#sorry i love putting the funny robots in jackets
ldoesanartthing · 1 year
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"You can't handle the uber instincts of my uber autism. observe"
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helenaheissner · 7 months
Love During Robot Fighting Time: Chapter 7
Hello, lovelies! Hope y'all are doing well :)
Don't forget you can read three chapters ahead on this story, twenty chapters ahead on "A Dream of Summer Rain", and two chapters ahead on "Magical Girl Exorcist Squad", by becoming a paid subscriber on my Substack or my Patreon!
Thank you so much for your continued support of my work! Every little bit helps me to keep going :)
And now, back to our regularly scheduled nerdy romcom shenanigans!
I kept time with the metronome as I pirouetted around my living room. I’d decided early on in my transition that I wanted to be more graceful, and ballet had seemed like a good way to accomplish that while staying in shape. Murder on the feet, but so worth it- I was, if nothing else, of a marginal amateur level of talent, which was all I was asking for. So, each night, I donned my workout garb, moved the orange couch and brown coffee table a few feet so they pressed against the back wall, rolled up the white carpet that normally covered the linoleum floor, and put on the metronome and danced around the living room.
The tumblers clicked on the lock, and my front door opened to reveal my handsome, dashing, wonderful roommate and best friend entering the apartment. 
I broke out of my pose and grabbed my towel off of the couch, blotting my sweaty face. “Hey!”
“Hi,” he said, taking off his suit jacket and sticking it in the coat closet that indented our apartment just to the left of the front door, hanging it alongside his leather jacket and my white overcoat.
“How’s it going?” I asked, switching off my metronome and pushing the couch and coffee table back into their normal positions in front of the plasma screen television.
“Oh, you know, it’s going,” Zeke said. “You have a good workout?”
“Yeah!” I said, trying my best to show off my winning smile. My orange sports bra and black tutu may not have been the most conventional ballet attire, but it did show off my abs, something I was very eager to do now that I had them. 
Dancing didn’t just help me get in shape and feel that sweet, sweet gender euphoria, either- it gave me a great opportunity to be alone with my thoughts and actually THINK them. And that evening, I’d come to two conclusions: one, my friendship and working relationship with Zeke was too important to risk destroying by asking him to be my boyfriend out of the blue, at least not when I had no idea if he felt the same way as I did; two, I wanted him to make the first move. Maybe I was old-fashioned, but the idea of the guy being the one to escalate the relationship from non-romantic to romantic really appealed to me. Plus, if I put out hints that I liked him, was a bit more flirty and forward than usual, and he slowly cottoned on to what I was getting at and then asked me out, then it would all be perfect. And if he didn’t pick up on the hints, or just wasn’t interested, I had plausible deniability. It was an immaculate plan, totally fool-proof. 
I put a hand on my hip and leaned forward to show off my modest boobs and toned abs and smooth legs. “How do I look?”
“Like you just worked out?” Zeke said, aiming for the fridge and retrieving his jug of cranberry juice. He reached into the liquor cabinet after that and pulled out the flask of vodka, then poured himself a shot of it mixed with a glass of cranberry juice. 
‘ Oh. Right. I was sweaty and gross. “Good point. I should hit the shower. After that, wanna hang out?”
“Sure, sure,” he said, nursing his drink, swirling it around in his hands, staring at the wall. 
“You okay, Zeke?” I asked, tilting my head. 
“Hm? Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, looked at the screen, and chuckled. 
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” he said. “Sorry, I’m just a little tired.”
“Oh?” I said. “What were you off doing? I never got a chance to ask you before you left.”
“Oh, just hanging out with a friend.”
“Calloway,” he said. 
My eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry, what?”
He took a long sip of his drink. “What?”
“Why were you hanging out with him?” I said, folding my arms over my chest and shrinking in on myself a bit. 
“Calloway texted me asking if I wanted to watch Gundam. I said yes, because I’m tired of all the weird hostility between us. And because I like Gundam,” Zeke said simply. “Honestly, Calloway is pretty cool outside of the ring.”
“Oh,” I said, taking a step back. “Fair enough. I… You can do what you want, but I’m probably not gonna hang out with him any time soon. You know that, right?”
“I mean, you two actually have more in common then you might think-”
“I… Am not crazy about that comparison, but if you say so, sure,” I said, taking another step back, pivoting left from the kitchen towards the hallway that led to the rest of our apartment. Finally, I turned around and went for the bathroom. “Glad you had fun, though. Seriously. You can never have too many friends. I’m gonna hop in the shower now.”
“Sounds good, Faithy,” he said, and he flashed that smile, and for a second everything was fine.
Everything was fine, fine, fine, fine, FINE. 
I showered, put my hair up in a towel, and wrapped a bathrobe around myself as I stepped out into the living room, where I found Zeke texting again while smiling that smile of his. The one that I knew wasn’t for me and me alone, but that I… 
No, stop that, Faith, he doesn’t owe you anything, I thought. He’s a person, and he can make his own decisions about what he does with his free time. 
Zeke and I wound up watching an old film noir that night, but I barely paid attention, and he was texting the entire time, smiling and chuckling every time his phone buzzed from a new message. I didn’t need to ask who it was.
The week went by normally, all things considered. Zeke and I worked on Dai Guren during the days, hung out and watched movies at night. Nothing was wrong, per se, but he was just always texting, and whenever I asked who he was talking to, he had the same answer:
The one thing I found odd was that, despite the two clearly being close friends now (apparently), he always referred to Calloway by his last name. Never his first. And yeah, sometimes guys just did that, even with close friends, but even when he’d thought I was a guy Zeke called me by my first name. 
I tried to just keep it, keep him, out of my mind. Who Zeke spent his free time with was his business, and everyone needs more than one friend. I mean, I only needed one, but other people, yeah, they require multiple outlets for social engagement. And if Zeke and I were gonna start dating- which was not a guarantee, obviously, just something I’d really really really like to happen- then he would need a new platonic best friend. And I may not have been crazy about Keith Calloway, but hey, Zeke could do worse. Could be Olivia. 
Olivia. I had to go up against her in less than a week. I wasn’t crazy about that, but if nothing else, it might be a bit cathartic to defeat her. 
On Thursday morning, the day before our match, I decided to do a bit of shopping. I’d just gotten my monthly stipend from my parents- they were still a little iffy on the whole trans thing, still occasionally misgendered me and then immediately corrected themselves but got annoyed at me when I tired to correct them. But they were trying, and that was the important part. And hey, when both your folks are in the Army Corps of Engineers, wanting to build fighting robots for money is far from the worst thing you can do with your early twenties. I’ll get a real job someday- right now, though, I’m still figuring myself out. No reason I can’t do something I love while I do that. 
Zeke was passed out on the living room couch clutching his beloved baby seal plushie, Lacus. I jotted down where I was going and when I intended to be back on a sticky note and put it on his forehead. He didn’t wake up- the man slept like a rock, it was almost impressive- and I headed out. 
I cruised down Lincoln in the Star-Rocket Racer, weaving in and out of traffic as I headed for Venice. The best shops were in Santa Monica, but the more affordable and more trans-friendly ones tended to be in Venice. The air was warm with early-summer heat, the sky was clear and blue for miles, and the narrow street was uncrowded thanks to the just-shy-of-midday hours. The salty smell of the nearby ocean wafted through the air on a gentle, cooling seabreeze, and the clean street packed with shops and storefronts nearly sparkled in the sunlight. I wore my favorite off-white sleeveless sundress with a sunflower pattern, along with strappy wedge-heel sandals, a wide-brimmed black sun-hat, and a string of pearls around my neck that my mom had gifted me as a coming out present. I’d gone for a natural makeup look that day, subtle eyes and pink lipstick and just enough foundation to cover up my razor burn. My black cat purse was slung over my shoulder as I sauntered down the street, humming an Olivia Rodrigo song as I looked in the store windows. 
At the end of the street, I found a shop called ‘Surf Turf Apparel.’ Palm trees enclosed both sides of the brick store, and in the window was the most adorable green swing dress with white polka dots I’d ever seen. It looked a bit big for me (pros and cons of being hilariously short- thanks, hilariously short parents), but I could at least ask if they had anything more in my size. If not… I dunno, I could try shortening it myself. I’d always wanted to learn how to sew. 
I stepped inside and looked around- they had a lot of great dresses in here! Every style and color and fabric I could name, and plenty I couldn’t, hung from mannequins, harkening to eras as far back as the 1950s. At least one dress was there to represent each decade in the history of American fashion, standing proudly amidst the more standard beach apparel and SO MANY GORGEOUS HATS! I’d never been more in love with a shop this quickly! They had everything!
From the back of the store came an unnaturally high voice, what sounded like someone putting on a traditional female tone, perhaps someone, like me, who didn’t naturally speak in a feminine register. “Hi there!”
Poor thing- I’d gotten a bit better since I’d started doing vocal exercises on the daily. Maybe I could give her a few pointers. 
I looked at the source of the voice as she continued speaking, “Welcome to Surf Turf Apparel! How may I…”
The voice trailed off as I looked at the person behind the counter. We made eye contact. Prolonged eye contact. Prolonged, unblinking, silent eye contact. It was incredibly awkward. But when someone you low-key hated surprised you in a manner this thorough, it was hard not to be speechless and equally hard to look away. 
Calloway stood behind the wooden counter wearing a short-sleeved v-neck burgundy blouse, a golden butterfly necklace, and a full face of makeup- dark eyeshadow and red lipstick and very bold mascara. Her light brown hair was put up in a high but loose ponytail, with freshly-curled ringlets dancing about loosely on the sides of her face. Her eyebrows looked like they’d been freshly tweezed that very morning. It made her face look… Softer. Less aggressive. All of it together honestly made her look like a totally different person.
Was it ‘her?’ Should I be using ‘her’ for her? I should ask. 
But that would require me to do something with my mouth besides let it hang open in shock. Calloway, for her part, still wasn’t saying anything or blinking either. I think I understood now why Zeke had been exclusively using her last name around me. 
A tall, middle-aged woman (MILF, my brain automatically screamed) with long platinum hair, clad in a yellow A-line maxi-dress and flat white sandals, walked out from the back of the shop and said, “Close your mouth, Katie. Flies will nest. Also, you have a customer.”
“Hey, Mom, can I take my ten?” Calloway asked. 
“Sure. You want me to handle this one?” her evident mother asked. 
“Actually, Faith and I know each other, and we need to have a little talk.”
I was too shocked to react to this, too shocked to even do anything when Calloway… Katie, apparently… Grabbed me by the arm and shepherded me outside and into the alleyway next to what was APPARENTLY her family’s shop. Because of course it freaking was. 
“Okay,” I started, “So-”
“I’m not trans!” Calloway said, in that practiced high pitched voice of hers. 
I blinked. “Uh-huh. Right.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“I shouldn’t say.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not something you should have other people confirm for you,” I said. “And because I think all this speaks for itself, so if you’re too blind to see it, then that ain’t my fault.”
She raised a finger, then lowered it and looked at the ground. “That’s a fair point.”
“So,” I said, arms folded together. Her eyes were instantly drawn to my chest, at which point I looked down and realized the fold was putting my cleavage on display. I tucked my arms away behind my back hurriedly. “Anyway. Was there anything else you wanted to say to me, or was it really just that?”
Calloway… Katie, or maybe it was still Keith on some level (hard to say with eggs this dense), exhaled audibly and said, “I need you to keep this to yourself.”
“Yeah, of course,” I said with a nonchalant shrug. 
“I mean it, Watanabe! I- wait, seriously, just like that?”
“Yeah, just like that,” I said, struggling to keep the monotone out of my voice. “Look, everything else that’s happened between us aside, I am not just gonna out somebody because of spite. I mean seriously, what kind of asshole do you take me for?”
She looked at me blankly, unblinking once more. 
My eyes narrowed. “Oh my God, what kind of asshole do you take me for?!”
She let her mouth hang open for ten agonizingly long seconds before saying, “Is that a rhetorical question?”
“It was, yeah. But now it’s not!” 
“I don’t think you’re an asshole! Okay, there! I said it. I just… Didn’t think you were gonna do me any favors because… Last time we talked, I… And you…”
I heaved a beleaguered sigh. “I… Uh, so about that-”
“I’m sorry for antagonizing you last season!” she suddenly shouted, stepping forward, grabbing my hands and squeezing them inside her own. 
My pulse quickened and my jaw dropped. What the heck was going on?
She kept going: “I just… I liked playing to the crowd. I get way too into it, though, and I forgot what’s fun and hammy for me might be obnoxious and overbearing to other people. I’m sorry. I should have talked to you about this, to your whole team about this, last year, instead of going after you every time I was on camera. I’m sorry.” 
She looked like she was on the verge of tears, sincerity and hope and despair radiating out from her very soul. Her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, her long lashes mesmerizing as she opened and closed her eyes rapidly. I could feel my face going red. Was I… 
No, no. She was cute in a freshly-hatched way, sure, but I wasn’t attracted to her- it was just aesthetic appreciation. 
“I forgive you,” I said, squeezing her hands back. “And I’m sorry for blowing up at you. I was… In a bad place. I’d just come out, and my girlfriend dumped me on the spot because of it.”
“Oh my God!” she said, finally releasing my hands from her grasp and putting them on her hips. Outraged painted over her face. “That’s horrible! That’s why she’s on a different team this year?!”
“What a bitch!”
“Please don’t say that about my ex, I still care about her,” I said flatly. 
“Right! Right, sorry. I just…”
“You get carried away sometimes. I get it.”
“And you’re going up against her this week?” 
“Yup,” I said. “First match of the night, no less.”
“Ooof,” Katie said. I figured I should just call her that- seemed safest. “I’m going up against Haverfield and Ansible.”
“Ugh, I hate that guy,” I said. 
“Big same.”
“Kick his ass for me?” I asked.
She stood at attention and gave a salute, of the kind so formal it would make my parents proud. “Gotta make things up to you somehow.”
“Hey come on, I didn’t mean it like that-”
“Yeah, but I do,” Katie said. “I’m tired of being the jerk. But if I’m going up against another jerk… Well, I’ll feel less bad about it. Also, I… I wanna be friends with Zeke. And since you two are besties… Well, you and I should probably learn to coexist.”
I smiled. She was so… Sincere, so earnest. It was really surprising. She was also much cuter like this, so that probably helped disarm me a bit. “Fair enough! To co-existence.”
“Here, here!” she said, extending a hand. 
We shook, and I’ll admit, I was taken aback by how firm her grip was. She was definitely intense, definitely a lot, but… Maybe she and I could be friends.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Cantering Cumulus! Skyland's bravest daughter Sora Harewataru has fallen to Earth! On this strange planet full of concrete jungles, metal boxes, and birds the size of one's hand, Sora must protect Princess Elle, the Hydrogen Baby of the royal family.
However, she may not be alone in her quest! Mashiro Nijigaoka, who sympathizes with her plight, becomes fast friends with our heroine! However, the wicked Underg Empire, plots beneath the surface! What shall happen this episode?
For truth, justice, and a better tomorrow! Cure Sky descends! Don't miss this exciting transmission from Japan's very own Toei Animation Company, Limited!
*Ahem*, that is... Spoilers, I guess...
-Yeah I'm not sorry about that, actually, it was kinda fun.
-Girl punched an excavator. You should probably put some ice on that, Sora-chan.
-What is a hero, anyhow?
-Well, you're known as Pretty Cure to everyone now~!
-Air raid sirens~!
-Hero in the House, bitch!
-Oh hello, granny.
-Mashiro-hime desu ka!?
-What the fuck, why do you have a bachelor pad this huge?
-Hello, grandma!
-"Wow bro, that's crazy. Come in for some tea."
-It's a good thing Sora's Skyland etiquette seems to be almost exactly like the Japanese kind, huh?
-A whole other world~!
-A whole lot of "other worlds" too, but... y'know, let's just focus on Skyland for now, eh? You don't need to know all that so soon.
-Quite the transformation you did there.
-Taking the baby home takes priority.
-What the hell
-Granny prepared all this.
-Ahhhh, baby!
-The story begins.
-Even got a room!
-Getting down on one knee already? Didn't realize you were a love at first sight type.
-Whoa, hey! Knighthood?! I was kidding!
-Dame Sora Harewataru. Legendary Heroine Pretty Cure. Guardian of the Princess. Mashiro's Friend, the title she's most excited over.
-Fine earthling cuisine~!
-I fear you would explode if we took you to Oishi-Na Town.
-Right in the taste plums.
-Rose oil, cinnamon stick, dried frog.
-Is Granny Niji some kinda magician?
-This is a nice little brass piece.
-You'll be very surprised by our advancements in technology all the time~!
-"Could you... pick out my civvy clothes for me."
-I really liked that sailor outfit and the black jacket one, those were cute.
-This is peak character design tho, very nice.
-Pukutto Bur-Ger...
-Oh ye gods, vines
-That's a whole-ass knight!
-Ohhhhhhhh, Granny knows a lot, huh.
-I wonder if this is a Heartcatch situation and she used to be a Pretty Cure too?
-Ranborg! Vending destruction and suffering!
-"Why did you pick this one, I wonder?"
-Ohhhh, I get it now. Granny's the knight she saw.
-It's Hero Time!
-I'm floored by this sequence, it's so gorgeous.
-Mugen ni hirogaru aozora! Cure Sky!
-Damn, those drinks are carbonated as fuck.
-"Please be careful :pleading:"
-"Yes, my princess!"
-Spinning! PreCure Counterattack!
-Naming your attacks, a very based thing for a hero to do!
-Pretty Holic Stationery~!
-For the lass who dreams of a hero. For a girl who wishes to be-
-"Oh by the way, you might see other PreCures in the ED. Uh, just go along with it, there's a lot happening!"
-Might be a bit before we get to see Prism in action. That's alright, I can wait.
-Wing, my precious boy, I await you. Funny how we don't know your name yet. You're absolutely that orange borb I didn't comment on.
-Butterfly, you lookin' fine.
-Zounds! Our next installment of Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure! Elle-chan has gone so long without the loving embrace of her mother and father that she has become tragically homesick! Cheer up, Hydrogen Baby! Sora-chan will do everything in her Tune in next time! Same Sky Time! Same Sky Channel!
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qoeww · 2 years
hi hi ! its me again hehe , i was wondering if u could do a prompt , “wait a minute .. are you jealous ?” i saw this prompt on Pinterest ! i was wondering if u could do donnie x fem!reader or gn i dont rlly mind — with donnie getting jealous of his brothers bc reader is getting somewhat close 2 them ?? hopefully it makes sense — thank u thank u !!
Warning: Nothing
Character: Donnie
Author Note: I'm sorry I waited you so much honeypie, I just lost my drafts for two time 😀 hope you like it (Btw I really like your positive theme<333)
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You pushed Donnie's robotic shell with the tip of your foot, he always hated when you act like this but this time he deserves it.
"You gave me a promise D and you are breaking it again-"
"Y/N you really don't understand the situation, it will change the world!"
You laughed through your nose and made your arms scorch. "Yeah, really D? The last time you said that, whole house was flooded with sewage, but I have to admit, the expression on your face was funny." He dropped the wires in his hand and turned to you. "First of all, how dare you? Second, scientists can make mistakes, maybe you should read the news I send you."
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Ok, ok sorry. So dear scientist Donnie, would you please put aside your world-changing invention and go out with me?"
"Give me a hour babe."
You gave up, this boy will not leave this machine until it is done. "Let's postpone it to another day, I'm leaving." You could hear his murmur before the door closes to your face.
You looked nervously at your reflection in the door, sometimes the purple turtle was irresistible.
"Hey, are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, just... Why are you here again?"
With a relaxed smile on his face, Leo grabbed your shoulder and pulled you close to him. "Eh, don't get hung up on small details. Why don't you come and watch my perfect new moves?"
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"OH YES! FINALLY FINISHED, Y/N LOOK AT THIS!" When he turned his back, only your gym bag and jacket, which you threw on the floor when you came in, were there. Did you leave? He left his room to look for you, and when he found you, he could get help from you to color scale his invention.
Your laughing sound was coming from Mikey's room. He peered through the ajar door, Mikey and you lying on a sheet that had been laid on the floor. There were colorful nail polishes on the sheet, you looked like you were spending quality time with Mikey.
"Eh, sometimes they need time too." He wanted to pull you out of Mikey's room but you needed your limits too. Being a good boyfriend is hard, Maybe he'll come a little later. Splinter was standing in front of him when he turned to leave.
"AH, ah hey dad what are you doing here?" Donnie pushed Splinter by his shoulders, As far from the door as possible, it wouldn't be nice to be caught red-handed.
"I was gonna ask..." Donnie waited for his father as he broke into a cold sweat. If one of his siblings heard about it, he would be a laughing stock at home.
"Can you...Hmm, fix the kitchen drawers? The opening sounds are very squeaky, it's gotten worse since the last time blue one fixed it"
He looked at the door for the last time and nodded.
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He loved your laugh, really. But now it makes him so angry.
He was working nonstop to drown out your and Raph's laughter with the sound of the drill in his hand. While he was remodeling the kitchen (if he started something, it must be perfect), you and Raph invaded the kitchen to make a cake.
Your eyes met for a moment, you gave him a small smile, and you went back to the dough in your hand.
He checked all the drawers another five times, waiting for a reaction from you. But you were focused on the dough in your hand, unaware of the purple turtle whose gaze could pierce your shoulder.
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You didn't expect it to rain, you were staying here with the brothers tonight. You walked out of the room with a comfortable T-shirt on and stretched. The clock on the wall was showing 3 a.m.. Your eyes are dazzled by the light you opened, who made the lights so bright?
You grabbed the pitcher on the counter and poured it into the glass. With every sip you drank, you came to yourself, as if the light was not so bright anymore.
"Oh, Donnald? Bad dream?"
He avoided his eyes from meeting you. You could hear something muttering but you didn't understand.
"Why don't you sleep with me?"
"No, no- I... Offf... I mean you are sleeping at Raph's room- Ok that wasn't that hard in my head."
You watched him rubbing his eyelids. All the stones were slowly falling into place, his side gaze today, the purple bandana peeking through the door.
"WAIT, WAIT, wait, wait a minute... Are you... Jealous?"
His arms quickly crossed as eyes widened. "NO, NO I'M NOT-" Your laugh closed all his objections, oh my, who can now "the bad boy" can get jealous too?
"YES, yes I am. Now shut up." He pressed his hand to his lips and silenced you, your body was stuck between the bench and the turtle. "I can act like a complete dum dum sometimes, soooo.. Do you accept my apology?"
You nodded slowly, he took his hands from your lips and placed it on your chin.
He made you forgive himself.
Btw if you didn't read wait a min like this go and spend more time at internet
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
Hey hey hey!! If you’re in the mood, what about a Druig fluff sickfic!!! There’s a bunch of us who would love to see a fic about it!!
Allergy Season || Druig
summary: when your allergies are acting up, your boyfriend takes care of you
a/n: i know this is short but i hope you like it anyway!
word count: 455
warnings: allergies? fluff
masterlist || taglist
“I always find it funny how things like leaves and pollen can leave humans bedridden for days.” Druig said seating himself on the edge of your bed as he kicked off his boots.
“Dru.” You groaned, wrapping your blanket tighter around you.
“I’m just saying,” He said chuckling and shrugging off his jacket. “Somehow you can fight aliens and massive robots and survive, but the changing season is too much for you?”
Taking a used, crumpled tissue from the pile beside you, you tossed it at Druig’s head, feeling a bit satisfied when it collided with his cheek.
To put it simply: allergies has been kicking your ass for the past week.
Ever since you had decided to spend a bit too much time outside around the dead, orange and yellow leaves scattered along the ground, you had been paying the price for it with excessive sneezing, coughing and drowsiness.
“Alright, I’m sorry.” He said picking up the tissue you had launched at him and throwing it in the trash. “You really feel awful, huh?”
