiny's day !
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✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ [seeun x reader] ...୨♡୧... wc. 1.6k w. curse words! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
to be honest, you had never been quite fond of valentines.
you thought of it as an overpriced holiday with no real sentiment to celebrate… and you had never had anyone to spend it with, clearly, and this year wouldn’t be any different. 
It's not like you were embarrassed about being single, but you couldn't deny it was hard to deal with the loneliness that was always magnified by a thousand by the million couples posting their undying love for each other.
For that reason, you found yourself clad in hello kitty printed pajama pants and an oversized hoodie as you laid on the couch of your cozy home, snacks littered all over the table while you looked through the romantic comedy section of whatever streaming site had come up first. it had become a tradition to watch the cheesiest movie you could find and stuff your mouth with candy as you closed away from the sure nightmare that would be social media the entire day. 
putting on your favorite movie, you cuddled up to your covers and settled to enjoy the evening. That was until the sound of the doorbell ringing caught your attention, making your brows furrowed in confusion. you weren't waiting for anyone.
Still, you stood up; wrapping the pink covers around your shoulders before opening the door. you were met with a smiling boy in uniform that held the biggest bouquet of peonies you had ever seen.
“this is for you ma’am, happy valentines!” he exclaimed, his smile just a little too happy to be real. “i just need you to sign here and we’ll be done” what.
“I'm sorry, uhm, harua?” you spoke after reading the name tag that adorned his chest. “but this isn’t for me” “it sure is, ma’am. this is the address i was given” he nodded “if you could just sign here” harua pressed as he attempted to hand you the paper once again.
“i’m sorry, but my love life is as dry as chicken i overcooked last night” you repeated, shaking your head.
the handsome boy couldn't help but let out a small laugh at your sentence, trying to compose himself quickly before speaking again. “maybe you have a secret admirer” he shrugged, his smile seemingly more genuine now. “look, this is the last thing i have to deliver before i can go meet my girlfriend.” the look he gave you told you everything you needed to let out a heavy sigh.
“okay, i’ll sign it” you nodded, grabbing the paper from him and signing where he had circled. “go get your girl”
“thank you so much, enjoy the flowers” he bowed before turning away and walking off hurriedly. 
you stared at the bouquet with a slightly exasperated look. what were you supposed to do with those now? it was a beautiful arrangement, but it didn’t belong to you and it wasn’t fair to keep them. as you analyzed the bouquet you noticed a small piece of paper buried between the beautiful petals of the peonies. of course,  a note.
happy valentines, my love. i hope you like these, see you tonight!!
— blue<3
you squinted your eyes in thought for a couple seconds until it hit you. your next door neighbour, yujun had been in a relationship ever since you had moved in next to him, having introduced you to his girlfriend once in passing when his best friend had almost knocked you out of balance accidentally. of course the flowers were meant for him. 
letting out one more sigh, you left the covers on the couch before heading out of your apartment to knock on yujun’s door to give them the flowers. however, when the door opened it wasn’t the same kind smile that always did, but a tall frame with a cocky smile and lazy eyes that stretched like he had just woken up.
“oh?” the boy spoke, leaning against the doorframe “flowers? yn, you shouldn't have.”
you rolled your eyes at his words, pushing the flowers to his chest. “not for you, seeun, for yujun.”
“he has a girlfriend, i thought you knew this” he said without missing a beat, making you bite back a groan.
“of course they aren’t from me, they just got delivered to the wrong door” you deadpanned, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your reaction.
“i know, i’m only joking,” he smiled, and you tried to ignore how pretty the sight was as he looked you up and down. “you don’t look like you’ve been celebrating valentines.”
“jee, thanks” you said as you tried to hand him the flowers once again.
“you can keep those and we can pretend they're from me, you know, make your day better” 
you scoffed at his words. who did he think he was? “just take the flowers, seeun” 
“yujun is not even home, come on, i wont tell” seeun spoke again, still not even pretending to grab the flowers.
“are you seriously suggesting i steal his valentine’s gift?” you asked incredulously.
“i’m suggesting you clearly need it more than him,” he grins.
“oh, you’re too kind” you said sarcastically before crouching down to set the flowers down by his feet. “please hand these over when he gets home.” before he could say anything you turned around to walk back into your house, living a greening seeun behind.
it wasn't long until you were back on the safety of your couch, trying to shake away the butterflies that hung around after seeing the familiar boy that frequented the neighboring apartment so much.
however, the doorbell rang again and your peace was interrupted for the second time that day. an hour had passed and the movie was almost over when you had to get up again to answer the door.
nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight you were met with. seeun stood by the door with a large bouquet of pretty blue flowers and a wide grin decorating his lips. 
“hey” he stated far too casually, as if him being there was a normal occurrence.
“hey?” you asked, subconsciously wrapping the duvet tighter around your body.
“since you refused the flowers, i figured I’d give you new ones and complete the valentine’s package. dinner?" he asked in return, holding out the bouquet for you to hold.
you blinked “is this a pity date?”
“of course not, no” he shook his head immediately, honesty shining in his eyes. “just destiny doing its thing, i’d say.”
his words made you smile unconsciously, not being able to resist the butterflies that swarmed your stomach.
“yes, woman, destiny” he rolled his eyes with amusement, a hint of red showing in his cheeks. “now, would you do me the honors of coming with me or am i going to give these flowers to yujun too?”
a chuckle escaped your lips as you shook your head, grabbing the flowers from him and holding those to your chest.
“i think ill keep these ones” you smiled. “now, what time are we thinking for dinner?”
“yujun didn’t think you’d say yes, you know” seeun spoke from the opposite side of the table as you sat in a cute little restaurant hours later.
“to be fair, the only thing i’ve ever called you around him has been “the tall annoying one”” you commented, a teasing smile on your lips.
“wait, i thought i was the handsome one!” he exclaimed as he furrowed his eyebrows “who is it if its not me?”
“it's obviously the shorter one with the black and white hair” you answered as if the question had been the dumbest thing to ask.
“minjae?” seeun asked incredulously. “he’s old! and short!”
you couldn't contain the laugh that bubbled up from your chest at the boy’s reaction. “that doesn’t mean he isn’t handsome,” you shrugged.
the honey eyed boy mocked you quietly before speaking again. “okay, sure, but i'm handsomer.” he ensured, “right?”
