#sorry for using this blog for anything but spn as of late do you guys still love me
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sampegger · 1 month ago
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Kang Dae-ho + Trauma
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's caused by an extremely stressful or terrifying event — either being part of it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety and uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
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dyed-red · 3 years ago
get to know the blogger
tagged by the lovely @applecrumbledore to do a 20 questions and 20 tags game. a bit late with this reply but better than never!
About Me
Name: phyn, phynali, redhead
Sign: capricorn and it shows
Height: under 5 feet, yes it is a curse
Birthday: Jan 3
Time: this is getting weirdly specific
Favorite band/artists: i’m literally So Bad at picking favourites i honestly don’t know. uhhh Fleetwood Mac? carseat head rest? idk guys music is good go listen to lots of it
Last movie: The Gray Man
Last show: the Sandman (it was really good!)
When I created this blog: like several several years ago with the username ‘theregoestheneighbourhood’ but eventually changed it to dyed-red to match my ao3 pseud. but i only started using this blog actively in like early 2020 and at the time refused to tag anything or interact with folks haha (sorry i’m a curmudgeon)
What I post: a lot of wincest, weirdcest, and some gencest, but especially content about sam and dean. stuff i think is interesting about characterization especially
Last thing I googled: John Cena’s filmography (i was trying to remember the name of the show Peacemaker)
Other blogs: @/phynali is my main, @/coldtomyflash is the side for my former massive hyperfixation, coldflash
Do I get asks: sometimes? i really love getting asks though so please send them. i do have one unanswered one in my inbox from a million years ago about the episode ‘ask jeeves’ that i haven’t rewatched and can’t reply to properly (yet) but i TRY to answer the ones i get
Following: i’m at 144 which is way too high. for the first 8 years i spent on this site i kept it under 100 except for little blips. since joining the SPN fandom it’s it’s 1.5x what it was before and i keep itching to cull it but also don’t want to
Average hours of sleep: ~7, but i genuinely need like 9 so sometimes i crash for 11-13 hours
Instruments: i’m the least musical person i’ve ever met
What I’m wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
Dream job: my existing one with more job security and autonomy, and fewer demands and expectations. my industry needs an overhaul
Dream trip: through southeast asia
Nationality: canadian but i don’t live in canadia-land any longer
Favorite songs: we’ve been over how bad i am at this favourites thing right? right. okay go listen to Clam Crab Cockle Cowrie by Joanna Newsom
Last book I read: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik, because i decided i should probably read astolat’s original works and holy hell did i enjoy this book, can’t wait for the third in the series (holding off on reading the second so i can read all 3 when the last one is out)
3 fiction universes I’d live in: steven universe, dctv-verse (the flash, etc), uhhh... star wars?
tagging: okay 20 people is way too many and idk who all has done this and who’s currently active, but let’s see how many i can think of... @fandom-hoarder, @brotherwives, @trials-era-sam, @catboyjohnwinchester, @theangiediary, @redmyeyes, @hi-im-dazey, @peach-coke, @jaytwo, @ruinedsam, @themegalosaurus, @youchoseeachother, @brother-in-a-g-string @prince-of-elsinore
(no pressure if this isn’t your thing, and/or if you’re the type of person who likes being tagged in stuff like this don’t hesitate to drop a note here and i’ll try to remember you for next time)
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petite-madame · 4 years ago
Hi I just discovered your blog (why have I never seen it before it’s amazing!) and I was wondering if you only do Marvel art. I saw somewhere you mentioned doing Supernatural art but I’ve only seen your marvel stuff so far. Your Order of the Avengers AU was phenomenal and I’d love to see it expanded to other fandoms hero’s like the Justice League or X-men or something (only if you had fun making it and would like to). It’s just so unique and I’ve never seen that idea done with the detailed yours has. But if your done with it that’s totally ok to! I love your work, you are incredibly talented and I hope you know that! I hope you have a great day!
P.S. If you have any head-cannons/stories behind some of the clothing choices or other details that you wanted to share I would love to hear them!
Hi ^^
Thank you so much for your very nice message about my art in general and my The Order of the Avengers series in particular. It's very kind of you ♥
Hi I just discovered your blog
It's never too late to join the party! Welcome and I hope you'll enjoy what is coming next! 🥳
I was wondering if you only do Marvel art.
No! 😄 I also draw Supernatural artworks, I drew TONS of them in the past but as I have been focusing much more on Marvel in the past 7-8 years, my Spn artworks are buried in the depths of my Tumblr. However, I drew a couple of new artworks after the Spn series finale (HERE and HERE) and if you want to see some of my old stuff, may I recommend you this one , this one and this one.
However, I'm working on two new portraits of Sam and Dean that should be posted very soon (next week I think). Exactly like in my Avengers series, we are going to step back in time (but it's a bit closer to us, though 😄)
Your Order of the Avengers AU was phenomenal and I’d love to see it expanded to other fandoms hero’s like the Justice League or X-men or something.
I'm so sorry, I'm not really a fan of DC. I mean, I enjoy the movies, a couple of comics or cartoons from time to time but my knowledge of canon is not super developed, I'm far more comfortable with Marvel, particularly with the MCU. As far as X-Men are concerned, even if I loved movies like X-Men First Class and that I really hope they are going to keep Fassbender as Magneto, I'm waiting to see what the MCU is going to do with them before drawing anything.
However, I want to do more medieval inspired characters like The Guardians of the Galaxy for instance, so more to come when it comes to Medieval stuff but no DC and no X-Men (I'm sorry😅)
If you have any head-cannons/stories behind some of the clothing choices or other details that you wanted to share I would love to hear them!
You are going to laugh:
Peter, who is the epitome of kindness was inspired by Mordred in the movie Excalibur (I know it doesn't make sense because his armor doesn't even look like the one of Mordred but I had the image of an evil little prince when I drew him).
Bucky is a fighter but he's also a healer and has tons of medicine in his various bags and satchels. Not for him. For Steve, because he's a reckless idiot.
Loki is constantly told by his entourage that he's spending far too much money for his armors, outfits but also entertainment but he's high-maintenance, deal with it guys. 😎 (hence the super extra armor)
Sam shares a lot of his thoughts with his falcon, mainly that he's surrounded by idiots and that he's not paid enough for this sh*t. That's why Red Wing seems 100% done too: he's not paid enough for this sh*t either.
Scott's ant is a deadly weapon. Nobody realized because it looks cute with his tiny shoes and its ruffled collar, but once everybody saw it on the battle field, it became clear that it wasn't just a cute pet.
Natasha is the most mysterious member of the Order, nobody knows about her past (except maybe Steve). To add to the mystery, she loves spreading completely crazy rumors about herself including that she can kill a man just by kissing him or turn into a dragon during the full moon. Sam, Steve and Bucky are more than happy to confirm every crazy sh*t Natasha comes up with.
Tony...is still Tony. He loves building stuff, and inventing crazy machines that wander into the castle. He keeps on telling people not to pay attention but it's hard not to freak out in front of a giant mechanical armor that walks on its own. --- He also enjoys entering into "dick contests" with Strange on a regular basis and teasing him that what he does isn't "real magic" (even after seeing everything Strange was capable and muttering "Not bad..." 😄)
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This pic is making more sense than everything I wrote above but...for me, it's very clear, I swear. 🤓
I hope I answered your question, thanks again!
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cassierobinsons · 3 years ago
Good day, here to rot your brain again! There's a definite pattern to those who used to be hardcore fans but spent too long in the deancrit groupchats and went down the spn/destiel -> wait no dean is so annoying and sam is so oppressed -> therefore sastiel -> 50% deancrit blogs or 50% ex-spn blogs.
It's very interesting and I don't want anything to do with them.
the ex-spn blogs i respect because i genuinely think that's the most sensible thing to do if you start hating the character with by far the most screentime and attention both in the narrative and fandom. spn is a difficult show to love on its best day and there are other shows you could probably have more fun with!
as for the deancrit half, i get it but why is there so often a sam stan persecution complex that comes with it. im sorry to my followers because i know it feels like i've been especially prickly lately re: sam fandom but a white guy character being slightly less popular than the others is not an axis of oppression and this wounded animal act is so alien to me as someone who saw characters in other fandoms get hate for like. being black. 😭 don't get me started on the weird xtian corner of the fandom because that shit was GENUINELY reactionary in a way idt we as a fandom have properly discussed lmfao
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a-winchester-fairytale · 4 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving
Summary:  When the lines of friendship have been blurred, you and Dean must decide where to draw that line again.
A/N:  I was originally going to make this a four part “holiday” series, and I still might, but I did decide to go a little bit of a different direction with this part.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Read Part One:  Happy Halloween
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You glanced up as they entered the room, one set of boots echoing on the floor behind the other.  Without a word, you quickly averted your eyes back to the files you had spread out in front of you, hoping that they wouldn’t ask too many questions.  You had been sorting through them for a few hours, but you were so distracted it was hard to remember most of what you were reading.
“Still hard at work.  Find anything interesting?”  San asked, sitting down across from you and absentmindedly flipping through some of the pages.
“Not yet.  It would help if we had some idea of what we were looking for.”  You said, leaning back in your chair and running your hands across your face, pushing back your hair from your eyes.
“Why don’t you take a break.  Let us have a crack at it for a while.”  Dean suggested.  You could hear the slight concern in his tone and you sighed, getting up from your place.
“Maybe so.  I’ll go make some fresh coffee.  That stuff has been in there for hours.”
You could feel Sam glancing between the two of you which told you that even he could feel the uncomfortable tension that had settled between the two of you.  It wasn’t harsh or angry, you weren’t fighting with each other, it was just weird. It had been since Halloween.
You ducked your head as you walked by, more out of embarrassment than anything else.  Your mind had a terrible habit of replaying the last few minutes of that night every single time you were in the same room as him.
“Oh, I want to.”  He replied, a mischievous smirk on his lips. “I just know it could really mess things up.”
“Not if we don’t let it.”
“Dean!  Y/N!  Come on guys, we got to go…”  Sam’s voice echoed through the bunker.  He sounded panicked and the two of you jumped up instantly, the past few moments forgotten.
“Sammy?  What’s wrong?”  Dean called back, swinging open the door and meeting him in the war room with you following closely behind.
“It's Garth.  He called and said that he needs help.”  
Sam proceeded to explain that Garth and two other hunters were pinned down not far from the bunker as he gathered a few items to take in the duffle bag.  Within moments the three of you were loaded in the impala and tearing down the asphalt to get to them.  After a couple of days, the smoke cleared and everyone was okay, and you all went back home.  Neither of you addressed the night of Halloween and now it had been so long you didn’t even know how to approach it again.
You poured coffee grinds into the filter and added water, just leaning on the counter as you watched it stream into the pot.
“You look like you are a thousand miles away.”  Sam mentioned.  You jumped at the sound of his voice.  “Sorry.”
“It's fine.  I’m just a little on edge.”  You told him.
“Why do I get the feeling that this has more to do with my brother than this case?”  
You started to protest and then stopped.  “Maybe a little of both.”  You admitted.  “Jody doesn’t call and ask for help often and when she does and I can’t find any answers it is frustrating.  On top of that, things are weird with Dean and me and I don’t really know how to fix that either.”
“You know how Dean is.  He would rather ignore something and hope it goes away than deal with it.  Sometimes you just have to force him to face it.”  Sam replied, with a shrug.  “As far as Jody, we’ll figure it out.  We always do.”
You smiled.  “Thanks Sam.”  You replied, reaching out and gently resting your hand on his arm as you walked past him back to the library.  “I’m going to bring up that last box of files from the storeroom.”
The three of you were about half way through the last box of files when Sam uttered in the silence “Guys, I think this is it.”
He passed the pages to both of you and once you were all in agreement he called Jody to tell her what he had found.  
“I’m beat.  I say we clean this stuff up in the morning,”  Dean said, standing up and twisting his back to stretch his muscles.  He turned to and headed toward the bedrooms, making it only to the hallway door before you stopped him.
“You realize we have done exactly what neither of us wanted, and we didn’t even get to enjoy the fun part.”
Dean didn’t turn around and you patiently waited, trying to swallow down the nerves in your stomach until you saw his shoulders shake a little and you knew he was chuckling under his breath.
“Yeah, I noticed.”  He admitted, finally turning around and facing you.  
“Think we can do something to change that?” You challenged.
“Change what?  The awkwardness or the lack of fun?”  He teased, playing along.  You smirked.
“Preferably both.”  You replied, laughing along with him as he threw his whole body into it.  
