#sorry i promise i'll get back to what i'm supposed to be drawing now
onefey · 4 months
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fearpilled hungermaxxer 👍
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drvirgus · 6 months
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder;
Chapter: I’m waiting (half-written)
Smiling, I looked at Hanni as I held the tongs in my hand. The smell of grilled meat wafted under my nose as I patiently waited. Hanni had her drink in hand and was telling one of her stories, which brought a smile to my face.
Chuckling, I turned the meat over to cook the other side. Beside me, Minji nodded, also giving Hanni her full attention, a small smile on her lips. As individual pieces of meat were ready, I placed them on Hanni's and Minji's plates. Both of them immediately thanked me as I put more meat on the grill.
I watched as Hanni and Minji ate, which made me smile. "We shouldn't eat too much," Hanni sighed. "I heard some complaints about us gaining weight," she explained when she noticed my questioning gaze.
I looked a bit more serious and rolled my eyes. "Eat as much as you want. Screw what others think," I said, taking a deep breath. My jaw was slightly tense. "You both. All of you have perfect figures," I said, narrowing my eyes slightly. "So don't force yourselves and just live. That's how life is more fun," I added, laughing lightly, which Minji immediately agreed with.
So I kept putting meat on their plates until Minji leaned closer to me. "You eat too," she said, holding out the salad with kimchi and meat to me. I smiled and opened my mouth, allowing Minji to feed me.
I smiled, which made Minji smile too. Hanni watched the whole thing and started giggling as she filled our shot glasses with soju. She raised her glass, and we followed suit, clinking our glasses together before downing the drinks.
My eyes scanned the empty store. Unfortunately, it had to be this way. After all, I was here with two very famous idols. "By the way, I'm leaving for two days tomorrow," Minji said, looking at me.
"At what time? I'll drive you," I immediately replied. Hanni chuckled when she noticed how familiar Minji and I already were with each other. She seemed to be watching us closely, but I didn't really notice.
Minji smiled at me immediately as she sighed. Her head rested on my shoulder. "The flight is at 10," she said, and I nodded immediately. I hummed a little as I continued to check the meat and turned it. "Then I'll pick you up around 7? We could have breakfast before you fly," I said, and Minji lifted her head from my shoulder with a wide smile on her lips as she nodded eagerly.
I smiled and nodded back. Now I set the tongs aside. "I'll just go to the bathroom for a moment," I said, looking at Minji and then Hanni before I stood up and made my way to the restroom.
Unaware of the conversation Hanni and Minji were having, which I naturally wasn't supposed to know about, I returned to the table with still slightly damp hands that I shook off along the way. Unfortunately, I noticed two tall, visibly drunk men standing at the table, apparently conversing with the two idols.
With a furrowed brow, I approached the table. My eyes immediately scanned the two men as I scrutinized them for any signs of a camera, phone, or even a weapon.
"I'm sorry. This is a private event," I said, putting on a friendly smile and drawing the attention of the men towards me.
I was an idiot for forgetting to lock the door...
"Why though? It's boring just being with three people," one of the men said, and the slightly shorter one nodded with a grin on his face. The smaller one, who was still taller than all of us, leaned towards me.
"Let us join. I promise we'll have a lot of fun," he said, his breath smelling of alcohol, which immediately gave me an uncomfortable feeling. I sighed, but I stood my ground. "Please leave the premises," I reiterated, this time with an even more serious tone and no smile on my face.
The drunk friend just chuckled as he suddenly grabbed Hanni's arm. With a quick movement, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back, my other hand on his shoulder.
He screamed in pain, "Damn bitch, let me go!" he demanded, but I simply dragged him towards the door, his smaller friend watching with his mouth hanging open.
With a shove, I threw the man out of the store. I could see him rubbing his wrist in pain. "I could easily beat you up," he threatened me, but he didn't move an inch.
I ignored him and turned to his drunk friend. "Are you leaving voluntarily, or do I have to do the same with you?" I asked calmly, causing him to nervously smile. As he walked away, he bowed repeatedly to the idols and me. "I've only had my arm broken recently. I don't want any trouble," he slurred as he voluntarily left the store.
"Damn. That slut lied," I heard one of the drunk men mutter as I simply closed and locked the door. With a sigh, I returned to the table where Minji and Hanni were looking at me with wide eyes.
I cleared my throat as I settled properly into my seat, my eyes focused on Hanni. "Did he hurt you?" I asked, visibly concerned, but Hanni shook her head in response. Annoyed, I sighed again. "I'm sorry. That was my mistake. I forgot to lock the door," I explained, but neither of them reacted.
Questioningly, I looked first at Hanni and then at Minji. "What's wrong?" I asked casually as I took the tongs once again and placed new meat on the grill. The sizzling sound could be heard clearly throughout the room.
"How can you be so casual about it? You just kicked them out without any problem," Hanni said, leaning forward slightly with her mouth open. I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Well, I'm not your bodyguard for nothing," I replied with a smile, feeling my cheeks flush slightly. Hanni laughed in response, which made Minji laugh too.
Surprised by the loud sound Minji made, I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. Hanni refilled our glasses again. "That's how she always laughs," Hanni said. My eyes still on Minji as I simply smiled. I could feel my face relaxing completely.
My heartbeat quickened.
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glassrowboat · 2 months
How about "I promise I'll keep you safe, no matter what" with Dainsleif (if that's okay)?
Emerald Sea. Dainsleif.
Author's note: I'm not sorry. Also the amount of times I had to double check I didn't spell Dain's name wrong was...fun...
Word count: 2,100+
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Red was everywhere.
It painted the sky in a sunset hue that had your head turning up to catch a glimpse of the coming dawn only to draw back in horror rather than delight, you could find it in a wet sock splayed across a broken stone, a coin purse spilling its contents, and an arm that hung from a windowsill Dainsleif barely caught as his eyes scanned the scene before him.
This was a play picturing the most beautiful tragedy you could ever imagine. Romeo and Juliet paled in comparison, for what could compare to the most beautiful rose that pricked at your skin and drew your very own blood for it to taste? To delight in your suffering as your hand draws back in misery.
A play of the Archons making.
A breeze brushed his cheek, whistled in his one good ear, and Dainsleif could have sworn that was Celestia itself clapping at the show they deigned to put on. He wanted to shout at them to stop, to cease using them, his people, as puppets on their makeshift stage, but the words ‘protect the people of Khaenri’ah at all costs’ stilled his tongue. Weighed it down until it was nothing but led. The taste of iron danced on his tongue.
Halfdan, who he had only briefly come across to bark orders at, was undoubtedly at the palace by now; a sword still held between his hands. That is, if they haven't already fallen still.
Loyal to the end, just like he was supposed to be, yet Dainsleif couldn't help but feel like the oath he had pledged, sworn himself to all those years ago, suddenly felt incomplete. Broken, like he hadn't taken a knee before King Irmin's watchful eyes and laid a hand to his chest in reverence.
For how could a royal guard keep his oath to a nation falling apart before him?
In the flames that burned his home, Dainsleif recounted exactly what he said that day, but somehow they fell flat compared to the ones he made to you.
On another much sweeter day where there was no ash in his nose but instead the scent of flowers. White and blue petals shaking as your hands trembled in what he could only have guessed, or perhaps hoped, was pure excitement for the years to come.
In white and lace you walked down the aisle.
His brother, Vedrfolnir, had jabbed at Dainsleif's back and told him not to mess this up, and it had only proved to stoke his nerves. Poking at them with a well placed finger rather than a cast iron stick kicking up embers still alight.
When you finally stood before him, Dainsleif swore he could hear his own mind sizzling away as he took you in. Even as you teased him. “I'm glad to see you're not wearing your uniform.” Whispered under your breath so only you, him, and the officiant could hear.
Not that the old man with a raised brow ready to get on with the whole ceremony had stopped him from saying back: “Will you ever let that go?”
“You shouldn't have worn your uniform on our first date.” You shrugged. “Though, you do look good in a suit.”
And no swan, no matter how pure its feathers, could compare to you.
Taking your hands then had been easier, easier than the swordsmanship he had practiced for years on end. Each movement had been ingrained into his skull, his brain, his very being, as he held a weapon that left him with callouses you had taken the time to kiss once upon a time. Holding you that day was like nature itself was guiding Dainsleif as he took another vow.
"I promise I'll keep you safe, I'll love you, no matter what.”
“Til death do us part,” you had sworn as golden rings slid on both your fingers, and your lips fell upon each other.
That day, he hadn't been the Twilight Sword, Captain of the guards, or even the little brother of a highly esteemed man, but himself. And now your husband, too.
Another sizzle as Dainsief's boot met the burning remains of a stall, and he was forced back into the present. A curse on his tongue as Dainsleif nearly tripped over the fabric that had once hung from the wooden beams of another piece of the shabby flea market he had spent hours in.
Vegetables he had once spent his afternoons picking out now strayed across the road. Some stepped on, some bruised, and one- only one- in decent condition.
With a groan, Dainsleif adjusted you on his back.
Even with his right ear still ringing from the blast, Dainsleif had been caught in when the first attack struck he could still pick up your groan. Quiet, barely there, but it was there nonetheless. The smallest noise was all he could cling onto, for hope had no place in war.
“Hold on a little longer.” He told you the same words he had told the knights by his side when the first nail dropped. And another. And another.
Not a single man had laid his weapon down as they all faced their end.