Wrapping your blanket tighter around you, you looked up at him and nodded.
Noticing your watery eyes and roughed up nose from blowing your nose so much, Druig felt sorry for you and wanted nothing more than to ease what you were going through because although it was menial to him, he also understood how awful it must be to go through all the same.
“Is there something I can get for you then?” Druig asked.
Rather than opening your mouth, you only slipped your arms out from under your sheets and reached them out to him, making grabby hands as you laid back against your pillow.
Smiling to himself he climbed over you to his side of the bed and pulled the sheets over him. When he matched you underneath him, he grabbed hold of your waist gently and pulled you towards him, smiling to himself as you fit beside him and melted into his chest.
“Better?” He asked.
“Mhm.” You hummed. “A little bit.”
Hearing your answer, your boyfriend pulled himself up and then began preparing gentle kisses along your neck, cheek, temple and forehead, smiling to himself as he heard you sleepily giggle underneath his touch.
“How about now?”
“You missed a spot.” You said sniffling.
Shaking his head lovingly at you, Druig cupped your cheek with one hand, positioning your face towards him before he pressed his lips against yours. Even though you had been feeling terrible, his soft kiss made you almost forget about your headache and runny nose, instead feeling in complete bliss for just a moment. When he separated from you, you looked up at him through hooded lids and smiled.
“Much better.”
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dameronology · 3 years
to all the pilots i've loved before {poe dameron} - 3/4
part three: better half of a whole
summary: you’re in love with poe dameron. it’s both the most complicated and most simple thing in the galaxy - and it’s all shoved into a shoe-box under your bed, in the form of a thousand love letters. here’s to hoping he never finds them. (series masterlist)
warnings: language, mentions of injury
i'm so sorry this took me so long to write!! i got writer's block and then i was horribly busy with a thousand others things and sadly, i cannot prioritise fan fiction over real life duties. and i would know, because i've tried
- jazz
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Poe didn't sleep for...well, it was probably days. Felt like years.
Dear trouble,
Every time he closed his eyes, your face would flash into his mind. The sound of your laugh echoing amongst the cries of war; the feel of your soft hands tracing the remains of battle scars and wounds. What if the hug you gave him before you left was the last? What if your slightly pained laughter at the shitty joke he'd made in the jungle the night before was all he had left? He cherished every memory he had of you but he loved you more.
I know you hate when I call you that, but it feels pretty accurate - because you do cause trouble, normally with me but more recently FOR me. Anyways, I never considered myself to be much of a letter writer, but then I saw yours and...fuck.
Love. What a funny fucking word, right? Said so easily, but meant so much. Something that felt so hard to find, but even more difficult to hold onto. His parents had found it and they'd kept it for so long, and he'd always wanted the same - nothing less, nothing more. Just the kind of unwavering, undying love that can survive a war and be happy with the domesticity that followed. The only difference between Poe and his parents was that they'd been fearless with every aspect of their lives, not withholding their ability to express feelings. Perhaps that's where he fell short. Shara had taught him a lot of things but she'd been lost before he taught her how to pull his head out his ass and just...say things how they were.
What am I even supposed to say? I love you too would be a start, because I obviously I do. I've always wanted to say it but I never wanted to risk what we had in case you secretly hated me, and now I'm going to live out the rest of my days regretting it.
The first that Poe managed to finally get some rest was four days after Leia had broken the news of your disappearance. He'd fallen asleep in his quarters, curled up into Finn's side and clutching a t-shirt of his that he'd left in your room - you'd borrowed it a few months ago, and it still smelt of you. It was a mixture of your everyday body fragrance and a little of engine oil. BB-8 was snoozing quietly in the corner and for the first time in days, Poe's jaw and shoulders weren't tense and clenched.
The little robot did stir, however, when he got a comms system message from Leia. He was awake immediately, cruising across the room and crashing straight into the nearest human he could find - and it was at that point that Finn regretted leaving his leg dangling off the side of the bed. He jumped awake, brown eyes finding the droid peering up at him.
You're not just my best friend. You're my partner in crime, my soulmate and you know that twin flame bullshit that Rey always go on about? You're probably that too because we're both flaming hot. You're the better half of this whole. You and me.
"Poe is sleeping, buddy," he quietly said.
"There's a message from the general," BB-8 beeped back.
Poe suddenly woke up at that - it could have been any message, and certainly not one about you, but something in his gut told him otherwise. If it hadn't have been, Leia would have left it til morning, or not even bothered him at all in his current state.
"What?" the pilot asked. "What is it?"
"They're back, in the med-"
Poe didn't give him a chance to say anything else, because he was already up and out the door - jacket unzipped, boots half unlaced, hair sticking up in a thousand different directions.
And even though he hadn't slept for days, he was running for his dear fucking life. The medical bay was right on the other side of the base and he didn't care. You were there - in what state, he didn't know - and that was all that mattered. He was just wanted to be with you, beside you, and he never planned on leaving.
If I see you again, I'm not gonna hide it anymore. I love you and you deserve to know that. I'm gonna give you the fucking world, I promise.
Poe skidded around the corner, stopping his tracks when he saw you across the room. You looked tired - far past it, in fact - and his entire body tensed when he saw the bruises on your arm and up your neck. Still, he took comfort in the fact that he knew you put up a good fight. You'd sparred together enough times and given him enough bruises to last a life time.
There was a slight oof as someone crashed into the back of Poe (Finn's subtle way of announcing his arrival). He placed a hand on his shoulder, shoving him forward slightly. It was clear that Poe was in a state of shock - at your loss, at your declaration, and even more at your return - because the last few days had changed everything.
Everything he'd ever wanted was about to come to fruition. No pressure.
"Go to them," Finn murmured.
With that, Poe took a few steps forward - you met him half away across the room, chests colliding with enough force to knock down an ATAT. He wound his arms you, pulling you towards him with one hand tangled in your hair and the other holding your back. He clung to you, tears in his eyes and entire body shaking, almost as though he was using the feeling of you to act as a reminder that this wasn't a dream. You were here. You were back. Perhaps a little worst for wear, but alive and standing all the same.
I don't know how I'll say it. Am I meant to just blurt it out? I've never said it to anyone before, so...what the fuck am I meant to do? Normally, I'd come to you for advice on this sort of this but that feels a bit counter intuitive.
"Hey, Poe," you gently murmured.
"Hey, trouble," he let out a shaky laugh, pulling back from the hug to clutch your face in his hands. "You're alive. You're here-"
"- yeah, I'm here," you grinned.
"What happened?" he pushed. "If I ever find those First Order bastards, I swear it's on site."
"They were trying to shoot us out the sky, so we had to lay low on a random moon for a few days, but the residents of said moon were not very friendly and - you know what? It doesn't matter," you leant into his touch, relishing the feeling of his hands against your skin. "I'm here and that's what's important."
"I was so scared," Poe admitted. "And they had me search your room for back up plans and-"
You froze.
"You...you searched my room?" you stuttered. "What did you find?"
The main thing is, I AM gonna tell you. I promise. Just...please come back.
Love, Poe
Poe's eyes widened - maybe now wasn't the best time to break the news. You were bleeding from your head and hadn't slept for days. To spring it on you before you were even cleaned up felt a bit unfair. His worst fears had been avoided, so he didn't mind waiting just a little longer.
"Nothing," he forced a smile. "C'mon, I'll clean you up."
Taking your hand in his, Poe lead you towards one of the beds. He was hardly a medical expert, but he'd been through enough cuts and scrapes to have a basic understanding of stitches. And luckily, your injuries didn't look too bad. It was more just the fact you had them in the first place that hurt him.
What if he'd gone on the mission with you? Or convinced you to stay? Fuck, he would have gone in your place if he knew what was going to happen. The last few days had been the worst of his life and he almost felt responsible for what had happened to you. Your pain was his pain, and he felt it in every fibre of his being.
But, of all things, at least he knew what love was now - and if you had never have gone MIA, he never would have gone looking in your room, and he never would have found those letters. It felt like a bit of a dick move to call them a blessing in disguise but his mother had always taught him the value of looking for silver linings. The last week had been one giant thunderstorm. There had been no breaks in the rain, or sun peaking through the clouds. It had just been darkness and thunder, but it was all beginning to clear now.
What was it that Shara had said when Poe was a kid? Things have a funny way of working out. This was all a testament to that, and also to the fact that she always seemed to be right.
Poe's hands moved gently as he stitched up the cut on your forehead. They were still steady as they moved, brown eyes occasionally moving down to meet yours. He always smiled when they did.
"There we go," he said. "That shouldn't scar, but if it does, it would make you look like a bad-ass, so..."
You chuckled slightly. "Thanks, Dameron."
"You don't have to thank me," he quietly murmured, running a thumb over your cheek. "I'm just glad you're back."
"Right," you grinned. "What did you do whilst I was gone?"
Cried. Read those letters. Cried some more. Wrote a letter myself, then cried on that too.
"I just...I caught up some on some reading," he forced a smile. "C'mon, let's go to my quarters. I have some bactaspray there for those bruises."
Poe took your hand in his again and helped you up off of the bed - you seemed okay to walk, but he didn't let go. He needed to feel you, to know that you were there. He was worried you might float away into the galaxy and disappear all over again if he didn't cling onto you.
And for you, the feeling of his warm hands against yours was a welcome relief after a long few days. You were trying to push the pain and the incoming nightmares to the back of your head, and it was much easier when Poe was beside you. You already knew that he was going to make you sleep beside him that night. Being on the same wavelength so often was a great feeling.
Poe hadn't thought about tidying his room - why would he? He'd been so preoccupied with you, and finding you, that he'd barely considered the idea. Besides, it wasn't like you were going to care about the shoes by his door, or the letters on his desk, or the unfolded laund-
- fuck.
The letters.
Your box of letters, which was sat on his desk, which was right by the door.
By the time he'd even registered that they were there, you were already half way into the room. In a somewhat half-arsed attempt to shove them back in the box and toss them to the side, Poe dove forward and knocked them into an open draw, slamming it shut.
When he turned around and saw your wide eyes, it was clear he was a little too late. You'd already seen them.
taglist: tags: @neverlandlibrarian @asphyzzz @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @ubri812 @taina-eny @dessinemoiunehistoire @fangirl-316 @princessxkenobi @brandyllyn
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat & The Spider-man —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
Words: 1,612
Phase two Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
Listen to: ‘Grace Kelly’ -by MIKA
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xii: Sophomore Year
"I'm quitting marching band and robotics lab."
"What? No! Why would you do that?"
"It takes up so much time and if there's an emergency—"
"There won't be any," She rolled her eyes, stopping at the school's entrance. "I'm gonna be deadly honest with you because we're friends and I don't want you to mess up your perfect curriculum just for Tony!"
"I was thinking that maybe if I prove to him that we're super responsible then maybe he'll let you patrol with me again..."
"It has nothing to do with you, okay?" She grabbed him by the shoulders. "He's not gonna call. It's not because you're young, which yes it's a small part of it— but he's not looking to rebuild the team, alright? Pepper's back and he's doing everything to keep her. That includes not endangering two fifteen-year-olds just for the sake of having his glory back."
"Okay, okay, I get it!" He pushed her hands away.
"Good," C.C. started to walk up the stairs again.
"I'm still going to quit, though."
She was about to snap at him when the sound of a rumbling engine cut through their argument. The girl lost her balance, Peter was quick to catch her.
"Thank you," She looked at the person that had parked near the entrance. "Who's the idiot?"
On queue, the older guy took off his helmet.
"Shit," She groaned. "That's our idiot."
Pietro had dyed his hair back to his original reddish-brown color. He was no longer modeling sporty outfits and had a leather jacket on him that he was clearly proud to be wearing.
To her dismay, the boy walked directly towards them, ignoring —or at least pretending to— all the hungry gazes he was getting.
"What's up!" He high-fived a still dazed Peter, then looked at her with a sly smile. "Hello, my dearest little sister."
"You can't park there," was all she responded.
"Oh, really?" He pretended to be surprised. "Had no idea. Rookie mistake, Copy—"
"Yeah, that," He smirked. "Sorry."
"Acting like a jerk is only going to get you in trouble," She approached menacingly and poked his chest. "Now move your stupid bike."
"Alright, m'going!" He frowned, lifting both hands in surrender. "But you'll have to help me find my way around once I'm back, so you better wait for me!"
Once he left, Peter looked at her barely containing his excitement.
"This is great, C!"
"How was that great?" She scowled. "He's bringing all this attention to us, that's exactly what we don't want!"
"We do want it, we want this kind of attention," Peter lowered his voice so the kids around them couldn't hear. "He's going to be popular around here! Ned's going to lose his mind when he meets your 'brother'!"
C.C. whimpered, letting her head fall on Peter's shoulder.
"I just wanted to have a quiet, normal year..."
"Hey, you'll have it," He moved her away to lock eyes. "I just... I just want to be cool for a change."
"You're cool."
"C'mon, you know that's a lie," He sulked.
"Fine," She groaned. "Fine! It'd be selfish if I don't let you do things you enjoy just cause I don't find them interesting. It'd also be rude if Pietro's looking forward to having a normal life, and it's obvious that he loves the spotlight."
"Mr. Stark allowed him to get a Harley! That's insane!"
"Can't wait to find out what he did to convince him," C.C. agreed. "Blackmail is always a good way to go..."
"I'm here!" Pietro ran -at a normal speed- up the stairs. He put an arm around C.C.'s shoulders. "Now show me the school!"
"Don't touch me while wearing that," She made a face at the leather jacket, pushing his arm away. "It smells funny."
"It's leather."
"I don't like it."
"You guys are sounding like siblings already," Peter laughed.
"I don't understand why she's so angry," Pietro complained. "Last year she was always moping around, telling me how much she missed me and my sister," his voice stumbled a little but he kept going, "now she has me all to herself and treats me like I'm trash!"
"I wouldn't if you were acting as you usually do and not like a James Dean ripoff," She scoffed. "I don't like fake people, Pi, and right now you're the fakest of them all."
"Yeah, that's what it means to have a secret identity," He raised a brow. "I can't believe you're the one that's telling me this! May I remind you who you really are?"
"Pete!" Ned waved at them. "Over here!"
"Fine, I'll be sweet to you just don't say anything weird in front of my friends!" She whispered hastily.
"Piece of cake," Pietro shrugged.
"Hey, how was your..." Ned noticed Pietro standing behind her. "Hi?"
"Hi! P.J. Stark," She had to admit that he'd done a good job hiding his accent. "C.C.'s brother."
Ned's mouth formed a perfect 'O', he shook the older boy's hand and had the decency to pretend C.C. had mentioned him before even though all the people present knew it was a lie.
"I gotta help P.J. find his class," She said. "I'll see you later..."
C.C. grabbed Pietro's forearm and pulled him along.
"P.J?" She raised a brow.
"Our parents called you C.C. didn't they?" He said defensively. "I had to make up something that made sense. What does C.C. even mean here?"
"People usually don't ask, they think it's Cece, kinda like Cecil or something, but they'll definitely ask you about yours, Mr. Pajamas."
He snorted, not at all upset by her observation.
"Well, let's say is..." He squinted. "Peter Jarvis?"
C.C. stared at him. "That's a terrible name."
"C'mon, help me out a little!"
"Percy Jackson?" She fought to keep a straight face.
Pietro looked at her eerily. "It's a trap."
"No no, it's a very common name," She continued, furrowing her eyebrows to look convincing. "But it's a good amount of funny to be like 'I don't really like how my full name sounds so just call me P.J.', you know?"
Pietro seemed mildly suspicious, but he gave in. "Fine, I don't have to go around announcing my full name, anyway..."
"Perfect, now let's take you to the Principal's office, bet he's shitting his pants about having two Starks studying in this school..."
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"Dude!" Ned gestured wildly at her as soon as she entered the classroom.
C.C. made her way to him.
"You never mentioned you had a brother!" He whisper-yelled. "He's so cool!"
"Maybe I was trying to forget it," She muttered, hanging her bag at the back of her chair. "Trust me, Ned, soon enough you'll realize he's actually kind of an idiot. Give it time."
"You're supposed to say that, he's your brother," Ned conceded. "But seriously, is it true that he came to school driving a badass bike?"
"Yeah, and the dumbass parked it on the wrong spot."
"Pete!" Ned waved at the boy that had just walked in. "Isn't it cool that we have all of our classes together this year?"
"Yeah, yeah it is," Peter sat in front of them and lowered his voice. "You won't guess who asked about P.J."
"Was it a girl?" She ventured knowingly.
"No way!"
"You're kidding!" C.C.'s face lit up with mirth.
"Yeah, she nearly broke down in tears when I told her he was your brother," Peter grinned. "Bet she regrets what she did to you last year."
"Maybe she doesn't have to," She shrugged. "P.J.'s eager to date... doesn't mean he won't make her work hard to gain his attention, though."
The thought didn't bother her in the slightest, perhaps Pietro wasn't so bad after all and now that he had a bike there'd be no need to have Happy driving her around. He could take her, and the girls like Sally would die mad about it.
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"Do you think Peter likes fake?
Pietro looked at her. "Fake what?"
"It's just... he keeps melting at Liz's feet. I'm not saying she's fake, but she used to be and he was head over heels for her. Do you think I should try to match that, see if he pays more attention to me?"
"Ah, so you like him?" He smirked. "I knew it."
"I know you knew it, that's why I'm asking you," She rolled her eyes. "So?"
"Peter pays attention to you all the time, I don't think that's the problem," He shrugged.
"What's the problem, then?"
"He doesn't know you like him."
"If I tell him, he'll just get uncomfortable," She sat at the bar and opened an apple juice. "So how about we circle back to my original plan? Copying it's my specialty, so if you could give me a few pointers..."
"No copying allowed," He sat in front of her. "Peter wants to know the real you now that he knows the truth, and you're not being honest with your intentions. Maybe he's holding back?"
"Holding back?"
"Yeah, look," He leaned on the table. "This is my opinion: Peter is honest about his feelings towards Liz cause she's not his friend. He doesn't know how she feels about him. It doesn't mean he doesn't feel for you, but you're his friend, and as far as he knows you don't experience attraction towards people, right?"
"I... I can't remember if I ever said that to him," She grimaced. "Oh no, I messed up?"
"It can be fixed," Pietro took a huge bite of his sandwich and continued. "Jus' 'ow int'rest."
"I understood nothing of that sentence, you pig," She frowned. "Don't talk with your mouth full."
"I said: Show interest. That way he realizes you want more than just a friendship. Do it, I promise it'll work."
"How are you so sure?"
Pietro looked at her matter-of-factly. "Cause he gave you his jacket."
"That doesn't mean anything."
"You sneezed once when it was seventy-two degrees outside and he gave you his jacket," The boy frowned. "Peter likes you."
"I sneezed two times, actually— ouch! Don't throw food at me!"
"Then stop acting like a stupid idiot," He raised a brow. "Do what I say."
"I'll do it," She stood. "If everything else fails..."
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Next Chapter —>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​ ​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​ ​​​ ​​@siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
🥺👉👈 Could I maybe request a doctor who x reader with a younger, more innocent teenage reader? And the doctor gets protective over them, especially when they could be in danger. Any doctor could fit. (sorry if this is not enough information I'm new to making requests)
Let them go
Eleventh Doctor x platonic!teen!reader
Summary: When the Doctor takes you to your favourite musical, things once again don’t end well.
A/N: Ok so I loved this request and thank you so much. You are so sweet. Don’t worry about how information there is, I just hope that you like it. I may have mixed a little Newsies in here because, well I love it and I honestly think about how I would a hundred percent ask to go there if I was travelling with the Doctor.
Not my GIF
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Shaking violently when travelling seemed to be the only flaw of the TARDIS and even then, it was only because the Doctor was a terrible pilot. He had tried to convince you otherwise but you'd met River on more than one occasion and she had actual evidence for her argument so excuse you if you sided with her. But that didn't mean that you hated it; every time it happened, you'd grin real big because it was just yet another reminder of the chaos that came with the Doctor. You had a usual place by the controls, one where you were often moved from during flight to avoid you being in the way. Most of the time you ended up in one of the seats, watching his every move in hopes of learning what any of it meant. River had promised to teach you when you were older, said you could leave the Doctor in the 1920s where he apparently thrived and she'd teach you how to the drive the TARDIS.
Right now however, you were here in 2017 New York, at your request. You had asked to see the recording of Newsies after a small (ok so maybe the exact opposite of small) obsession with the musical over the years. You were surprised when all the Doctor had to do was make a call and suddenly you were right at the front with the opportunity to go backstage afterwards too. The inner fangirl was hard to control as the two of you headed to the doors and you managed to stumble slightly but he had caught you before you could fall into the wooden doors. Pouting as he laughed, you tugged his bow tie hard making him stop with a frown and a hand going to readjust it. He scanned your attire with an amused smile which resulted in a flick to the head from you. "Ow, I didn't say anything!"
You walked out the TARDIS, breathing in the smell of hotdogs and petrol before facing him with a small frown, "You were thinking it. I can wear a Newsies shirt if I want to wear a Newsies shirt," he put his hands up in surrender as he walked out too and then quickly turned to lock the doors. You tugged at the shirt in question as you glanced round the empty alley, waiting for him. It was a few seconds before you felt an arm fall into your shoulders and quickly you began to walk to the streets with big smiles on your faces. In the small time you had come to know the Doctor, he had become like family. You had been quite sheltered growing up, never seen much trouble but that's kinda expected from a small town family. When you started travelling with the TimeLord, you saw a lot of bad stuff, things you had never even thought possible and so naturally, he was protective. He was like an older brother, maybe a dad ish vibe.
Your steps were in time with his as you approached the theatre, huffing at how long the queue to get in was. Finally in line, you tapped your foot patiently and suddenly, the question had slipped from your lips without much thought, "How did you get good tickets?" He paused, reaching up to fiddle with his bow tie nervously before straightening out his tweed jacket. He avoided eye contact and instead stared at the bright lights surrounding you guys, "Well, um, I helped write it. Historical facts and stuff," you watched him shrug with terribly faked nonchalance. Jaw dropping, your eyes went comically wide as you stuttered out, "You- They- What?" Unbelievable. Of course he knew about your obsession with the musical and failed to mention his involvement with writing it.
It was a couple hours later and you were waiting by the Doctor's side as the theatre cleared out. He had spent the whole musical jittery and chatty, clearly not good with just sitting there and watching. Several times someone had complained and you had had to talk with him about it. He was a literal child at times. But despite the fact he had muttered about his hate for Twitter after the girl next to you guys tweeted a picture of herself and her friend there, you enjoyed yourself. The musical was just as great as the first time you watched the recording, if not better. And now, you couldn't stop bouncing in excitement. You were actually going backstage, and you were going to meet the cast of a musical you have obsessed over for years.
But of course, with the Doctor, things never happened that easily.
The TimeLord had pulled out his sonic screwdriver to fiddle with while you waited and frowned at the noise it made. You caught his muttering and huffed, already knowing that look on his face. Concern, anger and a touch of excitement. "Don't say it," his eyes slowly left the device in his hands as he raised an eyebrow at your words. Someone was just leaving the backstage area but neither of you noticed as you sighed, "Why does something always have to happen? One good, non-alien day is all I ask. Is that even possible with you?" He grinned goofily at you with a breathy chuckle before raising the screwdriver in the air and scanning your surroundings. You jumped at the tap on your shoulder, facing the crew member with fists raised like that would do something. "Oh,"
"I was sent to get you. What's he doing?" You glanced to the Doctor, who now stood on one of the seats and you shrugged, arms crossing over his chest. Looking between both men, eventually you answered, "I find it best not to ask until he gets that look on his face," the guy frowned as he watched the Doctor jump from the seat and run up an aisle and look through one of the doors. As the two of you watched him lock the door with the screwdriver, the crew guy asked, "What look?" Going to respond, you stopped yourself once seeing the dark look of his face. The one that ensured mortal danger and most likely ended with the two of you saving the world. Again.
