#therin vai
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crispy0nion · 9 months ago
Hey I saw you post about the Six Coyotes and now I realize I can hit you with the New Player Curse again. Sorry not sorry.
Who are the Six Coyotes? What's their deal? I hear them get thrown around for off-screen stuff and I'm curious. (Also I think Micah-10 is a member and she's cool so I need to know)
Oh I will gladly talk about them. Another day another essay about Hunters. I love Hunters.
The Six Coyotes are a group of Hunters - six of them, obviously - currently still active in the Destiny universe. They were the first Guardians to explore beyond the walls of the Cosmodrome, making it accessible for other Guardians to patrol.
The name 'Coyotes' comes from one of the members's birthplace, the town Coyote, in Old Russia. Coyote is where the six Hunters essentially became a permament fireteam.
It is a team composed by two Exos (Micah-10 and Lee-4), two Awoken (Nadiya and Therin Vai) and two humans (Conar and Himura Shinobu). Micah and Conar, already old friends, discovered the town of Coyote and agreed to protect it from the Fallen House of Kings, that was currently besieging the town. In order to have enough manpower, Micah recruited Nadiya, Therin and Lee; Nadiya was being paid, while Lee had to repay an old debt. It is unknown what moved Therin to agree to the job, but he probably accepted because he was already friends with Micah and Conar. In Coyote, the five Hunters met a villager by the name of Himura Shinobu, who showed them around. Nadiya and Shinobu eventually became good friends, and planned to run away from the town together, because neither of them believed the Hunters could safely fight off the Kings.
However, before they could leave, the Kings attacked the town, and Shinobu was killed and immediately resurrected as a Guardian in a matter of minutes. She had lost her memories, but had both her diary and the five Hunters to guide her; eventually, she decided to keep the name Shinobu and join the team. And so the Six Coyotes were born.
Here's more info about the six members:
Micah-10: the one who can be considered the team's founder. Micah is an Exo who's been around probably since the early City Age. She is known as 'the mother-hen of Ghosts', gathering and protecting them until they found their Guardians (fun fact: one of these Ghosts just so happened to be the one who would one day resurrect Andal Brask. When that happened, she sent him and the Ghost overseas, to the Last City). Micah is an extremely interesting character, also having ties to Cayde, and is widely theorized to be something akin to a Speaker. She has had dreams about the Traveler, which seemed more like messages sent directly by it, since she was a child (dream 1; dream 2); and ever since she became an Exo, her DSC dreams have been quite interesting.
Conar: a human who's been good friends with Micah for a long time, but prefers to run solo nonetheless. Not much is known about him.
Nadiya: an Awoken woman. We know Nadiya is also one of Cayde's best scouts, so much that he asked for her help in Cayde's Six. She uses the pulse rifle Chattering Bone and wears the exotic chest The Sixth Coyote.
Therin Vai: an Awoken who was resurrected during the Dark Ages. He makes a big deal out of his name, claiming he knew immediately what it was upon ressurection (something that usually only occurs in Exos). He also insisted he would be the one to unearth the lost Warmind Rasputin (he was not). Shortly after being brought back, he ran into the Pilgrim Guard, a group of Titans who welcomed and helped him. Here he met Orin, the Emissary of the Nine who at the time was a lightbearer; she asked his Ghosts a few questions about him, then told him about the Awoken. Therin is also the one who named the Coyotes's shared jumpship, The Bandwagon.
Lee-4: again, we know almost nothing about her other than the fact that she is a quiet Exo who utilizes a sniper rifle.
Himura Shinobu: the last one to join the group, she was rezzed minutes after her death in Coyote. She didn't retain her memories, but found out about her past from her diary; she decided to keep her name, but to leave the town with the other Hunters. Some time later, her and Nadiya run into an Ahamkara, who grants Shinobu's wish by morphing into her mother and answering questions about her childhood. Nadiya warns her that the dragon is lying for it's own benefit, so Shinobu allows her to gun it down. Shinobu is also one of the most famous Bladedancers.
That's pretty much everything we know about the Six Coyotes! There's probably going to be new lore coming soon with TFS because of Micah's relevance in the story, but we'll wait and see.
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thefirstknife · 1 year ago
Who are the six coyotes?
They were a group of six Hunters that worked as a team in scouting the Cosmodrome and beyond.
