#sorry i never remember how i flag music lmao
my aro ass got SO Hyped for a daylist titled "sad alone wednesday afternoon" because i thought PERHAPS i could yank a few more songs for my driscoll playlist; HOWEVER: a bunch of these fuckers are just breakup songs lmfao
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thevoidisback · 9 months
Let me be clear for ya'll out there real quick cuz ya'll need to know smh about me
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will do
Asked questions
Rp so put /rp in your ask
QnA any time make sure to put *📝* in there
Smh funny to put a smile on you!
will NOT do
Nsfw 🔞
Proshipping bc that's just wrong
Not talk about my irl self do to insecurity so that will be a red flag
Don't force me to do things I don't like
I will delete your ask if I don't like it
I'll redesign your oc if you pay $10 on cash app so DM me for that because I ain't gonna do it for free!
Please do respect my opinions on what I tell you on my thoughts of your ask because if you don't like then leave
Don't ask for a face reveal it's uncomfortable...same for the age I don't feel comfortable with telling
Don't try any dumbass shit and I mean that literally
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About Narrator!
She is literally my self prisona of me so of course she has adhd and autism and will probably procrastinate some times because that's how I am most likely....Womp womp I know it sounds lazy of me but bare with me here
I do love candy and chocolate! Personality I enjoy red velvet cupcakes because it's just chocolate dyed red lmao
I do some voice acting for Narrator w/ my irl friends and she honestly loves it because N.V aka Narrator void or just Narrator is actually a UK oc although in irl I was born in Louisiana then move to New Boston so Narrator has a British voice so remember that when she answers your questions
Narrator has control over Void and Silly void but she doesn't really bothers because she wants them to enjoy their void lives however they please
Do remember I have other oc's but I don't pay attention to them unless you ask who are they and I'll show you all of them!
Remember if you have any sad or just feeling down DM because I am a very caring person who will listen but if you want I can do my best to comfort you in any way
I do not have discord no more because I've done a lot of unresponsible things and got in trouble twice bc I let somebody "rp" with me and I fell for two different people and now I'm very uncomfortable that I let it happen without realizing it so I will never again plan to reinstall discord very sorry but not really
I'm very mature so I can handle g0r3, d3∆th, b1o0d, s3lf h∆rm, all that weird or crazy shit but I don't really support any of this type of act in irl so don't do it for content just go to a therapist about it now if it's nsfw or something else I can handle it but I still don't support actually doing it because there are kids on some social platforms plus the nsfw thing is just apart of humanity we can't control the internet so remember that
I dislike Gen Alpha kids it's just I personally think they are annoying af and hard to talk to without having to hear them say/text "skipitbi Gaytt rizz" type shit so you will be blocked immediately by me without no hesitation and if you don't understand why is because I'm a Gen Z girl because I was born in the 2000's when growing up so I'm some what brain rotten but not completely so remember that please and thank you!
I have a lot of different types of music I like listening to as in some: silly, random edit audio TikTok songs, Phonk songs, songs that just hit different, meme related songs, jazz/lofi because it helps me sleep at nights, Fnf songs- just a lot to keep up with
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What fandoms I like?
I'll gladly tell ya!!
Fundamental paper education school
Poppy play time!
Pressure (roblox)
Doors (roblox)
Block tales (roblox)
Gacha life/ Gacha club
Sky children of the light
Cult of the lamb (just because of that damn black ram they are just too cute don't blame me!!)
Hellva boss and Hazbin hotel
Dandy's world (cuz I keep seeing this shit everywhere and yes I've seen the game play but I didn't play it myself so stfu!)
Phighting (yes I'm very much aware of this game on roblox and yes I gave it a try with my friend it was fun and I like it wish my computer didn't crash on it womp womp!)
Cookie run kingdom
Friday night funky
Five nights at Freddy
More coming soon if I fine fandoms I like any time soon
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Who I am close with?
-> @out-of-nowhere231 <-
((she doesn't post much but I suggest you look her up...she doesn't have any asked questions also the same do and don't do apply to her as well))
That's who I fully trust online sorry @babyevenfromgovacation but idk 'bout you nothing personal just don't fully trust you is all...
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Thank you for reading all this! I had to rethink about everything but I do still love ya'll even though I don't know ya'll but stay cool!
Side note: I don't give a fuck how old you are just be honest with me and if your uncomfortable with it then I understand but still just let me know thank you!
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This User loves Halloween!
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I don't have TikTok because of the dark truth about it so sorry if ya followed me there and yes I do still have roblox but I suggest you just follow my user that way if I'm online you can join faster with me and my friends
Roblox user: Moaldr1278
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
I mean I was mainly talking about his queerbaiting and how he treats women, sorry if I wasn't clear on that lol. He definitely has an inflated sense of self when it comes to his talent and star power. You were right on with that one but when it comes to him as a person, I wouldn't say hes insecure about it per se but he knows that it would be bad for business if it was confirmed that he was a womanizing fuckboi. So I do think he feels pressured to uphold an image that isn't real, you know? I hope that makes sense lol.
I agree that he's pretty honest in his music, although I feel like it's mainly him dipping his toes to see how much of himself he can reveal but still get away with. I also think his music is a bit skewed to make him appear remorseful, which I seriously doubt he gives a damn.
And IF he's ever felt a smidge of remorse for how he's treated the women in his life, it gets washed away by all the praise his fans give him. It's why he always has a smarmy grin whenever he's pretending to be chivalrous or giving relationship advice. He can be a jerk behind closed doors and still be called a precious gentleman and he doesn't even have to try that hard.
His song boyfriends is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Theres so much cognitive dissonance in his fandom it's insane. He's literally singing about himself in that song but his fans think he's either alluding to his supposed queerness and therefore the one getting played or he's a distant observer calling out other men for being trash 🙄
i honestly don't even think boyfriends is about himself, i don't think he has that degree of humility or self awareness. i do believe that song is meant to be about gemma's boyfriends or something like that. it's him seeing himself as a saviour of women judging other men for not being at his standards (lmao). he's such a fuckboy he actually thinks he's a good boyfriend and that other men aren't, also he wants his fans to see him like that.
i agree about the queerbaiting. but i think he feels that the way he dresses, the flag waving, the ambiguity, the movie role has actually helped queer people so he thinks he's actually doing a good job. in that variety or was it deadline piece his people put out after all the fuss where they said he did MP for his fans and their LGBT stuff, i was like, yeah, harry thought he was actually doing them a favor. he sees himself as an LGBT hero.
but yes, he does know it'd be bad for business if we all saw him as a fuckboy. remember that video of him in a car covered in like a jacket, next to xander and another white guy, and then in the car in front or behind were a bunch of giggling white women who looked like generic influencer types, their dates for the evening all matched up? and how that video got deleted? he works hard so we don't see what a dried up basic fuckboy life he leads.
i definitely think he lives in fear of being outed as a heterosexual dude. i do think he gets the sweats about it a bit, hence why he stopped doing all his MP promo after he managed to offend the entire gay community with all his weird backwards homophobic comments. and the way he deliberately said "i've never publicly been with a woman" in that RS interview, out of nowhere. because he thinks it's so teehee cute to keep playing up the ambiguity, likely because his friends have been telling him he's a queerboss by never admitting to being with a man or a woman in any interview yet (he has though, is the weird thing).
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Ah right sorry! I dont know how but my brain was like 'yes discord is exists in minecraft'- Yes of course I dont mind! You can do whatever you want with the request :) Good im happy to hear that! And Thank you!
Original Request: Could I request a shy and quiet reader forgetting they're on a discord call and starts to sing a song that they are listening to? and whoever is on call with them joins in? maybe with Tommy, Wilbur and some other characters you want to write for :)
Remember to eat and drink water!
Secret Singing - Reader Insert
Pairings: none stated but can be read as Wilbur x Reader
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Jack Manifold
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Wilbur was busy, but not busy enough to help Y/N set up their workspace at their favorite spot! Going off to fulfill his own errands only to come back to a nice and beautiful tune in the air. 
Words count: 2125
Authors Note: Lmao you are valid, I mean after all skype is canon in the dsmp 💔 Skype my abhorred 💔
Also adhd went brrr again, I tried looking over it a ton but there might still be a few mistakes!
“Oh, wow! Need any help with that, Y/N? That’s a lot of wool you got there!” Wilbur was running through L’Manberg to deal with some errands but stopped in his tracks, having to do a double take as he just saw a mountain of blue wool on legs walk towards his direction. Only then did he notice that it was Y/N who was holding on to a basket with the wool in their arms.
With a concentrated expression Y/N turned around a bit so they could look at him. Pieces of loose wool was laying in their hair or was stuck on their flushed face “Oh! Didn’t see you there! And it’s alright! I’m just getting it over to my bench!”
With their bench they meant the wooden bench they set up themself next to a small pond. They loved working close by it hence the bench to make it a bit more comfortable. It was also still a minute or two off and with the way Y/N was already struggling with the basket, Wilbur couldn’t just stand and watch. How could he hope to be a proper president when he didn’t help people who clearly needed it?
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, stepping closer to grab the basket from them “Nope, let me help you. Not taking no for an answer.”
Y/N let out a few weak protests but ended up just pushing it into his arms, not wanting to accidentally spill the freshly treated wool unto the ground.
“Hey, um, be- bend down a little, Wil.” their voice weak and wavering like usual. Their shyness getting ahold of them again.
Not even thinking about why they asked this of him, he obliged. They then scoped up the top of the soft mountain so Wilbur had actually a chance to look across. He might be tall but that didn’t help when you held something big in your own arms.
With a soft satisfied smile they begun moving again and for a second Wilbur just stared as he readjusted his grip on the surprisingly heavy basket that Y/N probably made themself. Following after them and making sure that no stray pieces of wool would fall off.
“So, what’s all the blue wool for?” he asked.
For some reason this seemed to amuse Y/N “Well, a lot of our clothes use blue wool. The flag as well! I need some blue thread to either stitch some more flags down on clothing or when repairing them. Same for the flags flying about. General stitching. Besides can’t hurt to have some extra, might even sell some!”
In hindsight this made sense. When this whole L’Manberg situation started out Y/N offered to help stitch together their torn clothes. Over time they got really good at it and nowadays they have kind of turned into the resident seamstress.
Wilbur once apologized for pushing them into this profession only for them to vehemently shake their head “No! It’s fine! I- I enjoy it! It, uh, it also gives me something else to do than worry about our existence.”
He couldn’t argue with that. It was something that he lacked. Everything he did was dedicated to this new nation after all and he would lie, and he did, if this didn’t take a bit of a toll on him sometimes.
Once they arrived at the bench, Wilbur softly placed down the wool next to the seating area as Y/N carefully returned the extra wool back on top. They then sat down on the bench while taking out their tools out of their inventory to turn the wool into yarn or thread.
It wasn’t unusual finding them working here, especially when the weather was playing nice. Often enough sitting together with other people in sometimes comfortable silence or happy chatter. Either making thread, stitching or whatever work they had to do and could do outside.
“Thank you, Wilbur! I’m sure you are busy so I won’t keep you longer but you are welcome to join me if you are done with work before me.”
Wilbur picked some of the stray wool off his uniform and sighed, not particularly looking forward to the work “Yeah. I’ll come around if I can. I’m going to meet up with Tommy in a bit so he might join as well, not sure though.”
Y/N nervously chuckled “Yeah, don’t worry. I know.”
They then begun to set up their tools to start working. Not even looking after Wilbur who begun walking off again in a snail’s pace. He really wasn’t looking forward to his work at the moment but alas it was very important.
It took a bit, but he soon arrived at the building he and Tommy set up as something of a headquarter. It was basically just a room covered in maps, scrapped ideas, plans and a few weapon and armor pieces.
Tommy was already waiting inside for him. He looked a bit annoyed with his arms in front of his chest. Before he could complain to him though Wilbur already threw his arm around Tommy and led him to his latest sketched out plan for L’Manburg. Trying to distract him with work.
They were mostly discussing how to ensure the safety of the new nation and how to create a functioning system inside that would ensure that everything inside would move along smoothly.
Hours passed as they schemed and begun setting a few safety measures up or helped the residents of L’Manberg where they could. Jack Manifold later joined them as well. Helping and even offering ideas of his own to incorporate.
“I think that is all we can do for today. I’m getting seriously tired.” Jack sighed, cleaning the dust off his hands on his own clothes.
“You’re going home?” Tommy asked.
Jack crossed his arms, his eyes wandered off to the side behind his mismatched glasses as he thought for a second “Mh, I was hoping we could hang a bit, you know, outside of work. Haven’t done that in a while.”
“Oh! I promised to maybe spend some time with Y/N if they are still at their pond!” Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, remembering the exchange from a few hours ago.
A happy smile appeared on Jack’s face “Let’s go together then! I haven’t seen them in a while, and it’s been even longer that I hung out with them while they worked. It’s always very calming for some reason.” The last part he muttered but Wilbur caught it.
He wasn’t the only one who thought like this. Most of the people in L’Manberg were drawn to them especially in this chaotic time. It was nice having someone like that around.
“Guess I’ll come with you.” Tommy suddenly exclaimed, pulling Wilbur back out of his thoughts.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, why not. I need to ask them to look at my coat anyhow.”
With that the group begun moving, it was slowly getting darker, but it was still warm outside, so if they were lucky, Y/N was still out.
They were chatting about what they were planning to do next or in Jack’s and Tommy’s case what they have been up to only for them to get interrupted by a tune that the wind carried over to them.
A bit surprised Wilbur looked at the others, hoping to see if they too hear it and true enough, they seemed to be just as surprised as them. Someone was singing but he has never heard a voice like this.
Frankly, it was beautiful.
The tune was sounding sad and yet the lyrics that accompanied it were hopeful. Wishing for peace in a time of turmoil. Promises of a better time filled with a deep love via the voice.
It was a song that none of them ever have ever heard. An original song perhaps?
But what really surprised them was from what direction the music came from.
It came from the pond. From Y/N’s bench.
Almost as if they were worried to scare away a wild animal, they begun to sneak towards said pond. Staying off the path and taking a wild berth. Hiding behind the trees, trying to avoid that if their hunch were right, that Y/N wouldn’t see them approaching.
Wilbur pressed his index finger against his pursed lips as they got closer, motioning for the others to keep quiet. To which Tommy just rolled his eyes, seeing how this was obvious.
Jack slowly moved around the tree and there he saw it.
Y/N was sitting on the bench, their legs crossed with a piece of fabric in their hands that they seemed to stich another L’Manburg flag into. Slowly moving their head from one side to the next to the rhythm of the song.
Wilbur followed suit, using his superior height to peak his head out above Jack while Tommy crouched down to do the same.
They were still intently staring at their handiwork, pushing the nail and thread into the cloth only to pull it out again. Their mouth turned into a happy little smile as they sang this hopefully hymn.
“Wow, I didn’t think they could sing like that.” Jack whispered, looking up to Wilbur.
He nodded, his eyes continuing to rest on Y/N’s happy expression “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
“I guess it’s fine.” Tommy just whispered back. Of course, he still had to put on his cool dude persona.
Wilbur flicked Tommy’s head “Just say for once what you really think!” He still made sure to keep his voice down, not having heard enough of the song and Y/N’s voice yet.
Tommy scowled and jumped back so he was standing at his full height again “What do you mean? I say what I think! The hell are you talking about!” He tried to keep his voice down but at the end he got louder which made Wilbur panic and clasp his hand around Tommy’s mouth.
Though Tommy saw this coming and dodged out of the way by ducking, resulting in Wilbur to fall over. Crashing into Tommy and pushing him onto the ground, both of them letting out a startled yell.
The singing immediately stopped.
“Ah! Look what you have done!” Jack whined, helping the two reluctantly up.
“Well, if Tommy would have shut his mouth!”
“You attacked me!”
“I did not! I was trying to shut you up!”
“Guys?” a soft and unsure voice broke through their argument.
All three men slowly turned around to see Y/N clutching the piece of cloth they had been working on close to their chest. Avoiding any eye contact. Their face covered in a deep blush. Chewing on their lower lip.
“Are you okay? I- I heard a thud and- I just- I wanted to make sure-“ they stammered.
Tommy seemed to be confused at that “What? No. You were singing though, right Y/N?” Getting straight to the point apparently.
“Tommy!” Both Jack and Wilbur yelled out in outrage.
Y/N’s eyes widened, and they moved the cloth up to their face. Effectively hiding behind it “No. I- uh. I’m sorry?”
“What are you sorry for? Your voice is amazing! Why haven’t you told us you can sing?” Wilbur stepped closer. His eyes wide as well but in amazement.
Though Y/N seemed to cower down even more the closer he got “Because- Because I can’t. Please just forget about it.”
Wilbur wanted to know more, hear more of their singing but they seemed panicked. Hiding away and trying to clearly get out of the situation and he had to take a step back. Guilt welling up in him.
“I’m sorry. We just heard your song, and it was beautiful. I have never heard this song. I guess we got enamored by it especially since your singing was really amazing.”
Jack put his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder and pushed him back a few steps “Come on let’s drop it. They are clearly uncomfortable. I’m sorry Y/N.” He then begun pulling Wilbur along, grabbing Tommy in the process as well who just yanked his arm away from him stating he could walk good enough on his own.
He immediately turned around again to see the nervous Y/N with a determined expression on their face. The cloth now back down.
“The song! I mean, uh, my parent taught me that song when I was a child. Apparently, they wrote it.”
“It’s a really beautiful one. Your parent must be very talented. If you feel ever more comfortable enough I would love to hear the full song.”
Y/N took a deep breath in “I know how to play it on guitar and keyboard? I could, uh, you know. Teach it to you?”
Wilbur’s smile returned to his face “Sounds like a plan.”
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redrisingsun · 3 years
Swedish Holidays for all your Young Royals needs
Due to popular demand (by like five people) here’s a brief description of all the major Swedish holidays and how they’re celebrated because I can’t stand here and pretend as if we really celebrate Christmas the 25th. We have more holidays, I've only written about the ones we celebrate in my family. I come from a working class family and live in Southern Sweden, however I do have family in Stockholm. I'm not religious in any way and as far as I know, most families don't celebrate these holidays because they're religious, but because it's tradition.
yall better appreciate this, it took me literal hours
1: Dubbed as one of the collective pizza days in my household. It's the day after New Year, and most people either order in or eat leftovers.
Week 2 or 3: Most people return to their jobs, schools and other daily activities.
Fettisdagen ("Fat Tuesday"): celebrated 47 days before Easter. The actual date varies, all from early February to early March. It's an old Christian tradition where you'd eat fatty foods before the "before Easter"-fast and is supposedly a thing in other Christian countries as well. These days, most people celebrate by eating semlor with their family, and most don't fast before Easter.
The semla is a sweet bun with whipped cream and almond paste.
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Våffeldagen (Waffle Day, 25th of March): I think this day stems from a Christian tradition, but these days the day is mostly to get together with family and eat waffles.
Påsk (Easter): Again, the date varies, but Easter is usually in April. Easter stems from Christianity and is celebrated to remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Easter spans over a week, but I personally only celebrate one of those days.
