#sorry i jsut had to when i saw this image
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doctor--malpractice · 1 year ago
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Verlaine: any last words?
N: h- harder-
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Discord pt 98
[Date: 19/03, 06:01 AM GMT - 19/03, 06:50 AM GMT]
[CW for unethical floral experimentation, injury mention]
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kateza affectionate: “mona, don't be so hard on yourself, ok?”
Maxwell: “....i....think we should tell her about the other stuff
Little-K1ng: “............theres more????”
Marcus: “.........heh”
Little-K1ng: “uh. heh?”
Maxwell: “I saw syds observation post from yesterday...it had a scrrenshot of something I said, and jack and them told me thats what you didnt want me seeing yesterday....”
Marcus: “Oh that
Little-K1ng: “O_O
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Marcus: “...that’s kind of what the argument was about”
Little-K1ng: “,,,,,,,,,,,,um
oh fuck. i
Maxwell: “im not upset”
Little-K1ng: “i just...”
Maxwell: “i took some time”
Little-K1ng: “you're... not?”
Maxwell: “and i get why you did it
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kateza affectionate: “you're in an unprecedented situation. a situation that keeps getting worse and worse with seemingly no reprieve. I don't blame you for slipping up here and there- there's so much stress involved that it's almost expected for you to be upset. i don't think anyone blames you for doing these things. that's all i wanted to say.”
Maxwell: “its gotten worse
baroness has images of more times where i've slipped up
at least twice during my argument with her”
Little-K1ng: “oh christ”
Maxwell: “and then I switched back to ender for certain words....”
Little-K1ng: “i.....”
Maxwell: “and....i sent prince an ask on faer blog....”
Little-K1ng: “you... did?”
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Maxwell: “saying i was sorry for upsetting faem and i hoped i could see faem again soon”
Little-K1ng: “oh no oh no
oh max....”
Maxwell: “fae said "see you soon, page"”
Marcus: “...max signed the ask as page as well”
Maxwell: “no no
the was the second one”
Marcus: “..there was one before??”
Maxwell: “after he answered the first one i closed my eyes to breath”
Little-K1ng: “how can i be getting worse so much faster....”
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Marcus: “.....I don’t...remember”
Little-K1ng: “unless...”
Marcus: “...huh”
Little-K1ng: “oh fucking christ no non on ono nonon ono nonono.....”
Maxwell: “and when I opened them like three minutes had passed and I had sent an ask as page apparently”
Little-K1ng: “did..... did crown do something? did he get in? did he get in when i left the door open??? and make it worse???????”
Marcus: “...I don’t
...max i don’t remember you sending an ask
Only page”
Little-K1ng: “is it my fault? did... did i do that? did i really.... i..... left you vulnerable....... i....”
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Maxwell: “no it isnt your fault”
Little-K1ng: “i just....... this doesnt.... this doesnt hurt me nearly as much as it should.... im not... im still not upset..?”
Marcus: “Mona, Crown didn’t come in...I would’ve seen him. It’s not your fault”
kateza affectionate: “this isn't your fault mona
you're probably emotionally tired”
Little-K1ng: “but i just... i still just feel empty about it. i feel fully justified about this and i know i fucked up but im not hurt”
Raeva: “oh...”
Maxwell: “uh....I have marigold tea if you want some”
Little-K1ng: “i cant even fucking apologize right”
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Marcus: “You didn’t mess up
...max what”
kateza affectionate: “you're emotionally burnt out, Mona. This is a bad situation”
Little-K1ng: “wh. where did you get marigolds?”
Maxwell: “oH
Marcus: “max”
Little-K1ng: “....;max????”
Maxwell: “hm.....well....
Little-K1ng: “max i dont have any tea except dandelion root
you're 16 you dont have money or a car
where the fuck,????”
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Maxwell: “fetch was hurt....and i wanted to make sure I could help him tomorrow if he came back home tomorrow”
Marcus: “.....arent the flowers on your laurel...”
Maxwell: “.....”