They seem to be named after a village, Coyote, where one (or more) of their members lived. The one member was Himura Shinobu who died in the village and was rezed by a Ghost shortly after, still in possession of her old diary so she knew her name and everything about herself.
From her diary, we also know other members: most notably, Micah-10, but also Nadiya, Therin Vai and Lee-4. The sixth member is mentioned here as Conar working with Micah-10, also from Shinobu's diary. Micah mostly dealt with using her bond with Ghosts to take them exploring so they can safely search for their Guardians and she relied on her team's scouting reports to make those trips.
Quite an unusual, but cool group, as Hunters generally prefer working alone!
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poorlytunedukulele · 4 years ago
Day 28 - Vision
Sometimes Azra dreams her own dreams.  They are fairly normal as dreams go: common ones like driving a Sparrow whose breaks won’t work properly, getting into a Crucible match to realize she’s forgotten all of her guns, bits of memories smashed together in colorful jumbles.  She has nightmares, too, drowning in Darkness and torture and death.  She doesn’t remember much, even when she does stay in her own head.
But most of the time she does not.  She will one day learn this is a very stereotypical Arcstrider trait.  They are wanderers by nature, constantly moving, and this includes their sleeping hours.  So more often than not she is somewhere else.  She walks the plain with the dark tower and the sunset-fractals on the ground. She passes through scenes she does not belong in, noting familiar faces, experiencing odd sensations of worlds not perceived by her own brain.  She remembers these even less than her own dreams.
But she also intimately knows the Void.  So sometimes when death weighs heavy on her, on days that are worse for whatever reason, she goes even farther, in places not reality but certainly not dreams.
You sit on your cliff with the sun setting in front of you, the clouds shifting in the sky above you, and the sea crashing below you.  The sun burns Solar and the lengthening shadows it casts shimmer Void.  The wind hums electric on your tongue.  It ruffles your hair and spreads out your cloak like an old friend. Grass and moss dot the cracks in the rock but for the most part the cliff is bare.  It is that magic inbetween time right before sunset when the light is golden and smooth.  The sea breeze is a caress against your skin.  The waves roll in and out, the sound of their breaking ringing like laughter.  It will rain tonight, you know.  But this place is not tonight, it is right now, when you can smell the salt in the air and feel the grit in between your fingers.
The air here is dry without being thirsty, carrying the scent of woodsmoke and creosote.  The ground is broken.  The shadows cast by the half-moon are sharp-edged.  You skirt them superstitiously, worried that they might cut you.  Fractured boulders sit at odd angles, almost like someone scattered them from above instead of pushing them up from below.  It’s easy to feel tiny here.  But the stars do twinkle friendly behind the intermittent clouds, and Andal Brask’s campfire is warm and welcoming.  He sits beneath one of the stone buttresses and makes jokes about you haunting him. You talk (about what, you can never remember).  You can feel comfortable here if you settle your nerves.
Wei Ning stands on a plain of yellow grass that sways in the wind.  It is either late morning or early afternoon by the angle of the sun, and the sky is clear and so blue it almost hurts.  Stormclouds loom over the mountains in the distance, but here and now the weather is good.  The grass is only knee-high, and beneath it the earth is hard and thirsty.  Wei Ning fights.  Of course she fights.  The enemies come in waves that crash against her fists, leaving neither the stain of blood nor the scar of bodies when they are defeated.  There is energy in the air.  Wei Ning laughs, and thunder booms in the distance.
You’re on the moon. The stars pierce the black velvet of the sky, cold and hard and brilliant.  The ground is lumpy and uneven, but largely flat.  The shadows are impossibly dark, the lunar dust almost blindingly bright. There is very little cover here, which leaves you feeling a bit unnerved and jumpy.  Pahanin doesn’t spend too much time in this place.  He says he likes to wander a lot because he doesn’t like being alone.  Despite the feeling that something is about to leap out at you (from what cover, you do not know), this place does feel lonely.  Desolate.  Sometimes you can get him to sit down for a bit and you talk.  It’s nice.  A perfect marble of blue and white sits on the horizon, a promise of home.
Kabr is not here.  He wasn’t, and never will be.
You know this place in the living world.  It’s different here.  Fellwinter Peak is devoid of its Iron Temple or cable cars.  It’s not snowing so much as the wind is hurling flakes of ice and sleet from place to place.  The cold air snaps with cynicism.  The sky fades to mist overhead.  Lord Fellwinter stands there, arms crossed, unmoved by wind or ice.  He gives no thanks for his rest here, but you think he appreciates what you’ve done.  There is a brazier on the peak behind him, the fire burning bright despite the weather and the tired look in his optics.  