“just for today i’ll let you have it,” you nodded.
seeun cheered softly as a smile replaced his previous pout. “i just keep winning today, what a day”
“what else did you win today?” you asked curiously, tilting your head slightly in question.
“well, i got a discount in the morning because i got a valentine’s day special for me and yujun; then i asked this girl i have a crush on on a date —you might know her, actually— and she called me the handsomest guy to have ever existed” he counted, his eyes never leaving yours.
your heart skipped a beat inevitably at his charming way of speaking, giving way for a shy smile to find its way to your lips.
“sounds like your lucky day” you commented, trying not to squeal as your only response.
“you’ve made it so” he grinned once again, making your eyes roll again, affectionately this time.
“you’re cheesy.” 
“and you’re pretty.”
“you’re prettier” you commented, enjoying the way he immediately went silent after you spoke. “wanna know something crazy?” “uhm, sure, what is it?” he asked, falling out of his previous daze.
“that guy delivered the flowers today,” you pointed towards a table where your former delivery boy sat with his presumed girlfriend.
“shit, destiny is really going at it today.”
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★ blue's corner ;; small one shot as a valentine's gift !! i had this idea and couldn't think of anyone but seeun.... ★ taglist ;; @tiramisumin @astrasng @xikskrrrs ★ back to the masterlist. ★ please do not copy, adapt or steal any of the content !!!
© tmrwsuns, 2025
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fimmiest · 2 years ago
beautiful feeling - hong eunchae x gn!reader
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sypnosy: with the wrong impression that chaewon was going to scold you, you got surprised when all she said is that you have a thing for hong eunchae.
tags: eunchae x 6th member!reader; reader 04' line; fluff (?)
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"So..." chaewon started after all the members left and it was just you and chaewon on the practice room. you knew she was tired as you were, and you didn't force chaewon to stay and practice with you, but when she said 'of course, which leader would I be if I didn't help my members' you knew something was off, she didn't pulled the leader card until it was something serious.
And so, knowing it you did what you did the best. tried not to mind and ignore her so chaewon would be distracted and will probably even forget the situation!
You hurridily started the song before she could say anything more but knowing you better chaewon was quick in pause it and she turned to glare at you serious
"y/n." she starts and you were waiting for a scold but what chaewon said caught you off guard.
"I think you're in love"
"with eunchae."
"Look I'm not judging" she started serious as ever, looking deeply in your eyes "But everytime you look at eunchae you have this glint in your eyes.." she completed with a more soft expression and got closer to gently rubber your shoulder in reassurance.
"You probably didn't notice it yet and I'm just feeling it.. but is so cute to see that everytime you look at Eunchae you have this sparkle in your eyes.. and I just felt you're falling in love with her." chaewon finished and took a step back knowing you were going to need some time processing all of the sudden information.
You foolish opened your mouth to answer chaewon but quickly close it as your mind fully ran in thoughts of the interactions you have with eunchae. you thought that sharing food, hugging and the sudden hand holding was friendly, your members did it after all. but you started to think about the little swoop you felt on your stomach everytime eunchae smiled your way or the day you two forgot to talk to the camera of the vlog because you both were having fun just talking together, how eunchae always sneak to your room to sleepover and how some nights you two had late night walks talking about anything and everything because you knew eunchae would always comfort you if needed... oh you were in love.
You looked up at Chaewon who had a small smile tugging at her lips now, clearly seeing the gears turning in your head but she didn't wanted to interfer your moment. and as some irony of destiny, the sound of the practice room door opening startled you both and the always smiley eunchae rushed in "unnies! sorry, I just noticed i left my phone here when I got into the car" she hopped to sofa past you both to get it, but before leaving again eunchae quickly side hugged chaewon and after turned to hug you, but you didn't expect the bonus kiss eunchae let on your cheek and a "don't get home too late ok?" which you mindlessly nodded because seeing the litte pout on her face made think you even less.
After eunchae left the practice room you mumble something under your breath and covered your now flushed face with your hands making chaewon laugh at your reaction "oh you have it bad don't you?"
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note: heyy hello, i dont usually write and english is not my first language so im kinda insecure to post something but yeah lesserafim got me on a chokehold to do something so there's this, hope you enjoy it!
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thelunarfairy · 1 year ago
(Apologizes if an incomplete ask sent through, I was asking a question but the Internet cut off :<)
My question was though, how much can you analyze about the English lyrics of No. 7 (anime intro)? The lyrics supposedly explain some of the story and you're the best theorist I know who can put this in an organized post XD
(Sorry if you've been asked this before haha feel free to ignore if so and have a great day!)
I looked at the Japanese and English versions, and well, to better organize the meaning of the song, I'm going to write it here in a more objective way, it will be easy to understand the meaning as you read the lyrics.
This is because the Japanese version has a lot of wordplay and puns, the English version translated it literally and in the same way as the Japanese, which made some passages confusing.
Let's get started (this is the full version of the song)
So now let me tell you the story of number 7
1 Huh? Eh? Instantly happy and sad, even the past and the future 2 Two shadows appear within the rumors (the passion turned into nothing, it's just a story) 3 A sweet fruit mixed with the unreal 4 Yes, yes, even if I tell you repeatedly 5 Look, look, you're not listening properly (passion turned into nothing, an endless story) 6 After all, the boring thing is the ugly reality 7 Morning, day and night, like ten winds and five rains, rumors circulate 8 Without becoming pure in heart, turning my back against the unchanging mirror 9 I Want Some Magic, Say Seven Mysteries, That's Not Perfect 10 But We Are Struggling Because We Are Incomplete
11 Swinging the blade, words, too far 12 Wearing the smiling mask of lies (you in that place) 13 They Were Hurt Because Of Someone Else 14 Between sin and punishment, in that place where no one exists 15 Surely He Is There So now let me tell you the story of number 7
A secret history I heard from somewhere
16 It's a secret just between you and me 17 I will not lose to you, memory nor the brittle truth 18 Let's catch up, it's a reality like a rumor from some time ago 19 Every night and morning seems stupid 20 The dance of the second, the third morning, the fourth twilight 21 First, second, third, fourth 22 Mirai, Misaki, the mirror that doesn't see, the silent solitude 23 Is it the first? the eighth? Wait, there's no eighth 24 Until the four o'clock stands, if you repent, 25 It becomes four pains, eight pains 26 Trouble Towing in Seven Rounds 27 Hits, punishment 28 Come, come strange mystery 29 My body's habits, everything, are never perfect, so We are struggling because we are incomplete
Swinging the blade, words, far away 30 Please reach out, the laughter, the overlapping lies 31 (he is still there continuously) 32 I blurred the details while pretending to be fine 33 Between sin and punishment 34 Alone, placed in that place 35 Surely he exists
36 Hiding the past, blinding the eyes in front of the destiny that is coming to an end 37 I changed once, so I will change again The answer is clear
Swinging the blade, words, far away Wearing the smiling mask of lies (You alone) Were hurt because of someone else Between sin and punishment In that place where no one exists Today it also exists
So now let me tell you the story of number 7 Hey tell me about the continued story
Let's use numbers to better analyze the excerpts
1 = could mean that Hanako is happy now to be having fun with Nene and Kou, but at the same time sad about having to deal with the past and the future (Nene's future death)
2 = This excerpt is very emblematic, but "within the rumors two shadows appear" could refer to the twins "the passion turned into nothing, it's just a story" they would be in love with each other and what remained of that story would be murder. There is also the possibility that he is referring to Nene, since Hanako-san now has an assistant. Two shadows, and the passion that turned into nothing, an impossible love.
