#sorry i'll shut up now
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akajustmerry · 8 months ago
I can say quantifiably that I am alive now because when I was severely suicidal in 2014-15 I read a line in a Neil Gaiman book and it helped me realise I didn't have to die. But ykw fuck him. I'd be caught DEAD acting like my feelings about his work are more important than the safety of the 2 victims that bravely came forward with their experiences. And fuck anyone who thinks their personal feelings about his works good or bad are more important than letting another man get away with using his fame, power and influence to hurt others.
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elizabeth-mitchells · 2 months ago
i literally cant sleep because im too angry because letterboxd reminded me of that stupid fucking list "there was love but oh the circumstances :(" that included Carol with a whole bunch of tragedies like. DID YOU MISS THE ENDING OF THE MOVIE???
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nickelwick · 2 months ago
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THIS is what the Crystalized poster wanted to be.
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Yep, dragons rising is superior.
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fullcollapse-mp3 · 4 months ago
idk how mcr expects me to stay a fan of their music when tickets are going for NINETY EIGHT THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS and they haven't said jack shit about it
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faunabel · 2 months ago
??? and my mom threatened to disown me???
god, i wish.
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blorbo-images · 2 months ago
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judadisyourjudaddy · 1 year ago
btw y'all i've been watching the kingsman movies and that harry hart guy is gender asf and everything (no one cares) but where is his lore. i'm sure it probably wouldve been unnecessary or something in the movies and also please note that i havent watched the third one yet so i could be yapping about nothing-- but the second movie was like beginning to delve into something then they fought the mfs at the end and stopped elaborating anymore i hope im making sense.
this is very likely just me thinking "harry hart was about to be very kinnable and i dont actually want to kin another character but it felt like it was going to happen and you jus left him lore-less" but i'm like so confused. like maybe i was just reading into everything too much but the whole butterfly arc thing felt serious like please tell me what his parents were like, why did he only ever mention his mother, what was that whole fixation about and WHY DIDNT HE KISS MERLIN!!!!!
ALSO WHAT WAS ALL THAT ABOUT WHAT HE SAW AFTER GETTING SHOT anyways i hope i shut up about these movies soon my poor discord comrades are being forced to converse with "AGENT GALAHAD" what the fuck man
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kimmiessimmies · 2 years ago
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A brand new town (sort of) feels like a new beginning, so I decided to make some changes.
This is a looooooong (text)post, but here's the short version:
TL/DR: I'm going give my story a title (below you can vote for what you think the better title is) and I'm going to start posting my updates to Tumblr in full. Want to know more? ⬇️
1. A story needs a title
Those of you who've been following me for years know that I've undergone some style changes. KimmiesSimmies, both on WordPress and on Tumblr, started out as a gameplay blog. I visited my Sims, played for a  bit, took pictures, added a few lines, and that was my (non-)story. Pretty soon, a shift started to occur. Even though gameplay remained my main focus, there was usually a theme, a story-like idea which played out. While my Sims led lives that ran as a thread through the tales I created, these could also easily be read as standalone stories about a prom, an athletic festival or a summer camp (I do miss Windiwell 😢). This shifted further when I wanted to write out more significant ideas, such as the story of a runaway girl (Go, Martha, go!) and what would happen to her. I couldn't possibly fit all that in one story update, so it became more extensive. Characters evolved, and my mind started working overtime, constantly coming up with new ideas. After a five-year pause (life got in the way) during which my mind never stopped coming up with new ideas, I decided to write my stories down and then go in game to take the pictures to support my story. And with that I had gone from "gameplay-based" to "story-based". Now, the stuff I write aren't standalone stories anymore; it's all part of one big story about the Sims of Honeycomb Valley (and The Hills), where everything is connected somehow and always ongoing. And a story needs a title. Which is why I decided "KimmiesSimmies" is just not fitting anymore. This will remain my username (because that's my public identity) and the address to my WordPress blog, but the story in itself will get an official title. After a loooooot of thinking, discussing and web searching, I've narrowed it down to two possible titles, and I would like you to give your opinion (yes, you, one of the six people who are actually reading this entire essay).
