#sorry guys big leonie fan over here
sieglinde-freud · 1 month
im gonna be mad about inexhaustible bernadetta forever by the way its not your bow bitch PUT IT DOWN
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evakuality · 3 years
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Matteo - Episode three
Social Media - There’s so much of it this week!  At the time, I only followed a couple of accounts and then only saw the rest when it was posted to the tag.  I think I’m grateful for that.  This is absolutely overwhelming, the sheer volume of things the characters were putting out.  But it’s also really nice that we get all this normal teenage life stuff.  It really does allow an immersive ‘this is real people doing real stuff’ feeling to everything.  Particularly people like Kiki and Sam who have little to do with the plot.  It keeps them real and alive through a season where they were a bit more sidelined (and I love that Matteo and David’s little trip later on keeps them alive in a way that doesn’t overpower Amira’s season - this is a really clever way for the producers to keep fan favourites active without having to shoehorn them into places where they don’t belong).  I am also a bit concerned about some of this though - how on earth did the boys not get in trouble for filming the dancing girls and posting it to social media?  At most schools I know that would have resulted in some serious discipline action.  However, the most fascinating thing about the social media is the party at the end of the episode.  Sara didn’t start posting much on her stuff until much later in the evening (the reason this post is so late is because I was waiting to watch through all the social media before I worked with it - and there was so much for so long that I was able to notice the patterns in it in a way I didn’t at the time) and then Leonie took over and it was interesting what she chose to show and how non-perfect it all was compared to what Sara was trying to do before she got really incapacitated.  I know it’s not technically part of this episode but the text string between the two of them the next day where Sara panics over how Matteo might take seeing her in such a sloppy drunken state is very telling.  She really really wants to put on a show to make sure he’s not turned off by her not being ‘perfect’ - again, this is all very subtly done but there’s a really strong push to show how much of what is put onto social media isn’t a real and true depiction of who we really are.  And of course that’s most important for Matteo himself.  He’s still very actively putting on a front and it’s only partly to try to cover for the fact that he’s interested in boys not girls.  He’s really not happy or at ease with pretty much any aspect of himself, but he’s also not really willing to show it to anyone.  Except David.  Which we’ll see as we go through the clips.
Clip one - Matteo’s shelf in the fridge is so sad!  Someone (a parent maybe?) should really be making sure he has food and is looking after himself.  We touched a bit last episode on food and nurturing and what we see here is Matteo very much not nurturing himself.  Even more so than Sara, he has no care for his own wellbeing.  Also he’s relying heavily on other people (Hans in this case) to do the heavy lifting for him.  It’s also a major contrast to the playful, if disgusting, sandwich he made with David.  Here it’s really just about putting something in to his body and there’s no thought for anything other than basic survival.  Which is, tbh, a good metaphor for Matteo’s approach to his life at this time.  The chat with Mia again veers close to things that are difficult for Matteo - he’s wearing David’s beanie, trying to get that bit of closeness to him, but then Mia starts asking awkward questions about why the kitchen was so terrible and what Matteo was up to and it’s all a bit tough.  Matteo tries again to deflect and lie to cover his tracks.  Which... is he ever going to learn?  This lying is forever getting him in hot water when he’s caught out.  Jonas even calls him out on it, basically saying ‘if you’re going to use me as an excuse then give me a heads up first’ showing that he has Matteo’s back, but is incapable of helping him if he won’t help himself.  At this point, of course, Matteo has closed off because there’s a lot he finds too hard to talk about but Jonas is already giving those hints that he’d be there for Matteo if only Matteo would let him be.  But at least Mia’s pushing serves one purpose - Matteo makes contact with David again and they manage to connect and get over the little hitch that David’s ditching caused.  Both are still hiding bits of themselves from each other (David more so obviously), but both are quite happy to make these connections and are comfortable with each other.  That David responds is so nice; it sets up the dynamic so different to the original and Matteo is much more secure in David’s friendship than Isak was with Even at this point just because of this.  Then of course Matteo does the gay test, and it’s clear he already knows but he’s just sort of trying to work through some things.  It leads to some of the things he says later that are quite unfortunate (both to the boys about the dance teacher in this episode and to Hans later about the ways to be gay), but I think there’s a genuine desire to figure out what gay might look like rather than any truly homophobic stuff.  societal expectations and stereotypes and our own internal biases mess with us big time!!
Clip two - There’s not a lot of difference with the dancing girls clip, but it’s nice to see David again and the interactions between him and Matteo are a lot more natural than with Isak and Even.  I guess because these two are in the same year, it’s much easier to pass off knowing each other and so Matteo really is a lot more casual than Isak ever was.  The tone of the ‘why does he have to be so gay’ is different here too - Matteo’s much more low key and subdued when he’s called out on ‘why do we insult gays’ and he’s apologising fairly quickly.  It really is much more obvious that he’s trying to work out what ‘gay’ is than trying to distance himself from the idea of being gay.  He has a lot of issues and a lot of stuff to work through but it’s entrenched in an entirely different way to the og even though the words are almost exactly the same.  The power of acting and body language!!  Of course, this makes sense for both characters too - Isak and Matteo have different experiences and different lives and so they each act in a way that makes sense for them.  I’m super impressed that the same conversation can look so different - both actors are very very good.
Clip three - This scene with Matteo and Sara works much better for me than the one with Isak and Emma.  But perhaps that’s because Sara is allowed to be much more of a rounded character rather than a plot device.  We can say all we like (and Leonie is so clearly right there with us) that Sara needs to wake up and see how badly Matteo is treating her, but the way this is developing makes it clear why she thinks and acts the way she does and we can have a lot of sympathy for her even while rolling our eyes at how obviously this is not working out.  This right here is the moment where Matteo really should have said ‘yeah sorry, this isn’t working for me’ but he chooses not to because he still wants that security of having ‘someone’ if the thing with David turns out the way he expects it to (eg, David and Leonie being a thing).  He wants the ability to hide and say ‘see, there was nothing there, I have a girlfriend so I’m not at all upset that David has one too’ and it’s shitty behaviour and it’s totally unfair to Sara, but at this point Matteo can’t see beyond his own needs.  Sara is very clearly not happy with the situation and she rightly feels sidelined and unappreciated but she is still willing to accept his word when she puts those words into his mouth.  She’s still invested in this fantasy in her head and she is carefully scripting it so that it goes the way she wants it to.  Like last week when she was talking over Matteo to avoid hearing anything he’s saying, here she’s literally telling him what to say to get the outcome she wants.  Leonie has quite obviously got a better handle on the situation, but Sara doesn’t want to hear it.  Sara, again bless her, is very open about what she wants and needs from a relationship and how she’s feeling.  She refuses to take Matteo’s very half-hearted attempt at sweet talking her at face value and demands some accountability.  But it’s the very nature of those demands that sets her doom.  She tells him what she needs and he gives it to her - only it’s a very pale and weak imitation of what she would really like.  He uses her communication skills to play her.