3 = A metaphor about the contrast between reality and a distant desire
4 and 5 = Hanako's story is being told little by little and someone (it could be Nene) is not realizing the details between the lines.
6 to 10 = Complaints about how reality is terrible and he wants to experience something unreal, not just him, but the other mysteries, everyone feels incomplete and is looking for something that reality cannot offer, something that they cannot achieve but they really want it. And specifically about the mirror, he says it is unchanging, confirming that no matter what he does, nothing will change.
11 to 15 = reference to Tsukasa's death, the murder. About how Hanako lied while creating a fake smile. He hurt Tsukasa, and he went to the place where nothing exists "Surely he is there" and the verses mention the sin and punishment that Hanako has to take responsibility for.
16 to 18 = Probably Hanako talking about his past with Nene. He says he will "reach him" that is, he will tell her the whole truth.
19 to 29 = references the other mysteries and how they are all fighting to create a better version of themselves, even though they are imperfect. In addition to, of course, mentioning a little about their feelings.
30 to 35 = reference to Tsukasa, he wants Hanako to show what he really feels, at the same time that Tsukasa "blurs" the way he feels "I blurred the details while pretending to be fine" "Alone, placed in that place" "he is still there continuously" reference that Tsukasa was left on Hanako's boundary and hides that he feels sad about it.
36 and 37 = it's a little difficult to know if the speaker is Hanako or Tsukasa, the excerpts fit for both, but it's probably more linked to Hanako, since he's the one hiding the past.
Place where nothing exists = boundary, Hanako says that when he enters a boundary, the person ceases to exist in the human world while there.
Swinging the blade = stabbing, direct reference to murder.
In that place where no one exists, he is certainly there = clear reference that Hanako believed that Tsukasa was on the boundary
In that place where no one exists, today he also exists = reference to Tsukasa's return.
Hey tell me about the continued story = about the story we are following now
Basically it's Hanako talking about himself, about the mysteries and about Tsukasa. We also see many parts where he talks about how he feels, but in short, that's it.
The lyrics of this song change subtly according to the translation you are looking for, but the general meaning is this.
That's the way I interpreted the opening lyrics, other people may have different ways of seeing how they work, but for me that's it.
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crispy0nion · 9 months ago
Hey I saw you post about the Six Coyotes and now I realize I can hit you with the New Player Curse again. Sorry not sorry.
Who are the Six Coyotes? What's their deal? I hear them get thrown around for off-screen stuff and I'm curious. (Also I think Micah-10 is a member and she's cool so I need to know)
Oh I will gladly talk about them. Another day another essay about Hunters. I love Hunters.
The Six Coyotes are a group of Hunters - six of them, obviously - currently still active in the Destiny universe. They were the first Guardians to explore beyond the walls of the Cosmodrome, making it accessible for other Guardians to patrol.
The name 'Coyotes' comes from one of the members's birthplace, the town Coyote, in Old Russia. Coyote is where the six Hunters essentially became a permament fireteam.
It is a team composed by two Exos (Micah-10 and Lee-4), two Awoken (Nadiya and Therin Vai) and two humans (Conar and Himura Shinobu). Micah and Conar, already old friends, discovered the town of Coyote and agreed to protect it from the Fallen House of Kings, that was currently besieging the town. In order to have enough manpower, Micah recruited Nadiya, Therin and Lee; Nadiya was being paid, while Lee had to repay an old debt. It is unknown what moved Therin to agree to the job, but he probably accepted because he was already friends with Micah and Conar. In Coyote, the five Hunters met a villager by the name of Himura Shinobu, who showed them around. Nadiya and Shinobu eventually became good friends, and planned to run away from the town together, because neither of them believed the Hunters could safely fight off the Kings.
However, before they could leave, the Kings attacked the town, and Shinobu was killed and immediately resurrected as a Guardian in a matter of minutes. She had lost her memories, but had both her diary and the five Hunters to guide her; eventually, she decided to keep the name Shinobu and join the team. And so the Six Coyotes were born.
Here's more info about the six members:
Micah-10: the one who can be considered the team's founder. Micah is an Exo who's been around probably since the early City Age. She is known as 'the mother-hen of Ghosts', gathering and protecting them until they found their Guardians (fun fact: one of these Ghosts just so happened to be the one who would one day resurrect Andal Brask. When that happened, she sent him and the Ghost overseas, to the Last City). Micah is an extremely interesting character, also having ties to Cayde, and is widely theorized to be something akin to a Speaker. She has had dreams about the Traveler, which seemed more like messages sent directly by it, since she was a child (dream 1; dream 2); and ever since she became an Exo, her DSC dreams have been quite interesting.
Conar: a human who's been good friends with Micah for a long time, but prefers to run solo nonetheless. Not much is known about him.
Nadiya: an Awoken woman. We know Nadiya is also one of Cayde's best scouts, so much that he asked for her help in Cayde's Six. She uses the pulse rifle Chattering Bone and wears the exotic chest The Sixth Coyote.