"That look," the guy watched you point to the alien as he made his way over to you by jumping over one of the seats. His arm landed on your shoulders as he huffed slightly from all the running round, "Right okay then, possible shapeshifter, very dangerous and kills for the hell of it. Also, amazing dancers and have a tendency to be really funny. Ready?" As he spoke, he looked the guy up and down in a calculating way as if he was possible suspect. You ignored the shock and fear on the guy's face in front of you and instead tilted your head in debate, "I mean, yeah sure," with a laugh, he clapped his hands together and approached the crew member. He too ignored the expression or he just didn't notice with how quickly his mind was now working. He smiled, hands clasped in front of him as he did another look over the guy before speaking, "Ok, we're ready to go. Should probably check out backstage first," he looked to you and you nodded in agreement. "Well," he paused as he placed his hands on the guy's shoulder, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Panicky look still clearly painted on his features, his voice shook as he managed, "Carl,"
"Well Carl, lead the way," gripping the clipboard in his hands tighter, Carl turned around and began to walk up the stairs and backstage with the two of you following. You stared at your feet as you walked, pout on your lips as you thought, "So, when you say very dangerous...?" The Doctor paused before backtrack king to you and placing his hands on your shoulders whilst ducking his head down to meet your eyes. He had such certainty and determination that you knew he wasn't lying when he said, "Nothing bad will happen to you, I promise," a chuckle left your lips as you punched his shoulder, smile lighting up your face as he remained unbelievably serious, "Well duh. I've got my own hero. And you know I'd haunt the hell out of you," he shook his head, smile fighting it's way to his face as the two of you began to walk behind the curtain.
So apparently the Doctor isn't great with promises or at least, that's what you gather when the two of you were walking down a deserted corridor and something had grabbed you from behind. The last hour had been the two of you searching in the dark, trusting no one since this alien shapeshifted. Two crew members were found dead and another missing so the Doctor insisted on going to find her and well, naturally you followed without question. And now you had a claw to your throat as you whimpered at how hard the alien was pulling your hair. This made the Doctor turn, eyes darkening when he saw you struggling and crying quietly to yourself. "Let them go," it was practically a whisper but it echoed in the hall, making the creature laugh. "Why would I do that?" The voice was deep and distorted and almost robotic, "They'll be so much fun," the last word was spat, venom in the voice making whimper again. You shook violently and the Doctor met your terrified eyes with his remorseless ones. "Why are you here? Order the Shadow Proclamation states Earth is a Level five planet. Do you know what they'd do to you?" He took a few taunting steps forward, head almost bowed in anger.
A small scream left your lips as the claw made a small cut in your throat and the Doctor seemed to tense. Rolling out his shoulders, the TimeLord uncharacteristically smirked as his fingers toyed with the screwdriver in his hands and he laughed almost hollowly, "I know about your people. I have fought your people time again and again and again. And do you want to know what I remember?" There was a pause in his words, only audible thing being your small cries, "You really don't like high frequencies," he raised an eyebrow as he pressed a button and the alien began to freak. His hands slammed over his ears and he stumbled back, essentially freeing you. You managed to make your way to a worried and panicking Doctor before the two of you rushed down the hall and inside a changing room. You fell back against the door as the whir of the screwdriver and the click of the lock and the huffs of your breaths filled the room.
Suddenly the small device was stuck in your face, scanning you up and down before you smacked it away. He gave you a pointed look before carrying on, no doubt scanning for any other type of harm. He was in protective mode which wasn't uncommon but could get annoying when he wouldn't stop checking up on you. With a frustrated expression, you snatched the screwdriver from his hands and shook your head when your eyes met, “I’m fine,” you made sure to emphasise the last word and the Doctor mimicked you under his breath like a three year old. Scoffing, you pointed the screwdriver at him in warning but he just simply took it back with a small huff.
And then there was a bang at the door and the two of you were reminded of the danger you were facing this time round.
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leverage-commentary · 3 years
Leverage Season 3, Episode 2, The Reunion Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Jonathan Frakes: Hello everyone I'm Johnathan Frakes.
Michael Colton: Michael Colton.
John Aboud: John Aboud.
Aldis Hodge: This is Al Hodge.
Chris Downey: Chris Downey.
John Rogers: Am I sexual chocolate if you’re Al Hodge?
John Rogers: It's John Rogers.
Aldis Hodge: Sexual chocolate is coming up.
John Rogers: Executive Producer of this particular episode, along with Chris Downey. And those other gentlemen are the writers and director down at the end. Welcome to The Reunion Job. Boys, which we always ask in the opening sequence, where'd this episode come about?
Michael Colton: The- initially you guys told us you wanted to do a high school reunion episode. And I think all you had was ‘they go undercover at a high school reunion’ and I think you had the end beat of the dancing.
John Rogers: Yes.
Michael Colton: At the dance. 
John Rogers: Right, yeah.
Michael Colton: And so from that we started thinking, you know, who would be a good villain for this episode? Someone who high school meant a lot to.
Jonathan Frakes: You talked over my Bourne Identity opening!
John Rogers: Sorry. Frakes why don't you tell us about the-
Jonathan Frakes: No, I got my-
John Rogers: Where'd that particular opening come from?
John Aboud: Bourne Supremacy.
Jonathan Frakes: I'm kidding. Bourne Supremacy.
John Rogers: Bourne Supremacy.
Jonathan Frakes: Carry on.
John Rogers: That was a very aggressive style.
Jonathan Frakes: Where’d you get the rest of this story?
John Aboud: Well as nerds, we were able to channel the rage of a software magnate. Why would a software magnate be bad in the Leverage universe? Well maybe he's supplying his software to some very bad people overseas.
Michael Colton: Well right at the time we were writing this, there was the Irianian- the aftermath of the Iranian elections, so it was actually in the news that this kind of thing could be happening.
John Aboud: And this episode aired on the one year anniversary of that election. And around- and the protests.
Michael Colton: There was enough propaganda.
John Rogers: It was actually funny, we did get one phone call that's like ‘are we gonna get in trouble for like- can we be open to litigation?’ I went ‘if one of the most evil regimes on earth wants to sue us, I don't really see that as a problem.’
Michael Colton: That would be good press for the show. Iran sues-
Jonathan Frakes: Any publicity is good publicity.
John Rogers: Exactly. Now who's playing our victim here? Did a great job.
Jonathan Frakes: That's Ricki Bhullar.
John Rogers: Yep, fantastic job. And now Frakes, why don't you tell us about that opening? What- cause it was a very different opening than what we usually do.
Jonathan Frakes: Well I think what we try to do with each of our cold opens is to either pay an homage or, in other words, steal stylistically from a show. 
Chris Downey: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: From a Hitchcock show, or from you know-
John Rogers: It lets you know what the rest of the shows gonna be like.
Jonathan Frakes: Well- hopefully. Or that you just feel like the story of this show is in this particular style. That was a Bourne Supremacy rip off. 
John Rogers: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: How many shots can we get? How fast can we cut it? How fast can this action happen? And it has that vibe of international espionage.
John Rogers: Yep. Also that room was great, it was built totally on set. That was actually just a two wall set, wasn’t it?
Jonathan Frakes: That was a three-wall set, but we shot the shit out of it.
John Rogers: Yeah.
Chris Downey: And then so you put your energy into that and the rest of the episode you sort of coasted? Is that- you sorta let it…?
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah it's an approach I've found very useful.
Jonathan Frakes: Now.
John Rogers: Now.
Jonathan Frakes: Who do you think that- oh!
Everyone: Woahhh!!! 
Michael Colton: There we go.
Chris Downey: And reveal.
John Aboud: Didn't see that coming.
Michael Colton: That worked really well.
John Rogers: It did; it did. Johnathan Frakes knows what he’s doing. Yeah and this was also part of the mandate for the opening of the third season, where we wanted to start opening it up into international stories. Kind of open up the Leverage universe in a way that, you know, this is a fictional universe wherein certain rules apply. And it’s close to ours but you know we wanted to start seeing the ramifications of crime world and politics.
Jonathan Frakes: It also suggests the backstory of a lot of these characters has been, in fact, international.
John Rogers: Yeah.
Jonathan Frakes: So that they have experience with all these things. It makes them look, or appear to have more experience than-
Michael Colton: Right.
John Rogers: And sometimes people ask where we get the cases, and we’re kinda establishing here there's a lot of-
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I'm inside your head!’
John Rogers: ‘I'm living rent free.’
Aldis Hodge: Yeah, haha.
John Rogers: You know, kind of establish there's a community of people out there who take freedom of software, the internet's role in being free of government regulations and rules and internationalism very seriously, and Hardison is part of that group. That's part of the hacker group he fell in with.
Aldis Hodge: Yes indeed.
John Rogers: And that's how he knows this guy. That's his background.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘Yeah that's right, we are here to inspect your restaurant.’
John Rogers: Also based on a real spy safehouse that came up in research. But with better locks I think that one had. Ah this is crazy. How'd we get the roach?
Chris Downey: That’s a digital roach.
John Aboud: Digitally inserted.
Michael Colton: It's a real roach, but that plate was not there, it's like the whole thing.
Jonathan Frakes: More discussion about this cockroach than there was about the script!
John Rogers: We tried to be a little robotic cockroach that went poorly. It went actually too well because it killed.
Jonathan Frakes: What about the real cockroach that we had that nobody liked? Cause it didn’t-
Chris Downey: Oh look at that! Boy that's great.
John Rogers: I think the close up was the real one, that one digital. 
Chris Downey: Is that one digital?
John Rogers: I love this, and the little.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah, this tees up later. 
John Rogers: Yep.
Jonathan Frakes: They don't get much to do together, it's nice to see those two have a little beat.
Michael Colton: I feel like there's a lot of improv in this scene with you guys.
John Aboud: Absolutely.
Aldis Hodge: Yeah this- you know, anytime you get me and Christian in a room together it's over.
Aldis Hodge: It's like ‘script, what?’ We just talk. 
John Rogers: Yeah, we’re just pretty much superfluous. Maybe next year without writers.
Jonathan Frakes: That was how-
John Rogers: And that was a great way of using Jessie by the way.
Jonathan Frakes: How to make an entrance.
Chris Downey: We’re running out of ways for her to get out of a duct. I mean I feel like is there-
John Rogers: You know what? I just I may be speaking for-
Jonathan Frakes: Cirque du Soleil in town next year.
Chris Downey: We need to watch and take notes, cause there needs to be something new.
John Rogers: I may be speaking for a certain percentage of the audience, but anytime we have her in black jeans and that leather jacket coming out of a duct it's a good day. Really, the dismounts- really now you're really.
Aldis Hodge: I'm glad you said it, cause I was about to.
Jonathan Frakes: How about this shawarma?
John Rogers: I love the shawarma, by the way.
Jonathan Frakes: Who doesn’t?
Aldis Hodge: That shawarma was disgusting though, it was cold and greasy.
John Rogers: You can't shoot around hot shawarma.
Chris Downey: Prop shawarma was not?
John Aboud: Prop shawarma.
Aldis Hodge: Prop shawarma.
John Rogers: Don't eat the prop shawarma.
John Aboud: Don't recommend.
Jonathan Frakes: Not much room to move in this location as I recall, remember this place?
John Aboud: It was very narrow.
Jonathan Frakes: It feels as narrow as it was.
John Aboud: Hard to maneuver.
John Rogers: What was it? Was it a real restaurant we redressed?
John Aboud: It was a Hawaiian barbeque restaurant.
Jonathan Frakes: Real restaurant, Hawaiian barbeque.
Michael Colton: That's right.
John Aboud: And the production had to buy them out for the day, so there was a lot of the-
Jonathan Frakes: Are we happy with the yellow choice on the inside of the van?
Michael Colton: It's a little late to be asking that.
John Rogers: Yeah, I think we might want to change that. Could you fix that in post? Could you just go and… And yes it's the first time- when do we air this? Episode two or three?
Chris Downey: This is second- this is first night.
Michael Colton: First night.
John Rogers: That's right even though we shot it- did not shoot it second, it aired second. And that was re-establishing- that was establishing the new Lucille.
John Aboud: That's right. Near and dear to Hardison's heart.
John Rogers: This is also fun is that- it always amazes me the amount of international espionage that is actually kept in notebooks. 
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah.
John Rogers: No, the people-
Jonathan Frakes: Old school.
John Rogers: Old school. Yeah, but people- 
Aldis Hodge: It keeps them off the radar.
John Rogers: Yeah. You can, you can burn it. You know it can't be hacked, it can't be stolen.
John Aboud: Now that dishwasher, I believe he was also in the prison- in the Jail Break Job?
John Rogers: Oh so this is the jail- it's the job.
John Aboud: In my mind the backstory is: he's on a work release.
John Rogers: Oh that's right.
Chris Downey: Already fell into the wrong element.
John Aboud: Yeah, right away.
John Rogers: Well he doesn't know, they don't tell him.
Chris Downey: His parole officer is not doing a very good job.
John Aboud: Right away, right away.
Jonathan Frakes: The victim. Now we get the villain Arye Gross. Very reliable character actor, been doing it for years. 
Michael Colton: You worked with him…?
Jonathan Frakes: I worked with him on Castle. Recommend him to the gang and he nailed it.
Aldis Hodge: Nice.
John Rogers: Your career is banterific. Eliot, of course, learned to make amazing tea, and that is English Breakfast from his samurai master when he studied for 18 months. [pause] Wait no that was Wolverine.
Jonathan Frakes: Now whose idea was this to add this whole sequence?
Michael Colton: Well this is all based on NLP which means neuro linguistic programming. And all this is actually based on a guy named Derren Brown, who is British. And what would you- what would you call him? A magician slash-
John Rogers: He calls himself a mentalist, but he uses like a quotation marks around it because he duplicates the effects of charlatans by using psychological techniques.
Michael Colton: You can look him up on YouTube. Look up Derren Brown and NLP and there's stuff he does that is, we sort of basically ripped off for this episode.
John Rogers: Yeah ‘D-e-r-r-e-n’. Yeah, the primary one being he hires two advertising guys to come to his office and give him a campaign- a possible campaign for a children's zoo. They do the sketches and then he reveals his own sketches he did hours earlier and they're almost exactly the same. And then he reveals the visual cues he planted along the way into their head. And that really was the crux of this whole thing.
Michael Colton: And the one where Simon Pegg from Shaun of the Dead has- sits him down and asks him what he wants for his birthday, and he says he wants a bike.
John Aboud: BMX bike.
Michael Colton: But earlier he had written down he had wanted something completely different.
Chris Downey: A leather jacket, I think.
Michael Colton: A leather jacket! And throughout this whole discussion he was just doing cues to get him to say bike. It's kind of amazing.
Aldis Hodge: Wow.
John Rogers: It was also fun to kind of get into the mechanics of- it's easy with a grifter character to say they're just natural at it. To get into the intellectual work that Sophie does in her job.
Chris Downey: And also the idea of hacking into someone's head. I think that's what made this-
John Aboud: Wanted to establish that up front.
Jonathan Frakes: How infuriating it was that it was this character who [unintelligible].
John Rogers: Yeah, and also the fact that once you guys came up with the whole hacker/villain- the whole hacker theme, that really led us to the other material. 
Jonathan Frakes: And here we are, Dubertech.
Chris Downey: And this a great location too, this is very-
Jonathan Frakes: On the campus of-
John Aboud: The community college.
Jonathan Frakes: The community college in Portland.
John Aboud: It’s a great building.
John Rogers: The digital overlay on the sign.
John Aboud: It's a theater, actually.
John Rogers: A lot of digital signage.
Jonathan Frakes: It's the theater department, ironically.
John Rogers: It looks evil. 
John Rogers: Got an evil vibe to it. This was a lot of fun and this was one of the- one of the times that we took something we could do in a beat, and turned it into almost the entire act. We have broken into someone's office in like half a scene.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah.
John Rogers: But sometimes you just.
Jonathan Frakes: What we go through to get the fingerprint.
John Rogers: And it's great. And sometimes you find ways to do- you find stuff you want to do, you want to explore and kind of revel in, and that's the fun of this show. You know there's no real template to this show. So if you have an act where you have a bunch of cool stuff you wanna showcase, you can. Yes, tons of fun.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom.
John Aboud: We wanted this to be a real showcase for Hardison. 
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: Because obviously we're dealing with his world. We are in the world that he knows well, and we really liked the idea of him confronting this 1980s technology. I think that was one of our initial pitches to you guys-
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: For an episode.
John Rogers: I think that- you pitched that as a freelancer.
Michael Colton: Our pitch was Hardison hacks an ENIAC.
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: In a museum.
Michael Colton: And that became a TRS-80.
Chris Downey: An abacus really.
John Rogers: Yeah a giant, giant vacuum tube. Yeah and that blended right into this. No, that was- and by the way, if you're gonna pitch a Leverage, pitch a high concept, don't come in with a procedural. You know, ‘he has to hack a 60 year old computer’, I love it, you know. That was an easy one.
Chris Downey: And this is great, I mean how great did they dress this set?
Jonathan Frakes: I love that we [unintelligible].
John Aboud: The music was-
John Rogers: It's the music.
Michael Colton: The set’s great but it’s the music that put us over the edge and sold it.
John Rogers: Yeah Joe LoDuca again giving us that 80s synth pop vibe. It was fantastic. And Aldis you’re great here just the total shock and horror.
John Aboud: This take is wonderful.
Aldis Hodge: This took me back a couple years. I mean, this stuff was older than me but still.
John Rogers: Thank you, thanks for reminding us of that.
Chris Downey: We love to confront Hardison with old technology. Audio tapes things like that.
Jonathan Frakes: He’s appalled here.
John Aboud: His horror.
Aldis Hodge: He's offended, he's insulted.
Jonathan Frakes: And there it is!
Aldis Hodge: This takes me back to when-
Chris Downey: Look at that.
John Rogers: Five and a quarter right there, baby.
Aldis Hodge: I used to run off of floppys though, I still remember those.
John Rogers: You were a baby though.
Aldis Hodge: It took like 10 hours to upload a page.
John Rogers: Yep.
Michael Colton: We used to use the war games. The phone doesn’t-
John Aboud: War dialer.
Chris Downey: They used to be on cassettes too.
John Rogers: Yeah they used to be on cassettes.
Jonathan Frakes: What was this computer called?
Michael Colton: TRS-80. Although I don't think we could say that.
John Aboud: We weren't allowed to.
Michael Colton: Yeah, it's just generic 1980s computer.
John Aboud: For clearance reasons.
Jonathan Frakes: I remember part of our prep was the ebay version of the TRS-80 that we shopped for, for two weeks trying to find the one that was actually going to be programmable.
John Rogers: Yeah. Yeah apparently Tandy Corporation has a problem with us saying that freedom is oppressed in Iran through the use of their product. Oh we’re the bad guy? That’s some sort of brand infringement I guess.
John Rogers: I love the caricature- oh the caricature kills me!
Chris Downey: I didn't even notice that! The caricature of him winning the chess trophy.
John Rogers: He was twelve!
Michael Colton: Well they had photos all around of Arye Gross from that era.
John Aboud: From his personal archive.
Jonathan Frakes: With the hair. When he had that big John Hughes hair.
Michael Colton: The pre-Soul Man. Old stuff.
Chris Downey: That is pre-Soul Man]. He's great in Soul Man, by the way. Soul Man is-
John Rogers: That's a great little shot, by the way. That's kind of an iconic shot of Hardison being distracted and annoyed while Parker quietly freaks out next to him. It's just a nice vibe.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘How much time are you really gonna spend in here after I told you that the bad guys are on the way?’
John Rogers: Yeah.
John Rogers: But they saw the bad guy in the sweater vest on the way in. I mean, they're not that intimidating.
John Aboud: They knew they could take him. They knew they could take him.
John Rogers: What do you think the origin for the- oh that's great.
Chris Downey: Oh that’s great!
John Rogers: A locked off comedy frame people!
Chris Downey: It's a locked off comedy frame.
John Aboud: Yep.
Jonathan Frakes: The third in three shows!
John Rogers: Can't go wrong. This was fun, by the way, the- this one when he says ‘it's adorable you still think there's privacy’.
Jonathan Frakes: Isn't this where some of our regulars drink when we do the 360?
John Rogers: Yes, yeah, we drink and we shoot it, too. But you guys had found out- who- was it Albert cause he was a journalist he knew that you could buy people's yearbooks?
John Aboud: Well he did that all the time at People.
Michael Colton: That’s what it was, yeah.
John Aboud: As a celebrity journalist he would go buy people's yearbooks. And it was the easiest thing in the world.
John Rogers: And there's actual services out there that will help you buy the yearbooks of different high schools. There's an enormous amount of creepy shit in this episode.
Aldis Hodge: Your embarrassment is on sale.
Michael Colton: Here's where we bring up the Roman Room, which a lot of people thought we made up but is just another-
John Aboud: By a lot of people you mean Tim Hutton.
Michael Colton: Yes.
John Aboud: Thought we made it up.
Michael Colton: Just another curious thing from the mind of John Rogers.
Chris Downey: It's just one of your many hobbies.
John Rogers: One of my many hobbies.
Michael Colton: Memorizing everything.
John Aboud: Memorizing disconnected pieces of information.
Chris Downey: What was last season, whaling?
John Rogers: It was whaling. I remember I made you that scrimshaw-
Michael Colton: What, you memorized famous whalers?
John Aboud: Wow.
John Rogers: No. I am- a hobby of mine is memory techniques, and I use the Roman Room, and we wound up using it here. And it was just a great way- if we're gonna hack- the big problem was why do we need to go to this high school? We can go to this high school without this guy. Well no, we need context. Well what's the context? Well… It was interesting how this episode kind of organically came up. It was the flashback, it was the 80s thing. And that was that he was using, like I do, he was using his Roman Room for his passwords. And the- actually yes they did not believe this. I was up visiting them and I wound up doing the complete works of Shakespeare based on my high school gym in order to convince Tim that I was- that this was a real thing. 
Aldis Hodge: Right.
John Rogers: Aldis you were in the limo that night, that's right. The- we didn’t take Colton or Aboud with us.
John Aboud: Well it coincided with Comic Con.
John Rogers: There you go that's right. Yeah this is, by the way, a really easy memory technique, you can learn it really quickly and with a little bit of practice and imagination. The key is making everything as filthy as possible.
Jonathan Frakes: Seriously?
John Rogers: Has to be obscene.
John Aboud: Ahh, there you go.
John Rogers: Actually Chris Downey made me not use him in my Roman Room techniques because he was distrubed by the fact that I was having him have sex with people and things.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: Well he knows what goes on in that room.
John Rogers: He knows that the Roman Room is a horrible place.
Chris Downey: And John you'll be at the Allentown Marriott this week doing the Roman Room technique, won’t you? Doing it on your tour.
John Rogers: If you'd like to advance yourself in business or socially. If you’d like to amaze salesmen and other people in your company.
John Aboud: Whenever you see those signs on a light posts that say ‘make money from home’ the number rings at John Rogers home.
John Rogers: I'm not just running a TV show. I'm running a lot of small businesses out of my garage. Oh was- was that the Psych yellout?
Michael Colton: Oh that was- it in this scene where we talked about what's on his Netflix queue. 
John Aboud: That show Psych.
Michael Colton: I wanted Turk 182 to be on his Netflix queue but that was rejected.
Chris Downey: It’s a little too meta.
Jonathan Frakes: I thought it was Rockford?
Chris Downey: It is Rockford.
John Rogers: Well it is Rockford, we went with Rockford and Psych- we added Psych in the end cause Psych had given us a nice little shoutout in their show.
Michael Colton: I think Sex and the City was thrown out there.