Puck lies in a boat on a small lake.  The summer sun beats down, filling you with easy warmth.  This place is rich with life.  Water bugs skitter across the surface of the lake and fish dart by below. The buzz of cicadas fills the air. At the edges, lily pads and cattails thrive.  Red-wing blackbirds perch on the stalks and compete to see which one can sing the loudest. The forest beyond is dark and cool and mysterious.  Puck will demand you lie down with zir and cloud-watch.  If you do, ze will weave you stories from the air.  You wonder at the impossible shapes the clouds make. The smell of the lake is strong but not unpleasant.
Jolder is in a field of flowers in the shadow of a huge iron mountain.  The flowers are rich blues, reds, and yellows.  You can never stay here for more than a moment, but she thanks you anyway.  The sky is a light gray.
You know this place too. Dwindler’s Ridge always seemed oddly empty to you in the living world.  Despite all the myth and legend, it was just a place.  Now, you can feel the sense of justice pulling like north pulls a magnet.  A sense of things set right.  You wonder how Jaren Ward knows this place; it only comes into his story after he’s gone. The sun is high and the earth is baked dust.  It’s hot, but it’s a dry heat.  You sit with Jaren and your feet dangle off the sheer, wind-eaten slope.  It’s impossible not to draw some inspiration from the man.  His every gesture is balanced in this world.  No regrets, or remorse, or things left unsettled.  He is bright and untarnished as gold, as well-worn steel. You notice his gun is not at his hip.
The air is clean but has a bite.  You stand on a gravel-bar in some northern river.  Therin Vai stands a few meters into the current and twirls a long pole made of ash.  His lure flits across the surface of the river.  You don’t think he’s going to have much luck catching trout, but you don’t think he cares that much.  You’ve found a lot of people who go fishing don’t do so for the fish.  The river sings over stones, crystal clear and shockingly cold.  Hardy pines cover the ground outside of its reach, doing the laborious work of turning hard rock into more welcoming soil.  This place is not tamed and never has been, even by stubborn trees.  Their trunks are sparse.  Therin’s rod hums as he casts again, carefully maneuvering his fly so it doesn’t hit you.
It's on a beach at night. The waves break softly against the sand, creating a pleasant background of white noise.  A crescent moon sits just over the horizon.  It seems to suck the light from the sky instead of providing it. The stars shimmer overhead, somehow seeming close and intimate, as if you listened hard enough you could hear their whispered secrets.  Their light reflects off the calm waters.  To the right, there are dunes, held together with sparse grass, forming a ten-foot tall bluff.  To the left, there is the ocean.  Tevis Larsen walks between them, in the place that is neither land nor sea, where the damp sand is somehow more supportive than dry or wet.  He paces the shoreline or sits on top of the bluff where stone or driftwood provide a sure place.  The two of you don’t talk, the silence in the air like a spell nobody wants to break. You don’t need to speak, anyway, to understand.
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talinaprime · 4 years ago
Nettle-11 is found on the open tundra by the Six Coyotes after successfully surviving for 5 months.  Her ghost is more excited than her.  Nettle is fairly certain that they would have eventually made their own way to the City, but if the Coyotes are willing to give her a ride, she won’t say no.  Her time on the Bandwagon is informative.  The exo had developed many blade habits as they were more dependable on the open tundra than the resource draining bullets and this confirms for them that she’s a young hunter in the making.  
Lee-4 is familiar to her.  She’s comfortable sitting next to her fellow exo in silence as Therin Vai chats at her and Micah-10 converses with her ghost.  Her ghost admits that they don’t really know if they’re doing their job right, because Nettle hardly speaks, displays little emotion, and can act almost robotic at times.  Therin asks if Nettle is a frame or an exo.  It’s Lee who sticks up for her.  
“Not all Exo’s are friendly like Cayde-6,” she points out.  “Like people, we’re all individuals.  Some of us prefer the quiet.”
Nadiya finally speaks up, looking at Nettle’s ghost, “what’s your name?”
“I don’t know...” the ghost murmers, “I had always hoped that I would help my guardian choose their name, and they would help me choose one, but Nettle already has a name.”
