#sorry for the vent i just sobbed for like a half an hour and now i feel weird
sherlock-is-ace · 1 month
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real-life-cloud · 1 year
#the sky speaks#vent time!!#tw suicidal ideation#i wish i could just hate my mother it would be so much easier#but shes trying so hard and in so much pain#but shes so TIRING to be around !!!!#she got in a wreck this evening. she was drinking and driving around to all of people who don't talk to her anymore#shes getting a dui i guess?#and this is just one thing in a looooong list of shit shes pulled#ive heard her scream and sob so much today. but now shes also saying she wants to die. over n over#full on existential crisis. she feels no purpose and is so lonely#she left this morning to go shopping tyen just never came home. my dad asked me to call her and she answered and just said#i can't. im sorry. and hung up on me. then she turned off her phone and we didnt know where she was for a half hour#and i was so fucjing worried that shed killed herswlf or somthing i couldnr even remember rhe last thing i said to her?#i hugged her for so long when we finally got home#but im just so tired of loving her#shes still down there crying but i cqnt listen tk her anymore. my head is pounding. i wanna sob. i never wanna cry again.#i kinda wanna die too but i feel like i cant tell anyone really. moms such a mess how could i possibly put these feelings onto dad or thomas#and not mom. god. shes thw reason i feel like that. evwry time. im so tired of her falling apart that id rather not be here.#if i had just sucked up being on my period and went shopping with her today this wouldn't have happened. but that shoyldnr be how it is!!!!!#im allowed ro stay home!!! i shouldnr have to babysit her!! but ive felt like i was HER mother aince i was 17#im just so tired
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been so worried lately that i'm actually the most annoying/boring person in the world and people are just putting up with me :) so how's your may going? :) :) :) :)
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Day 31 | Gangbang - Pantalone, Tartaglia, Pierro, Dottore, and Scaramouche
Kinktober Masterlist
AFAB Reader
Word count: 4,791
18+, dubcon/noncon, manipulation, lovebombing, blowjobs, vaginal sex, rough, spanking, gangbang, reader ends up spending a lot of time with Pantalone, not proofread
A/n: just a quick note, lovebombing and isolating (as well as guilt triping) are real tactics used by abusive people, remember that this is a dark fic and this is not sexy irl. Also, it's 4:41 am. This will be posted in about 3 hours. I rushed to get this done in time so the last third is rushed. I might go back and edit it.
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You walked in the streets of Monstadt. You swallowed and tried to keep down the building sobs. Blurred colors filled your eyes, but it was easy enough to tell where you were going.
You looked down and shook your head. You were okay. Everything was okay. Don't cr-
A sudden force slammed into you. Or probably the other way around. You stepped back and focused on the person you bumped into. You hadn’t realized you had started walking faster with each thought.
He had long black hair and glasses on a thoughtful face. The accessories he wore looked fairly expensive. Overall, his appearance was a unique blend of beautiful and handsome.
“Sorry. I guess I wasn’t looking.” You turned your face away. You didn’t want him to see the tears in your eyes.
His eyebrows raised. “Is something wrong?”
"It's nothing." You take a breath in, but it turns into a sniffle.
He hummed and watched you for a moment. He began to walk. “Follow me.”
“Huh?” You look at him.
He paused his walk to look back at you. “I’m going to treat you. Good Hunter’s?”
Your eyebrows scrunched together. “Why would you do that?”
He smiled. “Do I need a reason?" He sighed. "But, if you don't want to, I suppose I'll have to go alone."
You guessed it wouldn't hurt. "Okay."
You followed him and sat across from him. He inquired about what you wanted and bought it for you. You felt the stares of passers by, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. The delicious flavor of the food helped to calm you down. But now that you were calm, you were tired.
You were a little over half way done with your meal when he said something again.
"Is everything alright?"
You shrug. You just met him, but you really wanted to get it off your chest. It was killing you to have no one to vent to. To just listen and be there for you. It wouldn't be the end of the world if you told a stranger you'd probably never meet again.
You let out a heavy breath. "I… lost someone important to me."
It hurt to even think about, but it felt good to finally say it. Like a literal weight had been lifted.
He nodded with an apologetic smile. “I see. I’m sorry to hear that.”
You nodded and your eyes rested on the food that was growing cold. Your hands rested on either side of the plate. “It’s,” you swallow, “not nice.”
“As I would expect.” He sat back and glanced up at the sky. “If you could say anything to the gods right now, what would it be?”
You freeze at the sudden unrelated question. Confusion turned into contemplation as you genuinely considered the question. You turn it over in your mind until one phrase solidifies itself in your mind.
“It’s not fair.” You take another bite and chew.
“Unfortunately, life isn’t fair.”
“It shouldn’t have to be,” you mumble.
“You’re right.”
You look up at him. He wasn’t giving you a lecture. Or telling you that it was just the way things were. Like you were used to.
“It’s a terrible thing that shouldn’t have happened to you,” he added. There was a sadness in his eyes. “If you could have anything, materialistic at least, to make you feel better, what would it be?”
You thought for a moment. It would be something to distract you. Something you loved. You answered with something you wanted for your hobby. Slowly you elaborated. Why that item would distract you and be fun. Why this made you so happy and everything about it that you thought was cool. And he listened. For a little bit, you forgot your troubles. You felt better.
Eventually, you had to part ways
Later, you find a package at your door and open it up to find the thing you mentioned and a letter.
You opened the letter. It said, "I saw this on sale and thought of you. I hope it brings you joy and that you feel better soon." From there it asked a few questions about your hobby. It ended with the signature. "-Pantalone, Regrator" There was also a return address.
The Fatui Harbinger? Was that who you spent your afternoon with? It would explain the stares. Your temporary shock of fear was replaced with comfort. Despite the things you'd heard about the Fatui, he was so kind and truly seemed to understand you.
You hugged the letter as gently as you could. A huge grin appeared on your face when you looked back at your present. You scooped it up on your arms and walked inside.
Pantalone walked down the halls. Back in Sneznaya for instruction from the Tsarita. Your letter in his pocket. He'd write a reply that evening and send it off. It was quite a treat meeting you.
He couldn’t help but smile. Apparently it was noticed.
“What are you smiling about? Swindle someone out of their money?” Tartaglia, who had been walking in the opposite direction, said.
“No,” he said, smile ever present. “I simply found a cute, little person.”
“Yes. I’d like you to come with me back to Sneznaya.”
It’d been a few months since you started exchanging letters. Those letters and kind words and small gifts were the best things in your life. They filled you with so much joy each time you received them, even more so when you read that he was visiting again. You barely restrained yourself from hugging him. He put his hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. And during your conversation, he mentioned wanting you to come back with him.
“I think you’d like it, but you’d best bring your best coat.”
“Mmm.” You bit your lip. “I don’t know.”
“I’d like it if you would. It’ll only be for a little bit.” He watched you. “Is there anything you need to stay here for?”
You bit harder. Your eyes rested on the ground. You didn’t… have a reason not to go. And it would probably be fun, right?
And now you were there. In a world of stark, cold white. The only color was in the city you finally arrived in.
Sneznaya was about as cold as you expected. What you didn’t expect was exactly how hard it was to handle the cold. You shivered in your heaviest coat you owned. Thankfully, Pantalone noticed your state and draped his large coat over you.
He showed you the markets. Your eyes lit up at the sight. All of the different things for sale. He noticed whenever something caught your eye and bought It for you. You always told him that you didn’t need them, he insisted. He would have shown you more, but you were too cold for it. He offered to let you stay inside the rest of the day and you accepted.
You walked side by side to somewhere he promised would be warmer. On the way, a red haired man locked eyes with you. He looked between you and Pantalone and walked up. You shrank away, nearly tempted to step behind Pantalone.
“Hey,” he casually waved.
“Childe,” Pantalone stopped in his tracks.He stared at the intruder with his lips pressed into a thin line with a strained smile. This was the first time you’d ever seen him like that. “Hello. To what do we owe the honor?”
“I just wanted to welcome you back and welcome your friend here,” he turned his gaze to you. “Is this your 'cute, little person' you were talking about?”
Despite the cold, your face burned.
