#sorry i am PAYING to experience this? just to talk about my research?
the absolute drama of having to sort out finances for the 2 in person conferences I've been to this year is enough to put someone off academia as a career for life. this stress is not it
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darry-queen · 17 days
How much Darry and Soda would make modern day and if it would be enough to pay for at least the three of them: (note this may not be incredibly accurate and while yes I did do research while calculating this shit it wasn't super in depth! feel free to correct me on any and all mistakes you notice and feel free to also give your own opinions!! Much love!)
Starting with Darry's:
Before I get into number this is all assuming that Darry works exclusively the hours allotted to him while missing no work, he'd have a 5 day work week at 40 hours which is standard practice in the United States, except for his part time job which he'd be working 25/h a week (i talk about this more later just continue reading) also I'm not giving them any kind of insurance. Sorry! Lol!
Starting salary of a roofer in Oklahoma is $14/h with the average being around $15/h. Assuming this Darry will be getting around 30k a year. I'm going to be generous and say he works for a good company and has a strong union so I'll give him a end of year bonus as well ($200-$800)
His weekly pay would be around $550-$600
This would be taxed though! Using a taxing calculator (bc I'm not doing all that math babeee) He'd be payed around $500 a week.
Darry also canonically has a second job! Though it is never really talked about, not even mentioned whether it's part or full time. I'm just going to assume, generally, that it is probably a part time job that pays minimum wage. (I'm aware that there are many popular hc's as to what this job is I'm ignoring those lol) now I don't live in Oklahoma but I do have personal experience with working part time and it fucking sucks. They have you working only slightly less then a full time employee so they do not have to give you full benefits. It is an incredibly fucked up and exploitative practice.
Something to note is that Oklahoma allows part time employees to be payed half minimum wage the first 90 days of employment when under the age of 20. I do not think I will include this in the calculation because even though Darry would be 19 at the time of his parents death I think he would be 20 not long after and I do not care enough to look into this law to include it in my calculations! Just wanted to mention it because?? What the fuck Oklahoma?
Anyway, part time would have Darry working 25 hours a week for $7.25/h which would be around $180/week. After taxes he'd make $160/week getting him to $660 a week.
Finally, what everyone was waiting for.... doordash fucking driving baby. Considering he lives in a populated area I am going to be generous and say he manages to get around $20/h from doordash driving. Assuming he does this on the days he doesn't work part time (so the other 15 hours) he'd make a whopping 16k extra a year OMG!!
As for any money he'd earn from the state for guardianship of Pony and Soda: Idk! It's kind of confusing trying to figure out Oklahoma giving shit out for this because fostering and guardianship are two dif things and I'm almost certain Darry would have Guardianship over his siblings, not fostering them. So I'm just not including it: he may have received a check upon first becoming their guardian but since that is a one time thing I'm not going to include it in my final calculations (i know this is kinda contradictory for giving Darry a bonus for his roofing work but IDC IDC IDC IDC I AM NOT PUTTING THAT MUCH EFFORT INTO THIS (NOTE I FILLED OUT A MOCK W2 FORM TO GET A ROUGH ESTIMATE OF WHAT DARRY'S TAX RETURN WOULD BE BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I CARE))
All of the above considered: Darry is making $960 a week. Wow!
Now for Sodapop!
Soda I'm just going to copy paste what Darry's theoretical part time job would be because it's almost time for me to go to bed and I couldn't find any special rules for 16< year olds, so he'd be working 25 hours for $7.25 which after taxes is again $160
In total him an Darry combined are making a good healthy $1120 a week on average. Probably more if you consider Darry going insane with doordash/overtime! Overall a good $4480 a month
Expenses Include:
Mortgage payments
power bill
water bill
natural gas
car payments (maybe)
car insurance (maybe)
phone payments
internet bill
probably more I can't remember off the top of my head
OKAY NOW explaining the maybe's rq
You can just, not pay for car insurance. It's illegal, but when you're poor it's not like you can really care about the legality of certain things. Sometimes, it's eating vs car insurance, y'know? Especially because Darry is only 20, that shit is going to be expensive. And the car was def under his dad's name previously so he also def doesn't have any history. I'mma be generous though and say that he does have CREDIT history, which following my own car insurance premiums: my man is going to be paying like, $400 a month. and trust me, I'm being generous here. This is also for liability only. crazy right? With that considered, if I can not get Darry's salary to work with the rest of his expenses I'm saying he's driving without insurance. Hope you understand.
Now for the car itself, it might be payed off already might not. Again it's almost time for me to go to bed so I"m not willing to double check the book to see if car payments are ever mentioned. If they are I'll come back and fix this another time but for now. I'm not including it.
As for the gas for this theoretical truck? I'm going to put it from $250-$300 a month based off of what Reddit car owners said on how often they have to get gas for their own trucks. Great!
OKAY NOW FOR THE REAL EXPENSES! The average cost of utilities in Oklahoma, Tulsa specifically, is $270 a month for electricity, like $130 a month for natural gas, and for water $100 a month. Now you're probably saying, "Paya, isn't that a little high?" to which I'd say, they have 4 (presumably more) other boys coming around almost everyday. SO I feel it's fine to rate that shit on the higher side of things.
Before I forget: the mortgage payments!
This one is kinda fucked! I have no idea when the Curtis parents bought the house in canon. If it was after, or before Darry was born, etc. Because of this you can kinda just make hc's for this. The reason I say this is because obviously the housing market now is VERY different from the one in the 40s-60s which is when they'd have had to buy the house in cannon. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure they own the house in canon I'm just assuming right now! Like, if you're making a modern au: feel free to say that they're renting! Like who really cares about it? I'll even calculate it here for you so you have a frame of reference: Assuming the house is at least 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom it's gonna be around 1.5k a month. If you want to say they're paying a mortgage though, I'm going to assume based off the little data I could find of average home cost in 2004 (I'm assuming the house was bought around the time of Darry's birth) we're looking at somewhere between 150k-250k. I'm going to low ball it though because I think Oklahoma housing prices are generally cheaper and I'm going to assume they'd go for something affordable over something large. So I'll say 175k! Average interest on a home loan in 2004 was around 6%, with a 20% downpayment Darry will be paying 1k a month for the mortgage. Not that bad!
Phone bill is p cheap around 100$ feel like you may be able to play around with this. Like maybe they're paying for Johnny? Who knows not me I want to go to bed!
Food is like so fucking expensive now tbh. I pay $300 a month on grocery shopping a month for my household. Assuming Darry is purchasing food for himself, his brothers, and a little extra for the gang I'm going to put his grocery bill at around $500 a month. I think I'm lowkey low balling it, but I think he'd be a good bargain shopper. Btw, don't ask if he qualifies for food stamps! Because he doesn't!
internet bill is significantly cheaper going to be around $50 a month, as for services like live streaming and other things, we're gonna say it's all pirated. no one is paying for that shit when you can get it online for free! (Personal hc: Steve is a fucking amazing pirate and can get you literally anything you ask for.)
Final cost of living for my boys, not including school supplies, school/extra curriculars/or clothing: $2400 - $3350
Ending conclusion: If Darry works 80+ hours a week and Soda helps out with his part-time job they have more then enough to pay for almost all living expenses. Tell me where I fucked up! Thanks. Btw according to the shittily done w2 I did for Darry he'd get almost 2k in tax returns; i most def fucked something up but I'mma accept it despite that.