The ghost is always trying their best to be helpful.  Nettle understands this.  She also knows that she is difficult to get along with.  She prefers quick interactions to trade important information as efficiently as possible.  Wasted seconds could mean injury.  Ignorance could cause mistakes.  Incorrect intel could create failure.  And her ghost wants to help her.  It’s why they scan her after every enemy encounter, why at the end of a sleep cycle then give a current time and weather report, and why they stare at the sky seeking signals while she rests.  The little light is always darting around, trying so hard to fill a void.  
“Would you like me to give you a name?”
Her ghosts whips around flashing to her side in a stream of particles.
“It’s alright, I’m your ghost!  I don’t need you to give me a name.  We’re partners, I’ll always be there to help you.”
“But you would like a name.”  It’s no longer a question.
The Coyotes are quiet now.  Therin is grinning while Nadiya rolls her eyes and Micah gives the ghost an encouraging smile.  There are other ghosts appearing.  
“Would the name Dart be satisfactory to you?”
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leftnipsdoodles · 6 years ago
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Therin Vai being ahead of his time
...... behind his time
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svedupelle · 3 years ago
there are a lot of ‘cool’ things in destiny 2, but the one that really scratches my itch are the six coyotes.... six hunters defending a village... mapping the cosmodrome... hunting ahamkara... this is as good as it gets
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ther-n · 5 years ago
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
qual é uma coisa pela qual você quer ser lembrado depois de morrer?
contanto que alguém pense sobre mim como uma pessoa que tornou o mundo um lugar mais justo de algum jeito, pra mim tanto faz o que for, sabe?
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millardgossip · 5 years ago
só eu acho que vai dar ruim essa história da norah? a electra parece que gosta dela e ela perdendo BV com outro
EITA! Eu não tinha parado pra pensar por esse lado. O Therin não é amigo dela? A Electra já não é flor que se cheire, imagine como vai ficar no meio da situação... Quem foi que pediu treta? Olha aí uma pronta pra rolar. Quero pra já!
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@norahhyacinths @achlysie @ther-n
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destinywaits · 7 years ago
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“‘Because a group of coyotes is a band!’ - Therin Vai
‘I refuse to call it that.’ - Nadiya”
DESTINY 2 - The Bandwagon - Exotic Ship
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oskyrfae · 5 years ago
                                     Tinha fama de ser uma má cachaceira, isso é, ficava bêbada ao menor cheiro de ��lcool e ao bebê-lo dificilmente controlava suas ações agindo pelo divertido. No momento em que perdera de vista Poppy, Solara, Therin e Bethany, perdera-se no mundo da esbórnia, diria sua tia. Era apenas o seu segundo copo e já sentia-se entorpecida pelo líquido, quando vira a aproximação de alguém que ela não bem reconhecia. Com a simples fala inicial, já se abriu em uma risada e um sorriso largo que já era fácil de ganhar com ela sóbria, quem dirá no estado atual. —— Podemos ver no que vai dar —— Afirmou um esforço para a voz soar séria, após apertar a mão alheia e ter olhos brilhando na direção do rapaz. —— Hmmm, você é… Deixa eu pensar… Eric, tipo o Príncipe Eric —— Chutou mas desfez a tentativa numa risadinha boba. —— Você tem cara de Eric, é bonito igual ele… Quando era eu era mais nova… Shhh, tinha um crush nele…. —— Segredou e antes que percebesse já havia aproximado-se do outro mais do que o considerado educado, embora não não se importasse no momento.
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"Fechado!" respondeu, oferecendo a Lori uma piscadela de concordância e um sorriso travesso. Permitiu gentil e passivamente que a moça se aproximasse depois de apertar-lhe a mão, e riu divertido dos delírios dela. "Meu nome é Gaoth, na verdade", corrigiu-a. "Mas obrigado, eu posso ser seu crush também, se quiser." afirmou, piscando sedutoramente pra ela mais uma vez. Embriagado, porém, não conseguiu manter a pose muito tempo e caiu na gargalhada, ainda que não tivesse se afastado dela um centímetro sequer. "E o seu nome, qual é?"