Påskafton (direct translation: Easter Eve, English translation: Holy Saturday) is the Saturday of the Easter week. In my family, the children get to look for Easter eggs (often filled with candy).
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Some children also dress up as Påskkärringar (Easter crones) and I think this tradition has to do with the Witch Trials in Sweden, but I'm not sure. Chances are you won't need to know anything about this for your Young Royal fics, because mostly girls dress up.
Sometimes, we decorate eggs.
Later, we sit down to eat together and spend time with our families. Common things to eat for Easter is potatoes, eggs, herring and meatballs.
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Valborgsmässoafton (Walpurgis Night, 30th): We burn a big bonfire in the evening to celebrate that spring is here. I live in a fairly small town, so mostly everyone gathers at one spot and burns the fire together. When the bonfire is burned, most people go home and that's it. It's also seen as a reason to have a party (mostly for teenagers and young adults, I think) and get drunk as fuck.
Sveriges Nationaldagen (Sweden's National Day, 6th of June): Most people are home from school and work. We hoist the Swedish flag. Idk. However, the Royal Family celebrates by getting dressed up in Swedish costumes. This year, the King held a speech and the family went to Skansen (which is an amusement park/zoo. You can read more about it here). There's music and the military does their weird little thing. You can watch the National Day Celebration on Skansen from 2014 here.
Midsommarafton (Midsummer): date varies, but is celebrated a Friday in late June. I'm sure there's a Christian explanation for this one, but I don't personally know it.
Midsommar (midsummer) means middle of the summer.
Again, this is a day to eat and spend time with your family (or drink, depending on who you are). We eat pretty much the same things for Midsummer as we do for Easter.
For Midsummer we also dance around a Midsommarstång (direct translation: Midsummer Pole, English translation: Maypole) and make flower crowns.
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How Midsummer is celebrated depends a lot on your age (most teenagers and young adults again see this as a reason to party), where you're from and a million other things.
My personal favorite Midsummer tradition is probably more common in the country than in the city, for example. You're supposed to pick seven different flowers without saying a word. Then, you sleep with the flowers under your pillow. Supposedly, you'll dream of your future husband (or wife! But I think it's more common that women and girls do this). This tradition also varies. Some people say you need nine flowers and some people say you have to climb over fencing for it to count.
Some teenagers or young adults spend time with their friends to party, instead!
You can watch part of a Midsummer celebration at Skansen here.
The Royal Family usually celebrate Midsummer privately, but I think there's usually new pictures of the entire family around this time.
Day after Midsummer: Collective Pizza Day 2. Everyone either eats takeout or leftovers because no one can be bothered to make anything and like half of the population has the worst hangover they've had since New Year.
Summer Holiday Note: most people in Sweden have four weeks of paid leave each summer.
Kräftpremiär (Crayfish party) - date varies, normally early August. Basically people get together to eat crayfish and drink. You can usually get paper plates and plastic cups and whatever with ugly crayfish motives (which is fun), but I've never done this.
Halloween (30th): Halloween is nowhere near as big in Sweden as it is in the States. We just buy some lösgodis ("loose candy", where you can throw whatever kind of candy you want in a bag. See pictures). Trick or treat is so unusual in the town I grew up I've only ever had one kid ask for candy and when I celebrated Halloween with my grandparents (in a city not far from Stockholm), it was the same. I usually buy some candy and watch a horror movie, but that's about it.
However, Halloween is (again) a reason for teenagers and young adults to drink and party.
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Alla Helgons Dag (All Saints' Day): Date varies, usually early November. It's a day to remember the dead and we usually light a candle at the grave yard.
Första Advent (First Advent): Date varies. Sunday four weeks from Christmas Eve. We mostly just light a candle, honestly. Then, each Sunday for the next four weeks, we light a candle. Here's actually the Crown Princess wishing Happy First Advent with her family! Unfortunately without English subtitles, but here's the translation: "Today is the First Advent. Advent means arrival and hope, something that feels extra important this year. (her husband lights the candle) We want to wish everyone a happy first advent!"
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Andra Advent (Second Advent): date varies. We light the second candle.
Tredje Advent (Third Advent): date varies. We light the third candle.
Fjärde Advent (Fourth Advent): date varies. We light the fourth candle. In my family we usually decorate the tree this Sunday.
Julafton (Christmas Eve): Celebrated the 24th. YES, THE 24TH. Christmas Eve obviously varies from family to family, but there's a few things most people have in common. Usually, we get one gift in our sock (which hangs on our bedroom doors in my home, because we don't have a mantle) when we wake up. As kids me and my brother almost always got a movie or something to keep us busy until it was time to leave for our grandparents house.
For lunch we eat the Christmas dinner. It's the same damned food as our other holidays. Herring, meatballs, potatoes, sausages etc, but now, we also have julskinka (Christmas ham). Some people eat ham even for Easter, but we only really eat it for Christmas in my family. Obviously the food varies a little from season to season, but as a picky eater I always just eat potatoes, meatballs and ham.
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At 3, Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) is on. Yeah, we watch the same damned stuff every year. It's tradition, alright? Anyway, Donald Duck lasts for an hour or so, and first you get to see Santa work in his workshop, then Disney characters wish you a Merry Christmas with scenes from their movies (original, I know). There's Lady and the Tramp, Donald Duck (obviously) and a million other things. Then there's also one or two trailers for movies Disney will release the coming year. I really couldn't be bothered to find everything on YouTube for you to watch, sorry!
After Donald Duck, we open the Christmas gifts in my family. Normally we just rip out gifts open lmao.
After opening the gifts, we usually eat a second time. This time it's time for porridge. Tomtegröt (Santa porridge) is sweet and often served with cinnamon. Usually, everyone is so stuffed at this point that you only eat because you "have" to eat porridge for Christmas (again, at least in my family).
The last thing we do in my family, is to get a puzzle out. My grandpa almost always gets a new puzzle for Christmas, so we'll put that on the dining table and work on it together until it's getting too late for us to stay.
The Royal Family usually release new pictures of the family for Christmas and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Day after Christmas: Not a collective pizza day! There's usually too much Christmas food left to be able to order pizza. Usually, we have Christmas food to eat for four-ish days after Christmas, and by then you're getting really tired of it.
Sometimes we watch something on television, but for the most part we just sit around and spend time together. I think the Crown Princess read something from the Bible this year? I'm not actually sure if the Royal Family go to the Christmas Service, but I don't think so.
Nyårsafton (New Year's Eve): last day of the year. We shoot fireworks, eat food and dessert and spend time with family. This day we normally eat something "fancy" or something you we don't usually eat.
At twelve, we go out to light some fireworks (or just watch fireworks). When that dies down, it's time for the cheese platter. My dad wants it, no one else ever eats from it, we still do it every single year because "it's not New Year's without it". When we've had the cheese platter, everyone go to sleep and that's that.
People obviously celebrate this differently, as well. It's not uncommon to go see your friends or have guests over, and some people party rather than have fancy dinner with their parents. I personally prefer spending time with my parents, because that's what New Year's is for me.
Some people give resolutions, but I think it's more common in the States.
Christmas Holiday Note: It's common for people to not work between Christmas and New Year's Eve where I'm from.
Some things you might want to know about the Swedish Royal Family and Sweden overall:
The Royal Family in Young Royals is not the real Royal Family (obviously).
The Royal Family usually spends time on Öland during the summers.
Chances are Wilhelm and his family live at Drottningholm Slott (Drottningholm Palace) and not Stockholm Slott (Stockholm Palace). Drottningholm is used as a home for the current King and Queen and is located west of Stockholm. However, the scenes where Wilhelm is home is shot at a palace called Stora Sundby Slott. I doubt Wilhelm and his family would live here if they were the actual Royal Family since it's used as a place for people to gather when they want to hunt for sport. However, if they truly live at Stora Sundby, it takes almost two hours to drive from Stockholm to the castle.
Bjärstad is AT LEAST two hours away from Stockholm.
Bjärstad to Stora Sundby Castle takes approximately an hour and a half by car, and between nine and twelve hours by bus. Which means these two boys can't just take a twenty minute bus to see each other.
Bjärstad to Drottningholm takes a little over two hours by car and four-ish hours by bus.
Bjärstad to Stockholm Slott takes over two hours by car and three and a half hours by bus.
Hillerska is shot at Kaggeholms Slott (Kaggeholm Palace), and is a hotel.
The age of consent in Sweden is 15, HOWEVER it's illegal to have sex with someone four or more years younger than you if you're not both over the age of 18. Let me illustrate: -Person A is 15 and Person B is 15. It's legal because both are 15. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 20. It's illegal, because there's a five year old gap between them. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 18. It's legal (but probably frowned upon), because they're both 15 or older and there's not a four year gap between them. -Person A is 18 and Person B is 30. It's legal, because both are 18 or older. Idk if this makes sense or if this is what it looks like anymore, but this is what it was like when I still went to school. Obviously people aren't going to run around and call you names if you happen to date someone four years younger than you (I know a girl who met a guy when she was 14 and he was over 20), but please, be mindful of this. Our age of consent doesn't give you a right to be weird and nasty to teenagers (yes, I'm talking about Edvin).
Also, the Royal Family have their own website, which you can find here. As far as I can see, there's more information on the Swedish page, but there's plenty translated to English. You can also read of the Swedish Royal Family and its history on the palaces's website, here.
All pictures have been taken straight from Google. I haven't used any sources, because this is shit I do every single year with my family. Feel free to correct me or add things you do, but keep it respectful, please!
Friendly reminder that I've simplified some parts of this to make sense, specifically the dates of the Advent celebrations.
If there's anything you don't understand or want more information on, you're welcome to contact me! I take pretty long to reply, but I'll definitely try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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cryinginthebackseat · 4 years
initials t.c.
Fandom: Open Heart
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x MC
Words: 7.299 (I’M SO SORRY)
Summary: Tobias Carrick makes Claire an offer she can’t refuse.
Warnings: 50% plot, 50% smut, swear-a-thon, blasphemy
Author’s Note: when the book first introduced us to tobias carrick, the first thing that hit my mind was “okay, but that dude is like the carbon copy of jesse williams and that’s hot” but then, once it reveals who he is and what’s his role in the book i went “interestinggggggg” cause you know, i’m a sucker for morally grey characters and all, and i’m not even ashamed to admit it. also, carrick is shaping up to be such an interesting character with each chapter and maybe one day- okay, maybe this sounds like a pipe dream- but one day, i hope he can be a li (let a girl dream plz) lmao
also if anyone’s interested, i made a PLAYLIST to accompany reading the fic.
the title is inspired by serge gainsbourg’s initials bb
Cast down off heaven Cast down on my knees I’ve lain with the devil Cursed god above Forsaken heaven
To Bring You My Love - PJ Harvey
Whenever Claire thinks about Tobias Carrick, admittedly, unfortunately, tragically, she always thinks about his eyes first before remembering what a colossal pain in the ass he is.
It always comes in that order. Like the number 3 always comes before 4, like the seawater dragging back from the shoreline before a tsunami occurs, like pouring milk before the cereal (she honestly didn’t get what the fuss is about until one day Elijah cried ‘oh, hell no you don’t, satan!‘ one morning and proceeded to give her bullet points why pouring the milk before the cereal is considered a sin and more of an abomination than Nephilims’ existence and that there’s a higher probability that she’s a psycho for being a ‘milk first’ kind of person). So apparently, Claire’s a psycho now which explains so many aspects- but she digresses and the point is, the reaction is uncontrollable and she high-key hates how she can’t control her goddamn mind most of the time.
The point is, she needs to stop thinking about him to begin with. 
Claire Castelnuovo was born in the summer, under the sign of Gemini. Marilyn Monroe once said that stands for intellect, being a Gemini, but she was too blissfully unaware of this guerdon that she devoted her adolescent years to being outdoors instead. Too many days she spent trampling along the cornfields with her cousins until the skies faded out with brilliant purple-tinged amber and she was carrying a piece of the sun in her skin and smelled like one, stuffing wildflowers inside her boots as she walked around the neighborhood with her dad’s old stethoscope, napping in a hammock with Oasis’ All Around the World on repeat. By the time she hit 15, her black strands had turned brown from repeated sun exposure. She loved it.
But it was a different time, a different place. Somewhere that only exists on the margins of her memories, lost and hidden.
Now, Claire prefers the night.
It’s 9:30 pm when she arrives at a hotel bar in downtown Boston. A newly christened establishment which has somehow become a regular spot for Hemingway’s enthusiasts once the Boston Globe wrote an article about their Hemingway Daiquiri and how, as they wrote it, ‘probably the only place that’s brave and crazy enough to adhere to the 1930s original recipe’ and bourgeois party birds at wee hours during the weekend.
Her eyes are gritty, dry and strange. Her mind’s much worse for the wear- she feels like shit, like in the middle of watching that scene from The Green Mile shit when all is hopeless and you feel like walking out of the theater, but you’ve spent your last savings just to buy the ticket, so you decide to stick through it.
Claire makes a beeline for the bar, tries to flag down the bartender. She orders an Old Fashioned, making sure to specify to double it because she’s not a regular here and he’s not Reggie and that’s how she’s been taking her drink for years.
She knows well deep in her bones that she should be somewhere else. Somewhere more familiar, somewhere where Tim Mcgraw often plays from the subpar speakers, and the rustic wooden bar countertop is gouging and discoloring from the cheap household cleaners and alcohol stains, and her friends are cramming together in the same booth in the back, reveling and laughing until they close the bar down and make a mess all over. Perhaps it’s a mistake coming here, where no one’s a familiar face and the drinks are a tad overpriced for her budget.
But then, perhaps this is exactly what she needs; the unfamiliarity, the visceral feeling knowing that she doesn’t belong here, where no one knows her name and the huge deal of weight she’s currently carrying on her shoulders. Perhaps, she can’t face her friends after what happened, after what Esme has done. Shit, how could any of this happen? Claire knows this all on Esme’s, but her guilt has grown hopelessly tangled with her anxiety. She’s her intern, for fuck’s sake, Claire’s supposed to prevent this from happening in the first place.
Man, where’s Declan Nash when she feels like punching someone in the face?
Claire makes the mistake of drinking her drink too quickly, because it hasn’t been ten minutes and she’s drained half of the content. Then she reaches for her phone in her bag, fiddles with it, absent-minded, equal parts bored before then settles on watching the band performing Art Pepper’s You Go To My Head and immediately thinks of that time she accidentally dropped her brother’s saxophone in a moment of her rather graceless, wine-soaked self with the whole family present.
Someone plops down on the empty stool next to her. Claire’s now scrolling through her phone- again, bored. Sienna commented on the post Elijah shared to the group chat with a few unnecessary-yet-totally-necessary emojis to the already convoluted series of texts and Claire only reads them in silence, not only because her friends’ texting behaviors are too chaotic for her to follow sometimes but she’s not really feeling like talking to anyone right now.
“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”
Famous last words.
Claire freezes in her seat. Her phone’s still glowing in her hand, alighting her features. She recognizes that voice- too well, that is and it’s enough to set off her flight-or-fight response.
She glances up from her phone, preparing for the worst.
Well, what’s presented before her is literally the worst.
“Of all the gin joints…” she says once her eyes find Tobias Carrick sitting next to her, still in his work shirt, sleeves rolled-up, a few buttons undone, reeking of smoke, soap and antiseptic with a shit-eating grin plastered over his face.
She should have gone to Donahue’s instead.
“Evening to you too, Castelnuovo. Drinking your dinner tonight, I see?”
“What, this? No, this is breakfast. 100% daily value of alcohol and pretty much nothing else. I mean, it’s not the weekend without a bad case of hangover and an aspirin snowglobe in the morning, am I right? You know, like a glass of aspirin? Not a literal snowglobe?” she blabbers, realizing just so by the time she hears him snort. Claire chokes down another sip to shut her mouth up. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m about to commit first-degree murder and burn this whole place to the ground,” he drawls, the ever goddamn sarcastic. “What do you think? I’m trying to get dru-”
“No, I mean what are you doing here, of all places? Can’t you get drunk somewhere else?” she interrupts, her midwest accent does funny things to the vowels and consonants- something that only happens whenever she’s in distress, or at least according to Jackie.
“Last time I heard, this joint’s still owned by the Hilton, not a certain junior member of the Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook hospital.”
“Dude, what do you think of the H in Claire H. Castelnuovo stands for?” Deadpan, trying to keep up with the rolling sarcasm, she retorts. He smirks.
“Get the fuck out of here,” she mutters, mid-eye-roll, mid-snickering.
He chuckles, his voice rich and smoky amidst the late-night swing and distant chatters. Carrick doesn’t leave, of course, typically him- if those anecdotes Ethan told her has taught her anything about his character, that is- defying everything, scheming his way to the top, the embodiment of ‘those devilish boys with their heavenly eyes’ type your mother warns you about.
Not that the latter is relevant.
“Or what?” His mouth twitches but there’s a hard, challenging light in his eyes that she knows too well by now.
“Or I’m leaving.“ She shoots him a glare. He’s testing her patience- again, like it’s his finesse. Some things never change, it seems.
“Come on, Castelnuovo, don’t be a sourpuss. The night is young and I can promise you, the last thing I am is a horrible drinking buddy.”
With a touch of irony, she replies: “I’m sure. I bet you asked your friends to fill out a questionnaire every time you went out with them, did you?”
Carrick hums.
“You’re funny.” But he says it in the same tone that someone might say Jesus fuck, you’re probably one of the most frustrating creatures I’ve ever laid eyes on. Also, because the next thing he says is: “A little rough around the edges, but funny nonetheless.”
“That makes one of us then.”
Carrick frowns, which is kind of a surprise because she’s half expected him to flash her that signature cheeky grin of his.
“Listen, I’m just trying to make a friendly conversation here. I know we haven’t really seen eye-to-eye with each othe-”
Claire snorts and crosses her arms over her chest. “That, doctor, is an understatement of the fucking century.”
“Okay so, we’re like Tom and Jerry but sans the background music and a naive little duckling running around calling one of us his momma, but I feel like now’s the time to call out a temporary truce between us.” A beat, then: “I heard about what happened with the intern.”
Something flashes across her face- and Carrick must have noticed it, because his face does this odd thing- it softens, even for a moment. She hates it. He’s not supposed to be looking at her like that, not supposed to see her at her weakest state or saved her ass- And Jesus, why does she have to be indebted to Tobias Carrick, of all people- But god forbid, the last thing she’ll ever do is crying in front of him.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she mutters, barely audible, trying to temper her fluctuated emotions.
“Then don’t. We can talk about anything else or fall into some sort of endless, meaningless platitudes. Whichever will work.” As if sensing Claire’s lingering hesitation, he adds. “Tell you what, to sweeten the offer, your next drinks are on me.”
She assesses him for a long minute, eyes narrowing. She’s shaking her head, but her mouth, as if against her will, instead says: “Careful, Carrick, there’s a chance I’ll be abusing that offer and run you dry.”
"Hey, if you want to butcher your liver so bad, don’t stop on my account,” he says. “Don’t worry, though, I’ll make sure to save your ass again this time around. Pro bono.”