You stepped up to him and took a deep breath before getting serious.  “Look, I just want my best friend back.  I’m sorry if I pushed something I shouldn’t have or made it weird.  I’ll do whatever it takes, just tell me it's not too late.”
Dean reached out and pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you.  You breathed a little easier and rested your head against his shoulder.  “It’s never too late.”  He whispered in your ear and you smiled.
Dean pulled back, glancing behind him to make sure Sam hadn’t come back before he continued. 
“This is my fault.  I shouldn’t have done that the other night in the first place.  Then we went on that hunt and it just seemed like one thing after another.  Before I knew it, weeks had gone by and I didn’t know what to say to you.  I just couldn’t get out of my own head so I avoided it.”
“I’m not made of glass, Dean.  You could have just told me you didn’t want to.”
“No, that’s not what…..geez, this is coming out all wrong.”  He muttered, running his hand through his hair and turning away.  
Dean started to walk away frustrated, but you reached out and grabbed his wrist to stop him.  “Please, just tell me what you want.  Whatever it is.”
“Y/N, I’ve liked you for a long time.  I didn’t want to lose you, so I never said anything.  I just tried to ignore it.  When we kissed the other night, I don't’ know….it just felt so natural.  Sam and me, we spend most of our lives struggling in one way or another, but being with you is easy.  It just fits.”
Dean turned his wrist until he was holding your hand as he stepped closer to you.  You could feel your heart and it sounded like it was pounding inside your ears.  Dean reached up with his other hand and gently traced your face with his thumb.
“Truth is, I want you.  I always have.”  He added.
“You’re never going to lose me, Dean.  I love you too much to let that happen.”  You promised.  You leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips before wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him.
“It’s about time the two of you kissed and made up.”  Sam said, catching you both off guard.  You turned to see him standing on the opposite side of the room with a smug grin on his face.  “Jody said the girls should be back from the hunt around 6 if we want to come have Thanksgiving dinner with them.”
“I think that’s a great idea.  We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.”  You replied, giving Dean a wink.
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Read more from my Masterlist here
Tags: (let me know if you would like to be added or removed)
@imagining-supernatural @aubreyreadsstuff  @your-modern-shakespeare @wonderfulworldofwinchester @akshi8278  @tamtamlov  @notnaturalanahi @chelsea072498 @mogaruke @mamapeterson @19agbrown @adoptdontshoppets @iamabeautifulperson18 @thewinchesterchronicles
@nichelle-my-belle  @impala-dreamer  @samsgoddess @deansleather  @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @supernatural-jackles @wi-deangirl77  @deanwinchesterforpromqueen  @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @revwinchester @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed   @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @maraisabellegrey-blog @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business  @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester  @realgreglestrade  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deathtonormalcy56 @spn-fan-girl-173 @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @kayteonline  @deantbh @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog
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crownlessam · 4 years ago
@cvrsedseraph @milfdean @swansongmp3 thank you meg for tagging me tn this has been sitting in my drafts since last week so sorry to you guys fjakjffjkshd
1. name/nickname: alex
2. gender: [static noises]
3. star sign: pisces
4. height: 5’2”. ahahah why are u so small @ myself
5. time: 11:39 pm
6. birthday: march 12th
7. favorite bands/groups: yghhghfj i have been listening to too many solo artists lately. but just know there are some out there i like
8. favorite solo artists: mitski, frank ocean, phoebe bridgers, lorde, lady gaga, can you tell i’m depressed and also an el gee bee tee
9. song stuck in my head: potential breakup song (explicit) by aly and aj
10. last movie: when harry met sally
11. last show: hxh. bc cringe culture truly is dead
12. when did i create this blog: well the url used to be my main and i’ve been on here since like. 2011/2012ish????? but i resurrected it this year post november 5th
13. what do i post: only spn nonsense on this blog
14. last thing googled: my college account login to view my tuition (derogatory)
15. other blogs: my main @scoundrelhan
16. do i get asks: lich rally none. but that might be a good thing jakhdlahf
17. why i chose my url: boy king sam <3
18. following: apparently 400. but a lot of them are inactive so that’s prob gonna drop real quick
19. followers: my sexy secret ;)
20. average hours of sleep: idk probably around 6 or 7 i wake up like every hour usually it’s so bad
21. lucky number: idk i think i said in a previous tag thing it used to be 13 when i was in middle school bc i thought i was Edgy. now none
22. instruments: cello mainly. but also viola and euphonium/baritone
23. what am i wearing: sweatpants and a t-shirt
24. dream job: trophy spouse LMAO. i don’t have one <3
25. dream trip: always wanted to do the west coast/pacific northwest again.
26. favorite food: anything with cheese
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: i have many. but right now good days by sza
29. last book read: the color of law by richard rothstein
30. top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: none honestly bc i’d die in all of them <3 but supernatural just so i could cause chaos
any cherished mutuals (which means all mutuals) do this if you haven’t already and would like to!!!
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jayankles · 5 years ago
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Pairing: Gabriel x Reader
Written for: @goodthingshappenbingo​ / @/spnonewordbingo / @spngenrebingo​
Squares Filled: Realization / tulip / angst to fluff
Word Count: 1065
Requested:  @angelwriter3895 said:I wish you would write a fic where Gabriel helps the reader through a breakup and she finds out he loves her and goes on the archangel date train. So to speak. Smut optional
Feedback is gold and appreciated since I hardly ever write for Gabe<3
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“I fucking hate men, they’re all the same. Stupid. Self-centered. Do you have an ‘s’ word for cheaters?”
Sleazy comes to mind but Gabriel dares not to say anything. Y/N had just come through the doors to the bunker. He knew that when she walked in like this there was no way in heaven or hell that he was through to her.
Gabriel had seen this way too many times than he cared to admit. The tears flowing down her cheeks, the puffiness under her eyes, the way she closed in on herself but she soon replaced her demeanor with a more annoyed one and she rambled on about how all guys were assholes and how they would never be right for her no matter how charming and nice they had been at the beginning. That was always the story. 
Y/N never really had any luck with guys and when she did it never really lasted that long anyway. She thought it was her protective brothers, then she blamed it on being a hunter or a lack of a real home. Both were reasonable explanations but it still hurt that she hadn’t been able to keep a man for more than three months before they decided to call it quits. She would power through it, she always did but it still hurt her nonetheless.
Y/N had devoured a pint of her emergency ice cream and still didn’t feel any better. All the romance movies she watched made her cry even more so she resorted to poking fun at them and almost throwing a machete at the TV to make it stop.
Gabriel was there to save the day. Well, night, but semantics. He knew to leave her in her room for at least an hour to calm down before even thinking about interrupting her post break up meltdown. All Gabriel had to do was snap his fingers and happiness would be in his hand. Or Pizza as Y/N would call it.
Three taps at the door with the gold plated number eight. He had to be careful where he knocked or the drawings would slip down or the paint would peel off.
After a few seconds, he heard a sniffle before the door opened. Y/N did her best to hide behind a facade, a fake smile plastered on but it fell as soon as Gabriel raised an eyebrow at her. He knew what had happened the moment she slammed the bunker door closed. There was no use in pretending with him.
“He slept with a skank at the bar.” You wiped away another set of tears. “Why does it always end like this? I get hurt all the fucking time!”
Gabriel gave her a sad smile before he presented the pizza. “I may be an archangel and I can’t fix broken hearts or make assholes less ass-holey but the thing I can do is be here for you and help you heal. Nothing more I can do unless you want me to get rid of Travis. Because I can do that.”
With his expression, Y/N knew that in an instant - if she gave the command - Gabriel would snap his fingers and Travis’ head would explode, or be on a platter. Whatever he felt suitable, he would do it in a heartbeat, Y/N dreaded that Gabe would even go to the extreme lengths of Travis’ dick.
“Don’t go wasting your angel juice on that piece of trash. Can you just join me and we can eat this pizza? You can even choose the movie, I’m sick of these romance movies, no matter how much I love Ryan Reynolds.”
Gabriel had noticed a change in Y/N behaviour, she seemed a lot more happier lately and it made his heart all fuzzy. It was so weird. But he knew that it was because he was completely and utterly in love with her. Anything she did, he fawned over her.
Gabriel loved the smile on Y/N’s face when he bought her a bunch of tulips and a box of chocolates but he knew that she really got a kick from going to the demolition place. Y/N swung the sledgehammer like a champ, destroying the entirety of the room. The old vases didn’t stand a chance.
“Thank you for being a good friend. Thank you for being here for me.” Y/N said later that day, curled up against Gabriel, completely content in the archangel’s embrace, his presence comforting. Gabriel rolled his eyes before running a hand through his locks, tugging on them slightly to hide his frustration.
“Sure, as long as you’re not with assholes that treat you like shit.” Gabriel tugs Y/N a little bit tighter against him and he can’t help the fact that he’s glowing when she’s near.
“I think I love you.” Y/N bit her lips, her eyes darting between Gabriel’s golden eyes and his pink, plump lips.
“Well, it’s a good job because I love you too, honey buns.” Gabriel grabbed her by the hips and pulled her against him, Gabriel’s hand wandered her body, stopping just under her ass. Their lips locked and Y/N lept into Gabe’s arm.
“Y/N wake up.”
“Huh, what?” Y/N punched the air as Sam woke her from her dream. Her dream! She was falling for Gabe. “Sorry. Okay. Out of my room. I need a shower and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to see me naked.”
“Two things: one, gross. Two, I was going to ask what you wanted for breakfast but I’m just gonna buy a breakfast burrito and toss it on your bed. Goodbye.” Y/N rolled her eyes, spinning Sam around and pushing him out before she slammed the door behind him.
Y/N didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or let herself feel the fluttering in her stomach. The sudden realisation made her stomach do more flips than a gymnast hoping for a gold medal. She was in love with Gabriel. In love with her best friend. In love with the friend that stood by her when she was stood up, made her laugh even when she was crying. He even endured her movie marathons - no matter how cringy they were - Gabriel was always there. Gabriel was the man - archangel - for her.
Feedback is gold and appreciated
Forevers: @super100012​ @lupine-princess​ @plaid-lover-bay25​ @atc74​ @growningupgeek​ @sophiebobzz​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @poukothenerd​ @grace-for-sale​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @jesspfly​ @supernaturallymarvellous​ @sammysgirl1997​ @roxyspearing​ @mogaruke​ @be-amaziing​ @deanandsamsbitch​ @frankiea1998​ @hennessy0274-blog​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @iwantthedean​ @capsheadquaters​ @emoryhemsworth​ @notmoose45​ @essie1876​ @cassieraider​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @its-my-perky-nipples​ @riversong-sam​ @jotink78​ @captainradicalpassion​ @jadalecki-jackles​ @spnbaby-67​ @holyfuckloueh​ @gh0stgurl​ @alyssa6marie​ @esoltis280​ @bumber-car-s @alexwinchester23​ @x-waywardaf-x​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @randomparanoid​ @kellianz​
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our-jensen-ackles-love · 6 years ago
Wicked Games; 10
Jensen x Reader 
Summary:  He was poison. She was the whiskey. They were wrong. But then again they were so right.
Word Count: 1498
Warnings: mentions of cheating, angst. 
Author’s Note: thank you @jerkbitchidjitassbutt for helping my old, tired eyes. 
FEEDBACK  Masterlist  Series Masterlist  Ko-Fi  AO3
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Dee stared at her husband, the wide smile on her lips beginning to falter while his words bounced around in her head. She wasn’t quite understanding just what he was saying to her, but judging by the reactions of several of those around her, it was something cringe-worthy.
The smile stayed put as she spoke slowly. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I want a divorce, Dee.”
Something pricked at her eyes, but she refused to acknowledge the oncoming emotion. Not now and not here, where there were witnesses all around and some well within earshot. She had worked too hard to make their life look like the ideal marriage, she loved reading comments on her social media pages talking about how they were what some considered “goals.”
“Jay,” she took a step forward and placed a hand on his bicep, to which he quickly curved away from her. “This is not the place to play this kind of joke.”
His teeth tore at the skin of his bottom lip while he shook his head at her, eyes tearing away from her face to steal a glance back at the building behind them. “What in your right mind makes you think that I’m joking?”
“‘Cause none of this makes sense.”
The rest of the day was spent in very robotic like motions, between smiling with excited fans, handing out gift bundles filled with goodies from the set of Supernatural to the participants who had won raffles and thinking to keep it together for the sake of the cameras surrounding her. She started to feel a whole new level of admiration for what her husband did every damn day.