"I've heard many great things about you." He winks.
You shrank back in embarrassment with an awkward smile.
“Don't pay him any mind,” Pantalone said. "This is Childe, the eleventh Harbinger."
Your eyes widen and look him up and down.
"You look like you've never seen a Harbinger before," he teased.
"I just wasn't expecting it," you said.
"What? Do I not look like one-?"
"Childe, as much as I appreciate your friendly manner," Pantalone sharply inhaled, "we best get going."
"I'll join you," Childe said, walking beside you.
"Really? Don't you have things you need to get done?" You were fairly certain the life of a Harbinger was busy
"I got time."
"Joy," Pantalone said quietly.
"Glad you think so," Childe said.
You snorted. Childe's mischievous smile grew and he patted your shoulder. You turn your head to Pantalone. Every time you were happy he seemed to share in the joy. But his expression stayed the same. Almost looking at you with… disappointment. Or anger. He turned his gaze in front of him, leaving you to wonder if you had imagined it. Or maybe you misinterpreted it. Or maybe he was just mad at Childe. That was probably it.
Childe made some light conversation on the way there. Eventually you entered a fairly large building. Thank the the Archons it was warm inside, or at the very least warmer. Near the entrance was a room with a fireplace. You rush to it and stand by the fire. Rotating your hands. You backed your hands away and rubbed them when they felt like they were burning from the sudden temperature change.
You looked around the room. There was no one there. However, you heard, who you believed to be, Childe walking in the next room.
You sat on the couch closest to the fire while rubbing your arms. The furniture looked expensive. The couch's wood frame was smooth and reflected light like glass. The fabric was white and accented with images of flowers.
Childe came back with a cup that steamed. With a free hand he took a blanket from a stack. He walked up and handed them to you.
"Thank you, Childe" you said.
"No problem. You're one of the few guests here in a while. And call me Tartaglia." He sat down next to you.
You looked around the room again. "Where did Pantalone go?"
"Oh, probably went off to get some records, or maybe to count his stacks of money again," Childe said lightheartedly.
You nodded. You would have liked it if he told you before leaving. You shiver again as a cold settles in your bones.
You would have started a conversation, but you couldn’t think of much to say. You took a sip from the cup.
"So," Childe took the initiative, "how did you and the banker meet?"
"Oh, I was walking and happened to bump into him. In Monstadt," you added.
"That's all?"
"Well, I guess we talked a little bit, over some food, and we started sending letters."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "He's never that friendly with anyone else. Then again, you are attractive." He smirked.
You shrank into yourself slightly and smiled. "Oh, we're just friends, but thank you for the compliment."
"I was just telling the truth." He leaned back and stretched his arms. He let them rest on the back frame of the couch. "But seriously, I'm surprised you were actually brave enough to come to Sneznaya. And that you would call a Harbinger a friend."
"Is there a reason why someone wouldn't?" You tilted your head.
Childe held back a laugh and covered his mouth before waving his hand. "You know what everyone thinks of us. Everyone always assumes the worst when it comes to the Fatui."
"Yeah. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt and took a chance and you and Pantalone turned out to be really nice." You smiled but it quickly faded. "If only my friends and co-workers could do the same."
"Hm?" He scooted in closer and looked genuinely interested.
You continued. "The second they found out, they never liked it. They keep telling me it's a bad idea and that I need to stay away, but those letters were the best thing that happened to me and they don't even want to think about the fact that they might be wrong. All they care about is that it's the Fatui and keep-" Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey." He put his hands on your shoulders.
He pulls you in for a hug, taking your drink and setting it down, and you accept. Holding him close. The arms around you felt like anchors and more comforting than the warmest blanket. You feel yourself melt.
"There, there." He patted your back.
"I haven't even talked to them in a while," you curl in closer. "Why can't they let me have this?"
"I don't know, but you did the right thing. A true friend would want you to be happy. If they tell you to stay away from something that makes you happy, they're bad friends."
The tears fall faster. Your body shakes in small tremors. The whole time, Tartaglia rubs your back and comforts you. It felt so nice. Like all of your problems had evaporated.
You didn't even notice when you fell asleep.
Someone nudged you awake. Your eyes drifted open. You heard footsteps then saw Pantalone. You immediately sit up.
"Have you warmed up yet?"
You barely even nodded when he started talking again.
"Good. Follow me. Unless you haven't rested enough."
Your face burns again and you nearly run to follow him. You quickly waved goodbye to Tartaglia.
"See you." He waved back.
Pantalone led you to an office. You sat while he organized and signed papers. He showed you the trinkets he collected. He then led you to a library. The bookshelves stretched to the height of the ceiling. You had once been in the library of the Knights of Favonius, but this library was so much bigger.
"I'm going to the Tsarita to receive instructions. Stay here until I get back."
"You're leaving again?" Your disappointment leaked into your voice.
He sighed. "As much as I'd like to spend all of my time with you, I still have responsibilities. I doubt the Tsarita would be pleased if I brought someone she did not permit. Afterwards, you can join me for any other task."
You sucked it up and nodded.
The Harbinger seemed content and left, leaving you with nothing better to do than read. You skimmed the titles. Picking up a few and reading a few lines.
In your search for something that peaked your interest, you looked up and saw someone watching you. A short boy in a funny hat. You wondered why he was staring at you, then you remembered Tartaglia mentioning something about not not a lot of guests.
You tried to ignore his gaze, but it was difficult.
He walked up to you. His sharp eyes judged you up and down. You shrank back in confusion.
"So it's you," he finally said.
"What about me?"
"You're the one Regrator's been wasting his time on."
You stood there awkwardly and hugged the book you'd been holding.
"I can't imagine why. Are you some toy of his? Something he finds interesting?"
"I'm not a toy, I'm his friend," you shot back, with some anger.
He looked at you with doubt. His eyebrows raised slightly and examining your expression.
You took a breath. "Did he talk to everyone about me?"
"No. Rumors and hearsay fly." He turned away. "And the fact that idiot Childe must have met you. For how much he talked my ear off about you, I was expecting more."
You shook your head and stared at the ground. "I honestly don't understand why they like me so much too."
He grins and snorts before walking away.
Shortly, Pantalone came back. You walked side by side with him down the hall.
"Someone I hired is securing a room for you to sleep in. They'll come to show you to your room by the end of the day," Pantalone said.
You nodded. "Thank you."
You glanced back in front of you and noticed someone walking the opposite direction in the hall. A large man with silvery white hair.
He noticed you as well. He stopped in front of the two of you and Pantalone stopped too.
"Hello, Pierro. Fancy running into you."
"Hello, Regrator. Who is this with you?" He turned his gaze to you and you suddenly felt very exposed.
“This is my guest. I met them in Monstadt.”
You introduced yourself.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Pierro said with a smile. “I assume this is your first time in Sneznaya. What do you think?”
“I think it’s very pretty,” you said. “And impressive, but it’s a little cold for me.”
He glanced down at your clothing. You remember you’re still wearing Pantalone’s coat. “You should get a heavier coat for yourself.”
“I was going to get them one tomorrow,” Pantalone interjected.
Pierro nodded. “I have to go now. Sneznaya welcomes you. You can stay for however long you want, and if you need anything, just come see me.”
You both said goodbye and continued on your way. You wore a bright smile. Everyone seemed to really like you.
It had been months since then. When you got home, the people in your life exploded at you for going to Sneznaya. Telling you how dangerous it was. How you could have been killed. Why would you go with a Harbinger? To never do that again. Were you insane? Did you have a death wish?
Your final cord of patience snapped. You flew into a rage. Every angry thought you ever had about them erupted out of you. Why were they so concerned about this? Why were they suddenly so concerned about you? Why did they suddenly have to poke their goddamn noses in your business? Why couldn’t you go where you wanted? Why couldn’t you be friends with who you wanted to? Since when did all of the people you talked to have to be approved by them? Why couldn’t you just be happy? Did they want you to be miserable? Why couldn’t they just see you were happy and leave you alone?