Clip four - I loathe how no-one takes Matteo’s wants and needs into account, pretty much ever.  He’s in such a rut of being used to just going with the flow that even when he tries to assert his own wants people straight up ignore him.  It’s sad that he allows Kiki etc to basically commandeer his home for their party but it’s very much in keeping with how everything else is going.  Last week, Kiki was super irritated because she had a picture of how things were going to go (they would have their event and Matteo would host it) and she couldn’t deal with things not being under her control.  I suspect that if Sara hadn’t been with them and hadn’t done the speaking for Matteo, he would have been bullied into doing what she wanted then too.  He clearly doesn't want to do this , but at least he uses it as a way to get closer to David.  ‘Well, this party idea sucks, but maybe I can get this guy I like there’ and so he goes right up to him and invites him.  While he’s quite checked out of significant parts of his life, when Matteo really wants something he’s not scared of going after it.  Of course, as we see in later events, this gets him in trouble at times.  But for right now it’s nice to see him taking some small control of his life.  This is only possible, of course, because he was able to connect with David fairly quickly after he left last week.  The fact that they are able to do this is testament to how easily they do understand each other and even while its awkward, this relationship doesn’t have the underlying tensions that the one with Sara does.  It’s awkward in a positive way.
Clip five - there’s lots going on in this one.  The studying and how little interest and engagement Matteo has with it.  The consequent stalking of David on Sara’s account, the flow over into looking for David’s favourite movie, and of course Hans and his intrusion into Matteo’s quiet space again and then his attempt at using grindr.  It’s a slow, fairly quiet clip and yet Matteo ends up doing a lot in it.  It shows again, I think, just how much he values his time by himself and how much it works for him to be allowed to do things at his own pace.  I’ve said before I really enjoy seeing the characters in their own environments being chill and just hanging with themselves.  It shows us a lot of how they are.  In this case, Matteo moves very quickly from the boredom of the studying to things he has more interest in.  Like David.  He’s restless and disengaged, using all of his tricks to try to distract himself (playing with plants etc) and then very quickly giving up on what he should do.  I like that we get these sorts of smaller, lower key indications of how much David means to him as well.  It’s not big grandiose expressions of interest, but he watches the movie because David likes it.  He can’t even let himself stare at the picture for too long because it feels like a huge admission (he literally breaks eye contact with it and looks away the way he often does with David himself).  It’s in these unguarded moments in his own space that we really see Matteo and he’s a mess, but he’s a mess who really does want connection and to find meaning with someone.  
Clip six - We all love this one, right?  It’s such a nice moment with David and their almost-kissing is very intense.  But there’s a lot going on before that that I also want to look at.  First, the way the boys call Matteo a ‘player’?????? how???? That’s his girlfriend?????  He is playing her and stringing her along when he shouldn’t, but he’s not playing the field which is generally what we mean when we say this sort of thing.  He has one girl and that one girl has made it pretty clear that he is hers.  In many ways Matteo would be better off if he was playing the field - then there’s no expectations and he gets a rep as a ladies man.  But this works better for him - he can sort of fall into it and follow along with it without having to put any effort in at all.  She literally speaks for him, even.  I have always found it fascinating how much Matteo keeps to himself in this clip.  He hugs the walls like they’re his home and Sara is out there in the middle and there’s such a disconnect between the way they’re both acting.  How would Matteo have coped with the expectations Sara outlines about sex had she not got so blind drunk she had to be taken home?  It seems like it would have led to something very awkward and maybe she’d have finally got the picture.
Laura's little visit to see Matteo is cute too.  Obviously she knows that David is interested and so she checks him out.  It’s a shame it’s interrupted by Hans who then monopolises Matteo, but she was quite deliberate in finding him and speaking with him and I love the sibling support.  David’s shirt he chooses to appeal to Matteo is hilarious too.  The thought process (and the discussions with Laura at home beforehand) must have been brilliant.  ‘I always wear black and am mysterious and aloof and cool, but to attract this boy I will wear a white shirt with a stupid picture on it’ - that it does attract Matteo just shows how attuned David is to his future boyfriend.  Maybe he’s stalking the instagrams too - the Matteo Monday and Florenzi Friday do suggest that this is something that might appeal to Matteo.  
Hans and Andi bother me too.  In much the same way that I dislike that Sara assumes that Matteo not wanting sex with her means he’s gay (like?  It’s okay not to want sex!!  It doesn’t say anything about your sexuality), I don’t like that Hans has talked about Matteo to Andi and allows him to be so forward and aggressively sexual with someone who is very obviously not willing to be out.  I know Hans is trying to be there for Matteo and to encourage him to accept himself (I think it’s pretty clear that he knows or thinks Matteo likes guys).  But this is a party with all of Matteo’s friends.  What did they think would happen?  Why did they think he’d react in any way other than the one he does?  Hans looks confused when Matteo pushes away and leaves, but why?  This behaviour is entirely consistent with everything we know of his character. That it ends in an actual panic attack makes it all much more sad and difficult to watch.  Honestly, outing people when they’re not ready is not cool and Hans should know this.
The panic attack itself is so well done.  There’s no dialogue and yet we can see very obviously how Matteo is feeling and just how ‘normal’ this is to him.  He has a set of behaviours that he follows to try to take the edge off.  He throws things (this is his go-to when he’s stressed and he does it a LOT), he tries weed and he finally tries music and sitting by himself, cuddling a cushion for comfort.  I know a million people have discussed this at length, but I don’t think we can speak about this clip without at least touching on it.  Everything about it is done so well and it all combines to allow Matteo’s feelings to shine through.  I love that it’s allowed to happen at a party and that we see very clearly how these things can be overwhelming for characters.  I won’t go on anymore, but it’s just great and the acting is so perfect.  I genuinely think this small part of this clip is probably my favourite acting out of everything in this show.
And then of course we have the stuff after everyone else has left.  Again, a million people have discussed this in a million ways, but I love how this scene again shows how easily they get each other, how good they are at communicating with each other and how quickly they get on the same page.  Matteo has no trouble at all saying what he thinks and pressing for information.  This parallels Sara in some ways - she is like this with Matteo, making her wants and needs clear and putting herself on the line.  Again, this is all very good set up for later on when Matteo finally finds himself in her position and realises just how much his behaviour hurt her because he’s living her side.  However, unlike Matteo, David is quite clear and honest back.  And that’s why they can so quickly move into a potential kiss.  As with Matteo and Sara, there are close ups as they lean into each other, but somehow it feels like there’s more space for them to breathe here.  The camera allows them both to be in the frame naturally, whether Sara is often invading into Matteo’s shots.  Here, they’re both on board and both want it.  I like that Matteo gets a moment to be open and himself after his experience with Andi.  It must take a lot of courage to do this after he was so badly affected earlier.  Testament to David’s calming presence which reassures rather than pushes, and how honest they are with each other - there’s no way David could miss how relieved Matteo is when he finds out that Laura is David’s sister not his girlfriend.  They’re both very brave here - David for telling Matteo he looks good and Matteo for trying to take that next step even after his panic attack.   And I think that’s a nice place to leave this.  Because that’s already such a lot and this has all already been said before.  
