#sorry for the wait aaaaa!!!!
vosquez · 2 days
Jack needs a tender hug
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tfw no one wants to hug you not even your body double you pay to hug you:(
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lonelyoleander · 1 year
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((and happy 2-year fallout anniversary @milramemo <3333))
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
thank you for the tag, @sasheneskywalker!!!
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: it changes regularly, but currently, a dusty/greyish purple
last song: Maps by The Front Bottoms
currently reading:
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver is my current fiction read and i *hate* it with my entire being. don't read it.
Postcolonial Astrology: Reading the Planets through Capital, Labor, & Power by Alice Sparkly Kat is my current non-fiction read and so far, it's very good
i'm reading a lot of comics at the moment, but my main read is Manhunter (2004) which so far, is very good, i highly recommend. i'm also planning to read Midnighter (2007) and Black Widow (2014).
currently watching:
The Acolyte has been my most recent fixation so that's just on loop rewatching over and over in the background. a lot
i've been watching Pennyworth which is far better than i expected it to be, i'm really enjoying it
i also started Invincible, which i've been enjoying
idk if it counts but i've rewatched Madame Web a concerning number of times in the past few days.
currently craving: i'd kill for an Italian Cream Soda from tea2go rn
coffee or tea: tea. i used to be a big coffee person in my teens but my chronic illness doesn't like caffeine and it *really* doesn't like coffee so i just drink tea now, but i do love tea
hobby to try: the unrealistic hobby i'd like to get into a fanfiction binding, but that takes materials and resources i do *not* currently have. i think a more realistic answer is i've been meaning to get into marvel comics more.
current au: tbh the main AU i'm working on is a Lance Brunner-centric Post-Crisis fic where i'm completely rewriting his origins to make his death as Robin more significant but still something no one talks about, leading to the ressurection of Jason also reviving Lance and Jason going on his little spree, having no idea he's not the only dead Robin. i've figured out all of the backstory and how i want to characterize Lance, but the actual plot of the fic i'm still working out. i'm leaning toward Lance/Dick as a ship, but i haven't decided. i have so many notes and ideas though and i think it's funny to take a random one-off character from a random 60s comic and actually turn him into something substantial and how he'd shape the Batfamily. trust me i'm so close to infodumping about it here everyday.
i'm also working on a *really* messed up unhealthy Damian/Tim fic, where Damian purposefully breaks the timeline so Tim was never Robin and Damian was the third Robin instead. but when Bruce "dies" Damian realizes he has no idea where to start with finding Bruce so he has to go to a civilian!Tim for help, who has no idea the timeline was changed or that he was ever Robin in a different world. it's gonna be fun and fucked up and full of Damian's jealousy complex over Tim.
i don't know if i can come up with nine whole people to tag for this since i'm still new here but i can try: @searchforahero @divine-dominion @kevin-day-is-bi @kerakeriza @deepwithintheabyss
@maryshellyswife @alicemaem @justmyshittyspace @sandmanwhore and yeah that's all i got.just tagging some mutuals/ppl i see on my posts a lot!!!
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milkyvast · 11 months
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butchdykekondraki · 9 days
we showed bishop cccc and youll never guess who they're obsessed with
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kaoharu · 4 months
running around you in circles blocking your path HIIIIII HI
describe your favorite smell if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? favorite thing to do on rainy days? how tall are you? what is your favorite holiday? favorite song right now? 3 ways to win your heart? 3 habits you have? when is your birthday?
ask game !!
🍯 - answered that one here !
🎂 - also answered that one here sorries i dont want to type again 😓
🍭 - 5ft 1in yayayayayayyayyyyy. sniffles
🎶 - rather fond of feeling good as of late as well . . . i have many favorite songs
💘 - hmhmm im a simple girl tbh first you need to hang out and slash or talk to me in general a Lot. then you get into the media i like ( bonus if you become craaazy abt it too ) and then finally ? i dont know tbh when it comes to real people i really only end up liking my friends . helppppppppppppp
🕊️ - i chew gum almost constantly ( its my alternative to chewing my nails lol ), i have just now discovered i lifemy pinky finger when i drink. hmm ? anyways aaaand. i pace my kitchen Specifically when i need to think. like literally doesnt matter where i am when ive gotta think i move myself to the kitchen /silly
🎁 - feb 11 !!!