Therin Vai: an Awoken who was resurrected during the Dark Ages. He makes a big deal out of his name, claiming he knew immediately what it was upon ressurection (something that usually only occurs in Exos). He also insisted he would be the one to unearth the lost Warmind Rasputin (he was not). Shortly after being brought back, he ran into the Pilgrim Guard, a group of Titans who welcomed and helped him. Here he met Orin, the Emissary of the Nine who at the time was a lightbearer; she asked his Ghosts a few questions about him, then told him about the Awoken. Therin is also the one who named the Coyotes's shared jumpship, The Bandwagon.
Lee-4: again, we know almost nothing about her other than the fact that she is a quiet Exo who utilizes a sniper rifle.
Himura Shinobu: the last one to join the group, she was rezzed minutes after her death in Coyote. She didn't retain her memories, but found out about her past from her diary; she decided to keep her name, but to leave the town with the other Hunters. Some time later, her and Nadiya run into an Ahamkara, who grants Shinobu's wish by morphing into her mother and answering questions about her childhood. Nadiya warns her that the dragon is lying for it's own benefit, so Shinobu allows her to gun it down. Shinobu is also one of the most famous Bladedancers.
That's pretty much everything we know about the Six Coyotes! There's probably going to be new lore coming soon with TFS because of Micah's relevance in the story, but we'll wait and see.
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justhereokk · 3 months ago
Break is over time to start cooking
🎇¡Well i is finally Winter Break and that means I can start my Au!🎆
That I've been trying to do for a long time! Thank you for the people who waited since the (1 whole year-) I posted about it.
Some things have been changed about he Au like the name and plot as an example my old post are no longer canon unfortunately
Things About the Au:
Ships: There's going to be Angsty / slowburn shadowpeach, some ships about ✨special secret characters✨ (help) and Pigsy x Tang is real guys (Sorry guys no ships involving the trafic light crew)
Exploring: This Au will explore the past of the character's and trauma you know like DESTINY-
Season 4: The Au starts at s4 not 5, as it is still like a "false s5"
Style: The Au will be mostly digital and in black and white sometimes I'll put color and it will be in Lmk style
Summary: Basicly since the emperor's death they need a new ruler so the heavenly beings decided to make a race yet againe.
Where the First Zodiac Sign that gets the 7 heavenly items and completes the race will have the powers of the Jade Emperor but getting this Items means hurting inoccents and Mk wont let them win easily!
Name of the Au:
LMK: The Last Race
This is my first Au (officially-) so I'm going to try my best
Gonna start drawing wish me luck
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incesthemes · 11 months ago
final thoughts: supernatural season 13
weird how i have a headache once again. it's like a ritual now. finish a season gain a headache. anyway let's see. a much better season than both 11 and 12 i think. but goddamn that fucking apocalypse world. i can already tell most of this post is going to be me complaining about the apocalypse world. sorry in advance.
so i'm pleasantly surprised that i only hated a sparse few episodes, actually. most of the worse episodes were either mediocre or cringe, and honestly i can accept that. there was some decent stuff here, and i'll give credit where it's due.
i think the season was at its best when lucifer and the apocalypse world weren't in any way involved. unfortunately there were very few episodes entirely absent of both (sad!), but at least there were plenty of scenes that avoided both subjects. i'm clinging to those with gusto.
lucifer... well it's the same issues i've had with him since season 7. i don't like the total rewrite of his character, and i especially don't enjoy his flimsy, superficial motivations, if he ever has motivations to begin with. i'm extremely bored of villains who want evil for evil's sake, power for power's sake. it's tired, it's hackneyed, it's entirely uninteresting. kripke's lucifer was an interesting take on the devil, with his understated and quiet arrogance: you almost wanted to believe him and sympathize with his position. he was compelling and new. but once kripke left the scene, lucifer just feels... like mark pellegrino is trying to recreate crowley from good omens, basically.
the petulant, bratty attitude lacks synergy with his earlier portrayal, and he loses a true purpose in the show. he goes from trying to fulfill one half of a destiny that parallels the relationship between sam and dean to... i don't even know, honestly. first he's a whacky and silly hallucination, then he wants daddy to apologize to him (and throws a temper tantrum to get it), then he wants... to destroy the world? i guess? and then he wants to rule the world, or something, because why not. there's barely anything reminiscent of his original purpose in the show, and hardly anything left of his original personality and character. it's really disappointing to see him disintegrate from something truly compelling to a flat, one-dimensional cardboard cutout of Evil Cartoon Villain. he's just not interesting anymore, i guess unless you really like crowley good omens and have always wanted to see him in supernatural instead. no offense intended to crowley good omens, for the record. he's just lovely in his original series, playing the role he was created for.
anyway what the fuck happened with lucifer in heaven anyway? like i keep feeling i straight-up missed a scene, or an episode. anael walked away from lucifer and then....? and then lucifer is just gone, i guess? like seriously did miss something? what happened between bring 'em back alive and funeralia???? how did they get lucifer out of heaven???? is that EVER explained????
anyway (x2) i guess i'll complain about the apocalypse world again because i still hate it. if there are 10000 apocalypse world haters i'm one of them. if there are 100 apocalypse world haters i'm one of them. if there's 1 apocalypse world hater that's me. if there's 0 apocalypse world haters i'm dead. and so on and so forth. i'm not above being petty.
i've mostly hashed out my thoughts on this world before so i won't bore anyone with the details, but i really really hate how they continued down this path in season 13. there are too many obvious narrative ploys to excuse the actions that sam, dean, and mary have taken. it's like a redemption arc for them without them ever having to do anything to "earn" that redemption. its entire existence screams "well without them doing these horrible things, everything would have been much worse! so actually it's okay!" and i can't stand that level of flippant, tone-deaf handwaving. it's like they can't bear the thought of their protagonists being anything less than morally good, and that gets under my skin and pisses me off like nothing else.
and i think this is particularly bad for mary. the thing season 12 did really well was making her a deeply flawed individual, someone who makes mistakes and is selfish and lost and just trying to make the best decisions with a shit hand and who suffers great losses because the game was rigged against her. she hurts her kids because of her choices, both in the past and in the present, and the show doesn't make an attempt to excuse her but rather encourages the audience to sympathize with her unique situation and understand that this is not and never was a black-and-white problem. there are no "good people" because everyone makes choices that harm others. this is an important theme rooted in the foundation of the show, and it's important to me.
