#sorry i dont wanna die from heat stroke because i have to cover up?!?!?
morgan-reblog · 4 years
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“Quebecker students wears skirt to send a message of feminism and tolerance ” 
Source (in french)
Saying that lately I have been bummed out because of the way people talk from where I come from (and from my generation), stumbling upon this link on Facebook made me smile.
Am so proud and happy to see young men from where I come from doing stuff like that, give me some fucking hope that shit can actually change, but also that our generation will maybe change this bashing coming from other provinces one day.
“ Three days ago, a secondary school student from the province, posted a video and a picture on his Instagram account of him and his friends proudly displaying their outfits with a feminist and inclusive message: the skirt to denounce the antiquated and sexist dress code of Quebec secondary schools, as well as to underline the tolerance that should be in place towards all genders and all ways of dressing. ”
The dressing code is absolute bullshit and female students (or at least those seen as female students) are always the one with the most restriction, where the male one don’t have too much of a problems unless it goes a little too far. Kind of restrictions that are there since my mother's generation (and older obviously), but people are always saying “yes well it was like that for me too” as if it was an argument for it to not change.
I hope we can see more of this in years to come, having the boys standing up with the girls against all this bullshit that have been in place for fucking decade without changing. Like, 2020 as been shit and society suck in general, but stuff like this makes me smile and gives me some hope that shit can actually change one day.
For those interested, I’ll leave a translated (by myself, since it’s an more Quebecker french in some parts it is a little harder to translate than France french) under the cut. Word already in English will be but in italic
“Quebecker students wears skirt to send a message of feminism and tolerance ”
[two picture from Instagram showing young men wearing skirt at school. credit towards @/guillaume.dery and @/hd.mot from Instagram]
article by Camille-Ly Drainville, Oct 6 2020 - 10:22
Three days ago,Tom Ducret-Hillman, a secondary school student from the province, posted a video and a picture on his Instagram account of him and his friends proudly displaying their outfits with a feminist and inclusive message: the skirt to denounce the outdated and sexist dress code of Quebec secondary schools, as well as to underline the tolerance that should be in place towards all genders and all ways of dressing.
[insertion of an Instagram post. First a video of the young men in a skirt, saying something unintelligible in french to the camera while doing on jump on his skitboard. The second one is a picture from a young men in skirt, doing a cartoonish shy pose. The last picture is the same as the one used at the top of the article, two young men in skirts face the camera.
The caption goes as such: In a skirt, in class, with a ✨FUCKED UP✨ system.🙈😙😃💞😻 Dress code is the most none-sensed things I've ever seen in my life and so, we need to change it! It's by doing little things like this that we are going to be able to change these things. Everybody that didn't do it, what are you waiting for? It's not because you're a boy and you wear a skirt that "OmG thaT's So FucKiNg gAy". Betch clothes has no gender so change your mentality! In addition to the matter of seeing some skin, what’s the point, It's exciting you Mrs./Mr. the professor? Just close your mouth thank you xx. EVERYONE SHOULD DRESS HOW THEY FEEL HOW TO DRESS, PERIODT. fhanks have a nice day :3
The same text is repeated but in English this time, with some differences]
(The article copy-pasted the (french) Instagram caption here)
Shared many times and counting near 8′000 likes on Instagram, the publication as rapidly inspired other adolescents from the famous Gen Z generation to do the same thing in their school to wear the skirt as a protestation sign:
[insertion of an Instagram post. First is a picture of a group of young men wearing skirt in a school bathroom, used in the article header. The second one is the same setting put in a different angle.
The caption goes as such: Society treats women as if they were responsible from the actions others have towards them when the reality is very different. It is not the length of their skirt that should decide whether boys are apt to listen in class. It is not because a girl is wearing short shorts that men have the right to talk badly to her on the street. The responsibility for these acts rests with those who took the action and not with those who suffered it.]
This time, it’s Guillaume Déry and his classmates in secondary 4 of the Collège Saint-Paul, in Varennes, that we see in a publication that has instantly become viral, with more than 45,000 likes and many shares. We see them all wearing skirts, to express their displeasure with these unfair school rules and to demonstrate that anyone has the right to wear anything (within the limits of decency, of course).