Danneel had been trying to rack her brain for what she did wrong. She made sure she kept herself in tiptop shape, she made sure that she cooked for him whenever he asked, she made sure she tried to initiate sex a couple of times a week. The only thing that stood out was the fact that they hadn’t had a child together - despite her best efforts to make it happen.
She knew she’d have to fess up at some point. Especially should the question arise if he actually decided to follow through with the actions that his words presented; she just knew that it would come out.
The fact of the matter was, she lied. She had been told a year into their marriage that she would never be able to bare kids, a side effect of the horrible eating disorder that plagued her all throughout high school, that was until Jensen came into her life. All it took was a smile one night at the homecoming football game from all the way across those flimsy metal bleachers. He made her feel beautiful, he made her feel wanted. And sure, she had to force her way into his line of sight, making sure to be at every party he was rumored to be at, making sure she was always readily available when he showed up alone and when she finally got him to kiss her - it was like the stars aligned.
At least to her, they did.
One of her fellow cheerleaders had fallen pregnant and was going to be sent away to be with relatives while she sorted through her options - it was the exact same week that Jensen had told her that he wasn’t going to college, but going to pursue acting in Los Angeles.
She was crushed. She didn’t eat or get out of bed for three whole days before the idea came to her. It was not something she was the proudest of, but she knew it would get Jensen to make the right choice. If that meant he didn’t want to be with her then she could at least keep him in her life because of the “what if” aspect.
Thankfully her friend didn’t bat an eye at the prospect of sharing her “pee” stick.
It had been over two hours since the event ended. When she tried to get in the car with Jensen and Cliff, her husband told her that he would be staying behind. He mumbled something about all the guys staying to help clean up, but she had just witnessed Jared and Misha both leave with their wives - and she, sure as hell, didn’t miss the way he went over to the woman from the cookie table.
The way he brushed against her shoulder in passing had been lingering with her ever since.
She heard the back door slide open slowly, causing her to stand from her spot on the couch. “Jensen?”
There was an overly audible sigh from the kitchen. “Dee, why the hell are you sitting in the dark like some kind of serial killer in waiting?”
She didn’t answer him, just continued to head over in the direction of his voice. There was no denying the smell of whiskey on his breath or the slight twinkle in his eye that always hung around when he drank too much. Danneel hadn’t bothered to change out of her clothes either, but he looked particularly out of sorts at the moment.
“Where the hell have you been?”
He gave her a lazy shrug before stumbling over to the fridge and fishing out a chilled water bottle. “I just needed some space to think before coming back here.”
Waiting for him to crack open the bottle and take a swing, she looked him over, noticed the way his shirt was rumpled and bunched in odd places and the way his lips looked a little more swollen than they should have. “Did thinking involve that girl with the cookies?”
Judging by the way his shoulders stiffened, her hunch had been right. “No.”
“Are you really going to lie to me right now?”
He downed the bottle quickly, scrunching it up and missing horribly for where their recycling bin was stationed. “I’m not lying. I’ve wanted a divorce for quite some time now.”
“Really? Are you blind?” He gave her a strained laugh, rubbing his pine eyes excessively in the process. “Dee, we got married because you were pregnant and I was terrified to what that would do to my career. It was horribly selfish on my part, I admit, but I also felt that a baby would complete us. That maybe it would open my eyes to something I had been missing.”
His words stung, but she refused to show as she blinked at him slowly, hands balling at her sides. “So the year that we were together, not once did you think you loved me?”
“Sure,” he gave another shrug like they were simply deciding what to eat for dinner. “It crossed my mind, but we were just kids. I didn’t know what love was.”
“Well,” her voice cracked slightly, “do you now?”
Jensen paused, his eyes shifting from his crushed bottle on the floor to the top of the sink, but not once looking in her general direction. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
She had kicked him out, told him that he could take his sorry ass to the couch. He didn’t fight her, not like he had been spending much time in their bed anyway. The more she started to think about how things had been the last couple of months, it was all starting to make sense. The late nights, the many unanswered voicemails, even the smudge of makeup and glitter she had been finding here and there on his dress shirts. She had been chalking it up some interesting scenes at work, but Gen had never mentioned anything similar.
Hoping that she’d be able to fall asleep and wake up from this horrible nightmare, Dee found herself failing horribly. It didn’t help that it sounded like there was some sort of noise reverberating from somewhere in the house.  
After the fifth time of hearing it, she decided to get up and find the source - not having to go far, finding Jensen’s smartphone on the floor. He must of dropped it in his effort of grabbing pillows and blankets to make himself nice and cozy in the living room. There appeared to be a text message with the name Daisy across the top.
Testing her luck, Danneel swiped her finger to the left, finding his phone lazily unlocked. Pausing over the unread text message, she weighed her options, but something told her that she needed to know what it said.
I can’t be the reason you are getting divorced.
It had only been sent minutes ago, meaning that Jensen had clearly been with this girl before he came home. She didn’t know how to feel, except even number than before, but she knew that she needed to find out who Jensen had been sneaking around with. Even if it was the final nail in the coffin, she had questions that needed to be answered and she knew just who she had to find.
FOREVERS: @spnwoman @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @xalgaliareptx @shayrey @winchesterhound @yourvoiceislikearose @chocolateturtlepeanutopera @alexwinchester23 @earthtokace @hobby27 @pisces-cutie @babykalika2001 @dean-winchesters-bacon @itssmallerontheoutside-13 @aeonian-forever @mirandaaustin93 @queenslandlover-93 @spnbaby-67 @akshi8278 @gh0stgurl @closetspngirl @waywardrose13 @theselilwonders @lizzietheizzie @mogaruke @roonyxx @maddiepants @daughterofthenight117 @adoptdontshoppets @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @deansyahtzee @screechingartisancashbailiff @rainflowermoonlibrary @wishingbuttercup @sandlee44 @whit85-blog @1000roughdrafts @waywardlittledreams
WG: @maddiepants @the-is13 @katymacsupernatural @squirrelnotsam @flamencodiva @winchest09 @cap-just-said-language @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam @winchesterprincessbride @mizzzpink @mayaslifeinabox @holylulusworld @waitwhatsrealityagain @beautifulbowleggedangel @brindz30 @janicho88
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winchesterprincessbride · 6 years ago
Come With Me Now
The reader is living a quiet life with her fiancee Gabriel Novak when a late-night lock at her door completely upends her world. Her fiancee is dead, and he was leading a double life she knew NOTHING about.  Gabe wasn’t a “salesman” at all, he worked for the notorious Winchester crime family.  Mafia boss Dean Winchester and his brother Sam are used to getting their own way.  If they tell you to come, you do, or you die.  But the reader wants no part of their world.
A/N: So I’ve been reading a TON of mobster AUs lately... (I think it’s my new kink), and I got an idea, and I know I have a bazillion series to finish, but when my inner muse says, “WRITE, DAMMIT!” I listen.
The knock at my door woke me out of a sound sleep. “Gabe, someone’s at the door,” I mumbled sleepily.   Then I remembered. Gabe was still on his business trip. I opened one eye warily and looked at the clock. Two-thirty! Who the hell could it be at this hour?
Grumbling under my breath, I headed to the door and cautiously looked through the peephole. It was two police officers, looking bored. I immediately opened the door. “Can I help you, Officers?” I asked, now wide awake.
“Are you Y/F/N, Y/L/N?” The taller one asked, his eyes flat and cold.
“I am. What is this about?” Something made me shiver, and I wished I had grabbed a robe.
“Do you know Gabriel Saint?” The shorter one asked.
“Yes, he’s my fiancee.  Is he okay?” I asked anxiously. The officers exchanged a look, and I just knew.
“I’m so sorry to have to tell you this......” the shorter one began.
Gabriel was dead. My sweet, funny, snarky, fiancee with a heart of gold was dead.  A drunk driver had hit his car head on, and his car had hit a tree, exploding on impact.  There wasn’t even a body for me to identify.  After refusing the cop’s offer to call someone to be with me, they had left me alone with my grief.
The next morning I called into work, explaining what had happened.  My boss assured me they could handle things without me and to take as much time as I needed.  “When do you think the funeral will be?” He asked.
“I’m not having one. Gabe hated that kind of stuff, and neither of us has any family.  This is how he would want it.”
“Um...well, okay then.  Let us know if you need anything.” He said and we ended the call.
For the next two days, I barely got out of bed.  What was the point? Everywhere I looked was a memory.  I would doze briefly, and when I woke up, it was like he was just away on one of his business trips.  And then I would remember, and the pain would rip through me like a razor again.
But finally the needs of my body won out, and I had to eat. The fridge was practically empty, so a trip to the store was in order. I hadn’t showered or changed my clothes in days, so as a kindness to my fellow man I took a shower and put on clean clothes before I walked to the market a few blocks away.
I was halfway there when a sharply dressed man in a business suit bumped into me. “Excuse me, Ma’am.” He said with a honeyed southern drawl. I felt a pinch in my arm, and my eyes flew up in surprise.
“It’s fi......” I started to say, and then I was suddenly unable to form words. My legs became wooden, and I started to fall, and that’s the last thing I remember.
My head was killing me, and my mouth had a weird, metallic taste.  “What the hell?” I said out loud, stretching my sore neck.  “Where the fuck am I?”  I looked around, and I was in a very masculine room, like a library or an office. There was a door to my right, and I stood up to walk to it, but my legs were like jelly.  I immediately sat back down.
“Here, drink this.  It’ll help.”  I looked up, squinting, at the giant in front of me, holding a glass of some sort of booze.  I grabbed it and downed it in one gulp.  It burned its way down my throat, and I coughed.
“Thanks, Mister.  Now, who the fuck are you?” I snapped, and he grinned at me, showing deep dimples.  Before he could answer, the door opened, and another man came in. He was dressed to the nines in a perfectly tailored suit and completely exuded power.
“Making friends, Sammy?” He asked, his voice rich and gravelly.
“Was it really necessary to drug her, Dean?” The guy named Sammy asked with an eye roll.
“You know the drill,” Dean said firmly, and that was the end of that.
“You drugged me?” I shrieked.  “Are you really that hard up for a date?” I glared at him, and his eyes got hard. Sam laughed, a deep belly laugh.
“I like her. Can we keep her?”
“Enough!” Dean snapped as his eyes bored into mine. “Do you know who I am, Y/N?” He asked and my mouth dropped.
“How do you know my name?” I asked suspiciously.
He ignored my question. “My name is Dean Winchester. This is my brother Sam.” I looked over at Sam, and he winked at me, and I swallowed hard.  Shit. “We had a friend in common? Gabriel Novak? Ring any bells?  Oh, wait, you knew him as Gabriel Saint.” He gave me a cold smile as he said this.
“I don’t understand......” I whispered.
“You and Gabe were engaged?” Sam asked, and I nodded.
“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but he was lying to you.” Dean declared.
“Through his teeth.” Sam agreed.
“What are you talking about?” I demanded. “Tell me why I’m here, already!”
Dean turned to his brother, a wicked smirk on his face. “I can see why Gabe liked her, she feisty!”
I rolled my eyes heavenward. “If you don’t tell me why I’m here in the next five seconds, I’m walking.  Tick tock, boys.” The men just grinned at each other.  “And I am so out of here.” I turned to leave, and two very large men with guns blocked my way. I gasped and stepped back.
“I’d like to see you try,” Sam said with a cold smile as he casually leaned on Dean’s desk.
“Now sit down and shut up. I’m in charge here, not you!” Dean roared, and I sat down immediately.
“You don’t have to yell, jeez,” I mumbled as I sat down.
“Gabriel’s real name was Gabriel Novak. He wasn’t in sales.  He worked for me.  As long as he did his job, you stayed out of it, that was the deal.”
I eyed him curiously.  Dean Winchester.  Winchester. Why did that name seem familiar? Then I realized where I had heard it before.  On the news.  The Winchester crime family.  The color completely drained from my face, and I looked from Dean to Sam and back again. “Not....the... Dean Winchester?” I said in complete disbelief.
“I see you’ve heard of me?” He said as his brother gave a snort of laughter he didn’t even try to hide.
“What exactly did Gabriel do for you?” I bit out, every word cold as ice. Something told me I wasn’t going to like the answer.
“He killed people.” 
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@tokyoghoulyz @pinknerdpanda  @atc74 @jayankles  @notnaturalanahi  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog @essie1876 @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean   @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot   @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow   @letmusicguideu  @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115 @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester @jennifromtheblock1013 @spnbaby-67 @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002  @negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44  @andkatiethings  @wildefire @thoughtfullyfurryangel @apeshit7x @klanceiscannon14 @curly-haired-disaster @becca-ca @deliciouslydisturbed365 @fandomismyspiritanimal @healojane@thewinchesterchronicles
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stusbunker · 7 years ago
Questions: What If?