Marcus: “max you didnt”
Little-K1ng: “mAaAaAaX??!!!!
what the HELL”
Marcus: “Don’t yell at him!”
Little-K1ng: “ahhhhh??????????????
im ??? not yelling on purpose im just????????
what the hell ??????”
Maxwell: “i wanted to help and it works?!”
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Marcus: “you tested it???”
Maxwell: “yes”
Little-K1ng: “thats such a silly idea max of course it worked??? magic is like that sometimes??? but why would you have even thought about it ?????????”
Marcus: “max”
Maxwell: “i...”
Little-K1ng: “thats so silly how did it taste wh”
Maxwell: “i knew marigolds have the ability to help heal wounds...they can help speed up the process sometimes by a couple of days”
Marcus: “Are you okay??”
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Maxwell: “they can help with blood flow”
Marcus: “Which ones did you cut off? Did you only cut one?”
Little-K1ng: “are you???? ok max first of all. heavy metal poisoning speedrunning. nice one. but also. dude cmon they double when you do that”
Maxwell: “and can sometimes even be used to treat infections...
i only cut one but it workss”
Little-K1ng: “one flower for how much ??”
Marcus: “...”
Little-K1ng: “like. did the water change color? bubble strangely? make fucked up ender noises at you??”
Maxwell: “i got a scrape on my arm when I was pacing outside waiting for fetch and I dipped a paper towel in it and put it on the wound”
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Little-K1ng: “god maybe i am emotionally exhausted”
Maxwell: “it almost fully closed instantly”
Marcus: “...I kinda hope it made ender noises that would be funny”
[Maxwell: “it almost fully closed instantly”]
Little-K1ng: “hUH”
Maxwell: “it healed the wound faster than normal
not completely but enough”
Little-K1ng: “oh you better hope you dont do that too much and find out once your laurel wilts the wounds just open wtf”
Marcus: “I don’t think normal marigolds do that”
Little-K1ng: “thats like. supremely fucked dude??? thats weird.”
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Maxwell: “.....”
Marcus: “...interesting”
Little-K1ng: “if you only used one did you??? just use the one i cut?”
Maxwell: “i wanted to help fetch
no the...one you cut was a bud
i needed one with petals that was bloomed...”
Marcus: “Y’know Max, I don’t think anyone else would’ve tried that”
Maxwell: “also the bud hasnt wilted despite being cut off a day ago...
but yeah i needed petals”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “i tried to take em off when it was on my head but it felt like I was pulling out my hair so i stopped and just....”
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Little-K1ng: “no, i understand the need. i get it. i want to help fetch too and honestly? i would have done the same”
Maxwell: “took a whole one”
Marcus: “...are you okay?
How did that not wake me up”
Little-K1ng: “im. i just. i feel so screwed up about this whole thing.”
Maxwell: “i didnt yell”
Marcus: “...”
Maxwell: “i numbed it with ice and grabbed the scissors
fetch wasnt happy when i told him”
Little-K1ng: “well of course not”
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Maxwell: “jack saw it as an experiment”
Marcus: “...you talked to fetch?
Like directly?”
Little-K1ng: “you told him???”
Maxwell: “no he was messaging her”
Little-K1ng: “i dont even tell him when i hide a pill in some cheese for him
wait dont tell him that i said that”
Marcus: “I thought he just gave an update and that’s how you knew about stuff”
Maxwell: “to let us know he wouldnt be home tonight
yeah and i said i knew a way to help heal him”
Marcus: “...”
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Maxwell: “he...knew i was gonna do something I shouldnt have
theres still quite a bit left”
Marcus: “....i can see why he would think that”
Maxwell: “it's in a bowl....