“ In my school, there have been many stories with the dress codes. Girls who get kicked out of class because of the length of their skirts, others who get totally inappropriate comments from the direction: “Look at you, how improperly you are”. Often, girls are told that they disturb the boys with the way they dress and we totally disagree. We believe that it’s up to the boys to concentrate on their own and that this responsibility doesn’t belong to the girls. The boys wear skirts to show their support towards girls, and that you can be a guy and be a feminist at the same time. We also try to convey a message of tolerance. If you want to wear a skirt, you can do it even if you’re a guy. ” Explained Guillaume to NIGHTLIFE.CA.
The Gen Z Quebecker are proving once again that they knows how to do much more than just TikTok choreographies, and it makes us immensely happy and proud to see that the generation of the future is concerned with social and feminist issues.
Young girls should not be deprived of their right to education (like being taken out of class for a bare shoulder), and it is important to continue to fight for changes and egalitarian regulation between guys and girls, especially in schools.
We are with you guys, WE STAN!
(T/N: “Look at you, how improperly you are”. the original was "Regarde-toi comment t’as pas d’allure". The later part is a little harder to translate and if you try it word-for-word it will give you “look at you, how bad you look” which isn’t exactly what it means.
Allure is used in reference to the appearance (and as an adjective, something chic/elegant), but in THIS context it’s doesn’t exactly mean looking bad. It’s most likely used as a way to say that the [girl’s] clothes aren’t decent enough for them.
In other context it can mean looking bad, as in your clothes are messy, don’t match, etc.)
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
I had a sudden thought. So I haven’t had my period in over a year (yay IUD). But I had the absolute worst mood swings and the first 3 days the cramps would be so bad I had to have some sort of heat pad. I hated not being able to have a bath.
How do you think Anakin would help with those nasty moods or cramps? I’m willing to bet he’d never leave your side and give the strongest snuggles just take your mind off of everything.
AYYOO this has been in my inbox for a long time now but I wanted to take my time with this so lo siento about the wait bb 💖
But this morning I had the WORST cramps so I think that was a sign to get my ass on it 😍
Ok so first of all, I think he’d be very very confused at the mood swings. One minute you’re fine, the next someone could literally breathe in your direction and you’d be like “yo shut the actual fuck up your existence was a mistake 👹👹👹” and he’d just be like “👀😯🤭” and not say anything at first until you probably make someone cry.
And then I think he’d kneel by your side and be like “hey baby I know you’re going through a tough time right now but I think it’d be better for everyone if you took a nap or something...”
And then that would just make you cry and cry and cry, and feel like the shittiest person ever because if Anakin mf Skywalker, King of Dramatics, has to tell you to calm down... well... you must have been awful.
And so you’re crying and trying to hide from him cause you feel so bad and blubbering all “get away from me I suck im sorry I’m such an awful person oh no” but he’s there tugging your arms away from your face and wiping your tears like “no no no it’s okay you’re okay I didn’t meant it like that— 🥺”
And then you turn to him with a tear streaked face and go “well fuck you then for making me feel like shit!!” And I definitely think he would discover you had a pretty colorful mouth at this point.
But my god he’s just confused now cause what did he say?? It doesn’t really matter cause now you won’t talk to him and you’re still crying a little but your stomach rumbles so he just gets up make you some food cause he knows you’re not actually angry at him 🤷🏼‍♂️
And then while you’re eating you’d mellow out a bit, even laugh at something on the tv. But after you finish you’d get kinda sad and grumpy again cause wtf you’ve been hopping from bed to couch back to bed for two days now and you’re getting real sick of it and there’s barely anything to watch anymore and you want a bath and the mf cramps are hitting again—
And when he sees that I think he’d take your food and set it out of the way so you can curl up with your heating pad, and he’d sit on the edge of the bed and stroke your hair for a while until the worst ones pass, yaknow the ones where it’s like if anything touches you you might combust.
And a few minutes in I think you’ll be so miserable that you don’t even care how pathetic it is to ask him to lie with you, you’ll just mumble like “can you come here please” and he’ll know thats code for “come hold me or I might die” so he gets on the bed with you and probably has you sit in between his legs so he can hold the heating pad to your stomach and rub it up and down and whisper soothing things in your ear as you tense up in his arms and ride out the cramps.
He hates seeing you that way, especially when there’s not much he can do but hold you and maybe use a little bit of the force to take some pain away but it’s not enough, or at least he thinks so.
But for you, it’s nice just to have him here because he’s saying things like “you’re okay, I’m here, I’ve got you..” and “I’m sorry, I know it hurts, it’ll be over soon” and “it’s okay you can squeeze my hand— ow okay, other hand”.