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arabelles · 8 years ago
JULES AQUI DNV GALERA. e essa aqui é a minha faerie linda, maravilhosa e super baby, ARABELLE 
pelo meu icon, pelo nome, pelo meu theme e pela descrição dele vcs ja podem ter uma ideia que eu vou inspirar a personalidade dela na belle de batb, né???? né???
anyway, eu criei uma página de bio pra ela. mas como eu não terminei ainda (e nem vou agora, só amanhã à tarde pq eu QUERO JOGAR LOGO NESSA PORRA), eu vou estar contando mais detalhes da bio e da personalidade:
aí a mãe dela faleceu quando ela tinha oito anos, e dez anos depois, quando ela se transformou em uma faerie por completo, os moradores da vila mataram o pai e tentaram matar arabelle e therin também. porém, nao conseguiram porque a mãe biológica deles finalmente apareceu pra levar os dois pra unnatural falls. 
de inicio ela ficou decepcionada com o conceito de “fadas”, que foi totalmente diferente do que seus pais lhe ensinaram quando era pequena. eles lhe mostraram só as coisas boas, e na mãe biológica ela viu a definição de uma fada ruim.
apesar de também ficar chateadíssima com a população da vila, arabelle é super human friendly™
aí quando ela chegou em unnatural falls, ela aprendeu a usar seus poderes e, depois de mais de dois séculos de treinamento, ela se considera uma boa fada de verdade
super imaginativa, criativa e sonhadora. quer o bem do mundo, de tudo e todos, ainda sonha com um mundo em que humanos e seres sobrenaturais possam viver em paz
AMA ler. passa o dia inteiro lendo, e por isso é uma das criaturas mais inteligentes na cidade. possivelmente todo o livro que você leu ela já leu tb. e entende muito bem de todos os seres sobrenaturais existentes, já que passou séculos estudando as raças nos milhares de livros que leu.
 ela é uma pessoa super friendly. se você precisar de ajuda, ela é a primeira a estender a mão e se oferecer pra ser a pessoa que vai te ajudar. 
porém, ela não gosta de falar dela, sobre seus sentimentos mais profundos e sobre o seu passado. como ela não consegue mentir, já avisa logo de cara que não quer falar sobre específico assunto e, se a pessoa insistir, ela contornará o assunto.
não gosta da mãe biológica 
é super protetora. seu irmão o que o diga. 
quer que tudo seja feito perfeitamente, na maioria das vezes do jeito dela. 
AH! e ela é meio antisocial quando se trata de festas (à não ser que envolva jardinagem, livros e animaizinhos fofos), ela prefere ler livros ao invés de festejar. de vez em quando que ela se diverte.
BOM, é claro que eu vou adicionar mais coisas na bio (e quanto eu adicionar eu vou deixar o link pra vocês verem), mas por enquanto isso foi tudo o que eu pensei. énois e vamos plotar <3
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leftnipsdoodles · 6 years ago
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i will draw every male awoken that doesnt have a canon design yet as a pretty boy
so here’s a Savin (who was Chao Mu) i managed to draw sometime ago
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ther-n · 5 years ago
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minha garganta já estava seca, e meus pulmões, exaustos. por algum motivo, não havia conseguido chegar antes. esperava que agora não fosse tarde demais. ao meu redor, uma belfast caindo de dentes em seu próprio pescoço. às minhas costas, as ruas coaguladas com os destroços dos carros de humanos que tentaram todos fugir ao mesmo tempo. à minha frente, a velha escola onde eu e mouse cursamos o primeiro ano. ela está lá dentro, eu simplesmente sei. eu ouço um estrondo vir do prédio, e meu coração para por um segundo. olhos arregalados, eu olho em volta: não posso entrar lá de mãos vazias. o portão da frente foi arrancado em algum tipo de explosão e se encontrava no chão. do seu lado, um cano de metal que também parecia ter caído em meio ao caos. agarro o cano com as duas mãos e entro no prédio principal o tão rápido quanto posso.
(tw: sangue, violência, morte)
havia sangue em algumas das paredes, corpos estirados no chão e gritos distantes viajando pelos corredores. 
apesar de maior parte das salas pelas quais eu passo estarem vazias, eu aproximo cada portal com cuidado, até que encontro um onde há alguém: o que parece um professor de meia idade sendo cercado por algum ser sobrenatural que, o que quer que fosse, não parecia abalado pelos vários ferimentos no seu corpo. eu devia me meter? droga. droga. droga. eu não conseguiria simplesmente ir embora. eu me aproximo pelas costas da criatura. o humano faz contato visual comigo. eu pressiono o indicador contra os lábios, mandando ele fazer silêncio. ele faz. o elemento surpresa é a minha única chance. portanto, eu tento fazer silêncio até estar em um ponto estratégico, e “BAM” exclama o metal contra a nuca do meu alvo. em um momento de sorte extrema, a criatura cai em seus joelhos, e depois em seu próprio rosto. eu olho para o corpo inconsciente, e depois para o professor, e ambos parecemos igualmente incrédulos e aterrorizados, demais até para falar.  “aqui”,  eu finalmente digo, entregando o cano para ele, meu braço tremendo.  “pega. se protege. se esconde em um armário, sei lá. eu vou voltar pra te buscar quando sair daqui.”   prometo.  “fica escondido.”  ele me encara até assentir com a cabeça. eu assinto de volta.