Dainsleif held back his plea, his need to ask you if you were alright as he trudged on. Your fingers twitching with every movement he made was enough to tell him you were still there. The shine of your ring reflected back his own face, scarred with something he couldn't take the time to stop and try to recognize.
A dark black against his blond hair and fair skin.
Another step.
Somewhere far off, he could just barely make out the creeping sun peeking in from the surface, shining through two wide open doors. For where there was shadow, there was light. His home had been cast over with darkness.
Rubbing at his eye, trying to clear the blood threatening to fall into it and block his vision, Dainsleif took another step. Another and another. Your weight shifted on his back all the while as he made his way towards one of the many things the gods of this world had gifted to humanity but denied Khaenri'ah.
The warmth of the fire that had licked at his cape, tried to devour it whole, was replaced by the warmth of the sky above as rays shone on an emerald sea.
Right then and there, Dainsleif dropped to the ground with a thud.
Everything turned black.
Judgment day had come and gone.
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Grass tickled his legs as Dainsleif settled down, one leg tucked up to his chest and the other stretched out; the heel of his boot almost hitting a rock. By now, the plant life that had withered in the wake of Khaenri’ah's fall had grown anew. The brown, dead blades that turned to kindling for a flame before him had now come to match the lush green the rest of the world had to offer.
Besides the door, there was no trace of the tragedy that occurred. All of it had been forgotten with time. Yet he could still remember just where the line between emerald and enstatite had been, for it was right where he had collapsed.
You had followed with him as you both plummeted into the arms of another nation: Sumeru.
The Sumeru that had been spared from any tragedy. Not even the life of a stray bird had been claimed. When all those who lived in his own nation had been twisted into something grotesque. Monstrous. To the point they hide behind masks and growl at you to run the moment you get too close.
“Ljúfr.” Beloved. Dainsleif called as he looked down at the leaves of climbing ivy. Claiming, unabashedly, what it clung to. “My day, just like all the rest, has been long.”
Tiring to a fault for he's carrying the burden of memories that slip like sand from his grasp every passing day, but he still knows to tell you of his day just like always. To let you listen to him even if this time you weren't running around the kitchen with an apron on. There were no plates hitting an old (and slightly wobbly) table his father had made as a wedding gift or even the sound of his sheathed sword falling into the umbrella stand beside the front door.
You had always said “it's rude to just bring your weapon indoors and leave it about the place, Ást min,“ when he forgot and put it anywhere else.
My love. How he relished in that sobriquet when it was uttered in such a sweet cadence. Dainsleif could still hear it now in the ear that rang, rang, and rang with the screams of dead men.
Reaching forward, Dainsleif plucked one of the ivy leaves, letting his eyes trail over each vein. A life cut short in an instant, all from tugging on something so frail it snapped under his grasp. For a moment, the thought: is this how Celestia felt that day passed his mind, but just as quickly, Dainsleif pushed it aside with a sigh.
He'd need to cut the ivy back.
With a short knife already in his aching hand, for the curse had taken each and every one of his joints and lit them ablaze, Dainsleif's blade cut through the vines with ease. It took as little effort as stepping on a roach. With each cut, he spoke. Looked up at you and refrained from making a tasteless joke as you basked in the sun you both were still getting used to despite all the years that had passed since living in Khaenri'ah.
Even after all these years in the light, his eyes were still more accustomed to a life underground. To the darkness of the Abyss.
As his knife cut through the last vine, breaking it apart and leaving a sticky residue on his gloves Dainsleif will have to wash the next time they stop at a stream or, if they're lucky enough, a small inn that will take them in for tonight, her voice broke through his thoughts. Halting the endless trampling of muddied boots kicking up mess after mess in his head.
“We should leave soon.”
Dainsleif looked up to see gold shining down on him, a half-hearted smile stretching across her face as she held a hand out to him. Palm unturned, waiting for him to take it.
“We can always come back.”
Dainsleif's grip on the blade tightened, letting the shape of the hilt press into his hand. “Of course, we still have somewhere to be.”
Lumine watched silently as he pocketed the knife away, tucked it in the robes he wore, all without a word. This was nothing new to them, standing silently as the world passed them by with each step on their journey. The sky could change from day to night, all with only shared glances that told more than words ever could, but here? She found Dainsleif always talked freely.
“We should return in the near future.” Dainsleif's hand brushed off the dirt and dust from the stone before him, wiping it as clean as he could with only a well worn glove. “Lest I have more ivy to cut back.”
Just like his sword, waxing at the metal, cleaning it to perfection after every day of use (a habit formed from his time as a knight), he was tedious with what lay before him.
Who lays before him.
Lumine bites back her comment, wanting to remark how Dainseilf must have truly loved the woman buried under grass and dirt, six feet deep and marked with only a makeshift gravestone that had been replaced once, and only once, with something that had your name carved into its gray face.
There was no need to make a comment when she already knew what he would say: Just like his oath to serve, to protect his nation, he failed his promise to you too.
But the golden ring on his finger shined nonetheless.
“I brought flowers this time.” Lumine whispered, hesitant to break his moment of reverie as Dainsleif stared down at the marker. In his eyes, it was clear to see it was the most precious thing this world had to offer and the most precious thing the world had taken from him.
Pulling a single flower from her bag, Lumine held up an inteyvat. The very same white and blue petals he could still imagine next to lace.
There was no thank you uttered as Dainsleif plucked the flower from her hold, but there was no need to when it was said with how delicate he was as he placed it down before you. For while he would make no offerings to the gods, you were another story as he stood there in an emerald sea.
Soon, they would start off on their journey again. All it would take was another step.
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RoTTMNT Donnie x reader with
🍰: "You're my new pillow."
🌩: "Just leave me alone!"
Good choices Anon! These are my two favorites!
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Summary: You're a bit grumpy, but Donnie knows how to fix that<3
Warnings: Nah
Requested: Mhm!
GN Reader!
"Darling, please stop pouting... I swear I'll make it up to you." Donnie begs, sighing lowly as you avoid looking at him.
"You cannot undo what has been done." You state, crossing your arms with a low frown.
"It was one episode, dove-" He starts, but you cut him of with a dramtic flourish of your hand,
"One episode too many. We swore not to watch it without eachother, Donnie! Just leave me alone." You say, sulking over to the couch to continue your pouting somewhere comfy.
You had caught her boyfriend in the guilty act of watching your guys' show without you, granted, it was only one episode, but how many more would it have led too if he hadn't been caught?
Simply and truely unforgivable!
Well. Not really, but you were going to draw this out.
Donnie groans, making his way to stand infront of you he rest his hands on your knees, leaning down so you're face to face.
"I'm sorry, dove." He says, frowning, "Please don't be mad at me."
Dammit he's good. Oh well, forgivness is a virtue.
"Promise you won't do it again?" you ask softly, trying to keep a dead serious face.
"Promise." Donnie answers, mimicing your serious tone before his face splits into a grin. He kisses your cheek before, gently motioning for you to scoot, "Now move over, I want to finish this episode."
You hum, scooting over and snatching the remote, "We have to restart it, I missed half the episode."
Donnie groans, laying ontop of you with his head on your chest, "Fine. I suppose that's fair enough." He grumbles.
You giggle, shifting slightly to get more comfortable, but Donnie seemed to take that as an escape attempt.
"Don't move." He mumbles, glancing up at you before focusing back on the screen, "You're my pillow now."
"Oh really?" You ask amused.
He nods, wrapping his arms tight around you, "Yeah, now shush. Pillows don't talk, dear."
"My mistake."
Short and sweet! My favorite kind! 😋
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darkbluekies · 1 year
hi hi how have you been if it's no trouble and if you are taking requests can I request your ocs with an artist reader that gives them a painted picture of themselves, If it's too difficult pls ignore this. Thanks and have a great day/night♡
(sorry if my grammar is bad)
A/N: I'm so sorry, there might have been some translation error in my brain that said that yn gave the yanderes a picture of themselves, not of yn! I'm still not 100% sure what you mean, but I wrote this. I hope you'll like it even if it's the wrong interpretation :(♡
Warnings: a bit suggestive parts in Edmund's and Silas’s
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You’re quietly coming into his office with something behind your back. Silas looks curious, asking you what you want since you never come down to his office. Youquickly give the paper over to him and attempts to run, but he lets his men lock the doors before you have the time to reach them.
“Now, now, don’t run. Let’s see what you’ve given me … wow, baby, this is magnificent. You drew me? Why haven’t you told me that you have such a talent, little thing? Now, don’t get all shy now. I really like it. I’ll keep it right here on my desk. Come here now so I can give you a kiss.”
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Dr Kry:
He can tell that you’ve been drawing something for over an hour by now, but you haven’t let him see it. Everytime he comes close you pull the paper away. He’s growing curious, he can’t deny that. By lunchtime, you give him your artwork. He scans it with a small smile on his face.
“You made this of me? How sweet of you. I will cherish this dearly, I promise. Do you like to draw? Do you want me to buy you some supplies?”
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King Edmund:
He has hundreds of portraits from all ages. Every year there's a new portrait of him (and you) hung in the throne room. But when you give him a messy sketch of him that you made while waiting for him to finish a meeting, he's mesmerized. You've caught something that the other painters haven't. There's something real about your sketch. Something human that has gotten erased in the official portraits.
"This is so beautiful, my jewel. You have a wonderful talent. I want you to paint my next portrait. And I'll do whatever pose you want, wearing whatever you want."