Claire looks as if she’s just swallowed a dead rat. “Thanks, but no thanks. Death seems more like an appealing choice.”
“Well, I stopped death from interfering then, I’ll stop it again.” Carrick winks, she pretends to gag again yet remains still in her seat, so Carrick waves at the bartender for their order- she orders for a refill and he, a martini and Claire is this close from asking 'shaken or stirred?’ but then remembers who he is and immediately washes the question down with her drink.
“You know, if anyone told me weeks ago that I’d be having a drink with you tonight, I probably would have socked them.“
Carrick is in the middle of lighting his cigarette, but laughs instead. “The Times They Are a-Changin’, as Bob Dylan said.” A puff of smoke escapes his mouth, curling around his fingers. Claire instinctively looks away. “Which reminds me of that one time your mentor sang Ballad of A Thin Man on the fucking subway when we were 20.”
She swivels her head to his direction, on the verge of choking on her drink. “Hold on, hold on, Ethan Jonah Ramsey sings?”
“Give him a dare he couldn’t refuse and a few shots of whiskey, and I promise you he’ll sing like Sinatra on crack.” He grins, his eyes are all crinkled and bright; she thinks that means he’s genuinely amused. “Ah, good times. We were like- wait, who was it he’d like to say we’re like again?”
A small smile pulls at her lips. “Bert and Ernie.”
“Jesus, he really fucking compares us to some Sesame Street characters, huh?” She laughs at that, loud and bright. He does the same. “Personally, I’d always say we were like Butch and Sundance back then- rebels with a cause, a band of misfits, trying to leave our marks on the world. You know those types. We were young, we wanted so much- I still do. I mean, let’s be real, whoever’s wanted to be defeated at their own game?”
A crease forms between her eyebrows, not quite a frown.
“Nobody,” Claire concurs, hating herself for it. “But was it worth it? Betraying the closest thing you had to a brother or a lover…” Carrick coughs on his smoke from the latter. “or whatever in the process just to get what you wanted?” Claire was obviously aiming for that brash, hard-hitting jab, but it lands gloriously too soft.
The bartender finally places their ordered drinks down on the bar. Carrick reaches for it, taking a careful swig, then sets his glass down. He takes a deep breath.
"It’s nothing personal. It never was. I never considered him as my rival.”
“Yeah, but by doing whatever you did, you’ve made an enemy out of him,” she counters. “Look, Carrick, I know we live in a dog-eat-dog world and I know being good sometimes doesn’t get the job done. Perhaps Machiavelli was right. Perhaps, when necessary, you have to be ruthless, dissembling and manoeuvring- what did he say again? ‘The end justifies the means’? But if any worthwhile end can justify the means to attain it, if everyone outright surrenders to their darker side, then what’s left of our humanity?”
For an interminable moment, there is only silence. He simply stares at her, as if she’s a walking, talking Rubik’s cube he can’t solve or a book that he has opened and now he’s got to know so much more and she feels pinned under those warm irises, uneasy.
Suddenly, his mouth begins to take shape; the corners hike up, stretch and then he does the unexpected.
The bastard fucking laughs.
“Excuse me?!” she spits, white-hot anger lacing each word. Carrick laughs harder- the audacity- despite Claire’s growing razor’s edge stare. “Did you just laugh at me? I was being fucking seriou-”
“Sorry, sorry.” Wiping an imaginary tear from his left eye. “I was just remembering Harper’s words. She’s right, you really are on the side of the angels, aren’t you?”
She points at him with her glass, snarling. “And you, mister, are the devil himself with a medical degree and an egg head- and I don’t mean the slang for a highly academic person.”
“Ouch,” Carrick says out loud, still kind of laughing, borderline frowning. “Okay, I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”
“Damn straight. Though you have a lot to apologize for.”
He groans. “Don’t tell me you’re still pissed about that one patient I stole under your nose?”
“The North remembers, ser,” she says, mean-spirited.
“Then does the North remembers that I saved her life?”
“Oh, so you’re discrediting the efforts of the other doctors that helped you make the cure?”
“Alright, alright. You win.” Carrick holds up his hands, the universal gesture of defeat and takes one final drag of his cigarette. He stubs it out, all the while keeping his gaze on her.
“So, how exactly can I make it up to you?“
Claire blinks- once, twice, thrice, realizing his intent. His voice drops an octave and he’s leaning in, close enough for her to notice the constellations of freckles splaying across his face and the way his brown eyes glinted like two shots of whiskey under a stream of light, intense and all-consuming. She feels her mind races, her brains feel as if they underwent a short-circuit and get caught on fire, and the fact that her mind’s on the precipice of exploring the idea is not helping.
A burst of laughter erupts from her throat, not that it’s funny- there’s nothing funny about the situation, but someone ought to diffuse this shift of tension between them, or that was her aim, at least.
“What, you wanna pay me back?” she asks, trying to keep her voice from cracking but failing miserably. Fingers trembling against her glass as she chugs nearly a quarter of her drink in one go.
He notices that.
"A Lannister always pays his debts, does he? If you think that I owe you one, then I’ll gladly pay.” His eyes flick back to her face, searing into her. The air crackles between them. The band is playing a different song now, a sound that only exists on the margin of her attention. If they’re in, say a mid 2000s rom-com movie, someone would probably interrupt this moment and save her from this. But this isn’t a movie.
Claire licks her lips, a candid reaction which encourages him to inch closer- or is it her? She can’t tell anymore. Tracing odd patterns on the palm of her hand with his finger and oh god, this is Carrick, the bane of her fucking existence, she’d shoot him first before she kisses him. But something about the prospect of fucking this bastard twists her insides deliciously into a confused mess.
“How? By fucking me?” she inquires, feigning scandalized- all that Catholic guilt bullshit.
He grins, all-teeth and wolfish and shrugs as if they’re talking about his life insurance policy or shit. “Well, that’s the idea.”
“But you don’t even like me.” It should come out as I don’t even like you, but even she knows that’ll be just another lie she tells.
“On the contrary, I enjoy our rivalry far more than I should, Castelnuovo,” he purrs and places a hand on her knee. Her throat bobs. She’s wearing a skirt, it didn’t seem important then, but now his hand feels warm against her skin, dangling on the edge of impropriety. Like gravity, all it takes is a little push for him to cross that line.
“I should be disliking the way you talk to me, challenging me and putting me on the back foot every goddamn time. I should be focusing on taking you down a peg, but the more I see you, the more I realize you have an attractive kind of power. And I’m just one man. And if there’s anything I learned, the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.”
But then his movement suddenly ceases. Claire almost asks why.
“What?” she stares up at him, eyes wide, breath hitching.
“However if you only accept alcohol as the currency for transactions, then I’ll tell the bartender to get us another round instead,“ he tells her, offering her one last chance to back out from this, from making this mistake with him.
Claire stares into her drink, actually mulling this over. Her mind tells her no, but the other part- the alcohol-infused part of her mind- whispers otherwise. She imagines if Ethan or any of her friends are here, they would probably grab her shoulder and shake the living hell out of her for even reconsidering his offer.
But then again, intelligence, alcohol and desperation have always had a bad history of getting along together.
“What about June?” Claire asks against her better judgement, after a long, considerable pause. Carrick raises a confused brow.
“What about her?”
“I thought you guys…” she trails off, makes a face, feeling all-kind of flustered and aroused and wow, she’s really doing this, huh? “I mean, I don’t know- I don’t wanna get in between you guys.”
“Nah. It was only a three time thing, but there’s never been anything between us.” He chuckles at Claire’s askance look. “If you don’t believe me, you can fact-check it with the woman herself,” Carrick adds, looking at her dead-on with his eyes like he wants to get the message across.
She regards him silently for a long second, and maybe she’s a touch drunk now, maybe the bartender put something in her drink, or maybe she just needs to blow off some steam after what’s been happening in these past few weeks and Carrick happens to be a decent warm body for the occasion, but Claire finds herself shifting closer.
"Then I want you to pay me back.”
“You sure about that?”
“Yeah,” she answers, more sure this time, more determined.
Her nose bumps his, his breath fanning across her face all the while Carrick’s slightly pushing her skirt up, letting his fingertips travel higher. His eyes keep darting back and forth from her eyes and lips, checking for her reaction. There is no inhibition here, not anymore. People might be watching- heck, they could be already watching and it terrifies her that she doesn’t give a damn about it.
“But if you tell anyone about this, I swear to god… ” she warns and a shadow of mirth passes across his eyes, making her almost regretting this. Almost.
“Claire, darling.” It’s the first time he’s ever said her name and her stomach does a tango. “Your secret is safe with me.“ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 
He gets them a room in the hotel, it’s on the twentieth floor. Carrick handles the accommodation- he can afford it, apparently, which is not really surprising and the nuisating check-in procedure while Claire only waits in the lobby like a beautiful, agitated china doll amidst the turbulent sea the whole time until he comes back, flashes the room key at her and beckons her to follow.
She goes ahead of him, but he catches up. His body heat sends her anxiety rocketing sky-high through the roof as they walk next to each other, hands briefly brushing against one another but she ignores that (or at least she tries).
They are silent in the elevator, they are silent even once they reach the designated floor and walk down the hall to their room where the dim and shadowed lights follow their steps like vultures.
Carrick holds open the door for her and she enters, taking in the windows and the striking view of Boston skyline peeking behind the curtains, the TV and the queen-sized bed. The latter does nothing to assuage the anticipation that’s bubbling in the pit of her stomach, by the way.
Claire hears him shut the door, locking both bolts. She peers at him over her shoulder, half-turned, one eye on him. Their eyes meet, neither speaks. He’s taking off his black peacoat, back against the door, he’s looking at her as if wanting her is his full-time occupation and the realizations comes in like a mule kick, how that tiny voice inside her head, the one that tells her that this is a bad idea and she’s better off leaving never comes.
The room is not considerably huge (with $110 per night, you would have expected you’d get a bigger room), he could easily have her in six large steps, yet he stands there. Sizing her up, smirking rather devilishly, handsomely as if challenging her to make the first move. It’s another fucking game with him. A display of power, waiting who would fall first.
Claire finally turns around to face him. With a renowned determination, she removes her coat, letting it fall unceremoniously onto the carpeted floor. Her blouse follows next and her skirt, which she tugs it oh so slowly down her legs.
Carrick’s eyes widen, if she doesn’t know better, she thinks he’s speechless. He takes a deep breath, his gaze religiously following every movement as she twirls around once more to unhook her bra. His jaw clenches and unclenches. He’s having a hard time keeping himself in check which she takes an immense pleasure in. Claire just wants to see the man squirm for a change, even if she has to shed every article of clothing she wears.
By the time she slips off of her underwear, she is breathing raggedly. He hasn’t yet approached her so she crawls onto the bed, lying on her back with one elbow props her up, legs crossed. She kicks off her heels, rolls down her stockings with a bit of that noir come-hither, Lauren Bacall-esque heavy bedroom eyes.
Finally, Carrick steps closer until he’s only a hair’s breadth away, like a target, filling her line of sight. The tension in the room is hot enough to send the thermometer reaching its maximum limit and she’s burning, burning, burning right through the core.
Claire cranes her head up to meet his gaze, noticing the way he’s drinking in her body like a pirate ogling a bottle of rum. High-strung, tense, Carrick lowers his head to her, his fingers carding through her long hair. Dimness consumes him raw, his silhouette is starting to find its place amongst the shadows except for his eyes. Never does the fire in his eyes falter, merely alight.
They are already nose-to-nose when Claire suddenly raises her hand over his lips. He withdraws from her, looking confused and hot and bothered.
“Take a seat over there, will you?” She motions to the settee near the bed, her tone leaving no room for argument.
He smirks, but she can see his bravado if faltering. “Ordering me around in the bed now, are we?”
“Didn’t you say tonight is about you making it up to me?”
“Touche, touche.” Carrick straightens his posture and makes his way to the settee across from her, shifting uncomfortably in his seat given the growing issue in his pants.
With eyes still trained to his, Claire cups her own breast, fingers pinching her pebbled nipple before the same hand travels lower down her stomach, her thighs. Carrick leans forward in his seat, obviously liking where this is going before Claire slowly and teasingly part her legs for him to see.
A surprised groan escapes him.
“Jesus, Claire,” Carrick hisses. “Fuck, I didn’t know you’re a goddamn tease.”
She doesn’t bother replying to him, but a winning grin finds its way across her face as she lays on her back, her shame and modesty are distant, knees pulled up so he can have a clear view of her. With two fingers, she runs them along her folds, dragging them slowly up to her clit. Claire imagines they are his fingers- which once upon a time would have horrified her, but tonight, as she repeats the motion over and over, knowing that he’s sitting there, watching her without being able to get his hands on her, she decides to submit to this newfound fantasy.
A rustle pulls her back to reality. He’s undoing his own pants, palming his cock, runs his fingers over the leaking head.
A low moan catches in her throat at that, her gaze snapping up from his erection to his face where his irises have darkened and pupils dilated. He wants to show her, that’s he’s as depraved as her when it comes to wanting, that he fucking wants her and in spades and she fails to think like a normal human being anymore.
Claire uses that image to work on herself harder, faster, feeling the intense pressure beginning to build beneath her fingers. She’s so wet now, despite him being able to see that, she wants him to hear it as well as she uses her idle hand to tap against herself. Carrick growls, his pace matching the rhythm she’s setting.
She slips her fingers inside her, drops her head back against the mattress and bites a loud moan that threatens to escape her lips. Flushing scarlet all over her abdomen, her breasts and up to her neck. Her blood thumping louder than bombs in her ears, her breaths begin to come in gasps.
Another fast and hard thrust from fingers, and Claire finds herself sighing his name.
And every last bit of his self-restraint snaps.
In just a blink of an eye, Carrick is already on his feet, grabs her waist, harshly, and tugs her down onto the edge of the bed where he’s now kneeling before her. He doesn’t bother with the teasings or soft kisses or caresses, and even before Claire has the time to register what’s happening, he crushes his face between her parted legs and eats her out.
She gasps, high and fleeting, twisting the bed sheet between her fists while his tongue flicks over her, moving back up, back down, lapping along her folds in the same motions she showed him with her hand, how she likes it. Claire forgets how to breathe. It just occurs to her just how arousing the sight of him on his knees like this, sending her mind hitchhiking into outer space.
“Oh, fuck.” She breathes, back arching on the bed with a drawn-out moan. “Fuck, Tobias!” Her hips gyrate over his mouth and she presses her heels against his shoulder blades. She’s so close. All she needs is a little push to send her careening into oblivion and it seems that Carrick can sense it because he brings two digits to her entrance and slides easily inside her, setting a ruthless pace.
With her hands reaching out to the back of his head, Claire cries out his name and trembles violently. Encouraged, Carrick curves his fingers inside her, hitting that exact spot that finally undoes her as she comes, long and hard, around his mouth and fingers- the kind of orgasm that you can feel deep in your bones- and watches as fireworks dance behind her lids.
When she finally comes down from her high, everything is hazy. It’s like waking up from a deep slumber after a decadent soak in a scented bath and she loses all orientation, until she feels him nipping the inside of her thighs. She hisses, glances down, heavy-lidded eyes finding Carrick is leaving bruises after bruises all over her skin like some kind of a lewd memento of his work, like he wants her to remember this the next time she wakes up in her own bed and he’s not there.
"Are you trying to turn me into a Na'vi, doctor?” She asks, still kinda breathless, feeling surprisingly conversational despite having just experienced, if not, one of the best orgasms in her life. He smiles against her thigh and withdraws from her, only after her thighs are sufficiently bruised enough, licks his fingers clean and stands up at the end of the bed.
“Maybe. You’d make a cute blue extraterrestrial creature, though,” he replies cheekily, then undoes the button of his shirt, showcasing his naked torso.
Claire feels her cheeks heating up again, but forces herself to stare; eyes following his pectoral muscles, down to the toned lines of his abdomen while he slides off of his pants. The man is one fine specimen, alright, and he knows- smug bastard- and she thinks it’s such a shame that Carrick is… well, Carrick. If the man learns how to shut up for one minute or avoid trying to sabotage everyone’s career at Edenbrook altogether, maybe, just maybe, she’d consider him.
“But honestly, I just wanted to hear you say my name again,” Carrick continues, crawling his way up to her, pulling her out of her musings. He settles between her thighs. His lips finding her ear and nibbling at the lobe while his fingers pinching and pulling at her nipple. Claire shivers. Nails scraping along his skin, raising angry marks that would certainly be there tomorrow.
When they kiss, it’s so good that she can’t help but curl her toes. He kisses her like he’s trying to steal her breath or her name. She can taste herself in his mouth, which sparks so many feelings inside her. Her mind’s foggy, sweat pooling on her forehead. Carrick is but shoves his tongue into her mouth, lapping at her, biting, sucking and she leans hard into the kiss, retaliates by scraping her teeth against his bottom lip. It spurs him on. Making his cock twitch against her thigh and Claire decides she can’t wait anymore.
Claire rolls her hips at him. He takes the hint and rolls over to grab a condom from his pants. Then he’s back on top of her, his weight and heat crushing her most deliciously and brings her body further up the bed with him; she drapes her legs around his hips, hands gripping his arms. Her lust and anticipation collaborate to the point of near madness.
Carrick nips the taut line of her jaw and drives himself into her.
They both groan in unison.
“Oh, fuck.” Carrick mumbles between shaky breaths, his face pressed against her throat. “Fucking hell, Claire, you feel so warm.”
Claire, on the other hand, goes rigid under him. Her mouth hangs open and her world narrows down to the feeling of his cock inside her and the pleasure that builds up again in her abdomen.
This is happening, she thinks, he’s inside her and it feels so amazing. She might as well be crazy for agreeing to do this with him in the first place, but the promise of the thrill beats the doubts.
He starts slow, just the smallest fraction of hips, gently thrusting back and forth in shallow motions. She whines, frustrated and impatient, raising her own hips to meet his, but Carrick’s weight pins her onto the mattress and she can’t fucking move.
“F-faster,” Claire stammers, her molars grinding like toothache.
The bastard smirks, like he’s been anticipating the word coming out of her mouth.
“Beg for it.” His words are punctuated with every unhurried stroke he’s giving her, teasing her and if she’s not in the middle of being fucked right now, she would have kicked him in the balls.
Growling, she swallows her plea by pulling Carrick down for another kiss. This time, she’s the one who does the biting and the sucking, making sure he’s distracted enough and then just like with all the things she does in her life, she takes the matter into her own hands.
With all her strength, she scrambles up, pushes him off of her and knocks him onto his back flat on the bed. When she swings her legs to straddle him, his eyes pop.
“Holy shit, you are feisty.”
“Only cause I’m angry and horny,” she bites off. Angling herself above him and with one hand, guides his shaft back to her opening. “And you- you weren’t doing a proper job fucking me.”
He smirks. “I was trying to wind you up.”
“Fuck you.”
She lowers herself and sinks back onto his cock, relishing in his moans and growls.