which is why it infuriates me that the branching-off point in the apocalypse world is that mary didn't make the deal with azazel. because all that does is excuse the harm he inflicted on her kids. "the alternative was worse!" to such an extreme that the only thing the audience can do is justify mary's actions and absolve her of her sins. that's not fair to her, and it portrays her in exactly the opposite light that season 12 did, by forcing her into a pure and morally righteous role as the woman who made the Right Choice, who saved the world because of her small sacrifice. it's not fair! they took a complex female character and flattened her so badly into a Good Person simply by transforming her most destructive, selfish decision into the morally good one. it just feels like the writers couldn't handle the agony of writing a female character who wasn't either 100% good or 100% evil, and god it pisses me off. i'm seriously so disappointed in this direction, and the echoes of that direction soured the entirety of season 13 for me. because not only was mary rewritten into the morally upstanding mother, she was also reduced and limited in her narrative role. she took a major backseat this season, and what she was allowed to do was wholly motherly and nurturing. she took care of jack, she... took care of jack, she insisted that the rest of the resistance camp return to the real world with them, she... well damn, she took really good care of jack! none of the reckless, short-sighted characterization of season 12 remains, all her ruthlessness was drained, all of her power and competence ignored, and she was left to a disappointing support role as jack's moral compass, a nurturing mother to help jack develop. i'm SO angry about this, if you can't tell. SO angry about it.
i really, really, really am not someone to say that a character "deserved better" because for one that's a stupid and pointless argument to get into and i find most commentary in that vein to be both entitled and advocating for wildly OOC behavior in pursuit of content that destroys narrative integrity and eliminates drama, plot, and conflict. but mary... god i'm just so disappointed with how they used her this season. they did such great work with her last season. and this season they flattened her into Mother. and i'm so unhappy with it. If You Can't Tell.
let's see. more positive comments: i like how rowena is developing. she still falls firmly into the camp of side characters who are weirdly shallow for the roles they occupy because this show is chronically incapable of crafting good side characters, BUT now that she's getting some on-screen developments there's more meat on her bones, and i like what she's doing. that said, i really disagree with the complete about-face she made from season 12 to 13. seriously what's with the difference in characterizations between 12 and 13...? i'm so so confused here. i don't understand why rowena would ever be so broken up about crowley dying considering she tried to kill him so many times—maybe whoever decided that was the same person who decided mary had to be Mother and nothing else. mother characters have to be Mother and Mother trumps all other facets of their personality, maybe? whatever it is, i'm so annoyed by it and i hope to god this gets better in season 14. please lord i can't keep doing this. i need my women problematic, fucked up, and irredeemable. please.
jack, i'll talk about jack briefly because i'm getting sleepy and holy shit i want to go to bed lmao. i really love his character, i think he's appropriately nuanced and it's very refreshing. i suppose it's because he's a main character, and supernatural handles its main characters far better than the side characters (my issues with cas and his narrative development notwithstanding). he creates so much natural conflict, and i love how he plays off of sam and dean in really organic and interesting ways. i love how he helps to continue dean's arc from season 6 regarding his ability to be a father, and i love how both sam and dean project themselves so heavily onto him and respond to him in drastically different ways according to that perception. it's really complex and layered, which results in fantastic interactions and well-written drama that i greatly appreciate. even jack's interactions with lucifer, as much as i dislike lucifer's character, managed to be engaging and compelling. i love how much everyone is fumbling through all of this (this being parenthood) throughout the season, and how none of them really take to it naturally and those bonds have to form out of mistakes and forgiveness. it feels really satisfying and i'm so, so happy with how it's panned out.
i've seen posts floating around that dean wasn't jack's father, at least not to the extent sam and cas were, but i wholeheartedly disagree and i think dean plays a really vital role in this parenting dynamic, and he's willing to step up in ways both sam and cas hesitate to. for better and for worse, of course. and i just adore that jack so earnestly seeks dean's approval, and that makes dean giving that approval that much sweeter and cathartic. dean was able to give jack what he never got from john, in a big way. or at least dean didn't get it until john was literally on his death bed. it's a lot of character development for dean, and i loved seeing that. and i love that it continued through the season, and dean was able to heal himself through jack and find the father inside of him that can break the cycle of abuse that he inevitably perpetuated through ben. like seriously, incredible character arc. i'm obsessed with it.
i've barely talked about sam's parenting jack because i really don't have much to say. like he did so well, even when he messed up, in reaching out to jack and trying so hard to be the father he never had. he's open and honest about his intentions, his goals, his love, and his care. even though he's not great at communicating, he tries, and that eventually conveys in a way jack understands and appreciates. it's a totally new side to sam that i was anticipating because of tumblr, but that i wouldn't have expected going in blind. he's not exactly cut out for domesticity—really he sucks at it. so seeing him forge himself through dogged effort into a father was really rewarding, and i think his earnest devotion to that cause was what carried him to success there. he's strong-willed and he proved that here, and it's just really heart-warming to see him interact with jack and take care of him the best he knows how to, all the while actively striving to learn better. it's awesome.
i know dean is possessed by an archangel at the moment but i really am hoping for some nice domestic co-parenting wincest moments next season. i need it to live, i think <3
i think this is probably long enough, and also my headache is getting worse because it wants me to sleep 💔 so i'll end this here and start my season 13 detox :) i can't believe i only have 40 episodes left of this show. it feels so unreal, and it actually makes me want to skip the detox and keep going, but i know i'll regret that decision so i'll be diligent and read my wincest porn to cope with bad writing.
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themostsanebug · 4 months ago
Can you tell us a bit about your sona and Moon?
•How do they connect with Steven and Harry?
●How did their relationships (platonic familial regardin fly boy and red phone man..) start?
●How'd you come up with their designs? What inspired them?
●Will you write more about them?
●Do you have plans to go more in-depth on their stories, or are you simply workin as you go?
●Or if you have anythin else you wanna say about them, you got people who are eager to listen and follow along!