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She likes to make some sketches too. But nothing professional. Just some doodles when she's bored. She has let you borrowed her sketchbook while she's gone in a warehouse to retrieve stuff you want nothing to do with. You draw her from memory and when she returns you hand the book back. She catches a glimpse of the small cartoonish sketch you've made of her.
"Is this supposed to be me? Why did you make my face so round? I have a jawline, you know. I'm just teasing, I know it's an art style. It's stupidly cute somehow. I'll make one of you later and then we'll keep them in our phonecases, got it?"
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You're not paying attention in class again. It's okay, though! Hedwig will give you her notes. You're leaning against the wall, doodling. You start to draw your girlfriend, picturing her side profile magnificently.
"Y/N, we'll work in pairs now- … oh, is that me? Wow, you're amazing! You have to show me more later, I didn't know you had such good talent! Can I keep it? Thank you, I'll hang it in my locker and get reminded of you every time I open it!"
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lil--nuggett · 7 months
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Hey guys, so if you know Baldur's Gate 3 this is an AU for that with Hardenshipping but it's really fucked up. I will explain why it's fucked up below the cut.
Maxie is a High Half-Elf Warlock (his patron is Groudon), and Archie's a Human Fighter <3
Also I just realized this is the first time you have seen me draw Archie seriously lmao my bad guys I'll try to draw him again soon
I took a ton of inspiration for various things for these designs, including Guile for Archie's armor bc I love Guile sm!!
(More info and our dumb AU lore under here - No BG3 Spoilers I promise <3)
I'm going to tell you this now... this gets really fucking crazy and honest to god I know I'm going to have a hard time explaining this. It WILL be quite long and I WILL be yapping.
This AU is really just something we did on impulse and it's really fun to mess around with, so I'm hoping you all will enjoy the concept as well :)
I'll try to explain it simply as I can. I thank you in advance to all who sit here and read this ily sm if you read it all <3333
Anyways, okay so imagine how one could do a bg3 AU for these two fuckers...
And throw it right out the window because you'll never guess how me and my friend have done it.
The Backstory:
This all started when my friend decided to play BG3 for the first time, and he jokingly said to me "Should I make Maxie our main character??" and I replied "I you want, but I won't force you" and thus BG3 Maxie was created, and his misadventures began.
Now your probably wondering (if you've played the game) what about the guardian?? Who did we make the guardian?? Well, we made Archie the guardian. However, I did not know just how wild this idea would get within the next few days.
So, eventually we realized how crazy the BG3 lore actually is (it's a like fucking DnD campaign idk how we didn't realize this beforehand), and so, we jokingly started our own "AU Lore" that ties in with the BG3 Lore.
If you really want to know, I have an entire note in my notes app dedicated to keeping track of what happens. It is very long.
The Parasite:
Now, if you've played the game or know anything about it, you know about the Mindflayer parasites. Well, one fateful day, me and my friend joked that the Parasite in Maxie's head was this little freak who looks like Archie.
The two have no correlation other than looks, its completely coincidence and it's not a mimic situation. The Parasite "Archie" does nothing but talk nonsense to Maxie all the time, and initially the bit was that he only talked about Fortnite. All because I made the joke that the dream realm in game looked like a fortnite update. By now, that bit has fallen off (thank god), replaced by just general nonsense and lies.
Also he fucking looks like this:
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Weird little freak. This is just one of his talk sprites I have, this is just his neutral expression.
So basically it's:
- Maxie was supposed to be on a Geology research trip, but instead he got dragged into the Parasite issue with the rest of the companions. He really just wants to get home to Archie.
I am the one who handles everything for Maxie in this AU, I do his voice, I handle his lore, etc.
- Parasite Archie is this 1 foot tall, neco arc-esque version of Archie that sits on Maxie's shoulder and tells him nonsensical things. He also says Maxie's name wrong, he says Maxie's full first name and pronounces it as "Maximilliam" instead of the "N" at the end. For Maxie it's like handling a toddler but the toddler fights back, doesn't shut up, and threatens your life. He also has a ton of his own lore that my friend continously adds on to, so I can make another post with just the parasite's part of things.
My friend handles everything with the Parasite himself, comes up with the lore, does the voice, etc. I simply keep track of it.
- The "dream visitor" version of Archie is not real either. It's linked to the Parasite in ways that if I get into it, I will spoil a good chunk of the game. Sorry. Just know you can consider this and Parasite Archie kind of as one in the same almost.
- The REAL Archie is still at home, completely unaware of what's happening, while Maxie is fighting for his life. He does miss him, though, and hopes he gets home soon. He and Maxie are only boyfriends, they haven't gotten married yet. (They also haven't been through their rivalry yet, as this all takes place before that happens.)
Sorry for the convoluted yap sesh, I just have more art planned for this stupid AU and- God I cannot possibly just post this shit with no context. Like, I'd have to explain it eventually so I might as well do it now beforehand yk 😭😭
I might do separate posts with our HCs and some silly conversations that have happened between Parasite Archie and Maxie if you guys would want that :)
Also, I do have all of the sessions from where my friend plays the game recorded and I'll be sure to post some clips of what Parasite Archie sounds like eventually, possibly with snippets of my shitty Maxie voice in there as well. You'll get to see the talk sprites in action with that, too.
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starsomens · 1 year
hii 🙋🏼 Can you, please, write about Noah taking care of the sick reader with flu, cold?.. He calls her (by regular call, by video call) during work and realizes she's not well, and although she insists that she is fine (because she doesn't want to disturb his schedule, his day), he comes home by surprise to take care of her 😣♥️ i cry just imagining him appearing at the door 😩😭
Note: I’ll use a Fem! Reader here
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“Noah, Y/N is calling you back!” jolly said holding up his phone while they were sampling for their next up coming album. You were currently back home and he was over with the rest of the band. He felt bad about leaving this morning since he has a hunch that you were doing too well. He called you before but you didn't answer and he figured you were sleeping.
"Y/N, sunshine, how are you?" he asks straight away
"Hey, just calling to see how things are going so far *sniff* " he could hear the rasp of your voice and how stuffed your nose was "Sorry I missed your call, I fell asleep again after you left."
"Well, we're fine but Y/N are you sick? You really don't sound good." poor Noah was worried he left you alone while you weren't 100%
"Maybe I have a stuffed nose but it's really not that bad, really you're busy with work right now I'll be just fine!" you try and play it off while being followed by a cough.
"babes you're not fine, I'm coming home"
"Noah no! You guys are working right now! Just come once you guys are done okay? I can hold out until." you try and convince him. You knew working on music and making an album took a lot of work and focus and you didn't want to take away from that
Noah being the boyfriend that he is gave in "..Can you hold on until 6?" he asks knowing that'll be about the time they may finish
"You know I can, I promise moonlight" ugh and you used his nickname. You really knew the way to his heart
"Call me. For whatever okay? Please sunshine"
"I will, say hi to the boys for me. Love you"
"Love you too, I'll be home soon okay?" and with that he hung up
It was about 3 in the afternoon when you had finally gotten out of bed. You were pretty sure it was the flu. You head was pounding, you were exhausted, and your eye burned. Your cough and stuffy nose didn't make it any better either. You were wrapped up in a blanket with one of Noah's hoodies on with some random TV show on. It was more of background noise than anything, then there was a knock at the door. Getting up you go and look through the peep hole to see none other than your boyfriend.
You open the door in shock "Noah? You're supposed to be working on the album what are you doing home??"
"I wasn't gonna stay away from my girl when she's sick. What kind of boyfriend would I be?" he said coming in and kissing your head. He sets down a couple of bags on the kitchen counter. He brought some of your favorite cookies, soup from your favorite cafe, medicine and even some heat packs.
"Noah, you didn't have to..." you felt bad to have taken time from his work, but you also felt touched that he went out and got you all these things to feel better.
“Y/N.” Okay now he was serious “ you’re sick, I love you so I want and need to care for you. Now go get comfy on the couch while I get your soup ready” he pointed to your previous spot
“Okay okay, thank you baby” you pout. He leans down for a kiss but you stop him with your hand “okay that is where I draw the line mister. You are the lead vocalist in the band and I will not let you kiss me and catch my sick”
“Fine, Fine. But you’ll owe me kisses when your better”
He served your soup in your favorite bowl. Put some of your favorite cookies on a small plate and brought you two bottles of water. For one you had to stay hydrated, and to at least have a treat with your medicine. He found a movie he knew you loved and waited for you to finish your soup to cuddle you. Every now and then he would feel your forehead to see how your temperature was.
I have a few minutes to sell her check up on you. See if you need anything or if you were comfortable. Eventually you did fall asleep on him so he covered you in an extra blanket. No no it has a habit to take a picture of you whenever you fell sleep on him. And you being sick was not an excuse to miss out on this moment.
You just looked so peaceful he had to capture the moment. On top of that you were cuddling on top of him? Even better. And even if you were to get him sick he wouldn’t mind. Although he did start to feel that you were sweating a bit. You must’ve started to sweat the fever which means the medicine was working great. That also meant it was sent to wake you up get you in the shower and to change clothes and give you some more medicine if needed.