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Okay, no, y'know what? I've made a post about this before, but it's making me mad again and I think this bears repeating: the scene leading up to Stayed Gone is NOT proof that Vox is just as bad to Val as Val is to him, and claiming that it is plays into very real misconceptions about abuse. We don't know everything about their relationship, but THAT SCENE SPECIFICALLY features EXCLUSIVELY Val as the aggressor. Yes, Vox yells at Val, but he doesn't throw anything. Yes, he manipulates Val, but hE'S DOING IT TO STOP HIM FROM SHOOTING UP A GODDAMN BUILDING I THINK THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD FUCKIN REASON!!!!!!!! The only thing Vox does in that scene that I would consider a genuine red flag is grabbing and throwing Val after Val brings up Alastor. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING ELSE he does is in response to something Val did. In fact, how about I give a play by play of the scene???
Vox enters Val's room to get him to stop breaking Velvette's shit
Val starts yelling at Vox
Val throws a glass directly at Vox's head, which Vox casually dodges
Val continues yelling
Val breaks Vox's phone
Val starts threatening to shoot up the hotel
Vox tells him to stop, but Val doesn't listen
Vox yells in Val's face to get his attention and then manipulates him into not shooting up a building
Vox tells Val he can shoot the lowest earners
Val brings up Alastor to intentionally piss off Vox
Vox grabs Val and throws him because Val didn't tell him where Alastor is sooner
The two watch the hotel
Val gets mad at Vox for not paying attention to him
Val starts taunting Vox about Alastor
Vox gets mad at Val for taunting him
Valentino is ABSOLUTELY in the wrong here!!!! I'm sorry he just fuckin is!!!! This is not mutual abuse like so many people love to say, this is Vox reacting apropriately to some really fucking awful behavior from his partner. The one, singular instance of Vox being abusive is immediately followed up by Val CONTINUING TO MAKE HIM ANGRIER BECAUSE HE THINKS IT'S FUNNY. Just because Vox isn't taking the abuse lying down doesn't mean it isn't still abuse oh my GOD- yes, Vox grabbing Val because Val didn't tell him about Alastor is bad. No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't throw your partner. I am not trying to excuse that one singular thing. That was a shitty thing to do. But everything else Vox does in this scene is justifiable. Fighting back against someone who is endangering both you and themself isn't abuse, and people claiming that it is can be seriously damaging to victims. Using this scene as proof of StaticMoth being equally toxic is borderline victim blaming. I'm sorry it just is.
Aaaaaaand just to reiterate because I don't feel like arguing in the comments; I am talking EXCLUSIVELY about this one scene. I am not saying you can't ship StaticMoth, and I am not saying that Vox is 100% exclusively a victim in their relationship. We don't know enough about their dynamic to tell. What I AM saying is that this scene isn't the slam dunk for mutually toxic StaticMoth that everybody seems to think it is, and continuing to claim that perpetuates some legitimately harmful mindsets. I try not to get this serious with my Hazbin analysis, I really, truly do, because these characters aren't real people and getting upset over how they're being treated is pointless because they have no feelings. I'm only making this post because the mindset a lot of people seem to have regarding this scene is one that can ALSO lead to problems for real people. It's the mindset that leads to people not taking victims seriously if they fight back, the mindset that makes it harder for real people suffering real abuse to come forward. If you want a more in-depth look into why exactly this is harmful, I highly, HIGHLY recommend Princess Weekes' video on mutual abuse. It's very well researched and made by somebody with a lot more experience writing these types of breakdowns then I have.
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reccyls · 5 months
Surprise Bag 2024 Story (Prologue)
The April Fool's story from 2024. This is only the prologue, as the continuations are sold as story sales that I will not be purchasing. I do still think it is very funny, though.
The premise is a bodyswap, Ellis <> Jude and Elbert <> Alfons
Ever since I became a Fairytale Keeper, I like to think that my tolerance for the extraordinary has increased.
However, this latest happening in Crown far surpassed anything I had ever experienced.
"Jude": Good morning, Miss Kate. I'll make you happy today too.
Kate: ...Jude, did you... hit your head on something?
"Jude": Hm? Nope, I'm perfectly fine. Haven't hit my head on anything.
Kate: What happened to your usual terrible attitude?! Did you catch a cold? Are you injured? We have to go to the hospital now--
"Ellis": Tch, the hell is this?
"Jude": Ah, Jude. "Jude": Huh? Jude, why are you me?
"Ellis": I should be the one asking. Why the hell are you me?
Kate: Wha? Huh??
"Elbert": Ahha! Something terribly amusing seems to have happened, hasn't it?
Kate: Alf- Eh, Lord Elbert? Kate: Wait, so then is that 'Alfons' standing behind you...?
"Alfons": ...When I looked in the mirror, I became Al.
"Elbert": Being able to look at oneself from the point of view of an outsider truly is fascinating. "Elbert": Oh yes, El. Do speak more energetically. It's unsettling to hear myeslf sound so glum.
"Alfons": ...More energetically? ...I'll, try... "Alfons": ........Ahha.
"Elbert": I suppose that's my mistake for asking you to be more energetic.
Kate: Wait, just hold on a second. So what's happened is... Kate: ...Jude and Ellis, and then Lord Elbert and Alfons have swapped bodies!? Kate: What kind of ridiculous situation is this...!?
"Ellis": It's that goddamn doctor bastard's fault. I'll kill him.
Gathering the remainder of Crown, we questioned Roger about the circumstances. He let out an unrestrained laugh.
Roger: My bad, my bad. Who'd ever think that the results would pay off this quickly? Aren't I a genius?
Victor: Now's not the time, Roger! What did you do to cause this adorable- excuse me, very troubling situation?
Liam: Victor, you're not hiding your true feelings very well. Your words and face don't match at all.
Roger: I had the thought of swapping a cursed person with a normal person. That could lead to the curse transferring, couldn't it? So I was doing some research.
William: Your unquenchable thirst for knowledge is admirable indeed. But if that were the case, shouldn't you be experimenting with a cursed person and a normal human?
Roger: It'd be pretty dangerous for us if something went wrong while I was experimenting on a normal person, wouldn't it? I thought I'd test things out on these guys first.
Harrison: Just what do you think we are? We die just as easy as normal people, you know.
"Elbert": Let's toss that musclehead four-eyes into the Thames.
"Ellis": Yeah. Fix some stone weights to him and it'll be over quick.
Kate: Stop, stop! Don't say things like that wearing Elbert and Ellis's faces!
"Jude": But that's pretty amazing, Roger. I never thought that medicine like this could exist.
Liam: ...Jude being all soft is- nope, that's just weird!
Roger: Don't worry so much. Once I've collected enough data from you lot, I'll whip up an antidote. Roger: ........Once I've got an antidote, I can start testing on the others.
Harrison: ...You just said something awful, didn't you?
Roger: Don't know what you're talking about.
"Elbert": You're acting like you're in any position to bargain about turning us back? Pardon my French, but go die.
Harrison: Yikes... Uh, Liam? Hey, Liam, hey. Did he fall asleep?
"Jude": Sorry, I touched his head. I was curious about whether I could use Jude's power or not.
Roger: Huh, so the ability stays with the body. I really am a genius after all, aren't I?
(This isn't helping anymore...!)
Kate: A-anyway! Please make that antidote as soon as possible, Roger! Kate: ...Geez. What are we going to do if Her Majesty hears about this?
Roger: Well, I might end up getting fired... Roger: ...So it's up to you to watch over the lot of them to make sure nobody else finds out about this, little lady.
Kate: Huh? ...Roger? Wait!
"Ellis": Tch... Fuck it. Let him get kicked out.