....you can use some if you need it”
Little-K1ng: “...........ok. would it be weird. if i drank it
like a little bit
maybe itll?? pick up my mood or something”
Marcus: “What if it cures your migraines”
Maxwell: “i dont know if it works for moods”
Little-K1ng: “god i WISH”
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Maxwell: “uh give me a sec”
[Marcus: “What if it cures your migraines”]
Maxwell: “you could try but as far as i remember it wont work
it works for wounds and inflammatory stuff”
Little-K1ng: “damn”
Marcus: “Why would you give it to me-”
Little-K1ng: “yeah ill be honest i maybe do not want the weird rat juice . at least not right now”
Maxwell: “its...flower
i put the petals in a pot and boiled em”
Little-K1ng: “Brain Flower of the Rat is not exactly the most appealing tea flavor, max. with all due respect”
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Maxwell: “then i strained them”
Marcus: “Juice of Brain Flower of the Rat then”
Maxwell: “actually tastes slightly like normal water...
if anything slightly sweet
jack said it might taste like rose water”
[Marcus: “Juice of Brain Flower of the Rat then”]
Little-K1ng: “sick new lacroix flavor”
[Maxwell: “jack said it might taste like rose water”]
Little-K1ng: “.....rose water?”
Maxwell: “yeah you boil the roses then strain em into a bowl
like i did with the marigolds”
Little-K1ng: “i like rose water... :/ guess maybe i do want the fucked up rat brain plant water”
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Maxwell: “you could try some its not like I cant make more”
Little-K1ng: “....hm !!! dont like that
do not make more rat water”
Maxwell: “....”
Little-K1ng: “i will try some but do not make more”
Marcus: “...please stop calling it rat water?”
Little-K1ng: “marcus?? do you want to try some (Patent Pending) Maxwell Ratatouille's Funky Fresh Brain Tea™️?”
Maxwell: “....
im too tired for this shit”
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Little-K1ng: “im coping max.”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “ fair”
Marcus: “I don’t have any injuries?”
Maxwell: “im.....i might go to sleep soon....
Marcus: “Who?”
Little-K1ng: “we dont have injuries
okay so uh?? bottoms up i guess”
sip sip
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Marcus: “..oh wait
My elbow?
Does it work on old injuries?”
Little-K1ng: “uh. hm
it tastes good?”
Maxwell: “oh yeah its burned! it wont get rid of the injury but it might help with any lingering pain?”
Little-K1ng: “it tastes nice actually, the rose water thing was actually accurate
kateza affectionate: “I’m gonna head to bed. Stay safe y’all. Much love /p”
Little-K1ng: “gn Kate !
hm. okay”
Maxwell: “hm?”
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Marcus: “What Mona?”
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Little-K1ng: “so. i may have forgotten to mention out loud to yall but i have some pretty bad joint pain
like, typically, its a mid level pain all the time
and its jsut? less
less pain
thats nice”
Maxwell: “told ya it works!”
Little-K1ng: “it.... does !
dont make more though
ill enjoy this for as long as it lasts but for gods sake max dont pick the laurel for tea”
Marcus: “Please don’t make more rat juice max”
Little-K1ng: “gonna do a rat juice high five marcus
try it??”
Marcus: “I’ll..try just applying it to my elbow”
Little-K1ng: “something something dab joke”
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Marcus: “Man you really are tired huh?
Little-K1ng: “i am so tired
work was hard
and i came home, expecting like, the remnants of a fight”
Marcus: “Okay- oh”
Little-K1ng: “only to realize that like, just about every problem for the last 2 days are probably entirely my fault”
Marcus: “Mona”
Little-K1ng: “and i dont actually have it in me to think i actually did anything wrong and i keep getting angry and snapping at people who dont deserve it”
Marcus: “Mona it’s fine
I promise”
Little-K1ng: “<:(”
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Maxwell: “you okay marcus”
Little-K1ng: “^this is an incredibly forced frown. again, i dont feel bad”
Maxwell: “the water didnt hurt you right?”
Marcus: “Huh?
No it’s quite soothing actually”
Little-K1ng: “yeah weird right ??”