A Supernatural Fan-fiction
Featuring: Sam Winchester x Female Reader
Setting: Season 10
Entry: Erica’s 30th Fluffy Birthday Challenge
Prompt: #16. If Tomorrow Never Comes- Garth Brooks
Chapter 4 of my Questions Series
A/N: Happy Birthday Erica @ericaprice2008! Thanks for letting a new SPN blog in on the fun. This developed into a series because there isn't enough fluff in the Winchesters' lives and I am now a sap. I think it is readable as a stand alone fic if you don’t want to read it all. This segment includes regular show violence, swearing, and monsters. Lyrics in italics. xoxo Stu
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The case had taken its toll on her and Dean, leaving Sam to drive the Impala back to the Bunker. The passing headlights grew fewer as the late night hours bled into the early morning mists. Something had broken open inside him when Y/N was taunting the witch, the way she refused to back down. Her words ran through his mind like a bad radio jingle.
“I’ve no one left to lose, Elphaba. Give me your best shot!”
She couldn’t have meant it? After everything they had endured together, breaking free of Gadreel, losing Dean to the demon inside him and getting him cured and home. Hadn’t that made her one of them? Weren’t they hers to lose? Wasn’t she his? No, thought Sam. She wasn’t and he’d been a fool to pretend she felt more than friendship towards him. If her words meant anything, it was that he was, somehow, still naive.
He tucked the keys in his jeans pocket and bent over to open the passenger side door. The very few times Dean let him drive; she sat shotgun. Her face scrunching in the dim lights of the garage.
“Hmmm, don’t wanna move,” she whined, Sam couldn’t help but smile at her childlike pout.
“Come on Sleepy, your bed’s waiting,” Sam draped her arm around his shoulders, scooping her up at the knees.
“Yessss, score,” Y/N murmured into his neck without even opening an eye. He knew he was only carrying her for selfish reasons, but if both parties benefited it couldn’t be a total loss, right? She smelled of incense and her body lotion, the smoke lingering on her hair. He breathed her in before setting her casually on to her unmade bed.
“Thanks, Samwise,” she whispered before wrestling out of her jacket.
“‘Night, doll,” he replied too low for her to hear. Switching off her light as he gently closed the bedroom door.
The next day Sam found Y/N dancing around the kitchen, doing something that appeared to be cooking but bordered on chaos. She was blaring an old country song and two stepping as she fried potatoes. He waited against the door frame, not wanting to break her revelry. His stomach growled with the cooking oil in the air, his chest tightening with each easy sway of her head as she hollered along to the music.
“Oh, I’ve got friends- in looooooooow, places!” She finished, spinning to dump the first batch on some paper towels.
Sam tried to bite back his laughter, giving her a snarky slow clap as she realized he was there.
“Har-har, Winchester. Don’t act like it’s not true.” She stuck her tongue out at him and plopped the plate of potatoes on to the table. There was something baking in the oven and just as the second set of potatoes hit the fryer, she started to slice up a cantaloupe.
“Do I smell breakfast?!” Dean sauntered in, running his hand over his bed head. “Y/N? No, wait, scratch that, I’m not even going to ask.” Dean downplayed his surprise and grabbed his designated coffee mug.
The hunters quickly settled in for a shared meal, not eating over their laptops with research, not grabbing whatever fast food they could find. It was easy domesticity and Sam couldn’t help but savor it. Dean killed the mood when he began teasing Y/N on her pick of radio station, but she held her ground arguing that in the kitchen, “Chef picks the music and the rest should be chewing with their mouths closed.”
The day went on like any other, taking turns scrolling for cases, squabbling over the general chores that kept the bunker livable and occasional bantering. It was a rare good day. Y/N called it an early night, claiming she had a show she wanted to catch up on.
Dean gave her a salute-like wave as she slinked back down the hall in her pajama pants and slippers. Sam had mumbled a good night, trying to keep his eyes from following every move she made.
“Dude, what is with you?!” Dean tossed a bottle cap across the table at his painfully obvious brother.
“Nothing,” Sam stared back at the screen with his brow pinched.
Dean’s eyebrows shot up, he shook his head and went back to reading. He drained his beer and turned in for the night. Leaving Sam to stew over his longing ache in solitude.
Two days later
Y/N loaded their bags into the trunk as Dean checked the oil. Sam was the last one out of the Bunker, hands full of coffees for the road. They had a half day’s drive ahead and were working out their strategy for interviews.
“Why don’t we take the parents while Dean goes and talks to the coroner?” Y/N asked leaning over the back seat to see Sam’s phone and the map of the town.
“Uh, why don’t I go to the coroner? Dean could probably sucker a pastry out of the vic’s mother.”
Dean looked over at Sam confused, yet impressed. “Look at you having my back.”
Sam shrugged, “Just don’t want to deal with hangry Dean later if this takes awhile.”
She shifted back into her seat, missing Dean’s gaze in the rear view mirror. He did not need this, whatever this was that was going on between Sammy and her. He held his tongue, worked the case and got some cheesecake. All in all not a bad day on the road. He didn’t like being the levelheaded one, but Sam was leaving him no option.
She swung at the shifter with Sam’s face. Her shorter arms forced her closer to the monster than she would have liked. Its eyes danced as it easily dodged her blade. Its lips curled viciously as it saw her tire, “running out of adrenaline there little huntress?”
“Why? Need a break?” She huffed and flipped the knife between her fingers.
“Sam’s going to be so devastated when he sees what I do to you,” the creature taunted.
“Yeah, well, if I were you; I would be worrying more about what I am going to do to you,” she wasn’t taking the bate.
The face she knew like the back of her hand made a look of mock revelation, “Oh, you don’t know do you?” It kept her circling in the condemned house, the furniture littering their paths as they each tried to get the upper hand.
“Yeah, Sam is fairly private, isn’t he?” The shifter tossed over a desk, forcing her to lose her balance. She hopped out of the way only to topple over the dingy sofa. It sprang above her, pinning her against the faded cushions.
“He thinks about you, like this, squirming underneath him, out of breath and eyes burst open with want.” She recoiled as the beast trailed Sam’s perfect nose up her jaw.
“Shut up, mutant!” She spat into its face, giving her the opening she needed, she rolled hard against the shifter, freeing her knife hand and slashing at its cheek. It growled in pain and outrage. She tried to scramble away as voices called from the back of the house.
“Sam!” She cried, the shifter stood, pulling her to its chest, holding her head at a neck snapping angle between Sam’s strong arms.
“Sam!” It mocked back. “Save me! Oh, princess, this is going to be a gruesome ending to your little ‘will they, won’t they’ saga.”
“Let her go, Sparky!” Dean’s icy voice barked as he aimed his gun at his brother’s face.
Sam’s face pinched as he saw her being held in such a way by his hands. “It’s going to be alright, Y/N.”
“Sam, I’m scared,” she played it up, giving the monster the dramatics it obviously craved.
“I know you are, I’m right here.”
“Seriously? One minute you’re threatening me and then lover boy shows up and you turn in to a sniveling mess! Woman up!” The shifter complained. “And you, Dean, mister tough guy, if you were going to shoot me you--” The shot rang out across the room. One silver bullet to the head from Sam’s gun.
“I hate when they bestow their judgement upon us, fucking monologues,” Y/N stretched her neck and stepped away from the corpse.
“Alright?” Dean asked, checking that the monster stayed down with an extra stab of his knife to its heart.
“Yeah, took you long enough.”
Sam approached her nervously, not sure how much she would want to be near him after someone with his face had just man-handled her. “Sorry, got a little tied up,” he held up his wrists to show her the chaffing from his bindings.
“Always knew you were a kinky bastard,” Dean muttered. “Let’s torch the imposter before we have to explain another one of your dead bodies.”
Dean dragged the body by the feet as Y/N and Sam cleared a path through the creaking house. “Are you hurt?” Sam’s voice dropped as she rubbed her lower back.
“Nothing a hot bath won’t fix.” she shrugged. “Also, you suck.”
Sam laughed, thinking she was referring to shifter-him. When her face remained serious, panic crept up his back. “What did he say?”
“I’m pretty sure it was a ‘she’, but anyway let’s just say I don’t like being lied to Winchester.” Her face was a stone mask, her eyes burning into him as the sourness of guilt flooded his stomach.
“Guys! Let’s go!” Dean called from the back lot. The moment was broken, she looked away and Sam swallowed all explanation.
The ride home was one of utter silence, broken only by the radio or Dean complaining about the lack of stations. Sam stared out into the night and Y/N curled up with her earbuds and her latest podcast. Dean was going to have to say something, but he was not in the mood tonight. He’d let Baby bring them home in one piece first, give everyone some space.
The next day
When she wasn’t hiding in her room with the door locked, Y/N had been short with each of them all day. Dean coaxed her out with coffee and a grocery run, letting the fresh air ease the mood before poking the bear.
“That shifter got under you skin, huh? It’s always tough when they look like somebody you care about.” Dean asked as he pulled into the parking space. She looked at him like he had something on his face, amused yet trying to politely listen.
“Are you trying to have a heart-to-heart with me?” she sighed, rolling her eyes as Dean huffed.
“Whatever,” he slammed the driver door and let her push the cart. She kept him in check in the bakery, only letting him buy two pies for the week. They picked over the produce, knowing Sam would bitch if they got the wrong stuff. They approached the check out line joking with each other, the old cashier beaming at them.
“Aren’t you two sweet?” The lady’s tag read Francine.
“Thanks, Franny, but she’s my sister.” Dean continued to flirt with the clerk as Y/N got the bags back into the cart.
“You two drive safe!” The smitten lady waved, Dean having made her day.
“Sister, huh?” Y/N bumped Dean with her shoulder as they fitted the bags carefully on the floor of the backseat, not wanting to pop the trunk in a busy parking lot.
“Yeah, I mean, would you prefer sister-in-law?” Dean gave her a look.
“Don’t, Dean. Just, not right now,” her voice fell and he knew he had hit a nerve.
“That’s what this is about? What the hell did that shifter say?!” Dean refused to start the car until she gave the unsavory details, his knuckles white against the wheel at times. She couldn’t look him in the eye, but her voice gave her away.
“So you’re pissed because Sam hasn’t told you how he feels?” Dean guessed, half certain he was keeping up.
“Is that how he feels?” Y/N challenged, watching Dean’s face as he realized he had walked right into that.
“You’re going to have to ask him that.” Dean exhaled as she accepted his complete bullshit response. “But, and this is a big but, would it be a bad thing if he did?”
Y/N mulled over that question, just giving Dean a tortured look as he finally pulled back into traffic.
She helped Dean sort the groceries, before snagging a bag of Krunchers and disappearing back into her room for the night. Dean approached Sam with a beer and a stern look.
“You have got to talk to her, man. Whatever is going on between you two? I’m done. I had my Dr. Phil moment and now it’s on you.” Dean raised his bottle in a toasting motion and slumped into his usual spot at the library table.
“What’d she say?” Sam asked, lips tightening and leaning forward.
“Nuh-uh, man,” Dean gave his brother an incredulous look. “I like my parts where they are thank you very much.”
After a few minutes of heavy silence, Dean broke, “Come on! You don’t pansy out like this, go tell her.” Dean scrolled on his computer, trying to move past the awkwardness.
“Tell her what?” Sam asked, tisking, failing horribly at hiding his emotions.
Dean cleared his throat and looked Sam straight in the eye. “You’ve been trying to lie to me since you were four, Sam. You’re still terrible at it. Especially when it comes to this crap.”
Dean wasn’t having it, not anymore. Sam’s mouth curled down with his embarrassment, he scratched the back of his head in chagrin.
“I don’t know, man. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Sam sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“Look, I’m not Mister-Happy-Endings-- But if I’ve learned ANYTHING is that you take the good things as they come. Guys like us, it doesn’t happen too often.” Dean’s hand was palm up like it was an offer, eyes wide, hoping that Sam would stop overthinking for once.
Sam’s lips were tight, listening to Dean as if in conflict. He should have made an argument, but wanted Dean to be right. Sam needed her in his life, for however long she would stay. Could he risk losing her by admitting how he felt?
An hour later
Sam lingered outside of her bedroom door, his chest rising with calming breaths that weren’t helping. She was blasting her music again, but something like a sob resonated below the melody. Sam’s worry overtook his fear and he knocked.
“Go away!” she snapped.
“Y/N? Everything alright?” Sam’s voice was rougher than he meant it, but he had to nearly scream to make it over the song.