As for you, since no one has gotten there with all of these things to take care of you you didn’t even feel sick anymore. Just by him bringing these few things and taking care of you you already felt a million times better. And you will admit you did hear him while you were sleeping and how he had promised you to always take care of you when you got sick. And you will definitely tease him about it later on.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual
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catinflight · 7 months
Here's Ashley and bert, because why not (Sorry if it's low quality / things dont make sense or if there's any weird spelling mistakes, ect). It's late, and I'm Uber sleepy😭😭 ill try to elaborate more if asked)
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Ashley is part of the main survivor group holed up somewhere (I haven't decided), along with most of the other none infected, she's doing her best to document and assist suna with scout work but sadly she doesn't have any actual weapons to help fight back (not yet atleast) so she mostly sticks to the sidelines. I'll probably use her journal entries to showcase more information about the au and the other survivors, but for now I'll just write down the basic stuff
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Bert knows a lot more than he lets on. He was found a patrol team searching for resources around some vacant and priorly undiscovered set of underground facilities. he was nearly catatonic and refused to make direct eye contact with anyone. Since then, he has gotten better, though not by much. He picked up a few documents from the lab and since has been weirdly protective and fidgety with them since.
Aaaaaand now some good ending future goobers for funsies, because silly
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Suna may seem relatively intact, but that's mostly because her armor took most of the brunt from attacks, though that doesn't mean she hasn't seen some stuff, but atleast she managed to create, somewhat of a cure, for the infection Though it can't help everyone, at least some people don't have to die, right?
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Aki is kinda weird, because not only has he managed to recover from his infection without exposure to the cure, but he somehow managed to integrate it into his own systems, (think getting the cold, but instead of getting sick you mutate it and it gives you superpowers,) though that does come with the drawback of retaining minor symptoms and looking half meganized, this is mostly because Y.D.M (in severe infections) forces a robots system to work in its most extreme states, and for aki, thats when he's meganized, now he mainly focuses on helping suna with curing and reforming people. Suna isn't very fond of this, as she's seen aki takes it too far, often skipping days of sleep and forgetting to recharge while trying to help cure infected. At some extreme points, collapsing with exhaustion, thankfully suna is always keeping an eye on him.
And I would draw daini,
But uh, he kinda
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Who knows maybe I will after all? I mean this is supposed to be the good ending right?
I'll nap on it and see what happens, though if I draw him, I'll have to draw skullman too, cus' yknow, LORE
Anyway, yeah, thank you for reading this small lore dump teehee (I'll draw more characters next time and have less text, I promise 😭😭)
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c0smiccom3t · 4 months
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Hello friends, hello mutuals, hello dimension dyfenders fans and hello people who like indie cartoon/comic stuff in general! Comet here. Once Again. and this time i've got something ig this year. This was supposed to release on May 29th, but due to Ren not coming back for a long time because they needed to prioritize irl stuff, of course, we had to delay it.
But, but, BUT! thankfully I had a few things ready after all, however as for some other things else, we'll get to it much later, when the moment calls. Now, let's get off with the first one.
(warning, in case this update gets too long, i'll make a part two where i'll be able to link it through here.)
You Kinda... Look Different.
You may have noticed that Dislexo looks a bit different than usual (darker skin, a bit of shorter hair, etc.), in case you're wondering why... Yeah, you're about to find out.
So, while I was thinking and drawing up some D.D related stuff, I was brainstorming a little by my lonesome. All of the sudden, as I was making a new render for a character, I was like... "Wait a minute... What if I give Dislexo a new look which is a mix between a secretary and a butler but keep it's elements from what made their design unique?" and So, the new and improved Dislexo was born!
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Honestly i'm proud of what they look like now. I just hope i won't (or will) get to redesign ALL of the cast again so suddenly lol! Anyways, thats just a small change I made, nothing too big. Now, let's get on something else... which is...
Pocket Adventures' current status + how's minisode 1 coming along
You might be asking inside your minds, "i wonder when more of minisode 1 will drop", "where are the new parts?"- Well, i got the answer. It'll only come only when im completely finished. However i havent been working much on it aside from making a few pages a few months ago, but hopefully this summer i may get back to it and finish it all up if i can. The final script is 73% percent complete, as for the comic itself, let's just say its 58%. I promise you i'm taking my time with delivering everything i can for this minisode. However i might republish the minisode with the series' current artstyle if it ever comes out physically (or either when I'll have the time or energy to do it.) So, now, you may be wondering: "But Comet, what do we do while we wait." Well you're not gonna believe this.
No, it's not an extremely late april fools post! We got new stuff coming soon, recently i've been brainstorming some ideas for brand new content, and you know what? It came to me, HERE'S WHAT'S COMING!
THAT'S RIGHT, after months of hiatus, Toonies is coming back with more strips! This time, since summer's coming around, i'll try to post and make more of them and even schedule the finished ones! We got even more covers for it coming, but for now, here's one of them!
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More comics are not only gonna explore more of the Dyfenders' and the Dajo Crew's everyday lives in-and-out of their superhero/Villain occupations, we are also going to focus on much more on other characters (at least some of them), and some will last for a few more pages longer! No arcs though, sorry. But hey, you're getting more wackiness as a treat! Now, i know i said this year is not gonna be big like the other two years we had, but...
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THAT'S RIGHT! We're working on a new special to commemorate our three years! Thought it'd be a nice adiction to this year, we may not reveal the logo and it's title yet, but we can tell you what the sypnosis is about!
You're all invited to the biggest night in the Omniverse, right across it's stars, cosmos, galaxies and portals! Both the Dimension Dyfenders and the Dajo-Crew are crossing the red (or should we say, blue) carpet in this brand new 3-part special! Prince Dajo-Voo has a new plan on how to take over the gala, all while he tries to self-control himself from doing the same explosive incident he did back then. The Dyfenders may be having a great time at the gala, but rest assured, they'll be sure to keep a close eye on him. Here's to a Rift-errific and (hopefully) trouble-free gala!
As a bonus, when the production on all three parts are done, we'll be posting Toonies comics related to the special, which may feature a new character who will debut later on in Pocket Adventures! We don't know when it'll exactly be out, my guesses would be either summer, september or next May 2025. But rest assured, we'll be working on it, but we won't rush it out.
So... What's next?
Honestly, i can't really tell. But I can assure you i still have so may plans for this series, plans that will be put in action in the far-off future. What i really hope to do is to make animated shorts as well, not just Toonies strips, pocket adventures minisodes and comic dubs of it. Maybe if we'll ever make a backerkit or a kickstarter for it and get a budget, it might happen (along with more VAs joining in.) Speaking of VAs, in case you're a VA and you haven't auditioned yet, anytime is the right time! (this is still a test leap, but if it succeeds it may go further.)
but for now, we're sticking to comics, and then, if possible we'll get to comic dubs and so on.
That's all for now! I hope you're all looking forward to what's coming for this series. I'm sorry that it wasnt as big as the last years, but we promise that things will arrive when they can.
Happy (LATE) third anniversary, everybody!! Thanks for reading!
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deadlymousex01 · 7 months
Skyrim Characters when you get hurt
Farkas, Brynjolf, Nazier, Aela, Arnbjorn, Lydia
You got hurt on a mission and there were no healing potions readily available (but let's face it if your actually playing skyrim you're usually stocked on those things, also for the sake of this story you don't have a healing spell). Sorry if this is a long one! Hope you enjoy! :)
Farkas carefully wraps the bandage around your injuries making sure to not hurt you further. He's trying so hard to focus on helping you feel better but you can tell by the way his brow is scrunched he's more than a little annoyed you went so far into the barrow without him.
He got caught up dealing with some draugr and by the time he finished with them you were gone, so focused on your goal you didn't realize you'd left him behind until you were dealing with three draugr deathlords. You'd managed to keep them all at bay between shouts and your sword, even killing one of them, but they managed to get a few good hits in and if it wasn't for Farkas showing up you might have joined the dead. Once the two of you had finished them off your adrenaline had worn off and the decent cut down your back and side made it impossible to travel further, so instead Farkas got you both into a cleared out room and secured the door for the night so you could rest without risk of attack.
Now he was currently bandaging a cut along your arm and a wave of guilt washed over you. You had first been annoyed by his fussing, reminding him once again you were the dragonborn and perfectly capable of taking care of yourself but seeing his concern and worry made those feelings disappear quickly and be replaced by guilt. Once he finished with your arm he set to work building a small fire in the little pit in the room as you leaned back against the wall watching him.
"I'm sorry Farkas." You say softly. You know he's listening as his hands pause their movements even as he continues to face away from you. "I shouldn't have been so distracted and gotten so far ahead without you. We were warned this barrow was dangerous and I was reckless...I'll try to be more mindful about my surroundings in the future." You see his shoulders rise and fall with a sigh as the fire starts up. He moves to kneel in front of you, worry written all over his face, as he brings a large battle worn hand up to cup your cheek.
"I just want you to be careful, if anything happened to you..." He trailed off, but you knew what he wanted to say. Many think he's just a thickheaded brute but you knew better. Under that all that gruff was a intelligent and caring man. He sighed again looking you in the eyes. "I know you are a capable warrior, the dragonborn, and I don't want to belittle you but...please stay close to me until were out of the place."
You bring one hand up to gently hold his wrist and bring your other to cup his cheek like he's doing to yours with a smile. "I promise, and thank you for saving me, my big strong wolf." He returns your smile with a huff of a laugh before bringing his forehead forward to lightly rest against yours "You're welcome, my ferocious little dragon."