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nymphrasis · 19 minutes
Now that I have caught up on your jaw-dropping art I missed, I have an important question.
*Holds out Bowl*
Please may I have some of your AMAZING SKILL AT ART. Even but a drop would be a blessing. Your art is so cute and pretty. You even can do animations and such so well. Nymph you are Godly!!! 😊
VALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HIHI >w<! This is me when you made such a request!
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I 100% WOULD BE WILLING TO DONATE ANY ART SKILL THAT I COULD, HAD IT BEEN POSSIBLE TT0TT!!! Thank you so much, ahhhhhh. Your words are super kind and has already made my day <3!!! I really try the best I could! As for animation, they are still practice but I am happy with how they've turned out nwn! I have already admitted this to a few people, where I have stated for mouth movements I use the example of my own mouth ( See what words cause what direction of openness my mouth goes, see how far the chin goes down depending on how short or long I open my jaws, ect. The thing I did forgot is cheeks being pushed slightly during certain speeches. But that is fine for next time! ). With the Kuruna lemon meme, when her paws was going up, I had to use my own hands to see how to make the paw be folded up and moved back to make it seem like it makes sense xd. I am not aiming for crazier movements yet! I do still need to continue to practice more with simpler stuff first! I do plan to watch animation tutorials to learn other movements! Like something I do want to do is a simple ear flick for Kuruna! But I admittedly am struggling on how to make that look ( Esp considering I have not seen an animated ear that has large inner ear fluff. This case being her soot ear fluff! ). I do want to make the eye on the ear fluff change expression, as a sort of reaction to the ear it is in being flicked! Animation is something I am not super consistent in! It is on and off, here and there. It really just stuck with me because I grew up with Flipnotes ( Like the old 2008/ 2009 DS flipnote release era ) ;w;
I have never been the greatest but I have done practices and used others flipnotes as a teaching system for myself :D! Hence why mouth movement is something I feel best at, but do still need practice on!
That and there was a point and time where I've wanted to animate cartoon! Doesnt matter what type of cartoon ( As long as it isnt incite hatefulness towards a particular group or encourage irl harm. Those sort of stuff. Oh and I dont want to do cartoons that gives out a heavy religion message because, well, I dont believe in those things xd. Funny considering my main story has angels and demons, heaven and hell existing. While I may not believe in them, I dont mind using them in just fun fiction x3 )
But, ah, I am rambling again--
Thank you for the ask, as I just woke up ( Real late ) and it has plastered the biggest of smiles on my face ;;w;; As mentioned earlier, I would love to donate a piece of my art skill, if it were possible ;3;
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ferromagnetiic · 10 months
❝ HEEEEYYYYY I wanna try on your goggles!! ❞ he doesn't even wait for a yes or no, eyes staring wide and intense at the protective gear atop Kid's head. with lips sucked in and an immense amount of concentration, the straw hat immediately shoots a stretchy arm out to attempt grabbing the gear from the other captain's head. // (saved this one just for you)
          【 UNPROMPTED ASK. 】                      @futurepiratekiing
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          The one single lesson Luffy should have already learned from Eustass Kid was that he did not in any way appreciate having the rubber boy's stretchy arm tendrils thrusted towards his person, and particularly not towards his face. His spine curves backwards in an attempt of creating some distance between himself and the sticky hand rocketing towards him, but it changes nothing, and he still finds himself, very much against his will, on the cusp of being handled by the Straw Hat boy. He's reaching for the mechanic's goggles, the little bastard thief. Kid moves to protect his belongings and is working entirely on defensive impulse, without taking a single moment to consider his actions.