“Just leave me alone,” she growled back.
“Not gonna happen.” Sam tucked his hair behind his ears and pressed his head to the door.
“Stubborn sonofabitch,” he heard her say, soon the door swung open, causing him to catch himself on the door jam. “What?!” Her eyes were red and her hair was matted, and Sam couldn’t stop staring at her.
And the thought crosses my mind If I never wake up in the morning Would she ever doubt the way I feel About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes-
She just glared at him, shaking the door with the hand she didn’t have balled on her hip. “I love you.”
“What?!” She shouted, his voice lost in the old Garth Brooks’ song. She spun to turn the dial to a conversational level. Sam scrunched his nose and cleared his throat as she turned back around, the loose sides of her robe swaying with the motion. “Sorry, what did you say?”
Her features had turned curious, her arms crossed over her chest. He ducked his head down and stepped closer to her. “I love you.”
“What?” She asked again, eyes glistening as her head tilted to see him better.
He chuckled, “Third times a charm, huh? I love you, Y/N. I just thought you should know. I don’t know what that shifter said was running through my head, but I shouldn’t have hid this from you, for so long.”
Sam smiled shyly down at her now. His eyes hooded in anticipation and an inkling of hope. She reached up and brushed his hair back, a soft smile curling her luscious lips. He closed his eyes at the softness of her palm, relishing in the closeness. “I love you, too, Sam.” Her voice cracked, but the richness returned as she finished, “but you still suck.”
He outright laughed now, a deep chortle, as his hands snaked around her waist. “May I?” he asked as he angled his face just above hers. She answered by diving in, taking his waiting lips in a hungry kiss. He melted against her and forgot everything that had been keeping him from this bliss.
Next Chapter: Where?
@dontshootmespence @madlu45 @because-imma-lady-assface
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years ago
Stuck In The Middle
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Summary: The reader wakes up in bed with the Winchester boys...
Pairing: Sam x reader x Dean
Word Count: 1,700ish
Warnings: language, smut
A/N: First time writing poly...
“No, no, no,” you said, trying to cover your face with your hands unsuccessfully. One arm was trapped under Dean’s pillow and his head, your other pinned somewhere behind you and if you weren’t mistaken, being loosely held by Sam’s ginormous one.
“Morning,” yawned Sam, nuzzling into your backside, nuzzling everything into your backside. Dean merely grunted, shifting his body weight closer, twisting his head up and pecking a kiss to your cheek.
“For someone that always complains about being cold, you’re toasty,” said Dean blinking open his green eyes. He immediately pulled away and sat up, a thin sheet barely covering his lap. “Sam.”
“What’s wrong?” asked Sam as you guessed he was doing a mirror image of Dean, your face completely buried under your hands now that they were free. “Did you say something?”
“Of course I didn’t say anything. You’re the one that woke us all up,” said Dean, Sam’s hands reaching down and gently prying your hands away. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“I slept with you both. At the same time. What...who the hell thought that was a good idea!” you said, both boys looking at one another strangely.
“Uh, you,” said Sam, Dean nodding in agreement. “You sat us down in the library and said you were going to leave because you couldn’t be here anymore.”
“You said you loved us both, Y/N,” said Dean, reaching out to stroke his thumb over your cheek. “You were willing to leave to make sure you didn’t come between us so we sort of got up the guts to tell you how we felt.”
“I think I did most of the talking,” said Sam, Dean frowning. “Which is fine. We both knew where we stood which was neither one of us were going to act on our feelings so we didn’t put you in an awkward position, Y/N. When we figured out we all loved each other, it wasn’t too hard after that.”
“We didn’t really talk after that much. Basically we got straight to the screwing,” said Dean, your gaze falling to the mess of clothes scattered throughout Sam’s bedroom. “Again, that’s okay. We just...I think we all got carried away.”
“This won’t work,” you said, willing yourself to get out of the bed and start digging around for your shirt, finding one that looked like Dean’s and pulling that on for now. When you lifted your head and caught them both sat in bed, neither one were looking at you. “It won’t work.”
“Y/N, last night you were the one that said it could. When you were pulling us all in here, you wanted us to try and...now you don’t?” asked Sam.
“I’m not getting between you two. End of discussion,” you said, dropping Sam’s jeans on the floor, no luck in finding anything belonging to you.
“Hey. This is coming from the guy that hates to talk about anything but you don’t get to make that call for all of us,” said Dean. “Sam and I, we love each other. We’re resigned to the fact that we need each other more than is healthy. But we do and a traditional relationship wouldn’t work anyways. We’ve both been there where we get stuck feeling like we have to choose between the girl or the brother. It sucks but this...we don’t have to choose, Y/N. We get all of it.”
“Our lives aren’t built for normal, Y/N. We thought you were pretty darn perfect before but...fuck it, we really want you and you want us and it’s going to take getting used to but let us try. Don’t get gun shy now. Not after last night,” said Sam. You finally had your shirt in your hands, running your hand over the material.
It’d be so easy to just grab it, go get your bag where you’d left it by the stairs and run away. They’d follow for a while but eventually the Winchesters would leave you be, after they’d given up for good. The way Dean was talking, the way Sam was looking at you...you were under their skin and for people like them, they didn’t expose themselves like that.
You couldn’t hurt them when they were willing to give you a shot.
You dropped your shirt and crawled back on the bed, sitting to face them, stretching your legs out in the small gap between them before tucking them up.
“How’s this going to work?” you asked, resting your chin on your knees. Sam broke into a smile, taking hold of your right hand. Dean couldn’t bounce back so fast like Sam could. They were so similar but there were certain differences that you’d have to get used to, like holding out your hand for his, Dean eyeing it before slipping his hand over it. 
“For one...we need a bigger bed.”
Two Weeks Later
“Mmm,” you said with a stretch, one hand finding a cool spot, the other smacking into a warm Dean Winchester’s chest. “Morning, Dean.”
“Sweetheart,” he grumbled, reaching his arm around your waist, tucking your body tight against his. “Five more minutes.”
“I always figured Sam would be the cuddly one,” you said, Dean answering by throwing his leg over yours.
“I am aggressively cuddly,” said Dean, taking a deep breath, eyes still shut. “Maybe Sammy will make us coffee.”
“Considering he’s either on his run or in the shower, I think we have to fend for ourselves,” you said, Dean chuckling to himself.
“Or we just stay in bed and go back to sleep,” said Dean. You reached a hand up to his hair, running over the short, spiky strands, Dean’s eyes fluttering open under the touch. “This was definitely a good idea.”
“I agree. Memory foam King size bed? Nice,” you said, Dean squeezing your hip with a laugh. “Yeah, you boys are alright too.”
“Just alright? I think I have to remedy that,” said Dean, kissing your nose and flashing a wink.
“What are you...” you said, Dean slowly sinking below the sheets, settling himself between your legs. You sucked in a breath when his lips found your clit, giving a gentle suck, gliding his tongue over the sensitive bud.
“I see you two are finally up,” said Sam, walking in with a towel around his waist, chuckling at the sight. “Good morning, baby. Dean. Having a good day so far I see.”
“How was your...Dean,” you moaned, your hips bucking up while Sam laughed.
“My run was lovely, Y/N,” said Sam, gathering up some clothes smirking as he watched you clutch at the sheets. “You are fucking gorgeous.”
“Aw, thanks Sammy,” said Dean with a pant. “One of us had to get the good looks in the family.”
“Yeah, you look good with a sheet over your head, Dean. Now finish what you started. I want seconds,” said Sam, sitting down and removing his towel, leaning over to kiss you. Your thighs squeezed around Dean’s head as you came, Sam swallowing down your moans while Dean pushed you through it. 
“Fuck,” you panted when Sam broke away, Dean standing up with a devilish smirk, flinging the covers back. 
“She’s all yours, Sam,” said Dean, grabbing his boxers from the dresser, pulling on a pair of sweats and walking away with a sway of his hips. 
“The little tease,” you said, Sam nipping at your jaw. “You...you’re the biggest fucking tease I’ve ever met in my life.”
“No teasing this morning, baby. I’m hungry,” said Sam, nestling into Dean’s previous spot and diving right in. Your hand shot to his head, fisting in his hair and giving it a tug, Sam groaning into the touch.
Not two minutes later you were shouting out, Sam’s tongue thrusting through your folds as you squirmed and shook, pulling away with a grin.
“Yummy,” said Sam, rising to his feet, licking his lips. “I saved you some hot water in the shower, baby. Breakfast should be done by the time you’re out.”
“You two are going to spoil me, Sammy.”
“I found a case today,” said Dean late that night, your head lifting off of Sam’s chest and turning to face him. “We haven’t been on one in a few weeks. I figured we should get back in the swing of things. A simple salt & burn from the looks of it.”
“Alright,” said Sam with a yawn, stretching out his long arms, throwing his arm over top the pillows, accidentally bumping Dean’s head. “Sorry.”
“How many times have we had to share a bed? I’m used to your floppy limbs,” said Dean, reaching over to shut off the light. “Night.”
“Night,” said Sam, giving himself a bit of space, both boys always letting you decide whether you wanted to cuddle up with one or the other or both, or just wanting some plain old space for yourself.
Tonight though, you grabbed both their hands, both turning into you, trapping you between them. You turned your head back to kiss Sam, leaning over to kiss Dean, closing your eyes with a smile. 
“Thanks for giving us a chance,” said Sam, Dean’s head nodding against yours. “The past couple weeks have been...”
“Good,” said Dean, resting his hand on your waist, a telltale sign he was ready for sleep. “We’ll head out first thing.”
“Sounds like a plan,” said Sam, smashing his face in the back of your neck, taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“Goodnight boys,” you said with a yawn. “Sweet dreams you two.”
@zeusmyster @atc74 @aingealcethlenn @pillow223 @alilianamendez @dancingalone21 @smoothdogsgirl @docharleythegeekqueen @blushingdean @jaelami @roxyspearing @kickasscas67 @gallifreyansass @untitled39887 @charliebradbury1104 @quiddy-writes @arryn-nyxx @poukothenerd @feelmyroarrrr @mrsbatesmotel53 @idalinette @evyiione @jayankles @samisimportant @maddieburcham1 @demonic-meatball @hey-um-misha @flufy07 @its-not-a-tulpa @whit85-blog @mrswhozeewhatsis @extreme-supernatural-lover @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @spn-ficfanatic
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growningupgeek · 7 years ago
Lonely Roads-March, 2009
Lonely Roads Masterlist
Word Count-1575
Characters-Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel Novak, Charlie Bradbury, Bobby Singer.
Summary-The race to get to the author of the Supernatural books begins.
A/N-Better late than never.  This one was a bitch to write and, believe it or not, this was planned all along.  Tags under the cut, please send an ask or DM me if you’d like on or off.
Sam ran both hands through his hair in frustration.  After both he and Charlie had run into dead ends trying to track Carver Edlund down they had finally tracked down his former editor.  It had taken almost three weeks to find her and set up an appointment for a meeting, Charlie had made it for as late in the day as possible since Sam was still a bit uncomfortable around humans but luck had run against him.  A meeting earlier in the day had run long and now he was sitting in the reception area waiting for her to finish the appointment before his.  Finally, the author she had been talking to came out and the receptionist gestured him towards the door.   He just hoped he could keep this interview short so he wouldn’t have to mess with her memories too much.
        By pretending that he was interested in investing in publishing another round of the Supernatural books he managed to get Sera thinking about Carver Edlund, pulling his real name, Chuck Shurley, and his location from her mind in a short time.  Promising her that he’d continue to consider it he shook her hand before he left, erasing any memory that he’d even been there.  
        He leaned against the wall of the elevator as he texted the information to Charlie waiting for the door to close.  He heard the other elevator door open and looked up just in time to meet Dean’s shocked green eyes as the doors slid shut.  He jammed the button for the next floor down and got off, following the halls until he found a stairwell then using his inhuman speed to get down them and out of the building before Dean could catch up with him.
        “God, I wish Ash was out of the hospital,” Dean said to Cas as they got out of the elevator.  As they walked toward the office of the editor of the Supernatural books that they’d managed to track down, he glanced into the door they walked by out of habit.  There was a tall guy in there, just looking up from his phone.  Dean felt his face go slack in shock as he saw a face that was as familiar to him as his own; Sam in the other elevator.  He threw himself at the doors just as they shut.  
        “Son of a bitch,” he swore punching the door.  Without another thought he ran to the nearest stairwell, shoved the door open and practically flew down the stairs. He burst into the lobby, breathing hard just as the doors opened to reveal an empty car.  His shoulder slumped at the sight and he rode the elevator back up to the publisher’s office, where Cas was just exiting.