Sorry for all the questions! I know that if I were bein asked about my ocs/sona but wasn't given any questions to answer, I wouldn't be able to come up with anythin. So I hope the questions help! I'm just very curious about all of them, and I wanna learn more =]
OKAY FOR THE FIRST ONE!!!! im not the best at interpreting EXACTLY what connect to means; but in terms of my sona, i believe it would be stuff along the lines of how similar they are!!!!! and by that i mean!!!! both strive to impress their father figures, both are scared of people leaving them (though my sona only recently got those (i dont have issues with that myself)), and probably some more things im forgetting!!!!! as for moon? xe and harry just work well together!!!!! theyre both nice with each other and make sure the other is happy and comfortable!!!!!! honestly still need to work out lore for moon, nothing is set in stone for xem just yet.....
my sonas and stevens relationship started out plan and simple!!!!!! my little guy asked steven to be is "unofficial adoptive father" and boom. it happened. little did the fly boy know he was going to end up with an actually comforting father figure who he later started to see as his ACTUAL dad. as for moon and harry..... moon just complimented him a bunch and subtly flirted and then confessed:3c
OHH THEIR DESIGNS..... well my sonas design was inspired by a bunch of things!!!!!! but the main one was a moment where i was called "fly boy" (not actually fly boy but yknow. not misgendering myself) by my mother!!!!!! which led to me liking houseflies a bunch!!!! hence the entire fly themed branding and fly cryptid sona bit!!!!! the cryptid part is just an easy way to explain why he doesnt look like an anthropomorphized housefly!!!!! as for moon? just went with what felt right!!!!! nothing really inspired xis design outside of the tag i used for xem (🌕 anon) guess xis design was just destiny!!!!!!!
OH AND I WILL ABSOLUTELY WRITE MORE ABOUT THEM..... ive made plenty for my sona and steven already!!!!!! three different stories i think? ill probably write more for moon once i sort out xis lore.......
i may go more in-depth with their stories through long text posts but im mostly just improvising!!!!!! the joy of roleplaying with these two is i get lore made for me sometimes...... /silly
I DONT HAVE MUCH ELSE TO YAP ABOUT BUT!!!!!!! RANDOM FACTS GO!!!!!! my sona also has several abilities of houseflies!!!!! some being he can climb walls, remove his head (dw he can attach it again unlike flies...), and see really well!!!!! im fairly sure some fly species also have antenna they can sense vibrations with, which is what he can do as well!!!!! while moon still doesnt have any concrete lore one bit im gonna probably keep is the fact that xe is meant to be the worlds BIGGEST people pleaser and they fact that xe has been to jail at some point before.......
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estellardreams · 7 months ago
I actually have a lot of old comic scripts I never got back to. So if anyone wishes to use them... They can.
I'll just, uh... Post them here.
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Short 1: Unnamed (Tachophobia AU (Also Cybernetic AU technically))
*Sonic wanders around, soon noticing Niko quietly heading out.*
Sonic: *Goes up to him.* Um... Excuse me?
Niko: *startled* (Thinking: Sonic?! He's here?!)
Sonic: Are you... Niko?
Niko: U-Um, y-yes s-sir! A-At least, t-that's, w-what I-I've been t-told.
Sonic: *sighs* Niko... I'm not the Sonic from here.
Niko: W-What...?
Sonic: It's... A long story, bud. I... I'm sorry for whatever happened to you. I hope thing's will get better...
Sonic: And that... You could live a happier life, however you choose to... Even if things can't go back to the same.
Niko: I-I g-guess... T-thank you, s-sir.
Sonic: *softly smiles, offering a hug to Niko*
Niko: *seems nervous and unsure.*
Sonic: *Gently pulls him into a hug* It's going to be okay... I promise...
Angeli: Is this... A success to you?
Star:... Perhaps it is. At least he's helping other Sonic's like him... Even if it's minor.
Angeli: I... Suppose so.
Star: Now... We should just let him hang out there, see what happens. And who knows? He could help so many more people. Especially Niko.
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Short 2: Unnamed (for the Sonic AU Showdown as it was happening)
*Cybernetic!Sonic preparing for the competition, looking longingly at the crowd.* Shadow figment: *appears* Sonic. I might not be here physically, but just know that I'm looking out for you, okay? Sonic: Heh, thanks Shads. Sonic: Now, let's crush the competition! Shadow:... Please don't make that a metaphor for breaking down- Sonic: *proudly* I'm breaking down! Shadow: *face palms*
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Short 3: Unnamed (Rapunzel!Shadow Dream AU)
*Rouge and Shadow walk through the woods, with Rouge looking on her phone.*
Rouge: According to the series, there's two more incantations to learn. They already have the words here, so... That's helpful. And somehow you already know the healing incantation, so... That's interesting. Now all that's left is the sun and wither incantation.
Shadow: Well, which one is the least taxing on my body? I need to keep adjusting so I don't exactly... Pass out.
Rouge: Both are.
Shadow: Oh.
Rouge: But this shouldn't be much of a problem. We'll try to take it slow.
Rouge: Besides, it's not like your chaos powers are returning anytime soon.
Shadow: True...
Rouge: So... Which one first? The Sun or the Decay Incantation?
Shadow: Hm... Since we're here and it would provide the best effect, let's try the Decay one. To... See how it feels?
Rouge: Alright. Read this, memorize it. Then... Recite it. I'll be in a safe distance so I don't get hurt.
Shadow: *reading the phone* Alright.
*Rouge flew up and a far enough distance away, giving Shadow a thumbs up in the distance.*
*Shadow breathed, closing his eyes.*
Shadow: Wither and... Decay. End this destiny. Break these earthly chains. And set the spirit free...
*Shadow opens his eyes, seeing that nothing happened. Rouge gestures to keep going and do it again.*
Shadow: Wither and decay. End this destiny. Break these earthly chains. And set the spirit free... *fades into the incantation, his body going slack.*
Shadow, singing: Wither and decay. End this destiny. Break these earthly chains. And set the spirit free. The spirit free...
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existentialcrisis-24-7 · 2 years ago
Hey what the best and worst thing about writing your rewrite (currently reading it btw.Very good stuff)
For season 4 (if you ever get to doing that I mean) is it gonna stay similar to how it was in show or is it a complete overhaul in general ?
If so what changes do you have in mind for Believix ,Roxy,the earth fairies, Tir Na Nog and the white /black circle?
Thank you so much for the ask! I'm sorry, I got started writing and couldn't stop but since I'm at my computer I manged to hide this post that got Extremely long under a cut.