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royalromancefanfic · 6 years
Chapter 4
Leonie’s POV
Saturday night
“Coming!” I yelled as I dried off my hands on a tea towel and ran towards my front door. I was completely flustered, as I’d ran out of time. I’d spent way too long over at my parents place, trying to get some special recipe from maman - only for her to tell me to ‘be modest’ and make something simple. I then spent a while cleaning up around the house and making sure everything was in its rightful place. I hadn’t had a chance to get ready. I’d just showered, washed my hair and scrunched my curls into place.
I opened the door to find Harry in a dark blue shirt, casual jeans and some boat shoes. The colour of his shirt worked well against his hair red locks. Behind him were two big guys, dressed casually in all black. Security I’d guessed. 
“Hey.” He smiled, leaning in and giving me a kiss on both cheeks. I felt my cheeks tingle slightly. The smell of his woody fragrance instantly hit my nostrils. I revelled in it for a second. I soon noticed he had a bottle of wine in one hand and some tulips in another. I wasn’t a flowers kinda girl, but the sight of them made my cheeks bruise.
“Hey,” I replied feeling completely flustered and embarrassed at the fact that I hadn’t had a chance to get ready. “Come in...” I opened the door that led into my house much wider. 
“Don’t worry, they’re not staying.” He pointed to the two guys behind him. “That’s Josh and that’s Scott. They’re my protection officers.” He pointed them out. One was dark haired and about 6 ft 2 and the other was more a slimmer, 6 ft dirty blond. I imagined that they both brought different things to their role. “Guys, this is Leonie.”
We exchanged hellos and pleasantries. “Can we do a sweep of the house?” The Scott guy asked. “We’ll let ourselves out after.”
I stood unsure of what to make of his security. “Ummm... yeah sure.” I guessed they couldn’t be bad people if they were protecting a Prince. I walked into the lounge with Harry following me. 
He began looking around, taking it all in. “This place looks amazing,” He complimented looking at some of the artwork on the walls. “Really warm.”
“Bet you never thought you’d see yourself in Battersea.” I teased. It wasn’t exactly a palace. 
He stopped himself from getting lost in one of the paintings and chuckled. He chuckled because he knew I was right. It wasn’t the side of London he was used to. “You’ve got a really nice house.” It was a spacious recently renovated 3 bedroom, with a lovely garden. And my street was actually quite quiet.
I had chosen to live South of the River for the greenery and mash-up of cultures South London hosted. I could hide out in Clapham on a bar crawl, dance the night away in Brixton or go for a long stroll in Battersea Park, without having to go more than 15 minutes in either direction. My family had settled in Chelsea, due to the close proximity of the French embassy. The funny thing was Papa’s job had landed my family closer to Harry’s world than mine. It was no wonder he and I had never crossed paths.
“I hope you like red.” He presented the wine and flowers he still had in his hands. 
I looked down at the gifts and took them off of him. “You didn’t have to... Thank you,” I motioned for him to take a seat on the sofa. “Sorry - I completely lost track of time. Haven’t even managed to get ready.” I looked down at my apron and laughed lightly. I wanted to make an effort. “I’m sorry. I look terrible.” I expressed defeated. I knew I’d had better days.
“You look cute.” He shook off my words. “And your hair looks great curly. I like it.” He smiled.
“Still damp...” I admitted. “I’ll put these away.” I held up his gifts. 
“Do you need any help in there?” He got up to walk with me to the kitchen.
“No...” I fanned him off. “You’re a guest. Don’t be silly. Stay here and relax.” I went off to the kitchen. By the time I’d got there Josh and Scott let me know they’d be taking a look at the living room and then would be gone. 
By the time I’d walked back into the living room I noticed Harry had taken his shoes off and lined them up by the front floor. I laughed as I looked down at his stripey blue socks. I appreciated the action. “I just noticed you don’t have any shoes on and I felt bad for having my outdoor shoes on.” He paused. “I have the same ‘no shoes’ rule at my place, and I’d hate for someone to mess up my cream carpet.” He smiled before winking at me.
He had such a cheeky smile. I wondered if he knew about how infectious it was. 
I handed him a glass of wine. “Want to come over to the table? Starter’s ready.” I invited him into the dining area, which was an open space adjacent to the kitchen. He perched himself one of the chairs at the table and sat watching me. Somewhat admiring me, I felt.
We started with smoked salmon with prawns and a creamy lime vinaigrette. For our main we had slow-roast lamb shanks, carrots, and asparagus on a bed of mash. 
“That was delicious. Really good,” Harry said moping up what was left on his plate. “You’re a great cook.”
“I tried.”
“Best home-cooked meal I’ve had in a while.”
“You live in a palace!” I laughed. “I’m sure you have had better dinners.” I knew he was only saying what he was to flatter me.
“We don’t have access to the kitchens all the time. It’s only Gran and Pa that have access to personal chefs.” He explained. I found it funny how the Queen of England was simply referred to as ‘Gran’. He continued on: “I had a pot noodle for dinner last night.” He pulled me a face, making me immediately laugh. “Hardly fine dining.” He took another swig of his wine. “Mmm... yeah,” He stopped to palate the wine. “...that was really good.”
I conceded to the compliment. “Thank you,” He grabbed my plate, placed it on top of his and went to the sink. “What are you doing?” I asked as I watched him. “You cooked, so I’ll wash up.” He looked around. “Just when you tell me where everything is.” He turned around to face me and smiled.
“It’s fine.” I said. “I’ll do it.”
“Honestly. I insist. If you don’t let me... I’ll-” He paused. “I’ll leave?” He laughed lightly. “I don’t want to leave, but you get my point.”
I hadn’t expected him to be so self-sufficient. I don’t know what I’d expected from him, but I certainly didn’t expect the Prince of Wales to be washing up after himself, let alone me. “Alright, alright - the dishes are all yours.” I got up from my seat and walked over to him, whilst still holding his gaze. I gently tapped his side for him to move over. I grabbed the marigolds, sponge and washing up liquid from under the sink.
“Where are all the dishes?” He looked around. 
“I tidy as I go.” I smiled, looking across at him. “So there’s only those few dishes and the tray the lamb was in.”
He nodded. “Damn! You’re so tidy.”
“I should make a bit of an effort.” I took my apron off and placed it on him playfully. “Let me freshen up.” I quickly went off to my room to get changed. 
I didn’t have enough time to go flown-blown ‘date night’ sexy. I settled with making myself look halfway decent. I needed to look somewhat attractive. I did actually like the guy.