"Jude": Ah, Jude, my body isn't used to--
"Ellis": *cough, cough*... Ellis. First thing we're doing is to start training so you can at least handle one cigar.
"Elbert": Hmm... with a face like this, I could get away with doing pretty much anything, don't you think?
"Alfons": ...Kate, is this spoon beautiful?
Kate: M-my poor sanity...!
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I Wanna Talk About My YuGiOh Project
Hey, hi, hello again! Instead of something Voltron related, I wanted to try and talk about something different. Going to put a read break, since this is going to be a very long post. I have no idea if there's a character limit, but I'll find out today with this post.
Fates Converge is my YuGiOh project that has been in production stages since 2011. Yes. Over ten years. I have a problem. During that time, I never learned how to make comics, but I've been studying.
The amount of research I have done for this project on various topics is insane. INCLUDING Ancient Egypt. The amount of fans that have unknowingly helped me is INSANE. YuGiOh fans with a passion for Ancient History are my saviors.
For those interested, Fates Converge is a canon compliant, possibly canon divergent, story that involves ocs and canon characters interacting. There's me, back on my bullshit again. If there's a story for a fandom I'm working on, there will be OCs involved. I am sorry.
Unlike my typical projects, however, there will be some other ships involved. Romance is not the main plot, but it is a subplot that more acts in the background. Basically if a scene happens to have romantic chemistry, only the characters involved will think about it. I wanted to try my hand at a slow burn-esque story. The pairings that I know will be 100% involved are the following: Peachshipping, YamiYugi/AtemxKutso (OC), JoeyxKatsu (OC), RyouxShanna (Friend's OC). I don't want them to be paired off once the ending comes, I still shiver at the end of Digimon 02 (why did it end like that). Hell, one pairing will literally be official in the middle of the plot. I shit you not.
I do GENUINELY want to explore the interpersonal relationships between the characters. I will jump DEEP into headcanon territory with this one, since I do love these characters deeply. As much as YuGiOh is about card games, which wasn't the original intention when you read the start of the manga, I pay more attention to the characters since it's them that got me to stay with the show. I will try my absolute hardest to implement the card game into the story. I have been working on a few plots that involve the Duel Monsters game and it's honestly hard since I'm more of a character writer above all else. For some reason, my mind wants two OCs to have some sort of connection to the God Cards just how Yugi has a connection to Ra. That's still in the planning stages.
I will warn everyone that this project is also going to be a bit dark compared to other stuff I make. I know I'm not very well known on this platform, but I assure you if you find some of my friends they will vouch that my work is not as dark as this piece of work. This project will involve some topics that will be very triggering, and I have a lot of sources of these topics. Some also are from my experiences, which are not fun. That being said, I will not be graphic with the depictions of certain topics. I already thought of a way to tell a traumatizing core memory of a certain character without any details needed.
There's an idea I have of fixing up the DOMA arc. As beloved as this arc is, I can't in good faith say that it was well written. I have some ideas floating around, but like with my Voltron fic, I'm still planning chapter 1. That will be a topic of discussion when we get there.
That's basically all I have to say at the moment, maybe I'll do a little journalling series for this project. Only time will tell. Stay safe everyone!
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zerolune · 8 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ Chapter 6 - horrors of the night
: ̗̀➛ Pairing : Anton × OC
Synopsis: When Seunghan, Wonmee, Anton and Gwen go for a movie, the horror movie isn't the only horror they face.
Warnings : swearing, a jerk guy.
Next, Masterlist
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"Oh seriously cmon!! It's the last day of our promotions! It'll be fun!!" Wonmee exclaimed, encouraging Eunryung. "No way in hell am I paying to get heart attacks." The elder refused. "Please it isn't fun with just two people!" Wonmee urged once again.
"Yes, researches have proven that watching films with more people provides a better experience due to the adrenaline boost from the movie being balanced out by the endorphins released due to the presence of your friends." Gwen spoke almost robotically, explaining why Eunryung should join them.
"Wow-uh- you're not wrong now- but! Why me though? Why not Yuri or Miyoung?" Eunryung asked, diverting the target. "Miyoung is going for samgyeopsal with her siblings and Yuri has to choreograph for Taemin Sunbaenim." Gwen said again, very mechanically.
"What are you guys talking about?" Sungchan asked as the boys entered the practice room, pretty late. "We are trying to convince Eunryung to see the new Nun movie with us, on the last day of our promotions, would any of you like to join?" Wonmee offered.
"Horror no way, I'm out!" Wonbin and Sungchan explicitly stated. "Hmm sorry I have plans," Shotaro said. "Oh I can come! I love horror!" Seunghan said. "And based on the timings, I'm free!" Seunghan checked his phone for the show timings on some app.
"Great! So, you, me, Gwen and anyone else?" Wonmee looked around. "I have something with my family that night so probably not," Sohee pouted. "I have a meet up with friends," Eunseok said, checking some kind of calendar-schedule.
"Ah well, that's okay, three people should be fine," Seunghan grinned, going over to discuss the timings with the other two. Anton on the other hand, looked around, of course his hyungs knew that he hated anything to do with horror, and maybe the girls forgot about him (sorry Anton), but if Gwen was going- this was his chance.
"Oh I can go! It'll be great to see a horror movie!" He finally spoke up, his hyungs looking at him judgementally. Seunghan was about to say, "But don't you-" before he looked over to Gwen and a light bulb lit in his head. "Alright so four of us! Great!" The boy began walking over to Sungchan who was about to say something and immediately whispered to him, "Hyung, let the lover boy follow his heart-even if it stops during the movie." He then made Sungchan look towards Gwen.
"Ohh, I see," He laughed.
"Alright, soldiers, listen up, 9:30's the movie, so they gotta leave by 9:10, we have to make sure Anton looks his best, in precisely 58 minutes- we would have had a whole hour if Anton didn't argue that he was going to a HORROR movie just because he loves Gwen."
"For the last time-"
"Shut up Loverboy! Soldiers Let's get to work!" Shotaro began parading around, as the boys carried a 6 feet tall boy across the dorm. "Listen you are no way in hell wearing that ugly ass hoodie, wear this denim jacket or lose the love of your life." Wonbin began.
"And we gotta do something with your hair cuz you remind me of when my mom used to cut my hair," Eunseok began ruffling the boy's hair.
Finally they dressed him up-giving him an early 2000's teen movie makeover-not that he needed one. "Now, I know it's gonna be scary, and you will want to die, but under no circumstances will you call for your eomma, we can't let her think you have mommy issues." Shotaro gave the first advice.
"Instead, ask if you can hold hands, just make sure they aren't sweaty," Seunghan said. "What if she says no?"
"Then change your name to Amanda Williams, move to Switzerland and never return- also get a buzz cut just in case." Wonbin advised.
"But relax, she isn't like that, she's a caring person okay, she'll know if you're scared besides she helped you with your bullies, she'll help you with ghosts too, don't worry." Sungchan assured.
"How can you say that for sure though?" Eunseok raised a brow. "Because- I don't know man she feels like my sister, we have been talking quite a lot lately and it literally feels liek we're siblings," Sungchan explained.
"As long as you don't commit sweet home Alabama, Anton shouldn't feel jealous, right?" Wonbin looked towards the boy who rolled his eyes at Sungchan. "Ah don't worry Anton, I wouldn't ever think that way... but now that I think about it..." Sungchan took a dramatic pause. "Why am I helping a boy become my sister's boyfriend?!?"
"You better not do anything suspicious," He suddenly warned Anton as him and Seunghan began moving out the home. "It'd be a blessing if he could even talk to her without stuttering, you shouldn't be worried at all," Eunseok teased. "Hyung!" They heard Anton protest before the door closed.