Marcus: “A bit”
Little-K1ng: “i WILL physically fight you max if you try to make more though
i will get mad. dont”
Maxwell: “....sorry”
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Little-K1ng: “i mean dont be sorry for trying it, that was a good idea
but you've done it once, thats enough”
Marcus: “Please don’t make more max”
Little-K1ng: “for safety reasons”
Marcus: “Yeah”
Little-K1ng: “i dont know how easily those stems get infected
and with how deep they run i really dont want you to find out
i already endangered you all this far, please dont help me do that
guys... you both look so tired”
Maxwell: “you wont endagenr us its fein”
Little-K1ng: “maybe you should go to bed”
Maxwell: “im fien”
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Little-K1ng: “sounds like it ,':)
head to the tulips, dormouse :)!”
Maxwell: “fuckign what”
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Maxwell: “awwwww i love emas”
Little-K1ng: “do you guys want to sleep in the living room? my bed is pretty huge”
Maxwell: “oh iv emafe a neast on the fllor”
Little-K1ng: “oh perfect, and it looks like marcus is already asleep :) thats okay!! goodnight you guys”
Maxwell: “nihgtn”
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the-rainbow-mafia-blog · 6 years ago
// Small bit of a much larger story. Another part of that story can be found here. This story is about this image, or if you prefer still images. Click here. A/N after the story. // 
Faba closed the door of his modest apartment behind him. The slam of the heavy door echoing around. There was no need to say hello to anyone. No one was waiting for him. No one had made food. Not that he was hungry anyway. He let his coat fall onto the floor and kicked his shoes off as he walked past the big bedroom. Normally he would walk straight ahead but his recent visitor had been stirring up emotions and memories. He couldn’t help but stop.
His long boney fingers rested on the cold metal of the door handle. He almost found the courage to open the door but backed out in the last second. Faba sighed and walked to the tiny room at the end of the hallway. It was supposed to be his office but was almost immediately turned into a baby room. The soft greens of the wallpaper greeted him. It was her favorite color and without thinking about it, he had adapted it as his favorite too.
Faba looked around the room, it was like she had left it. Like they had left it when there was still a they to speak of. Green wallpaper, a crib, so much stuffed toys and a camping bed. That one was sorta new. It looked like a stretcher and as comfortable as one. He could buy a regular bed but somehow he never got around to do it. With a sigh he put his green lab glasses on the floor as he lay down on the uncomfortable nylon of the bed. His index finger followed the curve of them.  Green glasses. All becase he once joked that instead of seeing the world through a pink lens, she saw them through a green one. As a joke he had bought them but now they had become an comfort item.
The clock ticked the hours away and sleep would not catch him. He tossed and turned before giving up and getting up again. He stretched his back until it popped and went to the kitchen. “I’m not getting drunk.” He told no one as he grabbed a bottle and a glass.
This was all his fault. His lovely visitor. His ghost from the past. He was doing fine with coping with it but he had to mention her again. Faba figured that the best way to deal with anything is to ignore it. Tried as he might though he couldn’t forget what the other had said to him. How he was only working at Aether because they offered him an opportunity to work with splicing. How he thought he could bring her back. Faba had scoffed at the suggestion but he knew it to be true. At least before he saw what monsters it created. He went to grief her death all over again when he realised he had lost her for good.
The alcohol calmed him and clouded his mind and now nothing was stopping him to think about his past. About when he was happy. About his wedding day.  His right hand stroked his left ring finger but there was no ring there. He had taken it off and kept it somehwere really safe. Now no one was going to ask questions or feel sorry for him.
With every sip the present became more cloudy and the past more clearer.  He remembered how beautiful she looked that day. Though she always looked so effortlessly beautiful. She had beautiful green eyes and long grey hair.  She was born without pigment in it and as a result she always had grey hair. Faba just thought it made her more beautiful and after a while she came to believe it too.
She always talked about marriage and how she planned it to be. She wanted to elope. Even if everyone in the world agreed on her marriage she wanted to elope. Marry in a small chapel with only her and her groom to be. So when the time came and she had said ‘yes’ to his proposal that is what they did.
There were little vows because she didn’t want them. And that was that. They were married.