assim que eu saio pela porta, ouço um grito do final do corredor. poderia ser ela? eu corro e escancaro a porta. há alguém inclinado sobre mouse, mantendo-a na ponta dos pés ponta pelo pescoço, segurando aberto um ferimento no rosto dela, o brilho do sangue que brota refletindo em seus olhos sádicos. eu olho para os pulsos da minha melhor amiga, já algemados com uma corrente grossa. quando eu olho de volta para cima, o homem já me avistou. ele me mostra os dentes.  “não vou dividir a presa. vá embora.”  a esse ponto, meu rosto já está vermelho de puro, flamejante ódio. eu agarro uma cadeira do chão, vou em direção a ele, e, com um movimento diagonal, espedaço-a na cabeça dele. ok, parece que a minha sorte acabou. agora ele parece bravo de verdade. ele investe na minha direção em uma velocidade sobrenatural. eu me jogo pro lado, transformando meu tamanho apenas por um instante, apenas o suficiente para me esquivar. eu caio de lado no chão. antes que eu possa me levantar, ele já está em cima de mim. eu tento lutar, mas ele segura meus braços com tamanha força que já começo a sentir a circulação cortar. a raiva no rosto dele rapidamente se torna entretenimento, e ele ri, sarcástico, seu hálito de sangue quente, repulsivo, no meu rosto.  “oh não...”  ele finge um beicinho.  “eu tomei a humaninha preferida de alguém?”  em resposta eu cuspo no rosto dele e, de repente, ele não parece mais tão entretido. ele levanta a mão direita para dar um tapa na minha cara mas, com sua mão no meio do ar, ele para por um instante, e então solta um guincho horrendo de dor. eu imediatamente o empurro para longe de mim e observo, atônito, enquanto ele se debate no chão do meu lado. há uma perna de cadeira atravessando seu peito. 
logo acima, mouse também observava, as mãos algemadas tremendo na frente de si.  “mouse!”  eu exclamo, e pulo pra cima dela, abraçando-a, mas logo me afastando o suficiente para inspecionar seu rosto molhado de sangue e lágrimas, mas tão corajoso quanto eu me lembrava.  “você está bem? o que eles fizeram com você?!”  ela olhava pra mim, os olhos brilhantes, incrédulos. ela coloca as mãos ao redor do meu rosto, como se certificasse de que eu não sou uma alucinação, de modo que as correntes prendendo seus pulsos envolvem meu pescoço também.  “fox... foxface? o que está acontecendo? o que houve com as suas orelhas? oh, therin, o que eles fizeram com você naquele internato? o que aconteceu?”  minhas sobrancelhas se arqueiam pra cima em uma expressão de dor e a minha voz quebra.  “é uma longa história, lor. eu queria ter estado aqui, eu... me perdoa. mas você está bem? vem, eu vou abrir suas algemas...”  eu olho ao redor. “ele guardou a chave no bolso.” ela diz, apática. eu vasculho os bolsos no corpo do vampiro e volto até ela com uma chave em mãos. abro uma algema.  “indigo e quicksilver vieram com você? você sabe se eles estão seguros? onde eles estão?”  abro a outra. “eu não sei... eles estavam dormindo quando eu vim pra escola... provavelmente estão na casa da árvore.” eu a olho nos olhos.  “então a gente vai buscar eles, e a gente vai se certificar de que eles estão bem. eu vou proteger vocês, ouviu, lor? nem que me custe a minha vida. eu juro. você me entendeu?”  eu olho pra ela, flexionando meus músculos de expressão séria tão raramente usados. ela ainda parece confusa e... destruída. mas ela assente com a cabeça, limpando as lágrimas com as mangas do suéter.  “obrigado. agora vamos dar o fora daqui.”
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leftnipsdoodles · 6 years ago
i love therin vai bc he’s the ‘gets pegged - stupid as all fuck - respects women’ meme
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