"Oh Seunghan! You're here, where's Anton?" Wonmee asked as they stood near the snacks counter. "Oh he'll be here any moment," Seunghan smiled.
Anton suddenly appeared out of nowhere, dramatically walking in, making eye contact with Gwen- who was-why was she looking at her phone- goddammit the dramatic entry they planned was useless.
"Oh Hi Anton!" Gwen looked up, shooting a smile. "H-Hey!" Anton tried to look cool. "What's wrong with you today?" Gwen laughed. "Okay, so who's getting the popcorn?"
"Me and Wonmee will take care of it, you both go!" Seunghan quickly ushered the younger two towards the movie hall, a plan being plotted in his mind.
"Ah so I see, Anton does like her! But you know I think Gwen likes him too," Wonmee said as her and the boy were walking back to the theatre with popcorn and drinks in their hands.
"Wait really? But she person-zoned him right?" Seunghan tilted his head. "Bold of you to assume a girl would tell her feelings straight! Why are you so oblivious, don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Oh well my ex yea, she cheated on me," Seunghan sighed. "You got cheated on? You? No way-"
"Get this, with my best friend," he revealed as Wonmee couldn't believe her ears. "That's well- uh- I don't know what to say, how do you feel?"
"I guess it's just life, stuff works like that," he sighed yet again, opening the door and holding it open. "I mean it shouldn't, like you're probably the hottest guy in our group?? Maybe the hottest person I've ever seen? And not only that, you're a gentleman, you're everything? How could they?"
"Woah woah, did you just call me hot?"
"I'm only saying the truth, besides, if you weren't hot you can't be an idol,"
"Sohee's an exception, he's cute as fuck."
"There's always an exception," she smiled, heading to their seat. "Oh look they're sitting beside each other! Our plan worked letsgo!!" Seunghan smiled.
Seriously what the fuck. Anton was one more jumpscare away from dying, how could anyone enjoy this? He was holding everything in him to not scream, and it was only 27 minutes until now, oh how would he even manage anymore?
Unbeknownst to him however, the girl beside him could sense the fear lingering in the boy, so almost immediately, she said. "Anton, hold my hand if you're scared, it'll be alright, it's just a movie."
She didn't give him even a second to respond as before he could say anything, his left hand had already been entwined with her left. He could feel the callous on her skin- from her playing her guitar probably, but it was still somehow soft and gentle. Like an assuring feel that nothing would happen to him.
Anton's heart still raced, but now it wasn't because of fear.
"Please that movie was ass," Wonmee remarked as the group was walking back to the dorm, which was quite close. "I know right, like the jumpscares were cheap as shit."
"I agree, like the cinematography should've been done better to compliment the acting for god's sake."
The three (Anton didn't speak, still reminiscing holding his crush's hand) continued to talk about the movie until they began walking past a 7/11.
"Gyuri Park? Is that you?" Gwen stopped in her tracks, turning back to look at her biggest nightmare. "Ah so it is you," a boy walked over to her, turning her around, getting ahold of her right hand.
"Minjae just leave us be."
"Ah so your hand and your voice both work well now?" He smirked still not letting go. "Let go of her you asshole." Wonmee came in front, shoving him aside.
"Oh Gyuri, you now have other friends and not just that loser boy, hot friends might I add." Minjae said checking out wonmee.
"Just shut up dude," Seunghan said in anger. "Ah you still have guy friends, guess you're still a slut huh?" Minjae only looked at Gwen, who had tears welling up in her eyes.
"Aww jagi, don't cry," he mocked, caressing her cheek. "Don't touch me, you creep," Gwen managed to shout, swatting his hand away.
"Oh feisty, guess you became like this to be more like my type right?" The bully kept laughing as his two other friends joined in, much to the four's despise.
"You know what, just fuck off." Anton pushed the boy, who was shorter than him, alas, Minjae punched him back, almost toppling him to the ground.
"Don't fucking touch him ever again, you jerk," Gwen kicked his shin before taking Anton's hand and running away.
"Guys come quick!"
"Gwen who was that?"
Taglist: @seolboba (comment if you wanna be added !!)
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ciaran · 2 months
if you don't mind me asking, do you have a diagnosis of adhd? if not, how did you come to learn that you have adhd? the part about feeling like scribble more than a person resonated like. a lot. so. I'm sorry if this is too personal, you obv don't have to answer if you don't want aaaaaa
haha its fine um. i did my research basically i looked at the symptoms and experiences of other people w adhd and also decided based on the severity of the impact on my life. i do have a formal diagnosis bc i wanted medication but i dont take my meds regularly for various reasons. these are my primary adhd issues
lack of short term/working memory or its very poor (i lose track of tasks easily)
trouble organizing and breaking down tasks
inability to start on things bc every task feels mountainously overwhelming no matter how simple
executive dysfunction ("i really want to do this thing and i can do this thing but i am not why why why why why")
poor emotional continuity/generalized forgetfulness
sometimes brain goes SO fast. other times brain doesnt go at all
sometimes i am so confused by information
people tell me how to do something. i am listening. after they finish talking i DONT know what they said
other things
when im really bored my head hurts and i feel sleepy. the sleepiness is fine but my fucking?? head hurts??? when im too bored???
in school my grades were like, 49% scraped pass in some subjects and 85%+ in others. no congruence whatsoever
i NEED stimulation. i cant do movies or watch anything basically bc i cant just sit there and absorb something quietly. i can read or play video games but if m doing smth w my hands (writing, drawing) i need music. 2 sensory input minimum. 2 simultaneous trains of thought or everything gets derailed
i change tabs and instantly forget what im doing
and i have trouble paying attention to things, i procrastinate, etc. but everyone w adhd is different and you might find that some but not all of these things are you. look at other peoples experiences and pattern match.
lastly, diagnosis is a tool for you to get the resources you need. dont feel pressured to be formally dxed unless you need medication. if you want to self dx then go ahead, just keep a handle on why youre dxing and what youre hoping to get out of the process. remember, its for you. your happiness matters.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
You know I'm looking back at the troll in my inbox that caused the post that is pinned on my blog and realizing you guys really just genuinely do not understand me or my motivations. I didn't even notice it at the time because my mind wasn't there, but when it flipped from accusations of faking the shooting to pretending to being about research, they tried to say oh I would love the story from a true fandom hero as if to appeal to some sort of pride or ego any of this was done for
I've never considered myself that. I don't even like this fandom. I don't even like most of the people here. I am a Media blog that happened to want to support a queer battle within supernatural that people screamed and denied was happening until they were slapped in the face with it repeatedly. I'm not even a friend of supernatural. I'm a friend to Media representation.
Like Jesus Christ I am literally talking to friends about going to a convention with zero interest of actually speaking with any of the guys directly and literally just going to troll all of you. We do not have the same interest and you need to stop projecting your interests or motivations on everybody else. Just because you want to be some hero to a fandom does not mean everyone does. I hate this damn place. I want you all to go away and leave me alone. I don't want the attention. I have literally intentionally coded my blog for upwards of a year so only truly interested people would get the information needed without me having to deal with you hostile, combative, ignorant bastards.
Is that what this is? Is it that in your head, if I've been telling the truth the whole time which I have, you see me as a hero but you're angry it wasn't you? Like what's going on in your heads that when your first accusatory angle failed and that was your second line of thought.
None of you are special. Nobody has to prove themselves to you. And I'm sorry, very few people if anyone actually wants to be your hero. I did what I did because it was what I personally wanted and because it was what was right. The latter seems a very foreign idea to most of you if it doesn't get you glory.