If their wedding day was a concert the actual ceremony was a supporting act. One of those lesser know bands or artists that tried their best to appeal but the audience was just waiting for the main act. What he remembered most was the hours after they said their official ‘I do’s’ and thus were now husband and wife.
She had pouted when he had taken his suit-jacket off.
“It’s too hot.” Faba had simply replied. “And I’m still wearing the dress shirt.. and the tie!” He held the fabric up as too prove he was wearing it, like she couldn’t see it. “Also you took your veil off so we’re even in taking things off.”
She shook her head, the flower that shared her name bounced softly with their movement. Faba loved it when she did that. The whole fake dissapointment. They knew each other by now. They spoke each other’s body language like it was their mother tongue. Now he was distracted by how gorgeous she looked in front of the hotel window as the sun was setting behind her, filling the room in a warm orange glow.
He bit his lip to hide his smile. “I got vows!” He had expected her to protest or do something but instead she looked at him with anticipation. “Well I never saw you as a writer but what the hell, let’s start this marriage off with learning something new about each other.”
“Well I’m not good with words but I wanted to try. i’ve been sitting on this one for a while. I know you said no vows at the wedding but the wedding is over so now it’s fair game.”
She chucked the bouquet at him. With no one to visit their wedding, no one was there to catch it. “Before I am the next one to marry I wanted to say something about the bride.” He flicked a petal off himself as he unfolded the paper with text he rewrote a thousand times and still wasn’t happy with.
“When we met I was still young, I was in a place of darkness. I thought that it would last forever but then suddenly there was warmth and light. At the time I didn’t know where it came from but I knew I had to hold onto it. You know what they told me, because they told you too. That you were soft. But where they saw that as something weak. I saw it as pure strength. The power to remain this loving and warm in a cruel and dark work is something I admire and something I can only wish to be. I had given up on kindness and thought it to be better to hurt, rather than to be hurt. But around you I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I found myself spending more and more time around you and with that, I realised that I was enjoying life again. I saw things, like you saw them. With hope.. with green glasses on. I still don’t know what I did to deserve all that time you spend with me but I must have done something right if you allowed it. You told me about your dreams and before I knew it they became my dreams. I couldn’t imagine a future without you and even though I was the scrawny nerd and you were more beautiful than anyone ever you still agreed to go out with me. You allowed me to kiss you and love you. And you allowed me to take your hand in marriage. I do not know what the future will hold. I don’t think anyone does. But I will promise to give my everything to you. All that I can give. I will give to you. And I will promise to love you. I will promise to keep on going. So that when we need it and think we can’t go on anymore. I will hold on a little longer for us. So you don’t have to do that alone. Lillium- even though you dislike your full name. I still think it’s the most breathtaking sound in the world. My beautiful Lilly flower. I love you so much and I want to live the rest of my life with you.”
He looked up, shocked to see his bride with tears on her face. Faba dropped the paper and walked over to her, pressing her face against his chest. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Your’e jsut a stupid soft idiot who thinks he’s the worst person in the world but he isn’t.” She looked up to him, her eyes glimmering. “I can’t top what you just said but... I love you. You may see me as your strength but you are mine. I wish you would see what a kind person you really are Faba. You think you’re cruel but you’re the only one who reached out to me.” Her hands found his and she kissed his finger tips. “Maybe we were truly made for each other.”
They sat like that for a while and watched the twilight turn into night.
“How do you feel about kids anyway?”
//Well there is loads more where that came from. Lillium is Faba’s wife. They met in his Team Plasma days and he fell instantly and hard. They moved to Alola when they were in their late 20s and married there. Faba would do anything for her and she would do the same for him. I imagine their marriage as happy and healthy. This stories are all little parts of a much much bigger story that I have been working on since Pokemon Sun/Moon was announced and we saw a teaser of him. So I apologize if it’s vague at parts. I did edit some parts here and there to not give away spoilers for the full story.
I really want to keep sharing it and I would love people to read and tell me what they think. But be nice. There is a difference between being a dick and being helpful.