“Baby, you’re doing it.” His hands curling around her waist, his head falls back onto the bed, exposing his throat and Claire is so hard-pressed not to bite him there.
Claire ignores his smartassness, naturally, and lifts herself, drops back down. Slamming her hips into his until she’s bouncing on him. Nails clawing at his chest. Finally be able to set a pace she desperately craves for, finally wiping that smirk off of his face.
Under her, Carrick is biting his lip in an effort to not to lose control. His hands are everywhere now; her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her cheeks. Leaving fire on its wake. She might still hate him after this is strange, little arrangement is over but at this juncture, he’s exactly the remedy she needs after everything.
Then Carrick wraps his arms around her and picks up the pace, thrusting into her hard and fast. Claire shakes. She can’t catch her breath, her forehead pressed on his shoulder, her teeth latching onto his skin. Breathing a string of 'fuckfuckfuck’ while he squeezes her ass and continues to fuck her with careless abandon.
"Tobias.” Her moans amplify. She’s close to climaxing again, her legs quivering. Eyes wide shut. “Please, please.” So much for not begging.
He pulls her to him so their foreheads meet. Their lips brush against each other, but they aren’t kissing, merely trading breaths. A hand touches her cheek and her lids flutter open, finding his eyes- those depthless, amber eyes that pretty much lead her to this point, are watching her, pulling her in.
“Say it again,” he encourages darkly, face twists in pleasure. “My name. Say it again.”
She does it again, it comes out as a groaned whisper, repeating it over and over again like a sacred mantra.
Her second orgasm sweeps through her, making her spine arches, it tears a winded moan from her throat and it’s more than enough to trigger Carrick’s own release; fingers digging into the soft flesh of her hips, groaning gutturally.
Panting, sore but sated, Claire collapses on top of his chest, his arm still drapes around her. The rise and fall of his breath lull her to sleep. Before she knows it, he gently rolls her to his side, pulling the covers for them and kisses her on the shoulder, which comes out as… odd for her.
The bed moves and she feels him leaving.
He’s leaving.
He’s leaving.
She doesn’t know why it stings, but it does. But also Claire opts not to pay no mind to it and forces her mind to surrender to sleep that once again tries to take hold.
Claire wishes she doesn’t dream of him that night, but she does.
It’s way past midnight when she wakes up. The room is dark. The curtains are closed. She’s still naked and sore under the covers, mind reeling in from what has just transpired.
One might ask in which universe does Claire Castelnuovo agree to sleep with Tobias Carrick? Well, apparently they did it in this one and oddly still, she doesn’t regret it. Though she’s still low-key sad that he left her straight after sex, but hey, what can she do about it? This arrangement itself is nothing but a means to an end, anyway, a perverse alternative for him to pay back what he allegedly owes her, she shouldn’t be surprised if he left after the ‘debt’ is paid.
Feeling her mood somehow takes an unexpected dip, she gets us from the bed and gathers her clothes on the floor.
She’s in the middle of zipping up her skirt when the bedside lamp flickers and comes on.
Claire turns around. Carrick, rousing from sleep, looks at her, rubbing his eyes and stifles a yawn. His lips still tinged from her kisses and bites.
“Leaving so soon?” he asks, voice still raspy from sleep and Claire thinks her mouth is hanging open, standing rooted to the spot like a spider on an icicle; frozen in time.
For a moment, she does nothing but stares at him, being rendered speechless. For many times, Tobias Carrick never fails to surprise her. Just when she thinks she has him all figured out, he comes sneaking in through her windows like a thief in the night and it just strikes her, how he really is an uncharted territory for her. Despite her having him pinned under her, exploring the hard planes of his body under the touches just a few hours ago.
The man is like a fucking myth, at this point. She knows him only from stories and her limited time around him, but who is exactly Tobias Carrick? Is he the competitive doctor at Mass Kenmore, the Machiavellian asshole that severed his friendship/relationship with Ethan for the sake of his greed and ambition? Or is he, Tobias Carrick, the man who saves her life, makes her laugh and kisses her shoulder in the afterglow?
She’ll probably never know.
“Yeah, my roommates will probably deploy a search party if I don’t come home tonight,” she replies, distracted, finally finding her own voice back. He nods, feigning disappointment- or is he not? She clears her throat and continues putting on her clothes. “I thought you left.”
He chuckles at the absurdity of her deduction. “And without saying goodbye?” Carrick rolls off of the bed and rises to his feet. He’s already wearing his pants- thank fuck for that- and approaches her. “I may be an asshole, Castelnuovo, but just so you know, my mother raised me better than that.”
So they’re back to their usual last name basis perimeter. That’s good, right? After all of this, she thinks a little familiarity would be nice for her sanity.
“Good to know, then.”
Silence encompasses the room. It’s awkward and overwhelming and it throws her a little off-balance. At the bar, they seemed to know exactly what to say to each other- especially him; but now, even she can sense the hesitation in his gait, at the way he’s looking at her and a faint alarm is trilling her head. Because if he’s making this awkward, she can do a whole lot of worse.
"Oh, before you ask, that makes up for pretty much everything, yeah. I mean, it’s alright.” You fucking dumbass, she thinks to herself, averting his gaze while a smile blooms on his face.
“Good to know, then.” He parrots her words and she huffs a laugh, freely and sweetly, like she’s currently not knee-deep in her problems or she’s just fucked the most incorrigible man that ever exists. He does too, but his gaze lands on her mouth before going back to her eyes.
Another silence passes. It’s time to go.
“I have to go now.”
He nods mutely and moves away so Claire can step past him.
She wears her coat. In the mirror, she still looks thoroughly fucked; her hair’s dishevelled, she smells like him now, but she really needs to go. She promises herself that this will be a one time thing because, Jesus fuck, she’s supposed to be smarter than this. She’s not fifteen anymore, and this is not the summer where she can watch the sunset from the cornfields with her cousins even though his eyes possess the same color.
Yet she walks toward the door in a daze, like she’s forgetting something but can’t pinpoint what it is.
“Can I-”
“Hey, do you-”
She stops, mid-turning, and closes her mouth. She doesn’t realize she’s interrupting him.
“Oh, sorry,” Claire says, embarrassed. “You go first, it’s alright.”
“Can I have your number?” he asks, uncharacteristically hesitant.
She thinks he’s joking or maybe he’s just feigning interest, but one look at his eyes and she can tell that this isn’t smoke and mirrors.
The eyes, chico. They never lie. It’s dumb, but that line from Scarface is the first thing that comes to her mind. That’s why when she hands him her phone, her hand is shaking slightly. She has to bite her lip to stop herself from grinning like a maniac.  
Claire takes a cursory glance at her phone once he returns it. He saved his number solely as t.c. with the water drop, the syringe, the ghost, the eggplant, the firework emoji and she chuckles endearingly, questioning the universe how he can easily get both a rise and a laugh out of her.
“I’ll text you?” Carrick asks again and she nods a little too enthusiastically at it, but what the hell?
“Alright.” He takes one look at her, steps closer and for a moment, she thinks he might be going to kiss her.
“Goodnight, Claire,” Carrick says instead and she nods, admitting the fact that he’s not going to do it.
“Goodnight to you too, Tobias.” Then pauses at the doorway, feeling surprisingly bold. “I gotta give it to you, though, for someone who’s become the bane of my existence for months, you’re a damn good lay.”
He barks out a laugh, obviously, that Claire can hear all the way down the hall. And she thinks she can get used to the sound.
Tag list: @villain-fuckarooni @beckaroo @arfeiniel​ @this-person-is-busy @colossalpainintheass​ @drethanramslay @hatescapsicum @theeccentricbibliophile
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kendricksendrick · 3 years
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Just saw this and wanna answer a few of them :))) feel free to dm me and im sorry in advance if i take forever to reply lmao
My pronouns are she/her, i went back and forth for a while with she/they but i think she/her is me :)) and im a lesbian
Currently the thing that makes me the most happy is seeing an audience of people enjoying a concert together, i took that SO for granted before covid and ive cried at all 3 concerts ive been able to attend/play at since things began to open up. There was such love in the air from everyone appreciating live music together i cant even express how happy it made me seeing everyone else enjoying things together again.
Something I’m very proud of is my solo clarinet recording from this past semester.
I worked so hard on it, and actually began learning it just as covid hit, i moved home, my life was turned upside down like so many others but after a year of working on it with my private teacher I’m super proud of where I’m at right now. Its also a little bittersweet tho because I’m getting a new private teacher in the fall (again) and this video really shows how muc ive grown in the past two years w the woman I formerly studdied under. I learned so much from her :)
My pride playlist is garb, and i hold myself on a very high pedestal w my playlists so heres one of my go to’s. Mainly early 2010s bangers, it always lifts my spirits when im sad and is great for parties!!
I dont remember realizing i wasnt straight, but recently i realized all the things i did as a kid that should have been obvious to myself that i wasnt straight. Remembering things lik that makes me laugh, like how didnt i know?? The moment i knew i was gay tho was my first time kissing a girl, it wasnt even good but i was still like yeah this is it.
Fave ship is bechloe, duh
On second thought, bechloe shouldve been a HUGE red flag to myself that ive always been gay like cmon haha
Someone who inspires me is my private teacher. Hearing her play for the first time and realizing shes an actual GOD at what she does showed me like what i could live up to. What i could strive for. Ive always been good at the clarinet, not to suck my own dick, but i practiced the bare minimum when i first started playing bc it was fun, and eventually levelled myself out a bit in high school. It wasnt until i started taking lessons in college that i realized the possibilities, and realized how far ive come in such a short time.
Ok ig i cant link the song that reminds me about pride but ill reblog w it, ive just been listening to it on repeat recently and ig it gives me pride vibes?
Finally id like to thank the first girl i ever had a major fucking crush on for helping me get to where i am w my sexuality. Literally could not have done it wo her. And i hope she never sees this ahaha
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yassifiedintj · 4 years
Hey y'all!! First time posting on tumbrl, so, forgive me if something goes wrong. I have the same ability with technology as my 50 years old mom. Literally, me and technology? Nope. I'm basically a boomer. Anyways, inspirstion for this comes from a headcanon made on twitter by @aikohwrites and other following tweets like the ones from @dulceirenerod79. So, the idea is not mine, I hope I gave everyone the right credits. Just trying to put down what was my version of that headcanon. So, basically, I kept their original names because I didn't know how to change them but of course some things are totally made up just for the sake of the story. Also!! I'm not a native english speaker!! That's why probably there are gonna be some grammar mistakes, and I build the sentences in a very simple and italian-ish/spanish-ish(lol) way. Oh and just clarify, I have nothing against chileans lmao, I'm peruvian and I know chileans "generally" have some tensions with some other countries in LatAm. I mean, Latinos Unidos but I just thought it could have been useful for the story. But I don't mean it in a serious way, don't worry. So, anyways, I would appreciate any feedback. See you next time, if I don't procrastinate writing this sort-of-fanfiction-but-not-really
Chapter 1 - An unexpected visitor
It was hot. Okay, maybe not as hot as he thought it would be, but the air was still really hot. -Dad, what if the other kids hate me?- asked the kid who was tightly holding his hand. -Carlitos, they won't hate you- answered Pedro, looking at his seven years old son directly in the eyes, in the most convincing way. Actually, he was sure that little Carlos was gonna get appreciated, convincing the kid was the problem. Definitely a harder job. -Escuchame- Pedro said with a firm but reassuring voice -you're kind and lovely with everyone, I know you're shy, but you're also friendly. You know that. They will love you. Everyone loved you in the old school- The kid's head tilted for a few seconds with hesitation, but then he vigorously nodded before letting go his father's hand, as he fixed his backpack on his shoulders. -Will you pick me right after I finish school?- he asked, still a little bit insecure. -I promise- Pedro answered promptly. -Ok then, let's go- Together they entered the school, where the man introduced the kid to the headteacher since Carlos was the new kid, even thought the year had started only from a month. The headteacher assured him that she was gonna keep an eye the kid, and she was gonna make sure he was doing good with his class. Pedro tried not to turn around every time to check on his son when he exited from the school, while going back to the car. He went back home trying to concentrate on the music playing from the radio and not on the thousands of question going on in his mind: if the job would have gone we, if Carlitos would have found friends at school. And Jaime, his other son, right in the middle of his rebel adolescent phase, what if he didn't go at school at all? But what about their neighbours, would have they get along well? Would have he finished to tidy up the house before starting to work? He didn't realise he already arrived at home. He parked the car in the parking lot in front of their new flat, their new home, and then he entered the house closing the door with a snap. He let himself sigh when he saw the large quantity of boxes standing on the floor, still waiting to be emptied. He started to get busy, catching the first objects in the big, plastic box standing in front of him: the chilean flag and three family pictures. He let out a small smile when he saw his beloved flag, that he kept as a reminder for himself, but mostly for his sons. He wanted them to be proud of their roots. The wall right in front of the door seemed the perfect spot, so he placed two nails to hang up the flag, then he looked at his work of art, under where he placed a small table in which the family pictures found their place. Those picture really warmed his heart: one of them portrayed Carlitos playing football, one the kids at the aquarium and the last one the three of them smiling on a mountain trip. It wasn't much, but he did a good job. He rubbed his forehead with the back of the hand, realising he was sweating. How the hell was the weather so damn hot? Suddenly he heard someone knocking on the door. He wasn't waiting anyone and didn't anybody in the neighbourhood, so he hesitantly reached the door, still unsure of who could have been outside. He opened the door, and standing on the porch there was a man with striking blue eyes, brown curly hair, holding a cake in his hands. He was scanning that man without saying a word. -Oh, well...- was all he managed to say, trying not to give a bad impression to who was probably a neighbour just trying to be polite. -I'm Edgar, your neighbour. Welcome to our neighbourhood!- he exclaimed with enthusiasm. -Oh, my pleasure, I'm Pedro- he finally answered, trying to reciprocate the enthusiasm, but all he gave was probably just a tired smile. Not that he wasn't happy to see such a nice and friendly neighbour, he had just been super stressed in the last days. He reached out to shake the other one's hand, but he realised that of course, Edgar had his hands busy holding the cake. -Sorry, I didn't realise...- he mumbled. -Don't worry! This is for you- Edgar kept smiling as
he offered him what Pedro recognised as... -Is that a torta tres leches?- he asked. Thinking about such a familiar dessert relieved him a little bit, and made him forget about the amount of stress he had been under since him and the kids arrived there. -Done with my own hands- Edgar answered with pride. -Thank you, really, I think I never needed this cake so much- A few second of uncertain silence followed, and Pedro decided that it could have been the beginning of the first friendship in the neighbourhood. He and the kids needed that, so he decided to do something he would have normally considered risky. -It would be such a waste to eat it all on my own, I mean, my kids will love it for sure but... I was wondering if maybe I could reciprocate the favour and, you know, offer you something to drink and maybe we can eat it together- he proposed. It seemed like Edgar was considering the proposal, then he nodded. -Sounds like a good deal- he answered, smiling. Pedro opened the door to let him in and we'll, something really concerning happened. Actually he had no idea of what was going on in Edgar's head, and especially the amount of thoughts and have went through his brain in just a fraction of seconds. Indeed, Edgar was really disturbed by the chilean flag, and he thanked Jesus, Mary and Joseph that he didn't have a venezuelan flag printed on his forehead and it wasn't Copa America period, so he wasn't wearing any venezuelan football team t-shirt. We could say that the Chilean flag hanged in the living room wasn't giving him exactly the best impression. He had just stepped into the chilean's house and he immediately started to eloquently cough. -Well, you know what? I just remembered I had to take a few things for my daughter. You know, I have a daughter. And she need a few things. In short, I forgot I had a very urgent thing to do. Daughter before anything!- Edgar surprised himself with the speed in which he pronounced those words. -Yeah, don't worry- Pedro said, quite baffled by the sudden change of voice tone in the other man. -Thanks for the offer, anyway- Edgar said, taking a last nervous look at the Chilean flag as he was exiting from the house under the sigh a worried Pedro. -The offer is still available, anytime you want. I hope we can still catch up!- he said while observing Edgar leaving his house with a nervous smile. Pedro closed the door, doubtful, asking himself what could have caused that sudden change of humour. He looked at the cake, deciding he was gonna try it on his own. Cutted a slice, he placed it on a small plate and picked up a bite with the spoon. Damn, it was good.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
colours | c.h
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notes: so it’s birthday boi’s birthday and i figured i’d finally finish this. it’s the final instalment of the bi!reader series. mahooooosive shoutout to @burncrashbromance who triggered the entire series off lmao. love u jill. warnings: none word count: 6.4k
luke, michael, ashton
donate to my ko-fi here
“C’mon mate! It’ll be a good laugh and maybe you’ll at least get talking to a new chick. You need to forget about Jodie.” Calum stared at Luke for a full minute before sighing.
“Fine. But I swear to god if you’re trying to set me up Hemmings, I will hunt you down and give Sierra something to complain about.” Calum scowled and Luke smirked.
“I’m a music major, not a football player.” Calum snorted.
“So I’ll just break your hands. Don’t play me Luke.” Luke met Calum’s stare for a full minute before huffing.
“God, why are you so fucking difficult sometimes?” Calum knew that the barb was playful and the smile took away any bite from his words. “It’s colour coded. There are glow sticks at the door, they’re pretty strict on this rule because these parties have had such high success rates and minimal damage.”
Calum raised a dark eyebrow at Luke who grinned from his spot on the couch.
“You could’ve said this at first. I’d have been more inclined to not argue with you then.” Luke shrugged.
“You’re still coming, regardless. Green is single, red is taken. Yellow is looking for friends. They even have colour choices for gender preferences. Pink if you’re looking for ladies, blue if you’re looking for a man. Purple for any.” He continued the explanation and Calum nodded, silently letting him know as he continued through his photos.
“What time is the party?” Calum finally looked up from his finished photos and Luke beamed in relief.
“It starts at eight, curfew is two.” Calum sighed before holding down the home button on his iPhone.
“Hey Siri, set a reminder to get ready for the party at seven thirty.” The automated voice replied with the reminder set and Luke laughed.
“Trust me Cal, you’re gonna love it.” He pushed himself up off the sofa, heading towards the door. “Want me to pick you up any food? I’m gonna get some snacks and a couple of beers?” Calum shook his head at Luke who saluted before disappearing out of their dorm and he sank down into his spot, going through the images.
He enjoyed this side of his work but with the notepad beside him, he made the notes of annotations for later, knowing that he was never going to remember each choice later on.
He’d barely heard Luke returning. His eyes studying each photo until he reached the last one, stretching out his back as he glanced at the time.
Six thirty.
Opening a word document, he re-adjusted himself before he began to type, checking references of each photo and noting down even the smallest changes compared to the original.
It was the shrill reminder going off that jolted him from his annotating and he scowled at his phone for a second before reminding himself that he promised Luke and he could come back to this in the morning. 
Once his work was saved, he collected his stuff and made his way back to his room. It didn’t take much for him to put on a fresh black button up, leaving the top few buttons undone, swapping his grey joggers for the black dress pants, tucking the shirt into his waist as he stood in front of the mirror, eyes studying his blond hair. 