John Rogers: Why Sex and the City?
Michael Colton: I think it was an improv, wasn't it?
John Aboud: Humor?
Aldis Hodge: It was an improv.
John Aboud: Humor. Cause it was funny.
John Rogers: Nothing funny about Sex and the City.
Aldis Hodge: Very serious show.
Jonathan Frakes: Not that Gina likes to do accents.
John Rogers: This was a lot of fun.
Chris Downey: This was the tour de force.
John Rogers: And the difference- and what's great is watching this with the sound off is watching her physicality change and the smile, yeah, that character smiles and the other one is angry, yeah. It's lovely. And this is also one of those ones where it originally started much more complicated and turned into ‘let’s just have Gina talk, she can do the accents’.
Jonathan Frakes: We cut it all together, let her do the two characters.
Chris Downey: In, sort of, the Facebook era, one of the things I think helped this episode was that you are kind of confronted by people from your high school all the time that you have no recollection of.
John Aboud: Right, right.
Chris Downey: So it really sort of helped the idea that they could actually bomb into somebody's high school reunion as other people and they would just be accepted.
Michael Colton: Yeah this is kind of The Social Network of Leverage episodes, I think it's fair to say.
John Rogers: But before The Social Network- they stole this from you right? The Social Network is stolen from you.
John Aboud: And Facebook, the idea for Facebook.
Michael Colton: We came up with Facematch.
John Rogers: This is the skype of evil.
Chris Downey: We got the finger pyramid of evil going too.
John Rogers: He's got the finger pyramid of evil.
Aldis Hodge: That was scripted right? Finger pyramid.
John Rogers: The finger pyramid of malfeasance I believe, this is the Skype of evil. 
Jonathan Frakes: Wait heavies right, there's heavies in dark clothes behind him.
John Rogers: Yes exactly I like to think he prepped it ‘alright let's Skype this- wait turn off the lights!’ I can't.
Chris Downey: Oh I love this.
Michael Colton: This turn here is fantastic. After he hangs up with them.
Jonathan Frakes: Unafraid to milk.
John Rogers: And also one of the things I like about- that you guys did in the script just wanted the general attitude you want to give the villains - ahh there you go - is nobody’s a villain in their own head.
Michael Colton: ‘Larry Duberman?’
John Aboud: ‘Larry Duberman?’
Michael Colton: It took so long, but it worked.
Jonathan Frakes: And we stayed on it! We kept it all in. 
John Aboud: You did.
Jonathan Frakes: Confidant actor.
John Rogers: Yeah somebody said if schadenfreude is the pleasure of other people doing worse than you, what is the German word for delight in doing better than everyone else but not being able to come out and say it? The Germans should have a word for it. Yeah it's pretty impressive- that's a great match for Tim by the way, was that an actor or did we pick an-?
John Aboud: Stock. It was stock.
John Rogers: It was stock, wow.
Aldis Hodge: Now whose stock photos because there were some fugly people in there.
John Rogers: We went to fugly.com.
Aldis Hodge: All right. 
John Rogers: That’s where we got that stock.
Aldis Hodge: I'm just saying there’s a select few you didn't know exactly.
John Rogers: Well it's also 80s hair.
Aldis Hodge: There’s that.
John Rogers: 80’s hair was just a nation making a bad choice.
Michael Colton: Evil speech of evil.
Chris Downey: Oh here it is. It's the slow push in on the evil speech of evil.
Aldis Hodge: You gotta get in his nostrils, nice and tight right up there.
John Rogers: Well it's a 40 ft screen; it's a different look when they're on TV.
Chris Downey: And now here we go!
John Rogers: Now where was this?
Chris Downey: And now we're off!
John Aboud: Actual high school.
Michael Colton: This was an actual high school.
John Rogers: They let us redress, and yeah fantastic.
Jonathan Frakes: This is the gym of- what's the high school called? Hall? James T Hall High School?
Chris Downey: Now how many days were you here at the school?
Michael Colton: We were there-
John Aboud: Three days.
Michael Colton: Three, I think.
John Rogers: You managed to get all this done in three days?
Jonathan Frakes: Well the exterior was stock, and not our greatest effort.
John Rogers: Still pretty good.
Jonathan Frakes: This is- here we go!
John Aboud: Here we go.
Michael Colton: Now this was unused-
John Rogers: This was unused footage.
Aldis Hodge: Unused footage from the first season.
John Aboud: Season one.
Chris Downey: Using every part of the animal.
Aldis Hodge: Yes indeed. It’s probably one of my favorite scenes I've shot.
John Rogers: By the way, that is fearless of you. Not a lot of actors would go in the braces and throw on the-
Jonathan Frakes: Aldis is fearless.
Aldis Hodge: Very much so.
John Rogers: Throw on the hat. You really did manage to spot-weld Will Smith and the other guys from Fresh Prince into one character there.
Chris Downey: Alfonso Ribeiro, you mean?
John Rogers: Alfonso Ribeiro. That's the Fresh Prince of Alfonso Ribeiro right there. And this is great that we-
Jonathan Frakes: Eliot pre-hair.
John Rogers: Eliot pre-hair.
Jonathan Frakes: Like wait a minute.
John Aboud: Still the same guy, he looks to camera.
John Rogers: Well it's a flashback.
John Aboud: He looks to flashback camera.
John Rogers: As one does.
Chris Downey: That's good man, that's a good match.
John Rogers: I also like the dialogue fix. Cause it was originally the dialogue-
John Aboud: Brutal punch.
John Rogers: Where we actually lay in that he learned about the knives in context not from a murderous Guatemalan, but from a sexy Home Ec teacher.
Chris Downey: Sexy home ec teacher.
Jonathan Frakes: He's the one who doesn't get to go to the high school.
John Rogers: Ooh yeah that was fun.
Jonathan Frakes: It was easy to take that guy out with one shot.
John Aboud: Little minion did not deserve the brutality of that one punch.
Chris Downey: But it's also nice like-
John Rogers: You know what he knows he's screwing the Iranian kids. He's an accessory after the fact.
John Aboud: It's true, he's complicit.
John Rogers: Absolutely more than complicit, he's an accessory. And therefore worthy of scorn. Ah this was again the Joe LoDuca score. Amazing.
Aldis Hodge: This the song that's playing in this scene right now is the band that Dean Devlin was in.
Chris Downey: Oh that's right. What’s the name of Dean’s band?
John Aboud: What was the name of that band?
John Rogers: Nervous Service.
John Rogers: This was Dean’s band from the 80s. 
Aldis Hodge: Sure it wasn't Dean and the Devlins? 
John Rogers: No, no, that was his 50s band. And that's Beth in the badger suit right?
Aldis Hodge: Yeah.
John Aboud: Yes.
John Rogers: Yeah that is Beth.
John Aboud: Yes, spoiler warning.
Chris Downey: Well they've seen it already.
John Aboud: No, they haven’t.
Michael Colton: This is like their sixth viewing.
John Aboud: I only watch Leverage with the commentaries on.
John Rogers: Really? Interesting.
John Aboud: Yes.
Michael Colton: You don't know what happens in this one?
John Aboud: Nope. No clue.
John Rogers: That would explain why your pitches were so weird first year.
John Aboud: Well then Rogers drinks, right? And we do a zoom to see he pours the alcohol into the glass. 
John Rogers: Oh yeah this was a lovely bit of scripting, by the way, on the NLP on this, guys. Very subtle.
Michael Colton: Yeah it's subtle it’s incredibly tight knit it’s-
John Rogers: And great dress. Is this Aboud or Colton on this scene?
Michael Colton: It's mostly Colton.
Jonathan Frakes: It's Grace Peltz! Look at Peltz in the middle of that shot.
John Rogers: That was a nice frame up on that shot.
Chris Downey: Look at that right there.
John Aboud: That's an actual Arye Gross high school photo in the row below.
John Rogers: Are you really?
John Aboud: Yup Lawrence Duberman, first one on the second row.
Aldis Hodge: Yup.
Jonathan Frakes: And here’s how it happened.
John Rogers: All you have to do is insert one page. Who doubts the evidence before their eyes? Where’s Arye Gross?
John Aboud: He's cross eyed. First one on the second row.
Aldis Hodge: That's really him?
John Aboud: That's really him.
Michael Colton: Now what kind of alphabetical order is this? Grace Peltz above Larry Duberman.
John Rogers: Oh, the honor society had their own photos.
Michael Colton: Oh there you go. That’s computer club.
John Rogers: One of these days you gotta learn to just lie quick.
Chris Downey: You know how to retcon.
Michael Colton: Most of those names are from my high school. Jack Lebowski. I used my-
John Rogers: Don't say that, people have to sign forms for that.
Michael Colton: My high school girlfriend is in there.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom.
Chris Downey: Here we go.
Jonathan Frakes: Don't always get a ninja zoom into the socks and sandals.
John Rogers: He's enjoying that way too much.
Chris Downey: He is. Cleaning pools. I love that- I love that about him. Former quarterback now cleaning pools.
Jonathan Frakes: Tim owned Drake.
John Rogers: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: He totally owned Drake Macintyre.
John Rogers: He really was enjoying that. There really was a moment you saw Tim kind of like ‘I wouldn’t mind cleaning pools. It’s nice and quiet’.
Michael Colton: Mandy Babson. 
John Rogers: Yep.
Michael Colton: What do his pins say?
John Rogers: I don't remember.
John Aboud: One of them said ‘I'll wash first’.
John Rogers: Wha- why? Why would you have a pin that said that?
Chris Downey: Not blondie or something?
John Aboud: That's the kind of guy you are. They were all slogans. Oh my voice is really giving out.
Michael Colton: Maybe you should stop talking.
John Aboud: Apologies to the home viewer.
John Rogers: Just let Colton- he’ll be honest about who did what.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Rogers: There's no way he’ll-
John Aboud: How can that go wrong?
John Rogers: Yeah. And it was also fun coming up with the idea that: of course there's a villain. Everyone has a narrative in their head, everyone had the villain in high school. You know the person who made their life hell. Unless you were the villain.
Jonathan Frakes: There he is! ‘Oh Doucherman!’
John Rogers: I'm glad we got that past Standards and Practices, cause Doucherman really was-
Michael Colton: The whole episode was built around Doucherman.
Jonathan Frakes: Whole episode.
John Aboud: It really would’ve fallen apart.
Michael Colton: It's the first thing we started with.
Aldis Hodge: All you thought about at first, and then you built the story around it.
John Aboud: It came later.
Aldis Hodge: ‘Doucherman, hmm we need to write a show’.
John Rogers: And she anchors it with a touch every time, nice acting, nice use of space.
Chris Downey: Who's that guy?
John Aboud: That guy was wearing a kilt! That guy was wearing a kilt.
John Rogers: I know, I saw him in the opening shot.
John Aboud: In the opening shot you can see he was wearing a kilt.
Chris Downey: Good variety of alumni characters.
Michael Colton: You know when I was on Twitter when this was airing to watch it, and Tim was- I thought it was very flattered he was just repeated ‘Douchermans got lady parts’.
John Rogers: Yes over and over again. He loved that. This was also fun showing Hardison scrambling. There's just some stuff you can’t prep for.
Aldis Hodge: Well Frakes, that was the first scene we shot for this episode, but it was also in the middle of shooting another episode the same day.
Jonathan Frakes: Same day in the van, here’s what’s gonna happen.
Aldis Hodge: I remember all that banter.
Chris Downey: That was the violin stuff.
Jonathan Frakes: Well this was the double up day.
Aldis Hodge: Double up day. All that banter was- I'm not even gonna lie I learned that right then and there in like ten minutes. Because I was on the other episode-
John Aboud: It worked.
John Rogers: You were on the other episode.
Michael Colton: Well you were on the violin.
John Rogers: Other episode was a giant part.
Aldis Hodge: Really shoot five pages just straight out? ‘Ok guys!’
John Aboud: Who’s this guy?
John Rogers: And there's our line producer!
Jonathan Frakes: There's our producer Paul Bernard as Schmitty!
Michael Colton: Star of the show.
Jonathan Frakes: I will tell you, he did have the 80s hair, that's not a haircut.
John Rogers: That's just what Paul Bernard looks like.
Jonathan Frakes: He works in that hair.
John Rogers: He works, he plays in that hair. That’s not stunt hair people.
Michael Colton: Is it true TBS is interested in a Schmitty spin off? Is that happening?
John Rogers: Yeah I think we might do ‘Here’s Schmitty.’
John Rogers: ‘We’re up to our necks in Schmitty.’ We haven’t decided yet.
Chris Downey: I think there was a reality show in which somebody- they had hidden cameras and people led-
Michael Colton: Someone made like a 2020 special about someone who- some woman who didn't want to go to her thing so she hired a- I think it was a stripper.
Chris Downey: I think it was a stripper.
Michael Colton: To play herself.
Jonathan Frakes: At her high school reunion?
Michael Colton: At her high school reunion.
John Aboud: She coached the stripper through an earpiece-
Chris Downey: Yes.
John Aboud: As she was watching on a video feed.
Michael Colton: While she was watching Hardison-style in a hotel room.
Aldis Hodge: Doesn't it seem like it takes a lot more effort than just showing up?
John Aboud: Just go to your reunion.
Jonathan Frakes: Here's the Roman Room!
John Rogers: Turns out not. See you're young, you still remember what these people look like. You have to remember after 20 years everyone's kind of- what's the great line from Grosse Pointe Blank? Swollen? Everyone just doesn't quite look like what they used to.
Aldis Hodge: I'm young, but I'm an actor, but I don't remember a damn thing past 5 minutes ago.
John Rogers: ‘I don't remember other people, I'm an actor’.
Aldis Hodge: Hey.
Chris Downey: It's fun, too, seeing Eliot typing stuff.
Michael Colton: Ten go to twenty stuff.
John Rogers: It was- and this was actually fun too, we were originally developing this trying to figure out what the hell Eliot was doing and then we realized just put him over there. For once he's gotta- yeah. Also allowed us to do the fight in an interesting way. This- god all high schools do look alike.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah this high school is perfect. The shiny floors, the lockers. We said, ‘We’re looking for a broom closet.’ They said, ‘Well what about the broom closet?’ We said ‘Good, that'll be fine.’
John Rogers: ‘That'll absolutely work!; And by the way Gina seems to really enjoy when her character doesn't like Tims character. She seems to be digging in a little bit more, I'm just saying. Yeah the utter scorn of the good looking asshole is fantastic. Oh we're past that. That was the-
Michael Colton: This is fun also ‘cause so much- I mean just ‘cause the nature of the show often Tim’s or Nate’s character is playing the shady businessman and this is totally opposite.
John Rogers: Yeah this is a low status character.
Chris Downey: He doesn't do a lot of low status.
John Aboud: He's not worn a hat like this on previous jobs.
Aldis Hodge: I just saw one of the other buttons said ‘I’m a handyman’.
Chris Downey: Is that what it said?
Aldis Hodge: One of them yeah. The yellow one.
Chris Downey: ‘I’m a handyman’.
John Rogers: The bright green one says ‘if you can't be handsome be handy’.
Michael Colton: There's very few of his characters where he can wear that necklace.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I should give you my card’.
Aldis Hodge: The necklace is questionable.
John Rogers: Questionably- is it a surfer? Or what is that?
Aldis Hodge: It's a surfer, man.
Chris Downey: Oh is that what that is?
John Rogers: He's still a Boston guy, so I don't know what he's wearing that for.
John Aboud: Well he's around water all the time.
John Rogers: That’s true.
John Aboud: Pools.
Chris Downey: That's right.
Aldis Hodge: He's a great surfer in his mind.
John Rogers: The great surf pools of Route 9.
Aldis Hodge: Surfer in his mind.
John Aboud: Uh-oh what is this?
Chris Downey: Someone is coming down the stairs.
John Aboud: What’s this what’s this?
John Rogers: Oh yeah, the lovely Kari Wuhrer.
Chris Downey: Now uh MTV? I mean best known-
John Aboud: Oh absolutely.
John Rogers: The sliders, the-
Michael Colton: What’s it called?
John Aboud: Class of ‘96.
Michael Colton: Remote Control. 
Chris Downey: Remote Control, that’s right.
Michael Colton: That was a formative influence on me. So I was very happy when I got to work with her.
John Rogers: Yeah, she's fantastic, by the way. She’s really sweet, worked her butt off and just-
Jonathan Frakes: Also happens to be married to our UPM [Editor’s Note: Unit Production Manager]. 
Chris Downey: But certainly we’re not giving away parts to people connected to the show!
John Aboud: No no.
Jonathan Frakes: Otherwise Jeanie Francis would be on the show by now.
Michael Colton: I did not know-
John Rogers: She didn't want to work with you, that's the problem. We called here and-
Michael Colton: I did not know she was married to the Leverage team until after she was cast. Her audition was great.
Chris Downey: She was.
John Rogers: Well that's the- Jim Scoura, her husband, the UPM, plays of course the assassin in the finale, in the summer finale.
Michael Colton: It's a double assassin household.
John Rogers: In our heads actually they are married in the Leverage verse; they’re like the bad Mr and Ms Smith.
John Aboud: Neither one of them can actually complete a kill.
John Rogers: They just- but they work hard, they get a lot of-
Jonathan Frakes: Watch them roll down these lockers.
Chris Downey: Was Jim here for this sequence?
Jonathan Frakes: He avoided this scene.
John Rogers: Interesting.
John Aboud: Stayed in the office.
Michael Colton: Stayed with the kids this day.
John Rogers: Having your improbably hot wife all over a good looking actor is just-
John Aboud: Why improbable? Why improbably hot?
Jonathan Frakes: Watch this, watch Tim with these- is this where he does the-
Michael Colton: That’s coming up.
Chris Downey: Oh man.
Jonathan Frakes: The stuff with the-
Aldis Hodge: Did this in one take right? Just one take.
Chris Downey: Jeez she's devouring him. This is like an episode of V!
John Rogers: She’s gonna unhinge her jaw any second now.
John Aboud: And here we go.
Jonathan Frakes: Oof what a surprise that she'd have it there.
John Rogers: It's a warm key.
Jonathan Frakes: Look at Tim! Look at Tim working those props!
John Aboud: Battling the brooms.
Chris Downey: Nothing like-
John Aboud: And then he stands back up.
John Rogers: Come on the doors right there. 
Jonathan Frakes: Come on, come on. Tried and true.
John Rogers: ‘And now I'm gonna go kill a dude.’
Jonathan Frakes: Lucky for us, Beth is in the building.
John Rogers: Yep. This is a real broom closet, that's great. How did you have room to shoot in there?
Jonathan Frakes: Went for the big broom closet.
John Rogers: Ah there you go, as opposed to the little one. Also this is a recurring bit: how Parker will just dump food everywhere. It actually turns out to a plot point in the Rashomon episode.
Chris Downey: Apparently we can have food.
Michael Colton: We can if it's chicken wings. They had like three giant trays of chicken wings.
John Rogers: Ahh good spark welding effect. Thank you, thank you props and special effects, appreciate it.
Jonathan Frakes: This works great, actually.
John Rogers: Yes that was better than the lightsaber through the door in the Star Wars prequel.
John Aboud: That’s a low bar sir.
John Rogers: Well it's still- it's a feature bar I'll take it.
John Aboud: Feature bar.
Michael Colton: ‘I’m for clean fun’. That's another button,
Chris Downey: Is that what it says?
John Aboud: That’s another one, another button.
John Rogers: The one on the left is haunting me, I can't quite make out the one on the left.
Aldis Hodge: It says- wait.
Michael Colton: Can we enhance?
John Rogers: Stop and enhance, enhance, push in. 
Michael Colton: Push in.
John Rogers: And yeah,this was a lot of fun just zooming in on- cause lets face it, not a lot of women can edge Gina Bellman out of that situation.
Jonathan Frakes: I know, and throw wine on her!
John Rogers: Yep.
Chris Downey: And the fun of this was having them revert to their high school personas and being offended by the cheerleader muscling in on her. I mean right? I mean this is- that's what-
Michael Colton: It's called subtext.
John Aboud: Seeing Sophie confront a mean girl.
Chris Downey: Yes.
John Rogers: Yes. It's great everyone had- everyone had their thematic little hook in this. One of the reasons we originally were attracted to the idea, even a year earlier, was because high school is that period where just the shell isn't on yet.
Chris Downey: And a high school reunion-
Jonathan Frakes: Had you done this before where the con men get conned in the middle of their con?
John Rogers: We play around with it, but rarely in this particular thing. Rarely this particular style.
Chris Downey: You mean an assassin showing up late in the episode?
Jonathan Frakes: No, no, no, I mean two con- our con and another con trying to duke it.
Chris Downey: Oh right.
John Rogers: Intersecting? Two Live Crew kinda.
Chris Downey: Well Order 23 we had a guy pretending to be a Marshall and he was an assassin.
John Rogers: Yeah but not a- those are the crucial- the crucials of surveillance photos.
Jonathan Frakes: Oh, she's on Interpol!
John Rogers: You need a half turn, you need a glasses-
Chris Downey: By the way you never see somebody eating spaghetti in surveillance photos.
John Rogers: Well what are the odds that when you see that person they'll be eating spaghetti? You really don't want that on the wanted photo. That you can't recognize a killer without the spaghetti. You want a spaghetti free context.
John Aboud: ‘Here, eat this.’
John Rogers: ‘Oh, you're that person!’
John Aboud: ‘We've got our man!’
Jonathan Frakes: Mission Impossible.
John Rogers: Yeah great little three way walk, nice.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom. ‘You go this way I'll take this way’. Taking a long time to get through that door.
Chris Downey: Really is. It's a really thick door.
John Aboud: Very secure door.
Michael Colton: They stopped for a break.
Jonathan Frakes: Thick door they established that early.
John Rogers: This, by the way- this is great. Not a lot of guys could land this joke. ‘The health inspector?’
Michael Colton: Was that in the script or was that?
Jonathan Frakes: That was on the day.
John Rogers: That was on the day, that was an improv, right?
Michael Colton: Yeah, Chris did a lot of improv in this scene. Entire fight was improvised.
John Rogers: And that was fun, too, is coming up with the- I remember ‘ok what’s- what’s from the 80s you can hit people with?’
Chris Downey: Oh that's great.
John Rogers: This is a great fight.
John Aboud: First take on that smash.
Chris Downey: Oh that's great.
Michael Colton: Oh I know, ‘they give trophies for chess’ was Christian’s.
John Rogers: That's right.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Rogers: Sorry mouthful of Irish whiskey.
Chris Downey: Yeah this is a great fight oh and the bowling trophy.
John Rogers: The bowling for chess. 
Jonathan Frakes: There’s no prop he doesn't flip!
Aldis Hodge: He flips everything.
Jonathan Frakes: Am I right?
Chris Downey: Or twirl.
Aldis Hodge: He’ll flip a table.
Jonathan Frakes: Never found a prop he couldn't twirl.
John Rogers: And that's interesting, because on the big screen, you cut from the dude sort of cracking his neck behind Christian, and it's a slam cut into two people kissing. For a second I'm like ‘what the hell? Wait what the hell is going on here? Oh alright.’
Jonathan Frakes: Here's something we've all looked forward to. The fox fight in the girls dressing room.
Michael Colton: Well that- when we were writing the high school show and we came up with this character we knew we had to have a girl fight in the locker room.
John Aboud: And where was that silencer?
Jonathan Frakes: Gina resisted, and then ended up saying, ‘When can I do this again?’
John Rogers: She loves fighting, you see.
Chris Downey: She does.
John Rogers: You're always worried you're going to get hurt fighting, but the stunt people know what the hell they're doing, everyone’s super safe and you wind up just having fun. And also that was a big thing, you know Sophie’s character is not a killer, she has to cheat.
Chris Downey: Oh and the shoes!
John Rogers: The shoes come off.
Jonathan Frakes: Now it's real. Boom.