You completely cut them off after that. And they finally left you alone. It was great. Until there was no one around you. The loneliness ate at you like a disease. Everyday felt so bleak and gnawed into your chest. And you couldn’t tell why. All you knew was that you wanted someone. The only good things in your life were the letters. Childe and Pierro were sending some now, though Pierro’s came less often. They were your only joy and lit up your world, filled that hole in your chest, even if it was only temporary. You longed to see them again, to talk to them more.
Eventually, it was suggested that you move to Sneznaya. There was a job they could guarantee you would get too. You would have everything you wanted, you could actually see them every single day. You didn’t like the cold, but that was a small sacrifice to make in order to be closer to them.
You didn’t get to see each of them every day, as they sometimes left for missions the Tsarita gave them, but there would always be at least one. You later come to learn that the person you met in the library was Scaramouche, the sixth Harbinger. You also came to meet other Harbingers you’d never met before, such as the Doctor, who you occasionally interacted with.
It was Autumn now. Though, not that you could tell. In Sneznaya there were no trees that changed colors, or signs of the final harvest for the year. The only sign was that it became colder. And you told this to your new friends. About the things you missed. It hurt, but you were happier now.
You got to learn about Sneznayan traditions too, which were always interesting to learn. Apparently, during mid Autumn, instead of indulging in a harvest, the Sneznayans told ghost stories and terrifying tales. They also had activities that were a test of courage of sorts, where an individual or group would have to walk through an area where people would scare them. It sounded so much fun, but you were heartbroken to hear it was done outside and in the dark. It would be too cold for you to want to stay out for long.
On the night that was the height of storytelling and spooking others, the five Harbingers you were the closest to invited you to see a surprise. The entire room was decorated in a way that mixed tradition from where you were from with yours. Spooky decorations that featured a lot of orange. There were large plates of food for you to choose from, and there were games that were nearly identical to the ones you played at home. It was like a party, just for you and them.
The more reserved ones like Pierro and Pantalone didn’t play any of the games, instead would stand by the cider barrel and talk and tell you stories. Scaramouche and Dottore would play games if they got competitive about it.
It was so much fun, and you felt so happy. But, something about it didn’t feel right. There was something strange about there only being six people in a place that looked like it should have been open to more people. Like an actual party. They’d done a lot for you, but this too? There was a small discomfort in you knowing they imported all of this from Monstadt and attended just for you. Like you were in debt.
During the night, when the hour hand nearly pointed directly up, they had another surprise. They manage to get someone to move one of those test of courage things inside. Just for you.
There were several genuine scares. They made you jump into the closest person and cling onto them. The entire time they crowded around you, making you feel claustrophobic, like it was hard to breathe.
When it was over, you all piled into a lounge. Sitting on the couches and laughing with each other. Was it your imagination, or was everyone staring at you?
You sat next to Tartaglia. Having a conversation between him and someone else on the other couch. You freeze briefly when you notice his hand on your thigh. You brush it off. He was always a little touchy around you. Nothing strange about it. But he squeezes, and you try to swallow down a lump.
You heard your name being called and it pulled you out of your daze. From Pantalone’s tone, you guessed this wasn’t the first time he said your name.
“Come over here,” he said.
You excuse yourself to Tartaglia and walk over. You sit next to Pantalone. There’s a conversation, you were exchanging words, but it was hard to hear once he started rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. The blood rushed in your ears. Why was your body reacting like this? There was nothing weird about this.
He guides you onto his lap, and in your confusion you do it without thought. You sat there stiffly. His hands were all over you.
“Your mind seems to be elsewhere.” He pulled you closer in. There was something pressing into your butt. “Did you enjoy our surprise?”
“Yes,” you said. Much more quietly than usual.
“Did it make you tired?” He teased. His lips grazed against your neck
The other Harbingers seemed to move in closer. You suddenly felt so small.
“Yes,” you said.
“Poor thing,” Dottore said.
Pantalone’s hand wandered into the inside of your thigh. He messaged your leg. His other hand stroked every inch of you that wasn’t sitting on him. His lips were on your neck. Someone’s hand touched your hair. He whispered in your ear.
You shrank away from all contact, adjusted yourself, and closed your legs. Pantalone’s hand clenched.
“What’s wrong?” His other hand held your neck. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are,” you said. “But I don’t feel comfortable with this. I-” Tears start to well up. You look around the room for someone to back you up. They only stared back.
“Why so cold? And after everything we’ve done for you. Do you not care? Were you just going to take my money and run?” The hands grew slightly tighter.
“No. Of course not,” you plead.
“Then can’t you do one thing for us?”
You’re not sure why, but you find yourself nodding. He continues where he left off. His fingers pushed on and rubbed your pussy through your clothes. You shift uncomfortably.
Someone sits down beside you, making the cushions and you bounce. It was Tartaglia. He smiled at you. He takes your arm, his hands rub and squeeze as they go down. He holds your hand in his, close to his face as he leaned in closer. He kissed your knuckles. You stared into his eyes.
A gloved hand grabs your chin and turns your head. Pantalone pressed his lips onto yours in a stolen kiss. You froze. He pressed further, tightening his grip until it hurt. You kiss back. It was a soft, sensual kiss, at least you thought it was. It was also greedy. And it only made you feel cold.
He finally pulls away and you gasp for air and want to wash your mouth with soap.
Pantalone tugs on the clothes covering your chest.
“Take it off.”
You do what he says, pulling it over your head. Suppressing the urge to cover up. Trying to forget everyone watching you. That seemed to make him happy and he kissed your cheek.
Scaramouche stood up and walked to you. He grabbed you by the hair, forcing you to lean forward.
“Are you just going to hog them the whole time?” Scaramouche said.
“Fine.” Pantalone shrugged and let go of you.
Scaramouche pulled you off of his lap and on your knees on the floor. Before you could comprehend anything else, a dick was against your lips. You looked up at him. He glared down at you. You opened your mouth. The second you did, it was filled with cock. He used your hair to shove you down his cock, over and over again. Making a line of saliva at the base of it. Your throat already hurt and clenched around him.
Someone behind you takes off the bottom half of your clothes, leaving you exposed. The hard appendage pokes into your backside. It makes its way to your hole and thrusts in. The snap of skin reverberating in the air. You yelp, making Scaramouche shove you all the way down unexpectedly. You felt a hot substance pour down your throat. But he didn’t stop.
Dottore stands up and stops next to you. He grabs your hand and puts it around him. His hand squeezes yours and moves it the way he wants. You do your best to fulfill his needs while being stuffed at both ends. You thought you heard him praise you, but you couldn’t quite catch it.
Judging by the grunts behind you, you guessed it was Tartaglia plunging into your hole. His hands anchored on your hips.
Thoughts try to push themselves into your mind. To try to figure out what you even thought about this, but you push it away. Just keep going. Don’t think.
Tartaglia’s hips stutter and he moans loudly, filling you with his load. He pulls out of you with heavy breaths. Immediately, Dottore takes his place. He was much rougher. Abusing your hole. Each thrust shoves you forward. Hard smacks landed on your ass, making you cry out.
Scaramouche cums again and finally withdraws. A pink dusted his face and he walked back to the couch. Your arms nearly felt too weak to hold your top half up.
Heavy footsteps walk around you to your front. Pierro. He shoots a look to Dottore who calms down for just a moment, making you feel relieved. Pierro gently guides your mouth to take him. You suckle on him, doing your best to fit him in your mouth. Dottore returns to his rough pace from before. This time the first Harbinger doesn’t stop him. In fact, he seems to enjoy you jerking forward from Dottore’s handling.
When they both cum, you fall to the floor.
Yet, Pantalone waved you over. You weakly crawled over to him. He helped you up and back on his lap. He thrusted up into you. Pushing you into the air and pulling you back down over and over again. Tears leak from your eyes. Until finally he finishes too.
You lay on him. Exhausted. Warm tears still pour out of your eyes. Overwhelmed, but not knowing what to do. Things wouldn’t go back to normal again, would they?
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Why can I only kiss your ghost? - Neil Perry / Todd Anderson
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Description: Unfortunately for Todd, a ghost will never be as warm as he needs it to. [hurt/no comfort, 700 words]
Wrote this for comfort, ironically. It's a kind of vent if I think too much about it.