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incorrect-bangtan-boys · 6 years ago
(im not sure if both of u stan them but) stray kids 1. 3. 4. 5. 7. 15. 18. 19. 20. lmao
1. Who’s your bias?
AUSSIE LINE!! Like my first bias was Felix and then Chan just existed and i realised I was in love with both of them. They’re both just such good people. I jsut love them so much! Felix’s freckles literally make my knees weak by the way… just a fun fact about me. 
3. Who’s your bias wrecker?
Vocal! King! Kim! Woojin! He very very quickly became my favourite kpop vocalist and i love his smile and his laugh! He’s best boy with a voice of pure honey!! also i like his face very very much
4. Hyung line or maknae line?
how DARE YOU!! The audacity!!! ME???? PICK BETWEEN MY BOYS?!?!?! I could never! 
5. What is your favorite era?
My favourite era is I am: Who. I am Who has my favourite songs in it and i just love that album so much. But Miroh era is quickly becoming my favourite cause it’s my first comeback and I’m just so emotionally invested in these 9 morons. (okay but Jisungs hair in I am Who is just the best Jisung and Felxi hair and you can fight me on this!) 
7. What’s the first song you heard?
Well Admin Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) introduced me to Stray Kids and we listened to a bunch of songs in one day so i cant really remember which song was first… WAIT NO I REMEMEBR!! IT WASNT WITH ADMIN Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) IT WAS HELLAVATOR AND IT WAS PREDEBUT!!! HA! It was so fucking long ago! But it was hellavator and then i completely forgot skz existed for like…. 10 months
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
Well i mean, they wanna do a Monsta X concept, I want them to do a Monsta X concept…. Miroh was close but im watiing! 
18. Your favorite title track?
My Pace or Get Cool :D My Pace makes me all emotional cause it’s all “you do you! You’re great the way you are! Don’t compare yourself to others” and that makes me WEAK But also Get Cool has the iconic Chan line “Don’t matter if the world is a cold place.. cause I’m getting COOLER” which is a line me and admin Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) never fail to scream when we listen to it together! 
19. Favorite choreo?
Mirror or Miroh! Mirror cause i LOVE that mirror image symmetry shit! and Miroh cause it has a māori haka influence in it which i die for honestly. any time māori is mentioned (im looking at you Zone) i fucking die! 
20. Favorite live performance?
oh god, either Miroh or Victory Song. acutally yeah victory song! ITS SO GOOD AND SO POWERFUL. Also LEE FELIX WITH HIS VOICE DEEPER THAN THE MARIANAS TRENCH RUINS MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! FUCK HIM THOUGH WHYY DOES HE DO THIS TO ME also @Chan stop showing your abs, it’s a personal attack against me and i do not appreciate it. 
~Admin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Worry not my child they are literally my ults.
1. Who’s your bias?
Han Jisung owns my heart and soul. He’s been my bias since the beginning, we’re so similar and I love that for us. He’s the smartest dumbass and that just so gotdamn relatable. He’s also so funny and loud and annoying and his members will never let them live. Also fucking relatable, @admin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ALLOW ME TO LIVE YOU BITCH ♡♡♡♡♡
3. Who’s your bias wrecker?
Minho, Hyunjin, and Jeongin are tied, I just can’t pick between them. Minho is the weirdest person (that Miroh heart version dance practice is priceless, and I also do the exact same thing constantly, but I’m not an actTuAL KpOp iDOl yOU AbsOLUte InsANE PeRsOn) and also forever done with everyone. When he did that dance on Dingo School where he had to dance Miroh and change concept every like five seconds it killed me. Hyunjin is too pure but also not at all in anyway pure, ‘safe show’ shut the fuck up you nerd, I saw you dance to The Eve, don’t even with that shit. Jeongin is the sweetest angel and I just want to protect him at all costs, but he’s also a little demon and I love it. He’s my son and I didn’t know I was prepared to be a parent, but life just do you like that sometimes. 