I changed into a grey casual, button up top and a black A-line skirt. I didn’t bother with makeup - instead re-moisturised and put on some body luminizer. I brushed my then, almost dry hair up into a curly bun. By the time I’d walked back into the kitchen Harry was on his last dish. He almost dropped it, as he was too busy staring at my legs. “You’re glowing...” He mumbled out loud and then shook his head - I guessed he hadn’t intended to spill out his thoughts.
I chuckled at him, before posing a question. “Do you like chocolate?” I asked not realised how it sounded until I’d said it. 
He smirked and nodded. “I’d be silly not to.” He licked his lips.
I went over to the fridge and pulled out some milk and dark chocolate salted caramel truffles. “Dessert?” I offered.
“Sounds good to me.” He smiled before finishing off the last dish.
We made our way to the living room to have our dessert. We paired the truffles with some port that balanced out the salty-sweet taste we got from the chocolate.
After dessert we sat around talking for a while. 
“What’s that?” Harry asked picking up a red plastic circle from my coffee table.  It looked to have been wedged between pages of a glossy magazine. He peered at it.
I picked it out of his hand and examined it. “Oh, it’s from Connect 4... Chrissy and I were playing the other day, guess I missed that when tidying up.” 
“You have Connect 4?” He asked, his eyes going wide. He sat up on the sofa wide eyed.
My cheeks bruised. Was that sad? Does anyone play real games anymore? I answered hesitantly. “...uh, yeah.”
“I love Connect 4!” He said, surprising me. “I’m a big fan of board games. That’s all I ever played at boarding school and then in the army it’s cards and board games...”
I laughed. Not expecting that completely. “Do you want to play?”
“Sure,” He said excitedly. “I mean if you’re ready to lose!” His competitive edge came out. 
“You mean if you’re ready to lose.” I nudged him. “Let me go grab it.”
We played excitedly for a three rounds, with Harry completely beating me in the first two rounds. I won the last, although I think he could see the frustration in my face and let me win. As much as he spoke the hardest about crushing me, he never gloated once he won. I then learnt that he was kind.
We sat around speaking about the most random things for a while. We hadn’t even realised how time had gone so quickly. Soon it was time for Harry to leave. Our night was ending. 
“Thank you for tonight. Dinner was great. Connect 4 was good fun.” He beamed. “You’ve even got good chat.” He said cheekily. “Not just a pretty face.”  We walked over to my front door.
I gasped fake-offended. “Same could be said about you, Wales.”
“No, but seriously...” He kneeled down to put his shoes back on. “I had a really great time.”
“Uh huh?” I nodded, questioning him slightly.
“Uh huh.” He repeated, answering and confirming that as a ‘yes’. He stood up and for a second I realised I had leant too far forward - we were now in each other’s personal space. 
I realised we were about to have a little moment, and immediately tried to break out of it. I reached for the front door and opened it. “Glad you had a great time.”
He walked over and leaned into me. I could smell his lovely woody fragrance once again. He froze for a second staring into my eyes, before his cheeks bruised. His blue orbs grew wide with wild desire, but I couldn’t quite hold the intense gaze. My eyes fell bashfully. He took it it as a sign. He settled his right cheek against my right cheek, pecking me lightly, before kissing the other. “Thanks again, Leonie.” It seemed like he wanted to kiss me, but then decided against it - he didn’t want to push it. He rubbed the top of my shoulder affectionately, before making his way out the door.
I felt stupid at that second. “Call me.” I called after him, trying to apologise for letting my eyes fall. I felt like a little kid again. He turned to look at me and smiled widely, knowing that that was my subtle way of letting him know that I wanted to see him again soon. 
“I will.” He called back, before disappearing into the sleek black Mercedes that stood waiting for him outside.
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hati-skoll · 6 years
[AO3] [Kinkmeme Prompt]
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Greetings fellow Nocturnes!
We interrupt the month-long memorial for His Royal Highness Noctis Lucis Caelum with exciting news. Our beloved prince is alive! That's right, folks, the sexiest bachelor of Insomnia can be felled by no giant, laser-blasting daemon.
There have been numerous sightings of our lovely angel in black corduroys all over Leide, Duscae and Cleigne over the past couple of weeks, accompanied by a presently unidentified trio – likely candidates include Ignis Scientia from the noble House of Scientia, Prince Noctis' loyal Chamberlain; Gladiolus Amicitia from the warrior House of Amicitia, steadfast shield to our future king; Cor Leonis the Immortal; and Prompto Argentum, Prince Noctis' high school classmate. Anyone who is able to provide further information pertaining to His Highness' companions will be generously compensated. Please direct all relevant emails to [email protected].
In light of the heartening news, this week's issue of Noct Me Up will feature a collection of personal accounts detailing Prince Noctis' post-invasion affairs.
Prince Noctis is flawless.
This is a fact we're all very familiar with, but it appears those outside the walls of Insomnia have yet to be blessed by the blinding glory of our esteemed prince. Nevertheless, a chance encounter with his illustrious personage has sent the patrons at Hammerhead reeling.
"So, uh, everyone out here knows, if you wanna get your car fixed, you go to Cid. Best mechanic in these parts, y'know? I mean, of course you do," says starry-eyed customer, Moretum Caesar, "So anyway, I've bust my engine just that morning when I was out on an errand for ma, I don't know what I did to it, I mean if I did, I wouldn't be at Cid's. Had the car towed to the garage and Cid tells me I gotta get in line. Turns out a couple of unlucky schmucks got their car in a pretty bad shape.
"Happens all the time out here. The roads are pretty mean; they'll wear out your tires the way a pack of sabertusks'll run down a weary hunter- Sorry, got a little gruesome there.
"Anyway, the roads here ain't nothing like the shiny black asphalt they've got back in the Crown City. So I'm feeling pretty bad for these guys, might've lent a hand, I don't know, offered them some of ma's fresh leiden pepper- We've got the freshest produce in Duscae, and they're only going for twenty gil a piece!
"Uh, right, but then, when I was walking outta the garage, I saw her. No, not Cindy. The car. It was massive. Built like it could take on a behemoth. I was staring at her thinking, [REDACTED]. That's a damned fine ride. Didn't look anything like any of the cars in these parts. Insomnia-make, could tell from a mile away. And maybe I was feeling… a little less charitable towards… city-folks, you know. Probably rich kids, who've had it good all their lives.
"And that's when I saw him. Well, them. But him. Yeah, I think they were trying to go, what's the term, 'in cognito'? Yeah? Sure ain't cognito from where I was standing. They were wearing the crown's colours, all black. And the prince. Man, I ain't one of those poetic types. But I'd sure as hell try for him. See, he was running towards the garage from across the road – not looking both sides, because all the cars in the world would stop for His Royal Highness.
"I'm not being snarky. With a face like that, and an ass- this isn't going to get me in trouble with the Crownsguard, is it? No? You're sure? Well, an ass like that, all perky and tight, could stare at it for years. Not that I'd ever think of touching. Ever. I mean, he's the prince. So there's no need for any of the Crownsguard to be knocking on my door in the middle of the night.