His eyes have been closed for hours, Todd is starting to accept he's not getting any sleep, again.
The room is silent and dark, as it is every night. There is no one sleeping in the bed next to him. No heavy breathing and light snoring, but an empty bed whose sheets and pillows were already taken away a while again.
In a way, that's a good thing. Anderson would've left that place forever if they had assigned him a new roommate. A substitute for someone who could never keep him company again. Nolan didn't have the audacity to do that, yet.
He sighs in annoyance and sits up, with his face on his hands, feeling under his fingers the greasy hair he didn't have energy to wash and that was already way too long for him.
"You need to sleep"
The familiar voice didn't alarm him.
"Shut up," he looked up to see Neil standing at the door, with his hand in his pockets. "You don't know how this is like."
There was silence again. Neil looked at him with empty eyes. Todd felt too angry to cry.
"How dare you even come back now?" His tone was harsh, yet not loud. "How dare you haunt me when I'm already hurting this much? What do you want from me?"
Neil had no answer for him. Todd clenched his fist, and got up.
"Are you hearing me, Neil? Are you even there?" There was no reaction from the friend in front of him. He didn't feel like a friend to Todd anymore, but had he ever? "Take a good look at me, Neil Perry. Look what you've done to me!"
Silence. Again, the goddamn silence.
"Oh, I wish I had never met you. The happiness you brought me was not as half as big as the pain I feel," the words came out as a firm whisper, hurting Todd's throat as they left his mouth.
Neil's eyes only stayed on him for a few instants, and he turned his head to the empty bed. "Then I suppose I should go."
Todd grabbed him by the collar of his shirt before he could even try, and pushed him hard against the wall.
Neil whimpered in pain. His eyes watered, struggling as he tried to get away, and the guilty hit Todd like a punch in the gut, but he didn't let go.
"So that's it? You're leaving me again at the first chance you get?" He hit Neil against the wall again, his nails now dug into his neck. It wouldn't bleed, not ever again.
"I thought I was hurting you being here," the ghost choked out. The moonlight entered the room through the window, and looking deep into his eyes, Todd could swear he had never looked so dead.
"You are all I have left," the anger in his voice grew into desperation. "Don't abandon me again! I'm not that strong, Neil"
Before Neil could speak, Todd pushed his lips against his in an unreciprocated kiss. His eyes were completely full of tears by the time he pulled away.
The bullet hole could be seen in the side of Neil's head, an unnecessary reminder he is only a corpse.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I shouldn't have said that. Neil, I need you like I need air to breathe," Todd begged, his head falling to his friend's chest. "I don't care if you're real or not, just stay. If you ever loved me like I love you, stay. Please."
He sobbed his heart out, gripping onto a dead body as if his life depended on it. There was no warmth, no comfort. Todd had never craved a hug this much, yet he knew he would never get one ever again, not from who he needed.
By the time he opened his eyes, he was griping onto himself. The ghost was gone. His head ached like hell, and he could barely breathe. Todd screamed until he passed out in Neil's bed, not too long after.
That night, he had no dreams.
He was already dreaming while awake anyway.
I'm not really proud of my writing here, but I feel better now that I wrote it, so it's worth it. Anyway, take care y'all.
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Touya Todoroki x Childhood Friend! Reader Part 4!
Part 5!
Here you can find Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3!
I appreciate the few sould reading this random thing, so thank you! I hope this is half decent. Anyway! On to it!
Tsuki's note 1: this is not proof read. I am feeling too lazy to correct grammar, so forgive me.
Tsuki's note 2: a reminder that I have not read the manga. So it will probably have a few different things, such as the ending. So yeah
At first you had a hard time shaking that incident of off your head. Probably it was that villian's quirk that messed up with your head, but something about it felt awfully familiar.
You went to see Touya's grave a bit more often than usual, to try to make sense of it and surprisingly enough Touya, did not catch you there these days.
There were two reasons for it: 1) he was trying to avoid you and 2) except for a few especific days, you came over at random times so, he often missed you than saw you hanging out at his grave.
Days went by. Touya got more and more involved with the league. Dabi was in a lot of news and again, he look somewhat familiar to you. You shook it off by probably being in, well, another news, he was a villian after all. And you, were getting closer to your graduation.
It should be a happy moment. But you were very very overwhelmed by the expectation of find a job, finishing with good grades and just life. You were also having little to no support from your friends.
Eventually, you were feeling so stressed and distressed that went to the only place you could vent openly - the graveyard.
You sat in front of Touya's grave as usual. Placed flowers and a sweet. But soon tears started to drop out of your eyes, as you started to tell him how soon you were graduating.
At this exact moment, Touya had just arrived. There you were. He approached to eavesdrop you, but he did not except to hear your choked up voice:
" -You know? They all keep saying I just, just- cry at everything and complain all the time! But i am just- it's just- "
They? You just what? Touya was curious, but soon he had to go, phone on his hand just waiting for a message from league. At this point you were ugly sobbing.
" Am i that annoying? Did you hate me this much too? Probably did, right Touya? And as of now you can't even leave or yell at me to go away..."
He clenched his fists. You were not annoying and he didn't remember to ever yell at you, sure sometimes he got a bit annoyed at your crying, but he was sure he never yelled at you or told you to go away. You didn't stop babbling and you could finally say what you have wanted for so long:
" I am so sorry! You always had to hear me cry like an idiot and you still do, meanwhile I left you alone. I shouldn't have let you go alone. I am sorry!!"
Touya was unconsciously walking towards you. No, shouldn't be apologizing, it was not your fault. Why you felt so guilty? You did nothing wrong.
His arms was extended, just a bit more he would be able to touch your shoulder. Touya wanted to flick your forehead so bad. But, his phone vibrated on his other hand- the league was calling out to him.
The light on his phone made him step back many steps. So many that he started to walk away from you. If he stayed, you would be involved on this, they were dangerous.
Touya was worried that you could have heard him - he was awfully close to you, but he did not dare to look behind.
You did hear footsteps close by, but did you not want to look up - you didn't want anyone seeing your tear stained face. You just stayed there crying, sobbing for a few hours.
Needless to say the next few days Touya or Dabi, was sulking and crabby. The league felt the difference, since he was a lot more crabby than usual, but the man never really shared anything so, the usual, they guessed?
It took you weeks to get this behind you. Fuyumi noticed you seemed awfully upset, but you were not one to share either.
So she decided to tell you something good, Shouto started visint their mom. That news made you smile a bit, you knew Rei was probably lonely and that poor woman went through hell. Alas, she was always kind to you, really liked her.
Fuyumi suggested you should drop by too, after all you had a lot of contact with Rei. You were happy for them and you loved Rei, but you thought it was a bad idea. You presence could trigger something bad, so you politely declined and explain the Fuyumi why you would skip it this time.
But you promise to send her a gift through Fuyumi, if she agreed. Obviously, she agreed.
During those weeks that passed by, you finally spoke with Shouto. It was during a phone call - you called Fuyumi because you found the type of notebook that Natsuo was looking for. You called her to ask if he still wanted.
Quite simple thing, yes? But you understood it very well, being a college student meant you had a liking very particular type of notebook - one that was easier for you to write on.
During this call, Shouto happened to be home. Fuyumi went over to Natsuo having you on speaker. Shouto was near by and heard his siblings on the phone and got curious.
Natsuo sounded very happy about something:
" Natsu-nii, nee-san, who are you talking with?"
You heard the boy and cheerfully called out:
" Is that Shouto?"
After Fuyumi confirmed to you it was her little brother, she montioned to him get closer. She proceeded to introduce you:
"Shouto, this is Y/N, my friend! They found the notebook Natsuo was looking for."
He did recall your name, Fuyumi mentioned you quite often. So the boy awkwardly greeted you:
" Huh... nice to meet you, Y/N"
You giggled:
" Hello! Nice to meet you, too! It's great to know you are all together! Oh by the way, do you want something, Shouto-kun?"
He awkwardly declined your offer. You find it terribly cute, though. But your interaction was cut short - endeavor returned home - so you rushed to end the call promising to get that notebook for Natsuo.