4. Hyung line or maknae line?
I. hate. this. question. what kind of satan came up with this????? (I also think it is important to note that I spent at least five minutes trying to remember how the fuck to spell satan for this answer)
5. What is your favorite era?
Aesthetics wise??? I Am: You. Changbin’s X through his eyebrow is still the best styling decision in kpop, fight me. Also Get Cool is iconic and everyone looked so good in My Side. Musically, I gotta go with I Am: Who, it’s the first kpop album I’ve ever owned and it has my absolute fave skz song Voices on it.
7. What’s the first song you heard?
As Stray Kids, I listened to Hellevator within hours of it coming out. But, I also watched the show and that compelled me to listen to 3racha, so really my first song was Runner’s High.
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
Just like admin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧, that Monsta X vibe. I think they’d do it so well. Miroh era has a bit of it, but I’d love to see them go full blown powerful horny on us. Or maybe something just outright bittersweet, a Spring Day with that soft aesthetic would be so cool, or something like Euphoria that’s just beautiful and lovely.
18. Your favorite title track?
Including pre-debut, Hellevator, cause lord that song is too relatable, the rap is beautiful, and Jisung’s high note is my religion okay. Sorry mom I’m not Jewish anymore, Jisung existed and I strayed (get it, ha at least I make myself laugh). Post-debut???? Get Cool cause I need that sheer happiness in my life and they are so cute oh my lord???? Miroh cause I love a good uprising and also everyone’s looking so so good???? My Pace cause we gotta get that good good (side note: fite me Luhan) passionate uplifting mess. Also na nananana na na na nanana, what inspiring lyrics boys, you really know how to bring a tear to a bitches eye. 
19. Favorite choreo?
Get Cool for the meme, Miroh for the sheer talent and oh my god Chan you fucking menace, Voices cause it’s so thematically and aesthetically perfect, My Pace for Hyunjin’s killing part in the second verse, I just can’t with that. I just love skz choreo okay, this is a judgment free zone.
20. Favorite live performance?
Victory Song… my boys out here tryina kill me. I am deceased, goodbye world, you were kinda sucky, but at least I saw Go Go live so who’s the real winner here?????
- admin Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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candithedinosaur-blog · 8 years ago
sorry for the lack of art...
im just not feeling very confident lately. i had like five requests from this person who i wont mention and im too scared to tell them how i feel. keep reading if you wanna know what stupid stuff's been going on in my head for the past week. BUT IF YOURE GONNA KEEP READING READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU KILL SOMEONE so as some of you know, i recently did a live stream drawing the person (lets just call them jam) jams "gemsona." but the problem is, this wasn't their gemsona exactly. he literally just searched up fire opal in google and saw that he liked the design and just declared it his own gemsona. now, some people dont know that reposting art without the artist's permission is illegal, but i dont know the situation between google images and plagiarism so, im not sure if he was allowed to consider it his own. and if you watched my live stream, you could SEE him put into chat "you can make your own design." that just made me feel... furious. and a gemsona isnt a gemsona if its just something you saw on the internet and called it your own and THEN decided to make it a fan fusion. i cant remember if i actually sighed out loud, but if i did, it meant "ok you need to get the fuck out and get your own gemsona and guess what im not drawing that shit." but i try to keep my channel at least pg 13, and im a weak crybaby that is too scared to tell him how i feel. im too scared to tell anyone anything to their face or on the internet how i feel if it might make them have a bad opinion of me, and of course, i didnt want to cause arguments in the roleplay me and some other friends from the internet were in. and thats not all, jam has broken the same rule at least five times. rule number 2. no spamming. and before, there was also conflict with jam and some other guy who ill call draco. oh yea, forgot to mention that im the leader of this roleplay group. i literally had to kick out draco from the group and i made a biiiig mistake when i did that. draco came back and apologized. but that big mistake was, i shouldve kicked the both of them out. i feel bad for making draco feel like he was being personally attacked. so now that all of the group chat stuff is out of the way, its