And he’s also trying to distract you, his hands on your arm rubbing circles into your skin, his lips by your neck tickling it as he talks to you, maybe holding a holopad in front of you and playing a stupid game with you.
But if it hurts too bad and you just curl up in his arms and bury your face in his chest he’ll settle for rubbing your back and holding you gently and resting his head on top of your hair as you shiver through the pain.
And you might say something like “fuck me fuck me fuck me this is so unfair” he’ll be like “I know I know I’m sorry” or “fuck you you suck” he’s like “yeah yeah I know” or “this is awful I hate everything” “it’ll get better soon I promise”
BASICALLY he takes everything in swing. Kind of absorbs all your nasty words if you’re in that mood, wipes your tears when you’re crying, and also feels really bad the whole because I will die by this— Anakin is the biggest sucker for tears. And he’ll wait on you hand and foot, get you anything you need, carry you from bed to couch to anywhere else you might want to go, holds you when you want him and watches you sleep when you don’t, etc.
And secretly you feel bad for being sort of a nightmare to deal with but you’re really trying to be nice, it’s just a shitty situation. So in the quiet moments you’ll be like “I’m sorry for all this” but he’ll just hush you and be like “I’m just happy I get to spend time with you 🥰”.
Which is like— 🥺 bro stop.
On the flip side I think at one point he might get annoyed at you, crying and complaining that everything sucks and you wanna rip your organs out and “go away I wanna be miserable in peace maybe I should just succumb to the pain—“
You’ll throw your heating pad to the floor, but he’ll come barging in like “stop that, you need this” and try to put it back on you, but you’re just shoving it away and burying yourself under the covers like “no I’m sick of this lemme die” and he’s like “don’t be such a baby, put it back on” “go AWAY” “not until you put it on” “I DONT WANT IT ANYMORE 👹” “you’re hurting I can feel it” “ANAKIN MF I WILL PUNCH YOU 👹👹👹” “come out here and do it then baby 🙄”
So you rip the covers off and he uses some fkcn twai con doe move (ignore the way I spelled that I’m illiterate) to pin you to the bed and strap the heating pad back onto you and then he’s wrangling your punching and kicking limbs to the bed all pissed off but worried like “😠KNOCK IT OFF you’re going to hurt yourself!!” And then another bad cramp hits you and you kind of deflate like “ow.. 🥺”. And he’s like “I told you 😑 now come here.” And he takes you in his arms while you clutch at his robes and apologize.
Yeah u suck but he knows you can’t really help it so he tries to be patient and honestly, he’s good at it when he tries 🤷🏼‍♀️💖
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hwangskz · 5 years
call me by your name | boyfriend(s)! minsung
there's no way that i can watch a beautiful movie and not write an au abt it
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• it was in the summer of 2016 when they first met
• they both were standing outside the swimming center, waiting along with other strangers, for the door to open
• when suddenly it was announced on a huge microphone that was placed on the counter, that the no more space is left for any other customer to come in
• and obviously everyone was annoyed
• jisung sat down with his back against the wall of the building
• "i really should've stayed at home in the ac.."
• "me too"
• jisung looked up to see a beautiful man looking down at him and smiling
• "hello"
• "....hi?"
• minho sighed as he looked around to see no one else there, as jisung's eyes followed his movements
• "well..im kinda free today and have nothing better to do, so like.. do u wanna get something from the convenience store?"
• jisung knew he shouldn't go around w strangers
• (jisung ur gonna get urself killed someday like this istg,,,,)
• "sure"
• so they were on their way to a convenience store
• and it was pretty? quiet?
• minho was ok w it. he wasn't much of a speaker anyway
• but jisung,,,,, THIS BOY !! had to make a conversation
• "it's pretty.. hot rn,, isn't it?"
• "yeah"
• minho went back to looking around them, searching for THAT ONE air-conditioned convenience store he saw on his way to the swimming center
• he would've been ok with shutting tf up but he thought the other didn't like his company?? (even tho minho was literally the one who asked him to come to the store w him JSHSH)
• and it didn't help that he was an extremely cute boy ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
• Jisung's First Impression Self-Coordinator can u shut up jisung is alrdy anxious w having this beautiful man beside him AND GUESS WHAT U R NOT HELPING!!!!!!