Not much later than that, Shouto's friends went to have dinner with the Todoroki's. You were absolutely shocked that endeavor took his friend to internship and even more shocked that he was ok with them being over.
But you couldn't lie, you were happy too. Finally, things seem to be changing for them. Great.
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cripple-culture-is · 12 days
hey, it's the anon who sent in this ask (https://cripple-culture-is.tumblr.com/post/726153288430583808/cripple-culture-is-feeling-like-an-npc-in-your-own) a while back. kind of a long update.
since I sent that ask things have only gotten worse. both short- and long-term memory deteriorated, the fatigue got worse, sleep was extremely erratic, I've been skipping meals (which is a pretty big thing; my appetite is huge).
I lost pretty much all hope. my mom, who is one stubborn woman, did her research and figured out that what the doctors were saying didn't add up. FOUR MONTHS AGO she made an appointment for me out of state to see a specialist for an hour and a half, for what she suspected the problem was. given I didn't think anyone could do anything at this point, I just went with it; if the specialist didn't know what was wrong, I was just going to give up and try to move on.
we get there yesterday. I spend most of the appointment very out of it, so the specialist and my mom do most of the talking, and at one point the specialist looks at me and slowly starts explaining what's been happening to me, why it's been happening, and what we can do to make it better
and I have that moment of 'oh. you... know what's wrong. you're not just... brushing me off? there's a reason for all this?' and I just start sobbing. full-on sobbing. three and a half long, confusing, painful years of nobody knowing why I was going through all of that and finally someone knows and can help me live.
I woke up today tired, as usual, but full of hope for the first time in months. and just
thank you for letting me rant in your inbox about a year ago, and thank you for your kind words
and to anyone reading this, I hope that you get your answers, your competent doctors, your mobility aids, your treatment plan- whatever you need for your life to be the best version of your life possible.
we're all going to make it. it might take years, but we're all going to make it. I promise.
Oh my gosh hi!! It's so good to hear from you again 😁 I'm glad you stuck around 🙂
I'm sorry that you were dealing with so much stuff. All of that sounds incredibly hard.
I'm really glad and happy that you were able to find answers! And I'm so glad you are doing better 😄 I hope your treatment plan continues to work for you, it's amazing when you find a doctor who listens and your symptoms are alleviated at least a little.
And of course 😊 Anytime. If you ever need to vent again, my inbox is always open. It may take me a little while to respond to it, but I will always respond. I'm glad my words have helped you, and I hope you continue to feel the way you do now 💙
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katscki · 2 years
Everything You Needed
wc: 1.08k
he’s always been there
cw: mentions of sex, cheating, hurt -> comfort
i’ll make a part 2 soon
“Lovely come on, you can't be upset at me for this.” Your former boyfriend now turned scumbag says trying to console you to avoid a scene.
This is not the place to be doing this, you know that, but how could you not react to such news, that your innocence was just too much for any man to bare. How could someone wait when there were other options, probably prettier, and much more compliant?
“Upset? How could I not be upset? You invite me here to what I think is going to be a nice little lunch date only to tell me that you slept with someone else?! Tell me please, why, just why would you ever think that I would be okay with this?” You speak in a low burning tone, tears brimming in your eyes.
“A man has needs, you probably gave it up to that best friend of yours anyways. I don’t understand why...” He continues but you can only space out, picking up bits and pieces of the bullshit he spews. Eyes focused on the table; brows furrowed as he just keeps. On. Going. Why should you have to sit her and listen to him continue to complain about lack of sex, like that’s the biggest issue in the world, like it was the biggest issue in your relationship. And so, you don’t, he’s still transfixed in trying to convey his point not noticing you stand at first. His attention is brought to you only when you push the chair so hard there's a prominent bang that comes with it.
He stops for a second looking up at you like he’s about to say more before you cut him off, “I hope you’re happy with yourself, fucking asshole.” His eyebrows raise at your defiance, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, unable to say anything witty in response.
The walk home was painful, every step reiterated his words once more, tears finally falling. You would die if you cried in front of that prick. As you finally make it to the safety of your home, you slam the door behind you and It's all too much, your heart feels as though it's been split in two, ripped in half by his hands. Sliding down the door putting your knees to your chest just trying to breathe properly.
Two hours. Two hours is how long you sat on the floor, just trying to figure out what was wrong with you and then it was what was wrong with him. But you want to forget or vent you’re not quite sure which, but you need someone. So, with a shaky hand you pull out to call him. Katsuki the solution to all your problems, your first love, and your best friend in the entire world.
It rings once, only once before he’s picked up, Katsuki never made you wait, Katsuki always answered when you needed him.
He was consistent.
“Sup.” He answers swiftly, slightly muffled as though the phone is on his shoulder. You hear the clanking of what seems like dishes, and that’s when the pit dives further into your stomach.
“M s-sorry to call, sounds like you're busy, I’ll just go-” Your voice cuts out, all wobbly and quiet. There's a small crash on the other end, his voice clearer now.
“What’s wrong sweets? M not busy at all, always got time for you.” He says softly.
Sweets. It's what he called you when it was just the two of you, at first it was sarcastic, but over the years turned more affectionate. Hearing the word made the dam break, wailing sobs and incoherent sentences that just came out as more cries sounded through the phone.
“M comin’ over.” Then the familiar beep plays signifying that he has hung up. You hug your phone to your chest, moving slightly away from the door. It only took 5 minutes before you heard a knock on the door.
He was reliable.
Standing up to open the door for him, your hand reached out to let in your comfort. Once it was a sliver of the way open, your hand fell in a way, allowing him to barge his way through and pull you in by the waist.
More tears. Your arms reach around his broad, muscular shoulders, clawing at his back as more cries sounded through the thin walls of your apartment.
“What happened, Sweets? What’s got you cryin’?” He pulls away to wipe your tears with the rough pads of his thumbs.
“H-he-” His eyes darkened dangerously at the mention of your shitty boyfriend.
He wanted to protect you, defend your honor.
“He what honey? Take your time.” Oh, he looks angry, tone sweet but carmine eyes fuming.
Your voice drops to a breaking whisper, “He slept with someone else. I wasn’t ready yet suki... I just wasn’t ready yet.” He pulls you in tighter, partly to comfort you, partly so you didn’t see the rage in his features.
“I knew that fucker was no good. Knew you were too perfect for him.” He rubs soothing circles down your back before he asks, “Why did you even date him anyways?”
You pause for a moment, thinking if you should say it, but your mouth beat your jumbled brain to the punch, “Because you didn’t l-love me back.” He pulls away once more, not saying a word, but just picking you up to sit you down on the couch, him kneeling in front of you.
He reaches his toned arm out to brush the stray hairs out of your eyes, hand running down to your chin where you nuzzle your head into it affectionately.
“Because I didn’t love you? Who says I don’t love you, pretty?”
He loved you.
“Who says I haven’t been kicking myself every day for letting that dipshit beat me to you? Where did you get that silly idea in that pretty little head of yours, huh baby?” His thumb slides across your bottom lip, dragging it down then letting it snap back into place.
“Who says I don’t think about kissing these pretty lips every time I see you?” You finally reach out for him, grabbing him by the collar and yanking him to you.
“So, kiss me.” And Katsuki does just that. Standing up slightly to get a better grip, lips slotting perfectly with your own, with enough built-up passion to make Romeo jealous.
He was everything you needed.
@trafalgar-lau @mybabekatsuki @loving-katsuki @ariavaana @melaniebakugo @keyz-writes @kuleo26 @sirensuki @theweasleysrule @asmaechan
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eternalera · 5 days
HI PUP!!!!!
how are things??? hope they be doing well for you.
My orcastreh starts back up in like 2 weeks, so excited for that (i can never spell orchestra help)
Also!! I began watching a new anime! Who knows how long i'll watch this one for (i have a bad habit of quitting them) but it's called 'Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun'! It's super cool, and mostly just slice of life lol. Dude gets sold to a demon and becomes his grandson, and now goes to a school for demons.