"Yeah, anyway, he jogged over, hair flipping like in one of those fancy hair commercials. The light all golden and rosy around him, and his skin looked… astral-kissed, all shiny and soft.
"Then he stopped right in front of me, kind of looked at me through his bangs. And he said, hey. He said hey. Hey. Can you imagine? The prince! I think I was standing there for fifteen minutes or something even after they left. And that's when I was hit with the epiphany, you know."
Yes, we do, Prince Noctis is flawless.
I hear his hair's insured for ten million gil.
After assuring Tom Laesus, part-time hunter and self-proclaimed lamialogist, that no, we're not from the empire, and no, we wish no harm on the honourable Crown Prince of Lucis, the NMU team is treated to a most delightful tale of His Highness' never-ending compassion, and surprising insight into the royal beauty regiment.
"Prince Noctis saved my life! He just swooped in and, kapow, wham, bam! Magic sword! And then whoosh, right across the field. And then he did this thingy, and it was like ziiing, glowy weapons all around him. And then he pfkuk, shzoosh, krrek the [REDACTED] out of those [REDACTED] voretooths, and I swear a giant mother-[REDACTED] astral appeared and it was huge and then it was like BOOOOOM!
"And I was- Huh? You want me to back up a little?
"Okay. Yup. [I took up a hunt at] Wiz Chocobo Post. We've been running low on gil lately, and Jen – that's my little sister – needs to see her paediatrician. She's got a lung condition. And it was supposed to be an easy job.
"I'm not suicidal! One gigantoad isn't so bad. I'm a pretty decent shot, so I can kinda snipe it from afar? Anyway. I bagged the job, and I was heading back to Wiz to collect my gil. But this [REDACTED] pack of voretooths showed up all of a sudden, and they were right on my [tail]!
"I knew I had to get to higher ground or I'd be [in serious trouble]. But it was raining, and I just spent half an hour sniping a gigantoad and I was tired, which means careless; and yup, one of them messed up my ankle pretty bad, before I found a decent ledge to take cover on.
"I thought I was going to be daemon fodder for sure! The sun was setting. I was out in the wild, my leg hurt, the voretooths were still out there. We're talking major, major [REDACTED]-fest. Chances of survival looked close to nil.
"So whatever, I started yelling for help. Pretty sure no one would hear me. But… I wasn't just going to lie back and think of Lucis while daemons made mincemeat out of me!
"And Prince Noctis appeared. Prince Noctis! Can you believe it? I thought I was hallucinating. Or dead! Or dead and hallucinating! But there he was! Just schmosh! Cutting the voretooths down like they're… like they're flies!
"He had the guy with glasses hand me a potion after they took care of the [REDACTED] beasts. Prince Noctis was totally chill about it, although I think he was kinda upset that they messed up his hair? I mean, it still looked pretty [REDACTED] awesome to me!
"Uh, I might've told him I'd pay for the damages. Brain to mouth filter went down after all that splooosh. His big, brawny bodyguard dude told me not to bother – kinda implied I wouldn't be able to afford it. Which is, well, duh. I hear his hair's insured for ten million gil or something.
"Although the insurance company's probably under Niflheim control now, if it still exists-
"Guy with glasses was promising the prince to cook up some fancy tomato hair paste? While they were walking away? Prince Noctis didn't seem too psyched about it."
I hear he does car commercials. In Altissia.
The hunters around Cape Caem were a lot more tight-lipped about Prince Noctis' whereabouts, but we are nothing if not tenacious when it comes to news regarding His Royal Highness. After several days of scouting the area, the NMU team chanced upon a friendly restaurateur who's been dealing carrots with a "quite charming" group of four. We've been led to believe that the Prince's retinue is growing a farm right on Cape Caem. But it appears Prince Noctis has bigger plans than agriculture in store.
"Ah, yes. They've rather capable green thumbs, those boys," Tony Cauponi says fondly, "Even though one of them seems to detest carrots quite profusely. Such a shame, caem carrots make for a most delectable palate, quite the rage over at Cupona.
"Hm? A description of the boy? Black hair, blue eyes, I believe- About my height? Yes, I'd say about there. And a penchant for black, which his friends share.
"Handsome lads, all of them. I hear they're in the fashion industry, just enjoying a bit of nature in their free time. The blond one said something about being seaside supermodels. He was taking a lot of pictures, probably for their portfolio. That's quite important for models.
"Anything else I heard? You're fans of the lads, aren't you? Well, let's see…
"The muscled one – he's a sports model, isn't he, considering his physique – was telling his more genteel, high-fashion friend – the one with coiffed chestnut hair and glasses? – that Blue Eyes had been 'taking forever and refused to put the rod back in'.
"I think Blue Eyes replied with, 'All you did was tell me to 'put my back in it'. It was frickin' huge and my arms were tired, alright?'
"Ah. I'm not sure I want to speculate on what they were talking about. Could be plenty of things. Like sex, or… gravure modelling? Or… sex?
"The bespectacled gentleman praised Blue Eyes for his persistence and assured him that he's 'getting much better' and that he does in fact have, ahem, 'a good sense of when to relax and when to use his muscles, although he has been rather tensed lately, so maybe they ought to take some time that night to massage him properly and get him adequately loosened up?'.
"I didn't catch Blue Eyes' response, but he must've been on board with that plan, because there weren't any protests coming from his quarter.
"The smaller blond one was chattering about the quality of Altissia's beds, so maybe that's where they're heading for their next shoot? He said something getting a car on a boat, and how that'll make 'a wicked picture'.
"Huh, I'm guessing, sea-themed car commercials? In Altissia. Sounds like an interesting concept."
Well. If Prince Noctis' looking for a career change, then I'm sure his future works will be highly anticipated!
One time, he met First Secretary Camelia at a bar. And she told him he was pretty.
If that isn't enough to excite you, we're sure the next account will have you on the edge of your seats. One of our subscribers sent us an email a couple of days ago with a few attached pictures. With her permission, we're publishing the contents of the email below: (We're sure you'll find this as interesting as we did!)
Hey girls, you'll never guess who I saw down at Maagho bar.
Tell me that isn't His Royal Sexiness Prince Naughty Noctis. I dare you. Tell me it isn't him. He's even more gorgeous in person dfdahbjvfa Like you can't see in the photos, but I swear those eye lashes are just wasted on a guy. Are we sure he doesn't use mascara? Like are we actually sure?
Anyway, he and his boy toys showed up out of the blue, looking all sensually dishevelled mmm… I wonder what they've been doing to get their hair and clothes all mussed like that. [Friendly reminder that Noct Me Up frowns upon hate mails directed at any of His Highness' love interests.] Came sashaying in like they totally do not have the empire riding their asses.
Also, you see that second photo, where he's standing with his hip cocked and his shirt riding up? Our boy has abs! And he was totally flaunting it for his boyfriends, I kid you not. Bending over every flat surface like he's asking for a pounding. The blond one, Prompto iirc, Prince Noctis' classmate(?), he was taking photos like his life depended on it.