If I did this to be a hero to anyone, it was a 10 and 20 year past due revenge cycle to help leverage my friends back into the glory they had before there was ever a show called Supernatural or a network called CW or a president named Pedowitz. Conveniently, they're all gone, and now peachtree is everybody's landlord, but you guys aren't ready to discuss reality, and jobs, and real people. You just want your digital attention and to look important, and get real mad if anyone does things of real impact that don't involve paying for an experience.
To you people, Jensen, Jared-- Dennis Miller, or Schwartz--Ted Turner. Tyler Perry. Bruce. Myself. We're all just digital fictional characters in your head you can argue and opinion about the lives and motivations of. TV syndicates and studios and their motions can't affect you in your hallucinated fandom bubble divorced from reality, and nobody is allowed to make changes or motions on that level because you deny they exist, and get mad when shit rolls downhill on you anyway.
Here we are. Don't turn away now.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Hello. Vernon/Ciri (they are both adults and their couple has the right to exist, please don't listen to the nonsense that some say about them)? You interested this ship?
I just make beautiful screenshots with them and I will be glad if you pay attention to them. 🥺
Have a nice day ❄️
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Hi Marina! Sorry to say that I haven’t played the games (well I’ve played like 1% of TW3) and have only watched some of it as fic research. (Unfortunately I don’t have a pc or a gaming console. I’m trying to borrow one again).
So I don’t actually know who Vernon Roche is, and my only experience with Ciri is child!Ciri. I don’t read or create any shippy Ciri fic because my brain just isn’t there. But that is just for me personally.
I feel like the important thing for me to say to you is that I am a ship and let ship person. It shouldn’t matter what anyone thinks of your ship. You enjoy yourself. That is the important thing. I love SEVERAL niche ships I see people talking shit about all the time. 😅 It just makes me clutch the fics tighter.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
hello, sorry to bother! I was just wondering what is your field of studies? sorry if you've talked about it before but I missed it 😭 you seem to have a good knowledge of the classics, did you study that?
Hello! You are not bothering me, that's why my ask box is open!
I am not in the classics field. The Iliad, the Odyssey, some ancient plays, and our myths, we analyze them thoroughly (and properly) in elementary, middle, and high school in Greece. (In our mandatory for all History or Ancient Greek lessons). If someone is interested and pays attention, and also continues reading and watching documentaries outside of school, they can get pretty decent. Most importantly, Greek students are taught in a way that conveys the context of the era the texts come from. It's not an exotic/foreign concept to us.
My knowledge is not perfect, I don't remember everything and there are times I need to do additional research. I listen to Greek and xenoi friends if they have found something I don't know. But the foundations have been laid for an interest that it's ongoing for me. So I understand the conventions, and why statements like "Zeus is an asshole" and oversimplifications like "the gods are psychopaths" (hello Madeline Miller) are incorrect. (jokes about Zeus are not bad per se, it's when people actually, seriously mean them then it's weird).
Comment on the Greek education system:
I don't imply that only school education makes you an expert but imo the material is pretty good and if one pays attention can get pretty good knowledge. Plus, our middle and high school teachers have a 4year old diploma in their field + Master's degree most of the time. Things changed a bit three years ago but before that, half or more of the students went attend (plus from the above I mentioned) "theoretical"/"humanitarian" mandatory orientation classes.
A large amount of Greek high school students are able to translate and analyze known and unknown (seeing them for the first time out of the blue in the Panhellenic Exams) ancient texts (Greek and Latin) of all subjects. Most Greek students take intensive classes outside of school, and the "humanities" students see hundreds of ancient Greek texts before reaching 18. Ten years ago you needed to do all that to go to a nursing school.
In the last three years, the Humanities field has been narrowed down and fewer kids take these mandatory classes. Of course, students don't remember everything after they leave school but the exposure to so many texts instills in them an understanding of the ancient Greek society and folklore. (my mum can still recite Aristotle's "Definition of Tragedy" she learned in middle school but that's because it gave her ptsd 😂)
For Greeks who may think I overhype the knowledge the system gives us (ειναι γιατι εχουμε συνηθισει το αγγουρι και μας φαινονται ευκολα), you can go ask all the online experts on mythology discourse (who are usually USAmericans) what they knew on ancient greek societies and what analysis they did on the myths when they were 16.
From the discussions with USians I've done over the years, someone in the US needs to attend University in order to start analyzing such texts to the degree we did in middle school. There are always exceptions, but what exposure and context we get in Greece at a young age cannot be underestimated. Trust me, it can be much, much worse outside of Greece 😂
That's been my experience, at least. You can, naturally, add stuff if you've been through the Greek ed. system and saw something different!
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greatqueenanna · 2 years
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Long time no see friends and followers! It’s been a little bit since the last update, and I’ve been a little absent for some time - until my recent analysis. I honestly don’t have much of an excuse, except that real life gets in the way. Also, I'm just honestly bad at staying in contact. Many of my friends can testify to that (haha...sorry -.-). However, Thank you all for sticking around anyway! There are 421 of you guys now, and I'm so thankful for every single one of you!
Before I go into some updates, I want to point out some other socials of mine that you can go and check out.
I have a Twitter page! @AnnaQue87671831
Although my activeness is a little random, I always update whenever I have a new analysis or another original post. You can also see the link on my main Tumblr page, but I'll go ahead and post it here too.
I have a side blog! @gqa-lite
I made this side blog so that I can post more unorganized and heated thoughts, shipping, and occasionally my own fan art without mudding up my main page. I also post about non-frozen topics - I'm currently obsessed with Kingdom Hearts (specifically Kairi) and Lore Olympus (specifically Demeter) so be warned haha.
A. As you may or may not have seen, I am working on my Frozen Canon Talk! Fourth Edition. Since the last version, my overall views on what's canon have become a lot more complex. I've been doing much more research and trying to figure out how to better label and organize all Frozen content. Below is a proof of concept for you guys.
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B. For a while, I kept hinting at a theoretical Frozen Character Trivia post, where I basically go over all of the information we know about the Frozen characters (personality types, ages, birthdays, etc.) In the last update, I mentioned that I'm trying o figure out the best method to introduce it because I didn't want it to just be a rehash of what you would find in a fan Wiki. Being completely transparent - I still haven't got a clue. I've tested different ideas here on Tumblr, and the site honestly doesn't support anything creative without it going blurry. Thus, I'm still experimenting with different ideas, possibly going with PowerPoint (even though that's also a bit boring) but it may still take some time. Sorry about that.
C. Another thing I keep bringing up is the possibility of a Frozen Podcast. As said before, this is currently in development hell. I'm looking into the new Tumblr Post + subscription system - why? because If I have co-hosts and guests, I would have to pay them haha...ha...so anyway, if this doesn't work out, I may just do a solo podcast series on youtube.
D. So what's next on the analysis schedule? Good question. Obviously, A Polar Nights Review is long overdue so that's a given - expect it to come hopefully mid-October. After this, I will be updating Kingdom of Plenty to add Polar Nights additions - you can expect this sometime in early November.
For other subjects, a poll! Below you'll see a link with some analysis ideas and you can go ahead and vote for which one you want to see next. You can pick multiple if you'd like. Also, as always, If you have any analysis requests, collab ideas, or just want to hear my opinion on something, do not hesitate to send me a message!