His relationship with his two best friends apparently is super sweet in later chapters (they actually are a trio instead of like a friendship cornor). 'pparently he calls them both his 'soulmates' several times so O.o
Unfortunately the Anime isn't even close to being caught up with the manga so if i DO finish it i'll have a bit of reading to do lol
Anyways! how are you? watched anything good? writing going okay? school not being completely shit?
that sounds like fun! honestly i might have to watch that new anime lol. might be fun! as for how my day is going- uh its pretty shit
i woke up to my dad screaming and noticing that my dog was dead so that was something. then i noticed that they let him stay outside for the night because he was sick and puking so they thought that he had a stomach bug. why is this important to how im feeling? because in the middle of the night i got up twice to the sound of whimpering the first time i assumed it was the neighbors dog second time i assumed that my brother left the dog outside of his room (they sleep in the same room) so i looked out, saw nothing, and assumed that he was in my brothers room.
but nope he was outside and im hating myself for not actually investigating what the sound was. because im a fucking idiot and my dog died alone and probably scared out of his fucking mind and i couldnt do shit about it because im stupid as hell and didnt investigate the damn sound
best part, we dont know what killed him, so we drove 2 hours somewhere to drop him off for an autopsy and 2 hours back to our house. i know people will be like 'its not your fault your dog died' but i think thats such bullshit because like-
if i found him i wouldve at least let him in, i wouldve woken my dad up and conviced him something was wrong, i wouldve at least stayed with him until the end to comfort him. but nope! none of that happened because apparently i couldnt be bothered to actually investigate the sound.
and the worst part is that he showed no signs that he was sick. he was energetic and just the other day when i got home he was bouncing up and down. AND my eyes burn from crying and my throat is sore from sobbing and apologizing to my dog for not getting up and going downstairs to see what was going on- anyways sorry for venting lol
uhh but anyways i got starbucks on the way back from the two hour drive! also all ive eaten is half a blueberry scone from said starbucks and im not even hungry!!
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lynnarang · 1 year
cw// parasites, butt stuff, medical trauma, body horror, depression, bathroom stuff, self harm, venting, don't read this tbh
I can always feel them, crawling around down there. Unseen parasites, burrowing in and around my anal cavity. They first appeared half a lifetime ago and since then I think they've become more at home in this stifling fleshsuit than I am.
I've tried everything, you know. I've declared all-out war on them, sacrificing every other aspect of my life in the vain hopes of ridding myself of them. I've gone halfway, adopting measures to combat the symptoms of their intrusion in some kind of hopeful attempt to wait them out. I've even tried giving up and ignoring them. Like a shirt you've been wearing all day or the cadence of your own breath, any sensation can be ignored if you're used to living with it 24/7, right?
But they don't sit still. They worm their way through my misshapen body, favoring the scars the surgeons had left through half a dozen failed attempts to remove them. I can feel the places where the skin rises, a decade old contusion that forgot to heal, with those horrid things wriggling about just beneath.
It's funny, in a way. After all this time, I still can't really bring myself to tell others about them. That I'm infested with anal parasites that have gnawed away at my ability to sit, to walk, to run, to defecate. It's gross, isn't it? It's disgusting.
The mental image of a trans woman in her mid-twenties sobbing on the toilet as she takes a painful shit that she knows is gonna leave her bed-bound for the next 2-6 hours... It's unpleasant, isn't it? The thought alone smells like fecal matter and dried blood.
The worst part is I can't even see them. They're hidden in my skin, in the one place that's hard for me to look even with a mirror. I don't even know what my own anus looks like, the skin down there is too deformed for me to even see it now. And yeah, that makes it a bitch to clean down there, whether it's blood or shit. Where do you think the smell comes from?
Sometimes it makes me want to take a knife to my own butt, to carve it open like the surgeons did, to get them out get them out get them out get them out get them out-
But it's not that easy, I know that. I don't want to go back to the surgeons, not after all their failed attempts. I know it will just be another scars worth of money, time, and pain. But I don't know how much longer I can ignore it either. The sudden pains, the horrid smell, the frozen position I have to lay in bed because the slightest movement feels like someone is trying to crawl out of my anus and stretch my body in half-
I have to stop. I have to stop thinking about it. I have to stop writing. I'm not getting any of this out, I'm just sticking it in the forefront of my mind, opening every door I've slammed shut in the past eleven years.
But I miss being able to run. I miss being able to use the bathroom without holding my breath. I miss not having to spend days of my life staring at the ceiling or wall, in too much pain to focus on anything else. I hate this. I hate thinking about it, I hate living through it, I hate how tired of it I am.
But I guess at the end of the day it's just what I gotta live through. It could be worse, right? It's not the worst disability to have, if I can even really call it one. It's not like I can go to my disability application bureau and tell them I have a crippled butt and expect them to understand can I?
So I just gotta make do.
Anyway, Butt's starting to hurt again. I'm gonna go lay back down. Sorry to have filled your head with these kind of images for nothing.
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #5 adapting to change .( warning descriptions of stress induced vomiting and blood )
taiga having been woken from his nap sighs and chuckles seeing what the growl was fro
taiga--- you having trouble adjusting to your evolution
valdederon---muzzle it old fart..why do you even care any way im just an outsider.
taiga chuckles--- regardless its not uncomon for newly evolved pokemon to struggle gaining ballance after evolving especialy in yoru case going from walking on 4 paws to walking up right on 2 paws. youl gain your ballance back in time just dont rush it.
valdederon--- seriously.. how am i suposed to learn anything if i cant bloody well walk strait. this sucks.. all i did was spar with a dewott.
taiga-- ah you mean neegan how did it go he doesnt much like fire types.. he came here to this guild few years back to the south west of us the silva islands guild a fire type caused his team to become crippled during a dungeon raid.. not only that 4 other teams were badly injured. though the fire type didnt do it on purpose neegan was beyond upset and is strugling with his emotions. at night i can some times hear him crying and regretting the fight he had with the fire type i believe he said that the pansear was his best friend.
valdederon sits up and sighs hearing the story
taiga---im glad you and him were able to get along
valdederon--- what ever old fart i just want to learn about this world so i can survive im not raly looking for friends
with in moments of that statment both valdederon and taiga begin to argure and fuss about valdederons constant shrugging off of othersfeelings and distrust. untill vall throws an ember attack at teh wall and stumbles offto the training room to try and cool off. after a few hours of relentless flame attacks the training room lay scorched piles of ash were wood training dumbies once stood kleo comes in sighing and begins to in a loving maner as valdederons mother once did skolds him for destorying the training room witch inadvertanly both touches valdederons heart but sets him off like a thermo baric bomb.
…… the room falls silent after a particularly loud smack and a crash following after and then silent sobs . kleo growls and sighs slithering over and wrapping he boddy softly around the now sobbing braixen.
kleo--- my husband and i both love you.. your like a son to us..even neegan vented to me that while you can be rude and un characteristicly cold for a fire type the sparking match he had with you made him happy and missing his old friends, . he likes you we all do. taiga and i love you and want you to be part of our family,
she kisses his fore head gently as he tries to weakly push away only causing her to tightn her coils lika a snake trying to squease its prey.
valdederon settles into hiccups and sniffles like a toddler having had a tantrum before he leans his head into kleos warm coiled body before passing out exausted. only muttering love you half unconcious before grasping her scales when a grovyle comes to train only to see the utter carnage a single beam comicly falling the moment he sees the now sleeping braixen
( at this point valdederon human age 40 his pokemon body is only 5 years old and rebirth is effecting him as if he is his bodies age even if he is mentaly a full adult)
kleo--- sorry about the mess verny.. our little tott had a bit of a tantrum as you can see.
verny face palming-- a bit.. abit of a tantrum.. mam with all due respect the kid fuking trashed this place… its unusable in its state.. my dads gona be royaly pissed when he has to fix this.. ugh.. kids lucky you and the guild master are his parrents cause my dad would defintaly give his butt a thourough spanking……did you atleast get him to calm down with out a fuss.
kleo---i may be a water type but this cranky flame thrower didnt realy need much effort to settle. he he he but he is in big trouble dont you fret on that moma aint happy about any of this damage.
verny--- mother mew help that kid ha ha ha ha… good luck guild mistress
he heads out chuckling .
the next day valdederon wakes up and begins vomiting from stress and wimpers inbetween bouts of vomiting . the stress having phisicaly damaged his tomach as some blood can be seen in the mess he chuked up onto his nest after a full 40 minutes taiga comes in to the sight and sighs knowing what the cause is and grabs a bottle and mixes in a specialised stomach medicine with oran berries and pokeformula meant for sick newborn pokemons and puts it in valdederons mouth knowing any thing other then that would be rejected from his body.
taiga--- dont worry about this beeing common its only a 1 time thing… theres medicine in there to stop you from throwing up and the oranberries and formula will help you relax and heal. by lunch time youl be free to eat what ever you want ok… though you realy made kleo mad.. please be careful.