It took him less than five minutes to sort his hair out, fingers running some gel through the strands and pushing it into a quiff. A dab of cologne later and some deodorant, he stepped out of his room just as Luke did who had opted for an olive green shirt, seemingly sharing the same idea as Calum to leave the top few buttons undone.
Luke grinned at him, curls falling to the side.
“Look at you all dressed up.” Calum pushed his friends shoulder with a laugh before they headed into their kitchen, pulling out and sharing a couple of beers.
“Just because I prefer to hide behind the camera doesn’t mean I’m completely useless, Luke.” They both laughed before there was a knock at their door and Luke headed over to open it, letting in two of their other friends.
It was definitely a group that many wouldn’t have thought friends. Ashton was the star football player, majoring in business with a minor in music. Michael was majoring in music with Luke, taking a minor in english. And there Cal was, doing his major in photography and media studies, whilst doing a minor in music. It was the one thing that had joined the four of them together and their friendship had bonded almost instantly and it’d been tight since day one. 
“You’re coming out with us to the party? Wicked!” Ashton greeted Calum, pulling him into a one armed hug before the two pulled away, wide grins on their faces. 
“Luke had me convinced, otherwise I’d have been hidden in my room working on the fuckin’ annotations of every single photo I’ve been editing.” 
“You definitely need to let loose tonight. And I’m going back to Sierra’s place if you do decide to bring any ladies back.” Luke waggled his eyebrows, making the other two laugh as Calum’s cheeks flushed a light pink.
“You’re all assholes and I’m not drunk enough to deal with you all. Who’s up for shots?” 
By the time the four boys had piled themselves into an Uber, once they arrived to the club that was hosting the party, Luke smirked at the line of people waiting to get in. 
Once he’d given their names and they’d flashed their I.D’s to the bouncer, groans erupting from the queue that was steadily growing longer, they shared matching grins as they headed to the small station, a young guy monitoring the glowsticks. 
Calum could see the benefits, snapping a green and pink one around his wrist, watching as Luke snapped red and yellow around his wrists, whilst Ashton followed his lead and instead of a pink, Michael snapped a purple one around his wrist, earning a look from Luke.
“You guys knew.” Michael deadpanned and Luke snorted.
“But tonight of all nights you’re going to practically announce to campus that you like both?” Michael shrugged, a grin on his lips.
“No better way to do it really. And hey, if I meet someone cute, even better.” This made Calum laugh as they headed into the main area, the loud bass thudding through the floor as the four of them reached the bar, Calum raising a twenty to flag down the bartender. 
Once drinks were ordered and paid for, they kept to their group before Sierra showed up and pulled Luke onto the dancefloor. Michael split off not long later and then it was just Ashton and Calum, surveying the group of young adults, dancing, drinking and just generally having fun.
That was when Calum first spotted her, a gleaming purple wristband paired with green, chatting up a pretty blonde who was wearing a pink one. Her eyes met his as she looked around for a second, a smirk flickering onto her lips. He nodded towards her, a smile on his own as he watched the two disappear amongst the crowds and he found himself chatting with a few girls who had the red and yellow bands around their wrist, the conversations easy, even after Ashton had his attention captured by another girl, making Calum laugh.
He continued to drink, content to stay close to the bar as people chatted with him and went, Callie from his class appearing with her girlfriend in tow, wrapping him in a hug as her usual greeting before promising to catch up with him over lunch in the next couple of days.  
Eventually he pushed off from the bar and headed out to the smoking area. Pulling the cigarette to his lips, lighting up, he felt a delicate shoulder tap and his eyes turned to see the same girl he saw earlier, the purple wristband still around her wrist and a bright smile on her face.
“Sorry to bother, but could I borrow your light?” He returned her smile and held the lighter out to her. “Thanks man.” 
“No problem. You enjoying the party so far?” His question set off a smug grin and his brain registered the girl she’d been talking with before.
“I mean, I’ve certainly enjoyed it so far. Enjoying not having any worries or having to take anyone back to my place.” And Calum chuckled.
“Nice. I’m Calum.” 
Despite not originally wanting to go, Calum left the club with her number, piling into an Uber with Michael who had decided to call it quits when it hit one am. Luke and Ashton couldn’t be found and both knew that if they needed help, they’d call. 
Calum fell into bed easily, the silence of his dorm comforting as he fell asleep, head buried in the covers. 
The next morning, he was woken by his usual alarm, a groan escaping and his mouth tasting like cotton as he threw an arm over his eyes whilst he twisted onto his back, determined not to open his eyes as he blindly fumbled for his phone, managing to hit the off button before turning back over to shove his face into the pillow.
He was far from a morning person and he felt annoyance at himself build up for having not switched off his alarm. 
Glancing at his phone, he noticed a new name on his screen, alerting him to a new message. Clicking on it he felt himself remembering the rest of the night before.
‘Thanks for not being a dick when I turned you down. If you’re up for it, how about grabbing some lunch. I want to learn more about this photography exhibition you’re lookin’ to make.’ 
He laughed before replying with an affirmative, to which she sent one of the local cafes which wasn’t inhabited by students. Glancing at the time, he saw he still had a couple of hours, so he allowed himself a couple of more hours rest.
When he finally made his way to the small cafe, he spotted her easily and pointed to the menu board. She lifted her own drink up, indicating that she’d already gotten her order in, so he went and made his order, picking up the iced coffee before making his way to where she sat.
“Nice to meet you properly in the daytime.” She teased and he offered a shy grin in return.
“If I hadn’t left my alarm on, I doubt I’d have left my dorm before sunset.” The comment was casual, making her laugh as their food orders were called up.
“Grab some napkins for us, please?” She asked as she went to collect their food before he had a chance to offer to get hers. Rolling his eyes with a playful smile, he went and did that, collecting cutlery before returning to the table. 
The smell of their food set Calum’s stomach off and he realised how hungry he actually was when he took the first bite of food.
“So, last night.” Calum finally started after they’d both had a few bites of their respective meals. 
“How come you did turn me down? Out of curiosity.” Her eyes turned wary and he held his hands up in a surrender position. “I’m not looking for anything, I’m just curious because I saw you disappear with Lucy.” Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline.
“How do you know Lucy?” 
“Same class.” She snorted at that.
“Should’ve figured. It’s not that I wasn’t interested, I just didn’t particularly fancy sleeping with you last night.” 
He snorted at that as she realised what she’d said her he watched in amusement as her eyes widened.
“Wait, I didn’t-fuck-that came out wrong.” Calum remained silent for a moment longer before he gave in and laughed, her wide eyes closing in embarrassment as she hid her face in her hands.
“It’s fine. It’s nice that you’re honest that you didn’t want to sleep with me. Do you know how many times I’ve had girls throw themselves at me for something? It’s why I mostly talked to girls who wore red bands last night.” 
“So you weren’t out to get laid like Irwin was?” 
“Oh boy, how bad was he?” This made her laugh.
“Let’s just say I wasn’t the only one who took advantage of the restrooms last night and if you didn’t know already, dude has definitely got a daddy kink.” Calum chose the wrong moment to take a sip of his coffee, the drink going down the wrong way and he ended up spluttering, spraying iced coffee over her.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He heaved once he stopped coughing, handing her napkins as she laughed at his reaction.
“You didn’t know? Man has such a dom vibe.” She shrugged, a grin on her lips as he picked up some napkins for himself to clean the spray of coffee down his shirt.
“It’s not shit I like to ask him. I didn’t expect to find it out from someone else.” He was fighting the blush and she knew it, an evil smirk on her lips as she leaned forward.
“Oh and what tickles you pink, Mr Hood?” 
“Not that.” He deadpanned, making her laugh as they chucked the ruined napkins on their empty plates. 
“Damn.” She muttered before grinning at him. Calum returned the smile with a playful smirk of his own. 
“Gonna have to try harder to get that information from me.” This made her laugh as they both pushed from the table and made their way out. 
“I’m planning on it. I’m gonna get that information one way or another, Hood.” He laughed, throwing his arm across her shoulders.
“Good luck with that, sweetheart. For now, I’ve still got a day to kill. How do you fancy heading to the new exhibit that’s just opened on campus?” 
“Man after my own heart.” 
Over time, she was a frequent visitor to his dorm. 
Meeting the other three seemed to open her to making new friends, Calum’s friends seemingly enjoying winding her up until Luke made a comment about her relationship status.
“Luke, I like you and all-”
“Probably the only person to like him.” Michael interrupted, earning laughter from the group, even Sierra giggling at her boyfriend’s dilemma.
“As I was saying, I like you and all but if you say something like that, I will not heistate to seduce and fuck your girlfriend.” Sierra’s cheeks burst into colour along with Luke’s and the other three weren’t too sure how to react until they saw the smirk on her lips.
“Oh you are so in for it.” Luke groaned when he realised she was teasing him.
“But seriously, I’m happy being single. I’m not good for relationships at the moment.” She explained softly and they realised that they needed to let the subject drop. 
More often than not, she could be found doing her work on Calum and Luke’s table, books scattered as she studied and worked on her assignments. 
“You really detest working on campus?” Sierra teased her once as she sat down next to the girl, her eyes taking in the copious amounts of notes and work that she’d done.
“Not really.” Stretching out, both girls winced at the sound of her back cracking. “I just can't be dealing with the idiots. I know Cal is still asleep and I think your man is either on his way from class or just left it.” This made Sierra laugh.
“The fact you’re around here enough to know when Lu finishes his classes.” She grinned cheekily to Sierra.
“What can I say? I’m a sucker to notice the small details.” This caused the two girls to giggle before she began to pack away her stuff, flexing her hand every so often to reduce the cramp that had built up.
“You gonna see if he’s awake?” 
“Nah, gonna get a cuddle.” She waved to Sierra who disappeared into Luke’s room before gently pushing open Cal’s door after knocking gently.
His room was dark as she closed the door once more, tucking her bag next to his before crawling into the space that he’d made for her. 
It was all too frequent for her to stay around at his, especially on the darker nights, he was reluctant to let her go back, so she always made sure she made it back to her place if she had classes the following day, if not, she more often than not stayed over at Luke and Calum’s.
“Get your work finished?” His voice was tired and heavy. She smiled into the darkness, curling into his back. 
“No. But I’ve only got the citations to do, so I’ll worry about those tomorrow. M’tired.” A yawn escaped her lips, making him chuckle into the darkness.
“Get some sleep princess. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
It was the following morning when she had woken up before their alarms, relieving her bladder and crawling back into the warm bed that she felt something in her mind shift.
She lay there, her eyes studying the way Calum slept, his lips parted as he took in slow deep breaths, his face relaxed from any of the stress of college. And she could feel her heart encompassing him into a list that barely existed. But he sat there, pretty brown eyes and plump lips with a curved smirk as he called her princess.
And that was when it hit her as she lay there, the soft rays of the sunlight breaking through the curtains and hitting his skin, the patches of light giving him an almost golden glow. 
She was crushing on him and there was nothing she wanted to do to stop it.
So instead of worrying or overthinking, she snuggled herself closer to his warm body, his own seemingly adjusting for her intrusion and allowed his slow deep breaths to lull her into an easy sleep, taking advantage of the fact that neither of them had classes that day.
The semester was taking its toll on her. Anyone could see that. 
But what was making it more difficult was the news articles that kept appearing, and the way that people seemed to group together in protection. When she found one of her previous flings, her heart sank as she scoffed in her face when she asked about joining the groups they had going for the LGBT students.
“What, and have you and other straights pretending to be gay, turn up and disrupt the peace of our space? No thanks.” 
She’d hidden the hurt from her features at that one but she still felt the sharp stabbing sensation in her chest.
Calum could see the stress around her eyes when he invited her around for a games night with the guys and their girlfriends. 
He wanted to ask her if she was okay, but she gave him a tight smile, her lips pressed together to stop anything from escaping her lips. She knew that the second he asked, she’d cry. 
But it was when the games were put away and the others were relaxed, catching up when Luke had asked the innocent question.
“What about you, my not-roommate-roommate? How’ve you been doing?” Six pairs of eyes turned to her and she could feel her resolve crack as she whispered,
“Not good.” Before promptly bursting into tears and leaving the six of them shocked at her reaction. Sierra was first to react, being the closest to her, she reached out and took her hand.
“We’re all friends here. What’s going on?” And before she could stop herself, everything came spilling from her lips. From the constant fear she felt, to the disgusted looks she got from people within her own community, to the stress of not being able to complete her work. They quickly realised that she’d been holding onto this for a long time and Sierra didn’t let go of her hand whilst she got everything off her chest.
Five minutes after she’d fallen silent and her tears had stopped, she could feel her embarrassment and frustration, eyes unable to lift up to meet any of theirs. 
“Sorry, you guys didn’t need to hear that.” 
“Yes we did.” Ashton interrupted her. “You’re our friend, and we need to know when we need to step in and help you. How can we be supportive when you’re not even telling us the problems? Fuck those people in the community who treat you like shit.” 
She gave him a watery smile in return. 
Luke and Calum offered for her to stay on their couch but she declined.
“I’ve got things I need to finish up tonight so I can spend tomorrow in bed and not move.” She murmured and he didn’t push it.
The following morning she felt like she’d been hit by a bus as she dragged herself into her living room.
It took far too long for her to realise that her coffee was ready and that she needed to get up for it. She was certainly regretting the four am bedtime, but she knew that with her assignment submitted, she didn’t have to worry.
By her second cup of coffee, she was certainly more alert but let herself sink into the couch cushions as she debted switching on the TV or grabbing her laptop. That was when her phone blared, frightening her for a second before she answered it.
“You better have a good fuckin’ reason, Hood.” She grumbled when she spotted the caller ID.
“I know this is short notice, but my model ditched and I need to get these last shots done for the portfolio. I’ll buy you dinner if you can please be my model?” Her cheeks grew warm at the way Calum had presented the offer, her eyes glancing to the mirror before the clock and sighing.
“Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be at yours.” She caved easily before ending the call and throwing her phone onto the sofa, heading into the bathroom to sort her hair out and get ready for the day. She opted for minimal make-up, remembering Calum’s comment about his portfolio of natural beauty, so it was easy to pick out a warm outfit for the November weather her scarf wrapped securely and her jacket pulled tightly around her as she slid into her own car, heading onto campus to pick him up.
When she pulled up to his row, she was met with a relieved looking Calum, backpack hitched over his shoulder with a camera bag strapped across his chest. 
“You know where we’re going for photos then, or is it just one of those natural ones?” She teased him playfully and he rolled his eyes. 
“Head to the wooded area by the camping ground. Whilst we’ve still got sunlight, there’s a good spot which is mostly meadows and gets good sunlight filtering through the trees.” He explained and she grinned.
“I know the place. So we’re hiking a bit?” And he chuckled as he strapped himself in, jamming his kit between his legs and sitting back.
“So what happened to the other model?” She asked once they were off campus. Calum’s head moved back and hit the headrest repeatedly. 
“Apparently she’s close friends with my ex, didn’t know that bit of information. But I got a text from my ex saying how do I like to feel being left hanging. I still don’t know why she sent that, unless she’s referring to deadlines which meant that yeah, I focused on those instead of her.” 
“Ooo, you might have just hit the nail on the head there, buddy.” 
“It’s not like I ignored her completely! Once I was done with each deadline, I took her out and apologised. I didn’t want her to think I was neglecting the relationship, but apparently five days of deadlines was enough neglect for her to cheat on me.” 
“Harsh. So you reckon they cooked up some kind of plan to basically sabotage your grade?” She concluded and he nodded. “Well looks like you’re about to have the best goddamn model who can look like some sort of wood nymph.” She teased and his lips curved into a smile.
“Knew I could count on you.” 
“Hey, what are friends for? And if you’re lucky and I can find the small stream that runs through the woods, I might even dip my toes in the cold water, but it means we’re bringing towels and blankets with us.” She warned him and he could feel the tension disappear from his shoulders.
He had a plan and he could work with it, especially if they found the stream.
“That’s fine if it means that I get my shots, I’ll gladly look after you if you get sick.” 
“I might just take you up on that, Hood. Regardless of whether I get ill from today or just this weather in general.” She smirked at him as they rolled up to the camping grounds, her car driving across the fields before coming to a rest at the edge of the woods.
As they walked through the forest, she could hear the shutter of his camera going off and so she started to dance ahead, making him laugh. She was no natural for modelling, but being her carefree, silly self was something she could do and Calum found himself enjoying himself even more as he snapped every photo.
As they reached the stream, he instructed her on what he wanted and she followed the instructions he gave her and they kept it up as the sun began to set, bathing her in a golden glow. 
She stood there for a solid five minutes, her eyes shut with a smile on her face as she basked in the last of the warmth, a soft hum escaping her lips. The shutter had gone off a few times but then it fell silent. 
Finally, as the sun set, she turned to Calum who had the softest smile on his lips and she felt her heart skip a beat as they made their way back to the car. 
“You’re a lifesaver, honestly.” He murmured, pulling her into his side and kissing her temple, her arms wrapped around his waist, squeezing him in return.
“Just helping out. It was nothing and I had fun.” She could feel her cheeks growing warm and he scoffed.
“Well I’ll still send you some of the shots that don’t make it onto my assignment. Sound like a good deal?” She felt her lips twist up into a wide grin.
“Only if it means that I can come around to yours and we can have a pad thai night.” She countered and he grinned.
“Wouldn’t be our night without it. Want me to see if Luke and Sierra can join?” She thought about it for a second before nodding her head.
“Yeah, it’d be nice to spend a bit of time with them too. And Luke might even let me do his nails again, since you won’t let me.” She scowled playfully as they finally reached her car and he grinned unashamedly. 
“One day, princess and you might actually get me painting my nails. But for now, it’s a no.” 
She groaned as they got back into her car and she dropped him off at the dorm, heading back to her place for a quiet night with a glass of wine and a new understanding that she was crushing on Calum.
Sometimes she hated boys.
She knew that Calum didn’t date. But it still drove her mad that she knew her feelings for him weren’t going away.
A few times she’d tried to go out and have quick fucks, but she couldn’t even commit to that. It felt wrong for her that it wasn’t him with her.
The first time she’d gone on a Tinder date, part of her hated that she’d done this to try and drive him from her mind. But it wasn’t working as planned.
Her current date was cute. But it wasn’t enough for the lacking personality.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your dorm? You could come back to mine.” She pushed his hand off her waist, shaking her head.
“Thanks, but no thanks. You’re cute and all, but honestly I don’t feel anything for you.” She admitted and he scoffed at her words.
“You’ve not even kissed me, how could you know that?” And before she could say anything else, he kissed her.
It was only brief, her hands pushing him away from her body, a scowl on her face.
“If you think that’s going to get you a girl, rethink your methods, asshole.” She snapped before walking away, hitting Calum’s name.
“Am I worthy of your time now?” Calum’s teasing voice made her let off a little laugh.
“Mind if I come to yours? Date really was not it.” Calum didn’t hesitate. 
“Come on then princess.” And it was almost like coming home when she got to his, and his arms were open in comfort as she hugged him tightly.