*Poll Here*
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inkedtae · 2 years
Hello Bee, I came here to VENT! Or otherwise, I will lash out my anger at someone or cry myself for weeks. SO, I have been interning at a cancer research laboratory as a 3rd-year student without getting whatsoever for NINE MONTHS. I could be paid at the beginning, but my professor made a stupid mistake and missed the grant deadline, so I was not paid. He said a forced out sorry and never talked about it ever again. I said it will be fine and decided to do a voluntary internship even though I needed the money. I budgeted the hell out and let my parent cover most of my expenses which I HATE! AND when he had the chance to find me a sponsor, he choose to pay another intern, whom he thought was more "hard-working". Professor talked about how great he was to his colleages during lunch break, he kept mentioning that that intern was the best. That intern came to the hospital for like 3 DAYS, and we never saw him again. He was being paid even though he did ZERO work, and I did fucking everything: every fucking experiment!!! I did fucking paperwork even though I didn't have to. I did the cleaning, I called the doctors, and insurance people, and I called the fucking FedEx when one of our kits was lost. I took the bus and the train to get our package from across the city so that we could move on with the experiments quickly. I FUCKing did dishes for people!!! I walked between blocks for thousands of times to make sure our samples were taken care of. I stayed at the lab overnight to make sure every thing ran smoothly. I re-did a month of work when one our facilities had a major incident where all of our samples were ruined. I did all of these because I loved our research, and I wanted my professor to see I was hardworking too. AND he fuuuckiing saw it every day that I put in effort that even he didn't. So I expected that I would get the next grant. Unfortunately, I didn't. This time it was nobody's fault—fine— but at least SOMEONE could apologise and thank me. Not surprisingly, all I got was "it is not my fault this time". Our project lasted around 10 months, which I was a part of for 9 months of it without getting zero money. This month—19 fucking days—, I had some serious medical issues, so I had to work from home. A few days ago, my professor said he submitted our research paper to fairly good journal. I thought I was finally getting my prize. I wasn't paid money, but a research article that has my name would be awesome. HAH! He said that there was a limit to number of author he could submit. He had to give priorities to some people, and my name wasn't on the paper…. I am utterly hurt, I feel so betrayed and stupid. I feel used. This research was everything I wanted to do and now I seriously want to drop out. The worse thing is I am bounded to this laboratory more than ever because I have to write my dissertation to graduate. I absolutely despise everything and I don't want to do anything. Sooo :)))):):):):):):)::).)) So my plan is to binge read RAC and hope that my sweet Taedaddy could fuck this stress out of my body with his 9inch cock.
Hi Anon!
First, I want to thank you for opening up and ranting about this. You are welcome to do so anytime! I’m happy to be here for you! I am also just so so sorry. I am fuming right now! I don’t even know what to say— like I reread this four times and I’m still in complete confusion and shock. I mean I totally understand and believe it all considering I too am a poc and a woman and have been cheated out of opportunities too but I have never experienced something so fucking frustrating, heartbreaking and disappointing. This just breaks my heart.
There must be something we can do. Have you tried talking to the head of your department about this and explaining everything? You deserve the recognition at the very least! I understand they have their processes with the whole grant stuff and there might not be any leeway there but to not even credit you? You have sacrificed so much and put all your time and effort into this project. And it’s so obvious that he was discriminating against you because you’re a poc woman, like there has to be someone we can talk to about this.
I don’t want to pressure you or force you into a situation you don’t want to be in. Trust me, I know how hard it can be to try to stand up for yourself because some racist white man is conning you out of everything you’ve worked for, granted you are far more dedicated to your work than I was and I am in no way try to take from that. I just know that the process of doing what’s right by you can be difficult. At times, I have regretted saying anything and bringing stuff like this to someone’s attention but girl you literally put your blood sweat and tears into this. You deserve to be paid and you deserve to have your name on there. He clearly has a pattern and habit of negligence when it comes to poc women since he MISSED YOUR DEADLINE (which omg I’m literally about to strangle that man) and then proceeded to direct all recognition and attention and opportunities to a man who was not as dedicated or experienced as you are. How is he gonna chest you out of your money, make you work insanely hard and then get another man there who only shows up three times and praises him for it like what the actual fuck. Clearly he has poor judgement of character and should not be in a position where he can abuse his power. You deserve your justice and I’m so sorry there’s nothing I can do to help you. All I can do is be here for you and suggest you try to talk to someone about this. At the very least it will be on record that he has a history of doing this and karma will do the rest. And you never know, if he’s doing this to you, he maybe did it to others and this might be the last straw and he’ll get fired! Maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.
You know what? Gimme his name! I’ll take care of this for you! 😐🔪
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi, Charity, I'd like to ask for advice. I am an ISFP and since the age of 8, I've been writing (short stories, prose, poetry). I remember vividly, at that age, having the need to express myself and sitting inmediately on my bed to write a poetry about abandoned dogs and cats.
Since then and up to the beginning of this year, writing had been my main and only form of artistic self-expression. It gave me so much. It was sort-of a cathartic experience to finish writing whatever I have in my mind and heart.
However, the first months of this year, after going through horrific and traumatic circumstances, I no longer feel capable of writing nothing but essays and impersonal texts. I have the need to express myself, but I lack a medium. It is suffocating. I am holding so much inside and to not trust myself, nor my writing capacities, nor other different mediums is heartbreaking. But, the truth is, writing does not flow as before, it is empty wording and I really, really feel I lose my relationship to it for good.
It has been haunting me lately that, without a new medium, that I cannot put myself onto the task to learning whatever it is to use as a tool to self-expression, if I can recover the capacity to write which I truly, truly doubt, I am going to be art-less for the rest of my life, and that's feel worse than death to be honest, and dramatic about it.
And honestly, I don't know what to do. I don't trust my guts telling me that I should try this, or that, because I feel less and worse than before. If I lost what I have been trusting for years (that is writing) how in the world I am going to be able to learn some craft from scratch?
I’m really sorry that this happened to you, and you have ‘lost’ your writing, since it’s so important to you. Typically, when you have a situation like this, you have two choices (well, three… one of them involves getting internal with yourself).
The first one, the internal part, is to ask why you are creatively blocked, and to have a serious inner conversation with yourself about it. Is it that you are associating your writing with what happened? That you are not ready to talk (write) about what happened to you? That you feel like not doing that is going to overshadow whatever you do write, because you are putting that trauma to the side and trying to create around it? Are you afraid of what you might write? There is a mental reason why you can’t write anymore, and no one but you (and maybe a professional therapist who knows how to handle trauma) can figure it out. If you need therapy and are old enough to pay for it yourself, I think it would be wise to get some, since this is serious enough it has affected your creativity. If you aren’t, do research for yourself, find out what people say about trauma and creativity, etc. But until you deal with the emotion standing between you and a pencil, it’s not going to flow.
Next come your two options. One is to keep writing even when it’s hard, and doesn’t feel right, and you aren’t happy with it. Why? Because it’s what you need and the habit of doing it will, eventually, cause you to write something that you find meaningful and significant. Sooner or later, if you keep pushing at something, it will happen. But this is ONLY a good option if you tell yourself, in advance, “I don’t expect miracles here, I am just doing it to do it.” And you refuse to get upset when it doesn’t flow right. Things like prayer, meditation, or even listening to soothing music can be helpful. You could even just… put your pen to paper and write nonsense. Whatever comes into your head. Many authors call this free-form writing and use it as an exercise. Not thinking about structure or plot or anything, just getting some words out to the flow of music or their thoughts. Sometimes when you write whatever comes to mind, it surprises you with a look inside yourself. Maybe that’s what you need to do right now.