Ok I tried to secretly video them, and let me tell you, it was hard. It's like those boys have ESPN or something. They turn every time I have my phone camera up. But whatever, at least I got Something.
The footage is shaky and grainy, tilted at about 60 degrees off-centre, but it focuses on Noctis' figure as he leans over a barrel – back arched and ankles crossed. Prompto laughs, bumping into Noctis' side as he enthuses about something. It's inaudible due to white noise and background static, but he's pointing at his camera. They move closer, so their bodies are pressed flush against one another, almost huddling. Ignis draws Noctis' attention after a few seconds, and Noctis turns to him. After a short exchange, Ignis leans forward. It's unclear from the angle, but one might assume the prince's advisor is taking liberties. Gladiolus soon enters the frame, casually mussing Noctis' hair with a smug grin. Noctis tries to duck. He fails, and his pout is visible despite the bad video quality. There's a bit of rough-housing, before Gladiolus abruptly freezes. He turns to stare directly into the camera, at which point, the camera spins and the feed cuts to black.
And it's like so obvious they've a Thing. I mean, c'mon. Did you not see that kiss? That was so obviously a kiss. They make such a cute couple. Or foursome. #LOVEWINS Look, all I'm saying is, if Prince Butter-My-Muffins wants his muffins buttered, then who are we to judge? Plus that's some very Fine men he's toting about, I wouldn't blame him for wanting in on that meat sandwich.
Now for the juicy deets, First Secretary Camelia popped by all casual-like to have a word with His Royal Pinchable-Cheeks. Totally not suspicious at all, no siree. Walked straight right up to Weskham and asked for his "pretty boy guests" because everyone's clearly been waiting for Prince Noctis to show up after that announcement about the Oracle.
They were talking real soft and secretive, but I swear the First Secretary invited Prince Noctis back to her apartment 'to discuss terms'. I'm betting they're here for amnesty, the prince and his boyfriends. It only makes sense, since Accordo's the only place with any sort of independence from the Empire. Am I right or amirite?
Since the treaty's screwed six ways to Sunday, he can even tie the knot with one of his boy toys. That's what couples come to Altissia for – no, not the view. Cheap marriage licenses!
You think they'll have a fake King Regis officiating, or is that too tasteless?
One time he stabbed me with his sword. It was awesome.
Our last entry comes from a mysterious man in a fedora who has identified himself as Nydra Ainuzi. He approached one of our Accordo-based NMU associates shortly after we received the email informing us about Prince Noctis' impending elopement. Nydra considers himself, "a well-informed expert on Lucian royalty, their retainers and all other matters concerning the Crown and Crystal," and he has been "paying special attention to the so prodigious last son of Lucis Caelum."
"Where do I begin, where do I begin? Oh, there is just so much to tell about the beautifully tragic Prince Noctis.
"Shall we begin with his battle habits? I think we shall. Behold, the brave and heroic Prince Noctis. He's nimble and quick and oh so skilled with his weapons, and [sharp intake of breath] dear me, is His Royal Highness carrying a moogle plushie into battle?
"Heavens, who would have guessed that the prince was so attached to stuffed animals? To think he'd be childish enough to lug one around while fighting, such disappointing disregard for proper battle etiquette- I do need that photo back. It was stolen, as in borrowed from someone.
"Yes, a blond-budding-photographer someone.
"Well. I guess he wouldn't miss it.
"Hm, I see you're quite charmed by the prince's utterly unprofessional attachment to toys. But have you seen this appallingly indecent cosplay he did for that crass video game festival?
"Oh, you're swooning. Yes, it's awfully risqué of the prince. What a blatant lack of respect for decorum, showing so much skin- No, you cannot have that photo. It's borrowed.
"Oh fine.
"You seem quite pleased to have seen Noctis' n- nipple. I can't say I understand the appeal.
"I beg your pardon?
"You wish to know of the prince's steamy dalliances with his secret paramours? Oho, I can definitely help you with that. Let's see here.
"Feast your eyes.
"Indeed, how terribly promiscuous- Such unruly behaviour from a scion of the distinguished line of Lucis, no less. I'm sure you're all quite horri… fically excited.
"Because it is obviously a cause for celebration – to have a sexually active prince, enamoured with his very male attendants. No cause for concern at all. None at all. The lack of heirs would be sending no one into a state of panic.
"Do you even-
"Why, I'm sure you would even be pleased to know that the prince once stabbed me with his sword. Quite brutally. Are you excited about that, hm? Do his violent tendencies not faze you?  Do they not cloud your sunnily enthusiastic support of whatever that brat-
"I don't think I expected so shrill a reaction, but it's rather flattering to know that you feel so strongly about my well-being- What?
"Was it what? Awesome? Are we on the same page?
"Was it awesome to be stabbed by Prince Noctis' sword? I- Do I look particularly prone to masochistic tendencies? Well, I suppose being tormented and ravaged by daemons for two thousand years does that to-
"You know what, yes. Yes, it was awesome. I absolutely enjoyed being impaled on the pointy end of his magic metal phallic symbol. You can put that down in your little publication. Good day.
"And keep that photo."
And there you have it, the life and times of our ever beloved, ever righteous Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. Watch out for next week's issue of Noct Me Up to find out more about His Royal Highness' devoted bedmates and their amazing sexcapades.
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years
Phan Cam: Enter the Crownsguard (Part 2)
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>Galdin Quay at the Coast of Leide. On a cliff overlooking the resort, Verstael Besithia was messing around with Talcott Hester who is still under his control. Earlier that day, he had the young boy check himself into the resort and, once in his room, wrote the suicide note. Now all Verstael has to do is wait for Loqi to give the signal.
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Controlling this boy as if he were a puppet on strings and even considering having him end his own life? ... Is it wrong that I am actually enjoying this? If only controlling my failed creation was this easy... You know, little Talcott, I once read on the Internet that an alternate plot for Episode: Prompto is that I would use that device to alter his memories to make him work for us. Sure, it is just the fantasies of a fan, but he does have a point. Maybe I will make it happen... After I’m through with you.
???????: Then you’re going to have to be disappointed.
>Verstael quickly turns to see Prompto standing there surrounded by defeated Imperial solders.
Verstael: What the!? How did you manage to get past all of these soldiers?
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That’s an easy one... I had help.
>Then, two of the solders get up and remove their armor.
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(gasp) I thought I’d never get out of there. How do the solders even breath in that armor?
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It could be worse. (cough) Whoever was wearing this faceplate must have been eating Wild Onions.
Verstael: So this is what the King of Lucis sens. A useless puppet, a traitor, and an aging solder.
Cor: You’re one to speak of aging. Have you look in a mirror?
Verstael: ... Okay, now that’s below the belt.
Prompto: Anyway, we’re here for Talcott. So I suggest you hand him over.
Verstael: And what precisely will you do if I do not? Or did you for get this?