"Of all the boneheaded, reckless, stupid stunts I've seen what you just pulled has got to be the stupidest one!" Brynjolf's angry whisper tickles your ear as he leans dow to talk to you. The plan was supposed to be simple; He would create a distraction downstairs in the basement of the estate to draw the guards down and then you would sneak in and rob them blind as the owner was supposed to be out for the night and his wife was not home. Well it didn't exactly work like you planned.
Brynjolf had to wait a little longer than expected to get into the estate as the owner was standing in front of the door he needed to get into talking with a guard. Deciding you didn't need a distraction you snuck into the building without him. It was going well in the beginning however you forgot to consider the owners mistress who was visiting her lover for the night. She had been sleeping in the bed and heard you sneaking around in the room over and came to investigate. You had been so busy trying to break into a safe you didn't hear her until it was to late and her dagger stabbed into your shoulder.
Luckily she had terrible aim and in the dark it was even worse so instead of stabbing into your shoulder it missed and ran the blade down the back of your shoulder and back. Your scream of pain and surprise, as well as turning around with your own dagger, caused her to scream in return and start drawing the guards upstairs. You managed to get out the window again and drop to the ground where Brynjolf was still hiding nearby. He knew what was going on the minute he heard the screams and saw the guards run into the house giving the two of you the chance to run.
You didn't get to go to far when the guards started running after you, so Brynjolf had pushed you into a small space between houses and pressed himself up against your back in order to fit himself. The wound on your back ached and burned but the feeling of your lovers body against yours helped distract you from it.
Once the guards had moved off elsewhere he slowly left the space before helping you out as well. Turning you around with his hands he lowered your collar to examine the cut.
"You're lucky your armor protected you from the worst of it, you'll need a couple stitches but you'll be fine." He turned you back to face him as he crossed his arms. "You could of been killed and it would of been because you were being stupid." You knew he was right but that didn't stop the annoyed feeling rising up at his tone.
"Oh like you've never made a bad call during a job."
"Oh plenty love," He said leaning down to be face to face with you with that signature smirk "But I'm clever enough to get away with it." You roll your eyes before turning to walk away. "You're a cocky bastard Bryn." He stops you but grabbing your arm and pushing you back until your trapped between the wall of the house and his body still smirking down at you.
"Aye love, that I am, and you can't resist it."
You start to wake with a pounding in your head. As your open your eyes you realize you're back in the sanctuary, laying on one of the beds. You go to lift your arm but a sharp pain prevents you from doing so, instead you turn your head to see Nazier walking up to your bedside, a mug of water in his hand. He sits down in the chair next to your bed and helps you take a few drinks of water before setting it down on the end table and gently taking your uninjured hand.
"How are you feeling? We would of given you a potion but Gabriella said you needed to wake up first or it could do more damage than good." he explained gently running a hand through your hair, careful to avoid any hurt areas.
"I'm sore and hurting all over...how did I get here? Last thing I remember we were hunting down that rouge in the woods." Your head hurts as you try to recall memories that are escaping you. Nazier scooted his chair a little closer so he could lean against the bed.
"Turns out that rouge was a werewolf. The we hadn't any indication of that otherwise we would of been ready for him. You had managed to get close to him but he either smelled you or heard you because he changed quickly and hit you so hard you went flying back into a tree..." He trails off for a moment giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "For a minute after that I thought you were dead."
Your heart ached at the sound of his voice. It was so broken and hurt, like he was truly afraid he had lost you. Of course it could of been true, werewolves are hard to fight when your prepared for them let alone when you aren't. You squeeze his hand back encouraging him to continue.
"I managed to kill him and ran to check on you. You were hurt pretty bad, my healing spells are rusty but I managed to heal you enough to be able to move you and get you back here. Gabriella and Babette got you bandaged up and healed a bit more, but then it's just been waiting for you to wake up. You've been out for two days."
You gently bring your hand up to his cheek and give him a small smile unable to give him the comforting hug you want to. He leans into your touch before leaning down to place a soft kiss to your lips. You knew he must have been extremely worried if he's being so affectionate where the others could see. While the whole family knew the two of you were together, Nazier wasn't one to how it off much.
"Next time you go out I'm going to make extra sure we know everything about the next mark, I'm not going to let you go in blind again." You hum contently feeling safe with him nearby and as he leaves to get the healing potion you close your eyes knowing it will be a while before he lets you out of his sight again.
You limp toward Whiterun holding your side, the injury wasn't life threatening thankfully as you had been wearing your steel armor but like a idiot you hadn't remembered to bring a healing potion so now you had to endure the long walk back to Jorrvaskr. As you grew closer to the gates you could smell Aela's scent getting closer. Sure enough around the bend she came looking annoyed and worried at the same time.
"I could smell your blood from the gate, how badly are you injured? Why didn't you bring any healing potions?" She asks coming up next to you and lifting your arm to allow her to inspect your injuries. You wince as she does so, the sudden movement pulling at the wound and causing you to flinch.
"I'm fine Aela...ow...I just forgot to get some before I left since I didn't want to lose the silver hands scent. I had the element of surprise and I wasn't going to waste the chance to get 'em." You pull your arm around of her grip and lower it to relieve the strain it was putting on your side. "I had them all nearly taken care of when one pulled a hidden dagger out on me. Just got me by surprise but I'm fine. My armor blocked most of it."
She gives you a firm glare before poking your side causing you to flinch and yell in pain. "You are clearly not fine. Now lets go, don't want you to bleed out in the street." She moves to your good side and drapes your arm around her shoulders so you can lean against her for support. She leads the way through the streets gaining you both a few curious looks before you make it back to the hall. Leading you inside and to your shared room she sits you on the bed and begins to help remove your armor to look at the damage. Even with a healing potion it would need stitched up so she sits on the bed next to you and begins sewing the skin shut giving you the potion to help with the process.
"While I'm all for knocking a few silver hand heads, I wish you would of told me you were leaving to do it. I would of given you back up and probably prevented this from happening." Her quick and nimble hands make easy work of the stitches before she starts wrapping bandages around your chest and waist. "We've already lost two important people to the Companions... and to me ...I really don't want to lose anyone else. So next time, clue me in on your plans so I can make sure you don't kill yourself by accident alright?"
You nod as she finishes with the bandages and helps you lay back on the bed before joining you herself. Snuggled up together you give her a small gentle kiss "I'm sorry for worrying you Aela, I promise to tell you when and where I'm going next time."
"Good, cause if you don't I may be the one stabbing you."
"Wouldn't want it any other way, love."
"Arnbjorn, calm down! I'm fine, really, look! See? I'm fine!" This was of course a lie; your left leg was cut up and bleeding, your right arm was just as bad, you were pretty sure your left wrist was broken, and you could be sure you had at least one black eye and a cut lip. In truth you looked like hell however Arnbjorn was one move away from shifting into his werewolf form in a rage and going out and unleashing hell on anyone and everyone, wether they were involved in the bandits that did this or not.
Arnbjorn's chest was heaving so badly from his heavy breathing and growling, and his eyes had almost gone full black in rage you wondered if he was even hearing you or was just lost fighting the beast inside. While you knew he would never hurt you, you didn't want him to hurt one of the family by accident or go on a rampage in Dawnstar and force all of you to move again. You slowly limp toward him, every movement of your leg sending shooting pain up it, until you were close enough to cup his face in your hands.
"Arnbjorn...please...breathe. I know you want to help and the best way for you to do that is calm down so you can help me. Please love, for me." The mission had gone badly. The target had been ready for you and managed to capture you. They had started to torture you in the hopes of finding the rest of your family but you managed to get away and kill your target before you left. Arnbjorn had smelled your blood the moment you walked into the sanctuary and when he saw you, the beast started taking over.
His breathing started to slow down as you held his face and his body began to slowly relax. You watched as his eyes slowly returned to color before he let out a long slow sigh closing his eyes before opening them again. Without a word he immediately scooped you up into his arms and carried you downstairs and into the master bedroom of the sanctuary. He sat on the bed with you in his lap, protectively holding you against his chest as if the bandits were going to show up to finish the job. Babette came in and bandaged your wounds giving you a healing potion for the pain. After she left she shut the door leaving the two of you alone.
Arnbjorn buried his head into your neck deeply breathing in your scent and letting out a low growl. "I will be going out and killing the rest of those bastards." This wasn't a surprise, you knew he would. After losing and being betrayed by Astrid it had taken him so long to be open to the idea of having a mate again and once he did he was even more paranoid; making sure he knew where you were traveling to, who you were talking to, what your plans were, that your weapons were sharp and in the best condition, that your armor was intact. He had loosened up and a lot of these but he had been so hurt by Astrid betrayal you knew this was just what he needed to do to allow himself to be open to you yet still protect himself and you.
He laid you carefully on the bed and then laid next to you allowing you to position yourself against him comfortably without hurting yourseld further. "I know you will, I know you'll always protect me when I need it." He grunted in response before burying his face in your neck again.
"You're not leaving this sanctuary again until your wounds are completely healed...and even then I might not let you." You huff a laugh starting to feel drowsy from everything that had happened the last two days.
"Yes, love."
Lydia let out a grunt as she helps slide down the wall to sit on the ground outside of the cave the two of you had just explored. Neither of you had expected the cave to be full of vampires however once you discovered it was you had been determined not to leave until you had cleared it out as it was so close to Morthal.
The two of you had gotten most of them taken care of when a gargoyle popped out and surprised you both. Its claws got a good cut in across both your legs and while you had managed to kill it you were definitely not walking very well by the time you had made it back to the entrance, needing Lydia to help you limp your way out.