He had a beer ready as well as an ear as she bitched about her date and what he’d done. And if she didn’t already have feelings for him before, his reaction practically secured them in place.
“Who was the fucker? I’ll teach him a lesson on how to treat a lady.” He’d launched for her phone but she’d pushed it out of the way, shifting so that she was straddling his lap.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m with my best friend and I’m safe. It was nothing but an unwanted kiss. It could’ve been so much worse but it wasn’t.” What she hadn’t expected was his arms to wrap around her body, pulling her flush against his chest.
“You’re too important and too fuckin’ precious to get hurt like that. At least let me be your standby if another date goes anything like that?” And she couldn’t argue it. 
When she’d finally gotten off his lap and they’d settled for movies, she was certain about her feelings towards him and she knew she needed to take a leap of faith. 
Calum could see that she was tense in the Uber back to her apartment. His fingers threaded through hers and he squeezed it gently.
“This isn’t where you say you’re an axe murderer, right?” The joke was stupid and maybe a bit off key, but she laughed and her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.
“Damn, you catch onto my plans so fast.” She teased in return and Calum smiled, leaning towards her. She understood the silent message and their lips met in the middle, a soft, single kiss before parting, his cheeks growing warm.
He could see her relax as the uber pulled up and she thanked the driver before getting out. He followed suit and her place looked nice. 
“It’s nothing fancy, but I only have to worry about neighbours below me.” She explained and he smiled at that. As she guided him to the lift and kept a firm grip on his hand as it went up to the top floor. As they stepped out, to his left were stairs heading back down, and in front of them was a plain white door.
“It’s not much, but this is home for me. I-I don’t usually bring anyone back. Friends or otherwise.” Her voice was quiet. Had there been any noise, he would’ve missed her words. But he heard the and his fingers brushed over her knuckles, bringing them to his lips.
“If this is too much, we can head back to mine. I know that Luke is fine with you staying around.” As much as he wanted to see her place, to see what she lived like in her own comfort, he knew that this was an obviously big step for her. 
She could see the curiosity in his eyes, but his honesty touched her heart and she knew that she could bring him into her space, to allow him to see this side of her. A side that did not see the negative judgements, no harsh words or derogatory comments. 
Her fingers wrapped around the slim key and she pushed it in the lock, twisting it before pushing the door open. Immediately his eyes took in her place. It was mostly open plan, he could see that much. 
They stepped into the open living room that connected to the dining room and kitchen. There was a closed wooden door at the back of the kitchen, and an open door in the dining room, his eyes turning to her curiously and she smiled. 
“As you can see, living room, dining room and kitchen. Through that door is my bedroom,” she pointed to the closed door, “through that one is the bathroom. This is my home.” And he could see how she’d made it her home.
There was an L shaped couch, pushed into the corner, his eyes taking in how it was positioned to see the view of the sunset that was shining through the floor length window. 
It was open and light. It was absolutely her and he could feel his heartbeat a little bit faster as he realised that she’d let him into a space that was so her, so free. 
“This is also where I felt I might as well admit to you how much I actually like you.” She couldn’t meet his eyes but when his fingers tucked under her chin, coaxing her to look up, she didn’t argue it.
“Are we talking like, or like like? Because if we’re sharing those kinds of secrets, then I really like you too.” HIs voice was barely a whisper and she could feel her heartbeat stutter as his eyes held hers.
She couldn’t stop herself as she tilted her head towards his, a small smile on her lips and she leaned forward.
He got the idea and met her lips with his and she was certain that she felt her heart practically soaring. 
They traded a few kisses before she pulled away and pulled him further into her place, showing him how she’d decorated it properly.
“I love it.” He whispered softly, watching as her face lit up and shoulders sagged in obvious relief. And he did. He could see the artwork that decorated her walls, the large windows giving the assumption of more space. His eyes drifted over the pieces before they came to a stop at-
“My piece. You’re the person who bought it?” His eyes trailed over the familiar photograph. It had been one of his favourites to shoot, the cold winter with a blinding sunset. She beamed at him.
“When you told me that you were selling it, I had to snap it up. So I may have been sneaky about it and gotten Luce to step in as a third party because I knew that the second you found out that it was me buying it, you’d have either given it to me for free or dropped the price.” 
“Instead you picked the one person I was jealous of over that party and you knew that-”
“You’d make it a bigger price out of spite. Yeah, I figured you out pretty quick.” She teased him and he drew her closer, his arm circling around her waist as he pressed his lips to her cheek.
“I promise to do no such thing if ever you want to buy my stuff again. However, I will not be held responsible for any gifts you may receive if you like a specific photo of mine.” He teased and she giggled, pressing her hands against his chest, turning her head to meet his lips with hers.
“I might be able to forgive you if they’re presented as rightful gifts. So birthdays, anniversaries and christmas presents.” He beamed before she pulled him over to the sofa, the dying sun making for a beautiful sight, but as the sun hit her face, his eyes were captured and he couldn’t look away, not even for something as beautiful as the sun setting across the clear sky.
“Anniversaries huh?” And she found herself falling quiet before glancing at him and noting the grin on his face.
“I mean, if that isn’t too presumptuous of me?” Her voice was hesitant but he grinned at her, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Would you rather I did a song and dance to ask you out?” And he laughed at the look of horror that crossed her face.
“God no, I might like you but I think that would genuinely kill me.” They shared a look before laughing.
“Would you at least let me take you on a proper date? But also would you be my girlfriend in the meantime?” And she snorted before kissing him gently.
“I think I can do that.”
As they settled on the couch together, a sitcom playing in the background, she had her legs thrown across his lap, his fingers tracing lines against her jean clad legs.
“So, what’s off limits in the bedroom then?” His words were a tease, and she could see they were harmless by nature, making her scoff and roll her eyes, a crinkled eyed grin appearing on his lips as one hand reached over, pulling her closest hand to his lips and he kissed the back of it as a silent apology.
“Choking I’m okay with, but not to the point where there’d be visible bruises.” She finally spoke after a few minutes of silence and his hand froze on her leg.
“What?” The choked out word made her smirk.
“You heard me, Hood. I love it when my partner takes control. But not all the time. Girl needs an ego boost from time to time.” His eyes studied her face and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he realised that she was being serious.
She then took him by surprise again, shifting herself so that she was straddled across him, her knees resting on the couch as her hands rested on his shoulders, his hand going for her waist. 
“Also, another thing you should know is the threesome myth with bisexual people is bullshit with me. I’m fucking possessive in the bedroom and I don’t want to share you with another guy or girl.” And the breath of air escaped him as she kissed his lips, her hips grinding down on his visible hard on, a whine falling from his lips.
“Good job I’ve only got eyes for you then, princess.” He breathed out and her entire body relaxed at his words, her lips curving up into a smile.
And she knew whatever the world would throw at her, she had a good man by her side. 
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Survey #433
“i really wish that you could help, but my head is like a carousel: i’m going ‘round in circles”
Would you rather visit Rome or Spain? Rome. Do you really care what’s going on in celebrities' lives? Depends on the person. If I have a big interest in them, like Mark, then yes, because I care about that person and want to know they're well. Have you ever broke a plate/bowl? Accidentally. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? I don't think so. Can you do a backwards London bridges? Hell no, I'd bust my ass and spine. Are any of your pets “overweight”? Why the quotations? But anyway, no. Has anyone ever bought you a ring? Yeah. What has been the most traumatic experience of your life? Does it still bother you? The breakup with my first real bf. And well yeah, it resulted in PTSD. It sounds so overdramatic, I know, but I'm not even remotely exaggerating. Live a day in my head and tell me it's not actual trauma. If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? God no, not right now. I am not in a position to be married right now. Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it’s over? My damaged side wants to say yes, but I know to be realistic, we both failed in unique areas. He didn't communicate, and I just put too much weight on him. What was your first alcoholic drink? A Mike's Hard Lemonade. What were the first lessons you ever took? Ummm I want to say choir? Did you ever go to a mental hospital? Multiple times. Do you believe that weed should be legalized? Yes. Have you ever had a significant other with a mental disorder? Yes. If you could transform into something, what would that something be? Uhhh idk. Maybe a cat? Out of 10, (10 being really shy) how shy are you? Oh, easily a 10. When was the first moment you discovered love? I actually don't really know the moment I realized I was in love w/ Jason. It was a gradual thing, so no one occasion stands out. What’s the best mistake you’ve ever made? Well, I suppose accepting Jason's Facebook friend request because I thought he was a different Jason. I can't think of many good mistakes I've made... Even the one I mentioned, it's debatable how good that one was. I really do wonder how different my life would be if I declined it. What do you think of frogs? I love frogs! They're so cute and derpy. :') Who did you last worry about and why? My cat, because he was apparently hiding somewhere and Mom couldn't find him. Who did you last feel sorry for and why? Sara, because of health stuff she's dealing with. Is there a name that you can’t stand but it’s the name of a loved one? It sucks, I feel like this burning in my stomach a lot of the time when I hear "Ashley" because that was Jason's girlfriend after me. But I have a sister with the same name. Are you currently looking for a new place to live? I'm not, and I don't think Mom actively is, though we both want to move. When did you last make up a baby’s bottle? I don't think I ever have. Well... maybe once? idr Do you believe there’s a devil? No. Have you ever felt an earthquake? No. Have you ever been on an island? Yes, actually. Did you watch the last presidential inauguration? I've never watched one. Have you ever been a fan of The Killers? I don't consider myself a true "fan," no. I only like two songs that I know. Do you have your own lighter (why or why not)? No, because I don't need one? Do you believe in miracles (why or why not)? No. I just don't. Everything has the have a cause and reason. How often do you sleep naked? Never. Are you looking forward to your prom? If you already went, how was it? I went twice, and it was fun. I especially loved having the pictures taken that I regret wiping from the face of the earth. Prom itself was pretty bland each time, like you can't hear shit and they just play awful music, but still. I was a teenager with a very fairytale outlook on love and wanted to just feel like I was in one I guess. Do you prefer Quizno's or Subway and why? I don't think I've ever tried Quizno's, actually. What’s one of your best memories from during a rain storm? I don't know. Why did you need your most recent x-ray and what were the results? It was to see if I broke my foot, I think? If that's the one, then no. I also had my legs x-rayed at some point to see if they could find any damage there because of my extreme weakness in them, but there wasn't. Do people more often mistake you as being younger or older than you are? I actually don't know. Have you ever made out with someone you weren’t dating? No. Do you know anybody who was abused? Yes. Have you ever touched an elephant? No. How many siblings do you have? I have five I "count," but I do have another half-sister on my dad's side that I don't know. I want to, but yeah... it just hasn't happened. Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily? I've never gotten bored of any s/o I've had. Who do you want for president? I voted for Biden. Do you think abortions are horrible? No. Forcing someone to undergo what can easily be considered a traumatic experience is horrible. Do you enjoy drama? Ugh, no. Have you ever had a guinea pig for a pet? I've had a few. Were you/are you popular in school? No. I was very much under the radar and mostly stuck to myself and a small group of friends. What brand clothing do you wear the most? No clue. Have you ever studied any new age or occult religions such as Wicca? Yes, actually, when I was leaning towards Neo-Paganism. I did research into some of its branches, such as Wicca. Are you a wrestling fan? Not at all. I honestly think it's dumb. What’s the longest movie you’ve ever watched? I want to say Troy? It never felt THAT long to me though because I love it. Have you ever been on a subway? No. Do you think spending a ridiculously large amount of money on one designer item is stupid? It sure as hell isn't for me; I lean towards people can spend their hard-earned money on whatever they want, BUT I do feel that they could still spend their money on more important things. Do you find baths relaxing? No, they gross me out. Do you have any hats? I probably still have the hat Dad got me at a Carolina Hurricanes hockey game somewhere, but idk where. Has any part of your house ever been flooded? Not on the interior, no. Have you ever been interested in learning about murderers or murder cases? Not especially. Is there anyone that you’re worried about right now? Who and why? I'm just about praying Sara's new med for her POTS helps. I think me worrying how Jason is doing after his mother's death is gonna be a permanent fixture in the back of my head... If you won a lot of money, would you donate any of it? To what organization would you donate it? Oh, absolutely. I'd have to do some research first, but the Trevor Project comes to mind immediately, as well as ones that protect wildlife, help the mentally ill, fight cancer... Are you a competitive person? What are you most competitive about? Not really, no. I have my areas where I'm more likely to feel it than others, but it's generally mild. I'm not too sure what I'm most competitive about, but maybe outdoing other hunters in WoW since that's my main class that I've played religiously for years. Have you ever adopted a stray animal? Yes. What do you appreciate most about your parent(s)? The fact they somehow still support me even though I'm like... this. I feel like I should've exhausted their faith by now. Do you believe America should legalize drugs? If you think they should legalize only some drugs, which drugs do you think they should legalize? I only support the legalization of weed. What is your biggest turn-off of a person (besides physically)? Arrogance, probably. Or being aggressive/explosive. What song cover do you like better than the original? "Sound of Silence" by Disturbed, for one. That one's easy. If you could find one long-lost friend of the past, who would it be? Megan. I want her to know I forgive her and miss her friendship. What holiday do you enjoy the most? Christmas. (: Were you born in the state you live in? Yep. Have you ever lived in a house that has been broken into? No, but almost. Who do you know that watches the most sports? Probably my dad? Idk. Do you like South Park? Not really. Are you good at bowling? No. Made out for more than 3 minutes? Three minutes is nothin' lmao. Have you ever gone snorkeling or scuba diving? If yes, what’s the coolest thing you’ve seen? No, but I'd love to. What’s your favorite filling in chocolates? Caramel. What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? Abstinence was the only option. Heteronormativity. What’s the first instrument you ever played? Ha, a recorder back in elementary school. Have you ever had a friend break up with a bf/gf for you? Essentially. We didn't date, but that's why he broke up with her, because he wanted me instead. Do you see a bright light at the end of your tunnel? I don't like thinking about this. I can only hope there is, but I doubt it a lot. Have you ever waited in line overnight for something? No. Is there such a thing as being too rich or too poor? "Too poor" is very obviously a thing??? "Too rich" is more complicated to me, as I can see both sides to it. Like it's your hard-earned money, but at the same time, is it really necessary at a certain point? Like start donating regularly or something. Do something good. Do you think having an expensive phone is a good investment? Depends on how expensive, I suppose, and what you use it for. What’s your largest bill? Electric, gas, phone, etc. I don't have any of my own bills. It's embarrassing by this age. Do you like your job? I'd like to even have a job... What is your favorite song and why? "False Flags" by Massive Attack, because it's so poetically haunting in its message of how fucked up politics are. Its monotonous tone also adds another layer of sadness to it, like a reminder of how "normal" and bland and unsurprising everything is, no matter how horrible... I could honestly probably write an essay on how I interpret the song, especially if you add in the incredible symbolism of such a simplistic music video. Are you introverted or extroverted? I am very introverted. If you’re married and your spouse cheated on you, would you forgive them? Nope, byeeeee~ Who knows the real you the most? Sara, really. How old is the oldest person you’ve had sexual relations with? He'd be 27 now. Have you been upset the past few days? My PTSD has been kinda vicious the past couple days, especially today. Then earlier at my nephew's b-day party I had to nearly bite my fucking tongue off with that family's political bullshit. My anger really flared up a few times hearing despicable shit, but I think I concealed it fine by just not saying a word. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever thought of doing for a job? Nothing "crazy," really... Who was your first celebrity crush? Jesse McCartney had my young heart, ha ha. When did you last see or speak to someone you dislike? Why do you dislike this person? Today, at my nephew's aforementioned b-day party. I in specific don't like my sister's husband because he's sexist, racist, homophobic, bigoted... I could go on and on. We don't just have "different opinions," we have different morals entirely. When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? I almost always just listen. I don't sing a lot. Can you remember the last time you felt emotional? What was the reason? Today. PTSD is a bitch. What if you were told that your life has to stay exactly as it is right now, and nothing will ever change? How would you feel about that? Quite honestly, I don't think I would want to live anymore. Have you ever been to the hospital for something really serious? I'd consider an OD on cold medicine to be serious, but then again, I experienced almost no effects from it. Idk if I just got fluids fast enough or what, but whatever it was, I'm thankful for. Are you excited for winter? UGGGHHHH BRING IT ONNNNNNN. Have you ever had a moment with someone you like that seemed like a movie moment? Many. What are you listening to right now? "Down In The Park" by Marilyn Manson. What’s your favourite flavour of iced tea? Tea is gross. Have you ever been to a casino? If so, which one(s)? No. Have you ever visited a sex shop? I haven't. Have you ever ridden a bicycle through a busy city? NOOOOOOOO. I could never do that. What’s your favourite place to get pizza? Literally Domino's, lmao. I am so basic. Do you have a lock number or pattern for your phone? No. There sure isn't anything important on it. What’s the most number of people you’ve ever lived with? Five.
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I Knew You, Tried to Change the Ending (and everything in between)
So what DOES QAnon believe? So glad you asked! They believe that Trump has been planning a “day of reckoning” known as the "Storm," when thousands of members of the cabal will be arrested  (they thought this was going to happen on Biden’s inauguration lmao). They also think most Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and high-ranking government officials are also members of the cabal. You could almost say… It’s all part of the fucking story. (Sidenote: Cabal is a very cool word, I think I would like to be in one someday maybe, one that does not involve cannibalism though). 
The "Storm" became QAnon-speak for an “imminent” event in which thousands of those alleged suspects will be arrested, imprisoned, and executed for being child-eating pedophiles. Perfectly logical, makes total sense. Again, Q’s followers also developed a name for when Q would come to spill, these “Q Drops.”
I put “imminent” in quotes for this reason, here are some of the Q predictions and dates: 
The "Storm" would take place on November 3, 2017. Last I checked Tom Cruise and Hillary Clinton were not publicly executed
That people targeted by the Trump would commit mass suicide on February 10, 2018. No prominent people committed suicide that day, but also like…. wut.
Multiple failed predictions that Mark Zuckerberg would leave Facebook and flee the US. Zuck is still CEO, unfortunately, as of writing this post.
Multiple failed predictions that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would be forced to resign. Jack, unfortunately, remains CEO of Twitter, and remains having the ugliest beard I’ve seen.
Ect, ect ect, you get the point.
Finally, like I mentioned earlier, that the "Storm" would take place on January 20, 2021, the day of Biden's inauguration. While I cried a lot that day, none of it was because there were public executions of my queens Kamala, Michelle, Jill, or Hillary. 
BUT, Q soooooooorta got Jeffery Epstien getting arrested for child trafficking right. Even if they were off by a couple of days. But the tiniest victory can give followers a lot of confidence. 
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Which leads right into Spade. The first Spade riddle, “♠️ Aug 2018: Karlie will be at the reputation tour in Nashville” was right! I’ve heard TTB didn’t post it until after, which, kinda sketch, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt (undeservedly). This was also very specific, was allowed to be proven true or false, and BAM people are hooked. Again, understandably! 
And, like Q, most Spade riddles just simply did not come true. Such as:
 “♠️ 10.12.2018: However, Karlie will be single and will have rekindled her friendship with Taylor to a suggestive degree.” 