The options are "A Taste of Honey" and "Life with a Drop of Honey". The honey bit is important because I will never stray from my bee/honey theme. That's everywhere, so it should be in the title as well. "A Taste of Honey" is, in my personal opinion, more catchy. However, it's not unique. It's the title of a Beatles song and a movie from 1961. Now, I haven't seen this movie, but I looked it up, and the genre description was "drama, LGBT", which did make me chuckle, but with the current state of my story, those keywords are pretty fitting. "Life with a Drop of Honey" is unique but makes less of a statement and isn't as memorable, I think. So, please let me know which you prefer! I'm not promising this will be a democratic choice; I might go against the grain and pick the one with the least votes because it feels better, but I'd still like to know what you think.
2. Bringing the story to Tumblr
(Are you still here, reading this? Wow, I'm impressed! 😄)
Until now, I've posted my story on my WordPress blog only and made a post containing some pictures and a link to my WordPress blog here. Now, some people actually click through to my WordPress blog to read the full story (and if you're still here reading this much-too-long post, you're probably one of those people, so thank you for that ❤️), but many click like and move on, which is fine. However, someone I've come to consider as quite my closest friend (and therefore wouldn't lie to me) and who's a very excellent storyteller herself (and therefore knows what she's talking about) recently convinced me my story deserves to be read. So, after going back and forth on this, I've decided to start posting my story updates (since it's all part of one story, I will refer to them as either updates or chapters instead of stories) on Tumblr as well as on my WordPress blog. I haven't quite figured out the details yet, but I think I'll post a link to the full post for all those who want to read the whole update in one go (like I did up until now) and post the story in parts over the following days for those who'd rather read on Tumblr. My WordPress blog will remain "home base" where story updates, sim bios, and town tours live together.
So, that's it! Changes! Couldn't I tell that using fewer words? Probably. But I've never been one to keep things brief...
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squarebracketsmileyface · 1 year ago
I'm working on something that's not Sorry It's Locked right now (perhaps something that i was inspired to pick up again by seeing Sickmutes skully and the operator art hehehe) so have a snippet of it.
kinda nsfw? I guess what Alex says kinda insinuates the situation they're in (...and y'know, smut is just what I write for the most part, i consider myself a smut writer) putting it under a thingy anyway because i talk a bit more about the fic, and that is definitely a bit nsfw
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Anyway, no idea what this fic's gonna be called, but it's so self indulgent and has weird ass kinks in it. like, normal weird like tentacle sex and gunplay and super rough fucking, and also just, ones that are probably a little too weird to be considered normal weird? like getting filled with pitch black, inhuman cum so much it leaks out of your eyes and comes up your throat💀 so... yeah. theres that i guess.
I'm gonna have so much fun with it.
God knows why I ever stopped writing it. got caught up in sorry its locked probably
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mutantmuses · 10 months ago
today was a long and awful day.
first i went to the park with my baby boy and someone kicked him. i told them not to touch my dog then she just huffed at me. like she is annoying as fuck and always talks too much. it's annoying. i was very pissed about that.
then i went to class & idk guys i really feel like i don't fit in with them anymore. like i love dancing and i love being on stage. but sometimes i feel like i'm the black sheep because of how i am. like i am a VERY open person with no filter & most of them are into god & what not. so i'm sure i look like a nutcase to them.
but idk. i had a shitty day & i just want to relax and have some threads going. i'm happy to be here & y'all mean the world to me.
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bonefanatic · 8 months ago
sorry but like imagine dating a himbo and being pregnant and explaining to said himbo that you haven't had your period in a while and his face lights up and he's like "omg babe i didn't know you were transitioning!!"
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tabooi · 9 months ago
watching the wizard of oz again i think it's fixing me
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doueverwonder · 2 years ago
so anyway diagnosing with google obviously isn't completely reliable but I need to find something that I can pull up to try to convince my dad to let me go to a doctor; and uh, I was reading about fibromyalgia? and it said it mostly diagnosed in adults but the symptoms typically start much earlier so i went "oh, i wonder when"
The symptoms of fibromyalgia, all of which I have, typically start the same time all my stuff did.
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devildom-moss · 1 year ago
What if I brought back Stolas is other fics? (He appeared in Raphael's "Roses for you" series piece as a nameless shop owner and his Flowers for them short piece)
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trigunsbbygirl · 2 years ago
me delusional and playing tears of the kingdom: what if I make a loz!au
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