"Here my love, rest here while I see if I have a healing potion or bandages." She digs through her bag managing to find a small healing potion and a few rags to cut up for bandages. Offering you the potion she cuts the rags into strips before carefully bandaging your legs.
"You'll need to rest here for a day before you'll be strong enough to reach Morthal. That potion was enough to heal your legs so you don't bleed out but you need to build up some strength. Wait here, I'm going to grab some firewood before it gets dark." When you nod in response she leaves for several minutes before returning with some wood. She sets up the fire before lighting it and then moves toward you. She removes her leg armor and sets it aside to help you lay down with your head in her lap.
"Thank you Lydia, you really were my shield in there. I probably wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you." You smile up at her, legs feeling numb from the potion working its magic. She gives you a smile running her fingers through your hair as you close your eyes and let out a sigh of contentment.
"Of course, you're not just my thane, you're my love. I would do anything to protect you, even lay down my own life for yours." You bring a hand up to stroke her cheek and she takes it in hers giving it a soft kiss.
"Let's hope it never comes to that dear, after all, someone needs to go home to the kids."
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coldfanbou · 2 years
Personality Switch
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I struggled mightily with this piece. So for those that didn't know, the concept, as I remember it, was Isa being a bully to everyone in school except OC. That switch made it so troubling because I had two different ideas of who Isa was supposed to be. So this is a shorter piece because of that, need to figure out how to do that better.
Length 1.4K
Isa X Mreader
Everyone knew Isa as the bully. Except for you, she was always submissive to you. Her personality would switch quickly; you could see her go from a domineering and cruel woman to acting like the kindest person who couldn't hurt a fly. You knew what she was like to the others, though. When she was submissive to you, begging was a big part of her personality. Today was no different as she went about her day. "Come on; you can't spare anything? I know how your daddy always gives you some money. Don't try to hide it from me." Isa said as she criticized one of her classmates. "If you kiss my feet, I'll forgive you." She said as she raised her foot. 
"I-I'm not g-going to give you any m-money, and I'm not going to kiss your foot." Isa got up from her desk.
"That’s how it's going to be, huh?" Isa slams her foot down on top of her classmates before making them keel over with a punch to the abdomen. "Go on, kiss my foot." She said with an indignant look on her face. Isa's classmate gives in to her demands. "That’s a good little piggy. That'll be your name now because you're my piggy bank." Isa had a smile painted on her face as she said that. Isa grabbed their wallet and took out some bills before tossing it to the floor and leaving the classroom. She skipped down the hall and upstairs as she entered your class. "Oppa! I got paid this week; let's go out to eat. I'll pay!" She said with childlike excitement.
You take your eyes off your homework and turn your attention to Isa. "You stole that money, didn't you?" 
"I worked hard for this money, Oppa! Don't treat me like a criminal." Isa replied as she puffed up her cheeks. 
You get up. as you walk to Isa, she becomes uneasy. You put your hand under her chin and tilt her head back as if you were going to kiss her. "Did you take that money from someone, Isa?" You ask her. "Be honest with me, Isa, and I may not punish you."
"...I took it from my classmate." You walk past Isa and deliver a thundering smack to her ass. "Ahh! Oppa, please. I told you what you wanted to know."
"Isa, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you said you would stop doing this." 
"I'm sorry, Oppa, but-" 
You deliver another hard hit to Isa's backside. "No buts Isa." 
"Oppa, please, I'll stop. I'll be good from now on, I promise!" 
"Are you going to do what I say from now on?"
"Yes, yes, I will!" 
"Then bend over the desk."
"Do it. Now." Isa bends over the desk, her creamy thighs in full view in her shorts. You grab onto her ass, drawing a moan from Isa. Releasing it from your grip, you smack Isa's ass again. She yelps in pain. You don't feel satisfied with the hit, though. "Take off your shorts, Isa." She does so without questioning you. An erection starts to form in your pants as you look at her bare ass and the lips of her pussy. "You didn't wear any panties, Isa?"
"No, I wanted to surprise you later." She says in a small voice.
You only get harder seeing her slit already wet. Instead of spanking her again, you crouch down and spread her lips.
"Quiet, Isa." You slide one finger into her pussy, her walls grip it well. You curl your finger inside her, and Isa starts to whimper at your actions.
"Does this mean you forgive me?" You don't give her a response; you continue your actions at the same pace. "Oppa, please." You slide another finger inside Isa; she whines as she feels your fingers stir her insides. 
"You need to be taught a lesson so you won't do these things again, Isa. You're going to be a good girl from now on. Am I understood?"
"Yes, Oppa." She says sadly. Undoing your belt, you prepare yourself to fuck her. As you press your cock against her entrance, you feel Isa shake her ass. You press onward, pushing into Isa's tight pussy. When you're buried inside her, you bask in the feeling of her pussy squeezing down on your cock, caressing it. "You're so big, Oppa. I love your cock." 
"If you love it so much, you would stop causing trouble. If you did, we would be fucking more often."
Isa perked up as she heard that. "Really!?" You don't say another word and instead, start thrusting. Isa's walls stick to your cock as you pull out and ram yourself back in. Isa's moans grow loud quickly as you thrust quicker. You tear Isa's top from her body and grab her tits. You start focusing on your own pleasure rather than any lesson for Isa. "Oppa, that feels so good! Fuck me harder!" She pleaded as she started to thrust her ass toward you. You deliver another smack to her ass because of her pleas. 
You underhook both of her arms, using your strength to slam her down on your cock. "Oppa, I'm going to cum! I'm-I'm cumming!" Isa yells as you feel her walls tighten around your cock. Isa grimaces as she squirts onto the floor below. 
She goes limp in your arms, and you whisper to her. "You've made such a mess, Isa. That's not something a good girl would do."
"I'm sorry, Oppa, your cock just feels so nice inside me." Slowly you begin to thrust again. "Oppa, wait a second. I need to rest."
"Then it wouldn't be a punishment, Isa." You impale Isa with every thrust, driving yourself deep into her pussy without second thoughts. Isa cries out in pleasure as she's overstimulated and struggling to keep from cumming again. 
"Oppa, please! Wait!" Isa's body shakes as she cums again. You debate continuing to fuck her but decide against it. Isa was at her limit and would break if you did.
"Did you learn your lesson, Isa?"
"Yes, Oppa. I won't steal money again. I'll be a good girl, I promise." She muttered in response as she struggled to keep her eyes open. 
"You're going to clean me up and then the room before you leave, okay?"
"Okay, Oppa." When you let go of Isa, she falls to the floor immediately into the puddle from her earlier orgasm. Her hand weakly reaches for your cock. She gives your cock a few strokes before licking it from base to tip. Isa says, "I taste so good on your cock" before laughing. To anyone watching, it would look like she was drunk. Isa ran her mouth along the sides of your cock, her tongue lapping your shaft. You moaned as her warm mouth took in the tip of your cock. Isa's tongue ran over the head slowly as she looked up at you to see if she was doing a good job. As you moaned her name, Isa sped up and started to bob her head. As she took in more of your shaft, she smiled. Isa enjoyed giving you a blowjob. She pressed your cock against the inside of her cheek. A playful smile was on her face as she looked up at you. "Am I doing a good job?"
"Yeah, yeah, you are. Just keep going." You moan. At this point, your cock was already clean; you were just enjoying the feeling of Isa sucking on your cock. It pained you, but as you neared your orgasm, you pulled your cock away from Isa.
"Oppa! You were so close, I-I wanted to taste your cum." 
You playfully slap her cheek, "if you're a good girl, you get some next time." You pull up your pants and grab your things to leave. 
Isa pulls herself up, angrily stomping her feet and saying, "That’s not fair!"
You cup Isa's face, "That’s bad girl behavior, Isa. Are you a bad girl?"
She shakes her head quickly. "I'm not a bad girl; I'm a good girl. I swear I am!"
"Then don't talk back. Now clean up the room." After telling her this, you leave Isa alone in the room to clean up her mess.
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
Sebastian: *Walks after Ethan, carrying firewood*
Ethan(5): Dad look!
Sebastian: *Looks up, his eyes widening when Ethan slid down the hill on a piece of firewood* Ethan don't!
Sebastian: *Drops the firewood, chasing after his son* JUMP OFF!!
Ethan: *Laughs, tumbling off*
Sebastian: ETHAN!!!
Sebastian; *Drops down and grabs Ethan, slowing them both down before they fell over the cliff side*
Ethan: Dad, did you see that!?
Sebastian: Don't EVER do that again!!
Ethan: Dad....
Sebastian: You could've gotten hurt or worse!!
???: Honey, what's going on with you two!?
Telia: *Hurries over pulling a sled of firewood*
Sam: Hey bud, what's going on?
Telia: Sam, can you...take Ethan back?
Sam: Come on Ethan, let's let your mom and dad talk
Ethan: *Walks after him* Okay...
Telia: Sebastian....what happened?
Sebastian: He...slid down the hill on one of the pieces of wood and I managed to grab him before he got...hurt..
Telia: *Walks over and places a hand on his chest* Hon, you are a good dad, but sometimes you need to communicate these things to Ethan, he doesn't know any better
Telia: Yelling won't make him understand why what he did was wrong..
Telia: You always find a way to make things right with Ethan, I know you'll do the same now..
Sebastian: *Sighs and nods to her* Yeah...