I’m sorry, but it’s been two years, if it was going to happen, it probably would have by now.
There are then a few that Spade followers retrofit into being correct, like about the golden globes and the cloud imagery of Lover. 
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But as Spade continued to stop by, it becomes very, very similar to the “Q Drops.” The clues become more and more vague, and people were / are twisting themselves more and more to make them have meaning. A few of personal favorites: 
♠️ 06.25.2019: Why worry, she blooms in June. (This is funny because obvi nothing happened in June, but also, as a gay man, I know all of icon Troye Sivan’s music and he has a song about gay sex called Bloom and that’s all I can ever think about when I read this lol)
♠️ 09.27.2019: The candle flickered, your eyes darted, my heart pounded. (So dramatic, I love it. And can mean anything you want!)
♠️ 07.24.2019: Without judgement or question, she bent to the ground and picked up the pieces. Blood ran from her hands as she cut herself so I could be whole. (This is just bonkers, but it’s also more CAMP than anything Karlie wore to the Met Gala)
My quips aside, all of these literally mean nothing. And so many of them, especially ones that people retrofit to claim were a hint, were things the general fandom already knew. Such as, “Darling, in the midst of this cruel summer I re-read your love letters…” People lost their mind after the tracklist came out, thinking that Cruel Summer had been revealed by Spade weeks earlier. But at that point the tracklist had already been leaked by Secret Sessioners, AND Taylor hinted at it in the YNTCD video and that weird Amazon commercial. 
But, much like Q followers, and the appeal of the possibility of being involved in something historic (the world’s biggest popstar is in a secret lesbian relationship!!), people are sucked in and it becomes harder to question things — like that Kaylor could possibly be over. 
Another similarity, and one that is a major red flag, is the consistent moving of the goalposts that TTB, Spade, and TCG all played a part in. 
You can see this in the aforementioned Spade riddles about them becoming “friends again” in 2018, “She blooms in June,” and their “Ides of March” post — nothing of note has happened in any preceding March. TCG and her posting about “The Gay Agenda” plan for them to come out which kept getting pushed back. And TTB posting every six months or so that the “contract is ending” regarding Karlie and Josh. So, much like “The Storm,” these big, earth shattering events keep getting predicted, but don’t actually happen. 
Whenever I read about Q followers and the depths that they believe that people in Hollywood and politics are involved in this elite cabal, the first thing I think about is Kaylors’ mantra of “it’s all part of the fucking story.”** Much like how Q followers use “Trust the plan” as comfort when things don’t work out as predicted. 
**For reference: Taylor went out with friends in 2016 (including Suki Waterhouse and Cara Delivinge) to a NYC restaurant and someone, assumed to be one of them, wrote “It’s all part of the fucking story” on the paper table cloth. 
This is repeated in the Kaylor fandom as a message that everything Taylor does publicly, is simply that, part of the story. I specifically remember TTB was sharing theories connecting Hayley Williams’ lead single’s music video in 2019 to Taylor, due to a sound at the end of it (which I unfortunately can’t link, since her blog is gone), recently I saw Spade-Riddles sharing Selena Gomez’s recent Insta post because it had oranges in it (implying it’s tied to the YNTCD girl), and these examples could go on and on. While I wish the world DID revolve around Taylor Swift, unfortunately it doesn’t and every person Taylor has ever come in contact with just isn’t droppeing clues about her being queer in THEIR art.
NEXT POST: Shade Never Made Anyone (even Josh Kushner) Gay
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How much do you weigh? what a weirdly personal question
If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? sitting in the shade reading a book
Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? yes but not in a way that will ever be truly fulfilling
What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? i live in a very rural area so i grew up with hunting for sport extremely normalized but once i actually developed and used my critical thinking skills i realized how morally reprehensible it is. literally just begging these people to use their brains.
Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? eh its pretty fast
Have you ever been someplace tropical? florida lmao
Are you sensitive to caffeine? somewhat. i dont really consume it that much
How do you usually get around? driving myself
Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? no bc i’m generally pretty independent unless i reallyyyy like someone
What do you think about Kim Kardashian? neutral
Can you speak any French? je parle un peu français
Favorite yogurt flavor? i’m lactose intolerant so i recently tried dairy free yogurt and i hated it sooo i guess none
How much money do you have in your wallet right now? i dont have any cash in my wallet rn lol
What bottled water brand do you like? deer park or aquafina
Your favorite way to eat chocolate? brownies
How often do you listen to country music? sometimes.
Linkin Park or Avenged Sevenfold? neither
Last surgery you had? my wisdom teeth surgery
Have you ever played guitar? no but i wish i could
Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? um i dont think so
What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? a little more confidence
Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? maybe
Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? i dont have very many online friends anymore but when i had a bunch i loved talking to them
Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? only for something i really like.
Do you have any stickers on your laptop? a bunch
Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? early in the morning so then i have the rest of the day to myself when i get off
Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? i have a workout app but that’s it.
Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? my mom, sister, and my 2 best friends
If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? probably the women’s suffrage movement or the civil rights movement
Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it?i want to tell him how i feel but i’m afraid i’ll ruin the friendship
What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? wear a tampon i’m sorry but i can’t do it
Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever come to your door? no
Are you well-known by people in your area? eh somewhat
Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no and i dont want to
What's your favourite type of bird? owls!!
What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? i’m watching loki, hsmtmts, planning to watch s2 of never have i ever, and i started one piece but i haven’t watched in a while
Have you ever dated a smoker? no but that might change😳
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? no
Have you ever been a member in a band? No.
Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No.
Do you have separate emails for personal and business? i have my school email and personal email
Have you ever missed a flight? no
Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? i think so.
Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible? i literally rode in my best friend’s convertible last night lmao
Why did you last need to use a band-aid? i dont remember
What fruit do you eat most often? bananas and clementines
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? maybe my great uncle?
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? no but i’ve been in a few on insta and twitter.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? i don’t straight up drink milk but i love things made with almond milk.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? elsa i want ice powers
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? sometimes but normally during the day i’m in the living room with my family
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? No.
Do you find piercings attractive? Yep.
Do you like potato chips? Loooove 'em.
What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? i’ve looked up a few people’s houses on zillow in my day.
Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? absolutely, you shouldn’t hit anyone
What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? my top 3 are princess and the frog, tangled, and frozen 2. i also love the little mermaid
Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. idrk
“Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? it depends on what it is. it should also be mixed with some loving or praise talk imo
What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? i LOVE italian food specifically fettuccine alfredo and i also love asian food such as general tso’s, sweet and sour chicken, lo mein, shrimp fried rice, LUMPIA 🤤
How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? i’ve always liked my hair color and thickness. i always go back and forth between growing it out long and cutting it short bc i can never choose which i like more also it has lots of red undertones so i’m thinking about dyeing it a deep red
How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? hypothetically it would be a red flag to me. a clear sign they haven’t moved on from the past
Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? a good smelling cologne on a man will quite literally make me bust a nut.
Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? i’d want them to unless it didnt fit or something
What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? i’m very close with my family so i’ve always loved the idea of having one of my own with my future spouse
Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? i definitely have ideas for my wedding and i would want it to go a certain way according to our plan but in the end if things go wrong or plans change it wouldn’t matter as long as i’m marrying the loml.
Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? i wouldn’t consider it cheating if he was just watching but i would be angry that he hid it from me
How old is too old for trick-or-treating? i dont think it matters unless ur posing a danger to little children
Do you sleep with your arms over or under the covers? depends but mostly under
Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band? i have nsync and harry styles shirts but thats it
Fries or onion rings? Fries.
True/False: you’ve had an odd dream this week. all the time but most of the time i forget them right after i wake up
Do you find tattoo sleeves attractive? depends
Do you like carving pumpkins? Yeah.
What’s an animal you want to have as a pet but can’t? i think raccoons are adorable but its kindaaaa hard to domesticate them
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? no bc my parents let me drink in the house and i’ve told them abt every time i’ve drank at college
How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door? i would absolutely piss and shit on myself.
Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with someone? no
The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you, you know they don’t realize what they’re doing, but do you kiss anyways? i would stop it even if i want to bc i don’t want them to regret anything and i wouldn’t want them to kiss me if they don’t like me bc it would hurt too much.
What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? i would love them all but something abt a guy taking the time to write a poem for me makes me melt
Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them? no.
Which holiday is the most fun to decorate for? halloween
What was the first website you had an email account on? gmail
Have you ever written a fanfic? YES AHSHDH.
Tattoos or piercings? tats for sure.
What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? the scene where alexei breaks the inmate’s wrist in black widow is SO GROSS i cringe every time
Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? definitely a little cozy one
Do you have a tutor for anything? No.
Who’s the best kisser you know? i’ve only kissed one person.
Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No. I'd like it to stay that way.
(If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you "shortie" instead of girl? no and i hope they dont
Do you have a deep voice? not really
Do you play games with boys/girls, like 'hard to get’? no thats dumb
Is there a Sonic where you live? yes i’m a whore for sonic
What do you like on your pizza? pepperoni or sausage
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shaekingshitup · 4 years
Shae’s First Date
For anyone who is bored: the most brief (that I can recap because ya girl is a lengthy heaux) summary of my first date goes as follows:
EDIT: THIS SHIT AIN'T BRIEF. SORRY NOT SORRY 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️ But I put a TLDR at the end.
I matched with a guy on Bumble who had some cool hobbies and some of which overlapped with mine. We talked daily for almost 2 weeks before we met up in person and the guy was a very big charmer/woo-er. Like if I was messaging this kid I was constantly laughing and smiling
Tbh this was a lil bit of a red flag to me becauae I'm like: "no one is this charming. Something has gotta be up" & I legit came up with a few different scenarios. But I chose to shelf them because people do that to me all the time.
Like I'm just a really loving person and I will gas people up or go out of my way to make them happy if I can and people always want to try me like that can't truly be how/who I am or if I'm doing it it's because I'm trying to get at that person and they are always wrong. All the way from best friends to new acquaintances I really just like when people are happy. I mean the world's shitty already, if I can make your day easier or put smile on your face I'm game!
So we're on the phone one night (stayed up to 3 am sacrificing my sleep talking to this dude 🙄) talking more about who we are as people, what we're looking for in an ideal partner, etc. I told him straight up both via call and via message that honesty is really important to me. I value honesty with myself and also with others.
So also in this late night call things got a lil spicy 🌶 🌶 I was honest and told him that I'm pretty much a blank slate. Never fucked/sucked, etc or had anything like that done to me. He was taken aback like everyone I share this with is. Apparently I'm some sort of unicorn 🦄 out here in these streets to all y'all hoes. He makes a comment about stealing a kiss from me the next night and I said "I might allow it."
But the point is. I told him what it was. I was honest. That's my truth.
I didn't tell him that I'd never been on a date/kissed anyone because he didn't ask. Maybe if I would've said something, things would've been different. But I can't "what if" what's already happened y'all!
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SO, day of. We messagin and snapping. I'm allll ready. We're going to a drive in and I'd never been to one before so I'm excited. I'm also just committed to making this a good time because I easily get distracted and often don't stop to take my experiences in to experience them fully. So I said not today!!
I got snacks. All of his favs and some of mine. I brought drinks and a blanket. I looked good.
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Like I said in my pre-date post: I didn't have any lofty ideas about this dude being my soul mate or anything but I anticipated a good time.
He picked me up at our designated location. My sister met him and got his license plate; because apparently I had enough sense to realize I didn't know this nigga but not enough sense to later realize I didn't know this nigga.
It wasn't gonna take as long to get to the drive in as originally anticipated. So we went to a local park and sat in the car and talked because the park was PACKED and ya know RONA!
It was somewhat awkward because it was our first time talking face to face. But we found a groove and I'm extroverted af y'all. So, I can get people to have a conversation.
Topics range from our days, music and conspiracy theories which he's really into. What kind? Like: Shakespeare wrote the Bible is one. A lot of people that we know from media aren't really the original ones that we were introduced to is another. Ya know like that Beyoncé is not the real Beyoncé. There's two Trumps. There's two Hilary Clintons etc.
So at this point sensible me is like: this can be the point where you go home girl. You're 5 minutes away from your place. You can just say this ain't workin and cut it short.
OPTIMISTIC/BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT GIVIN/NAIVE SILLY ME IS LIKE: well, I 100% don't agree with anything you're saying just because you're saying it. But ya know, I don't know everything and I'm not in the business of judging people-especially since we just met and I don't want this human to feel uncomfortable. So, okay. I don't agree. But I won't judge. Let's just continue on.
If you haven't guessed by now which me I listened to, you may be just as silly as I am 🙃🙃🙃
But obviously I continued on and that's what I call mistake #1
So we're driving to the drive in. I'm realizing we're kind of different in ways. Most notable is that dude was raised Jehovah's Witnesses and celebrates 0 holidays & I'm in love with Halloween and at least birthdays.
We miss the drive in entrance due to my poor navi skills & he decides to smoke before we pull in. He offers it to me and I accept. This is mistake #2
Ya girl hasn't smoked in 6 years. I tried edibles recently. But that shit ain't the same. I really just feel like I said I wanted to be present and then I smoked and I was tired and everything was kind of dull?
So I'm high and sleepy but still a lil excited because it's my first drive in!! We get there and park and the drive in is really just a giant protection screen we all park in front of. Lmao. 😅 Idk what I was expectin but not that. But it was still cool. It's 10 and this movie still hasn't started because the last one is still showin credits.
Dude says he wants to chill in the back but he's going to the bathroom. I AM SLEEPY. THAT IS WHAT WEED DOES TO ME. Plus I was on the phone til 3 AM. So I'm like imma close my eyes before this thing starts since it's already late.
So while he goes to the bathroom I legit laid down in the back on a pillow because ya girl is a sleepy heaux 😴
He comes back and pits the pillow in his lap and is talking to me because this movie ain't started yet. My eyes are closed but I'm listening and everything and he's massaging my shoulders and whatnot. Eventually advertisements about common courtesy come on and what not. But that's not important and I don't move.
Soo he says something I'M ASSUMING IT WAS ABOUT THE KISS (I don't remember y'all. I'm about to skimp on some of these details because that high was really kickin in and I was feelin foggy.) But, I said "I would allow it." And he kissed me.
It honestly felt anticlimactic as fuck. Yeah my mind is kind of foggy because of the weed so I feel like I wasn't as fully cognizant as I would have been if I was sober minded. But also, it just happened
I'm in my head af. I've never done this and I'm sure I'm shit at it but I'm trying not to be ya know? Dude's tongue is in my mouth. His hand is under my romper.
So, I'm a roll with the punches kind of human and the rest of the film we pretty much are making out (lowkey meh), groping (I hate this word) & watching Deadpool ( for people who needed that detail)
As previously stated, all of this shit is new to me. But, I'm also not a "prude". I chose not to kiss/fuck anyone prior to this because it was what I wanted for a period of time. I couldn't do much in the date department because I was just not approached often or by people I wanted to entertain. But the opportunities for all that physical shit were presented and I chose not to just like I chose to engage in those activities on this date. I'm real big on not judging nor regretting those choices because those were what I wanted at one point and that's it. Soo if you got opinions about what I was out here doin, keep em to yaself.
We ended up making out and I feel like it was cool.. but just not great. We did other shit minus actual fucking. But it all just felt pretty muted to me. Not bad. Not uncomfortable. Just not great and I think in hindsight it was because I a) really didn't know and have an established connection with this dude and b) I was high.
He really wanted me to suck his dick and I was really hesitant to do that. Not even that much because I was checking off a lot of "firsts' or anything like that but because I swore I was gonna be shit at it due to 0 experience and that was what I told him. Like, I wanna be good at shit and also I would like if the person I was hooking up with was actually enjoying being with me ya know? Is that not a thing? Y'all just be out here tryna get ya nut and say fuck it to whomever you with? Lemme be a unicorn then. 🦄
But anyways, I did this and he says like nothing. I'm in my head af trying to recall upon all of my BP smut I've read and trying not to suck at sucking (SO THANKS TO ALL OF Y'ALL WHO BE WRITING SMUT!!). After a few minutes the car turns off and Ryan Reynold's ain't talking anymore. Sooo I take this as a sign that I should stop and tell him as much.
He turns the car back on so we can still hear the movie & I'm pretty much like half watching the movie and talking to him like: "Soooo. I did that and I feel like I was right." To which he responds, "I've had worse," which is like ya know the compliment of the century and the most reassuring feedback you can give someone who is insecure about shit they've never done.
We still ended up making out and I gave him a handjob and finished the movie. I can't recall if it was at this point or when he drove me home but he basically implied that I was a liar and that is the shit that literally makes me wanna go back in time and tell former me to never say yes to a date with this nigga.
He drove me home and I was pretty quiet listening to Ari Lennox (💕) and thinking/processing. He gets to my place and we're talking now that we're parked and tells me that he thought I probably wasn't right about never having sex before. He told me I probably just had sex like 3 years ago and it had been so long that's why I said that and that's why my pussy is so tight.
So, I'm real life hurt. I like to consider myself to be someone who has a good character and I am really big on honesty.
So I asked him why he said that if I told him from jump what it was. He told me that his ex lied a lot and that he just couldn't believe me..
And I know for certain that his assumption was independent of any of my actions. He literally just told me so. He projected his insecurities onto me. But I'm a sensitive ass heaux and that shit still shook me. PBS raised me right. I don't be out here lyin & I don't like when people try to tell me who tf I am.
We pretty much just ended up arguing about the night and he was doing it on purpose because he thinks it's sexy when women are mad. But when I get mad, I get done. If I let enough shit slide and you have the audacity to try and flip my script, I will fucking write you out of it.
Then I looked up at the time and realized I was sitting in this car arguing with nigga for at least 25 minutes. So I was just like: bitch, why are you still here?
I told him straight up that when I got out of that car he could forget about talking to me altogether and he was like: "I'll let you know when I make it home."
I told him he need not bother because apparently I'd finally gained some damn sense. I exited the car. He left. He hit me up when he made it home but I just deleted the app and removed him off of snap because I meant that shit.
TLDR; Went on my first date with a conspiracy theorist I matched with on Bumble and he told me I lied about my lack of sexual history.