Chris Downey: And there's another locked off comedy frame!
John Rogers: And then the cross.
Jonathan Frakes: Locked off comedy!
John Rogers: The cross cutting between the two fights was a lot of fun. And yeah, she could probably take her if she didn't have the fire extinguisher. It- Kari’s frustration in ‘what the hell are you talking about’ here is hilarious, actually.
Jonathan Frakes: These stunt doubles are quite good, this is intercut nicely.
John Rogers: Yup it is. And- 
Chris Downey: Oh and she uses a gun, look at that.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah, look at that.
Michael Colton: Yeah, but she missed.
John Rogers: Yeah that's the problem, silencers are really useless anywhere over 10 feet. She should've unscrewed it but by then she'd be gone. 
Jonathan Frakes: Woah, woah, woah. 
John Rogers: And this is a great- actually of the early episodes this season this was one of my sort of favorite sort of character twists is that Drake actually has an arc. 
John Aboud: Right.
John Rogers: You know no person is without redemption, including Drake. Oh yeah.
Aldis Hodge: And the taser!
John Rogers: And the taser. Again, crucial for the finale for us to plant it that soon.
John Aboud: Her weapon of choice for the season.
John Rogers: Yeah catering. We originally had her lowering from the ceiling, and then that was just crazy. Used the taser. Oh the hug, that's nice.
Jonathan Frakes: Oof.
John Rogers: Oh the- and then the double turn this, is this is dense. This one’s actually got a lot going on in this act.
Michael Colton: I have no idea what's happening now.
John Aboud: Truly lost.
John Rogers: Is this the fourth act? This is the fourth act
John Aboud: I think we're in act nine.
John Rogers: Yeah this is the fourth action act, and there's an awful lot of story going on here.
Chris Downey: Oh here we go. 
John Rogers: And what I kinda like here is where Arye Gross is playing not just angry, but hurt.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Rogers: It's like ‘I thought all my high school dreams had come true and now you're lying to me.’
Michael Colton: He's great in this. 
John Rogers: Genuinely never- can't go wrong with a shot down the gun.
Jonathan Frakes: Nope. Reliable.
John Rogers: Gonna react to it? Nope, just go to the reverse.
Jonathan Frakes: Go out number one.
Michael Colton: Bang.
Aldis Hodge: Commercial, people.
John Rogers: Remember, a guy pulling a gun for the act break is always better than a guy leaving with a gun. And now we do- what's sad is this was the plan. That's- when you think about it this is the most convoluted possible way to get this information in this guy’s head. I don't mean sad in a bad way, I mean this guy really just has no chance whatsoever. And yeah the mixture of like ‘I’m a villain’ and- this may be the saddest villain we’ve ever had.
Michael Colton: Well I was watching this with my sister, who said- this scene happened, she's like ‘oh I feel bad for him’ then he has a line about ‘cause you brutally beat the Iranian’ then she's like ‘oh now I don’t feel bad for him.’ It was the perfect-
Chris Downey: You're like, ‘Ooh I'm glad I put that in there.’
John Rogers: It's a little- it is sometimes a little funny that you know you realize television very much leads you through the emotions of the show. So it’s- you sorta feel like an idiot resetting the emotions as a writer but it’s important. You know you're in a contract with the viewer.
Jonathan Frakes: Well we’ve been in the school for two acts. 
John Rogers: Yeah.
Jonathan Frakes: Absolutely true. And the hacker getting hacked we've forgotten about that.
John Rogers: Yeah 42 minutes is- what is it, average American attention span is like 10 minutes? Which is why act length is probably just about right.
John Aboud: ‘Nice try fake Drake’.
Chris Downey: Fake Drake.
John Aboud: And he pointed out that that sounded a little like a Batman villain.
John Rogers: Fake Drake.
John Aboud: ‘Very well Fake Drake.’
John Rogers: The- and again, these are people- these are professional spies. These are people who are hired to take care of people like Eliot.
Aldis Hodge: So it's okay for them to get hurt.
John Rogers: So it's okay for them to get beat up.
John Aboud: For his arm to bend that way.
Aldis Hodge: Yeah we don't feel bad for him, no.
John Rogers: I love the ASCII art there. 
John Aboud: Yep, yep.
John Rogers: I love that he would go to the effort of making an ASCII manticore. Cause that's not easy. And you can't have an intern do that cause it's your secret logo.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: I think that probably took Derek all of five seconds. And then it even animates! It even animates when it dies.
John Rogers: x o x o x o yeah. Again, he would've had to do that. So at some point Arye Gross' character had to have gone, ‘What if somebody hacks this? I should put a death animation in just in case.’
Chris Downey: Yeah well you want to know that it's gone.
John Rogers: Yeah exactly. Made unaware.
Jonathan Frakes: This is the fifth Beatle, played strong in this show.
John Rogers: Yeah Derek Frederickson. And of course manticore based on various intercept methods that you can use. And that's kinda tricky is social media is both a tool of insurrection and makes you vulnerable. As soon as you network with other people it's a weakness.
John Aboud: We talked about Carnivore I think wasn’t that the-
John Rogers: Yes, that was the FBI one.
John Aboud: Was the decryption.
Chris Downey: Now how long did it take to ‘Badger 85’? ‘Cause you had to find ways to implant it.
Michael Colton: That- actually that was kind of fun because we had to figure out ways to use the word ‘badger’ or ‘85’.
John Aboud: For this.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Aboud: For this sequence.
Chris Downey: For the flashes.
Jonathan Frakes: There was a wonderful alliteration in this.
Chris Downey: ‘Five years’.
John Aboud: ‘Wasn't all bad-ger brain hold onto every detail’.
John Rogers: And there's the badger. You gotta remember that badger.
Aldis Hodge: AKA Beth.
Michael Colton: ‘I already ate, five months’.
John Rogers: I've had this dream so many times.
Michael Colton: ‘You hacked me?’
John Rogers: And now the meltdown. We don't really give them a gloat here, we don't really give them a gloat.
John Aboud: He pre-gloats.
Aldis Hodge: With the Fred Flinstone run out.
John Rogers: That’s a chess club run.
Chris Downey: He was in the chess club.
John Aboud: Schmitty.
Jonathan Frakes: Can’t believe we’re out of beer.
Chris Downey: ‘Out of beer!’
Jonathan Frakes: Never happened to Paul.
John Rogers: I don’t think that was a line, I think we just ran out of beer on set.
John Rogers: Oh Larry Duberman, millionaire, the stress has gotten to him, he's melting down. I'll take him away.
Jonathan Frakes: Here's where we toyed with having our favorite FBI guys in this.
Chris Downey: We almost did but the scheduling didn't work. But we tried to have-
Michael Colton: Yep.
John Rogers: Again always the pain but real humans are attached to these roles. They don't wait around for us.
Chris Downey: Taggert and McSweeten.
John Aboud: Doucherman!
Aldis Hodge: Doucherman.
John Aboud: So disappointed.
Chris Downey: Gave him a nice shot there.
John Aboud: So disappointed.
Jonathan Frakes: He's a friend, he gets a good close up.
John Rogers: That's good.
Jonathan Frakes: And this- I love this end. I love this.
Michael Colton: This is what the show started with.
John Rogers: We held onto this end for two years.
Michael Colton: This was all we had.
John Aboud: This is the image from which the episode sprung.
Michael Colton: From whence it sprang.
John Aboud: Yep.
John Rogers: Like the head of Zeus.
Aldis Hodge: It's a red party cup.
John Aboud: I love that shirt. I love that shirt. I do love that shirt.
Chris Downey: Is that what that is?
Aldis Hodge: Yup yup.
John Aboud: Red party cup.
Michael Colton: Which is a line-
Chris Downey: Oh I want that.
Jonathan Frakes: And he gives it up to. This actor gives it up again.
John Rogers: Yeah, well didn't we put cayenne pepper in his eyes?
Jonathan Frakes: No we did not.
John Rogers: Oh we don't do that anymore? Alright. No he was-
Aldis Hodge: It's how we motivate our actors. They go hard.
John Rogers: Absolutely fantastic work. 
John Aboud: I made him cry.
Aldis Hodge: It’s cause you called him fat right before you shot it.
John Rogers: That's a big part of the show by the way, the victim isn't just pathetic.
John Aboud: It was the insults that did it.
John Rogers: That was a spinoff, too, we talked about - Mandy and Schmitty.
John Aboud: Mandy/Schmitty.
John Rogers: Unwittingly getting involved in cons.
Michael Colton: Schmitheads.
Jonathan Frakes: Mandy was thrilled to get to play a girl with big boobs cause she had just had a baby, so she never had boobs like this before. So she was thrilled to be asked-
Chris Downey: I'm sure she can enjoy hearing that on this.
Jonathan Frakes: Lana[?] told me this for sure.
Michael Colton: They look wonderful.
John Rogers: The- and this was fun. The whole idea that they were so convincing at the con and so charming-
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah that they become-
John Rogers: You could've done an entire subplot like that. 
Chris Downey: Oh look at that.
John Rogers: I think that's you  know that's a good day for Schmitty, he really lost track of his friends, and he's just happy to know Drake’s doing okay.
Jonathan Frakes: And you can't miss the beer bowl, John Hughes. Thank you very much.
John Rogers: No he- and this is Joe LoDuca giving us- and we originally wanted words and then he gave us the melody as a sample before he put the words on and realized we don't want words.
Chris Downey: No, yeah, that's perfect.
John Rogers: This is perfect. This sounds exactly like an 80s tune.
Aldis Hodge: Now which one of your guys' high school dreams is this, here?
John Rogers: Dancing with Gina Bellman?
Michael Colton: Dancing with Tim Hutton?
Aldis Hodge: Becoming prom king after like 85 years.
Jonathan Frakes: I love the callback to these two characters, in these costumes, in this place. I think this is lovely, actually.
Michael Colton: Magical.
John Rogers: This is fantastic. This is one of my favorite endings. It really is.
Aldis Hodge: Bit of redemption for what they’ve gone through.
Jonathan Frakes: No, but it’s in front of all these people. Their pasts-
John Rogers: Yeah, and she's not gonna tell him the name, but she's-
Chris Downey: And high school reunions like we said are full of, like, emotion. I mean it's just that’s what's- it kinda takes you back so it’s-
John Aboud: Well and of course what we liked was that Parker never experienced this stuff. So to her it's an alien world and by the end-
Chris Downey: And here's the shot.
John Aboud: This is it.
Jonathan Frakes: Well the metaphor of her feet being off the ground. Here we go bring it on.
Aldis Hodge: Yup.
Michael Colton: Oh yeah.
John Rogers: Yeah, just never actually touching the ground.
Aldis Hodge: I'm just that strong, I'm holding her up.
Chris Downey: That is great.
Aldis Hodge: Oh yeah.
Chris Downey: And of course look! The one who- the one guy who didn't get to have any fun.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I don't get to go.’
John Rogers: ‘Did anybody ask if Eliot's okay? Is Eliot alive?’
Jonathan Frakes: Sorry buddy.
John Rogers: Pissed off Christian is a funny Christian. And then pan up and then find both of them. Oh I love this shot.
Jonathan Frakes: Excellent use of the crane.
John Rogers: This is kind of the whole reason to do- yeah. And-
John Aboud: Fan favorite, gonna call it.
John Rogers: Fan favorite, yep.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: Calling it yeah.
Chris Downey: Both of your episodes guys have endings of real-
Michael Colton: The rest of them are shit, but the endings really land.
Chris Downey: But I'm saying-
Michael Colton: Stick the landing.
John Rogers: Gotta hold on for the ending of Colton and Aboud episode.
Chris Downey: I’m trying to pay you a compliment!
Jonathan Frakes: Makes you wanna put in another DVD doesn't it?
John Rogers: Yes, yes, you should go-
Jonathan Frakes: Let’s watch another episode!
John Rogers: You should go watch another episode right now.
Jonathan Frakes: Go run to the fridge, get some stuff, put another one in.
John Rogers: Get some stuff. If you're pantless that's cool we’re pantless.
Michael Colton: You’re saying for douchbags to go hard.
Aldis Hodge: If Hardison-
Michael Colton: We wrote two endings-
John Aboud: Fake it- we fake it well.
Michael Colton: That are actually heartwarming.
Chris Downey: Very heartwarming.
John Rogers: Well you were given one of them.
Jonathan Frakes: Thanks for watching.
Aldis Hodge: Peace people.
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softomi · 4 years
And The Best Boyfriend Award Goes To....
Nominee One: Suna Rintarou
Dreadful, that’s how you felt. You moved slowly, you slumped into your seat, you groaned. Your boyfriend wasn’t even paying attention to you. He was simply resting on his desk, head buried in his arms but you knew that he was listening. He just always liked to pretend like he couldn’t hear your whining. 
“I don’t want to be here! Babe.” You’re calling to him. 
He finally looked at you, “What’s wrong?” He still rested his head on his arms, you were following his actions. Your head resting on the desk as you looked at your boyfriend; wishing for once he could give you some sympathy.
You were pouting, “Mother nature visited me.” It was short, sweet, one of the closest ways you could address your period without actually saying it. 
“Well, what’d she say?” You almost throw your stuff at him; only he would ever ask a question like this. 
“She said I’m not pregnant.” A sigh escaped your mouth, sure this was supposed to be good news for him and you but it’s not fun when you’re the only one suffering. 
“Well.” He quirks a brow at you, “Isn’t that a good thing?” He thinks he’s funny but he wasn’t to you. 
You turn your head to look away from him, a groan on your lips, “Ugh, you’re the worst boyfriend ever. I’m dating a robot.” 
You were talking with some of your girl friends, some were also going through their own time of the month and could empathize with you. They ranted on how their own boyfriends were just as bad as yours; perhaps some of the others were just a tad bit worse. 
“Ow.” A chocolate bar bounces off your head, landing right in front of you. When you turn, you see your boyfriend standing with his hand in his pockets, “What was that for?” 
“Stop telling everyone I’m the worst boyfriend.” He hands you another chocolate bar but this time it’s one filled with almonds. He pats your head, one of the only actions he’d actually do in front of people. He walks away as he hears the group of girls coo, a blush on his cheeks when he hears you flaunting your boyfriend.
You’re smiling, taking bits of the chocolate to eat as your friends whine about jealousy. That’s how it started. 
Nominee Two: Miya Atsumu
He had just heard about what Suna did, he felt betrayed. Now he had to go above and beyond for you; you who was mad at him because when you snapped at him accidentally, he told you to chill because you were on your period. He was thinking, he was wondering,  just what beats chocolates?
“My love.” He was trying to butter you up with his sweet words, “I’m sorry.” 
You hum, “You heard about Suna didn’t you?” You shrug his hand from your arm, “Don’t try and include me in your dick measuring contest. You’re still the worst.” 
You ignored him for the rest of the school day, even during lunch when he tried to pick at your food, you swatted his hand away. He was practically pouting the entire day, shooting daggers at Suna who had his partner snuggled right up to him. He missed your hugs. 
“It’s Atsumu.” Osamu had burst into your club meeting, sweat trailing down his forehead, calling you for an emergency. 
You rushed behind the male as you two made it to the gym; Atsumu was on the ground, holding a hand to his chest as you came to his side. You were panicking, “Tsumu, are you okay? What’s wrong?” 
“I can’t.” He’s coughing until suddenly he stopped, his hand gripping the back of your neck as he pulled you down to meet his lips, “I can’t live without your kiss.” 
Needless to say, you slapped him across the face; storming out of the gymnasium as he ran behind you. You were on the verge of tears when he pulled you to look at him. 
“You’re the absolute worst, do you know that.” You hit his chest, “I thought you were actually hurt.” 
“But you’re talking to me now.” He’s smiling, “Look, I got you this.” He’s pulling a rose out from behind him, “It’s a secret though, I snagged it from the garden club’s rose bushes. They banned me after the last time I stole their tulips for you.” He watches your eyes soften with the rose, “Am I forgiven? Am I the best boyfriend now?”
You take the rose from him, “Fine, but as consequence, you need to snap a video of you buying pads, chocolates, and flowers to all the members of the volleyball club.” 
Nominee Three: Miya Osamu 
Club activities weren’t over but you watched as Atsumu and his girlfriend reconciled out in the courtyard. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t jealous, you had heard about his stupid plan from your own boyfriend. You didn’t think she would actually fall for that; but as your own boyfriend approached you in the hall, you told yourself you weren’t going to fall for his sweetness. 
“Hey, don’t walk away from me.” Osamu follows behind you, “You still mad?” 
“I don’t know, are you still stupid?” Yes, you were still angered and annoyed. He invited you to go swimming over the weekend but when you told him you were on your period, he told you to just hold it in. It wasn't the dumbest thing he’s ever said to you but the fact was that he wasn’t considerate enough when you tried to explain that girls just can’t hold it in; instead he high fived his bros as if it was a joke. 
“How many times are you gonna make me say sorry?” He’s still following you. 
You don’t even look back at him, “The fact that you have to ask means that it hasn’t been enough.” 
He’s sighing, “What do you want? Flowers? Chocolates? A giant teddy bear? I’ll rob Atsumu for you.” 
You were so close, so close to cracking a smile but you kept your composure; turning to him abruptly. For a second he thinks you’ll come running into his arms; heck, he’s even got his arms out ready for you. 
“Go out into the courtyard, profess your undying love for me.” You coldly turn away. 
You knew he wouldn’t do it, he was too reserved to be shouting professions of love out in the open for everyone to hear. Even when he confessed his feelings for you, he hid you between the corners of the library; handing you a love letter before scampering off shyly. But you didn’t know the extent his feelings of love reached, you didn’t know that he would literally do anything for you. 
“Hey.” Your friend came running into the classroom, a large grin and giggle on her face, “There’s a crazy person out in the courtyard.” She looks at you, “He kind of looks like your boyfriend.” 
Your heart drops, you’re running to the windows, opening them to see him proudly standing in the middle of the courtyard with a megaphone, “Can you hear me?” 
Students have now gathered from all the windows, the crowd answers a screeching ‘yes’ to him. 
“I love my girlfriend y/n.” He looks straight at you. 
You’re blushing profoundly as he opens his mouth once more, a teacher comes running out of the building. Students are laughing as he’s being scolded by the teacher. You meet him when he comes out of the office, your hand tucked behind your back. 
“You’re stupid.” You say to him, draping his arm over your shoulder. He puts a tight hold on you. 
“For you I am.” He kisses your hair.
The Winner: Kita Shinsuke 
Ah, young love. It made you want to laugh, the way the second years were running around the school trying to cease their lover’s anger. It also made you smile, the way your own boyfriend was bending backwards for his younger friends. The three stooges had all come to you one by one; of the three, Suna was definitely the only one who listened. 
“Where’s Kita?” 
One of your friends had come to visit you in the gymnasium, you looked up, the pencil in your hand tapped against your chin, “I think he’s at the office, Osamu got in trouble.” 
“Typical of the second years.” Your friend mutters before she bids you a farewell. 
It wasn’t long until he showed up, slight annoyance on his expression, “Sorry.” 
You’re leaning forward, a grin on your lips, “No need. What happened with Osamu?” 
Kita frowns, “He has to do a week of clean up duty after school, meaning we’ll be down a hitter for our practice match Friday.” He’s about to return to practice when he suddenly remembers, “Oh, here, I accidentally activated it on the way here.” 
You take the small heat pack from him, the warmth taking over your palm, “What’s this for?” 
“Your cramps.” He drapes his jacket over you, “If you put it in the pocket, you can use it to apply heat on where it hurts the most.” 
You were blushing, your lips suddenly in a pout, “How perfect are you.” You’re opening your arms for him, inviting him for a hug to which he can’t refuse. You press a kiss onto his cheek, “Best boyfriend indeed.” 
It’s the one time you’ll see his face go red, it’s as if he’s buffering for a second before going back to his normal stature. Composed, poised, and calm; he turns back to the team. His hands on his hips as he starts to give a lecture on how significant others shouldn’t be distracting the players from the game. 
“But.” Suna raises a hand, “How come your girlfriend can come to our practice and ours can’t?” 
Kita freezes, as the team looks back on you; your attempting to hide the growing smile on your face. He was definitely caught; it was true, technically you weren’t supposed to be in the gym. 
The captain coughs, “She’s our unofficial manager, so she’s allowed to be here.” 
“If that’s the case, my girlfriend’s the unofficial manager too.” The men snicker at the comment thrown into the crowd but their laughs suddenly cease when Kita steps forward. 
“Ten laps around the school yard, everyone, now.” 
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yesmooshoe · 4 years
6) (i) from the AU list for ironhusbands? 👀💖
You’ve got a date tonight and you asked for advice on what to wear but I’m so in love with you and damn you look good in the outfit I picked out for you.
“Rhodey Rhodey Rhodey! I need help!” Tony cried out as he burst through the front door of their drafty apartment.
Rhodey’s head shot up to look at him, but he didn’t move from the nest he’d created on their couch. He was wrapped in several blankets with a few large stacks of books and notebooks surrounding him. Mid-Terms started next week, and he had a lot of material to get through.
As Tony stumbled over some of Rhodey’s books on his way into the living room, he finally noticed all of the shopping bags that Tony was carrying.
“Did you get a haircut?” Rhodey asked, seeing that his friend’s usually unkempt hair was freshly trimmed and styled.
“Yeah, and I got a bunch of new clothes. I have a date! An actual date! And all of my clothes are trash and I’ve got no idea what to wear so I went to the mall and just like bought everything that looked cool because I just really want her to think I’m cool.” Tony rambled as he dropped the bags to the floor and started tearing through them.
“Wait, hold up. You have a what?”
“A date!” Tony said with a big smile.
“With who?” Rhodey asked as he closed his book, realizing that this was going to be a thing. Tony didn’t date. If he wasn’t at the apartment he was either at class or in the robotics lab, and he didn’t really have any other friends.
Until this year, at least. Tony was 17 and finally the same age as some of his fellow classmates, so Rhodey had noticed him being a bit more social. Still, Rhodey felt very protective, and while he’d never admit it out loud, he kind of missed having Tony all to himself.
“Uh, Amy Lin? She’s a freshman! And she’s on the robotics team and she’s just super cool and smart and we were sitting outside today and she was like 'hey do you want to go out sometime?' and I was like 'what do you mean, we're already outside.' and then she laughed and was like 'no like...go out. On a date.' and I just felt like such an idiot and I didn't know what to say but eventually I managed to say yes I think and well now we're going on a date! And I have no idea what to wear, you gotta help me. Everything I own is ripped or has burn holes from welding or is covered in grease and who knows what else and I just want to look good."
Rhodey resisted the urge to tell him that he'd look good in a paper bag, and did his best to swallow his own jealousy before he started helping him look through the bags.
The crush on Tony was very new. 
Two years ago Tony had just been this quiet, nerdy kid who didn't know how to do his own laundry and was afraid of his own shadow. This year though? This year he was just different. Over the Summer he'd grown a few more inches, gotten his braces off, discovered contact lenses, and overall just came off as more mature and confident. Rhodey's jaw had literally dropped when he saw him for the first time at the beginning of the semester, and ever since then he'd been struggling with a lot of feelings.
"Uhh, ok. Well first of all, where are you going?" Rhodey asked as he pulled out item after item, which ranged from a leather jacket to a tuxedo, so he wasn't sure what the vibe was going to be.
Rhodey just laughed. "You bought a brand new tuxedo to go bowling? Is that what you rich white people do?"
"I...I mean, I don't know. She mentioned maybe getting dinner at one point and I think I just panicked like what if she wanted to go somewhere fancy instead of bowling and all of a sudden and I just started grabbing everything I could possibly need." Tony explained, sounding a bit exasperated.
"Dude, take a deep breath. It's going to be ok."
"I know I just...I want to do everything right. I want her to like me, ya know?"