Telia: Alright, I'm gonna find Abigail and get more firewood
Sebastian: Alright
Telia: *Walks away, softly singing* I love you more and more, just don't wanna let you go~~
Sebastian: *Walks away, his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets*
Sam: *Smiles, drawing stuff in the snow with Ethan*
Sebastian: Ethan!
Ethan: *Looks up then ducks his head, looking nervous*
Sebastian: *Sighs, walking over* I'm sorry for yelling...I was worried and scared
Ethan: Huh?
Sebastian: Ethan, that wasn't the kind of hill you were supposed to slide down, that was a dangerous area where we had to walk...
Ethan: *Looks down, shuffling his feet* Oh...
Sebastian: If you promise me not to put yourself in danger like that again, I'll take you sledding...
Ethan: *Beams, looking up* YEAH!! Okay!
Sebastian: *Smiles and nods* Alright...
Sam: Hey, why don't we head back and prepare hot coco for your mom!
Ethan: YAY, OKAY!
Sebastian: *Smiles down at Ethan as the child took his hand* Let's go then...
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simpliao · 2 years
let you break my heart again ; (irl) schlatt x reader
summary : silly to think he ever belonged to you.
info : based upon the song of the same name by the ever gorgeous Laufey, and shouldn't be by Luke Chiang, i love them both amazing songs that I completely recommend. cheating, depressive themes, mention of disordered eating, angst, I cried while writing this.
a/n : I have been so busy, and totally not based on experience lmao. I just needed to vent, so I hope you enjoy and can feel the hurt I'm currently going through <3 I'll see you guys in another four months
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Shouldn't be.
Love shouldn't hurt this much. It shouldn't be killing me this much on the inside.
'maybe next week n/n, you know I'm busy.'
The message was all too familiar, barely legible as the world only became blurrier as tears flooded my eyes. My throat closed up, and I could only muster to text back as I always have.
'it's no problem! Can't wait for next week then :)'
I knew this song and dance would only follow into next week, my message left read and unanswered for what I know would be another dry answer hours in the future.
Laid upon a dishevelled bed, my eyes flickered my glance to my side, golden hour having already passed and no more light seeped into my room. My apartment for so many weeks deafly silent, my mind playing cruel tricks upon my heart when I could have sworn I heard his laugh echo off these walls. Always nothing more than a cope for what we've become, the sound of my own breathing and distant city sounds being my only comfort.
When that comfort used to me his arms, his hold, the gentle kisses upon my forehead and admissions of how beautiful he found me to be. No longer have I felt that way, not since. Just thinking about him causes me to choke back a sob, I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Not after I told myself I'd go with the flow, if he didn't care I wouldn't either.
He. Burnt auburn hair I still remember glowing when we'd drive out to the countryside to get a better view of the sunset at eight. Stupid jokes he'd make that would always draw a laugh out of me, his smile burnt in all corners of my mind; to only now haunt me every time I closed my eyes. He still stayed, even if I knew the same couldn't be said on his side.
I knew I shouldn't be doing this right now.
Leaving myself occupied in my mind, letting myself drown in thoughts and memories. If I were to shift my eyes I'd be able to see the school project sitting upon my desk, waiting to be done. And yet here I was, eyes permanently fixated upon the ceiling with my AirPods at its highest volume. Caught up in looking back.
He promised me to always be honest, that I was his and he was in turn mine. Those empty promises almost as empty as my stomach, the attempt of trying to get the sustenance into my body made me sick. Something would trigger of memory of us, and whatever sorry attempt at a meal I've managed to scrape together would be doused in salty tears; inedible. So empty I felt, I should have known; it's my fault.
He never had the best reputation. Twitter would have said 'told you so', Jeremiah Schlatt was never seen as a saint in the online sphere. When it came out that the two of us were friends, it shocked the community. Who would think? Two opposites would have such chemistry. Someone as blunt, sarcastic and cynical could pair so well with someone known to be so sweet, genuine.
That's all he ever wanted people to think, I question now if that's all he wanted us to be– with benefits to him.
Empty promises that when this or that would be sorted out, or when he'd be done planning something special he'd be ready to take on the responsibility. Everyone knew him to be the non-committal type, and yet he whispered into the cuff of my ear in our most intimate moments that he was mine– and mine alone.
And I supposed I was the fool to believe him.
From hours to days left on delivered, mute excuses to follow and never ending cancelled plans. We weren't together, yet he still gave the vague illusion that it was so. The use of private nicknames gave the feeling of being significant to him, and yet what we did behind closed doors was kept a tight-knit secret.
Now even wrapped up in comforters and bundled up in my warmest sweaters I still felt so cold, where his arms and warmth used to envelop now are permanently, bitterly frigid. The only thing keeping me going was foolish hope that I knew kept me foolish.
He wasn't coming back, not so long as he had my friends wrapped around his fingers. Pretending to not hear his flirty remarks while they giggled without knowing a thing ate me up from the inside.
I'd never say a thing either, lest I become the bad guy. Why couldn't I let him talk with his friends? Why couldn't he get time alone? His world didn't revolve around me so why are you acting crazy? You're wrong. We aren't even together... yet.
That last word used to tease and keep me in place, if I was good then that yet could become a maybe, and down the road a yes. I knew this was bullshit, meant to keep me where he wanted me. So he can feign guilt and use me all over again. I knew what I was, I was a toy for his amusement.
And I knew it all. I knew he didn't care about me, how his words would hurt, how he would lead me on with no more intentions than just a bit of fooling around. His eyes would wander, and a part of me hoped he'd never come back.
Because if he did I'd act the same, scared of being a nuisance, scared of being called mean names or seeing his gentle features turned malicious. I needed time for myself, and I knew I needed to cut him off to heal the scars he's left upon my heart. Keeping him close only hurt so much more, but it was a choice between loneliness or... More loneliness.
Until then, however, I'll just let you break my heart all over again.
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daylightcommand3 · 6 months
This might be a hard question to answer, but have you thought about what TMNT 2036 would look like in terms of art style? Would you want it to be 2D animated or use 3D models? Would it be more "grungy" and geometric like 2012 and Mutant Mayhem, or more wild and expressive like Rise, or more grounded like 03? Is the style somehow completely new that it's hard to compare to the prior incarnations? Do you have any specific design notes for the specific characters that you didn't mention in your big post on the heroes? How "weird" do the turtles look, pretty standard or would they push the bar even further than Rise did in making them stand out? Splinter's always changes a lot, what's he supposed to look like?
Sorry if this is a tough thing to ask, I know it's hard to describe something like a visual style without any kind of existing reference. But I also wanna come as close as I can to getting the same mental image of this iteration that's in your hand, and... MAYBE no promises at all Whatsoever don't count on it, try to give it some manner of actual visual interpretation? I'd do it completely out of my own reading of what you've said already without me asking directly, but I felt the end result would be more accurate if I did.
Regardless, I'm excited to see what else you have in mind in general for this! For as fun as a franchise like TMNT is with how it reiterates old concepts in new ways, it's a little shocking to me I haven't seen more people suggest their own iterations. I'll be honest and say I'm a little baffled I haven't had any ideas for my own Turtles (though I DO have part of an Avengers incarnation I had some scattered ideas for, might get back to that eventually), so I'm very glad you're picking up the slack in that sense. I might chip in with potential ideas as I get them but for now I definitely wanna wait and hear what you have in mind for the basics first. Excited to hear more when you have it!
This IS a hard question to answer, but I don't mind at all (Thank you for the ask!). I don't have too much of a consistent style in my mind, but I do have a few stray thoughts.
In terms of design desire, I'd say it's most similar to TMNT 2012 (for obvious reasons) with the turtles being blatantly different, without it being exaggerated like Rise or arguably even Mutant Mayhem. They're rather bulky (TMNT 2012 levels of bulky with defined muscles). I don't know what exactly grungy looks like, but if it's anything like 2012/Mutant Mayhem then I suppose they are(?). I definitely can see the argument for a geometric art style (more in a bit). I would want them to look more standard. Yet my imagination has other plans.
I have no idea if it would be 2D or 3D animated.
I'll start with Mikey and Donnie for they share an interesting similarity: I can't stop seeing their Mutant Mayhem heads. Granted it's not exactly their Mutant Mayhem versions. My Mikey has a much bigger forehead, and has a skin tone much more similar to 2012. I really think it's his gangly/lanky body that remind me of the Mutant Mayhem version. Though I can also see my Mikey having his eyes more spaced apart. I'm actually kinda inspired by the original comics by having Mikey's forehead just be a lump on top of his head. Mikey is the tallest of the 4. Not sure how tall exactly. But his brother typically have to look UP at him. (Though if this gets changed to make their heights more consistent it's fine with me.)
(Just have his mask lower (like where this one's nose would be), and I'd think we'd be close to what's in my head.)
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Also, despite me kinda picturing Mutant Mayhem Donnie, my Donnie DOES NOT HAVE GLASSES. I'm one of those people who don't like it when they add the classes to convey "nerd". Maybe a more circular head? I also want my Donnie to be kinda pathetic. He and Leo are about the same height. (Donnie may be slightly taller. Who knows.)