• all this time jisung kept thinking abt what discussion topics there were to exist so that he can talk to him
• "debate? nah arguing isn't a good first impression.."
• "global warming? it's all around social media with fake woke people anyways jisung what are u trying...."
• "the summer? i mean we kinda alrdy did.."
• and ALL THIS TIME jisung didn't even have a single clue that he was speaking this out loud
• and yes minho had heard it all
• he laughed quietly which caught jisung's attention
• "????? did something happen ?????"
• minho tried to not smile at the cute boy and shook his head no
• he looked beside him one more time and
• "!!!! BITCH I FOUND IT !!!! COME ON!!!!"
• "?? what-"
• jisung was ABSOLUTELY thrown off when the cold air hit him
• "just call me minho"
• minho told him to get a seat for the both of them while he got a strawberry and a chocolate milk, one for him and one for jisung, and then proceeded to pass him his drink as he held his in his hand and sat down opposite to jisung
• as jisung slurped his drink, minho had head on his palm and watched the other
• jisung looked up to see the other looking at him Like That and his heart probably did something too
• "w-why are u looking at me like that?"
• "u still haven't told me ur name"
• "...han jisung"
• "cute"
• minho, satisfied, picked up his drink and slurped it
• and jisung just.. sat there looking at his new friend
• and probably crush
• "what year were u born in?"
• "........2000....why"
• "oh,, so i'm 2 years older than u..hm..."
• "why do u ask tho"
• "trying to see something"
• "see what"
• he smirked as he held his head in his palm again and looked up at jisung
• "maybe the universe wants us to be together"
• jisung felt his cheeks heat up and minho chuckled at the sight of his red cheeks
• "has anyone ever told u that it's pretty wildt to flirt with someone when u have just met them"
• "has anyone ever told u how pretty u look when ur blushing"
• "i- !!!!!!!!!! MINHO PLS"
• days went by really quickly
• and soon they were best friends
• hung out at each other's places and stole food
• had movie marathons
• fought for the slice of pizza and the last piece of chicken
• u name it
• and like a routine, they were at the convenience store
• but today? they ran out of strawberry milk AND chocolate milk
• what misery o(╥﹏╥)o
• so instead he just got a chocolate cake for jisung
• "?? why this sudden change in menu??"
• "it's only for today. they ran out of all flavored milks today so i got this instead, because u once said that u loved chocolate cakes"
• ":0......thank u......"
• jisung got the cake and started having small bites of it when he looked up to see minho smiling at him; nothing in front of him
• "why aren't u eating?"
• "i don't like chocolate cake so ill probably just eat something tomorrow when i wake up bcs im too tired to make anything today"
• "but won't u get too hungry (・_・) ? by then (・_・) ?"
• "eh, it's fine"
• jisung was NOT having it
• "wait ill just buy u some fire noodles"
• "u don't need to do that"
• "jisung that frown doesn't look good ur cute face pls.."
• "... ok"
• jisung got the ramen and poured some hot water in it and covered it, followed by placing in it front of minho
• "here u go"
• ".. thank u"
• there was complete silence before jisung spoke up again
• "do me a favor and..... kinda tone it down? ur compliments towards me at the slightest of things.. i mean.."
• he didn't mind it, really
• "did that make u uncomfortable-"
• "no,, it just does something to my heart"
• minho looked him in the eye
• "what do you mean?"
• jisung gave him a sad smirk
• "i thought u will know to take hints like this the best."
• minho looked down; he did know what it meant, just too scared to come out
• jisung sighed and pointed at the cup of ramen
• "eat up. it's ready."
• after they were done at the store, they walked towards the bus stop, just like everyday
• but something seemed different today
• they stood still when they reached the bus stop, waiting for the bus to appear so that minho can reach his place
• "about that thing i said earlier.. i'm sorry"
• minho turned his head towards jisung
• "what are u talking about?"
• "about the thing with compliments.. i'm sorry if that made u uncomfortable.. or dislike me in any sort of wa-"
• jisung was cut off with minho's lips on his, and his hand behind jisung's head
• minho pulled away and looked at him
• "i could never, ever, hate u."
• and that's how, fast forward to a month later, right now, they ended up in the same bed
• with jisung's face pressed to minho's chest as his head rests on jisung's head, gently stroking through his hair
• "jisung.. i can't believe it's been so long since we met, you know?"