"She will! She already does. She asked you out, didn't she?"
"Yeah but...I don't know. I don't know what to do. I'm just not used to this. People liking me. I’ve always been so much younger than everyone at school and no one ever talked to me and I always just feel like I missed out on learning how to be a normal teenager. I don’t know how to date." Tony admitted, being way more candid about his feelings than Rhodey was used to.
"You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Just go out and have fun. Be yourself."
"I’m just afraid she’s going to see what a huge nerd I am and change her mind."
“You guys are on the robotics team. You’re both nerds. It’ll be fine.
“I just - 
“Tony.” Rhodey Interrupted. He hated when Tony got like this, and something in him just snapped. “Stop being so down on yourself. You’re funny and smart and sweet and you tell great stories and you’re so enthusiastic about your work and about learning new things so that you can change the world. You’re incredible. And I’m sorry that no one in your life has ever told you that before, but it’s all true and if she sees what I see then...then she’ll love you, ok?”
Tony was just staring at him like a deer in headlights, and Rhodey immediately knew that he’d said way too much. He just hated when Tony got like this, and he wanted him to just see how great he actually was. 
“Rhodey I…” Tony started, clearly unsure of what to say in response to that, and Rhodey’s stomach just dropped. Had he completely fucked this up? Had he made everything weird? There was nothing weird about telling your friend that you love him, right? Even if you did happen to have a huge crush on that friend? 
They were both silent for what felt like forever, though in reality it was only a few seconds.
“You’ll be fine. Anyway. So when is this date?”
Tony glanced down at his watch. “I’m supposed to meet her in 45 minutes.”
“Well, then we’d better get to work.” Rhodey said as he stood up and grabbed an armload of clothes.
They made quick work of it, just putting Tony in jeans, a red t-shirt, the leather jacket, and a fresh pair of Chuck Taylors. They were a little quiet at first, but soon they found their way back to the joking and teasing they were used to. As Tony stood in the hallway trying to fix his hair the way the lady at the hair salon had told him too, Rhodey just stood back and admired his work. There was nothing spectacular about the clothes, but they were new and clean and fit him well. And the leather jacket was driving Rhodey crazy. As he watched Tony from behind, he wanted nothing more than to grab him, pin him against the wall, and have his way with him.
There were a million reasons why he shouldn’t do that, especially since he was literally about to leave to go on a date with someone else. With a girl.
“How do I look?” Tony asked, spinning around and giving him a big smile.
“Great.” Rhodey replied simply, resisting the urge to say hot. He didn’t want to make anything else weird.
Tony seemed unsure, but looked at his watch again and took a deep breath. “Right. Well, I gotta go. Thank you. For everything. Don’t study too hard, all right?” He said with a little smile before taking one more look at himself in the mirror and then heading out.
Rhodey tried to focus on studying after that, but he just couldn’t. He was jealous, he was embarrassed, and most of all he was horny. He took care of the latter problem a few minutes after Tony left, but after that he just laid on his bed and started at a crack in the ceiling while a million thoughts raced through his head.
This crush on Tony was stupid. Tony obviously wasn’t gay, right? And being gay in the Air Force sounded like a not-so-great idea anyway, so Rhodey really had to work on resisting these crushes if he ever wanted the chance to fly. Still, he couldn’t get that image of Tony in the leather jacket out of his mind, nor could he get over how jealous he felt. 
He figured that the best way to get over it was to distract himself, so he got up, took a cold shower, ate some dinner, and settled in back on the couch to watch TV and wait for Tony to get home. Despite the jealousy, he wanted to hear about the date and how it went. He just wanted Tony to be happy, and if dating Amy made him happy, then he’d do his best to be enthusiastic about it. At least on the surface.
Not long after Rhodey settled on the couch Tony came home and immediately plopped down next to him.
“Hey, you’re home early. How’d it go?” Rhodey asked, genuinely shocked that he was home. It hadn’t even been two hours, and he was just glad that he hadn’t decided to jerk off again.
“Yeah, it was fine. I mean, I had fun. We bowled and had some pizza and then sketched up an idea on a napkin for a bowling robot that we might try to build next week.” Tony said as he stared at the floor while fidgeting around with his zipper. “And then like, we were in the arcade part. Playing pinball. And she kissed me.”
“Well hey! That’s good, right?”
“I don’t know. It was weird. I mean, I’ve never kissed anyone before so I’ve not got much to compare it too. But like, it was like kissing my sister. If I had a sister, I guess. I don’t know. Just didn’t do much for me.” Tony admitted quietly, and Rhodey had no idea how to respond to that. Luckily, Tony kept talking. “And then it was a little awkward and she said that she didn’t feel like bowling anymore so we turned in our shoes and then she said that she thought that maybe we should just be friends.”
“Oh. Well shit, that sucks man, I’m sorry. But this is only your first date, there are plenty of other girls out there! There’s even at least 1 more on the robotics team, right? I’m sure you’ll find someone that makes you feel that spark.” Rhodey said as he put his hand on Tony’s shoulder. He just didn’t want him getting too down on himself.
Tony just looked up at him and smiled, and it was a look that Rhodey would have to file away to use later. “Thanks. Yeah, it’s fine. She still wants to be friends, so that’s good. Friends are good. I’m gonna go change, ok?”
Tony stood up to head to his room, but then stopped and hesitated for a moment.
“Tony? You all right?” Rhodey asked as Tony turned to look at him. He was quiet for a moment, like he was searching for what to say.
“Are you doing anything Friday night?” Tony finally asked.
“No.” Rhodey answered, confused.
“Do you - would you be interested in like - going out?”
“W-what?” Rhodey stuttered out as his heart started pounding. This wasn’t actually happening, was it?
“Go out? Like...on a date? I guess? Unless I read that whole situation earlier wrong.”
“I…” Rhodey just trailed off, completely taken by surprise by all of this. “Um. A date?”
“Oh. Uh...ok. Yeah. We can do that, if you’re sure.”
Tony nodded. “I’m sure. Been thinking about it all night.”
“Ok, so. It’s a date, yeah? Dinner? Movie? I don’t know, that’s what people do, right?” Tony said as he shoved his hands deep into his jacket pockets.
“We’ll figure something out.”
Tony nodded again and turned to head to his room.
“Hey, Tony?” Rhodey called out after him, causing Tony to stop and turn to him. “Whatever we do, promise me you’ll wear the leather jacket.” Rhodey said with a confident little smile, finally regaining a bit of composure.
A huge grin spread across Tony’s face, like he was finally relaxing too. “All right.”
Rhodey was terrified, but also so excited that he couldn’t imagine focusing on his notes anymore. After Tony disappeared Rhodey ran straight to his room and to his closet, desperately looking through all of his clothing. Nothing seemed good enough, so he figured he’d have to take a trip to the mall himself tomorrow. He wasn’t sure he could look as good as Tony did in the leather, but he could certainly try.
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Wedding Date - Seokjin
"I still can't believe I agreed to do this," your best friend Kim Seokjin said from the bedroom next to you.
You chuckled as you carefully applied your second layer of mascara in the bathroom mirror.
"Mmmm have I told you how much I loooove you, Seokjinnie?" you cooed, popping your head out from the doorway to flash him a big smile.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes but smiled.
 "I'm going to need to hear it way more, you know! You owe me big time!"
He turned his body toward you as he pulled his navy blue suit jacket on over top his crisp white button down shirt.
 "So how do I look?" he asked, putting his long fingers out in a heart shape accompanied by a sexy stare.
 "Classic Worldwide Handsome," you replied.
He gave you a wink.
 "Yah! That is what they call me!"
You laughed and looked back in the mirror.
 "Seriously though, Jin, you look really, really good."
You were glad you had turned back to the mirror so he couldn't see your cheeks turn red. The sight of him in a perfectly fitting suit with his dark hair pushed back from his eyes and forehead which showed his beautifully structured face made your heart flutter.
 "Thanks, y/n. I've gotta look good if I'm going to be your pretend boyfriend, you know?"
You shuffled nervously, wondering if this was a good idea after all.
He poked his head around the doorway to look at you.
 "How much longer until you're ready?"
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
 "Umm probably about 10 more minutes. Just have to finish my make up and put my dress on."
Jin nodded.
 "Okay. I'll be in the living room when you're ready."
You sighed and made your way to your closet after you were finished with your make up. You stared at the dresses before you and wondered if it was too late to back out.
 One of your friends from high school was getting married, and after hearing that almost all your other friends from back then were bringing plus ones, the stress of not having one got to you. So you reluctantly asked your best friend Jin, figuring he would say no, or that he had a full schedule that day. He was in one of the world's most popular boy bands after all. But, to your surprise, he was free this day and he said yes with almost no hesitation. It made you smile, how kind he was. He was a great friend.
In fact, it was small gestures like this that made you finally realize your true feelings for him. He was a wonderful person, and the two of you always had a great time laughing with each other. You would never tell him how you truly felt about him though, as you were afraid it would ruin your friendship. Plus, you were pretty sure he didn't feel the same way considering how many girls he has to choose from. Why would he choose you? It hurt your heart, but it was worth it to keep him in your life.
Eventually you chose a long, pink and floral dress made of chiffon, with fluttering short sleeves. Perfect for the Spring time. It had bits of blue in it, too, so it matched Jin's outfit well. You slipped on some nude sandals with heels and grabbed a clutch purse from the top shelf.
  You took one last look at yourself in the full length mirror and actually smiled. Your hair fell nicely around your shoulders and your make up was done but still showed your natural face nicely. You felt confident and ready.
 "Ok, sorry, I'm ready," you said, walking into the living room to find Jin sitting on the couch looking at his phone.
He stood up and put his phone in the pocket of his pants. When he finally looked at you his jaw dropped.
 "Whoa..." he mumbled.
It made you intensely blush and your heart speed up.
He shook himself out of his trance and got a big grin on his face. Suddenly he started humming the chorus to his band BTS' song "Like" and snapping his fingers while stepping towards you.
 "Ohhhh pretty woman... don't wanna be fool, wanna be cool, wanna be loved, 너와의, same looove... Baby I want it"
You pushed him away by his chest, trying to play off how embarrassed and flustered you were. He laughed at himself while you rolled your eyes.
 "Oh my god, let's just go, Jinnie."
You arrived at the venue just as the ceremony was starting, so you didn't have time to greet anyone. It was outside in a park next to the Han River. It was a beautiful late afternoon in mid-Spring, the sun was shining, flowers had finally made their appearance after the long winter, and the trees were covered in lush green leaves again.
The ceremony was simple, sweet and short. Once it was over everyone headed to the patio overlooking the river where the reception was going to take place. A large tent was set up for some shade, tables and chairs, a buffet line and a dance floor. Everything was covered in white flowers and elegant decorations.
 "I guess we should find out where we're sitting," you said to Jin, and he nodded in response.
He took your hand in his, which completely caught you off guard. You looked down at your interlaced fingers in shock.
 "We have to at least hold hands, (y/n), if we're meant to be convincing," Jin stated matter-of-factly.
You gulped and nodded in agreement, getting flustered from the feeling of his strong hand holding yours tightly.
The two of you walked to the table under the tent where the place card settings were, informing the guests of which table they were assigned to. While searching for your name, you heard a shriek behind you.
 "(y/n)!? Oh my god, is that you??"
You turned around to see one of your old friends, (y/f/n), coming towards you with outstretched arms.
You smiled politely and returned the hug.
 "Hi, (y/f/n), it's good to see you."
She smiled and turned towards Jin.
 "And who is this handsome man standing next to you?"
Jin stuck his hand out to shake hers.
 "I'm Kim Seokjin, (y/n)'s boyfriend." He wrapped his long arm around the back of your waist as he said that, pulling you closer to him.
 "Boyfriend? Wow, (y/n), you certainly reached out of your league, huh?" She laughed to herself.
You winced at the comment but brushed it off. Jin, however, couldn't let it go so easily.
 "She reached out of her league? No, no, I think it's quite the opposite. Look at her! She's gorgeous! And kind, and smart and funny. You're definitely wrong there."
Anyone who didn't know Jin would think the tone in his response was light-hearted, but being his best friend you could sense the annoyance and anger that was really there.
 "Did you come with anyone?" You asked, changing the subject quickly.
Her face lit up.
 "Yes! I got married last year. My husband, Park Ji-ho, is over there," she pointed to a man standing at the edge of the tent, "He's wonderful, let me get him."
She called his name and waved him over to introduce him to you.
  "Ji-ho, this is (y/n) and Seokjin. I knew her in high school."
He bowed at the two of you and shook you hands. When he looked at Jin he paused.
  "You look... familiar," he said quizzically.
You and Jin exchanged looks. You shuffled nervously.
Ji-ho's face lit up.
  "Wait, I've seen you on the walls in my little sister's room! And on the tv! Aren't you an idol? You're in a group, right?" he suddenly recalled.
Jin gave him a small smile and nodded his head.
 "Yes, 방탄소년단, or BTS."
(y/f/n) gasped.
 "That's right! I knew I recognized you, too! You're a member of BTS!" she exclaimed with wide eyes, "Wow, (y/n) really did reach out of her league."
She turned to her husband and chuckled.
Jin's grip on your hand got tighter in anger, turning his knuckles white.
 "Well, it was nice to meet you both. We're going to our table now." He said shortly, urgently pulling you away with him.
Once you were out of hearing distance from the couple Jin asked you,
 "(y/n) you were actually friends with that girl? She's awful. Who says things like that?"
You shrugged and sighed.
  "We weren't that good of friends, just in the same group. She always has had that... interesting sense of humor."
He scoffed.
 "Interesting? I'd say it's more mean than anything."
You gave him an I-told-you-so look.
  "You see now why I so desperately wanted you to come with me, Jinnie-ah? Imagine the things she would have said if I had shown up alone."
He rolled his eyes.
Just then his phone let out a loud vibration from his pocket. He glanced down at it and rejected the call.
 "So you wanna get some food? I'm starving," he asked, shoving it back in his pocket.
You chuckled.
 "Of course you are. Let's go."
The two of you ate from the buffet, chatted with the bride and groom at your table for a little bit and listened to the live band perform songs. By then the sun had set and the whole venue was lit by the soft yellow glow of string lights stretching across the tent ceiling and out to the patio.
 "So when are we going to dance, (y/n)?" Jin asked after a while with a huge grin on his face. He took the last sip of his beer.
 You raised you eyebrows and shook your head.
 "Oh no no no, I am not getting on that dance floor with you Kim Seokjin."
Jin stood up and started walking backwards towards the floor.
  "Come oonnnnn (y/n)-ah," he pleaded in his endearing whiny voice, "If you don't come with me, I'll go alone and dance like this."
He started flailing his long arms up in the air and shaking his whole body back and forth.
  "Wooooo! Weeee! Woooooooo!" he exclaimed with his motions, causing some people from a nearby table to stare and giggle.
 "Ok, ok, I'm coming, I'm coming," you laughed and rolled your eyes, "Just please don't do that."
He smiled widely at you and took you by the hand out to the dance floor.
It was an upbeat song, and the two of you swayed back and forth in front of each other to the beat. Jin also added in some classic moves, like the sprinkler and the robot. He looked ridiculous and it made you laugh. He seemed so confident and happy, which made you forget to feel embarrassed.
  "Isn't dancing part of your job description??" you yelled to him jokingly over the music.
He continued to wave his arms in the air.
  "Doesn't mean I do it well!" he responded, grabbing your hand and twirling you under it.
You threw your head back and laughed. You were finding yourself having a surprisingly good time, despite originally being nervous to come.
The song ended and then a slow one began to play.
  "Grab onto the person who makes your heart flutter, this one is for the two of you," the lead singer of the band announced.
You and Jin looked at each other shyly. He hesitated, but gave you an adorable small smile. You felt butterflies in your stomach and you looked at the ground awkwardly. Jin didn't notice, he just stepped toward you and put one hand on your waist and the other in yours.
  You moved back and forth together, staring into his dark brown eyes and handsome face. It made you sad almost, how strong your feelings truly were and the fact that you knew he would never be yours. But you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your mind and told yourself to focus on the present.
 "I really do appreciate you coming with me today, Jinnie." you said softly, "You're a really great friend."
He blinked slowly at you in adoration.
  "Of course, you know I'd do anything for you, (y/n)-ah."
Suddenly his phone started vibrating again. He let go of your hand to remove it from his pocket and again hit the reject button. Then he scrolled through a few things.
  "Is everything okay?" you asked curiously.
Jin looked up from the phone at you.
 "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm going to turn it off."
You shook your head in protest.
  "No, don't do that. What if the members need you?" you paused, "Wait, is that who's calling you?"
Jin looked down and scratched the back of his head.
  "Jin, you can answer the phone it if it's important, it's okay." you reassured him.
He shook his head.
  "It's not... really that important, it's fine."
He doesn't look at you, which means you can tell he's lying.
You grabbed his arm gently.
He finally looks at you and squeezes his eyes shut in shame.
  "Aiishhh, we were supposed to go over some choreography changes and they want to Facetime me so I can see."
  "Seokjin!" You exclaimed.
Couples around you glared at your sudden loudness.
You dragged Jin off the dance floor and sat him back at the table.
  "You told me you didn't have any work to do today!"
He buried his face in his hands.
  "I know, I know, but skipping one practice will be okay... I think."
You shook your head in disbelief.
  "Oh my gosh, I wouldn't have asked you or let you come if I had known! Why Jin-ah, why did you come with me when you had work?"
You studied his embarrassed red face. He looked nervous.
 "I-I don't know... I guess I just wanted to be there for you."
Your stomach twisted at those words, but you ignored it.
Instead you sighed and looked down at your hands.
  "Well they clearly need you there. So let's get you to them."
You stood up. Jin did too but he grabbed your wrist.
  "We don't have to go, I'm having fun. Let me just call them back really quick. It will be fast, I promise."
  "You sure? I don't want you getting in trouble or the other members getting upset with you..." you worried.
Jin smiled reassuringly.
 "I'm sure. I'll be right back."
And with that he pulled out his phone and walked out of the tent towards the illuminated patio.
You sighed again and slumped back in your chair, twirling the stem of your wine glass between your fingers. You couldn't believe Jin would skip a dance practice to be your date to a stupid wedding. You felt horrible for asking. Why would he do that anyway? The other 6 members were his everything. His job was his everything. His love for entertaining was his everything. As far as you knew, all these things meant so much more to him than being your date to a wedding you didn't even really want to come to.
  "Excuse me, young lady," an old woman with glasses and white hair had come up to your table, interrupting your thoughts, "I just wanted to say what a beautiful couple the two of you make."
She gestured towards where Jin had retreated to make his call.
You felt your face get hot and you chuckled lightly.
  "Oh... well thank you."
She continued,
  "You can tell how in love with you he is just by the way he looks at you."
Your heart thumped in your chest and you put your hands up in protest.
 "Oh, no, no, I don't quite think he feels-"
She interrupted you.
  "Honey, I've been married 54 years... I know a thing or two about being in love. You looked very happy out there, and so did he, especially when he made you laugh. Keep him close, dear, he's a special one. And he obviously adores you."
Before you could protest again, she smiled and gave you a wink before walking away.
She could tell by the way he looked at you? You chuckled to yourself. Clearly she needed a new glasses prescription. You shook her comments off and exited the tent to find Jin before she could come back and fill your head with more wishful thoughts.
You found him alone leaning over the railing, looking out across the river, the city lights of Seoul visible in the distance. You walked up to him and crossed your arms on the railing next to him.
  "Hey." you said, noticing he was no longer on the phone.
He turned from the river view and looked at you. The string lights gave his pale face a warm tanned glow. He looked almost angelic.
You stared back at the river and fiddled with your hands.
  "How were the members?"
He shrugged.
  "They're good. They just wanted to make sure I was okay with the changes. I told them I am and promised I'd be there with them tomorrow."
  "And they weren't upset with your absence?" you questioned.
He shook his head.
  "Not at all, they understand."
You smiled.
   "Well that's good. They're really great people. You're lucky."
Jin hummed in agreement.
There was a pause when you suddenly realized how chilly it had gotten. Outside the tent and adjacent to the river felt a good 10 degrees colder. You shivered and rubbed your arms.
  "You're cold? Here."
Jin removed his suit jacket and placed it gently around your shoulders. It was warm and smelled like him; an instant comfort.
  "Wow, classic move giving me your jacket," you teased, nudging your shoulder against his, "you're such a gentleman."
He shrugged and chuckled, showing his perfect teeth and adorable eye wrinkles.
  "I try my best."
You looped your arm in his tightly and rested your head on his upper arm.
  "Mmm you're a great pretend boyfriend, Jinnie."
You sighed in content and looked out over the water again, the moon reflecting on it's surface, a cool spring breeze blowing across your face.
  "What if... we didn't pretend?" he suddenly whispered softly.
You felt your heart stop. Had you misheard him?
You took your arm out from his and turned to face him. He was studying your face intensely. His was serious, a rare sight.
 "What?" you managed to squeak out.
He shifted his body so it faced yours. There was hope and determination in his eyes. But also fear. You could feel your heart beat in your ears.
  "I-I," he shut his eyes in hesitation, "I have feelings for you, (y/n). I have for a long time now. I didn't know how to tell you, or if you even felt the same way. You're always referring to me as your friend so I was afraid to tell you... and I didn't, I don't want to ruin our friendship. You are so important to me and I guess somehow I was hoping coming with you here tonight would make you see that, and give me an opportunity to tell you. So... here I am. That's part of the reason the members were so understanding... they knew I was finally going to tell you today," he chuckled sheepishly and looked at the ground, "I understand if you don't feel the same way, really, I don't want to lose you as a friend, but.... I thought you should know."
You felt like you were dreaming. Your eyes teared up at his words and you were thankful he couldn't see you in the soft light. Your heart felt like it was going to burst.
His face looked at yours in concern.
"Jinnie..." You could barely speak.
So instead you stood on your tip-toes and gently pressed your lips on top of his large, pillow-y ones. He kissed you back passionately, wrapping his long arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. He was so warm, and smelled so comforting and familiar. You felt like you were in heaven.
When you broke away you both had the biggest grins on your face. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes, humming in content.
  "Seokjin-ah," you whispered, burying your face in his chest, "I'm so glad you told me."
He kissed the top of your head and rested his chin on top, holding you against him tightly.
  "And I am so glad I skipped work today."
You both chuckled and kissed once more.
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mementomorimissy · 3 years
Drunken Truths
After having some wine and enjoying themselves, Mobius reveals how he truly feels about Loki. Loki does not take the news well.
Had it been a day? Three? Seven? Loki had not gotten used to how time worked in the Time Variance Authority. He had yet to sleep, so it could have been only a few hours for all he knew. It didn’t matter anyway. He could no longer return to a home that had been destroyed. A world he helped to destroy.
All he could do was work on the ridiculous case of finding his own variant until he knew enough to take over the Agency. Even though this version of himself could not have been as skilled or intelligent as Loki, it was proving to be harder than he expected. It might have been a variant, but it was still a Loki. There had to be something.
Mobius sat across the table from Loki. The files became a jumbled mess between them as they dismissed anything irrelevant. Some agents passed by them, but they were all busy in their own worlds. The only thing that mattered around the table was Loki and Mobius. They occasionally made small talk, but they were both focused on their own documents. Someone had to find something.
Loki didn’t realise he was tired until his eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. The next thing he knew, his head was on the desk and he was back in Asgard. It only lasted a moment, but he was there, drinking with Thor while they were still on speaking terms.
He was awoken by a nudge.
“How about we get you somewhere more comfortable to rest,” Mobius said softly. “Come on. We’ll go to my place.”
Loki scrunched his nose and sat up. “You have a place? Here I was thinking your entire life was a less interesting version of robots that only did what they were told by the giant lizards.” Loki smirked up at Mobius. They caught each other’s eyes.
“Very funny. Now move unless you want to stay here.”