The other option is to put aside your writing for a short time and try something else, like dancing, or painting, or watercolors, or working with clay. If the problem is in your head, the solution may be in the body—to get moving, to express your feelings through a different medium, to use your hands, especially as an ISFP. Writing is not the only art that exists. Explore your other options and that may open you up to writing again, because there’s far less pressure on you to “do this or die.” Buy some clay and sink your fingers into it and see what happens when you try to create three-dimensional art.
I hope your muse comes back soon, but I know she will in general. A creative person is never blocked forever.
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l8rhader · 2 months
Spooky job studying.
Very light on IPs this year, but they're all IPs I'm not super familiar with so that's something.
I've seen a little bit of A Quiet place, but not the whole thing or the second one. i hadn't wanted to spend any money to watch it because i pay enough for streaming services but like... we're so close to the event now that i don't... really... have an excuse. so i have to watch all the quiet places and rewatch the insidious...es? which are among my least favorite of the The Dad Did It but like... sure... let's call it a demon lol trope. Ghostbusters... I've seen them all. I like the newer ones. I think that McKenna Grace's character is cool and finn's in it so that's cool. Plus, we love an 80's theme 'round these parts. Plus, I've been doing this for years now, so I know my Monsters, but there's not much to research re: dracula's daughters and van helsing's daughter.
meanwhile. In the study booth. john krasinski with a beard in stressed dad mode.
i hope this doesn't awaken something in me.
meanwhile, note to self: and whatevre you do, don't scream... even if you've got john krasinski and emily blunt both in bed with you is... not... a work appropriate joke.
i get it emily i do i really do... but...
but why you out here trying to repopulate the planet when there's a monster drawn to sound. like... childbirth and infants are 2 of the loudent things in the entire world.
and what's with the oxygen tank and the baby breathing mask.
jesus. fire was intense. How are we going to make this a house. I'm gonna have to buy a box of like 1000 foam ear plugs?
i feel like i'm intruding on this little neil young slow dance party.
Ooh, wear patterns/paint steps. there's something there.
i remember reading that emily blunt read the script for this on a plane and she was like "hey. i know an actress who would be really good at playing your wife in this. Yeah. Me. Your real wife and mother of your kids. You can't let anyone else play this role or i will riot."
aw, he's trying with the cochlear implants. that's so sweet.
and he's trying to teach the scared little boy to be stronger.
kids at this age are rough. they're what 10 and 13 or so?
god this world must suck.
there we go girlie. If the cochlear implant works he might be able to help you figureout how to navigate the world. maybe.
what do you have? WHAT DID YOU JUST PUT IN THERE?
...Do these characters not have names? I just realized how am I gonna talk about them and this world if I don't know their names.
Him, Her, Little him, Little her?
Oh God that nail. Oh No oh god. I hate that.
"Have you ever stepped on a nail? A piece of glass? No. How about a lego? There we go. Now imagine you can't react. You can't yell. You can't curse. Anything louder than a hiss and you're in for something way way worse. Like the hunting and decimation of your whole family. Now, ladies, imagine giving birth, but you have to do it completely silent. Imagine your child, in the middle of this terrifying, wasteland world, finds one of noisy toys, like the ones your in-laws give your kids just to drive you crazy? Yeah, that's a universal experience. I'm the aunt with the electric guitar toys. Sorry about it. . Suddenly, these creatures are there and everything in your life that you're using to try and maintain some semblance of normalcy is gone. What do you do when that one primal instinct- to scream out- in fear; in pain- is stripped away from you? *John krasinski shush finger face* We are n ow entering the world of A Quiet Place."
oh no there's a creature.
do they have tetanus shots in a post apocalyptic world
I hope the daughter's safe.
I know Emily lives so like, there's a slightly reduced sense of urgency here but.......
That timer was a brilliant move. dear god.
Babes, you need something to bite on.
OHa real rocket.
those fireworks?! 10/10
It's your sister kiddo.
Oh, maybe not.
If they plant real corn i'm gonna riot.
Oh no girlie pop. This is why he...
Oh, the feedback is a thought.
Yeah. Where are the kids. A Good thought. Thank you for catching up there.
I can't imagine a married couple who has kids doing this scene. I can't imagine a woman with kids giving this monologue.
What's leaking? What's flooding? Why flood? Why Flood??? No flood. House no good if flood. Girly. Get baby. Get out.
That're we doing with the silo? How am I getting trapped in a silo 55 nights in a row?
Death Angels kinda look exactly like demogorgons lol
Note to self. ILM made the monsters.
John, no.
I too am highly affected by high pitch and loud noises. Did we ever stop to think that maybe the monsters are just overstimulated and if you leave them alone and give them a weighted blanket, a drink, and their comfort media, they'll chill?
Or maybe loops?
It usually works for me.
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So since the person bloked me I have to do this here ...
Wow, holy shit, no one assumed anything about you.
No because this is not an assumption:
What you are describing sounds like a Urinary Tract Infection or kidney infection (pyelonephritis).
-> assumes I was the perosn having issues with the kidney
-> assumes that he knows better what I am talking about
I’m sorry a doctor missed your infection, but this is different than kidney failure.
-> same assumptions
Next time, if you feel you have a kidney infection, try to ask for cultures or unusual cultures.
-> assumption that it is about me
No clear indication that he is no longer talking to me so this may or may not be about me
Also, if you ever do have very serious symptoms that may be potentially life or death, like if a doctor finds evidence of organ failure, I urge you to inform a doctor you use/abuse drugs.
-> assumes I take drugs. I WISH, because I have to endure this bulshit sober for medical reasons an it is realy strting to eat at me
You may be cut off but if you desire to continue using, you will be able to find drugs again.
-> assumes I am taking drugs
Doctors frequently run drug screens without your knowledge as well. When organ failure or serious symptoms are present, doctors will frequently run a basic drug panel, which will pick up on common drugs of abuse if there was recent abuse. They can also sample your hair to backtrack drug use. They often don’t get your consent or tell you because they DO understand addicts do not tell them.
-> assumes I take drugs
-> assumes a doctor whould do a drug test, considering that without my consent my insurance does not pay for it so the doc has to pay out of pocket ... no very likely ...
I do not want people thinking infections are on the same level as organ failure, and that most doctors would just simply miss, and continue to miss, something as serious as organ failure.
-> assumption that you know for a fact that the person I was talking about did not in fact have kidney failure based on your diagnose doctor foxesduringwartime ...
I already have seen all the research you linked. Thanks, I’m 30+ years old and have been doing activism in the real world for years, saving real lives, not ranting angrily on social media.
-> assumption about what I do and do not do off social media
This is very weird for you to come on my post and offer support for drug addicts, then flip out because someone thought you might be one!
-> Assumtipn that my anger was about being taken for an addict instead of beeing angry about you doctor foxesduringwartime explaining my and my aquaintances medical history to me without any detailled knowledge ...
Let's see what did you write?
Not all doctors are quacks, and the ones who tend not to believe you, in my experience, are the ones most likely to suspect drug use and addiction. It is not uncommon for that to be the reason why they are skeptical over your symptoms.
You said: It is not uncommon for that (aka the assumed drug use) to be the reason why they are skeptical over your symptoms.
-> assumption: drug use
-> assumption doctor is justefied in beeing sceptical about sympoms (mine or other peoples) which no, they are never justefied to be neglectfull because of drug use or assumed drug use
-> assumption doctor did nothing wrong
And the realyl funny thing is ... while I was explodog over another arrogant man thinking he knows better I was wondering "will this be missconstrued?"
But I was dumb enough to assume that someone that can diagnose things not just through a screen but aso backwards through time has enough reading comprehension to understand whta made me so angyr ... my bad ...