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hearttstopper · 5 years
Do you remember what you thought about 1d before becoming fan? I found them just a few years ago bc of fics and tumblr. I think I didn't rll give them a chance when i was younger bc ppl always spoke about them just as 5 cute boys and, as a queer, I didn't get why other girls cared so much about that. vaguely remember the haylor drama from that time too. but i love how inclusive this fandom is now and seeing h with pride flags or talking about equality makes me so soft
yes! omg. sorry for the wall of text but this is such a lovely question and i actually think about it a lot. my initial reaction was an obvious and intense pull to them sometime around 2012… they were inescapable back then and i remember thinking that they just seemed so campy and fucking FUN. but i was so very repressed that i didn’t let myself enjoy them as much as i should have. my appreciation for their music was very much something i did not share with ANYONE… as in, if i listened to them in the car, it was alone, and i never had the volume up loud enough for anyone outside of those four doors to hear it. as in, if one of their songs came on shuffle while i was with friends, i would straight up lie and blame my younger sibling for putting their music on our itunes. like, yikes. i was a DEEPLY closeted fan for a long time. it was bad.
i think a big part of it was the way the boys were being marketed to younger fans really turned me off... being the same age as the boys (and going thru a rebellious hArDcOrE kid stage) and seeing all the merch that was targeted towards kids made me feel weird, like i would have been doing something wrong enjoying the same things as someone younger than me? (very stupid mindset, i know, but like i said: super repressed)
i can also vividly remember a conversation i had with an old friend who was involved in fandom back then… it was my first encounter with a het anti! in real life! and i didn’t even fucking know it. but that conversation absolutely set me even further back. i felt ashamed as all hell because i’d definitely enjoyed and written that shit in the past (as an og bandom stan… i had literally seen any and every pairing imaginable prior to 1d lmfao) it was just such a gross feeling to be inadvertently shamed that way.
annnnyway it took me a long time to overcome the shame i felt for being honest and simply enjoying things - this applied to pretty much everything in my life at the time lmao… but even if it took for fucking ever for me to come to my senses and end up here, i am SO very glad i did! like holy shit!!! sorry to be totally cheesy on main for a minute but there’s truly no going back from discovering yourself, and then accepting yourself… and also finding other people who will totally support you, who feel the same? it’s fucking priceless! idk it’s just like, the most freeing feeling ever to just be honest with myself and the rest of the world about who i am and what i enjoy? i feel so much more at peace with myself… and i know for a fact that joining the fandom, even if it’s a total dumpster fire most of the time, is what brought that kind of healing into my life? hopefully that makes sense. it’s hard for me to put into words what the boys (and the friends i’ve met thanks to them) have done for me. it has made such a difference in my life. forever!
i’ll stop rambling now but wow yes i am also soft and appreciate the chance to appreciate the boys and the community and….. yeah!!
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Romania to Eurovision with an edgy plea for a return of special someone
To be honest, I wasn’t that on board with Selecția Națională 2019, like, at all. I get that scandals happened and three songs withdrew from the comp. at various stages due to various reasons, but Romania is just Romania to me somehow. Well there were a few overall gems (some of them out of the finals too), but I just couldn’t be bothered to waste my Sunday evenings on a single broadcast of it. Plus, I was never that swayed by the two big fanwanks from here anyway, so I’m glad they flopped lol.
But maaaan did I have a bone to pick with the people reacting to it. Especially towards the Wiwi jurors. Look, there’s such a thing called as “song growing on you” and “performance elevating the song”, as well as the one that goes “getting over it”. Surely these aren’t make belief concepts of life, hmm? I’m not one of those people who prefer a song more or less thanks to its performance, but there are some good ones that occasionally change my opinion on a song, especially a ‘boring’ one! And thanks to those terrible people, some of Wiwibloggs videos were unfairly attacked with dislikes, and mind you, not only on the Romanian NF interviews that don’t have the current Romanian subject of choice, no - both first-reaction-after-qualifying-to-A-Dal-2019-final interviews (that were of these two) too. And it’s not even the first time a televote winner doesn’t win the NF so you should have SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. (- Penn Jilette) Clear? (:
(lol this is all directed to the people from like three months ago, obviously now that the writeup is late the drama has cooled down A LOT, especially in the light of Ukraine’s events and the actual dust of this Euroseason where everyone made amends with everything, but I can’t help but keep what I thought of this initially because I just wanted to write something for Romania as I didn’t have anything else to say until I remembered the drama so)
So here’s that one controversial subject that unexpectedly slayed the poor man’s “Fuego” and that one homophobic teen by hitting it hard by an extremely unbalanced jury vote (and 24 points to it coming from that core Wiwibloggs duo, no less) and her on-stage couch possessing - the half-local half-Canadian little to no known artiste, Ester Peony, who conquered all in her homeland “On a Sunday”, as her songtitle says (haha bad puns whoop.) Is it any more mesmerizing over the two fanwank fanflops, or is it, just like Wiwi said at first, ‘boring’? Hmm...
It starts of bluesy, with the Western-movie-sounding-pop guitar twangs accompanying the sound, and Ester begins reminiscing her love that left her on a Sunday of September, later followed by snap percussion. And deep inside she wants that person to come back “to [her], to [her], to [he-eeee-eeee-er], eh, eh, eh, eh”. She begs and pleads for the return for her loved one, as I believe the absence deeply upsets her (smoke from the ashtray, everything’s so cold an gray, loving is a hard price to pay) and eats her up from the inside to a degree. I never had someone to leave me like that on a whatever the day was, but I feel for Ester’s song’s protagoniste.
Here are some interesting things I find in this song: its progressive intensity; the decision of putting a 3rd verse up in the place of the bridge; right after some additional “eh eh eh eh” after the chorus (bridges are usually of completely different vocal line ways); cool voice of the singer’s; the strings; the beat... and the fact that it’s described as “electro-pop”. Pop I might get, in fact it sometimes reminds me of those older Billboard chart topper songs from mid-00s por so, or that it could have been one of those kind of songs. You needed just to give it to a popstar relevant of the time and voilà - a hit! Electro... not quite sure on this one. Maybe the bass that occurs in the 2nd and 3rd verses indicates something on it but that’s all.
And man do I hate to say this but the song's attitude is something that makes me wanna scream sometimes. It occasionally happens when I stop feeling so happy clappy for a song a few listens later because I just don't feel like caring about it anymore and that it starts making me feel some sort of a soulache because I trusted it in the first place. Kinda like "Funny Girl", Latvia 2018: I actually didn't mind it at first but its desperation got on my nerves a whole lot that I got completely irritated. "On a Sunday" has enough elements that I like to keep the irritation feeling at bay, but I doubt that even they will not make me want to smash a chair everytime I hear that chorus again... you think you can suppress your smugness overtime, song? Think again about it later
Oh and there's a supposed revamp, I doubt I would be able to feel any better about that song that way, as long as my mind just automatically recognizes Ester's singing as "whining" for some reason. It probably will make me feel less worse if I see a stage show similar to the absurd mess one from the NF where shit happens and Ester's just chilling on a chair. Game of Loans? Student loans? It was random but I definitely appreciated the scarlet madness all surrounding it. I hope to maybe see something similar in Tel Aviv - edgy imagery, why not. Bring on the candles and the ravens.
To summarize, I don’t think it’s a bad song at all. It’s daring, it’s badass, it's kickass, it comes right at you, grabs you in and you adapt to it however you can be able to. However...
Approval factor: I still have mixed feelings about passing it off as something approvable, but objectively I would like to do so. Good for you to try something different, Romania.
Follow-up factor: Anything at least half-decent is a fine follow-up after The Humans’s mediocrisms (I’m helping the dictionary to have more words, one construction at a time!). I liked the Humans more though and Ester... sort of? But in general context, Ester’s a fantastic successor.
Qualification factor: Somehow this did not sound like a definite Eurovision qualifier to me, so at one point I thought it would be just missing out... but it’s a complete effing borderline of a song. At one point it sounds good enough for a filler qualifier, at another it’s just not qualifying somehow. We’ll see how she rehearses it up in two days, though.
I think there’s nothing more I can say about Selecția Națională (refered to as SN from this point onwards) than I already said in the intro, so let’s get to the moments, shall we? ;)
• So what else do I have to say about the fanwank-esses that hasn’t been said? Well, on one hand you have an Amazon-jungle-tribal version of “Fuego”, “Army of Love”, performed by Bella Santiago (who had one of my favourite SN entries last year lmao), who went all out with body paint and wild choreo and a rap bridge in Tagalog (one of Bella’s native languages) to make it all sound slightly different than “Fuego”, but still, that pre-chorus just feels like a pitched-down “Fuego” from a B minor to a G flat minor, with the same acoustics and the beat, and the drop is some limp-ass Amazon flutery magic. On the other hand you have a 16 year old Laura Bretan with an poperatic ode to her “Dear Father” which was praised for her insanely good vocal skills (I forgot what’s that called... an alto? soprano? mezzo-soprano? sorry I know a lot about music but not a lot about those ranges) more than the song itself... there’s a big problem about Laura though as people found out that she does not believe and/or condone a marriage between same-sex people. For Eurofans that’s a major red flag as as of lately Eurovision is very LGBTQ+ friendly and having had Laura next to people like Bilal or Mahmood would have probably been concerning if she knew of them having had boyfriends... Like I said, neither of those are special. Imo people loved Bella’s song because of the “Fuego” vibe and people loved Laura’s song because of her voice combined with her age. I said what I said. (Oh and there was a missed opportunity for Il Volo and Laura to reunite this year in Eurovision had they only been chosen in their NFs.)
• Screw these gals, now here come on the real faves of mine - another rock band, obviously, and that’s Trooper. No but for real, could at least ANY country have sent a rock song this year? It could have even been San Marino for all I cared but this year is so MoR without a rock entry... Trooper’s “Destin” sounds like something coming out from an epic fable about legendary heroes fighting for their glory of the nation by slaying goblins with wearing medieval costumes (with a sleeveless top and metal armor for the chest), bearing their long hair and looking strong and hunky. Lai-lai-la-la-la-lai!
• Now what were the other competing entries I liked? There were quite a few like the folk bop titled “D A I N A” and sung by Letiția Moisescu and Sensibil Balkan, then Teodora Dinu’s captivating pop tune “Skyscraper” and a really catchy non-qualifier entry by a band Steam, named “The Way It Goes”... no really Romania, why’d you let that flop... and why did you also let 2 Gents flop... and moreso importantly WHY DID YOU LET THE FOUR FLOP??? That’s like the best football-anthem-esque song I’ve heard in a while... such a shame it didn’t appear on the national selection’s final. Oh well. Poor those 4 young souls.
• Now what were those 3 (actually 4) withdrawals? First one was concerning the first ever Romanian representative Dan Bittman and his own problems so he couldn’t return to a NF and be one of the potential returning artists to Eurovision. Then there was this Australian-Romanian chick named Xonia who withdrew for seemingly no reason, all last minute. There was one more withdrawal from a semi-regular SN participant Xandra too, as well citing unknown reasons. And then there’s Mihai (or as he likes calling himself nowadays, M I H A I) who once again wanted to return to Eurovision (no wonder his Eurovision 2006 song was called “Tornero” lol) with an entry, and this one is called “Baya”. And then he went on an epic quest of flopping - firstly by withdrawing his song last minute from SN claiming that it’s corrupted, then considering to return as a wildcard, then thinking on to latching on to Eurofest in Belarus, but gotten sick last minute and therefore perma-cancelled his NFs journey this year entirely by not appearing on the Eurofest auditions. <3 Not to mention he’s a bit of a creep by subjecting people to his nude pictures with just him in his underwear. dude you’re almost 40, stop doing that to the kids. you’re not even a “daddy”. just look how alien you look on your song’s thumbnail:
• Netta continues her guest appearances on various NFs, such as in UK and in Spain (in spirit, as it was just the Triunfitos singing “Toy” at the beginning of the ESC OT Gala). This one even had her singing her newest song “Bassa Sababa” alongside “Toy”. Oh and there also was one of the Festivali i Këngës 56 alums coming by, Inis Neziri, to perform something for Romania after having won a music competition in Romania, and here’s her performance. But did she even have anything interesting in her backdrop as this?
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We know you did Netta sweetie but do you honestly need to reminds us? I did not see Eleni doing shit like this and I don’t want you to do the same. Well if anything I am glad Netta only gracefully performed “Toy” on EYD 2019 (which I missed in my “National Final bonus” section for the UK’s review (as well as them reminiscing Eurovision’s best moments) but frankly I don’t think you cared anymore about it when you learned I was gonna write so many long-ass paragraphs, so yeah)...
• So what was the exact thing again that made everyone such bitter Betties? Well, everyone foresaw Bella and Laura battling it out in this NF, having succesfully qualified together. They even did well in the televote. But then the jury vote happened, and it included the God-forbidden Wiwibloggs duo voting separately and usualy picking all the similar favourites based on performances. They were very pleased with Ester Peony’s on-stage chair prop and her dramatic mess so they gave her their 12s. INDIVIDUALLY. And that’s one of things that pushed Ester higher for the win, despite only having 3 points from the televote lol. But the worst part about it is their opinions: they have praised “Dear Father” so much for mostly the same reasons others praised it so much as well, and were stunned. A what they thought of Ester’s song? That it’s boring. And their mindset switched when voting on this NF, with 12ing Ester and only giving a few feeble points to Laura. That’s where the backlash ensued - not when Emmelie de Forest (yep she was in the jury too) did not give any points to Bella Santiago’s song - just for that notion alone. Maybe it was because of a REASON. Laura’s song in the end is just an uninteresting pop ballad with some additional vocal exercising (too flawless that you even tire from flawlessness), Ester at least brought something to liven up her song, and maybe Wiwis changed their opinion accordingly by not being enthused by Laura anymore! And what’s the problem with that, eh eh eh?.. oh right, y’all accusing Wiwibloggs having rated Laura down because she’s a homophobe. Real friggen’ obviously because of that, you guys. NOT. Grow a brain a bit, will ya. (and even a contestant named Linda Teodosiu was pissed about Wiwibloggs not giving her enough points lmao... her song was a typical ”rent a NF songwriter” spiel so she has no effin’ reason to be mad her ‘originality’ wasn’t awarded lol.)
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Worth noting that one of the other reasons people were mad that the juryvote points overpowered the televote big time (like 7 juror votes against 1 set of televotes - inequal) and therefore did not even listen to what they had to say (again, Ester had 3 freaking televote points lol). It’s a thing y’all should get used to - juries overrating an act one way or the other, against the televote’s will. It’s a given nowadays, remember. I know y'all Romanians wanted to scream "ESTER IS NOT OUR WINNER WE HAVEN'T DECIDED HER WE WANT BELLA/LAURA!!!" but that's the truth with the juries.
And thankfully, that is, what I think, all you need to remember from the SN headache this year. Fortunately it’s much smaller than the last year’s headache that, aside from 60 songs in total for 5 semis (!!!), also had a very strictly eliminative system that had 3 qualifiers each from a semi decided by juries ONLY (geez not even A Dal does that!), only to soften things up by having everyone fall down on televote’s hands only during the final. And then the final had the drama on its own. But if I reminisced it all on here, we’d be taking more than just all day, so it’s best that I stop this here and now, for all of ya who are already tired of all this waffle.
Good luck to Ester! and may all of your fans see you performing on a Saturday :)
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
My First Time Watching 'Captain America: the First Avenger'
Part I in the My First Time Watching… the MCU series, in which contributor Alyssa watches all of the Marvel Universe movies in chronological order.
So, I haven’t seen any Marvel movies. I know! I promise I haven’t been living in a bunker. Superheros have never been something I was interested in, so I’m going into this almost blind.    To be honest, all I know is that Chris Evans is really good at twitter and that him and Jenny Slate used to date. Anyway, let’s do this thing!
Okay, it's snowing, and it looks like the beginning of an alien movie I’ve seen, don’t remember which one
Ohhhhhhhh the shieldddddddddddd
Okay, 1942, interesting
Captain America is from the 40s right? I HAVE seen many a tumblr gifset about this
Pro tip, if the first shot of a character is their boots walking on cobblestones with menacing music in the background, they’re bad news
Why does Mr. Filch care so much about this skeleton
A……….. cube?
And an Odin mention? This is already A Lot
Ah, a vaguely threatening blue light
Okay, I might be giving away my lack of knowledge of the film industry here, but how exactly did they make Chris Evans look like that
He does not look right my dudes
His…. head is strange? Is he literally supposed to be like four feet tall? Like, I get he’s pre Captain America here and should be pretty underwhelming but… I’m sorry, moving on now
Sebastian Stan?
Who else was creeped out by him in I, Tonya? Major yikes
Awww Jenna Coleman is in this! for like 30 seconds, but still
Mustache dude looks a little like Eric Forman from That 70’s Show
I know enough that this dude is Tony Stark’s dad, be proud everyone
Got a feeling that Stanley Tucci is gonna be important here
Honestly, when is Stanley Tucci not important in a movie?
Trust me Steve, it’s totally okay to kill Nazis
Ya know, I miss the days when the Nazis were actually portrayed as the bad guys. Sad!
Okay, the strange blue light is some kind of power source
Okay, that flag thing was pretty clever
I’m so sorry, but when Peggy said “My grandmother has more fight in her, God rest her soul” ALL I could think of was Gordon Ramsay’s legendary “My gran can do better, and she’s dead”
I’m Very Upset that they have Peggy using “ladies” and “girls” as insults though
Hey, Trump fans, please pay attention to Stanley Tucci talking about how Hitler got his start
Are they gonna mention that Hitler was actively looking for Atlantis during WWII? It’s real, look it up
Oh wow, that machine even managed to perfectly oil his chest, impressive
Peggy is so funny omg
Okay but WHY is there one vial left? That seems so stupid? Like use them all or don’t put it in there?
How many weeks of eating only chicken breast and asparagus did Chris Evans have to commit to for this?
I love that they’ve succeeded in this crazy medical experiment and the FIRST thing they do is have him sell shit, thanks so much Capitalism™
Okay, so he’s gonna go save Bucky
Love how he just… casually jumps out of a plane that’s being shot at
You know, they’ve all been acting like he’s brave and I’m starting to wonder if he’s just dumb
WHY does he have that dumb shield
He honestly should just have a giant sign that says “I’M SNEAKING IN”
Wow what a coincidence, he finds Bucky
Was Bucky being like, experimented on?
Me, drunk on Christmas, when the cousins I haven’t seen in ten years show up
Ohhh this dude also got the serum???!!!
Nice, red Voldemort
It's not a superhero movie without a dramatic “he really never should have made that” jump over a fiery explosion in slow motion
Natalie Dormer is also in this????
And she’s not afraid to go after what she wants lmao
Is.. is vibranium the stuff from Black Panther?
Bucky seemingly falling to his death WOULD be very sad, but I know he survives this in some kind of capacity (again, thank you Tumblr)
Even if I didn't know he survives I would have guessed it tbh, that seemed like a really anticlimactic death scene  
Wait, when did they capture the doctor guy? Did I miss that?
Oh, this is the plane he was found in in the beginning of the movie huh
This is a good time to mention that being thrown out of a plane (or anything) at an extreme height is like, my worst fear
That and the current political climate
Ohh, I see, he crashes it on purpose
He couldn’t have like, landed it gently somewhere? Or parachuted out of there? I feel like there are a lot of other options
This is gonna be unpopular, but why does he have her picture? Like, they never even dated? Did they even really know each other?
There was definitely a level of cheesiness in this movie that made it less enjoyable for me, not gonna lie  
I guess that’s pretty common with superhero movies though?
Oh, they found the blue square of death, good
And he wakes up in the modern day, how absolutely terrifying
At least he didn’t wake up post 2016, can you imagine explaining THAT?
Overall, this was just okay. I’m sorry! Don’t hate me! Maybe I’ll me a Marvel superfan after this, who knows? Anyway, remember to punch your local Nazi everyone <3
Alyssa’s rating: 🐝🐝🐝
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