• jisung only hummed
• "and i'm so glad i got the courage to confess to u that day.. otherwise this, us, it wouldn't have had happened"
• "yeah"
• minho slid down to match jisung's height and gently smiled at him, jisung returning one
• "call me by your name, and i'll call you by mine."
• "jisung."
• "minho."
• they both exhaled and chuckled
• when suddenly
• "jisung?"
• "yes?"
• minho sighed and closed his eyes shut one more time before opening them and staring at jisung with determination
• it was gonna be a big day for him
• "i am in love with you, han jisung."
• jisung's breath hitched
• he should've seen this coming
• so jisung only sadly smiled and pressed a gentle kiss on minho's forehead before getting up and sitting on the foot of the bed, causing a confused minho to get up too
• "..jisung?"
• jisung looked back at minho one last time before saying
• "maybe the universe doesn't want us to be together."
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grayson-22 · 5 years
Navy and Scarlet
Sex mention
Implied homophobia (blink and you'll miss it)
I gave up on a word count because this is pretty long for my writings so....imma go eat a cookie.
It was thursday. Or maybe wednesday? Oh who cares. It was close to the end of the week when he came up to me. He was gorgeous. His eyes were a dark blue, his skin was light and looked soft, his jawline was so sharp I felt like if I touched it I would get cut. He was so professional looking, his hair slicked back, his glasses pressed neatly to his face, his tie around his neck tightened. He looked so professional, minus his navy blue hair.
I had just gotten my hair done as well, a lovely shade of red, dark near the roots and a blazing scarlet at the tips. When he came up to me and started flirting, you couldnt tell where my face stopped and my roots started.
I was sitting in the salon, fiddling with my pin. It was June, pride and i was determined to go with my best friend Patton. I guess he noticed my assortment of LGBT+ pins, or maybe i just gave off the energy, but he came up to me, placed his hand against the wall i was standing against and spoke softly.
"Is it safe to guess that you're more than an ally?" There was a soft purr in his voice. My face flamed up, "uh...yeah. I'm super gay!" He chuckled, "well I'm Logan." I blushed more.
"I mean...yes I'm gay...does that mean you are too?" I asked, trying to pull myself together.
"Is it that easy to tell?" He smiles he leaned against the wall with me. I sighed, "maybe it was the shameless flirting with a stranger?" I added.
"Well you dont have to be a stranger. I told you my name, what about yours?"
"Roman." I said with a smile.
We chatted for a bit, it was cute when i told a flirty joke and he laughed. Not long after the first interaction though, our friends came up to us.
"Lo! We need to head out before my mom finds us!" A boy with purple and black hair pulls at Logans arm. I know him from somewhere, his name is on thr tip of my tongue...
"Virgil! You're Virgil Storm, right?" He looks at me with bewilderment. "Uh...yeah, and who the hell are you?" He sounded annoyed.
"Roman Kingsly. We went to high school together. You were friends with my brother Remus." I said as i remembered their weird sleepovers.
As if the mention of my brother made his skin crawl, Virgil backed away slowly. "You're...i gotta go." He yelled out, as he ran away, pulling Logan with him.
I was at the hair salon. It was annoying how i got wrapped up in this mess...my friend Virgil got invited to a pride parade with his ex, and he dragged me along as well.
I decided if we were going to the parade we might as well look the part, we decided on hair dye.
Virgil had blond hair when we arrived, but left with black hair and purple highlights.
I went with a simple navy blue, not the most practical of choices, but one i could get away with. I arrived after him. I saw him sitting there, chatting with the hairdresser. His hair was blonde, most likely a bleaching first.
I watched as the hairdresser put red color in, i dont know why...but i was captivated by him. I went in after him, getting my hair done before making my way to him.
We talked, i learned all the proper information that i would need to know to continue this courtship: his name, his sexuality, and most importantly...that he was going to pride.
As i was being rushed out by Virgil, who found out i was talking to his ex's brother, i looked sadly at Roman, upset that I didn't get his number at least.
Virgil freaked out in the car, "why did we even come?! Its not like i miss him...why is his brother here too?!" I sighed.
"Well we didnt have to come for Remus. We could just stay because we are both gay. If we run into Roman and Remus....then we can have a chat and be on our way." I said slyly. I didnt think my dark companion knew that i had been, what some might call, flirting with Roman.
"Yeah, you'd looove to talk to my ex and his brother." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Yes, actually I would." He blushed slightly.