>Verstael snaps his fingers and Talcott nears the edge of the cliff.
Verstael: I suggest you stand down or this boy will join his grandfather on the other side.
Prompto: ... Do it then.
Verstael: Really? Are you so sure? You know what might happen to him.
Prompto: I have every confidence that whatever Loqi is going to gave you do to Talcott... It’s going to fail.
>Everything was silent for a moment. Then...
Verstael: ... So be it.
>With another snap of his fingers, Talcott, tears rolling down his cheeks despite the fact that he’s been brainwashed, jumped from the cliff to the waters below... But no splash.
Verstael: WHAT!?
>Verstael quickly goes to the cliff and looks down...
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Huh. I guess it did work. Your plan wasn’t far off.
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(holding the unconscious Talcott) That is true.
Verstael: Fine, you got the boy away from me. Did you forget that I’m the only one who can deactivate it. Now if you do not mind.
>Verstael tries to walk off, but he finds that his feet had been frozen to the ground. Then, he feels something on his back. He turns to see what it is.
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Verstael: Is this really necessary?
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Hey, I don’t let usin’ somethin’ like this, but you and that piece of shit, Loqi, didn’t give us much choice.
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It cannot be helped. Loqi Tummelt chose to listen to the distortion within his heart.
Ryuji: Tha’s true. Alright, you old fart, shut down that device or this Plasma Hunter is goin’ off.
Verstael: ... Alright. I only played along because, being that I died in a DLC, I had nothing better to do.
Prompto: You want to die again?
Verstael: Not really... Deactivate!
Device on Talcott: Deactivating. Have a nice day, Master Besithia.
Verstael: Thank you.
>With that, the device deactivates and falls off of Talcott’s head.
Noctis: (rushing over) Talcott!
>Lunafreya places her hand on Talcott’s head and they glow.
Lunafreya: Blessed stars of life and light, deliver us from darkness blight.
>After they stopped glowing, Talcott gasps awake, but still a little weak from his experience.
Verstael: So, what will you do with me now? Kill me?
Prompto: You fulfilled your end of this deal, we’ll let you live to tell Loqi about this.
Verstael: ... Of course. There is nothing left to do now.
Prompto: Good. Gentiana, thaw him.
>With that, Gentiana releases her hold on Verstael and Team A leaves.
Noctis: Makoto, get us out of here.
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I still think Ryuji should have done this. His Persona’s a pirate.
Noctis: But you have a licence, even if it’s just for the road. Besides, he’s the only one strong enough to handle that big gun of his. No offense.
Makoto: None taken...
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(whisper) Your royal jerkness.
Lunafreya: Let us just hope the others are doing fine.
Makoto: If this works, it should change Loqi’s cognition.
>Back up with Verstael, he calls Loqi and explains what happened.
Loqi’s voice: WHAT!? How could you lose him like that!?
Verstael: Highwind and Leonis were hiding among the solders and I was left out numbered. The king and the Oracle were waiting for the boy at the bottom with a boat. Looks like you just lost your bargaining chip.
Loqi’s voice: ... No matter, there are other ways to get what I want.
>Meanwhile, in Loqi’s Palace, me, the rest of the Phantom Thieves, Gladiolus, and Ignis were outside a pair of fancy doors leading to the Club Member Floor. Then, the doors open.
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Yes, we’re in!
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Skull and Queen came through.
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As did Noctis, Lunafreya, and Prompto.
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Okay, let’s what’s-
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Hold on. There’s someone there.
>As the doors open, we find that someone was there. It looked like Loqi, except his armor was solid gold and when he looked at us... He had golden eyes.
Shadow Loqi: Welcome to the Club Members Floor! I see that even the lapdogs of the King of Fools are here.
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I take that’s Loqi’s Shadow?
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Yes. This is what we told you.
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Listen, we didn’t come here to play any of your little games. We’re here for your Treasure and you cannot stop us.
Shadow Loqi: Really? Well this is my domain. You better follow my rules are there is going to be trouble.
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As thieves, we won’t be following your rules just like that.
Shadow Loqi: I see. Well, you’re about to find out what happens if you don’t play by my rules. (begins to sound irritated) Because when people stop playing by my rules, I make them very very sorry! Men, escort these people out now!
>Shadow Loqi quickly leaves as three Shadows appear and change shape.
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Oracle: Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the three Shadows.
Oracle: Got it! They’re weak to Wind.
Mona: Then I’ve got this. Persona!
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>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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>Gladiolus and Ignis join in as well.
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>All the Rakshasas just use Giant Slice. Luckily, Gladiolus is resistant to Physical attacks. Zorro uses Magarula. It knocks two of them down. Mona passes the baton to me and Fortuna uses Garudyne on the Rakshasa that’s still up. It knocks him down.
Joker: Now, let’s do this!
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>After the attack, the Rakshasas were still up. Fortuna uses Magarula. It knocks them all down again. I simply attack one of them and it is gone. Ignis does the same with his polearm and Gladiolus with his greatsword. The two remaining Shadow were gone.
Galdiolus: That was easy. I guess his cognition did change.
Oracle: He wasn’t expecting something like rescuing Talcott to happen, so his guards were unprepared.
Panther: So what now? Do we go in and explore some more?
Joker: Not right now. Loqi’s cognition is unstable at the moment so the security level must already be raising. Let’s come back here when he’s calmed down a little.
Ignis: Right. We shall return soon.
>With that, we leave the Palace for now.
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>In a room at Galdin Quay, Talcott was resting on a bed as we arrive. Then he gets back up.
Noctis: Easy there, you haven’t been yourself for some time now.
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King Noctis? I... I’m sorry. They... captured me and Iris near the hideout and...
Noctis: It’s okay. I don’t think anyone could see what would happen.
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Unless they were a fortuneteller. Like the one I always go to... Sorry, should have kept quite.
Gladiolus: (not happy with that) You think?
Talcott: No. The guy with glasses who I don’t know was just telling it as it is.
>Talcott tries to get out of bed, but is too weak to do it.
Noctis: I said to to take it easy. You still have to recover your strength.
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I don’t think they treated him very well. I don’t think they even fed him.
Talcott: I was still aware of what was going on even while I was under their spell. They fed me some mush which wasn’t very good and when it was time to sleep, they made me sit in some chair. I think Iris tried to give me some of her leftovers from her forced dinners with Loqi Tummelt, but the device would let me eat them and he caught her and forced her to stop. So yes, I am a little hungry.
Cor: Coctura said she closed the restaurant for the day, so we’re free to use the cooking station.
Ignis: That’s nice of her. I can make us something... Which I can’t right now, because I was just in the other world and now tired.
Ren: If this resort gives massages, you might regain the energy needed.
Ignis: Really? I never much thought about it.
Noctis: I never like massages. Too rough on my back.
Lunafreya: That is not what you said when I did it.
Noctis: Only because you have the hands of a goddess. And besides, I thought I made a good masseur for you.
Lunafreya: (smiling) Fair enough.