For Raph I have two main sources: @/nerves-nebula's drawings (warning: it heavily discusses and alludes to topics such as abuse/SA/incest, so proceed with your own caution). And Bowser Jr. In fact, whenever I imagine Raph, he's the only who doesn't have proper eyes. He just has two dots. Though for consistency sake its best if he does I imagine. To expand more on the Bowser Jr inspiration, he's also comically short. As big as Rise Raph is, 2036 Raph is small. He's like half the other turtle's height. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I much prefer it when the turtles are about the same height (akin to 2012). On the other hand, this is so much funnier. It makes the moments when he FNAF jumpscares a Foot soldier or other enemy much funnier. It also allows him to bite onto some poor enemy's arm and force them to shake him off. Raph is the main reason why I kinda want to make the turtles different species of turtles, as he's so inconsistent from the others.
Raph's head kinda reminds me of Trappinch. The visible mouth/teeth outline is ESSENTIAL. HE CHOMPS!!!!!
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Though ultimately it's for the best if Raph loses being the most cartoony for being more consistent with his brothers.
I have no clue for Leo. Mutant Mayhem kinda fits. But it's not perfect. I really only have vibes to go off of. He's a unique blend of 2003, 2012, and Mutant Mayhem. He takes everything as seriously as 2003, but doesn't have the authority to actually do anything about it. This results in him being kinda whiny.
The shell size for the turtles is the same as 2012. Gives them normalish body proportions. But still allows them to full retract. I'd also like the shells to look rather tough (maybe 2003 tough?), because, just like (of all inspirations) the Micheal Bay movies, the turtles are bullet proof. BUT ONLY WHEN RETRACTED IN THEIR SHELLS. Fun fact: Being bulletproof is what forces most of the villains to use laser guns and stuff because that's the only thing that could theoretical pierce their shells. Bullets don't work on Splinter either because he just Matrix-dodges them all.
Speaking of Splinter, he's heavily inspired by his 2012 version proportions wise. Very tall (though Mikey is as tall as he is). His fur is a light brown, akin to early incarnations. Most of his height is in his tall, thin legs. I don't know why I keep coming back to this design feature, but I think it's funny. Chicken legs Splinter. His most vital design element is his mouth (nose/snout?) being super long as well. This mostly so when he puts on his "human" disguise (just a bunch of human clothing hiding his features), his face mask is stretched out to the point in looks like a cone.
My April is heavily inspired by Mutant Mayhem April. She may be a bit more bottom-heavy than MM April. I'm also don't see 2036 wearing glasses, but if it completes the look then I don't mind. Now, the most important part is her hair. It is specifically the 2003 April's shade of red. She dyes it that way. Her hairstyle is inconsistent in my mind, but it often looks similar to 2003 April's due to color association. Though I imagine one of her bangs(?) being much much much longer on one side of her head than the other.
My Casey has the muscle mass of 1987, the hair of 2003, and the iconic gap tooth of 2012. I can see her head often being more oblong. She's often seen in gray/light-blue tank top, pridefully showing off her arms. As stated before, her hockey mask is painted with a skull featuring a large crack.
Now, as a bonus, I'll go over two villains I ever so briefly mentioned in the heroes post.
Baxter Stockman mostly resembles his 2003 design, although he has 2012's mustache.
Oroku Saki is also heavily inspired by his 2003 design. Though he also has a bit of 2003 Hamato Yoshi in him too. Given that's he's Splinter's owner and all that. I really want Saki to just look like a normal guy. His Shredder armor is also heavily inspired by 2003. Unlike 2012, there is not an inch of skin visible. The most important part of the 2003 inspiration is the fact that you can only see his glowing eyes in the mask, though they're pure white in this incarnation (like the fortnite skin).
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I also really like this helmet design in general.
The most important part of 2036 Saki is that he has 2012's vambraces. Those are the coolest shit in media. I'll be damned if my Shredder doesn't have those exact ones. INCLUDE THEM!!!!.
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Oh, and by the way, here's a visual teaser for another iconic TMNT villain in my incarnation:
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Well that's about everything I can think of. Once again, thank you so much for the ask! It feels great to get all these clashing and conflicting design elements off my chest. It means so much to me that people are interested in my ideas. And don't worry, I already got three 2036 posts in the works. And I welcome any of your ideas.
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seriously-nobody · 9 months
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Love's Dark Afflictions
Chapter 12
Warnings: Romance, mention of murder
Preface: I'm cutting this one off here so I can finish out the Crump Manor segment.
“Y/n, darling~” You feel a gentle pet against your head. You mumble something incoherent. “I'm sorry I have to wake you, but we do have business to attend to tonight, remember?” He kisses the top of your head. You blink your eyes open sleepily. “Ah there we are.” he smiles at you, running his thumb over your cheek. You smile groggily up at him, admiring his features in the red tinted lamp light. You check the time and groan. “I suppose it's time to leave.” You sigh, getting up and stretching. “You know,” he slides to the edge of the bed. “you don't have to go back if you don't want to. We could stay here together. You could live here with me. You wouldn't have to worry about any of those mortals or that beastly servant ever again.” He says. You mull it over in your head for a second. “As tempting as that is, I know they would come looking for me. Their demises are inevitable either way. Might as well get it over with in a quick and clean fashion rather than draw it out.” You ponder. “If you must.” Alistair sighs, rolling his eyes and motioning the door to open for you.
“Promise I'll let you have some fun with the servants.” You say, descending the stairs. “Now that I would enjoy.” He grins, levitating next to you. The front door swings open for you, and you step out into the courtyard. You untie your horse and hear a rumble of thunder. Dark clouds billow and curl, moving quickly in the direction of the mansion. “Looks like there will be quite the storm tonight.” You say. “All the better for ambiance.” Alistair says, and you chuckle, walking to the front gate. You close the gate and try to make it seem it was untouched. “Allow me.” Alistair says, and you back away. He stretches out his hand, and the vines move on their own, stretching and interlacing and tangling back into place almost perfectly. “Still have a few tricks up your sleeve?” You tilt your head at him in awe. “A few? Darling, I have many.” He tugs at his glove. “Better make it back quickly before the downpour.” You say, mounting your horse. You spur onward into a gallop and think about what may happen when you return to the mansion.
Chapter 14
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cyborb · 9 months
there have been some asks sitting unanswered in my inbox for an embarrassingly long time so I'm just going to go through and answer a bunch of them at once haha.
Sada and Turo / Paldea
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now that the dlc is out I can play around with my own version of paldea's story and the professors (that I may or may not actually talk about), but they won't be in the rainbow rocket stuff with supersymmetry. "officially" at least. maybe I'll draw something for fun, but I don't intend them to actually be in rr like the rest. they're more interesting to me within the story of paldea, especially with the ai aspects and ... other things going on there.
but to the anons who sent me these: those ideas are cool and honestly you should pursue them yourself!
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absolutely yes. in the base universe, her "unification" with nihilego kills her pretty quickly. iota lusamine is luckier since her nihilego seems to prefer keeping her around for longer. slow-acting vs fast-acting poisons, I suppose. by the time lusamine is picked up by rr, it's been about 6 months since she became jellyfish. who knows how much time she has left but her mental (and physical) state will continue to deteriorate along the way. an unsurprising consequence of willingly jumping into the mouth of a parasite
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possibly? I haven't given that much thought tbh. considering lillie and guzma's proximity to lusamine when she goes motherbeast, they'd both be lucky to make it out alive hahaha. but I could see all three of them trying to help people and pokemon in the UB-overrun world too
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honestly, no clue. I don't even think she knows, and she definitely doesn't care. who needs regular pokemon when she's got ultra beasts now! if lillie is still around she might have taken in a few of them herself though.
Other AU stuff
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I've actually made a post about team galactic here!
one fun fact about each of them:
maria/mars is giovanni and ariana's first child, and she ran from her home in kanto when she was 16 to become a pokemon trainer and get away from her parents. sorry silver (she hasn't contacted him in a while).
juno/jupiter makes traditional (hisuian) style pokeballs as a hobby despite the fact that they absolutely are not practical to actually use anymore. but they look nice
sterling/saturn helps run the in-universe equivalent of pokemon showdown because he's a nerd. he enjoys simulated battles more than the real thing most of the time
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great news: the rainbow rocket invasion all his fault!
by that I mean the choice of the base universe for invasion wasn't entirely arbitrary; rainbow rocket didn't just Show Up and hope this universe had what they wanted. beforehand, someone from rainbow rocket (either giovanni or archer, maybe even colress) scouted things out, and approached faba for information about the general state of the world and necrozma in particular. faba essentially sells out the universe (and aether's work with necrozma) in exchange for the promise of power and whatever tantalizing rewards the rr emissary offers haha. it's possible some of this involves planting a device to let rr come back to the right universe when ready too. what faba is up to when everything is going down in rr is not something that I've thought about, but he definitely gets found out for his actions leading up to it. oops!
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unfortunately probably not. the rr stuff is happening on the other side of the planet and I can't think of a situation which might result in them getting to meet up. I'm not enough of an expert on the two of them to say how such a meeting would play out either, but it would definitely be... interesting considering their own universe's version of the other person has been dead for several years.
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rose would probably be the least upset about it but cyrus wins the award for most upset (he has control issues). lysandre absolutely would have the most violent response to it though
while I'm not going to share the collection of complimentary messages I've gotten over time, I want everyone to know that I really appreciate hearing that you enjoy my ideas and art! it's encouraging and I'm glad people like my pokemon playground hahaha. and that applies to tags too! it's always great to see... I don't always get around to actually answering the stuff in my inbox (whether it's actual questions or otherwise) but rest assured I do see it!
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