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hearties-circus · 4 years
Having a breakdown in someone else's house sucks but at least I dont know where anything sharp is
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heejayy · 2 years
It’s the hormones
Warning: none
Genre: crack, a little fluff
Paring: Paul Lahote x Black fem Reader
Wc: 495
a/n: back on my twilight shit. Also keep writing about pregnant women…idky 😂
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Your body slid down the kitchen wall as you painfully sobbed holding your swollen belly. Your cried and cried letting hot tears spill down your puffy cheeks. Not long after you heard quick foot stepped approaching the kitchen.
“Baby what’s wrong?! A-are you hurt!?” Your husband asked frighten as he squatted down beside your limp body on the floor.
“We- it’s- there’s no moooree” you sobbed in-between your broken sentence that didn’t make much sense to Paul.
“Baby girl calm down, breath and speak to me slowly” he uttered softly wiping your cheeks.
“No…more…chocolate cake” you whimpered as your head hung low. Paul was at a loss for words, he didn’t want to laugh because then that would upset you. So he closed his eyes fighting the smile creeping on his lips and sighed.
“Ok baby I’ll go out and buy you some more…even if it is two in the morning” he grunted the last part as he stood up. “Why don’t I take you upstairs so you can rest you must be tired huh?” You nodded taking his hand as he helped you up.
“Yeah man, She was like bawling on the floor over chocolate cake. She scared the shit out of me I thought she was going into labor!” Paul huffed as he vented to Sam over the phone.
“Haha man it’s the hormones, you should’ve seen Em when she was pregnant. One minute she’s Godzilla the next she’s an angel. No in between, but hey the key to that is patience…which now has got me worried because I know you lack that” Paul sarcastically chuckled.
“Not funny man- oh I gotta go I’m back home I’ll see you in a few hours for patrol” he ended the call as he walked back into your shared home.
“You’re back?!” You beamed waddling over to him immediately grabbing the bag that contained your beloved chocolate cake.
“Thank you so much Paul, I love you!” You smiled pouring your love all over his face with kisses. His face grew a light tent of red letting out a deep chuckle.
“Anything for you my love” you didn’t waste anytime digging into the bag getting out your cake.
About half way through you glanced at Paul who looked just as tired as you, with is body slumped against the coach.
“Paul baby?”
“Hmm?” He perked up.
“I’m sorry for being inconsiderate and bothering you, I know you’re tired too. Please forgive me” your eyes began to water again but not for food but for your attentive husband.
“No baby it’s nothing I swear. come here lemme’ hold you” you crawled in between his thighs as he leaned against the couch.
“I love you baby” he kissed your forehead holding you against his chest.
“I love you too.”
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Twilight Masterlist
©heejayy 2022 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission
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notyetjae · 2 years
𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Robin x black!reader
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: starts a little angsty, just a drabble, 600+ words, half proof-read
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Not enough black!reader and robin ff's I'm here to change that 🤝🤝
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"When I look at you, I can't speak," Silence fell, she met your eyes and you could see her fiddling with her ring out of the corner of your eye, her breathing shallow
'An- and I don't know whether it's h-how nice you are– or your hair and please don't get me started on your smile" She chuckled, the way she stumbled over her own words made you swoon. Her smile dropped, Robin doesn't know you, the real you she doesn't know what makes you tick but god she would risk it all to learn.
"But you're not, you know." Her gaze met the floor, Robin didn't even realize she'd been tapping her foot against the floor like a playful dog. The chair creaked as she stood, mumbling an 'I'm sorry' she sighed loudly and began speed walking back to the counter.
She stopped, the sleeve of her plaid jacket being pulled back, stopping her just before she tugged the door open, "Stay, please" your voice gentle and quiet, she spun around, Jaw slack and eyes wide, desperately trying to form words or a thought even.
Her eyes fluttered, any attempt to hold back tears was useless, she whimpered before pulling you to her chest, a warm embrace, an ode to unrequited admiration. She cradled the back of your head, her other hand tightly gripping your sweater, she sobbed loudly. Not once had she had the chance to be so close to someone like this, she watched from afar, imagining a peaceful, domestic life, a world free of fear or judgement of others. Of course Steve knew but he didn't understand he would listen to Robin vent for hours, they'd exchange love concerns but at the end of the day Steve wouldn't be shunned for his love.
"Rob?" You mumbled into her vest, "Y- yeah?" She quickly pulled back, her hand cupping your face, you felt your face heat up as she nervously chuckled, "Do you wanna be.." You paused, peering through the crack in the storage-room door, Robin listened intently, her freckled face smothered in anticipation, "girlfriends?" You whispered, quiet as a mouse as if Steve was right outside the door, The brunette let out a soft gasp and frantically nodded her head, pulling you in for a hug once more, this time her arms wrapped around your neck, leaving you to grab her waist.
"You're choking me Rob" You stuttered out, "Oh my god!" She pulled away and studied your face while mumbling some 'are you okay?' and 'I'm sorry' 's.
"I just got a girlfriend and I already almost killed her!" She laughed, easing some inner tension. You noticed Robin's mascara had run from crying, you reached a hand up carefully swiping away any tears or mascara stains, she grabbed your wrist before you had the chance to pull it back, planting a kiss on your inner wrist, if you weren't blushing before you definitely were now.
"Robin! There's like six people out here, let's go!" Steve's voice cut through your happily ever after, robin tripped over her own feet, as Steve clapped on the other side of the door, nearly taking you down with her. She reached for the door handle but paused, turning back to you, that award winning smile plastered on her face as she winked, tugging the door open and bolting past Steve. You stood in the closet dumbfounded, Harrington eyed you up and down, glancing back at robin who was now ringing the line of people up, and then you again, "Who the hell are you?" You picked your jaw off the floor and grabbed your bag while you were down there, rushing past him the same as your girlfriend.
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shini--chan · 3 years
How would the 2p face react when on the way home, there keys falling down In front of the door they get them and centimeters before there heads a laundry Maschine was landing there, when they shockingly look up they see the reader on the balcony standing also shocked. (because she tried to kill them) She be like "How did that happend? What did you do?," sweats and nervous smile.
Before we begin with today’s menu, I have to vent. Generally, I am a rather optimistic person despite all the dark stuff I read and write. Yet there are some instances that make me lose my faith in humanity. Namely, when some people can’t get in their heads that this is a damn yandere writing blog and not a fluff circus.
I mean, seriously? I write about sexual harassment, verbal & physical abuse and co., kidnapping, manipulation, the reader having children forced on them and having their dress code controlled… and some people say they noticed people asking for “an affectionate s/o” and they want a “tough s/o pretending not to love xyz”.
Really? Is it that I’m not writing the characters yandere enough or has Hollywood romanticised abuse to the point where people think it is cute to be gaslight? Or so romantic to be coerced into a relationship? Looking at films like “The Notebook”, I really think it is Hollywood.
Warning: torture
Yandere 2p!FACE – Condemnation
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“Feel sorry now, dolly?”, Allen asked tauntingly, and gently knocked on the wash machine. A dulled bang was what followed, probably from you slamming your hands against the metal insides.
“Fuck you!”, you cursed, and it was clear from the cadence of your voice that you were very upset. Why wouldn’t you be. Yet the whole scene didn’t pull at his heart strings one bit. After all, you had brought this one yourself. Relationships were supposed to be reciprocal, as he had stated often enough, so this turnout was just fair play.