        “I have part of the information we need,” Cas told him with a frown. “Would you care to explain what that behavior was all about?”
        Dean shook his head. “Not here, wait until we get back to the car.”
        They were both quiet on the way down to the lobby and on the walk back to the Impala.  Once they were settled, Dean told Cas what he’d seen.  Cas looked at him for several long minutes and then said, “Dean, it’s been more than a year.  I think if Sam were alive he would have found a way to contact you by now.”
        “So, what? I was imagining things,” Dean asked clutching the steering wheel as he guided his baby through the late afternoon traffic.
        “No, I’m saying that you saw what you wanted to see,” Cas tried to keep his tone soothing so Dean wouldn’t know he was on the verge of panicking. “You saw a tall man with long hair and, to your mind, it was Sam.”
        Dean didn’t say a word to Cas the rest of the way to the motel as he thought about what the other man had said.  He pulled a bottle of whiskey out of his duffle and proceeded to drink what he thought he’d seen that day out of his mind.  He was about half way through the bottle and everything was getting a pleasantly blurred around the edges when he closed his eyes for just a second.  When he opened them again, bright sunlight was coming through the thin motel curtains and Cas was standing in the door with breakfast.  
        They pulled up in front of Bobby’s late in the evening.  Dean was hoping that he would know someone who could get them an address to go with the name they had or would at least let them use his computer to see what they could find out.  As they got out of the car they could hear Bobby yelling at someone.  “If I trip over one more wire I’m gonna kick ya out no matter what Ellen says, ya idjit.”
        A grin split Dean’s face as he raced up the stairs; there was only one person who would be stringing wires all over the house.  He shoved open the door and yelled, “Hey Doctor Badass, when did they let you out?”
        “A couple of days ago, amigo,” Ash called back.   He came into the kitchen, slapping Dean on the shoulder on his way to the fridge.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt, showing the scars from his almost healed skin grafts.  The fire at the roadhouse had spared his face and hands, but a burning beam had fallen across his back leaving third degree burns.  His hair wasn’t as long as it had been but it was growing back slowly, his mullet another victim of the fire.  His face went serious for a minute when he turned back to Dean and tossed him a beer.  “Sorry to hear about Sam, dude.”
        “Thanks, man,” Dean replied popping it open and raising it in a toast to his brother.  Ash tapped his beer against Dean’s and they both drank them down. Dean got two more out of the fridge and settled himself against the counter after handing one too Ash.  “So, you back in business, man?”
Ash shrugged with a slight flinch. “Sorta, I gotta get Bobby’s internet upgraded before I can go all out.”
“I need to find someone and all I have is a name and city,” Dean said.
“”That I can do, let’s get going,” Ash replied with a grin.
It took less than ten minutes to find an address for Chuck Shurley.  Dean and Cas decided to leave in the morning after dinner and a good night’s sleep.  Cas volunteered to take the couch leaving Dean the bed in the spare room.  The four hunters talked late into the night about the Supernatural books and how this Chuck might know about the Winchesters in attempt to be prepared for anything.  He didn’t say what he was almost sure of; he needed to see the man first.  Finally, he stretched out on the couch, pretending to sleep so that the others would go to bed.  When he was sure everyone else was asleep, Cas got up and went out into the junk yard.  Finding a large open area deep in the piles of rusting cars he stretched out his wings.  
This was his big problem spending so much time with humans, finding space to spread his wings.  He allowed his wings to drift in the night winds, enjoying the feeling of it through the feathers, as he thought about what he had become.  He was now considered a fallen angel by his former comrades in the garrison, if they found him he would be killed on sight, but he wouldn’t trade this new family he’d found to be back in Heaven’s good graces.  Dean had become more of a brother to him than anyone had ever been other than Gabriel, Bobby and Ellen treated him just as they did Dean, Jo reminded him of the fledglings that used to come to him for advice and Sam treated him as a friend and equal.  This little family may have been broken in some ways, but it was his by choice and he found he liked it that way.
His phone rang, surprising him out of his thoughts.  He furled his wings as he pulled it out, recognizing Sam’s number.  “Hello, Sam.”
“Hey, Cas,” he replied.  “I’ve tracked down Chuck Shurley and I’m going to see him tomorrow.  How’s it going on your end?”
“Ash has been released from the hospital and is staying at Bobby’s for now,” Cas sighed.  “He got an address and we are leaving in the morning.  We should be there by late afternoon.”
Sam swore softly. “Can you slow him down?  I need to talk to Chuck before Dean does.”
“I’ll do my best, but there’s something you need to know, Sam,” Cas replied.  “I can’t be sure until I see him, but Chuck Shurley is a name on the list of prophets of the Lord.”
“And what does it mean if he is,” Sam asked.
“It means that his Guardian is an archangel,” Cas replied. “Don’t threaten him in any way or you will bring down Heaven’s wrath down on yourself.”
Cas could hear the wry smile in Sam’s voice when he replied, “Won’t be the first time, but I’ll keep that in mind.  I’ll talk to you again soon.”
Cas put his phone away and looked at the night sky one last time before returning to the house.  He lay back down on the couch to pretend to sleep until morning.
A/N 2-So who’s looking forward to playing dueling computer hackers?
Forevers-  @darkcastersruletheworld @iwantthedean @little-red-83  @ashleymalfoy @isometimeswritesomethings @sammy-moo @mrswhozeewhatsis @kittenofdoomage @fast-times-in-the-impala @wonderless-screwup  @deascheck  @mrssamfuckingwinchester @winchesterprincessbride @tjforston   @writingthingsisdifficult  @mysaintsasinner @mogaruke @wheresthekillswitch @skybinx-blog  @bohowitch  @jensen-jarpad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @masksandtruths @getyourrocksalt @born-to-be-his-baby88 @oneshoeshort  @grace-for-sale   @winchestergirl-13 @bethbabybaby   @apeshit7x
SPN only-  @sandlee44
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years ago
Half Blood, Whole Heart: Part 9
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Pairings: Jax x Reader, sister Winchester!reader- SOA/SPN Crossover
Warnings: Swearing, fluff. angst…. lots of angst.
Word Count: 3,487
A/N: So I decided to repost my novel- the story that someone stole from my old blog and put up on Wattpad. PLEASE don’t be an asshole and steal my stories. It CRUSHED me when it happened and almost ran me off Tumblr.
Half Blood, Whole Heart Masterlist    Aesthetic by @ravenangel33​
~~~~~ LATE MAY 2008~~~~~
“No, this isn’t right.” You growled as you tried to maneuver pillows and blankets around you to get comfortable at nearly 8 months pregnant. You were hot and tired and under normal circumstances, you were perfectly capable of falling asleep on Jax this far along… but he was away on club business for a few days and left you with the new prospect.
“What can I do?” The guy they dubbed Half-Sack asked as he did his best on ‘baby watch’ to make you as comfortable as possible in your husband’s absence. You scowled and threw a pillow at him.
“Just… fuck! Get me Jax!” You groaned as you rolled over in the queen sized bed that felt way too big for only you. “Fuck this. Just help me up.” Half-Sack ran around to the other side of the bed, grabbed your hands and pulled. When you were up right, you groaned and heaved yourself off the bed. “When are they getting back?” You asked as you walked past the prospect toward the living room angrily.
“I-I think today.” You flopped down on the leather couch in the living room and immediately regretted it as the leather stuck to your skin but couldn’t force yourself to get up.
“I know you have a smoke and if you give me one and don’t tell Jax, I will put in a great word for you.” Sack looked at you hesitantly and you scowled. “Don’t give me the speech; one cigarette won’t hurt.” A knock at the door saved him from having to make a choice and he dashed off to get it before you could chew him out. You hadn’t been this cranky at all your entire pregnancy but on two days of no sleep and your son trying to karate kick his way out of your belly button; you hated everyone and everything.
“Umm… there are some guys here to see you. Looks like cops.” Sack said as he stepped back into the living room. You groaned and pushed yourself off the couch.
“They better pray they aren’t.” You grumbled as you walked toward the door. You made it three steps before you froze and a wave of relief washed over you. “Oh, there is a God.”
“Well hello baby.” Dean said as he stepped into the house in his fed suit and looked at your giant stomach. “Who’s the new guy?”
“MC Prospect. You can head out, Sack. They got it from here.” The kid looked at you nervously and shook his head.
“Jax told me…” You nodded and glared at him.
“And I’m telling you can go. I’ll give you an A+ on your report card. Now get out of my house.” He grabbed his keys off the table and dashed past your brothers and Sam looked at you curiously.
“What’s all that about?” You sighed.
“Jax is out of town so kids’ been on ‘baby duty’ until he gets back. I am so glad you are both here though because one of you just became my new body pillow!”
“Whoa! I did not agree to this!” Dean said as you grabbed his hand and headed toward the bedroom.
“Don’t care. You two need to explain how you found me and what you are doing here and I haven’t slept in two days without Jax. Two birds, one stone. Plus, I’m your baby sister and you love me.” You turned around and looked at your brother pleadingly with the biggest puppy eyes you could muster and Dean sighed.
“Alright, fine. Awkward, but fine.” You sighed gratefully as you climbed on the bed with Dean reluctantly right behind you. Sam chuckled and went to grab a chair from the living room.
“So, how did you find me?” You asked as you wiggled around to find the most comfortable position to get even a couple hours of sleep in. Dean chuckled.
“I had Bobby put a GPS on dad’s truck before he gave it to you just in case.” You shook your head against Dean’s chest as Sam came back and sat by the bed to talk.
“You guys are assholes.” You said as you found a comfortable position to be in for the first time in days.
“OK. WHY are you here?” Sam glanced up at Dean before looking back at you.
“We… well, we need your help.” You snorted and pointed at your stomach.
“Yea… that’s not happening for another couple months.”
“Yea, I can see that… Why didn’t you call and tell us?” Dean asked. You stayed silent for a moment as you looked at your brother and sighed.
“I didn’t know what to say after dad… Then this happened and… It’s not like I didn’t want to. But a week after I found out, some fed found me at the lot during an ATF raid and threatened to throw Jax in the hole so I would tell him where you were…”
“Wait, what fed? Henrikson?” Sam inquired and you nodded.
“He had my Arkansas mugshot and punched me in the stomach. We have had ATF down our throats ever since and I figured calling you guys was just asking for trouble.”
“Well Henrikson is dead. Lilith did him in before Sam got to Lilith.” You glanced up at your brother in confusion.
“Who the fuck is Lilith?”
“First demon Lucifer made. She’s dead now but… well that’s why we are here.” You looked at Sam and your stomach turned.
“What did you two idiots just bring to my fucking front door?” You demanded as you pushed yourself into a seated position and put your hands over your stomach protectively. Sam looked down and Dean sighed.
“Lucifer is out of his cage.”
“So you’re telling me Lucifer, THE Lucifer is not only out of his cage but roaming about the country like it’s a fucking STREET FAIR!” You screamed as you looked back and forth between your brothers in your living room. “AND, not only that, but Dean spent four months in hell and no one bothered to let ME know that he was even dead, Sam has a demon blood addiction that’s currently under control KINDA and we have a half brother that dad didn’t tell us about… am I forgetting anything?” You snapped rhetorically.
“We’re supposed to be vessels…” Dean chimed in. You grabbed a pillow; the closest thing to you and chucked it at his head. He ducked and it sent a vase careening to the floor.
“You two are bigger fucking idiots than I thought. And how dare you…” Your shouting was cut off as Jax slammed open the front door with his gun drawn in his left hand and his right holding his left shoulder.
“What the fuck is going on?” He demanded.
“Put the fucking gun down Jax… you leave me again when I’m fucking pregnant and I will sick these two knuckleheads on your ass if fucking Lucifer doesn’t get them first.” You said as you jabbed your finger towards your brothers. Jax, who couldn’t see the two visitors looked completely lost as he kicked the front door closed.
“Me? Why the fuck are you yelling at me for?! I told you I was going out of town. I left the Prospect here to help you and then I get a phone call that two cops show up and you booted him out. So tell me what the fuck is going on.”
“It’s fucking Sam and Dean!” You said as you shoved yourself off the couch with a scowl. “I can handle my own, Jackson. I didn’t need that kid up my ass the last two days.” He set his gun down on the table by the door and stormed into the living room with only a glance at your brothers who looked a little frightened of your screaming match.