"Shit...did you hit it off with Roman? You realize he's the jock type...right? He's the kind of person who would beat you up in school." Virgil said as he groaned.
"And how would you know if he beat students up?" That made Virgil go quiet.
I sighed, "I see." He said softly. "I'm sorry. I will no longer bring up the matter." Virgil nodded slowly.
Later that day, we were decked out in our LGBT apparel, head to toe in rainbows. Although I looked ridiculous, I quite enjoyed the queer aesthetic. Pun intended.
I made my way out to see Virgil, who was trying to leave with his hoodie on, but I did not allow that to happen, knowing he would die of heat stroke.
I drove us to the parade, excited to see Roman, not really for the parade itself. I think my excitement showed a little too much, because not long after we parked and started our walk to the beach that held pride, Virgil gave me a concerned look, "Lo? You Okay? You're smiling. You never smile."
He was right, i never smile. What changed? Why was I smiling when I never smile? Roman. I was smiling because I saw Roman across the way.
I had gotten ready with Patton, my brother Remus, and his best friend Deen. We all decided on a very fem look, and by that i mean Deen bought us georgous skirts that I could never deny.
I took the dashing red and put it on with my rainbow checkered shirt tucked in. I decided to wear sandals instead of my pumps too, mostly because this was on a beach and there was going to be a lot of sand.
Patton wore the blue skirt and a baggy crop top, pulling it together with rainbow suspenders and tennis shoes.
Deen wore the yellow one with a black shirt that read, "move, I'm gay." On the back in rainbow as well as his converse.
Remus. The revolting creature...wore the green skirt, a rainbow dildo hat and no shirt, fishnet stockings and rainbow flip flops.
I tried to ignore him, i was on a mission to find him. Logan, i didnt know why I felt so...willing to just throw everything away for him but I did and i would if I had to.
Luckily...all I had to do was turn around. When I did I saw him there with Virgil, who had been glaring at me. He probably remembers high school now. It seemed that Logan had seen me, because he was walking towards me, he looked hesitant when my brother came up to me though.
"Remus, go away!"
"But I see Virgil, wanna go say hi?!"
"Not with you looking like that."
"Better this than what I had planned before this." He laughed, "one word, mankini!" He laughed more.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to Logan, "hey...come here often?" I asked feeling like an idiot. He just gave a small smile, "oh yeah, all the time."
God he was adorable. He blue hair shining against the sun, he was covered in rainbows, deffinatly gay. Which meant I had a chance. We walked away from Remus and Virgil, which I felt bad about doing...poor guy was not ready for Remus's...quirks.
As soon as we left Virgil with Remus, per his request, i decided to try and flirt with Roman again. He was wearing a skirt that made my head spin and my heart pound in my chest.
"You look rather dashing." I said softly, looking over to him to see that he was blushing, it was adorable, and it was clear he was a bottom.
Then he said something that snapped me right out of my thoughts, "can I get your number?" It took me by surprise, but who was I to deny him his request? "Of course, handsome."
He hands me his phone, open on the contact page, although he did accidently switch it to his gallery that had a picture of Roman with his shirt pulled up, held in his mouth.
"Oh? I think I accidentally found something." I said with a smirk, i will admit it. He was hot. He looked at the phone and took it away quickly, "you weren't meant to see that!"
"If not me, then who?" I asked, i felt something new inside...jealousy. "Well no one really...its more for myself." He looked down with a blush.
"Well, maybe I can see all that in person soon." I said with a wink as I finally put my number in his phone. I knew I was being what Virgil would call 'smooth as fuck', was I using my ability to know what to say and when to say it to get me a date? Of course I was.
I started freaking out when he asked about the picture, I'm lucky he didn't decide to scroll. Although I do like how I look in these pictures, they weren't just for me...i sent them to my ex. I felt lonely, and he texted me...not that I would ever tell Logan that.
Anyway, after the photo fiasco, we walked around for a bit. We watched the drag show together and just had a fun time. It was clear he was flirting with me the whole time, and i flirted right back.
Remus had texted me asking if I was coming home tonight because Virgil wanted to come with, i decided I would make do with what I had. I was going home with Logan, if he would let me.
Not even a minute after Virgil texted me that he was going home with his ex, i had Roman against my car, his thighs around me. I was kissing his neck and lips, it was sloppy in the best way.