Mobius led Loki through the authority to a door that seemed no different to any other. They hadn’t even left the building. It was nothing but the same brown and yellow architecture. No wonder the agents were the dullest people Loki had ever experienced.
“Do you ever get to see the sun here?” Loki asked as they reached a door.
“Not really. But don’t worry. We get plenty of sunshine when getting variants.”
That was great news for all the agents who actually went to the missions. Mobius grabbed his key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He stepped aside, allowing Loki to walk in first.
Loki didn’t know what he was expecting, but it was not what he saw. It was the same monochromatic scheme and files of paper he had been seeing anywhere else. There was no sign that Mobius was living there apart from a few cans of that ridiculous drink he always had and a few more jet ski magazines. Loki walked through, hoping to find a glimpse of comfort.
“It might not be the lush palace you’re used to-“ Mobius was saying.
“Oh, no. Gosh no. It is truly horrendous,” Loki started before remembering who he was talking to. He smiled back at Mobius. “But I suppose it will be suitable. For the while.” Mobius chuckled and made his way into the den that was the kitchen.
“Thank you for being so considerate. Here.” He returned with two glasses of red wine, offering one to Loki. Loki smiled and took the glass, sipping it. Even the wine was disgusting. Still, it was better than nothing.
Half of the bottle must have disappeared between the two of them, washing away any distaste they had with each other. Eventually, they stumbled their way through the living room and to the bedroom that was barely large enough for the perfectly made king-sized bed. Mobius fell back onto the bed and Loki straddled him.
Loki's lips crashed onto Mobius, hungry for the connection. He curled his fingers under Mobius’ collar, pulling him closer. Mobius’ earthy scent grew stronger. Loki felt Mobius’ hands move to his lower back, securing him. Loki was enjoying it. He could feel that Mobius was really enjoying it.
Every moment they moved brought a small release to Loki. He didn’t have to think about what he was doing. There was no master plan. It seemed like it was the first time in his life that he could just be. What was it about the strange, tender man that did this to Loki?
It could have been the wine, the stress, or the fact that it had been - Loki didn’t even know how long – since he had been held that way, but Loki wanted more. He tore away Mobius’ jacket and moved his fingers down to his pants.
Mobius gently kissed Loki’s neck and moaned, “I love you.”
Loki immediately stopped. He sat up more and stared into Mobius’ pale blue eyes. What trick was this man doing? Mobius just stared back with a look unfamiliar to Loki. It was… warm, pure, maybe even loving. That look slowly turned into one of concern. Mobius coughed and sat up more.
“Sorry. That was too soon. Forget I said anything,” Mobius mumbled. He sat up to kiss Loki’s lips, but was pushed back down.
Loki couldn’t forget that. It was exactly what he needed to hear. It felt wrong. It was wrong. Loki shuffled off of Mobius. He put on his best chirpy voice.
“Well, that was a nice distraction, but I really need to get back to it. We won’t be finding a Loki variant in this dump. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you there.”
He managed to make it out of the room before he heard Mobius calling out for him to wait.
Loki fled to the archives. It must have been late, or early, as there were no one else around. Perfect. He didn’t even know what he was looking for, but Loki searched up and down the aisles.
I love you
Loki could count on one hand the amount of people who told that to him, and nearly half of them were his so-called family. He took deep breaths, reading the same file name for the tenth time. He thought Mobius was a decent person, but he had been wrong many times before. What would he even get from saying that Loki? Did he think it would magically make Loki more compliant? Well, he clearly didn’t know Loki as well as he as he thought.
There was always the possibility that he meant it. That somehow in his naïve stupid head, he thought what he was feeling was love. It was like a kicked dog who kept returning to his master. The poor little thing didn’t know what he was getting himself into.
The squeaks from the end of the aisle alarmed Loki that he was no longer alone. Loki didn’t look up from the file.
“Now that you’ve gotten that out of your system, I would love it if you actually did something to help me,” Loki muttered.
The footsteps got louder until it stopped just when Loki could smell him. Mobius exhaled. He used that ridiculous soft voice he often used when he was talking to Loki – as if he was talking to a child.
“Look. I shouldn’t have said that. I mean, I don’t regret what I said, but it was too soon and not in the right way. I suppose I just got a little too excited. I mean, look at you, can you really blame me?”
Loki turned and started walking down the aisle, but still felt Mobius following him. It truly was pathetic.
“I get it. It was the heat of the moment. You would have the same thing to anyone who snaked their way into your chambers.”
“No. It’s not that. Loki, Look at me.” The file was snatched away from his hands. Loki sighed and looked up at the moustache. It was strange seeing it now that he knew what it felt like against his skin.
Mobius pressed his fingers against Loki’s chin, forcing him to look up until he could see the gentle blue eyes staring back at him. “I really do care about you. I thought I knew everything about you, but you are so much more than I expected. After all the crap that you went through, you’re still trying to be a better person. You’re talented, you’re intelligent, you’re just,” Mobius hesitated for a moment, “you’re just incredible.”
For the first time in his life, Loki didn’t know what to say. There was something different about how Mobius spoke. He honestly believed what he was saying. That just made everything worse.
“I get it. I know everything about me, but you know practically nothing about me. Well, my name is Mobius. My favourite colour is yellow, I like jet skis and I think you’re really cute.” Loki forced back a smile. “Just come back to bed.” Mobius moved his hand down to Loki’s, but before he reached it, Loki fought back.
He grabbed Mobius hand and twisted it so the agent was forced to turn around. He stepped closer behind the blonde, Loki’s lips only inches from Mobius’ ear.
“I am a god,” Loki grunted. “You are nothing but a mindless drone. Do you really think you can trick me with this nonsense? I can see through deceits much greater than yours.”
“What deceit? Loki, this is ridiculous. Let go of me.” There it was. The same warmth and concern he always had in his voice. Loki shouted in anger as he threw Mobius onto the floor. Mobius groaned and tried to get up, but was stopped by Loki pressing his foot onto Mobius’ chest, forcing him back down.
“Stop lying to me,” he yelled. Mobius just stared back as Loki took deep breaths. “You know nothing about me. You can’t love me. I know I’m greater than all the cretins you have put up with, but do not mistake that worship as love, you… you idiot.”
Mobius still didn’t fight back, but he kept his eyes steady on Loki.
“Are you done?”
Loki removed his foot from the agent. Mobius groaned while getting up. “You’re right. We really need to get back to work.” He started to walk down the aisle.
“Mobius,” Loki called out. The agent turned back to face him. As Loki spoke, he heard his voice break in a desperate attempt to be believed. “I’m just doing this to protect you. You know that, right?”
Mobius chuckled and shook his head before pushing his hands into his pocket.
“I really appreciate it, Loki, but I think we both know I’m not the one who needs protecting.” With that, he left, leaving Loki among the shelves. Alone.
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delvalentine · 3 years
Hello! Can I have a romantic matchup for tears of themis please?
Appearance : 5'4 ace/heteromantic girl ambivert.Dark brown hair/eyes (I wear glasses but they are also sun glasses because bright lights give me a headache) a little chubby/muscled and pale skin+permanent smirk/smile/ neutral face. Plump lips. My style varies a lot (always comfy) but I never wear dresses heels/makeup. I love to imagine outfits with symbols from fandoms or my own drawings so I have a rather unique style (most of the time I wear a NASA jacket and leather boots/sneakers, I also love sleeveless turtleneck) who changes a lot. I have malleable cheeks and tiny hands/fingers/wrist.
MBTI: INTP-T and chaotic neutral/good
Zodiac: Gemini
Personality : .Sarcastic,a little naive but I have a backbone (don't bother flirting with me and if you feel that I am flirting with you which happens a lot then it's just my personality and on the rare occasion I notice they have to confess or I won't believe it) ,calculative,protective,creative,expressive,manipulative,a devil's advocate,prideful,charismatic, smartass, bookworm, daydreamer, a little insensitive/blunt because I'm more on the logical side ,vengeful, mischievous, a huge tease, open minded, very curious, gets annoyed easily, impatient (unless it's in drawing because I am a perfectionist there) so kind of a bad temper, observant but not romantically,sadistic to a point but my conscience prevents me from doing these acts. Indifferent to many things, morally ambiguous as my moral compass is on the neutral side I don't believe in absolute evil/good, y'all better thank my conscience they work too well I never have fun.
With my friends I am either laughing, goofing around or annoyed. I love to give bad puns or cursed ideas who are gore/weird and saying I know y all love me. Those who don't talk to me see me as a nerd aggressive smart and blunt person ( even prideful) and strangers as polite and kind. I notice a lot of details because I don't let my guard down even if I daydream plus I have a photographic + sound memory and they work very well in all situations which can be a bother when I try to concentrate which is difficult for me because I get distracted easily. Also I have very weird reflexes so...anyone who approaches me by surprise gets hit, any sudden movement and I already have my leg/arm going their way which got me into a lot of trouble.
Dislikes: I fight for my beliefs. I have trust issues so I never talk about my problems and will use humor when confronted. Bright lights. Cooking. Slow things or people. When I get teased in a mean way (otherwise I actually like being teased it's a fun fight after). People who change side easily and hypocrites. Overly serious people. I tend to be aggressive and expose an annoyed face easily (I am moody), plus I hate orders and love pressing buttons it's funny(in a fun way rarely in a mean one) unless it's a sensitive subject. When I feel that I am unwanted or someone insults me or take me for granted I become very cold and distance myself and the relationship becomes strained the more they take time to ask for forgiveness, something I might give but will never forget.
Likes: I love cats/laughter/sweets/pranks/dark humour/ a true crime and Supernatural enthusiast and I love science especially concerning space, chemistry, robotic and psychology. Books, sleep, drawing and video games too. Cherries. Sushi.Oh and debates I love them. Surprises too I hate routine and runs away from it. I like making character analysis which I often get right but never show to the people around me because I know they will trust me less.
Hobbits : Reading, getting lost in a book, drawing, learning, debating, daydreaming, sports (I practice karate and shooting), art (piano/drawing/writing especially poetry) and video games
I have some bad habits like biting my nails (I just got rid of it by painting them black)/lips and moving my leg up and down because I am always nervous, disorganized room/sleep and eating schedule plus I am lazy. Also I might try to hide it but I am very competitive and a sore loser
Fun fact : I dream a lot and write my dreams. I don't mind nightmares on the contrary I welcome them because I find them to be a nice experience and they give me ideas plus the amount of emotions you can feel is amazing. I also tend to curse while talking.
When I get hurt, none takes me seriously because I start laughing uncontrollably even if it hurts a lot. Which means if I get stabbed, I am not dying of blood lost, nooo I am dying of laughter.
I rarely get motivated but when I do I give a very good work and put my soul in it, if I don't reach my goal I feel down for a while and become very snappy.
I am a lazy student (hell if I don't feel like writting I don't especially exercises that I understood) but also at top of my class so none says anything (i can befriend people easily if I want to, teachers included). My projects are often done last minute or just improvisation but I get a good mark at them which means that yes sometimes I can become arrogant and I don't really know what it feels like to study really hard and fail sorry. But I know it will bite me later. I often argue my way out of a situation with anyone : I know the exercise why should I write it? If I told you the answer then I know how I got it and you know it too no need for me to write the correction. Mum the brain is a muscle too so I am in fact exercising.
When dealing with an emotional person I don't know what to do I will try to give them words to keep going, it succeed but I am rather harsh plus I try to make jokes to cheer them up.But if a friend breaks down before me I will do my best to cheer them up (ahem jokes and reminding them of all the success they achieved) and if I am comfortable and they want a hug I will give it. I hate people who denies that others helped them.
My love language is gifts, quality time, a little act of service and affection in private if comfortable. I also love to send memes saying it reminds me of us/you and holding pinkies.
I am stubborn, moody (one day I can be really cold/snappy to the person because I am in a bad mood but I apologize after). I speak Arabic, french and English (in that order) and trying to learn italian. I am also an only child.
Thank you!
vyn richter
vyn has an ambiguous moral compass that would allow the two of you to be more compatible than with the others who are more goody two-shoes type. he has an extensive understanding of the human psyche and doesn't need you to explain yourself; he just gets you.
he finds your dream log fascinating, and also respects that you don't fear nightmares. often times the two of you might get together for tea and discuss the meanings, having actual conversations instead of just "how are you" "good" and letting it die there.
vyn is an academic and would welcome debate with you. instead of getting hostile or making it seem like fighting, the debates would be properly intellectual. he would quietly try to motivate you as well, perhaps baking your favourite treat, and being cruel enough to withhold them until you get something done. in turn, he needs to you balance out his seriousness, introducing him to new standards of life he dismissed earlier.
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thetiredbiwrites · 4 years
And then...
Dad!Tony x Son!Reader
(mentions of Uncle Rhodey)
Anon: // hello can you do angsty tony x Son reader. Tony and reader has strained relationship and they we're not in good terms, Tony prefer Peter than his son but it got change when both of them got kidnapped, they been together for a few days and slowly they reconciled. Soon they got save by the avengers but the Son Reader notice that one kidnapper pulled a weapon to Tony then R save his father, he got shot then Tony is scared to see his son dying. Its up to you the ending. ☺
A/N: Thank you for the Tony request 🤗🤗 Hope this is ok! (I love dad!Tony, I think he’d be so good...even though this fic is on a different note🤔😂)
Warnings: Cliff hanger end. It was getting pretty long and I wanted to upload something before bed (which also means it hasn’t been checked but oh well, I’ll re-read it tomorrow) BUT I do plan on doing a part 2 :)
(Also swearing, just always assume swearing)
Words: 3100+
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Tony’s relationship with his son had always been strained. Ever since he was practically dumped on his doorstep at 4 years old.
Tony had no prior knowledge that he has a kid, none of the women he’s been with had ever even told him they were pregnant. But if he was being honest with himself, it didn’t surprise him. With the way he got around it was bound to happen eventually.
He just wished he’d known from the beginning.
Having a 4 year old left in his care with no warning put him in a whole new territory he was completely unprepared for.
A baby gives you time to prepare and are essentially a ‘blank slate’ at birth. A 4 year old has experiences, like and dislikes, routines, a connection to someone who abandons them with a stranger…
At the time, Tony was still a playboy, out at events and travelling a lot. As well as CEO of a company manufacturing weapons for the military. He didn’t have time for a child. To break through recently arisen trust and abandonment issues and build a relationship.
He cared about his son. Always made sure he had everything he needed or wanted, a good education and was in good health. But forming personal, emotional connections can’t be done with money, and Tony could barley cope with his own true emotions.
It quickly became clear that they did not share talents or interest in maths, sciences or mechanics. His son struggled especially with maths and Tony initially really did try to help, finally thinking something was in his element and he could bond.
But elementary (followed by middle and high) maths was so simple and automatic for Tony’s brain that he found it difficult to slow down and explain the process to the young boy.
He hired a tutor in his place.
That’s not to say Tony expected or needed his son to be a genius in the same subjects as him. He didn’t need his son to follow him (or his father) to be worthy of his time. But it would have made it easier.
Instead, his son excelled in English and arts, and was amazing in the kitchen. He loved to write stories, create pictures to accompany them and experimenting with new recipes.
Unfortunately, Tony did not excel in these areas, thus distancing them further.
At least he wasn’t taking after his father though. He didn’t force his son into one path or degrade him. No forcing him to grow up, giving him alcohol at a ridiculously young age or sending him away to be completely alone.
Tony often wondered himself if he’d have taken the path he did if his father hadn’t pushed him. If he’d be the same person without the verbal abuse and constant neglect of his father.
He wasn’t blind to his emotional distance and lack of bond to his son. Or to the connection the boy had to both Rhodey and Pepper. He could see that his son was connect to the two people he trusted the most and he was glad.
When Rhodey was available, being in the air force meant he wasn’t always around, he made sure to take the boy out, go to school events and even read his stories, giving feedback and support.
Pepper made herself available if he ever needed to talk and was always willing to taste test.
Even Happy was around to take him where he needed to go, training in the gym and joke with.
So even if the young boy didn’t have a relationship with his father, he had adults around to support and love him and help him through life.
It didn’t stop him wishing he did have a relationship to his father though.
 While MIA in Afghanistan, Tony realised he wanted to try harder to build a relationship to his nearly teenaged son.
It didn’t happen.
He returned home and completely changed his company, which required a lot of time. His guilt also led in him to putting on that damn suit and trying to save the world.
And then he nearly died from palladium poisoning.
And then New York was attacked by aliens and the avengers were formed.
And then Tony had PTSD; anxiety, panic attacks and nightmares.
And then ‘terrorists’ blew up their house and nearly killed Happy and Pepper.
And then murderous robots.
And then the avengers broke up.
And then Tony worked with the UN to amend the accords and set up more help and cleaning crews. Back to lots of travelling.
And then…
And then… Peter.
It never eased up and his son turned 18.
His son made excuses over the years. He genuinely was busy and obviously struggled with relationships. Maybe he’s just not paternal? You can’t blame someone for trying to save lives either.
Of course he was aware it isn’t all on Tony, he could have tried harder to bond with his father as well.
But then Peter came along.
Scientifically and mathematically gifted Peter.
Superhero Peter.
Enthusiastic, smart and funny 15 year old Peter.
And then Tony had the time.
He made the time.
For Peter.
To talk to him. Help with his homework and superheroing.
Teaching him. Training him.
They spent a lot of time in the workshop and lab.
Tony was always so interested in what Peter had to say. Whether is was about science or mechanics, school, spider-man or even teenage romance.
It came so easily and naturally to Tony.
He had the time.
Even the team had noticed this relationship and dubbed them ‘Iron-Dad and Spider-Son’.
That hurt.
The time he overheard Clint comment, ‘why couldn’t we have had dad-Tony this whole time?’ really stung.
Tony’s been a dad, to a son, the entire time he’s known the avengers.
He didn’t hate Peter though. It’s not his fault and he’s actually perfectly nice. But to see his father so easily bond with another kid in a short time made him realise that he’d never get that father-son relationship.
Tony is paternal. Just not for him.
His eyes fluttered open, the ground cold against his face.
Wait, ground? What-
A groan passed his lips as he sat up, pressing a hand to the side of his head where pain radiated.
He blinked the fuzziness from his eyes, trying to remember how he got there, but the last thing he could recall was leaving the Stark Industries event after supporting Pepper.
The room was dull and very basic. With stone walls and floor, no windows, one dim light and two metal framed beds so rusty they would probably break under his weight.
As he glanced back down to the ground, he noticed another body in the room. They were still slumped on the ground and back to him.
Scrambling across the floor, he pushed on the mans shoulder to lay in on his back and see his face.
Quickly he checked for a pulse and when he was satisfied with the regular thumping, he moved away, letting out a sigh of relief.
With his back to the wall, arms resting on his bent knees, he waited.
It was only a short while later when Tony began to wake. Groaning and sitting up in the same manner his son had moments earlier.
“Oh God, what the hell-where am I?” He mumbled, clearly unaware he wasn’t alone.
“I was hoping you’d know the answer”
Tony’s head snapped over at the grumbled voice to see his son.
“Y/N. What- what are you doing here?”
“hell if I know. Can’t imagine why anyone would take me. I generally don’t piss people off and I’m neither an Avenger or a tech genius.”
“Maybe they mistook you for me” Tony joke, completely oblivious to his sons disinterested and cold tone.
He shuffled back to lean against the opposite wall as his son scoffed.
“Sorry kid, you got the Stark looks.”
“Yeah, that’s all I got” the young man mumbled, leaning his head back on the wall, closing his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Silence fell between them until the door opened.
The two men rose to their feet as two armed guards entered the room, a third following with a tray of unappealing food and bottled water.
Neither Stark was acknowledged as the tray was placed on one of the beds and they turned to leave. They even ignored Tony’s incessant questioning and cocky attitude.
His son stayed silent, taking on of the bottles as he sat back on the floor, still not ready to trust the beds.
“Could they just answer a simple question? They got to have a fucking reason for this.”
“Whatever it is I wish they’d just hurry up with it.”
“What, are you bored? Got places to be?” Tony asked, before taking his seat back on the floor.
“Yes, actually. I have an interview Monday and I’m not ready.”
“An interview? What for?”
“Like you actually care.”
“Hey, that’s not-“ Tony began to object but his son looked over at him and cut him off.
“Unless it’s about Peter or Superhero shit, you don’t want to know. You haven’t magically become interested, you just don’t like the silence and unfortunately I’m the only one here. You never cared about what was actually happening in my life before, why start now?”
Tony stared at his son in shock. It’s hard to make The Tony Stark speechless, but right now he had no words at all.
As his son dropped his head back to the wall, looking away from him, Tony couldn’t take his eyes off his son.
Thoughts ran through his head as he examined his son, becoming aware of how little he really did know.
-When did he get so tall? Not tall-tall though, definitely the Stark gene at work there.
-That suit makes him look so grown up, even if those a-holes took our jackets and shoes. Why did they take our shoes? No. Not important. Focus.
-I care about my son. Come on Tony, think. Something.
-School? Crap, when did I last even read a report card? He’s always aced English. Didn’t he do band? No, shit, that was Peter. Goddamnit, is he right?
“You’re 18.”
“Well done. You want a medal?”
“Is the interview for college?”
His son still didn’t move, wouldn’t even look at him.
“Please, Y/N. I-I know I’ve not really been… present in your life. But I do care about you.”
“Do you?” His eyes burned long repressed anger and Tony prepared himself for everything that was coming. He knew he’d deserve it too.
“You gave up so easily. It was too hard to bond with your idiot son, a shy kid who couldn’t understand simple maths. You’d rather be with women and go to parties, and the company always came first. All you did was throw money at things. For year I was fine with it, you using money to help me. I had more than more. It was clear you struggled with relationships of any kind and I was just dumped on you with no warning. It was fine because I had Rhodey, Pepper and Happy. They were there to talk to, they taught me things and supported me, Rhodey would go to school events whenever he could. I just figured maybe you’re not a paternal person. Then you became Iron Man and started saving the world and I can’t be mad about that.”
Tony stayed silent and watched as his son stood up, running a hand through his hair as he began to pace.
“Then you met Harley and kept in touch with him. You upgraded his garage into a high-tech lab. But he did help you save Pepper and the President so I guess you owed him and I didn’t let it bother me. It wasn’t until Peter came along that I noticed that you are one of the most naturally paternal people I know. You became his father figure, took him in so quickly, bonding immediately. If he needed help, you were there. He wanted to talk, you listened. Whether it’s out being Iron Man and Spider-man, training him, helping him with his school work or just locking yourselves in the workshop for hours building new shit. You’re always there for him. He witters on about some stupid crush for 25 minutes and you hang on every word. But you couldn’t do that for me?! What, did I need to be a genius at maths?! Interested in building extravagant technology?! Would you have noticed me then? You know, you went to Peter’s science show last month but you’ve never been to any of my school events. It was always Rhodey, Pepper and Happy a couple times, or no-one. But never you.”
The young man stared at his father, chest heaving, eyes burning as he held back tears. Yet Tony said nothing. He couldn’t take his eyes off his son. Lips parted and eyes glistening with unshed tears, he just sat, no words coming out.
“Yeah I’m 18 any yeah it’s a college interview. I graduate in a few weeks, Rhodey’s going. I’ve already been accepted to a couple colleges. Only a few months and I can leave.”
He didn’t give Tony a chance to respond as he risked the bed, laying down and facing the wall as he focused on bringing his breathing back to normal.
Behind him, his father watched on as tears fell down his face, guilt taking over his whole being.
Neither of them spoke for the rest of the night. While his son eventually fell asleep, Tony stayed on the floor, thinking through everything his son told him and looking back over the years.
The following morning, two guard came in and took Tony away.
They brought him back a few hours later, unharmed. The younger Stark watched as Tony worried his bottom lip and fussed with his clothes. He noted the troubled look on his father’s face and it was clear that whatever the kidnappers told him wasn’t good at all.