“I know you can handle yourself but I’m not leaving my pregnant wife alone when we are dealing with some huge shit…”
“Oooo. Big bad biker men are gunna come after me! You know what, I fucking dare them to tango with my ass right now. I’m so emotional I’ll strangle them with my fucking bare hands! And you did leave me alone, asshole!” You snapped as you went to storm past him and you finally noticed the blood on his right hand. You instantly softened and stopped in front of him. “Jax… baby, what did you do?” You reached up and gently moved his hand.
“Long story but I got shot.” You glanced up at him and sighed.
“De, bring me the first aid kit from the Impala.” You said gently as you pointed toward the hall to the bathroom. The three men hesitated at your 180 in attitude and it took a simple look at your brother before they moved. Within a few minutes, you were kneeling on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet between your husband’s knees digging a bullet out of his shoulder as your brothers made themselves at home in the living room.
“I’m sorry.” You said as you dropped the bullet on the floor and grabbed the needle to stitch up his shoulder. “I’m just…”
“Pregnant, hormonal, tired and still fucking gorgeous.” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and he gave you a chaste kiss and leaned his forehead against yours. “I won’t leave again like that again, I promise.” You nodded and sat back to finish what you were doing.
“I can’t sleep without you right now and it’s been miserable.” You said as you stitched as quickly as you could and he gripped your hip and grit his teeth against the pain. You nodded and soothed him as best as you could as you tied off the last suture. “Last bit.” You told him as you grabbed and showed him the whiskey bottle and he nodded as you poured the amber liquid on his wound.
“How… shit that sucks… how did you learn how to do this?” He asked as you grabbed clean gauze and taped him up.
“Dad. He learned in the Marines and he taught us when we were kids. You get beat to shit almost daily as a hunter and it’s kinda hard to make up stories that are believable when hospital staff ask why you have werewolf gashes across your back or a dozen different knife wounds in various stages of healing.” You sat back on your heels and shrugged your shoulders. “I learned to stitch before I learned how to ride a bike. That’s ‘normal’ in our family.” He shook his head and rested his bloody hands on your stomach.
“Well, right now I appreciate not having to go to the hospital for the night.” He leaned forward and gave you a kiss and all the stress and anger you felt the past two days melted away. He pulled back an inch, cupped your cheek gently and brushed his thumb across your cheek. “Hi babe. I missed you.” You smiled and huffed.
“I missed you.” You put your hand over his on your stomach and moved them both to the spot Thomas had been kicking an hour before. “So did he; been kicking up a storm since yesterday.”
“Seems pretty still right now.” He said as he sat back and focused on your stomach. You smirked.
“In my book that’s a little miracle at the moment. Just poke at him, he’ll kick back.” Jax shook his head and looked up at you with a smile.
“Nah. I’ll give mama a break.”
“Well thank you for that… but you gotta help me up. My knees are killing me and I gotta deal with the shit show that just got dropped on our door step.”
“What happened now?” Jax asked as he stood up and pulled you too your feet. You groaned and stretched a little as you toed the first aid kit closed.
“Long story. Dean died again, Sam was dating a demon sort of and Lucifer is out of his cage.” You pulled off your blood splattered t-shirt and tossed it in the corner as Jax picked up the first aid kit.
“Is that like a dog or something?” He asked and you shook your head as you kicked off your sweatpants and grabbed a tank top and a pair of his boxers.
“Oh no, THE Lucifer. Like the devil himself.” Jax looked at you questioningly as you sat on the bed and he helped you put on his boxers.
“How in the hell…”
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been wondering as well.” You spun around on the bed toward the unfamiliar British voice and a man you had never seen before smirked at you. “Hello darling.”
“Sam!” You screeched as you tried to scramble off the bed. Jax lunged toward the intruder who disappeared in the blink of an eye.
“You know that’s not very polite, darling. I’m simply here to help.” The man said from directly behind you as Sam and Dean stormed into your bedroom with guns drawn. Jax grabbed your arm and ripped you away from the stranger.
“Get out of my house!” Jax screamed.
“Whoa!” Dean shouted as he lowered his gun and raised his hands. You grabbed your husband’s arm and backed up against the closet door as you stared at the still smirking man. “Dude! You cannot just show up here!” Dean said to the man.
“Who is this guy?” Jax shouted and you looked around his body.
“Better question is, what?” You said as you looked him over. He had on a crisp black suit and held a glass of what you assumed was liquor in his hand.
“My apologies, love; where are my manners. Name’s Crowley, darling. Former King of the Crossroads, present King of Hell.” You gasped as his eyes turned blood red for a second before returning to brown.
“Get him out of my house.” You demanded as you ducked back around Jax and glared over at Sam.
“I am simply here…” You grabbed a metal statue that Gemma had bought you off the windowsill and chucked it across the room, catching Crowley off guard; it hit him square in the face. The next thing you knew you were pinned six inches off the floor against the far wall of the bedroom by the head of the bed. You struggled against an invisible force as Crowley appeared directly in front of you. “Now… if you weren’t with child, I would filet the skin off your bones for a stunt like that; however, since you are, I will forgive this little outburst. I should expect nothing left from a Winchester.” He spat.
“Crowley, put her down!” Dean demanded and you looked up. He appeared to be frozen in place; poised as if he was trying to run to you. With a flick of Crowley’s wrist, you fell to the floor and he was back across the room.
“Get out!” Jax shouted as he rushed in front of you and glared at the three men. “I don’t care what you have to fight. I don’t give a shit what you think you need from (Y/N), I want you out of my house and out of fucking Charming. Do not come near my wife or my son again.”
“You can’t make that call!” Dean shouted and you nodded as you pulled yourself upright with Jax’s arm.
“Sorry but he just did. I don’t know what you two have stepped in to but after that bullshit…” You said as you pointed at Crowley. “… I can tell you, without a shadow of doubt in my mind, that I want no fucking part of it. I’m out. I have a family that I need to look out for. This is not my fight and I will not be dragged into your stupidity.” Your brothers stared at you completely lost for words as you clung to Jax for protection.
“Well then. I will find you boys later.” Crowley said before he vanished. You paused for a moment to see if he would return before you stepped out from behind your husband.
“I want dad’s journal now. I know he has those protection symbols in there.”
“Now, Sam.” You demanded, interrupting your brother. He looked over at Dean who shook his head and pulled the leather journal from his inside jacket pocket and tossed it on your bed.
“You’re unbelievable.” He spat before turning and storming out of your room. You looked at Sam and shook your head as tears welled in your eyes.
“How could you bring this to me, Sam?”
“(Y/N) this is big. The apocalypse is coming; end of the world. We figured we would come and try to get you to help. If I had known you were pregnant I never would have come here.”
“Well you just put a target on my family’s back by doing so because my guess is, if Lucifer thinks you’re his vessel you’re being monitored by demons. And if they didn’t know you had a sister; a weakness, they do now.” He sighed and shook his head as you walked to the bed and grabbed your dad’s journal.
“Do you trust me?” He asked. You looked up from the book and your brow furrowed.
“Of course I trust you but that doesn’t mean…” He shook his head and held up his hand to stop you.
“We have an angel on our side; Cas. Can I call him and have him do the warding. That way at least we all can feel a little better knowing that you’re safe here. Nothing will be able to get to you.” You looked over at Jax for a moment to gauge his reaction and sighed.
“Yea, fine.” He nodded and pulled out his phone as Jax walked up to you and put his hands on your arms.
“Are you OK, babe?” You nodded as Sam gave someone your address and the sound of wings filled your bedroom for a second.
“I’m here now.” A deep voice said. You looked over at the new man who appeared in your room and instinctively stood up behind Jax. The man looked over at you with a furrowed brow and adjusted the tan trench coat he wore as he hung up the phone. “There is no need to fear me, (Y/N). I am here to help.”
“We just want them warded.” Sam told him. Cas nodded and raised his hand. A bright white light emitted from his palm and you closed your eyes and looked away.
“This may hurt a little.” Cas said directly in front of you and you turned and looked at him as he laid a hand on both your and Jax’s chest. You suddenly felt a blast of warmth and a punch to your chest and you stumbled back slightly and gripped your husbands arm. “The child.” Cas said as he reached for your stomach and you quickly side stepped out of his reach.
“Hey, it’s OK!” Sam said as he moved to where you could see him. “It’s Enochian warding. It’s a signal that is carved into your ribs preventing all angels from being able to find you.”
“It won’t harm Thomas.” Cas said. You glanced up at Jax who shrugged before looking back at Cas. With a small nod, you stepped back into Cas’ reach and he laid his hands on your stomach. You grabbed Jax’s arm as you felt the same warm heat before your son jerked in your stomach. Cas kept his hands where they were a moment longer before he pulled back and looked at you with an emotionless expression. “He is to do great things in this world.” He said. With a look over his shoulder at Sam, he nodded before he disappeared with the sound of wings.
“You guys are all set.” Sam said as he turned to head out the door. You called out his name and he turned around to look at you as you walked over to him.
“I’m sorry. I wish I could help but I can’t.” He nodded as you grabbed the first aid kit and the journal and handed them to him.
“I’m sorry we didn’t call sooner.” He replied as he pulled you in for a hug. “I’m happy for you.”
“Be careful, Sam. We’ve lost dad, I don’t want to lose you or Dean, too.” He nodded and kissed the top of your head before pulling away.
“I love you, sis. Don’t ever forget that.”
“I love you too, Sammy.” Sam looked up at Jax and gave a quick nod before heading out. You stood frozen in place as you watched him leave and when the front door closed behind him, Jax pulled you in for a hug as your tears began to fall.
Part 10
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queen-of-deans-booty · 8 years ago
Dean, Not Sam
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Word Count: 1,597
Warnings: Jealous!Dean and we all know how he can get then fluffy!dean
Request: Heyyy can u do a Dean x Reader where Sam and the reader are best friends and have a lot in common and Dean feels like shes gonna leave him for Sam but the reader reasures him that she's not
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
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Living with the Winchesters was always an adventure. Each day was open to something new happening but you wouldn’t trade this life for any others you might have dreamed of in the past. You were dating the hottest and you were best friends with the tallest.
Your life was good and you were happy with how things were going. You just started dating Dean a few months ago even though you’ve been flirting for a lot longer than that. You were friends with both Winchesters a lot longer before you moved in with them.
You met them when you three were on the same case. You were posed as the reporter, trying to dish out whatever you could for the case and Sam and Dean were the very attractive FBI men who took over when they came into town.
But you didn’t let that happen since you got there first so this was your case. One accident later, Sam and Dean were exposed as hunters to you, thanks to your clumsy ass. But everything worked out in the end because with the brothers, you clicked instantly with them.
Of course, Dean hit on you from the very start, not that you minded since you liked him a lot more than his brother (in that way). You were supposed to be Dean’s one night stand but after you had mind blowing sex with him, you started snooping while he was in the shower. You found his father’s journal and you couldn’t help yourself.
You had to read it.
You must have gotten too invested in it because you didn’t even hear Dean get out of the shower until you heard him clear his throat. You tried explaining that you weren’t trying to snoop but you saw this and you couldn’t help yourself.
Before he could say anything, you started talking about all the monsters you came across and he started to accept you into his lives because at that point, he knew you were going anywhere.
A few years later, you moved in the Bunker with them, happier than you ever have been. You had everything you could ever need: a sexy boyfriend, an amazing best friend and a whole library filled with lore books.
Lore was one of your favorite subjects to read, even before you were a hunter. That is why you accepted the hunter’s life so easily after your parents were injured due to a vampire. Luckily no one got turned and they now live happy lives, putting that whole incident behind them.
You, on the other hand, stayed in the life after killing the vampires because you knew what was out there. What you knew back then was nothing compared to what you knew now. You were always learning about new monsters and what was out there.
Which is what you were doing now with Sam.
“I know a lot about Lore but this is one book I haven’t read and judging by its cover, there are new monsters in here both of us might not know of.” Sam said, grabbing the book before sitting next to you in the library.
“That’s awesome. I can’t wait to read it with you.” You said with a smile, sipping your water. You barely got into the book when you heard Dean’s footsteps enter the library.
“Hey, Y/N, want to help me work on my car? The parts I ordered for her came in. Let me save you while I can.” Dean laughed, joking about you reading with Sam.
“Uh, no thank you. Sam and I are just getting into this book. Plus, you know I find working on cars boring. That’s your thing, not mine.” You said, missing the look he gave you. Dean noticed how close you and Sam were sitting, smiling as you both read the same book.
He knew that you were your own person and you had your own likes and dislikes but Dean felt you had a lot more in common with his brother than himself. He liked you a lot and he hasn’t felt things like this about a woman since Lisa left his life so he thought you were pretty special to begin with.
But maybe you were meant to be with Sam and not him.