I had his shirt opened up so I could feel his skin, i was going to wait before I tore off his clothing, but it was hard.
We did manage to get to my house without killing the mood. Kissing and flinging clothes around as we made out way to my room.
He threw me onto the bed, crawling over me to reclaiming my lips, he tasted like cinnamon, sweet and intoxicating, i couldn't get enough.
He pulled at my skirt lightly enough to signal that he wanted to go underneath, before realizing he could just lift it up.
His moans were passionate and full of love, not lust. I realized afterwards that this was not going to be a one night stand like I had thought.
Later that morning I heard the door slam, realizing it was Virgil, i panicked slightly. Romans and I's clothes are all over the living room and I'm naked in bed with him, with my door wide open.
"I see you got princey." He groaned out. "Well, i guess it's not too bad, it's not like you're the only one." He said with a dark smile creeping on his face.
"Could you uh...bring our clothes in here? I forgot to grab those earlier. " I asked as I sat up, keeping the covers over most of me.
"Whatever specs." He called out as he went to grab our clothing, throwing it in my room and closing my door. I sighed happily as I look over at Roman, he looked so perfect, even after a night like the one we had. His hair was messy now and sweat covered his entire body.
I put a hand against his abs and laid back down, i was fit, but I didn't have rock hard abs like him. I didn't look perfect, even after bottoming for nearly an hour. I was nothing like him, i was a nerd, i was healthy for the sake of being healthy, i wore glasses, i was a serious person. He was perfect...and he still asked me for my number, he still let me take him home.
I woke up in his arms, his big strong arms. I was over heating a bit, but there was no way I would let this moment go. I rolled over to see him better. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He said before placing a kiss on my lips.
"Morning." I said in a breathy way. He was georgous, the sunlight hitting his face just right to make him look like a god. Although he was godly in bed.
He smiled at me before kissing me again. The cinnamon taste didn't leave his lips, they were still sweet. I placed my hand on his cheek pulling him slightly closer to me.
Suddenly there was a hand on my thigh, "are you asking for round two already?" I called out teasingly as I pulled away. He chuckled, "considering my roommate just keft for work, deffinatly." He kissed me again, trapping me from leaving, not that I wanted to though.
"One more time...and then I need to start going home." I said softly before kissing him needingly.
Within minutes, I'm a mess of moans and too much grabbing. It was clear I was trying to grab onto any part of Logan I physically could, and he loved it.
It took another hour to finish, and then nearly half an hour for us both to get dressed. That had more to do with him not wanting me to leave, pulling me into his lap, kissing my neck, at this point I thought I should just move in.
He kissed me, pulling me back into his house before I told him that I had to leave. He offered me a ride, i thought for a second. I decided one ride home wouldn't kill me.
I drove him home, kissing him at the door, normally I would let them leave in the morning, but there was something about him that was so dofferent than the others.
He was strong and confident, handsome and god knows I took it all in. He was the perfect human being. I didn't want this to just be a one time thing, so I texted him all night, and the next one...and all next week. For months we were texting, there were more pictures than words though, and occasionally he would ask me over, or ask to come over. Those were my favorite nights.
About 3 months into this, i decided I wanted more than sex. I wanted a relationship. I asked him over.
'Let me get ready and I'll be there in 10.' That was his text, sent with a wink.
'Actually. I would like to take you to dinner. Please wear something nice, i can pick you up, you can pick me up, or we can meet there if you would like to.'
30 minutes passed before I finally got an answer. ' Meet me there then. Sorry, my brother stole my phone.' I smiled and got ready, sending him the address.
We went to a fancy restaurant, he looked handsome in his nice black shirt and pants. His hair was in a messy on purpose look, still red. He sat down in front of me.
I wore a nice blue shirt and black pants, hair slicked back. "You clean up nicely." He teased up. I laughed nervously. At that point I realized that I loved him.
"Is there a reason you asked to meet at a restaurant instead of just your house? That's where your bed is." He said softly, i nodded.
"Roman, in the past few months, i believe I have fallen in love with you." His face lit up "Logan...i love you too." He said softly. "With that said...would you like to be my official boyfriend?" I asked in a near whisper.
"Oh my god yes I would!" He was trying not to tell, but I didn't mind. I was happy.
That night was celebrated with a few glasses of wine and two margaritas, as well as him coming home with me, the first time as my boyfriend.
Ask to be put on my general writing taglist!
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