Ignis: Anyway, shall we?
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I shall come, too. I’ve never had a message like this.
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I just hope Becky doesn’t ’t get jealous for letting someone else give me a message.
>Me, Yusuke, Ignis, and Gladiolus head to the message lounge.
Aranea: I don’t think the kid’s going to wait.
Cor: Right. Better get started. My Military Man’s Banquet should do fine.
Aranea: I don’t know if that mess will be enough. I think Miss Mercenary's Cassoulet is much better.
Cor: They don’t have Anak Meat here.
Aranea: Well that sucks.
Lunafreya: I do not think you have to worry about what to feed Talcott.
>Lunafreya points at the cooking station to see a dish has already been made.
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>There is also a note with it.
I already took the liberty of making something for the child. I will be back soon after me, Umbra, and a mutual friend of ours go and collect something to help the Phantom Thieves with their task.
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My she’s fast.
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Well she is a Messenger. Of course she would do something like this.
>As the others take the Feast of the Divine to Talcott, me, Yusuke, Ignis, and Gladiolus were talking.
WARNING: Male hotness involved but nothing too revealing. So please don’t flag.
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This is nice. I never thought a message would be so good.
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I can. I should ask if Becky could message us both.
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I’d rather that you give me a message.
>We both smile.
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Sound like you two are having fun.
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You can’t blame them, though. I also kind of know how they feel.
Gladiolus: ... Maybe when no one’s looking.
>They smiled too.
Ren: By the way, Ignis, that curry you made last night was pretty good.
Ignis: Yes. Not to brag, but my Garden Curry is one of my specialties. Of course, your curry was good, too.
Ren: I have Boss to thank for that. He taught me how to make Master Curry and it’s been a real help during our heists. Same goes for my Inferno Curry.
Ignis: Yes, I’ve heard. Your Inferno Curry is really spicy. Yet both curries are very delectable. Master and Inferno. I wonder if I add from my Garden Curry. I would probably... THAT’S IT! (gets up and his towel falls off... good thing he was wearing skivvies under that towel)
Gladiolus: What’s up, Iggy?
Ignis: I’ve come up with a new recipe!
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Oh my god, he said it!
>After we finished with our massages, we return to the room.
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That looks so good. Do you mind if I have a taste?
Talcott: Hands off! Gentiana made this for me.
Ryuji: (laughing a bit) Besides, you might too many carbs.
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Care to repeat that?
Noctis: Relax, you’ll forget about Gentiana’s dish after you taste my Mother & Child Rice Bowl.
????????: You should choose your next words wisely, even if you our the True King.
>We turned to see Gentiana, Umbra, and (to our surprise) Lavenza.
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You’re here?
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Me and these Messengers have visited the Velvet Room many times before.
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Yeah, whatever, pooch.
>Lunafreya made a scowl at Morgana. Guess she knows what he said.
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I mean, good to see you Umbra.
>Lunafreya smiles as if to say, “Much better.”
Lunafreya: Where did you three go off to.
Gentiana: Against our better judgment, we brought someone who might be of some help in the task ahead.
Makoto: You have? Who?
Lavenza: Someone who knows more of what is happening now... 
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Because where and when he came from, it already happened.
>Then, another came into the room. Our jaws all dropped... Especially Noctis and Talcott.
Noctis: No way.
Talcott: I... I know you... You’re...
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I know. You’re a bit surprised.
Talcott: You do?
Future Talcott: Trust me... Ten years ago, I was sitting right where you are now when this happened.
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No kidding. I know you’re Talcott...
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But you’re actually quite cute as an older person.
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You do know he’s from the future, right? That makes him way younger than you.
Future Talcott: He’s got a point.
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I can still look.
Noctis: Anyway, what brings you here?
Future Talcott: Something you may not like... It’s about Iris.
Gladiolus: (worried) What happened?
Future Talcott: All I can tell you is that saving me didn’t change Loqi’s mind. He’s still going to force her to marry him.
>We were shocked.
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Shit! So we rescued you for nothin’!?
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He did he even do that?
Future Talcott: According to Iris’s future self, Loqi developed new magitek armor. More dangerous and stronger than the others. He said that if she didn’t marry him, he would unleash it upon the Crown City.
Prompto: Seriously!? Right after we just got it back and rebuilt it?
Noctis: Guess he’s desperate now.
Makoto: When did she tell you this? ... Or when will she tell you this?
Future Talcott: March 14. As a White Day gift, he let her go to say her goodbyes before the official preparations for the wedding can commence.
Makoto: Then we have our deadline. Loqi Tummelt will let Iris visit Gladiolus and their friends on the 14. That means we have to finish securing a route and send the calling card no later than two days prior, March 12. We have until then to give him a change of heart.
Prompto: You know I just realized, if this is mostly to get at Noct, how come he never uses the MA despite getting married?
Future Talcott: I don’t know. Iris said she never saw the MA... No one has. Except maybe Verstael Besithia and Caligo Ulldor. But I don’t think we can get what we want from them now.
Prompto: Fair enough. We did give Verstael quite the scare.
Noctis: Hold on, there’s still one more thing I don’t understand... Why is everything still the same?
Gentiana: What do you mean?
Noctis: You brought this Talcott from the future and yet you let him meet his younger self. Isn’t that against the rules of time travel to meet your younger or future self because it would cause all of time to become undone?
Lavenza: There are a few loopholes... Young Talcott, how did you know that this Talcott is your future self if this is the first time you met him?
Talcott: Well, when I saw him... He looked just like Grandpa when he was young.
Future Talcott: I’m meeting myself now. And I sense a connection between us.
Noctis: That sounds a bit like me?
Akechi: Like you?
Lunafreya: Noctis has been known to use Umbra to switch minds with his future self. Which begs the question... How is Talcott’s future self physically here?
Lavenza: That’s why I’m here. Umbra can only bring another through time mentally. And only those who can wield a Persona can use the Velvet Room to travel through time. However, Gentiana found a way to combine both powers to allow someone who doesn’t have a Persona to travel through time without have to meet the requirements of time travel.
Prompto: Requirements?
Ryuji: First, you gotta leave your body behind. Second, there’s gotta be a version of you at your destination.
Akechi: Third, once you’ve arrive, you can only move forward as per the rules of time. And fourth, you cannot not change the past, but the future is not set in stone.
>We were a bit silent by what Ryuji just said.
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How did you know that?
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And he told Peter.
Futaba: I guess that makes sense.
>Noctis and his friends were a bit confused.
Gentiana: I shall explain later.
Future Talcott: Either way, I’m here now... And I want to help.
Noctis: Are you sure about that?
Future Talcott: What that ugly old crackpot did to me may not have been that traumatic for me, but I can’t just let Iris marry someone she doesn’t love. Even if it is to protect our people. She deserves better.
Gladiolus: I agree... Though, speaking as her brother, better’s going to be awhile.
>We laughed a bit and begin discussing our next move before the 14.
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