“We can gladly do so latter, babe. Do ya think if I go a bit hard on ya, I can finally drive the point home?”, he asked taunting. A few muffled sobs could be heard from inside your make-shift prison, along with a few dozen expletives that would make even a prostitute blush. He had taught you well in a sense. Just not how to behave, but he was working on that.
To say that Allen wouldn’t take the whole fiasco of you dropping a wash machine on him would be an understatement. He would be so very furious and wouldn’t shy away from displaying it. Punishments would ensue, because he is of the opinion that relationships should be mutual.
While he is a big advocate for rebellion against unjust authorities, he would nevertheless prefer to do the rebelling and not be the one being rebelled against. As such, he can’t simply turn a blind eye to the obvious coup.
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Your arms burned as you continued to rub the wet shirt against the washing board. It had already been over an hour since you had started to do this, and you had only worked your way through half the pile of laundry.
The sun was burning down on you, and your muscles were numb where they weren’t on fire. Sweat run down the sides of your face and the back of your neck. Discreetly, you glanced over your shoulder at him. James was seated in a garden chair directly behind you, staring off into the surrounding woods. A pair of headphones covered his ears as he listened to an audiobook. In other words, his attention wasn’t on you.
You took the opportunity to throw your head back and take a few deep breaths of air, allowing your arms to rest. If had known this would be the consequence of trying murder your captor with a washing machine, you wouldn’t have even dared touch the contraption.
A well-aimed kick in the back made you lurch forward, and you let out a low groan as sharp pain spread up your spin. Come tomorrow, you would certainly be black and blue.
“Hey! I didn’t say you were allowed to stop. Carry on and do the washing. By your pace, you’ll only be finished well after sun down. Nights get cold around these parts.”
James would opt for killing two birds with one stone. Firstly, you would need to be punished for your actions. Secondly, he’d have neither the mood nor the motivation to drive to town to buy a new one. Which would mean that you would have to do the washing the old-fashion way. You would have really brought this on yourself, and he wouldn’t fail to constantly remind you of that.
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Oliver hummed a merry little ditty as he surveyed his selection of tools. The older ones were still of wrought iron, with ornate handles and Latin inscriptions. Some were from the time of the Industrial Revolution, stainless steel that was more of the minimalistic style. The newer additions were rubber pipes and carbonfiber rods. All for the purpose of causing pain.
Softly letting his fingers ghost over the instruments of torture, he then turned to you. You were strapped to a table, goosebumps all over your skin due to the chill of the cellar and being strapped to a metal operating table in just your underwear. It could just as well be the fear that was making your blood turn into liquid nitrogen.
Deftly, he selected on ancient device and walked over to you. He appeared in your visual field, a manic smile gracing his face. After all, the dark, twisted part of him revelled in the fact that he had an excuse to scare the living daylights after you.
“So poppet. What shall it be? Shall it be the pear”, he chirped, holding the object up so that the light glinted off it. Demonstrativly he twisted the handle so that the leaves squeaked open. Fear shone in your eyes, and you struggle against your restraints. You screamed against your gag.
He chuckled to himself. One things that stood that he would never really use it on you. After all, he couldn’t afford to break bones that wouldn’t heal probably. Yet shocking you and installing fear in you was the whole aim of the game.
Oliver’s reaction would be the most extreme reaction of all the 2ps on this list. The moment the machine would land next to him would be the moment he would start planning various methods of torturing you. It would be an occasion to really intimidate you, to show you what the consequences of really defying him would be.
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“You know, this is just further proof that humanity is lost and rotten”, waxed beside you. It was well past twilight, and the only source of light was the silver rays of the moon falling through the open curtains. And there also was the lit end of his cigarette, but that didn’t really count.
A puff of smoke rose from his lips. “I had put such faith in you, and yet you tried to murder me. Tell me, am I condemned to be surrounded by thief and traitors and pest?”, he mused, as if he were some great philosopher. If he was one, then he certainly wasn’t one worth listening to. Heck, you were only there because you had been rendered motionless and speechless by your restraints.
Raising his hand, your abuser then put out his cigarette on your arm, resulting in a burning sensation that made you scream against your gag.
François would see your actions as a confirmation of his cynical believes that the world is rundown, and man is just another monster. Not just that, but a greater monster than those that lurk under beds and in closets and in abandoned buildings. He simply wouldn’t have expected to find such depravity in you, the person he adored. Since he would know his sphere of influence is small, he wouldn’t roll up his sleeves in order to change the world. Instead, he would set to work to “purify” you.
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abstract-crossverse · 3 years
let me bring pain to this blog ehem. what about sanford and the reader going on a mission together and they get trapped in a room with explosives and the reader sacrifices themselves for sanford to survive. also, here is a tissue to wipe those tears 🌝
Oh I'm terrible with these, I'm sorry if it's bad I don't know what's going on in my head rn -
2022 edit: format change and colored text
"This Place About to Blow" [Sanford x Reader, angst fic]
It was supposed to be a normal mission
"greetings, cutting to the point, this room has explosives hidden all around..."
It wasn't meant to be like this
"you have about 3 hours to get out before the room blows up, good luck... -Auditor"
You and Sanford looked at each other in desperation after you read the note on top of the desk Infront of you
You both ran around, trying to find the bombs to try and defuse them, none were found
"ugh, damn it all! These chuckleheads must've hidden them in the walls or sumthin'" Sanford spoke in frustration
You, however, took deep breaths, containing the panic attack trying to get out of its cage, you didn't even notice what your boyfriend said before you felt his large hand on your shoulder
He put his arms around you and squeezed a hug, trying to keep you grounded "hey, hey, it's okay, w-we'll be fine, I'll find a way out for us, but now just focus on your breathing..." He spoke gently, keeping you pressed to his chest, ear to his heart to help you calm down
You heard the uncertainty in his tone, you knew he didn't know what to do
Damn Auditor just had to step up his game...
Soon you grounded yourself enough to keep searching for an exit, it took almost all the time you had but you found a vent, it could fit both of you
"okay, you go first, I'll be right behind you" you said, Sanford nodded quickly and went in, not wanting to waste time so you both could leave alive
You took a while before following, leaving an accessory of yours to fool the Auditor into thinking you were dead
Sanford jumped out of the vent, landing outside of the building, he smiled, turning around to face you but ...
He heard you scream his name from inside the vent, screaming for help
Dread filled his entire body as he tried to get in the vent again, praying that there was still enough time to save you
He ran out of time....
The bomb blew up, throwing him far away by the explosion, he passed out..
After what seemed like hours, he woke up with a deep headache, groaning and lifting himself up as he recalled what happened
His eyes widened... You were didn't get out in time, he ran back to the destroyed building, hoping to find you still alive
He searched through everything, rubble after rubble, scrap after scrap, anything he could lift, he searched through
He found you...
But it wasn't how he wanted....
It wasn't how he prayed it to be....
You were laying on your side, the explosion burned half of your face off, there was no breathing, no pulse, nothing....
He took you into his arms, the recently burned flesh felt sickening to his skin, but he didn't care
He didn't care about the smell of ashes and burned flesh
He didn't care for the two other corpses near yours
He only cared for you, the love of his life, the one he made smile and laugh, the first person he ever felt anything so strong for, the one he held in his arms for oh so long, motionless in his arms, dead
Tears welled up in his eyes, only now did he notice he lost his shades, but that didn't matter...
He screamed, he screamed so loudly you'd bet all of Nevada could hear it, he screamed your name, begging you not to leave him, not like this..
His sadness flipped to anger like a light switch, he cussed at the Auditor, calling them every name in the book until his voice was hoarse
Soon he lost his voice, giving up on the screaming he still kept you in his arms, sobbing his heart out to you
Suddenly it hit, 2B could help, without thinking twice, he got up, your corpse in his arms and ran hi way back to the base
2B brought Hank back to life multiple times, he can help, he WILL help, you're part of the group, he has to help
He'll bring you back, yeah, he just has to stay calm, you'll come back, back to his arms, he'll feel you lips against his soon, you'll be okay, he'll be okay...
But the thought of losing you forever just won't leave his mind... It's tormenting him, torturing him to no end, but it's fine, he can handle it, he can hold it just a little longer....
Hope this was fine- my head feels so messy today
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