“Oh, okay, I’ll just be out there, I guess.” Dean said, looking at you.
“Have fun.” You said without looking at him. He sighed and kicked the ground before leaving to his car. He hated feeling this way and this was one of the reasons he didn’t get involved with women like this. They always chose Sam when they wanted a deep relationship.
Dean wasn’t meant for relationships like that.
A few days later, you were in your bedroom, getting some cookbooks you had stored there. Cooking was a hobby you had and now that you had a huge ass kitchen, you were going to use that hobby more often.
“Hey, want to go for a drive? Sam is going to be in the kitchen all day working on his food schedule.” Dean said, knocking on your door. The reason you had your own room was because you liked to have your own space that was just for you. You spent most, if not all nights in Dean’s bed but it was nice to have something of your own.
“Yeah, I know, I’m actually going to help him with that. He seemed to like that I had some cookbooks in here.” You said with a smile, again, missing the look on his face.
“You know, if he is holding you against your will, tell me and I’ll whisk you away.” Dean said, chuckling nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Dean, don’t be silly. I like doing these things. How about we go for a drive later on?” You asked, kissing his cheek before leaving your room to where Sam was.
Was Dean doing something wrong? Was it his fault you liked Sam more than him?
The next night, Sam was out and you were bored. You tried finding Dean but he wasn’t in his room or the kitchen, the library and the war room were empty too.
“Dean?” You called out, walking around the Bunker looking for the wan you wanted to spend time with. You know you’ve been spending a lot of time with Sam lately and you missed Dean. As you passed the entrance to the garage, you heard clanging come from inside.
You opened the door and walked inside, not seeing anything but hearing the clanging sound again. But now that you were closer to it, it sounded like it was a ball bouncing off the wall or something. You walked around the garage, coming to the Impala.
You walked around to the other side and frowned when you saw Dean sitting on the floor with his back to the car, throwing a ball to the wall, catching it when it bounced back to him. He had a few beers near him as well, one of them being empty.
“Dean? Wat are you doing out here?” You asked, sitting next to him.
“Where is Sam?” He asked, ignoring your question.
“Out. He went to one of those film things that were showing a French film.”
“Why didn’t you go with him?”
“You know I don’t like those kinds of movies,” You said, finally noticing the look he had on his face. You noticed he wasn’t happy. “What’s wrong?”
“Do you want me to be more interested in books? Do you want me to eat healthier? Do you want me to grow out my hair so it can flow in the wind?” Dean asked, making no sense to you at all.
“Dean, sweetie, what are you talking about?” You asked. He set the ball down and turned to you with hurt flashing in his eyes.
“Do you like Sam more than me?” He’d figure the band-aid would be better ripped off.
“What? No, I like you. Why would you think I like Sam more?” You asked, oblivious to your actions throughout the week.
“You’re spending time with him with your book reading and your food scheduling. Do you want me to be more like Sam?” He asked.
“No, Dean. I like you just the way you are. I’m sorry you are feeling this way but I don’t like Sam. I like Dean. A lot. Like, a lot, a lot.” You said, putting your hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch and you smiled, getting up.
“Where are you going?” He asked, missing your warm touch.
“Come on, I’m going to show you just how much I like you more. I may even love you.” You said with a smile, holding your hand out. He grabbed it and used it to aid him in getting on his feet.
“Wait, love? You love me?” He asked with a small smile.
“I said I may love you. May. We’ll see.” You giggled, walking with him back inside the Bunker.
“Okay, okay, before we go any further, I have a question.” Dean said, stopping you. He got in front of you and look at you with a serious face.
“What is it?”
“I can grow my hair out, right?”
“You’re such a dork.” You smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom. You loved this man whether you knew it or not and despite Sam being your best friend, Dean was the better man and you were going to spend all night proving that to him.
Forever tags:
@im-not-an-angel-of-the-lord @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @innernightwerewolf @wishedworld @justanotherdeangirl @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spn-applepie-imagines @tahbehonest
Other tags:
@notnaturalanahi @27bmm @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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bowleggedbeauty · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @galaxystiel​ and @sammy-cas-dean​ (Love you guys ♥ Also I’m sorry this took so long I’m bad)
Rules: Copy & paste into a new post, then answer any 20 questions about yourself and tag followers that you wanna get to know better!
Name: Natalie
Nickname: Nat or Vonn
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi AF
Height: 5′5′’ (165cm)
Favorite color: Coral
Book recommendation: Anything by Stephen King tbh
Movie recommendation: As Above, So Below (I love horror. I know, shocker)
TV show recommendation: Stranger Things (Pretty sure the entire world has already seen it, though)
Music recommendation: Bob Seger 👌
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? All three, but mostly coffee.
Cats or dogs? DOGS
Favorite meme: Pepe
I want to live long enough to witness: J2M’s children starring in the Supernatural revival 😏
Weird obsessions: "Weird” obsessions? Nah...
Tumblr birthday: Sometime in late 2013
How many side blogs? Goose egg
Random fact about me: I used to work in the building right next to the studios where they film SPN???
Goals for 2018: Save up to go to the 2019 JIBcon with Rose ´ ▽ ` )ノ  (if there is one next year, I’m hoping and praying)
I’m not tagging anyone specific. Do it if you wanna. (You can say I tagged you)
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revwinchester · 8 years ago
Summary: The Reader and Charlie spend a night playing their favorite online video game.
Pairing: Charlie x Reader
Word Count: 1464
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: a little bit of cursing, allusions to sex/sexual activities
A/N: This is for week 6 of the SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge hosted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing!  There are 2 prompts in here, a line of dialogue, which is bolded, and a gif, which is inserted when it becomes relevant.  Thanks for hosting the challenge this summer, Kari!  Also, I made up the video game in this fic and any similarity to a real game/games is completely coincidental.  I’m more of a single player, first person shooter with a solid story line kind of gamer myself (Fallout 4 is my jam right now).
BattleXoom -
“Hush woman and let me choose!” you playfully shouted at Charlie as you scrolled through the available characters on your screen, reminding yourself of the pros and cons to each one.  It had been so long since you’d played anyone but Torrex and you were determined to branch out this time.  It’s not like the two of you were playing for tournament points or anything, you were logged into your “just for fun” accounts so that you could mess around in game without fear of ruining your stats or reputation.
“If you really loved me there wouldn’t be a choice,” Charlie replied and you could practically hear her pout through the headphones you were wearing.  She had already selected Raven, her usual character, and was waiting rather impatiently for you to make your character selection.  “You’re already making me play on the laggy server because you’re stuck on hotel wifi.  At least let me destroy some bitches tonight!”
You sighed into the microphone.  “Fine,” you acquiesced, scrolling back to select your usual character, “but remember, the last time we played as Raven and Torrex on these accounts, someone recognized our style from Twitch or a tournament or something and called us out.”
You and Charlie were one of the highest ranking partnerships worldwide in BattleXoom, a video game that you both loved.  After realizing how well you worked together in game, the two of you started competing in tournaments and eventually worked your way into bigger and bigger competitions, most recently coming in second at an invitation only tournament hosted by the game’s publisher at a major video gaming convention.  
You had first met Charlie in an online forum for people looking for a partner to game with and, after playing a few rounds together, you realized that you lived two towns away and had decided to meet for coffee.  You had been a little hesitant at first, you used an androgynous username because girl gamers aren’t all that accepted in the gaming world and neither of you had spoken to the other over anything but typed messages at that point.  However, you had found instant chemistry on the game and hoped that, whoever this CharlieCodex dude was, he wouldn’t throw that away because you were a woman.  You were pleasantly surprised to learn that Charlie was also a woman, that her name was short for Charlene, and that your chemistry carried over into real life.  
The one thing you loved more than the game was Charlie and you knew she felt the same way about you.  Sure, the game was was the thing that had brought you together - as well as bringing you a modicum of internet fame - but you were certain that the two of you would last well beyond BattleXoom’s height of popularity.  
Normally, you and Charlie would spend a Monday night side by side in your home office, engaging in battle together before retiring to your bedroom and engaging in a different kind of activity together but your job had sent you out of town for the week and you weren’t due to return home until late on Thursday.  So, instead of settling into on your comfy chair at home with your custom setup, your multi-screen display, and your girlfriend, you were sitting in a wooden chair, hunched over a tiny desk, and playing on your laptop with shitty graphics, all while using the hotel’s internet to connect to the only BattleXoom server that would support the casual gamer that you appeared to be this evening.
As soon as you and Charlie both selected characters you were transported into the game where you would have to battle against other teams of two for control of the map.  The graphics didn’t move as smoothly as you were used to but you soon got the hang of things, systematically taking out your opponents as you and Charlie worked your way towards the center of the map over the next 30 minutes or so.  
It was your signature style, one that Charlie had come up with, and, although many had tried, no one had really been able to replicate the way the two of you played the game with the same amount of success you had found.  It worked for the two of you, though, and that was all that mattered as you took out one of the two remaining teams on the map.   The last team was all the way across the island and you and Charlie directed your characters through the jungle towards them.
“I’ve only got the one screen tonight, Char.  I’m gonna need you to tell me what you’ve got on these guys,” you requested.
BattleXoom worked in such a way that one half of the screen could display stats about the game and the players, giving you some info about your opponents’ statistics as the game progressed.  You and Charlie had gotten pretty good at reading into those statistics and being able to extrapolate play style and experience level from the information the game provided.  Without your dual monitors that you had at home, though, you had decided to disable that feature so you could have a better view of the game itself, trusting Charlie to tell you everything you needed to know throughout the melee.  
Charlie filled you in on what to expect when you met the other pair that remained on the map.  They seemed like a pretty good team, considering which server you were playing on and you were looking forward to the fight.  You were lost in listening to her analysis and not paying as close of attention to the screen in front of you as you should have been and you ended up paying the price for that.
“Shit,” you heard Charlie say just as your health meter took a major hit.  
Realizing that the other team had set a trap that you then walked right into, you both sprang into action, defending yourselves and lashing out with attacks whenever you were able.  Eventually, you regained the upper hand, your experience with the game becoming exceedingly useful and increasingly evident.  
“Should we do it?” you asked Charlie.
She knew what you meant immediately.  “It” was a move that even some of the top teams in the world had trouble executing.  Each character pairing in the game had their own signature “double down” move, as the game called it, and the level of difficulty varied depending on the pair you picked.  Torrex and Raven had the most difficult double down to get right but the payoff was huge and you and Charlie had mastered it, though you seldom used it in free-play situations like this.  However, after the trap the other team had laid, you were willing to make an exception here.
“Hells yeah!” Charlie exclaimed as she set herself up, counting on you to get into position as well.  “On three!”
You both counted together, it was imperative that you both hit the right buttons at exactly the right time or the move wouldn’t work.  
“One… Two… Three!” 
Your fingers mashed the buttons in quick succession and you hoped that Charlie and you would be in sync even when separated by hundreds of miles.  You were and you smiled as you watched the screen.  Your character, Torrex, lifted Charlie’s into the air, holding onto her shoulder and her waist as he swung her in a wide circle.  Raven kicked out and knocked your opponents onto their backs, killing one of them and seriously damaging the other.  
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Once Raven was back on the ground, it only took two or three more basic attacks to win the game.
After your victory was announced, you were transported back to a menu screen.  “You want to play again?” Charlie asked you through your headset.
“I’m sorry, Char, I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow morning so I should probably call it a night,” you apologized.  “I’ll make it up to you when I get home, though.  Promise.”
You and Charlie said your good nights and signed off of the server and you shutdown your computer, putting it away before you got ready for bed.  As you were brushing your teeth, your phone rang.  You looked at the name on the screen and quickly spit out the toothpaste and rinsed your mouth quickly.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?” you greeted Charlie through the phone.
“Nothing,” she responded simply.
Charlie wasn’t usually one to call just for idle chit-chat.  That was what texting was for, you had heard her tell someone once.  “You know I love you and I love to hear your voice but why are you calling, then?” you asked.
“Victory phone sex.  Duh,” Charlie replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass
Charlie Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress-official @itsemmyb @beriala @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deerlululucy @growleytria @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @sis-tafics @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @prettyxwickedxthings @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @olitzisbae @iridianuniverse @shortandlongstories @ackleslaugh @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @kreborn17 @for-the-love-of-dean @zanthiasplace @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @curliesallovertheplace @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @deansleather @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @babypieandwhiskey @mysaintsasinner @klaineaholic @supernaturalismalife
Pond Charlie Tags: @manawhaat @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @roxy-davenport @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @your-average-distracted-waffle @deals-with-demons @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder
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