Also to anyone reading this who might be curious on my magic system, I have an abridged post explaining it here.
The best part is lore and worldbuilding and the consequences of those because oh boy do I sure love space and weird magic fuckery! I also greatly enjoy getting to expand on the things that were in the original story or at least implied but were never fully explained (such as timeline issues or planets that get brought up once and never again).
My least favourite part is kind of a weird one, it being the characters. You know, the whole reason for the story. But this is kinda because 1. I don’t have much skill in writing people and 2. Because I actually never learned how people work irl for whatever reason and tbh I hardly even know how I work, so having to get into the minds of characters and figure out how they think feel about things is definitely a struggle. Though I wouldn’t have started this rewrite if I wasn’t up for the challenge!
As for Season 4.
Here’s the thing, about season 4. There's a lot I really like about it and it introduced some really cool new elements to the story, but there’s a lot of things about it that I really don’t like, which is why when I first started this rewrite and planned out my general timeline, I made the very controversial decision to swap season 4 and season 2. I'll explain:
If Lord Darkar is basically a god of darkness and has been pulling the strings the whole time then it makes sense that he should be more of a final boss and have a build up instead of being revealed in season 2, doing fuck all and then getting defeated and never mentioned again. I want to build him up as an imposing evil that beings even as powerful as the Ancestral Witches kneel before. Which isn't really a thing that can be done in 2 seasons with the goal of the first season being defeat the Trix and getting Bloom used to the magic dimension.
Season 4 in place of season 2 is a bit more complicated to pull off but it still feels more coherent to me this way because you can introduce Roxy and Aisha together. And even if Roxy is a couple years behind them in school they can at least be trauma bonded together (/j). It also puts nearly everyone on uneven ground, giving them a lot of opportunities to develop and bond with each other as they all learn and adjust. It also helps that the Wizards are relatively lax enemies who aren’t showing up all the time to just generally ruin the Winx's day like the Trix, meaning there’s more room to show that growth too.
so to answer the second question, yes I'm doing season 4, but it is a complete overhaul.
As for the changes I'm making with season 4 plot points, there's a lot of them.
First and foremost, Believix. Due to the fact that season 4 is now season 2, the main 6 are going to be earning charmix (Roxy will earn it in season 3 instead of Enchantix because she is younger and far more inexperienced with magic), though how they do so will have a few tweaks (most notably that they actually know about Charmix prior to earning it). Believix as a transformation might be used in a possible story after the main one (seasons 1-4) ends, though I can say if it is, it will definitely be altered significantly. What I will be using, though again altering, are the Gifts of Destiny for the new season 4. I'm not gonna be elaborate a whole lot about this specific topic right now as I'm still progressively making my way through the first 2 seasons with an occasional thought thrown into the 3rd.
Secondly the Earth fairies, Tír na nÓg (teer-na-nohg, the original Irish spelling that I am Infinitely petty about) and The Wizards of the Black Circle are also Very. different. This would've been brought up in a post about the timeline I have yet to make for whatever reason, but using actual Irish myth about Tír na nÓg and a little bit of finaglling, I did my best to fix the weird timeline issue and because I don't forsee myself making a post about this any time soon I'll just explain it all here (though be warned because while I tried my best to explain things thoroughly (which also lead to a lot of text), I, as someone rewriting a story, have the benefit of foresight and so there are many interconnected plot points and elements that I haven't gotten around to explaining yet that might be a little confusing).
First off, The White and Black Circles. A Circle is a physical maifestation of a magic oath that binds you (and however many others there are) to a cause. Once the cause is completed, the circle will dissolve and you can go pursue other things in life, but until then you are constantly pulled back and even caused some pain if you attempt to stray from the goal. Breaking a circle requires an incredible amount of magic and is still not easy for even the most skilled magic users. "The Oath of the Black Circle" was an oath made by a Clann wizards, a few years before the fall of Domino, with the goal of ridding the Magic Dimension of fairies, who spread themselves out across the Magic Dimension like a plague. They split off into different, efficient factions, effectively eliminating a significant number of fairies and removing their wings (which, in my rewrite, do not grow back and leave a permanent scar). For the most part however, they weren't effective enough and, with the outbreak of war in the Magic Dimension after Domino's fall and the rise of the Company of Light, nearly all factions were eliminated before they could truly complete their goal. All but one. The faction sent to Earth.
Earth is at the edge of the Magic Dimension and the people of that world generally like to keep themselves and their magic to themselves, so it wasn't until the Wizards had already begun attacking the world that they actually discovered what was going on. The Wizards were ruthless in their hunt, hardly stopping at fairies after they discovered they could take the magic from other magical beings too. Earth was completely unprepared for an attack of such voracity and despite Queen Morgana and her Regent Nebula's best efforts to organise an army, they and every other magic being ended up having to retreat through a portal to Tír na nÓg opened by their Nymph, Lugh (Loo), fairy of shapeshifting.
(Before I go on I will just explain that, for each type of magic there is a being who is said to have made it (fire and the Great Dragon), a dimension dedicated to that magic exclusively (water and the Infinite Ocean), and each world has a main magic type that the vast majority of magic beings born there will have (Earth being form manipulation/shapeshifting and that magic being almost exclusive to Earth). The best ways to open a portal to a dimension is to be on a world with that magic and to be a user of that magic)
As everyone retreated to the safety of Tír na nÓg, the Wizards found out and began figuring out a way to use this as a trap, Duman helping to come up with a spell that could seal the portal and prevent anyone from getting in or out, which under the clause of their circle, counted as ridding the Magic Dimension of fairies if they could round them up through the portal. Lugh caught wind of this and him along with Morgana and Nebula managed come up with a spell that would seal away Earth's magic to Tír na nÓg should the portal be blocked off. This, in their eyes, was protecing their magic.
Both plans ended up working, though with some consequences. Morgana and Nebula lost their wings and were trapped in Tír na nÓg with everyone else. Lugh had to stay behind, both to protect Earth and to make sure the spell stuck, though in his efforts to do so, he also lost his wings. The Wizards though, they got caught up in the seal, freezing them inbetween dimensions and between time. Nobody on the other side of the portal knows how things played out beyond that both plans worked, and the rest of the magic dimension having minimal contact with Earth anyway and still being busy with war knew even less, just that Earth somehow lost its magic and everyone magical on it almost overnight.