If it isn’t clear, I don’t judge addicts, but you apparently do!
-> assumption that my anger was becasue I give a rats ass about your opinion of me. I react very volatil to people explaining the medical history of me or my loved ones or my aquaintances to me, especiall if they have no business doing so. Becuse that is exactly the kind of arogant know it all that has almost killed me more then once ... The very assumption without any blood work or anything that just looking at me will tell you all you need to know
I have experienced not being believed, and have almost died, I am also a trans man who was pre-transition and in the closet most of my life, so I have experienced misogynistic medical and psychiatric abuse. I am literally on disability.
Good for you?
So the system worked for you, small wonder that you are so busy licking boots.
But you can not use your anecdotal experiences to declare that doctors, on average, would miss organ failure, especially for radically different situations and contexts.
No but you can use your anecdotal effidence, if I may quote: "In my experience" ...
You write:
in my experience, are the ones most likely to suspect drug use and addiction. It is not uncommon for that to be the reason why they are skeptical over your symptoms.
-> assumption: It is my fault because I am an addict. ... but you don't judge addicts ... sure ...
Maybe they don’t believe you because you act like this!
-> assumption a) I act like this wenn I am sick and in need of help
-> assumption b) I was born with this attitude and have never been acting different in my live
-> assumption it was my fault that doctors treat me like garbage and don't take me serious
I used to be very sweet and trusting and calm and believed that doctors on average are tyring to help ...
Which got me almost killed ...
Now that I controll after them, tell them in no uncertain terms, wenn they are making mistakes, or are just categorically wrong and generally treat them like my worst enemy they actually have started to take me serious ...
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with you being a woman,
-> assumption: Where exactly did I write that this is because of gender?
this is a genuine overreaction.
Mister "I blocked you less then 5 minutes after you answered"
Meaning I doupt that you really had enough time to read what I wrote.
But that explains your reading comprehension XD Or lack therof ...
If denying that this isn’t irrational behaviour helps though, then go for it!
-> assumption: about what my reaction might potentially be
Again you blocked me, you have no idea what my answer is ...
BTW. you blocked me immidiately after you reblogged, which means I would normally not even have seen your barage of lies, assumptions, accusations, schoolyard taunts and moving the goal post ...
Makes me wonder for whome this answer was meant because it clearly wasn't me ...
But I digress ... nice schoolyard taunt ...
It's like saying someone talks to much and then se ethem squirm becasue either you defend yourself proofing the point or you don't say anything seemingly agreeing ...
Your good at this ... are you a professional bully?
You started to literally scream at me and got oh so upset I thought you were one of them evil junkies.
-> assumption Again, I got upset beacsue you said:
Not all doctors are quacks, and the ones who tend not to believe you, in my experience, are the ones most likely to suspect drug use and addiction. It is not uncommon for that to be the reason why they are skeptical over your symptoms.
-> I dodn't care if anyone thinks I am taking drugs, I do however care if my doctor refuses to move his ass becasue he thinks he has me all figured out and that my problem is that I take stuff I shouldn't or don't take stuff I should ... because again, that attitude is pretty leathal ...
Big text doesn’t make your point better, and you aren’t “schooling” me.
-> assumption I am wasting my time on you to teach you anything.
I wouldn't teach you how to breath if you where chocking <3
Get a grip and go fuck yourself.
Wowi ... someone is totally not overacting here ...
Get off my posts too
Ahm ... this is tumblr you will have to deal with the fact that people will see your posts and add something unless you just block everyone and use this as a diary. I mean it's not liek I came on to your blog, I rebloged from someone else. but never mind I already noticed that reeding comprehension is not your strong point. Which is fine ... I am dyslexic ... I understand that reading is sometimes super duper hard
if you have this egocentric mentality and don’t actually care about addicts,
-> assumption based on lacking reading comprehension
-> at least you didn't use narcissistic ... it's teh small things ...
just wanted to whine about your own problems.
How is this whining about my own problems:
i knew an addict who had *kidney failure* from amphetamines and he still would not stop.
This is exactly the reason why we need to make drugs legall and normal
So you can go to your doctor (if you dodn't live in america that is ... ) and be like, hey I take drug A and my kidneys are not doing so hot, there might be a connection
Because if your kidneys are not doing so hot and you can't tell your doctor a reason he willrefuse to believe you, because doctors are incompetent quacks that are already overwhelmed and out of their depth if they have to diagnose something as rare and complicated as Streptococcus ...
But if that drug is illigal you will not go because you dodn't want to get in trouble with the law and maybe the kidney will cure itself ...
It won't ...
You dear doctor foxesduringwartime where the one that missed the point and made this about me ... but never mind ... as a doctor you of course know best doctor foxesduringwartime ...
Make your own text posts, thanks!
-> assumption that I do not in fact write way to long posts on my own blog ...
So those are about 25 assumptions give or take you made in two posts ...
That's a lot considering that you claim you made NO assumptions ...
You know, I am glad you blocked me, so I dodn't accidentally bump in to you, I would hate to have to remember your name ...
How to end this?
Ah ...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 2.6 million people die each year due to medical errors worldwide.
So yeah, assume your doctor is a quack and doesen't give a shit about you ... and if you are wrong, lean back and enjoy the rare experience of being taken care of by a professional ...
0 notes
threenorth · 11 months
I miss you every hour.
I'm still loving you even if I can't see you...
I remember when I wanted to kiss you and make out with you in the toy store.
Red? I've always tried sending in yellow my special sunflower.
You said it alot I'm thankful to have you in my heart, keeping me going when times get rough and kept me pushing on.
Don't worry about my happiness, I'm just having netual most of my time, most days are insignificant lately expect maybe my redundancy weeeee, oh and applying for a job in Washington.
The only thing I'm feeling is a bit scared about not being able to find job not really having alot of experience in my given area and hope my MBA is more of an ace, I'm afraid I'll be working in retial again... I don't know I try not think about it too much...
I hope you know I'm sorry you cry over me, if only it would be easier... But I'm trying my best to come back as fast as I can now I gotta find a job who knows it could be the job that pays me double if not quad,and we can give a life we wanted in our cabin.
I'd text you again, if you want that I just don't know what to say I'll think about it tommrow morning.
You aren't blocked on my end, your the one who blocked me and that's okay I pretty much deserve it with my mental health problem telling you I didn't want you talking to me, and then probably the time you kicked me out of your life when I said we switched places I get it. I'll get anything I ask for...so I should of thought about my words better like you said and the people I might hurt...
Oh trust me I ain't beuiutful, hahaha I appreciate it but I got a few issues at the moment I don't feel cute at all...but thanks dear *blows a kiss * you were always the cute one.
Tokyo? Intersting choice, again that would be nice I'd love the bullet train and the eletroinc square. And all the Anime stores.
The secret is like John Green said , slowly then all at once.
A name? Hahaha Bae is yours because I was trying to think up a good pet name.
I've loved you from the day we met, and probably had a crush on you since I saw your smile in 2012, my chemical romance and star wars, I couldn't of asked for more and I still am amazed at you. *touches your nose* boop
I'm sure we think about each other the same amount.
I'd never hangup, but you on the other hand Ive had a few quick hangups and a few long rings, but the best part is no voice mail system set up.
I sure do, cowgirl.
Tomorrow I don't have much planned but if you want you can vc me on ig/fb/skype.
I'll probably be doing some meetings and research as all my work has folded up so pretty sure no meeting either but I don't check my calender till the day, hope you had a good day.
0 notes