on to the main cause of the lack of confidence and art. so, like i said, jam has requested about five drawing from me, all at different times. he requested a point of the plagiarized fire opal design number one. he chose two pictures and he gave me the first one. so i made a point out of that and he used it for his pfp and gave me credit, yay, points dont take that long to do so it was cool. but there was more details to it. so, he first asked for a drawing of it and i said id make a point because it takes less time and im getting ready to pretend to go to sleep in a few hours. so i decided that i was done drawing on my pc for the night so i sketched a little fire opal point. so i send him a picture with the terrible colored pencil coloring and i said "well im done drawing on my computer for tonight but i can draw it tomorrow if you want" and jam said that he wanted the digital version, which i can see why. so in the morning, here is the average schedule for me : 11:00-12:00 - mom wakes me up 12:05 - we make lunch together and watch who wants to be a millionaire which plays for 30 minutes including commercials and it starts at 12:30, sometimes my dad comes home from work to get lunch, sometimes he doesnt. 1:05 - the chew starts and i either go take a shower and sit in my closet watching jse's the escapist series for about 30 minutes, or i do that without the shower part. 2:00 - im usually completely ready for the day and i have requests read (if any) and i think about what im going to draw since my mom doesnt want me staying up until 3am, she makes me put my phone and pc in her room during weekdays (sometimes she forgets and those days i take advantage) so i usually take my pc at around 2:15 pm sometimes we go shopping, sometimes we dont so when i go to sit in my closet watching yt, jam just messages me saying "hi" me thinking i was smart, i keep watching yt. jam says "can you see this?" and i keep the private dms unmuted incase if theres a problem in chat (the chats muted) for my rp acc they could just ask me personally. i go on instagram, and say "yea" and they legit say "can you make my point now?" i said "oh were going shopping i might be able to do it now bt i might have to do it later." we actually were going shopping and out of sheer panic, i finished changing and did the point. i did that, and then a few days later, he asks for the drawing so i did that on stream blah blah blah. but then he asks me for another point. my maximum for gemsonas are 1 rn. bt this wasnt a gemsona. it was jasper, but with splatoon hair. i dont play splatoon, but jam does. so i make the point AND HE DOESNT EVEN USE IT FOR ANYTHING. LIKE WTF. I COULDVE USED THAT HALF HOUR TO WATCH YOUTUBE. so, yea. then, the last thing. this was the last request and i already had like five at that point (hehe cuz they were points) so i decided to do it last because ya know, it was a full on picture, nothing much. so i dont start on it and he says "did you start on it yet" i said "no not yet im taking a break for tonight" and he knows i had a lot of requests that day. the next day, i sneak into my moms room and i see the notification that says "you dont have to do the drawing, if you dont want to" and i said "ok" just to be nice. and he said "but you can if you want" and i didnt reply. i almost said "oh well i ddint want to do it anyways" but i didnt. because im nice. he literally requested a drawing of himself wih splatoon hair. in the splatoon art style. like tf bro. thats the first time anyone asked for a drawing of them tho so i think im growing as an artist. BUT WAIT I FORGOT THERE WAS ONE MORE i cant remember what the drawing was, but i remember i was in a restaurant about to leav when hes like "so can you make it now" and i was like "no im in a restaurant but ill be home in like 20 minutes" and he said "okay well can you do it as soon as you get home?" and then he said "wait no im sorry i shouldnt have said that. i should have said enjoy your meal and take your time" so i cant remember what i said in return but i think i jsut replied with "okay" and when we got in he car i noticed that google maps said that it takes 30 minutes to get home and i told him and hes like oh geez and stuff. so i did the drawing for him and yea. thats basically it. oh yea, i didnt mention why i havent drawn lately. i havent been feeling good (no im not sick) and i have just been feeling... used for the past week. bt dont freak out or anything, im fine... well maybe not and the reason why i didnt want to put this on youtube is because he subbed to me and i dont want him to see this. well, not like anyones going to read this, in fact some people might unfollow me for this, so yea. you might not see art until next week
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