The magic art of shapeshfting and form manipulation was subsiquently lost until Wizgiz was hired to work at Alfea and he began teaching it in an effort to revive it. It's not an exam subject though so everyone just treats it as a doss class.
The White Circle was formed by Nebula after she gave into grief and rage, swearing along with several other fairies that should they ever get out Tír na nÓg that they will not rest until the Wizards have suffered as they have. This mindset swept through the scared and angry people of Tír na nÓg causing a revolt against Morgana who only wanted to move on past this horrific event. Morgana and her husband were kicked off the throne and became outcasts for many years, enduring the violence of the people that they once ruled.
During this period, Morgana found out that she was pregnant which both her and Klaus were terrified about, knowing this was not a safe place or situation to raise their child but being unable to cope with the idea of losing it. They hid the pregancy from Nebula and the Major Fairies until their baby was born, where they still continued to try and hide. The Major Fairies were beginning to grow suspicious of Morgana and Klaus however and the couple knew that if they didn't do something soon, all 3 of their lives could be in danger.
It was around time that Morgana felt a shift in the barrier, like something had caused a small crack, and with enough magic it could be opened just enough to send a person and their baby through. Nebula felt this too however since she was also involved in the creation of the seal. She assumed Morgana was up to something, probably trying to escape without everyone else, and sent out an order to arrest her. In a panic, Morgana and Klaus agreed that he would leave with their child and he would wear a ring that muddled his memories and generally hid the two of them from magic since they didn't know if the Wizards were still lying in wait for someone to try and escape. It was a risk they were willing to take though if it meant the safety of their child.
And so Morgana was permanently imprisoned within the dungeons of Nebula's new kingdom and Klaus managed to just about get out with their kid. Klaus's escape had managed to open the gap just enough to let the Wizards slowly get out too, one by one.
Every single one of those 6 entered a whole new world when they got out due to the nature of Tír na nÓg. While it had only been 10 years in Tír na nÓg, it had been a thousand years everywhere else. Klaus immediately got to work setting up a life for him and his kid, almost completely forgetting about any life he might have had prior, and the Wizards realised that somehow, they had missed a fairy because their circle hadn't broken. They spent the next 15 odd years trying to get their bearings, figure out what the world is like now, and find a way to locate a fairy that seems to be completely hidden from their magic.
A huge magical event involving the stealing a certain Flame is what drew them to begin investigating Gardenia.
and there you have it! the entire history leading up to season 4 2's events!
Not exactly what you asked for, but I do hope you got something interesting out of this!
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destinyc1020 · 2 years ago
What happened with Tessa?
Hey guys, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but please, in the future, if you can utilize the search feature on my blog first before asking questions, that way I won't have to repeat the same thing over and over again? 🥰🙏🏾
Many have asked the same question over and over again about Tessa, and sometimes just a quick search will bring you up to speed on what's been going on. 😊
Yes, I know the Tumblr search feature SUCKS lol 😆, but try that first anyway.... and if you STILL have questions, then send an ask. 👍🏾🙂
I'm posting the links again:
Bottom Line: We really don't know THAT much.🤷🏾‍♀️ All we know is that it was discovered that Tessa had a tumor. The tumor has been removed (at least, that's the impression I'm getting from what Dom said), and she's home now with meds, but it's unsure what will be the future outcome.
In the meantime, all we can do is just pray that she's not in too much pain, and that the family can spend some quality time with her. 🙏🏾🥺 Tessa's fortunate that Tom's family has money, and they can afford to give her the BEST care possible. 🥰
Things might change from week to week (even day to day), so we'll just wait and see if we're given any updates. 😊
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lavender-phannie · 1 year ago
I SEE PEOPLE sharing how they got into the dip and pip phandom and I want to participate
I was first and foremost a pinterest girlie. The typical oh my parents won't let me have any form of social media except pinterest oh oh no boy little did they know all the internet shenanigans ends up there it's objectively the best place to "culture" yourself or "acclimatise" for the internet or something
Like, really, it's all content from all the apps compiled for YOU according to the humour YOU like it's amazing
Anyways going off topic .. I have intense FOMO so I obviously started to educate myself on all things internet
One day whilst idly browsing pinterest I happened on pictures of dnp from a tumblr post I don't remember what the post itself was but probably something phan but I didn't know that at the time and I immediately went and checked who they were because I must know and google said they're two British youtubers people ship together and I said okay cool and just left it at that
A month or two later they happened onto my pinterest again and my brain said hey you've had a pretty well curated for you page all things we like so maybe check em out see how it goes probably something we like so I said ok bet and I did and I watched a video of them I think pinof 4 and I was like okay these guys are super random they're funny but I don't get half the things they reference
But then the youtube gods saw my destiny and said this is your fate child and starting recommending it to me all the time
So I gave in and I watched them and they were amazing, healing and wonderful and they really really helped me
Especially like BIG and dans monologue about gender and sexuality really resonated with me cause I didn't really think about this before but I realised I actually agreed with him that gender is baseless but that rant is for another time
And phil, loveliest dearest funniest phil, whenever I was having a hard time he'd been there cheering me up
If you can't tell I joined the phandom in the cursed covid years I was here for the 2022 phivorce which was objectively hilarious
I know this is incredibly long. Longer than necessary but I've typed it all now and words must not be gone to waste so here you are and here we are
Sending best wishes during these trying times (2 weeks since last upload) (they deserve the break) (I'm clawing at the walls of my enclosure)
Anon i am also going insane and clawing at my walls idk how i survived a 5 year hiatus and the insanity of phannies seeing dan's foot in a video and calling it "joint content" (also don't worry about stuff being long i love reading it!!)
Kinda relate with the pinterst thing except for me it was instagram and i followed dnp accounts that posted stuff from other social media i wasnt allowed to have at the time... people underestimate the importance of instagram and pinterest when it comes to getting people into new fandoms hahah (although i was introduced to dnp through friends but you know what i mean right??)
anyway same same about phil being there to cheer me up when im having a rough time... in 2017 i had a huge dip in my mental health and i literally just watched phil's videos every night to get to sleep lol! I wonder if he knows how infectious his positive energy is?
WHERE WAS I GOING WITH THIS RAMBLE!? anyway yeah throwing my jumble of thoughts at u anon sorry
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