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He bites him. Very hard.
The sharp points of his teeth sink down into chewy, gummy skin; unable to break it due to its elastic properties, but still delivering a fierce amount of pressure. Much like a dog who has been taunted with a toy, he doesn't release his grip, and holds Luffy's open hand between his jaws. If he squirms, he'll only dig his teeth in further.
His message should be quite clear, even to the infamously clueless pirate.
Do. Not. Touch. His. Shit.
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neztchi · 1 year
It's been so long since I posted but I'm not dead I promise, just burnt out 😭
Drawing's been hard lately and been exhausted from a new job (it's goin well tho so yay!)
But making progress on the shop, I've got most everything set up, just a couple more things I need to take care of and then I should be good to open preorders for Trey!
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
Kankri's symbolic sprite. That's the whole icon. I find it to be funny for some reason.
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he looks so fucking goofy
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crowdsourcedloner · 11 months
35. How do they feel about the fact that they've killed a lot of people and/or things?
Nailah's been a mercenary most of her life. She knows she's good at it and carries herself as a consummate professional - it's her life or theirs and she has work to do, it's not personal.
This is what she's told herself, anyways.
Truthfully, Nailah struggles with seeing worth in herself under all the blood on her hands. There's a lot of unspoken survivor's guilt just under the surface, bubbling up whenever things are a little too quiet.
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zorbs · 2 years
like how legitimate are they going to make the fireflies actually being able to develop a vaccine feel like?? and tbh i think itd be rlly cool if we get a mini abbey comeo next to her dad as a hint to season 2 which i rlly rlly hope happens too
that’s something i didn’t really think about! i’m very curious how they’re going to present all that drama
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
alan wake is one of those games that have permanently changed my brain chemistry tbh
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healbellls · 2 years
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@sealcdheart has sent:
"Will you—hold me?" The question sounds odd and foregin to his own lips, the words having to be forced out as his body seemed to tense just trying to say them. He pressed his lips together the moment they were out of his lips, hands curling into the sheets of the bed. The nightmare hadn't been so bad, he shouldn't even bother Brendan let alone wake him.
He should get out of the bed and just go downstairs.
"Forget it, I'm sorry." The blankets were shoved back and he went to get out of the bed, forcing himself to take a couple countrolled breaths to get himself under control. He was not weak, he did not need pity. He was a grown adult and could handle himself perfectly fine.
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Being a light sleeper came with its perks, mostly cons. But in a time like this, it ensured he wouldn't miss out on or be too dazed when something like this happened.
The constant shifting in their bed was more than enough, to prevent Brendan from falling into a real state of slumber. But it was Cole's voice, that forced him to pry his eyes open. And by the time his sight focused, he caught glimpse of the other threatening to stand.
Not uncommon at all for him.
But this time, Brendan didn't even waste time to say anything. He instinctively did as he had been asked to, and jolted up, so he could wrap his arms around Cole in a tight and strong embrace.
The bedroom fell silent all of the sudden, he could hear the other's racing and loud heart beats.
Now, there was no way Cole could just get up and leave. In theory, that is. Even as a fully grown man, it seemed like Brendan wasn't exactly graced with a growth spurt like his partner did.
Much to his dismay.
"Another bad dream?" Brendan asked faintly, almost like a whisper. He rested his head over Cole's shoulder, and gently laid a few pecks over his shoulder. "Stay with me." He paused for a brief moment.
"Stay with me, Cole." He repeated himself. "Lay back, I won't let go of you."
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kittycatcarla · 2 years
yes i know
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jinmaeda · 2 years
(really fucking sorry if this got sent like 5 times )
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So far only 3 people on tik tok found it and monster hasn't released anything yet.
That looks so adorable wtf!! I just looked it up and saw a couple YouTubers were reviewing it so maybe Monster did like a sponsor early release thing? Either way I hope they’re available next time I visit the US 😭
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