But he remained silent.
Eventually Tony settled, sitting on the floor again. But the two still didn’t speak for a few more hours.
“I’m sorry,” Tony finally broke through the silence and tense atmosphere of the confined space.
His son remained silent but his eyes moved up to look at him. This was enough of an acknowledgement that he was listening and so Tony continued.
“You might not believe that, but I am. I don’t know why it was so hard or why it was so easy with Peter. I didn’t- It wasn’t intentional, I didn’t even realise.”
The young Stark kept his eyes on his father but his face stayed blank and lips sealed.
“And you know, just because maths and science subjects didn’t come naturally to you doesn’t mean you’re an idiot. I’ve never once thought you were. I know the Stark name has become so tied to them, mechanics, advanced technology and engineering… but it doesn’t mean you’re not…good enough? Because you don’t follow that. I never thought you should have been, it didn’t-didn’t disappoint me or anything. But you were always so talented in arts, you wrote the most amazing stories and a complete natural in the kitchen. Things I’m not so great at. It just made it harder for me to figure out how to connect. I didn’t know where to start.”
A small smile flashed across his face, eyes glazed as he recalled the past.
“Y’know, I loved those stories about the uh, the dragons that live on your shoulder. I’d find drawings and paintings of them all over the house, and it was a big house!”
Across from him, his son’s head raised a little higher, eyebrows subtly furrowing and looked at the soft expression on his father’s face. He had no idea Tony even know about those.
“I should have been there, tried harder. There’s no excuse for that. But I have always cared. You were just so talented in things I didn’t understand. Then I saw how close you and Rhodey became and-“
Tony let out a sigh, looking away from his son.
“You were left with me, an egotistical ass and a- a playboy. I didn’t think I deserved you. You deserved someone better. Someone emotionally available and mature. Someone to help you grow into an amazing person and progress your talents. Someone like Rhodey. He deserved you and you him. He was -and is- better for you. You were loved and supported by him, and then Pepper and Happy, so I – I thought you’d be ok. That you wouldn’t need me.”
Once again it was all quiet in the small room. This time Tony wouldn’t look at his son, but he couldn’t take his eyes off his father.
“I did need you.”
His voice was raspy as he admitted this to not only Tony but himself.
“Rhodey’s the best. I love him. Couldn’t have asked for a better Uncle. But that’s what he is; my Uncle. You were supposed to be my Dad. I shouldn’t have had a father figure when my father was right there. You were so cool, before and after becoming Iron Man. You made everything around you seem like fun. I didn’t understand the tech crap but- I’m an artist. I can, and did, design things. It’s not all on you, I didn’t make it easy.”
“You were a kid, it is on me. But, maybe- When we get out of here I’ll do better. I want to be an active part in your life. I also understand if it’s too late though.”
“It’s not. It’ll take time but, I’d like that. Rhodey might get jealous though.”
A huffed laugh slipped past Tony’s lips as they spread into a smile on his face when his son cracked a grin.
They continued to talk into the night, about school, which colleges and courses, friends and dating. Once they started they couldn’t stop.
It is hard to shut up a Stark.
They were laughing about one of Tony’s stories of his time in MIT with Rhodey when an explosion shook the room.
The men stood up and faced the door as the sounds of fighting and yelling grew nearer. A smirk spread on Tony’s face as he recognised the noises of his teammates.
It wasn’t long before the door was broken down and Captain America stood in it’s place.
“Bout damn time. Did you stop for coffee?”
“Yeah, yeah, tin man. You’re welcome.” Hawkeye quipped as they walked down the halls.
Rhodey broke through to get to his nephew’s side, checking him over and ensuring he was ok.
Tony led the group to the main room. The kidnappers had access to files and tech that would be too dangerous to leave.
As Tony wiped everything, quips flowing between him and his teammates, none of them noticed the man sneak in through another door.
The younger Stark moved before his brain could even process what was happening, placing himself between his father and the gun that was raised to his back.
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idnek83 · 4 years
Can u write something about soudam wedding?
I’m sorry this took like 3 weeks to answer, but here you go: 4.3k word worth of Soudam wedding ramblings.
(This is for a western style wedding by the way)
Wedding Planning
Neither of them know what they’re doing, cus neither of them ever really spent much time thinking about weddings growing up, much less their own weddings lol
So one day, after they’re engaged, they’re just hanging out with some friends. They’re on a couch, Soda’s laying with his head in Gundham’s lap, just vibing, then their friends start asking about what they have planned. They both kind of look at each other and shrug, cus they have planned literally nothing, they just know they kind of want to get married on their anniversary, but that’s really all they’ve got lol.
Sonia like presses them for ideas cus they must have at least some idea of what they want, right?
Soda looks up at Gundham and is like ‘probably lots of black stuff, yeah?’
Gundham nods and looks down at him ‘perhaps with vibrant accents in your preferred colors as well?’
Soda’s like ‘Oooh and we could have like an animal theme maybe?? OH! OR A ROBOT ANIMAL THEME????’ and Gundhams just like ‘whatever makes you happy’ and they throw out a couple more terrible ideas while Sonia silently suffers lol.
Eventually they’re laughing at their own stupid ideas and Sonia is just glad they actually realize their ideas were dumb and they didn’t seriously want a goth robot hamster ice sculpture lol. They admit they don’t super care how it all goes down, they both just want to get married and have fun with all their friends at the reception.
Sonia offers to take care of the planning and stuff with her team of professionals (Yes she has a team on wedding planners okay, she’s the kind of person who has been planning her wedding since she was 9 and also she’s a princess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). She seems really excited and Soda and Gundham really don’t know what they’re doing so they agree to let her handle it as long as they get the final say on things. She immediately starts rambling about all her ideas and Soda and Gundham just kind of chuckle and smile at each other.
 Suit shopping
Fuyuhiko takes them suit shopping. They go together, they aren’t too concerned about keeping their outfits a secret from each other and they figure it’ll be fun to watch each other try on all kind of different things. Sonia comes too of course.
They start kind of idlily browsing sample suits (they’re getting custom suits made, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t hear otherwise) and Sonia asks what kind of suits they’d like to see each other in. They both stop and look at each other, and Fuyu rolls his eyes cus they’re just blatantly checking each other out lol.
Eventually Soda shrugs and is like “I don’t really care. As long as I get to see Gundham looking hot as hell in a tux I’m good with whatever” and Gundham kind of tilts his head and is like “So you would prefer me to wear a tuxedo?” Soda is dumb as hell and doesn’t realize Gundham is not using ‘tuxedo’ as a synonym for ‘suit’ like he was, so he gets super blushy and is like “Oh. I-I mean if you were thinking about a dress instead that’s cool too.” And Gundham’s eyes just widen a bit because he was not thinking about wearing a dress but now he’s thinking about Soda in a big, white, full skirted wedding dress. Soda is picturing Gundham in something a little more fitted with a high slit. They’re both just blushing and staring at each other until Fuyu clears his throat and tells Soda that a tuxedo is a type of suit, and he’s pretty sure that’s what Gundham meant. Soda just hides his face in his hands and apologizes. Gundham comes over to kiss his forehead and tell him it’s okay, and eventually they get back to looking at suits lol
Gundham’s done pretty quick. He does end up picking a tuxedo, and I’m not great at fashion but Just picture something black, very gothic, and a tiny bit extra haha. Soda super excited to see it once it’s done being made, cus Gundham already looked amazing in the sample suit. He maybe gets a little emotional looking at his fiancé all dressed up knowing it’s for their wedding, but nobody says anything and Gundham just smiles at him softly.
Soda has a lot more trouble. He doesn’t want to ruin their wedding by wearing something tacky so he’s trying to stick to traditional black. But every time he comes out and looks at himself in the full length mirror he can’t help but feel uncomfortable. He doesn’t look like himself,  he thinks he looks like some kid borrowing his dad’s suit for prom.
He’s on like the 12th sample suit, he’s trying all kinds of styles and different lapels and undershirts/vest combos but he still just feels like trash in all of them. This suit fits him like a glove, accentuates all of his best features, and he honestly looks so good in it. Sonia and Fuyuhiko are telling him as much, along with whatever staff are around.
But Soda still doesn’t feel like himself. And Gundham can tell.
Gundham comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist and they both just look at themselves in the mirror for a moment. Gundham makes a point of frowning as he looks at the suit and Soda laughs at how obviously exaggerated it is. It’s the first time he’s genuinely smiled in at least an hour.
“What’s wrong, babe? Don’t like it?”
“Hmm… perhaps if it was yellow… maybe blue?”
Soda laughs but he feels a little self conscious. He really doesn’t want to make their wedding tacky, but he just doesn���t feel right in such… boring colors. He tells Gundham as much. Gundham hums and kisses his cheek, still holding him from behind, and asks to see color samples for the suits materials while Soda insists he’ll be fine and he’ll just get used to the black.
Someone brings Gundham a collection of cloth samples, and he finally separates from his fiancé to stand in front of him and hold them up, one by one. Soda is insisting black is fine the whole time. Eventually Gundham stops, holding up a sort of deep red, and tilts his head. Soda looks at the color; he likes it, but he’s still worried it would be kind of tacky. Gundham asks for someone to bring him a jacket in that color.
He puts it on Soda and grabs a black suit jacket and a red tie for himself, before standing next to Soda and linking their arms. Soda looks in the mirror and, hey, that’s not too bad, the red actually looks pretty classy, and paired up with Gundham’s tie it looks…
He starts crying, but it’s mostly relief and happiness. Fuyu laughs at him but tells him he looks good and Sonia just smiles while Gundham pulls him into a hug. They order the 12th suit in red, and every time Soda tries t apologize for being so difficult Gundham just shuts him up with a kiss lol.
Wedding Traditions and Stuff
They start talking about wedding traditions one day after having a conversation with Sonia about how the wedding plans are going. The first thing that comes up is the whole ‘bride walking down the aisle’ thing since, obviously, there isn’t gonna be a bride. Gundham suggests they both just walk out together, but Soda kind of wants that moment where he’s standing at the alter and gets to watch Gundham walk down the aisle towards him. Gundham just smiles and kisses him and says he’s like that too.
Soda suggests they take dance lessons or something so they can have a cool first dance. Gundham says they can if he really wants to, but he would rather just be able to hold Soda close and sway to the music without having to worry about memorized steps. Soda blushes and agrees, he mostly suggested it cus he thought Gundham would like it anyways.
Neither of them really care about name changes. They both offer to change theirs, but in the end they just decide to keep their own names.
Sonia (jokingly) mentions being disappointed because there won’t be a bouquet toss, and Chiaki (also jokingly) responds that Gundham should just toss a single rose into the crowd like tuxedo mask. He agrees to do it (not jokingly)
They both write their own stupid sappy vows, it’s not even something they have to discuss.
Hajime is Soda’s best man, Sonia is Gundham’s. She insists on being called ‘best man’ instead of ‘maid of honor’ or ‘best woman’ because she likes the way it sounds lol.
They pick a very classic décor theme, but add in a lot of black accents for the aesthetic✨
They decide to do that thing where they spend the night before the wedding apart and don’t see each other again until the actual ceremony.
Bachelor Party
Soda wasn’t planning on having his own bachelor party, he figured they could just have like a joint bachelor party at their house or something because he loves his fiancé and prefers to party with him lol. But then Fuyuhiko, Hajime, and Nekomaru are carrying him out the front door while Gundham casually waves and tells him to have fun lol (They absolutely got Gundham’s permission before kidnapping his man haha).
(Gundham invites Sonia over for wine and calls it his bachelor party. They watch the bachelor and laugh about how funny they are.)
Soda is thrown in the back seat of one of Fuyu’s fancy cars with blacked out windows and yells at his friends for like the whole trip while they just laugh at him lol. They eventually get to a bar and Soda is just super relieved it’s not a strip club, Hajime tells him it’s cus Gundham wouldn’t let him, but Fuyu and Nekomaru insist it’s cus they have more class than that. (Whose lying? You choose lol).
They get a table and a round of shots as soon as they get inside. It’s actually pretty laid back as far as bachelor parties go, they mostly just sit and talk, and get Soda gushing about his soon to be husband lol. At one point, after a couple drinks, they do like a chugging contest for the first time since they graduated uni and Soda wins. Fuyu is just like ‘wtf when did you get so good at this?” and Soda is like “Well, thanks to Gundham I’ve gotten really good at swallowing” and everybody just fucking groans while he loses his mind laughing lol
As the night goes on Soda just gets sappier and sappier and starts complaining about how much he misses his boyfriend. Nekomaru pats him on the back and is like ‘he isn’t even your boyfriend anymore, he’s your fiancé’ and Soda just light up like ‘yeah… I’m so lucky…’ before he stops and his eyes go wide. The other guys kind of look at each other, confused, before Hajime’s like ‘uh, you good dude?’ and Soda’s just like ‘oh my god, he’s my fiancé! We’re gonna get fucking married next week!! Holy shit that means he’s gonna be my husband! I have to tell him!’ and the guys just laugh while he dials Gundham.
Gundham is surprised to get a call from Soda and gets a little worried, so he answers like ‘is everything alright, my paramour?’ and Soda is just like ‘Holy shit Gundham! Did you realize we’re gonna be husbands??!?’ and Gundham just laughs and relaxes while telling Soda that, yes, he did realize they were going to be husbands lol
Soda just rambles away on the phone about how excited he is to marry Gundham and how he promises to be a good husband and how much he loves him. The other guys roll their eyes and decide it’s probably time to call it a night lol.
When Soda gets home he immediately attaches himself to Gundham and tells him how much he missed him lol. Gundham just pets his hair and gets them both ready for bed as he asks if Soda enjoyed his bachelor party. He says his favorite part was when his fiancé kissed him good night, and Gundham just rolls his eyes and does it haha
The Wedding
Soda is super nervous the night before (not in a ‘I’m not ready for this’ way, he’s just excited and scared he’s gonna say/do something dumb or that something terrible is gonna happen and ruin the whole thing) and he ends up calling Gundham from his hotel room at like midnight and talking about all his worries (“What if I say ‘I don’t’ by accident and we have to do the whole wedding again?” “What if I have to pee in the middle of our vows?” “What if we get to the ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ part and like, Nekomaru suddenly decides he’s in love with you? There’s no way I could take him in a fight!”). Gundham smiles as he reassures Soda that whatever happens, they’ll get through it, and that he doesn’t really care what happens, as long as he gets to call Soda his husband by the end of the day.
They fall asleep telling each other how excited they are.
In the morning their respective best men wake them and help them get ready. Gundham styles his hair up and Soda puts his in a low ponytail, and they both put on their fancy new custom suits (They both got ties to match each other’s suits too haha). They’re both a little nervous but Hajime and Sonia are ready with all kinds of compliments and reassurances, and they get both grooms out their doors and on the road right on time.
Gundham gets to the venue first, and he’s a little taken aback by how good it looks. Sonia gushes about all the little details while Gundham just half listens and thanks her. He’s looking at the flower arrangements sitting in classy black vases, the chairs covered in white cloth held in place with black ribbon, and noticing all kinds of subtly gothic touches Sonia added to the décor. Soda may have been worried about making the wedding tacky with his suit, but Gundham had been worried about making it tacky with shitty gothic decorations. He’s amazed with how well Sonia managed to pull it off. He grabs both her hands and sincerely tells her that he loves her and that she is, and always will be, his dearest friend. They both get a little teary and hug it out haha.
Then Hajime ruins it by kicking in the front door and saying something like ‘Gundham you look hot as fuck, but get out of my sight right now so I can bring your stupid ass fiancé in. Also, hey Sonia, great job decorating.’ Lol
Sonia and Gundham head off into a little room to wait for the ceremony to start, and Hajime heads back out to get Soda. When Soda gets inside he’s just as impressed by the décor as Gundham was. He thinks it’s all very Gundham and he loves it. Hajime tells him he tried to get Sonia to throw in some hot pink roses for Soda and Soda is just like ‘thank god Sonia didn’t listen to you.’ Lol
Soda just heads right into the main hall, just taking in all the amazing décor until his eyes land on the wedding arch. He stares at it and it just really hit him that this is happening. He’s about to marry the love of his life. He’s about to be able to call Gundham his husband. He’s about to be Gundham’s husband. He starts tearing up and Hajime pats him on the back, smiling ‘Come on, ya big sap, lets get you married’
Hajime gets Soda up to the front to take his place under the arch and Sonia comes out to see how things are going. Everything is pretty much ready and the officiant is ready to go, so Sonia heads back to Gundham’s room and the officiant signals everyone to take their seats so they can get things started. Soda’s regained his composure in the tie it took everyone to settle down, and Hajime gives him one last pat on the back before he takes his place to the side and the music starts.
Soda looks up as the door opens and he sears the image into his mind immediately.
Gundham looks amazing, he always does, but there’s just something extra to it in that moment. He’s glowing, Soda decides, and as their eyes lock he feels himself tearing up again. It only gets worse as Gundham gets closer, it’s not long before he’s full on crying. He’s jut so overwhelmed with love and happiness, and he almost wants to sip all the vows and wedding rites and just be married already.
Gundham’s not doing much better. He’s vaguely aware of their friends and family waving to him and complimenting him or congratulating him as he passes, but he’s way too focused on Soda to really care. He looks so handsome in his deep red suit with his hair tied back, and he’s frozen, clutching his hands in front of him nervously the way he had been when Gundham entered. Gundham want’s to run to him, sweep him off his feet and just declare them married himself, but he manages to hold himself back. He doesn’t hold back his tears nearly as well though, and a few roll down his cheeks before he makes it to the altar.
When Gundham gets to Soda he immediately pulls him into a tight hug, Soda wrapping his arms around him just as quickly, and then they’re both laughing through their tears. Gundham gently strokes Soda’s hair, careful not to mess it up, and kisses his forehead. Sonia scoffs to let Gundham know he’s on thin ice for that, she’s very into wedding traditions, but lets it slide since it technically isn’t a real kiss lol.
They eventually pull themselves away from each other a bit and try to wipe away each other’s tears at the same time. It’s a little awkward but they’re happy and don’t care, they just keep staring at each other as they finally step back, still holding hands, and signal to the officiant that they’re ready to start.
Soda says his vows first, it’s on purpose, he wanted to go first cus he knew he would be too busy crying after Gundham’s vows haha. He’s like shaking really hard when he starts, cus he hates public speaking and he’s embarrassed to be so sappy in front of all their friends, but as he talks he watches Gundham light up and it just gets easier and easier, until he’s only shaking from the effort it’s taking not to kiss his groom.
Everyone is expecting Gundham’s vows to be long winded and extra extra, but to their surprise they’re pretty straight forward. Gundham explains, as part of his vows, that he doesn’t need extravagant metaphors to express his love and he wants to speak plainly and clearly, in hopes of expressing how clear his feelings for Soda are (he said he doesn’t need metaphors, nut technically the whole thing is a metaphor lol). Soda is in fact crying well before he finishes, and the only things that stop them from kissing once Gundham stops talking are a stern cough from Sonia and a disapproving tut from Hajime lol
The officiant does their thing, Soda and Gundham requested a shortened version of the usual spiel cus they didn’t want to have to stand through a stupidly long ceremony, but even that feels way too long to them haha. When they get to the ‘speak now or forever hold you peace’ part, Gundham raises a non-existent brow at Soda before gazing pointedly at Nekomaru for a second. Soda snorts and laughs and nobody else gets it, but no one speaks up either haha
Gundham is the first to say ‘I do’, then Soda nearly cuts the officiant off with his own ‘I do’ before they can even finish the question haha. The officiant basically steps out of the way while saying ;you may now kiss cus they can tell these two have no patience lol.
They both lean in before the officiant even finishes speaking. Their lips meet and Soda wraps his arms around Gundham’s neck while Gundham pulls him in by his waist. Their friends are cheering and clapping and both of them are crying again.
They both smile and laugh as they part and make their way back down the aisle, thanking all their friends and family, before heading outside to get some photos taken.
Photos take literal hours (wedding party, friends, family, just them, each of them separate, each of them separate with friends, separate with family, now each individual family member with both of them and each of them separately, etc, etc), and they’re both pretty tired by the end of it. They end up heading back to Gundham’s little waiting room to take a nap together.
Sonia sends Mahiru in to get a picture of them cuddled together on the little couch. Both of them have their suit jackets off, their ties loose, and a couple shirt buttons undone. Soda is lying between Gundham’s legs, head resting sideways on his chest and drooling a little. Gundham as his arms wrapped around Soda’s back and his cheek is pressed against his hair. One of Gundham’s legs is dangling off the front of the too narrow couch, along with one of Soda’s arms.
Despite how sloppy they both look, it’s one of their favorite pictures from their wedding day.
The Reception
When Soda and Gundham wake up from their nap like an hour later, they spend like a solid 20 minutes just tenderly making out being all ‘hey you’re my husband now and I’m gonna keep saying the word husband until we’re both sick of it’ haha (neither of them get sick of it). Eventually Sonia and Hajime come get them, Hajime makes a comment like ‘haha save something for your wedding night guys’ and Sonia is just bluntly like ‘yeah, you two will have plenty of time to fuck later’ lol
They all grab something to eat before the reception because Soda and Gundham have barely eaten anything all day.
Their first dance is literally just them holding each other and kissing and swaying to the music, and Soda is so glad Gundham didn’t want to take dance lessons cus he doesn’t want to do anything but hold and kiss his husband in that moment. After the first dance the champagne starts flowing freely and formal atmosphere dissolves pretty quickly lol
Gundham and Soda have both ditched their jackets and are alternating between chatting and laughing with their friends and rocking out on the dance floor (they’re terrible dancers but it’s their wedding and no one is allowed to judge them lol). They’re both kind of acting like they’re drunk but they haven’t actually had that much to drink, they’re just stupid happy. They keep sneaking off to make out, only for Hajime or Sonia to drag them back lol
By the mid night Gundham has lost his tie (They threw it on the ground during one of their make outs and both of them forgot lol) and Soda has some fresh hickies on his neck, and Sonia and Hajime decide they’ve fulfilled their socialization quota and finally release them lol. They thought about getting a hotel room, but they both agreed they would rather just spend their first night as a married couple in their own bed.
The Wedding Night 👀
(suggestive but not explicit)
They start making out the second they get in the limo (courtesy of the Kuzuryu family) to take them home. They can’t keep their hands off each other, but they manage to keep their clothes on for now haha.
Once they make it home they’re stumbling over each other to get to the door, but then Soda freezes when they get it unlocked and Gundham is just like ??? Soda looks at him wide eyed and is just like ‘I want to do the thing’ and before Gundham can figure out what he means, Soda literally sweeps him off his feet and carries him bridal style into their home. Gundham just laughs and lets it happen.
Soda throws Gundham onto the bed and jumps on top of him, resuming their earlier make outs for  bit before Gundham pushes him back. Its Soda’s turn to be like ??? but Gundham just says he has a surprise for him and heads off to the bathroom.
Soda is 100% expecting lingerie, but when Gundham steps out in a lacy white baby doll with matching white panties and stockings he nearly dies from joy.
Gundham says he noticed the way Soda had reacted to the idea of him in a wedding dress during their suit fitting and went out to buy this outfit pretty much right after. Maybe it wasn’t quite a wedding dress, but it definitely had a bridal feeling to it.
Once some of Soda’s blood makes it back up to his brain, he smirks and points out that Gundham doesn’t really qualify for the whole wearing white on your wedding day thing’ and Gundham’s like ‘hmm, really? Better make sure, just in case’
It’s all really tender, filled with reverent kisses and I love you’s and a couple of happy tears, and by the end of it both of them are completely naked and cuddled up, smiling as they look at the new matching gold rings adorning their fingers.
They both fall asleep thinking about how excited they are to spend the rest of their lives together.
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